texttest -a netedit -d /home/delphi/extraNetedit/sumo/tests -reconnect /home/delphi/extraNetedit/texttesttmp/neteditcheckoutput.15Aug221106.1344758 -g
texttest -a netedit -d /home/delphi/extraNetedit/sumo/tests
---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ---------- 2c2 < <viewport zoom="400.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/> --- > <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/> ---------- Differences in net ---------- 8,9c8,9 < <edge id=":Junction5_0" function="internal"> < <lane id=":Junction5_0_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.43" length="8.87" width="3.00" shape="-1.50,7.00 -1.84,4.59 -2.88,2.87 -4.59,1.84 -7.00,1.50"/> --- > <edge id=":Junction5_0" function="internal" type="custom"> > <lane id=":Junction5_0_0" index="0" allow="ship" speed="15.00" length="6.00" width="3.00" shape="-1.50,7.00 -2.00,5.00 0.00,5.00 0.00,3.00 -2.00,3.00 -2.00,-3.00 0.00,-3.00 0.00,-5.00 -2.00,-5.00 -1.50,-7.00" changeLeft="private authority army vip pedestrian passenger hov taxi bus coach delivery motorcycle moped bicycle evehicle tram rail_urban rail rail_electric rail_fast ship container cable_car subway aircraft wheelchair scooter drone custom1 custom2" changeRight="private emergency pedestrian passenger hov taxi bus coach delivery truck trailer motorcycle moped bicycle evehicle tram rail_urban rail rail_electric rail_fast ship cable_car subway aircraft wheelchair scooter drone custom1 custom2"/> 11,12c11,12 < <edge id=":Junction5_1" function="internal" type="custom"> < <lane id=":Junction5_1_0" index="0" allow="ship" speed="15.00" length="6.00" width="3.00" shape="-1.50,7.00 -2.00,5.00 0.00,5.00 0.00,3.00 -2.00,3.00 -2.00,-3.00 0.00,-3.00 0.00,-5.00 -2.00,-5.00 -1.50,-7.00" changeLeft="private authority army vip pedestrian passenger hov taxi bus coach delivery motorcycle moped bicycle evehicle tram rail_urban rail rail_electric rail_fast ship container cable_car subway aircraft wheelchair scooter drone custom1 custom2" changeRight="private emergency pedestrian passenger hov taxi bus coach delivery truck trailer motorcycle moped bicycle evehicle tram rail_urban rail rail_electric rail_fast ship cable_car subway aircraft wheelchair scooter drone custom1 custom2"/> --- > <edge id=":Junction5_1" function="internal"> > <lane id=":Junction5_1_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="14.00" width="3.00" shape="7.00,1.50 -7.00,1.50"/> 15c15 < <lane id=":Junction5_2_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="14.00" width="3.00" shape="7.00,1.50 -7.00,1.50"/> --- > <lane id=":Junction5_2_0" index="0" allow="ship" speed="13.89" length="14.00" width="3.00" shape="1.50,-7.00 1.50,7.00"/> 18,21c18 < <lane id=":Junction5_3_0" index="0" allow="ship" speed="13.89" length="14.00" width="3.00" shape="1.50,-7.00 1.50,7.00"/> < </edge> < <edge id=":Junction5_4" function="internal"> < <lane id=":Junction5_4_0" index="0" allow="bus" speed="13.89" length="14.00" width="3.00" shape="-7.00,-1.50 7.00,-1.50"/> --- > <lane id=":Junction5_3_0" index="0" allow="bus" speed="13.89" length="14.00" width="3.00" shape="-7.00,-1.50 7.00,-1.50"/> 62,65c59,62 < <phase duration="42" state="GrGr"/> < <phase duration="3" state="yryr"/> < <phase duration="42" state="rGrG"/> < <phase duration="3" state="ryry"/> --- > <phase duration="42" state="rGr"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines>network connections with_tls create default ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ---------- 2c2 < <viewport zoom="400.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/> --- > <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/> ---------- Differences in net ---------- 18,21c18 < <lane id=":Junction5_3_0" index="0" disallow="all" speed="6.43" length="8.87" width="3.00" shape="-7.00,-1.50 -4.59,-1.84 -2.88,-2.87 -1.84,-4.59 -1.50,-7.00"/> < </edge> < <edge id=":Junction5_4" function="internal"> < <lane id=":Junction5_4_0" index="0" allow="bus" speed="13.89" length="14.00" width="3.00" shape="-7.00,-1.50 7.00,-1.50"/> --- > <lane id=":Junction5_3_0" index="0" allow="bus" speed="13.89" length="14.00" width="3.00" shape="-7.00,-1.50 7.00,-1.50"/> 62,65c59,62 < <phase duration="42" state="rGGr"/> < <phase duration="3" state="ryGr"/> < <phase duration="42" state="GrGG"/> < <phase duration="3" state="yrGy"/> --- > <phase duration="42" state="rGr"/> > <phase duration="3" state="ryr"/> > <phase duration="42" state="GrG"/> > <phase duration="3" state="yry"/> 72,77c69,73 < <junction id="Junction5" type="traffic_light" x="0.00" y="0.00" incLanes="-E0_0 -E2_0 -E3_0 -E1_0" intLanes=":Junction5_0_0 :Junction5_1_0 :Junction5_2_0 :Junction5_3_0 :Junction5_4_0" shape="-3.00,7.00 3.00,7.00 3.44,4.78 4.00,4.00 4.78,3.44 5.78,3.11 7.00,3.00 7.00,-3.00 4.78,-3.44 4.00,-4.00 3.44,-4.78 3.11,-5.78 3.00,-7.00 -3.00,-7.00 -3.44,-4.78 -4.00,-4.00 -4.78,-3.44 -5.78,-3.11 -7.00,-3.00 -7.00,3.00 -4.78,3.44 -4.00,4.00 -3.44,4.78 -3.11,5.78"> < <request index="0" response="00000" foes="11010" cont="0"/> < <request index="1" response="00100" foes="00101" cont="0"/> < <request index="2" response="00000" foes="10010" cont="0"/> < <request index="3" response="00000" foes="00001" cont="0"/> < <request index="4" response="00100" foes="00101" cont="0"/> --- > <junction id="Junction5" type="traffic_light" x="0.00" y="0.00" incLanes="-E0_0 -E2_0 -E3_0 -E1_0" intLanes=":Junction5_0_0 :Junction5_1_0 :Junction5_2_0 :Junction5_3_0" shape="-3.00,7.00 3.00,7.00 3.44,4.78 4.00,4.00 4.78,3.44 5.78,3.11 7.00,3.00 7.00,-3.00 4.78,-3.44 4.00,-4.00 3.44,-4.78 3.11,-5.78 3.00,-7.00 -3.00,-7.00 -3.44,-4.78 -4.00,-4.00 -4.78,-3.44 -5.78,-3.11 -7.00,-3.00 -7.00,3.00 -4.78,3.44 -4.00,4.00 -3.44,4.78 -3.11,5.78"> > <request index="0" response="0000" foes="1010" cont="0"/> > <request index="1" response="0100" foes="0101" cont="0"/> > <request index="2" response="0000" foes="1010" cont="0"/> > <request index="3" response="0100" foes="0101" cont="0"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ---------- 2c2 < <viewport zoom="400.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/> --- > <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/> ---------- Differences in log ---------- 1,5d0 < Warning: Edge '-E2' is not connected to outgoing edges at junction 'Junction5'. < Warning: Lane 'E1_0' is not connected from any incoming edge at junction 'Junction5'. < Warning: Edge '-E2' is not connected to outgoing edges at junction 'Junction5'. < Warning: Lane 'E1_0' is not connected from any incoming edge at junction 'Junction5'. < Warning: Unused state in tlLogic 'Junction5', program '0' at tl-index 0 ---------- Differences in net ---------- 12c12 < <lane id=":Junction5_1_0" index="0" allow="ship" speed="13.89" length="14.00" width="3.00" shape="1.50,-7.00 1.50,7.00"/> --- > <lane id=":Junction5_1_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="14.00" width="3.00" shape="7.00,1.50 -7.00,1.50"/> 15c15,18 < <lane id=":Junction5_2_0" index="0" allow="bus" speed="13.89" length="14.00" width="3.00" shape="-7.00,-1.50 7.00,-1.50"/> --- > <lane id=":Junction5_2_0" index="0" allow="ship" speed="13.89" length="14.00" width="3.00" shape="1.50,-7.00 1.50,7.00"/> > </edge> > <edge id=":Junction5_3" function="internal"> > <lane id=":Junction5_3_0" index="0" allow="bus" speed="13.89" length="14.00" width="3.00" shape="-7.00,-1.50 7.00,-1.50"/> 66,69c69,73 < <junction id="Junction5" type="traffic_light" x="0.00" y="0.00" incLanes="-E0_0 -E2_0 -E3_0 -E1_0" intLanes=":Junction5_0_0 :Junction5_1_0 :Junction5_2_0" shape="-3.00,7.00 3.00,7.00 3.44,4.78 4.00,4.00 4.78,3.44 5.78,3.11 7.00,3.00 7.00,-3.00 4.78,-3.44 4.00,-4.00 3.44,-4.78 3.11,-5.78 3.00,-7.00 -3.00,-7.00 -3.44,-4.78 -4.00,-4.00 -4.78,-3.44 -5.78,-3.11 -7.00,-3.00 -7.00,3.00 -4.78,3.44 -4.00,4.00 -3.44,4.78 -3.11,5.78"> < <request index="0" response="000" foes="100" cont="0"/> < <request index="1" response="000" foes="100" cont="0"/> < <request index="2" response="010" foes="011" cont="0"/> --- > <junction id="Junction5" type="traffic_light" x="0.00" y="0.00" incLanes="-E0_0 -E2_0 -E3_0 -E1_0" intLanes=":Junction5_0_0 :Junction5_1_0 :Junction5_2_0 :Junction5_3_0" shape="-3.00,7.00 3.00,7.00 3.44,4.78 4.00,4.00 4.78,3.44 5.78,3.11 7.00,3.00 7.00,-3.00 4.78,-3.44 4.00,-4.00 3.44,-4.78 3.11,-5.78 3.00,-7.00 -3.00,-7.00 -3.44,-4.78 -4.00,-4.00 -4.78,-3.44 -5.78,-3.11 -7.00,-3.00 -7.00,3.00 -4.78,3.44 -4.00,4.00 -3.44,4.78 -3.11,5.78"> > <request index="0" response="0000" foes="1010" cont="0"/> > <request index="1" response="0100" foes="0101" cont="0"/> > <request index="2" response="0000" foes="1010" cont="0"/> > <request index="3" response="0100" foes="0101" cont="0"/> 79,80c83,85 < <connection from="-E1" to="E2" fromLane="0" toLane="0" via=":Junction5_2_0" tl="Junction5" linkIndex="2" dir="s" state="o"/> < <connection from="-E3" to="E0" fromLane="0" toLane="0" via=":Junction5_1_0" tl="Junction5" linkIndex="1" dir="s" state="O"/> --- > <connection from="-E1" to="E2" fromLane="0" toLane="0" via=":Junction5_3_0" tl="Junction5" linkIndex="2" dir="s" state="o"/> > <connection from="-E2" to="E1" fromLane="0" toLane="0" via=":Junction5_1_0" tl="Junction5" linkIndex="0" dir="s" state="o"/> > <connection from="-E3" to="E0" fromLane="0" toLane="0" via=":Junction5_2_0" tl="Junction5" linkIndex="1" dir="s" state="O"/> 85,86c90,92 <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in routes ---------- 10a11 > <trip id="t_2" depart="0.00" from="-E2" to="E1"/>
---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ---------- 2c2 < <viewport zoom="400.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/> --- > <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/> ---------- Differences in log ---------- 1,14d0 < Warning: Edge '-E0' is not connected to outgoing edges at junction 'Junction5'. < Warning: Edge '-E1' is not connected to outgoing edges at junction 'Junction5'. < Warning: Edge '-E2' is not connected to outgoing edges at junction 'Junction5'. < Warning: Edge '-E3' is not connected to outgoing edges at junction 'Junction5'. < Warning: Lane 'E0_0' is not connected from any incoming edge at junction 'Junction5'. < Warning: Lane 'E1_0' is not connected from any incoming edge at junction 'Junction5'. < Warning: Lane 'E2_0' is not connected from any incoming edge at junction 'Junction5'. < Warning: Lane 'E3_0' is not connected from any incoming edge at junction 'Junction5'. < Warning: Edge '-E0' is not connected to outgoing edges at junction 'Junction5'. < Warning: Lane 'E0_0' is not connected from any incoming edge at junction 'Junction5'. < Warning: The traffic light 'Junction5' does not control any links; it will not be build. < Warning: Could not build program '0' for traffic light 'Junction5' < Warning: 8 total messages of type: Edge '%' is not connected to outgoing edges at junction '%'. < Warning: 8 total messages of type: Lane '%' is not connected from any incoming edge at junction '%'. ---------- Differences in net ---------- 7a8,26 > <edge id=":Junction5_0" function="internal" type="custom"> > <lane id=":Junction5_0_0" index="0" allow="ship" speed="15.00" length="6.00" width="3.00" shape="-1.50,7.00 -2.00,5.00 0.00,5.00 0.00,3.00 -2.00,3.00 -2.00,-3.00 0.00,-3.00 0.00,-5.00 -2.00,-5.00 -1.50,-7.00" changeLeft="private authority army vip pedestrian passenger hov taxi bus coach delivery motorcycle moped bicycle evehicle tram rail_urban rail rail_electric rail_fast ship container cable_car subway aircraft wheelchair scooter drone custom1 custom2" changeRight="private emergency pedestrian passenger hov taxi bus coach delivery truck trailer motorcycle moped bicycle evehicle tram rail_urban rail rail_electric rail_fast ship cable_car subway aircraft wheelchair scooter drone custom1 custom2"/> > </edge> > <edge id=":Junction5_1" function="internal"> > <lane id=":Junction5_1_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="14.00" width="3.00" shape="7.00,1.50 -7.00,1.50"/> > </edge> > <edge id=":Junction5_2" function="internal"> > <lane id=":Junction5_2_0" index="0" allow="ship" speed="13.89" length="14.00" width="3.00" shape="1.50,-7.00 1.50,7.00"/> > </edge> > <edge id=":Junction5_3" function="internal"> > <lane id=":Junction5_3_0" index="0" allow="bus" speed="13.89" length="14.00" width="3.00" shape="-7.00,-1.50 7.00,-1.50"/> > </edge> > <edge id=":JunctionExtern0_0" function="internal"> > <lane id=":JunctionExtern0_0_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="3.53" length="4.38" width="3.00" shape="-60.00,1.50 -61.12,0.75 -61.50,0.00 -61.12,-0.75 -60.00,-1.50"/> > </edge> > <edge id=":JunctionExtern1_0" function="internal"> > <lane id=":JunctionExtern1_0_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="3.53" length="4.38" width="3.00" shape="60.00,-1.50 61.12,-0.75 61.50,0.00 61.12,0.75 60.00,1.50"/> > </edge> > 38a58,64 > <tlLogic id="Junction5" type="static" programID="0" offset="0"> > <phase duration="42" state="rGr"/> > <phase duration="3" state="ryr"/> > <phase duration="42" state="GrG"/> > <phase duration="3" state="yry"/> > </tlLogic> > 43,45c69,94 < <junction id="Junction5" type="dead_end" x="0.00" y="0.00" incLanes="-E0_0 -E2_0 -E3_0 -E1_0" intLanes="" shape="-3.00,7.00 3.00,7.00 3.44,4.78 4.00,4.00 4.78,3.44 5.78,3.11 7.00,3.00 7.00,-3.00 4.78,-3.44 4.00,-4.00 3.44,-4.78 3.11,-5.78 3.00,-7.00 -3.00,-7.00 -3.44,-4.78 -4.00,-4.00 -4.78,-3.44 -5.78,-3.11 -7.00,-3.00 -7.00,3.00 -4.78,3.44 -4.00,4.00 -3.44,4.78 -3.11,5.78"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in routes ---------- 7a8,12 > <!-- Vehicles, persons and containers (sorted by depart) --> > <trip id="t_0" type="ship" depart="0.00" from="-E0" to="E3"/> > <trip id="t_1" type="ship" depart="0.00" from="-E3" to="E0"/> > <trip id="t_2" depart="0.00" from="-E2" to="E1"/> > <trip id="t_3" type="bus" depart="0.00" from="-E1" to="E2"/>
