07Mar21rv1_8_0+1533-9a1c501c1d - detailed test results for COMPLEX

To reconnect the TextTest GUI to these results, run:

texttest -a complex -d /home/delphi/cmakeGcc/sumo/tests -reconnect /home/delphi/cmakeGcc/texttesttmp/cmake_gcc4_64.31Mar090847.458791 -g

To start TextTest for these tests, run:

texttest -a complex -d /home/delphi/cmakeGcc/sumo/tests

default: 433 tests: 415 succeeded 14 known bugs 4 FAILED

Detailed information for the tests that FAILED:

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : sumo lane_change best_lanes ( Last six runs Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in output ----------
< lane 0 ok
> lane 0 mismatches
< lane 0 ok
< lane 1 ok
< lane 2 ok
> lane 0 mismatches
> lane 1 mismatches
> lane 2 mismatches
< lane 0 ok
< lane 1 ok
< lane 2 ok
> lane 0 mismatches
> lane 1 mismatches
> lane 2 mismatches
< lane 0 ok
< lane 1 ok
< lane 2 ok
> lane 0 mismatches
> lane 1 mismatches
> lane 2 mismatches
< lane 0 ok
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : sumo protobuf ( Last six runs Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/home/delphi/cmakeGcc/sumo/tools/xml/protobuf2xml.py", line 130, in <module>
>     main()
>   File "/home/delphi/cmakeGcc/sumo/tools/xml/protobuf2xml.py", line 126, in main
>     writeXml(attrFinder.xsdStruc.root.name, module, options)
>   File "/home/delphi/cmakeGcc/sumo/tools/xml/protobuf2xml.py", line 102, in writeXml
>     length = struct.unpack('>L', read_n(inputf, 4))[0]
>   File "/home/delphi/cmakeGcc/sumo/tools/xml/protobuf2xml.py", line 65, in read_n
>     buf += data
> TypeError: can only concatenate str (not "bytes") to str
---------- Differences in output ----------
< +<trajectories timeStepSize="1000">
< -- Unordered text as found by filter '^Loading configuration ... done.' --
> -    <actorConfig id="5" vehicleClass="Passenger" fuel="Gasoline" emissionClass="Euro4" ref="DEFAULT_VEHTYPE"/>
> -    <vehicle id="0" actorConfig="5" startTime="0" ref="0"/>
> -    <motionState vehicle="0" speed="1000" time="0" acceleration="0"/>
> -    <motionState vehicle="0" speed="1000" time="1000" acceleration="0"/>
> -    <motionState vehicle="0" speed="1000" time="2000" acceleration="0"/>
> -    <motionState vehicle="0" speed="1000" time="3000" acceleration="0"/>
> -    <motionState vehicle="0" speed="1000" time="4000" acceleration="0"/>
> -    <motionState vehicle="0" speed="1000" time="5000" acceleration="0"/>
> -    <vehicle id="1" actorConfig="5" startTime="5000" ref="1"/>
> -    <motionState vehicle="1" speed="1000" time="5000" acceleration="0"/>
> -    <motionState vehicle="0" speed="1000" time="6000" acceleration="0"/>
> -    <motionState vehicle="1" speed="1000" time="6000" acceleration="0"/>
> -    <motionState vehicle="0" speed="1000" time="7000" acceleration="0"/>
> -    <motionState vehicle="1" speed="1000" time="7000" acceleration="0"/>
> -    <motionState vehicle="0" speed="1000" time="8000" acceleration="0"/>
> -    <motionState vehicle="1" speed="1000" time="8000" acceleration="0"/>
> -    <motionState vehicle="0" speed="1000" time="9000" acceleration="0"/>
> -    <motionState vehicle="1" speed="1000" time="9000" acceleration="0"/>
> -    <motionState vehicle="0" speed="1000" time="10000" acceleration="0"/>
> -    <motionState vehicle="1" speed="1000" time="10000" acceleration="0"/>
> -    <motionState vehicle="0" speed="1000" time="11000" acceleration="0"/>
> -    <motionState vehicle="1" speed="1000" time="11000" acceleration="0"/>
> -    <motionState vehicle="0" speed="1000" time="12000" acceleration="0"/>
> -    <motionState vehicle="1" speed="1000" time="12000" acceleration="0"/>
> -    <motionState vehicle="0" speed="1000" time="13000" acceleration="0"/>
> -    <motionState vehicle="1" speed="1000" time="13000" acceleration="0"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : sumo socketout ( Last six runs Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
< Error: Error on closing output devices.
< Error: send failed: Software caused tcpip::Socket abort
< Error: Error on closing output devices.
< Error: send failed: Software caused tcpip::Socket abort

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci gui gui ( Last six runs Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in png ----------
Binärdateien /home/delphi/cmakeGcc/sumo/tests/complex/traci/gui/gui/png.complex und /home/delphi/cmakeGcc/texttesttmp/cmake_gcc4_64.07Mar090619.3609667/complex/traci/gui/gui/png.complex sind verschieden.

