04Dec23rv1_18_0+2069-ceb737dd7d7 - detailed test results for NETEDITCHECKOUTPUT

To reconnect the TextTest GUI to these results, run:

texttest -a neteditcheckoutput -d /Users/sumo/clangMacOS/sumo/tests -reconnect /Users/sumo/clangMacOS/texttesttmp/clangMacOS.31Dec001053.81920 -g

To start TextTest for these tests, run:

texttest -a neteditcheckoutput -d /Users/sumo/clangMacOS/sumo/tests

default: 4704 tests: 4356 succeeded 250 FAILED 98 known bugs

Detailed information for the tests that FAILED:

151 TESTS FAILED on ts-sim-mac-ba :

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Error: Another edge with the id ':Junction3_0' exists.
> Error: Another edge with the id ':Junction3_1' exists.
> Error: Another junction with the id 'Junction3' exists.
> Quitting (on error).
---------- New result in exitcode ----------
demandElements container create color ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements container create default_stop default_stop_containerstop ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements container create default_stop default_stop_lane ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements container create default_tranship default_tranship_containerstop ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements container create default_transport default_transport_containerstop ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements container create depart ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements container create id ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements container delete ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements container inspect id ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements containerflow create begin ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements containerflow create color ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements containerflow create containersperhour ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements containerflow create default_stop default_stop_containerstop ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements containerflow create default_stop default_stop_lane ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements containerflow create default_tranship default_tranship_containerstop ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements containerflow create default_transport default_transport_containerstop ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements containerflow create default_transport default_transport_fromto ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements containerflow create end ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements containerflow create endnumber ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements containerflow create id ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements containerflow create number ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements containerflow create period ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements containerflow create poisson ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements containerflow create probability ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements containerflow inspect id ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements containerplan stops stop_containerstop create acttype ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements containerplan stops stop_containerstop create default ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements containerplan stops stop_containerstop create duration ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements containerplan stops stop_containerstop create until ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements containerplan stops stop_containerstop delete ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements containerplan stops stop_containerstop inspect acttype ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements containerplan stops stop_containerstop inspect duration ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements containerplan stops stop_containerstop inspect until ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements containerplan stops stop_containerstop inspect_selection acttype ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements containerplan stops stop_containerstop inspect_selection duration ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements containerplan stops stop_containerstop inspect_selection until ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements containerplan stops stop_containerstop load acttype ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements containerplan stops stop_containerstop load containerstop ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements containerplan stops stop_containerstop load duration ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements containerplan stops stop_containerstop load until ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements containerplan stops stop_edge create default ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements containerplan stops stop_edge delete ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements containerplan stops stop_edge inspect acttype ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements containerplan stops stop_edge inspect duration ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements containerplan stops stop_edge inspect edge ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements containerplan stops stop_edge inspect endpos ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements containerplan stops stop_edge inspect friendlypos ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements containerplan stops stop_edge inspect until ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements containerplan tranships tranship_edgecontainerstop create default ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements containerplan tranships tranship_edgecontainerstop create departpos ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements containerplan tranships tranship_edgecontainerstop create speed ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements containerplan tranships tranship_edgecontainerstop inspect containerstop ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements containerplan tranships tranship_edgecontainerstop inspect departpos ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements containerplan tranships tranship_edgecontainerstop inspect speed ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements containerplan tranships tranship_edgecontainerstop inspect_selection departpos ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements containerplan tranships tranship_edgecontainerstop inspect_selection speed ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements containerplan tranships tranship_edgeedge inspect_selection arrivalpos ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements containerplan tranships tranship_edgeedge inspect_selection departpos ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements containerplan tranships tranship_edgeedge inspect_selection speed ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements containerplan tranships tranship_edges inspect_selection arrivalpos ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements containerplan tranships tranship_edges inspect_selection departpos ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements containerplan tranships tranship_edges inspect_selection speed ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements containerplan transports transport_edgecontainerstop create default ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements containerplan transports transport_edgecontainerstop create lines ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements containerplan transports transport_edgecontainerstop inspect containerstop ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements containerplan transports transport_edgecontainerstop inspect lines ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements containerplan transports transport_edgecontainerstop inspect_selection ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements containerplan transports transport_edgeedge create lines ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements containerplan transports transport_edgeedge delete ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements containerplan transports transport_edgeedge inspect_selection arrivalpos ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements containerplan transports transport_edgeedge inspect_selection lines ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements person create default_stop default_stop_lane ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements person create default_walk default_walk_route ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements personFlow create color ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements personFlow create default_stop default_stop_lane ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements personFlow create default_walk default_walk_route ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements personFlow create id ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements personFlow create number ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements personFlow create period ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements personFlow create poisson ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements personFlow create probability ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements personFlow delete ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements personFlow inspect id ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements personplan persontrips persontrip_edgebusstop create default ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements personplan persontrips persontrip_edgebusstop create lines ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements personplan persontrips persontrip_edgebusstop create modes ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements personplan persontrips persontrip_edgebusstop create vtypes ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements personplan persontrips persontrip_edgebusstop delete ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements personplan persontrips persontrip_edgebusstop inspect busstop ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements personplan persontrips persontrip_edgebusstop inspect lines ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements personplan persontrips persontrip_edgebusstop inspect modes ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements personplan persontrips persontrip_edgebusstop inspect vtypes ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements personplan persontrips persontrip_edgeedge delete ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements personplan persontrips persontrip_edgeedge inspect arrivalpos ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements personplan persontrips persontrip_edgeedge inspect lines ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements personplan persontrips persontrip_edgeedge inspect modes ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements personplan persontrips persontrip_edgeedge inspect to ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements personplan persontrips persontrip_edgeedge inspect vtypes ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements personplan persontrips persontrip_junctions create default ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements personplan persontrips persontrip_junctions create lines ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements personplan persontrips persontrip_junctions create modes ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements personplan persontrips persontrip_junctions create vtypes ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements personplan persontrips persontrip_junctions delete ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements personplan persontrips persontrip_junctions inspect lines ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements personplan persontrips persontrip_junctions inspect modes ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements personplan persontrips persontrip_junctions inspect to ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements personplan persontrips persontrip_junctions inspect vtypes ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements personplan persontrips persontrip_junctions load to ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements personplan rides ride_edgebusstop create default ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements personplan rides ride_edgebusstop create lines ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements personplan rides ride_edgebusstop delete ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements personplan rides ride_edgebusstop inspect busstop ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements personplan rides ride_edgebusstop inspect lines ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements personplan rides ride_edgebusstop inspect_selection lines ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements personplan rides ride_edgeedge delete ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements personplan rides ride_edgeedge inspect arrivalpos ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements personplan rides ride_edgeedge inspect lines ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements personplan rides ride_edgeedge inspect to ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements personplan rides ride_edgeedge inspect_selection arrivalpos ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements personplan rides ride_edgeedge inspect_selection lines ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements personplan stops stop_busstop create acttype ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements personplan stops stop_busstop create default ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements personplan stops stop_busstop create duration ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements personplan stops stop_busstop create until ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements personplan stops stop_busstop delete ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements personplan stops stop_busstop inspect acttype ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements personplan stops stop_busstop inspect duration ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements personplan stops stop_busstop inspect until ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements personplan stops stop_busstop inspect_selection acttype ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements personplan stops stop_busstop inspect_selection duration ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements personplan stops stop_busstop inspect_selection until ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements personplan stops stop_busstop load acttype ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements personplan stops stop_busstop load duration ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements personplan stops stop_busstop load until ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements personplan stops stop_edge delete ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements personplan stops stop_edge inspect acttype ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements personplan stops stop_edge inspect duration ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements personplan stops stop_edge inspect edge ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements personplan stops stop_edge inspect endpos ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements personplan stops stop_edge inspect friendlypos ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements personplan stops stop_edge inspect until ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements personplan walks walk_edges delete ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements personplan walks walk_edges inspect arrivalpos ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements personplan walks walk_edges inspect edges ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements personplan walks walk_edges inspect_selection ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements personplan walks walk_route create arrivalpos ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements personplan walks walk_route create default ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements personplan walks walk_route delete ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements personplan walks walk_route inspect arrivalpos ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements personplan walks walk_route inspect route ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements personplan walks walk_route inspect_selection ( Last six runs Dec2023 )