---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ---------- 2c2 < <viewport zoom="400.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/> --- > <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/> ---------- Differences in log ---------- 1,4d0 < Warning: Edge '-E0' is not connected to outgoing edges at junction 'Junction5'. < Warning: Lane 'E3_0' is not connected from any incoming edge at junction 'Junction5'. < Warning: Edge '-E0' is not connected to outgoing edges at junction 'Junction5'. < Warning: Lane 'E3_0' is not connected from any incoming edge at junction 'Junction5'. ---------- Differences in net ---------- 8,9c8,9 < <edge id=":Junction5_0" function="internal"> < <lane id=":Junction5_0_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="14.00" width="3.00" shape="7.00,1.50 -7.00,1.50"/> --- > <edge id=":Junction5_0" function="internal" type="custom"> > <lane id=":Junction5_0_0" index="0" allow="ship" speed="15.00" length="6.00" width="3.00" shape="-1.50,7.00 -2.00,5.00 0.00,5.00 0.00,3.00 -2.00,3.00 -2.00,-3.00 0.00,-3.00 0.00,-5.00 -2.00,-5.00 -1.50,-7.00" changeLeft="private authority army vip pedestrian passenger hov taxi bus coach delivery motorcycle moped bicycle evehicle tram rail_urban rail rail_electric rail_fast ship container cable_car subway aircraft wheelchair scooter drone custom1 custom2" changeRight="private emergency pedestrian passenger hov taxi bus coach delivery truck trailer motorcycle moped bicycle evehicle tram rail_urban rail rail_electric rail_fast ship cable_car subway aircraft wheelchair scooter drone custom1 custom2"/> 12c12 < <lane id=":Junction5_1_0" index="0" allow="ship" speed="13.89" length="14.00" width="3.00" shape="1.50,-7.00 1.50,7.00"/> --- > <lane id=":Junction5_1_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="14.00" width="3.00" shape="7.00,1.50 -7.00,1.50"/> 15c15,18 < <lane id=":Junction5_2_0" index="0" allow="bus" speed="13.89" length="14.00" width="3.00" shape="-7.00,-1.50 7.00,-1.50"/> --- > <lane id=":Junction5_2_0" index="0" allow="ship" speed="13.89" length="14.00" width="3.00" shape="1.50,-7.00 1.50,7.00"/> > </edge> > <edge id=":Junction5_3" function="internal"> > <lane id=":Junction5_3_0" index="0" allow="bus" speed="13.89" length="14.00" width="3.00" shape="-7.00,-1.50 7.00,-1.50"/> 66,69c69,73 < <junction id="Junction5" type="traffic_light" x="0.00" y="0.00" incLanes="-E0_0 -E2_0 -E3_0 -E1_0" intLanes=":Junction5_0_0 :Junction5_1_0 :Junction5_2_0" shape="-3.00,7.00 3.00,7.00 3.44,4.78 4.00,4.00 4.78,3.44 5.78,3.11 7.00,3.00 7.00,-3.00 4.78,-3.44 4.00,-4.00 3.44,-4.78 3.11,-5.78 3.00,-7.00 -3.00,-7.00 -3.44,-4.78 -4.00,-4.00 -4.78,-3.44 -5.78,-3.11 -7.00,-3.00 -7.00,3.00 -4.78,3.44 -4.00,4.00 -3.44,4.78 -3.11,5.78"> < <request index="0" response="010" foes="010" cont="0"/> < <request index="1" response="000" foes="101" cont="0"/> < <request index="2" response="010" foes="010" cont="0"/> --- > <junction id="Junction5" type="traffic_light" x="0.00" y="0.00" incLanes="-E0_0 -E2_0 -E3_0 -E1_0" intLanes=":Junction5_0_0 :Junction5_1_0 :Junction5_2_0 :Junction5_3_0" shape="-3.00,7.00 3.00,7.00 3.44,4.78 4.00,4.00 4.78,3.44 5.78,3.11 7.00,3.00 7.00,-3.00 4.78,-3.44 4.00,-4.00 3.44,-4.78 3.11,-5.78 3.00,-7.00 -3.00,-7.00 -3.44,-4.78 -4.00,-4.00 -4.78,-3.44 -5.78,-3.11 -7.00,-3.00 -7.00,3.00 -4.78,3.44 -4.00,4.00 -3.44,4.78 -3.11,5.78"> > <request index="0" response="0000" foes="1010" cont="0"/> > <request index="1" response="0100" foes="0101" cont="0"/> > <request index="2" response="0000" foes="1010" cont="0"/> > <request index="3" response="0100" foes="0101" cont="0"/> 78,80c82,85 < <connection from="-E1" to="E2" fromLane="0" toLane="0" via=":Junction5_2_0" tl="Junction5" linkIndex="2" dir="s" state="o"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in routes ---------- 8a9 > <trip id="t_0" type="ship" depart="0.00" from="-E0" to="E3"/>
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 0a1,187 > Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_0' in netedit; edge '-E10' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_1' in netedit; edge 'E7' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_2' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_0' in netedit; edge 'E10' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_1' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_2' in netedit; edge '-E7' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_5' in netedit; lane '-E9_1' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_6' in netedit; lane 'E12_1' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_0' in netedit; lane '-E1_1' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build access in netedit; busStop 'bs_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_1' in netedit; lane 'E0_1' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build access in netedit; busStop 'bs_1' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_2' in netedit; lane '-E0_1' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build access in netedit; busStop 'bs_2' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_4' in netedit; lane 'E1_1' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build access in netedit; busStop 'bs_4' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_0' in netedit; lane 'E5_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_1' in netedit; lane 'E8_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_2' in netedit; lane 'E4_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_0' in netedit; lane 'E10_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_1' in netedit; lane 'E11_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_2' in netedit; lane '-E7_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_4' in netedit; lane '-E6_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_0' in netedit; lane 'E6_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_1' in netedit; lane '-E10_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_2' in netedit; lane '-E11_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_3' in netedit; lane 'E7_0' doesn't exist. <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in log ---------- 0a1,105 > Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_0' in netedit; edge '-E10' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_1' in netedit; edge 'E7' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_2' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_0' in netedit; edge 'E10' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_1' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_2' in netedit; edge '-E7' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_5' in netedit; lane '-E9_1' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_6' in netedit; lane 'E12_1' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_0' in netedit; lane '-E1_1' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build access in netedit; busStop 'bs_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_1' in netedit; lane 'E0_1' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build access in netedit; busStop 'bs_1' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_2' in netedit; lane '-E0_1' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build access in netedit; busStop 'bs_2' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_4' in netedit; lane 'E1_1' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build access in netedit; busStop 'bs_4' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_0' in netedit; lane 'E5_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_1' in netedit; lane 'E8_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_2' in netedit; lane 'E4_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_0' in netedit; lane 'E10_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_1' in netedit; lane 'E11_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_2' in netedit; lane '-E7_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_4' in netedit; lane '-E6_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_0' in netedit; lane 'E6_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_1' in netedit; lane '-E10_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_2' in netedit; lane '-E11_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_3' in netedit; lane 'E7_0' doesn't exist. <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in output ---------- 4c4 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 701 - 318 --- > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 724 - 368 12c12 < TestFunctions: Netedit closed successfully --- > TestFunctions: Error closing Netedit ---------- New result in errorScreenshot ---------- PNG IHDR 1c IDATxy|lDĭΔqu*(JUig$-ҪEiQm # !Ds~<1^_^3n6g FqZBCCM lfŹ766ք= Kg_չ:)i tfyт:ל+r*# RQML0YreesNDTRR z!H [Ȑ|0ք/ yf;l^|F?ggg/ {L<!b0s~Q(*UlL2є9oQ~xԶm$S^Çw֭c ۴i#H&McS&ݓ CO>UI>B ,:CZn签)oQMiXKJJs?|ߥ9 oXj<lذa̘1>YvvvDdoo/HnݺS=]kz3k֬5k3&???>>^wÞׯŋ۴is}[cǎVڃ~M6R4::O>VT4*zձcǂݻw8nĉ} {eou+&s?>|xXXXJJ }*Vx-[-YdͪU^} 믗-[b}֮]Zjil {eA:M<3 zb5s槙+VܰΠqM ? NvvvRT"رcHhA1&,,_=qɄ{O><x'M6m] oݺuE"1cF>}>SGm߾]Y;W{7%Kʗ/W_~~^z}wW^{{Ї#Gv]P8~֭;ؓ^gvvv߾}vqܺu䷛o /g7\a$dH 0'~]zxx㪁Dvs2u J| "KM4-))ٳgܹsY)a{ۻwr"n|78O? ͽy&9:::::9r~ؼy3ZӦM333}WZwI&B״;vA\]]]6h OOϨ("ݻ7ƌ3h 'ON<pBui֬Y={a{R*JwŊBQ5>|8O?=|>9rdj&OtR8??[nEEEDtԩ^z]zaС˖-ۻw/5h`Ĉ;wTH+2֭[e=l۶)S~k۶T*UҥK/]4`z=x@{ BBBF9y 63gw->>ŋ76lؑ#GI/ɉ|}}ݻ't-o۶ԩS/]DD{6mիܣG/44tذaGy^Bn*W<rHDͲ ,|ϪY$a߿ગz}8$}0} 0W-Z8tЮ]OӯfΜٲe9sH$ŋ|'O$,"1cF˖-###9ݦMٳgo|嗧N""Zhq={M2%==5駟h"::>,;;oaOꫯN>MDRt֬Y͛7H$gaYhƌx]___{{{V\ɲSRR̙3wܹk2ݖӲe#Gݻ7((hĉt/d˳WyZn=|aO q%0.W5ѣsrr*** >}w}WRRk^ ^^^IIIuqqq9u{ɓ}quuϗz+K$k!"e=LIIС?q\F\3BӧO^28M>W^˗/OLLJ_|E֭,Xwo"rpppppptt\xqTT;eoʕ+CD˗g7nhڴ=)~QDrw^^^Ŋ>|(ӑҮ]}qװa˗/+ EzjDD]8nܸqׯOKKSv /Wmmw#Kĵ\5==(] 0W@ԭ[gCa1B ~[mСCٚ*T>|ŋ{9u]vQZZZΝn]ܚׯ:u㸊+ve>>>8<\DD'SRR{w Xt?3iRSSs W_mݺ=k5R)q999nܸq̙3gvyٲel.\ 5k:tlǏ'&&rgoo=p#Fシz9sLv.;uĒ{؉BqΝ;ТEg6n Q\'''ajs̹rٳg(;;LD#g<_B"b[|9[Y8iY"ى{ΰr&k*22ᆱ^zNNӥRi@@ kV*<.HY}ѣh,:99Y\\loo?p9s ooӧ<yoƎ{r2]>B>6lط~+HX45kwQvw+VZjNN0m߾}9997nٟ~ʕ+U֟4iݸq#++_tD")Wv;tvZU1 Ͱ |bcbcw%xJֻ ؎{QZ֭[ǖ85Ufgg§߿_\9"z~2;\z|ṴXzuÉիTa??jժI$Q܍"ᢢBPժU%0YXX$HΜ9Êl|狊"gaaa^^LO.\ТEyNJOOeFe0s_we$//m5/J٣lvq{DDƍ#m %JB"XbffΝ;[jUzF<xUGls͛7<yC.;vɓ'###7/H%B|Lff?糳e*3g ywmʕ333wղe5j4mڔUnݺuVggnݺوw~LLLV?>uy 6,Ϟ=S ayXb'6&\ć)%'6&QMc#E>;XlѣGˬ.l"6)))a&''4Ҡ'YHY3??5/*b%477E5! +/[lÆ D-{<4++KQMٚ+bk%%%LkbN:ZJLk*L2s=VLMM%"//Ǐ+lJO>e'Mtm۶Ǐ2=F}_~eɑS~JJ {RRRRRRN:URwyСC7Ņw>t5ݻw>ٳl}b[ggg_͛nߓ _x۷lٲsΛ6mrww裏N<qI&EGG:ԪU+uֱggVZM2E `;,/ k'//qGr^qtAn MYYXKq7o,..?|,0ƍ˗?txׯ7kX0`@q2;;Ya͐%:D5;*$ek7?ne`6ia[n)m=ܢE';łx2ӦM߿``;ROCӧOBBʕ+999͚5c8hڵkpy*Vf39={Ç춘Loݺ9sfԨQD999Dooo}m۶#Gu{ҥK2 ))7߬Wޜ9sC EEE%%%yyy5jprrq[|Ls=aj۶m8 ӏ/ f>[Ri{ fv,mDTXXo}駎7oެP[؈˗/:*Tطo5~gʕ+!!!$1eZ+..>r7|F_ckTT۷ع¶ݻg|h{ʤ<xp{y䉸,ڕǍΏe˻sNaa'LoO2EY;e0@=^|ӄ Μ9Â]\\>䓋/6ok'Nي}SaP1͝;w ^zջuo/^MNlOxQ'O~zVVVXXX^f̘QXXb}e%:u\zU<ѺA#cl`oæc`TE>}zZZرc?s|Μ9˖-[zΝ;lͨ'O|ᇾO<9rHvv6;UآLklP(k͜9ٳgǏJHHسgx[D4eʔ,X ///%%'H`u:w~zh{{z5h`lɕ+WؤPsvv^dIAAE2)z>Hdz5p/>qS6l8|p'Myf$se͚5qƱ0ӕ=EIҺu>{fZ~ꝠpL5'H4r& մ<֠BCCUS"ꬆy$M8{]t1uG lL7ժє9oQM! )آM!@ 1 l2۔QS OKX`_2 @e` c;44] kcsΙ zvW 1 Lv {)fW ({]; 6 ``A͈h/w$m~ _a0Y,x G~S~qN `z; W^,T[7uw\ fC &XF IJsQQQ^-!͕=#TzB% ؖhߍ8S lLeKu9.noپ[5nО vl{1 owf^w|vW^N>k^dke=~${FE# 6g.u뎩bׅuرcǎ <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Missing result in guisettingsoutput ---------- <viewsettings> <viewport zoom="500.00" x="50.00" y="50.00" angle="0.00"/> </viewsettings> ---------- Missing result in net ---------- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <net version="1.20" junctionCornerDetail="5" limitTurnSpeed="5.50" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/net_file.xsd"> <location netOffset="50.00,50.00" convBoundary="0.00,0.00,100.00,100.00" origBoundary="-50.00,-50.00,50.00,50.00" projParameter="!"/> <edge id="1" from="Center" to="A" priority="-1"> <lane id="1_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="45.20,39.60 45.20,0.00"/> <lane id="1_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="48.40,39.60 48.40,0.00"/> </edge> <edge id="2" from="Center" to="B" priority="-1"> <lane id="2_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="54.80,60.40 54.80,100.00"/> <lane id="2_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="51.60,60.40 51.60,100.00"/> </edge> <edge id="3" from="Center" to="C" priority="-1"> <lane id="3_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="39.60,54.80 0.00,54.80"/> <lane id="3_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="39.60,51.60 0.00,51.60"/> </edge> <edge id="4" from="Center" to="D" priority="-1"> <lane id="4_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="60.40,45.20 100.00,45.20"/> <lane id="4_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="60.40,48.40 100.00,48.40"/> </edge> <edge id="5" from="A" to="Center" priority="-1"> <lane id="5_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="54.80,0.00 54.80,39.60"/> <lane id="5_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="51.60,0.00 51.60,39.60"/> </edge> <edge id="6" from="B" to="Center" priority="-1"> <lane id="6_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="45.20,100.00 45.20,60.40"/> <lane id="6_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="48.40,100.00 48.40,60.40"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines>network connections with_tls inspect allow ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ---------- 2c2 < <viewport zoom="500.00" x="50.00" y="50.00" angle="0.00"/> --- > <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/> ---------- Differences in net ---------- 6c6 < <location netOffset="50.00,50.00" convBoundary="0.00,0.00,100.00,100.00" origBoundary="-50.00,-50.00,50.00,50.00" projParameter="!"