Detailed information for the tests that had known bugs:

TEST had known bugs (see #7471) on ts-sim-build-ba : state load_flow_state_only ( Last six runs Mar2021 )

missing flow vehicles
(This bug was triggered by text found in file 'output' matching 'flowFromTo.1')
---------- Differences in output ----------
< DijkstraRouter answered 1 queries and explored 3.00 edges on average.
< DijkstraRouter spent (TIME) answering queries ((TIME) on average).
> <     <tripinfo id="flowFromTo.1" depart="16.00" departLane="beg_0" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="6.00" arrival="42.00" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="26.00" routeLength="301.90" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="2.77" rerouteNo="1" devices="tripinfo_flowFromTo.1 routing_flowFromTo.1" vType="t0" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/>
> > </tripinfos>
> <     <tripinfo id="flowPeriod.1" depart="20.00" departLane="beg_0" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="10.00" arrival="46.00" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="26.00" routeLength="301.90" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="2.77" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_flowPeriod.1" vType="t0" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/>
> <     <tripinfo id="flowPeriod.2" depart="24.00" departLane="beg_0" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="9.00" arrival="50.00" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="26.00" routeLength="301.90" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="2.77" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_flowPeriod.2" vType="t0" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/>
> <     <tripinfo id="flowNumber.2" depart="28.00" departLane="beg_0" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="12.00" arrival="54.00" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="26.00" routeLength="301.90" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="2.77" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_flowNumber.2" vType="t0" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/>
> <     <tripinfo id="flowPeriod.3" depart="32.00" departLane="beg_0" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="12.00" arrival="58.00" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="26.00" routeLength="301.90" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="2.77" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_flowPeriod.3" vType="t0" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/>
> <     <tripinfo id="flowProb.0" depart="36.00" departLane="beg_0" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="14.00" arrival="62.00" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="26.00" routeLength="301.90" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="2.77" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_flowProb.0" vType="t0" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/>
> <     <tripinfo id="flowNumber.3" depart="40.00" departLane="beg_0" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="16.00" arrival="66.00" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="26.00" routeLength="301.90" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="2.77" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_flowNumber.3" vType="t0" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/>
> <     <tripinfo id="flowPeriod.4" depart="44.00" departLane="beg_0" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="19.00" arrival="70.00" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="26.00" routeLength="301.90" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="2.77" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_flowPeriod.4" vType="t0" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/>
> <     <tripinfo id="flowProb.1" depart="48.00" departLane="beg_0" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="23.00" arrival="74.00" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="26.00" routeLength="301.90" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="2.77" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_flowProb.1" vType="t0" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/>
> <     <tripinfo id="flowPeriod.5" depart="52.00" departLane="beg_0" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="22.00" arrival="78.00" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="26.00" routeLength="301.90" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="2.77" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_flowPeriod.5" vType="t0" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/>
> <     <tripinfo id="flowProb.2" depart="56.00" departLane="beg_0" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="26.00" arrival="82.00" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="26.00" routeLength="301.90" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="2.77" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_flowProb.2" vType="t0" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/>
> <     <tripinfo id="flowNumber.4" depart="60.00" departLane="beg_0" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="28.00" arrival="86.00" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="26.00" routeLength="301.90" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="2.77" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_flowNumber.4" vType="t0" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/>
> <     <tripinfo id="flowPeriod.6" depart="64.00" departLane="beg_0" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="29.00" arrival="90.00" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="26.00" routeLength="301.90" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="2.77" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_flowPeriod.6" vType="t0" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/>
> <     <tripinfo id="flowProb.3" depart="68.00" departLane="beg_0" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="32.00" arrival="94.00" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="26.00" routeLength="301.90" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="2.77" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_flowProb.3" vType="t0" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/>
> <     <tripinfo id="flowPeriod.7" depart="72.00" departLane="beg_0" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="32.00" arrival="98.00" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="26.00" routeLength="301.90" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="2.77" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_flowPeriod.7" vType="t0" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/>
> <     <tripinfo id="flowProb.4" depart="76.00" departLane="beg_0" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="36.00" arrival="102.00" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="26.00" routeLength="301.90" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="2.77" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_flowProb.4" vType="t0" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/>
> <     <tripinfo id="flowPeriod.8" depart="80.00" departLane="beg_0" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="35.00" arrival="106.00" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="26.00" routeLength="301.90" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="2.77" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_flowPeriod.8" vType="t0" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/>
> <     <tripinfo id="flowPeriod.9" depart="84.00" departLane="beg_0" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="34.00" arrival="110.00" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="26.00" routeLength="301.90" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="2.77" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_flowPeriod.9" vType="t0" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/>
> <     <tripinfo id="flowProb.5" depart="88.00" departLane="beg_0" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="38.00" arrival="114.00" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="26.00" routeLength="301.90" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="2.77" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_flowProb.5" vType="t0" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/>
> <     <tripinfo id="flowProb.6" depart="92.00" departLane="beg_0" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="37.00" arrival="118.00" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="26.00" routeLength="301.90" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="2.77" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_flowProb.6" vType="t0" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/>
> <     <tripinfo id="flowProb.7" depart="96.00" departLane="beg_0" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="28.00" arrival="122.00" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="26.00" routeLength="301.90" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="2.77" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_flowProb.7" vType="t0" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/>
> <     <tripinfo id="flowProb.8" depart="100.00" departLane="beg_0" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="17.00" arrival="126.00" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="26.00" routeLength="301.90" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="2.77" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_flowProb.8" vType="t0" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/>
> <     <tripinfo id="flowProb.9" depart="104.00" departLane="beg_0" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="17.00" arrival="130.00" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="26.00" routeLength="301.90" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="2.77" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_flowProb.9" vType="t0" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/>
> <     <tripinfo id="flowProb.10" depart="108.00" departLane="beg_0" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="16.00" arrival="134.00" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="26.00" routeLength="301.90" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="2.77" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_flowProb.10" vType="t0" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/>
> <     <tripinfo id="flowProb.11" depart="112.00" departLane="beg_0" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="16.00" arrival="138.00" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="26.00" routeLength="301.90" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="2.77" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_flowProb.11" vType="t0" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST had known bugs (see #254) on ts-sim-build-ba : sumo output one_vehicle ( Last six runs Mar2021 )