2 TESTS FAILED on ts-sim-mac-ba :

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Error: Another edge with the id ':Junction3_0' exists.
> Error: Another junction with the id 'Junction3' exists.
> Quitting (on error).
---------- New result in exitcode ----------
demandElements containerplan basic delete_edge ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements personplan basic delete_edge ( Last six runs Dec2023 )

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-mac-ba : demandElements containerplan stops stop_edge create acttype ( Last six runs Dec2023 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
< Warning: Disconnected plan for container 'c_0' (stop range 23.89-24.09 does not cover previous arrival position 46.10).
< Warning: Disconnected plan for container 'c_0' (stop range 29.01-29.21 does not cover previous arrival position 46.10).
> Error: Another edge with the id ':Junction3_0' exists.
> Error: Another edge with the id ':Junction3_1' exists.
> Error: Another junction with the id 'Junction3' exists.
> Quitting (on error).
---------- New result in exitcode ----------

2 TESTS FAILED on ts-sim-mac-ba :

---------- Differences in errors ----------
< Warning: Disconnected plan for container 'c_0' (stop range 34.13-34.33 does not cover previous arrival position 46.10).
< Warning: Disconnected plan for container 'c_0' (stop range 26.45-26.65 does not cover previous arrival position 46.10).
> Error: Another edge with the id ':Junction3_0' exists.
> Error: Another edge with the id ':Junction3_1' exists.
> Error: Another junction with the id 'Junction3' exists.
> Quitting (on error).
---------- New result in exitcode ----------
demandElements containerplan stops stop_edge create duration ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements containerplan stops stop_edge create until ( Last six runs Dec2023 )

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-mac-ba : demandElements containerplan stops stop_edge create friendlypos ( Last six runs Dec2023 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
< Warning: Disconnected plan for container 'c_0' (stop range 34.13-34.33 does not cover previous arrival position 46.10).
> Error: Another edge with the id ':Junction3_0' exists.
> Error: Another edge with the id ':Junction3_1' exists.
> Error: Another junction with the id 'Junction3' exists.
> Quitting (on error).
---------- New result in exitcode ----------

4 TESTS FAILED on ts-sim-mac-ba :

---------- Differences in errors ----------
< Warning: Disconnected plan for container 'c_0' (stop range 40.12-40.32 does not cover previous arrival position 46.10).
> Error: Another edge with the id ':Junction3_0' exists.
> Error: Another edge with the id ':Junction3_1' exists.
> Error: Another junction with the id 'Junction3' exists.
> Quitting (on error).
---------- New result in exitcode ----------
demandElements containerplan stops stop_edge inspect_selection acttype ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements containerplan stops stop_edge inspect_selection duration ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements containerplan stops stop_edge inspect_selection friendlypos ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements containerplan stops stop_edge inspect_selection until ( Last six runs Dec2023 )

5 TESTS FAILED on ts-sim-mac-ba :

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Error: Invalid departlane definition for vehicle 'f_0.0'.
> Quitting (on error).
---------- New result in exitcode ----------
demandElements flow inspect departLane float ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements flow_embedded inspect departLane float ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements flow_junctions inspect departLane float ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements flow_taz inspect departlane float ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements routeflow inspect departLane float ( Last six runs Dec2023 )

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-mac-ba : demandElements flow inspect via ( Last six runs Dec2023 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
< Error: Another edge with the id ':Junction3_0' exists.
< Error: Another edge with the id ':Junction3_1' exists.
< Error: Another junction with the id 'Junction3' exists.
< Quitting (on error).
---------- Missing result in exitcode ----------

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-mac-ba : demandElements flow inspect_selection departLane float ( Last six runs Dec2023 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
< Error: Vehicle 'flowB.0' will not be able to depart using the given velocity (junction 'Junction3' too close)!
< Error: Vehicle 'flowB.1' will not be able to depart using the given velocity (junction 'Junction3' too close)!
< Error: Vehicle 'flowB.2' will not be able to depart using the given velocity (junction 'Junction3' too close)!
< Error: Vehicle 'flowB.3' will not be able to depart using the given velocity (junction 'Junction3' too close)!
< Error: Vehicle 'flowB.4' will not be able to depart using the given velocity (junction 'Junction3' too close)!
< Error: Vehicle 'flowB.5' will not be able to depart using the given velocity (junction 'Junction3' too close)!
< Error: Vehicle 'flowB.6' will not be able to depart using the given velocity (junction 'Junction3' too close)!
< Error: Vehicle 'flowB.7' will not be able to depart using the given velocity (junction 'Junction3' too close)!
< Error: Vehicle 'flowB.8' will not be able to depart using the given velocity (junction 'Junction3' too close)!
< Error: Vehicle 'flowB.9' will not be able to depart using the given velocity (junction 'Junction3' too close)!
< Error: Vehicle 'flowB.10' will not be able to depart using the given velocity (junction 'Junction3' too close)!
< Error: Vehicle 'flowB.11' will not be able to depart using the given velocity (junction 'Junction3' too close)!
< Error: Vehicle 'flowB.12' will not be able to depart using the given velocity (junction 'Junction3' too close)!
< Error: Vehicle 'flowB.13' will not be able to depart using the given velocity (junction 'Junction3' too close)!
< Error: Vehicle 'flowB.14' will not be able to depart using the given velocity (junction 'Junction3' too close)!
< Error: Vehicle 'flowB.15' will not be able to depart using the given velocity (junction 'Junction3' too close)!
< Error: Vehicle 'flowB.16' will not be able to depart using the given velocity (junction 'Junction3' too close)!
< Error: Vehicle 'flowB.17' will not be able to depart using the given velocity (junction 'Junction3' too close)!
> Error: Invalid departlane definition for vehicle 'flowA.0'.
> Quitting (on error).
---------- New result in exitcode ----------

5 TESTS FAILED on ts-sim-mac-ba :

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Error: Invalid departlane definition for vehicle 'flow_2.0'.
> Quitting (on error).
---------- New result in exitcode ----------
demandElements flow load departLane ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements flow_embedded load departLane ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements flow_junctions load departLane ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements flow_taz load departlane ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements routeflow load departLane ( Last six runs Dec2023 )

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-mac-ba : demandElements flow_embedded inspect_selection departLane float ( Last six runs Dec2023 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
< Error: Vehicle 'flowB.0' will not be able to depart using the given velocity (junction 'Junction3' too close)!
< Error: Vehicle 'flowB.1' will not be able to depart using the given velocity (junction 'Junction3' too close)!
< Error: Vehicle 'flowB.2' will not be able to depart using the given velocity (junction 'Junction3' too close)!
< Error: Vehicle 'flowB.3' will not be able to depart using the given velocity (junction 'Junction3' too close)!
< Error: Vehicle 'flowB.4' will not be able to depart using the given velocity (junction 'Junction3' too close)!
< Error: Vehicle 'flowB.5' will not be able to depart using the given velocity (junction 'Junction3' too close)!
< Error: Vehicle 'flowB.6' will not be able to depart using the given velocity (junction 'Junction3' too close)!
< Error: Vehicle 'flowB.7' will not be able to depart using the given velocity (junction 'Junction3' too close)!
< Error: Vehicle 'flowB.8' will not be able to depart using the given velocity (junction 'Junction3' too close)!
< Error: Vehicle 'flowB.9' will not be able to depart using the given velocity (junction 'Junction3' too close)!
< Error: Vehicle 'flowB.10' will not be able to depart using the given velocity (junction 'Junction3' too close)!
< Error: Vehicle 'flowB.11' will not be able to depart using the given velocity (junction 'Junction3' too close)!
< Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.12' will not be able to arrive with the given speed!
< Error: Vehicle 'flowB.12' will not be able to depart using the given velocity (junction 'Junction3' too close)!
< Error: Vehicle 'flowB.13' will not be able to depart using the given velocity (junction 'Junction3' too close)!
< Error: Vehicle 'flowB.14' will not be able to depart using the given velocity (junction 'Junction3' too close)!
< Error: Vehicle 'flowB.15' will not be able to depart using the given velocity (junction 'Junction3' too close)!
< Error: Vehicle 'flowB.16' will not be able to depart using the given velocity (junction 'Junction3' too close)!
< Error: Vehicle 'flowB.17' will not be able to depart using the given velocity (junction 'Junction3' too close)!
> Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.0' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'Edge2_0'!
> Error: Invalid departlane definition for vehicle 'flowA.0'.
> Quitting (on error).
---------- New result in exitcode ----------

