04Feb24rv1_19_0+0754-34791f4e5b6 - detailed test results for TOOLS

To reconnect the TextTest GUI to these results, run:

texttest -a tools -d /Users/sumo/clangMacOS_M1/sumo/tests -reconnect /Users/sumo/clangMacOS_M1/texttesttmp/clangMacOS_M1.29Feb005548.36828 -g

To start TextTest for these tests, run:

texttest -a tools -d /Users/sumo/clangMacOS_M1/sumo/tests

default: 1159 tests: 1112 succeeded 44 FAILED 3 known bugs

Detailed information for the tests that FAILED:

7 TESTS FAILED on ts-bapmsumm1bld :

---------- Differences in output ----------
> Python flake not found. Python style checking is disabled.
build_config checkStyle complex ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
build_config checkStyle header ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
build_config checkStyle netedit ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
build_config checkStyle netedit_additionals ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
build_config checkStyle netedit_demand ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
build_config checkStyle tools ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
build_config checkStyle tooltests ( Last six runs Feb2024 )

TEST FAILED on ts-bapmsumm1bld : drt drtOnline 2taxis_10persons exhaustive_search ( Last six runs Feb2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> drtOnline.py, in <module>
>     main()
> drtOnline.py, in main
>     ilp_result = ilp_solve(options, len(fleet), len(ilp_res_cons),
> drtOnline.py, in ilp_solve
>     prob.solve(pl.PULP_CBC_CMD(msg=0, timeLimit=options.ilp_time))
> pulp.py, in solve
>     status = solver.actualSolve(self, **kwargs)
>   File "/opt/homebrew/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pulp/apis/coin_api.py", line 137, in actualSolve
>     return self.solve_CBC(lp, **kwargs)
>   File "/opt/homebrew/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pulp/apis/coin_api.py", line 202, in solve_CBC
>     cbc = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=pipe, stderr=pipe, stdin=devnull)
> subprocess.py, in __init__
>     self._execute_child(args, executable, preexec_fn, close_fds,
> subprocess.py, in _execute_child
>     raise child_exception_type(errno_num, err_msg, err_filename)
> OSError: [Errno 86] Bad CPU type in executable: '/opt/homebrew/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pulp/solverdir/cbc/osx/64/cbc'
> sys:1: ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.TextIOWrapper name='/dev/null' mode='w' encoding='UTF-8'>
> sys:1: ResourceWarning: unclosed <socket.socket fd=3, family=AddressFamily.AF_INET, type=SocketKind.SOCK_STREAM, proto=0, laddr=('', 52227), raddr=('', 52216)>
> /opt/homebrew/Cellar/python@3.9/3.9.16/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.9/lib/python3.9/subprocess.py:1052: ResourceWarning: subprocess 33380 is still running
> Error: tcpip::Socket::recvAndCheck @ recv: peer shutdown
> Quitting (on error).
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Dispatch: taxiB_0y_0z
< Run dispatcher
< New reservations: ['1', '2', '3']
< Pending reservations: []
< Solve DARP with exhaustive_search
< Solve ILP
< Dispatch: taxiB_0y_2y_3y_1y_3z_0z_1z_2z
< Run dispatcher
< New reservations: ['4', '5', '6']
< Pending reservations: []
< Solve DARP with exhaustive_search
< Solve ILP
< Dispatch: taxiB_2y_3y_4y_3z_1y_0z_1z_2z_4z
< Dispatch: taxiA_5y_6y_5z_6z
< Run dispatcher
< New reservations: ['7', '8', '9']
< Pending reservations: []
< Solve DARP with exhaustive_search
< Solve ILP
< Dispatch: taxiA_5y_7y_6y_8y_8z_7z_6z_5z
< Run dispatcher
< Pending reservations: ['9']
< Solve DARP with exhaustive_search
< Solve ILP
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-bapmsumm1bld : drt drtOnline 2taxis_10persons simple_rerouting ( Last six runs Feb2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> drtOnline.py, in <module>
>     main()
> drtOnline.py, in main
>     ilp_result = ilp_solve(options, len(fleet), len(ilp_res_cons),
> drtOnline.py, in ilp_solve
>     prob.solve(pl.PULP_CBC_CMD(msg=0, timeLimit=options.ilp_time))
> pulp.py, in solve
>     status = solver.actualSolve(self, **kwargs)
>   File "/opt/homebrew/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pulp/apis/coin_api.py", line 137, in actualSolve
>     return self.solve_CBC(lp, **kwargs)
>   File "/opt/homebrew/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pulp/apis/coin_api.py", line 202, in solve_CBC
>     cbc = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=pipe, stderr=pipe, stdin=devnull)
> subprocess.py, in __init__
>     self._execute_child(args, executable, preexec_fn, close_fds,
> subprocess.py, in _execute_child
>     raise child_exception_type(errno_num, err_msg, err_filename)
> OSError: [Errno 86] Bad CPU type in executable: '/opt/homebrew/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pulp/solverdir/cbc/osx/64/cbc'
> sys:1: ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.TextIOWrapper name='/dev/null' mode='w' encoding='UTF-8'>
> sys:1: ResourceWarning: unclosed <socket.socket fd=3, family=AddressFamily.AF_INET, type=SocketKind.SOCK_STREAM, proto=0, laddr=('', 52222), raddr=('', 52211)>
> /opt/homebrew/Cellar/python@3.9/3.9.16/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.9/lib/python3.9/subprocess.py:1052: ResourceWarning: subprocess 33371 is still running
> Error: tcpip::Socket::recvAndCheck @ recv: peer shutdown
> Quitting (on error).
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Dispatch: taxiB_0y_0z
< Run dispatcher
< New reservations: ['1', '2', '3']
< Pending reservations: []
< Solve DARP with simple_rerouting
< Solve ILP
< Dispatch: taxiB_0y_2y_1y_0z_1z_2z
< Run dispatcher
< New reservations: ['4', '5', '6']
< Pending reservations: ['3']
< Solve DARP with simple_rerouting
< Solve ILP
< Dispatch: taxiA_6y_5y_3y_3z_6z_5z
< Run dispatcher
< New reservations: ['7', '8', '9']
< Pending reservations: ['4']
< Solve DARP with simple_rerouting
< Solve ILP
< Dispatch: taxiB_1y_8y_8z_0z_1z_2z
< Run dispatcher
< Pending reservations: ['4', '7', '9']
< Solve DARP with simple_rerouting
< Solve ILP
< Run dispatcher
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-bapmsumm1bld : drt drtOnline customized_times exhaustive_search ( Last six runs Feb2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> drtOnline.py, in <module>
>     main()
> drtOnline.py, in main
>     ilp_result = ilp_solve(options, len(fleet), len(ilp_res_cons),
> drtOnline.py, in ilp_solve
>     prob.solve(pl.PULP_CBC_CMD(msg=0, timeLimit=options.ilp_time))
> pulp.py, in solve
>     status = solver.actualSolve(self, **kwargs)
>   File "/opt/homebrew/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pulp/apis/coin_api.py", line 137, in actualSolve
>     return self.solve_CBC(lp, **kwargs)
>   File "/opt/homebrew/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pulp/apis/coin_api.py", line 202, in solve_CBC
>     cbc = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=pipe, stderr=pipe, stdin=devnull)
> subprocess.py, in __init__
>     self._execute_child(args, executable, preexec_fn, close_fds,
> subprocess.py, in _execute_child
>     raise child_exception_type(errno_num, err_msg, err_filename)
> OSError: [Errno 86] Bad CPU type in executable: '/opt/homebrew/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pulp/solverdir/cbc/osx/64/cbc'
> sys:1: ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.TextIOWrapper name='/dev/null' mode='w' encoding='UTF-8'>
> sys:1: ResourceWarning: unclosed <socket.socket fd=3, family=AddressFamily.AF_INET, type=SocketKind.SOCK_STREAM, proto=0, laddr=('', 52270), raddr=('', 52257)>
> /opt/homebrew/Cellar/python@3.9/3.9.16/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.9/lib/python3.9/subprocess.py:1052: ResourceWarning: subprocess 33441 is still running
> Error: tcpip::Socket::recvAndCheck @ recv: peer shutdown
> Quitting (on error).
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Dispatch: taxiB_2y_3y_3z_2z
< Run dispatcher
< New reservations: ['4', '5', '6']
< Pending reservations: ['0']
< Solve DARP with exhaustive_search
< Solve ILP
< Dispatch: taxiC_4y_5y_4z_5z
< Dispatch: taxiA_6y_6z
< Run dispatcher
< New reservations: ['7', '8', '9']
< Pending reservations: ['0']
< Solve DARP with exhaustive_search
< Solve ILP
< Dispatch: taxiA_6y_7y_7z_6z
< Dispatch: taxiB_3y_8y_3z_8z_2z
< Run dispatcher
< Pending reservations: ['0', '9']
< Solve DARP with exhaustive_search
< Solve ILP
< Run dispatcher
< Pending reservations: ['0', '9']
< Solve DARP with exhaustive_search
< Reservation 0 (person ('0',)) cannot be served
< Solve ILP
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-bapmsumm1bld : drt drtOnline customized_times simple_rerouting ( Last six runs Feb2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> drtOnline.py, in <module>
>     main()
> drtOnline.py, in main
>     ilp_result = ilp_solve(options, len(fleet), len(ilp_res_cons),
> drtOnline.py, in ilp_solve
>     prob.solve(pl.PULP_CBC_CMD(msg=0, timeLimit=options.ilp_time))
> pulp.py, in solve
>     status = solver.actualSolve(self, **kwargs)
>   File "/opt/homebrew/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pulp/apis/coin_api.py", line 137, in actualSolve
>     return self.solve_CBC(lp, **kwargs)
>   File "/opt/homebrew/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pulp/apis/coin_api.py", line 202, in solve_CBC
>     cbc = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=pipe, stderr=pipe, stdin=devnull)
> subprocess.py, in __init__
>     self._execute_child(args, executable, preexec_fn, close_fds,
> subprocess.py, in _execute_child
>     raise child_exception_type(errno_num, err_msg, err_filename)
> OSError: [Errno 86] Bad CPU type in executable: '/opt/homebrew/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pulp/solverdir/cbc/osx/64/cbc'
> sys:1: ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.TextIOWrapper name='/dev/null' mode='w' encoding='UTF-8'>
> sys:1: ResourceWarning: unclosed <socket.socket fd=3, family=AddressFamily.AF_INET, type=SocketKind.SOCK_STREAM, proto=0, laddr=('', 52266), raddr=('', 52254)>
> /opt/homebrew/Cellar/python@3.9/3.9.16/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.9/lib/python3.9/subprocess.py:1052: ResourceWarning: subprocess 33438 is still running
> Error: tcpip::Socket::recvAndCheck @ recv: peer shutdown
> Quitting (on error).
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Dispatch: taxiC_2y_3y_3z_2z
< Run dispatcher
< New reservations: ['4', '5', '6']
< Pending reservations: ['0']
< Solve DARP with simple_rerouting
< Solve ILP
< Dispatch: taxiA_4y_5y_4z_5z
< Dispatch: taxiB_6y_6z
< Run dispatcher
< New reservations: ['7', '8', '9']
< Pending reservations: ['0']
< Solve DARP with simple_rerouting
< Solve ILP
< Dispatch: taxiB_6y_7y_7z_6z
< Run dispatcher
< Pending reservations: ['0', '8', '9']
< Solve DARP with simple_rerouting
< Solve ILP
< Run dispatcher
< Pending reservations: ['0', '8', '9']
< Solve DARP with simple_rerouting
< Reservation 0 (person ('0',)) cannot be served