/> --- > <location netOffset="0.00,0.00" convBoundary="-60.00,-30.00,60.00,30.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.000000,-10000000000.000000,10000000000.000000,10000000000.000000" projParameter="+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext +no_defs"/> 8,60c8,76 < <edge id="1" from="Center" to="A" priority="-1"> < <lane id="1_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="45.20,39.60 45.20,0.00"/> < <lane id="1_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="48.40,39.60 48.40,0.00"/> < </edge> < <edge id="2" from="Center" to="B" priority="-1"> < <lane id="2_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="54.80,60.40 54.80,100.00"/> < <lane id="2_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="51.60,60.40 51.60,100.00"/> < </edge> < <edge id="3" from="Center" to="C" priority="-1"> < <lane id="3_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="39.60,54.80 0.00,54.80"/> < <lane id="3_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="39.60,51.60 0.00,51.60"/> < </edge> < <edge id="4" from="Center" to="D" priority="-1"> < <lane id="4_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="60.40,45.20 100.00,45.20"/> < <lane id="4_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="60.40,48.40 100.00,48.40"/> < </edge> < <edge id="5" from="A" to="Center" priority="-1"> < <lane id="5_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="54.80,0.00 54.80,39.60"/> < <lane id="5_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="51.60,0.00 51.60,39.60"/> < </edge> < <edge id="6" from="B" to="Center" priority="-1"> < <lane id="6_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="45.20,100.00 45.20,60.40"/> < <lane id="6_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="48.40,100.00 48.40,60.40"/> < </edge> < <edge id="7" from="C" to="Center" priority="-1"> <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in output ---------- 4c4 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 701 - 318 --- > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 724 - 368 ---------- New result in additionals ---------- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <additional xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/additional_file.xsd"> <!-- Detectors --> <inductionLoop id="e1_0" lane="E1_0" pos="8.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> <inductionLoop id="e1_1" lane="-E1_0" pos="15.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> <inductionLoop id="e1_2" lane="-E0_0" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> <inductionLoop id="e1_3" lane="E0_0" pos="8.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> <inductionLoop id="e1_4" lane="-E2_0" pos="15.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> <inductionLoop id="e1_5" lane="E2_0" pos="8.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> <inductionLoop id="e1_6" lane="-E3_0" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> <inductionLoop id="e1_7" lane="E3_0" pos="8.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> </additional> ---------- New result in datas ---------- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd"> </data> ---------- New result in routes ---------- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <routes xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/routes_file.xsd"> <!-- VTypes --> <vType id="bus" vClass="bus"/> <vType id="ship" vClass="ship"/> <!-- Vehicles, persons and containers (sorted by depart) --> <trip id="t_0" type="ship" depart="0.00" from="-E0" to="E3"/> <trip id="t_1" type="ship" depart="0.00" from="-E3" to="E0"/> <trip id="t_2" depart="0.00" from="-E2" to="E1"/> <trip id="t_3" type="bus" depart="0.00" from="-E1" to="E2"/> </routes>network connections with_tls inspect changeright ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
---------- Differences in additionals ---------- 4a5,10 > <!-- StoppingPlaces --> > <trainStop id="ts_3" lane="E2_0"/> > <parkingArea id="pa_1" lane="-E2_0"> > <space x="26.00" y="10.00"/> > <space x="26.00" y="10.00"/> > </parkingArea> 13a20,60 > <!-- Other additionals --> > <variableSpeedSign id="vs_2" lanes="-E2_0" pos="22.00,10.00"/> > <!-- Shapes --> > <poly id="po_0" color="red" fill="1" layer="0.00" shape="-12.000000,12.000000 -12.000000,8.000000 -8.000000,8.000000 -8.000000,12.000000 -12.000000,12.000000"/> > <poly id="po_1" color="red" fill="1" layer="0.00" shape="8.000000,12.000000 8.000000,8.000000 12.000000,8.000000 12.000000,12.000000 8.000000,12.000000"/> > <poly id="po_2" color="red" fill="1" layer="0.00" shape="8.000000,-8.000000 8.000000,-12.000000 12.000000,-12.000000 12.000000,-8.000000 8.000000,-8.000000"/> > <poly id="po_3" color="red" fill="1" layer="0.00" shape="-8.000000,-8.000000 -12.000000,-8.000000 -12.000000,-12.000000 -8.000000,-12.000000 -8.000000,-8.000000"/> > <poi id="poi_0" color="red" layer="202.00" x="-26.00" y="8.00"/> > <poi id="poi_1" color="red" layer="202.00" x="-26.00" y="-8.00"/> > <poi id="poi_10" color="red" layer="202.00" lon="0.000234" lat="-0.000180"/> > <poi id="poi_11" color="red" layer="202.00" lon="-0.000234" lat="-0.000180"/> > <poi id="poi_2" color="red" layer="202.00" x="26.00" y="-8.00"/> > <poi id="poi_3" color="red" layer="202.00" x="26.00" y="8.00"/> > <poi id="poi_8" color="red" layer="202.00" lon="-0.000234" lat="0.000180"/> > <poi id="poi_9" color="red" layer="202.00" lon="0.000234" lat="0.000180"/> > <!-- TAZs --> > <taz id="taz_0" shape="-18.00,-14.00 -18.00,-16.00 -8.00,-16.00 -8.00,-14.00 -18.00,-14.00" fill="1" color="green"> > <tazSource id="-E0" weight="1.00"/> > <tazSink id="-E0" weight="1.00"/> > </taz> > <taz id="taz_1" shape="8.00,-14.00 8.00,-16.00 18.00,-16.00 18.00,-14.00 8.00,-14.00" fill="1" color="green"> > <tazSource id="E1" weight="1.00"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in errors ---------- 0a1,187 > Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_0' in netedit; edge '-E10' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_1' in netedit; edge 'E7' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_2' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_0' in netedit; edge 'E10' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_1' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_2' in netedit; edge '-E7' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_5' in netedit; lane '-E9_1' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_6' in netedit; lane 'E12_1' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_0' in netedit; lane '-E1_1' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build access in netedit; busStop 'bs_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_1' in netedit; lane 'E0_1' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build access in netedit; busStop 'bs_1' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_2' in netedit; lane '-E0_1' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build access in netedit; busStop 'bs_2' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_4' in netedit; lane 'E1_1' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build access in netedit; busStop 'bs_4' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_0' in netedit; lane 'E5_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_1' in netedit; lane 'E8_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_2' in netedit; lane 'E4_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_0' in netedit; lane 'E10_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_1' in netedit; lane 'E11_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_2' in netedit; lane '-E7_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_4' in netedit; lane '-E6_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_0' in netedit; lane 'E6_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_1' in netedit; lane '-E10_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_2' in netedit; lane '-E11_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_3' in netedit; lane 'E7_0' doesn't exist. <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ---------- 2c2 < <viewport zoom="400.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/> --- > <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/> ---------- Differences in log ---------- 0a1,191 > Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_0' in netedit; edge '-E10' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_1' in netedit; edge 'E7' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_2' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_0' in netedit; edge 'E10' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_1' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_2' in netedit; edge '-E7' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_5' in netedit; lane '-E9_1' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_6' in netedit; lane 'E12_1' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_0' in netedit; lane '-E1_1' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build access in netedit; busStop 'bs_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_1' in netedit; lane 'E0_1' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build access in netedit; busStop 'bs_1' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_2' in netedit; lane '-E0_1' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build access in netedit; busStop 'bs_2' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_4' in netedit; lane 'E1_1' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build access in netedit; busStop 'bs_4' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_0' in netedit; lane 'E5_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_1' in netedit; lane 'E8_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_2' in netedit; lane 'E4_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_0' in netedit; lane 'E10_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_1' in netedit; lane 'E11_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_2' in netedit; lane '-E7_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_4' in netedit; lane '-E6_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_0' in netedit; lane 'E6_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_1' in netedit; lane '-E10_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_2' in netedit; lane '-E11_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_3' in netedit; lane 'E7_0' doesn't exist. <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in net ---------- 12,15c12 < <lane id=":Junction5_1_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="12.00" width="3.00" shape="7.00,1.50 -5.00,1.50"/> < </edge> < <edge id=":Junction5_4" function="internal"> < <lane id=":Junction5_4_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="2.00" width="3.00" shape="-5.00,1.50 -7.00,1.50"/> --- > <lane id=":Junction5_1_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="14.00" width="3.00" shape="7.00,1.50 -7.00,1.50"/> 72c69 < <junction id="Junction5" type="traffic_light" x="0.00" y="0.00" incLanes="-E0_0 -E2_0 -E3_0 -E1_0" intLanes=":Junction5_0_0 :Junction5_4_0 :Junction5_2_0 :Junction5_3_0" shape="-3.00,7.00 3.00,7.00 3.44,4.78 4.00,4.00 4.78,3.44 5.78,3.11 7.00,3.00 7.00,-3.00 4.78,-3.44 4.00,-4.00 3.44,-4.78 3.11,-5.78 3.00,-7.00 -3.00,-7.00 -3.44,-4.78 -4.00,-4.00 -4.78,-3.44 -5.78,-3.11 -7.00,-3.00 -7.00,3.00 -4.78,3.44 -4.00,4.00 -3.44,4.78 -3.11,5.78"> --- > <junction id="Junction5" type="traffic_light" x="0.00" y="0.00" incLanes="-E0_0 -E2_0 -E3_0 -E1_0" intLanes=":Junction5_0_0 :Junction5_1_0 :Junction5_2_0 :Junction5_3_0" shape="-3.00,7.00 3.00,7.00 3.44,4.78 4.00,4.00 4.78,3.44 5.78,3.11 7.00,3.00 7.00,-3.00 4.78,-3.44 4.00,-4.00 3.44,-4.78 3.11,-5.78 3.00,-7.00 -3.00,-7.00 -3.44,-4.78 -4.00,-4.00 -4.78,-3.44 -5.78,-3.11 -7.00,-3.00 -7.00,3.00 -4.78,3.44 -4.00,4.00 -3.44,4.78 -3.11,5.78"> 74,75c71,72 < <request index="1" response="0100" foes="0101" cont="1"/> < <request index="2" response="0010" foes="1010" cont="0"/> --- > <request index="1" response="0100" foes="0101" cont="0"/> > <request index="2" response="0000" foes="1010" cont="0"/> 85,86d81 < <junction id=":Junction5_4_0" type="internal" x="-5.00" y="1.50" incLanes=":Junction5_1_0 -E3_0" intLanes=":Junction5_0_0 :Junction5_2_0"/> < 89c84 < <connection from="-E2" to="E1" fromLane="0" toLane="0" contPos="12.00" via=":Junction5_1_0" tl="Junction5" linkIndex="0" dir="s" state="o"/> --- > <connection from="-E2" to="E1" fromLane="0" toLane="0" via=":Junction5_1_0" tl="Junction5" linkIndex="0" dir="s" state="o"/> 95,96c90 < <connection from=":Junction5_1" to="E1" fromLane="0" toLane="0" via=":Junction5_4_0" dir="s" state="m"/> < <connection from=":Junction5_4" to="E1" fromLane="0" toLane="0" dir="s" state="M"/> --- > <connection from=":Junction5_1" to="E1" fromLane="0" toLane="0" dir="s" state="M"/>
