20Oct24rv1_21_0+0450-f5e5939af36 - detailed test results for SUMO

To reconnect the TextTest GUI to these results, run:

texttest -a sumo -d /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/tests -reconnect /home/delphi/clangDebug/texttesttmp/clang3_64D.31Oct070828.62160 -g

To start TextTest for these tests, run:

texttest -a sumo -d /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/tests

default: 4348 tests: 3369 succeeded 939 FAILED 38 known bugs 2 killed

Detailed information for the tests that FAILED:

842 TESTS FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba :

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/utils/common/SUMOTime.cpp:75:15: runtime error: negation of -9223372036854775808 cannot be represented in type 'long long'; cast to an unsigned type to negate this value to itself
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/utils/common/SUMOTime.cpp:75:15 
basic container container_start_containerStop ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
basic container errors duplicate_person_id ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
basic containerFlow triggered ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
basic dynamics short_edges ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
basic person errors duplicate_container_id ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
basic person errors duplicate_id ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
basic person errors person_triggered_invalidFrom ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
basic person errors trainStop_car_disconnected ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
basic person lefthand_wait ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
basic person person_number ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
basic person riding access ride_access_ambiguous_walk ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
basic person riding access ride_access_busstop ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
basic person riding access ride_access_redundancy ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
basic person riding leaving_vehicle_at_stop ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
basic person riding leaving_vehicle_at_stop_subsecond ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
basic person riding person_is_triggered person_triggered ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
basic person riding person_is_triggered person_triggered_from ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
basic person riding person_is_triggered persons_triggered ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
basic person riding ride_ANY_stopLane ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
basic person riding ride_reuse_car ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
basic person riding ride_stopMismatch ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
basic person riding ride_teleport ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
basic person riding three_trainStops_at_one_edge ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
basic person riding veh_is_triggered ride_premature_end ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
basic person riding veh_is_triggered triggered_discard ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
basic person trip_chain ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
basic person trip_chain_chargingstations ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
basic person walking walk_stoppingPlace ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
basic personFlow busStop_ride_busStop ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
basic personFlow busStop_ride_busStop_capacity ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
basic personFlow ferry_trip ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
basic personFlow three_trainStops_at_one_edge ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
basic personFlow triggered ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
basic personFlow trip_chain ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
basic personFlow unboarding_curved ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
basic personFlow walkRoute_busStop_walk ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
basic personFlow walk_busStop_walk ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
basic routes parsing repeat_reset ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
basic routes parsing trip ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
basic routes parsing trip_via ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
basic routes parsing trip_via_invalid ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
basic vtypes vclass_specific_speed_limit_internal ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
basic vtypes vclass_specific_speed_limit_internal_2types ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
basic vtypes vclass_specific_speed_limit_internal_2types_higherSpeed ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
basic vtypes vclass_specific_speed_limit_internal_type ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
bugs 0xxx ticket676 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
bugs 0xxx ticket676_no_internal ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
bugs 0xxx ticket879 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
bugs 10xxx ticket10614 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
bugs 10xxx ticket10986 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
bugs 12xxx ticket12167 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
bugs 12xxx ticket12168 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
bugs 13xxx ticket13108 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
bugs 13xxx ticket13292b ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
bugs 13xxx ticket13987 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
bugs 14xxx ticket14941 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
bugs 15xxx ticket15030 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
bugs 15xxx ticket15072 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
bugs 15xxx ticket15077 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
bugs 15xxx ticket15079 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
bugs 15xxx ticket15098 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
bugs 15xxx ticket15390 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
bugs 1xxx ticket1559 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
bugs 1xxx ticket1861 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
bugs 1xxx ticket1861b ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
bugs 2xxx ticket2740 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
bugs 4xxx ticket4518 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
bugs 4xxx ticket4678 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
bugs 4xxx ticket4968 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
bugs 5xxx ticket5021 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
bugs 5xxx ticket5420 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
bugs 5xxx ticket5704 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
bugs 5xxx ticket5704b ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
bugs 5xxx ticket5740 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
bugs 5xxx ticket5864 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
bugs 6xxx ticket6283 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
bugs 6xxx ticket6415 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
bugs 6xxx ticket6471b ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
bugs 6xxx ticket6762 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
bugs 7xxx ticket7059 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
bugs 7xxx ticket7149 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
bugs 7xxx ticket7690 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
bugs 7xxx ticket7764 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
bugs 7xxx ticket7959 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
bugs 7xxx ticket7959b ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
bugs 8xxx ticket8397 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
bugs 8xxx ticket8404 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
bugs 8xxx ticket8798 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
bugs 8xxx ticket8912 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
bugs 9xxx ticket9211 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
bugs 9xxx ticket9821 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
cf_model IDM ticket11199 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
cf_model IDM violateMingap ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
cf_model IDM violateMingap_warn ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
cf_model KraussPS steep_incline ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
cf_model rail accel Freight ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
cf_model rail accel Freight_custom ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
cf_model rail accel Freight_heavier ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
cf_model rail accel ICE1 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
cf_model rail accel ICE3 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
cf_model rail accel MireoPlusB ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
cf_model rail accel MireoPlusH ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
cf_model rail accel NGT400 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
cf_model rail accel NGT400_16 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
cf_model rail accel RB425 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
cf_model rail accel RB628 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
cf_model rail accel REDosto7 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
cf_model rail accel custom_curves ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
cf_model rail accel custom_tables ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
cf_model tls_driveOff default_startupDelay2_noPatchLC ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices battery chargingStations_internalLanes ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices bluelight bugs ticket7473 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices bluelight motorway ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices friction custom_net ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices friction plain ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices glosa junction_before_tls ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices glosa slowDown ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices glosa slowDown_2ndProg ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices glosa slowDown_no ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices glosa slowDown_no_tlsRange ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices glosa speedUp ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting assignment all_by_name ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting assignment all_by_prob ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting assignment all_by_prob_flow ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting assignment all_by_prob_trip ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting assignment auto_flow ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting assignment auto_flow_with_taz ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting assignment auto_trip ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting assignment auto_trip_single_edge_depart_beyond_arrival ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting assignment auto_trip_with_stop ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting assignment auto_trip_with_taz ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting assignment bike-speeds ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting assignment by_param ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting assignment disable_by_typeParam_prob ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting assignment errors disconnect ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting assignment errors disconnect_ignore ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting assignment errors disconnect_stop ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting assignment errors disconnect_via ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting assignment errors disconnect_via_ignore ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting assignment errors taz_disconnect_ignore ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting assignment errors trip_with_taz_disconnect ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting assignment half_by_name ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting assignment half_by_prob ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting assignment half_by_prob_trip ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting assignment priority-factor ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting assignment taz_astar ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting assignment taz_astar_landmark ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting assignment taz_astar_landmark_empty ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting assignment taz_astar_landmark_missing ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting assignment trip_diff_routes ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting assignment trip_taz_lastroute ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting assignment trip_taz_noedge ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting assignment trip_taz_permissions ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting assignment trip_with_explicit_taz-edges ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting assignment trip_with_taz ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting assignment trip_with_taz_source ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting assignment two_stops_same_edge ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting assignment two_stops_same_edge_looped ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting invalid_pre_period ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting junctionTaz fromJunction ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting junctionTaz fromJunction_add ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting junctionTaz load_taz ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting junctionTaz toJunction ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting junctionTaz viaJunctions ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting parallel parallel_astar ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting parallel parallel_ch ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting parallel parallel_disconnected ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting parallel parallel_flow ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting parallel public_walk ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting parallel taz_astar_landmark_parallel ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting parallel trip_taz_noedge_disconnected_parallel ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting person missed_bus ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting personTrip 2persontrips ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting personTrip 2persontrips_disconnected ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting personTrip access ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting personTrip access_length ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting personTrip access_random ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting personTrip access_walk ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting personTrip atJunction_ride_walk ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting personTrip basic ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting personTrip bike_public_walk ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting personTrip busstop ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting personTrip busstop_early ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting personTrip busstop_too_late ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting personTrip busstop_too_late2 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting personTrip busstop_twice ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting personTrip busstop_unmatched ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting personTrip car ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting personTrip carNoRoute ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting personTrip car_between_stops ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting personTrip car_public_walk ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting personTrip car_public_walk2 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting personTrip car_public_walk3 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting personTrip car_public_walk4 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting personTrip car_public_walk5 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting personTrip car_public_walk_internal ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting personTrip car_public_walk_parkingAreas ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting personTrip car_public_walk_transfer_forbidden ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting personTrip car_type ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting personTrip car_walk ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting personTrip car_walk_arrivalpos ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting personTrip car_walk_departPos ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting personTrip car_walk_sidewalk ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting personTrip early_ending_flow ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting personTrip early_pt ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting personTrip errors stops_disconnected ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting personTrip intermodal_car_walk ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting personTrip intermodal_car_walk_junction ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting personTrip intermodal_car_walk_junctionTaz ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting personTrip intermodal_car_walk_no_place ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting personTrip intermodal_car_walk_ptstop ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting personTrip junctionTaz fromJunction ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting personTrip junctionTaz fromJunction_equal_toJunction ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting personTrip junctionTaz intermodal_net ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting personTrip junctionTaz load_taz ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting personTrip junctionTaz toJunction ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting personTrip junctionTaz viaJunctions ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting personTrip junctionTaz walk ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting personTrip late_pt ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting personTrip missed_bus_reroute ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting personTrip no_valid_connection ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting personTrip opposite-factor default ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting personTrip opposite-factor factor_0.5 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting personTrip opposite-factor factor_1 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting personTrip opposite-factor sidewalk_default ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting personTrip opposite-factor sidewalk_factor_0.5 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting personTrip opposite-factor sidewalk_factor_1 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting personTrip prefer_walking ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting personTrip prefer_walking2 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting personTrip pt_looped_need_transfer ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting personTrip ptline_routing ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting personTrip public_walk ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting personTrip public_walk_human_readable_time ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting personTrip public_walk_singleveh ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting personTrip public_walk_speedfactor ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting personTrip randomized_weights ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting personTrip ride_from_stop ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting personTrip ride_trip ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting personTrip ride_trip_access ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting personTrip sameStops ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting personTrip stop_access_stop ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting personTrip taz ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting personTrip toJunction_twice ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting personTrip unusable_bus ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting personTrip vehicle_connection backward ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting personTrip vehicle_connection backward_with_walkingarea ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting personTrip vehicle_connection backward_with_walkingarea2 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting personTrip vehicle_connection forward ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting personTrip vehicle_connection forward_with_walkingarea ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting personTrip vehicle_connection forward_with_walkingarea2 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting personTrip vtype ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting personTrip walk_access_walk ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting reroute_congestions delayed_insertion ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting reroute_congestions delayed_insertion_departLaneBest ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting reroute_congestions exit_times ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting reroute_congestions period_120 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting reroute_congestions period_vType ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting routes_explicite_routes initial_longer ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting routes_explicite_routes initial_longer_arrivalEdge ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting routes_explicite_routes period5 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting routes_explicite_routes plain ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting routes_explicite_routes stop ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting routes_explicite_routes vclasses ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting routes_same_route close_to_junction ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting routes_same_route initial_longer ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting routes_same_route plain ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting stops cyclic_trip ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting stops cyclic_trip_past_stop ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting stops public_transport_implicit_route ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting stops public_transport_implicit_route_depot ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting stops public_transport_implicit_route_depot_flow ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting stops stop_same_edge_loop ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting stops stop_same_edge_slack ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting tlsPenalty default ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting tlsPenalty penalty_0.5 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting tlsPenalty penalty_intermodal ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting trips_geo dense ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting trips_geo geoTrips ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting trips_geo geoTrips_junctions ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting trips_geo geoTrips_junctions_internalLanes ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting trips_geo geoTrips_junctions_writeGeo ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting trips_geo geoTrips_junctions_writeJunctions ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting trips_geo geoTrips_lonLat ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting turn_specific_speeds default ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting turn_specific_speeds separateTurns_0.5 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting turn_specific_speeds separateTurns_0.5_interval_10 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting turn_specific_speeds separateTurns_1 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting turn_specific_speeds separateTurns_1_intermodal ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting turn_specific_speeds separateTurns_1_interval_10 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting via trips ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting via trips_periodic ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting via trips_periodic2 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting via trips_periodic2_ignore ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting via trips_taz ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting weights init_slow_veh ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting weights init_with_loaded_weights ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting weights randomized_weights ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting weights stopped_vehicle ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting weights weight_average_steps ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting weights weight_output ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices ssm bugs ticket13918 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices ssm bugs ticket5231 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices ssm bugs ticket5643 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices ssm bugs ticket6416 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices ssm bugs ticket7836 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices stationfinder breakdown ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices stationfinder breakdown_teleport_backwards ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices stationfinder charging ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices stationfinder chargingStrategy ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices stationfinder notFound ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices stationfinder occupied ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices stationfinder replaceStop ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices stationfinder searching ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices stationfinder targetFunction ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices taxi 2taxis_10persons greedy ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices taxi 2taxis_10persons greedyClosest ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices taxi 2taxis_10persons greedyShared ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices taxi 2taxis_10persons routeExtension ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices taxi basic 1container ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices taxi basic 1person ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices taxi basic end_of_work ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices taxi basic late_taxi ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices taxi basic stop_attributes ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices taxi bugs ticket15080 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices taxi bugs ticket7257 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices taxi bugs ticket7893 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices taxi bugs ticket7893_container ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices taxi bugs ticket8423 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices taxi bugs ticket8578 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices taxi bugs ticket9867 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices taxi containers 10containers_sameEdge ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices taxi containers 10containers_sameEdge_bidi ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices taxi groups 2containers ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices taxi groups 2containers_capa1 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices taxi groups 2containers_defaultgroup ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices taxi groups 2persons ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices taxi groups 2persons_differentDepart ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices taxi groups 2persontrips ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices taxi groups 2persontrips_defaultgroup ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices taxi groups 5persons_small_taxi ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices taxi groups 5persons_taxi_size ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices taxi groups 5persons_taxi_size_greedyCloseset ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices taxi groups 5persons_ungrouped ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices taxi groups 5persons_ungrouped_routeExtension ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices taxi idling invalid ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices taxi idling randomCircling 1person ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices taxi idling randomCircling end_of_work ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices taxi idling randomCircling rerouting ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices taxi idling randomCircling short_edges ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices taxi idling randomCircling taz ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices taxi idling stop 1container ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices taxi idling stop 1person ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices taxi idling stop end_of_work ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices taxi idling stop end_of_work_initial_stop ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices taxi idling stop initial_stop ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices taxi idling stop reuse_stop_laneEnd ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices taxi idling taxistand 10persons ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices taxi idling taxistand 1person ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices taxi idling taxistand end_of_work ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices taxi idling taxistand rerouting ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices taxi idling taxistand taz ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices taxi lines 2lines_rideAny ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices taxi lines 2lines_rideAny_notTaxi ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices taxi lines 2lines_rideSelect_greedy ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices taxi lines 2lines_rideSelect_greedyClosest ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices taxi lines 2lines_rideSelect_greedyShared ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices taxi lines 2lines_rideSelect_routeExtension ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices taxi lines 2lines_taxiAny ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices taxi personTrip 1persontrip ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices taxi personTrip bike_sharing ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices taxi personTrip dropoff_ptStops ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices taxi personTrip pickup_ptStops ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices taxi personTrip pickup_ptStops_longTaxiWait ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices taxi personTrip ptStops ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices taxi personTrip short ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices taxi personTrip taxiflow ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices taxi personTrip walk_first ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices taxi personTrip walk_first_longTaxiWait ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices taxi personTrip walk_last ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices taxi personTrip walk_via_trainStop_ride_taxi ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices taxi prebooking no_walk ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices taxi prebooking no_walk_departPos ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices taxi shared same_from greedyShared ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices taxi shared same_from2 greedyShared ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices taxi shared same_from2_detour greedyShared ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices taxi shared same_from_detour greedyShared ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices taxi shared same_persontrip3 greedyShared ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices taxi shared same_to greedyShared ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices taxi shared same_to_detour greedyShared ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices taxi shared same_trip greedyShared ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices taxi shared same_trip3 greedyShared ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices taxi shared same_trip_wait greedyShared ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices taxi shared subroute greedyShared ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
errors routes disconnected_off_customTeleport ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
errors routes disconnected_off_customTeleport0 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
extended collisions check_junctions short_edge ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
extended rerouter closingLaneReroute closingLane_with_rerouting ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
extended rerouter closingLaneReroute directional_lane_switch ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
extended rerouter closingLaneReroute directional_lane_switch_visible ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
extended rerouter closingLaneReroute routingMode_ignore ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
extended rerouter closingReroute hard_alt_nosign trip_closeEnroute ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
extended rerouter closingReroute hard_alt_nosign trip_closedAlready ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
extended rerouter closingReroute hard_alt_sign trip_closeEnroute ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
extended rerouter closingReroute hard_alt_sign trip_closeEnroute_CHWrapper ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
extended rerouter closingReroute hard_alt_sign trip_closedAlready ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
extended rerouter closingReroute hard_alt_sign trip_closedAlready_CH ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
extended rerouter closingReroute hard_closedDepartEdge trip_departLane_best ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
extended rerouter closingReroute hard_closedDepartEdge trip_departLane_default ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
extended rerouter closingReroute hard_closedDepartEdge trip_departLane_default_ignore ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
extended rerouter closingReroute hard_noalt_nosign trip_closeEnroute ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
extended rerouter closingReroute hard_noalt_nosign trip_closedAlready ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
extended rerouter closingReroute hard_noalt_nosign trip_closedAlready_ignore ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
extended rerouter closingReroute hard_noalt_sign trip_closeEnroute ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
extended rerouter closingReroute hard_noalt_sign trip_closedAlready ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
extended rerouter closingReroute hard_noalt_sign trip_closedAlready_ignore ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
extended rerouter closingReroute soft_alt_nosign trip_closeEnroute ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
extended rerouter closingReroute soft_alt_nosign trip_closedAlready ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
extended rerouter closingReroute soft_alt_sign trip_closeEnroute ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
extended rerouter closingReroute soft_alt_sign trip_closedAlready ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
extended rerouter closingReroute soft_closedDepartEdge trip_closedAlready ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
extended rerouter closingReroute soft_noalt_nosign trip_closeEnroute ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
extended rerouter closingReroute soft_noalt_nosign trip_closedAlready ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
extended rerouter closingReroute soft_noalt_sign trip_closeEnroute ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
extended rerouter closingReroute soft_noalt_sign trip_closedAlready ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
extended rerouter closing_keep_stop_detour ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
extended rerouter closing_timeThreshold ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
extended rerouter destProb ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
extended rerouter parking congestion_alternatives ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
extended rerouter parking parkingSearch active_memory ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
extended rerouter parking parkingSearch all_visible ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
extended rerouter parking parkingSearch all_visible_brakeGap ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
extended rerouter parking parkingSearch default ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
extended rerouter parking parkingSearch frustration_10 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
extended rerouter parking parkingSearch frustration_100 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
extended rerouter parking parkingSearch implicit_visibility ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
extended rerouter parking parkingSearch knowledge_1 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
extended rerouter parking parkingSearch no_memory ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
extended rerouter parking parkingSearch opposite ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
extended rerouter parking parkingSearch opposite2 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
extended rerouter parking parkingSearch parkAnywhere_default ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
extended rerouter parking parkingSearch probability ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
extended rerouter parking parkingSearch probability2 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
extended rerouter parking reroute_fullparking ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
extended rerouter parking reroute_insertion_delayed ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
extended rerouter parking reroute_on_junction ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
extended rerouter parking riders base ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
extended rerouter parking riders changeDest ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
extended rerouter parking riders changeDest_longEdge ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
extended rerouter parking riders changeDest_walk ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
extended rerouter parking riders keepDest ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
extended rerouter parking riders keepDest2 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
extended rerouter person destProb ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
extended rerouter person optional ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
extended rerouter person viaProb ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
extended rerouter use_routing_device ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
extended state save_taz ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
extended state save_taz_route_invalid ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
extended stops arrival premature_slowdown_rail ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
extended stops cyclic_trip ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
extended stops jumps target_occupied ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
extended stops jumps trip_jump ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
extended stops jumps trip_jump2 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
extended stops jumps trip_jump_connected ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
extended stops jumps trip_jump_end ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
extended stops jumps trip_jump_waypoint ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
extended stops jumps vias ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
extended stops junction on_junction_trip ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
junction_model approachInformation adaptLeaveSpeed_subsecond ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
junction_model avoid_spill_back roundabout ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
junction_model bikes prioLarge_onlyBike ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
junction_model cutting_corner bus ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
junction_model cutting_corner car ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
junction_model impatience impatience_1_subsecond ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
junction_model impatience impatience_1_visibility ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
junction_model indirect_left_turn internal_junction_controlled ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
junction_model indirect_left_turn internal_junction_controlled_moped ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
junction_model indirect_left_turn internal_junction_uncontrolled ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
junction_model indirect_left_turn priority2_oncoming ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
junction_model indirect_left_turn priority2_sameStraight ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
junction_model indirect_left_turn priority_oncoming ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
junction_model indirect_left_turn priority_sameStraight ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
junction_model indirect_left_turn priority_sameStraight_defaultShape ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
junction_model junction_type rail_crossing basic ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
junction_model junction_type rail_crossing opening-delay ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
junction_model junction_type rail_crossing opening-time ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
junction_model junction_type rail_crossing space_gap ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
junction_model junction_type rail_crossing sudden_insertion ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
junction_model junction_type rail_crossing time_gap ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
junction_model junction_type rail_crossing yellow-time ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
junction_model junction_type tls_right_on_red basic ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
junction_model junction_type tls_right_on_red no_stopping ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
junction_model minor_internalJunction bike_behind_crossing ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
junction_model roundabout blocked_on_junction ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
junction_model roundabout no_requests_from_outside ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
lc_model bugs ticket10512 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
lc_model bugs ticket10988 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
lc_model bugs ticket5124 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
lc_model roundabout high_traffic ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
lc_model roundabout low_traffic ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
lc_model roundabout many_lanes ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
lc_model roundabout medium_traffic ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
lc_model roundabout mixed high_traffic ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
lc_model roundabout mixed low_traffic ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
lc_model roundabout mixed medium_traffic ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
lc_model roundabout no_cooperation high_traffic ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
lc_model roundabout no_cooperation low_traffic ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
lc_model roundabout no_cooperation medium_traffic ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
lc_model roundabout outer_exitMinor high_traffic ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
lc_model roundabout outer_exitMinor low_traffic ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
lc_model roundabout outer_exitMinor medium_traffic ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
lc_model roundabout outer_exitOnly high_traffic ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
lc_model roundabout outer_exitOnly low_traffic ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
lc_model roundabout outer_exitOnly medium_traffic ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
lc_model roundabout outer_exitOnly_noChangeRight high_traffic ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
lc_model roundabout outer_exitOnly_noChangeRight low_traffic ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
lc_model roundabout outer_exitOnly_noChangeRight medium_traffic ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
lc_model roundabout small high_traffic ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
lc_model roundabout small low_traffic ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
lc_model roundabout small medium_traffic ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
lc_model roundabout small mixed high_traffic ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
lc_model roundabout small mixed low_traffic ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
lc_model roundabout small mixed medium_traffic ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
lc_model roundabout tls high_traffic ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
lc_model roundabout tls low_traffic ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
lc_model roundabout tls medium_traffic ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
lc_model roundabout tls_2phase high_traffic ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
lc_model roundabout tls_2phase low_traffic ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
lc_model roundabout tls_2phase medium_traffic ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
lc_model roundabout tls_actuated high_traffic ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
lc_model roundabout tls_actuated low_traffic ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
lc_model roundabout tls_actuated medium_traffic ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
lc_model roundabout tls_no_cooperation high_traffic ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
lc_model roundabout tls_no_cooperation low_traffic ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
lc_model roundabout tls_no_cooperation medium_traffic ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
lc_model strategic internal_lanes all_normal ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
lc_model strategic internal_lanes intermediate ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
lc_model strategic internal_lanes intermediate_large ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
opposite_direction_driving bugs ticket10312 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
opposite_direction_driving bugs ticket10314 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
opposite_direction_driving bugs ticket3718 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
opposite_direction_driving bugs ticket5238 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
opposite_direction_driving continuous ticket8760 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
output e1 persons car ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
output e1 persons default ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
output e1 persons walk ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
output e1 persons walkBackward ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
output e1 persons walkBackward_detAtEnd ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
output e1 persons walkBackward_detAtStart ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
output e1 persons walkForward ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
output e1 persons walkForward_detAStart ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
output e1 persons walkForward_detAtEnd ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
output e1Instant persons car ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
output e1Instant persons default ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
output e1Instant persons walk ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
output e1Instant persons walkBackward ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
output e1Instant persons walkBackward_detAtEnd ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
output e1Instant persons walkBackward_detAtStart ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
output e1Instant persons walkForward ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
output e1Instant persons walkForward_detAStart ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
output e1Instant persons walkForward_detAtEnd ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
output e2 freq_missing ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
output e2 persons car ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
output e2 persons default ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
output e2 persons walk ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
output e2 persons walkBackward ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
output e2 persons walkForward ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
output e3 bugs ticket10881 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
output e3 junction_output interior ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
output e3 junction_output joined ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
output e3 junction_output joined_freq ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
output e3 junction_output joined_interior ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
output e3 persons car ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
output e3 persons default ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
output e3 persons walk ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
output e3 persons walkBackward ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
output e3 persons walkForward ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
output examples_multimodal net3_meandata_edges ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
output fcd-output acceleration ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
output fcd-output distance ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
output fcd-output distance_reverse ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
output fcd-output leader_beyond_bestLanes ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
output fcd-output params ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
output fcd-output persons riding ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
output fcd-output persons riding_noPersons ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
output fcd-output persons riding_noPersons_radius ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
output fcd-output signals ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
output personSummary no_persons ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
output personSummary pedestrians ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
output personinfo pedestrians ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
output statistic persons ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
output tripinfo write_unfinished_person ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
output vehroutes auto_trip ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
output vehroutes circle_reroute_intended_depart_sorted ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
output vehroutes dua_trip ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
output vehroutes exit_times_internal ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
output vehroutes no_pt_lines_sorted ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
output vehroutes params ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
output vehroutes transportable container_exit_times ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
output vehroutes transportable person_exit_times ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
output vehroutes transportable person_ride_parkingArea ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
output vehroutes transportable person_route_length ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
output vehroutes transportable person_route_length_unfinished ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
output vehroutes transportable person_stoppingPlaces ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
output vehroutes transportable person_write_unfinished ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
output vehroutes transportable personroutes ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
output vehroutes transportable personroutes_sorted ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
output vehroutes transportable with_person ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
output vehroutes transportable with_person_sorted ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
output vehroutes transportable with_person_sorted_end_early ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
output vehroutes transportable write_unfinished_person ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
output vehroutes trip_with_taz ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
pedestrian_model nonInteracting 3_arm_pathing ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
pedestrian_model nonInteracting errors disconnected_trip ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
pedestrian_model nonInteracting errors disconnected_trip_ignore ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
pedestrian_model nonInteracting no_sidewalks ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
pedestrian_model striping 3_arm_pathing ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
pedestrian_model striping block_vehicles_sharedspace walkingarea_and_crossing ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
pedestrian_model striping bugs ticket11983 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
pedestrian_model striping bugs ticket14939 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
pedestrian_model striping bugs ticket15183 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
pedestrian_model striping bugs ticket15183b ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
pedestrian_model striping bugs ticket1769 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
pedestrian_model striping bugs ticket1780 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
pedestrian_model striping bugs ticket1781 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
pedestrian_model striping bugs ticket2060 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
pedestrian_model striping bugs ticket5661 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
pedestrian_model striping busstop ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
pedestrian_model striping errors disconnected_trip ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
pedestrian_model striping errors disconnected_trip_ignore ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
pedestrian_model striping multiple_pedestrian_lanes ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
pedestrian_model striping no_sidewalks ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
pedestrian_model striping pedestrian_interactions jam_busStop ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
pedestrian_model striping pedestrian_interactions jam_busStop_serviced ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail alternativeRoute ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail bidi_conflict_insertion ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail bidi_conflict_parkingInsertion ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail bidi_noconflict_insertion ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail bidi_noconflict_insertion2 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail bidi_noconflict_insertion3 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail bugs deadlock_bidi_reversal ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail bugs deadlock_bidi_reversal2 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail bugs delayed_insertion_parallel_routing ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail bugs double_stop ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail bugs ticket11384 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail bugs ticket11440 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail bugs ticket12873 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail bugs ticket14973 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail collision crossing_tracks_collision ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail collision frontal_collision ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail collision frontal_collision_further ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail collision frontal_collision_jump ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail collision frontal_collision_jump_sameEdge ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail collision frontal_collision_reverseRoles ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail collision_noInsertionChecks crossing_tracks_collision ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail collision_noInsertionChecks frontal_collision ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail collision_noInsertionChecks frontal_collision_further ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail collision_noInsertionChecks frontal_collision_jump ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail collision_noInsertionChecks frontal_collision_jump_sameEdge ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail collision_noInsertionChecks frontal_collision_reverseRoles ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail crossing_tracks ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail deadlocks circle_3veh ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail deadlocks loop_4veh ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail deadlocks loop_4veh2 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail deadlocks loop_4veh3 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail deadlocks siding_deadlock2 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail deadlocks triangle_6veh ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail deadlocks_loadHints circle_3veh ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail deadlocks_loadHints loop_4veh ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail deadlocks_loadHints loop_4veh2 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail deadlocks_loadHints loop_4veh3 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail deadlocks_loadHints siding_deadlock2 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail deadlocks_loadHints triangle_6veh ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail default_rail_type ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail headonconflict ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail interlocking ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail model_railroad ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail portion_working join ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail portion_working join_RB425 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail portion_working join_fail ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail portion_working join_fail_abort ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail portion_working join_front ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail portion_working join_front_late ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail portion_working join_front_route_problem ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail portion_working join_front_signal ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail portion_working join_signal ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail portion_working locomotive_switches_sides ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail portion_working split ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail portion_working splitFront ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail portion_working split_departPosDefault ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail portion_working split_departPosDefault_legacy ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail portion_working split_longTrain ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail portion_working transportables join_containers ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail portion_working transportables join_persons ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail portion_working transportables split_containers ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail portion_working transportables split_containers_noStop ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail rail_signal circle ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail rail_signal circle_bidi ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail rail_signal conflict_lookahead ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail rail_signal constraints deadlock ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail rail_signal constraints deadlock_insertion ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail rail_signal constraints deadlock_insertion2 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail rail_signal constraints deadlock_insertion2_remove ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail rail_signal constraints deadlock_insertion3 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail rail_signal constraints deadlock_insertion3_remove ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail rail_signal constraints deadlock_insertion3_tripId ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail rail_signal constraints deadlock_insertion3_tripId_remove ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail rail_signal constraints deadlock_insertion_remove ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail rail_signal constraints deadlock_remove ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail rail_signal constraints deadlock_remove2 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail rail_signal constraints foeInsertion ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail rail_signal constraints limit2 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail rail_signal constraints limit3 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail rail_signal constraints wait_for_one ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail rail_signal constraints wait_for_one_inactive ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail rail_signal constraints wait_for_one_tripId ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail rail_signal constraints wait_for_three ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail rail_signal constraints wait_for_three_individual ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail rail_signal constraints wait_not ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail rail_signal driveWayShort_badMatch ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail rail_signal driveway_variants ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail rail_signal end_block_mode end_after_bidi ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail rail_signal end_block_mode end_within_bidi ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail rail_signal end_depart_within ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail rail_signal guard_insertion ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail rail_signal halting_conflict ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail rail_signal indirect_guard ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail rail_signal indirect_guard_check_route ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail rail_signal indirect_guard_route_conflict ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail rail_signal indirect_guard_route_conflict2 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail rail_signal indirect_guard_route_conflict3 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail rail_signal indirect_guard_route_conflict_reroute ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail rail_signal insertionConstraints insertionOrder ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail rail_signal insertionConstraints parking ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail rail_signal insertionConstraints signal_on_next_edge ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail rail_signal insertionConstraints wait_for_one ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail rail_signal insertionConstraints wait_for_one_inactive ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail rail_signal insertionConstraints wait_for_one_same_departEdge ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail rail_signal moving_block protect_bidi ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail rail_signal moving_block protect_bidi_option ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail rail_signal moving_block protect_flank_option ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail rail_signal parking_insertion ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail rail_signal priority insertion_vs_fastApproach ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail rail_signal priority stop_before_signal ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail rail_signal priority waiting_time_bottom ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail rail_signal priority waiting_time_top ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail rail_signal subDriveWay_short ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail rail_signal update_driveways ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail reversal both_reverse ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail reversal consecutive_before_reversal ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail reversal reversal_after_common_block ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail reversal routes_cross_twice ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail reversal subdriveway_reversal ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail reversal two_double_reversals ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail routing missing_turnaround ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail routing reversal_impossible ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail routing reversal_possible ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail routing reversal_possible_maxLengthShort ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail routing reverse_short_start ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail routing reverse_short_start_stops ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail routing short_buffer ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail siding long_siding_occupied_advance ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail siding long_siding_occupied_wait ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail siding long_siding_occupied_wait2 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail siding loop_3veh ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail siding sidingShort_deadlock ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail siding siding_both_ways ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail siding siding_both_ways2 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail siding siding_both_ways3 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail siding siding_both_ways4 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail siding siding_both_ways_addTrain ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail siding siding_deadlock ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail siding siding_noSignal ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail siding siding_noSignal2 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail siding siding_occupied_advance ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail tramwayLoop basic ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail tramwayLoop track_closed ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail two_passing_loops ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail two_passing_loops2 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
spec arrival arrivalEdge edge_1_flow ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
spec arrival arrivalEdge edge_1_trip ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
spec arrival arrivalEdge edge_2_trip ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
spec arrival pos_default_trip ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
spec departure departEdge edge_1_flow ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
spec departure departEdge edge_1_trip ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
spec departure departEdge edge_2_trip ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
spec departure departEdge edge_random_flow ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
spec departure departEdge edge_random_trip ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
spec departure errors edge_disallowed ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
spec departure errors edge_disallowed_ignore ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
spec departure errors lane_given_disallowed ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
spec departure errors lane_given_disallowed_ignore ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
spec departure extrapolate_departpos ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
spec departure extrapolate_departpos_short ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
spec departure insertionChecks followerGap ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
spec departure insertionChecks leaderGap ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
spec departure insertionChecks leaderGap_option ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
spec departure insertionChecks stop ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
spec distribution speedDev_override_individual ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
sublane_model bugs ticket6636 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
sublane_model bugs ticket6691 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
sublane_model junction 2lanes_turn ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
sublane_model junction 2lanes_turn_joined ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
sublane_model junction bicycle_box lane_choice ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
sublane_model junction bicycle_box with_cars ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
sublane_model junction indirect_left_moped ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
sublane_model junction overlapping_internal ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
sublane_model junction overlapping_internal_wrongAlignment ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
sublane_model junction turnAlignment basic ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
sublane_model junction turnAlignment bikes_lefthand ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
sublane_model junction turnAlignment bikes_lefthand_center ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
sublane_model junction turnAlignment bikes_lefthand_matching_shift ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
sublane_model junction turnAlignment bikes_lefthand_matching_shift_center ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
sublane_model junction turnAlignment bikes_righthand ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
sublane_model junction turnAlignment bikes_righthand_center ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
sublane_model junction turnAlignment moped_indirect_left ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
sublane_model motorway change_reason2 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
sublane_model motorway overtaking_right_forbidden ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
sublane_model opposite_direction_driving bugs ticket10927 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
sublane_model opposite_direction_driving bugs ticket11481 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
sublane_model opposite_direction_driving bugs ticket13111 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
sublane_model opposite_direction_driving bugs ticket3718 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
sublane_model opposite_direction_driving bugs ticket5238 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
sublane_model roundabout high_traffic ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
sublane_model roundabout low_traffic ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
sublane_model roundabout low_traffic_subsecond ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
sublane_model roundabout medium_traffic ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
sublane_model roundabout mixed high_traffic ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
sublane_model roundabout mixed low_traffic ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
sublane_model roundabout mixed medium_traffic ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
sublane_model roundabout no_cooperation low_traffic ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
sublane_model roundabout no_cooperation medium_traffic ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
sublane_model width_transition toll_station_long ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
sublane_model width_transition toll_station_short ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
tls actuated green_minor_uncontrolled ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
tls actuated green_minor_uncontrolled2 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
tls actuated multiNext bike_skip ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
tls actuated multiNext dualring ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
tls actuated multiNext dualring_simple ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
tls actuated multiNext dualring_simple_linkMaxDur ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
tls actuated multiNext dualring_simple_linkMinDur ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
tls actuated partialy_green_lane ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
tls actuated short_lane ( Last six runs Oct2024 )

20 TESTS FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba :

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/utils/common/SUMOTime.cpp:75:15: runtime error: negation of -9223372036854775808 cannot be represented in type 'long long'; cast to an unsigned type to negate this value to itself
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/utils/common/SUMOTime.cpp:75:15 
basic person errors unsuitable_vclass ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
bugs 10xxx ticket10637 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
bugs 15xxx ticket15552 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
cf_model EIDM ticket15557 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting assignment stops_via ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting junctionTaz load_some_taz ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting personTrip junctionTaz load_some_taz ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting via flow ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting via flow_embedded ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
extended rerouter parking keepDestination_looped ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
extended rerouter parking skip_too_close ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
pedestrian_model striping block_vehicles_sharedspace complex ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
pedestrian_model striping block_vehicles_sharedspace complex_sublane ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail rail_signal end_within ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail reversal anticipate_reversal ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail reversal anticipate_reversal_unafe_insertion ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail routing reversal_impossible_slack ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail routing reversal_possible_slack ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail uncontrolled_links ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
tls actuated joined_sequential ( Last six runs Oct2024 )

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : cf_model rail accel NGRS3 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/utils/common/SUMOTime.cpp:75:15: runtime error: negation of -9223372036854775808 cannot be represented in type 'long long'; cast to an unsigned type to negate this value to itself
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/utils/common/SUMOTime.cpp:75:15 

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : cf_model rail accel custom_missingValues ( Last six runs Oct2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> =================================================================
> ==894303==ERROR: LeakSanitizer: detected memory leaks
> Indirect leak of 936 byte(s) in 1 object(s) allocated from:
>     #0 0x59857f0678b1 in operator new(unsigned long) (/home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/bin/sumoD+0x25608b1) (BuildId: d25181f42424e485ce49a47eb19863e4ce4b56ae)
>     #1 0x59857f6c5d72 in MSVehicleType::build(SUMOVTypeParameter&) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/MSVehicleType.cpp:330:28
>     #2 0x59857f33ab33 in MSRouteHandler::closeVType() /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/MSRouteHandler.cpp:963:30
>     #3 0x598581960e14 in SUMORouteHandler::myEndElement(int) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/utils/vehicle/SUMORouteHandler.cpp:229:13
>     #4 0x598581b3d96b in GenericSAXHandler::endElement(char16_t const*, char16_t const*, char16_t const*) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/utils/xml/GenericSAXHandler.cpp:167:9
>     #5 0x776d199e6409 in xercesc_3_2::SAX2XMLReaderImpl::startElement(xercesc_3_2::XMLElementDecl const&, unsigned int, char16_t const*, xercesc_3_2::RefVectorOf<xercesc_3_2::XMLAttr> const&, unsigned long, bool, bool) (/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libxerces-c-3.2.so+0x1e6409) (BuildId: 00c66a49d1bfc9237096cfb0829bac6c9c2c8e81)
>     #6 0x776d199b7511 in xercesc_3_2::WFXMLScanner::scanStartTagNS(bool&) (/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libxerces-c-3.2.so+0x1b7511) (BuildId: 00c66a49d1bfc9237096cfb0829bac6c9c2c8e81)
>     #7 0x776d199b80cd in xercesc_3_2::WFXMLScanner::scanNext(xercesc_3_2::XMLPScanToken&) (/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libxerces-c-3.2.so+0x1b80cd) (BuildId: 00c66a49d1bfc9237096cfb0829bac6c9c2c8e81)
>     #8 0x598581b6ffe3 in SUMOSAXReader::parseNext() /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/utils/xml/SUMOSAXReader.cpp:158:25
>     #9 0x598581973b1b in SUMORouteLoader::loadUntil(long long) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/utils/vehicle/SUMORouteLoader.cpp:58:24
>     #10 0x598581974c7f in SUMORouteLoaderControl::loadNext(long long) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/utils/vehicle/SUMORouteLoaderControl.cpp:72:61
>     #11 0x59857f08e322 in MSNet::loadRoutes() /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/MSNet.cpp:441:21
>     #12 0x598580123d8a in NLBuilder::init(bool) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/netload/NLBuilder.cpp:354:14
>     #13 0x59857f06b4a2 in main /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/sumo_main.cpp:98:19
>     #14 0x776d1862a1c9 in __libc_start_call_main csu/../sysdeps/nptl/libc_start_call_main.h:58:16
>     #15 0x776d1862a28a in __libc_start_main csu/../csu/libc-start.c:360:3
>     #16 0x59857ef8e444 in _start (/home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/bin/sumoD+0x2487444) (BuildId: d25181f42424e485ce49a47eb19863e4ce4b56ae)
> Indirect leak of 120 byte(s) in 1 object(s) allocated from:
>     #0 0x59857f0678b1 in operator new(unsigned long) (/home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/bin/sumoD+0x25608b1) (BuildId: d25181f42424e485ce49a47eb19863e4ce4b56ae)
>     #1 0x5985816f5c21 in std::__new_allocator<std::_Rb_tree_node<std::pair<SumoXMLAttr const, CharacteristicMap>>>::allocate(unsigned long, void const*) /usr/bin/../lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/14/../../../../include/c++/14/bits/new_allocator.h:151:27
>     #2 0x5985816f586c in std::allocator_traits<std::allocator<std::_Rb_tree_node<std::pair<SumoXMLAttr const, CharacteristicMap>>>>::allocate(std::allocator<std::_Rb_tree_node<std::pair<SumoXMLAttr const, CharacteristicMap>>>&, unsigned long) /usr/bin/../lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/14/../../../../include/c++/14/bits/alloc_traits.h:478:20
>     #3 0x5985816f586c in std::_Rb_tree<SumoXMLAttr, std::pair<SumoXMLAttr const, CharacteristicMap>, std::_Select1st<std::pair<SumoXMLAttr const, CharacteristicMap>>, std::less<SumoXMLAttr>, std::allocator<std::pair<SumoXMLAttr const, CharacteristicMap>>>::_M_get_node() /usr/bin/../lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/14/../../../../include/c++/14/bits/stl_tree.h:559:16
>     #4 0x5985816f573c in std::_Rb_tree_node<std::pair<SumoXMLAttr const, CharacteristicMap>>* std::_Rb_tree<SumoXMLAttr, std::pair<SumoXMLAttr const, CharacteristicMap>, std::_Select1st<std::pair<SumoXMLAttr const, CharacteristicMap>>, std::less<SumoXMLAttr>, std::allocator<std::pair<SumoXMLAttr const, CharacteristicMap>>>::_M_create_node<std::pair<SumoXMLAttr, CharacteristicMap>>(std::pair<SumoXMLAttr, CharacteristicMap>&&) /usr/bin/../lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/14/../../../../include/c++/14/bi
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : devices fcd-replay persons ( Last six runs Oct2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> =================================================================
> ==908064==ERROR: LeakSanitizer: detected memory leaks
> Direct leak of 144 byte(s) in 6 object(s) allocated from:
>     #0 0x5fbed29798b1 in operator new(unsigned long) (/home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/bin/sumoD+0x25608b1) (BuildId: d25181f42424e485ce49a47eb19863e4ce4b56ae)
>     #1 0x5fbed41740d1 in MSDevice_FCDReplay::FCDHandler::makePlan(SUMOVehicleParameter const&, std::vector<MSEdge const*, std::allocator<MSEdge const*>> const&, std::vector<MSDevice_FCDReplay::FCDHandler::StageStart, std::allocator<MSDevice_FCDReplay::FCDHandler::StageStart>> const&, std::vector<MSDevice_FCDReplay::TrajectoryEntry, std::allocator<MSDevice_FCDReplay::TrajectoryEntry>> const&) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/devices/MSDevice_FCDReplay.cpp:245:50
>     #2 0x5fbed416a404 in MSDevice_FCDReplay::FCDHandler::updateTrafficObjects(long long) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/devices/MSDevice_FCDReplay.cpp:399:62
>     #3 0x5fbed4164f40 in MSDevice_FCDReplay::parseNext(long long) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/devices/MSDevice_FCDReplay.cpp:108:16
>     #4 0x5fbed418432e in StaticCommand<MSDevice_FCDReplay>::execute(long long) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/utils/common/StaticCommand.h:88:16
>     #5 0x5fbed31e81ad in MSEventControl::execute(long long) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/MSEventControl.cpp:69:33
>     #6 0x5fbed2994a82 in MSNet::simulationStep(bool) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/MSNet.cpp:767:30
>     #7 0x5fbed2991368 in MSNet::simulate(long long, long long) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/MSNet.cpp:412:9
>     #8 0x5fbed297d865 in main /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/sumo_main.cpp:100:30
>     #9 0x7bc95ec2a1c9 in __libc_start_call_main csu/../sysdeps/nptl/libc_start_call_main.h:58:16
>     #10 0x7bc95ec2a28a in __libc_start_main csu/../csu/libc-start.c:360:3
>     #11 0x5fbed28a0444 in _start (/home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/bin/sumoD+0x2487444) (BuildId: d25181f42424e485ce49a47eb19863e4ce4b56ae)
> Indirect leak of 2736 byte(s) in 6 object(s) allocated from:
>     #0 0x5fbed29798b1 in operator new(unsigned long) (/home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/bin/sumoD+0x25608b1) (BuildId: d25181f42424e485ce49a47eb19863e4ce4b56ae)
>     #1 0x5fbed4176162 in MSDevice_FCDReplay::FCDHandler::makePlan(SUMOVehicleParameter const&, std::vector<MSEdge const*, std::allocator<MSEdge const*>> const&, std::vector<MSDevice_FCDReplay::FCDHandler::StageStart, std::allocator<MSDevice_FCDReplay::FCDHandler::StageStart>> const&, std::vector<MSDevice_FCDReplay::TrajectoryEntry, std::allocator<MSDevice_FCDReplay::TrajectoryEntry>> const&) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/devices/MSDevice_FCDReplay.cpp:272:37
>     #2 0x5fbed416a404 in MSDevice_FCDReplay::FCDHandler::updateTrafficObjects(long long) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/devices/MSDevice_FCDReplay.cpp:399:62
>     #3 0x5fbed4164f40 in MSDevice_FCDReplay::parseNext(long long) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/devices/MSDevice_FCDReplay.cpp:108:16
>     #4 0x5fbed418432e in StaticCommand<MSDevice_FCDReplay>::execute(long long) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/utils/common/StaticCommand.h:88:16
>     #5 0x5fbed31e81ad in MSEventControl::execute(long long) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/MSEventControl.cpp:69:33
>     #6 0x5fbed2994a82 in MSNet::simulationStep(bool) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/MSNet.cpp:767:30
>     #7 0x5fbed2991368 in MSNet::simulate(long long, long long) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/MSNet.cpp:412:9
>     #8 0x5fbed297d865 in main /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/sumo_main.cpp:100:30
>     #9 0x7bc95ec2a1c9 in __libc_start_call_main csu/../sysdeps/nptl/libc_start_call_main.h:58:16
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- New result in exitcode ----------