< Solve ILP
< Run dispatcher
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-bapmsumm1bld : drt drtOnline dua_pairs simple_rerouting ( Last six runs Feb2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> drtOnline.py, in <module>
>     main()
> drtOnline.py, in main
>     ilp_result = ilp_solve(options, len(fleet), len(ilp_res_cons),
> drtOnline.py, in ilp_solve
>     prob.solve(pl.PULP_CBC_CMD(msg=0, timeLimit=options.ilp_time))
> pulp.py, in solve
>     status = solver.actualSolve(self, **kwargs)
>   File "/opt/homebrew/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pulp/apis/coin_api.py", line 137, in actualSolve
>     return self.solve_CBC(lp, **kwargs)
>   File "/opt/homebrew/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pulp/apis/coin_api.py", line 202, in solve_CBC
>     cbc = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=pipe, stderr=pipe, stdin=devnull)
> subprocess.py, in __init__
>     self._execute_child(args, executable, preexec_fn, close_fds,
> subprocess.py, in _execute_child
>     raise child_exception_type(errno_num, err_msg, err_filename)
> OSError: [Errno 86] Bad CPU type in executable: '/opt/homebrew/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pulp/solverdir/cbc/osx/64/cbc'
> sys:1: ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.TextIOWrapper name='/dev/null' mode='w' encoding='UTF-8'>
> sys:1: ResourceWarning: unclosed <socket.socket fd=3, family=AddressFamily.AF_INET, type=SocketKind.SOCK_STREAM, proto=0, laddr=('', 52230), raddr=('', 52219)>
> /opt/homebrew/Cellar/python@3.9/3.9.16/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.9/lib/python3.9/subprocess.py:1052: ResourceWarning: subprocess 33384 is still running
> Error: tcpip::Socket::recvAndCheck @ recv: peer shutdown
> Quitting (on error).
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Dispatch: taxiA_0y_0z
< Run dispatcher
< New reservations: ['1']
< Pending reservations: []
< Solve DARP with simple_rerouting
< Solve ILP
< Dispatch: taxiA_1y_1z
< Run dispatcher
< New reservations: ['2']
< Pending reservations: []
< Solve DARP with simple_rerouting
< Run dispatcher
< Pending reservations: ['2']
< Solve DARP with simple_rerouting
< Run dispatcher
< Pending reservations: ['2']
< Solve DARP with simple_rerouting
< Reservation 2 (person ('2',)) cannot be served
< Run dispatcher
< New reservations: ['3']
< Pending reservations: []
< Solve DARP with simple_rerouting
< Reservation 3 (person ('3',)) cannot be served
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-bapmsumm1bld : drt drtOnline oneVehicle simple_rerouting ( Last six runs Feb2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> drtOnline.py, in <module>
>     main()
> drtOnline.py, in main
>     ilp_result = ilp_solve(options, len(fleet), len(ilp_res_cons),
> drtOnline.py, in ilp_solve
>     prob.solve(pl.PULP_CBC_CMD(msg=0, timeLimit=options.ilp_time))
> pulp.py, in solve
>     status = solver.actualSolve(self, **kwargs)
>   File "/opt/homebrew/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pulp/apis/coin_api.py", line 137, in actualSolve
>     return self.solve_CBC(lp, **kwargs)
>   File "/opt/homebrew/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pulp/apis/coin_api.py", line 202, in solve_CBC
>     cbc = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=pipe, stderr=pipe, stdin=devnull)
> subprocess.py, in __init__
>     self._execute_child(args, executable, preexec_fn, close_fds,
> subprocess.py, in _execute_child
>     raise child_exception_type(errno_num, err_msg, err_filename)
> OSError: [Errno 86] Bad CPU type in executable: '/opt/homebrew/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pulp/solverdir/cbc/osx/64/cbc'
> sys:1: ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.TextIOWrapper name='/dev/null' mode='w' encoding='UTF-8'>
> sys:1: ResourceWarning: unclosed <socket.socket fd=3, family=AddressFamily.AF_INET, type=SocketKind.SOCK_STREAM, proto=0, laddr=('', 52240), raddr=('', 52223)>
> /opt/homebrew/Cellar/python@3.9/3.9.16/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.9/lib/python3.9/subprocess.py:1052: ResourceWarning: subprocess 33390 is still running
> Error: tcpip::Socket::recvAndCheck @ recv: peer shutdown
> Quitting (on error).
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Dispatch: taxiA_0y_0z
< Run dispatcher
< New reservations: ['1', '2', '3']
< Pending reservations: []
< Solve DARP with simple_rerouting
< Solve ILP
< Dispatch: taxiA_0y_2y_1y_0z_1z_2z
< Run dispatcher
< New reservations: ['4', '5', '6']
< Pending reservations: ['3']
< Solve DARP with simple_rerouting
< Run dispatcher
< New reservations: ['7', '8', '9']
< Pending reservations: ['3', '4', '5', '6']
< Solve DARP with simple_rerouting
< Run dispatcher
< Pending reservations: ['3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9']
< Solve DARP with simple_rerouting
< Run dispatcher
< Pending reservations: ['3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9']
< Solve DARP with simple_rerouting
< Run dispatcher
< Pending reservations: ['3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9']
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-bapmsumm1bld : drt drtOnline oneVehicle tracefile ( Last six runs Feb2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> drtOnline.py, in <module>
>     main()
> drtOnline.py, in main
>     ilp_result = ilp_solve(options, len(fleet), len(ilp_res_cons),
> drtOnline.py, in ilp_solve
>     prob.solve(pl.PULP_CBC_CMD(msg=0, timeLimit=options.ilp_time))
> pulp.py, in solve
>     status = solver.actualSolve(self, **kwargs)
>   File "/opt/homebrew/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pulp/apis/coin_api.py", line 137, in actualSolve
>     return self.solve_CBC(lp, **kwargs)
>   File "/opt/homebrew/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pulp/apis/coin_api.py", line 202, in solve_CBC
>     cbc = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=pipe, stderr=pipe, stdin=devnull)
> subprocess.py, in __init__
>     self._execute_child(args, executable, preexec_fn, close_fds,
> subprocess.py, in _execute_child
>     raise child_exception_type(errno_num, err_msg, err_filename)
> OSError: [Errno 86] Bad CPU type in executable: '/opt/homebrew/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pulp/solverdir/cbc/osx/64/cbc'
> sys:1: ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.TextIOWrapper name='/dev/null' mode='w' encoding='UTF-8'>
> sys:1: ResourceWarning: unclosed <socket.socket fd=3, family=AddressFamily.AF_INET, type=SocketKind.SOCK_STREAM, proto=0, laddr=('', 52249), raddr=('', 52236)>
> sys:1: ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.TextIOWrapper name='tracefile_out.txt' mode='w' encoding='UTF-8'>
> Error: tcpip::Socket::recvAndCheck @ recv: peer shutdown
> Quitting (on error).
> /opt/homebrew/Cellar/python@3.9/3.9.16/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.9/lib/python3.9/subprocess.py:1052: ResourceWarning: subprocess 33415 is still running
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Dispatch: taxiA_0y_0z
< Run dispatcher
< New reservations: ['1', '2', '3']
< Pending reservations: []
< Solve DARP with simple_rerouting
< Solve ILP
< Dispatch: taxiA_0y_2y_1y_0z_1z_2z
< Run dispatcher
< New reservations: ['4', '5', '6']
< Pending reservations: ['3']
< Solve DARP with simple_rerouting
< Run dispatcher
< New reservations: ['7', '8', '9']
< Pending reservations: ['3', '4', '5', '6']
< Solve DARP with simple_rerouting
< Run dispatcher
< Pending reservations: ['3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9']
< Solve DARP with simple_rerouting
< Run dispatcher
< Pending reservations: ['3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9']
< Solve DARP with simple_rerouting
< Run dispatcher
< Pending reservations: ['3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9']
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in tracefile ----------
< traci.vehicle.dispatchTaxi('taxiA', ['0', '0'])
< traci.simulationStep(40.0)
< traci.vehicle.dispatchTaxi('taxiA', ['0', '2', '1', '0', '1', '2'])
< traci.simulationStep(70.0)
< traci.simulationStep(100.0)
< traci.simulationStep(130.0)
< traci.simulationStep(160.0)
< traci.simulationStep(190.0)
< traci.vehicle.dispatchTaxi('taxiA', ['0', '8', '8', '1', '2'])
< traci.simulationStep(220.0)
< traci.simulationStep(250.0)
< traci.simulationStep(280.0)
< traci.person.removeStage('6', 0)
< traci.simulationStep(310.0)
< traci.person.removeStage('3', 0)
< traci.person.removeStage('4', 0)
< traci.person.removeStage('5', 0)
< traci.person.removeStage('7', 0)
< traci.simulationStep(340.0)
< traci.person.removeStage('9', 0)
< traci.simulationStep(370.0)
< traci.simulationStep(400.0)
< traci.simulationStep(430.0)
< traci.simulationStep(460.0)
< traci.simulationStep(490.0)
< traci.simulationStep(520.0)
< traci.simulationStep(550.0)
< traci.simulationStep(580.0)
< traci.simulationStep(610.0)
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-bapmsumm1bld : drt drtOnline stop_duration exhaustive_search ( Last six runs Feb2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> drtOnline.py, in <module>
>     main()
> drtOnline.py, in main
>     ilp_result = ilp_solve(options, len(fleet), len(ilp_res_cons),
> drtOnline.py, in ilp_solve
>     prob.solve(pl.PULP_CBC_CMD(msg=0, timeLimit=options.ilp_time))
> pulp.py, in solve
>     status = solver.actualSolve(self, **kwargs)
>   File "/opt/homebrew/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pulp/apis/coin_api.py", line 137, in actualSolve
>     return self.solve_CBC(lp, **kwargs)
>   File "/opt/homebrew/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pulp/apis/coin_api.py", line 202, in solve_CBC
>     cbc = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=pipe, stderr=pipe, stdin=devnull)
> subprocess.py, in __init__
>     self._execute_child(args, executable, preexec_fn, close_fds,
> subprocess.py, in _execute_child
>     raise child_exception_type(errno_num, err_msg, err_filename)
> OSError: [Errno 86] Bad CPU type in executable: '/opt/homebrew/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pulp/solverdir/cbc/osx/64/cbc'
> sys:1: ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.TextIOWrapper name='/dev/null' mode='w' encoding='UTF-8'>
> sys:1: ResourceWarning: unclosed <socket.socket fd=3, family=AddressFamily.AF_INET, type=SocketKind.SOCK_STREAM, proto=0, laddr=('', 52262), raddr=('', 52251)>
> /opt/homebrew/Cellar/python@3.9/3.9.16/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.9/lib/python3.9/subprocess.py:1052: ResourceWarning: subprocess 33432 is still running
> Error: tcpip::Socket::recvAndCheck @ recv: peer shutdown
> Quitting (on error).
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Dispatch: taxiB_0y_0z
< Run dispatcher
< New reservations: ['1', '2', '3']
< Pending reservations: []
< Solve DARP with exhaustive_search
< Solve ILP
< Dispatch: taxiB_0y_2y_0z_2z
< Dispatch: taxiA_3y_1y_3z_1z
< Run dispatcher
< New reservations: ['4', '5', '6']