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-mac-ba : demandElements flow_junctions create arrivalLane ( Last six runs Dec2023 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Warning: Vehicle 'f_1.15' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'Edge2_20'!
< Warning: Vehicle 'f_1.15' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'Edge2_20'!
> Warning: Vehicle 'f_1.33' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'Edge2_20'!
< Warning: Vehicle 'f_1.33' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'Edge2_20'!
> Warning: Vehicle 'f_1.38' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'Edge2_20'!
< Warning: Vehicle 'f_1.38' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'Edge2_20'!
> Warning: Vehicle 'f_1.47' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'Edge2_20'!
< Warning: Vehicle 'f_1.47' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'Edge2_20'!
> Warning: Vehicle 'f_1.48' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'Edge2_20'!
< Warning: Vehicle 'f_1.48' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'Edge2_20'!
> Warning: Vehicle 'f_1.51' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'Edge2_20'!
< Warning: Vehicle 'f_1.51' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'Edge2_20'!
> Warning: Vehicle 'f_1.62' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'Edge2_20'!
< Warning: Vehicle 'f_1.62' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'Edge2_20'!
> Warning: Vehicle 'f_1.67' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'Edge2_20'!
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-mac-ba : demandElements flow_junctions inspect_selection arrivalLane float ( Last six runs Dec2023 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
< Warning: Vehicle 'flowB.12' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'Edge2_0'!
< Warning: Vehicle 'flowB.12' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'Edge2_0'!
> Warning: Vehicle 'flowB.12' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'Edge2_0'!
> Warning: Vehicle 'flowB.12' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'Edge2_0'!
< Warning: Vehicle 'flowB.20' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'Edge2_0'!
< Warning: Vehicle 'flowB.20' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'Edge2_0'!
> Warning: Vehicle 'flowB.20' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'Edge2_0'!
> Warning: Vehicle 'flowB.20' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'Edge2_0'!
< Warning: Vehicle 'flowB.40' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'Edge2_0'!
< Warning: Vehicle 'flowB.40' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'Edge2_0'!
> Warning: Vehicle 'flowB.40' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'Edge2_0'!
> Warning: Vehicle 'flowB.40' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'Edge2_0'!
< Warning: Vehicle 'flowB.76' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'Edge2_0'!
< Warning: Vehicle 'flowB.76' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'Edge2_0'!
> Warning: Vehicle 'flowB.76' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'Edge2_0'!
> Warning: Vehicle 'flowB.76' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'Edge2_0'!
< Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.79' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'Edge2_0'!
> Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.79' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'Edge2_0'!
< Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.85' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'Edge2_0'!
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-mac-ba : demandElements flow_junctions inspect_selection arrivalPosLat float ( Last six runs Dec2023 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
< Warning: Vehicle 'flowB.12' will not be able to arrive with the given speed!
< Warning: Vehicle 'flowB.12' will not be able to arrive with the given speed!
> Warning: Vehicle 'flowB.12' will not be able to arrive with the given speed!
> Warning: Vehicle 'flowB.12' will not be able to arrive with the given speed!
< Warning: Vehicle 'flowB.40' will not be able to arrive with the given speed!
< Warning: Vehicle 'flowB.40' will not be able to arrive with the given speed!
> Warning: Vehicle 'flowB.40' will not be able to arrive with the given speed!
> Warning: Vehicle 'flowB.40' will not be able to arrive with the given speed!
> Warning: Vehicle 'flowB.72' will not be able to arrive with the given speed!
< Warning: Vehicle 'flowB.72' will not be able to arrive with the given speed!
> Warning: Vehicle 'flowB.80' will not be able to arrive with the given speed!
< Warning: Vehicle 'flowB.80' will not be able to arrive with the given speed!
> Warning: Vehicle 'flowB.88' will not be able to arrive with the given speed!
< Warning: Vehicle 'flowB.88' will not be able to arrive with the given speed!
< Warning: Vehicle 'flowB.96' will not be able to arrive with the given speed!
> Warning: Vehicle 'flowB.96' will not be able to arrive with the given speed!

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-mac-ba : demandElements flow_junctions inspect_selection departLane float ( Last six runs Dec2023 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
< Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.5' will not be able to arrive with the given speed!
< Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.5' will not be able to arrive with the given speed!
< Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.9' will not be able to arrive with the given speed!
< Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.9' will not be able to arrive with the given speed!
< Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.24' will not be able to arrive with the given speed!
< Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.24' will not be able to arrive with the given speed!
< Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.36' will not be able to arrive with the given speed!
< Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.36' will not be able to arrive with the given speed!
< Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.55' will not be able to arrive with the given speed!
< Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.55' will not be able to arrive with the given speed!
< Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.70' will not be able to arrive with the given speed!
< Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.70' will not be able to arrive with the given speed!
< Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.77' will not be able to arrive with the given speed!
< Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.77' will not be able to arrive with the given speed!
< Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.98' will not be able to arrive with the given speed!
< Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.98' will not be able to arrive with the given speed!
> Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.0' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'Edge2_0'!
> Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.0' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'Edge2_0'!
> Error: Invalid departlane definition for vehicle 'flowA.0'.
> Quitting (on error).
---------- New result in exitcode ----------

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-mac-ba : demandElements flow_junctions load arrivalLane ( Last six runs Dec2023 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
< Warning: Vehicle 'flow_2.2' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'Edge2_0'!
< Warning: Vehicle 'flow_2.2' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'Edge2_0'!
< Warning: Vehicle 'flow_2.3' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'Edge2_0'!
< Warning: Vehicle 'flow_2.3' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'Edge2_0'!
> Warning: Vehicle 'flow_2.2' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'Edge2_0'!
> Warning: Vehicle 'flow_2.2' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'Edge2_0'!
> Warning: Vehicle 'flow_2.3' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'Edge2_0'!
> Warning: Vehicle 'flow_2.3' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'Edge2_0'!
< Warning: Vehicle 'flow_2.5' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'Edge2_0'!
< Warning: Vehicle 'flow_2.5' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'Edge2_0'!
< Warning: Vehicle 'flow_2.6' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'Edge2_0'!
< Warning: Vehicle 'flow_2.6' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'Edge2_0'!
> Warning: Vehicle 'flow_2.5' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'Edge2_0'!
> Warning: Vehicle 'flow_2.5' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'Edge2_0'!
> Warning: Vehicle 'flow_2.6' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'Edge2_0'!
> Warning: Vehicle 'flow_2.6' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'Edge2_0'!
< Warning: Vehicle 'flow_3.8' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'Edge2_500'!
< Warning: Vehicle 'flow_3.8' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'Edge2_500'!
< Warning: Vehicle 'flow_3.9' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'Edge2_500'!
< Warning: Vehicle 'flow_3.9' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'Edge2_500'!
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-mac-ba : demandElements flow_junctions load from ( Last six runs Dec2023 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Warning: No connection between edge 'Junction3-source' and edge 'Junction3-sink' found.
> Warning: No route for vehicle 'flow_3.0' found.
> Error: Vehicle 'flow_3.0' has no valid route.
> Quitting (on error).
---------- New result in exitcode ----------

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-mac-ba : demandElements flow_junctions load to ( Last six runs Dec2023 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Warning: No connection between edge 'Junction0-source' and edge 'Junction0-sink' found.
> Warning: No route for vehicle 'flow_3.0' found.
> Error: Vehicle 'flow_3.0' has no valid route.
> Quitting (on error).
---------- New result in exitcode ----------

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-mac-ba : demandElements flow_junctions volatileRecomputing ( Last six runs Dec2023 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Warning: No connection between edge 'Junction3-source' and edge 'Junction4-sink' found.
> Warning: No route for vehicle 'f_3.0' found.
> Error: Vehicle 'f_3.0' has no valid route.
> Quitting (on error).
---------- New result in exitcode ----------

