texttest -a neteditcheckoutput -d /Users/sumo/clangMacOS/sumo/tests -reconnect /Users/sumo/clangMacOS/texttesttmp/clangMacOS.31Oct001116.64708 -g
texttest -a neteditcheckoutput -d /Users/sumo/clangMacOS/sumo/tests
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 90a91 > Warning: Vehicle 'f_1.15' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'gneE5_20'! 93d93 < Warning: Vehicle 'f_1.15' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'gneE5_20'! 144a145 > Warning: Vehicle 'f_1.33' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'gneE5_20'! 147d147 < Warning: Vehicle 'f_1.33' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'gneE5_20'! 159a160 > Warning: Vehicle 'f_1.38' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'gneE5_20'! 162d162 < Warning: Vehicle 'f_1.38' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'gneE5_20'! 186a187 > Warning: Vehicle 'f_1.47' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'gneE5_20'! 189c190 < Warning: Vehicle 'f_1.47' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'gneE5_20'! --- > Warning: Vehicle 'f_1.48' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'gneE5_20'! 192d192 < Warning: Vehicle 'f_1.48' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'gneE5_20'! 198a199 > Warning: Vehicle 'f_1.51' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'gneE5_20'! 201d201 < Warning: Vehicle 'f_1.51' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'gneE5_20'! 231a232 > Warning: Vehicle 'f_1.62' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'gneE5_20'! 234d234 < Warning: Vehicle 'f_1.62' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'gneE5_20'! 246a247 > Warning: Vehicle 'f_1.67' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'gneE5_20'! <truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 79,80d78 < Warning: Vehicle 'flowB.12' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'flowB.12' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! 82a81,82 > Warning: Vehicle 'flowB.12' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! > Warning: Vehicle 'flowB.12' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! 169,170d168 < Warning: Vehicle 'flowB.40' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'flowB.40' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! 172a171,172 > Warning: Vehicle 'flowB.40' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! > Warning: Vehicle 'flowB.40' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! 408d407 < Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.91' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! 409a409 > Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.91' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! 422d421 < Warning: Vehicle 'flowB.96' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! 423a423 > Warning: Vehicle 'flowB.96' will not be able to arrive with the given speed!
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 1,5355c1,5385 < Warning: Vehicle 'f_1.0' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'gneE5_20'! < Warning: Vehicle 'f_1.0' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'gneE5_20'! < Warning: Vehicle 'f_1.1' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'gneE5_20'! < Warning: Vehicle 'f_1.1' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'gneE5_20'! < Warning: Vehicle 'f_1.2' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'gneE5_20'! < Warning: Vehicle 'f_1.2' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'gneE5_20'! < Warning: Vehicle 'f_1.3' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'gneE5_20'! < Warning: Vehicle 'f_1.3' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'gneE5_20'! < Warning: Vehicle 'f_1.4' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'gneE5_20'! < Warning: Vehicle 'f_1.4' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'gneE5_20'! < Warning: Vehicle 'f_1.5' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'gneE5_20'! < Warning: Vehicle 'f_1.5' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'gneE5_20'! < Warning: Vehicle 'f_1.6' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'gneE5_20'! < Warning: Vehicle 'f_1.6' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'gneE5_20'! < Warning: Vehicle 'f_1.7' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'gneE5_20'! < Warning: Vehicle 'f_1.7' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'gneE5_20'! < Warning: Vehicle 'f_1.8' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'gneE5_20'! < Warning: Vehicle 'f_1.8' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'gneE5_20'! < Warning: Vehicle 'f_1.9' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'gneE5_20'! < Warning: Vehicle 'f_1.9' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'gneE5_20'! < Warning: Vehicle 'f_1.10' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'gneE5_20'! < Warning: Vehicle 'f_1.10' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'gneE5_20'! < Warning: Vehicle 'f_1.11' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'gneE5_20'! < Warning: Vehicle 'f_1.11' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'gneE5_20'! < Warning: Vehicle 'f_1.12' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'gneE5_20'! < Warning: Vehicle 'f_1.12' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'gneE5_20'! < Warning: Vehicle 'f_1.13' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'gneE5_20'! < Warning: Vehicle 'f_1.13' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'gneE5_20'! < Warning: Vehicle 'f_1.14' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'gneE5_20'! <truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 1,5310c1,2 < Warning: Vehicle 'f_0.0' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'f_0.0' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'f_0.1' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'f_0.1' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'f_0.2' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'f_0.2' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'f_0.3' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'f_0.3' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'f_0.4' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'f_0.4' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'f_0.5' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'f_0.5' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'f_0.6' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'f_0.6' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'f_0.7' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'f_0.7' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'f_0.8' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'f_0.8' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'f_0.9' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'f_0.9' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'f_0.10' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'f_0.10' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'f_0.11' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'f_0.11' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'f_0.12' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'f_0.12' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'f_0.13' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'f_0.13' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'f_0.14' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- New result in exitcode ---------- 1
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 0a1,2 > Error: File 'additionals.netedit' is not accessible (No such file or directory). > Quitting (on error). ---------- New result in exitcode ---------- 1demandElements flow_taz create containernumber ( Last six runs Oct2023 )
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 4633a4634,4662 > Warning: Vehicle 'f_0.1770' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! > Warning: Vehicle 'f_0.1771' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! > Warning: Vehicle 'f_0.1772' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! > Warning: Vehicle 'f_0.1773' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! > Warning: Vehicle 'f_0.1774' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! > Warning: Vehicle 'f_0.1775' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! > Warning: Vehicle 'f_0.1776' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! > Warning: Vehicle 'f_0.1777' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! > Warning: Vehicle 'f_0.1778' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! > Warning: Vehicle 'f_0.1779' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! > Warning: Vehicle 'f_0.1780' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! > Warning: Vehicle 'f_0.1781' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! > Warning: Vehicle 'f_0.1782' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! > Warning: Vehicle 'f_0.1783' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! > Warning: Vehicle 'f_0.1784' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! > Warning: Vehicle 'f_0.1785' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! > Warning: Vehicle 'f_0.1786' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! > Warning: Vehicle 'f_0.1787' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! > Warning: Vehicle 'f_0.1788' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! > Warning: Vehicle 'f_0.1789' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! > Warning: Vehicle 'f_0.1791' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! > Warning: Vehicle 'f_0.1792' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! > Warning: Vehicle 'f_0.1793' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! > Warning: Vehicle 'f_0.1794' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! > Warning: Vehicle 'f_0.1795' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! > Warning: Vehicle 'f_0.1796' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! > Warning: Vehicle 'f_0.1797' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! > Warning: Vehicle 'f_0.1798' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! > Warning: Vehicle 'f_0.1799' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! <truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 0a1,4 > Warning: No connection between edge 'taz_2-source' and edge 'taz_3-sink' found. > Warning: No route for vehicle 'duplicatedVehicle' found. > Error: Vehicle 'duplicatedVehicle' has no valid route. > Quitting (on error). ---------- New result in exitcode ---------- 1demandElements flow_taz inspect id ( Last six runs Oct2023 )