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : devices rerouting parallel parallel_random_weights ( Last six runs Oct2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/utils/common/SUMOTime.cpp:75:15: runtime error: negation of -9223372036854775808 cannot be represented in type 'long long'; cast to an unsigned type to negate this value to itself
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/utils/common/SUMOTime.cpp:75:15 
> =================================================================
> ==906104==ERROR: LeakSanitizer: detected memory leaks
> Direct leak of 10080 byte(s) in 2 object(s) allocated from:
>     #0 0x5ff2268488b1 in operator new(unsigned long) (/home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/bin/sumoD+0x25608b1) (BuildId: d25181f42424e485ce49a47eb19863e4ce4b56ae)
>     #1 0x5ff22816db51 in MSRoutingEngine::getThreadRNG() /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/devices/MSRoutingEngine.cpp:188:28
>     #2 0x5ff22816e177 in MSRoutingEngine::getEffortExtra(MSEdge const*, SUMOVehicle const*, double) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/devices/MSRoutingEngine.cpp:203:62
>     #3 0x5ff2269a740b in SUMOAbstractRouter<MSEdge, SUMOVehicle>::getEffort(MSEdge const*, SUMOVehicle const*, double) const /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/utils/router/SUMOAbstractRouter.h:331:16
>     #4 0x5ff226997c18 in DijkstraRouter<MSEdge, SUMOVehicle>::compute(MSEdge const*, MSEdge const*, SUMOVehicle const*, long long, std::vector<MSEdge const*, std::allocator<MSEdge const*>>&, bool) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/utils/router/DijkstraRouter.h:201:46
>     #5 0x5ff226f0f049 in MSBaseVehicle::reroute(long long, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>> const&, SUMOAbstractRouter<MSEdge, SUMOVehicle>&, bool, bool, bool, MSEdge const*) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/MSBaseVehicle.cpp:381:21
>     #6 0x5ff22817ad78 in MSRoutingEngine::RoutingTask::run(MFXWorkerThread*) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/devices/MSRoutingEngine.cpp:620:19
>     #7 0x5ff227081619 in MFXWorkerThread::run() /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXWorkerThread.h:351:24
>     #8 0x7d89aa64c712 in FX::FXThread::execute(void*) (/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libFOX-1.6.so.0+0x24c712) (BuildId: 8255c25c86a9650f625055b6ddbe324d5ad52682)
> SUMMARY: AddressSanitizer: 10080 byte(s) leaked in 2 allocation(s).
---------- New result in exitcode ----------

9 TESTS FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba :

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/utils/common/SUMOTime.cpp:75:15: runtime error: negation of -9223372036854775808 cannot be represented in type 'long long'; cast to an unsigned type to negate this value to itself
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/utils/common/SUMOTime.cpp:75:15 
devices rerouting personTrip errors flow_without_end ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting personTrip public_walk_human_readable_step2 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
errors person unconnected_stops_same_edge ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
extended bidiEdge multilane ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
extended rerouter parking riders subsequent_stop ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
extended rerouter parking riders subsequent_stops_rider_trip ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
extended rerouter parking riders subsequent_stops_rider_walk ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
extended rerouter parking subsequent_stops ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
rail rail_signal large_step_size ( Last six runs Oct2024 )

2 TESTS FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba :

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/utils/common/SUMOTime.cpp:75:15: runtime error: negation of -9223372036854775808 cannot be represented in type 'long long'; cast to an unsigned type to negate this value to itself
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/utils/common/SUMOTime.cpp:75:15 
---------- Differences in vehroutes ----------
<     <vehicle id="0" depart="0.00" arrival="64.00">
>     <vehicle id="0" depart="0.00" arrival="45.00">
<             <route replacedOnEdge="" replacedAtTime="0.00" probability="0" edges="A0toB0 B0toC0 C0toD0 D0toD1 D1toC1 C1toB1 B1toA1 A1toA2 A2toB2 B2toC2 C2toD2 D2toD3"/>
<             <route edges="A0toB0 B0toB1 B1toA1 A1toA2 A2toB2 B2toC2 C2toD2 D2toD3"/>
>             <route replacedOnEdge="" reason="device.rerouting" replacedAtTime="0.00" probability="0" edges="A0toB0 B0toC0 C0toD0 D0toD1 D1toC1 C1toB1 B1toA1 A1toA2 A2toB2 B2toC2 C2toD2 D2toD3"/>
>             <route edges="A0toB0 B0toC0 C0toD0 D0toD1 D1toD2 D2toD3"/>
devices rerouting via route ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
devices rerouting via route_embedded ( Last six runs Oct2024 )

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : devices ssm geo_coords with_geo ( Last six runs Oct2024 )

---------- Differences in ssm ----------
<         <egoPosition values="13.522521,52.427576 13.522520,52.427584 13.522519,52.427591 13.522519,52.427599 13.522518,52.427605 13.522517,52.427612 13.522516,52.427618 13.522516,52.427623 13.522515,52.427628 13.522515,52.427633 13.522514,52.427637 13.522514,52.427641 13.522513,52.427644 13.522513,52.427648 13.522512,52.427650 13.522512,52.427653 13.522512,52.427654 13.522512,52.427656 13.522512,52.427658 13.522511,52.427660 13.522511,52.427663 13.522511,52.427666 13.522510,52.427669 13.522510
,52.427672 13.522509,52.427675 13.522509,52.427679 13.522508,52.427683 13.522507,52.427687 13.522507,52.427691 13.522506,52.427696 13.522506,52.427701 13.522505,52.427706 13.522504,52.427711 13.522503,52.427716 13.522502,52.427722 13.522502,52.427728 13.522501,52.427734 13.522500,52.427741 13.522499,52.427747 13.522498,52.427754 13.522496,52.427761 13.522495,52.427769 13.522494,52.427776 13.522493,52.427784 13.522491,52.427792 13.522490,52.427801 13.522488,52.427809 13.522487,52.427818 13.522485
,52.427827 13.522484,52.427836 13.522482,52.427845 13.522481,52.427855 13.522479,52.427865 13.522477,52.427875 13.522476,52.427886 13.522474,52.427896 13.522472,52.427907 13.522470,52.427918 13.522468,52.427929 13.522466,52.427941 13.522464,52.427953 13.522462,52.427965 13.522461,52.427977 13.522459,52.427989 13.522457,52.428002 13.522455,52.428014 13.522453,52.428027 13.522451,52.428039"/>
>         <egoPosition values="13.522521,52.427576 13.522520,52.427584 13.522519,52.427591 13.522519,52.427599 13.522518,52.427605 13.522517,52.427612 13.522516,52.427618 13.522516,52.427623 13.522515,52.427628 13.522515,52.427633 13.522514,52.427637 13.522514,52.427641 13.522513,52.427644 13.522513,52.427648 13.522512,52.427650 13.522512,52.427653 13.522512,52.427654 13.522512,52.427656 13.522512,52.427658 13.522511,52.427660 13.522511,52.427663 13.522511,52.427666 13.522510,52.427669 13.522510
,52.427672 13.522509,52.427675 13.522509,52.427679 13.522508,52.427683 13.522507,52.427687 nan,nan 13.522506,52.427696 13.522506,52.427701 13.522505,52.427706 13.522504,52.427711 nan,nan 13.522502,52.427722 13.522502,52.427728 nan,nan 13.522500,52.427741 13.522499,52.427747 13.522498,52.427754 13.522496,52.427761 13.522495,52.427769 13.522494,52.427776 nan,nan 13.522491,52.427792 13.522490,52.427801 13.522488,52.427809 nan,nan 13.522485,52.427827 13.522484,52.427836 13.522482,52.427845 13.522481
,52.427855 13.522479,52.427865 13.522477,52.427875 13.522476,52.427886 13.522474,52.427896 13.522472,52.427907 13.522470,52.427918 13.522468,52.427929 13.522466,52.427941 13.522464,52.427953 13.522462,52.427965 13.522461,52.427977 13.522459,52.427989 13.522457,52.428002 13.522455,52.428014 13.522453,52.428027 13.522451,52.428039"/>
<         <foePosition values="13.522831,52.427736 13.522811,52.427735 13.522790,52.427734 13.522770,52.427733 13.522750,52.427731 13.522729,52.427730 13.522709,52.427729 13.522689,52.427727 13.522668,52.427726 13.522648,52.427725 13.522628,52.427724 13.522608,52.427722 13.522587,52.427721 13.522567,52.427720 13.522547,52.427719 13.522526,52.427720 13.522510,52.427727 13.522502,52.427738 13.522498,52.427750 13.522496,52.427762 13.522494,52.427775 13.522492,52.427787 13.522490,52.427800 13.522488
,52.427812 13.522486,52.427825 13.522484,52.427837 13.522482,52.427849 13.522480,52.427862 13.522478,52.427874 13.522475,52.427887 13.522473,52.427899 13.522471,52.427912 13.522469,52.427924 13.522467,52.427936 13.522465,52.427949 13.522463,52.427961 13.522461,52.427974 13.522459,52.427986 13.522457,52.427998 13.522456,52.428011 13.522454,52.428023 13.522452,52.428036 13.522450,52.428048 13.522448,52.428061 13.522446,52.428073 13.522444,52.428086 13.522443,52.428098 13.522441,52.428110 13.522439
,52.428123 13.522437,52.428135 13.522435,52.428148 13.522433,52.428160 13.522432,52.428173 13.522430,52.428185 13.522428,52.428197 13.522426,52.428210 13.522424,52.428222 13.522422,52.428235 13.522420,52.428247 13.522419,52.428260 13.522417,52.428272 13.522415,52.428284 13.522413,52.428297 13.522411,52.428309 13.522409,52.428322 13.522407,52.428334 13.522405,52.428347 13.522403,52.428359"/>
>         <foePosition values="13.522831,52.427736 13.522811,52.427735 13.522790,52.427734 13.522770,52.427733 13.522750,52.427731 13.522729,52.427730 13.522709,52.427729 13.522689,52.427727 13.522668,52.427726 13.522648,52.427725 13.522628,52.427724 13.522608,52.427722 13.522587,52.427721 13.522567,52.427720 13.522547,52.427719 13.522526,52.427720 13.522510,52.427727 13.522502,52.427738 13.522498,52.427750 13.522496,52.427762 13.522494,52.427775 13.522492,52.427787 13.522490,52.427800 13.522488
,52.427812 13.522486,52.427825 13.522484,52.427837 13.522482,52.427849 13.522480,52.427862 13.522478,52.427874 13.522475,52.427887 13.522473,52.427899 13.522471,52.427912 13.522469,52.427924 13.522467,52.427936 13.522465,52.427949 13.522463,52.427961 13.522461,52.427974 13.522459,52.427986 13.522457,52.427998 13.522456,52.428011 13.522454,52.428023 13.522452,52.428036 13.522450,52.428048 13.522448,52.428061 13.522446,52.428073 13.522444,52.428086 13.522443,52.428098 13.522441,52.428110 13.522439
,52.428123 nan,nan 13.522435,52.428148 13.522433,52.428160 13.522432,52.428173 13.522430,52.428185 13.522428,52.428197 13.522426,52.428210 13.522424,52.428222 nan,nan 13.522420,52.428247 13.522419,52.428260 13.522417,52.428272 13.522415,52.428284 13.522413,52.428297 13.522411,52.428309 13.522409,52.428322 13.522407,52.428334 13.522405,52.428347 13.522403,52.428359"/>
<         <conflictPoint values="13.522499,52.427743 13.522499,52.427743 13.522499,52.427743 13.522499,52.427743 13.522499,52.427743 13.522499,52.427743 13.522499,52.427743 13.522499,52.427743 13.522499,52.427743 13.522499,52.427743 13.522499,52.427743 13.522499,52.427743 13.522499,52.427743 13.522499,52.427743 13.522499,52.427743 13.522499,52.427743 13.522499,52.427743 13.522499,52.427743 13.522538,52.427719 13.522519,52.427722 13.522505,52.427731 13.522500,52.427743 13.522497,52.427755 13.5224
95,52.427767 13.522493,52.427780 13.522491,52.427792 13.522489,52.427805 13.522487,52.427817 13.522485,52.427830 13.522483,52.427842 13.522481,52.427854 13.522479,52.427867 13.522477,52.427879 13.522475,52.427892 13.522473,52.427904 13.522470,52.427916 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA"/>
>         <conflictPoint values="13.522499,52.427743 13.522499,52.427743 13.522499,52.427743 13.522499,52.427743 13.522499,52.427743 nan,nan 13.522499,52.427743 13.522499,52.427743 13.522499,52.427743 nan,nan 13.522499,52.427743 13.522499,52.427743 13.522499,52.427743 13.522499,52.427743 13.522499,52.427743 13.522499,52.427743 13.522499,52.427743 13.522499,52.427743 13.522538,52.427719 13.522519,52.427722 13.522505,52.427731 13.522500,52.427743 13.522497,52.427755 13.522495,52.427767 13.522493,5
2.427780 13.522491,52.427792 13.522489,52.427805 13.522487,52.427817 13.522485,52.427830 13.522483,52.427842 13.522481,52.427854 13.522479,52.427867 13.522477,52.427879 13.522475,52.427892 13.522473,52.427904 13.522470,52.427916 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA"/>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : devices taxi prebooking 2persons_abort ( Last six runs Oct2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
< Warning: Taxi 'trip_0' aborts waiting for customers: p2 at time=247.00.
< Warning: Person 'p2' aborted waiting for taxi at edge 'A1B1'.
< Warning: Vehicle 'trip_0' aborted waiting for a person that will never come.
> /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/utils/common/SUMOTime.cpp:75:15: runtime error: negation of -9223372036854775808 cannot be represented in type 'long long'; cast to an unsigned type to negate this value to itself
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/utils/common/SUMOTime.cpp:75:15 
> /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/transportables/MSStageDriving.cpp:337:117: runtime error: member access within address 0x504000198550 which does not point to an object of type 'BookReservation'
> 0x504000198550: note: object has invalid vptr
>  00 00 00 00  e8 3b 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 be be be be  80 b0 01 00 d0 50 00 00  00 00 00 00
>               ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>               invalid vptr
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/transportables/MSStageDriving.cpp:337:117 
> =================================================================
> ==907806==ERROR: AddressSanitizer: heap-use-after-free on address 0x504000198578 at pc 0x5f66edc5929c bp 0x7ffe81ca3410 sp 0x7ffe81ca3408
> READ of size 8 at 0x504000198578 thread T0
>     #0 0x5f66edc5929b in MSStageDriving::registerWaiting(MSTransportable*, long long) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/transportables/MSStageDriving.cpp:337:117
>     #1 0x5f66edc55777 in MSStageDriving::proceed(MSNet*, MSTransportable*, long long, MSStage*) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/transportables/MSStageDriving.cpp:298:9
>     #2 0x5f66edcda725 in MSTransportable::proceed(MSNet*, long long, bool) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/transportables/MSTransportable.cpp:139:20
>     #3 0x5f66edd0f75b in MSTransportableControl::checkWaiting(MSNet*, long long) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/transportables/MSTransportableControl.cpp:212:20
>     #4 0x5f66ebd217e5 in MSNet::simulationStep(bool) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/MSNet.cpp:812:26
>     #5 0x5f66ebd1c368 in MSNet::simulate(long long, long long) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/MSNet.cpp:412:9
>     #6 0x5f66ebd08865 in main /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/sumo_main.cpp:100:30
>     #7 0x7a9c6de2a1c9 in __libc_start_call_main csu/../sysdeps/nptl/libc_start_call_main.h:58:16
>     #8 0x7a9c6de2a28a in __libc_start_main csu/../csu/libc-start.c:360:3
>     #9 0x5f66ebc2b444 in _start (/home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/bin/sumoD+0x2487444) (BuildId: d25181f42424e485ce49a47eb19863e4ce4b56ae)
> 0x504000198578 is located 40 bytes inside of 48-byte region [0x504000198550,0x504000198580)
> freed by thread T0 here:
>     #0 0x5f66ebd05131 in operator delete(void*) (/home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/bin/sumoD+0x2561131) (BuildId: d25181f42424e485ce49a47eb19863e4ce4b56ae)
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in dispatchinfos ----------
> <!-- generated on 2024-10-20 08:30:25 by Eclipse SUMO sumo Version v1_21_0+0450-f5e5939af36
> This data file and the accompanying materials
> are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v2.0
> which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
> http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v20.html
> This file may also be made available under the following Secondary
> Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the Eclipse
> Public License 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License, version 2
> or later which is available at
> https://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0-standalone.html
> SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0-or-later
> <sumoConfiguration xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/sumoConfiguration.xsd">
< <DispatchInfo>
<     <dispatchShared time="0.00" id="trip_0" persons="p0" sharingPersons="p0 p2 p1 p1 p0 p2" type="routeExtension"/>
< </DispatchInfo>
>     <input>
>         <net-file value="net.net.xml"/>
>         <route-files value="input_routes.rou.xml"/>
>     </input>
>     <output>
>         <write-license value="true"/>
>         <tripinfo-output value="tripinfos.xml"/>
>         <tripinfo-output.write-unfinished value="true"/>
>     </output>
>     <processing>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in tripinfos ----------
<     <personinfo id="p1" depart="0.00" type="DEFAULT_PEDTYPE" speedFactor="1.00" duration="416.00" waitingTime="279.00" timeLoss="14.82" traveltime="137.00">
<         <ride waitingTime="279.00" vehicle="trip_0" depart="279.00" arrival="416.00" arrivalPos="285.60" duration="137.00" routeLength="877.63" timeLoss="14.82"/>
<     </personinfo>
<     <personinfo id="p0" depart="0.00" type="DEFAULT_PEDTYPE" speedFactor="1.00" duration="509.00" waitingTime="247.00" timeLoss="33.62" traveltime="262.00">
<         <ride waitingTime="247.00" vehicle="trip_0" depart="247.00" arrival="509.00" arrivalPos="285.60" duration="262.00" routeLength="1477.63" timeLoss="33.62"/>
<     </personinfo>
<     <personinfo id="p3" depart="300.00" type="DEFAULT_PEDTYPE" speedFactor="1.00" duration="486.00" waitingTime="349.00" timeLoss="14.82" traveltime="137.00">
<         <ride waitingTime="349.00" vehicle="trip_0" depart="649.00" arrival="786.00" arrivalPos="285.60" duration="137.00" routeLength="877.67" timeLoss="14.82"/>
<     </personinfo>
<     <personinfo id="p2" depart="300.00" type="DEFAULT_PEDTYPE" speedFactor="1.00" duration="-1" waitingTime="489.00" timeLoss="-1" traveltime="-1">
<         <ride waitingTime="489.00" vehicle="NULL" depart="-1" arrival="-1" arrivalPos="-1" duration="-1" routeLength="-1" timeLoss="-1"/>
<     </personinfo>
<     <tripinfo id="trip_0" depart="0.00" departLane="A0B0_1" departPos="8.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="-1.00" arrivalLane="" arrivalPos="-1.00" arrivalSpeed="-1.00" duration="789.00" routeLength="4240.36" waitingTime="13.00" waitingCount="4" stopTime="400.00" timeLoss="80.05" rerouteNo="6" devices="tripinfo_trip_0 routing_trip_0 taxi_trip_0 person_trip_0" vType="taxi_large" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized="">
<         <taxi customers="3" occupiedDistance="2355.29" occupiedTime="224.00"/>
<     </tripinfo>
< </tripinfos>
---------- New result in exitcode ----------

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : devices taxi prebooking 4persons_abort ( Last six runs Oct2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
< Warning: Taxi 'trip_0' aborts waiting for customers: p2 at time=247.00.
< Warning: Person 'p2' aborted waiting for taxi at edge 'A1B1'.
< Warning: Vehicle 'trip_0' aborted waiting for a person that will never come.
> /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/utils/common/SUMOTime.cpp:75:15: runtime error: negation of -9223372036854775808 cannot be represented in type 'long long'; cast to an unsigned type to negate this value to itself
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/utils/common/SUMOTime.cpp:75:15 
> /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/transportables/MSStageDriving.cpp:337:117: runtime error: member access within address 0x504000198550 which does not point to an object of type 'BookReservation'
> 0x504000198550: note: object has invalid vptr
>  00 00 00 00  e4 3b 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 be be be be  80 b0 01 00 d0 50 00 00  00 00 00 00
>               ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>               invalid vptr
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/transportables/MSStageDriving.cpp:337:117 
> =================================================================
> ==907795==ERROR: AddressSanitizer: heap-use-after-free on address 0x504000198578 at pc 0x5bb76f37229c bp 0x7fffef3fdf90 sp 0x7fffef3fdf88
> READ of size 8 at 0x504000198578 thread T0
>     #0 0x5bb76f37229b in MSStageDriving::registerWaiting(MSTransportable*, long long) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/transportables/MSStageDriving.cpp:337:117
>     #1 0x5bb76f36e777 in MSStageDriving::proceed(MSNet*, MSTransportable*, long long, MSStage*) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/transportables/MSStageDriving.cpp:298:9
>     #2 0x5bb76f3f3725 in MSTransportable::proceed(MSNet*, long long, bool) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/transportables/MSTransportable.cpp:139:20
>     #3 0x5bb76f42875b in MSTransportableControl::checkWaiting(MSNet*, long long) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/transportables/MSTransportableControl.cpp:212:20
>     #4 0x5bb76d43a7e5 in MSNet::simulationStep(bool) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/MSNet.cpp:812:26
>     #5 0x5bb76d435368 in MSNet::simulate(long long, long long) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/MSNet.cpp:412:9
>     #6 0x5bb76d421865 in main /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/sumo_main.cpp:100:30
>     #7 0x7c1f48c2a1c9 in __libc_start_call_main csu/../sysdeps/nptl/libc_start_call_main.h:58:16
>     #8 0x7c1f48c2a28a in __libc_start_main csu/../csu/libc-start.c:360:3
>     #9 0x5bb76d344444 in _start (/home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/bin/sumoD+0x2487444) (BuildId: d25181f42424e485ce49a47eb19863e4ce4b56ae)
> 0x504000198578 is located 40 bytes inside of 48-byte region [0x504000198550,0x504000198580)
> freed by thread T0 here:
>     #0 0x5bb76d41e131 in operator delete(void*) (/home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/bin/sumoD+0x2561131) (BuildId: d25181f42424e485ce49a47eb19863e4ce4b56ae)
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in dispatchinfos ----------
> <!-- generated on 2024-10-20 08:30:25 by Eclipse SUMO sumo Version v1_21_0+0450-f5e5939af36
> This data file and the accompanying materials
> are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v2.0
> which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
> http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v20.html
> This file may also be made available under the following Secondary
> Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the Eclipse
> Public License 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License, version 2
> or later which is available at
> https://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0-standalone.html
> SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0-or-later
> <sumoConfiguration xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/sumoConfiguration.xsd">
< <DispatchInfo>
<     <dispatchShared time="0.00" id="trip_0" persons="p0" sharingPersons="p0 p2 p1 p1 p0 p2" type="routeExtension"/>
< </DispatchInfo>
>     <input>
>         <net-file value="net.net.xml"/>
>         <route-files value="input_routes.rou.xml"/>
>     </input>
>     <output>
>         <write-license value="true"/>
>         <tripinfo-output value="tripinfos.xml"/>
>         <tripinfo-output.write-unfinished value="true"/>
>     </output>
>     <processing>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in tripinfos ----------
<     <personinfo id="p1" depart="0.00" type="DEFAULT_PEDTYPE" speedFactor="1.00" duration="416.00" waitingTime="279.00" timeLoss="14.82" traveltime="137.00">
<         <ride waitingTime="279.00" vehicle="trip_0" depart="279.00" arrival="416.00" arrivalPos="285.60" duration="137.00" routeLength="877.63" timeLoss="14.82"/>
<     </personinfo>
<     <personinfo id="p0" depart="0.00" type="DEFAULT_PEDTYPE" speedFactor="1.00" duration="509.00" waitingTime="247.00" timeLoss="33.62" traveltime="262.00">
<         <ride waitingTime="247.00" vehicle="trip_0" depart="247.00" arrival="509.00" arrivalPos="285.60" duration="262.00" routeLength="1477.63" timeLoss="33.62"/>
<     </personinfo>
<     <personinfo id="p3" depart="300.00" type="DEFAULT_PEDTYPE" speedFactor="1.00" duration="486.00" waitingTime="349.00" timeLoss="14.82" traveltime="137.00">
<         <ride waitingTime="349.00" vehicle="trip_0" depart="649.00" arrival="786.00" arrivalPos="285.60" duration="137.00" routeLength="877.67" timeLoss="14.82"/>
<     </personinfo>
<     <personinfo id="p2" depart="300.00" type="DEFAULT_PEDTYPE" speedFactor="1.00" duration="-1" waitingTime="489.00" timeLoss="-1" traveltime="-1">
<         <ride waitingTime="489.00" vehicle="NULL" depart="-1" arrival="-1" arrivalPos="-1" duration="-1" routeLength="-1" timeLoss="-1"/>
<     </personinfo>
<     <tripinfo id="trip_0" depart="0.00" departLane="A0B0_1" departPos="8.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="-1.00" arrivalLane="" arrivalPos="-1.00" arrivalSpeed="-1.00" duration="789.00" routeLength="4240.36" waitingTime="13.00" waitingCount="4" stopTime="400.00" timeLoss="80.05" rerouteNo="6" devices="tripinfo_trip_0 routing_trip_0 taxi_trip_0 person_trip_0" vType="taxi_large" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized="">
<         <taxi customers="3" occupiedDistance="2355.29" occupiedTime="224.00"/>
<     </tripinfo>
< </tripinfos>
---------- New result in exitcode ----------

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : devices taxi prebooking 5persons_abort_sameTrip ( Last six runs Oct2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
< Warning: Taxi 'trip_0' aborts waiting for customers: p.3 p.4 at time=229.00.
< Warning: Person 'p.3' aborted waiting for taxi at edge 'B2C2'.
< Warning: Person 'p.4' aborted waiting for taxi at edge 'B2C2'.
> /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/utils/common/SUMOTime.cpp:75:15: runtime error: negation of -9223372036854775808 cannot be represented in type 'long long'; cast to an unsigned type to negate this value to itself
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/utils/common/SUMOTime.cpp:75:15 
> /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/transportables/MSStageDriving.cpp:337:117: runtime error: member access within address 0x504000198750 which does not point to an object of type 'BookReservation'
> 0x504000198750: note: object has invalid vptr
>  00 00 00 00  2d 3c 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 be be be be  80 b0 01 00 d0 50 00 00  00 00 00 00
>               ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>               invalid vptr
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/transportables/MSStageDriving.cpp:337:117 
> =================================================================
> ==907779==ERROR: AddressSanitizer: heap-use-after-free on address 0x504000198778 at pc 0x623bd6b3329c bp 0x7ffe35162390 sp 0x7ffe35162388
> READ of size 8 at 0x504000198778 thread T0
>     #0 0x623bd6b3329b in MSStageDriving::registerWaiting(MSTransportable*, long long) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/transportables/MSStageDriving.cpp:337:117
>     #1 0x623bd6b2f777 in MSStageDriving::proceed(MSNet*, MSTransportable*, long long, MSStage*) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/transportables/MSStageDriving.cpp:298:9
>     #2 0x623bd6bb4725 in MSTransportable::proceed(MSNet*, long long, bool) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/transportables/MSTransportable.cpp:139:20
>     #3 0x623bd6be975b in MSTransportableControl::checkWaiting(MSNet*, long long) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/transportables/MSTransportableControl.cpp:212:20
>     #4 0x623bd4bfb7e5 in MSNet::simulationStep(bool) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/MSNet.cpp:812:26
>     #5 0x623bd4bf6368 in MSNet::simulate(long long, long long) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/MSNet.cpp:412:9
>     #6 0x623bd4be2865 in main /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/sumo_main.cpp:100:30
>     #7 0x7f27f0e2a1c9 in __libc_start_call_main csu/../sysdeps/nptl/libc_start_call_main.h:58:16
>     #8 0x7f27f0e2a28a in __libc_start_main csu/../csu/libc-start.c:360:3
>     #9 0x623bd4b05444 in _start (/home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/bin/sumoD+0x2487444) (BuildId: d25181f42424e485ce49a47eb19863e4ce4b56ae)
> 0x504000198778 is located 40 bytes inside of 48-byte region [0x504000198750,0x504000198780)
> freed by thread T0 here:
>     #0 0x623bd4bdf131 in operator delete(void*) (/home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/bin/sumoD+0x2561131) (BuildId: d25181f42424e485ce49a47eb19863e4ce4b56ae)
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in dispatchinfos ----------
> <!-- generated on 2024-10-20 08:30:24 by Eclipse SUMO sumo Version v1_21_0+0450-f5e5939af36
> This data file and the accompanying materials
> are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v2.0
> which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
> http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v20.html
> This file may also be made available under the following Secondary
> Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the Eclipse
> Public License 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License, version 2
> or later which is available at
> https://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0-standalone.html
> SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0-or-later
> <sumoConfiguration xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/sumoConfiguration.xsd">
< <DispatchInfo>
<     <dispatchShared time="0.00" id="trip_0" persons="p.0" sharingPersons="p.0 p.1 p.2 p.3 p.4 p.0 p.4 p.3 p.2 p.1" type="routeExtension"/>
< </DispatchInfo>
>     <input>
>         <net-file value="net.net.xml"/>
>         <route-files value="input_routes.rou.xml"/>
>     </input>
>     <output>
>         <write-license value="true"/>
>         <tripinfo-output value="tripinfos.xml"/>
>         <tripinfo-output.write-unfinished value="true"/>
>     </output>
>     <processing>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in tripinfos ----------
<     <personinfo id="p.0" depart="0.00" type="DEFAULT_PEDTYPE" speedFactor="1.00" duration="412.00" waitingTime="229.00" timeLoss="21.39" traveltime="183.00">
<         <ride waitingTime="229.00" vehicle="trip_0" depart="229.00" arrival="412.00" arrivalPos="287.60" duration="183.00" routeLength="1367.28" timeLoss="21.39"/>
<     </personinfo>
<     <personinfo id="p.1" depart="80.00" type="DEFAULT_PEDTYPE" speedFactor="1.00" duration="333.00" waitingTime="149.00" timeLoss="21.39" traveltime="184.00">
<         <ride waitingTime="149.00" vehicle="trip_0" depart="229.00" arrival="413.00" arrivalPos="287.60" duration="184.00" routeLength="1367.23" timeLoss="21.39"/>
<     </personinfo>
<     <personinfo id="p.2" depart="160.00" type="DEFAULT_PEDTYPE" speedFactor="1.00" duration="253.00" waitingTime="69.00" timeLoss="21.39" traveltime="184.00">
<         <ride waitingTime="69.00" vehicle="trip_0" depart="229.00" arrival="413.00" arrivalPos="287.60" duration="184.00" routeLength="1367.23" timeLoss="21.39"/>
<     </personinfo>
<     <tripinfo id="trip_0" depart="0.00" departLane="A0B0_1" departPos="8.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="415.00" arrivalLane="A0B0_1" arrivalPos="287.60" arrivalSpeed="1.72" duration="415.00" routeLength="1863.54" waitingTime="2.00" waitingCount="1" stopTime="244.00" timeLoss="32.37" rerouteNo="7" devices="tripinfo_trip_0 routing_trip_0 taxi_trip_0 person_trip_0" vType="taxi_large" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized="">
<         <taxi customers="3" occupiedDistance="1367.28" occupiedTime="125.00"/>
<     </tripinfo>
<     <personinfo id="p.3" depart="240.00" type="DEFAULT_PEDTYPE" speedFactor="1.00" duration="-1" waitingTime="176.00" timeLoss="-1" traveltime="-1">
<         <ride waitingTime="176.00" vehicle="NULL" depart="-1" arrival="-1" arrivalPos="-1" duration="-1" routeLength="-1" timeLoss="-1"/>
<     </personinfo>
<     <personinfo id="p.4" depart="320.00" type="DEFAULT_PEDTYPE" speedFactor="1.00" duration="-1" waitingTime="96.00" timeLoss="-1" traveltime="-1">
<         <ride waitingTime="96.00" vehicle="NULL" depart="-1" arrival="-1" arrivalPos="-1" duration="-1" routeLength="-1" timeLoss="-1"/>
<     </personinfo>
< </tripinfos>
---------- New result in exitcode ----------

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : devices taxi prebooking abort_pickup ( Last six runs Oct2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/utils/common/SUMOTime.cpp:75:15: runtime error: negation of -9223372036854775808 cannot be represented in type 'long long'; cast to an unsigned type to negate this value to itself
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/utils/common/SUMOTime.cpp:75:15 
< Warning: Person 'p0' aborted waiting for taxi at edge 'B2C2'.
< Warning: Vehicle 'trip_0' aborted waiting for a person that will never come.
< Warning: Vehicle 'trip_1' aborted waiting for a person that will never come.
> /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/transportables/MSStageDriving.cpp:337:117: runtime error: member access within address 0x50400018ac10 which does not point to an object of type 'BookReservation'
> 0x50400018ac10: note: object has invalid vptr
>  00 00 00 00  2c 3d 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 be be be be  80 b0 01 00 d0 50 00 00  f8 24 01 00
>               ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>               invalid vptr
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/transportables/MSStageDriving.cpp:337:117 
> =================================================================
> ==907769==ERROR: AddressSanitizer: heap-use-after-free on address 0x50400018ac38 at pc 0x5f21f8ad429c bp 0x7ffccd4e6870 sp 0x7ffccd4e6868
> READ of size 8 at 0x50400018ac38 thread T0
>     #0 0x5f21f8ad429b in MSStageDriving::registerWaiting(MSTransportable*, long long) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/transportables/MSStageDriving.cpp:337:117
>     #1 0x5f21f8ad0777 in MSStageDriving::proceed(MSNet*, MSTransportable*, long long, MSStage*) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/transportables/MSStageDriving.cpp:298:9
>     #2 0x5f21f8b55725 in MSTransportable::proceed(MSNet*, long long, bool) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/transportables/MSTransportable.cpp:139:20
>     #3 0x5f21f8b8a75b in MSTransportableControl::checkWaiting(MSNet*, long long) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/transportables/MSTransportableControl.cpp:212:20
>     #4 0x5f21f6b9c7e5 in MSNet::simulationStep(bool) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/MSNet.cpp:812:26
>     #5 0x5f21f6b97368 in MSNet::simulate(long long, long long) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/MSNet.cpp:412:9
>     #6 0x5f21f6b83865 in main /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/sumo_main.cpp:100:30
>     #7 0x7431bf02a1c9 in __libc_start_call_main csu/../sysdeps/nptl/libc_start_call_main.h:58:16
>     #8 0x7431bf02a28a in __libc_start_main csu/../csu/libc-start.c:360:3
>     #9 0x5f21f6aa6444 in _start (/home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/bin/sumoD+0x2487444) (BuildId: d25181f42424e485ce49a47eb19863e4ce4b56ae)
> 0x50400018ac38 is located 40 bytes inside of 48-byte region [0x50400018ac10,0x50400018ac40)
> freed by thread T0 here:
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in tripinfos ----------
<     <personinfo id="p0" depart="300.00" type="DEFAULT_PEDTYPE" speedFactor="1.00" duration="-1" waitingTime="2.00" timeLoss="-1" traveltime="-1">
<         <ride waitingTime="2.00" vehicle="NULL" depart="-1" arrival="-1" arrivalPos="-1" duration="-1" routeLength="-1" timeLoss="-1"/>
<     </personinfo>
<     <tripinfo id="trip_0" depart="0.00" departLane="A0B0_1" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="-1.00" arrivalLane="" arrivalPos="-1.00" arrivalSpeed="-1.00" duration="302.00" routeLength="282.49" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="275.00" timeLoss="6.66" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_trip_0 routing_trip_0 taxi_trip_0" vType="taxi" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized="">
<         <taxi customers="0" occupiedDistance="0.00" occupiedTime="0.00"/>
<     </tripinfo>
<     <tripinfo id="trip_1" depart="0.00" departLane="A2B2_1" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="-1.00" arrivalLane="" arrivalPos="-1.00" arrivalSpeed="-1.00" duration="302.00" routeLength="303.93" waitingTime="1.00" waitingCount="1" stopTime="267.00" timeLoss="13.12" rerouteNo="3" devices="tripinfo_trip_1 routing_trip_1 taxi_trip_1" vType="taxi" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized="">
<         <taxi customers="0" occupiedDistance="0.00" occupiedTime="0.00"/>
<     </tripinfo>
< </tripinfos>
---------- New result in exitcode ----------

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : devices taxi prebooking default_reservationTime ( Last six runs Oct2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
< Warning: Vehicle 'trip_0' aborted waiting for a person that will never come.
< Warning: Vehicle 'trip_1' aborted waiting for a person that will never come.
> /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/utils/common/SUMOTime.cpp:75:15: runtime error: negation of -9223372036854775808 cannot be represented in type 'long long'; cast to an unsigned type to negate this value to itself
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/utils/common/SUMOTime.cpp:75:15 
> /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/transportables/MSStageDriving.cpp:337:117: runtime error: member access within address 0x50400018aa10 which does not point to an object of type 'BookReservation'
> 0x50400018aa10: note: object has invalid vptr
>  00 00 00 00  b1 3c 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 be be be be  80 b0 01 00 d0 50 00 00  f8 24 01 00
>               ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>               invalid vptr
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/transportables/MSStageDriving.cpp:337:117 
> =================================================================
> ==907776==ERROR: AddressSanitizer: heap-use-after-free on address 0x50400018aa38 at pc 0x5fda2d8e329c bp 0x7fff0a781250 sp 0x7fff0a781248
> READ of size 8 at 0x50400018aa38 thread T0
>     #0 0x5fda2d8e329b in MSStageDriving::registerWaiting(MSTransportable*, long long) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/transportables/MSStageDriving.cpp:337:117
>     #1 0x5fda2d8df777 in MSStageDriving::proceed(MSNet*, MSTransportable*, long long, MSStage*) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/transportables/MSStageDriving.cpp:298:9
>     #2 0x5fda2d964725 in MSTransportable::proceed(MSNet*, long long, bool) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/transportables/MSTransportable.cpp:139:20
>     #3 0x5fda2d99975b in MSTransportableControl::checkWaiting(MSNet*, long long) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/transportables/MSTransportableControl.cpp:212:20
>     #4 0x5fda2b9ab7e5 in MSNet::simulationStep(bool) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/MSNet.cpp:812:26
>     #5 0x5fda2b9a6368 in MSNet::simulate(long long, long long) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/MSNet.cpp:412:9
>     #6 0x5fda2b992865 in main /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/sumo_main.cpp:100:30
>     #7 0x7a791422a1c9 in __libc_start_call_main csu/../sysdeps/nptl/libc_start_call_main.h:58:16
>     #8 0x7a791422a28a in __libc_start_main csu/../csu/libc-start.c:360:3
>     #9 0x5fda2b8b5444 in _start (/home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/bin/sumoD+0x2487444) (BuildId: d25181f42424e485ce49a47eb19863e4ce4b56ae)
> 0x50400018aa38 is located 40 bytes inside of 48-byte region [0x50400018aa10,0x50400018aa40)
> freed by thread T0 here:
>     #0 0x5fda2b98f131 in operator delete(void*) (/home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/bin/sumoD+0x2561131) (BuildId: d25181f42424e485ce49a47eb19863e4ce4b56ae)
>     #1 0x5fda2d900911 in MSStageDriving::BookReservation::~BookReservation() /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/transportables/MSStageDriving.h:246:11
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in tripinfos ----------
<     <personinfo id="p0" depart="70.00" type="DEFAULT_PEDTYPE" speedFactor="1.00" duration="185.00" waitingTime="1.00" timeLoss="23.73" traveltime="184.00">
<         <ride waitingTime="1.00" vehicle="trip_1" depart="71.00" arrival="255.00" arrivalPos="287.60" duration="184.00" routeLength="1370.23" timeLoss="23.73"/>
<     </personinfo>
<     <tripinfo id="trip_0" depart="0.00" departLane="A0B0_1" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="-1.00" arrivalLane="" arrivalPos="-1.00" arrivalSpeed="-1.00" duration="258.00" routeLength="282.49" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="231.00" timeLoss="6.66" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_trip_0 routing_trip_0 taxi_trip_0" vType="taxi" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized="">
<         <taxi customers="0" occupiedDistance="0.00" occupiedTime="0.00"/>
<     </tripinfo>
<     <tripinfo id="trip_1" depart="0.00" departLane="A2B2_1" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="-1.00" arrivalLane="" arrivalPos="-1.00" arrivalSpeed="-1.00" duration="258.00" routeLength="1672.12" waitingTime="3.00" waitingCount="1" stopTime="105.00" timeLoss="29.99" rerouteNo="2" devices="tripinfo_trip_1 routing_trip_1 taxi_trip_1 person_trip_1" vType="taxi" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized="">
<         <taxi customers="1" occupiedDistance="1370.23" occupiedTime="126.00"/>
<     </tripinfo>
< </tripinfos>
---------- New result in exitcode ----------