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-mac-ba : demandElements flow_taz create arrivallane ( Last six runs Dec2023 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Warning: Vehicle 'f_1.15' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'Edge5_20'!
< Warning: Vehicle 'f_1.15' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'Edge5_20'!
> Warning: Vehicle 'f_1.33' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'Edge5_20'!
< Warning: Vehicle 'f_1.33' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'Edge5_20'!
> Warning: Vehicle 'f_1.38' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'Edge5_20'!
< Warning: Vehicle 'f_1.38' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'Edge5_20'!
> Warning: Vehicle 'f_1.47' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'Edge5_20'!
< Warning: Vehicle 'f_1.47' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'Edge5_20'!
> Warning: Vehicle 'f_1.48' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'Edge5_20'!
< Warning: Vehicle 'f_1.48' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'Edge5_20'!
> Warning: Vehicle 'f_1.51' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'Edge5_20'!
< Warning: Vehicle 'f_1.51' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'Edge5_20'!
> Warning: Vehicle 'f_1.62' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'Edge5_20'!
< Warning: Vehicle 'f_1.62' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'Edge5_20'!
> Warning: Vehicle 'f_1.67' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'Edge5_20'!
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-mac-ba : demandElements flow_taz inspect_selection arrivallane float ( Last six runs Dec2023 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
< Warning: Vehicle 'flowB.12' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'Edge2_0'!
< Warning: Vehicle 'flowB.12' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'Edge2_0'!
> Warning: Vehicle 'flowB.12' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'Edge2_0'!
> Warning: Vehicle 'flowB.12' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'Edge2_0'!
< Warning: Vehicle 'flowB.20' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'Edge2_0'!
< Warning: Vehicle 'flowB.20' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'Edge2_0'!
> Warning: Vehicle 'flowB.20' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'Edge2_0'!
> Warning: Vehicle 'flowB.20' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'Edge2_0'!
< Warning: Vehicle 'flowB.40' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'Edge2_0'!
< Warning: Vehicle 'flowB.40' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'Edge2_0'!
> Warning: Vehicle 'flowB.40' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'Edge2_0'!
> Warning: Vehicle 'flowB.40' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'Edge2_0'!
< Warning: Vehicle 'flowB.76' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'Edge2_0'!
< Warning: Vehicle 'flowB.76' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'Edge2_0'!
> Warning: Vehicle 'flowB.76' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'Edge2_0'!
> Warning: Vehicle 'flowB.76' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'Edge2_0'!
< Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.43' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'Edge5_0'!
> Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.43' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'Edge5_0'!
< Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.46' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'Edge5_0'!
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-mac-ba : demandElements flow_taz inspect_selection arrivalposlat float ( Last six runs Dec2023 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
< Warning: Vehicle 'flowB.12' will not be able to arrive with the given speed!
< Warning: Vehicle 'flowB.12' will not be able to arrive with the given speed!
> Warning: Vehicle 'flowB.12' will not be able to arrive with the given speed!
> Warning: Vehicle 'flowB.12' will not be able to arrive with the given speed!
< Warning: Vehicle 'flowB.40' will not be able to arrive with the given speed!
< Warning: Vehicle 'flowB.40' will not be able to arrive with the given speed!
> Warning: Vehicle 'flowB.40' will not be able to arrive with the given speed!
> Warning: Vehicle 'flowB.40' will not be able to arrive with the given speed!
> Warning: Vehicle 'flowB.24' will not be able to arrive with the given speed!
< Warning: Vehicle 'flowB.24' will not be able to arrive with the given speed!
> Warning: Vehicle 'flowB.28' will not be able to arrive with the given speed!
< Warning: Vehicle 'flowB.28' will not be able to arrive with the given speed!
> Warning: Vehicle 'flowB.32' will not be able to arrive with the given speed!
< Warning: Vehicle 'flowB.32' will not be able to arrive with the given speed!
< Warning: Vehicle 'flowB.36' will not be able to arrive with the given speed!
> Warning: Vehicle 'flowB.36' will not be able to arrive with the given speed!
> Warning: Vehicle 'flowB.44' will not be able to arrive with the given speed!
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-mac-ba : demandElements flow_taz inspect_selection departlane float ( Last six runs Dec2023 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
< Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.5' will not be able to arrive with the given speed!
< Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.5' will not be able to arrive with the given speed!
< Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.9' will not be able to arrive with the given speed!
< Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.9' will not be able to arrive with the given speed!
< Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.24' will not be able to arrive with the given speed!
< Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.24' will not be able to arrive with the given speed!
< Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.36' will not be able to arrive with the given speed!
< Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.36' will not be able to arrive with the given speed!
< Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.55' will not be able to arrive with the given speed!
< Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.55' will not be able to arrive with the given speed!
< Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.70' will not be able to arrive with the given speed!
< Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.70' will not be able to arrive with the given speed!
< Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.77' will not be able to arrive with the given speed!
< Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.77' will not be able to arrive with the given speed!
< Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.98' will not be able to arrive with the given speed!
< Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.98' will not be able to arrive with the given speed!
< Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.70' will not be able to arrive with the given speed!
> Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.0' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'Edge5_0'!
> Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.0' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'Edge5_0'!
> Error: Invalid departlane definition for vehicle 'flowA.0'.
> Quitting (on error).
---------- New result in exitcode ----------

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-mac-ba : demandElements flow_taz load arrivallane ( Last six runs Dec2023 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
< Warning: Vehicle 'flow_2.2' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'Edge5_0'!
< Warning: Vehicle 'flow_2.2' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'Edge5_0'!
< Warning: Vehicle 'flow_2.3' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'Edge5_0'!
< Warning: Vehicle 'flow_2.3' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'Edge5_0'!
> Warning: Vehicle 'flow_2.2' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'Edge5_0'!
> Warning: Vehicle 'flow_2.2' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'Edge5_0'!
> Warning: Vehicle 'flow_2.3' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'Edge5_0'!
> Warning: Vehicle 'flow_2.3' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'Edge5_0'!
< Warning: Vehicle 'flow_2.5' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'Edge5_0'!
< Warning: Vehicle 'flow_2.5' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'Edge5_0'!
< Warning: Vehicle 'flow_2.6' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'Edge5_0'!
< Warning: Vehicle 'flow_2.6' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'Edge5_0'!
> Warning: Vehicle 'flow_2.5' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'Edge5_0'!
> Warning: Vehicle 'flow_2.5' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'Edge5_0'!
> Warning: Vehicle 'flow_2.6' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'Edge5_0'!
> Warning: Vehicle 'flow_2.6' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'Edge5_0'!
< Warning: Vehicle 'flow_3.8' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'Edge5_500'!
< Warning: Vehicle 'flow_3.8' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'Edge5_500'!
< Warning: Vehicle 'flow_3.9' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'Edge5_500'!
< Warning: Vehicle 'flow_3.9' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'Edge5_500'!
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-mac-ba : demandElements personFlow create endnumber ( Last six runs Dec2023 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
< Warning: Person 'pf_1.15' is jammed on edge 'Edge0', time=303.00.
< Warning: Person 'pf_1.17' is jammed on edge 'Edge0', time=303.00.
< Warning: Person 'pf_1.19' is jammed on edge 'Edge0', time=303.00.
< Warning: Person 'pf_1.2' is jammed on edge 'Edge0', time=303.00.
< Warning: Person 'pf_1.20' is jammed on edge 'Edge0', time=303.00.
< Warning: Person 'pf_1.21' is jammed on edge 'Edge0', time=303.00.
< Warning: Person 'pf_1.22' is jammed on edge 'Edge0', time=303.00.
< Warning: Person 'pf_1.23' is jammed on edge 'Edge0', time=303.00.
< Warning: Person 'pf_1.24' is jammed on edge 'Edge0', time=303.00.
< Warning: Person 'pf_1.25' is jammed on edge 'Edge0', time=303.00.
< Warning: Person 'pf_1.26' is jammed on edge 'Edge0', time=303.00.
< Warning: Person 'pf_1.27' is jammed on edge 'Edge0', time=303.00.
< Warning: Person 'pf_1.28' is jammed on edge 'Edge0', time=303.00.
< Warning: Person 'pf_1.30' is jammed on edge 'Edge0', time=303.00.
< Warning: Person 'pf_1.31' is jammed on edge 'Edge0', time=303.00.
< Warning: Person 'pf_1.32' is jammed on edge 'Edge0', time=303.00.
< Warning: Person 'pf_1.33' is jammed on edge 'Edge0', time=303.00.
< Warning: Person 'pf_1.34' is jammed on edge 'Edge0', time=303.00.
< Warning: Person 'pf_1.35' is jammed on edge 'Edge0', time=303.00.
< Warning: Person 'pf_1.36' is jammed on edge 'Edge0', time=303.00.
< Warning: Person 'pf_1.37' is jammed on edge 'Edge0', time=303.00.
< Warning: Person 'pf_1.38' is jammed on edge 'Edge0', time=303.00.
< Warning: Person 'pf_1.39' is jammed on edge 'Edge0', time=303.00.
< Warning: Person 'pf_1.4' is jammed on edge 'Edge0', time=303.00.
< Warning: Person 'pf_1.40' is jammed on edge 'Edge0', time=303.00.
< Warning: Person 'pf_1.41' is jammed on edge 'Edge0', time=303.00.
< Warning: Person 'pf_1.42' is jammed on edge 'Edge0', time=303.00.
< Warning: Person 'pf_1.43' is jammed on edge 'Edge0', time=303.00.
< Warning: Person 'pf_1.44' is jammed on edge 'Edge0', time=303.00.
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- New result in exitcode ----------