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 0a1,4 > Warning: No connection between edge 'taz_0-source' and edge 'taz_3-sink' found. > Warning: No route for vehicle 'f_0.0' found. > Error: Vehicle 'f_0.0' has no valid route. > Quitting (on error). ---------- New result in exitcode ---------- 1
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 7,16c7,10 < Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.36' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.36' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.55' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.55' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.70' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.70' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.77' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.77' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.98' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.98' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! --- > Warning: No connection between edge 'taz_2-source' and edge 'taz_3-sink' found. > Warning: No route for vehicle 'flowB.0' found. > Error: Vehicle 'flowB.0' has no valid route. > Quitting (on error). ---------- New result in exitcode ---------- 1demandElements flow_taz inspect_selection arrivallane current ( Last six runs Oct2023 )
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 0a1,4 > Warning: No connection between edge 'taz_2-source' and edge 'taz_3-sink' found. > Warning: No route for vehicle 'flowB.0' found. > Error: Vehicle 'flowB.0' has no valid route. > Quitting (on error). ---------- New result in exitcode ---------- 1demandElements flow_taz inspect_selection arrivalposlat current ( Last six runs Oct2023 )
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 49,428c49,52 < Warning: Vehicle 'flowB.0' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'flowB.0' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'flowB.1' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'flowB.1' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.26' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.26' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.28' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.28' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'flowB.4' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'flowB.4' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'flowB.5' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'flowB.5' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.30' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.30' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'flowB.7' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'flowB.7' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.31' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.31' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'flowB.8' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'flowB.8' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'flowB.9' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'flowB.9' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.32' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.32' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'flowB.10' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'flowB.10' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.33' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.33' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'flowB.11' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- New result in exitcode ---------- 1
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 1,6c1,4 < Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.25' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.25' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.47' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.47' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.64' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.64' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! --- > Warning: No connection between edge 'taz_2-source' and edge 'taz_3-sink' found. > Warning: No route for vehicle 'flowB.0' found. > Error: Vehicle 'flowB.0' has no valid route. > Quitting (on error). ---------- New result in exitcode ---------- 1
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 7,17c7,10 < Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.36' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.36' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.55' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.55' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.70' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.70' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.77' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.77' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.98' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.98' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.70' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! --- > Warning: No connection between edge 'taz_2-source' and edge 'taz_3-sink' found. > Warning: No route for vehicle 'flowB.0' found. > Error: Vehicle 'flowB.0' has no valid route. > Quitting (on error). ---------- New result in exitcode ---------- 1demandElements flow_taz inspect_selection departpos base ( Last six runs Oct2023 )
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 17,116c17,20 < Error: Vehicle 'flowA.10' will not be able to depart using the given velocity (slow lane ahead)! < Error: Vehicle 'flowA.11' will not be able to depart using the given velocity (slow lane ahead)! < Error: Vehicle 'flowA.12' will not be able to depart using the given velocity (slow lane ahead)! < Error: Vehicle 'flowA.13' will not be able to depart using the given velocity (slow lane ahead)! < Error: Vehicle 'flowA.14' will not be able to depart using the given velocity (slow lane ahead)! < Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.36' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.36' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Error: Vehicle 'flowA.15' will not be able to depart using the given velocity (slow lane ahead)! < Error: Vehicle 'flowA.16' will not be able to depart using the given velocity (slow lane ahead)! < Error: Vehicle 'flowA.17' will not be able to depart using the given velocity (slow lane ahead)! < Error: Vehicle 'flowA.18' will not be able to depart using the given velocity (slow lane ahead)! < Error: Vehicle 'flowA.19' will not be able to depart using the given velocity (slow lane ahead)! < Error: Vehicle 'flowA.20' will not be able to depart using the given velocity (slow lane ahead)! < Error: Vehicle 'flowA.21' will not be able to depart using the given velocity (slow lane ahead)! < Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.55' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.55' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Error: Vehicle 'flowA.22' will not be able to depart using the given velocity (slow lane ahead)! < Error: Vehicle 'flowA.23' will not be able to depart using the given velocity (slow lane ahead)! < Error: Vehicle 'flowA.24' will not be able to depart using the given velocity (slow lane ahead)! < Error: Vehicle 'flowA.25' will not be able to depart using the given velocity (slow lane ahead)! < Error: Vehicle 'flowA.26' will not be able to depart using the given velocity (slow lane ahead)! < Error: Vehicle 'flowA.27' will not be able to depart using the given velocity (slow lane ahead)! < Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.70' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.70' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Error: Vehicle 'flowA.28' will not be able to depart using the given velocity (slow lane ahead)! < Error: Vehicle 'flowA.29' will not be able to depart using the given velocity (slow lane ahead)! < Error: Vehicle 'flowA.30' will not be able to depart using the given velocity (slow lane ahead)! < Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.77' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.77' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- New result in exitcode ---------- 1