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : devices taxi prebooking greedy many_bookings ( Last six runs Oct2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
< Warning: Vehicle 'trip_0' aborted waiting for a person that will never come.
> /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/utils/common/SUMOTime.cpp:75:15: runtime error: negation of -9223372036854775808 cannot be represented in type 'long long'; cast to an unsigned type to negate this value to itself
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/utils/common/SUMOTime.cpp:75:15 
> /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/transportables/MSStageDriving.cpp:337:117: runtime error: member access within address 0x50400018ac10 which does not point to an object of type 'BookReservation'
> 0x50400018ac10: note: object has invalid vptr
>  00 00 00 00  ab 3c 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 be be be be  80 b0 01 00 d0 50 00 00  a0 86 01 00
>               ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>               invalid vptr
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/transportables/MSStageDriving.cpp:337:117 
> =================================================================
> ==907809==ERROR: AddressSanitizer: heap-use-after-free on address 0x50400018ac38 at pc 0x5c217528a29c bp 0x7fff1f932d50 sp 0x7fff1f932d48
> READ of size 8 at 0x50400018ac38 thread T0
>     #0 0x5c217528a29b in MSStageDriving::registerWaiting(MSTransportable*, long long) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/transportables/MSStageDriving.cpp:337:117
>     #1 0x5c2175286777 in MSStageDriving::proceed(MSNet*, MSTransportable*, long long, MSStage*) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/transportables/MSStageDriving.cpp:298:9
>     #2 0x5c217530b725 in MSTransportable::proceed(MSNet*, long long, bool) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/transportables/MSTransportable.cpp:139:20
>     #3 0x5c217534075b in MSTransportableControl::checkWaiting(MSNet*, long long) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/transportables/MSTransportableControl.cpp:212:20
>     #4 0x5c21733527e5 in MSNet::simulationStep(bool) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/MSNet.cpp:812:26
>     #5 0x5c217334d368 in MSNet::simulate(long long, long long) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/MSNet.cpp:412:9
>     #6 0x5c2173339865 in main /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/sumo_main.cpp:100:30
>     #7 0x787123c2a1c9 in __libc_start_call_main csu/../sysdeps/nptl/libc_start_call_main.h:58:16
>     #8 0x787123c2a28a in __libc_start_main csu/../csu/libc-start.c:360:3
>     #9 0x5c217325c444 in _start (/home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/bin/sumoD+0x2487444) (BuildId: d25181f42424e485ce49a47eb19863e4ce4b56ae)
> 0x50400018ac38 is located 40 bytes inside of 48-byte region [0x50400018ac10,0x50400018ac40)
> freed by thread T0 here:
>     #0 0x5c2173336131 in operator delete(void*) (/home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/bin/sumoD+0x2561131) (BuildId: d25181f42424e485ce49a47eb19863e4ce4b56ae)
>     #1 0x5c21752a7911 in MSStageDriving::BookReservation::~BookReservation() /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/transportables/MSStageDriving.h:246:11
>     #2 0x5c2173ba47dd in MSEventControl::execute(long long) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/MSEventControl.cpp:81:17
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in tripinfos ----------
<     <personinfo id="p1" depart="0.00" type="DEFAULT_PEDTYPE" speedFactor="1.00" duration="180.00" waitingTime="61.00" timeLoss="17.28" traveltime="119.00">
<         <ride waitingTime="61.00" vehicle="trip_0" depart="61.00" arrival="180.00" arrivalPos="285.60" duration="119.00" routeLength="565.55" timeLoss="17.28"/>
<     </personinfo>
<     <personinfo id="p0" depart="0.00" type="DEFAULT_PEDTYPE" speedFactor="1.00" duration="394.00" waitingTime="225.00" timeLoss="22.70" traveltime="169.00">
<         <ride waitingTime="225.00" vehicle="trip_0" depart="225.00" arrival="394.00" arrivalPos="287.60" duration="169.00" routeLength="1170.09" timeLoss="22.70"/>
<     </personinfo>
<     <tripinfo id="trip_0" depart="0.00" departLane="A0B0_1" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="-1.00" arrivalLane="" arrivalPos="-1.00" arrivalSpeed="-1.00" duration="397.00" routeLength="2840.49" waitingTime="8.00" waitingCount="3" stopTime="126.00" timeLoss="58.66" rerouteNo="4" devices="tripinfo_trip_0 routing_trip_0 taxi_trip_0 person_trip_0" vType="taxi" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized="">
<         <taxi customers="2" occupiedDistance="1735.64" occupiedTime="174.00"/>
<     </tripinfo>
< </tripinfos>
---------- New result in exitcode ----------

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : devices taxi prebooking greedy too_late_next ( Last six runs Oct2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
< Warning: Taxi 'trip_0' aborts waiting for customers: p0 at time=254.00.
< Warning: Person 'p0' aborted waiting for taxi at edge 'C1C0'.
< Warning: Vehicle 'trip_0' aborted waiting for a person that will never come.
> /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/utils/common/SUMOTime.cpp:75:15: runtime error: negation of -9223372036854775808 cannot be represented in type 'long long'; cast to an unsigned type to negate this value to itself
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/utils/common/SUMOTime.cpp:75:15 
> /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/transportables/MSStageDriving.cpp:337:117: runtime error: member access within address 0x50400018b990 which does not point to an object of type 'BookReservation'
> 0x50400018b990: note: object has invalid vptr
>  00 00 00 00  cb 3c 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 be be be be  50 b1 01 00 d0 50 00 00  10 27 00 00
>               ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>               invalid vptr
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/transportables/MSStageDriving.cpp:337:117 
> =================================================================
> ==907819==ERROR: AddressSanitizer: heap-use-after-free on address 0x50400018b9b8 at pc 0x58bae7e2e29c bp 0x7ffee2d32170 sp 0x7ffee2d32168
> READ of size 8 at 0x50400018b9b8 thread T0
>     #0 0x58bae7e2e29b in MSStageDriving::registerWaiting(MSTransportable*, long long) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/transportables/MSStageDriving.cpp:337:117
>     #1 0x58bae7e2a777 in MSStageDriving::proceed(MSNet*, MSTransportable*, long long, MSStage*) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/transportables/MSStageDriving.cpp:298:9
>     #2 0x58bae7eaf725 in MSTransportable::proceed(MSNet*, long long, bool) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/transportables/MSTransportable.cpp:139:20
>     #3 0x58bae7ee475b in MSTransportableControl::checkWaiting(MSNet*, long long) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/transportables/MSTransportableControl.cpp:212:20
>     #4 0x58bae5ef67e5 in MSNet::simulationStep(bool) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/MSNet.cpp:812:26
>     #5 0x58bae5ef1368 in MSNet::simulate(long long, long long) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/MSNet.cpp:412:9
>     #6 0x58bae5edd865 in main /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/sumo_main.cpp:100:30
>     #7 0x71f248a2a1c9 in __libc_start_call_main csu/../sysdeps/nptl/libc_start_call_main.h:58:16
>     #8 0x71f248a2a28a in __libc_start_main csu/../csu/libc-start.c:360:3
>     #9 0x58bae5e00444 in _start (/home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/bin/sumoD+0x2487444) (BuildId: d25181f42424e485ce49a47eb19863e4ce4b56ae)
> 0x50400018b9b8 is located 40 bytes inside of 48-byte region [0x50400018b990,0x50400018b9c0)
> freed by thread T0 here:
>     #0 0x58bae5eda131 in operator delete(void*) (/home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/bin/sumoD+0x2561131) (BuildId: d25181f42424e485ce49a47eb19863e4ce4b56ae)
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in tripinfos ----------
<     <personinfo id="p1" depart="0.00" type="DEFAULT_PEDTYPE" speedFactor="1.00" duration="442.00" waitingTime="323.00" timeLoss="17.27" traveltime="119.00">
<         <ride waitingTime="323.00" vehicle="trip_0" depart="323.00" arrival="442.00" arrivalPos="285.60" duration="119.00" routeLength="565.51" timeLoss="17.27"/>
<     </personinfo>
<     <personinfo id="p0" depart="0.00" type="DEFAULT_PEDTYPE" speedFactor="1.00" duration="-1" waitingTime="145.00" timeLoss="-1" traveltime="-1">
<         <stop duration="300.00" arrival="300.00" arrivalPos="0.00" actType="waiting"/>
<         <ride waitingTime="145.00" vehicle="NULL" depart="-1" arrival="-1" arrivalPos="-1" duration="-1" routeLength="-1" timeLoss="-1"/>
<     </personinfo>
<     <tripinfo id="trip_0" depart="0.00" departLane="A0B0_1" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="-1.00" arrivalLane="" arrivalPos="-1.00" arrivalSpeed="-1.00" duration="445.00" routeLength="1446.72" waitingTime="7.00" waitingCount="2" stopTime="292.00" timeLoss="44.47" rerouteNo="5" devices="tripinfo_trip_0 routing_trip_0 taxi_trip_0 person_trip_0" vType="taxi" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized="">
<         <taxi customers="1" occupiedDistance="565.51" occupiedTime="62.00"/>
<     </tripinfo>
< </tripinfos>
---------- New result in exitcode ----------

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : devices taxi prebooking greedyShared many_bookings ( Last six runs Oct2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
< Warning: Vehicle 'trip_0' aborted waiting for a person that will never come.
> /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/utils/common/SUMOTime.cpp:75:15: runtime error: negation of -9223372036854775808 cannot be represented in type 'long long'; cast to an unsigned type to negate this value to itself
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/utils/common/SUMOTime.cpp:75:15 
> /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/transportables/MSStageDriving.cpp:337:117: runtime error: member access within address 0x50400018ae10 which does not point to an object of type 'BookReservation'
> 0x50400018ae10: note: object has invalid vptr
>  00 00 00 00  ad 3c 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 be be be be  80 b0 01 00 d0 50 00 00  a0 86 01 00
>               ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>               invalid vptr
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/transportables/MSStageDriving.cpp:337:117 
> =================================================================
> ==907829==ERROR: AddressSanitizer: heap-use-after-free on address 0x50400018ae38 at pc 0x64725027629c bp 0x7ffd74c191d0 sp 0x7ffd74c191c8
> READ of size 8 at 0x50400018ae38 thread T0
>     #0 0x64725027629b in MSStageDriving::registerWaiting(MSTransportable*, long long) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/transportables/MSStageDriving.cpp:337:117
>     #1 0x647250272777 in MSStageDriving::proceed(MSNet*, MSTransportable*, long long, MSStage*) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/transportables/MSStageDriving.cpp:298:9
>     #2 0x6472502f7725 in MSTransportable::proceed(MSNet*, long long, bool) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/transportables/MSTransportable.cpp:139:20
>     #3 0x64725032c75b in MSTransportableControl::checkWaiting(MSNet*, long long) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/transportables/MSTransportableControl.cpp:212:20
>     #4 0x64724e33e7e5 in MSNet::simulationStep(bool) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/MSNet.cpp:812:26
>     #5 0x64724e339368 in MSNet::simulate(long long, long long) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/MSNet.cpp:412:9
>     #6 0x64724e325865 in main /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/sumo_main.cpp:100:30
>     #7 0x7cd3ada2a1c9 in __libc_start_call_main csu/../sysdeps/nptl/libc_start_call_main.h:58:16
>     #8 0x7cd3ada2a28a in __libc_start_main csu/../csu/libc-start.c:360:3
>     #9 0x64724e248444 in _start (/home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/bin/sumoD+0x2487444) (BuildId: d25181f42424e485ce49a47eb19863e4ce4b56ae)
> 0x50400018ae38 is located 40 bytes inside of 48-byte region [0x50400018ae10,0x50400018ae40)
> freed by thread T0 here:
>     #0 0x64724e322131 in operator delete(void*) (/home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/bin/sumoD+0x2561131) (BuildId: d25181f42424e485ce49a47eb19863e4ce4b56ae)
>     #1 0x647250293911 in MSStageDriving::BookReservation::~BookReservation() /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/transportables/MSStageDriving.h:246:11
>     #2 0x64724eb907dd in MSEventControl::execute(long long) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/MSEventControl.cpp:81:17
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in tripinfos ----------
<     <personinfo id="p1" depart="0.00" type="DEFAULT_PEDTYPE" speedFactor="1.00" duration="187.00" waitingTime="61.00" timeLoss="23.73" traveltime="126.00">
<         <ride waitingTime="61.00" vehicle="trip_0" depart="61.00" arrival="187.00" arrivalPos="285.60" duration="126.00" routeLength="565.55" timeLoss="23.73"/>
<     </personinfo>
<     <personinfo id="p0" depart="0.00" type="DEFAULT_PEDTYPE" speedFactor="1.00" duration="324.00" waitingTime="88.00" timeLoss="28.62" traveltime="236.00">
<         <ride waitingTime="88.00" vehicle="trip_0" depart="88.00" arrival="324.00" arrivalPos="287.60" duration="236.00" routeLength="1170.10" timeLoss="28.62"/>
<     </personinfo>
<     <tripinfo id="trip_0" depart="0.00" departLane="A0B0_1" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="-1.00" arrivalLane="" arrivalPos="-1.00" arrivalSpeed="-1.00" duration="327.00" routeLength="2061.97" waitingTime="6.00" waitingCount="2" stopTime="126.00" timeLoss="47.60" rerouteNo="2" devices="tripinfo_trip_0 routing_trip_0 taxi_trip_0 person_trip_0" vType="taxi" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized="">
<         <taxi customers="2" occupiedDistance="1360.33" occupiedTime="146.00"/>
<     </tripinfo>
< </tripinfos>
---------- New result in exitcode ----------

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : devices taxi prebooking greedyShared too_late_next ( Last six runs Oct2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
< Warning: Taxi 'trip_0' aborts waiting for customers: p0 at time=254.00.
< Warning: Person 'p0' aborted waiting for taxi at edge 'C1C0'.
< Warning: Vehicle 'trip_0' aborted waiting for a person that will never come.
> /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/utils/common/SUMOTime.cpp:75:15: runtime error: negation of -9223372036854775808 cannot be represented in type 'long long'; cast to an unsigned type to negate this value to itself
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/utils/common/SUMOTime.cpp:75:15 
> /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/transportables/MSStageDriving.cpp:337:117: runtime error: member access within address 0x50400018bb90 which does not point to an object of type 'BookReservation'
> 0x50400018bb90: note: object has invalid vptr
>  00 00 00 00  d1 3c 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 be be be be  50 b1 01 00 d0 50 00 00  10 27 00 00
>               ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>               invalid vptr
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/transportables/MSStageDriving.cpp:337:117 
> =================================================================
> ==907828==ERROR: AddressSanitizer: heap-use-after-free on address 0x50400018bbb8 at pc 0x5b702c48929c bp 0x7ffe653ea350 sp 0x7ffe653ea348
> READ of size 8 at 0x50400018bbb8 thread T0
>     #0 0x5b702c48929b in MSStageDriving::registerWaiting(MSTransportable*, long long) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/transportables/MSStageDriving.cpp:337:117
>     #1 0x5b702c485777 in MSStageDriving::proceed(MSNet*, MSTransportable*, long long, MSStage*) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/transportables/MSStageDriving.cpp:298:9
>     #2 0x5b702c50a725 in MSTransportable::proceed(MSNet*, long long, bool) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/transportables/MSTransportable.cpp:139:20
>     #3 0x5b702c53f75b in MSTransportableControl::checkWaiting(MSNet*, long long) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/transportables/MSTransportableControl.cpp:212:20
>     #4 0x5b702a5517e5 in MSNet::simulationStep(bool) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/MSNet.cpp:812:26
>     #5 0x5b702a54c368 in MSNet::simulate(long long, long long) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/MSNet.cpp:412:9
>     #6 0x5b702a538865 in main /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/sumo_main.cpp:100:30
>     #7 0x76be3342a1c9 in __libc_start_call_main csu/../sysdeps/nptl/libc_start_call_main.h:58:16
>     #8 0x76be3342a28a in __libc_start_main csu/../csu/libc-start.c:360:3
>     #9 0x5b702a45b444 in _start (/home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/bin/sumoD+0x2487444) (BuildId: d25181f42424e485ce49a47eb19863e4ce4b56ae)
> 0x50400018bbb8 is located 40 bytes inside of 48-byte region [0x50400018bb90,0x50400018bbc0)
> freed by thread T0 here:
>     #0 0x5b702a535131 in operator delete(void*) (/home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/bin/sumoD+0x2561131) (BuildId: d25181f42424e485ce49a47eb19863e4ce4b56ae)
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in tripinfos ----------
<     <personinfo id="p1" depart="0.00" type="DEFAULT_PEDTYPE" speedFactor="1.00" duration="442.00" waitingTime="323.00" timeLoss="17.27" traveltime="119.00">
<         <ride waitingTime="323.00" vehicle="trip_0" depart="323.00" arrival="442.00" arrivalPos="285.60" duration="119.00" routeLength="565.51" timeLoss="17.27"/>
<     </personinfo>
<     <personinfo id="p0" depart="0.00" type="DEFAULT_PEDTYPE" speedFactor="1.00" duration="-1" waitingTime="145.00" timeLoss="-1" traveltime="-1">
<         <stop duration="300.00" arrival="300.00" arrivalPos="0.00" actType="waiting"/>
<         <ride waitingTime="145.00" vehicle="NULL" depart="-1" arrival="-1" arrivalPos="-1" duration="-1" routeLength="-1" timeLoss="-1"/>
<     </personinfo>
<     <tripinfo id="trip_0" depart="0.00" departLane="A0B0_1" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="-1.00" arrivalLane="" arrivalPos="-1.00" arrivalSpeed="-1.00" duration="445.00" routeLength="1446.72" waitingTime="7.00" waitingCount="2" stopTime="292.00" timeLoss="44.47" rerouteNo="5" devices="tripinfo_trip_0 routing_trip_0 taxi_trip_0 person_trip_0" vType="taxi" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized="">
<         <taxi customers="1" occupiedDistance="565.51" occupiedTime="62.00"/>
<     </tripinfo>
< </tripinfos>
---------- New result in exitcode ----------

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : devices taxi prebooking reservation_before_depart ( Last six runs Oct2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
< Warning: Vehicle 'trip_0' aborted waiting for a person that will never come.
< Warning: Vehicle 'trip_1' aborted waiting for a person that will never come.
> /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/utils/common/SUMOTime.cpp:75:15: runtime error: negation of -9223372036854775808 cannot be represented in type 'long long'; cast to an unsigned type to negate this value to itself
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/utils/common/SUMOTime.cpp:75:15 
> /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/transportables/MSStageDriving.cpp:337:117: runtime error: member access within address 0x50400018ac10 which does not point to an object of type 'BookReservation'
> 0x50400018ac10: note: object has invalid vptr
>  00 00 00 00  30 3d 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 be be be be  80 b0 01 00 d0 50 00 00  f8 24 01 00
>               ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>               invalid vptr
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/transportables/MSStageDriving.cpp:337:117 
> =================================================================
> ==907764==ERROR: AddressSanitizer: heap-use-after-free on address 0x50400018ac38 at pc 0x6325a143d29c bp 0x7fff1b2c2610 sp 0x7fff1b2c2608
> READ of size 8 at 0x50400018ac38 thread T0
>     #0 0x6325a143d29b in MSStageDriving::registerWaiting(MSTransportable*, long long) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/transportables/MSStageDriving.cpp:337:117
>     #1 0x6325a1439777 in MSStageDriving::proceed(MSNet*, MSTransportable*, long long, MSStage*) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/transportables/MSStageDriving.cpp:298:9
>     #2 0x6325a14be725 in MSTransportable::proceed(MSNet*, long long, bool) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/transportables/MSTransportable.cpp:139:20
>     #3 0x6325a14f375b in MSTransportableControl::checkWaiting(MSNet*, long long) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/transportables/MSTransportableControl.cpp:212:20
>     #4 0x63259f5057e5 in MSNet::simulationStep(bool) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/MSNet.cpp:812:26
>     #5 0x63259f500368 in MSNet::simulate(long long, long long) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/MSNet.cpp:412:9
>     #6 0x63259f4ec865 in main /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/sumo_main.cpp:100:30
>     #7 0x71c1df22a1c9 in __libc_start_call_main csu/../sysdeps/nptl/libc_start_call_main.h:58:16
>     #8 0x71c1df22a28a in __libc_start_main csu/../csu/libc-start.c:360:3
>     #9 0x63259f40f444 in _start (/home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/bin/sumoD+0x2487444) (BuildId: d25181f42424e485ce49a47eb19863e4ce4b56ae)
> 0x50400018ac38 is located 40 bytes inside of 48-byte region [0x50400018ac10,0x50400018ac40)
> freed by thread T0 here:
>     #0 0x63259f4e9131 in operator delete(void*) (/home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/bin/sumoD+0x2561131) (BuildId: d25181f42424e485ce49a47eb19863e4ce4b56ae)
>     #1 0x6325a145a911 in MSStageDriving::BookReservation::~BookReservation() /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/transportables/MSStageDriving.h:246:11
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in tripinfos ----------
<     <personinfo id="p0" depart="70.00" type="DEFAULT_PEDTYPE" speedFactor="1.00" duration="185.00" waitingTime="1.00" timeLoss="23.73" traveltime="184.00">
<         <ride waitingTime="1.00" vehicle="trip_1" depart="71.00" arrival="255.00" arrivalPos="287.60" duration="184.00" routeLength="1370.24" timeLoss="23.73"/>
<     </personinfo>
<     <tripinfo id="trip_0" depart="0.00" departLane="A0B0_1" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="-1.00" arrivalLane="" arrivalPos="-1.00" arrivalSpeed="-1.00" duration="258.00" routeLength="282.49" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="231.00" timeLoss="6.66" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_trip_0 routing_trip_0 taxi_trip_0" vType="taxi" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized="">
<         <taxi customers="0" occupiedDistance="0.00" occupiedTime="0.00"/>
<     </tripinfo>
<     <tripinfo id="trip_1" depart="0.00" departLane="A2B2_1" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="-1.00" arrivalLane="" arrivalPos="-1.00" arrivalSpeed="-1.00" duration="258.00" routeLength="1672.12" waitingTime="4.00" waitingCount="2" stopTime="99.00" timeLoss="36.00" rerouteNo="2" devices="tripinfo_trip_1 routing_trip_1 taxi_trip_1 person_trip_1" vType="taxi" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized="">
<         <taxi customers="1" occupiedDistance="1370.24" occupiedTime="126.00"/>
<     </tripinfo>
< </tripinfos>
---------- New result in exitcode ----------

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : devices taxi prebooking simple ( Last six runs Oct2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
< Warning: Vehicle 'trip_0' aborted waiting for a person that will never come.
< Warning: Vehicle 'trip_1' aborted waiting for a person that will never come.
> /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/utils/common/SUMOTime.cpp:75:15: runtime error: negation of -9223372036854775808 cannot be represented in type 'long long'; cast to an unsigned type to negate this value to itself
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/utils/common/SUMOTime.cpp:75:15 
> /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/transportables/MSStageDriving.cpp:337:117: runtime error: member access within address 0x50400018ab90 which does not point to an object of type 'BookReservation'
> 0x50400018ab90: note: object has invalid vptr
>  00 00 00 00  ff 3d 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 be be be be  80 b0 01 00 d0 50 00 00  20 bf 02 00
>               ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>               invalid vptr
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/transportables/MSStageDriving.cpp:337:117 
> =================================================================
> ==907746==ERROR: AddressSanitizer: heap-use-after-free on address 0x50400018abb8 at pc 0x62b9b281629c bp 0x7ffd8bb7d530 sp 0x7ffd8bb7d528
> READ of size 8 at 0x50400018abb8 thread T0
>     #0 0x62b9b281629b in MSStageDriving::registerWaiting(MSTransportable*, long long) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/transportables/MSStageDriving.cpp:337:117
>     #1 0x62b9b2812777 in MSStageDriving::proceed(MSNet*, MSTransportable*, long long, MSStage*) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/transportables/MSStageDriving.cpp:298:9
>     #2 0x62b9b2897725 in MSTransportable::proceed(MSNet*, long long, bool) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/transportables/MSTransportable.cpp:139:20
>     #3 0x62b9b2889cd5 in MSStageWalking::moveToNextEdge(MSTransportable*, long long, int, MSEdge*, bool) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/transportables/MSStageWalking.cpp:380:22
>     #4 0x62b9b2766ba5 in MSPModel_Striping::arriveAndAdvance(std::vector<MSPModel_InteractingState*, std::allocator<MSPModel_InteractingState*>>&, long long, std::set<MSPerson*, std::less<MSPerson*>, std::allocator<MSPerson*>>&, int) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/transportables/MSPModel_Striping.cpp:1031:32
>     #5 0x62b9b2755713 in MSPModel_Striping::moveInDirection(long long, std::set<MSPerson*, std::less<MSPerson*>, std::allocator<MSPerson*>>&, int) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/transportables/MSPModel_Striping.cpp:987:13
>     #6 0x62b9b27ac760 in MSPModel_Striping::MovePedestrians::execute(long long) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/transportables/MSPModel_Striping.cpp:2562:14
>     #7 0x62b9b11301ad in MSEventControl::execute(long long) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/MSEventControl.cpp:69:33
>     #8 0x62b9b08dca82 in MSNet::simulationStep(bool) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/MSNet.cpp:767:30
>     #9 0x62b9b08d9368 in MSNet::simulate(long long, long long) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/MSNet.cpp:412:9
>     #10 0x62b9b08c5865 in main /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/sumo_main.cpp:100:30
>     #11 0x77a7be42a1c9 in __libc_start_call_main csu/../sysdeps/nptl/libc_start_call_main.h:58:16
>     #12 0x77a7be42a28a in __libc_start_main csu/../csu/libc-start.c:360:3
>     #13 0x62b9b07e8444 in _start (/home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/bin/sumoD+0x2487444) (BuildId: d25181f42424e485ce49a47eb19863e4ce4b56ae)
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in tripinfos ----------
<     <personinfo id="p0" depart="0.00" type="DEFAULT_PEDTYPE" speedFactor="1.00" duration="362.00" waitingTime="1.00" timeLoss="42.18" traveltime="361.00">
<         <walk depart="0.00" departPos="0.00" arrival="187.00" arrivalPos="142.80" duration="187.00" routeLength="233.23" timeLoss="19.08" maxSpeed="1.39"/>
<         <ride waitingTime="1.00" vehicle="trip_1" depart="188.00" arrival="362.00" arrivalPos="287.60" duration="174.00" routeLength="1232.42" timeLoss="23.11"/>
<     </personinfo>
<     <tripinfo id="trip_0" depart="0.00" departLane="A0B0_1" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="-1.00" arrivalLane="" arrivalPos="-1.00" arrivalSpeed="-1.00" duration="365.00" routeLength="282.49" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="338.00" timeLoss="6.66" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_trip_0 routing_trip_0 taxi_trip_0" vType="taxi" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized="">
<         <taxi customers="0" occupiedDistance="0.00" occupiedTime="0.00"/>
<     </tripinfo>
<     <tripinfo id="trip_1" depart="0.00" departLane="A2B2_1" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="-1.00" arrivalLane="" arrivalPos="-1.00" arrivalSpeed="-1.00" duration="365.00" routeLength="1672.12" waitingTime="6.00" waitingCount="3" stopTime="202.00" timeLoss="39.45" rerouteNo="2" devices="tripinfo_trip_1 routing_trip_1 taxi_trip_1 person_trip_1" vType="taxi" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized="">
<         <taxi customers="1" occupiedDistance="1232.42" occupiedTime="116.00"/>
<     </tripinfo>
< </tripinfos>
---------- New result in exitcode ----------

8 TESTS FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba :

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/transportables/MSPModel_Striping.cpp:1464:45: runtime error: reference binding to null pointer of type 'const MSStageMoving'
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/transportables/MSPModel_Striping.cpp:1464:45 
> /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/transportables/MSPModel_Striping.cpp:1067:59: runtime error: reference binding to null pointer of type 'const MSStageMoving'
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/transportables/MSPModel_Striping.cpp:1067:59 
extended bikes bikeDepartDelay ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
extended bikes bikeUnnecessaryEmergencyBraking ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
pedestrian_model striping block_vehicles_sharedspace walkingarea ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
pedestrian_model striping block_vehicles_sharedspace walkingarea_noconflict ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
sublane_model bidiEdge bikeNotOvertake ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
sublane_model bidiEdge collision_btw_bikes ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
sublane_model bidiEdge emergency_braking_late_slow_down_within_crossing ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
sublane_model bidiEdge pedestrian_beyond_junction ( Last six runs Oct2024 )

13 TESTS FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba :

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/utils/common/SUMOTime.cpp:75:15: runtime error: negation of -9223372036854775808 cannot be represented in type 'long long'; cast to an unsigned type to negate this value to itself
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/utils/common/SUMOTime.cpp:75:15 
> /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/transportables/MSPModel_Striping.cpp:1464:45: runtime error: reference binding to null pointer of type 'const MSStageMoving'
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/transportables/MSPModel_Striping.cpp:1464:45 
> /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/transportables/MSPModel_Striping.cpp:1067:59: runtime error: reference binding to null pointer of type 'const MSStageMoving'
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/transportables/MSPModel_Striping.cpp:1067:59 
extended collisions intermodal default ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
extended collisions intermodal none ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
extended collisions intermodal remove ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
extended collisions intermodal stoptime_remove ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
extended collisions intermodal stoptime_warn ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
extended collisions intermodal teleport ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
pedestrian_model striping block_vehicles_sharedspace walkingarea_and_crossing2 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
pedestrian_model striping block_vehicles_sharedspace walkingarea_exit ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
pedestrian_model striping block_vehicles_sharedspace walkingarea_ignore ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
pedestrian_model striping block_vehicles_sharedspace walkingarea_ignore2 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
pedestrian_model striping block_vehicles_sharedspace walkingarea_shared ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
pedestrian_model striping block_vehicles_sharedspace walkingarea_shared_sublane ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
pedestrian_model striping bugs ticket8417 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : extended rerouter closingLaneReroute closingLane_all ( Last six runs Oct2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/utils/common/SUMOTime.cpp:75:15: runtime error: negation of -9223372036854775808 cannot be represented in type 'long long'; cast to an unsigned type to negate this value to itself
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/utils/common/SUMOTime.cpp:75:15 
< Warning: No route for vehicle 'flow.20' found.
> Warning: No route for vehicle 'flow.21' found.

2 TESTS FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba :

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/utils/common/SUMOTime.cpp:75:15: runtime error: negation of -9223372036854775808 cannot be represented in type 'long long'; cast to an unsigned type to negate this value to itself
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/utils/common/SUMOTime.cpp:75:15 
extended rerouter parking parkingSearch parkAnywhere_0 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
extended rerouter parking parkingSearch parkAnywhere_1 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )

2 TESTS FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba :

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/utils/common/SUMOTime.cpp:75:15: runtime error: negation of -9223372036854775808 cannot be represented in type 'long long'; cast to an unsigned type to negate this value to itself
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/utils/common/SUMOTime.cpp:75:15 
extended rerouter parking parkingSearch parkAnywhere_0_probability ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
extended rerouter parking parkingSearch parkAnywhere_1_visible ( Last six runs Oct2024 )

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : output examples_multimodal net3_meandata_edges_track ( Last six runs Oct2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/utils/common/SUMOTime.cpp:75:15: runtime error: negation of -9223372036854775808 cannot be represented in type 'long long'; cast to an unsigned type to negate this value to itself
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/utils/common/SUMOTime.cpp:75:15 
> =================================================================
> ==888981==ERROR: LeakSanitizer: detected memory leaks
> Direct leak of 192 byte(s) in 8 object(s) allocated from:
>     #0 0x6092ccb5d8b1 in operator new(unsigned long) (/home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/bin/sumoD+0x25608b1) (BuildId: d25181f42424e485ce49a47eb19863e4ce4b56ae)
>     #1 0x6092ce8a95c4 in MSMeanData::MeanDataValueTracker::reset(bool) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/output/MSMeanData.cpp:320:33
>     #2 0x6092ce8b6030 in MSMeanData::resetOnly(long long) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/output/MSMeanData.cpp:539:19
>     #3 0x6092ce8c0e2a in MSMeanData::writeXMLOutput(OutputDevice&, long long, long long) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/output/MSMeanData.cpp:720:9
>     #4 0x6092ce793a46 in MSDetectorControl::writeOutput(long long, bool) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/output/MSDetectorControl.cpp:142:22
>     #5 0x6092ccbb3a5c in MSNet::writeOutput() /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/MSNet.cpp:1146:24
>     #6 0x6092ccbaaa37 in MSNet::postMoveStep() /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/MSNet.cpp:869:5
>     #7 0x6092ccb7c25d in MSNet::simulationStep(bool) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/MSNet.cpp:848:5
>     #8 0x6092ccb75368 in MSNet::simulate(long long, long long) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/MSNet.cpp:412:9
>     #9 0x6092ccb61865 in main /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/sumo_main.cpp:100:30
>     #10 0x7a979c62a1c9 in __libc_start_call_main csu/../sysdeps/nptl/libc_start_call_main.h:58:16
>     #11 0x7a979c62a28a in __libc_start_main csu/../csu/libc-start.c:360:3
>     #12 0x6092cca84444 in _start (/home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/bin/sumoD+0x2487444) (BuildId: d25181f42424e485ce49a47eb19863e4ce4b56ae)
> Direct leak of 192 byte(s) in 8 object(s) allocated from:
>     #0 0x6092ccb5d8b1 in operator new(unsigned long) (/home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/bin/sumoD+0x25608b1) (BuildId: d25181f42424e485ce49a47eb19863e4ce4b56ae)
>     #1 0x6092ce8a872e in MSMeanData::MeanDataValueTracker::MeanDataValueTracker(MSLane*, double, MSMeanData const*) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/output/MSMeanData.cpp:292:29
>     #2 0x6092ce8b3731 in MSMeanData::init() /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/output/MSMeanData.cpp:494:45
>     #3 0x6092ce796d3d in MSDetectorControl::add(MSMeanData*, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>> const&, long long, long long) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/output/MSDetectorControl.cpp:92:13
>     #4 0x6092cdbfc2c1 in NLDetectorBuilder::createEdgeLaneMeanData(std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>> const&, long long, long long, long long, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>> const&, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, int, double, double, double, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>> const&, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>>
 const&, std::vector<MSEdge*, std::allocator<MSEdge*>>, bool, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>> const&) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/netload/NLDetectorBuilder.cpp:548:52
>     #5 0x6092cdc8f0c4 in NLHandler::addEdgeLaneMeanData(SUMOSAXAttributes const&, int) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/netload/NLHandler.cpp:1383:27
>     #6 0x6092cdc30de6 in NLHandler::myStartElement(int, SUMOSAXAttributes const&) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/netload/NLHandler.cpp:217:17
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- New result in exitcode ----------

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : output fcd-output geo ( Last six runs Oct2024 )

---------- Differences in fcd ----------
<         <vehicle id="1" x="11.086661" y="48.836304" angle="270.00" type="t2" speed="3.20" pos="2.00" lane="3/1to2/1_0" slope="0.00"/>
>         <vehicle id="1" x="nan" y="nan" angle="270.00" type="t2" speed="3.20" pos="2.00" lane="3/1to2/1_0" slope="0.00"/>
<         <vehicle id="0" x="11.086473" y="48.836307" angle="270.00" type="t1" speed="4.80" pos="15.80" lane="3/1to2/1_0" slope="0.00"/>
>         <vehicle id="0" x="nan" y="nan" angle="270.00" type="t1" speed="4.80" pos="15.80" lane="3/1to2/1_0" slope="0.00"/>
<         <vehicle id="0" x="11.086103" y="48.836314" angle="270.00" type="t1" speed="8.00" pos="43.00" lane="3/1to2/1_0" slope="0.00"/>
<         <vehicle id="1" x="11.086280" y="48.836311" angle="270.00" type="t2" speed="7.20" pos="30.00" lane="3/1to2/1_0" slope="0.00"/>
>         <vehicle id="0" x="nan" y="nan" angle="270.00" type="t1" speed="8.00" pos="43.00" lane="3/1to2/1_0" slope="0.00"/>
>         <vehicle id="1" x="nan" y="nan" angle="270.00" type="t2" speed="7.20" pos="30.00" lane="3/1to2/1_0" slope="0.00"/>
<         <vehicle id="0" x="11.085983" y="48.836316" angle="270.00" type="t1" speed="8.80" pos="51.80" lane="3/1to2/1_0" slope="0.00"/>
>         <vehicle id="0" x="nan" y="nan" angle="270.00" type="t1" speed="8.80" pos="51.80" lane="3/1to2/1_0" slope="0.00"/>
<         <vehicle id="0" x="11.085716" y="48.836321" angle="270.00" type="t1" speed="10.00" pos="71.40" lane="3/1to2/1_0" slope="0.00"/>
<         <vehicle id="1" x="11.085928" y="48.836317" angle="270.00" type="t2" speed="9.00" pos="55.80" lane="3/1to2/1_0" slope="0.00"/>
>         <vehicle id="0" x="nan" y="nan" angle="270.00" type="t1" speed="10.00" pos="71.40" lane="3/1to2/1_0" slope="0.00"/>
>         <vehicle id="1" x="nan" y="nan" angle="270.00" type="t2" speed="9.00" pos="55.80" lane="3/1to2/1_0" slope="0.00"/>
<         <vehicle id="1" x="11.084090" y="48.836351" angle="270.00" type="t2" speed="9.00" pos="190.80" lane="3/1to2/1_0" slope="0.00"/>
>         <vehicle id="1" x="nan" y="nan" angle="270.00" type="t2" speed="9.00" pos="190.80" lane="3/1to2/1_0" slope="0.00"/>
<         <vehicle id="0" x="11.081384" y="48.836399" angle="270.00" type="t1" speed="0.00" pos="389.50" lane="3/1to2/1_0" slope="0.00"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : output meandata_edgebased tracking interval15s ( Last six runs Oct2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> =================================================================
> ==886933==ERROR: LeakSanitizer: detected memory leaks
> Direct leak of 6336 byte(s) in 264 object(s) allocated from:
>     #0 0x5b28808d08b1 in operator new(unsigned long) (/home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/bin/sumoD+0x25608b1) (BuildId: d25181f42424e485ce49a47eb19863e4ce4b56ae)
>     #1 0x5b288261c5c4 in MSMeanData::MeanDataValueTracker::reset(bool) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/output/MSMeanData.cpp:320:33
>     #2 0x5b2882629030 in MSMeanData::resetOnly(long long) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/output/MSMeanData.cpp:539:19
>     #3 0x5b2882633e2a in MSMeanData::writeXMLOutput(OutputDevice&, long long, long long) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/output/MSMeanData.cpp:720:9
>     #4 0x5b2882506a46 in MSDetectorControl::writeOutput(long long, bool) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/output/MSDetectorControl.cpp:142:22
>     #5 0x5b2880926a5c in MSNet::writeOutput() /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/MSNet.cpp:1146:24
>     #6 0x5b288091da37 in MSNet::postMoveStep() /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/MSNet.cpp:869:5
>     #7 0x5b28808ef25d in MSNet::simulationStep(bool) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/MSNet.cpp:848:5
>     #8 0x5b28808e8368 in MSNet::simulate(long long, long long) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/MSNet.cpp:412:9
>     #9 0x5b28808d4865 in main /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/sumo_main.cpp:100:30
>     #10 0x79005c82a1c9 in __libc_start_call_main csu/../sysdeps/nptl/libc_start_call_main.h:58:16
>     #11 0x79005c82a28a in __libc_start_main csu/../csu/libc-start.c:360:3
>     #12 0x5b28807f7444 in _start (/home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/bin/sumoD+0x2487444) (BuildId: d25181f42424e485ce49a47eb19863e4ce4b56ae)
> Direct leak of 1056 byte(s) in 44 object(s) allocated from:
>     #0 0x5b28808d08b1 in operator new(unsigned long) (/home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/bin/sumoD+0x25608b1) (BuildId: d25181f42424e485ce49a47eb19863e4ce4b56ae)
>     #1 0x5b288261b72e in MSMeanData::MeanDataValueTracker::MeanDataValueTracker(MSLane*, double, MSMeanData const*) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/output/MSMeanData.cpp:292:29
>     #2 0x5b2882626731 in MSMeanData::init() /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/output/MSMeanData.cpp:494:45
>     #3 0x5b2882509d3d in MSDetectorControl::add(MSMeanData*, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>> const&, long long, long long) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/output/MSDetectorControl.cpp:92:13
>     #4 0x5b288196f2c1 in NLDetectorBuilder::createEdgeLaneMeanData(std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>> const&, long long, long long, long long, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>> const&, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, int, double, double, double, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>> const&, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>>
 const&, std::vector<MSEdge*, std::allocator<MSEdge*>>, bool, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>> const&) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/netload/NLDetectorBuilder.cpp:548:52
>     #5 0x5b2881a020c4 in NLHandler::addEdgeLaneMeanData(SUMOSAXAttributes const&, int) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/netload/NLHandler.cpp:1383:27
>     #6 0x5b28819a3de6 in NLHandler::myStartElement(int, SUMOSAXAttributes const&) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/netload/NLHandler.cpp:217:17
>     #7 0x5b28833a4bf8 in GenericSAXHandler::startElement(char16_t const*, char16_t const*, char16_t const*, xercesc_3_2::Attributes const&) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/utils/xml/GenericSAXHandler.cpp:128:9
>     #8 0x79005dbe63b6 in xercesc_3_2::SAX2XMLReaderImpl::startElement(xercesc_3_2::XMLElementDecl const&, unsigned int, char16_t const*, xercesc_3_2::RefVectorOf<xercesc_3_2::XMLAttr> const&, unsigned long, bool, bool) (/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libxerces-c-3.2.so+0x1e63b6) (BuildId: 00c66a49d1bfc9237096cfb0829bac6c9c2c8e81)
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- New result in exitcode ----------

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : output meandata_edgebased tracking interval15s60s ( Last six runs Oct2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> =================================================================
> ==886946==ERROR: LeakSanitizer: detected memory leaks
> Direct leak of 6336 byte(s) in 264 object(s) allocated from:
>     #0 0x5b241b8ba8b1 in operator new(unsigned long) (/home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/bin/sumoD+0x25608b1) (BuildId: d25181f42424e485ce49a47eb19863e4ce4b56ae)
>     #1 0x5b241d6065c4 in MSMeanData::MeanDataValueTracker::reset(bool) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/output/MSMeanData.cpp:320:33
>     #2 0x5b241d613030 in MSMeanData::resetOnly(long long) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/output/MSMeanData.cpp:539:19
>     #3 0x5b241d61de2a in MSMeanData::writeXMLOutput(OutputDevice&, long long, long long) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/output/MSMeanData.cpp:720:9
>     #4 0x5b241d4f0a46 in MSDetectorControl::writeOutput(long long, bool) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/output/MSDetectorControl.cpp:142:22
>     #5 0x5b241b910a5c in MSNet::writeOutput() /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/MSNet.cpp:1146:24
>     #6 0x5b241b907a37 in MSNet::postMoveStep() /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/MSNet.cpp:869:5
>     #7 0x5b241b8d925d in MSNet::simulationStep(bool) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/MSNet.cpp:848:5
>     #8 0x5b241b8d2368 in MSNet::simulate(long long, long long) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/MSNet.cpp:412:9
>     #9 0x5b241b8be865 in main /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/sumo_main.cpp:100:30
>     #10 0x74385ae2a1c9 in __libc_start_call_main csu/../sysdeps/nptl/libc_start_call_main.h:58:16
>     #11 0x74385ae2a28a in __libc_start_main csu/../csu/libc-start.c:360:3
>     #12 0x5b241b7e1444 in _start (/home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/bin/sumoD+0x2487444) (BuildId: d25181f42424e485ce49a47eb19863e4ce4b56ae)
> Direct leak of 2112 byte(s) in 88 object(s) allocated from:
>     #0 0x5b241b8ba8b1 in operator new(unsigned long) (/home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/bin/sumoD+0x25608b1) (BuildId: d25181f42424e485ce49a47eb19863e4ce4b56ae)
>     #1 0x5b241d60572e in MSMeanData::MeanDataValueTracker::MeanDataValueTracker(MSLane*, double, MSMeanData const*) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/output/MSMeanData.cpp:292:29
>     #2 0x5b241d610731 in MSMeanData::init() /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/output/MSMeanData.cpp:494:45
>     #3 0x5b241d4f3d3d in MSDetectorControl::add(MSMeanData*, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>> const&, long long, long long) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/output/MSDetectorControl.cpp:92:13
>     #4 0x5b241c9592c1 in NLDetectorBuilder::createEdgeLaneMeanData(std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>> const&, long long, long long, long long, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>> const&, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, int, double, double, double, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>> const&, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>>
 const&, std::vector<MSEdge*, std::allocator<MSEdge*>>, bool, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>> const&) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/netload/NLDetectorBuilder.cpp:548:52
>     #5 0x5b241c9ec0c4 in NLHandler::addEdgeLaneMeanData(SUMOSAXAttributes const&, int) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/netload/NLHandler.cpp:1383:27
>     #6 0x5b241c98dde6 in NLHandler::myStartElement(int, SUMOSAXAttributes const&) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/netload/NLHandler.cpp:217:17
>     #7 0x5b241e38ebf8 in GenericSAXHandler::startElement(char16_t const*, char16_t const*, char16_t const*, xercesc_3_2::Attributes const&) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/utils/xml/GenericSAXHandler.cpp:128:9
>     #8 0x74385c1e63b6 in xercesc_3_2::SAX2XMLReaderImpl::startElement(xercesc_3_2::XMLElementDecl const&, unsigned int, char16_t const*, xercesc_3_2::RefVectorOf<xercesc_3_2::XMLAttr> const&, unsigned long, bool, bool) (/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libxerces-c-3.2.so+0x1e63b6) (BuildId: 00c66a49d1bfc9237096cfb0829bac6c9c2c8e81)
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- New result in exitcode ----------