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 1d0 < Error: Shape of a(n) user-supplied shape is broken: the position is neither x,y nor x,y,z. ---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ---------- 2c2 < <viewport zoom="500.00" x="50.00" y="50.00" angle="0.00"/> --- > <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/> ---------- Differences in log ---------- 1d0 < Error: Shape of a(n) user-supplied shape is broken: the position is neither x,y nor x,y,z. ---------- Differences in net ---------- 6c6 < <location netOffset="50.00,50.00" convBoundary="0.00,0.00,100.00,100.00" origBoundary="-50.00,-50.00,50.00,50.00" projParameter="!"/> --- > <location netOffset="0.00,0.00" convBoundary="-60.00,-30.00,60.00,30.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.000000,-10000000000.000000,10000000000.000000,10000000000.000000" projParameter="+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext +no_defs"/> 8,60c8,76 < <edge id="1" from="Center" to="A" priority="-1"> < <lane id="1_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="45.20,39.60 45.20,0.00"/> < <lane id="1_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="48.40,39.60 48.40,0.00"/> < </edge> < <edge id="2" from="Center" to="B" priority="-1"> < <lane id="2_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="54.80,60.40 54.80,100.00"/> < <lane id="2_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="51.60,60.40 51.60,100.00"/> < </edge> < <edge id="3" from="Center" to="C" priority="-1"> < <lane id="3_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="39.60,54.80 0.00,54.80"/> < <lane id="3_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="39.60,51.60 0.00,51.60"/> < </edge> < <edge id="4" from="Center" to="D" priority="-1"> < <lane id="4_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="60.40,45.20 100.00,45.20"/> < <lane id="4_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="60.40,48.40 100.00,48.40"/> < </edge> < <edge id="5" from="A" to="Center" priority="-1"> < <lane id="5_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="54.80,0.00 54.80,39.60"/> < <lane id="5_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="51.60,0.00 51.60,39.60"/> < </edge> < <edge id="6" from="B" to="Center" priority="-1"> < <lane id="6_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="45.20,100.00 45.20,60.40"/> < <lane id="6_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="48.40,100.00 48.40,60.40"/> < </edge> < <edge id="7" from="C" to="Center" priority="-1"> <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in output ---------- 4c4 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 701 - 318 --- > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 724 - 368 ---------- New result in additionals ---------- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <additional xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/additional_file.xsd"> <!-- Detectors --> <inductionLoop id="e1_0" lane="E1_0" pos="8.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> <inductionLoop id="e1_1" lane="-E1_0" pos="15.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> <inductionLoop id="e1_2" lane="-E0_0" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> <inductionLoop id="e1_3" lane="E0_0" pos="8.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> <inductionLoop id="e1_4" lane="-E2_0" pos="15.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> <inductionLoop id="e1_5" lane="E2_0" pos="8.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> <inductionLoop id="e1_6" lane="-E3_0" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> <inductionLoop id="e1_7" lane="E3_0" pos="8.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> </additional> ---------- New result in datas ---------- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd"> </data> ---------- New result in routes ---------- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <routes xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/routes_file.xsd"> <!-- VTypes --> <vType id="bus" vClass="bus"/> <vType id="ship" vClass="ship"/> <!-- Vehicles, persons and containers (sorted by depart) --> <trip id="t_0" type="ship" depart="0.00" from="-E0" to="E3"/> <trip id="t_1" type="ship" depart="0.00" from="-E3" to="E0"/> <trip id="t_2" depart="0.00" from="-E2" to="E1"/> <trip id="t_3" type="bus" depart="0.00" from="-E1" to="E2"/> </routes>
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 0a1,78 > Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_0' in netedit; edge '-E10' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_1' in netedit; edge 'E7' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_2' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_0' in netedit; edge 'E10' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_1' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_2' in netedit; edge '-E7' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_5' in netedit; lane '-E9_1' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_6' in netedit; lane 'E12_1' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_0' in netedit; lane '-E1_1' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build access in netedit; busStop 'bs_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_1' in netedit; lane 'E0_1' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build access in netedit; busStop 'bs_1' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_2' in netedit; lane '-E0_1' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build access in netedit; busStop 'bs_2' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_4' in netedit; lane 'E1_1' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build access in netedit; busStop 'bs_4' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_0' in netedit; lane 'E5_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_1' in netedit; lane 'E8_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_2' in netedit; lane 'E4_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_0' in netedit; lane 'E10_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_1' in netedit; lane 'E11_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_2' in netedit; lane '-E7_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_4' in netedit; lane '-E6_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_0' in netedit; lane 'E6_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_1' in netedit; lane '-E10_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_2' in netedit; lane '-E11_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_3' in netedit; lane 'E7_0' doesn't exist. <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in output ---------- 4c4 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 701 - 318 --- > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 724 - 368 12c12 < TestFunctions: Netedit closed successfully --- > TestFunctions: Error closing Netedit ---------- New result in errorScreenshot ---------- PNG IHDR 1c IDATxy|lDĭΔqu*(JUig$-ҪEiQm # !Ds~<1^_^3n6g FqZBCCM lfŹ766ք= Kg_չ:)i tfyт:ל+r*# RQML0YreesNDTRR z!H [Ȑ|0ք/ yf;l^|F?ggg/ {L<!b0s~Q(*UlL2є9oQ~xԶm$S^Çw֭c ۴i#H&McS&ݓ CO>UI>B ,:CZn签)oQMiXKJJs?|ߥ9 oXj<lذa̘1>YvvvDdoo/HnݺS=]kz3k֬5k3&???>>^wÞׯŋ۴is}[cǎVڃ~M6R4::O>VT4*zձcǂݻw8nĉ} {eou+&s?>|xXXXJJ }*Vx-[-YdͪU^} 믗-[b}֮]Zjil {eA:M<3 zb5s槙+VܰΠqM ? 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---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ---------- 2c2 < <viewport zoom="400.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/> --- > <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/> ---------- Differences in net ---------- 84c84 < <connection from="-E2" to="E1" fromLane="0" toLane="0" keepClear="0" via=":Junction5_1_0" tl="Junction5" linkIndex="0" dir="s" state="o"/> --- > <connection from="-E2" to="E1" fromLane="0" toLane="0" via=":Junction5_1_0" tl="Junction5" linkIndex="0" dir="s" state="o"/>
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 0a1,514 > Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_0' in netedit; edge '-E10' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_1' in netedit; edge 'E7' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_2' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_0' in netedit; edge 'E10' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_1' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_2' in netedit; edge '-E7' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_5' in netedit; lane '-E9_1' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_6' in netedit; lane 'E12_1' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_0' in netedit; lane '-E1_1' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build access in netedit; busStop 'bs_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_1' in netedit; lane 'E0_1' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build access in netedit; busStop 'bs_1' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_2' in netedit; lane '-E0_1' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build access in netedit; busStop 'bs_2' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_4' in netedit; lane 'E1_1' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build access in netedit; busStop 'bs_4' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_0' in netedit; lane 'E5_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_1' in netedit; lane 'E8_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_2' in netedit; lane 'E4_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_0' in netedit; lane 'E10_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_1' in netedit; lane 'E11_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_2' in netedit; lane '-E7_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_4' in netedit; lane '-E6_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_0' in netedit; lane 'E6_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_1' in netedit; lane '-E10_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_2' in netedit; lane '-E11_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_3' in netedit; lane 'E7_0' doesn't exist. <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ---------- 2c2 < <viewport zoom="500.00" x="50.00" y="50.00" angle="0.00"/> --- > <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/> ---------- Differences in log ---------- 0a1,518 > Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_0' in netedit; edge '-E10' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_1' in netedit; edge 'E7' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_2' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_0' in netedit; edge 'E10' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_1' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_2' in netedit; edge '-E7' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_5' in netedit; lane '-E9_1' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_6' in netedit; lane 'E12_1' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_0' in netedit; lane '-E1_1' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build access in netedit; busStop 'bs_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_1' in netedit; lane 'E0_1' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build access in netedit; busStop 'bs_1' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_2' in netedit; lane '-E0_1' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build access in netedit; busStop 'bs_2' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_4' in netedit; lane 'E1_1' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build access in netedit; busStop 'bs_4' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_0' in netedit; lane 'E5_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_1' in netedit; lane 'E8_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_2' in netedit; lane 'E4_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_0' in netedit; lane 'E10_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_1' in netedit; lane 'E11_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_2' in netedit; lane '-E7_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_4' in netedit; lane '-E6_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_0' in netedit; lane 'E6_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_1' in netedit; lane '-E10_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_2' in netedit; lane '-E11_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_3' in netedit; lane 'E7_0' doesn't exist. <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in net ---------- 6c6 < <location netOffset="50.00,50.00" convBoundary="0.00,0.00,100.00,100.00" origBoundary="-50.00,-50.00,50.00,50.00" projParameter="!"/> --- > <location netOffset="0.00,0.00" convBoundary="-60.00,-30.00,60.00,30.