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 9,32c9,12 < Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.36' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.36' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.55' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.55' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.70' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.70' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.77' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.77' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.98' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.98' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Error: Vehicle 'flowA.16' will not be able to depart using the given velocity (slow lane ahead)! < Error: Vehicle 'flowA.19' will not be able to depart using the given velocity (slow lane ahead)! < Error: Vehicle 'flowA.29' will not be able to depart using the given velocity (slow lane ahead)! < Error: Vehicle 'flowA.31' will not be able to depart using the given velocity (slow lane ahead)! < Error: Vehicle 'flowA.37' will not be able to depart using the given velocity (slow lane ahead)! < Error: Vehicle 'flowA.40' will not be able to depart using the given velocity (slow lane ahead)! < Error: Vehicle 'flowA.46' will not be able to depart using the given velocity (slow lane ahead)! < Error: Vehicle 'flowA.55' will not be able to depart using the given velocity (slow lane ahead)! < Error: Vehicle 'flowA.60' will not be able to depart using the given velocity (slow lane ahead)! < Error: Vehicle 'flowA.68' will not be able to depart using the given velocity (slow lane ahead)! < Error: Vehicle 'flowA.78' will not be able to depart using the given velocity (slow lane ahead)! < Error: Vehicle 'flowA.81' will not be able to depart using the given velocity (slow lane ahead)! < Error: Vehicle 'flowA.94' will not be able to depart using the given velocity (slow lane ahead)! < Error: Vehicle 'flowA.98' will not be able to depart using the given velocity (slow lane ahead)! --- > Warning: No connection between edge 'taz_2-source' and edge 'taz_3-sink' found. > Warning: No route for vehicle 'flowB.0' found. > Error: Vehicle 'flowB.0' has no valid route. > Quitting (on error). <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- New result in exitcode ---------- 1
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 5a6,11 > Error: Vehicle 'flowA.3' will not be able to depart using the given velocity (slow lane ahead)! > Error: Vehicle 'flowA.4' will not be able to depart using the given velocity (slow lane ahead)! > Error: Vehicle 'flowA.4' will not be able to depart using the given velocity (slow lane ahead)! > Error: Vehicle 'flowA.4' will not be able to depart using the given velocity (slow lane ahead)! > Error: Vehicle 'flowA.5' will not be able to depart using the given velocity (slow lane ahead)! > Error: Vehicle 'flowA.5' will not be able to depart using the given velocity (slow lane ahead)! 8,20c14,17 < Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.36' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.36' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.55' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.55' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.70' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.70' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.77' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.77' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.98' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.98' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Error: Vehicle 'flowA.40' will not be able to depart using the given velocity (slow lane ahead)! < Error: Vehicle 'flowA.90' will not be able to depart using the given velocity (slow lane ahead)! < Error: Vehicle 'flowA.92' will not be able to depart using the given velocity (slow lane ahead)! --- > Warning: No connection between edge 'taz_2-source' and edge 'taz_3-sink' found. > Warning: No route for vehicle 'flowB.0' found. > Error: Vehicle 'flowB.0' has no valid route. > Quitting (on error). ---------- New result in exitcode ---------- 1
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 8,18c8,11 < Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.36' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.36' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.55' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.55' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.70' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.70' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.77' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.77' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.12' performs emergency braking on lane ':gneJ5_1_1' with decel=9.00, wished=4.50, severity=1.00, time=44.00. < Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.98' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.98' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! --- > Warning: No connection between edge 'taz_2-source' and edge 'taz_3-sink' found. > Warning: No route for vehicle 'flowB.0' found. > Error: Vehicle 'flowB.0' has no valid route. > Quitting (on error). ---------- New result in exitcode ---------- 1
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 7,21c7,10 < Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.36' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.36' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.55' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.55' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.70' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.70' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.77' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.77' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.98' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.98' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.36' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.55' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.70' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.77' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.98' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! --- > Warning: No connection between edge 'taz_2-source' and edge 'taz_3-sink' found. > Warning: No route for vehicle 'flowB.0' found. > Error: Vehicle 'flowB.0' has no valid route. > Quitting (on error). ---------- New result in exitcode ---------- 1demandElements flow_taz inspect_selection departspeed desired ( Last six runs Oct2023 )
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 30,216c30,33 < Warning: Choosing new speed factor 1.44 for vehicle 'flowA.23' to match departure speed 20.00 (max 12.37). < Warning: Choosing new speed factor 1.44 for vehicle 'flowA.24' to match departure speed 20.00 (max 11.48). < Warning: Choosing new speed factor 1.44 for vehicle 'flowA.25' to match departure speed 20.00 (max 12.13). < Warning: Choosing new speed factor 1.44 for vehicle 'flowB.0' to match departure speed 20.00 (max 12.75). < Warning: Choosing new speed factor 1.44 for vehicle 'flowA.26' to match departure speed 20.00 (max 13.19). < Warning: Choosing new speed factor 1.44 for vehicle 'flowA.27' to match departure speed 20.00 (max 15.73). < Warning: Choosing new speed factor 1.44 for vehicle 'flowB.1' to match departure speed 20.00 (max 12.95). < Warning: Choosing new speed factor 1.44 for vehicle 'flowB.2' to match departure speed 20.00 (max 16.38). < Warning: Choosing new speed factor 1.44 for vehicle 'flowB.3' to match departure speed 20.00 (max 16.04). < Warning: Choosing new speed factor 1.44 for vehicle 'flowA.28' to match departure speed 20.00 (max 13.97). < Warning: Choosing new speed factor 1.44 for vehicle 'flowA.29' to match departure speed 20.00 (max 16.29). < Warning: Choosing new speed factor 1.44 for vehicle 'flowA.30' to match departure speed 20.00 (max 13.83). < Warning: Choosing new speed factor 1.44 for vehicle 'flowB.4' to match departure speed 20.00 (max 14.17). < Warning: Choosing new speed factor 1.44 for vehicle 'flowB.5' to match departure speed 20.00 (max 13.53). < Warning: Choosing new speed factor 1.44 for vehicle 'flowB.6' to match departure speed 20.00 (max 16.40). < Warning: Choosing new speed factor 1.44 for vehicle 'flowA.31' to match departure speed 20.00 (max 15.32). < Warning: Choosing new speed factor 1.44 for vehicle 'flowA.32' to match departure speed 20.00 (max 12.52). < Warning: Choosing new speed factor 1.44 for vehicle 'flowB.7' to match departure speed 20.00 (max 14.32). < Warning: Choosing new speed factor 1.44 for vehicle 'flowB.8' to match departure speed 20.00 (max 13.30). < Warning: Choosing new speed factor 1.44 for vehicle 'flowB.9' to match departure speed 20.00 (max 15.18). < Warning: Choosing new speed factor 1.44 for vehicle 'flowB.10' to match departure speed 20.00 (max 14.43). < Warning: Choosing new speed factor 1.44 for vehicle 'flowA.33' to match departure speed 20.00 (max 14.50). < Warning: Choosing new speed factor 1.44 for vehicle 'flowA.34' to match departure speed 20.00 (max 15.12). < Warning: Choosing new speed factor 1.44 for vehicle 'flowA.35' to match departure speed 20.00 (max 13.86). < Warning: Choosing new speed factor 1.44 for vehicle 'flowB.11' to match departure speed 20.00 (max 12.52). < Warning: Choosing new speed factor 1.44 for vehicle 'flowB.12' to match departure speed 20.00 (max 12.19). < Warning: Choosing new speed factor 1.44 for vehicle 'flowB.13' to match departure speed 20.00 (max 11.82). < Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.36' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.36' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- New result in exitcode ---------- 1