< Pending reservations: []
< Solve DARP with exhaustive_search
< Solve ILP
< Run dispatcher
< New reservations: ['7', '8', '9']
< Pending reservations: ['4', '5', '6']
< Solve DARP with exhaustive_search
< Solve ILP
< Dispatch: taxiB_2y_9y_0z_2z_9z
< Run dispatcher
< Pending reservations: ['4', '5', '6', '7', '8']
< Solve DARP with exhaustive_search
< Solve ILP
< Run dispatcher
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-bapmsumm1bld : drt drtOnline stop_duration simple_rerouting ( Last six runs Feb2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> drtOnline.py, in <module>
>     main()
> drtOnline.py, in main
>     ilp_result = ilp_solve(options, len(fleet), len(ilp_res_cons),
> drtOnline.py, in ilp_solve
>     prob.solve(pl.PULP_CBC_CMD(msg=0, timeLimit=options.ilp_time))
> pulp.py, in solve
>     status = solver.actualSolve(self, **kwargs)
>   File "/opt/homebrew/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pulp/apis/coin_api.py", line 137, in actualSolve
>     return self.solve_CBC(lp, **kwargs)
>   File "/opt/homebrew/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pulp/apis/coin_api.py", line 202, in solve_CBC
>     cbc = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=pipe, stderr=pipe, stdin=devnull)
> subprocess.py, in __init__
>     self._execute_child(args, executable, preexec_fn, close_fds,
> subprocess.py, in _execute_child
>     raise child_exception_type(errno_num, err_msg, err_filename)
> OSError: [Errno 86] Bad CPU type in executable: '/opt/homebrew/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pulp/solverdir/cbc/osx/64/cbc'
> sys:1: ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.TextIOWrapper name='/dev/null' mode='w' encoding='UTF-8'>
> sys:1: ResourceWarning: unclosed <socket.socket fd=3, family=AddressFamily.AF_INET, type=SocketKind.SOCK_STREAM, proto=0, laddr=('', 52259), raddr=('', 52247)>
> /opt/homebrew/Cellar/python@3.9/3.9.16/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.9/lib/python3.9/subprocess.py:1052: ResourceWarning: subprocess 33427 is still running
> Error: tcpip::Socket::recvAndCheck @ recv: peer shutdown
> Quitting (on error).
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Dispatch: taxiB_0y_0z
< Run dispatcher
< New reservations: ['1', '2', '3']
< Pending reservations: []
< Solve DARP with simple_rerouting
< Solve ILP
< Dispatch: taxiA_3y_1y_3z_1z
< Run dispatcher
< New reservations: ['4', '5', '6']
< Pending reservations: ['2']
< Solve DARP with simple_rerouting
< Run dispatcher
< New reservations: ['7', '8', '9']
< Pending reservations: ['2', '4', '5', '6']
< Solve DARP with simple_rerouting
< Run dispatcher
< Pending reservations: ['2', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9']
< Solve DARP with simple_rerouting
< Run dispatcher
< Pending reservations: ['2', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9']
< Solve DARP with simple_rerouting
< Run dispatcher
< Pending reservations: ['2', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9']
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-bapmsumm1bld : import OSM webWizard ( Last six runs Feb2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
< Warning: Person 'ped186' is jammed on edge ':3918673909_w0', time=913.00.
> Warning: Person 'ped3' is jammed on edge ':990017251_w0', time=598.00.
> Warning: Person 'ped116' aborted waiting for 147:1 at busStop '-3867910422'.
> Warning: Person 'ped111' aborted waiting for 147:1 at busStop '3869306767'.
> Warning: Person 'ped162' aborted waiting for N42:0 at busStop '3867910424'.
> Warning: Person 'ped175' aborted waiting for N42:1 at busStop '270727260'.
> Warning: Person 'ped157' aborted waiting for N42:1 at busStop '270727260'.
---------- Differences in osmimport ----------
<         <lane id=":25661386_13_0" index="0" allow="bicycle" speed="7.02" length="6.10" width="1.25" shape="920.51,1527.28 920.50,1523.54 919.90,1521.25"/>
>         <lane id=":25661386_13_0" index="0" allow="bicycle" speed="11.11" length="22.48" width="1.25" shape="920.51,1527.28 921.76,1520.63 923.68,1516.12 925.59,1511.82 926.84,1505.84"/>
<         <lane id=":25661386_14_0" index="0" allow="bicycle" speed="11.11" length="22.48" width="1.25" shape="920.51,1527.28 921.76,1520.63 923.68,1516.12 925.59,1511.82 926.84,1505.84"/>
>         <lane id=":25661386_14_0" index="0" allow="bicycle" speed="7.02" length="6.10" width="1.25" shape="920.51,1527.28 920.50,1523.54 919.90,1521.25"/>
<         <lane id=":25662542_6_0" index="0" allow="bicycle" speed="6.96" length="6.05" width="1.25" shape="925.04,1604.58 925.06,1608.29 925.67,1610.54"/>
>         <lane id=":25662542_6_0" index="0" allow="bicycle" speed="10.29" length="10.37" width="1.25" shape="925.04,1604.58 923.14,1610.31 920.39,1613.66"/>
<         <lane id=":25662542_7_0" index="0" allow="bicycle" speed="13.89" length="21.97" width="1.25" shape="925.04,1604.58 923.09,1626.47"/>
>         <lane id=":25662542_7_0" index="0" allow="bicycle" speed="6.96" length="6.05" width="1.25" shape="925.04,1604.58 925.06,1608.29 925.67,1610.54"/>
<         <lane id=":25662542_8_0" index="0" allow="bicycle" speed="10.29" length="10.37" width="1.25" shape="925.04,1604.58 923.14,1610.31 920.39,1613.66"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":25662542_9" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":25662542_9_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian bicycle tram rail_urban rail rail_electric rail_fast ship" speed="7.85" length="0.69" shape="922.82,1604.40 922.84,1605.08"/>
>         <lane id=":25662542_8_0" index="0" allow="bicycle" speed="13.89" length="21.96" width="1.25" shape="925.04,1604.58 923.09,1626.47"/>
>         <lane id=":25662542_8_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian bicycle tram rail_urban rail rail_electric rail_fast ship" speed="13.89" length="21.96" shape="922.82,1604.40 920.88,1626.26"/>
<         <lane id=":25662542_10_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian bicycle tram rail_urban rail rail_electric rail_fast ship" speed="13.89" length="21.94" shape="922.82,1604.40 920.88,1626.26"/>
>         <lane id=":25662542_10_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian bicycle tram rail_urban rail rail_electric rail_fast ship" speed="7.85" length="0.69" shape="922.82,1604.40 922.84,1605.08"/>
<         <lane id=":25662542_29_0" index="0" allow="bicycle" speed="6.96" length="5.02" width="1.25" shape="925.67,1610.54 925.80,1611.00 927.26,1612.71 929.43,1613.43"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Simulation ended at time: 2691.00
> Simulation ended at time: 2900.00
<  RouteLength: 1900.99
<  Speed: 6.12
<  Duration: 350.35
<  WaitingTime: 65.94
<  TimeLoss: 132.17
>  RouteLength: 1901.25
>  Speed: 6.15
>  Duration: 347.22
>  WaitingTime: 64.14
>  TimeLoss: 129.75
<  RouteLength: 1625.19
<  Speed: 4.18
<  Duration: 400.28
<  WaitingTime: 51.04
<  TimeLoss: 90.26
>  RouteLength: 1625.25
>  Speed: 4.21
>  Duration: 400.16
>  WaitingTime: 50.95
>  TimeLoss: 90.10
<  DepartDelay: 0.43
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in ptroutes ----------
<         <stop busStop="270718978" duration="20" until="440.0"/> <!-- S+U Alexanderplatz/Memhardstraße -->
>         <stop busStop="270718978" duration="20" until="439.0"/> <!-- S+U Alexanderplatz/Memhardstraße -->
<         <stop busStop="3867910424" duration="20" until="201.0"/> <!-- Nikolaiviertel -->
>         <stop busStop="3867910424" duration="20" until="204.0"/> <!-- Nikolaiviertel -->
<         <stop busStop="3867910424" duration="20" until="198.0"/> <!-- Nikolaiviertel -->
<         <stop busStop="3352479219" duration="20" until="275.0"/> <!-- Fischerinsel -->
>         <stop busStop="3867910424" duration="20" until="200.0"/> <!-- Nikolaiviertel -->
>         <stop busStop="3352479219" duration="20" until="277.0"/> <!-- Fischerinsel -->
<         <stop busStop="3867910416" duration="20" until="168.0"/> <!-- Berliner Rathaus -->
<         <stop busStop="3907105048" duration="20" until="236.0"/> <!-- Littenstraße -->
>         <stop busStop="3867910416" duration="20" until="171.0"/> <!-- Berliner Rathaus -->
>         <stop busStop="3907105048" duration="20" until="239.0"/> <!-- Littenstraße -->
<     <route id="pt_bus_M48:0" edges="328426208#0 23851917#0 23851917#2 23851922#1 60333313 82654055#0 82654055#1 24992428 606078065 156364553#0 156364553#1 72157172 61583424#0 61583424#1 61583424#2 534588621#0 534588621#1 72157174#1 171826984#2 171826984#3 171826984#4 171826984#5 195401006 195401017#3" >
<         <stop busStop="3352479220" duration="20" until="76.0"/> <!-- Fischerinsel -->
<         <stop busStop="271430924" duration="20" until="158.0"/> <!-- Berliner Rathaus -->
<         <stop busStop="1827996414" duration="20" until="324.0"/> <!-- Spandauer Straße/Marienkirche -->
<         <stop busStop="270718978" duration="20" until="407.0"/> <!-- S+U Alexanderplatz/Memhardstraße -->
<     </route>
<         <stop busStop="271296293" duration="20" until="374.0"/> <!-- Staatsoper -->
<         <stop busStop="272408975" duration="20" until="469.0"/> <!-- Unter den Linden/Friedrichstraße -->
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-bapmsumm1bld : import dxf jupedsim ( Last six runs Feb2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> dxf2jupedsim.py, in <module>
>     from shapely.geometry import Polygon, LineString
> ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'shapely'
---------- Missing result in additional ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<additional xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/additional_file.xsd">
    <poly id="jps.walkable_area_2E" type="jupedsim.walkable_area" color="179,217,255" fill="True" layer="0" shape="10.511256116,0.000000000 10.511345706,0.000000000 10.511345706,0.000090194 10.511256116,0.000090194 10.511256116,0.000000000" geo="True"/>
    <poly id="jps.walkable_area_2F" type="jupedsim.walkable_area" color="179,217,255" fill="True" layer="0" shape="10.512152015,0.000901939 10.512241605,0.000901939 10.512241605,0.000992133 10.512152015,0.000992133 10.512152015,0.000901939" geo="True"/>
    <poly id="jps.obstacle_31" type="jupedsim.obstacle" color="255,204,204" fill="True" layer="1" shape="10.511300911,0.000045097 10.511327788,0.000045097 10.511327788,0.000072155 10.511300911,0.000072155 10.511300911,0.000045097" geo="True"/>
    <poly id="jps.obstacle_32" type="jupedsim.obstacle" color="255,204,204" fill="True" layer="1" shape="10.511282993,0.000018039 10.511282507,0.000020967 10.511281104,0.000023579 10.511278934,0.000025589 10.511276233,0.000026782 10.511273294,0.000027027 10.511270435,0.000026298 10.511267966,0.000024675 10.511266154,0.000022332 10.511265197,0.000019523 10.511265197,0.000016554 10.511266154,0.000013746 10.511267966,0.000011403 10.511270435,0.000009779 10.511273294,0.000009050 10.511276233,0.00000
9295 10.511278934,0.000010488 10.511281104,0.000012499 10.511282507,0.000015110 10.511282993,0.000018039" geo="True"/>