different outputs from detectors which should detect the same
(This bug was triggered by text found in file 'output' matching 'failed')
---------- Differences in output ----------
< success 0.1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
< success 1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
< success 10 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
> failed 0.1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] 3/1to2/1_0 (71.4, 71.5) <zip object at 0x7f73e74270c0>
> failed 1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] 3/1to2/1_0 (72.0, 73.0) <zip object at 0x7f73e7434840>
> failed 10 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] 3/1to2/1_0 (80.0, 90.0) <zip object at 0x7f73e7434640>
< success 0.1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
< success 1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
< success 10 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
< success 100 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
> failed 0.1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 3/1to2/1_0 (71.4, 71.5) <zip object at 0x7f73e7029300>
> failed 1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 3/1to2/1_0 (72.0, 73.0) <zip object at 0x7f73e7429440>
> failed 10 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 3/1to2/1_0 (80.0, 90.0) <zip object at 0x7f73e7429440>
> failed 100 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 3/1to2/1_0 (100.0, 200.0) <zip object at 0x7f73e7434880>
< success 0.1 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '100'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
< success 1 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '100'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
< success 10 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '100'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
> failed 0.1 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '100'] 3/1to2/1_0 (73.0, 74.0) <zip object at 0x7f73e73c8380>
> failed 1 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '100'] 3/1to2/1_0 (73.0, 74.0) <zip object at 0x7f73e73b7ec0>
> failed 10 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '100'] 3/1to2/1_0 (80.0, 90.0) <zip object at 0x7f73e7429ac0>
< success 0.1 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '1000'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
< success 1 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '1000'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
< success 10 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '1000'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST had known bugs (see #254) on ts-sim-build-ba : sumo output teleport ( Last six runs Mar2021 )