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.000000,-10000000000.000000,10000000000.000000,10000000000.000000" projParameter="+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext +no_defs"/> 8,60c8,76 < <edge id="1" from="Center" to="A" priority="-1"> < <lane id="1_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="45.20,39.60 45.20,0.00"/> < <lane id="1_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="48.40,39.60 48.40,0.00"/> < </edge> < <edge id="2" from="Center" to="B" priority="-1"> < <lane id="2_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="54.80,60.40 54.80,100.00"/> < <lane id="2_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="51.60,60.40 51.60,100.00"/> < </edge> < <edge id="3" from="Center" to="C" priority="-1"> < <lane id="3_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="39.60,54.80 0.00,54.80"/> < <lane id="3_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="39.60,51.60 0.00,51.60"/> < </edge> < <edge id="4" from="Center" to="D" priority="-1"> < <lane id="4_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="60.40,45.20 100.00,45.20"/> < <lane id="4_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="60.40,48.40 100.00,48.40"/> < </edge> < <edge id="5" from="A" to="Center" priority="-1"> < <lane id="5_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="54.80,0.00 54.80,39.60"/> < <lane id="5_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="51.60,0.00 51.60,39.60"/> < </edge> < <edge id="6" from="B" to="Center" priority="-1"> < <lane id="6_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="45.20,100.00 45.20,60.40"/> < <lane id="6_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="48.40,100.00 48.40,60.40"/> < </edge> < <edge id="7" from="C" to="Center" priority="-1"> <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in output ---------- 4c4 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 701 - 318 --- > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 724 - 368 ---------- New result in additionals ---------- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <additional xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/additional_file.xsd"> <!-- StoppingPlaces --> <trainStop id="ts_3" lane="E2_0"/> <parkingArea id="pa_1" lane="-E2_0"> <space x="26.00" y="10.00"/> <space x="26.00" y="10.00"/> <space x="26.00" y="10.00"/> <space x="26.00" y="10.00"/> <space x="26.00" y="10.00"/> </parkingArea> <!-- Detectors --> <inductionLoop id="e1_0" lane="E1_0" pos="8.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> <inductionLoop id="e1_1" lane="-E1_0" pos="15.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> <inductionLoop id="e1_2" lane="-E0_0" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> <inductionLoop id="e1_3" lane="E0_0" pos="8.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> <inductionLoop id="e1_4" lane="-E2_0" pos="15.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> <inductionLoop id="e1_5" lane="E2_0" pos="8.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> <inductionLoop id="e1_6" lane="-E3_0" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> <inductionLoop id="e1_7" lane="E3_0" pos="8.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> <!-- Other additionals --> <variableSpeedSign id="vs_2" lanes="-E2_0" pos="22.00,10.00"/> <!-- Shapes --> <poly id="po_0" color="red" fill="1" layer="0.00" shape="-12.000000,12.000000 -12.000000,8.000000 -8.000000,8.000000 -8.000000,12.000000 -12.000000,12.000000"/> <poly id="po_1" color="red" fill="1" layer="0.00" shape="8.000000,12.000000 8.000000,8.000000 12.000000,8.000000 12.000000,12.000000 8.000000,12.000000"/> <poly id="po_2" color="red" fill="1" layer="0.00" shape="8.000000,-8.000000 8.000000,-12.000000 12.000000,-12.000000 12.000000,-8.000000 8.000000,-8.000000"/> <poly id="po_3" color="red" fill="1" layer="0.00" shape="-8.000000,-8.000000 -12.000000,-8.000000 -12.000000,-12.000000 -8.000000,-12.000000 -8.000000,-8.000000"/> <poi id="poi_0" color="red" layer="202.00" x="-26.00" y="8.00"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- New result in datas ---------- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd"> </data> ---------- New result in routes ---------- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <routes xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/routes_file.xsd"> <!-- VTypes --> <vType id="bus" vClass="bus"/> <vType id="ship" vClass="ship"/> <!-- Vehicles, persons and containers (sorted by depart) --> <trip id="t_0" type="ship" depart="0.00" from="-E0" to="E3"/> <trip id="t_1" type="ship" depart="0.00" from="-E3" to="E0"/> <trip id="t_2" depart="0.00" from="-E2" to="E1"/> <trip id="t_3" type="bus" depart="0.00" from="-E1" to="E2"/> </routes>network connections with_tls inspect parameters ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ---------- 2c2 < <viewport zoom="400.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/> --- > <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/> ---------- Differences in net ---------- 71c71 < <request index="1" response="0000" foes="0101" cont="0"/> --- > <request index="1" response="0100" foes="0101" cont="0"/> 84c84 < <connection from="-E2" to="E1" fromLane="0" toLane="0" pass="1" via=":Junction5_1_0" tl="Junction5" linkIndex="0" dir="s" state="O"/> --- > <connection from="-E2" to="E1" fromLane="0" toLane="0" via=":Junction5_1_0" tl="Junction5" linkIndex="0" dir="s" state="o"/>
---------- Differences in output ---------- 4c4 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 701 - 318 --- > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 724 - 368 11c11 < TestFunctions: Netedit closed successfully --- > TestFunctions: Error closing Netedit ---------- New result in errorScreenshot ---------- PNG IHDR 1c IDATxw|n-e!T(dOC@T@@@W[S!K6 2^eЖ88CV4;磏<{\|N x(0Itt pmN5so||{ puk<JI7e66VMi O&F0ZCo,`Juf֊Jx sLvnDN+_7gZv.5e~ *+!]`b.6y QH~OKKst_\kX瀝im9g>$FgϦ'#tҗ/_v\$M4Kԝ 7nx%jժ~:%%e˖-|/bqkV,<<|֬Y59r+ߟ<9횄e߾}<y \:Cnݾ)/ѺM9iغssswyWzvky_| |x8xrg1属fɒ%vYBT*//SNݾ}[5+vL6iҤJ* <833311Q;FaMvuΜ95x:w<dȐ_r?>>>qqq]ty>#56ok֬>} /I҈#^xbŊ?~y)դs7ƻۯ_ڵk_zU輅J,9gΜy?駟ICO駟^~>`yF/Zr|ɿKW\Q]ně ]N>OKK{&Lx%K.uPU0 <Fwȅһe1!rr#Đ!CJfŎj?ܹSiɁk2""ٳJ2cOo۶mg͚uԩC !ƏߥK'\~}1>sڵ{ĉ<{)R7 yf̘a}?;vO;vyגLYJжm[͉o!IϻwzSRR6nhdMzRLKK{yS^%Iou{^y:3gμxz Cp&k?nݺ@+w\sBxoznG JsHjժUPܵk;r)wذa:u^n̙3B9s>ׯ$ĉ۷ɓ'~~~~~~[n'WJk>{{wVZJt2dH==z,X066666VѩS'N<G uV||Q\fͲQ'MԡCtyMߟ}REjMy}#""'ꫯ]6eʔ/_~ԨQs5333۴i-ؽ{wǎk}1__{ϛ7oݺuBjժʕzs^z:u*11Qb7=ztBBnܸΝ+?ݺu{駯\=ݷu.0`Q,YL|M0!22M6Yf߾}njhM}RBB %''_pA<qcƌ9|_~iԨO?ٮ]'::o߾۶mS/mڴ)S̀|}}) c^ V>gM,6lذaÆrG,I_OZu>8jsf+ 8zmyեJ7n۷?!Ą ׯ?uT//{͙3G~w%HMMB?~111$iרQ{Ν;;w6ԁ3f[uzmٲeڵJ=ztrrĉի'IҔ)S>#!ޞ={>>>&M[n\\ɓ,4~xxB T*I9;]ti ]v[lٺuk???n~ԯ_֭֭+UԈ#L3gddT*CsN6aÆ&^^^ʸ\۶m6mvvwttqT*'|Oz3^tIRUR%00p]vҥKPPPffK!ի͚5믿$IQѣG u`J~~~۷;&gHʹ6nܸ;Ο?ܹs>>>ӧOoذ̙3;u$3gNll?妾⋵k !)" r6>qij>_wMj>)!DTTѣG222J,y51W^mҤ%I^#GAAABWcǎGU$iС/y <8r.}\ڿ<XBH{KNN"] {;vhK*զM> <<{zPX^{M W\9u|]wŋׯߜ9s:t0f̘իW!nٲeKKlMw-IRɒ%[j5gΜnݺɫWjv_۷<gb3w t}ʔ)Z)JJJܣG{_غuk9}||$IIOOĉ{ݻwo%Zl9o<ykB,Zwϗqƹs$IRTaaaݻw߿期~ihhh&L z-ZIL~o)(W}j֬{ ^Nz}(QB&{yyy+VZRŋBK{<ӲfersTLL'|RB7ǧXbr>>>j:99+,,Ln74hbԨQrpgNNJԩSDXXXǍf!ĭ[{9!C:t.SVWеkRSS{yyEDDTӤIm۶7'Og+W.===44TqRׯ_+'~˗9rĉܹs .f͚(Qo1 su?R˖+r䇏wz>Eݯ^ .\BT\o3$Iw<IY|yooo9|ŋ.,x'<;&ϹpBݎT*#GXP^۷B;v{:]|y///Rrʕ+c*U{b<233juvvRIFFի[wʽc322QFL0gyW/$##C^Tffng*+f͚5H1tP!Dƍ,!B%Kwoʕ 4PB56m$WG)~]v5kl֬YCٵkWLL"Θ1C-!/)/ wq}>}괴4 ^y}[L{^~+V|gj믿iFޱY.Ͽjժ (߽{w̘1ӦM۷ZNMMZK/iӦ;w? 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---------- Differences in output ---------- 4c4 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 701 - 318 --- > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 724 - 368 10c10 < TestFunctions: Netedit closed successfully --- > TestFunctions: Error closing Netedit ---------- New result in errorScreenshot ---------- PNG IHDR 1c IDATxw|u-eYBBA=d9LAdAAAqDlYdY tНgjf|Gr|K; 7%ٻFw ͡z=|{ pvk8JQ7f66Ri OFF0Jeޘ, 0)5mܔ4 gN. ϴ]k ExxxW!C:5 ٔ m;l^&.H"o̙3SSSƚ=9`co.6~ @(]ם"9HS_"M9!&M\pڵk&=***?ZjRR?,1YXXٳ7nY&ɓîIhP{cv3v囲-۔V-;9776=/'+N|wphׯ[pqY{,7~cn-[6dȐ[n(OOO!ٳgݻ'ך;&8qbŊq+q5ٽ{s6nիfҥСC˕+wƍ/bŊtooخ]fff.\O?5ЈI3ahhhLLL-233ׯ_?cƌk_#Ft֭Xb/_?nr)\{ׯN:7oZo%KΝ;A }ʕ+ I}Ojժ6mRΟ?E^nʕOgVR%S׃[_t oLS 9h ?"55uƏ\deG7'ho 9Qz&=DNr:tBi,1Y:u={7-՟<qM={21cƬ\mٳϞ={Q!ĸqv:aS}{1<s:u<xp<{G)R7 }}ׯ_ԩӧ~z˗/d:W0pvکOTI?xgϞ<̙3lb`M{RLMM֭܄yq:$iɒ%˽~/<Yf]zorR!8w uڴiwʖ$gf7w 7@ d?vڅ ݰaôiRϰa:wqYfӅ+rh|<==7m$)I߄ :t3g!|}}}}}w_\Rs=t>0ckV:=СC(FGG,X0&&&&&FѹsӧO2$:::88ݻ9rd+|V갟ĉ;v옖&Iooooo?W)oxxx~_[&O<prʍ9rypFFF۶mԩS:uN<ӻwoܸQQz]Vg#yܫWg^pAM45jT\\~hҤ͛'?رcJժUoܸ=u.8pȑ#-[LT?>""m۶.\8zhZc}kRB*T(11ʕ+JWM4=zcDŽ?cƍ}}}VѾ}.?QQQ}ݹsJR~Yh۶m2e#OaH n9kdDy͛7G=Ռ@Izʝj~2%2:N_Qկ_۶m֭+Uرcݻ !ƏߠA)SxxxL:599yܹCf̘w^!DJJbܸq 4:u$Is6n>~.]u߷oBC߾} J*5jԨD &ԯ_?66Vɓ'~C>!222'NX^XI&Yhܸqr1˅ $/ӵkƏ߽{O> ZjӦFz4hcǎ7*UjĈtߗ;oӧ7jh̙ʚTzxx(r5Z'ܹs~~~ٞQQQcǎOsss~i5W'ykyyyUR% `߾}]{ڵk222E7ol)IR͚5O83T}WݻwI9Ccvi.] 1cFFf͚عsg!ܹscbb-7_nذAQHUӧ{9kRI !"##O8!^d[nyfӦM7m$IR5?.(PBɓ}Q$Izw.]` w|8?_KVKV qYAϲB$ٻk `k'OmRڶmѣW^+ֿ% ߸qٳuy{s/^_~s رѣ['HHHhժΥԩS$dɒ[;wnXX+ҧO[^\>}<yM},VX>}͛ܣGɓ'k(>>^~l```tt|?lӦ~~~ޒ$䤥u8pDZ?~!ŋ{`y;w\tI$//=z0@}>,$$cǎǏ}A˖-$&?P JqOq!<xVZ>>>GL1lʔ)'N8x𠿿%rLNN(V۷5R/.HIIyfeeOOO)LS~˗OKK+Xرc+&7R=<<BCC|!F)W???9yxyycʔ)["44Ccǎ]~ݻ?|СC=_)SF[֭[)))}O<<<hnĉΝ;囓&M˖-8 ܴiSZZ˕j rBӧOyXnK(zmW RVŧ9ǁ{SW/ +W!*Udy|<3I8s*ʜʕg]zpB~oɳc-#,/_GE@:!N<٣G}.WW_}ލlYYY]e˖P1sfee*Ur1S?333##CRegg+Eάt9r~Wzۗ+?6==]m}W_}UrOMeddhA~lZj)wB4iD)QKʒ"(Ydrrڵk6lX|5knݺUfeeˋS\r͛7={СC;uTE|5k!H"/cǾ{}QTGFFL2֭kРA {9?m۶wlG 6TѣOo_Jܗ^zi֭7 pMnK zݿҭ{_"PQŧ6n~ ܚ<rX<'o|[591|,}hS\9ؤyyyegg9McrӠ'否1gFF`FFS_B>|(G5%)3ϟ?ٲeBTRbLsrroNsΖoW4ZSy^{oٲ h̀QFjW_U'Wz,/ ͽsΦ|=y{UV !ܹappɓwnȑSNݴio)p7oy}J./o۶MEB+|EyK(?:nݺ@y#d;x<b[-Z455uҥgΜQVԏիW7hРUV+V y7ݻ|w}766V۶m 6dyeÆ Ge |<鵺{%!D0Wrw Nȣ@aU Wr;sLNNNѢEo߮1x霜"El۶M}SNԭ[W.X@. -SSSuD'?Ȏ(P@I 攧תU_չ,93DDDGR|Ycay <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Missing result in guisettingsoutput ---------- <viewsettings> <viewport zoom="500.00" x="50.00" y="50.00" angle="0.00"/> </viewsettings> ---------- Missing result in net ---------- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <net version="1.20" junctionCornerDetail="5" limitTurnSpeed="5.50" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/net_file.xsd"> <location netOffset="50.00,50.00" convBoundary="0.00,0.00,100.00,100.00" origBoundary="-50.00,-50.00,50.00,50.00" projParameter="!"/> <edge id="1" from="Center" to="A" priority="-1"> <lane id="1_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="45.20,39.60 45.20,0.00"/> <lane id="1_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="48.40,39.60 48.40,0.00"/> </edge> <edge id="2" from="Center" to="B" priority="-1"> <lane id="2_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="54.80,60.40 54.80,100.00"/> <lane id="2_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="51.60,60.40 51.60,100.00"/> </edge> <edge id="3" from="Center" to="C" priority="-1"> <lane id="3_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="39.60,54.80 0.00,54.80"/> <lane id="3_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="39.60,51.60 0.00,51.60"/> </edge> <edge id="4" from="Center" to="D" priority="-1"> <lane id="4_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="60.40,45.20 100.00,45.20"/> <lane id="4_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="60.40,48.40 100.00,48.40"/> </edge> <edge id="5" from="A" to="Center" priority="-1"> <lane id="5_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="54.80,0.00 54.80,39.60"/> <lane id="5_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="51.60,0.00 51.60,39.60"/> </edge> <edge id="6" from="B" to="Center" priority="-1"> <lane id="6_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="45.20,100.00 45.20,60.40"/> <lane id="6_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="48.40,100.00 48.40,60.40"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 0a1,187 > Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_0' in netedit; edge '-E10' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_1' in netedit; edge 'E7' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_2' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_0' in netedit; edge 'E10' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_1' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_2' in netedit; edge '-E7' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_5' in netedit; lane '-E9_1' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_6' in netedit; lane 'E12_1' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_0' in netedit; lane '-E1_1' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build access in netedit; busStop 'bs_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_1' in netedit; lane 'E0_1' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build access in netedit; busStop 'bs_1' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_2' in netedit; lane '-E0_1' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build access in netedit; busStop 'bs_2' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_4' in netedit; lane 'E1_1' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build access in netedit; busStop 'bs_4' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_0' in netedit; lane 'E5_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_1' in netedit; lane 'E8_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_2' in netedit; lane 'E4_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_0' in netedit; lane 'E10_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_1' in netedit; lane 'E11_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_2' in netedit; lane '-E7_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_4' in netedit; lane '-E6_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_0' in netedit; lane 'E6_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_1' in netedit; lane '-E10_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_2' in netedit; lane '-E11_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_3' in netedit; lane 'E7_0' doesn't exist. <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in log ---------- 0a1,105 > Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_0' in netedit; edge '-E10' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_1' in netedit; edge 'E7' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_2' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_0' in netedit; edge 'E10' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_1' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_2' in netedit; edge '-E7' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_5' in