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 2a3,6 > Warning: No connection between edge 'taz_2-source' and edge 'taz_3-sink' found. > Warning: No route for vehicle 'flowB.0' found. > Error: Vehicle 'flowB.0' has no valid route. > Quitting (on error). ---------- New result in exitcode ---------- 1
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 3,4c3,6 < Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.7' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.7' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! --- > Warning: No connection between edge 'taz_2-source' and edge 'taz_3-sink' found. > Warning: No route for vehicle 'flowB.0' found. > Error: Vehicle 'flowB.0' has no valid route. > Quitting (on error). ---------- New result in exitcode ---------- 1
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 5,14c5,8 < Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.33' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.33' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.34' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.34' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.54' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.54' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.73' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.73' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.81' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.81' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! --- > Warning: No connection between edge 'taz_2-source' and edge 'taz_3-sink' found. > Warning: No route for vehicle 'flowB.0' found. > Error: Vehicle 'flowB.0' has no valid route. > Quitting (on error). ---------- New result in exitcode ---------- 1
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 1,4c1,4 < Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.4' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.4' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.16' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.16' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! --- > Warning: No connection between edge 'taz_2-source' and edge 'taz_3-sink' found. > Warning: No route for vehicle 'flowB.0' found. > Error: Vehicle 'flowB.0' has no valid route. > Quitting (on error). ---------- New result in exitcode ---------- 1
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 1,293c1,293 < Warning: Vehicle 'flow_3.0' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'gneE5_500'! < Warning: Vehicle 'flow_3.0' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'gneE5_500'! < Warning: Vehicle 'flow_3.1' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'gneE5_500'! < Warning: Vehicle 'flow_3.1' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'gneE5_500'! < Warning: Vehicle 'flow_3.2' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'gneE5_500'! < Warning: Vehicle 'flow_3.2' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'gneE5_500'! < Warning: Vehicle 'flow_3.3' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'gneE5_500'! < Warning: Vehicle 'flow_3.3' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'gneE5_500'! < Warning: Vehicle 'flow_3.4' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'gneE5_500'! < Warning: Vehicle 'flow_3.4' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'gneE5_500'! < Warning: Vehicle 'flow_3.5' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'gneE5_500'! < Warning: Vehicle 'flow_3.5' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'gneE5_500'! < Warning: Vehicle 'flow_3.6' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'gneE5_500'! < Warning: Vehicle 'flow_3.6' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'gneE5_500'! < Warning: Vehicle 'flow_3.7' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'gneE5_500'! < Warning: Vehicle 'flow_3.7' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'gneE5_500'! < Warning: Vehicle 'flow_3.8' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'gneE5_500'! < Warning: Vehicle 'flow_3.8' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'gneE5_500'! < Warning: Vehicle 'flow_3.9' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'gneE5_500'! < Warning: Vehicle 'flow_3.9' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'gneE5_500'! < Warning: Vehicle 'flow_3.10' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'gneE5_500'! < Warning: Vehicle 'flow_3.10' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'gneE5_500'! < Warning: Vehicle 'flow_3.11' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'gneE5_500'! < Warning: Vehicle 'flow_3.11' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'gneE5_500'! < Warning: Vehicle 'flow_3.12' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'gneE5_500'! < Warning: Vehicle 'flow_3.12' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'gneE5_500'! < Warning: Vehicle 'flow_3.13' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'gneE5_500'! < Warning: Vehicle 'flow_3.13' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'gneE5_500'! < Warning: Vehicle 'flow_3.14' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'gneE5_500'! <truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 5,10c5,8 < Warning: Invalid departPos 500.00 given for vehicle 'flow_3.1'. Inserting at lane end instead. < Warning: Invalid departPos 500.00 given for vehicle 'flow_3.1'. Inserting at lane end instead. < Warning: Invalid departPos 500.00 given for vehicle 'flow_3.1'. Inserting at lane end instead. < Warning: Invalid departPos 500.00 given for vehicle 'flow_3.1'. Inserting at lane end instead. < Warning: Invalid departPos 500.00 given for vehicle 'flow_3.1'. Inserting at lane end instead. < Warning: Invalid departPos 500.00 given for vehicle 'flow_3.1'. Inserting at lane end instead. --- > Warning: Invalid departPos 500.00 given for vehicle 'flow_3.2'. Inserting at lane end instead. > Warning: Invalid departPos 500.00 given for vehicle 'flow_3.2'. Inserting at lane end instead. > Warning: Invalid departPos 500.00 given for vehicle 'flow_3.2'. Inserting at lane end instead. > Warning: Invalid departPos 500.00 given for vehicle 'flow_3.2'. Inserting at lane end instead. 57a56,57 > Warning: Invalid departPos 500.00 given for vehicle 'flow_3.10'. Inserting at lane end instead. > Warning: Invalid departPos 500.00 given for vehicle 'flow_3.10'. Inserting at lane end instead. 177a178 > Warning: Invalid departPos 500.00 given for vehicle 'flow_3.31'. Inserting at lane end instead. 181,182c182 < Warning: Invalid departPos 500.00 given for vehicle 'flow_3.33'. Inserting at lane end instead. < Warning: Invalid departPos 500.00 given for vehicle 'flow_3.34'. Inserting at lane end instead. --- > Warning: Invalid departPos 500.00 given for vehicle 'flow_3.32'. Inserting at lane end instead. 194a195,196 > Warning: Invalid departPos 500.00 given for vehicle 'flow_3.34'. Inserting at lane end instead. > Warning: Invalid departPos 500.00 given for vehicle 'flow_3.34'. Inserting at lane end instead. 197,200c199,200 < Warning: Invalid departPos 500.00 given for vehicle 'flow_3.36'. Inserting at lane end instead. < Warning: Invalid departPos 500.00 given for vehicle 'flow_3.36'. Inserting at lane end instead. < Warning: Invalid departPos 500.00 given for vehicle 'flow_3.37'. Inserting at lane end instead. < Warning: Invalid departPos 500.00 given for vehicle 'flow_3.37'. Inserting at lane end instead. <truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 1c1,2 < Error: Disconnected route 'r_0' when repeating. --- > Error: Disconnected route 'r_0' when repeating. Last edge 'gneE5' is not connected to first edge 'gneE2'. > Quitting (on error). ---------- New result in exitcode ---------- 1demandElements route create_consecutive repeat ( Last six runs Oct2023 )
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 1c1,2 < Error: Disconnected route 'r_0' when repeating. --- > Error: Disconnected route 'r_0' when repeating. Last edge 'gneE4' is not connected to first edge 'gneE2'. > Quitting (on error). ---------- New result in exitcode ---------- 1
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 1,2c1,2 < Error: Disconnected route 'r_0' when repeating. < Error: Disconnected route 'r_1' when repeating. --- > Error: Disconnected route 'r_0' when repeating. Last edge 'gneE4' is not connected to first edge 'gneE2'. > Quitting (on error). ---------- New result in exitcode ---------- 1
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 1c1,2 < Error: Disconnected route 'route_3' when repeating. --- > Error: Disconnected route 'route_3' when repeating. Last edge 'gneE5' is not connected to first edge 'gneE2'. > Quitting (on error). ---------- New result in exitcode ---------- 1
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 1,2c1,2 < Warning: Vehicle 't_1' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'gneE5_20'! < Warning: Vehicle 't_1' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'gneE5_20'! --- > Warning: Vehicle 't_1' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'gneE7_20'! > Warning: Vehicle 't_1' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'gneE7_20'!