different outputs from detectors which should detect the same
(This bug was triggered by text found in file 'output' matching 'failed')
---------- Differences in output ----------
< success ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '51'] ['2/1to1/1_0']
< success ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '51'] ['2/1to1/1_0', '1/1to0/1_0']
< success ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '51'] ['2/1to1/1_0']
< success ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '51'] ['2/1to1/1_0', '1/1to0/1_0']
< success ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '51'] ['2/1to1/1_0']
< success ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '51'] ['2/1to1/1_0', '1/1to0/1_0']
< success ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '51'] ['2/1to1/1_0']
< success ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '51'] ['2/1to1/1_0', '1/1to0/1_0']
< success ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] ['2/1to1/1_0']
< success ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] ['2/1to1/1_0', '1/1to0/1_0']
< success ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] ['2/1to1/1_0']
< success ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] ['2/1to1/1_0', '1/1to0/1_0']
< success ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] ['2/1to1/1_0']
< success ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] ['2/1to1/1_0', '1/1to0/1_0']
< success ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] ['2/1to1/1_0']
< success ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] ['2/1to1/1_0', '1/1to0/1_0']
< failed ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 2/1to1/1_0 (108.6, 108.7) [9.9, 10.0, 9.9, 9.9]
< failed ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 2/1to1/1_0 (108.6, 108.7) [9.9, 10.0, 9.9, 9.9]
< failed ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 2/1to1/1_0 (108.0, 109.0) [9.87, 10.0, 9.87, 9.87]
< failed ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 2/1to1/1_0 (108.0, 109.0) [9.87, 10.0, 9.87, 9.87]
< failed ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 2/1to1/1_0 (100.0, 110.0) [9.85, 9.96, 9.85, 9.85]
< failed ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 2/1to1/1_0 (100.0, 110.0) [9.85, 9.96, 9.85, 9.85]
< failed ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 2/1to1/1_0 (100.0, 200.0) [-1.0, 2.26, 3.2, 2.27, 2.27]
< failed ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 2/1to1/1_0 (100.0, 200.0) [-1.0, 2.26, 3.2, 2.27, 2.27]
< success ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '51'] ['2/1to1/1_0']
< success ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '51'] ['2/1to1/1_0', '1/1to0/1_0']
< success ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '51'] ['2/1to1/1_0']
< success ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '51'] ['2/1to1/1_0', '1/1to0/1_0']
< success ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '51'] ['2/1to1/1_0']
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST had known bugs (see #254) on ts-sim-build-ba : sumo output teleport_multihop ( Last six runs Mar2021 )