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : output meandata_edgebased tracking interval1s ( Last six runs Oct2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> =================================================================
> ==886917==ERROR: LeakSanitizer: detected memory leaks
> Direct leak of 116160 byte(s) in 4840 object(s) allocated from:
>     #0 0x5ce84e01f8b1 in operator new(unsigned long) (/home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/bin/sumoD+0x25608b1) (BuildId: d25181f42424e485ce49a47eb19863e4ce4b56ae)
>     #1 0x5ce84fd6b5c4 in MSMeanData::MeanDataValueTracker::reset(bool) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/output/MSMeanData.cpp:320:33
>     #2 0x5ce84fd78030 in MSMeanData::resetOnly(long long) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/output/MSMeanData.cpp:539:19
>     #3 0x5ce84fd82e2a in MSMeanData::writeXMLOutput(OutputDevice&, long long, long long) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/output/MSMeanData.cpp:720:9
>     #4 0x5ce84fc55a46 in MSDetectorControl::writeOutput(long long, bool) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/output/MSDetectorControl.cpp:142:22
>     #5 0x5ce84e075a5c in MSNet::writeOutput() /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/MSNet.cpp:1146:24
>     #6 0x5ce84e06ca37 in MSNet::postMoveStep() /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/MSNet.cpp:869:5
>     #7 0x5ce84e03e25d in MSNet::simulationStep(bool) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/MSNet.cpp:848:5
>     #8 0x5ce84e037368 in MSNet::simulate(long long, long long) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/MSNet.cpp:412:9
>     #9 0x5ce84e023865 in main /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/sumo_main.cpp:100:30
>     #10 0x7e3eb082a1c9 in __libc_start_call_main csu/../sysdeps/nptl/libc_start_call_main.h:58:16
>     #11 0x7e3eb082a28a in __libc_start_main csu/../csu/libc-start.c:360:3
>     #12 0x5ce84df46444 in _start (/home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/bin/sumoD+0x2487444) (BuildId: d25181f42424e485ce49a47eb19863e4ce4b56ae)
> Direct leak of 1056 byte(s) in 44 object(s) allocated from:
>     #0 0x5ce84e01f8b1 in operator new(unsigned long) (/home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/bin/sumoD+0x25608b1) (BuildId: d25181f42424e485ce49a47eb19863e4ce4b56ae)
>     #1 0x5ce84fd6a72e in MSMeanData::MeanDataValueTracker::MeanDataValueTracker(MSLane*, double, MSMeanData const*) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/output/MSMeanData.cpp:292:29
>     #2 0x5ce84fd75731 in MSMeanData::init() /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/output/MSMeanData.cpp:494:45
>     #3 0x5ce84fc58d3d in MSDetectorControl::add(MSMeanData*, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>> const&, long long, long long) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/output/MSDetectorControl.cpp:92:13
>     #4 0x5ce84f0be2c1 in NLDetectorBuilder::createEdgeLaneMeanData(std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>> const&, long long, long long, long long, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>> const&, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, int, double, double, double, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>> const&, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>>
 const&, std::vector<MSEdge*, std::allocator<MSEdge*>>, bool, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>> const&) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/netload/NLDetectorBuilder.cpp:548:52
>     #5 0x5ce84f1510c4 in NLHandler::addEdgeLaneMeanData(SUMOSAXAttributes const&, int) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/netload/NLHandler.cpp:1383:27
>     #6 0x5ce84f0f2de6 in NLHandler::myStartElement(int, SUMOSAXAttributes const&) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/netload/NLHandler.cpp:217:17
>     #7 0x5ce850af3bf8 in GenericSAXHandler::startElement(char16_t const*, char16_t const*, char16_t const*, xercesc_3_2::Attributes const&) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/utils/xml/GenericSAXHandler.cpp:128:9
>     #8 0x7e3eb1de63b6 in xercesc_3_2::SAX2XMLReaderImpl::startElement(xercesc_3_2::XMLElementDecl const&, unsigned int, char16_t const*, xercesc_3_2::RefVectorOf<xercesc_3_2::XMLAttr> const&, unsigned long, bool, bool) (/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libxerces-c-3.2.so+0x1e63b6) (BuildId: 00c66a49d1bfc9237096cfb0829bac6c9c2c8e81)
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- New result in exitcode ----------

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : output meandata_edgebased tracking interval60s ( Last six runs Oct2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> =================================================================
> ==886938==ERROR: LeakSanitizer: detected memory leaks
> Direct leak of 1056 byte(s) in 44 object(s) allocated from:
>     #0 0x6272550dd8b1 in operator new(unsigned long) (/home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/bin/sumoD+0x25608b1) (BuildId: d25181f42424e485ce49a47eb19863e4ce4b56ae)
>     #1 0x627256e2872e in MSMeanData::MeanDataValueTracker::MeanDataValueTracker(MSLane*, double, MSMeanData const*) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/output/MSMeanData.cpp:292:29
>     #2 0x627256e33731 in MSMeanData::init() /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/output/MSMeanData.cpp:494:45
>     #3 0x627256d16d3d in MSDetectorControl::add(MSMeanData*, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>> const&, long long, long long) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/output/MSDetectorControl.cpp:92:13
>     #4 0x62725617c2c1 in NLDetectorBuilder::createEdgeLaneMeanData(std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>> const&, long long, long long, long long, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>> const&, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, int, double, double, double, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>> const&, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>>
 const&, std::vector<MSEdge*, std::allocator<MSEdge*>>, bool, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>> const&) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/netload/NLDetectorBuilder.cpp:548:52
>     #5 0x62725620f0c4 in NLHandler::addEdgeLaneMeanData(SUMOSAXAttributes const&, int) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/netload/NLHandler.cpp:1383:27
>     #6 0x6272561b0de6 in NLHandler::myStartElement(int, SUMOSAXAttributes const&) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/netload/NLHandler.cpp:217:17
>     #7 0x627257bb1bf8 in GenericSAXHandler::startElement(char16_t const*, char16_t const*, char16_t const*, xercesc_3_2::Attributes const&) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/utils/xml/GenericSAXHandler.cpp:128:9
>     #8 0x7165317e63b6 in xercesc_3_2::SAX2XMLReaderImpl::startElement(xercesc_3_2::XMLElementDecl const&, unsigned int, char16_t const*, xercesc_3_2::RefVectorOf<xercesc_3_2::XMLAttr> const&, unsigned long, bool, bool) (/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libxerces-c-3.2.so+0x1e63b6) (BuildId: 00c66a49d1bfc9237096cfb0829bac6c9c2c8e81)
>     #9 0x7165317b7511 in xercesc_3_2::WFXMLScanner::scanStartTagNS(bool&) (/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libxerces-c-3.2.so+0x1b7511) (BuildId: 00c66a49d1bfc9237096cfb0829bac6c9c2c8e81)
>     #10 0x7165317b822d in xercesc_3_2::WFXMLScanner::scanContent() (/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libxerces-c-3.2.so+0x1b822d) (BuildId: 00c66a49d1bfc9237096cfb0829bac6c9c2c8e81)
>     #11 0x7165317b8557 in xercesc_3_2::WFXMLScanner::scanDocument(xercesc_3_2::InputSource const&) (/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libxerces-c-3.2.so+0x1b8557) (BuildId: 00c66a49d1bfc9237096cfb0829bac6c9c2c8e81)
>     #12 0x7165317e0d42 in xercesc_3_2::SAX2XMLReaderImpl::parse(xercesc_3_2::InputSource const&) (/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libxerces-c-3.2.so+0x1e0d42) (BuildId: 00c66a49d1bfc9237096cfb0829bac6c9c2c8e81)
>     #13 0x627257be3412 in SUMOSAXReader::parse(std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>>) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/utils/xml/SUMOSAXReader.cpp:118:18
>     #14 0x627257ce35d1 in XMLSubSys::runParser(GenericSAXHandler&, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>> const&, bool, bool, bool, bool) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/utils/xml/XMLSubSys.cpp:170:42
>     #15 0x627256191d1a in NLBuilder::load(std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>> const&, bool) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/netload/NLBuilder.cpp:431:14
>     #16 0x627256189795 in NLBuilder::build() /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/netload/NLBuilder.cpp:205:14
>     #17 0x627256199c92 in NLBuilder::init(bool) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/netload/NLBuilder.cpp:352:17
>     #18 0x6272550e14a2 in main /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/sumo_main.cpp:98:19
>     #19 0x71653042a1c9 in __libc_start_call_main csu/../sysdeps/nptl/libc_start_call_main.h:58:16
>     #20 0x71653042a28a in __libc_start_main csu/../csu/libc-start.c:360:3
>     #21 0x627255004444 in _start (/home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/bin/sumoD+0x2487444) (BuildId: d25181f42424e485ce49a47eb19863e4ce4b56ae)
> Indirect leak of 18656 byte(s) in 44 object(s) allocated from:
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- New result in exitcode ----------

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : output meandata_lanebased tracking interval15s ( Last six runs Oct2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> =================================================================
> ==887304==ERROR: LeakSanitizer: detected memory leaks
> Direct leak of 6336 byte(s) in 264 object(s) allocated from:
>     #0 0x5be809b778b1 in operator new(unsigned long) (/home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/bin/sumoD+0x25608b1) (BuildId: d25181f42424e485ce49a47eb19863e4ce4b56ae)
>     #1 0x5be80b8c35c4 in MSMeanData::MeanDataValueTracker::reset(bool) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/output/MSMeanData.cpp:320:33
>     #2 0x5be80b8d0030 in MSMeanData::resetOnly(long long) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/output/MSMeanData.cpp:539:19
>     #3 0x5be80b8dae2a in MSMeanData::writeXMLOutput(OutputDevice&, long long, long long) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/output/MSMeanData.cpp:720:9
>     #4 0x5be80b7ada46 in MSDetectorControl::writeOutput(long long, bool) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/output/MSDetectorControl.cpp:142:22
>     #5 0x5be809bcda5c in MSNet::writeOutput() /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/MSNet.cpp:1146:24
>     #6 0x5be809bc4a37 in MSNet::postMoveStep() /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/MSNet.cpp:869:5
>     #7 0x5be809b9625d in MSNet::simulationStep(bool) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/MSNet.cpp:848:5
>     #8 0x5be809b8f368 in MSNet::simulate(long long, long long) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/MSNet.cpp:412:9
>     #9 0x5be809b7b865 in main /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/sumo_main.cpp:100:30
>     #10 0x751006c2a1c9 in __libc_start_call_main csu/../sysdeps/nptl/libc_start_call_main.h:58:16
>     #11 0x751006c2a28a in __libc_start_main csu/../csu/libc-start.c:360:3
>     #12 0x5be809a9e444 in _start (/home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/bin/sumoD+0x2487444) (BuildId: d25181f42424e485ce49a47eb19863e4ce4b56ae)
> Direct leak of 1056 byte(s) in 44 object(s) allocated from:
>     #0 0x5be809b778b1 in operator new(unsigned long) (/home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/bin/sumoD+0x25608b1) (BuildId: d25181f42424e485ce49a47eb19863e4ce4b56ae)
>     #1 0x5be80b8c272e in MSMeanData::MeanDataValueTracker::MeanDataValueTracker(MSLane*, double, MSMeanData const*) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/output/MSMeanData.cpp:292:29
>     #2 0x5be80b8ce181 in MSMeanData::init() /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/output/MSMeanData.cpp:501:53
>     #3 0x5be80b7b0d3d in MSDetectorControl::add(MSMeanData*, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>> const&, long long, long long) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/output/MSDetectorControl.cpp:92:13
>     #4 0x5be80ac162c1 in NLDetectorBuilder::createEdgeLaneMeanData(std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>> const&, long long, long long, long long, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>> const&, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, int, double, double, double, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>> const&, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>>
 const&, std::vector<MSEdge*, std::allocator<MSEdge*>>, bool, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>> const&) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/netload/NLDetectorBuilder.cpp:548:52
>     #5 0x5be80aca90c4 in NLHandler::addEdgeLaneMeanData(SUMOSAXAttributes const&, int) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/netload/NLHandler.cpp:1383:27
>     #6 0x5be80ac4af5b in NLHandler::myStartElement(int, SUMOSAXAttributes const&) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/netload/NLHandler.cpp:220:17
>     #7 0x5be80c64bbf8 in GenericSAXHandler::startElement(char16_t const*, char16_t const*, char16_t const*, xercesc_3_2::Attributes const&) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/utils/xml/GenericSAXHandler.cpp:128:9
>     #8 0x751007fe63b6 in xercesc_3_2::SAX2XMLReaderImpl::startElement(xercesc_3_2::XMLElementDecl const&, unsigned int, char16_t const*, xercesc_3_2::RefVectorOf<xercesc_3_2::XMLAttr> const&, unsigned long, bool, bool) (/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libxerces-c-3.2.so+0x1e63b6) (BuildId: 00c66a49d1bfc9237096cfb0829bac6c9c2c8e81)
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- New result in exitcode ----------

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : output meandata_lanebased tracking interval15s60s ( Last six runs Oct2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> =================================================================
> ==887322==ERROR: LeakSanitizer: detected memory leaks
> Direct leak of 6336 byte(s) in 264 object(s) allocated from:
>     #0 0x5d185882f8b1 in operator new(unsigned long) (/home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/bin/sumoD+0x25608b1) (BuildId: d25181f42424e485ce49a47eb19863e4ce4b56ae)
>     #1 0x5d185a57b5c4 in MSMeanData::MeanDataValueTracker::reset(bool) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/output/MSMeanData.cpp:320:33
>     #2 0x5d185a588030 in MSMeanData::resetOnly(long long) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/output/MSMeanData.cpp:539:19
>     #3 0x5d185a592e2a in MSMeanData::writeXMLOutput(OutputDevice&, long long, long long) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/output/MSMeanData.cpp:720:9
>     #4 0x5d185a465a46 in MSDetectorControl::writeOutput(long long, bool) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/output/MSDetectorControl.cpp:142:22
>     #5 0x5d1858885a5c in MSNet::writeOutput() /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/MSNet.cpp:1146:24
>     #6 0x5d185887ca37 in MSNet::postMoveStep() /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/MSNet.cpp:869:5
>     #7 0x5d185884e25d in MSNet::simulationStep(bool) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/MSNet.cpp:848:5
>     #8 0x5d1858847368 in MSNet::simulate(long long, long long) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/MSNet.cpp:412:9
>     #9 0x5d1858833865 in main /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/sumo_main.cpp:100:30
>     #10 0x7679efe2a1c9 in __libc_start_call_main csu/../sysdeps/nptl/libc_start_call_main.h:58:16
>     #11 0x7679efe2a28a in __libc_start_main csu/../csu/libc-start.c:360:3
>     #12 0x5d1858756444 in _start (/home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/bin/sumoD+0x2487444) (BuildId: d25181f42424e485ce49a47eb19863e4ce4b56ae)
> Direct leak of 2112 byte(s) in 88 object(s) allocated from:
>     #0 0x5d185882f8b1 in operator new(unsigned long) (/home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/bin/sumoD+0x25608b1) (BuildId: d25181f42424e485ce49a47eb19863e4ce4b56ae)
>     #1 0x5d185a57a72e in MSMeanData::MeanDataValueTracker::MeanDataValueTracker(MSLane*, double, MSMeanData const*) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/output/MSMeanData.cpp:292:29
>     #2 0x5d185a586181 in MSMeanData::init() /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/output/MSMeanData.cpp:501:53
>     #3 0x5d185a468d3d in MSDetectorControl::add(MSMeanData*, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>> const&, long long, long long) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/output/MSDetectorControl.cpp:92:13
>     #4 0x5d18598ce2c1 in NLDetectorBuilder::createEdgeLaneMeanData(std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>> const&, long long, long long, long long, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>> const&, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, int, double, double, double, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>> const&, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>>
 const&, std::vector<MSEdge*, std::allocator<MSEdge*>>, bool, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>> const&) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/netload/NLDetectorBuilder.cpp:548:52
>     #5 0x5d18599610c4 in NLHandler::addEdgeLaneMeanData(SUMOSAXAttributes const&, int) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/netload/NLHandler.cpp:1383:27
>     #6 0x5d1859902f5b in NLHandler::myStartElement(int, SUMOSAXAttributes const&) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/netload/NLHandler.cpp:220:17
>     #7 0x5d185b303bf8 in GenericSAXHandler::startElement(char16_t const*, char16_t const*, char16_t const*, xercesc_3_2::Attributes const&) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/utils/xml/GenericSAXHandler.cpp:128:9
>     #8 0x7679f13e63b6 in xercesc_3_2::SAX2XMLReaderImpl::startElement(xercesc_3_2::XMLElementDecl const&, unsigned int, char16_t const*, xercesc_3_2::RefVectorOf<xercesc_3_2::XMLAttr> const&, unsigned long, bool, bool) (/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libxerces-c-3.2.so+0x1e63b6) (BuildId: 00c66a49d1bfc9237096cfb0829bac6c9c2c8e81)
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- New result in exitcode ----------

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : output meandata_lanebased tracking interval1s ( Last six runs Oct2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> =================================================================
> ==887303==ERROR: LeakSanitizer: detected memory leaks
> Direct leak of 116160 byte(s) in 4840 object(s) allocated from:
>     #0 0x5b31607648b1 in operator new(unsigned long) (/home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/bin/sumoD+0x25608b1) (BuildId: d25181f42424e485ce49a47eb19863e4ce4b56ae)
>     #1 0x5b31624b05c4 in MSMeanData::MeanDataValueTracker::reset(bool) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/output/MSMeanData.cpp:320:33
>     #2 0x5b31624bd030 in MSMeanData::resetOnly(long long) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/output/MSMeanData.cpp:539:19
>     #3 0x5b31624c7e2a in MSMeanData::writeXMLOutput(OutputDevice&, long long, long long) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/output/MSMeanData.cpp:720:9
>     #4 0x5b316239aa46 in MSDetectorControl::writeOutput(long long, bool) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/output/MSDetectorControl.cpp:142:22
>     #5 0x5b31607baa5c in MSNet::writeOutput() /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/MSNet.cpp:1146:24
>     #6 0x5b31607b1a37 in MSNet::postMoveStep() /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/MSNet.cpp:869:5
>     #7 0x5b316078325d in MSNet::simulationStep(bool) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/MSNet.cpp:848:5
>     #8 0x5b316077c368 in MSNet::simulate(long long, long long) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/MSNet.cpp:412:9
>     #9 0x5b3160768865 in main /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/sumo_main.cpp:100:30
>     #10 0x7d4fb0a2a1c9 in __libc_start_call_main csu/../sysdeps/nptl/libc_start_call_main.h:58:16
>     #11 0x7d4fb0a2a28a in __libc_start_main csu/../csu/libc-start.c:360:3
>     #12 0x5b316068b444 in _start (/home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/bin/sumoD+0x2487444) (BuildId: d25181f42424e485ce49a47eb19863e4ce4b56ae)
> Direct leak of 1056 byte(s) in 44 object(s) allocated from:
>     #0 0x5b31607648b1 in operator new(unsigned long) (/home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/bin/sumoD+0x25608b1) (BuildId: d25181f42424e485ce49a47eb19863e4ce4b56ae)
>     #1 0x5b31624af72e in MSMeanData::MeanDataValueTracker::MeanDataValueTracker(MSLane*, double, MSMeanData const*) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/output/MSMeanData.cpp:292:29
>     #2 0x5b31624bb181 in MSMeanData::init() /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/output/MSMeanData.cpp:501:53
>     #3 0x5b316239dd3d in MSDetectorControl::add(MSMeanData*, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>> const&, long long, long long) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/output/MSDetectorControl.cpp:92:13
>     #4 0x5b31618032c1 in NLDetectorBuilder::createEdgeLaneMeanData(std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>> const&, long long, long long, long long, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>> const&, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, int, double, double, double, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>> const&, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>>
 const&, std::vector<MSEdge*, std::allocator<MSEdge*>>, bool, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>> const&) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/netload/NLDetectorBuilder.cpp:548:52
>     #5 0x5b31618960c4 in NLHandler::addEdgeLaneMeanData(SUMOSAXAttributes const&, int) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/netload/NLHandler.cpp:1383:27
>     #6 0x5b3161837f5b in NLHandler::myStartElement(int, SUMOSAXAttributes const&) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/netload/NLHandler.cpp:220:17
>     #7 0x5b3163238bf8 in GenericSAXHandler::startElement(char16_t const*, char16_t const*, char16_t const*, xercesc_3_2::Attributes const&) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/utils/xml/GenericSAXHandler.cpp:128:9
>     #8 0x7d4fb1fe63b6 in xercesc_3_2::SAX2XMLReaderImpl::startElement(xercesc_3_2::XMLElementDecl const&, unsigned int, char16_t const*, xercesc_3_2::RefVectorOf<xercesc_3_2::XMLAttr> const&, unsigned long, bool, bool) (/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libxerces-c-3.2.so+0x1e63b6) (BuildId: 00c66a49d1bfc9237096cfb0829bac6c9c2c8e81)
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- New result in exitcode ----------

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : output meandata_lanebased tracking interval60s ( Last six runs Oct2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> =================================================================
> ==887308==ERROR: LeakSanitizer: detected memory leaks
> Direct leak of 1056 byte(s) in 44 object(s) allocated from:
>     #0 0x59e61c8d08b1 in operator new(unsigned long) (/home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/bin/sumoD+0x25608b1) (BuildId: d25181f42424e485ce49a47eb19863e4ce4b56ae)
>     #1 0x59e61e61b72e in MSMeanData::MeanDataValueTracker::MeanDataValueTracker(MSLane*, double, MSMeanData const*) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/output/MSMeanData.cpp:292:29
>     #2 0x59e61e627181 in MSMeanData::init() /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/output/MSMeanData.cpp:501:53
>     #3 0x59e61e509d3d in MSDetectorControl::add(MSMeanData*, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>> const&, long long, long long) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/output/MSDetectorControl.cpp:92:13
>     #4 0x59e61d96f2c1 in NLDetectorBuilder::createEdgeLaneMeanData(std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>> const&, long long, long long, long long, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>> const&, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, int, double, double, double, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>> const&, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>>
 const&, std::vector<MSEdge*, std::allocator<MSEdge*>>, bool, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>> const&) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/netload/NLDetectorBuilder.cpp:548:52
>     #5 0x59e61da020c4 in NLHandler::addEdgeLaneMeanData(SUMOSAXAttributes const&, int) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/netload/NLHandler.cpp:1383:27
>     #6 0x59e61d9a3f5b in NLHandler::myStartElement(int, SUMOSAXAttributes const&) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/netload/NLHandler.cpp:220:17
>     #7 0x59e61f3a4bf8 in GenericSAXHandler::startElement(char16_t const*, char16_t const*, char16_t const*, xercesc_3_2::Attributes const&) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/utils/xml/GenericSAXHandler.cpp:128:9
>     #8 0x7f54f8fe63b6 in xercesc_3_2::SAX2XMLReaderImpl::startElement(xercesc_3_2::XMLElementDecl const&, unsigned int, char16_t const*, xercesc_3_2::RefVectorOf<xercesc_3_2::XMLAttr> const&, unsigned long, bool, bool) (/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libxerces-c-3.2.so+0x1e63b6) (BuildId: 00c66a49d1bfc9237096cfb0829bac6c9c2c8e81)
>     #9 0x7f54f8fb7511 in xercesc_3_2::WFXMLScanner::scanStartTagNS(bool&) (/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libxerces-c-3.2.so+0x1b7511) (BuildId: 00c66a49d1bfc9237096cfb0829bac6c9c2c8e81)
>     #10 0x7f54f8fb822d in xercesc_3_2::WFXMLScanner::scanContent() (/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libxerces-c-3.2.so+0x1b822d) (BuildId: 00c66a49d1bfc9237096cfb0829bac6c9c2c8e81)
>     #11 0x7f54f8fb8557 in xercesc_3_2::WFXMLScanner::scanDocument(xercesc_3_2::InputSource const&) (/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libxerces-c-3.2.so+0x1b8557) (BuildId: 00c66a49d1bfc9237096cfb0829bac6c9c2c8e81)
>     #12 0x7f54f8fe0d42 in xercesc_3_2::SAX2XMLReaderImpl::parse(xercesc_3_2::InputSource const&) (/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libxerces-c-3.2.so+0x1e0d42) (BuildId: 00c66a49d1bfc9237096cfb0829bac6c9c2c8e81)
>     #13 0x59e61f3d6412 in SUMOSAXReader::parse(std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>>) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/utils/xml/SUMOSAXReader.cpp:118:18
>     #14 0x59e61f4d65d1 in XMLSubSys::runParser(GenericSAXHandler&, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>> const&, bool, bool, bool, bool) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/utils/xml/XMLSubSys.cpp:170:42
>     #15 0x59e61d984d1a in NLBuilder::load(std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>> const&, bool) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/netload/NLBuilder.cpp:431:14
>     #16 0x59e61d97c795 in NLBuilder::build() /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/netload/NLBuilder.cpp:205:14
>     #17 0x59e61d98cc92 in NLBuilder::init(bool) /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/netload/NLBuilder.cpp:352:17
>     #18 0x59e61c8d44a2 in main /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/sumo_main.cpp:98:19
>     #19 0x7f54f7a2a1c9 in __libc_start_call_main csu/../sysdeps/nptl/libc_start_call_main.h:58:16
>     #20 0x7f54f7a2a28a in __libc_start_main csu/../csu/libc-start.c:360:3
>     #21 0x59e61c7f7444 in _start (/home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/bin/sumoD+0x2487444) (BuildId: d25181f42424e485ce49a47eb19863e4ce4b56ae)
> Indirect leak of 18656 byte(s) in 44 object(s) allocated from:
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- New result in exitcode ----------

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : output vehroutes teleport_multihop2 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/utils/common/SUMOTime.cpp:75:15: runtime error: negation of -9223372036854775808 cannot be represented in type 'long long'; cast to an unsigned type to negate this value to itself
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/utils/common/SUMOTime.cpp:75:15 

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : output vtypeprobe one_vehicle ( Last six runs Oct2024 )

---------- Differences in vtypeprobe ----------
<         <vehicle id="0" lane="3/1to2/1_0" pos="200.00" x="1000.00" y="401.65" lat="48.836352" lon="11.084029" speed="10.00"/>
>         <vehicle id="0" lane="3/1to2/1_0" pos="200.00" x="1000.00" y="401.65" lat="nan" lon="nan" speed="10.00"/>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : output vtypeprobe one_vehicle_.1s ( Last six runs Oct2024 )

---------- Differences in vtypeprobe ----------
<         <vehicle id="0" lane="4/1to3/1_0" pos="172.00" x="1427.34" y="401.65" lat="48.836246" lon="11.089849" speed="10.00"/>
>         <vehicle id="0" lane="4/1to3/1_0" pos="172.00" x="1427.34" y="401.65" lat="nan" lon="nan" speed="10.00"/>
<         <vehicle id="0" lane="4/1to3/1_0" pos="176.00" x="1423.43" y="401.65" lat="48.836247" lon="11.089796" speed="10.00"/>
>         <vehicle id="0" lane="4/1to3/1_0" pos="176.00" x="1423.43" y="401.65" lat="nan" lon="nan" speed="10.00"/>
<         <vehicle id="0" lane="4/1to3/1_0" pos="259.00" x="1342.40" y="401.65" lat="48.836267" lon="11.088692" speed="10.00"/>
>         <vehicle id="0" lane="4/1to3/1_0" pos="259.00" x="1342.40" y="401.65" lat="nan" lon="nan" speed="10.00"/>
<         <vehicle id="0" lane="4/1to3/1_0" pos="261.00" x="1340.45" y="401.65" lat="48.836268" lon="11.088665" speed="10.00"/>
>         <vehicle id="0" lane="4/1to3/1_0" pos="261.00" x="1340.45" y="401.65" lat="nan" lon="nan" speed="10.00"/>
<         <vehicle id="0" lane="4/1to3/1_0" pos="273.00" x="1328.73" y="401.65" lat="48.836271" lon="11.088506" speed="10.00"/>
>         <vehicle id="0" lane="4/1to3/1_0" pos="273.00" x="1328.73" y="401.65" lat="nan" lon="nan" speed="10.00"/>
<         <vehicle id="0" lane="4/1to3/1_0" pos="351.00" x="1252.59" y="401.65" lat="48.836289" lon="11.087469" speed="10.00"/>
>         <vehicle id="0" lane="4/1to3/1_0" pos="351.00" x="1252.59" y="401.65" lat="nan" lon="nan" speed="10.00"/>
<         <vehicle id="0" lane="4/1to3/1_0" pos="358.00" x="1245.75" y="401.65" lat="48.836291" lon="11.087376" speed="10.00"/>
>         <vehicle id="0" lane="4/1to3/1_0" pos="358.00" x="1245.75" y="401.65" lat="nan" lon="nan" speed="10.00"/>
<         <vehicle id="0" lane="4/1to3/1_0" pos="362.00" x="1241.85" y="401.65" lat="48.836292" lon="11.087323" speed="10.00"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : output vtypeprobe one_vehicle_subsecond ( Last six runs Oct2024 )

---------- Differences in vtypeprobe ----------
<         <vehicle id="0" lane="3/1to2/1_0" pos="200.00" x="1000.00" y="401.65" lat="48.836352" lon="11.084029" speed="10.00"/>
>         <vehicle id="0" lane="3/1to2/1_0" pos="200.00" x="1000.00" y="401.65" lat="nan" lon="nan" speed="10.00"/>
<         <vehicle id="0" lane="3/1to2/1_0" pos="400.00" x="804.75" y="401.65" lat="48.836400" lon="11.081370" speed="10.00"/>
>         <vehicle id="0" lane="3/1to2/1_0" pos="400.00" x="804.75" y="401.65" lat="nan" lon="nan" speed="10.00"/>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : output vtypeprobe two_same_vehicles ( Last six runs Oct2024 )

---------- Differences in vtypeprobe ----------
<         <vehicle id="0" lane="3/1to2/1_0" pos="100.00" x="1097.62" y="401.65" lat="48.836328" lon="11.085359" speed="10.00"/>
<         <vehicle id="1" lane="3/1to2/1_0" pos="50.00" x="1146.44" y="401.65" lat="48.836316" lon="11.086023" speed="10.00"/>
>         <vehicle id="0" lane="3/1to2/1_0" pos="100.00" x="1097.62" y="401.65" lat="nan" lon="nan" speed="10.00"/>
>         <vehicle id="1" lane="3/1to2/1_0" pos="50.00" x="1146.44" y="401.65" lat="nan" lon="nan" speed="10.00"/>
<         <vehicle id="1" lane="2/1to1/1_0" pos="50.00" x="746.44" y="401.65" lat="48.836414" lon="11.080576" speed="10.00"/>
>         <vehicle id="1" lane="2/1to1/1_0" pos="50.00" x="746.44" y="401.65" lat="nan" lon="nan" speed="10.00"/>
<         <vehicle id="1" lane="1/1to0/1_0" pos="50.00" x="346.44" y="401.65" lat="48.836512" lon="11.075129" speed="10.00"/>
>         <vehicle id="1" lane="1/1to0/1_0" pos="50.00" x="346.44" y="401.65" lat="nan" lon="nan" speed="10.00"/>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : output vtypeprobe two_vehicles_diff_length_t1 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )

---------- Differences in vtypeprobe ----------
<         <vehicle id="0" lane="1/1to0/1_0" pos="100.00" x="297.62" y="401.65" lat="48.836524" lon="11.074464" speed="10.00"/>
>         <vehicle id="0" lane="1/1to0/1_0" pos="100.00" x="297.62" y="401.65" lat="nan" lon="nan" speed="10.00"/>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : output vtypeprobe two_vehicles_diff_length_t2 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )

---------- Differences in vtypeprobe ----------
<         <vehicle id="1" lane="1/1to0/1_0" pos="50.00" x="346.44" y="401.65" lat="48.836512" lon="11.075129" speed="10.00"/>
>         <vehicle id="1" lane="1/1to0/1_0" pos="50.00" x="346.44" y="401.65" lat="nan" lon="nan" speed="10.00"/>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : output vtypeprobe two_vehicles_diff_speed_both ( Last six runs Oct2024 )

---------- Differences in vtypeprobe ----------
<         <vehicle id="1" lane="3/1to2/1_0" pos="375.00" x="829.16" y="401.65" lat="48.836394" lon="11.081703" speed="9.00"/>
>         <vehicle id="1" lane="3/1to2/1_0" pos="375.00" x="829.16" y="401.65" lat="nan" lon="nan" speed="9.00"/>
<         <vehicle id="1" lane="2/1to1/1_0" pos="155.00" x="643.93" y="401.65" lat="48.836439" lon="11.079180" speed="9.00"/>
>         <vehicle id="1" lane="2/1to1/1_0" pos="155.00" x="643.93" y="401.65" lat="nan" lon="nan" speed="9.00"/>
<         <vehicle id="1" lane="2/1to1/1_0" pos="335.00" x="468.21" y="401.65" lat="48.836482" lon="11.076787" speed="9.00"/>
>         <vehicle id="1" lane="2/1to1/1_0" pos="335.00" x="468.21" y="401.65" lat="nan" lon="nan" speed="9.00"/>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : output vtypeprobe two_vehicles_diff_speed_t1 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )

---------- Differences in vtypeprobe ----------
<         <vehicle id="0" lane="2/1to1/1_0" pos="100.00" x="697.62" y="401.65" lat="48.836426" lon="11.079911" speed="10.00"/>
>         <vehicle id="0" lane="2/1to1/1_0" pos="100.00" x="697.62" y="401.65" lat="nan" lon="nan" speed="10.00"/>

2 TESTS FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba :

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/transportables/MSPModel_Striping.cpp:1464:45: runtime error: reference binding to null pointer of type 'const MSStageMoving'
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/transportables/MSPModel_Striping.cpp:1464:45 
> /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/transportables/MSPModel_Striping.cpp:1067:59: runtime error: reference binding to null pointer of type 'const MSStageMoving'
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/transportables/MSPModel_Striping.cpp:1067:59 
pedestrian_model striping block_vehicles_sharedspace tls collision_bike_at_TLS ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
pedestrian_model striping block_vehicles_sharedspace tls crossing_stays_red ( Last six runs Oct2024 )

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : pedestrian_model striping subsecond uncontrolled_prio_crossing_ballistic ( Last six runs Oct2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/cfmodels/MSCFModel.cpp:441:16: runtime error: inf is outside the range of representable values of type 'long long'
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/cfmodels/MSCFModel.cpp:441:16 

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : rail bugs stopped_at_signal ( Last six runs Oct2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/traffic_lights/MSDriveWay.cpp:1609:36: runtime error: unsigned integer overflow: 1 - 2 cannot be represented in type 'size_type' (aka 'unsigned long')
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/traffic_lights/MSDriveWay.cpp:1609:36 
> /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/traffic_lights/MSDriveWay.cpp:1609:19: runtime error: implicit conversion from type 'size_type' (aka 'unsigned long') of value 18446744073709551615 (64-bit, unsigned) to type 'int' changed the value to -1 (32-bit, signed)
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/traffic_lights/MSDriveWay.cpp:1609:19 

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : rail reversal bidiDepart_reversal ( Last six runs Oct2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> sumo: /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/traffic_lights/MSDriveWay.cpp:1431: bool MSDriveWay::match(MSRouteIterator, MSRouteIterator) const: Assertion `myIsSubDriveway' failed.
---------- Differences in railsignalblocks ----------
> <!-- generated on 2024-10-20 08:25:08 by Eclipse SUMO sumo Version v1_21_0+0450-f5e5939af36
> This data file and the accompanying materials
> are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v2.0
> which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
> http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v20.html
> This file may also be made available under the following Secondary
> Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the Eclipse
> Public License 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License, version 2
> or later which is available at
> https://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0-standalone.html
> SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0-or-later
> <sumoConfiguration xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/sumoConfiguration.xsd">
< <railsignal-block-output>
<     <railSignal id="J1">
<         <link linkIndex="0" from="E0_0" to=":J1_1_0">
<             <driveWay id="J1.0" vehicle="v1" edges="E1 E2 E3">
<                 <forward lanes=":J1_1_0 E1_0 :J2_1_0 E2_0"/>
<                 <bidi lanes=":J1_0_0 -E1_0 :J2_0_0 -E2_0 :J3_0_0 -E3_0"/>
<                 <flank lanes=""/>
<                 <conflictLinks signals=""/>
<                 <foes driveWays="J1.0"/>
<             </driveWay>
<         </link>
<     </railSignal>
<     <railSignal id="J3">
<         <link linkIndex="0" from="E2_0" to=":J3_2_0">
<             <driveWay id="J3.0" vehicle="v1" edges="E3">
<                 <forward lanes=":J3_2_0 E3_0"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in railsignalvehs ----------
> <!-- generated on 2024-10-20 08:25:08 by Eclipse SUMO sumo Version v1_21_0+0450-f5e5939af36
> This data file and the accompanying materials
> are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v2.0
> which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
> http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v20.html
> This file may also be made available under the following Secondary
> Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the Eclipse
> Public License 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License, version 2
> or later which is available at
> https://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0-standalone.html
> SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0-or-later
> <sumoConfiguration xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/sumoConfiguration.xsd">
< <railsignal-vehicle-output>
<     <railSignal id="J1">
<         <link linkIndex="0" from="E0_0" to=":J1_1_0">
<             <driveWay id="J1.0">
<                 <entry id="v1" time="111.00" reason="1"/>
<                 <exit id="v1" time="159.00" reason="1"/>
<             </driveWay>
<         </link>
<     </railSignal>
<     <railSignal id="J3">
<         <link linkIndex="0" from="E2_0" to=":J3_2_0">
<             <driveWay id="J3.0">
<                 <entry id="v1" time="142.00" reason="1"/>
<                 <exit id="v1" time="174.00" reason="1"/>
<             </driveWay>
<             <driveWay id="J3.1"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in tripinfos ----------
<     <tripinfo id="v2" depart="109.00" departLane="E3_0" departPos="50.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="146.00" arrivalLane="E4_0" arrivalPos="98.50" arrivalSpeed="8.75" duration="37.00" routeLength="347.10" waitingTime="2.00" waitingCount="1" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="25.66" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_v2" vType="train" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="v1" depart="100.00" departLane="E0_0" departPos="50.10" departSpeed="13.89" departDelay="0.00" arrival="179.00" arrivalLane="E4_0" arrivalPos="98.50" arrivalSpeed="10.00" duration="79.00" routeLength="550.20" waitingTime="9.00" waitingCount="1" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="39.11" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_v1" vType="train" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/>
< </tripinfos>
---------- New result in exitcode ----------

Detailed information for the tests that had known bugs:

TEST had known bugs (#4134) on ts-sim-build-ba : action_step_length CF_dynamics apparentDecel_emergencyDecel emergency_decel_collision ( Last six runs Oct2024 )

(This bug was triggered by text found in file 'errors' matching 'collision')
---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Warning: Teleporting vehicle 'follower2'; collision with vehicle 'follower', lane='end3_0', gap=-0.09, time=7.80, stage=move.
> Warning: Vehicle 'follower2' teleports beyond arrival edge 'end3', time=7.80.

TEST had known bugs ([zeitlupe]) on ts-sim-build-ba : action_step_length LC_dynamics change_later ( Last six runs Oct2024 )

too much braking (ballistic or asl)
(This bug was triggered by text found in file 'rawdump' matching '.*')
---------- Differences in rawdump ----------
<                 <vehicle id="veh" pos="165.24" speed="28.15"/>
>                 <vehicle id="veh" pos="165.23" speed="27.97"/>
<                 <vehicle id="veh" pos="168.03" speed="27.70"/>
>                 <vehicle id="veh" pos="167.99" speed="27.35"/>
<                 <vehicle id="veh" pos="170.78" speed="27.25"/>
>                 <vehicle id="veh" pos="170.70" speed="26.72"/>
<                 <vehicle id="veh" pos="173.48" speed="26.80"/>
>                 <vehicle id="veh" pos="173.34" speed="26.09"/>
<                 <vehicle id="veh" pos="176.14" speed="26.35"/>
>                 <vehicle id="veh" pos="175.92" speed="25.47"/>
<                 <vehicle id="veh" pos="178.75" speed="25.90"/>
>                 <vehicle id="veh" pos="178.43" speed="24.84"/>
<                 <vehicle id="veh" pos="181.32" speed="25.45"/>
>                 <vehicle id="veh" pos="180.89" speed="24.22"/>
<                 <vehicle id="veh" pos="183.84" speed="25.00"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST had known bugs (#3969) on ts-sim-build-ba : action_step_length LC_dynamics onRamp marked_lane ( Last six runs Oct2024 )

(This bug was triggered by text found in file 'output' matching '.*')
---------- Differences in aggregated300 ----------
<     <interval begin="0.00" end="1030.00" id="laneData">
>     <interval begin="0.00" end="1029.90" id="laneData">
<             <lane id="beg2_0" sampledSeconds="2328.77" traveltime="102.18" overlapTraveltime="104.04" density="0.75" occupancy="0.37" waitingTime="0.00" speed="28.85" departed="363" arrived="0" entered="0" left="283" laneChangedFrom="80" laneChangedTo="0"/>
<             <lane id="beg2_1" sampledSeconds="2183.89" traveltime="86.88" overlapTraveltime="87.09" density="0.71" occupancy="0.35" waitingTime="0.00" speed="34.47" departed="332" arrived="0" entered="0" left="412" laneChangedFrom="0" laneChangedTo="80"/>
>             <lane id="beg2_0" sampledSeconds="2179.70" traveltime="105.36" overlapTraveltime="107.14" density="0.71" laneDensity="0.71" occupancy="0.35" waitingTime="1.50" timeLoss="459.30" speed="28.02" speedRelative="0.78" departed="344" arrived="0" entered="0" left="266" laneChangedFrom="79" laneChangedTo="1"/>
>             <lane id="beg2_1" sampledSeconds="2171.69" traveltime="91.53" overlapTraveltime="91.89" density="0.70" laneDensity="0.70" occupancy="0.35" waitingTime="0.00" timeLoss="222.60" speed="32.67" speedRelative="0.91" departed="300" arrived="0" entered="0" left="378" laneChangedFrom="1" laneChangedTo="79"/>
<             <lane id="end_0" sampledSeconds="4033.76" traveltime="8.85" overlapTraveltime="9.02" density="19.88" occupancy="9.64" waitingTime="0.00" speed="22.39" departed="0" arrived="448" entered="448" left="0" laneChangedFrom="0" laneChangedTo="0"/>
<             <lane id="end_1" sampledSeconds="2637.89" traveltime="5.88" overlapTraveltime="6.02" density="13.00" occupancy="6.35" waitingTime="0.00" speed="33.56" departed="0" arrived="439" entered="439" left="0" laneChangedFrom="0" laneChangedTo="0"/>
>             <lane id="end_0" sampledSeconds="3744.92" traveltime="9.02" overlapTraveltime="9.23" density="18.46" laneDensity="18.46" occupancy="9.02" waitingTime="0.00" timeLoss="1437.02" speed="21.89" speedRelative="0.61" departed="0" arrived="413" entered="415" left="0" laneChangedFrom="2" laneChangedTo="0"/>
>             <lane id="end_1" sampledSeconds="2751.00" traveltime="6.44" overlapTraveltime="6.60" density="13.56" laneDensity="13.56" occupancy="6.67" waitingTime="0.00" timeLoss="436.33" speed="30.61" speedRelative="0.85" departed="0" arrived="424" entered="422" left="0" laneChangedFrom="0" laneChangedTo="2"/>
<             <lane id="merge_0" sampledSeconds="2828.16" traveltime="20.82" overlapTraveltime="21.89" density="28.31" occupancy="14.00" waitingTime="1155.00" speed="4.66" departed="0" arrived="0" entered="192" left="0" laneChangedFrom="192" laneChangedTo="0"/>
<             <lane id="merge_1" sampledSeconds="2919.07" traveltime="8.32" overlapTraveltime="8.78" density="29.22" occupancy="13.91" waitingTime="113.00" speed="11.61" departed="0" arrived="0" entered="283" left="448" laneChangedFrom="27" laneChangedTo="192"/>
<             <lane id="merge_2" sampledSeconds="1320.89" traveltime="2.95" overlapTraveltime="3.10" density="13.22" occupancy="6.29" waitingTime="0.00" speed="32.86" departed="0" arrived="0" entered="412" left="439" laneChangedFrom="0" laneChangedTo="27"/>
>             <lane id="merge_0" sampledSeconds="4601.02" traveltime="33.98" overlapTraveltime="35.73" density="46.06" laneDensity="46.06" occupancy="22.87" waitingTime="2477.40" timeLoss="4234.15" speed="2.85" speedRelative="0.08" departed="0" arrived="0" entered="193" left="0" laneChangedFrom="193" laneChangedTo="0"/>
>             <lane id="merge_1" sampledSeconds="2827.42" traveltime="8.50" overlapTraveltime="9.01" density="28.30" laneDensity="28.30" occupancy="13.52" waitingTime="326.20" timeLoss="1922.39" speed="11.33" speedRelative="0.31" departed="0" arrived="0" entered="266" left="415" laneChangedFrom="44" laneChangedTo="193"/>
>             <lane id="merge_2" sampledSeconds="1526.73" traveltime="3.68" overlapTraveltime="3.87" density="15.28" laneDensity="15.28" occupancy="7.28" waitingTime="25.00" timeLoss="423.29" speed="26.34" speedRelative="0.73" departed="0" arrived="0" entered="378" left="422" laneChangedFrom="0" laneChangedTo="44"/>
<             <lane id="onRamp_0" sampledSeconds="1851.43" traveltime="9.51" overlapTraveltime="9.81" density="5.95" occupancy="2.93" waitingTime="0.00" speed="31.33" departed="192" arrived="0" entered="0" left="192" laneChangedFrom="0" laneChangedTo="0"/>
>             <lane id="onRamp_0" sampledSeconds="1979.29" traveltime="10.06" overlapTraveltime="10.43" density="6.36" laneDensity="6.36" occupancy="3.12" waitingTime="9.00" timeLoss="351.67" speed="29.46" speedRelative="0.82" departed="193" arrived="0" entered="0" left="193" laneChangedFrom="0" laneChangedTo="0"/>
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Loading net-file from 'motorway.net.xml'... done ((TIME)).
< Loading additional-files from 'input_additional.add.xml'... done ((TIME)).
> Loading net-file from 'motorway.net.xml' ... done ((TIME)).
> Loading additional-files from 'input_additional.add.xml' ... done ((TIME)).
< Simulation started with time: 0.00..
< Simulation ended at time: 1030.00.
> Simulation started with time: 0.00.
> Simulation ended at time: 1029.90.
<  Inserted: 887
>  Inserted: 837
< Statistics (avg):
<  RouteLength: 521.02
<  Duration: 22.82
<  WaitingTime: 1.43
<  TimeLoss: 7.85
> Statistics (avg of 837):
>  RouteLength: 522.39
>  Speed: 25.80
>  Duration: 25.81
>  WaitingTime: 3.41
>  TimeLoss: 11.23