TEST FAILED on ts-bapmsumm1bld : net abstractRail horizontal ( Last six runs Feb2024 )

---------- Differences in net ----------
<         <lane id=":1383487311_0_0" index="0" allow="rail rail_electric rail_fast" speed="15.20" length="7.19" shape="92.91,180.00 94.09,179.76 95.48,179.05 97.07,177.87 98.86,176.21"/>
>         <lane id=":1383487311_0_0" index="0" allow="rail rail_electric rail_fast" speed="15.42" length="7.40" shape="92.91,180.00 94.98,179.76 96.27,179.04 97.37,177.85 98.86,176.21"/>
<         <lane id=":1383506147_0_0" index="0" allow="rail" speed="15.20" length="7.19" shape="-76.58,263.79 -78.37,262.13 -79.96,260.95 -81.35,260.24 -82.53,260.00"/>
>         <lane id=":1383506147_0_0" index="0" allow="rail" speed="15.42" length="7.40" shape="-76.58,263.79 -78.07,262.15 -79.17,260.96 -80.46,260.24 -82.53,260.00"/>
<         <lane id=":4078624344_1_0" index="0" allow="rail" speed="15.20" length="7.19" shape="-590.03,240.00 -587.59,240.10 -585.63,240.38 -584.14,240.86 -583.14,241.53"/>
>         <lane id=":4078624344_1_0" index="0" allow="rail" speed="15.42" length="7.40" shape="-590.03,240.00 -587.82,239.89 -586.20,239.83 -584.77,240.24 -583.14,241.53"/>

TEST FAILED on ts-bapmsumm1bld : net abstractRail multiple_stations horizontal ( Last six runs Feb2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
< Warning: Lane '-347977095_0' is not connected from any incoming edge at junction '428647707'.
---------- Missing result in net ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<net version="1.16" junctionCornerDetail="5" limitTurnSpeed="5.50" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/net_file.xsd">

    <location netOffset="-403040.31,-5788711.14" convBoundary="-619.87,0.00,2239.27,460.00" origBoundary="13.574416,52.240912,13.691479,52.413950" projParameter="+proj=utm +zone=33 +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs"/>

    <type id="railway.light_rail" priority="19" numLanes="1" speed="27.78" allow="rail_urban" oneway="1"/>
    <type id="railway.rail" priority="20" numLanes="1" speed="44.44" allow="rail" oneway="1"/>