different outputs from detectors which should detect the same
(This bug was triggered by text found in file 'output' matching 'failed')
---------- Differences in output ----------
< success 0.1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 2/1to1/1_0 (230.0, 230.1) [('e2', 9.99), ('e3', 10.0), ('edge', 9.99), ('lane', 9.99)]
< success 0.1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 1/1to0/1_0 (148.1, 148.2) [('e2', 9.99), ('e3', 10.0), ('edge', 9.99), ('lane', 9.99)]
< success 1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 2/1to1/1_0 (230.0, 231.0) [('e2', 9.99), ('e3', 10.0), ('edge', 9.99), ('lane', 9.99)]
< success 1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 1/1to0/1_0 (148.0, 149.0) [('e2', 9.91), ('e3', 10.0), ('edge', 9.91), ('lane', 9.91)]
< success 10 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 2/1to1/1_0 (230.0, 240.0) [('e2', 9.42), ('e3', 9.9), ('edge', 9.42), ('lane', 9.42)]
< success 10 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 1/1to0/1_0 (140.0, 150.0) [('e2', 9.96), ('e3', 9.99), ('edge', 9.96), ('lane', 9.96)]
< success 100 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 2/1to1/1_0 (200.0, 300.0) [('e1', 10.0), ('e2', 9.22), ('e3', 5.71), ('edge', 9.22), ('lane', 9.22)]
< success 100 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 1/1to0/1_0 (100.0, 200.0) [('e1', 9.53), ('e2', 5.82), ('e3', 6.93), ('edge', 5.82), ('lane', 5.82)]
> failed 0.1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 2/1to1/1_0 (149.0, 149.1) <zip object at 0x7f496d50d340>
> failed 0.1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 2/1to1/1_0 (149.0, 149.1) <zip object at 0x7f496cf862c0>
> failed 1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 2/1to1/1_0 (149.0, 150.0) <zip object at 0x7f496db25e80>
> failed 1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 2/1to1/1_0 (149.0, 150.0) <zip object at 0x7f496d864c80>
> failed 10 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 2/1to1/1_0 (140.0, 150.0) <zip object at 0x7f496d8f8680>
> failed 10 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 2/1to1/1_0 (140.0, 150.0) <zip object at 0x7f496d8f8880>
> failed 100 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 2/1to1/1_0 (100.0, 200.0) <zip object at 0x7f496d8f8100>
> failed 100 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 2/1to1/1_0 (100.0, 200.0) <zip object at 0x7f496d8f8f40>
< success 0.1 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '1000'] 2/1to1/1_0 (245.0, 246.0) [('e2', 8.92), ('e3', 10.0), ('edge', 8.92), ('lane', 8.92)]
< success 0.1 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '1000'] 1/1to0/1_0 (150.0, 151.0) [('e2', 9.82), ('e3', 10.0), ('edge', 9.82), ('lane', 9.82)]
< success 1 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '1000'] 2/1to1/1_0 (245.0, 246.0) [('e2', 8.92), ('e3', 10.0), ('edge', 8.92), ('lane', 8.92)]
< success 1 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '1000'] 1/1to0/1_0 (150.0, 151.0) [('e2', 9.82), ('e3', 10.0), ('edge', 9.82), ('lane', 9.82)]
< success 10 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '1000'] 2/1to1/1_0 (240.0, 250.0) [('e2', 9.9), ('e3', 10.0), ('edge', 9.9), ('lane', 9.9)]
< success 10 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '1000'] 1/1to0/1_0 (150.0, 160.0) [('e2', 9.15), ('e3', 9.84), ('edge', 9.15), ('lane', 9.15)]
< success 100 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '1000'] 2/1to1/1_0 (200.0, 300.0) [('e1', 10.0), ('e2', 9.41), ('e3', 5.84), ('edge', 9.41), ('lane', 9.41)]
< success 100 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '1000'] 1/1to0/1_0 (100.0, 200.0) [('e1', 10.0), ('e2', 5.94), ('e3', 7.08), ('edge', 5.94), ('lane', 5.94)]
> failed 0.1 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '1000'] 2/1to1/1_0 (150.0, 151.0) <zip object at 0x7f496d37b600>
> failed 0.1 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '1000'] 2/1to1/1_0 (150.0, 151.0) <zip object at 0x7f496d84e700>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST had known bugs (see #254) on ts-sim-build-ba : sumo output teleport_multihop_newDefaults ( Last six runs Mar2021 )

different outputs from detectors which should detect the same
(This bug was triggered by text found in file 'output' matching 'failed')
---------- Differences in output ----------
< success 0.1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] ['2/1to1/1_0']
< success 0.1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] ['2/1to1/1_0', '1/1to0/1_0']
< success 1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] ['2/1to1/1_0']
< success 1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] ['2/1to1/1_0', '1/1to0/1_0']
< success 10 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] ['2/1to1/1_0']
< success 10 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] ['2/1to1/1_0', '1/1to0/1_0']
< success 100 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] ['2/1to1/1_0']
< success 100 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] ['2/1to1/1_0', '1/1to0/1_0']
< success 0.1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 2/1to1/1_0 (230.0, 230.1) [('e2', 9.99), ('e3', 10.0), ('edge', 9.99), ('lane', 9.99)]
< success 0.1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 1/1to0/1_0 (148.1, 148.2) [('e2', 9.99), ('e3', 10.0), ('edge', 9.99), ('lane', 9.99)]
< success 1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 2/1to1/1_0 (230.0, 231.0) [('e2', 9.99), ('e3', 10.0), ('edge', 9.99), ('lane', 9.99)]
< success 1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 1/1to0/1_0 (148.0, 149.0) [('e2', 9.91), ('e3', 10.0), ('edge', 9.91), ('lane', 9.91)]
< success 10 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 2/1to1/1_0 (230.0, 240.0) [('e2', 9.42), ('e3', 9.9), ('edge', 9.42), ('lane', 9.42)]
< success 10 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 1/1to0/1_0 (140.0, 150.0) [('e2', 9.96), ('e3', 9.99), ('edge', 9.96), ('lane', 9.96)]
< success 100 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 2/1to1/1_0 (200.0, 300.0) [('e1', 10.0), ('e2', 9.22), ('e3', 5.71), ('edge', 9.22), ('lane', 9.22)]
< success 100 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 1/1to0/1_0 (100.0, 200.0) [('e1', 9.53), ('e2', 5.82), ('e3', 6.93), ('edge', 5.82), ('lane', 5.82)]
> failed 0.1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] 2/1to1/1_0 (76.2, 76.3) <zip object at 0x7fa3a7b30440>
> failed 0.1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] 2/1to1/1_0 (76.2, 76.3) <zip object at 0x7fa3a7a80140>
> failed 1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] 2/1to1/1_0 (76.0, 77.0) <zip object at 0x7fa3a7b1a7c0>
> failed 1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] 2/1to1/1_0 (76.0, 77.0) <zip object at 0x7fa3a7b1aec0>
> failed 10 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] 2/1to1/1_0 (70.0, 80.0) <zip object at 0x7fa3a7b1a500>
> failed 10 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] 2/1to1/1_0 (70.0, 80.0) <zip object at 0x7fa3a7b1aec0>
> failed 100 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] 2/1to1/1_0 (0.0, 100.0) <zip object at 0x7fa3a7b1ae00>
> failed 100 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] 2/1to1/1_0 (0.0, 100.0) <zip object at 0x7fa3a7b1a3c0>
> failed 0.1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 2/1to1/1_0 (76.2, 76.3) <zip object at 0x7fa3a7797400>
> failed 0.1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 2/1to1/1_0 (76.2, 76.3) <zip object at 0x7fa3a720b340>
> failed 1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 2/1to1/1_0 (76.0, 77.0) <zip object at 0x7fa3a7626800>
> failed 1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 2/1to1/1_0 (76.0, 77.0) <zip object at 0x7fa3a7b1ae80>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST had known bugs (see #254) on ts-sim-build-ba : sumo output two_same_vehicles ( Last six runs Mar2021 )