TEST had known bugs (#3969) on ts-sim-build-ba : action_step_length LC_dynamics onRamp unmarked_lane ( Last six runs Oct2024 )

(This bug was triggered by text found in file 'output' matching '.*')
---------- Differences in aggregated300 ----------
<     <interval begin="0.00" end="1018.00" id="laneData">
>     <interval begin="0.00" end="1047.40" id="laneData">
<             <lane id="beg2_0" sampledSeconds="2270.89" traveltime="101.64" overlapTraveltime="102.90" density="0.74" occupancy="0.37" waitingTime="15.00" speed="29.17" departed="359" arrived="0" entered="0" left="269" laneChangedFrom="90" laneChangedTo="0"/>
<             <lane id="beg2_1" sampledSeconds="2200.02" traveltime="87.61" overlapTraveltime="87.83" density="0.72" occupancy="0.36" waitingTime="0.00" speed="34.18" departed="331" arrived="0" entered="0" left="421" laneChangedFrom="0" laneChangedTo="90"/>
>             <lane id="beg2_0" sampledSeconds="4441.83" traveltime="219.99" overlapTraveltime="230.43" density="1.42" laneDensity="1.42" occupancy="0.68" waitingTime="116.00" timeLoss="2833.85" speed="13.03" speedRelative="0.36" departed="360" arrived="0" entered="0" left="226" laneChangedFrom="135" laneChangedTo="1"/>
>             <lane id="beg2_1" sampledSeconds="3193.24" traveltime="128.21" overlapTraveltime="129.30" density="1.02" laneDensity="1.02" occupancy="0.50" waitingTime="8.00" timeLoss="1132.09" speed="23.22" speedRelative="0.64" departed="284" arrived="0" entered="0" left="418" laneChangedFrom="1" laneChangedTo="135"/>
<             <lane id="end_0" sampledSeconds="3999.82" traveltime="8.64" overlapTraveltime="8.81" density="19.94" occupancy="9.68" waitingTime="0.00" speed="22.93" departed="0" arrived="455" entered="455" left="0" laneChangedFrom="0" laneChangedTo="0"/>
<             <lane id="end_1" sampledSeconds="2742.02" traveltime="5.96" overlapTraveltime="6.10" density="13.67" occupancy="6.68" waitingTime="0.00" speed="33.09" departed="0" arrived="450" entered="450" left="0" laneChangedFrom="0" laneChangedTo="0"/>
>             <lane id="end_0" sampledSeconds="3544.37" traveltime="10.44" overlapTraveltime="10.68" density="17.18" laneDensity="17.18" occupancy="8.33" waitingTime="0.00" timeLoss="1680.76" speed="18.91" speedRelative="0.53" departed="0" arrived="338" entered="340" left="0" laneChangedFrom="2" laneChangedTo="0"/>
>             <lane id="end_1" sampledSeconds="3542.90" traveltime="7.05" overlapTraveltime="7.22" density="17.17" laneDensity="17.17" occupancy="8.44" waitingTime="0.00" timeLoss="785.73" speed="27.96" speedRelative="0.78" departed="0" arrived="499" entered="497" left="0" laneChangedFrom="0" laneChangedTo="2"/>
<             <lane id="merge_0" sampledSeconds="1620.55" traveltime="10.94" overlapTraveltime="11.51" density="16.41" occupancy="8.07" waitingTime="294.00" speed="8.87" departed="0" arrived="0" entered="215" left="0" laneChangedFrom="215" laneChangedTo="0"/>
<             <lane id="merge_1" sampledSeconds="2612.78" traveltime="7.56" overlapTraveltime="7.99" density="26.46" occupancy="12.58" waitingTime="111.00" speed="12.77" departed="0" arrived="0" entered="269" left="455" laneChangedFrom="29" laneChangedTo="215"/>
<             <lane id="merge_2" sampledSeconds="1378.41" traveltime="3.00" overlapTraveltime="3.15" density="13.96" occupancy="6.64" waitingTime="0.00" speed="32.34" departed="0" arrived="0" entered="421" left="450" laneChangedFrom="0" laneChangedTo="29"/>
>             <lane id="merge_0" sampledSeconds="3309.61" traveltime="22.43" overlapTraveltime="23.58" density="32.58" laneDensity="32.58" occupancy="16.05" waitingTime="529.50" timeLoss="2909.31" speed="4.33" speedRelative="0.12" departed="0" arrived="0" entered="193" left="0" laneChangedFrom="193" laneChangedTo="0"/>
>             <lane id="merge_1" sampledSeconds="6518.17" traveltime="27.08" overlapTraveltime="27.53" density="64.16" laneDensity="64.16" occupancy="30.81" waitingTime="658.10" timeLoss="5847.41" speed="3.70" speedRelative="0.10" departed="0" arrived="0" entered="223" left="341" laneChangedFrom="75" laneChangedTo="193"/>
>             <lane id="merge_2" sampledSeconds="2416.39" traveltime="5.03" overlapTraveltime="5.25" density="23.78" laneDensity="23.78" occupancy="11.33" waitingTime="10.00" timeLoss="1112.16" speed="19.41" speedRelative="0.54" departed="0" arrived="0" entered="421" left="496" laneChangedFrom="0" laneChangedTo="75"/>
<             <lane id="onRamp_0" sampledSeconds="2079.28" traveltime="9.59" overlapTraveltime="9.83" density="6.76" occupancy="3.34" waitingTime="2.00" speed="31.24" departed="215" arrived="0" entered="0" left="215" laneChangedFrom="0" laneChangedTo="0"/>
>             <lane id="onRamp_0" sampledSeconds="2039.99" traveltime="10.30" overlapTraveltime="10.75" density="6.44" laneDensity="6.44" occupancy="3.15" waitingTime="3.00" timeLoss="412.39" speed="28.58" speedRelative="0.79" departed="193" arrived="0" entered="0" left="193" laneChangedFrom="0" laneChangedTo="0"/>
---------- Differences in lanechanges ----------
<     <change id="onRamp.0" type="t0" time="12.00" from="merge_0" to="merge_1" dir="1" speed="29.47" pos="12.52" reason="strategic|urgent" leaderGap="64.66" leaderSecureGap="0.00" followerGap="33.84" followerSecureGap="28.75" origLeaderGap="None" origLeaderSecureGap="None"/>
<     <change id="main.10" type="t0" time="17.00" from="beg2_0" to="beg2_1" dir="1" speed="38.49" pos="2875.80" reason="speedGain" leaderGap="90.24" leaderSecureGap="65.77" followerGap="38.75" followerSecureGap="8.48" origLeaderGap="96.59" origLeaderSecureGap="100.90"/>
<     <change id="onRamp.1" type="t0" time="20.00" from="merge_0" to="merge_1" dir="1" speed="26.98" pos="25.48" reason="strategic|urgent" leaderGap="36.57" leaderSecureGap="10.93" followerGap="192.15" followerSecureGap="57.47" origLeaderGap="None" origLeaderSecureGap="None"/>
<     <change id="onRamp.2" type="t0" time="23.00" from="merge_0" to="merge_1" dir="1" speed="28.22" pos="19.45" reason="strategic|urgent" leaderGap="90.74" leaderSecureGap="15.60" followerGap="91.72" followerSecureGap="51.63" origLeaderGap="None" origLeaderSecureGap="None"/>
<     <change id="main.16" type="t0" time="30.00" from="beg2_0" to="beg2_1" dir="1" speed="35.58" pos="2940.42" reason="cooperative|urgent" leaderGap="103.13" leaderSecureGap="36.92" followerGap="35.66" followerSecureGap="25.33" origLeaderGap="114.55" origLeaderSecureGap="56.84"/>
<     <change id="onRamp.3" type="t0" time="31.00" from="merge_0" to="merge_1" dir="1" speed="14.78" pos="79.33" reason="strategic|urgent" leaderGap="8.19" leaderSecureGap="0.00" followerGap="183.69" followerSecureGap="111.62" origLeaderGap="None" origLeaderSecureGap="None"/>
<     <change id="onRamp.4" type="t0" time="32.00" from="merge_0" to="merge_1" dir="1" speed="21.72" pos="49.74" reason="strategic|urgent" leaderGap="41.83" leaderSecureGap="38.88" followerGap="122.62" followerSecureGap="83.93" origLeaderGap="None" origLeaderSecureGap="None"/>
<     <change id="main.26" type="t0" time="45.00" from="beg2_0" to="beg2_1" dir="1" speed="40.96" pos="2961.39" reason="cooperative|urgent" leaderGap="108.64" leaderSecureGap="74.35" followerGap="54.77" followerSecureGap="0.00" origLeaderGap="156.68" origLeaderSecureGap="115.37"/>
<     <change id="onRamp.5" type="t0" time="46.00" from="merge_0" to="merge_1" dir="1" speed="2.78" pos="96.39" reason="strategic|urgent" leaderGap="54.21" leaderSecureGap="0.00" followerGap="188.35" followerSecureGap="150.50" origLeaderGap="None" origLeaderSecureGap="None"/>
<     <change id="main.28" type="t0" time="49.00" from="merge_1" to="merge_2" dir="1" speed="31.38" pos="4.13" reason="cooperative|urgent" leaderGap="31.91" leaderSecureGap="9.39" followerGap="None" followerSecureGap="None" origLeaderGap="108.61" origLeaderSecureGap="120.00"/>
<     <change id="onRamp.6" type="t0" time="50.00" from="merge_0" to="merge_1" dir="1" speed="25.28" pos="37.43" reason="strategic|urgent" leaderGap="86.99" leaderSecureGap="74.33" followerGap="194.04" followerSecureGap="152.52" origLeaderGap="None" origLeaderSecureGap="None"/>
<     <change id="main.29" type="t0" time="52.00" from="beg2_0" to="beg2_1" dir="1" speed="41.70" pos="2921.44" reason="speedGain" leaderGap="179.57" leaderSecureGap="105.62" followerGap="87.83" followerSecureGap="0.00" origLeaderGap="162.04" origLeaderSecureGap="156.17"/>
<     <change id="onRamp.7" type="t0" time="54.00" from="merge_0" to="merge_1" dir="1" speed="30.69" pos="5.81" reason="strategic|urgent" leaderGap="126.16" leaderSecureGap="66.45" followerGap="138.82" followerSecureGap="34.19" origLeaderGap="None" origLeaderSecureGap="None"/>
<     <change id="main.35" type="t0" time="63.00" from="beg2_0" to="beg2_1" dir="1" speed="31.67" pos="2988.30" reason="cooperative|urgent" leaderGap="50.61" leaderSecureGap="8.73" followerGap="61.69" followerSecureGap="26.99" origLeaderGap="83.50" origLeaderSecureGap="21.04"/>
<     <change id="onRamp.8" type="t0" time="64.00" from="merge_0" to="merge_1" dir="1" speed="4.59" pos="95.57" reason="strategic|urgent" leaderGap="9.41" leaderSecureGap="0.00" followerGap="173.19" followerSecureGap="118.53" origLeaderGap="None" origLeaderSecureGap="None"/>
<     <change id="onRamp.11" type="t0" time="64.00" from="merge_0" to="merge_1" dir="1" speed="25.39" pos="2.61" reason="strategic|urgent" leaderGap="87.96" leaderSecureGap="84.76" followerGap="80.24" followerSecureGap="59.16" origLeaderGap="25.09" origLeaderSecureGap="42.93"/>
<     <change id="main.41" type="t0" time="71.00" from="beg2_0" to="beg2_1" dir="1" speed="34.54" pos="2980.38" reason="speedGain" leaderGap="52.88" leaderSecureGap="45.78" followerGap="107.95" followerSecureGap="44.26" origLeaderGap="72.83" origLeaderSecureGap="93.05"/>
<     <change id="onRamp.9" type="t0" time="73.00" from="merge_0" to="merge_1" dir="1" speed="0.00" pos="97.00" reason="strategic|urgent" leaderGap="None" leaderSecureGap="None" followerGap="200.38" followerSecureGap="128.90" origLeaderGap="None" origLeaderSecureGap="None"/>
<     <change id="onRamp.10" type="t0" time="76.00" from="merge_0" to="merge_1" dir="1" speed="0.04" pos="96.33" reason="strategic|urgent" leaderGap="None" leaderSecureGap="None" followerGap="108.72" followerSecureGap="101.71" origLeaderGap="None" origLeaderSecureGap="None"/>
<     <change id="onRamp.12" type="t0" time="80.00" from="merge_0" to="merge_1" dir="1" speed="12.54" pos="84.84" reason="strategic|urgent" leaderGap="30.72" leaderSecureGap="18.14" followerGap="22.54" followerSecureGap="16.11" origLeaderGap="None" origLeaderSecureGap="None"/>
<     <change id="onRamp.13" type="t0" time="82.00" from="merge_0" to="merge_1" dir="1" speed="12.06" pos="75.23" reason="strategic|urgent" leaderGap="7.09" leaderSecureGap="3.02" followerGap="17.67" followerSecureGap="10.67" origLeaderGap="None" origLeaderSecureGap="None"/>
<     <change id="main.45" type="t0" time="83.00" from="merge_1" to="merge_2" dir="1" speed="12.78" pos="65.34" reason="speedGain" leaderGap="4.82" leaderSecureGap="0.00" followerGap="168.09" followerSecureGap="114.75" origLeaderGap="17.00" origLeaderSecureGap="14.11"/>
<     <change id="onRamp.14" type="t0" time="83.00" from="merge_0" to="merge_1" dir="1" speed="14.39" pos="57.45" reason="strategic|urgent" leaderGap="24.89" leaderSecureGap="19.83" followerGap="16.96" followerSecureGap="9.95" origLeaderGap="None" origLeaderSecureGap="None"/>
<     <change id="main.47" type="t0" time="83.00" from="merge_1" to="merge_2" dir="1" speed="13.20" pos="35.49" reason="speedGain" leaderGap="24.85" leaderSecureGap="14.06" followerGap="138.24" followerSecureGap="113.90" origLeaderGap="16.96" origLeaderSecureGap="9.95"/>
<     <change id="main.53" type="t0" time="89.00" from="beg2_0" to="beg2_1" dir="1" speed="34.93" pos="2935.39" reason="speedGain" leaderGap="82.80" leaderSecureGap="72.67" followerGap="34.22" followerSecureGap="20.00" origLeaderGap="97.29" origLeaderSecureGap="87.87"/>
<     <change id="onRamp.16" type="t0" time="90.00" from="merge_0" to="merge_1" dir="1" speed="27.92" pos="14.48" reason="strategic|urgent" leaderGap="44.81" leaderSecureGap="35.37" followerGap="108.95" followerSecureGap="65.49" origLeaderGap="59.52" origLeaderSecureGap="84.64"/>
<     <change id="main.55" type="t0" time="94.00" from="merge_1" to="merge_2" dir="1" speed="31.47" pos="31.25" reason="cooperative|urgent" leaderGap="25.13" leaderSecureGap="20.74" followerGap="59.38" followerSecureGap="50.64" origLeaderGap="90.68" origLeaderSecureGap="53.58"/>
<     <change id="main.61" type="t0" time="100.00" from="beg2_0" to="beg2_1" dir="1" speed="36.99" pos="2980.42" reason="cooperative|urgent" leaderGap="43.29" leaderSecureGap="24.67" followerGap="38.03" followerSecureGap="18.73" origLeaderGap="63.02" origLeaderSecureGap="48.02"/>
<     <change id="onRamp.15" type="t0" time="102.00" from="merge_0" to="merge_1" dir="1" speed="0.00" pos="97.00" reason="strategic|urgent" leaderGap="None" leaderSecureGap="None" followerGap="122.91" followerSecureGap="117.84" origLeaderGap="None" origLeaderSecureGap="None"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Loading net-file from 'motorway.net.xml'... done ((TIME)).
< Loading additional-files from 'input_additional.add.xml'... done ((TIME)).
> Loading net-file from 'motorway.net.xml' ... done ((TIME)).
> Loading additional-files from 'input_additional.add.xml' ... done ((TIME)).
< Simulation started with time: 0.00..
< Simulation ended at time: 1018.00.
> Simulation started with time: 0.00.
> Simulation ended at time: 1047.40.
<  Inserted: 905
>  Inserted: 837
< Statistics (avg):
<  RouteLength: 523.07
<  Duration: 21.06
<  WaitingTime: 0.47
<  TimeLoss: 6.01
> Statistics (avg of 837):
>  RouteLength: 522.39
>  Speed: 20.40
>  Duration: 34.27
>  WaitingTime: 1.65
>  TimeLoss: 19.70

TEST had known bugs ([zeitlupe] no consistent slow down) on ts-sim-build-ba : action_step_length LC_dynamics overtaking overtaking_right_forbidden_to_fast_to_stop ( Last six runs Oct2024 )

[zeitlupe] no consistent slow down
(This bug was triggered by text found in file 'tripinfos' matching '.*')
---------- Differences in tripinfos ----------
<     <tripinfo id="this_test_should_fail_as_a_reminder_to_look_at_it" depart="1.50" departLane="beg_0" departPos="1000.00" departSpeed="36.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="58.00" arrivalLane="beg_0" arrivalPos="2998.50" arrivalSpeed="36.00" duration="56.50" routeLength="1998.50" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="0.95" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_overtaking" vType="fast" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="slow_middle" depart="0.00" departLane="beg_1" departPos="1000.00" departSpeed="25.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="80.00" arrivalLane="beg_1" arrivalPos="2998.50" arrivalSpeed="25.00" duration="80.00" routeLength="1998.50" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="0.00" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_slow_middle" vType="slow" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/>
>     <tripinfo id="overtaking" depart="1.50" departLane="beg_0" departPos="1000.00" departSpeed="36.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="57.90" arrivalLane="beg_0" arrivalPos="2996.00" arrivalSpeed="36.00" duration="56.40" routeLength="1996.00" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="0.95" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_overtaking" vType="fast" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/>
>     <tripinfo id="slow_middle" depart="0.00" departLane="beg_1" departPos="1000.00" departSpeed="25.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="79.90" arrivalLane="beg_1" arrivalPos="2996.00" arrivalSpeed="25.00" duration="79.90" routeLength="1996.00" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="0.00" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_slow_middle" vType="slow" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/>

TEST had known bugs (#3703) on ts-sim-build-ba : action_step_length Sublane 1edge_2lanes_compact_cars ( Last six runs Oct2024 )

(This bug was triggered by text found in file 'output' matching '.*')
---------- Differences in lanechanges ----------
<     <change id="cars.1" type="car" time="4.00" from="beg_1" to="beg_0" dir="-1" speed="3.52" pos="10.26" reason="sublane" leaderGap="None" leaderSecureGap="None" followerGap="None" followerSecureGap="None" origLeaderGap="None" origLeaderSecureGap="None" latGap="None"/>
<     <change id="cars.2" type="car" time="7.00" from="beg_1" to="beg_0" dir="-1" speed="6.79" pos="18.13" reason="sublane" leaderGap="None" leaderSecureGap="None" followerGap="None" followerSecureGap="None" origLeaderGap="None" origLeaderSecureGap="None" latGap="None"/>
<     <change id="cars.4" type="car" time="12.00" from="beg_1" to="beg_0" dir="-1" speed="7.90" pos="25.35" reason="sublane" leaderGap="46.39" leaderSecureGap="0.00" followerGap="13.05" followerSecureGap="0.00" origLeaderGap="None" origLeaderSecureGap="None" latGap="None"/>
<     <change id="cars.2" type="car" time="15.00" from="beg_0" to="beg_1" dir="1" speed="14.07" pos="118.10" reason="sublane" leaderGap="None" leaderSecureGap="None" followerGap="50.36" followerSecureGap="14.87" origLeaderGap="1.78" origLeaderSecureGap="18.57" latGap="None"/>
<     <change id="cars.6" type="car" time="15.00" from="beg_1" to="beg_0" dir="-1" speed="6.60" pos="18.35" reason="sublane" leaderGap="39.38" leaderSecureGap="0.00" followerGap="None" followerSecureGap="None" origLeaderGap="None" origLeaderSecureGap="None" latGap="None"/>
<     <change id="cars.6" type="car" time="17.00" from="beg_0" to="beg_1" dir="1" speed="10.33" pos="37.35" reason="sublane" leaderGap="48.14" leaderSecureGap="2.23" followerGap="24.78" followerSecureGap="0.00" origLeaderGap="1.89" origLeaderSecureGap="13.36" latGap="None"/>
<     <change id="cars.6" type="car" time="22.00" from="beg_1" to="beg_0" dir="-1" speed="14.94" pos="107.43" reason="sublane" leaderGap="46.92" leaderSecureGap="19.89" followerGap="16.21" followerSecureGap="0.00" origLeaderGap="None" origLeaderSecureGap="None" latGap="None"/>
<     <change id="cars.11" type="car" time="25.00" from="beg_1" to="beg_0" dir="-1" speed="4.30" pos="11.42" reason="sublane" leaderGap="65.44" leaderSecureGap="0.00" followerGap="None" followerSecureGap="None" origLeaderGap="13.87" origLeaderSecureGap="0.09" latGap="None"/>
<     <change id="cars.3" type="car" time="27.00" from="beg_0" to="beg_1" dir="1" speed="14.98" pos="255.89" reason="speedGain" leaderGap="19.35" leaderSecureGap="20.63" followerGap="145.96" followerSecureGap="3.50" origLeaderGap="1.28" origLeaderSecureGap="23.59" latGap="None"/>
<     <change id="cars.13" type="car" time="33.00" from="beg_1" to="beg_0" dir="-1" speed="13.02" pos="57.08" reason="sublane" leaderGap="44.65" leaderSecureGap="10.19" followerGap="44.73" followerSecureGap="0.00" origLeaderGap="87.87" origLeaderSecureGap="5.45" latGap="None"/>
<     <change id="cars.11" type="car" time="35.00" from="beg_0" to="beg_1" dir="1" speed="13.67" pos="134.86" reason="sublane" leaderGap="57.72" leaderSecureGap="19.37" followerGap="41.42" followerSecureGap="23.82" origLeaderGap="None" origLeaderSecureGap="None" latGap="None"/>
<     <change id="cars.13" type="car" time="35.00" from="beg_0" to="beg_1" dir="1" speed="16.21" pos="88.44" reason="sublane" leaderGap="41.42" leaderSecureGap="23.82" followerGap="67.13" followerSecureGap="0.00" origLeaderGap="1.42" origLeaderSecureGap="20.51" latGap="None"/>
<     <change id="cars.4" type="car" time="36.00" from="beg_0" to="beg_1" dir="1" speed="0.22" pos="291.42" reason="sublane" leaderGap="2.58" leaderSecureGap="0.22" followerGap="3.14" followerSecureGap="4.38" origLeaderGap="None" origLeaderSecureGap="None" latGap="None"/>
<     <change id="cars.12" type="car" time="42.00" from="beg_0" to="beg_1" dir="1" speed="12.83" pos="185.42" reason="speedGain" leaderGap="11.48" leaderSecureGap="4.44" followerGap="99.74" followerSecureGap="2.97" origLeaderGap="13.20" origLeaderSecureGap="19.02" latGap="None"/>
<     <change id="cars.17" type="car" time="42.00" from="beg_1" to="beg_0" dir="-1" speed="11.65" pos="57.39" reason="sublane" leaderGap="18.29" leaderSecureGap="15.86" followerGap="None" followerSecureGap="None" origLeaderGap="139.51" origLeaderSecureGap="0.90" latGap="None"/>
<     <change id="cars.16" type="car" time="45.00" from="beg_1" to="beg_0" dir="-1" speed="9.53" pos="110.67" reason="keepRight" leaderGap="9.55" leaderSecureGap="6.19" followerGap="15.66" followerSecureGap="11.56" origLeaderGap="111.52" origLeaderSecureGap="0.00" latGap="None"/>
<     <change id="cars.17" type="car" time="46.00" from="beg_0" to="beg_1" dir="1" speed="10.09" pos="100.10" reason="speedGain" leaderGap="135.36" leaderSecureGap="3.73" followerGap="55.62" followerSecureGap="12.40" origLeaderGap="14.15" origLeaderSecureGap="12.68" latGap="None"/>
<     <change id="cars.17" type="car" time="49.00" from="beg_1" to="beg_0" dir="-1" speed="11.37" pos="135.04" reason="sublane" leaderGap="151.46" leaderSecureGap="20.60" followerGap="45.34" followerSecureGap="31.98" origLeaderGap="119.78" origLeaderSecureGap="20.60" latGap="None"/>
<     <change id="cars.19" type="car" time="52.00" from="beg_0" to="beg_1" dir="1" speed="16.64" pos="136.37" reason="speedGain" leaderGap="28.63" leaderSecureGap="30.69" followerGap="None" followerSecureGap="None" origLeaderGap="8.33" origLeaderSecureGap="29.04" latGap="None"/>
<     <change id="cars.17" type="car" time="53.00" from="beg_0" to="beg_1" dir="1" speed="11.95" pos="181.95" reason="sublane" leaderGap="104.55" leaderSecureGap="22.35" followerGap="25.32" followerSecureGap="23.64" origLeaderGap="2.24" origLeaderSecureGap="15.00" latGap="None"/>
<     <change id="cars.17" type="car" time="58.00" from="beg_1" to="beg_0" dir="-1" speed="12.13" pos="241.93" reason="speedGain" leaderGap="21.52" leaderSecureGap="17.59" followerGap="17.98" followerSecureGap="14.45" origLeaderGap="14.57" origLeaderSecureGap="22.88" latGap="None"/>
<     <change id="cars.19" type="car" time="59.00" from="beg_1" to="beg_0" dir="-1" speed="12.36" pos="231.30" reason="speedGain" leaderGap="17.12" leaderSecureGap="14.08" followerGap="None" followerSecureGap="None" origLeaderGap="25.19" origLeaderSecureGap="23.58" latGap="None"/>
<     <change id="cars.19" type="car" time="60.00" from="beg_0" to="beg_1" dir="1" speed="11.70" pos="243.00" reason="sublane" leaderGap="14.22" leaderSecureGap="17.30" followerGap="None" followerSecureGap="None" origLeaderGap="None" origLeaderSecureGap="None" latGap="None"/>
<     <change id="cars.16" type="car" time="64.00" from="beg_0" to="beg_1" dir="1" speed="1.34" pos="247.82" reason="sublane" leaderGap="8.41" leaderSecureGap="1.34" followerGap="None" followerSecureGap="None" origLeaderGap="1.17" origLeaderSecureGap="1.34" latGap="None"/>
<     <change id="cars.4" type="car" time="206.00" from="end_1" to="end_0" dir="-1" speed="9.34" pos="23.33" reason="sublane" leaderGap="22.31" leaderSecureGap="1.94" followerGap="14.40" followerSecureGap="6.05" origLeaderGap="None" origLeaderSecureGap="None" latGap="None"/>
<     <change id="cars.8" type="car" time="209.00" from="end_1" to="end_0" dir="-1" speed="11.91" pos="35.97" reason="sublane" leaderGap="20.33" leaderSecureGap="8.67" followerGap="20.35" followerSecureGap="5.33" origLeaderGap="None" origLeaderSecureGap="None" latGap="None"/>
<     <change id="cars.15" type="car" time="209.00" from="end_0" to="end_1" dir="1" speed="9.72" pos="10.62" reason="sublane" leaderGap="20.35" leaderSecureGap="5.33" followerGap="14.84" followerSecureGap="6.08" origLeaderGap="2.22" origLeaderSecureGap="11.41" latGap="None"/>
<     <change id="cars.4" type="car" time="211.00" from="end_0" to="end_1" dir="1" speed="13.45" pos="88.35" reason="sublane" leaderGap="25.28" leaderSecureGap="12.60" followerGap="23.92" followerSecureGap="9.24" origLeaderGap="None" origLeaderSecureGap="None" latGap="None"/>
<     <change id="cars.17" type="car" time="211.00" from="end_0" to="end_1" dir="1" speed="11.31" pos="12.58" reason="sublane" leaderGap="14.52" leaderSecureGap="12.70" followerGap="21.83" followerSecureGap="0.19" origLeaderGap="0.06" origLeaderSecureGap="16.77" latGap="None"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Loading net-file from 'net.net.xml'... done ((TIME)).
> Loading net-file from 'net.net.xml' ... done ((TIME)).
< Simulation started with time: 0.00..
< Simulation ended at time: 237.00.
> Simulation started with time: 0.00.
> Simulation ended at time: 235.80.
< Statistics (avg):
> Statistics (avg of 20):
<  Duration: 205.30
<  WaitingTime: 154.10
<  TimeLoss: 167.16
<  DepartDelay: 0.70
>  Speed: 2.39
>  Duration: 207.34
>  WaitingTime: 152.91
>  TimeLoss: 169.59
>  DepartDelay: 0.14

TEST had known bugs (#3702) on ts-sim-build-ba : action_step_length Sublane 1edge_2lanes_compact_mixed_pushy ( Last six runs Oct2024 )

(This bug was triggered by text found in file 'output' matching '.*')
---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Warning: Vehicle 'mixed.59' performs emergency braking on lane 'beg_1' with decel=10.00, wished=7.00, severity=1.00, time=69.30.
> Warning: Vehicle 'mixed.60' performs emergency braking on lane 'beg_1' with decel=10.00, wished=7.00, severity=1.00, time=70.00.
> Warning: Vehicle 'mixed.34' performs emergency braking on lane 'beg_0' with decel=10.00, wished=7.00, severity=1.00, time=74.90.
> Warning: Teleporting vehicle 'mixed.34'; collision with vehicle 'mixed.38', lane='beg_1', gap=-0.02, latGap=-0.22, time=75.40, stage=move.
> Warning: Vehicle 'mixed.34' ends teleporting on edge 'end', time=75.40.
> Warning: Vehicle 'mixed.21' performs emergency braking on lane 'beg_0' with decel=9.00, wished=4.50, severity=1.00, time=82.40.
> Warning: Teleporting vehicle 'mixed.59'; collision with vehicle 'mixed.61', lane='beg_0', gap=-0.83, latGap=-0.01, time=88.10, stage=laneChange.
> Warning: Vehicle 'mixed.59' ends teleporting on edge 'end', time=88.10.
> Warning: Vehicle 'mixed.55' performs emergency braking on lane 'beg_0' with decel=10.00, wished=7.00, severity=1.00, time=88.40.
> Warning: Vehicle 'mixed.75' performs emergency braking on lane 'beg_1' with decel=10.00, wished=7.00, severity=1.00, time=95.80.
> Warning: Teleporting vehicle 'mixed.84'; collision with vehicle 'mixed.83', lane='beg_0', gap=-3.23, latGap=-0.01, time=123.40, stage=laneChange.
> Warning: Vehicle 'mixed.84' ends teleporting on edge 'end', time=123.40.
> Warning: Vehicle 'mixed.95' performs emergency braking on lane 'beg_0' with decel=10.00, wished=7.00, severity=1.00, time=133.40.
> Warning: Vehicle 'mixed.90' performs emergency braking on lane 'beg_0' with decel=9.00, wished=4.50, severity=1.00, time=134.70.
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Loading net-file from 'net.net.xml'... done ((TIME)).
> Loading net-file from 'net.net.xml' ... done ((TIME)).
< Simulation started with time: 0.00..
> Simulation started with time: 0.00.
< Statistics (avg):
>  Teleports: 3 (Collisions: 3)
>  Emergency Braking: 8
> Statistics (avg of 100):
<  Duration: 191.49
<  WaitingTime: 118.92
<  TimeLoss: 149.57
<  DepartDelay: 17.70
>  Speed: 2.83
>  Duration: 194.31
>  WaitingTime: 115.59
>  TimeLoss: 153.01
>  DepartDelay: 10.92
---------- Differences in tripinfos ----------
<     <tripinfo id="mixed.65" depart="74.00" departLane="beg_1" departPos="2.20" departPosLat="1.01" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="9.00" arrival="107.60" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="200.00" arrivalPosLat="-1.20" arrivalSpeed="16.46" duration="33.60" routeLength="497.80" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="10.74" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_mixed.65" vType="moped" speedFactor="1.21" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="mixed.88" depart="102.10" departLane="beg_0" departPos="2.20" departPosLat="0.99" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="14.10" arrival="141.80" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="200.00" arrivalPosLat="-1.20" arrivalSpeed="10.40" duration="39.70" routeLength="497.80" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="7.77" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_mixed.88" vType="moped" speedFactor="0.77" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="mixed.15" depart="15.40" departLane="beg_1" departPos="2.20" departPosLat="0.75" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.40" arrival="222.30" arrivalLane="end_1" arrivalPos="200.00" arrivalPosLat="-1.05" arrivalSpeed="15.10" duration="206.90" routeLength="497.80" waitingTime="152.20" waitingCount="1" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="174.75" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_mixed.15" vType="moped" speedFactor="1.12" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="mixed.6" depart="6.40" departLane="beg_0" departPos="2.20" departPosLat="-0.77" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.40" arrival="223.10" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="200.00" arrivalPosLat="0.68" arrivalSpeed="16.30" duration="216.70" routeLength="497.80" waitingTime="163.00" waitingCount="2" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="186.72" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_mixed.6" vType="moped" speedFactor="1.36" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="mixed.3" depart="3.20" departLane="beg_0" departPos="2.20" departPosLat="-1.09" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.20" arrival="223.20" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="200.00" arrivalPosLat="-1.20" arrivalSpeed="13.14" duration="220.00" routeLength="497.80" waitingTime="163.90" waitingCount="2" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="183.39" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_mixed.3" vType="moped" speedFactor="0.98" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="mixed.13" depart="13.40" departLane="beg_0" departPos="2.20" departPosLat="-0.85" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.40" arrival="223.90" arrivalLane="end_1" arrivalPos="200.00" arrivalPosLat="-0.49" arrivalSpeed="16.59" duration="210.50" routeLength="497.80" waitingTime="151.80" waitingCount="1" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="180.50" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_mixed.13" vType="moped" speedFactor="1.33" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="mixed.8" depart="9.80" departLane="beg_0" departPos="5.10" departPosLat="0.70" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="1.80" arrival="225.00" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="200.00" arrivalPosLat="1.18" arrivalSpeed="16.88" duration="215.20" routeLength="494.90" waitingTime="153.30" waitingCount="3" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="186.54" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_mixed.8" vType="car" speedFactor="1.25" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="mixed.0" depart="0.00" departLane="beg_0" departPos="2.20" departPosLat="0.51" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="225.70" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="200.00" arrivalPosLat="-1.20" arrivalSpeed="10.10" duration="225.70" routeLength="497.80" waitingTime="164.60" waitingCount="1" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="178.00" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_mixed.0" vType="moped" speedFactor="0.75" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="mixed.14" depart="14.80" departLane="beg_0" departPos="2.20" departPosLat="0.75" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.80" arrival="226.80" arrivalLane="end_1" arrivalPos="200.00" arrivalPosLat="1.13" arrivalSpeed="13.98" duration="212.00" routeLength="497.80" waitingTime="151.10" waitingCount="1" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="177.49" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_mixed.14" vType="moped" speedFactor="1.04" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="mixed.5" depart="6.00" departLane="beg_0" departPos="5.10" departPosLat="0.64" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="1.00" arrival="227.20" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="200.00" arrivalPosLat="0.58" arrivalSpeed="13.71" duration="221.20" routeLength="494.90" waitingTime="160.70" waitingCount="1" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="186.44" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_mixed.5" vType="car" speedFactor="1.03" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="mixed.12" depart="12.10" departLane="beg_1" departPos="2.20" departPosLat="-0.28" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.10" arrival="228.10" arrivalLane="end_1" arrivalPos="200.00" arrivalPosLat="-1.05" arrivalSpeed="10.07" duration="216.00" routeLength="497.80" waitingTime="153.30" waitingCount="1" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="167.79" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_mixed.12" vType="moped" speedFactor="0.74" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="mixed.11" depart="18.80" departLane="beg_0" departPos="5.10" departPosLat="0.68" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="7.80" arrival="230.10" arrivalLane="end_1" arrivalPos="200.00" arrivalPosLat="0.55" arrivalSpeed="12.57" duration="211.30" routeLength="494.90" waitingTime="149.30" waitingCount="1" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="178.37" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_mixed.11" vType="car" speedFactor="1.08" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="mixed.9" depart="12.30" departLane="beg_0" departPos="5.10" departPosLat="0.69" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="3.30" arrival="230.20" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="200.00" arrivalPosLat="0.58" arrivalSpeed="10.96" duration="217.90" routeLength="494.90" waitingTime="152.00" waitingCount="2" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="173.35" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_mixed.9" vType="car" speedFactor="0.80" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="mixed.7" depart="7.50" departLane="beg_1" departPos="2.20" departPosLat="0.90" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.50" arrival="231.60" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="200.00" arrivalPosLat="-1.20" arrivalSpeed="9.16" duration="224.10" routeLength="497.80" waitingTime="157.90" waitingCount="1" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="172.14" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_mixed.7" vType="moped" speedFactor="0.69" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="mixed.28" depart="28.20" departLane="beg_1" departPos="2.20" departPosLat="0.40" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.20" arrival="231.80" arrivalLane="end_1" arrivalPos="200.00" arrivalPosLat="0.15" arrivalSpeed="12.62" duration="203.60" routeLength="497.80" waitingTime="147.70" waitingCount="1" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="173.70" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_mixed.28" vType="moped" speedFactor="1.41" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="mixed.10" depart="10.10" departLane="beg_0" departPos="2.20" departPosLat="-0.89" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.10" arrival="233.10" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="200.00" arrivalPosLat="-1.20" arrivalSpeed="9.73" duration="223.00" routeLength="497.80" waitingTime="151.30" waitingCount="3" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="172.27" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_mixed.10" vType="moped" speedFactor="0.71" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="mixed.31" depart="31.60" departLane="beg_1" departPos="2.20" departPosLat="0.95" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.60" arrival="233.30" arrivalLane="end_1" arrivalPos="200.00" arrivalPosLat="1.20" arrivalSpeed="13.31" duration="201.70" routeLength="497.80" waitingTime="146.70" waitingCount="2" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="171.77" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_mixed.31" vType="moped" speedFactor="1.26" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="mixed.21" depart="23.30" departLane="beg_1" departPos="5.10" departPosLat="0.09" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="2.30" arrival="234.00" arrivalLane="end_1" arrivalPos="200.00" arrivalPosLat="-0.70" arrivalSpeed="9.86" duration="210.70" routeLength="494.90" waitingTime="147.70" waitingCount="2" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="165.39" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_mixed.21" vType="car" speedFactor="0.79" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="mixed.18" depart="20.20" departLane="beg_1" departPos="5.10" departPosLat="0.61" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="2.20" arrival="234.90" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="200.00" arrivalPosLat="0.58" arrivalSpeed="9.79" duration="214.70" routeLength="494.90" waitingTime="148.70" waitingCount="1" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="166.83" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_mixed.18" vType="car" speedFactor="0.75" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="mixed.19" depart="25.90" departLane="beg_1" departPos="5.10" departPosLat="-0.41" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="6.90" arrival="235.90" arrivalLane="end_1" arrivalPos="200.00" arrivalPosLat="-0.06" arrivalSpeed="12.73" duration="210.00" routeLength="494.90" waitingTime="147.40" waitingCount="3" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="176.43" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_mixed.19" vType="car" speedFactor="1.06" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="mixed.17" depart="22.30" departLane="beg_0" departPos="5.10" departPosLat="-0.55" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="5.30" arrival="236.70" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="200.00" arrivalPosLat="1.26" arrivalSpeed="12.61" duration="214.40" routeLength="494.90" waitingTime="148.20" waitingCount="2" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="179.28" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_mixed.17" vType="car" speedFactor="1.02" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="mixed.22" depart="30.90" departLane="beg_0" departPos="2.20" departPosLat="-0.62" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="8.90" arrival="237.60" arrivalLane="end_1" arrivalPos="200.00" arrivalPosLat="-0.13" arrivalSpeed="12.25" duration="206.70" routeLength="497.80" waitingTime="138.20" waitingCount="4" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="176.80" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_mixed.22" vType="moped" speedFactor="1.62" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="mixed.30" depart="31.60" departLane="beg_1" departPos="2.20" departPosLat="-0.17" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="1.60" arrival="238.40" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="200.00" arrivalPosLat="1.36" arrivalSpeed="14.18" duration="206.80" routeLength="497.80" waitingTime="146.40" waitingCount="3" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="174.78" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_mixed.30" vType="moped" speedFactor="1.12" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="mixed.4" depart="4.20" departLane="beg_1" departPos="2.20" departPosLat="-1.12" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.20" arrival="238.60" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="200.00" arrivalPosLat="-1.20" arrivalSpeed="7.31" duration="234.40" routeLength="497.80" waitingTime="155.30" waitingCount="2" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="168.49" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_mixed.4" vType="moped" speedFactor="0.54" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="mixed.39" depart="46.20" departLane="beg_0" departPos="2.20" departPosLat="1.11" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="7.20" arrival="239.00" arrivalLane="end_1" arrivalPos="200.00" arrivalPosLat="-0.49" arrivalSpeed="13.42" duration="192.80" routeLength="497.80" waitingTime="136.90" waitingCount="1" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="162.89" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_mixed.39" vType="moped" speedFactor="1.40" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="mixed.35" depart="38.50" departLane="beg_1" departPos="2.20" departPosLat="0.41" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="3.50" arrival="239.50" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="200.00" arrivalPosLat="0.55" arrivalSpeed="15.86" duration="201.00" routeLength="497.80" waitingTime="134.90" waitingCount="5" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="171.04" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_mixed.35" vType="moped" speedFactor="1.25" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="mixed.27" depart="31.40" departLane="beg_0" departPos="2.20" departPosLat="0.96" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="4.40" arrival="240.30" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="200.00" arrivalPosLat="-0.84" arrivalSpeed="9.04" duration="208.90" routeLength="497.80" waitingTime="136.70" waitingCount="5" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="161.67" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_mixed.27" vType="moped" speedFactor="0.76" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="mixed.20" depart="35.70" departLane="beg_1" departPos="5.10" departPosLat="0.04" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="15.70" arrival="240.90" arrivalLane="end_1" arrivalPos="200.00" arrivalPosLat="-1.26" arrivalSpeed="13.85" duration="205.20" routeLength="494.90" waitingTime="143.10" waitingCount="4" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="176.97" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_mixed.20" vType="car" speedFactor="1.26" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="mixed.45" depart="50.50" departLane="beg_0" departPos="2.20" departPosLat="1.16" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="5.50" arrival="241.10" arrivalLane="end_1" arrivalPos="200.00" arrivalPosLat="1.20" arrivalSpeed="13.32" duration="190.60" routeLength="497.80" waitingTime="129.80" waitingCount="2" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="154.42" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_mixed.45" vType="moped" speedFactor="0.99" vaporized=""/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST had known bugs (#3700) on ts-sim-build-ba : action_step_length Sublane bugs ticket3618 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )

(This bug was triggered by text found in file 'errors' matching '.*')
---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Warning: Teleporting vehicle 'right'; junction collision with vehicle 'left', lane=':B_0_2', gap=-11.50, latGap=-1.06, time=0.90, stage=move.
> Warning: Vehicle 'right' ends teleporting on edge 'middle', time=0.90.