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 0a1,4 > Warning: No connection between edge 'taz_2-source' and edge 'taz_1-sink' found. > Warning: No route for vehicle 't_0' found. > Error: Vehicle 't_0' has no valid route. > Quitting (on error). ---------- New result in exitcode ---------- 1
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 0a1,4 > Warning: No connection between edge 'taz_0-source' and edge 'taz_3-sink' found. > Warning: No route for vehicle 't_0' found. > Error: Vehicle 't_0' has no valid route. > Quitting (on error). ---------- New result in exitcode ---------- 1
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 0a1,4 > Warning: No connection between edge 'taz_2-source' and edge 'taz_3-sink' found. > Warning: No route for vehicle 'tripB' found. > Error: Vehicle 'tripB' has no valid route. > Quitting (on error). ---------- New result in exitcode ---------- 1demandElements trip_taz inspect_selection arrivallane current ( Last six runs Oct2023 )
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 3,4c3,6 < Warning: Vehicle 'tripB' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'tripB' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! --- > Warning: No connection between edge 'taz_2-source' and edge 'taz_3-sink' found. > Warning: No route for vehicle 'tripB' found. > Error: Vehicle 'tripB' has no valid route. > Quitting (on error). ---------- New result in exitcode ---------- 1
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 1a2,5 > Warning: No connection between edge 'taz_2-source' and edge 'taz_3-sink' found. > Warning: No route for vehicle 'tripB' found. > Error: Vehicle 'tripB' has no valid route. > Quitting (on error). ---------- New result in exitcode ---------- 1demandElements trip_taz inspect_selection departpos last ( Last six runs Oct2023 )
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 2c2,5 < Warning: Choosing new speed factor 1.44 for vehicle 'tripB' to match departure speed 20.00 (max 13.04). --- > Warning: No connection between edge 'taz_2-source' and edge 'taz_3-sink' found. > Warning: No route for vehicle 'tripB' found. > Error: Vehicle 'tripB' has no valid route. > Quitting (on error). ---------- New result in exitcode ---------- 1
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 1,2c1,2 < Warning: Vehicle 'trip_3' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'gneE5_500'! < Warning: Vehicle 'trip_3' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'gneE5_500'! --- > Warning: Vehicle 'trip_3' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'gneE7_500'! > Warning: Vehicle 'trip_3' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'gneE7_500'!
---------- New result in errors ---------- ---------- New result in output ----------demandElements vehicletype_distribution load default ( Last six runs Oct2023 )
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 2,3c2 < Error: Triggers and waypoints cannot be combined at 'busStop' in vehicle 'vehicle_0'. < Error: Triggers and waypoints cannot be combined at 'busStop' in vehicle 'vehicle_0'. --- > Quitting (on error). ---------- New result in exitcode ---------- 1demandElements waypoint busstop create triggered_container ( Last six runs Oct2023 )
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 1a2 > Quitting (on error). ---------- New result in exitcode ---------- 1demandElements waypoint busstop create triggered_join ( Last six runs Oct2023 )
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 2c2 < Error: Triggers and waypoints cannot be combined at 'busStopB' in route 'route_0'. --- > Quitting (on error). ---------- New result in exitcode ---------- 1demandElements waypoint busstop inspect_selection actType ( Last six runs Oct2023 )
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 2,4c2 < Error: Triggers and waypoints cannot be combined at 'busStop' in route 'route_1'. < Error: Triggers and waypoints cannot be combined at 'busStop' in route 'route_2'. < Error: Triggers and waypoints cannot be combined at 'busStop' in route 'route_3'. --- > Quitting (on error). ---------- New result in exitcode ---------- 1demandElements waypoint busstop load expected ( Last six runs Oct2023 )
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 2,3c2 < Error: Triggers and waypoints cannot be combined at 'chargingStation' in vehicle 'flow'. < Error: Triggers and waypoints cannot be combined at 'chargingStation' in vehicle 'flow'. --- > Quitting (on error). ---------- New result in exitcode ---------- 1demandElements waypoint chargingstation create triggered_container ( Last six runs Oct2023 )
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 2c2 < Error: Triggers and waypoints cannot be combined at 'chargingStationB' in vehicle 'flow'. --- > Quitting (on error). ---------- New result in exitcode ---------- 1demandElements waypoint chargingstation inspect_selection actType ( Last six runs Oct2023 )
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 2,4c2 < Error: Triggers and waypoints cannot be combined at 'chargingStation' in vehicle 'flow_1'. < Error: Triggers and waypoints cannot be combined at 'chargingStation' in vehicle 'flow_2'. < Error: Triggers and waypoints cannot be combined at 'chargingStation' in vehicle 'flow_3'. --- > Quitting (on error). ---------- New result in exitcode ---------- 1demandElements waypoint chargingstation load expected ( Last six runs Oct2023 )
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 2,3c2 < Error: Triggers and waypoints cannot be combined at 'containerStop' in vehicle 'trip'. < Error: Triggers and waypoints cannot be combined at 'containerStop' in vehicle 'trip'. --- > Quitting (on error). ---------- New result in exitcode ---------- 1demandElements waypoint containerstop create triggered_container ( Last six runs Oct2023 )
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 2c2 < Error: Triggers and waypoints cannot be combined at 'containerStopB' in vehicle 'trip'. --- > Quitting (on error). ---------- New result in exitcode ---------- 1demandElements waypoint containerstop inspect_selection actType ( Last six runs Oct2023 )
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 2,4c2 < Error: Triggers and waypoints cannot be combined at 'containerStop' in vehicle 'trip_1'. < Error: Triggers and waypoints cannot be combined at 'containerStop' in vehicle 'trip_2'. < Error: Triggers and waypoints cannot be combined at 'containerStop' in vehicle 'trip_3'. --- > Quitting (on error). ---------- New result in exitcode ---------- 1demandElements waypoint containerstop load expected ( Last six runs Oct2023 )
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 2,3c2 < Error: Triggers and waypoints cannot be combined on lane 'gneE1_0' in vehicle 'routeFlow'. < Error: Triggers and waypoints cannot be combined on lane 'gneE1_0' in vehicle 'routeFlow'. --- > Quitting (on error). ---------- New result in exitcode ---------- 1demandElements waypoint lane create triggered_container ( Last six runs Oct2023 )