different outputs from detectors which should detect the same
(This bug was triggered by text found in file 'output' matching 'failed')
---------- Differences in output ----------
< success 0.1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
< success 1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
< success 10 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
> failed 0.1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] 3/1to2/1_0 (75.4, 75.5) <zip object at 0x7f52e5b7b340>
> failed 1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] 3/1to2/1_0 (76.0, 77.0) <zip object at 0x7f52e61df100>
> failed 10 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] 3/1to2/1_0 (80.0, 90.0) <zip object at 0x7f52e5b86e80>
< success 0.1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
< success 1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
< success 10 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
< success 100 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
> failed 0.1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 3/1to2/1_0 (75.4, 75.5) <zip object at 0x7f52e57f6140>
> failed 1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 3/1to2/1_0 (76.0, 77.0) <zip object at 0x7f52e5b09bc0>
> failed 10 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 3/1to2/1_0 (80.0, 90.0) <zip object at 0x7f52e5b7bf40>
> failed 100 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 3/1to2/1_0 (100.0, 200.0) <zip object at 0x7f52e5bc3b00>
< success 0.1 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '100'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
< success 1 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '100'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
< success 10 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '100'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
> failed 0.1 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '100'] 3/1to2/1_0 (77.0, 78.0) <zip object at 0x7f52e5b71640>
> failed 1 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '100'] 3/1to2/1_0 (77.0, 78.0) <zip object at 0x7f52e5b71640>
> failed 10 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '100'] 3/1to2/1_0 (80.0, 90.0) <zip object at 0x7f52e5b71c40>
< success 0.1 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '1000'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
< success 1 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '1000'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
< success 10 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '1000'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST had known bugs (see #254) on ts-sim-build-ba : sumo output two_vehicles_diff_length ( Last six runs Mar2021 )

different outputs from detectors which should detect the same
(This bug was triggered by text found in file 'output' matching 'failed')
---------- Differences in output ----------
< success 0.1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
< success 1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
< success 10 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
> failed 0.1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] 3/1to2/1_0 (76.4, 76.5) <zip object at 0x7fb72d30f440>
> failed 1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] 3/1to2/1_0 (77.0, 78.0) <zip object at 0x7fb72d347040>
> failed 10 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] 3/1to2/1_0 (80.0, 90.0) <zip object at 0x7fb72d9d2ec0>
< success 0.1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
< success 1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
< success 10 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
< success 100 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
> failed 0.1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 3/1to2/1_0 (76.4, 76.5) <zip object at 0x7fb72cf8d340>
> failed 1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 3/1to2/1_0 (77.0, 78.0) <zip object at 0x7fb72d2af500>
> failed 10 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 3/1to2/1_0 (80.0, 90.0) <zip object at 0x7fb72d2af500>
> failed 100 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 3/1to2/1_0 (100.0, 200.0) <zip object at 0x7fb72d347d40>
< success 0.1 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '100'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
< success 1 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '100'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
< success 10 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '100'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
> failed 0.1 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '100'] 3/1to2/1_0 (78.0, 79.0) <zip object at 0x7fb72d29dcc0>
> failed 1 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '100'] 3/1to2/1_0 (78.0, 79.0) <zip object at 0x7fb72d29d9c0>
> failed 10 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '100'] 3/1to2/1_0 (80.0, 90.0) <zip object at 0x7fb72d29d540>
< success 0.1 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '1000'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
< success 1 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '1000'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
< success 10 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '1000'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST had known bugs (see #254) on ts-sim-build-ba : sumo output two_vehicles_diff_speed ( Last six runs Mar2021 )