TEST had known bugs (see #3391) on ts-sim-build-ba : action_step_length Sublane buridan_1lane ( Last six runs Oct2024 )

counter-change deadlock
(This bug was triggered by FAILING to find text in file 'tripinfos' matching 'veh.6.*arrival="23.00"')
---------- Differences in tripinfos ----------
<     <tripinfo id="veh.1" depart="0.10" departLane="beg_0" departPos="83.80" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="9.70" arrivalLane="beg_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="2.05" arrivalSpeed="8.86" duration="9.60" routeLength="16.20" waitingTime="5.00" waitingCount="2" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="8.24" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_veh.1" vType="t0" speedFactor="0.88" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="veh.4" depart="0.40" departLane="beg_0" departPos="61.00" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="12.90" arrivalLane="beg_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="3.78" arrivalSpeed="13.88" duration="12.50" routeLength="39.00" waitingTime="4.70" waitingCount="3" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="9.74" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_veh.4" vType="t0" speedFactor="1.06" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="veh.9" depart="0.90" departLane="beg_0" departPos="23.01" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="17.50" arrivalLane="beg_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="-2.65" arrivalSpeed="9.92" duration="16.60" routeLength="76.99" waitingTime="2.60" waitingCount="4" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="8.76" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_veh.9" vType="t0" speedFactor="0.71" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="veh.2" depart="0.20" departLane="beg_0" departPos="76.20" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="18.80" arrivalLane="beg_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="2.46" arrivalSpeed="6.76" duration="18.60" routeLength="23.80" waitingTime="10.10" waitingCount="4" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="16.87" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_veh.2" vType="t0" speedFactor="1.02" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="veh.7" depart="0.70" departLane="beg_0" departPos="38.21" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="23.70" arrivalLane="beg_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="3.72" arrivalSpeed="10.72" duration="23.00" routeLength="61.79" waitingTime="7.10" waitingCount="6" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="17.12" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_veh.7" vType="t0" speedFactor="0.77" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="veh.3" depart="0.30" departLane="beg_0" departPos="68.60" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="24.90" arrivalLane="beg_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="-2.46" arrivalSpeed="6.78" duration="24.60" routeLength="31.40" waitingTime="12.30" waitingCount="5" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="22.61" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_veh.3" vType="t0" speedFactor="1.17" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="veh.8" depart="0.80" departLane="beg_0" departPos="30.61" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="25.30" arrivalLane="beg_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="3.23" arrivalSpeed="12.16" duration="24.50" routeLength="69.39" waitingTime="7.20" waitingCount="6" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="18.72" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_veh.8" vType="t0" speedFactor="0.88" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="veh.5" depart="0.50" departLane="beg_0" departPos="53.40" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="27.00" arrivalLane="beg_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="-3.00" arrivalSpeed="8.59" duration="26.50" routeLength="46.60" waitingTime="10.60" waitingCount="6" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="21.32" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_veh.5" vType="t0" speedFactor="0.66" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="veh.6" depart="0.60" departLane="beg_0" departPos="45.81" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="33.10" arrivalLane="beg_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="2.46" arrivalSpeed="6.52" duration="32.50" routeLength="54.19" waitingTime="12.20" waitingCount="7" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="28.91" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_veh.6" vType="t0" speedFactor="1.09" vaporized=""/>
>     <tripinfo id="veh.1" depart="0.10" departLane="beg_0" departPos="83.80" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="12.70" arrivalLane="beg_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="2.55" arrivalSpeed="6.76" duration="12.60" routeLength="16.20" waitingTime="6.00" waitingCount="3" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="11.21" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_veh.1" vType="t0" speedFactor="0.88" vaporized=""/>
>     <tripinfo id="veh.6" depart="0.60" departLane="beg_0" departPos="45.81" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="13.10" arrivalLane="beg_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="-2.10" arrivalSpeed="15.16" duration="12.50" routeLength="54.19" waitingTime="2.50" waitingCount="4" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="8.80" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_veh.6" vType="t0" speedFactor="1.09" vaporized=""/>
>     <tripinfo id="veh.4" depart="0.40" departLane="beg_0" departPos="61.00" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="14.80" arrivalLane="beg_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="3.90" arrivalSpeed="13.57" duration="14.40" routeLength="39.00" waitingTime="6.00" waitingCount="3" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="11.70" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_veh.4" vType="t0" speedFactor="1.06" vaporized=""/>
>     <tripinfo id="veh.7" depart="0.70" departLane="beg_0" departPos="38.21" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="15.40" arrivalLane="beg_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="-3.00" arrivalSpeed="10.72" duration="14.70" routeLength="61.79" waitingTime="2.50" waitingCount="4" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="8.88" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_veh.7" vType="t0" speedFactor="0.77" vaporized=""/>
>     <tripinfo id="veh.8" depart="0.80" departLane="beg_0" departPos="30.61" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="17.10" arrivalLane="beg_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="-3.80" arrivalSpeed="12.16" duration="16.30" routeLength="69.39" waitingTime="2.60" waitingCount="4" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="10.47" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_veh.8" vType="t0" speedFactor="0.88" vaporized=""/>
>     <tripinfo id="veh.5" depart="0.50" departLane="beg_0" departPos="53.40" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="17.20" arrivalLane="beg_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="3.74" arrivalSpeed="9.20" duration="16.70" routeLength="46.60" waitingTime="6.10" waitingCount="4" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="11.51" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_veh.5" vType="t0" speedFactor="0.66" vaporized=""/>
>     <tripinfo id="veh.9" depart="0.90" departLane="beg_0" departPos="23.01" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="19.40" arrivalLane="beg_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="-3.54" arrivalSpeed="9.91" duration="18.50" routeLength="76.99" waitingTime="2.60" waitingCount="4" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="10.67" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_veh.9" vType="t0" speedFactor="0.71" vaporized=""/>
>     <tripinfo id="veh.2" depart="0.20" departLane="beg_0" departPos="76.20" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="23.80" arrivalLane="beg_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="2.55" arrivalSpeed="6.76" duration="23.60" routeLength="23.80" waitingTime="13.30" waitingCount="5" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="21.87" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_veh.2" vType="t0" speedFactor="1.02" vaporized=""/>
>     <tripinfo id="veh.3" depart="0.30" departLane="beg_0" departPos="68.60" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="27.80" arrivalLane="beg_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="-2.46" arrivalSpeed="6.75" duration="27.50" routeLength="31.40" waitingTime="13.60" waitingCount="5" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="25.51" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_veh.3" vType="t0" speedFactor="1.17" vaporized=""/>

TEST had known bugs (#3698) on ts-sim-build-ba : action_step_length Sublane cooperative_change ( Last six runs Oct2024 )

(This bug was triggered by text found in file 'fcd' matching '.*')
---------- Differences in fcd ----------
<         <vehicle id="blocker1" x="2.76" y="-4.94" angle="89.93" type="t1" speed="27.78" pos="2.78" lane="beg_1" slope="0.00"/>
>         <vehicle id="blocker1" x="2.76" y="-4.94" angle="89.89" type="t1" speed="27.78" pos="2.78" lane="beg_1" slope="0.00"/>
<         <vehicle id="blocker1" x="5.51" y="-4.92" angle="89.85" type="t1" speed="27.78" pos="5.56" lane="beg_1" slope="0.00"/>
>         <vehicle id="blocker1" x="5.51" y="-4.92" angle="89.72" type="t1" speed="27.78" pos="5.56" lane="beg_1" slope="0.00"/>
<         <vehicle id="blocker1" x="8.27" y="-4.89" angle="89.78" type="t1" speed="27.78" pos="8.33" lane="beg_1" slope="0.00"/>
>         <vehicle id="blocker1" x="8.27" y="-4.89" angle="89.53" type="t1" speed="27.78" pos="8.33" lane="beg_1" slope="0.00"/>
<         <vehicle id="blocker1" x="11.03" y="-4.85" angle="89.71" type="t1" speed="27.78" pos="11.11" lane="beg_1" slope="0.00"/>
>         <vehicle id="blocker1" x="11.03" y="-4.85" angle="89.33" type="t1" speed="27.78" pos="11.11" lane="beg_1" slope="0.00"/>
<         <vehicle id="blocker1" x="13.79" y="-4.80" angle="89.63" type="t1" speed="27.78" pos="13.89" lane="beg_1" slope="0.00"/>
>         <vehicle id="blocker1" x="13.79" y="-4.80" angle="89.13" type="t1" speed="27.78" pos="13.89" lane="beg_1" slope="0.00"/>
<         <vehicle id="blocker1" x="16.54" y="-4.74" angle="89.56" type="t1" speed="27.78" pos="16.67" lane="beg_1" slope="0.00"/>
>         <vehicle id="blocker1" x="16.54" y="-4.74" angle="88.93" type="t1" speed="27.78" pos="16.67" lane="beg_1" slope="0.00"/>
<         <vehicle id="blocker1" x="19.30" y="-4.67" angle="89.48" type="t1" speed="27.78" pos="19.45" lane="beg_1" slope="0.00"/>
>         <vehicle id="blocker1" x="19.30" y="-4.67" angle="88.72" type="t1" speed="27.78" pos="19.45" lane="beg_1" slope="0.00"/>
<         <vehicle id="blocker1" x="22.06" y="-4.59" angle="89.41" type="t1" speed="27.78" pos="22.22" lane="beg_1" slope="0.00"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST had known bugs (#3698) on ts-sim-build-ba : action_step_length Sublane cooperative_change_highres ( Last six runs Oct2024 )

(This bug was triggered by text found in file 'fcd' matching '.*')
---------- Differences in fcd ----------
<         <vehicle id="blocker1" x="2.76" y="-4.94" angle="89.93" type="t1" speed="27.78" pos="2.78" lane="beg_1" slope="0.00" signals="0"/>
>         <vehicle id="blocker1" x="2.76" y="-4.94" angle="89.89" type="t1" speed="27.78" pos="2.78" lane="beg_1" slope="0.00" signals="0"/>
<         <vehicle id="blocker1" x="5.51" y="-4.92" angle="89.85" type="t1" speed="27.78" pos="5.56" lane="beg_1" slope="0.00" signals="2"/>
>         <vehicle id="blocker1" x="5.51" y="-4.92" angle="89.72" type="t1" speed="27.78" pos="5.56" lane="beg_1" slope="0.00" signals="2"/>
<         <vehicle id="blocker1" x="8.25" y="-4.89" angle="89.78" type="t1" speed="27.33" pos="8.31" lane="beg_1" slope="0.00" signals="2"/>
>         <vehicle id="blocker1" x="8.25" y="-4.89" angle="89.53" type="t1" speed="27.33" pos="8.31" lane="beg_1" slope="0.00" signals="2"/>
<         <vehicle id="blocker1" x="10.94" y="-4.85" angle="89.70" type="t1" speed="26.88" pos="11.02" lane="beg_1" slope="0.00" signals="2"/>
>         <vehicle id="blocker1" x="10.94" y="-4.85" angle="89.32" type="t1" speed="26.88" pos="11.02" lane="beg_1" slope="0.00" signals="2"/>
<         <vehicle id="blocker1" x="13.59" y="-4.80" angle="89.63" type="t1" speed="26.44" pos="13.69" lane="beg_1" slope="0.00" signals="2"/>
>         <vehicle id="blocker1" x="13.59" y="-4.80" angle="89.11" type="t1" speed="26.44" pos="13.69" lane="beg_1" slope="0.00" signals="2"/>
<         <vehicle id="blocker1" x="16.19" y="-4.74" angle="89.55" type="t1" speed="25.99" pos="16.31" lane="beg_1" slope="0.00" signals="2"/>
>         <vehicle id="blocker1" x="16.19" y="-4.74" angle="88.88" type="t1" speed="25.99" pos="16.31" lane="beg_1" slope="0.00" signals="2"/>
<         <vehicle id="blocker1" x="18.75" y="-4.67" angle="89.47" type="t1" speed="25.65" pos="18.89" lane="beg_1" slope="0.00" signals="2"/>
>         <vehicle id="blocker1" x="18.75" y="-4.67" angle="88.65" type="t1" speed="25.65" pos="18.89" lane="beg_1" slope="0.00" signals="2"/>
<         <vehicle id="blocker1" x="21.28" y="-4.59" angle="89.39" type="t1" speed="25.31" pos="21.44" lane="beg_1" slope="0.00" signals="2"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in lanechanges ----------
<     <change id="blocker1" type="t1" time="2.10" from="beg_1" to="beg_2" dir="1" speed="25.10" pos="53.94" reason="cooperative|urgent" leaderGap="None" leaderSecureGap="None" followerGap="None" followerSecureGap="None" origLeaderGap="None" origLeaderSecureGap="None" latGap="None"/>
<     <change id="merge" type="t0" time="3.90" from="beg_0" to="beg_1" dir="1" speed="27.78" pos="113.34" reason="strategic|urgent" leaderGap="None" leaderSecureGap="None" followerGap="None" followerSecureGap="None" origLeaderGap="None" origLeaderSecureGap="None" latGap="None"/>
>     <change id="blocker1" type="t1" time="2.10" from="beg_1" to="beg_2" dir="1" speed="25.10" pos="53.94" reason="cooperative|urgent" leaderGap="None" leaderSecureGap="None" leaderSpeed="None" followerGap="None" followerSecureGap="None" followerSpeed="None" origLeaderGap="None" origLeaderSecureGap="None" origLeaderSpeed="None" latGap="None"/>
>     <change id="merge" type="t0" time="3.90" from="beg_0" to="beg_1" dir="1" speed="27.78" pos="113.34" reason="strategic|urgent" leaderGap="None" leaderSecureGap="None" leaderSpeed="None" followerGap="None" followerSecureGap="None" followerSpeed="None" origLeaderGap="None" origLeaderSecureGap="None" origLeaderSpeed="None" latGap="None"/>
---------- Differences in tripinfos ----------
<     <tripinfo id="merge" depart="0.00" departLane="beg_0" departPos="5.00" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="27.78" departDelay="0.00" arrival="10.70" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="27.78" duration="10.70" routeLength="295.00" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="0.02" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_merge fcd_merge" vType="t0" speedFactor="2.00" vaporized=""/>
>     <tripinfo id="merge" depart="0.00" departLane="beg_0" departPos="5.00" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="27.78" departDelay="0.00" arrival="10.80" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="27.78" duration="10.80" routeLength="295.00" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="0.09" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_merge fcd_merge" vType="t0" speedFactor="2.00" vaporized=""/>

TEST had known bugs ([no lc-right!? perhaps keep_right prob with asl]) on ts-sim-build-ba : action_step_length Sublane future_braking ( Last six runs Oct2024 )

[no lc-right!? perhaps keep_right prob with asl]
(This bug was triggered by text found in file 'output' matching '.*')
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Loading net-file from 'net.net.xml'... done ((TIME)).
> Loading net-file from 'net.net.xml' ... done ((TIME)).
< Simulation started with time: 0.00..
< Simulation ended at time: 33.00.
> Simulation started with time: 0.00.
> Simulation ended at time: 32.10.
< Statistics (avg):
> Statistics (avg of 2):
<  Duration: 26.00
>  Speed: 18.33
>  Duration: 26.35
<  TimeLoss: 0.00
>  TimeLoss: 0.34

TEST had known bugs (#3696) on ts-sim-build-ba : action_step_length Sublane nopush_for_merge_end_gap ( Last six runs Oct2024 )

(This bug was triggered by text found in file 'output' matching '.*')
---------- Differences in lanechanges ----------
<     <change id="A" type="t0" time="3.00" from="beg_0" to="beg_1" dir="1" speed="33.33" pos="105.09" reason="strategic|urgent" leaderGap="None" leaderSecureGap="None" followerGap="6.66" followerSecureGap="8.17" origLeaderGap="None" origLeaderSecureGap="None" latGap="None"/>
>     <change id="A" type="t0" time="9.10" from="beg_0" to="beg_1" dir="1" speed="2.07" pos="199.52" reason="strategic|urgent" leaderGap="59.90" leaderSecureGap="0.00" leaderSpeed="30.00" followerGap="None" followerSecureGap="None" followerSpeed="None" origLeaderGap="None" origLeaderSecureGap="None" origLeaderSpeed="None" latGap="None"/>
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Loading net-file from 'net.net.xml'... done ((TIME)).
> Loading net-file from 'net.net.xml' ... done ((TIME)).
< Simulation started with time: 0.00..
< Simulation ended at time: 11.00.
> Simulation started with time: 0.00.
> Simulation ended at time: 18.90.
< Statistics (avg):
> Statistics (avg of 2):
<  Duration: 9.50
<  WaitingTime: 0.00
<  TimeLoss: 0.04
>  Speed: 22.16
>  Duration: 14.55
>  WaitingTime: 0.25
>  TimeLoss: 5.20
---------- Differences in tripinfos ----------
<     <tripinfo id="B" depart="0.00" departLane="beg_1" departPos="5.10" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="30.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="10.30" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="30.00" duration="10.30" routeLength="294.90" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="0.41" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_B" vType="t1" speedFactor="0.90" vaporized=""/>
>     <tripinfo id="B" depart="0.00" departLane="beg_1" departPos="5.10" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="30.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="10.30" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="30.00" duration="10.30" routeLength="294.90" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="0.46" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_B" vType="t1" speedFactor="0.90" vaporized=""/>

TEST had known bugs (#3696) on ts-sim-build-ba : action_step_length Sublane nopush_for_merge_impatience ( Last six runs Oct2024 )

(This bug was triggered by text found in file 'output' matching '.*')
---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Warning: Teleporting vehicle 'A'; waited too long (wrong lane), lane='beg_0', time=316.70.
> Warning: Vehicle 'A' teleports beyond arrival edge 'end', time=324.70.
---------- Differences in lanechanges ----------
<     <change id="A" type="t0" time="81.00" from="beg_0" to="beg_1" dir="1" speed="0.00" pos="200.00" reason="strategic|urgent" leaderGap="8.72" leaderSecureGap="0.00" followerGap="63.62" followerSecureGap="97.08" origLeaderGap="None" origLeaderSecureGap="None" latGap="None"/>
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Loading net-file from 'net.net.xml'... done ((TIME)).
> Loading net-file from 'net.net.xml' ... done ((TIME)).
< Simulation started with time: 0.00..
< Simulation ended at time: 372.00.
> Simulation started with time: 0.00.
> Simulation ended at time: 392.40.
< Statistics (avg):
<  RouteLength: 235.03
<  Duration: 8.92
<  WaitingTime: 0.28
<  TimeLoss: 1.42
<  DepartDelay: 35.17
>  Teleports: 1 (Wrong Lane: 1)
> Statistics (avg of 232):
>  RouteLength: 282.09
>  Speed: 17.05
>  Duration: 20.18
>  WaitingTime: 1.30
>  TimeLoss: 11.65
>  DepartDelay: 25.20
---------- Differences in tripinfos ----------
<     <tripinfo id="B.0" depart="0.00" departLane="beg_1" departPos="178.20" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="31.27" departDelay="0.00" arrival="4.00" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="30.31" duration="4.00" routeLength="121.80" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="0.05" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_B.0" vType="t1" speedFactor="0.94" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="B.1" depart="1.30" departLane="beg_1" departPos="98.29" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="33.68" departDelay="0.00" arrival="7.40" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="32.56" duration="6.10" routeLength="201.71" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="0.09" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_B.1" vType="t1" speedFactor="1.01" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="B.2" depart="2.60" departLane="beg_1" departPos="49.50" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="36.09" departDelay="0.00" arrival="9.70" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="35.50" duration="7.10" routeLength="250.50" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="0.12" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_B.2" vType="t1" speedFactor="1.08" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="B.3" depart="4.00" departLane="beg_1" departPos="90.42" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="31.28" departDelay="0.10" arrival="10.60" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="33.26" duration="6.60" routeLength="209.58" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="0.42" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_B.3" vType="t1" speedFactor="1.03" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="B.4" depart="5.20" departLane="beg_1" departPos="64.39" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="27.70" departDelay="0.00" arrival="13.90" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="27.51" duration="8.70" routeLength="235.61" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="0.16" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_B.4" vType="t1" speedFactor="0.83" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="B.5" depart="6.80" departLane="beg_1" departPos="47.34" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="30.39" departDelay="0.30" arrival="15.50" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="29.61" duration="8.70" routeLength="252.66" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="1.43" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_B.5" vType="t1" speedFactor="1.05" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="B.6" depart="7.80" departLane="beg_1" departPos="5.96" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="29.53" departDelay="0.00" arrival="18.00" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="29.20" duration="10.20" routeLength="294.04" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="0.19" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_B.6" vType="t1" speedFactor="0.89" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="B.7" depart="9.10" departLane="beg_1" departPos="33.59" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="25.41" departDelay="0.00" arrival="19.20" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="30.02" duration="10.10" routeLength="266.41" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="1.50" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_B.7" vType="t1" speedFactor="0.94" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="B.8" depart="10.60" departLane="beg_1" departPos="61.56" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="21.22" departDelay="0.20" arrival="20.50" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="28.02" duration="9.90" routeLength="238.44" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="1.47" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_B.8" vType="t1" speedFactor="0.86" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="B.9" depart="11.70" departLane="beg_1" departPos="30.37" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="24.95" departDelay="0.00" arrival="22.00" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="30.80" duration="10.30" routeLength="269.63" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="2.86" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_B.9" vType="t1" speedFactor="1.09" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="B.10" depart="13.00" departLane="beg_1" departPos="17.20" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="26.60" departDelay="0.00" arrival="23.50" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="30.31" duration="10.50" routeLength="282.80" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="2.21" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_B.10" vType="t1" speedFactor="1.03" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="B.11" depart="14.90" departLane="beg_1" departPos="4.77" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="29.87" departDelay="0.60" arrival="25.10" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="31.81" duration="10.20" routeLength="295.23" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="1.71" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_B.11" vType="t1" speedFactor="1.05" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="B.12" depart="16.20" departLane="beg_1" departPos="20.31" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="27.72" departDelay="0.60" arrival="26.30" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="31.88" duration="10.10" routeLength="279.69" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="2.62" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_B.12" vType="t1" speedFactor="1.12" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="B.13" depart="17.20" departLane="beg_1" departPos="8.52" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="27.76" departDelay="0.30" arrival="27.90" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="31.33" duration="10.70" routeLength="291.48" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="1.80" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_B.13" vType="t1" speedFactor="0.99" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="B.14" depart="18.60" departLane="beg_1" departPos="20.58" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="26.15" departDelay="0.40" arrival="29.20" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="30.29" duration="10.60" routeLength="279.42" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="1.54" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_B.14" vType="t1" speedFactor="0.93" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="B.15" depart="19.60" departLane="beg_1" departPos="33.50" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="22.12" departDelay="0.10" arrival="30.70" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="29.16" duration="11.10" routeLength="266.50" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="1.89" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_B.15" vType="t1" speedFactor="0.88" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="B.16" depart="21.30" departLane="beg_1" departPos="41.50" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="22.59" departDelay="0.50" arrival="32.40" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="28.18" duration="11.10" routeLength="258.50" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="2.77" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_B.16" vType="t1" speedFactor="0.94" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="B.17" depart="22.10" departLane="beg_1" departPos="31.52" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="22.10" departDelay="0.00" arrival="33.70" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="28.58" duration="11.60" routeLength="268.48" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="2.97" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_B.17" vType="t1" speedFactor="0.94" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="B.18" depart="23.40" departLane="beg_1" departPos="38.10" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="20.28" departDelay="0.00" arrival="35.20" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="28.69" duration="11.80" routeLength="261.90" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="4.95" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_B.18" vType="t1" speedFactor="1.16" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="B.19" depart="24.80" departLane="beg_1" departPos="23.89" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="22.90" departDelay="0.10" arrival="37.00" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="26.62" duration="12.20" routeLength="276.11" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="4.02" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_B.19" vType="t1" speedFactor="1.02" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="B.20" depart="26.00" departLane="beg_1" departPos="21.93" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="22.22" departDelay="0.00" arrival="38.60" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="26.89" duration="12.60" routeLength="278.07" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="4.27" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_B.20" vType="t1" speedFactor="1.01" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="B.21" depart="27.80" departLane="beg_1" departPos="9.79" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="25.64" departDelay="0.50" arrival="40.10" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="27.71" duration="12.30" routeLength="290.21" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="3.29" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_B.21" vType="t1" speedFactor="0.98" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="B.22" depart="30.10" departLane="beg_1" departPos="5.32" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="28.80" departDelay="1.50" arrival="41.70" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="27.95" duration="11.60" routeLength="294.68" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="1.62" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_B.22" vType="t1" speedFactor="0.89" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="B.23" depart="31.20" departLane="beg_1" departPos="3.28" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="27.52" departDelay="1.30" arrival="43.30" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="27.37" duration="12.10" routeLength="296.72" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="1.24" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_B.23" vType="t1" speedFactor="0.83" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="B.24" depart="31.60" departLane="beg_1" departPos="1.57" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="23.72" departDelay="0.40" arrival="44.90" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="26.54" duration="13.30" routeLength="298.43" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="2.98" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_B.24" vType="t1" speedFactor="0.87" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="B.25" depart="33.20" departLane="beg_1" departPos="16.44" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="21.17" departDelay="0.70" arrival="46.30" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="25.98" duration="13.10" routeLength="283.56" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="3.78" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_B.25" vType="t1" speedFactor="0.92" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="B.26" depart="34.00" departLane="beg_1" departPos="23.91" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="16.64" departDelay="0.20" arrival="47.80" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="25.34" duration="13.80" routeLength="276.09" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="5.04" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_B.26" vType="t1" speedFactor="0.95" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="B.27" depart="35.20" departLane="beg_1" departPos="1.03" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="19.66" departDelay="0.10" arrival="49.30" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="27.26" duration="14.10" routeLength="298.97" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="6.10" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_B.27" vType="t1" speedFactor="1.13" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="B.28" depart="36.40" departLane="beg_1" departPos="10.49" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="16.43" departDelay="0.00" arrival="50.90" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="26.15" duration="14.50" routeLength="289.51" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="5.15" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_B.28" vType="t1" speedFactor="0.93" vaporized=""/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST had known bugs (#3696) on ts-sim-build-ba : action_step_length Sublane nopush_for_merge_impatience_growth ( Last six runs Oct2024 )

(This bug was triggered by text found in file 'output' matching '.*')
---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Warning: Teleporting vehicle 'A'; waited too long (wrong lane), lane='beg_0', time=316.70.
> Warning: Vehicle 'A' teleports beyond arrival edge 'end', time=324.70.
---------- Differences in lanechanges ----------
<     <change id="A" type="t0" time="111.00" from="beg_0" to="beg_1" dir="1" speed="0.00" pos="200.00" reason="strategic|urgent" leaderGap="21.37" leaderSecureGap="0.00" followerGap="94.84" followerSecureGap="139.07" origLeaderGap="None" origLeaderSecureGap="None" latGap="None"/>
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Loading net-file from 'net.net.xml'... done ((TIME)).
> Loading net-file from 'net.net.xml' ... done ((TIME)).
< Simulation started with time: 0.00..
< Simulation ended at time: 384.00.
> Simulation started with time: 0.00.
> Simulation ended at time: 392.40.
< Statistics (avg):
<  RouteLength: 231.56
<  Duration: 8.81
<  WaitingTime: 0.41
<  TimeLoss: 1.44
<  DepartDelay: 37.43
>  Teleports: 1 (Wrong Lane: 1)
> Statistics (avg of 232):
>  RouteLength: 282.09
>  Speed: 17.05
>  Duration: 20.18
>  WaitingTime: 1.30
>  TimeLoss: 11.65
>  DepartDelay: 25.20
---------- Differences in tripinfos ----------
<     <tripinfo id="B.0" depart="0.00" departLane="beg_1" departPos="178.20" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="31.27" departDelay="0.00" arrival="4.00" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="30.31" duration="4.00" routeLength="121.80" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="0.05" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_B.0" vType="t1" speedFactor="0.94" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="B.1" depart="1.30" departLane="beg_1" departPos="98.29" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="33.68" departDelay="0.00" arrival="7.40" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="32.56" duration="6.10" routeLength="201.71" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="0.09" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_B.1" vType="t1" speedFactor="1.01" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="B.2" depart="2.60" departLane="beg_1" departPos="49.50" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="36.09" departDelay="0.00" arrival="9.70" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="35.50" duration="7.10" routeLength="250.50" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="0.12" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_B.2" vType="t1" speedFactor="1.08" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="B.3" depart="4.00" departLane="beg_1" departPos="90.42" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="31.28" departDelay="0.10" arrival="10.60" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="33.26" duration="6.60" routeLength="209.58" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="0.42" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_B.3" vType="t1" speedFactor="1.03" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="B.4" depart="5.20" departLane="beg_1" departPos="64.39" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="27.70" departDelay="0.00" arrival="13.90" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="27.51" duration="8.70" routeLength="235.61" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="0.16" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_B.4" vType="t1" speedFactor="0.83" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="B.5" depart="6.80" departLane="beg_1" departPos="47.34" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="30.39" departDelay="0.30" arrival="15.50" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="29.61" duration="8.70" routeLength="252.66" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="1.43" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_B.5" vType="t1" speedFactor="1.05" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="B.6" depart="7.80" departLane="beg_1" departPos="5.96" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="29.53" departDelay="0.00" arrival="18.00" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="29.20" duration="10.20" routeLength="294.04" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="0.19" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_B.6" vType="t1" speedFactor="0.89" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="B.7" depart="9.10" departLane="beg_1" departPos="33.59" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="25.41" departDelay="0.00" arrival="19.20" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="30.02" duration="10.10" routeLength="266.41" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="1.50" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_B.7" vType="t1" speedFactor="0.94" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="B.8" depart="10.60" departLane="beg_1" departPos="61.56" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="21.22" departDelay="0.20" arrival="20.50" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="28.02" duration="9.90" routeLength="238.44" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="1.47" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_B.8" vType="t1" speedFactor="0.86" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="B.9" depart="11.70" departLane="beg_1" departPos="30.37" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="24.95" departDelay="0.00" arrival="22.00" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="30.80" duration="10.30" routeLength="269.63" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="2.86" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_B.9" vType="t1" speedFactor="1.09" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="B.10" depart="13.00" departLane="beg_1" departPos="17.20" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="26.60" departDelay="0.00" arrival="23.50" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="30.31" duration="10.50" routeLength="282.80" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="2.21" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_B.10" vType="t1" speedFactor="1.03" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="B.11" depart="14.90" departLane="beg_1" departPos="4.77" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="29.87" departDelay="0.60" arrival="25.10" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="31.81" duration="10.20" routeLength="295.23" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="1.71" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_B.11" vType="t1" speedFactor="1.05" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="B.12" depart="16.20" departLane="beg_1" departPos="20.31" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="27.72" departDelay="0.60" arrival="26.30" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="31.88" duration="10.10" routeLength="279.69" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="2.62" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_B.12" vType="t1" speedFactor="1.12" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="B.13" depart="17.20" departLane="beg_1" departPos="8.52" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="27.76" departDelay="0.30" arrival="27.90" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="31.33" duration="10.70" routeLength="291.48" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="1.80" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_B.13" vType="t1" speedFactor="0.99" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="B.14" depart="18.60" departLane="beg_1" departPos="20.58" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="26.15" departDelay="0.40" arrival="29.20" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="30.29" duration="10.60" routeLength="279.42" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="1.54" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_B.14" vType="t1" speedFactor="0.93" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="B.15" depart="19.60" departLane="beg_1" departPos="33.50" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="22.12" departDelay="0.10" arrival="30.70" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="29.16" duration="11.10" routeLength="266.50" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="1.89" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_B.15" vType="t1" speedFactor="0.88" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="B.16" depart="21.30" departLane="beg_1" departPos="41.50" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="22.59" departDelay="0.50" arrival="32.40" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="28.18" duration="11.10" routeLength="258.50" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="2.77" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_B.16" vType="t1" speedFactor="0.94" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="B.17" depart="22.10" departLane="beg_1" departPos="31.52" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="22.10" departDelay="0.00" arrival="33.70" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="28.58" duration="11.60" routeLength="268.48" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="2.97" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_B.17" vType="t1" speedFactor="0.94" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="B.18" depart="23.40" departLane="beg_1" departPos="38.10" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="20.28" departDelay="0.00" arrival="35.20" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="28.69" duration="11.80" routeLength="261.90" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="4.95" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_B.18" vType="t1" speedFactor="1.16" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="B.19" depart="24.80" departLane="beg_1" departPos="23.89" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="22.90" departDelay="0.10" arrival="37.00" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="26.62" duration="12.20" routeLength="276.11" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="4.02" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_B.19" vType="t1" speedFactor="1.02" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="B.20" depart="26.00" departLane="beg_1" departPos="21.93" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="22.22" departDelay="0.00" arrival="38.60" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="26.89" duration="12.60" routeLength="278.07" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="4.27" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_B.20" vType="t1" speedFactor="1.01" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="B.21" depart="27.80" departLane="beg_1" departPos="9.79" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="25.64" departDelay="0.50" arrival="40.10" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="27.71" duration="12.30" routeLength="290.21" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="3.29" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_B.21" vType="t1" speedFactor="0.98" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="B.22" depart="30.10" departLane="beg_1" departPos="5.32" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="28.80" departDelay="1.50" arrival="41.70" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="27.95" duration="11.60" routeLength="294.68" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="1.62" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_B.22" vType="t1" speedFactor="0.89" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="B.23" depart="31.20" departLane="beg_1" departPos="3.28" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="27.52" departDelay="1.30" arrival="43.30" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="27.37" duration="12.10" routeLength="296.72" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="1.24" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_B.23" vType="t1" speedFactor="0.83" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="B.24" depart="31.60" departLane="beg_1" departPos="1.57" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="23.72" departDelay="0.40" arrival="44.90" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="26.54" duration="13.30" routeLength="298.43" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="2.98" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_B.24" vType="t1" speedFactor="0.87" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="B.25" depart="33.20" departLane="beg_1" departPos="16.44" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="21.17" departDelay="0.70" arrival="46.30" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="25.98" duration="13.10" routeLength="283.56" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="3.78" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_B.25" vType="t1" speedFactor="0.92" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="B.26" depart="34.00" departLane="beg_1" departPos="23.91" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="16.64" departDelay="0.20" arrival="47.80" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="25.34" duration="13.80" routeLength="276.09" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="5.04" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_B.26" vType="t1" speedFactor="0.95" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="B.27" depart="35.20" departLane="beg_1" departPos="1.03" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="19.66" departDelay="0.10" arrival="49.30" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="27.26" duration="14.10" routeLength="298.97" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="6.10" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_B.27" vType="t1" speedFactor="1.13" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="B.28" depart="36.40" departLane="beg_1" departPos="10.49" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="16.43" departDelay="0.00" arrival="50.90" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="26.15" duration="14.50" routeLength="289.51" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="5.15" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_B.28" vType="t1" speedFactor="0.93" vaporized=""/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST had known bugs (#3698) on ts-sim-build-ba : action_step_length Sublane push_for_merge_highres ( Last six runs Oct2024 )

(This bug was triggered by text found in file 'fcd' matching '.*')
---------- Differences in fcd ----------
>     <timestep time="0.10">
>         <vehicle id="B" x="1.38" y="-1.64" angle="89.89" type="tB" speed="13.89" pos="1.39" lane="beg_1" slope="0.00"/>
>         <vehicle id="ego" x="1.48" y="-4.94" angle="89.89" type="tEgo" speed="13.89" pos="1.49" lane="beg_0" slope="0.00"/>
>     </timestep>
<         <vehicle id="B" x="2.76" y="-1.65" angle="90.00" type="tB" speed="13.89" pos="2.78" lane="beg_1" slope="0.00"/>
<         <vehicle id="ego" x="2.86" y="-4.91" angle="89.71" type="tEgo" speed="13.89" pos="2.88" lane="beg_0" slope="0.00"/>
>         <vehicle id="B" x="2.76" y="-1.62" angle="89.69" type="tB" speed="13.89" pos="2.78" lane="beg_1" slope="0.00"/>
>         <vehicle id="ego" x="2.86" y="-4.92" angle="89.69" type="tEgo" speed="13.89" pos="2.88" lane="beg_0" slope="0.00"/>
>     </timestep>
>     <timestep time="0.30">
>         <vehicle id="B" x="4.11" y="-1.59" angle="89.43" type="tB" speed="13.44" pos="4.14" lane="beg_1" slope="0.00"/>
>         <vehicle id="ego" x="4.23" y="-4.89" angle="89.43" type="tEgo" speed="13.89" pos="4.27" lane="beg_0" slope="0.00"/>
<         <vehicle id="B" x="5.51" y="-1.61" angle="89.71" type="tB" speed="13.89" pos="5.56" lane="beg_1" slope="0.00"/>
<         <vehicle id="ego" x="5.61" y="-4.83" angle="89.41" type="tEgo" speed="13.89" pos="5.66" lane="beg_0" slope="0.00"/>
>         <vehicle id="B" x="5.43" y="-1.56" angle="89.23" type="tB" speed="12.99" pos="5.47" lane="beg_1" slope="0.00"/>
>         <vehicle id="ego" x="5.61" y="-4.85" angle="89.13" type="tEgo" speed="13.89" pos="5.66" lane="beg_0" slope="0.00"/>
>     </timestep>
>     <timestep time="0.50">
>         <vehicle id="B" x="6.69" y="-1.52" angle="88.97" type="tB" speed="12.54" pos="6.74" lane="beg_1" slope="0.00"/>
>         <vehicle id="ego" x="6.99" y="-4.80" angle="88.80" type="tEgo" speed="13.89" pos="7.05" lane="beg_0" slope="0.00"/>
<         <vehicle id="B" x="8.27" y="-1.57" angle="89.71" type="tB" speed="13.89" pos="8.33" lane="beg_1" slope="0.00"/>
<         <vehicle id="ego" x="8.37" y="-4.71" angle="89.12" type="tEgo" speed="13.89" pos="8.43" lane="beg_0" slope="0.00"/>
>         <vehicle id="B" x="7.91" y="-1.47" angle="88.64" type="tB" speed="12.09" pos="7.97" lane="beg_1" slope="0.00"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in lanechanges ----------
<     <change id="ego" type="tEgo" time="7.40" from="beg_0" to="beg_1" dir="1" speed="13.89" pos="102.89" reason="strategic|urgent" leaderGap="None" leaderSecureGap="None" followerGap="6.95" followerSecureGap="3.90" origLeaderGap="None" origLeaderSecureGap="None" latGap="None"/>
>     <change id="ego" type="tEgo" time="2.80" from="beg_0" to="beg_1" dir="1" speed="13.89" pos="38.99" reason="strategic|urgent" leaderGap="None" leaderSecureGap="None" leaderSpeed="None" followerGap="4.63" followerSecureGap="0.00" followerSpeed="9.84" origLeaderGap="None" origLeaderSecureGap="None" origLeaderSpeed="None" latGap="None"/>

TEST had known bugs (#3704) on ts-sim-build-ba : action_step_length Sublane push_for_merge_ramp_mixed ( Last six runs Oct2024 )

(This bug was triggered by text found in file 'output' matching '.*')
---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Warning: Vehicle 'ramp.0' performs emergency braking on lane 'merge_1' with decel=9.00, wished=4.50, severity=1.00, time=4.10.
> Warning: Vehicle 'main.11' performs emergency braking on lane 'merge_1' with decel=9.00, wished=4.50, severity=1.00, time=25.00.
> Warning: Vehicle 'main.14' performs emergency braking on lane 'end_0' with decel=9.00, wished=4.50, severity=1.00, time=48.70.
> Warning: Vehicle 'ramp.18' performs emergency braking on lane 'merge_0' with decel=9.00, wished=4.50, severity=1.00, time=81.10.
> Warning: Vehicle 'main.90' performs emergency braking on lane 'beg_1' with decel=9.00, wished=4.50, severity=1.00, time=112.50.
> Warning: Teleporting vehicle 'main.90'; collision with vehicle 'main.86', lane='beg_0', gap=-0.09, latGap=-0.74, time=112.60, stage=move.
> Warning: Vehicle 'main.90' ends teleporting on edge 'merge', time=117.60.
> Warning: Teleporting vehicle 'main.60'; collision with vehicle 'ramp.40', lane='merge_1', gap=-0.07, latGap=-0.49, time=131.50, stage=move.
> Warning: Vehicle 'main.60' ends teleporting on edge 'end', time=131.50.
> Warning: Teleporting vehicle 'main.119'; collision with vehicle 'main.110', lane='merge_1', gap=-0.64, latGap=-0.56, time=150.60, stage=move.
> Warning: Vehicle 'main.119' ends teleporting on edge 'end', time=150.60.
> Warning: Vehicle 'main.101' performs emergency braking on lane 'merge_1' with decel=9.00, wished=4.50, severity=1.00, time=155.20.
> Warning: Teleporting vehicle 'main.110'; collision with vehicle 'main.108', lane='merge_1', gap=-1.82, latGap=-0.06, time=156.90, stage=laneChange.
> Warning: Vehicle 'main.110' ends teleporting on edge 'end', time=159.50.
> Warning: Teleporting vehicle 'main.120'; collision with vehicle 'main.86', lane='merge_1', gap=-2.37, latGap=-0.07, time=160.30, stage=laneChange.
> Warning: Vehicle 'main.120' ends teleporting on edge 'end', time=161.60.
> Warning: Vehicle 'main.140' performs emergency braking on lane 'merge_2' with decel=9.00, wished=4.50, severity=1.00, time=167.00.
> Warning: Teleporting vehicle 'main.140'; collision with vehicle 'main.86', lane='merge_1', gap=-0.15, latGap=-0.19, time=167.30, stage=move.
> Warning: Vehicle 'main.140' ends teleporting on edge 'end', time=171.60.
> Warning: Vehicle 'ramp.52' performs emergency braking on lane 'merge_1' with decel=9.00, wished=4.50, severity=1.00, time=191.30.
> Warning: Vehicle 'main.197' performs emergency braking on lane 'end_1' with decel=9.00, wished=4.50, severity=1.00, time=282.50.
> Warning: Vehicle 'main.215' performs emergency braking on lane 'merge_2' with decel=9.00, wished=4.50, severity=1.00, time=356.30.
> Warning: Teleporting vehicle 'main.280'; collision with vehicle 'main.228', lane='merge_1', gap=-0.48, latGap=-0.24, time=374.60, stage=move.
> Warning: Vehicle 'main.280' ends teleporting on edge 'end', time=374.60.
---------- Differences in lanechanges ----------
<     <change id="ramp.0" type="passenger_pushy" time="2.00" from="merge_0" to="merge_1" dir="1" speed="24.45" pos="51.03" reason="strategic|urgent" leaderGap="8.88" leaderSecureGap="0.00" followerGap="None" followerSecureGap="None" origLeaderGap="None" origLeaderSecureGap="None" latGap="None"/>
<     <change id="main.3" type="passenger_pushy" time="4.00" from="merge_1" to="merge_2" dir="1" speed="31.26" pos="36.39" reason="cooperative|urgent" leaderGap="63.08" leaderSecureGap="6.32" followerGap="None" followerSecureGap="None" origLeaderGap="24.98" origLeaderSecureGap="93.27" latGap="None"/>
<     <change id="ramp.1" type="passenger" time="5.00" from="merge_0" to="merge_1" dir="1" speed="14.51" pos="80.88" reason="strategic|urgent" leaderGap="None" leaderSecureGap="None" followerGap="37.40" followerSecureGap="28.87" origLeaderGap="None" origLeaderSecureGap="None" latGap="None"/>
<     <change id="ramp.3" type="passenger_pushy" time="5.00" from="merge_0" to="merge_1" dir="1" speed="18.08" pos="38.49" reason="strategic|urgent" leaderGap="17.93" leaderSecureGap="16.90" followerGap="None" followerSecureGap="None" origLeaderGap="17.93" origLeaderSecureGap="16.90" latGap="None"/>
<     <change id="ramp.2" type="passenger" time="6.00" from="merge_0" to="merge_1" dir="1" speed="13.88" pos="75.29" reason="strategic|urgent" leaderGap="17.71" leaderSecureGap="4.17" followerGap="14.07" followerSecureGap="29.30" origLeaderGap="None" origLeaderSecureGap="None" latGap="None"/>
<     <change id="ramp.4" type="motorcycle" time="16.00" from="merge_0" to="merge_1" dir="1" speed="0.00" pos="116.79" reason="strategic|urgent" leaderGap="14.72" leaderSecureGap="0.00" followerGap="2.50" followerSecureGap="9.79" origLeaderGap="None" origLeaderSecureGap="None" latGap="None"/>
<     <change id="ramp.5" type="motorcycle" time="16.00" from="merge_0" to="merge_1" dir="1" speed="9.79" pos="112.09" reason="strategic|urgent" leaderGap="2.50" leaderSecureGap="9.79" followerGap="81.81" followerSecureGap="13.62" origLeaderGap="None" origLeaderSecureGap="None" latGap="None"/>
<     <change id="main.18" type="passenger" time="19.00" from="beg_0" to="beg_1" dir="1" speed="25.36" pos="253.55" reason="cooperative|urgent" leaderGap="32.14" leaderSecureGap="0.00" followerGap="29.42" followerSecureGap="56.98" origLeaderGap="48.39" origLeaderSecureGap="84.65" latGap="None"/>
<     <change id="main.19" type="passenger" time="19.00" from="beg_0" to="beg_1" dir="1" speed="30.11" pos="219.13" reason="cooperative|urgent" leaderGap="29.42" leaderSecureGap="56.98" followerGap="None" followerSecureGap="None" origLeaderGap="82.81" origLeaderSecureGap="116.27" latGap="None"/>
<     <change id="ramp.6" type="motorcycle" time="20.00" from="merge_0" to="merge_1" dir="1" speed="0.00" pos="116.79" reason="strategic|urgent" leaderGap="29.10" leaderSecureGap="0.00" followerGap="16.24" followerSecureGap="27.32" origLeaderGap="None" origLeaderSecureGap="None" latGap="None"/>
<     <change id="ramp.7" type="passenger" time="20.00" from="merge_0" to="merge_1" dir="1" speed="13.58" pos="98.34" reason="strategic|urgent" leaderGap="16.24" leaderSecureGap="27.32" followerGap="17.21" followerSecureGap="5.32" origLeaderGap="None" origLeaderSecureGap="None" latGap="None"/>
<     <change id="ramp.8" type="passenger" time="20.00" from="merge_0" to="merge_1" dir="1" speed="10.86" pos="76.14" reason="strategic|urgent" leaderGap="17.21" leaderSecureGap="5.32" followerGap="24.58" followerSecureGap="0.00" origLeaderGap="None" origLeaderSecureGap="None" latGap="None"/>
<     <change id="ramp.9" type="passenger_pushy" time="20.00" from="merge_0" to="merge_1" dir="1" speed="3.84" pos="46.56" reason="strategic|urgent" leaderGap="24.58" leaderSecureGap="0.00" followerGap="93.70" followerSecureGap="86.80" origLeaderGap="None" origLeaderSecureGap="None" latGap="None"/>
<     <change id="ramp.11" type="passenger_pushy" time="20.00" from="merge_0" to="merge_1" dir="1" speed="0.32" pos="17.97" reason="strategic|urgent" leaderGap="23.59" leaderSecureGap="0.32" followerGap="65.11" followerSecureGap="86.80" origLeaderGap="12.25" origLeaderSecureGap="0.32" latGap="None"/>
<     <change id="ramp.10" type="passenger" time="22.00" from="merge_0" to="merge_1" dir="1" speed="6.44" pos="45.50" reason="strategic|urgent" leaderGap="11.54" leaderSecureGap="3.80" followerGap="14.09" followerSecureGap="4.59" origLeaderGap="None" origLeaderSecureGap="None" latGap="None"/>
<     <change id="ramp.13" type="passenger_pushy" time="26.00" from="merge_0" to="merge_1" dir="1" speed="9.85" pos="29.85" reason="strategic|urgent" leaderGap="36.77" leaderSecureGap="0.00" followerGap="4.92" followerSecureGap="0.00" origLeaderGap="20.68" origLeaderSecureGap="11.48" latGap="None"/>
<     <change id="ramp.12" type="motorcycle" time="27.00" from="merge_0" to="merge_1" dir="1" speed="4.99" pos="77.38" reason="strategic|urgent" leaderGap="27.01" leaderSecureGap="0.00" followerGap="32.88" followerSecureGap="23.85" origLeaderGap="None" origLeaderSecureGap="None" latGap="None"/>
<     <change id="ramp.15" type="passenger_pushy" time="29.00" from="merge_0" to="merge_1" dir="1" speed="11.17" pos="35.65" reason="strategic|urgent" leaderGap="55.52" leaderSecureGap="19.01" followerGap="13.49" followerSecureGap="3.45" origLeaderGap="None" origLeaderSecureGap="None" latGap="0.55"/>
<     <change id="ramp.16" type="passenger_pushy" time="30.00" from="merge_0" to="merge_1" dir="1" speed="10.99" pos="28.15" reason="strategic|urgent" leaderGap="16.27" leaderSecureGap="5.17" followerGap="38.29" followerSecureGap="24.73" origLeaderGap="None" origLeaderSecureGap="None" latGap="None"/>
<     <change id="ramp.14" type="motorcycle" time="32.00" from="merge_0" to="merge_1" dir="1" speed="0.00" pos="116.79" reason="strategic|urgent" leaderGap="31.36" leaderSecureGap="0.00" followerGap="45.53" followerSecureGap="16.34" origLeaderGap="None" origLeaderSecureGap="None" latGap="None"/>
<     <change id="main.24" type="motorcycle" time="32.00" from="merge_1" to="merge_2" dir="1" speed="6.24" pos="28.63" reason="speedGain" leaderGap="49.92" leaderSecureGap="0.00" followerGap="57.03" followerSecureGap="31.83" origLeaderGap="35.43" origLeaderSecureGap="6.24" latGap="None"/>
<     <change id="ramp.17" type="motorcycle" time="34.00" from="merge_0" to="merge_1" dir="1" speed="11.75" pos="52.05" reason="strategic|urgent" leaderGap="17.00" leaderSecureGap="10.94" followerGap="32.92" followerSecureGap="7.44" origLeaderGap="None" origLeaderSecureGap="None" latGap="None"/>
<     <change id="main.34" type="passenger_pushy" time="36.00" from="beg_0" to="beg_1" dir="1" speed="11.15" pos="244.84" reason="speedGain" leaderGap="8.95" leaderSecureGap="17.60" followerGap="None" followerSecureGap="None" origLeaderGap="None" origLeaderSecureGap="None" latGap="None"/>
<     <change id="main.31" type="passenger_pushy" time="37.00" from="beg_0" to="beg_1" dir="1" speed="7.01" pos="282.05" reason="speedGain" leaderGap="9.35" leaderSecureGap="0.00" followerGap="9.27" followerSecureGap="7.96" origLeaderGap="11.30" origLeaderSecureGap="5.48" latGap="None"/>
<     <change id="ramp.18" type="passenger" time="37.00" from="merge_0" to="merge_1" dir="1" speed="15.00" pos="64.17" reason="strategic|urgent" leaderGap="30.70" leaderSecureGap="27.17" followerGap="13.87" followerSecureGap="2.06" origLeaderGap="None" origLeaderSecureGap="None" latGap="None"/>
<     <change id="main.30" type="passenger_pushy" time="38.00" from="merge_1" to="merge_2" dir="1" speed="5.71" pos="14.77" reason="speedGain" leaderGap="13.81" leaderSecureGap="2.81" followerGap="8.34" followerSecureGap="11.64" origLeaderGap="13.81" origLeaderSecureGap="2.81" latGap="None"/>
<     <change id="main.29" type="truck" time="39.00" from="merge_1" to="merge_2" dir="1" speed="11.20" pos="46.28" reason="cooperative|urgent" leaderGap="18.66" leaderSecureGap="0.00" followerGap="16.70" followerSecureGap="3.21" origLeaderGap="5.40" origLeaderSecureGap="11.74" latGap="None"/>
<     <change id="ramp.19" type="passenger_pushy" time="40.00" from="merge_0" to="merge_1" dir="1" speed="13.53" pos="70.21" reason="strategic|urgent" leaderGap="14.47" leaderSecureGap="6.31" followerGap="21.97" followerSecureGap="1.10" origLeaderGap="None" origLeaderSecureGap="None" latGap="None"/>
<     <change id="ramp.20" type="passenger" time="40.00" from="merge_0" to="merge_1" dir="1" speed="9.40" pos="43.24" reason="strategic|urgent" leaderGap="21.97" leaderSecureGap="1.10" followerGap="12.61" followerSecureGap="8.38" origLeaderGap="None" origLeaderSecureGap="None" latGap="None"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Loading net-file from 'net.net.xml'... done ((TIME)).
> Loading net-file from 'net.net.xml' ... done ((TIME)).
< Simulation started with time: 0.00..
< Simulation ended at time: 477.00.
> Simulation started with time: 0.00.
> Simulation ended at time: 662.20.
< Statistics (avg):
<  RouteLength: 395.35
<  Duration: 25.06
<  WaitingTime: 1.35
<  TimeLoss: 12.26
<  DepartDelay: 45.72
>  Teleports: 7 (Collisions: 7)
>  Emergency Braking: 10
> Statistics (avg of 565):
>  RouteLength: 404.89
>  Speed: 13.25
>  Duration: 45.39
>  WaitingTime: 5.89
>  TimeLoss: 32.67
>  DepartDelay: 110.92