    <edge id="-121902849" from="42145788" to="374388207" name="6142" priority="20" type="railway.rail" spreadType="center" length="85.51" shape="467.14,380.00 428.32,300.00 385.57,300.00" bidi="33142249">
        <lane id="-121902849_0" index="0" allow="rail rail_electric rail_fast" speed="27.78" length="85.51" shape="466.05,377.75 428.32,300.00 387.73,300.00">
            <param key="origId" value="121902849 8602141 33142249"/>
    <edge id="-124449286#0" from="1363480435" to="4395255491" priority="20" type="railway.rail" spreadType="center" length="270.18" shape="232.25,80.00 272.25,40.00 472.84,40.00" bidi="441828377">
        <lane id="-124449286#0_0" index="0" allow="rail rail_electric rail_fast" speed="44.44" length="270.18" shape="233.78,78.47 272.25,40.00 472.84,40.00">
            <param key="origId" value="124449286 742458425 742458426 441828378 441828377"/>
    <edge id="-124449286#2" from="428994711" to="1363480434" priority="20" type="railway.rail" spreadType="center" length="8.44" bidi="124449286#2">
        <lane id="-124449286#2_0" index="0" allow="rail rail_electric rail_fast" speed="44.44" length="8.44" shape="183.26,160.00 186.88,160.00">
            <param key="origId" value="124449286"/>
    <edge id="-153134060#0" from="10707784192" to="296021288" name="6007" priority="19" type="railway.light_rail" spreadType="center" length="412.89" bidi="153134060#0">
        <lane id="-153134060#0_0" index="0" allow="rail_urban" speed="22.22" length="412.89" shape="1611.55,340.00 1629.39,340.00">
            <param key="origId" value="153134060"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-bapmsumm1bld : net abstractRail multiple_stations stations_horizontal ( Last six runs Feb2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
< Warning: Lane '-347977095_0' is not connected from any incoming edge at junction '428647707'.
< Warning: 12 total messages of type: Found angle of % degrees at edge '%', segment %.
---------- Missing result in net ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<net version="1.16" junctionCornerDetail="5" limitTurnSpeed="5.50" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/net_file.xsd">

    <location netOffset="-403040.31,-5788711.14" convBoundary="2638.27,0.00,5207.72,14484.27" origBoundary="13.574416,52.240912,13.691479,52.413950" projParameter="+proj=utm +zone=33 +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs"/>

    <type id="railway.light_rail" priority="19" numLanes="1" speed="27.78" allow="rail_urban" oneway="1"/>
    <type id="railway.rail" priority="20" numLanes="1" speed="44.44" allow="rail" oneway="1"/>

    <edge id="-121902849" from="42145788" to="374388207" name="6142" priority="20" type="railway.rail" spreadType="center" length="85.51" shape="4037.59,6412.80 4017.59,6392.80 3997.59,6392.80" bidi="33142249">
        <lane id="-121902849_0" index="0" allow="rail rail_electric rail_fast" speed="27.78" length="85.51" shape="4036.06,6411.27 4017.59,6392.80 3999.75,6392.80">
            <param key="origId" value="121902849 8602141 33142249"/>
    <edge id="-124449286#0" from="1363480435" to="4395255491" priority="20" type="railway.rail" spreadType="center" length="270.18" shape="3848.15,6172.80 3939.94,6072.80 4043.30,6072.80" bidi="441828377">
        <lane id="-124449286#0_0" index="0" allow="rail rail_electric rail_fast" speed="44.44" length="270.18" shape="3849.64,6171.18 3939.94,6072.80 4043.30,6072.80">
            <param key="origId" value="124449286 742458425 742458426 441828378 441828377"/>
    <edge id="-124449286#2" from="428994711" to="1363480434" priority="20" type="railway.rail" spreadType="center" length="8.44" bidi="124449286#2">
        <lane id="-124449286#2_0" index="0" allow="rail rail_electric rail_fast" speed="44.44" length="8.44" shape="3807.21,6252.80 3810.94,6252.80">
            <param key="origId" value="124449286"/>
    <edge id="-153134060#0" from="10707784192" to="296021288" name="6007" priority="19" type="railway.light_rail" spreadType="center" length="412.89" bidi="153134060#0">
        <lane id="-153134060#0_0" index="0" allow="rail_urban" speed="22.22" length="412.89" shape="3461.61,11901.29 3479.45,11901.29">
            <param key="origId" value="153134060"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-bapmsumm1bld : net net2jpsgeometry allow_junctions ( Last six runs Feb2024 )

---------- Differences in dxf ----------
< -100
> 1e+20
< -100
> 1e+20
< -100
> 1e+20
< 100
> -1e+20
< 100
> -1e+20
< 100
> -1e+20
< 52
> 56
< 70.0
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-bapmsumm1bld : net net2jpsgeometry sidewalk_lanes ( Last six runs Feb2024 )

---------- Differences in dxf ----------
< -100
> 1e+20
< -100
> 1e+20
< -100
> 1e+20
< 100
> -1e+20
< 100
> -1e+20
< 100
> -1e+20
< 42
> 46
< 70.0
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-bapmsumm1bld : turndefs routeSampler intervals optimize_verbose ( Last six runs Feb2024 )

---------- Differences in output ----------
> Running HiGHS 1.2.0 [date: 2021-07-09, git hash: n/a]
> Copyright (c) 2022 ERGO-Code under MIT licence terms
> Presolving model
> 1 rows, 2 cols, 2 nonzeros
> 0 rows, 0 cols, 0 nonzeros
> Presolve : Reductions: rows 0(-2); columns 0(-5); elements 0(-6) - Reduced to empty
> Solving the original LP from the solution after postsolve
> Model   status      : Optimal
> Objective value     :  0.0000000000e+00
> HiGHS run time      :          0.00
> Running HiGHS 1.2.0 [date: 2021-07-09, git hash: n/a]
> Copyright (c) 2022 ERGO-Code under MIT licence terms
> Presolving model
> 1 rows, 1 cols, 1 nonzeros
> 0 rows, 0 cols, 0 nonzeros
> Presolve : Reductions: rows 0(-2); columns 0(-5); elements 0(-6) - Reduced to empty
> Solving the original LP from the solution after postsolve
> Model   status      : Optimal
> Objective value     :  0.0000000000e+00
> HiGHS run time      :          0.00

TEST FAILED on ts-bapmsumm1bld : turndefs routeSampler min_count_optimize ( Last six runs Feb2024 )

---------- Differences in output ----------
> Running HiGHS 1.2.0 [date: 2021-07-09, git hash: n/a]
> Copyright (c) 2022 ERGO-Code under MIT licence terms
> Presolving model
> 107 rows, 192 cols, 799 nonzeros
> 107 rows, 192 cols, 799 nonzeros
> Presolve : Reductions: rows 107(-31); columns 192(-31); elements 799(-58)
> Solving the presolved LP
> Using EKK dual simplex solver - serial
>   Iteration        Objective     Infeasibilities num(sum)
>           0     0.0000000000e+00 Ph1: 0(0) 0s
>          94     2.3000000000e+01 Pr: 0(0) 0s
> Solving the original LP from the solution after postsolve
> Model   status      : Optimal
> Simplex   iterations: 94
> Objective value     :  2.3000000000e+01
> HiGHS run time      :          0.00
< result route edge count: count 89, min 5.00 (0), max 16.00 (41), mean 9.33, Q1 7.00, median 9.00, Q3 11.00
<  histogram: [(5, 8), (6, 10), (7, 8), (8, 14), (9, 11), (10, 12), (11, 6), (12, 2), (13, 7), (14, 5), (15, 4), (16, 2)]
< result route detector count: count 89, min 4.00 (0), max 15.00 (41), mean 8.33, Q1 6.00, median 8.00, Q3 10.00
<  histogram: [(4, 8), (5, 10), (6, 8), (7, 14), (8, 11), (9, 12), (10, 6), (11, 2), (12, 7), (13, 5), (14, 4), (15, 2)]
< GEH: count 138, min 0.00 ([-58.121.42 64] 36 36), max 12.06 ([-123.121.42 131] 72 0), mean 0.76, Q1 0.00, median 0.00, Q3 0.00
< Warning: underflow locations: count 18, min 1.00 (('-152.80.00', '-131')), max 2.00 (('-123.121.42', '131')), mean 1.06, Q1 1.00, median 1.00, Q3 1.00 (total 19)
< Warning: overflow locations: count 9, min -1.00 (('-55.80.00', '-27')), max -1.00 (('-55.80.00', '-27')), mean -1.00, Q1 -1.00, median -1.00, Q3 -1.00 (total -9)
> result route edge count: count 88, min 5.00 (0), max 16.00 (41), mean 9.27, Q1 7.00, median 9.00, Q3 11.00
>  histogram: [(5, 8), (6, 10), (7, 8), (8, 14), (9, 11), (10, 11), (11, 6), (12, 3), (13, 7), (14, 5), (15, 4), (16, 1)]
> result route detector count: count 88, min 4.00 (0), max 15.00 (41), mean 8.27, Q1 6.00, median 8.00, Q3 10.00
>  histogram: [(4, 8), (5, 10), (6, 8), (7, 14), (8, 11), (9, 11), (10, 6), (11, 3), (12, 7), (13, 5), (14, 4), (15, 1)]
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in routes ----------
<         <route edges="58 -37 -37.80.00 -23 -23.80.00 -11 -11.80.00 3 3.180.00"/>
>         <route edges="60.80.00 -60 -60.80.00 -31 -31.80.00 -23 -23.80.00 -11 -11.80.00 5"/>
<         <route edges="75 75.121.42 120 120.180.00 -109 -109.80.00 23 23.80.00"/>
>         <route edges="71 71.121.42 -3 -3.180.00 11 11.80.00 109 109.80.00 -120"/>
<         <route edges="109 109.80.00 -109 -109.80.00 -11 -11.80.00 3 3.180.00 27 27.80.00 43 68 -45"/>
>         <route edges="11 11.80.00 23 23.80.00 31 31.80.00 64 64.80.00"/>
<         <route edges="-79.80.00 75 75.121.42 120 120.180.00 131 131.180.00 144 144.121.42"/>
>         <route edges="-92.180.00 -60 -60.80.00 -31 -31.80.00 37 -58 -58.121.42"/>
<         <route edges="27 27.80.00 -27 -27.80.00 -3 -3.180.00 11 11.80.00 23 23.80.00 31 31.80.00 64 64.80.00 -75"/>
>         <route edges="27 27.80.00 -27 -27.80.00 -3 -3.180.00 11 11.80.00 23 23.80.00 37 -58 -58.121.42"/>
<         <route edges="64.80.00 -64 -64.80.00 -31 -31.80.00 31"/>
>         <route edges="64.80.00 120 120.180.00 131 131.180.00 -131"/>
<         <route edges="123 123.121.42 -15 -15.180.00 3 3.180.00 27 27.80.00 43 68"/>
>         <route edges="144 144.121.42 -15 -15.180.00 3 3.180.00 27 27.80.00"/>
<         <route edges="45 -68 -43 -43.80.00 -27 -27.80.00 -3 -3.180.00 11 11.80.00 109 109.80.00 123 123.121.42"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-bapmsumm1bld : turndefs routeSampler optimize_2 ( Last six runs Feb2024 )