different outputs from detectors which should detect the same
(This bug was triggered by text found in file 'output' matching 'failed')
---------- Differences in output ----------
> failed 0.1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '51'] 3/1to2/1_0 (38.4, 38.5) <zip object at 0x7f58d3e51380>
> failed 1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '51'] 3/1to2/1_0 (38.0, 39.0) <zip object at 0x7f58d3ec7440>
> failed 10 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '51'] 3/1to2/1_0 (30.0, 40.0) <zip object at 0x7f58d3e547c0>
> failed 100 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '51'] 3/1to2/1_0 (0.0, 51.0) <zip object at 0x7f58d3e54300>
> failed 0.1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] 3/1to2/1_0 (38.4, 38.5) <zip object at 0x7f58d3e85200>
> failed 1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] 3/1to2/1_0 (38.0, 39.0) <zip object at 0x7f58d44f6bc0>
> failed 10 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] 3/1to2/1_0 (30.0, 40.0) <zip object at 0x7f58d44f6f40>
> failed 100 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] 3/1to2/1_0 (0.0, 100.0) <zip object at 0x7f58d44e10c0>
> failed 0.1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 3/1to2/1_0 (38.4, 38.5) <zip object at 0x7f58d3b05340>
> failed 1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 3/1to2/1_0 (38.0, 39.0) <zip object at 0x7f58d3e87200>
> failed 10 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 3/1to2/1_0 (30.0, 40.0) <zip object at 0x7f58d3e87c40>
> failed 100 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 3/1to2/1_0 (0.0, 100.0) <zip object at 0x7f58d3eb3680>
> failed 0.1 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '51'] 3/1to2/1_0 (39.0, 40.0) <zip object at 0x7f58d3eb3dc0>
> failed 1 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '51'] 3/1to2/1_0 (39.0, 40.0) <zip object at 0x7f58d3e15100>
> failed 10 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '51'] 3/1to2/1_0 (30.0, 40.0) <zip object at 0x7f58d3eb3980>
> failed 100 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '51'] 3/1to2/1_0 (0.0, 51.0) <zip object at 0x7f58d3e15700>
> failed 0.1 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '100'] 3/1to2/1_0 (39.0, 40.0) <zip object at 0x7f58d3e15700>
> failed 1 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '100'] 3/1to2/1_0 (39.0, 40.0) <zip object at 0x7f58d3e15700>
> failed 10 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '100'] 3/1to2/1_0 (30.0, 40.0) <zip object at 0x7f58d3e15700>
> failed 100 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '100'] 3/1to2/1_0 (0.0, 100.0) <zip object at 0x7f58d3eb3980>
> failed 0.1 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '1000'] 3/1to2/1_0 (39.0, 40.0) <zip object at 0x7f58d3eb35c0>
> failed 1 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '1000'] 3/1to2/1_0 (39.0, 40.0) <zip object at 0x7f58d3e87080>
> failed 10 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '1000'] 3/1to2/1_0 (30.0, 40.0) <zip object at 0x7f58d3e55fc0>
> failed 100 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '1000'] 3/1to2/1_0 (0.0, 100.0) <zip object at 0x7f58d3e877c0>
> -- Unordered text as found by filter '^Loading configuration ... done.' --
> Loading configuration ... done.
> Loading configuration ... done.
> Loading configuration ... done.
> Loading configuration ... done.
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST had known bugs (#4727) on ts-sim-build-ba : traci ContextSubscriptionFilters leadFollow carFollowing ( Last six runs Mar2021 )

(This bug was triggered by text found in file 'output' matching '.')
---------- Differences in output ----------
< lead_straight
< [002] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
> [002] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< [003] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
> [003] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< [004] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
> [004] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< [005] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
> [005] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< [006] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
> [006] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< [007] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
> [007] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< [008] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
> [008] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