netedit; lane '-E9_1' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_6' in netedit; lane 'E12_1' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_0' in netedit; lane '-E1_1' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build access in netedit; busStop 'bs_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_1' in netedit; lane 'E0_1' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build access in netedit; busStop 'bs_1' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_2' in netedit; lane '-E0_1' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build access in netedit; busStop 'bs_2' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_4' in netedit; lane 'E1_1' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build access in netedit; busStop 'bs_4' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_0' in netedit; lane 'E5_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_1' in netedit; lane 'E8_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_2' in netedit; lane 'E4_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_0' in netedit; lane 'E10_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_1' in netedit; lane 'E11_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_2' in netedit; lane '-E7_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_4' in netedit; lane '-E6_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_0' in netedit; lane 'E6_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_1' in netedit; lane '-E10_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_2' in netedit; lane '-E11_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_3' in netedit; lane 'E7_0' doesn't exist. <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in output ---------- 4c4 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 701 - 318 --- > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 724 - 368 12c12 < TestFunctions: Netedit closed successfully --- > TestFunctions: Error closing Netedit ---------- New result in errorScreenshot ---------- PNG IHDR 1c IDATxy|l}֙"PEEC*,DiQO(Z--qU7!4n ""OW>?W;;;̳~}" Q;`Sw ,Y`q6aO ҙo fWu8fmyuZ x7BoN5gܦJ Cf4rSj2 L~@iٜ;= ^H$`Ңo К$l͋o"(_'|hѢlSŲH9|3|i`?@T$*U$%%YD.2G4e{*o>...11QGGEE5h ##ѣ~ukzdɒvI$)SڵKl$yZZmLPF `r;oMmL+\RR͟+wP?.𮔔8xr7 +..V籶fƍ{F#"{{{Dr49]kz3gΜڵk7.???..NwÑ0`eڵk[ǏQÇ_J+((Xv~6VCooΝ;ݻw 8nwʕ+ou+&s?9rdHHHrr2ɽ*Ulٲ֭[._|֭'ՠA;ꫯV\b{֭[?:uhzl {exu yfnﲳ-rO333+Uy!= ^!Ȃ;2IRǏ'"-Zcǘ_~ԩS즾S&I??O>dСvvv*6cƌ[^~gϞK,}˗h֬YO}||?~sNe8$$7o,˗//_~_~*wrr^v{j%F8BFݳgOJ[㸿C_E222:H*{RgMMMeS=q7noRRқo)<ŋ?xor!J ߺw'+&مvw= +PYj֬oIIɾ}ϟJI'N۷/^Xha[vvv`[r駟u;wmݺJhy晙BǾK;֬Y3c[ٍ?~Ȑ!ׯ_2dgDDDDD͛ƍ2dӧONZ_d:4gΜ{#)JRzj(Ӛ9=zg=FSN]b ߣG"":sL>}BBB]0|+W߿5j4jԨݻw+l̍ v8ao~ڴi111Doo^*hŊW\4hP >|(=cNDAAAG:u͛ٳ{wM1رcʎ'DDַo~W\!]v 4իW\\<bĈǏ</eGUV=z[S"fY^ >g,0<x``q]d5<#} 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xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/net_file.xsd"> <location netOffset="50.00,50.00" convBoundary="0.00,0.00,100.00,100.00" origBoundary="-50.00,-50.00,50.00,50.00" projParameter="!"/> <edge id="1" from="Center" to="A" priority="-1"> <lane id="1_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="45.20,39.60 45.20,0.00"/> <lane id="1_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="48.40,39.60 48.40,0.00"/> </edge> <edge id="2" from="Center" to="B" priority="-1"> <lane id="2_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="54.80,60.40 54.80,100.00"/> <lane id="2_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="51.60,60.40 51.60,100.00"/> </edge> <edge id="3" from="Center" to="C" priority="-1"> <lane id="3_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="39.60,54.80 0.00,54.80"/> <lane id="3_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="39.60,51.60 0.00,51.60"/> </edge> <edge id="4" from="Center" to="D" priority="-1"> <lane id="4_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="60.40,45.20 100.00,45.20"/> <lane id="4_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="60.40,48.40 100.00,48.40"/> </edge> <edge id="5" from="A" to="Center" priority="-1"> <lane id="5_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="54.80,0.00 54.80,39.60"/> <lane id="5_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="51.60,0.00 51.60,39.60"/> </edge> <edge id="6" from="B" to="Center" priority="-1"> <lane id="6_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="45.20,100.00 45.20,60.40"/> <lane id="6_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="48.40,100.00 48.40,60.40"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines>network connections with_tls inspect_selected allow ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 0a1,187 > Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_0' in netedit; edge '-E10' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_1' in netedit; edge 'E7' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_2' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_0' in netedit; edge 'E10' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_1' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_2' in netedit; edge '-E7' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_5' in netedit; lane '-E9_1' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_6' in netedit; lane 'E12_1' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_0' in netedit; lane '-E1_1' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build access in netedit; busStop 'bs_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_1' in netedit; lane 'E0_1' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build access in netedit; busStop 'bs_1' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_2' in netedit; lane '-E0_1' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build access in netedit; busStop 'bs_2' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_4' in netedit; lane 'E1_1' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build access in netedit; busStop 'bs_4' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_0' in netedit; lane 'E5_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_1' in netedit; lane 'E8_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_2' in netedit; lane 'E4_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_0' in netedit; lane 'E10_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_1' in netedit; lane 'E11_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_2' in netedit; lane '-E7_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_4' in netedit; lane '-E6_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_0' in netedit; lane 'E6_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_1' in netedit; lane '-E10_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_2' in netedit; lane '-E11_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_3' in netedit; lane 'E7_0' doesn't exist. <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ---------- 2c2 < <viewport zoom="500.00" x="50.00" y="50.00" angle="0.00"/> --- > <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/> ---------- Differences in log ---------- 0a1,191 > Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_0' in netedit; edge '-E10' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_1' in netedit; edge 'E7' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_2' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_0' in netedit; edge 'E10' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_1' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_2' in netedit; edge '-E7' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_5' in netedit; lane '-E9_1' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_6' in netedit; lane 'E12_1' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_0' in netedit; lane '-E1_1' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build access in netedit; busStop 'bs_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_1' in netedit; lane 'E0_1' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build access in netedit; busStop 'bs_1' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_2' in netedit; lane '-E0_1' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build access in netedit; busStop 'bs_2' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_4' in netedit; lane 'E1_1' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build access in netedit; busStop 'bs_4' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_0' in netedit; lane 'E5_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_1' in netedit; lane 'E8_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_2' in netedit; lane 'E4_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_0' in netedit; lane 'E10_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_1' in netedit; lane 'E11_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_2' in netedit; lane '-E7_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_4' in netedit; lane '-E6_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_0' in netedit; lane 'E6_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_1' in netedit; lane '-E10_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_2' in netedit; lane '-E11_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_3' in netedit; lane 'E7_0' doesn't exist. <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in net ---------- 6c6 < <location netOffset="50.00,50.00" convBoundary="0.00,0.00,100.00,100.00" origBoundary="-50.00,-50.00,50.00,50.00" projParameter="!"/> --- > <location netOffset="0.00,0.00" convBoundary="-60.00,-30.00,60.00,30.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.000000,-10000000000.000000,10000000000.000000,10000000000.000000" projParameter="+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext +no_defs"/> 8,60c8,76 < <edge id="1" from="Center" to="A" priority="-1"> < <lane id="1_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="45.20,39.60 45.20,0.00"/> < <lane id="1_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="48.40,39.60 48.40,0.00"/> < </edge> < <edge id="2" from="Center" to="B" priority="-1"> < <lane id="2_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="54.80,60.40 54.80,100.00"/> < <lane id="2_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="51.60,60.40 51.60,100.00"/> < </edge> < <edge id="3" from="Center" to="C" priority="-1"> < <lane id="3_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="39.60,54.80 0.00,54.80"/> < <lane id="3_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="39.60,51.60 0.00,51.60"/> < </edge> < <edge id="4" from="Center" to="D" priority="-1"> < <lane id="4_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="60.40,45.20 100.00,45.20"/> < <lane id="4_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="60.40,48.40 100.00,48.40"/> < </edge> < <edge id="5" from="A" to="Center" priority="-1"> < <lane id="5_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="54.80,0.00 54.80,39.60"/> < <lane id="5_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="51.60,0.00 51.60,39.60"/> < </edge> < <edge id="6" from="B" to="Center" priority="-1"> < <lane id="6_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="45.20,100.00 45.20,60.40"/> < <lane id="6_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="48.40,100.00 48.40,60.40"/> < </edge> < <edge id="7" from="C" to="Center" priority="-1"> <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in output ---------- 4c4 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 701 - 318 --- > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 724 - 368 ---------- New result in additionals ---------- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <additional xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/additional_file.xsd"> <!-- StoppingPlaces --> <trainStop id="ts_3" lane="E2_0"/> <parkingArea id="pa_1" lane="-E2_0"> <space x="26.00" y="10.00"/> <space x="26.00" y="10.00"/> </parkingArea> <!-- Detectors --> <inductionLoop id="e1_0" lane="E1_0" pos="8.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> <inductionLoop id="e1_1" lane="-E1_0" pos="15.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> <inductionLoop id="e1_2" lane="-E0_0" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> <inductionLoop id="e1_3" lane="E0_0" pos="8.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> <inductionLoop id="e1_4" lane="-E2_0" pos="15.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> <inductionLoop id="e1_5" lane="E2_0" pos="8.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> <inductionLoop id="e1_6" lane="-E3_0" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> <inductionLoop id="e1_7" lane="E3_0" pos="8.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> <!-- Other additionals --> <variableSpeedSign id="vs_2" lanes="-E2_0" pos="22.00,10.00"/> <!-- Shapes --> <poly id="po_0" color="red" fill="1" layer="0.00" shape="-12.000000,12.000000 -12.000000,8.000000 -8.000000,8.000000 -8.000000,12.000000 -12.000000,12.000000"/> <poly id="po_1" color="red" fill="1" layer="0.00" shape="8.000000,12.000000 8.000000,8.000000 12.000000,8.000000 12.000000,12.000000 8.000000,12.000000"/> <poly id="po_2" color="red" fill="1" layer="0.00" shape="8.000000,-8.000000 8.000000,-12.000000 12.000000,-12.000000 12.000000,-8.000000 8.000000,-8.000000"/> <poly id="po_3" color="red" fill="1" layer="0.00" shape="-8.000000,-8.000000 -12.000000,-8.000000 -12.000000,-12.000000 -8.000000,-12.000000 -8.000000,-8.000000"/> <poi id="poi_0" color="red" layer="202.00" x="-26.00" y="8.00"/> <poi id="poi_1" color="red" layer="202.00" x="-26.00" y="-8.00"/> <poi id="poi_10" color="red" layer="202.00" lon="0.000234" lat="-0.000180"/> <poi id="poi_11" color="red" layer="202.00" lon="-0.000234" lat="-0.000180"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- New result in datas ---------- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd"> </data> ---------- New result in routes ---------- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <routes xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/routes_file.xsd"> <!-- VTypes --> <vType id="bus" vClass="bus"/> <vType id="ship" vClass="ship"/> <!-- Vehicles, persons and containers (sorted by depart) --> <trip id="t_0" type="ship" depart="0.00" from="-E0" to="E3"/> <trip id="t_1" type="ship" depart="0.00" from="-E3" to="E0"/> <trip id="t_2" depart="0.00" from="-E2" to="E1"/> <trip id="t_3" type="bus" depart="0.00" from="-E1" to="E2"/> </routes>