5 TESTS FAILED on ts-sim-mac-ba :

---------- Differences in errors ----------
< Warning: Ignoring vehicle type 'type2' when routing person 'p_0' because it is not allowed on the start edge.
> Error: Another edge with the id ':Junction3_0' exists.
> Error: Another edge with the id ':Junction3_1' exists.
> Error: Another junction with the id 'Junction3' exists.
> Quitting (on error).
---------- New result in exitcode ----------
demandElements personplan persontrips persontrip_edgebusstop inspect_selection lines ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements personplan persontrips persontrip_edgebusstop inspect_selection modes ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements personplan persontrips persontrip_edgeedge inspect_selection arrivalpos ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements personplan persontrips persontrip_edgeedge inspect_selection lines ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements personplan persontrips persontrip_edgeedge inspect_selection modes ( Last six runs Dec2023 )

3 TESTS FAILED on ts-sim-mac-ba :

---------- Differences in errors ----------
< Warning: Ignoring vehicle type 'customType' when routing person 'p_0' because it is not allowed on the start edge.
> Error: Another edge with the id ':Junction3_0' exists.
> Error: Another edge with the id ':Junction3_1' exists.
> Error: Another junction with the id 'Junction3' exists.
> Quitting (on error).
---------- New result in exitcode ----------
demandElements personplan persontrips persontrip_edgebusstop inspect_selection vtypes ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements personplan persontrips persontrip_edgeedge inspect_selection vtypes ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements personplan persontrips persontrip_junctions inspect_selection vtypes ( Last six runs Dec2023 )

2 TESTS FAILED on ts-sim-mac-ba :

---------- Differences in errors ----------
< Warning: Ignoring vehicle type 'type1' when routing person 'p_0' because it is not allowed on the start edge.
> Error: Another edge with the id ':Junction3_0' exists.
> Error: Another edge with the id ':Junction3_1' exists.
> Error: Another junction with the id 'Junction3' exists.
> Quitting (on error).
---------- New result in exitcode ----------
demandElements personplan persontrips persontrip_junctions inspect_selection lines ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements personplan persontrips persontrip_junctions inspect_selection modes ( Last six runs Dec2023 )

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-mac-ba : demandElements personplan stops stop_edge create acttype ( Last six runs Dec2023 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
< Warning: Disconnected plan for person 'p_0' (stop range 26.65-26.85 does not cover previous arrival position 24.45).
< Warning: Disconnected plan for person 'p_0' (stop range 31.99-32.19 does not cover previous arrival position 24.45).
> Error: Another edge with the id ':Junction3_0' exists.
> Error: Another edge with the id ':Junction3_1' exists.
> Error: Another junction with the id 'Junction3' exists.
> Quitting (on error).
---------- New result in exitcode ----------

2 TESTS FAILED on ts-sim-mac-ba :

---------- Differences in errors ----------
< Warning: Disconnected plan for person 'p_0' (stop range 37.33-37.53 does not cover previous arrival position 24.45).
< Warning: Disconnected plan for person 'p_0' (stop range 29.32-29.52 does not cover previous arrival position 24.45).
> Error: Another edge with the id ':Junction3_0' exists.
> Error: Another edge with the id ':Junction3_1' exists.
> Error: Another junction with the id 'Junction3' exists.
> Quitting (on error).
---------- New result in exitcode ----------
demandElements personplan stops stop_edge create duration ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements personplan stops stop_edge create until ( Last six runs Dec2023 )

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-mac-ba : demandElements personplan stops stop_edge create friendlypos ( Last six runs Dec2023 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
< Warning: Disconnected plan for person 'p_0' (stop range 37.33-37.53 does not cover previous arrival position 24.45).
> Error: Another edge with the id ':Junction3_0' exists.
> Error: Another edge with the id ':Junction3_1' exists.
> Error: Another junction with the id 'Junction3' exists.
> Quitting (on error).
---------- New result in exitcode ----------

4 TESTS FAILED on ts-sim-mac-ba :

---------- Differences in errors ----------
< Warning: Disconnected plan for person 'p_0' (stop range 40.12-40.32 does not cover previous arrival position 24.45).
> Error: Another edge with the id ':Junction3_0' exists.
> Error: Another edge with the id ':Junction3_1' exists.
> Error: Another junction with the id 'Junction3' exists.
> Quitting (on error).
---------- New result in exitcode ----------
demandElements personplan stops stop_edge inspect_selection acttype ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements personplan stops stop_edge inspect_selection duration ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements personplan stops stop_edge inspect_selection friendlypos ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements personplan stops stop_edge inspect_selection until ( Last six runs Dec2023 )

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-mac-ba : demandElements routeflow inspect_selection departLane float ( Last six runs Dec2023 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
< Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.12' will not be able to arrive with the given speed!
> Warning: Vehicle 'flowA.0' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'Edge2_0'!
> Error: Invalid departlane definition for vehicle 'flowA.0'.
> Quitting (on error).
---------- New result in exitcode ----------

2 TESTS FAILED on ts-sim-mac-ba :

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Error: The lane Edge2_1 to use within the busStop 'busStopA' is not known.
> Error: Could not end a stopping place that is not opened.
> Quitting (on error).
---------- New result in exitcode ----------
demandElements stop basic invalid_parent ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements stop basic invalid_type ( Last six runs Dec2023 )

5 TESTS FAILED on ts-sim-mac-ba :

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Error: The route file 'routes.netedit' is not accessible.
> Quitting (on error).
---------- New result in exitcode ----------
demandElements stop basic no_parents ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements trip_junctions load from ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements trip_junctions load to ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements vehicletype edit_default typedist ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements waypoint basic no_parents ( Last six runs Dec2023 )

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-mac-ba : demandElements stop busstop delete ( Last six runs Dec2023 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Error: The edge 'Edge0' within the route 'route_0' is not known.
>  The route can not be build.
> Quitting (on error).
---------- New result in exitcode ----------

4 TESTS FAILED on ts-sim-mac-ba :

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Error: Another lane with the id 'Edge0_0' exists.
> Error: An unknown lane ('Edge0_1') was tried to be set as incoming to junction 'gneJ3'.
> Error: Unknown from-edge 'Edge0' in connection.
> Error: Unknown to-edge 'Edge0' in connection.
> Error: Unknown to-edge 'Edge0' in connection.
> Error: Unknown from-node 'gneJ3' for edge ':gneJ3_0'.
> Quitting (on error).
---------- New result in exitcode ----------
demandElements stop busstop volatileRecomputing ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements stop trainstop volatilerecomputing ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements waypoint busstop volatileRecomputing ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements waypoint trainstop volatilerecomputing ( Last six runs Dec2023 )

2 TESTS FAILED on ts-sim-mac-ba :

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Error: Another lane with the id 'Edge0_0' exists.
> Error: An unknown lane ('Edge0_1') was tried to be set as incoming to junction 'gneJ3'.
> Error: Unknown to-edge 'Edge0' in connection.
> Error: Unknown to-edge 'Edge0' in connection.
> Error: Unknown to-edge 'Edge0' in connection.
> Error: Unknown to-edge 'Edge0' in connection.
> Error: Unknown to-edge 'Edge0' in connection.
> Error: Unknown from-edge 'Edge0' in connection.
> Error: Unknown from-edge 'Edge0' in connection.
> Error: Unknown to-edge 'Edge0' in connection.
> Error: Unknown to-edge 'Edge0' in connection.
> Error: Unknown to-edge 'Edge0' in connection.
> Error: Unknown to-edge 'Edge0' in connection.
> Error: Unknown to-edge 'Edge0' in connection.
> Error: Unknown to-edge 'Edge0' in connection.
> Error: Unknown to-edge 'Edge0' in connection.
> Error: Unknown to-edge 'Edge0' in connection.
> Error: Unknown from-edge 'Edge0' in connection.
> Error: Unknown to-node 'gneJ3' for edge '-E0'.
> Quitting (on error).
---------- New result in exitcode ----------
demandElements stop chargingstation volatileRecomputing ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements stop containerstop volatileRecomputing ( Last six runs Dec2023 )