TEST had known bugs (#3696) on ts-sim-build-ba : action_step_length bugs ticket3696 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )

(This bug was triggered by text found in file 'output' matching '.*')
---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Warning: Vehicle 'main.131' performs emergency braking on lane 'beg2_1' with decel=9.00, wished=4.50, severity=1.00, time=183.10.
> Warning: Vehicle 'main.179' performs emergency braking on lane 'beg2_1' with decel=9.00, wished=4.50, severity=1.00, time=250.70.
> Warning: Vehicle 'main.253' performs emergency braking on lane 'beg2_1' with decel=9.00, wished=4.50, severity=1.00, time=396.20.
> Warning: Vehicle 'main.278' performs emergency braking on lane 'beg2_1' with decel=9.00, wished=4.50, severity=1.00, time=451.70.
> Warning: Vehicle 'onRamp.114' performs emergency braking on lane 'merge_0' with decel=9.00, wished=4.50, severity=1.00, time=689.60.
> Warning: Vehicle 'onRamp.114' performs emergency stop at the end of lane 'merge_0' because there is no connection to the next edge (decel=-12.91, offset=0.16), time=689.70.
> Warning: Vehicle 'main.558' performs emergency braking on lane 'beg2_1' with decel=9.00, wished=4.50, severity=1.00, time=1069.30.
> Warning: Vehicle 'main.563' performs emergency braking on lane 'beg2_1' with decel=9.00, wished=4.50, severity=1.00, time=1080.30.
---------- Differences in aggregated300 ----------
<     <interval begin="0.00" end="1030.00" id="laneData">
>     <interval begin="0.00" end="1218.20" id="laneData">
<             <lane id="beg2_0" sampledSeconds="2328.77" traveltime="102.18" overlapTraveltime="104.04" density="0.75" occupancy="0.37" waitingTime="0.00" speed="28.85" departed="363" arrived="0" entered="0" left="283" laneChangedFrom="80" laneChangedTo="0"/>
<             <lane id="beg2_1" sampledSeconds="2183.89" traveltime="86.88" overlapTraveltime="87.09" density="0.71" occupancy="0.35" waitingTime="0.00" speed="34.47" departed="332" arrived="0" entered="0" left="412" laneChangedFrom="0" laneChangedTo="80"/>
>             <lane id="beg2_0" sampledSeconds="23796.63" traveltime="1889.40" overlapTraveltime="1898.77" density="6.52" laneDensity="6.52" occupancy="3.22" waitingTime="6560.16" timeLoss="22756.32" speed="1.58" speedRelative="0.04" departed="192" arrived="0" entered="0" left="165" laneChangedFrom="45" laneChangedTo="18"/>
>             <lane id="beg2_1" sampledSeconds="7105.64" traveltime="227.78" overlapTraveltime="225.97" density="1.95" laneDensity="1.95" occupancy="0.97" waitingTime="47.90" timeLoss="4476.25" speed="13.28" speedRelative="0.37" departed="452" arrived="0" entered="0" left="479" laneChangedFrom="18" laneChangedTo="45"/>
<             <lane id="end_0" sampledSeconds="4033.76" traveltime="8.85" overlapTraveltime="9.02" density="19.88" occupancy="9.64" waitingTime="0.00" speed="22.39" departed="0" arrived="448" entered="448" left="0" laneChangedFrom="0" laneChangedTo="0"/>
<             <lane id="end_1" sampledSeconds="2637.89" traveltime="5.88" overlapTraveltime="6.02" density="13.00" occupancy="6.35" waitingTime="0.00" speed="33.56" departed="0" arrived="439" entered="439" left="0" laneChangedFrom="0" laneChangedTo="0"/>
>             <lane id="end_0" sampledSeconds="3400.07" traveltime="9.98" overlapTraveltime="10.21" density="14.17" laneDensity="14.17" occupancy="6.86" waitingTime="0.00" timeLoss="1527.85" speed="19.78" speedRelative="0.55" departed="0" arrived="339" entered="339" left="0" laneChangedFrom="1" laneChangedTo="1"/>
>             <lane id="end_1" sampledSeconds="3122.76" traveltime="6.22" overlapTraveltime="6.37" density="13.01" laneDensity="13.01" occupancy="6.40" waitingTime="0.00" timeLoss="370.70" speed="31.69" speedRelative="0.88" departed="0" arrived="498" entered="498" left="0" laneChangedFrom="1" laneChangedTo="1"/>
<             <lane id="merge_0" sampledSeconds="2828.16" traveltime="20.82" overlapTraveltime="21.89" density="28.31" occupancy="14.00" waitingTime="1155.00" speed="4.66" departed="0" arrived="0" entered="192" left="0" laneChangedFrom="192" laneChangedTo="0"/>
<             <lane id="merge_1" sampledSeconds="2919.07" traveltime="8.32" overlapTraveltime="8.78" density="29.22" occupancy="13.91" waitingTime="113.00" speed="11.61" departed="0" arrived="0" entered="283" left="448" laneChangedFrom="27" laneChangedTo="192"/>
<             <lane id="merge_2" sampledSeconds="1320.89" traveltime="2.95" overlapTraveltime="3.10" density="13.22" occupancy="6.29" waitingTime="0.00" speed="32.86" departed="0" arrived="0" entered="412" left="439" laneChangedFrom="0" laneChangedTo="27"/>
>             <lane id="merge_0" sampledSeconds="7572.45" traveltime="53.08" overlapTraveltime="55.82" density="64.08" laneDensity="64.08" occupancy="31.26" waitingTime="2622.30" timeLoss="7186.09" speed="1.83" speedRelative="0.05" departed="0" arrived="0" entered="193" left="0" laneChangedFrom="193" laneChangedTo="0"/>
>             <lane id="merge_1" sampledSeconds="8615.29" traveltime="40.46" overlapTraveltime="40.43" density="72.91" laneDensity="72.91" occupancy="34.73" waitingTime="2994.20" timeLoss="8012.24" speed="2.52" speedRelative="0.07" departed="0" arrived="0" entered="165" left="339" laneChangedFrom="19" laneChangedTo="193"/>
>             <lane id="merge_2" sampledSeconds="2094.42" traveltime="4.11" overlapTraveltime="4.29" density="17.72" laneDensity="17.72" occupancy="8.44" waitingTime="5.90" timeLoss="708.36" speed="23.78" speedRelative="0.66" departed="0" arrived="0" entered="479" left="498" laneChangedFrom="0" laneChangedTo="19"/>
<             <lane id="onRamp_0" sampledSeconds="1851.43" traveltime="9.51" overlapTraveltime="9.81" density="5.95" occupancy="2.93" waitingTime="0.00" speed="31.33" departed="192" arrived="0" entered="0" left="192" laneChangedFrom="0" laneChangedTo="0"/>
>             <lane id="onRamp_0" sampledSeconds="7086.74" traveltime="35.02" overlapTraveltime="37.34" density="19.25" laneDensity="19.25" occupancy="9.32" waitingTime="490.70" timeLoss="5459.09" speed="8.23" speedRelative="0.23" departed="193" arrived="0" entered="0" left="193" laneChangedFrom="0" laneChangedTo="0"/>
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Loading net-file from 'motorway.net.xml'... done ((TIME)).
< Loading additional-files from 'input_additional.add.xml'... done ((TIME)).
> Loading net-file from 'motorway.net.xml' ... done ((TIME)).
> Loading additional-files from 'input_additional.add.xml' ... done ((TIME)).
< Simulation started with time: 0.00..
< Simulation ended at time: 1030.00.
> Simulation started with time: 0.00.
> Simulation ended at time: 1218.20.
<  Inserted: 887
>  Inserted: 837
< Statistics (avg):
<  RouteLength: 521.02
<  Duration: 22.82
<  WaitingTime: 1.43
<  TimeLoss: 7.85
<  DepartDelay: 0.00
>  Emergency Stops: 1
>  Emergency Braking: 7
> Statistics (avg of 837):
>  RouteLength: 522.39
>  Speed: 15.57
>  Duration: 74.36
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST had known bugs (see #11004) on ts-sim-build-ba : bugs 11xxx ticket11004 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )

emergency braking
(This bug was triggered by text found in file 'errors' matching 'emergency braking')
---------- Differences in errors ----------
> /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/utils/common/SUMOTime.cpp:75:15: runtime error: negation of -9223372036854775808 cannot be represented in type 'long long'; cast to an unsigned type to negate this value to itself
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/utils/common/SUMOTime.cpp:75:15 
> Warning: Vehicle 'f_0.22' performs emergency braking on lane '26691822#0_1' with decel=9.00, wished=4.50, severity=1.00, time=45.00.
> Warning: Vehicle 'f_0.47' performs emergency braking on lane '26691822#0_1' with decel=9.00, wished=4.50, severity=1.00, time=95.00.
> Warning: Vehicle 'f_0.72' performs emergency braking on lane '26691822#0_0' with decel=9.00, wished=4.50, severity=1.00, time=145.00.
> Warning: Vehicle 'f_0.97' performs emergency braking on lane '26691822#0_1' with decel=9.00, wished=4.50, severity=1.00, time=195.00.
> Warning: Vehicle 'f_0.122' performs emergency braking on lane '26691822#0_0' with decel=9.00, wished=4.50, severity=1.00, time=245.00.
> Warning: Vehicle 'f_0.147' performs emergency braking on lane '26691822#0_1' with decel=9.00, wished=4.50, severity=1.00, time=295.00.
> Warning: Vehicle 'f_0.172' performs emergency braking on lane '26691822#0_1' with decel=9.00, wished=4.50, severity=1.00, time=345.00.

TEST had known bugs (see #1097) on ts-sim-build-ba : bugs 1xxx ticket1097 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )

vehicles use the wrong lane and thereby slow down the flow of traffic
(This bug was triggered by FAILING to find text in file 'output' matching 'Simulation ended at time: 3352.00')
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Loading net-file from 'net.net.xml'...  done ((TIME)).
> Loading net-file from 'net.net.xml' ... done ((TIME)).
< Simulation started with time: 0.00..
< Simulation ended at time: 3352.00.
> Simulation started with time: 0.00.
> Simulation ended at time: 3888.00.

TEST had known bugs (#1845) on ts-sim-build-ba : bugs 1xxx ticket1845 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )

(This bug was triggered by text found in file 'errors' matching 'collision')
---------- New result in errors ----------
Warning: Teleporting vehicle 'major'; collision with vehicle 'minor', lane='mid1_0', gap=-6.18, time=8.00, stage=move.
Warning: Vehicle 'major' ends teleporting on edge 'mid2', time=8.00.
---------- New result in output ----------

TEST had known bugs (#2319) on ts-sim-build-ba : bugs 2xxx ticket2319 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )

(This bug was triggered by text found in file 'errors' matching 'teleporting')
---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Warning: Teleporting vehicle 'v1'; waited too long (jam), lane=':C_3_0', time=307.00.
> Warning: Vehicle 'v1' ends teleporting on edge 'end', time=307.00.
---------- Differences in fcd ----------
<         <vehicle id="v0" x="52.31" y="34.06" angle="357.81" type="t0" speed="0.00" pos="17.43" lane="beg2_2" slope="0.00"/>
>         <vehicle id="v0" x="52.31" y="34.06" angle="357.81" type="truck" speed="0.00" pos="17.43" lane="beg2_2" slope="0.00"/>
>         <vehicle id="v1" x="18.32" y="51.01" angle="90.14" type="car" speed="0.00" pos="36.66" lane="beg1_0" slope="0.00"/>
<         <vehicle id="v0" x="52.21" y="36.66" angle="357.81" type="t0" speed="2.60" pos="20.03" lane="beg2_2" slope="0.00"/>
>         <vehicle id="v0" x="52.21" y="36.66" angle="357.81" type="truck" speed="2.60" pos="20.03" lane="beg2_2" slope="0.00"/>
>         <vehicle id="v1" x="20.92" y="51.01" angle="90.14" type="car" speed="2.60" pos="39.26" lane="beg1_0" slope="0.00"/>
<         <vehicle id="v0" x="52.01" y="41.85" angle="357.81" type="t0" speed="5.20" pos="25.23" lane="beg2_2" slope="0.00"/>
>         <vehicle id="v0" x="52.01" y="41.85" angle="357.81" type="truck" speed="5.20" pos="25.23" lane="beg2_2" slope="0.00"/>
>         <vehicle id="v1" x="26.12" y="50.99" angle="90.14" type="car" speed="5.20" pos="44.46" lane="beg1_0" slope="0.00"/>
<         <vehicle id="v0" x="54.58" y="51.86" angle="3.05" type="t0" speed="7.80" pos="5.60" lane=":C_0_2" slope="0.00"/>
>         <vehicle id="v0" x="54.58" y="51.86" angle="3.05" type="truck" speed="7.80" pos="5.60" lane=":C_0_2" slope="0.00"/>
>         <vehicle id="v1" x="33.92" y="50.97" angle="90.14" type="car" speed="7.80" pos="52.26" lane="beg1_0" slope="0.00"/>
<         <vehicle id="v0" x="62.96" y="54.02" angle="20.19" type="t0" speed="6.25" pos="1.25" lane="end_2" slope="0.00"/>
>         <vehicle id="v0" x="62.96" y="54.02" angle="20.19" type="truck" speed="6.25" pos="1.25" lane="end_2" slope="0.00"/>
>         <vehicle id="v1" x="43.19" y="50.95" angle="90.14" type="car" speed="9.27" pos="61.53" lane="beg1_0" slope="0.00"/>
<         <vehicle id="v0" x="64.71" y="53.99" angle="24.78" type="t0" speed="1.75" pos="3.00" lane="end_2" slope="0.00"/>
<         <vehicle id="v1" x="18.32" y="51.01" angle="90.14" type="t0" speed="0.00" pos="36.66" lane="beg1_0" slope="0.00"/>
>         <vehicle id="v0" x="64.71" y="53.99" angle="24.78" type="truck" speed="1.75" pos="3.00" lane="end_2" slope="0.00"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST had known bugs (#2574) on ts-sim-build-ba : bugs 2xxx ticket2574 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )

(This bug was triggered by text found in file 'errors' matching 'Vehicle 'ego' will not be able to depart using the given velocity (unpriorised junction too close)!')
---------- New result in errors ----------
Error: Vehicle 'ego' will not be able to depart using the given velocity (unpriorised junction too close)!

TEST had known bugs (#3255) on ts-sim-build-ba : bugs 3xxx ticket3255 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )

(This bug was triggered by FAILING to find text in file 'aggregated15' matching '31to211')
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Loading configuration ... done.
---------- New result in aggregated15 ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<meandata xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/meandata_file.xsd">
    <interval begin="600.00" end="615.00" id="dump_15">
        <edge id="31to210">
            <lane id="31to210_0" sampledSeconds="195.00" overlapTraveltime="100000.00" density="36.93" laneDensity="36.93" occupancy="18.47" waitingTime="195.00" timeLoss="195.00" speed="0.00" speedRelative="0.00" departed="0" arrived="0" entered="0" left="0" laneChangedFrom="0" laneChangedTo="0"/>
        <edge id="31to212">
            <lane id="31to212_0" sampledSeconds="105.00" overlapTraveltime="100000.00" density="133.33" laneDensity="133.33" occupancy="67.38" waitingTime="105.00" timeLoss="105.00" speed="0.00" speedRelative="0.00" departed="0" arrived="0" entered="0" left="0" laneChangedFrom="0" laneChangedTo="0"/>
    <interval begin="615.00" end="630.00" id="dump_15">
        <edge id="31to210">
            <lane id="31to210_0" sampledSeconds="195.00" overlapTraveltime="100000.00" density="36.93" laneDensity="36.93" occupancy="18.47" waitingTime="195.00" timeLoss="195.00" speed="0.00" speedRelative="0.00" departed="0" arrived="0" entered="0" left="0" laneChangedFrom="0" laneChangedTo="0"/>
        <edge id="31to212">
            <lane id="31to212_0" sampledSeconds="105.00" overlapTraveltime="100000.00" density="133.33" laneDensity="133.33" occupancy="67.38" waitingTime="105.00" timeLoss="105.00" speed="0.00" speedRelative="0.00" departed="0" arrived="0" entered="0" left="0" laneChangedFrom="0" laneChangedTo="0"/>
    <interval begin="630.00" end="645.00" id="dump_15">
        <edge id="31to210">
            <lane id="31to210_0" sampledSeconds="195.00" overlapTraveltime="100000.00" density="36.93" laneDensity="36.93" occupancy="18.47" waitingTime="195.00" timeLoss="195.00" speed="0.00" speedRelative="0.00" departed="0" arrived="0" entered="0" left="0" laneChangedFrom="0" laneChangedTo="0"/>
        <edge id="31to212">
            <lane id="31to212_0" sampledSeconds="105.00" overlapTraveltime="100000.00" density="133.33" laneDensity="133.33" occupancy="67.38" waitingTime="105.00" timeLoss="105.00" speed="0.00" speedRelative="0.00" departed="0" arrived="0" entered="0" left="0" laneChangedFrom="0" laneChangedTo="0"/>
    <interval begin="645.00" end="660.00" id="dump_15">
        <edge id="31to210">
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST had known bugs (see #5013) on ts-sim-build-ba : bugs 5xxx ticket5013 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )

collision on junction
(This bug was triggered by text found in file 'errors' matching 'collision')
---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Warning: Vehicle 'NW'; junction collision with vehicle 'NE', lane=':C_2_0', gap=-1.00, time=9.75, stage=move.

TEST had known bugs (#4551) on ts-sim-build-ba : cf_model drive_in_circles_small ACC ( Last six runs Oct2024 )

collision free in same subsecond test - ACC model doesn't work adequately with step-length 1s
(This bug was triggered by text found in file 'errors' matching 'collision')
---------- Differences in errors ----------
< Warning: Teleporting vehicle '1.7'; collision with vehicle '1.6', lane='a_0', gap=-0.19, time=40.00 stage=move.
> Warning: Teleporting vehicle '1.7'; collision with vehicle '1.6', lane='a_0', gap=-0.19, time=40.00, stage=move.
< Warning: Teleporting vehicle '1.10'; collision with vehicle '1.9', lane='a_0', gap=-1.99, time=44.00 stage=move.
> Warning: Teleporting vehicle '1.10'; collision with vehicle '1.9', lane='a_0', gap=-1.99, time=44.00, stage=move.
< Warning: Teleporting vehicle '1.13'; collision with vehicle '1.12', lane='a_0', gap=-0.29, time=48.00 stage=move.
> Warning: Teleporting vehicle '1.13'; collision with vehicle '1.12', lane='a_0', gap=-0.29, time=48.00, stage=move.
< Warning: Teleporting vehicle '1.21'; collision with vehicle '1.20', lane='a_0', gap=-2.12, time=59.00 stage=move.
> Warning: Teleporting vehicle '1.21'; collision with vehicle '1.20', lane='a_0', gap=-2.12, time=59.00, stage=move.
< Warning: Teleporting vehicle '1.24'; collision with vehicle '1.23', lane='a_0', gap=-0.04, time=63.00 stage=move.
> Warning: Teleporting vehicle '1.24'; collision with vehicle '1.23', lane='a_0', gap=-0.04, time=63.00, stage=move.
< Warning: Teleporting vehicle '1.27'; collision with vehicle '1.26', lane='a_0', gap=-1.02, time=70.00 stage=move.
> Warning: Teleporting vehicle '1.27'; collision with vehicle '1.26', lane='a_0', gap=-1.02, time=70.00, stage=move.
< Warning: Teleporting vehicle '1.32'; collision with vehicle '1.31', lane='a_0', gap=-0.25, time=77.00 stage=move.
> Warning: Teleporting vehicle '1.32'; collision with vehicle '1.31', lane='a_0', gap=-0.25, time=77.00, stage=move.
< Warning: Teleporting vehicle '1.1'; collision with vehicle '1.10', lane='a_0', gap=-0.03, time=83.00 stage=move.
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ----------
<  Teleports: 330 (Collisions: 330)
<  Emergency Braking: 1897
>  Teleports: 343 (Collisions: 343)
>  Emergency Braking: 1870
<  RouteLength: 62159.90
<  Speed: 20.73
>  RouteLength: 63707.22
>  Speed: 21.25
<  WaitingTime: 70.00
<  TimeLoss: 1088.77
>  WaitingTime: 58.77
>  TimeLoss: 1043.51

TEST had known bugs (see #10246) on ts-sim-build-ba : devices rerouting single_edge ( Last six runs Oct2024 )

consistent handling of unreachable arrivalPos
(This bug was triggered by text found in file 'errors' matching 'Error: Vehicle '2' has no valid route')
---------- Differences in errors ----------
< Error: Vehicle '2' has no valid route. No connection between edge 'beg' and edge 'end'.
> /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/utils/common/SUMOTime.cpp:75:15: runtime error: negation of -9223372036854775808 cannot be represented in type 'long long'; cast to an unsigned type to negate this value to itself
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/utils/common/SUMOTime.cpp:75:15 
> Warning: No connection between edge 'end' and edge 'end' found.
> Warning: No route for vehicle '2' found.
> Error: Vehicle '2' has no valid route.
---------- Differences in vehroutes ----------
<     <vehicle id="1" depart="0.00" arrival="23.00">
<         <route edges="beg"/>
<     </vehicle>

TEST had known bugs (#5644) on ts-sim-build-ba : devices ssm recurrent_net ego_major_recurrent_longer_loop1_longer_range ( Last six runs Oct2024 )

(This bug was triggered by text found in file 'ssm' matching '.')
---------- Differences in ssm ----------
<     <conflict begin="1.00" end="11.40" ego="ego1" foe="foe1">
<         <timeSpan values="1.00 1.10 1.20 1.30 1.40 1.50 1.60 1.70 1.80 1.90 2.00 2.10 2.20 2.30 2.40 2.50 2.60 2.70 2.80 2.90 3.00 3.10 3.20 3.30 3.40 3.50 3.60 3.70 3.80 3.90 4.00 4.10 4.20 4.30 4.40 4.50 4.60 4.70 4.80 4.90 5.00 5.10 5.20 5.30 5.40 5.50 5.60 5.70 5.80 5.90 6.00 6.10 6.20 6.30 6.40 6.50 6.60 6.70 6.80 6.90 7.00 7.10 7.20 7.30 7.40 7.50 7.60 7.70 7.80 7.90 8.00 8.10 8.20 8.30 8.40 8.50 8.60 8.70 8.80 8.90 9.00 9.10 9.20 9.30 9.40 9.50 9.60 9.70 9.80 9.90 10.00 10.10 10.20 10.3
0 10.40 10.50 10.60 10.70 10.80 10.90 11.00 11.10 11.20 11.30 11.40"/>
<         <typeSpan values="11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 12 12 12 12 12 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17"/>
<         <egoPosition values="101.65,-50.00 101.65,-48.61 101.65,-47.22 101.65,-45.83 101.65,-44.44 101.65,-43.05 101.65,-41.67 101.65,-40.28 101.65,-38.89 101.65,-37.50 101.65,-36.11 101.65,-34.72 101.65,-33.33 101.65,-31.94 101.65,-30.55 101.65,-29.17 101.65,-27.78 101.65,-26.39 101.65,-25.00 101.65,-23.61 101.65,-22.22 101.65,-20.83 101.65,-19.44 101.65,-18.05 101.65,-16.66 101.65,-15.28 101.65,-13.89 101.65,-12.50 101.65,-11.11 101.65,-9.72 101.65,-8.33 101.65,-6.94 101.65,-5.55 101.65,-4.1
6 101.65,-2.77 101.65,-1.38 101.65,0.00 101.65,1.39 101.65,2.78 101.65,4.17 101.65,5.56 101.65,6.95 101.65,8.34 101.65,9.73 101.65,11.12 101.65,12.51 101.65,13.89 101.65,15.28 101.65,16.67 101.65,18.06 101.65,19.45 101.65,20.84 101.65,22.23 101.65,23.62 101.65,25.01 101.65,26.40 101.65,27.78 101.65,29.17 101.65,30.56 101.65,31.95 101.65,33.34 101.65,34.73 101.65,36.12 101.65,37.51 101.65,38.90 101.65,40.28 101.65,41.67 101.65,43.06 101.65,44.45 101.65,45.84 101.65,47.23 101.65,48.62 101.65,50.01
 101.65,51.40 101.65,52.79 101.65,54.17 101.65,55.56 101.65,56.95 101.65,58.34 101.65,59.73 101.65,61.12 101.65,62.51 101.65,63.88 101.65,65.20 101.82,66.46 102.41,67.53 103.41,68.16 104.54,68.32 105.63,68.35 106.68,68.35 107.69,68.35 108.65,68.35 109.57,68.35 110.44,68.35 111.26,68.35 112.05,68.35 112.78,68.35 113.47,68.35 114.12,68.35 114.76,68.35 115.42,68.35 116.11,68.35 116.83,68.35 117.57,68.35 118.33,68.35"/>
<         <egoVelocity values="0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13
.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.44 0.00,12.99 0.43,12.53 1.87,11.95 4.43,10.77 7.38,8.41 9.
30,5.37 9.92,2.76 9.78,1.10 9.39,0.29 8.94,0.05 8.49,0.00 8.04,0.00 7.59,0.00 7.14,0.00 6.69,0.00 6.24,0.00 6.50,0.00 6.76,0.00 7.02,0.00 7.28,0.00 7.54,0.00 7.80,0.00"/>
<         <foePosition values="13.89,48.35 15.28,48.35 16.67,48.35 18.06,48.35 19.45,48.35 20.83,48.35 22.22,48.35 23.61,48.35 25.00,48.35 26.39,48.35 27.78,48.35 29.17,48.35 30.56,48.35 31.95,48.35 33.34,48.35 34.72,48.35 36.11,48.35 37.50,48.35 38.89,48.35 40.28,48.35 41.67,48.35 43.06,48.35 44.45,48.35 45.84,48.35 47.23,48.35 48.62,48.35 50.00,48.35 51.39,48.35 52.78,48.35 54.17,48.35 55.56,48.35 56.95,48.35 58.34,48.35 59.73,48.35 61.12,48.35 62.51,48.35 63.89,48.35 65.28,48.35 66.67,48.35 6
8.06,48.35 69.45,48.35 70.84,48.35 72.23,48.35 73.62,48.35 74.99,48.35 76.31,48.35 77.59,48.35 78.82,48.35 80.01,48.35 81.16,48.35 82.26,48.35 83.31,48.35 84.32,48.35 85.29,48.35 86.21,48.35 87.08,48.35 87.91,48.35 88.70,48.35 89.43,48.35 90.13,48.35 90.78,48.35 91.38,48.35 91.94,48.35 92.46,48.35 92.93,48.35 93.35,48.35 93.73,48.35 94.07,48.35 94.39,48.35 94.74,48.35 95.12,48.35 95.52,48.34 95.93,48.32 96.31,48.30 96.64,48.28 96.97,48.27 97.32,48.25 97.70,48.23 98.10,48.21 98.52,48.15 98.96,48.
05 99.43,47.94 99.93,47.82 100.44,47.70 100.96,47.48 101.49,47.24 102.04,46.98 102.62,46.71 103.20,46.39 103.81,46.06 104.43,45.72 105.08,45.36 105.75,44.99 106.45,44.61 107.17,44.22 107.91,43.82 108.68,43.40 109.47,42.97 110.28,42.53 111.11,42.08 111.97,41.61 112.85,41.13 113.75,40.64 114.68,40.14 115.62,39.63"/>
<         <foeVelocity values="13.89,0.00 13.89,0.00 13.89,0.00 13.89,0.00 13.89,0.00 13.89,0.00 13.89,0.00 13.89,0.00 13.89,0.00 13.89,0.00 13.89,0.00 13.89,0.00 13.89,0.00 13.89,0.00 13.89,0.00 13.89,0.00 13.89,0.00 13.89,0.00 13.89,0.00 13.89,0.00 13.89,0.00 13.89,0.00 13.89,0.00 13.89,0.00 13.89,0.00 13.89,0.00 13.89,0.00 13.89,0.00 13.89,0.00 13.89,0.00 13.89,0.00 13.89,0.00 13.89,0.00 13.89,0.00 13.89,0.00 13.89,0.00 13.89,0.00 13.89,0.00 13.89,0.00 13.89,0.00 13.89,0.00 13.89,0.00 13.89,0
.00 13.89,0.00 13.47,0.00 13.02,0.00 12.57,0.00 12.12,0.00 11.67,0.00 11.22,0.00 10.77,0.00 10.32,0.00 9.87,0.00 9.42,0.00 8.97,0.00 8.52,0.00 8.07,0.00 7.62,0.00 7.17,0.00 6.72,0.00 6.27,0.00 5.82,0.00 5.37,0.00 4.92,0.00 4.47,0.00 4.02,0.00 3.57,0.00 3.12,0.00 3.38,0.00 3.64,0.00 3.90,0.00 4.16,-0.01 4.02,-0.03 3.57,-0.04 3.12,-0.04 3.38,-0.06 3.64,-0.07 3.90,-0.09 4.16,-0.12 4.42,-0.17 4.67,-0.28 4.92,-0.41 5.17,-0.55 5.41,-0.70 5.64,-0.96 5.84,-1.26 6.03,-1.60 6.19,-1.97 6.33,-2.38 6.47,-2.7
2 6.60,-3.08 6.71,-3.43 6.91,-3.62 7.10,-3.82 7.29,-4.00 7.53,-4.12 7.76,-4.23 7.99,-4.35 8.22,-4.47 8.45,-4.59 8.68,-4.72 8.91,-4.84 9.14,-4.97 9.37,-5.09 9.59,-5.21"/>
<         <conflictPoint values="101.65,46.26 101.65,46.26 101.65,46.26 101.65,46.26 101.65,46.26 101.65,46.26 101.65,46.26 101.65,46.26 101.65,46.26 101.65,46.26 101.65,46.26 101.65,46.26 101.65,46.26 101.65,46.26 101.65,46.26 101.65,46.26 101.65,46.26 101.65,46.26 101.65,46.26 101.65,46.26 101.65,46.26 101.65,46.26 101.65,46.26 101.65,46.26 101.65,46.26 101.65,46.26 101.65,46.26 101.65,46.26 101.65,46.26 101.65,46.26 101.65,46.26 101.65,46.26 101.65,46.26 101.65,46.26 101.65,46.26 101.65,46.26
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3,47.54 100.83,47.54 100.83,47.54 100.83,47.54 100.83,47.54 100.83,47.54 100.83,47.54 100.83,47.54 100.83,47.54 100.83,47.54 100.83,47.54 100.83,47.54 100.83,47.54 100.83,47.54 100.83,47.54 100.83,47.54 100.83,47.54 100.83,47.54 100.83,47.54 100.83,47.54 100.83,47.54 100.83,47.54 100.83,47.54 100.83,47.54 100.83,47.54 100.83,47.54 100.83,47.54 100.83,47.54 100.83,47.54 100.83,47.54 100.83,47.54"/>
<         <minTTC time="NA" position="NA" type="NA" value="NA"/>
<         <DRACSpan values="NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 3.23 3.14 3.05 2.94 2.82 2.68 2.53 2.35 2.15 1.93 1.67 1.36 1.01 0.59 0.09 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA"/>
<         <maxDRAC time="5.40" position="100.83,47.54" type="10" value="3.23"/>
<         <PET time="9.38" position="100.83,47.54" type="17" value="0.96"/>
>     <conflict begin="1.00" end="10.60" ego="ego1" foe="foe1">
>         <timeSpan values="1.00 1.10 1.20 1.30 1.40 1.50 1.60 1.70 1.80 1.90 2.00 2.10 2.20 2.30 2.40 2.50 2.60 2.70 2.80 2.90 3.00 3.10 3.20 3.30 3.40 3.50 3.60 3.70 3.80 3.90 4.00 4.10 4.20 4.30 4.40 4.50 4.60 4.70 4.80 4.90 5.00 5.10 5.20 5.30 5.40 5.50 5.60 5.70 5.80 5.90 6.00 6.10 6.20 6.30 6.40 6.50 6.60 6.70 6.80 6.90 7.00 7.10 7.20 7.30 7.40 7.50 7.60 7.70 7.80 7.90 8.00 8.10 8.20 8.30 8.40 8.50 8.60 8.70 8.80 8.90 9.00 9.10 9.20 9.30 9.40 9.50 9.60 9.70 9.80 9.90 10.00 10.10 10.20 10.3
0 10.40 10.50 10.60"/>
>         <typeSpan values="11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 12 12 12 12 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 17"/>
>         <egoPosition values="101.65,-50.00 101.65,-48.61 101.65,-47.22 101.65,-45.83 101.65,-44.44 101.65,-43.05 101.65,-41.67 101.65,-40.28 101.65,-38.89 101.65,-37.50 101.65,-36.11 101.65,-34.72 101.65,-33.33 101.65,-31.94 101.65,-30.55 101.65,-29.17 101.65,-27.78 101.65,-26.39 101.65,-25.00 101.65,-23.61 101.65,-22.22 101.65,-20.83 101.65,-19.44 101.65,-18.05 101.65,-16.66 101.65,-15.28 101.65,-13.89 101.65,-12.50 101.65,-11.11 101.65,-9.72 101.65,-8.33 101.65,-6.94 101.65,-5.55 101.65,-4.1
6 101.65,-2.77 101.65,-1.38 101.65,0.00 101.65,1.39 101.65,2.78 101.65,4.17 101.65,5.56 101.65,6.95 101.65,8.34 101.65,9.73 101.65,11.12 101.65,12.51 101.65,13.89 101.65,15.28 101.65,16.67 101.65,18.06 101.65,19.45 101.65,20.84 101.65,22.23 101.65,23.62 101.65,25.01 101.65,26.40 101.65,27.78 101.65,29.17 101.65,30.56 101.65,31.95 101.65,33.34 101.65,34.73 101.65,36.12 101.65,37.51 101.65,38.90 101.65,40.28 101.65,41.67 101.65,43.06 101.65,44.45 101.65,45.84 101.65,47.23 101.65,48.62 101.65,50.01
 101.65,51.40 101.65,52.79 101.65,54.17 101.65,55.56 101.65,56.95 101.65,58.34 101.65,59.73 101.65,61.12 101.65,62.51 101.65,63.88 101.65,65.20 101.82,66.46 102.41,67.53 103.41,68.16 104.54,68.32 105.63,68.35 106.68,68.35 107.69,68.35 108.65,68.35 109.57,68.35 110.44,68.35 111.26,68.35 112.05,68.35 112.78,68.35"/>
>         <egoVelocity values="0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13
.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.44 0.00,12.99 0.43,12.53 1.87,11.95 4.43,10.77 7.38,8.41 9.
30,5.37 9.92,2.76 9.78,1.10 9.39,0.29 8.94,0.05 8.49,0.00 8.04,0.00 7.59,0.00 7.14,0.00"/>
>         <foePosition values="13.89,48.35 15.28,48.35 16.67,48.35 18.06,48.35 19.45,48.35 20.83,48.35 22.22,48.35 23.61,48.35 25.00,48.35 26.39,48.35 27.78,48.35 29.17,48.35 30.56,48.35 31.95,48.35 33.34,48.35 34.72,48.35 36.11,48.35 37.50,48.35 38.89,48.35 40.28,48.35 41.67,48.35 43.06,48.35 44.45,48.35 45.84,48.35 47.23,48.35 48.62,48.35 50.00,48.35 51.39,48.35 52.78,48.35 54.17,48.35 55.56,48.35 56.95,48.35 58.34,48.35 59.73,48.35 61.12,48.35 62.51,48.35 63.89,48.35 65.28,48.35 66.67,48.35 6
8.06,48.35 69.45,48.35 70.84,48.35 72.23,48.35 73.62,48.35 74.99,48.35 76.31,48.35 77.59,48.35 78.82,48.35 80.01,48.35 81.16,48.35 82.26,48.35 83.31,48.35 84.32,48.35 85.29,48.35 86.21,48.35 87.08,48.35 87.91,48.35 88.70,48.35 89.43,48.35 90.13,48.35 90.78,48.35 91.38,48.35 91.94,48.35 92.46,48.35 92.93,48.35 93.35,48.35 93.73,48.35 94.07,48.35 94.38,48.35 94.70,48.35 95.03,48.35 95.37,48.34 95.71,48.33 96.05,48.31 96.38,48.29 96.66,48.28 96.93,48.27 97.23,48.25 97.55,48.24 97.90,48.22 98.28,48.
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6 6.08,-2.26 6.24,-2.57 6.37,-2.91 6.49,-3.27 6.68,-3.48 6.87,-3.67 7.06,-3.86"/>
>         <conflictPoint values="101.65,45.94 101.65,45.94 101.65,45.94 101.65,45.94 101.65,45.94 101.65,45.94 101.65,45.94 101.65,45.94 101.65,45.94 101.65,45.94 101.65,45.94 101.65,45.94 101.65,45.94 101.65,45.94 101.65,45.94 101.65,45.94 101.65,45.94 101.65,45.94 101.65,45.94 101.65,45.94 101.65,45.94 101.65,45.94 101.65,45.94 101.65,45.94 101.65,45.94 101.65,45.94 101.65,45.94 101.65,45.94 101.65,45.94 101.65,45.94 101.65,45.94 101.65,45.94 101.65,45.94 101.65,45.94 101.65,45.94 101.65,45.94
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>         <minTTC time="NA" position="NA" type="NA" value="NA" speed="NA"/>
>         <DRACSpan values="NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 3.28 3.20 3.10 3.00 2.88 2.75 2.60 2.43 2.24 2.02 1.76 1.47 1.12 0.71 0.22 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA"/>
>         <maxDRAC time="5.40" position="100.54,47.67" type="10" value="3.28" speed="13.89"/>
>         <PET time="9.51" position="100.54,47.67" type="17" value="1.11" speed="7.14"/>
<     <conflict begin="11.50" end="17.40" ego="ego1" foe="foe1">
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST had known bugs (#5696) on ts-sim-build-ba : devices ssm recurrent_net ego_major_recurrent_longer_loop1_longer_range2 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )