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 0a1,78 > Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_0' in netedit; edge '-E10' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_1' in netedit; edge 'E7' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_2' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_0' in netedit; edge 'E10' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_1' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_2' in netedit; edge '-E7' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_5' in netedit; lane '-E9_1' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_6' in netedit; lane 'E12_1' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_0' in netedit; lane '-E1_1' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build access in netedit; busStop 'bs_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_1' in netedit; lane 'E0_1' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build access in netedit; busStop 'bs_1' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_2' in netedit; lane '-E0_1' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build access in netedit; busStop 'bs_2' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_4' in netedit; lane 'E1_1' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build access in netedit; busStop 'bs_4' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_0' in netedit; lane 'E5_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_1' in netedit; lane 'E8_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_2' in netedit; lane 'E4_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_0' in netedit; lane 'E10_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_1' in netedit; lane 'E11_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_2' in netedit; lane '-E7_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_4' in netedit; lane '-E6_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_0' in netedit; lane 'E6_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_1' in netedit; lane '-E10_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_2' in netedit; lane '-E11_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_3' in netedit; lane 'E7_0' doesn't exist. <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in output ---------- 4c4 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 701 - 318 --- > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 724 - 368 12c12 < TestFunctions: Netedit closed successfully --- > TestFunctions: Error closing Netedit ---------- New result in errorScreenshot ---------- PNG IHDR 1c IDATxy|l}֙"PEEC*,DiQO(Z--qU7!4n ""OW>?W;;;̳~}" Q;`Sw ,Y`q6aO ҙo fWu8fmyuZ x7BoN5gܦJ Cf4rSj2 L~@iٜ;= ^H$`Ңo К$l͋o"(_'|hѢlSŲH9|3|i`?@T$*U$%%YD.2G4e{*o>...11QGGEE5h ##ѣ~ukzdɒvI$)SڵKl$yZZmLPF `r;oMmL+\RR͟+wP?.𮔔8xr7 +..V籶fƍ{F#"{{{Dr49]kz3gΜڵk7.???..NwÑ0`eڵk[ǏQÇ_J+((Xv~6VCooΝ;ݻw 8nwʕ+ou+&s?9rdHHHrr2ɽ*Ulٲ֭[._|֭'ՠA;ꫯV\b{֭[?:uhzl {exu yfnﲳ-rO333+Uy!= ^!Ȃ;2IRǏ'"-Zcǘ_~ԩS즾S&I??O>dСvvv*6cƌ[^~gϞK,}˗h֬YO}||?~sNe8$$7o,˗//_~_~*wrr^v{j%F8BFݳgOJ[㸿C_E222:H*{RgMMMeS=q7noRRқo)<ŋ?xor!J ߺw'+&مvw= +PYj֬oIIɾ}ϟJI'N۷/^Xha[vvv`[r駟u;wmݺJhy晙BǾK;֬Y3c[ٍ?~Ȑ!ׯ_2dgDDDDD͛ƍ2dӧONZ_d:4gΜ{#)JRzj(Ӛ9=zg=FSN]b ߣG"":sL>}BBB]0|+W߿5j4jԨݻw+l̍ v8ao~ڴi111Doo^*hŊW\4hP >|(=cNDAAAG:u͛ٳ{wM1رcʎ'DDַo~W\!]v 4իW\\<bĈǏ</eGUV=z[S"fY^ >g,0<x``q]d5<#} UVGٳgOʕgΜW_ٳ[n=o<Dl2>}h֬Y[8NedddvgϞ[:_9sdfjժѣGWriӦf?VZEFFrgegg!_~ٳg(??_*Ι3e˖dܹ999,͚5ݻkooqܚ5kXvJLL={書]vQzZn}رW\yt/`˳Wڶmh"H q%0.W5,prr***9s~[RRk^^^^sqq9ssuuϗxK$s!"e=LNNԩ?q\&M^3BnZZڵkX3ggժU ~~~Rt m۶]xqzzz߾}qٲe|`YSk֬ٷo/_ ,yyB古IQPPիWyyy*UzxLGrrr8q\ƍcccՕ"]v-,,L*p7aM6~ l`]&~;;݈qVOOO'0u ڵk,V\G_} &bx ۷oeٖ*T9re˼{=}={Qjjj]]ܚ7n9sJ*umٲe>>> x"]XX'{wF[b?3iRRRc܆_n߾={-R)q999nyܹsUXk+Wd߿t_~Vb?y$!!8{{{oo5J?//{Ϟ=.]$(TvP#.888jM6uppt钳3=IXڼy^zygg+Qvv6˓$ 2yB DspҲD"aLTxx~[f͜OOϙ3gJҀ ֬T*y>==]"x{{?裱cԩSYpurrbɳ~ޡ3gܻw/=}7`w?oժUe*=z5bĈoF"h*6gΜܹsW^]z///aāہrrrl"T?5kԨQm?e"yfVVb DR\9vԩbŊ6lP $\7zObU/n+x vܿϏԩcggqFgqGZزFvvv,|ʕ#^{~*cluw^5ktpp`P("""44]6x`e+**QD"(**b.***,,dwU^]"Øٖ+WH$ΝcL}AAA~~>EEEB0//O'yyy.]jժտ۲e3gΤ U={믿zvʚϗ{^YAAٴiS5" &Q%Kaa!{UT)33smڴYf&M>̪l{;֭[O>ݩS%K?_ȼ%k!V|wyGp&33s̙yXX2ٳgjժ{iݺuZ7oΪ۷o߾}s=؉l;>**M6ϟ?>}F|VV~xgϞ? 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---------- Differences in output ---------- 4c4 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 701 - 318 --- > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 724 - 368 11c11 < TestFunctions: Netedit closed successfully --- > TestFunctions: Error closing Netedit ---------- New result in errorScreenshot ---------- PNG IHDR 1c IDATxw|n-e!"T(dOC@T@D@d ( OAD("*{Ȓ ̲WY-#?ΐ$#r.ir|w JrtL. \S` \`9ϽdRMͺMjSZ 䓉LV~"> f 2` 䙖9!rssM ///'dHik$m)RƖ?9`gZoΙn6} H(]˗]"9IS_"M9u!&M$&&^tɬGEGGZjժ)))[l~[bd3fhܸ#VXi$(ۆqK0D u;MmI+*c۽ѯ)VV\VM-''ǔz~]3QBJuԩ۷oÖfŎ&LPRgff&&&j}F؈3lnݺ͚5q/^42[.]R|+W|?<'..k<?g}ff6ð-Z<x`͚5SN%I>|?_Xϙ3?4emxWNW Pɒ%g͚ՠA7o~K,1% TժUׯ_,>3g-'|\ʕ+<kqڝxSI͛EZZڇ~0~+Y3*' Pz>>>f=DNr2dBi֬1Y:u~ǝ;w7՟<9pKFDD۽zVTF<f̘%Kڵ1cƩS:$7n\]}𘘘ׯ/_P;gSݻwO8g?"E!!!|AVVִiӌ_\|SN}ٱcΟ?oV)\Àڵk9Q%$Iҟy^z=S~aJJƍlIC+U`^^͛7_E.=:ӧOx_z Cp&ԩ?iӦ@+w\sBxwhvnG JsH裏j]Pܵk{r)wذa;w^nB9s>sׯ$wСO<)ۺu_|dWJk<̽{}wvJt2dHϞ=ߞ={,X066666Vѹs'N<gϞ uV||ȑ#3f̰Q'LбctyKSZ)oDDD~_k&M4`ˏ9rpfff۶mwԩS:u;ۻw9s[NQz\Ro#y+:u*11QbM45jTBBnҤgϞ-?ݻwZ+WջͅQQQ9rL| ?>22m۶UV߾}njhK])!DB/\tUޤIѣG>|X/4nϯjժ۷OLLm6Z|жm2e0W! <`}"lÆ 6l,w䫩vzas6gvk_͛W^]Tc}>B?A'OwެYL:u]BT!ĸq4h#Iqqq7ܹӥKC6mݻZg_-[֮][TQF%'';$iҤIiii|>`Ϟ=BL &ԫW/..kĉr7n\<|BT*$I_~.]4~nݺ}駉ZjӦVu?z4huu֕*Ujtxڴir322T*9LҨQ?Pْp\///e\Vkm۶M2?;;;::zر*>}'^BCC}}}/]RT{n]vu5(((33Sy她.BC=zj/Ij֬yQC)XҾ/|cǎR3;SNs=w\DDԩS5j4}Ν;!|}}}}}f͚+,go/rڵB"EςO83(ݒ+%:z<sXXXFFFɒ%]9իM6]~$I5j8r"((H|tر>}h>$ :t7o4t'p GE~ݱE˥˃8/ԠWd!R5 cǎɁTRm۶裏{+'b(Vk+W:uJ.ٻwoyŋo֬Yaaa;v=zի7olժޥkw$dɒ[5kVxxxsyq}QիW5;K/WXb}={vz1i$%%%ɏ ٳ|믿lӦ>>>$䤧kuĉ{ݻDZ3g}^{ !.\ػws߸qܹs$T=z_s?<44cǎǏ{n˖-$&?P 7oޔU{B֯_߾}j=x`@@|Xeq'O>z}J(!HKK{+vuGŋ!RSS%{WY9h[29C9Sn*&&>PBzzzǎSX1YZ&o4H1rH93''GRcK",,Ccǎ]f֭[>|א!C:)SFKڵk}O"""hi ϶m'N7o^rCCC**88x?R~w1Bqĉ^{m^^^ZnK({cxV ù=_}e9'~=SG/ x.DDD!*Wh"y|>3It8s*ʜ˗g]xpB'xoɳc,J2r *ۡC!ıcza˗ꫯ4-w8;;;++K\r^^^0fyάRJyyyݻW.f?x 33SVggg+Eάddd<x~wzvޝ+?6##Cm~_~YrO222MeffA^S^y7kժ<GBC !4i(deeB,Y{+Wlذa j֬i&:%//Ndɒ]v5o|ƌCٵkWLL$N6M%!?7)K/ wرc>}괴4㣢^~eu[L{^A+V|gj믿mV>Y.Ͽjժ *߽{wSL۷ZNMMZ/iӦ;w? xf|ִs z۳ܵ;8'De x4yxOx 2yg]+js4HkNGGMCrss`R圦19iPɓrHӚ333Sn033S Tcsrr)7ߗܔ̙!4ÞZV"hjj)Q95-͕hiÆ iZl9|yZ3bԨQZz嗕ɕނ&%% !BCCsssoܸ)C3߾}[`<bĈ/[Lq eV(0iҤAڵ9rdLLUzիWw]t^zi͚Ob``"##Cy+KBҡuAAAy'd͚5۷o<d[-Z4--m'OT6ԻRm4hЪU~)$$$667ܵk?0bĈ8y͛77lP^E䣗e 65j' <`dddVsB^g."5 \gêwɜEnٲEk~90(ĉ999EټylǏɩ[\\ Ԭ[ʉN~ R9j.KE+3:uJmuXחLXsZiƌ/(QbŊ(RT<쳯J]Ϟ=L<zhzzzݺu8կ_edfLNwܹv|]V+p){ebg4İ0mlٲ[(Q{W>\(.]sUZu]zޕRZGSgggfddTXĉ{yׅ4.\P6i{ƍ_N_~yJ sMyC5yJ" '9ۄYYYIII?wŋ:uJzȑ{_rxׯ74͛7yѣGFQZNN֭[?y-:?>}TRʲ.\jժI&eggI |ի6m8qڵkoݺa9*+xlFFƙ3g/^;\tPB/¨Qzn?~s;{~Cݿ^zmڴ>|R$n۷o+omΜ9p[*TPB۶m_xYf''3%ȑ#?ZNN:7.+++Rʱc4OnS&8-< <% + ;#iUţ1v؛7o2$44<}sY`+Wߟdh[n u֭[_%j& <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Missing result in guisettingsoutput ---------- <viewsettings> <viewport zoom="500.00" x="50.00" y="50.00" angle="0.00"/> </viewsettings> ---------- Missing result in net ---------- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <net version="1.20" junctionCornerDetail="5" limitTurnSpeed="5.50" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/net_file.xsd"> <location netOffset="50.00,50.00" convBoundary="0.00,0.00,100.00,100.00" origBoundary="-50.00,-50.00,50.00,50.00" projParameter="!"/> <edge id="1" from="Center" to="A" priority="-1"> <lane id="1_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="45.20,39.60 45.20,0.00"/> <lane id="1_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="48.40,39.60 48.40,0.00"/> </edge> <edge id="2" from="Center" to="B" priority="-1"> <lane id="2_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="54.80,60.40 54.80,100.00"/> <lane id="2_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="51.60,60.40 51.60,100.00"/> </edge> <edge id="3" from="Center" to="C" priority="-1"> <lane id="3_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="39.60,54.80 0.00,54.80"/> <lane id="3_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="39.60,51.60 0.00,51.60"/> </edge> <edge id="4" from="Center" to="D" priority="-1"> <lane id="4_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="60.40,45.20 100.00,45.20"/> <lane id="4_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="60.40,48.40 100.00,48.40"/> </edge> <edge id="5" from="A" to="Center" priority="-1"> <lane id="5_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="54.80,0.00 54.80,39.60"/> <lane id="5_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="51.60,0.00 51.60,39.60"/> </edge> <edge id="6" from="B" to="Center" priority="-1"> <lane id="6_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="45.20,100.00 45.20,60.40"/> <lane id="6_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="48.40,100.00 48.40,60.40"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ---------- 2c2 < <viewport zoom="400.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/> --- > <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/> ---------- Differences in net ---------- 8,9c8,9 < <edge id=":Junction5_0" function="internal"> < <lane id=":Junction5_0_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.43" length="8.87" width="3.00" shape="-1.50,7.00 -1.84,4.59 -2.88,2.87 -4.59,1.84 -7.00,1.50"/> --- > <edge id=":Junction5_0" function="internal" type="custom"> > <lane id=":Junction5_0_0" index="0" allow="ship" speed="15.00" length="6.00" width="3.00" shape="-1.50,7.00 -2.00,5.00 0.00,5.00 0.00,3.00 -2.00,3.00 -2.00,-3.00 0.00,-3.00 0.00,-5.00 -2.00,-5.00 -1.50,-7.00" changeLeft="private authority army vip pedestrian passenger hov taxi bus coach delivery motorcycle moped bicycle evehicle tram rail_urban rail rail_electric rail_fast ship container cable_car subway aircraft wheelchair scooter drone custom1 custom2" changeRight="private emergency pedestrian passenger hov taxi bus coach delivery truck trailer motorcycle moped bicycle evehicle tram rail_urban rail rail_electric rail_fast ship cable_car subway aircraft wheelchair scooter drone custom1 custom2"/> 11,12c11,12 < <edge id=":Junction5_1" function="internal" type="custom"> < <lane id=":Junction5_1_0" index="0" allow="ship" speed="15.00" length="6.00" width="3.00" shape="-1.50,7.00 -2.00,5.00 0.00,5.00 0.00,3.00 -2.00,3.00 -2.00,-3.00 0.00,-3.00 0.00,-5.00 -2.00,-5.00 -1.50,-7.00" changeLeft="private authority army vip pedestrian passenger hov taxi bus coach delivery motorcycle moped bicycle evehicle tram rail_urban rail rail_electric rail_fast ship container cable_car subway aircraft wheelchair scooter drone custom1 custom2" changeRight="private emergency pedestrian passenger hov taxi bus coach delivery truck trailer motorcycle moped bicycle evehicle tram rail_urban rail rail_electric rail_fast ship cable_car subway aircraft wheelchair scooter drone custom1 custom2"/> --- > <edge id=":Junction5_1" function="internal"> > <lane id=":Junction5_1_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="14.00" width="3.00" shape="7.00,1.50 -7.00,1.50"/> 15c15 < <lane id=":Junction5_2_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="14.00" width="3.00" shape="7.00,1.50 -7.00,1.50"/> --- > <lane id=":Junction5_2_0" index="0" allow="ship" speed="13.89" length="14.00" width="3.00" shape="1.50,-7.00 1.50,7.00"/> 18,21c18 < <lane id=":Junction5_3_0" index="0" allow="ship" speed="13.89" length="14.00" width="3.00" shape="1.50,-7.00 1.50,7.00"/> < </edge> < <edge id=":Junction5_4" function="internal"> < <lane id=":Junction5_4_0" index="0" allow="bus" speed="13.89" length="14.00" width="3.00" shape="-7.00,-1.50 7.00,-1.50"/> --- > <lane id=":Junction5_3_0" index="0" allow="bus" speed="13.89" length="14.00" width="3.00" shape="-7.00,-1.50 7.00,-1.50"/> 65,70c62,66 < <junction id="Junction5" type="priority" x="0.00" y="0.00" incLanes="-E0_0 -E2_0 -E3_0 -E1_0" intLanes=":Junction5_0_0 :Junction5_1_0 :Junction5_2_0 :Junction5_3_0 :Junction5_4_0" shape="-3.00,7.00 3.00,7.00 3.44,4.78 4.00,4.00 4.78,3.44 5.78,3.11 7.00,3.00 7.00,-3.00 4.78,-3.44 4.00,-4.00 3.44,-4.78 3.11,-5.78 3.00,-7.00 -3.00,-7.00 -3.44,-4.78 -4.00,-4.00 -4.78,-3.44 -5.78,-3.11 -7.00,-3.00 -7.00,3.00 -4.78,3.44 -4.00,4.00 -3.44,4.78 -3.11,5.78"> < <request index="0" response="00000" foes="00100" cont="0"/> < <request index="1" response="00000" foes="10100" cont="0"/> < <request index="2" response="01011" foes="01011" cont="0"/> < <request index="3" response="00000" foes="10100" cont="0"/> < <request index="4" response="01010" foes="01010" cont="0"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines>network connections without_tls create default ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ---------- 2c2 < <viewport zoom="400.