texttest -a neteditcheckoutput -d /Users/sumo/clangMacOS/sumo/tests -reconnect /Users/sumo/clangMacOS/texttesttmp/clangMacOS.30Sep000827.69613 -g
texttest -a neteditcheckoutput -d /Users/sumo/clangMacOS/sumo/tests
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 0a1,6 > Error: Lanes 'gneE2_0' and 'gneE14_0' are not consecutive in defintion of e2Detector 'multiLaneAreaDetector_0' > Error: Lanes 'gneE2_4' and 'gneE4_0' are not consecutive in defintion of e2Detector 'multiLaneAreaDetector_1' > Error: Lanes 'gneE13_0' and 'gneE4_0' are not consecutive in defintion of e2Detector 'multiLaneAreaDetector_2' > Error: Lanes 'gneE5_0' and 'gneE6_0' are not consecutive in defintion of e2Detector 'multiLaneAreaDetector_3' > Error: Lanes 'gneE1_0' and 'gneE5_0' are not consecutive in defintion of e2Detector 'multiLaneAreaDetector_4' > Quitting (on error). ---------- New result in exitcode ---------- 1
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 90a91 > Warning: Vehicle 'f_1.15' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'gneE5_20'! 93d93 < Warning: Vehicle 'f_1.15' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'gneE5_20'! 144a145 > Warning: Vehicle 'f_1.33' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'gneE5_20'! 147d147 < Warning: Vehicle 'f_1.33' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'gneE5_20'! 159a160 > Warning: Vehicle 'f_1.38' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'gneE5_20'! 162d162 < Warning: Vehicle 'f_1.38' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'gneE5_20'! 186a187 > Warning: Vehicle 'f_1.47' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'gneE5_20'! 189c190 < Warning: Vehicle 'f_1.47' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'gneE5_20'! --- > Warning: Vehicle 'f_1.48' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'gneE5_20'! 192d192 < Warning: Vehicle 'f_1.48' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'gneE5_20'! 198a199 > Warning: Vehicle 'f_1.51' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'gneE5_20'! 201d201 < Warning: Vehicle 'f_1.51' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'gneE5_20'! 231a232 > Warning: Vehicle 'f_1.62' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'gneE5_20'! 234d234 < Warning: Vehicle 'f_1.62' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'gneE5_20'! 246a247 > Warning: Vehicle 'f_1.67' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'gneE5_20'! <truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 79,80d78 < Warning: Vehicle 'flowB.12' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'flowB.12' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! 82a81,82 > Warning: Vehicle 'flowB.12' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! > Warning: Vehicle 'flowB.12' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! 169,170d168 < Warning: Vehicle 'flowB.40' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! < Warning: Vehicle 'flowB.40' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! 172a171,172 > Warning: Vehicle 'flowB.40' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! > Warning: Vehicle 'flowB.40' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! 408d407 < Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.91' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! 409a409 > Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.91' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! 422d421 < Warning: Vehicle 'flowB.96' will not be able to arrive with the given speed! 423a423 > Warning: Vehicle 'flowB.96' will not be able to arrive with the given speed!
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 1,2c1,3 < Warning: Collision of person 'pf_1.8' and person 'pf_1.6', lane='gneE5_0', time=17.00. < Warning: Collision of person 'pf_1.6' and person 'pf_1.14', lane='gneE5_0', time=18.00. --- > Warning: Collision of person 'pf_1.8' and person 'pf_1.2', lane='gneE5_0', time=17.00. > Warning: Collision of person 'pf_1.8' and person 'pf_1.11', lane='gneE5_0', time=17.00. > Warning: Collision of person 'pf_1.11' and person 'pf_1.14', lane='gneE5_0', time=18.00. 4,6c5 < Warning: Collision of person 'pf_1.8' and person 'pf_1.6', lane='gneE5_0', time=18.00. < Warning: Collision of person 'pf_1.14' and person 'pf_1.16', lane='gneE5_0', time=19.00. < Warning: Collision of person 'pf_1.6' and person 'pf_1.14', lane='gneE5_0', time=19.00. --- > Warning: Collision of person 'pf_1.8' and person 'pf_1.11', lane='gneE5_0', time=18.00. 8c7 < Warning: Collision of person 'pf_1.8' and person 'pf_1.6', lane='gneE5_0', time=19.00. --- > Warning: Collision of person 'pf_1.8' and person 'pf_1.17', lane='gneE5_0', time=19.00. 10,12d8 < Warning: Collision of person 'pf_1.6' and person 'pf_1.14', lane='gneE5_0', time=20.00. < Warning: Collision of person 'pf_1.8' and person 'pf_1.14', lane='gneE5_0', time=20.00. < Warning: Collision of person 'pf_1.8' and person 'pf_1.6', lane='gneE5_0', time=20.00. 14,21c10,11 < Warning: Collision of person 'pf_1.17' and person 'pf_1.6', lane='gneE5_0', time=20.00. < Warning: Collision of person 'pf_1.17' and person 'pf_1.8', lane='gneE5_0', time=20.00. < Warning: Collision of person 'pf_1.14' and person 'pf_1.22', lane='gneE5_0', time=21.00. < Warning: Collision of person 'pf_1.6' and person 'pf_1.14', lane='gneE5_0', time=21.00. < Warning: Collision of person 'pf_1.6' and person 'pf_1.23', lane='gneE5_0', time=21.00. < Warning: Collision of person 'pf_1.8' and person 'pf_1.14', lane='gneE5_0', time=21.00. < Warning: Collision of person 'pf_1.8' and person 'pf_1.23', lane='gneE5_0', time=21.00. < Warning: Collision of person 'pf_1.8' and person 'pf_1.6', lane='gneE5_0', time=21.00. <truncated after showing first 30 lines>
#3045 (This bug was triggered by text found in file 'errors' matching 'File 'net.netedit' is not accessible') ---------- New result in errors ---------- Error: File 'net.netedit' is not accessible (No such file or directory). Quitting (on error).demandElements container fix ( Last six runs Sep2022 )