(This bug was triggered by text found in file 'ssm' matching '.')
---------- Differences in ssm ----------
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<     <conflict begin="1.00" end="17.40" ego="ego1" foe="foe1">
<         <timeSpan values="1.00 1.10 1.20 1.30 1.40 1.50 1.60 1.70 1.80 1.90 2.00 2.10 2.20 2.30 2.40 2.50 2.60 2.70 2.80 2.90 3.00 3.10 3.20 3.30 3.40 3.50 3.60 3.70 3.80 3.90 4.00 4.10 4.20 4.30 4.40 4.50 4.60 4.70 4.80 4.90 5.00 5.10 5.20 5.30 5.40 5.50 5.60 5.70 5.80 5.90 6.00 6.10 6.20 6.30 6.40 6.50 6.60 6.70 6.80 6.90 7.00 7.10 7.20 7.30 7.40 7.50 7.60 7.70 7.80 7.90 8.00 8.10 8.20 8.30 8.40 8.50 8.60 8.70 8.80 8.90 9.00 9.10 9.20 9.30 9.40 9.50 9.60 9.70 9.80 9.90 10.00 10.10 10.20 10.3
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6 101.65,-2.77 101.65,-1.38 101.65,0.00 101.65,1.39 101.65,2.78 101.65,4.17 101.65,5.56 101.65,6.95 101.65,8.34 101.65,9.73 101.65,11.12 101.65,12.51 101.65,13.89 101.65,15.28 101.65,16.67 101.65,18.06 101.65,19.45 101.65,20.84 101.65,22.23 101.65,23.62 101.65,25.01 101.65,26.40 101.65,27.78 101.65,29.17 101.65,30.56 101.65,31.95 101.65,33.34 101.65,34.73 101.65,36.12 101.65,37.51 101.65,38.90 101.65,40.28 101.65,41.67 101.65,43.06 101.65,44.45 101.65,45.84 101.65,47.23 101.65,48.62 101.65,50.01
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5 175.09,68.35 176.48,68.35 177.87,68.35 179.26,68.35 180.65,68.35 182.04,68.35 183.43,68.35 184.82,68.35 186.21,68.35 187.60,68.35 188.98,68.35 190.37,68.35 191.76,68.35 193.15,68.35 194.54,68.35"/>
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1,63.76 121.77,65.15 121.74,66.53 121.72,67.92 121.69,69.31 121.66,70.70 121.65,72.09"/>
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<         <maxDRAC time="NA" position="NA" type="NA" value="NA"/>
<         <PET time="10.19" position="100.83,47.54" type="17" value="1.41"/>
>     <conflict begin="1.00" end="12.00" ego="ego1" foe="foe1">
>         <timeSpan values="1.00 1.10 1.20 1.30 1.40 1.50 1.60 1.70 1.80 1.90 2.00 2.10 2.20 2.30 2.40 2.50 2.60 2.70 2.80 2.90 3.00 3.10 3.20 3.30 3.40 3.50 3.60 3.70 3.80 3.90 4.00 4.10 4.20 4.30 4.40 4.50 4.60 4.70 4.80 4.90 5.00 5.10 5.20 5.30 5.40 5.50 5.60 5.70 5.80 5.90 6.00 6.10 6.20 6.30 6.40 6.50 6.60 6.70 6.80 6.90 7.00 7.10 7.20 7.30 7.40 7.50 7.60 7.70 7.80 7.90 8.00 8.10 8.20 8.30 8.40 8.50 8.60 8.70 8.80 8.90 9.00 9.10 9.20 9.30 9.40 9.50 9.60 9.70 9.80 9.90 10.00 10.10 10.20 10.3
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>         <typeSpan values="11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 17"/>
>         <egoPosition values="101.65,-50.00 101.65,-48.61 101.65,-47.22 101.65,-45.83 101.65,-44.44 101.65,-43.05 101.65,-41.67 101.65,-40.28 101.65,-38.89 101.65,-37.50 101.65,-36.11 101.65,-34.72 101.65,-33.33 101.65,-31.94 101.65,-30.55 101.65,-29.17 101.65,-27.78 101.65,-26.39 101.65,-25.00 101.65,-23.61 101.65,-22.22 101.65,-20.83 101.65,-19.44 101.65,-18.05 101.65,-16.66 101.65,-15.28 101.65,-13.89 101.65,-12.50 101.65,-11.11 101.65,-9.72 101.65,-8.33 101.65,-6.94 101.65,-5.55 101.65,-4.1
6 101.65,-2.77 101.65,-1.38 101.65,0.00 101.65,1.39 101.65,2.78 101.65,4.17 101.65,5.56 101.65,6.95 101.65,8.34 101.65,9.73 101.65,11.12 101.65,12.51 101.65,13.89 101.65,15.28 101.65,16.67 101.65,18.06 101.65,19.45 101.65,20.84 101.65,22.23 101.65,23.62 101.65,25.01 101.65,26.40 101.65,27.78 101.65,29.17 101.65,30.56 101.65,31.95 101.65,33.34 101.65,34.73 101.65,36.12 101.65,37.51 101.65,38.90 101.65,40.28 101.65,41.67 101.65,43.06 101.65,44.45 101.65,45.84 101.65,47.23 101.65,48.62 101.65,50.01
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>         <egoVelocity values="0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13.89 0.00,13
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.19,9.41 6.51,7.97 7.48,6.39 8.05,4.83 8.26,3.43 8.18,2.28 7.92,1.37 7.55,0.74 7.13,0.36 6.69,0.12 6.24,0.05 6.50,0.00 6.76,0.00 7.02,0.00 7.28,0.00 7.54,0.00 7.80,0.00 8.06,0.00 8.32,0.00 8.58,0.00 8.84,0.00 9.10,0.00 9.36,0.00"/>
>         <foePosition values="13.89,48.35 15.28,48.35 16.67,48.35 18.06,48.35 19.45,48.35 20.83,48.35 22.22,48.35 23.61,48.35 25.00,48.35 26.39,48.35 27.78,48.35 29.17,48.35 30.56,48.35 31.95,48.35 33.34,48.35 34.72,48.35 36.11,48.35 37.50,48.35 38.89,48.35 40.28,48.35 41.67,48.35 43.06,48.35 44.45,48.35 45.84,48.35 47.23,48.35 48.62,48.35 50.00,48.35 51.39,48.35 52.78,48.35 54.17,48.35 55.56,48.35 56.95,48.35 58.34,48.35 59.73,48.35 61.12,48.35 62.51,48.35 63.89,48.35 65.28,48.35 66.67,48.35 6
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>         <foeVelocity values="13.89,0.00 13.89,0.00 13.89,0.00 13.89,0.00 13.89,0.00 13.89,0.00 13.89,0.00 13.89,0.00 13.89,0.00 13.89,0.00 13.89,0.00 13.89,0.00 13.89,0.00 13.89,0.00 13.89,0.00 13.89,0.00 13.89,0.00 13.89,0.00 13.89,0.00 13.89,0.00 13.89,0.00 13.89,0.00 13.89,0.00 13.89,0.00 13.89,0.00 13.89,0.00 13.89,0.00 13.89,0.00 13.89,0.00 13.89,0.00 13.89,0.00 13.89,0.00 13.89,0.00 13.89,0.00 13.89,0.00 13.89,0.00 13.89,0.00 13.89,0.00 13.89,0.00 13.89,0.00 13.89,0.00 13.89,0.00 13.89,0
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6 3.83,-0.20 4.09,-0.25 4.35,-0.33 4.60,-0.44 4.85,-0.56 5.09,-0.70 5.33,-0.86 5.56,-1.05 5.78,-1.26 5.99,-1.50 6.19,-1.77 6.38,-2.04 6.56,-2.32 6.73,-2.62 6.88,-2.94 7.03,-3.25 7.19,-3.51 7.35,-3.78 7.53,-3.99 7.73,-4.16 7.94,-4.33"/>
>         <conflictPoint values="101.65,45.94 101.65,45.94 101.65,45.94 101.65,45.94 101.65,45.94 101.65,45.94 101.65,45.94 101.65,45.94 101.65,45.94 101.65,45.94 101.65,45.94 101.65,45.94 101.65,45.94 101.65,45.94 101.65,45.94 101.65,45.94 101.65,45.94 101.65,45.94 101.65,45.94 101.65,45.94 101.65,45.94 101.65,45.94 101.65,45.94 101.65,45.94 101.65,45.94 101.65,45.94 101.65,45.94 101.65,45.94 101.65,45.94 101.65,45.94 101.65,45.94 101.65,45.94 101.65,45.94 101.65,45.94 101.65,45.94 101.65,45.94
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>         <TTCSpan values="6.91 6.81 6.71 6.61 6.51 6.41 6.31 6.21 6.11 6.01 5.91 5.81 5.71 5.61 5.51 5.41 5.31 5.21 5.11 5.01 4.91 4.81 4.71 4.61 4.51 4.41 4.31 4.21 4.11 4.01 3.91 3.81 3.71 3.61 3.51 3.41 3.31 3.21 3.11 3.01 2.91 2.81 2.71 2.61 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA"/>
>         <minTTC time="5.30" position="101.65,45.94" type="11" value="2.61" speed="13.89"/>
>         <DRACSpan values="0.10 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.14 0.14 0.15 0.15 0.16 0.16 0.17 0.18 0.18 0.19 0.20 0.21 0.22 0.22 0.23 0.24 0.26 0.27 0.28 0.29 0.31 0.32 0.34 0.36 0.38 0.40 0.42 0.45 0.48 0.51 0.54 0.58 0.62 0.66 3.48 3.41 3.35 3.27 3.18 3.09 2.99 2.87 2.74 2.59 2.43 2.24 2.03 1.78 1.49 1.16 0.77 0.31 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST had known bugs (see #913) on ts-sim-build-ba : junction_model avoid_spill_back 2junctions_2nd_blocked ( Last six runs Oct2024 )

crll bug
(This bug was triggered by FAILING to find text in file 'tripinfos' matching '<tripinfo id="across"')
---------- Differences in tripinfos ----------
< <tripinfos>
<     <tripinfo id="blocker.0" depart="0.00" departLane="across3_0" departPos="90.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="5.00" arrivalLane="across4_0" arrivalPos="18.55" arrivalSpeed="13.00" duration="5.00" routeLength="23.80" waitSteps="0" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_blocker.0" vType="DEFAULT_VEHTYPE" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="blocker.1" depart="2.00" departLane="across3_0" departPos="90.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="8.00" arrivalLane="across4_0" arrivalPos="18.55" arrivalSpeed="13.38" duration="6.00" routeLength="23.80" waitSteps="0" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_blocker.1" vType="DEFAULT_VEHTYPE" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="blocker.2" depart="5.00" departLane="across3_0" departPos="90.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="1.00" arrival="10.00" arrivalLane="across4_0" arrivalPos="18.55" arrivalSpeed="12.56" duration="5.00" routeLength="23.80" waitSteps="0" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_blocker.2" vType="DEFAULT_VEHTYPE" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="blocker.3" depart="7.00" departLane="across3_0" departPos="90.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="1.00" arrival="13.00" arrivalLane="across4_0" arrivalPos="18.55" arrivalSpeed="13.00" duration="6.00" routeLength="23.80" waitSteps="1" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_blocker.3" vType="DEFAULT_VEHTYPE" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="across" depart="0.00" departLane="across1_0" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="14.00" arrivalLane="across2_0" arrivalPos="18.55" arrivalSpeed="13.75" duration="14.00" routeLength="108.70" waitSteps="0" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_across" vType="DEFAULT_VEHTYPE" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="blocker.4" depart="10.00" departLane="across3_0" departPos="90.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="2.00" arrival="16.00" arrivalLane="across4_0" arrivalPos="18.55" arrivalSpeed="13.38" duration="6.00" routeLength="23.80" waitSteps="0" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_blocker.4" vType="DEFAULT_VEHTYPE" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="blocker.5" depart="13.00" departLane="across3_0" departPos="90.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="3.00" arrival="18.00" arrivalLane="across4_0" arrivalPos="18.55" arrivalSpeed="12.56" duration="5.00" routeLength="23.80" waitSteps="0" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_blocker.5" vType="DEFAULT_VEHTYPE" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="blocker.6" depart="15.00" departLane="across3_0" departPos="90.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="3.00" arrival="21.00" arrivalLane="across4_0" arrivalPos="18.55" arrivalSpeed="13.00" duration="6.00" routeLength="23.80" waitSteps="1" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_blocker.6" vType="DEFAULT_VEHTYPE" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="blocker.7" depart="18.00" departLane="across3_0" departPos="90.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="4.00" arrival="24.00" arrivalLane="across4_0" arrivalPos="18.55" arrivalSpeed="13.38" duration="6.00" routeLength="23.80" waitSteps="0" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_blocker.7" vType="DEFAULT_VEHTYPE" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="blocker.8" depart="21.00" departLane="across3_0" departPos="90.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="5.00" arrival="26.00" arrivalLane="across4_0" arrivalPos="18.55" arrivalSpeed="12.56" duration="5.00" routeLength="23.80" waitSteps="0" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_blocker.8" vType="DEFAULT_VEHTYPE" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="blocker.9" depart="23.00" departLane="across3_0" departPos="90.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="5.00" arrival="29.00" arrivalLane="across4_0" arrivalPos="18.55" arrivalSpeed="13.00" duration="6.00" routeLength="23.80" waitSteps="1" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_blocker.9" vType="DEFAULT_VEHTYPE" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/>
> <tripinfos xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/tripinfo_file.xsd">
>     <tripinfo id="blocker.0" depart="0.00" departLane="across3_0" departPos="70.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="6.00" arrivalLane="across4_0" arrivalPos="18.55" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="6.00" routeLength="50.00" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="2.19" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_blocker.0" vType="DEFAULT_VEHTYPE" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/>
>     <tripinfo id="blocker.1" depart="2.00" departLane="across3_0" departPos="70.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="9.00" arrivalLane="across4_0" arrivalPos="18.55" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="7.00" routeLength="50.00" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="2.77" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_blocker.1" vType="DEFAULT_VEHTYPE" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/>
>     <tripinfo id="blocker.2" depart="5.00" departLane="across3_0" departPos="70.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="1.00" arrival="11.00" arrivalLane="across4_0" arrivalPos="18.55" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="6.00" routeLength="50.00" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="2.19" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_blocker.2" vType="DEFAULT_VEHTYPE" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/>
>     <tripinfo id="blocker.3" depart="7.00" departLane="across3_0" departPos="70.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="1.00" arrival="14.00" arrivalLane="across4_0" arrivalPos="18.55" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="7.00" routeLength="50.00" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="2.77" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_blocker.3" vType="DEFAULT_VEHTYPE" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/>
>     <tripinfo id="blocker.4" depart="10.00" departLane="across3_0" departPos="70.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="2.00" arrival="16.00" arrivalLane="across4_0" arrivalPos="18.55" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="6.00" routeLength="50.00" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="2.19" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_blocker.4" vType="DEFAULT_VEHTYPE" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/>
>     <tripinfo id="blocker.5" depart="12.00" departLane="across3_0" departPos="70.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="2.00" arrival="19.00" arrivalLane="across4_0" arrivalPos="18.55" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="7.00" routeLength="50.00" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="2.77" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_blocker.5" vType="DEFAULT_VEHTYPE" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/>
>     <tripinfo id="blocker.6" depart="15.00" departLane="across3_0" departPos="70.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="3.00" arrival="21.00" arrivalLane="across4_0" arrivalPos="18.55" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="6.00" routeLength="50.00" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="2.19" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_blocker.6" vType="DEFAULT_VEHTYPE" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/>
>     <tripinfo id="blocker.7" depart="17.00" departLane="across3_0" departPos="70.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="3.00" arrival="24.00" arrivalLane="across4_0" arrivalPos="18.55" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="7.00" routeLength="50.00" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="2.77" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_blocker.7" vType="DEFAULT_VEHTYPE" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/>
>     <tripinfo id="blocker.8" depart="20.00" departLane="across3_0" departPos="70.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="4.00" arrival="26.00" arrivalLane="across4_0" arrivalPos="18.55" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="6.00" routeLength="50.00" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="2.19" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_blocker.8" vType="DEFAULT_VEHTYPE" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/>
>     <tripinfo id="blocker.9" depart="22.00" departLane="across3_0" departPos="70.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="4.00" arrival="29.00" arrivalLane="across4_0" arrivalPos="18.55" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="7.00" routeLength="50.00" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="2.77" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_blocker.9" vType="DEFAULT_VEHTYPE" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/>

TEST had known bugs (see #913) on ts-sim-build-ba : junction_model avoid_spill_back no_space_behind_junction_blocker_braking ( Last six runs Oct2024 )

crll bug
(This bug was triggered by FAILING to find text in file 'tripinfos' matching '<tripinfo id')
---------- Differences in tripinfos ----------
< <tripinfos>
<     <tripinfo id="across" depart="0.00" departLane="across1_0" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="14.00" arrivalLane="across2_0" arrivalPos="18.55" arrivalSpeed="13.75" duration="14.00" routeLength="108.70" waitSteps="0" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_across" vType="DEFAULT_VEHTYPE" vaporized=""/>
> <tripinfos xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/tripinfo_file.xsd">

TEST had known bugs (#3945) on ts-sim-build-ba : junction_model driveAfterRedTime red_15s_brake_foes ( Last six runs Oct2024 )

red-light violators on main road ignores right-of-way
(This bug was triggered by text found in file 'errors' matching 'collision')
---------- Differences in errors ----------
< Warning: Teleporting vehicle 'foe.3'; collision with vehicle 'ego', lane=':C_6_1', gap=-1.00, time=51.00 stage=move.
> Warning: Teleporting vehicle 'foe.3'; junction collision with vehicle 'ego', lane=':C_6_1', gap=-1.00, time=51.00, stage=move.

TEST had known bugs (see #10763) on ts-sim-build-ba : lc_model bugs ticket10763 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )

counter lanechange blockage
(This bug was triggered by text found in file 'errors' matching 'wrong lane')
---------- Differences in errors ----------
> /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/utils/common/SUMOTime.cpp:75:15: runtime error: negation of -9223372036854775808 cannot be represented in type 'long long'; cast to an unsigned type to negate this value to itself
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/utils/common/SUMOTime.cpp:75:15 
> Warning: Teleporting vehicle 't_0.6'; waited too long (wrong lane), lane='314690803#0_0', time=5938.00.
> Warning: Vehicle 't_0.6' ends teleporting on edge '-398891520', time=5938.00.

TEST had known bugs (see #7264) on ts-sim-build-ba : meta xml_invalid_schema ( Last six runs Oct2024 )

outdated xerces
(This bug was triggered by FAILING to find text in file 'errors' matching 'Error: unable to open file')
---------- Differences in errors ----------
< Error: unable to open file 'https://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/blub_file.xsd'
> Error: whitespace expected
<  At line/column 1/0.
>  At line/column 2/50.

TEST had known bugs (see #6928) on ts-sim-build-ba : rail rail_signal siding_deadend ( Last six runs Oct2024 )

routing error
(This bug was triggered by text found in file 'errors' matching 'Warning: No connection between edge 'gneE2' and edge '-gneE0' found')
---------- Differences in errors ----------
> /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/utils/common/SUMOTime.cpp:75:15: runtime error: negation of -9223372036854775808 cannot be represented in type 'long long'; cast to an unsigned type to negate this value to itself
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/utils/common/SUMOTime.cpp:75:15 
> Warning: No connection between edge 'gneE2' and edge '-gneE0' found.
> Warning: No route for vehicle 't0' found.
> Error: Vehicle 't0' has no valid route.
> Quitting (on error).
---------- Differences in railsignalblocks ----------
<     <railSignal id="gneJ1">
<         <link linkIndex="0" from="-gneE1_0" to=":gneJ1_0_0">
<             <driveWay edges="-gneE0">
<                 <forward lanes=":gneJ1_0_0 -gneE0_0"/>
<                 <bidi lanes=":gneJ1_1_0 gneE0_0"/>
<                 <flank lanes=""/>
<                 <protectingSwitches links=""/>
<                 <conflictLinks signals=""/>
<             </driveWay>
<         </link>
<         <link linkIndex="1" from="gneE0_0" to=":gneJ1_1_0">
<             <driveWay edges="gneE1 gneE2">
<                 <forward lanes=":gneJ1_1_0 gneE1_0 :gneJ3_2_0 gneE2_0"/>
<                 <bidi lanes=":gneJ1_0_0 -gneE1_0 :gneJ3_1_0 -gneE2_0"/>
<                 <flank lanes=":gneJ3_0_0 -gneE3_0"/>
<                 <protectingSwitches links=""/>
<                 <conflictLinks signals=""/>
<             </driveWay>
<             <driveWay edges="gneE1 gneE3">
<                 <forward lanes=":gneJ1_1_0 gneE1_0 :gneJ3_3_0 gneE3_0"/>
<                 <bidi lanes=":gneJ1_0_0 -gneE1_0 :gneJ3_0_0 -gneE3_0"/>
<                 <flank lanes=":gneJ3_1_0 -gneE2_0"/>
<                 <protectingSwitches links=""/>
<                 <conflictLinks signals=""/>
<             </driveWay>
<         </link>
<     </railSignal>
---------- Differences in vehroutes ----------
<     <vehicle id="t0" type="train" depart="0.00" arrival="71.00">
<         <route edges="gneE0 gneE1 gneE3 -gneE3 -gneE1 -gneE0"/>
<     </vehicle>
<     <vehicle id="t1" type="train" depart="100.00" arrival="171.00">
<         <route edges="gneE0 gneE1 gneE3 -gneE3 -gneE1 -gneE0"/>
<     </vehicle>
---------- New result in exitcode ----------

TEST had known bugs (see #6928) on ts-sim-build-ba : rail routing reverse_on_short_start ( Last six runs Oct2024 )

routing failure
(This bug was triggered by text found in file 'errors' matching 'Warning: No connection between edge 'gneE2' and edge '-gneE0' found.')
---------- Differences in errors ----------
> /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/utils/common/SUMOTime.cpp:75:15: runtime error: negation of -9223372036854775808 cannot be represented in type 'long long'; cast to an unsigned type to negate this value to itself
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/utils/common/SUMOTime.cpp:75:15 
> Warning: No connection between edge 'gneE2' and edge '-gneE0' found.
> Warning: No route for vehicle 't0' found.
> Error: Vehicle 't0' has no valid route.
> Quitting (on error).
---------- Differences in railsignalblocks ----------
<     <railSignal id="gneJ1">
<         <link linkIndex="0" from="-gneE1_0" to=":gneJ1_0_0">
<             <driveWay edges="-gneE0">
<                 <forward lanes=":gneJ1_0_0 -gneE0_0"/>
<                 <bidi lanes=":gneJ1_1_0 gneE0_0"/>
<                 <flank lanes=""/>
<                 <protectingSwitches links=""/>
<                 <conflictLinks signals=""/>
<             </driveWay>
<         </link>
<         <link linkIndex="1" from="gneE0_0" to=":gneJ1_1_0">
<             <driveWay edges="gneE1 gneE2">
<                 <forward lanes=":gneJ1_1_0 gneE1_0 :gneJ3_2_0 gneE2_0"/>
<                 <bidi lanes=":gneJ1_0_0 -gneE1_0 :gneJ3_1_0 -gneE2_0"/>
<                 <flank lanes=":gneJ3_0_0 -gneE3_0"/>
<                 <protectingSwitches links=""/>
<                 <conflictLinks signals=""/>
<             </driveWay>
<         </link>
<     </railSignal>
---------- Differences in vehroutes ----------
<     <vehicle id="t0" type="train" depart="0.00" arrival="36.00">
<         <route edges="gneE3 -gneE3 -gneE1 -gneE0"/>
<     </vehicle>
---------- New result in exitcode ----------

TEST had known bugs (see #3391) on ts-sim-build-ba : sublane_model buridan_1lane ( Last six runs Oct2024 )

counter-change deadlock
(This bug was triggered by FAILING to find text in file 'tripinfos' matching 'veh.6.*arrival="23.00"')
---------- Differences in tripinfos ----------
<     <tripinfo id="veh.0" depart="0.00" departLane="beg_0" departPos="91.40" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="7.00" arrivalLane="beg_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="-2.46" arrivalSpeed="7.81" duration="7.00" routeLength="8.60" waitingTime="4.00" waitingCount="1" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="5.99" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_veh.0" vType="t0" speedFactor="1.12" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="veh.1" depart="1.00" departLane="beg_0" departPos="83.90" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.90" arrival="8.00" arrivalLane="beg_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="2.46" arrivalSpeed="10.41" duration="7.00" routeLength="16.10" waitingTime="3.00" waitingCount="1" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="4.85" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_veh.1" vType="t0" speedFactor="0.88" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="veh.2" depart="1.00" departLane="beg_0" departPos="76.30" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.80" arrival="9.00" arrivalLane="beg_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="3.00" arrivalSpeed="10.41" duration="8.00" routeLength="23.70" waitingTime="4.00" waitingCount="1" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="6.15" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_veh.2" vType="t0" speedFactor="1.02" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="veh.3" depart="1.00" departLane="beg_0" departPos="68.70" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.70" arrival="13.00" arrivalLane="beg_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="-2.46" arrivalSpeed="6.43" duration="12.00" routeLength="31.30" waitingTime="5.00" waitingCount="1" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="9.95" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_veh.3" vType="t0" speedFactor="1.17" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="veh.4" depart="1.00" departLane="beg_0" departPos="61.10" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.60" arrival="15.00" arrivalLane="beg_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="-2.46" arrivalSpeed="9.03" duration="14.00" routeLength="38.90" waitingTime="6.00" waitingCount="1" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="11.13" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_veh.4" vType="t0" speedFactor="1.06" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="veh.5" depart="1.00" departLane="beg_0" departPos="53.50" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.50" arrival="15.00" arrivalLane="beg_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="2.46" arrivalSpeed="9.20" duration="14.00" routeLength="46.50" waitingTime="7.00" waitingCount="1" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="8.24" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_veh.5" vType="t0" speedFactor="0.66" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="veh.6" depart="1.00" departLane="beg_0" departPos="45.90" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.40" arrival="16.00" arrivalLane="beg_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="3.78" arrivalSpeed="11.80" duration="15.00" routeLength="54.10" waitingTime="8.00" waitingCount="1" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="11.33" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_veh.6" vType="t0" speedFactor="1.09" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="veh.9" depart="1.00" departLane="beg_0" departPos="23.10" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.10" arrival="17.00" arrivalLane="beg_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="-2.46" arrivalSpeed="9.92" duration="16.00" routeLength="76.90" waitingTime="3.00" waitingCount="1" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="7.66" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_veh.9" vType="t0" speedFactor="0.71" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="veh.8" depart="1.00" departLane="beg_0" departPos="30.70" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.20" arrival="18.00" arrivalLane="beg_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="3.90" arrivalSpeed="12.16" duration="17.00" routeLength="69.30" waitingTime="8.00" waitingCount="1" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="10.80" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_veh.8" vType="t0" speedFactor="0.88" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="veh.7" depart="1.00" departLane="beg_0" departPos="38.30" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.30" arrival="21.00" arrivalLane="beg_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="2.46" arrivalSpeed="7.81" duration="20.00" routeLength="61.70" waitingTime="9.00" waitingCount="2" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="13.57" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_veh.7" vType="t0" speedFactor="0.77" vaporized=""/>
>     <tripinfo id="veh.0" depart="0.00" departLane="beg_0" departPos="91.40" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="9.00" arrivalLane="beg_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="-2.46" arrivalSpeed="7.81" duration="9.00" routeLength="8.60" waitingTime="6.00" waitingCount="1" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="7.99" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_veh.0" vType="t0" speedFactor="1.12" vaporized=""/>
>     <tripinfo id="veh.1" depart="1.00" departLane="beg_0" departPos="83.90" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.90" arrival="11.00" arrivalLane="beg_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="-2.46" arrivalSpeed="10.41" duration="10.00" routeLength="16.10" waitingTime="6.00" waitingCount="1" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="7.85" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_veh.1" vType="t0" speedFactor="0.88" vaporized=""/>
>     <tripinfo id="veh.2" depart="1.00" departLane="beg_0" departPos="76.30" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.80" arrival="11.00" arrivalLane="beg_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="2.46" arrivalSpeed="11.07" duration="10.00" routeLength="23.70" waitingTime="5.00" waitingCount="1" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="7.64" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_veh.2" vType="t0" speedFactor="1.02" vaporized=""/>
>     <tripinfo id="veh.5" depart="1.00" departLane="beg_0" departPos="53.50" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.50" arrival="12.00" arrivalLane="beg_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="2.46" arrivalSpeed="9.20" duration="11.00" routeLength="46.50" waitingTime="4.00" waitingCount="1" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="5.94" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_veh.5" vType="t0" speedFactor="0.66" vaporized=""/>
>     <tripinfo id="veh.7" depart="1.00" departLane="beg_0" departPos="38.30" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.30" arrival="14.00" arrivalLane="beg_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="2.46" arrivalSpeed="10.72" duration="13.00" routeLength="61.70" waitingTime="5.00" waitingCount="1" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="6.91" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_veh.7" vType="t0" speedFactor="0.77" vaporized=""/>
>     <tripinfo id="veh.8" depart="1.00" departLane="beg_0" departPos="30.70" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.20" arrival="16.00" arrivalLane="beg_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="2.46" arrivalSpeed="12.16" duration="15.00" routeLength="69.30" waitingTime="6.00" waitingCount="1" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="8.50" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_veh.8" vType="t0" speedFactor="0.88" vaporized=""/>
>     <tripinfo id="veh.9" depart="1.00" departLane="beg_0" departPos="23.10" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.10" arrival="16.00" arrivalLane="beg_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="-3.42" arrivalSpeed="9.91" duration="15.00" routeLength="76.90" waitingTime="5.00" waitingCount="1" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="6.35" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_veh.9" vType="t0" speedFactor="0.71" vaporized=""/>
>     <tripinfo id="veh.3" depart="1.00" departLane="beg_0" departPos="68.70" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.70" arrival="20.00" arrivalLane="beg_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="2.46" arrivalSpeed="7.81" duration="19.00" routeLength="31.30" waitingTime="11.00" waitingCount="2" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="16.62" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_veh.3" vType="t0" speedFactor="1.17" vaporized=""/>
>     <tripinfo id="veh.4" depart="1.00" departLane="beg_0" departPos="61.10" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.60" arrival="22.00" arrivalLane="beg_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="2.78" arrivalSpeed="10.41" duration="21.00" routeLength="38.90" waitingTime="12.00" waitingCount="2" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="17.67" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_veh.4" vType="t0" speedFactor="1.06" vaporized=""/>
>     <tripinfo id="veh.6" depart="1.00" departLane="beg_0" departPos="45.90" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.40" arrival="27.00" arrivalLane="beg_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="2.46" arrivalSpeed="7.81" duration="26.00" routeLength="54.10" waitingTime="11.00" waitingCount="4" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="21.95" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_veh.6" vType="t0" speedFactor="1.09" vaporized=""/>

TEST had known bugs (see #3997) on ts-sim-build-ba : sublane_model junction wide_lane_split ( Last six runs Oct2024 )

collision when lane width changes
(This bug was triggered by text found in file 'errors' matching 'collision')
---------- Differences in errors ----------
< Warning: Vehicle '24'; collision with vehicle '13', lane='EC_1', gap=-2.91', latGap=-0.90, time=17.00 stage=move.
< Warning: Teleporting vehicle '13' after earlier collision, lane='EC_0, time=28.00.
< Warning: Vehicle '13' teleports beyond arrival edge 'EC', time=28.00.
< Warning: Teleporting vehicle '24' after earlier collision, lane='EC_2, time=28.00.
< Warning: Vehicle '24' ends teleporting on edge 'CE', time=28.00.
< Warning: Vehicle '22' performs emergency braking with decel=-9.00 wished=4.50 severity=1.00, time=38.00.
< Warning: Vehicle '62'; collision with vehicle '29', lane='WC_0', gap=-0.08', latGap=-0.80, time=38.00 stage=move.
< Warning: Vehicle '22'; collision with vehicle '37', lane='WC_1', gap=-3.33', latGap=-1.05, time=38.00 stage=move.
< Warning: Teleporting vehicle '22' after earlier collision, lane='WC_1, time=49.00.
< Warning: Vehicle '22' teleports beyond arrival edge 'WC', time=49.00.
< Warning: Teleporting vehicle '62' after earlier collision, lane='WC_1, time=49.00.
< Warning: Teleporting vehicle '37' after earlier collision, lane='WC_0, time=49.00.
< Warning: Vehicle '37' teleports beyond arrival edge 'WC', time=49.00.
< Warning: Teleporting vehicle '29' after earlier collision, lane='WC_0, time=49.00.
< Warning: Vehicle '29' teleports beyond arrival edge 'WC', time=49.00.
< Warning: Vehicle '90'; collision with vehicle '91', lane='NC_0', gap=-4.70', latGap=-0.12, time=49.00 stage=laneChange.
< Warning: Vehicle '31'; collision with vehicle '6', lane='EC_1', gap=-6.50', latGap=-0.29, time=49.00 stage=laneChange.
< Warning: Vehicle '62' ends teleporting on edge 'CE', time=49.00.
< Warning: Vehicle '96'; collision with vehicle '86', lane='NC_1', gap=-3.50', latGap=-1.58, time=52.00 stage=move.
< Warning: Vehicle '96' performs emergency braking with decel=-9.00 wished=4.50 severity=1.00, time=53.00.
< Warning: Teleporting vehicle '91' after earlier collision, lane='NC_0, time=60.00.
< Warning: Vehicle '91' teleports beyond arrival edge 'NC', time=60.00.
< Warning: Teleporting vehicle '90' after earlier collision, lane='NC_0, time=60.00.
< Warning: Teleporting vehicle '31' after earlier collision, lane='EC_0, time=60.00.
< Warning: Teleporting vehicle '6' after earlier collision, lane='EC_1, time=60.00.
< Warning: Vehicle '111'; collision with vehicle '96', lane='NC_1', gap=-0.65', latGap=-0.07, time=60.00 stage=move.
< Warning: Vehicle '6' ends teleporting on edge 'CS', time=60.00.
< Warning: Vehicle '31' ends teleporting on edge 'CN', time=60.00.
< Warning: Vehicle '90' ends teleporting on edge 'CE', time=60.00.
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Loading net-file from 'net.net.xml'... done ((TIME)).
< Loading additional-files from 'input_additional.add.xml'... done ((TIME)).
> Loading net-file from 'net.net.xml' ... done ((TIME)).
> Loading additional-files from 'input_additional.add.xml' ... done ((TIME)).
< Simulation ended at time: 1681.00.
> Simulation ended at time: 2414.00.
< Teleports: 307 (Collisions: 297, Jam: 5, Yield: 4, Wrong Lane: 1)
< Emergency Stops: 14
< Statistics (avg):
<  RouteLength: 191.51
<  Duration: 122.54
<  WaitingTime: 92.16
<  TimeLoss: 104.50
<  DepartDelay: 293.48
>  Teleports: 343 (Collisions: 302, Jam: 33, Yield: 1, Wrong Lane: 7)
>  Emergency Stops: 12
>  Emergency Braking: 39
> Statistics (avg of 1200):
>  RouteLength: 185.46
>  Speed: 3.81
>  Duration: 125.49
>  WaitingTime: 97.41
>  TimeLoss: 108.15
>  DepartDelay: 432.55
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

Detailed information for the tests that were terminated before completion:

TEST were terminated before completion (TIMEOUT) on ts-sim-build-ba : cf_model drive_in_circles circle_two_lanes_actionsteplength ( Last six runs Oct2024 )

Test exceeded wallclock time limit of 900.0 seconds
---------- Differences in aggregated60 ----------
<     <interval begin="2280.00" end="2340.00" id="dump_60">
<         <edge id="1/1to2/1" sampledSeconds="1812.67" traveltime="63.85" overlapTraveltime="64.24" density="30.76" laneDensity="15.38" occupancy="7.63" waitingTime="0.00" timeLoss="252.93" speed="15.37" speedRelative="0.78" departed="0" arrived="0" entered="43" left="35" laneChangedFrom="19" laneChangedTo="19"/>
<         <edge id="10/1to1/1" sampledSeconds="3686.87" traveltime="72.45" overlapTraveltime="72.82" density="62.57" laneDensity="31.28" occupancy="15.55" waitingTime="0.00" timeLoss="987.85" speed="13.55" speedRelative="0.69" departed="0" arrived="0" entered="65" left="43" laneChangedFrom="14" laneChangedTo="14"/>
<         <edge id="2/1to3/1" sampledSeconds="4998.70" traveltime="86.58" overlapTraveltime="87.03" density="84.83" laneDensity="42.42" occupancy="21.12" waitingTime="0.00" timeLoss="1791.73" speed="11.34" speedRelative="0.58" departed="0" arrived="0" entered="35" left="63" laneChangedFrom="2" laneChangedTo="2"/>
<         <edge id="3/1to4/1" sampledSeconds="3193.70" traveltime="82.30" overlapTraveltime="82.67" density="54.20" laneDensity="27.10" occupancy="13.48" waitingTime="0.00" timeLoss="771.55" speed="11.94" speedRelative="0.61" departed="0" arrived="0" entered="63" left="20" laneChangedFrom="13" laneChangedTo="13"/>
<         <edge id="4/1to5/1" sampledSeconds="1992.68" traveltime="64.02" overlapTraveltime="64.36" density="33.82" laneDensity="16.91" occupancy="8.42" waitingTime="0.00" timeLoss="210.18" speed="15.34" speedRelative="0.78" departed="0" arrived="0" entered="20" left="35" laneChangedFrom="14" laneChangedTo="14"/>
<         <edge id="5/1to6/1" sampledSeconds="2134.51" traveltime="65.34" overlapTraveltime="65.67" density="36.22" laneDensity="18.11" occupancy="9.01" waitingTime="0.00" timeLoss="271.06" speed="15.03" speedRelative="0.77" departed="0" arrived="0" entered="35" left="26" laneChangedFrom="15" laneChangedTo="15"/>
<         <edge id="6/1to7/1" sampledSeconds="2144.44" traveltime="69.56" overlapTraveltime="69.98" density="36.39" laneDensity="18.20" occupancy="9.04" waitingTime="0.00" timeLoss="382.90" speed="14.10" speedRelative="0.72" departed="0" arrived="0" entered="26" left="51" laneChangedFrom="15" laneChangedTo="15"/>
<         <edge id="7/1to8/1" sampledSeconds="5297.15" traveltime="81.48" overlapTraveltime="81.90" density="89.90" laneDensity="44.95" occupancy="22.37" waitingTime="0.00" timeLoss="1825.73" speed="12.05" speedRelative="0.61" departed="0" arrived="0" entered="51" left="63" laneChangedFrom="1" laneChangedTo="1"/>
<         <edge id="8/1to9/1" sampledSeconds="5451.93" traveltime="83.25" overlapTraveltime="83.66" density="92.52" laneDensity="46.26" occupancy="23.02" waitingTime="0.00" timeLoss="1648.79" speed="11.80" speedRelative="0.60" departed="0" arrived="0" entered="63" left="65" laneChangedFrom="2" laneChangedTo="2"/>
<         <edge id="9/1to10/1" sampledSeconds="5395.76" traveltime="81.95" overlapTraveltime="82.35" density="91.57" laneDensity="45.78" occupancy="22.78" waitingTime="0.00" timeLoss="1749.63" speed="11.99" speedRelative="0.61" departed="0" arrived="0" entered="65" left="65" laneChangedFrom="4" laneChangedTo="4"/>
<     </interval>
<     <interval begin="2340.00" end="2400.00" id="dump_60">
<         <edge id="1/1to2/1" sampledSeconds="3271.04" traveltime="70.60" overlapTraveltime="70.95" density="55.51" laneDensity="27.76" occupancy="13.83" waitingTime="0.00" timeLoss="849.81" speed="13.91" speedRelative="0.71" departed="0" arrived="0" entered="49" left="25" laneChangedFrom="12" laneChangedTo="12"/>
<         <edge id="10/1to1/1" sampledSeconds="4588.04" traveltime="76.00" overlapTraveltime="76.34" density="77.86" laneDensity="38.93" occupancy="19.37" waitingTime="0.00" timeLoss="1227.79" speed="12.93" speedRelative="0.66" departed="0" arrived="0" entered="63" left="49" laneChangedFrom="13" laneChangedTo="13"/>
<         <edge id="2/1to3/1" sampledSeconds="2684.48" traveltime="76.01" overlapTraveltime="76.51" density="45.56" laneDensity="22.78" occupancy="11.31" waitingTime="0.00" timeLoss="720.32" speed="12.90" speedRelative="0.66" departed="0" arrived="0" entered="25" left="63" laneChangedFrom="6" laneChangedTo="6"/>
<         <edge id="3/1to4/1" sampledSeconds="5419.21" traveltime="89.24" overlapTraveltime="89.68" density="91.97" laneDensity="45.98" occupancy="22.89" waitingTime="0.00" timeLoss="1966.25" speed="11.01" speedRelative="0.56" departed="0" arrived="0" entered="63" left="44" laneChangedFrom="4" laneChangedTo="4"/>
<         <edge id="4/1to5/1" sampledSeconds="1694.62" traveltime="73.96" overlapTraveltime="74.29" density="28.76" laneDensity="14.38" occupancy="7.14" waitingTime="0.00" timeLoss="242.01" speed="13.29" speedRelative="0.68" departed="0" arrived="0" entered="44" left="19" laneChangedFrom="10" laneChangedTo="10"/>
<         <edge id="5/1to6/1" sampledSeconds="2110.80" traveltime="65.09" overlapTraveltime="65.42" density="35.82" laneDensity="17.91" occupancy="8.92" waitingTime="0.00" timeLoss="241.21" speed="15.09" speedRelative="0.77" departed="0" arrived="0" entered="19" left="37" laneChangedFrom="13" laneChangedTo="13"/>
<         <edge id="6/1to7/1" sampledSeconds="2066.02" traveltime="64.28" overlapTraveltime="64.62" density="35.06" laneDensity="17.53" occupancy="8.72" waitingTime="0.00" timeLoss="247.18" speed="15.27" speedRelative="0.78" departed="0" arrived="0" entered="37" left="29" laneChangedFrom="14" laneChangedTo="14"/>
<         <edge id="7/1to8/1" sampledSeconds="3370.72" traveltime="78.41" overlapTraveltime="78.84" density="57.20" laneDensity="28.60" occupancy="14.22" waitingTime="0.00" timeLoss="966.33" speed="12.52" speedRelative="0.64" departed="0" arrived="0" entered="29" left="67" laneChangedFrom="8" laneChangedTo="8"/>
<         <edge id="8/1to9/1" sampledSeconds="5492.26" traveltime="83.03" overlapTraveltime="83.45" density="93.21" laneDensity="46.60" occupancy="23.18" waitingTime="0.00" timeLoss="1914.18" speed="11.83" speedRelative="0.60" departed="0" arrived="0" entered="67" left="65" laneChangedFrom="0" laneChangedTo="0"/>
<         <edge id="9/1to10/1" sampledSeconds="5410.12" traveltime="83.19" overlapTraveltime="83.61" density="91.81" laneDensity="45.91" occupancy="22.84" waitingTime="0.00" timeLoss="1593.18" speed="11.81" speedRelative="0.60" departed="0" arrived="0" entered="65" left="64" laneChangedFrom="3" laneChangedTo="3"/>
<     </interval>
<     <interval begin="2400.00" end="2460.00" id="dump_60">
<         <edge id="1/1to2/1" sampledSeconds="3902.66" traveltime="75.87" overlapTraveltime="76.23" density="66.23" laneDensity="33.12" occupancy="16.46" waitingTime="0.00" timeLoss="1068.63" speed="12.95" speedRelative="0.66" departed="0" arrived="0" entered="61" left="58" laneChangedFrom="8" laneChangedTo="8"/>
<         <edge id="10/1to1/1" sampledSeconds="5113.31" traveltime="80.49" overlapTraveltime="80.89" density="86.78" laneDensity="43.39" occupancy="21.58" waitingTime="0.00" timeLoss="1397.37" speed="12.20" speedRelative="0.62" departed="0" arrived="0" entered="65" left="61" laneChangedFrom="4" laneChangedTo="4"/>
<         <edge id="2/1to3/1" sampledSeconds="2813.36" traveltime="64.99" overlapTraveltime="65.32" density="47.74" laneDensity="23.87" occupancy="11.87" waitingTime="0.00" timeLoss="566.11" speed="15.11" speedRelative="0.77" departed="0" arrived="0" entered="58" left="28" laneChangedFrom="8" laneChangedTo="8"/>
<         <edge id="3/1to4/1" sampledSeconds="4584.98" traveltime="88.11" overlapTraveltime="88.57" density="77.81" laneDensity="38.90" occupancy="19.37" waitingTime="0.00" timeLoss="1716.71" speed="11.14" speedRelative="0.57" departed="0" arrived="0" entered="28" left="64" laneChangedFrom="4" laneChangedTo="4"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Simulation ended at time: 3000.00.
< Reason: The final simulation step has been reached.
> Interrupt signal received, trying to exit gracefully.
> Simulation ended at time: 2319.40.
> Reason: Interrupted.
<  RouteLength: 34057.39
<  Speed: 13.25
<  Duration: 2566.79
>  RouteLength: 25419.65
>  Speed: 13.44
>  Duration: 1886.19
<  TimeLoss: 616.31
>  TimeLoss: 429.30

TEST were terminated before completion (TIMEOUT) on ts-sim-build-ba : sublane_model roundabout no_cooperation high_traffic ( Last six runs Oct2024 )

Test exceeded wallclock time limit of 300.0 seconds
---------- Differences in errors ----------
> /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/utils/common/SUMOTime.cpp:75:15: runtime error: negation of -9223372036854775808 cannot be represented in type 'long long'; cast to an unsigned type to negate this value to itself
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/src/utils/common/SUMOTime.cpp:75:15 
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Simulation ended at time: 1563.00.
< Reason: All vehicles have left the simulation.
> Interrupt signal received, trying to exit gracefully.
> Simulation ended at time: 966.00.
> Reason: Interrupted.
<  Inserted: 1015
<  Running: 0
<  Waiting: 0
< Statistics (avg of 1015):
<  RouteLength: 617.62
<  Speed: 3.08
<  Duration: 270.82
<  WaitingTime: 132.18
<  TimeLoss: 224.64
<  DepartDelay: 70.10
< DijkstraRouter answered 1375 queries and explored 5.09 edges on average.
>  Inserted: 845 (Loaded: 983)
>  Running: 224
>  Waiting: 138
> Statistics (avg of 621):
>  RouteLength: 619.27
>  Speed: 3.74
>  Duration: 220.22
>  WaitingTime: 95.00
>  TimeLoss: 173.92
>  DepartDelay: 20.02
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>