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 2c2 < Error: Triggers and waypoints cannot be combined on lane 'gneE1_0' in route 'route_0'. --- > Quitting (on error). ---------- New result in exitcode ---------- 1demandElements waypoint lane inspect_selection actType ( Last six runs Oct2023 )
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 2,3c2 < Warning: Vehicle 'routeFlow_3.3' performs emergency stop at the end of lane 'gneE1_0' for unknown reasons (decel=-8.20, offset=0.26), time=620.00. < Warning: Vehicle 'routeFlow_3.5' performs emergency stop at the end of lane 'gneE1_0' for unknown reasons (decel=-7.86, offset=0.60), time=1020.00. --- > Quitting (on error). ---------- New result in exitcode ---------- 1
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 2,4c2 < Error: Triggers and waypoints cannot be combined on lane 'gneE1_0' in vehicle 'routeFlow_1'. < Error: Triggers and waypoints cannot be combined on lane 'gneE1_0' in vehicle 'routeFlow_2'. < Error: Triggers and waypoints cannot be combined on lane 'gneE1_0' in vehicle 'routeFlow_3'. --- > Quitting (on error). ---------- New result in exitcode ---------- 1demandElements waypoint lane load expected ( Last six runs Oct2023 )
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 2,49c2 < Warning: Vehicle 'routeFlow_0.0' performs emergency stop at the end of lane 'gneE1_0' for unknown reasons (decel=-9.85, offset=11.06), time=10.00. < Warning: Vehicle 'routeFlow_0.0' performs emergency stop at the end of lane 'gneE1_0' for unknown reasons (decel=0.00, offset=2.30), time=11.00. < Warning: Vehicle 'routeFlow_0.0' performs emergency stop at the end of lane 'gneE1_0' for unknown reasons (decel=0.00, offset=2.10), time=12.00. < Warning: Vehicle 'routeFlow_0.0' performs emergency stop at the end of lane 'gneE1_0' for unknown reasons (decel=0.00, offset=1.44), time=13.00. < Warning: Vehicle 'routeFlow_0.0' performs emergency stop at the end of lane 'gneE1_0' for unknown reasons (decel=0.00, offset=1.76), time=14.00. < Warning: Vehicle 'routeFlow_0.0' performs emergency stop at the end of lane 'gneE1_0' for unknown reasons (decel=0.00, offset=1.48), time=15.00. < Warning: Vehicle 'routeFlow_0.1' performs emergency stop at the end of lane 'gneE1_0' for unknown reasons (decel=-9.13, offset=7.61), time=210.00. < Warning: Vehicle 'routeFlow_0.1' performs emergency stop at the end of lane 'gneE1_0' for unknown reasons (decel=0.00, offset=1.77), time=211.00. < Warning: Vehicle 'routeFlow_0.1' performs emergency stop at the end of lane 'gneE1_0' for unknown reasons (decel=0.00, offset=2.56), time=212.00. < Warning: Vehicle 'routeFlow_0.1' performs emergency stop at the end of lane 'gneE1_0' for unknown reasons (decel=0.00, offset=1.61), time=213.00. < Warning: Vehicle 'routeFlow_0.1' performs emergency stop at the end of lane 'gneE1_0' for unknown reasons (decel=0.00, offset=1.76), time=214.00. < Warning: Vehicle 'routeFlow_0.1' performs emergency stop at the end of lane 'gneE1_0' for unknown reasons (decel=0.00, offset=2.12), time=215.00. < Warning: Vehicle 'routeFlow_0.2' performs emergency stop at the end of lane 'gneE1_0' for unknown reasons (decel=-7.55, offset=4.39), time=411.00. < Warning: Vehicle 'routeFlow_0.2' performs emergency stop at the end of lane 'gneE1_0' for unknown reasons (decel=0.00, offset=2.04), time=412.00. < Warning: Vehicle 'routeFlow_0.2' performs emergency stop at the end of lane 'gneE1_0' for unknown reasons (decel=0.00, offset=1.98), time=413.00. < Warning: Vehicle 'routeFlow_0.2' performs emergency stop at the end of lane 'gneE1_0' for unknown reasons (decel=0.00, offset=2.12), time=414.00. < Warning: Vehicle 'routeFlow_0.2' performs emergency stop at the end of lane 'gneE1_0' for unknown reasons (decel=0.00, offset=2.00), time=415.00. < Warning: Vehicle 'routeFlow_0.2' performs emergency stop at the end of lane 'gneE1_0' for unknown reasons (decel=0.00, offset=1.44), time=416.00. < Warning: Vehicle 'routeFlow_0.3' performs emergency stop at the end of lane 'gneE1_0' for unknown reasons (decel=-8.08, offset=6.44), time=611.00. < Warning: Vehicle 'routeFlow_0.3' performs emergency stop at the end of lane 'gneE1_0' for unknown reasons (decel=0.00, offset=2.43), time=612.00. < Warning: Vehicle 'routeFlow_0.3' performs emergency stop at the end of lane 'gneE1_0' for unknown reasons (decel=0.00, offset=1.85), time=613.00. < Warning: Vehicle 'routeFlow_0.3' performs emergency stop at the end of lane 'gneE1_0' for unknown reasons (decel=0.00, offset=1.64), time=614.00. < Warning: Vehicle 'routeFlow_0.3' performs emergency stop at the end of lane 'gneE1_0' for unknown reasons (decel=0.00, offset=2.43), time=615.00. < Warning: Vehicle 'routeFlow_0.3' performs emergency stop at the end of lane 'gneE1_0' for unknown reasons (decel=0.00, offset=1.46), time=616.00. < Warning: Vehicle 'routeFlow_0.4' performs emergency stop at the end of lane 'gneE1_0' for unknown reasons (decel=-8.39, offset=5.35), time=810.00. < Warning: Vehicle 'routeFlow_0.4' performs emergency stop at the end of lane 'gneE1_0' for unknown reasons (decel=0.00, offset=1.89), time=811.00. < Warning: Vehicle 'routeFlow_0.4' performs emergency stop at the end of lane 'gneE1_0' for unknown reasons (decel=0.00, offset=1.41), time=812.00. < Warning: Vehicle 'routeFlow_0.4' performs emergency stop at the end of lane 'gneE1_0' for unknown reasons (decel=0.00, offset=2.12), time=813.00. < Warning: Vehicle 'routeFlow_0.4' performs emergency stop at the end of lane 'gneE1_0' for unknown reasons (decel=0.00, offset=1.40), time=814.00. <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- New result in exitcode ---------- 1
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 2,3c2 < Error: Triggers and waypoints cannot be combined at 'parkingArea' in vehicle 'vehicle_0'. < Error: Triggers and waypoints cannot be combined at 'parkingArea' in vehicle 'vehicle_0'. --- > Quitting (on error). ---------- New result in exitcode ---------- 1demandElements waypoint parkingarea create triggered_container ( Last six runs Oct2023 )
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 2c2 < Error: Triggers and waypoints cannot be combined at 'parkingAreaB' in vehicle 'vehicle_0'. --- > Quitting (on error). ---------- New result in exitcode ---------- 1demandElements waypoint parkingarea inspect_selection actType ( Last six runs Oct2023 )
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 2,4c2 < Error: Triggers and waypoints cannot be combined at 'parkingArea' in vehicle 'vehicle_1'. < Error: Triggers and waypoints cannot be combined at 'parkingArea' in vehicle 'vehicle_2'. < Error: Triggers and waypoints cannot be combined at 'parkingArea' in vehicle 'vehicle_3'. --- > Quitting (on error). ---------- New result in exitcode ---------- 1demandElements waypoint parkingarea load expected ( Last six runs Oct2023 )