---------- Differences in output ----------
< Wrote 98 routes (98 distinct) achieving total count 751 (100.00%) at 138 locations. GEH<5 for 100.00%
> Wrote 98 routes (96 distinct) achieving total count 751 (100.00%) at 138 locations. GEH<5 for 100.00%
---------- Differences in routes ----------
<         <route edges="120 120.180.00 -109 -109.80.00 -11 -11.80.00 3 3.180.00 27 27.80.00 43 68 -45"/>
>         <route edges="120 120.180.00 -109 -109.80.00 -11 -11.80.00 3 3.180.00 -71 -55 -55.80.00"/>
<         <route edges="109 109.80.00 -109 -109.80.00 -11 -11.80.00 3 3.180.00 -71 -55 -55.80.00"/>
>         <route edges="109 109.80.00 -109 -109.80.00 -11 -11.80.00 3 3.180.00 27 27.80.00 43 68 -45"/>

TEST FAILED on ts-bapmsumm1bld : turndefs routeSampler optimize_few_detectors ( Last six runs Feb2024 )

---------- Differences in routes ----------
<     <route id="10" edges="-27.80.00 -3 -3.180.00 11 11.80.00 23 23.80.00 31 31.80.00 60 60.80.00 75 75.121.42"/> <!-- 68 -->
<     <route id="13" edges="-43 -43.80.00 -27 -27.80.00 -3 -3.180.00 11 11.80.00 23 23.80.00 31 31.80.00 60 60.80.00 -60 -60.80.00"/> <!-- 55 -->
<     <route id="17" edges="-68 -43 -43.80.00 -27 -27.80.00 -3 -3.180.00 11 11.80.00 23 23.80.00 31 31.80.00 60"/> <!-- 77 -->
>     <route id="10" edges="-27.80.00 -3 -3.180.00 11 11.80.00 23 23.80.00 31 31.80.00 60 60.80.00 75 75.121.42"/> <!-- 64 -->
>     <route id="13" edges="-43 -43.80.00 -27 -27.80.00 -3 -3.180.00 11 11.80.00 23 23.80.00 31 31.80.00 60 60.80.00 -60 -60.80.00"/> <!-- 57 -->
>     <route id="17" edges="-68 -43 -43.80.00 -27 -27.80.00 -3 -3.180.00 11 11.80.00 23 23.80.00 31 31.80.00 60"/> <!-- 79 -->
<     <flow id="10" begin="0.83" end="99.00" number="68" route="10"/>
<     <flow id="17" begin="0.94" end="99.00" number="77" route="17"/>
<     <flow id="13" begin="1.04" end="99.00" number="55" route="13"/>
>     <flow id="10" begin="0.88" end="99.00" number="64" route="10"/>
>     <flow id="17" begin="0.92" end="99.00" number="79" route="17"/>
>     <flow id="13" begin="1.00" end="99.00" number="57" route="13"/>

TEST FAILED on ts-bapmsumm1bld : turndefs routeSampler optimize_full ( Last six runs Feb2024 )

---------- Differences in output ----------
< Wrote 98 routes (98 distinct) achieving total count 751 (100.00%) at 138 locations. GEH<5 for 100.00%
> Wrote 98 routes (96 distinct) achieving total count 751 (100.00%) at 138 locations. GEH<5 for 100.00%
---------- Differences in routes ----------
<         <route edges="120 120.180.00 -109 -109.80.00 -11 -11.80.00 3 3.180.00 27 27.80.00 43 68 -45"/>
>         <route edges="120 120.180.00 -109 -109.80.00 -11 -11.80.00 3 3.180.00 -71 -55 -55.80.00"/>
<         <route edges="109 109.80.00 -109 -109.80.00 -11 -11.80.00 3 3.180.00 -71 -55 -55.80.00"/>
>         <route edges="109 109.80.00 -109 -109.80.00 -11 -11.80.00 3 3.180.00 27 27.80.00 43 68 -45"/>

TEST FAILED on ts-bapmsumm1bld : turndefs routeSampler small_input_noSampling_optimize ( Last six runs Feb2024 )

---------- Differences in output ----------
< Warning: underflow locations: count 101, min 1.00 (('-58.121.42', '64')), max 14.00 (('23', '23.80.00')), mean 3.21, Q1 1.00, median 2.00, Q3 3.00 (total 324)
< Warning: overflow locations: count 4, min -1.00 (('-58.121.42', '-31')), max -1.00 (('-58.121.42', '-31')), mean -1.00, Q1 -1.00, median -1.00, Q3 -1.00 (total -4)
> Warning: underflow locations: count 101, min 1.00 (('-58.121.42', '64')), max 15.00 (('11', '11.80.00')), mean 3.25, Q1 1.00, median 2.00, Q3 3.00 (total 328)
> Warning: overflow locations: count 3, min -1.00 (('-58.121.42', '-31')), max -1.00 (('-58.121.42', '-31')), mean -1.00, Q1 -1.00, median -1.00, Q3 -1.00 (total -3)
< Wrote 52 routes (29 distinct) achieving total count 431 (57.39%) at 138 locations. GEH<5 for 44.93%
> Wrote 51 routes (28 distinct) achieving total count 426 (56.72%) at 138 locations. GEH<5 for 44.93%
---------- Differences in routes ----------
<         <route edges="-27 -27.80.00 27 27.80.00 43 68 -45"/>
>         <route edges="-92 -92.180.00 75 75.121.42 120 120.180.00 123 123.121.42 -15 -15.180.00"/>
<         <route edges="27 27.80.00 -27 -27.80.00 -3 -3.180.00 15 15.180.00 -144 -144.121.42 -131"/>
>         <route edges="15 15.180.00 -123 -123.121.42 -120 -120.180.00 -75 -75.121.42 -60"/>
<         <route edges="-58.121.42 -31 -31.80.00 -23 -23.80.00 -11 -11.80.00 3 3.180.00 27"/>
>         <route edges="-15 -15.180.00 15 15.180.00"/>
<         <route edges="123 123.121.42 -123 -123.121.42 -109 -109.80.00 23 23.80.00 31 31.80.00 64 64.80.00"/>
>         <route edges="-109.80.00 -11 -11.80.00 3 3.180.00 -3"/>
<         <route edges="15 15.180.00 -123 -123.121.42 -120 -120.180.00 -75 -75.121.42 -60"/>
>         <route edges="45 -68 -43 -43.80.00 -27 -27.80.00 -3 -3.180.00 15 15.180.00"/>
<         <route edges="-131 -131.180.00 -109 -109.80.00 -11 -11.80.00 3 3.180.00 27"/>
>         <route edges="15.180.00 -15 -15.180.00 3 3.180.00 27 27.80.00 -27"/>
>         <route edges="45 -68 -43 -43.80.00 -27 -27.80.00 -3 -3.180.00 15 15.180.00"/>
>     </vehicle>
>     <vehicle id="7" depart="19.97">
<     <vehicle id="7" depart="16.66">
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-bapmsumm1bld : turndefs routeSampler small_input_optimize ( Last six runs Feb2024 )