3 TESTS FAILED on ts-sim-mac-ba :

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Error: File 'additionals.netedit' is not accessible (No such file or directory).
> Quitting (on error).
---------- New result in exitcode ----------
demandElements stop lane delete ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements stop lane volatileRecomputing ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements waypoint lane delete ( Last six runs Dec2023 )

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-mac-ba : demandElements stop parkingarea volatileRecomputing ( Last six runs Dec2023 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
< Warning: Teleporting vehicle 'vehicle_0'; waited too long (wrong lane), lane='Edge0_0', time=305.00.
< Warning: Vehicle 'vehicle_0' skips stop on lane 'Edge0_0' time=305.00.
< Warning: Vehicle 'vehicle_0' skips stop on lane 'Edge0_1' time=305.00.
< Warning: Vehicle 'vehicle_0' skips stop on lane 'Edge0_2' time=305.00.
< Warning: Vehicle 'vehicle_0' skips stop on lane 'Edge0_3' time=305.00.
< Warning: Vehicle 'vehicle_0' skips stop on lane 'Edge0_4' time=305.00.
< Warning: Vehicle 'vehicle_0' ends teleporting on edge 'Edge1', time=305.00.
< Warning: Teleporting vehicle 'vehicle_1'; waited too long (wrong lane), lane='Edge0_0', time=306.00.
< Warning: Vehicle 'vehicle_1' skips stop on lane 'Edge0_0' time=306.00.
< Warning: Vehicle 'vehicle_1' ends teleporting on edge 'gneE1', time=306.00.
< Warning: Teleporting vehicle 'vehicle_0'; waited too long (jam), lane='Edge1_0', time=608.00.
< Warning: Vehicle 'vehicle_0' teleports beyond arrival edge 'Edge1', time=608.00.
< Warning: Vehicle 'vehicle_0' skips stop on lane 'Edge1_0' time=608.00.
< Warning: Teleporting vehicle 'vehicle_1'; waited too long (jam), lane='Edge2_0', time=612.00.
< Warning: Vehicle 'vehicle_1' teleports beyond arrival edge 'gneE1', time=612.00.
< Warning: Vehicle 'vehicle_1' skips stop on lane 'Edge2_0' time=612.00.
> Error: Another lane with the id 'Edge0_0' exists.
> Error: An unknown lane ('Edge0_1') was tried to be set as incoming to junction 'gneJ3'.
> Error: Unknown to-edge 'Edge0' in connection.
> Error: Unknown to-edge 'Edge0' in connection.
> Error: Unknown to-edge 'Edge0' in connection.
> Error: Unknown to-edge 'Edge0' in connection.
> Error: Unknown to-edge 'Edge0' in connection.
> Error: Unknown from-edge 'Edge0' in connection.
> Error: Unknown from-edge 'Edge0' in connection.
> Error: Unknown to-edge 'Edge0' in connection.
> Error: Unknown to-edge 'Edge0' in connection.
> Error: Unknown to-edge 'Edge0' in connection.
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- New result in exitcode ----------

2 TESTS FAILED on ts-sim-mac-ba :

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Error: The edge 'Edge3' within the route 'route_0' is not known.
>  The route can not be build.
> Quitting (on error).
---------- New result in exitcode ----------
demandElements stop trainstop inspect_selection line ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements waypoint trainstop delete ( Last six runs Dec2023 )

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-mac-ba : demandElements stop trainstop inspect_selection parking ( Last six runs Dec2023 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Error: File 'net.netedit' is not accessible (No such file or directory).
> Quitting (on error).
---------- New result in exitcode ----------

3 TESTS FAILED on ts-sim-mac-ba :

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Error: Invalid departlane definition for vehicle 't_0'.
> Quitting (on error).
---------- New result in exitcode ----------
demandElements trip inspect departLane float ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements trip_junctions inspect departLane float ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements trip_taz inspect departlane float ( Last six runs Dec2023 )

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-mac-ba : demandElements trip inspect_selection departLane float ( Last six runs Dec2023 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
< Error: Vehicle 'tripB' will not be able to depart using the given velocity (junction 'Junction3' too close)!
> Error: Invalid departlane definition for vehicle 'tripA'.
> Quitting (on error).
---------- New result in exitcode ----------

3 TESTS FAILED on ts-sim-mac-ba :

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Error: Invalid departlane definition for vehicle 'trip_2'.
> Quitting (on error).
---------- New result in exitcode ----------
demandElements trip load departLane ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements trip_junctions load departLane ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements trip_taz load departlane ( Last six runs Dec2023 )

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-mac-ba : demandElements trip_junctions inspect_selection departLane float ( Last six runs Dec2023 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Warning: Vehicle 'tripA' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'Edge2_0'!
> Warning: Vehicle 'tripA' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'Edge2_0'!
> Error: Invalid departlane definition for vehicle 'tripA'.
> Quitting (on error).
---------- New result in exitcode ----------

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-mac-ba : demandElements trip_junctions volatileRecomputing ( Last six runs Dec2023 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Warning: No connection between edge 'Junction3-source' and edge 'Junction4-sink' found.
> Warning: No route for vehicle 't_3' found.
> Error: Vehicle 't_3' has no valid route.
> Quitting (on error).
---------- New result in exitcode ----------

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-mac-ba : demandElements trip_taz create departlane ( Last six runs Dec2023 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Error: Invalid departlane definition for vehicle 't_1'.
> Quitting (on error).
---------- New result in exitcode ----------

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-mac-ba : demandElements trip_taz inspect_selection departlane float ( Last six runs Dec2023 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Warning: Vehicle 'tripA' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'Edge5_0'!
> Warning: Vehicle 'tripA' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'Edge5_0'!
> Error: Invalid departlane definition for vehicle 'tripA'.
> Quitting (on error).
---------- New result in exitcode ----------

2 TESTS FAILED on ts-sim-mac-ba :

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Error: Invalid departlane definition for vehicle 'v_0'.
> Quitting (on error).
---------- New result in exitcode ----------
demandElements vehicle inspect departLane float ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements vehicle_embedded inspect departLane float ( Last six runs Dec2023 )

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-mac-ba : demandElements vehicle inspect_selection departLane float ( Last six runs Dec2023 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Warning: Vehicle 'vehicleA' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'Edge2_0'!
> Error: Invalid departlane definition for vehicle 'vehicleA'.
> Quitting (on error).
---------- New result in exitcode ----------

2 TESTS FAILED on ts-sim-mac-ba :

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Error: Invalid departlane definition for vehicle 'vehicle_2'.
> Quitting (on error).
---------- New result in exitcode ----------
demandElements vehicle load departLane ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements vehicle_embedded load departLane ( Last six runs Dec2023 )

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-mac-ba : demandElements vehicle_embedded inspect_selection departLane float ( Last six runs Dec2023 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
< Error: Vehicle 'vehicle_embeddedB' will not be able to depart using the given velocity (junction 'Junction3' too close)!
> Warning: Vehicle 'vehicle_embeddedA' will not be able to arrive at the given lane 'Edge2_0'!
> Error: Invalid departlane definition for vehicle 'vehicle_embeddedA'.
> Quitting (on error).
---------- New result in exitcode ----------