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 2,3c2 < Error: Triggers and waypoints cannot be combined at 'trainStop' in vehicle 'vehicle_0'. < Error: Triggers and waypoints cannot be combined at 'trainStop' in vehicle 'vehicle_0'. --- > Quitting (on error). ---------- New result in exitcode ---------- 1demandElements waypoint trainstop create triggered_container ( Last six runs Oct2023 )
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 2c2 < Error: Triggers and waypoints cannot be combined at 'trainStopB' in route 'route_0'. --- > Quitting (on error). ---------- New result in exitcode ---------- 1demandElements waypoint trainstop inspect_selection acttype ( Last six runs Oct2023 )
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 2,4c2 < Error: Triggers and waypoints cannot be combined at 'trainStop' in route 'route_1'. < Error: Triggers and waypoints cannot be combined at 'trainStop' in route 'route_2'. < Error: Triggers and waypoints cannot be combined at 'trainStop' in route 'route_3'. --- > Quitting (on error). ---------- New result in exitcode ---------- 1demandElements waypoint trainstop load expected ( Last six runs Oct2023 )
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 1a2,4 > Error: Program '0' at tlLogic 'cluster_1828018094_1828018095_1840326399_262469034_29123671_29123672_967017877' is incompatible with logic at junction 'cluster_1828018094_1828018095_1840326399_262469034_29123671_29123672_967017877' (mutual conflict between link indices 2,23 tl indices 2,23 phase 0). > Rebuild the network with option '--tls.ignore-internal-junction-jam' or include the program when building. > Quitting (on error). ---------- New result in exitcode ---------- 1
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 1a2,4 > Error: Program '0' at tlLogic 'D' is incompatible with logic at junction 'Center' (mutual conflict between link indices 3,8 tl indices 3,8 phase 0). > Rebuild the network with option '--tls.ignore-internal-junction-jam' or include the program when building. > Quitting (on error). ---------- New result in exitcode ---------- 1
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 1a2,4 > Error: Program '0' at tlLogic 'D' is incompatible with logic at junction 'Center' (mutual conflict between link indices 0,6 tl indices 1,7 phase 0). > Rebuild the network with option '--tls.ignore-internal-junction-jam' or include the program when building. > Quitting (on error). ---------- New result in exitcode ---------- 1
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 0a1,3 > Error: Program '0' at tlLogic 'J0' is incompatible with logic at junction 'J0' (mutual conflict between link indices 3,7 tl indices 3,7 phase 0). > Rebuild the network with option '--tls.ignore-internal-junction-jam' or include the program when building. > Quitting (on error). ---------- New result in exitcode ---------- 1netElements trafficlights joined attributes offset ( Last six runs Oct2023 )
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 0a1,3 > Error: Program '0' at tlLogic 'customID' is incompatible with logic at junction 'J0' (mutual conflict between link indices 3,7 tl indices 3,7 phase 0). > Rebuild the network with option '--tls.ignore-internal-junction-jam' or include the program when building. > Quitting (on error). ---------- New result in exitcode ---------- 1
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 1a2,4 > Error: Program '0' at tlLogic 'J0' is incompatible with logic at junction 'J0' (mutual conflict between link indices 3,7 tl indices 3,7 phase 0). > Rebuild the network with option '--tls.ignore-internal-junction-jam' or include the program when building. > Quitting (on error). ---------- New result in exitcode ---------- 1netElements trafficlights joined phases actuated buttons add default ( Last six runs Oct2023 )
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 2a3,5 > Error: Program '0' at tlLogic 'J0' is incompatible with logic at junction 'J0' (mutual conflict between link indices 3,7 tl indices 3,7 phase 0). > Rebuild the network with option '--tls.ignore-internal-junction-jam' or include the program when building. > Quitting (on error). ---------- New result in exitcode ---------- 1netElements trafficlights joined phases actuated buttons add duplicate ( Last six runs Oct2023 )
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 4a5,7 > Error: Program '0' at tlLogic 'J0' is incompatible with logic at junction 'J0' (mutual conflict between link indices 3,7 tl indices 3,7 phase 0). > Rebuild the network with option '--tls.ignore-internal-junction-jam' or include the program when building. > Quitting (on error). ---------- New result in exitcode ---------- 1netElements trafficlights joined phases actuated buttons addstates ( Last six runs Oct2023 )
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 1,176c1,3 < Warning: Teleporting vehicle 'trip_2'; waited too long (yield), lane='-E1_2', time=306.00. < Warning: Teleporting vehicle 'trip_1'; waited too long (yield), lane='-E2_2', time=306.00. < Warning: Teleporting vehicle 'trip_3'; waited too long (yield), lane='-E3_2', time=306.00. < Warning: Vehicle 'trip_1' ends teleporting on edge 'E3', time=306.00. < Warning: Vehicle 'trip_2' ends teleporting on edge 'E0', time=306.00. < Warning: Vehicle 'trip_3' ends teleporting on edge 'E2', time=306.00. < Warning: Teleporting vehicle 'trip_4'; waited too long (yield), lane='-E0_2', time=307.00. < Warning: Vehicle 'trip_4' ends teleporting on edge 'E1', time=307.00. < Warning: Teleporting vehicle 'trip_1'; waited too long (yield), lane='-E3_2', time=617.00. < Warning: Vehicle 'trip_1' ends teleporting on edge 'E2', time=617.00. < Warning: Teleporting vehicle 'trip_3'; waited too long (yield), lane='-E2_2', time=618.00. < Warning: Vehicle 'trip_3' ends teleporting on edge 'E3', time=618.00. < Warning: Teleporting vehicle 'trip_4'; waited too long (yield), lane='-E1_2', time=619.00. < Warning: Vehicle 'trip_4' ends teleporting on edge 'E0', time=619.00. < Warning: Teleporting vehicle 'trip_2'; waited too long (yield), lane='-E0_2', time=620.00. < Warning: Vehicle 'trip_2' ends teleporting on edge 'E1', time=620.00. < Warning: Teleporting vehicle 'trip_1'; waited too long (yield), lane='-E2_2', time=927.00. < Warning: Vehicle 'trip_1' ends teleporting on edge 'E3', time=927.00. < Warning: Teleporting vehicle 'trip_4'; waited too long (yield), lane='-E0_2', time=930.00. < Warning: Teleporting vehicle 'trip_3'; waited too long (yield), lane='-E3_2', time=930.00. < Warning: Vehicle 'trip_3' ends teleporting on edge 'E2', time=930.00. < Warning: Vehicle 'trip_4' ends teleporting on edge 'E1', time=930.00. < Warning: Teleporting vehicle 'trip_2'; waited too long (yield), lane='-E1_2', time=933.00. < Warning: Vehicle 'trip_2' ends teleporting on edge 'E0', time=933.00. < Warning: Teleporting vehicle 'trip_1'; waited too long (yield), lane='-E3_2', time=1237.00. < Warning: Vehicle 'trip_1' ends teleporting on edge 'E2', time=1237.00. < Warning: Teleporting vehicle 'trip_4'; waited too long (yield), lane='-E1_2', time=1242.00. < Warning: Vehicle 'trip_4' ends teleporting on edge 'E0', time=1242.00. < Warning: Teleporting vehicle 'trip_3'; waited too long (yield), lane='-E2_2', time=1243.00. <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- New result in exitcode ---------- 1netElements trafficlights joined phases actuated buttons delete ( Last six runs Oct2023 )