---------- Differences in output ----------
< Warning: underflow locations: count 100, min 1.00 (('-58.121.42', '64')), max 14.00 (('11', '11.80.00')), mean 3.26, Q1 1.00, median 2.00, Q3 3.00 (total 326)
> Warning: underflow locations: count 100, min 1.00 (('-58.121.42', '64')), max 14.00 (('23', '23.80.00')), mean 3.26, Q1 1.00, median 2.00, Q3 4.00 (total 326)
< Wrote 51 routes (28 distinct) achieving total count 428 (56.99%) at 138 locations. GEH<5 for 43.48%
> Wrote 51 routes (27 distinct) achieving total count 428 (56.99%) at 138 locations. GEH<5 for 42.75%
---------- Differences in routes ----------
<         <route edges="144 144.121.42 -123 -123.121.42 -120 -120.180.00 120"/>
>         <route edges="144 144.121.42 -15 -15.180.00 3 3.180.00 -71 -55 -55.80.00"/>
<         <route edges="-37 -37.80.00 -23 -23.80.00 109 109.80.00 131 131.180.00"/>
>         <route edges="-43 -43.80.00 -27 -27.80.00 -3 -3.180.00 11 11.80.00 23 23.80.00 31 31.80.00 60 60.80.00 -60 -60.80.00"/>
<         <route edges="-45 -45.80.00 -27 -27.80.00 -3 -3.180.00 3"/>
>         <route edges="-58 -58.121.42 -31 -31.80.00 -23 -23.80.00 -11 -11.80.00 3 3.180.00 27 27.80.00 43 68 -45 -45.80.00"/>
<         <route edges="-3.180.00 11 11.80.00 109 109.80.00 123"/>
>         <route edges="-37 -37.80.00 -23 -23.80.00 109 109.80.00 131 131.180.00"/>
<         <route edges="27 27.80.00 -27 -27.80.00 -3 -3.180.00 15 15.180.00 -144 -144.121.42 -131"/>
>         <route edges="3 3.180.00 -3 -3.180.00 11 11.80.00"/>
<         <route edges="15.180.00 -15 -15.180.00 3 3.180.00 27 27.80.00 -27"/>
>         <route edges="27 27.80.00 -27 -27.80.00 -3 -3.180.00 15 15.180.00 -144 -144.121.42 -131"/>
<         <route edges="-15 -15.180.00 15 15.180.00"/>
>         <route edges="-27 -27.80.00 27 27.80.00 43 68 -45"/>
<         <route edges="-58 -58.121.42 -31 -31.80.00 -23 -23.80.00 -11 -11.80.00 3 3.180.00 27 27.80.00 43 68 -45 -45.80.00"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-bapmsumm1bld : turndefs routeSampler totalCount higher_optimize ( Last six runs Feb2024 )

---------- Differences in output ----------
< Warning: underflow locations: count 2, min 1.00 (('-23.80.00', '-11')), max 9.00 (('-31.80.00', '37')), mean 5.00, Q1 1.00, median 9.00, Q3 9.00 (total 10)
> Warning: underflow locations: count 1, min 9.00 (('-31.80.00', '37')), max 9.00 (('-31.80.00', '37')), mean 9.00, Q1 9.00, median 9.00, Q3 9.00 (total 9)
< Wrote 100 routes (68 distinct) achieving total count 40 (80.00%) at 9 locations. GEH<5 for 88.89%
> Wrote 100 routes (50 distinct) achieving total count 41 (82.00%) at 9 locations. GEH<5 for 88.89%
---------- Differences in routes ----------
<         <route edges="-55 -55.80.00 -27 -27.80.00 -3 -3.180.00 15 15.180.00"/>
>         <route edges="-123 -123.121.42 131 131.180.00"/>
<         <route edges="-79.80.00 75 75.121.42 120 120.180.00 131 131.180.00 144 144.121.42"/>
>         <route edges="-31.80.00 -23 -23.80.00 109 109.80.00 123"/>
<         <route edges="-79 -79.80.00 75 75.121.42 120 120.180.00 131 131.180.00 -131 -131.180.00"/>
>         <route edges="11.80.00 23 23.80.00 31"/>
<         <route edges="-92.180.00 -60 -60.80.00 -31 -31.80.00 37 -58 -58.121.42"/>
>         <route edges="-123.121.42 131"/>
<         <route edges="144.121.42 -123 -123.121.42 -120 -120.180.00 -64 -64.80.00 58"/>
>         <route edges="-37.80.00 -23 -23.80.00 -11 -11.80.00 15 15.180.00"/>
<         <route edges="31.80.00 58"/>
>         <route edges="-31.80.00 -23 -23.80.00 109 109.80.00 123"/>
<         <route edges="109 109.80.00 -109 -109.80.00 -11 -11.80.00 3 3.180.00 -71 -55 -55.80.00"/>
>         <route edges="64.80.00 -64 -64.80.00 -31 -31.80.00 31"/>
<         <route edges="60.80.00 -60 -60.80.00 -31 -31.80.00 -23 -23.80.00 -11 -11.80.00 5"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-bapmsumm1bld : turndefs routeSampler totalCount lower_optimize ( Last six runs Feb2024 )

---------- Differences in output ----------
< Warning: underflow locations: count 88, min 1.00 (('-58.121.42', '64')), max 6.00 (('-23', '-23.80.00')), mean 2.01, Q1 1.00, median 2.00, Q3 2.00 (total 177)
< Warning: overflow locations: count 4, min -1.00 (('-131', '-131.180.00')), max -1.00 (('-131', '-131.180.00')), mean -1.00, Q1 -1.00, median -1.00, Q3 -1.00 (total -4)
> Warning: underflow locations: count 87, min 1.00 (('-58.121.42', '64')), max 8.00 (('120', '120.180.00')), mean 2.01, Q1 1.00, median 2.00, Q3 3.00 (total 175)
< Wrote 50 routes (31 distinct) achieving total count 578 (76.96%) at 138 locations. GEH<5 for 57.97%
> Wrote 50 routes (29 distinct) achieving total count 576 (76.70%) at 138 locations. GEH<5 for 60.14%
---------- Differences in routes ----------
<         <route edges="-64 -64.80.00 64 64.80.00 120 120.180.00 -120 -120.180.00"/>
>         <route edges="-71 -55 -55.80.00 -27 -27.80.00 -3 -3.180.00 11 11.80.00 23 23.80.00 31 31.80.00 58"/>
<         <route edges="-148 -148.80.00 -131 -131.180.00 -109 -109.80.00 23 23.80.00 37 -58 -58.121.42"/>
>         <route edges="-120 -120.180.00 -64 -64.80.00 -31 -31.80.00 -23 -23.80.00 -11 -11.80.00 3 3.180.00 -71 -55 -55.80.00"/>
<         <route edges="-60 -60.80.00 -31 -31.80.00 -23 -23.80.00 -11 -11.80.00 3 3.180.00 27 27.80.00 43 68 -45 -45.80.00"/>
>         <route edges="-64 -64.80.00 64 64.80.00 120 120.180.00 123 123.121.42"/>
<         <route edges="75 75.121.42 120 120.180.00 -109 -109.80.00 23 23.80.00"/>
>         <route edges="68 -45 -45.80.00 -27 -27.80.00 -3 -3.180.00 11 11.80.00 -11"/>
<         <route edges="120 120.180.00 -109 -109.80.00 -11 -11.80.00 3 3.180.00 -71 -55 -55.80.00"/>
>         <route edges="109 109.80.00 -109 -109.80.00 -11 -11.80.00 3 3.180.00 27 27.80.00 43 68 -45"/>
<         <route edges="-27 -27.80.00 -3 -3.180.00 15 15.180.00 -144 -144.121.42 144 144.121.42"/>
>         <route edges="-152.80.00 -131 -131.180.00 -109 -109.80.00 23 23.80.00 31 31.80.00 64 64.80.00"/>
<         <route edges="31 31.80.00 -31 -31.80.00 -23 -23.80.00 -11 -11.80.00 3 3.180.00 27 27.80.00 -27"/>
>         <route edges="37 -58 -58.121.42 -31 -31.80.00 -23 -23.80.00 109 109.80.00 131 131.180.00 -131 -131.180.00"/>
<         <route edges="-148 -148.80.00 144 144.121.42 -15 -15.180.00 3 3.180.00 -3"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-bapmsumm1bld : visualization macrOutput plain ( Last six runs Feb2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
< No artists with labels found to put in legend.  Note that artists whose label start with an underscore are ignored when legend() is called with no argument.
< No artists with labels found to put in legend.  Note that artists whose label start with an underscore are ignored when legend() is called with no argument.
< No artists with labels found to put in legend.  Note that artists whose label start with an underscore are ignored when legend() is called with no argument.
< No artists with labels found to put in legend.  Note that artists whose label start with an underscore are ignored when legend() is called with no argument.
< No artists with labels found to put in legend.  Note that artists whose label start with an underscore are ignored when legend() is called with no argument.
< No artists with labels found to put in legend.  Note that artists whose label start with an underscore are ignored when legend() is called with no argument.
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> macrOutput.py, in <module>
>     import pandas_read_xml as pdx
> ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pandas_read_xml'

TEST FAILED on ts-bapmsumm1bld : visualization plot_csv_pie paradigm ( Last six runs Feb2024 )

---------- Differences in image ----------
< L 354.456 218.16 
< L 348.255111 178.014265 
< L 330.230411 141.610403 
< L 302.061932 112.341514 
< L 226.496416 85.201639 
< L 107.02911 150.165893 
< L 226.496404 351.118361 

TEST FAILED on ts-bapmsumm1bld : visualization plot_csv_pie plain ( Last six runs Feb2024 )

---------- Differences in image ----------
< L 342.6048 174.528 
< L 337.644089 142.411412 
< L 323.224329 113.288322 
< L 300.689546 89.873212 
< L 240.237133 68.161311 
< L 144.663288 120.132714 
< L 240.237123 280.894689 
<      <path d="M 110.104 197.010125 
< L 204.72275 197.010125 
< Q 206.72275 197.010125 206.72275 195.010125 
< L 206.72275 48.472 
< Q 206.72275 46.472 204.72275 46.472 
< L 110.104 46.472 
< Q 108.104 46.472 108.104 48.472 
< L 108.104 195.010125 
< Q 108.104 197.010125 110.104 197.010125 
>      <path d="M 110.104 302.584 
> L 204.72275 302.584 
> Q 206.72275 302.584 206.72275 300.584 
> L 206.72275 154.045875 
> Q 206.72275 152.045875 204.72275 152.045875 
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-bapmsumm1bld : visualization plot_csv_pie pm10effects ( Last six runs Feb2024 )