2 TESTS FAILED on ts-sim-mac-ba :

---------- Differences in errors ----------
< Warning: Vehicle 'trip1' performs emergency stop at the end of lane 'Edge2_0' for unknown reasons (decel=-9.66, offset=3.73), time=52.00.
> Error: Another lane with the id 'Edge0_0' exists.
> Error: An unknown lane ('Edge0_1') was tried to be set as incoming to junction 'gneJ3'.
> Error: Unknown to-edge 'Edge0' in connection.
> Error: Unknown to-edge 'Edge0' in connection.
> Error: Unknown to-edge 'Edge0' in connection.
> Error: Unknown to-edge 'Edge0' in connection.
> Error: Unknown to-edge 'Edge0' in connection.
> Error: Unknown from-edge 'Edge0' in connection.
> Error: Unknown from-edge 'Edge0' in connection.
> Error: Unknown to-edge 'Edge0' in connection.
> Error: Unknown to-edge 'Edge0' in connection.
> Error: Unknown to-edge 'Edge0' in connection.
> Error: Unknown to-edge 'Edge0' in connection.
> Error: Unknown to-edge 'Edge0' in connection.
> Error: Unknown to-edge 'Edge0' in connection.
> Error: Unknown to-edge 'Edge0' in connection.
> Error: Unknown to-edge 'Edge0' in connection.
> Error: Unknown from-edge 'Edge0' in connection.
> Error: Unknown to-node 'gneJ3' for edge '-E0'.
> Quitting (on error).
---------- New result in exitcode ----------
demandElements waypoint chargingstation volatileRecomputing ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements waypoint containerstop volatileRecomputing ( Last six runs Dec2023 )

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-mac-ba : demandElements waypoint lane volatileRecomputing ( Last six runs Dec2023 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
< Warning: Vehicle 'routeFlowB.0' performs emergency stop at the end of lane 'gneE1_1' for unknown reasons (decel=-12.74, offset=11.17), time=7.00.
< Warning: Vehicle 'routeFlowB.0' performs emergency stop at the end of lane 'gneE1_1' for unknown reasons (decel=0.00, offset=1.63), time=8.00.
< Warning: Vehicle 'routeFlowB.0' performs emergency stop at the end of lane 'gneE1_1' for unknown reasons (decel=0.00, offset=2.47), time=9.00.
< Warning: Vehicle 'routeFlowB.0' performs emergency stop at the end of lane 'gneE1_1' for unknown reasons (decel=0.00, offset=1.60), time=10.00.
< Warning: Vehicle 'routeFlowB.0' performs emergency stop at the end of lane 'gneE1_1' for unknown reasons (decel=0.00, offset=1.35), time=11.00.
< Warning: Vehicle 'routeFlowA.0' performs emergency stop at the end of lane 'gneE1_1' for unknown reasons (decel=-11.75, offset=0.42), time=14.00.
< Warning: Vehicle 'routeFlowA.0' performs emergency stop at the end of lane 'gneE1_1' for unknown reasons (decel=0.00, offset=2.28), time=15.00.
< Warning: Vehicle 'routeFlowA.0' performs emergency stop at the end of lane 'gneE1_1' for unknown reasons (decel=0.00, offset=1.85), time=16.00.
< Warning: Vehicle 'routeFlowA.0' performs emergency stop at the end of lane 'gneE1_1' for unknown reasons (decel=0.00, offset=1.64), time=17.00.
< Warning: Vehicle 'routeFlowA.0' performs emergency stop at the end of lane 'gneE1_1' for unknown reasons (decel=0.00, offset=1.41), time=18.00.
< Warning: Vehicle 'routeFlowA.0' performs emergency stop at the end of lane 'gneE1_1' for unknown reasons (decel=0.00, offset=2.49), time=19.00.
< Warning: Vehicle 'routeFlowA.0' performs emergency stop at the end of lane 'gneE1_1' for unknown reasons (decel=0.00, offset=1.58), time=20.00.
< Warning: Vehicle 'routeFlowB.1' performs emergency stop at the end of lane 'gneE1_1' for unknown reasons (decel=-11.83, offset=10.81), time=207.00.
< Warning: Vehicle 'routeFlowB.1' performs emergency stop at the end of lane 'gneE1_1' for unknown reasons (decel=0.00, offset=2.17), time=208.00.
< Warning: Vehicle 'routeFlowB.1' performs emergency stop at the end of lane 'gneE1_1' for unknown reasons (decel=0.00, offset=2.27), time=209.00.
< Warning: Vehicle 'routeFlowB.1' performs emergency stop at the end of lane 'gneE1_1' for unknown reasons (decel=0.00, offset=2.48), time=210.00.
< Warning: Vehicle 'routeFlowB.1' performs emergency stop at the end of lane 'gneE1_1' for unknown reasons (decel=0.00, offset=2.22), time=211.00.
< Warning: Vehicle 'routeFlowB.1' performs emergency stop at the end of lane 'gneE1_1' for unknown reasons (decel=0.00, offset=2.08), time=212.00.
< Warning: Vehicle 'routeFlowA.1' performs emergency stop at the end of lane 'gneE1_1' for unknown reasons (decel=-12.48, offset=9.66), time=216.00.
< Warning: Vehicle 'routeFlowA.1' performs emergency stop at the end of lane 'gneE1_1' for unknown reasons (decel=0.00, offset=1.88), time=217.00.
< Warning: Vehicle 'routeFlowA.1' performs emergency stop at the end of lane 'gneE1_1' for unknown reasons (decel=0.00, offset=1.46), time=218.00.
< Warning: Vehicle 'routeFlowA.1' performs emergency stop at the end of lane 'gneE1_1' for unknown reasons (decel=0.00, offset=1.40), time=219.00.
< Warning: Vehicle 'routeFlowA.1' performs emergency stop at the end of lane 'gneE1_1' for unknown reasons (decel=0.00, offset=1.91), time=220.00.
< Warning: Vehicle 'routeFlowA.1' performs emergency stop at the end of lane 'gneE1_1' for unknown reasons (decel=0.00, offset=2.01), time=221.00.
< Warning: Vehicle 'routeFlowB.2' performs emergency stop at the end of lane 'gneE1_1' for unknown reasons (decel=-10.61, offset=6.37), time=407.00.
< Warning: Vehicle 'routeFlowB.2' performs emergency stop at the end of lane 'gneE1_1' for unknown reasons (decel=0.00, offset=2.34), time=408.00.
< Warning: Vehicle 'routeFlowB.2' performs emergency stop at the end of lane 'gneE1_1' for unknown reasons (decel=0.00, offset=1.94), time=409.00.
< Warning: Vehicle 'routeFlowB.2' performs emergency stop at the end of lane 'gneE1_1' for unknown reasons (decel=0.00, offset=2.58), time=410.00.
< Warning: Vehicle 'routeFlowB.2' performs emergency stop at the end of lane 'gneE1_1' for unknown reasons (decel=0.00, offset=1.57), time=411.00.
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- New result in exitcode ----------

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-mac-ba : demandElements waypoint parkingarea delete ( Last six runs Dec2023 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Error: The edge 'Edge3' within the route for vehicle 'vehicle_0' is not known.
>  The route can not be build.
> Quitting (on error).
---------- New result in exitcode ----------