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 2a3,5 > Error: Program '0' at tlLogic 'J0' is incompatible with logic at junction 'J0' (mutual conflict between link indices 3,7 tl indices 1,3 phase 0). > Rebuild the network with option '--tls.ignore-internal-junction-jam' or include the program when building. > Quitting (on error). ---------- New result in exitcode ---------- 1netElements trafficlights joined phases actuated buttons groupsignals ( Last six runs Oct2023 )
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 2a3,5 > Error: Program '0' at tlLogic 'J0' is incompatible with logic at junction 'J0' (mutual conflict between link indices 3,7 tl indices 3,7 phase 1). > Rebuild the network with option '--tls.ignore-internal-junction-jam' or include the program when building. > Quitting (on error). ---------- New result in exitcode ---------- 1netElements trafficlights joined phases actuated buttons movedown ( Last six runs Oct2023 )
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 3a4,6 > Error: Program '0' at tlLogic 'J0' is incompatible with logic at junction 'J0' (mutual conflict between link indices 3,7 tl indices 3,7 phase 0). > Rebuild the network with option '--tls.ignore-internal-junction-jam' or include the program when building. > Quitting (on error). ---------- New result in exitcode ---------- 1netElements trafficlights joined phases actuated max ( Last six runs Oct2023 )
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 3c3,5 < Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'J0', actuated phase 0 has no controlling detector. --- > Error: Program '0' at tlLogic 'J0' is incompatible with logic at junction 'J0' (mutual conflict between link indices 3,7 tl indices 3,7 phase 0). > Rebuild the network with option '--tls.ignore-internal-junction-jam' or include the program when building. > Quitting (on error). ---------- New result in exitcode ---------- 1
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 3,176c3,5 < Warning: Teleporting vehicle 'trip_2'; waited too long (yield), lane='-E1_2', time=306.00. < Warning: Teleporting vehicle 'trip_1'; waited too long (yield), lane='-E2_2', time=306.00. < Warning: Teleporting vehicle 'trip_3'; waited too long (yield), lane='-E3_2', time=306.00. < Warning: Vehicle 'trip_1' ends teleporting on edge 'E3', time=306.00. < Warning: Vehicle 'trip_2' ends teleporting on edge 'E0', time=306.00. < Warning: Vehicle 'trip_3' ends teleporting on edge 'E2', time=306.00. < Warning: Teleporting vehicle 'trip_4'; waited too long (yield), lane='-E0_2', time=307.00. < Warning: Vehicle 'trip_4' ends teleporting on edge 'E1', time=307.00. < Warning: Teleporting vehicle 'trip_3'; waited too long (yield), lane='-E2_2', time=618.00. < Warning: Vehicle 'trip_3' ends teleporting on edge 'E3', time=618.00. < Warning: Teleporting vehicle 'trip_4'; waited too long (yield), lane='-E1_2', time=619.00. < Warning: Vehicle 'trip_4' ends teleporting on edge 'E0', time=619.00. < Warning: Teleporting vehicle 'trip_2'; waited too long (yield), lane='-E0_2', time=620.00. < Warning: Vehicle 'trip_2' ends teleporting on edge 'E1', time=620.00. < Warning: Teleporting vehicle 'trip_1'; waited too long (yield), lane='-E2_2', time=923.00. < Warning: Vehicle 'trip_1' ends teleporting on edge 'E3', time=923.00. < Warning: Teleporting vehicle 'trip_4'; waited too long (yield), lane='-E0_2', time=930.00. < Warning: Vehicle 'trip_4' ends teleporting on edge 'E1', time=930.00. < Warning: Teleporting vehicle 'trip_3'; waited too long (yield), lane='-E3_2', time=931.00. < Warning: Vehicle 'trip_3' ends teleporting on edge 'E2', time=931.00. < Warning: Teleporting vehicle 'trip_2'; waited too long (yield), lane='-E1_2', time=933.00. < Warning: Vehicle 'trip_2' ends teleporting on edge 'E0', time=933.00. < Warning: Teleporting vehicle 'trip_1'; waited too long (yield), lane='-E3_2', time=1237.00. < Warning: Vehicle 'trip_1' ends teleporting on edge 'E2', time=1237.00. < Warning: Teleporting vehicle 'trip_3'; waited too long (yield), lane='-E2_2', time=1241.00. < Warning: Vehicle 'trip_3' ends teleporting on edge 'E3', time=1241.00. < Warning: Teleporting vehicle 'trip_4'; waited too long (yield), lane='-E1_2', time=1242.00. < Warning: Vehicle 'trip_4' ends teleporting on edge 'E0', time=1242.00. < Warning: Teleporting vehicle 'trip_2'; waited too long (yield), lane='-E0_2', time=1246.00. <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- New result in exitcode ---------- 1
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 1c1,3 < Warning: At NEMA tlLogic 'J0', actuated phase 1 has no controlling detector --- > Error: Program '0' at tlLogic 'J0' is incompatible with logic at junction 'J0' (mutual conflict between link indices 3,7 tl indices 3,7 phase 1). > Rebuild the network with option '--tls.ignore-internal-junction-jam' or include the program when building. > Quitting (on error). ---------- New result in exitcode ---------- 1
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 1a2,4 > Error: Program '0' at tlLogic 'J0' is incompatible with logic at junction 'J0' (mutual conflict between link indices 3,7 tl indices 3,7 phase 1). > Rebuild the network with option '--tls.ignore-internal-junction-jam' or include the program when building. > Quitting (on error). ---------- New result in exitcode ---------- 1netElements trafficlights single phases actuated buttons add green ( Last six runs Oct2023 )
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 1a2,4 > Error: Program '0' at tlLogic 'J0' is incompatible with logic at junction 'J0' (mutual conflict between link indices 3,7 tl indices 3,7 phase 2). > Rebuild the network with option '--tls.ignore-internal-junction-jam' or include the program when building. > Quitting (on error). ---------- New result in exitcode ---------- 1
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 1a2,4 > Error: Program '1' at tlLogic 'J0' is incompatible with logic at junction 'J0' (mutual conflict between link indices 3,7 tl indices 3,7 phase 1). > Rebuild the network with option '--tls.ignore-internal-junction-jam' or include the program when building. > Quitting (on error). ---------- New result in exitcode ---------- 1
#3045 (This bug was triggered by text found in file 'errors' matching 'File 'net.netedit' is not accessible') ---------- New result in errors ---------- Error: File 'net.netedit' is not accessible (No such file or directory). Quitting (on error).additionalElements access fix ( Last six runs Oct2023 )