---------- Differences in image ----------
< L 221.4 85.104 
< C 220.842658 85.105094 220.703323 85.105751 220.56399 85.106626 
> C 221.260664 85.104 221.121328 85.104219 220.981993 85.104657 
< L 221.4 85.104 
< L 220.56399 85.106626 
< L 175.543191 93.255828 
< L 161.739926 337.090966 
< L 184.278564 345.932838 
< L 354.287945 224.845303 
< L 339.571881 157.010138 
< L 232.256118 85.547618 
< L 229.754653 85.366555 
< L 224.743707 85.14602 

5 TESTS FAILED on ts-bapmsumm1bld :

---------- Differences in image ----------
<    </g>
<    <g id="ReplacedTransientID">
<     <path clip-path="url(ReplacedTransientURL)" style="fill: #ffffff; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.01; stroke-linejoin: miter"/>
<   <clipPath id="ReplacedTransientID">
<    <rect x="361.152" y="41.472" width="13.3056" height="266.112"/>
<   </clipPath>
visualization plot_net_dump colormap ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
visualization plot_net_dump constant_widths ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
visualization plot_net_dump internal ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
visualization plot_net_dump plain ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
visualization plot_net_dump verbose ( Last six runs Feb2024 )

TEST FAILED on ts-bapmsumm1bld : visualization plot_net_dump logColors ( Last six runs Feb2024 )

---------- Differences in image ----------
<    </g>
<    <g id="ReplacedTransientID">
<     <path clip-path="url(ReplacedTransientURL)" style="fill: #ffffff; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.01; stroke-linejoin: miter"/>
<   <clipPath id="ReplacedTransientID">
<    <rect x="361.152" y="41.472" width="13.3056" height="266.112"/>
<   </clipPath>

TEST FAILED on ts-bapmsumm1bld : visualization plot_net_dump multiple_intervals ( Last six runs Feb2024 )

---------- Differences in image-600 ----------
<    </g>
<    <g id="ReplacedTransientID">
<     <path clip-path="url(ReplacedTransientURL)" style="fill: #ffffff; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.01; stroke-linejoin: miter"/>
<   <clipPath id="ReplacedTransientID">
<    <rect x="361.152" y="41.472" width="13.3056" height="266.112"/>
<   </clipPath>
---------- Differences in image-800 ----------
<    </g>
<    <g id="ReplacedTransientID">
<     <path clip-path="url(ReplacedTransientURL)" style="fill: #ffffff; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.01; stroke-linejoin: miter"/>
<   <clipPath id="ReplacedTransientID">
<    <rect x="361.152" y="41.472" width="13.3056" height="266.112"/>
<   </clipPath>

TEST FAILED on ts-bapmsumm1bld : visualization plot_net_speeds plain ( Last six runs Feb2024 )

---------- Differences in image ----------
<    </g>
<    <g id="ReplacedTransientID">
<     <path clip-path="url(ReplacedTransientURL)" style="fill: #ffffff; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.01; stroke-linejoin: miter"/>
<   <clipPath id="ReplacedTransientID">
<    <rect x="361.152" y="41.472" width="13.3056" height="266.112"/>
<   </clipPath>

Detailed information for the tests that had known bugs:

TEST had known bugs (see #7391) on ts-bapmsumm1bld : assign dua-iterate mapmatchJunctions ( Last six runs Feb2024 )

duaIterate only works with fixed departEdge
(This bug was triggered by text found in file 'dualog' matching 'input_trips_000.rou.alt.xml' is not accessible')
---------- Differences in dualog ----------
< Loading configuration ... done.
< Loading configuration ... done.
< Loading configuration ... done.
< Success.
< Loading configuration ... done.
< Loading done.
< Simulation started with time: 0.00.
< Simulation ended at time: 177.00
< Reason: All vehicles have left the simulation.
< Performance: 
< Vehicles: 
<  Inserted: 10
<  Running: 0
<  Waiting: 0
< Loading configuration ... done.
< Success.
< Loading configuration ... done.
< Loading done.
< Simulation started with time: 0.00.
< Simulation ended at time: 177.00
< Reason: All vehicles have left the simulation.
< Performance: 
< Vehicles: 
<  Inserted: 10
<  Running: 0
<  Waiting: 0
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Execution of <path-to>duarouter'] failed. Look into dua.log for details.
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Loading configuration ... done.
< Loading configuration ... done.
< >> Running router on input_trips_000.rou.alt.xml
< <<
< >> Running simulation
< <<
< ------------------
< Loading configuration ... done.
< > Executing step 2
< >> Running router on input_trips_001.rou.alt.xml
< <<
< >> Running simulation
< <<
< ------------------
< Loading configuration ... done.
< > Executing step 3
< >> Running router on input_trips_002.rou.alt.xml
< <<
< >> Running simulation
< <<
< ------------------
< Loading configuration ... done.
< > Executing step 4
< >> Running router on input_trips_003.rou.alt.xml
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Missing result in tripinfos ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<tripinfos xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/tripinfo_file.xsd">
    <tripinfo id="0" depart="0.00" departLane="middle_0" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="70.00" arrivalLane="middle_0" arrivalPos="1000.00" arrivalSpeed="14.73" duration="70.00" routeLength="994.90" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="2.35" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_0" vType="t" speedFactor="1.06" vaporized=""/>
    <tripinfo id="1" depart="10.00" departLane="middle_0" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="89.00" arrivalLane="middle_0" arrivalPos="1000.00" arrivalSpeed="13.04" duration="79.00" routeLength="994.90" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="2.01" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_1" vType="t" speedFactor="0.94" vaporized=""/>
    <tripinfo id="2" depart="20.00" departLane="middle_0" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="94.00" arrivalLane="middle_0" arrivalPos="1000.00" arrivalSpeed="14.04" duration="74.00" routeLength="994.90" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="2.22" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_2" vType="t" speedFactor="1.01" vaporized=""/>
    <tripinfo id="3" depart="30.00" departLane="middle_0" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="99.00" arrivalLane="middle_0" arrivalPos="1000.00" arrivalSpeed="15.05" duration="69.00" routeLength="994.90" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="2.41" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_3" vType="t" speedFactor="1.08" vaporized=""/>
    <tripinfo id="4" depart="40.00" departLane="middle_0" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="112.00" arrivalLane="middle_0" arrivalPos="1000.00" arrivalSpeed="14.32" duration="72.00" routeLength="994.90" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="2.28" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_4" vType="t" speedFactor="1.03" vaporized=""/>
    <tripinfo id="5" depart="50.00" departLane="middle_0" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="138.00" arrivalLane="middle_0" arrivalPos="1000.00" arrivalSpeed="11.55" duration="88.00" routeLength="994.90" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="1.75" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_5" vType="t" speedFactor="0.83" vaporized=""/>
    <tripinfo id="6" depart="60.00" departLane="middle_0" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="140.00" arrivalLane="middle_0" arrivalPos="1000.00" arrivalSpeed="14.54" duration="80.00" routeLength="994.90" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="10.80" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_6" vType="t" speedFactor="1.05" vaporized=""/>
    <tripinfo id="7" depart="70.00" departLane="middle_0" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="153.00" arrivalLane="middle_0" arrivalPos="1000.00" arrivalSpeed="12.32" duration="83.00" routeLength="994.90" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="1.89" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_7" vType="t" speedFactor="0.89" vaporized=""/>
    <tripinfo id="8" depart="80.00" departLane="middle_0" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="159.00" arrivalLane="middle_0" arrivalPos="1000.00" arrivalSpeed="13.04" duration="79.00" routeLength="994.90" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="2.01" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_8" vType="t" speedFactor="0.94" vaporized=""/>
    <tripinfo id="9" depart="90.00" departLane="middle_0" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="176.00" arrivalLane="middle_0" arrivalPos="1000.00" arrivalSpeed="11.91" duration="86.00" routeLength="994.90" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="1.82" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_9" vType="t" speedFactor="0.86" vaporized=""/>

TEST had known bugs (see #5409) on ts-bapmsumm1bld : detector flowrouter motorway_ramps lane_based ( Last six runs Feb2024 )

option lane-based does not work
(This bug was triggered by text found in file 'routes' matching 'on3 3 off3')
---------- Differences in flows ----------
<     <flow id="1_off3.qPKW" departSpeed="max" departPos="last" departLane="best" route="1_off3.qPKW" number="450" begin="0" end="3600"/>
>     <flow id="1_0_9_0.qPKW" departSpeed="max" departPos="last" departLane="best" route="1_0_9_0.qPKW" number="450" begin="0" end="3600"/>
>     <flow id="on3_0_off3_0.qPKW" departSpeed="max" departPos="last" departLane="best" route="on3_0_off3_0.qPKW" number="450" begin="0" end="3600"/>
---------- Differences in routes ----------
<     <route id="1_off3.qPKW" edges="1 2 3 off3"/>
>     <route id="1_0_9_0.qPKW" edges="1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9"/>
>     <route id="on3_0_off3_0.qPKW" edges="on3 3 off3"/>

TEST had known bugs (see #14033) on ts-bapmsumm1bld : drt drtOrtools time_window3 ( Last six runs Feb2024 )

no routes to internal edges
(This bug was triggered by text found in file 'errors' matching 'Warning: No connection')
---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Warning: No connection between edge 'C2C1' and edge ':C0_10' found.
> Warning: No connection between edge 'D1D2' and edge ':C0_10' found.
> Warning: No connection between edge 'D1C1' and edge ':C0_10' found.