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-mac-ba : demandElements waypoint parkingarea volatileRecomputing ( Last six runs Dec2023 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
< Warning: Teleporting vehicle 'vehicle_0'; waited too long (wrong lane), lane='Edge0_0', time=308.00.
< Warning: Teleporting vehicle 'vehicle_1'; waited too long (wrong lane), lane='Edge0_0', time=308.00.
< Warning: Vehicle 'vehicle_0' ends teleporting on edge 'Edge1', time=308.00.
< Warning: Vehicle 'vehicle_1' ends teleporting on edge 'gneE1', time=308.00.
< Warning: Vehicle 'vehicle_1' performs emergency stop at the end of lane 'Edge2_0' for unknown reasons (decel=-8.73, offset=6.22), time=312.00.
< Warning: Vehicle 'vehicle_0' performs emergency stop at the end of lane 'Edge1_0' for unknown reasons (decel=-8.94, offset=6.01), time=312.00.
< Warning: Vehicle 'vehicle_1' performs emergency stop at the end of lane 'Edge2_0' for unknown reasons (decel=0.00, offset=1.44), time=313.00.
< Warning: Vehicle 'vehicle_0' performs emergency stop at the end of lane 'Edge1_0' for unknown reasons (decel=0.00, offset=1.95), time=313.00.
< Warning: Vehicle 'vehicle_1' performs emergency stop at the end of lane 'Edge2_0' for unknown reasons (decel=0.00, offset=2.16), time=314.00.
< Warning: Vehicle 'vehicle_0' performs emergency stop at the end of lane 'Edge1_0' for unknown reasons (decel=0.00, offset=2.12), time=314.00.
< Warning: Vehicle 'vehicle_1' performs emergency stop at the end of lane 'Edge2_0' for unknown reasons (decel=0.00, offset=2.47), time=315.00.
< Warning: Vehicle 'vehicle_0' performs emergency stop at the end of lane 'Edge1_0' for unknown reasons (decel=0.00, offset=1.70), time=315.00.
< Warning: Vehicle 'vehicle_1' performs emergency stop at the end of lane 'Edge2_0' for unknown reasons (decel=0.00, offset=1.51), time=316.00.
< Warning: Vehicle 'vehicle_0' performs emergency stop at the end of lane 'Edge1_0' for unknown reasons (decel=0.00, offset=1.68), time=316.00.
< Warning: Vehicle 'vehicle_1' performs emergency stop at the end of lane 'Edge2_0' for unknown reasons (decel=0.00, offset=2.25), time=317.00.
< Warning: Vehicle 'vehicle_0' performs emergency stop at the end of lane 'Edge1_0' for unknown reasons (decel=0.00, offset=2.32), time=317.00.
< Warning: Vehicle 'vehicle_1' performs emergency stop at the end of lane 'Edge2_0' for unknown reasons (decel=0.00, offset=2.26), time=318.00.
< Warning: Vehicle 'vehicle_0' performs emergency stop at the end of lane 'Edge1_0' for unknown reasons (decel=0.00, offset=1.67), time=318.00.
< Warning: Vehicle 'vehicle_1' performs emergency stop at the end of lane 'Edge2_0' for unknown reasons (decel=0.00, offset=1.91), time=319.00.
< Warning: Vehicle 'vehicle_0' performs emergency stop at the end of lane 'Edge1_0' for unknown reasons (decel=0.00, offset=1.30), time=319.00.
< Warning: Vehicle 'vehicle_1' performs emergency stop at the end of lane 'Edge2_0' for unknown reasons (decel=0.00, offset=1.74), time=320.00.
< Warning: Vehicle 'vehicle_0' performs emergency stop at the end of lane 'Edge1_0' for unknown reasons (decel=0.00, offset=2.46), time=320.00.
< Warning: Vehicle 'vehicle_1' performs emergency stop at the end of lane 'Edge2_0' for unknown reasons (decel=0.00, offset=1.94), time=321.00.
< Warning: Vehicle 'vehicle_0' performs emergency stop at the end of lane 'Edge1_0' for unknown reasons (decel=0.00, offset=1.31), time=321.00.
< Warning: Vehicle 'vehicle_1' performs emergency stop at the end of lane 'Edge2_0' for unknown reasons (decel=0.00, offset=2.15), time=322.00.
< Warning: Vehicle 'vehicle_0' performs emergency stop at the end of lane 'Edge1_0' for unknown reasons (decel=0.00, offset=2.30), time=322.00.
< Warning: Vehicle 'vehicle_1' performs emergency stop at the end of lane 'Edge2_0' for unknown reasons (decel=0.00, offset=2.27), time=323.00.
< Warning: Vehicle 'vehicle_0' performs emergency stop at the end of lane 'Edge1_0' for unknown reasons (decel=0.00, offset=1.75), time=323.00.
< Warning: Vehicle 'vehicle_1' performs emergency stop at the end of lane 'Edge2_0' for unknown reasons (decel=0.00, offset=1.74), time=324.00.
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- New result in exitcode ----------

Detailed information for the tests that had known bugs:

98 TESTS had known bugs (Test needed #3045) on ts-sim-mac-ba :

(This bug was triggered by text found in file 'errors' matching 'File 'net.netedit' is not accessible')
---------- New result in errors ----------
Error: File 'net.netedit' is not accessible (No such file or directory).
Quitting (on error).
additionalElements access fix ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
additionalElements calibrator delete ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
additionalElements calibratorflow create ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
additionalElements calibratorflow delete ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
additionalElements calibratorflow inspect ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
additionalElements calibratorflow inspect_selection ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
additionalElements calibratorflow volatilerecomputing ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
additionalElements calibratorlane delete ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
additionalElements rerouter create ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
additionalElements rerouter delete ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
additionalElements rerouter inspect ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
additionalElements rerouter inspect_selection ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
additionalElements rerouter move ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
additionalElements rerouter volatilerecomputing ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
additionalElements rerouterelements closinglanereroute create ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
additionalElements rerouterelements closinglanereroute delete ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
additionalElements rerouterelements closinglanereroute inspect ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
additionalElements rerouterelements closinglanereroute inspect_selection ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
additionalElements rerouterelements closinglanereroute volatilerecomputing ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
additionalElements rerouterelements closingreroute create ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
additionalElements rerouterelements closingreroute delete ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
additionalElements rerouterelements closingreroute inspect ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
additionalElements rerouterelements closingreroute inspect_selection ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
additionalElements rerouterelements closingreroute volatilerecomputing ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
additionalElements rerouterelements destprobreroute create ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
additionalElements rerouterelements destprobreroute delete ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
additionalElements rerouterelements destprobreroute inspect ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
additionalElements rerouterelements destprobreroute inspect_selection ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
additionalElements rerouterelements destprobreroute volatilerecomputing ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
additionalElements rerouterelements interval create ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
additionalElements rerouterelements interval delete ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
additionalElements rerouterelements interval inspect ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
additionalElements rerouterelements interval inspect_selection ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
additionalElements rerouterelements interval volatilerecomputing ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
additionalElements rerouterelements parkingareareroute create ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
additionalElements rerouterelements parkingareareroute delete ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
additionalElements rerouterelements parkingareareroute inspect ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
additionalElements rerouterelements parkingareareroute inspect_selection ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
additionalElements rerouterelements parkingareareroute volatilerecomputing ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
additionalElements rerouterelements routeprobreroute create ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
additionalElements rerouterelements routeprobreroute delete ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
additionalElements rerouterelements routeprobreroute inspect ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
additionalElements rerouterelements routeprobreroute inspect_selection ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
additionalElements rerouterelements routeprobreroute volatilerecomputing ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
additionalElements variablespeedsign create ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
additionalElements variablespeedsign delete ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
additionalElements variablespeedsign inspect ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
additionalElements variablespeedsign inspect_selection ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
additionalElements variablespeedsign move ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
additionalElements variablespeedsign volatilerecomputing ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements container fix ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements container volatilerecomputing ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements containerflow fix ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements containerflow volatilerecomputing ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements containerplan stops stop_containerstop volatilerecomputing ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements containerplan stops stop_edge volatilerecomputing ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements containerplan tranships tranship_edgecontainerstop volatilerecomputing ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements containerplan tranships tranship_edgeedge volatilerecomputing ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements containerplan tranships tranship_edges volatilerecomputing ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements containerplan transports transport_edgecontainerstop volatilerecomputing ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements containerplan transports transport_edgeedge volatilerecomputing ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements flow fix ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements flow_embedded fix ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements flow_junctions fix ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements flow_taz fix ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements person fix ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements person volatileRecomputing ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements personFlow fix ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements personFlow volatileRecomputing ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements personplan persontrips persontrip_edgebusstop volatilerecomputing ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements personplan persontrips persontrip_edgeedge volatilerecomputing ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements personplan persontrips persontrip_junctions volatilerecomputing ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements personplan rides ride_edgebusstop volatilerecomputing ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements personplan rides ride_edgeedge volatilerecomputing ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements personplan stops stop_busstop volatilerecomputing ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements personplan stops stop_edge volatilerecomputing ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements personplan walks walk_edgebusstop volatilerecomputing ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements personplan walks walk_edgeedge volatilerecomputing ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements personplan walks walk_edges volatilerecomputing ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements personplan walks walk_junctions volatilerecomputing ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements personplan walks walk_route volatilerecomputing ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements routeflow fix ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements trip fix ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements trip_junctions fix ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements trip_taz fix ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements vehicle fix ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
demandElements vehicle_embedded fix ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
netElements trafficlights joined attributes E1 ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
netElements trafficlights joined file load ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
netElements trafficlights joined file save ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
netElements trafficlights joined programs select ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
netElements trafficlights single attributes E1 ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
netElements trafficlights single file load ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
netElements trafficlights single file save ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
netElements trafficlights single programs select ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
selection basic contextual_menu ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
shapeElements poilane create frame latlon ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
shapeElements poilane create frame lonlat ( Last six runs Dec2023 )