2 TESTS had known bugs (#4727) on ts-sim-build-ba :

(This bug was triggered by text found in file 'output' matching '.')
---------- Differences in output ----------
> follow_straight
< follow_straight
> follow_straight
< follow_straight
> follow_straight
< follow_straight
> follow_straight
< follow_straight
> follow_straight
< follow_straight
> follow_straight
< follow_straight
> follow_straight
< follow_straight
> follow_straight
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
traci ContextSubscriptionFilters leadFollow laneChangeLeft ( Last six runs Mar2021 )
traci ContextSubscriptionFilters leadFollow laneChangeRight ( Last six runs Mar2021 )

TEST had known bugs (#4727) on ts-sim-build-ba : traci ContextSubscriptionFilters leadFollow laneChangeNeighbors ( Last six runs Mar2021 )

(This bug was triggered by text found in file 'output' matching '.')
---------- Differences in output ----------
< follow_straight
< follow_right
> follow_right
> follow_straight
> lead_left
< lead_left
< follow_straight
< follow_right
> follow_right
> follow_straight
> lead_left
< lead_left
< follow_straight
< follow_right
> follow_right
> follow_straight
> lead_left
< lead_left
< follow_straight
< follow_right
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST had known bugs (see #3263) on ts-sim-build-ba : traci vehicle moveToXY keepRoute2 ( Last six runs Mar2021 )

mapping failure
(This bug was triggered by text found in file 'output' matching 'failed')
---------- Differences in output ----------
> internal corner (inside, segment2) failed: x=198, x2=198.0,   y=1.9, y2=1.9,   lane=middle_0, lane2=middle_0, pos=102, pos2=98.0   posLat=2.0 posLat2=1.9

TEST had known bugs (see #6192) on ts-sim-build-ba : traci vehicle openGap with_low_maxDecel_fast_CACC ( Last six runs Mar2021 )

not even failing as intended
(This bug was triggered by text found in file 'errors' matching 'Error')
---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/home/delphi/cmakeGcc/sumo/tests/../tests/complex/traci/vehicle/openGap/runner.py", line 155, in <module>
>     runSingle(targetTimeHeadway, targetSpaceHeadway, duration, changeRate, maxDecel, refVehID)
>   File "/home/delphi/cmakeGcc/sumo/tests/../tests/complex/traci/vehicle/openGap/runner.py", line 65, in runSingle
>     leader = results[tc.VAR_LEADER][0]
> TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable
> Error: tcpip::Socket::recvAndCheck @ recv: peer shutdown
> Quitting (on error).
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Time 2.0: Gap 'follower'->'leader' = 5.938 (headway=0.367)
< 'follower' speed = 16.161582708
< Time 3.0: Gap 'follower'->'leader' = 8.966 (headway=0.528)
< 'follower' speed = 16.9836198736
< Time 4.0: Gap 'follower'->'leader' = 11.281 (headway=0.641)
< 'follower' speed = 17.5863190784
< Time 5.0: Gap 'follower'->'leader' = 13.069 (headway=0.725)
< 'follower' speed = 18.0379935645
< Time 6.0: Gap 'follower'->'leader' = 14.459 (headway=0.787)
< 'follower' speed = 18.3815472225
< Time 7.0: Gap 'follower'->'leader' = 15.545 (headway=0.834)
< 'follower' speed = 18.6456171431
< Time 8.0: Gap 'follower'->'leader' = 16.397 (headway=0.870)
< 'follower' speed = 18.8501483763
< Time 9.0: Gap 'follower'->'leader' = 17.068 (headway=0.898)
< 'follower' speed = 19.0094667411
< Time 10.0: Gap 'follower'->'leader' = 17.596 (headway=0.920)
< 'follower' speed = 19.1340998278
< Time 11.0: Gap 'follower'->'leader' = 18.013 (headway=0.937)
< 'follower' speed = 19.231918606
< Time 12.0: Gap 'follower'->'leader' = 18.342 (headway=0.950)
< 'follower' speed = 19.3088858604
< Time 13.0: Gap 'follower'->'leader' = 18.603 (headway=0.960)
< 'follower' speed = 19.3695649077
< Time 14.0: Gap 'follower'->'leader' = 18.810 (headway=0.969)
< 'follower' speed = 19.4174756866
< Time 15.0: Gap 'follower'->'leader' = 18.973 (headway=0.975)
< 'follower' speed = 19.4553500651
< Time 16.0: Gap 'follower'->'leader' = 19.103 (headway=0.980)
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>