Developer Documentation#
- Libraries Licenses - which libraries are used and under which licenses
- CodeStyle - information about how the source code should look like
- Tests - information about performed software tests
- Unit Tests - information about how to set up Unit Tests
- GUI Testing - information about how to set up "interactive" GUI Tests with PyAutoGUI
- Debugging - information about debugging SUMO
- Exploring the structure - explore the structure of SUMO with the doxygen documentation
- Inline code documentation (doxygen)
- Used Tools - tools used for developing SUMO
- Managing Publications - how to work with the publications bibtex-file
- FMI - information about the current state of the FMI 2.0 support in SUMO
- Maven - information about using libsumo/libtraci in maven builds
- How to Update Homebrew Formula - how to update the macOS Homebrew Formula for a new SUMO release
- Translating - how to add translations for GUI and messaging
- Issue Workflow - how tickets are being processed
Build instructions#
- Linux Build - how to build on Linux
- Windows Build - how to build on Windows
- macOS Build - how to build on macOS
- Documentation Build - how to build the documentation
- Nightly Build - what happens every night
- Status page - log files and test results of nightly builds
How Tos#
- How To write an own network importer
- How To extend the vehicle class
- How To implement an own car-following model
- How To implement an own lane-changing model
- How To implement a new device
- How To contribute to this documentation
- How To contribute to SUMO in general
Methods, Algorithms, and Subsystems#
- Implementation Notes - more information about several subtopics (error handling, options sub system)
- Network Building Process
Current Development#
- How To add more car-following models
- Progress on implementing an XML validation
- HowToRelease - how to do a release
- Docker - how to use containerized SUMO
- How To create a CI Test with GitHub Actions - projects depending on SUMO
- Git
- Profiling
- Visual Studio Code - how to use Visual Studio Code with the SUMO code base