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/> --- > <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/> ---------- Differences in net ---------- 18,21c18 < <lane id=":Junction5_3_0" index="0" disallow="all" speed="6.43" length="8.87" width="3.00" shape="-7.00,-1.50 -4.59,-1.84 -2.88,-2.87 -1.84,-4.59 -1.50,-7.00"/> < </edge> < <edge id=":Junction5_4" function="internal"> < <lane id=":Junction5_4_0" index="0" allow="bus" speed="13.89" length="14.00" width="3.00" shape="-7.00,-1.50 7.00,-1.50"/> --- > <lane id=":Junction5_3_0" index="0" allow="bus" speed="13.89" length="14.00" width="3.00" shape="-7.00,-1.50 7.00,-1.50"/> 65,70c62,66 < <junction id="Junction5" type="priority" x="0.00" y="0.00" incLanes="-E0_0 -E2_0 -E3_0 -E1_0" intLanes=":Junction5_0_0 :Junction5_1_0 :Junction5_2_0 :Junction5_3_0 :Junction5_4_0" shape="-3.00,7.00 3.00,7.00 3.44,4.78 4.00,4.00 4.78,3.44 5.78,3.11 7.00,3.00 7.00,-3.00 4.78,-3.44 4.00,-4.00 3.44,-4.78 3.11,-5.78 3.00,-7.00 -3.00,-7.00 -3.44,-4.78 -4.00,-4.00 -4.78,-3.44 -5.78,-3.11 -7.00,-3.00 -7.00,3.00 -4.78,3.44 -4.00,4.00 -3.44,4.78 -3.11,5.78"> < <request index="0" response="00000" foes="11010" cont="0"/> < <request index="1" response="00101" foes="00101" cont="0"/> < <request index="2" response="00000" foes="10010" cont="0"/> < <request index="3" response="00001" foes="00001" cont="0"/> < <request index="4" response="00101" foes="00101" cont="0"/> --- > <junction id="Junction5" type="priority" x="0.00" y="0.00" incLanes="-E0_0 -E2_0 -E3_0 -E1_0" intLanes=":Junction5_0_0 :Junction5_1_0 :Junction5_2_0 :Junction5_3_0" shape="-3.00,7.00 3.00,7.00 3.44,4.78 4.00,4.00 4.78,3.44 5.78,3.11 7.00,3.00 7.00,-3.00 4.78,-3.44 4.00,-4.00 3.44,-4.78 3.11,-5.78 3.00,-7.00 -3.00,-7.00 -3.44,-4.78 -4.00,-4.00 -4.78,-3.44 -5.78,-3.11 -7.00,-3.00 -7.00,3.00 -4.78,3.44 -4.00,4.00 -3.44,4.78 -3.11,5.78"> > <request index="0" response="0000" foes="1010" cont="0"/> > <request index="1" response="0101" foes="0101" cont="0"/> > <request index="2" response="0000" foes="1010" cont="0"/> > <request index="3" response="0101" foes="0101" cont="0"/> 80,81c76 < <connection from="-E1" to="E3" fromLane="0" toLane="0" via=":Junction5_3_0" dir="r" state="m"/> < <connection from="-E1" to="E2" fromLane="0" toLane="0" via=":Junction5_4_0" dir="s" state="m"/> --- > <connection from="-E1" to="E2" fromLane="0" toLane="0" via=":Junction5_3_0" dir="s" state="m"/> 90,91c85 < <connection from=":Junction5_3" to="E3" fromLane="0" toLane="0" dir="r" state="M"/> < <connection from=":Junction5_4" to="E2" fromLane="0" toLane="0" dir="s" state="M"/> --- > <connection from=":Junction5_3" to="E2" fromLane="0" toLane="0" dir="s" state="M"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ---------- 2c2 < <viewport zoom="400.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/> --- > <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/> ---------- Differences in log ---------- 1,4d0 < Warning: Edge '-E2' is not connected to outgoing edges at junction 'Junction5'. < Warning: Lane 'E1_0' is not connected from any incoming edge at junction 'Junction5'. < Warning: Edge '-E2' is not connected to outgoing edges at junction 'Junction5'. < Warning: Lane 'E1_0' is not connected from any incoming edge at junction 'Junction5'. ---------- Differences in net ---------- 12c12 < <lane id=":Junction5_1_0" index="0" allow="ship" speed="13.89" length="14.00" width="3.00" shape="1.50,-7.00 1.50,7.00"/> --- > <lane id=":Junction5_1_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="14.00" width="3.00" shape="7.00,1.50 -7.00,1.50"/> 15c15,18 < <lane id=":Junction5_2_0" index="0" allow="bus" speed="13.89" length="14.00" width="3.00" shape="-7.00,-1.50 7.00,-1.50"/> --- > <lane id=":Junction5_2_0" index="0" allow="ship" speed="13.89" length="14.00" width="3.00" shape="1.50,-7.00 1.50,7.00"/> > </edge> > <edge id=":Junction5_3" function="internal"> > <lane id=":Junction5_3_0" index="0" allow="bus" speed="13.89" length="14.00" width="3.00" shape="-7.00,-1.50 7.00,-1.50"/> 59,62c62,66 < <junction id="Junction5" type="priority" x="0.00" y="0.00" incLanes="-E0_0 -E2_0 -E3_0 -E1_0" intLanes=":Junction5_0_0 :Junction5_1_0 :Junction5_2_0" shape="-3.00,7.00 3.00,7.00 3.44,4.78 4.00,4.00 4.78,3.44 5.78,3.11 7.00,3.00 7.00,-3.00 4.78,-3.44 4.00,-4.00 3.44,-4.78 3.11,-5.78 3.00,-7.00 -3.00,-7.00 -3.44,-4.78 -4.00,-4.00 -4.78,-3.44 -5.78,-3.11 -7.00,-3.00 -7.00,3.00 -4.78,3.44 -4.00,4.00 -3.44,4.78 -3.11,5.78"> < <request index="0" response="000" foes="100" cont="0"/> < <request index="1" response="000" foes="100" cont="0"/> < <request index="2" response="011" foes="011" cont="0"/> --- > <junction id="Junction5" type="priority" x="0.00" y="0.00" incLanes="-E0_0 -E2_0 -E3_0 -E1_0" intLanes=":Junction5_0_0 :Junction5_1_0 :Junction5_2_0 :Junction5_3_0" shape="-3.00,7.00 3.00,7.00 3.44,4.78 4.00,4.00 4.78,3.44 5.78,3.11 7.00,3.00 7.00,-3.00 4.78,-3.44 4.00,-4.00 3.44,-4.78 3.11,-5.78 3.00,-7.00 -3.00,-7.00 -3.44,-4.78 -4.00,-4.00 -4.78,-3.44 -5.78,-3.11 -7.00,-3.00 -7.00,3.00 -4.78,3.44 -4.00,4.00 -3.44,4.78 -3.11,5.78"> > <request index="0" response="0000" foes="1010" cont="0"/> > <request index="1" response="0101" foes="0101" cont="0"/> > <request index="2" response="0000" foes="1010" cont="0"/> > <request index="3" response="0101" foes="0101" cont="0"/> 72,73c76,78 < <connection from="-E1" to="E2" fromLane="0" toLane="0" via=":Junction5_2_0" dir="s" state="m"/> < <connection from="-E3" to="E0" fromLane="0" toLane="0" via=":Junction5_1_0" dir="s" state="M"/> --- > <connection from="-E1" to="E2" fromLane="0" toLane="0" via=":Junction5_3_0" dir="s" state="m"/> > <connection from="-E2" to="E1" fromLane="0" toLane="0" via=":Junction5_1_0" dir="s" state="m"/> > <connection from="-E3" to="E0" fromLane="0" toLane="0" via=":Junction5_2_0" dir="s" state="M"/> 78,79c83,85 <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in routes ---------- 10a11 > <trip id="t_2" depart="0.00" from="-E2" to="E1"/>
---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ---------- 2c2 < <viewport zoom="400.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/> --- > <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/> ---------- Differences in log ---------- 1,12d0 < Warning: Edge '-E0' is not connected to outgoing edges at junction 'Junction5'. < Warning: Edge '-E1' is not connected to outgoing edges at junction 'Junction5'. < Warning: Edge '-E2' is not connected to outgoing edges at junction 'Junction5'. < Warning: Edge '-E3' is not connected to outgoing edges at junction 'Junction5'. < Warning: Lane 'E0_0' is not connected from any incoming edge at junction 'Junction5'. < Warning: Lane 'E1_0' is not connected from any incoming edge at junction 'Junction5'. < Warning: Lane 'E2_0' is not connected from any incoming edge at junction 'Junction5'. < Warning: Lane 'E3_0' is not connected from any incoming edge at junction 'Junction5'. < Warning: Edge '-E0' is not connected to outgoing edges at junction 'Junction5'. < Warning: Lane 'E0_0' is not connected from any incoming edge at junction 'Junction5'. < Warning: 8 total messages of type: Edge '%' is not connected to outgoing edges at junction '%'. < Warning: 8 total messages of type: Lane '%' is not connected from any incoming edge at junction '%'. ---------- Differences in net ---------- 7a8,26 > <edge id=":Junction5_0" function="internal" type="custom"> > <lane id=":Junction5_0_0" index="0" allow="ship" speed="15.00" length="6.00" width="3.00" shape="-1.50,7.00 -2.00,5.00 0.00,5.00 0.00,3.00 -2.00,3.00 -2.00,-3.00 0.00,-3.00 0.00,-5.00 -2.00,-5.00 -1.50,-7.00" changeLeft="private authority army vip pedestrian passenger hov taxi bus coach delivery motorcycle moped bicycle evehicle tram rail_urban rail rail_electric rail_fast ship container cable_car subway aircraft wheelchair scooter drone custom1 custom2" changeRight="private emergency pedestrian passenger hov taxi bus coach delivery truck trailer motorcycle moped bicycle evehicle tram rail_urban rail rail_electric rail_fast ship cable_car subway aircraft wheelchair scooter drone custom1 custom2"/> > </edge> > <edge id=":Junction5_1" function="internal"> > <lane id=":Junction5_1_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="14.00" width="3.00" shape="7.00,1.50 -7.00,1.50"/> > </edge> > <edge id=":Junction5_2" function="internal"> > <lane id=":Junction5_2_0" index="0" allow="ship" speed="13.89" length="14.00" width="3.00" shape="1.50,-7.00 1.50,7.00"/> > </edge> > <edge id=":Junction5_3" function="internal"> > <lane id=":Junction5_3_0" index="0" allow="bus" speed="13.89" length="14.00" width="3.00" shape="-7.00,-1.50 7.00,-1.50"/> > </edge> > <edge id=":JunctionExtern0_0" function="internal"> > <lane id=":JunctionExtern0_0_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="3.53" length="4.38" width="3.00" shape="-60.00,1.50 -61.12,0.75 -61.50,0.00 -61.12,-0.75 -60.00,-1.50"/> > </edge> > <edge id=":JunctionExtern1_0" function="internal"> > <lane id=":JunctionExtern1_0_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="3.53" length="4.38" width="3.00" shape="60.00,-1.50 61.12,-0.75 61.50,0.00 61.12,0.75 60.00,1.50"/> > </edge> > 43,45c62,87 < <junction id="Junction5" type="dead_end" x="0.00" y="0.00" incLanes="-E0_0 -E2_0 -E3_0 -E1_0" intLanes="" shape="-3.00,7.00 3.00,7.00 3.44,4.78 4.00,4.00 4.78,3.44 5.78,3.11 7.00,3.00 7.00,-3.00 4.78,-3.44 4.00,-4.00 3.44,-4.78 3.11,-5.78 3.00,-7.00 -3.00,-7.00 -3.44,-4.78 -4.00,-4.00 -4.78,-3.44 -5.78,-3.11 -7.00,-3.00 -7.00,3.00 -4.78,3.44 -4.00,4.00 -3.44,4.78 -3.11,5.78"/> < <junction id="JunctionExtern0" type="dead_end" x="-60.00" y="0.00" incLanes="EdgeExternTop_0" intLanes="" shape="-60.00,0.00 -60.00,3.00 -60.00,0.00"/> < <junction id="JunctionExtern1" type="dead_end" x="60.00" y="0.00" incLanes="EdgeExternBot_0" intLanes="" shape="60.00,0.00 60.00,-3.00 60.00,0.00"/> --- > <junction id="Junction5" type="priority" x="0.00" y="0.00" incLanes="-E0_0 -E2_0 -E3_0 -E1_0" intLanes=":Junction5_0_0 :Junction5_1_0 :Junction5_2_0 :Junction5_3_0" shape="-3.00,7.00 3.00,7.00 3.44,4.78 4.00,4.00 4.78,3.44 5.78,3.11 7.00,3.00 7.00,-3.00 4.78,-3.44 4.00,-4.00 3.44,-4.78 3.11,-5.78 3.00,-7.00 -3.00,-7.00 -3.44,-4.78 -4.00,-4.00 -4.78,-3.44 -5.78,-3.11 -7.00,-3.00 -7.00,3.00 -4.78,3.44 -4.00,4.00 -3.44,4.78 -3.11,5.78"> > <request index="0" response="0000" foes="1010" cont="0"/> > <request index="1" response="0101" foes="0101" cont="0"/> > <request index="2" response="0000" foes="1010" cont="0"/> > <request index="3" response="0101" foes="0101" cont="0"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in routes ---------- 7a8,12 > <!-- Vehicles, persons and containers (sorted by depart) --> > <trip id="t_0" type="ship" depart="0.00" from="-E0" to="E3"/> > <trip id="t_1" type="ship" depart="0.00" from="-E3" to="E0"/> > <trip id="t_2" depart="0.00" from="-E2" to="E1"/> > <trip id="t_3" type="bus" depart="0.00" from="-E1" to="E2"/>
---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ---------- 2c2 < <viewport zoom="400.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/> --- > <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/> ---------- Differences in log ---------- 1,4d0 < Warning: Edge '-E0' is not connected to outgoing edges at junction 'Junction5'. < Warning: Lane 'E3_0' is not connected from any incoming edge at junction 'Junction5'. < Warning: Edge '-E0' is not connected to outgoing edges at junction 'Junction5'. < Warning: Lane 'E3_0' is not connected from any incoming edge at junction 'Junction5'. ---------- Differences in net ---------- 8,9c8,9 < <edge id=":Junction5_0" function="internal"> < <lane id=":Junction5_0_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="14.00" width="3.00" shape="7.00,1.50 -7.00,1.50"/> --- > <edge id=":Junction5_0" function="internal" type="custom"> > <lane id=":Junction5_0_0" index="0" allow="ship" speed="15.00" length="6.00" width="3.00" shape="-1.50,7.00 -2.00,5.00 0.00,5.00 0.00,3.00 -2.00,3.00 -2.00,-3.00 0.00,-3.00 0.00,-5.00 -2.00,-5.00 -1.50,-7.00" changeLeft="private authority army vip pedestrian passenger hov taxi bus coach delivery motorcycle moped bicycle evehicle tram rail_urban rail rail_electric rail_fast ship container cable_car subway aircraft wheelchair scooter drone custom1 custom2" changeRight="private emergency pedestrian passenger hov taxi bus coach delivery truck trailer motorcycle moped bicycle evehicle tram rail_urban rail rail_electric rail_fast ship cable_car subway aircraft wheelchair scooter drone custom1 custom2"/> 12c12 < <lane id=":Junction5_1_0" index="0" allow="ship" speed="13.89" length="14.00" width="3.00" shape="1.50,-7.00 1.50,7.00"/> --- > <lane id=":Junction5_1_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="14.00" width="3.00" shape="7.00,1.50 -7.00,1.50"/> 15c15,18 < <lane id=":Junction5_2_0" index="0" allow="bus" speed="13.89" length="14.00" width="3.00" shape="-7.00,-1.50 7.00,-1.50"/> --- > <lane id=":Junction5_2_0" index="0" allow="ship" speed="13.89" length="14.00" width="3.00" shape="1.50,-7.00 1.50,7.00"/> > </edge> > <edge id=":Junction5_3" function="internal"> > <lane id=":Junction5_3_0" index="0" allow="bus" speed="13.89" length="14.00" width="3.00" shape="-7.00,-1.50 7.00,-1.50"/> 59,62c62,66 < <junction id="Junction5" type="priority" x="0.00" y="0.00" incLanes="-E0_0 -E2_0 -E3_0 -E1_0" intLanes=":Junction5_0_0 :Junction5_1_0 :Junction5_2_0" shape="-3.00,7.00 3.00,7.00 3.44,4.78 4.00,4.00 4.78,3.44 5.78,3.11 7.00,3.00 7.00,-3.00 4.78,-3.44 4.00,-4.00 3.44,-4.78 3.11,-5.78 3.00,-7.00 -3.00,-7.00 -3.44,-4.78 -4.00,-4.00 -4.78,-3.44 -5.78,-3.11 -7.00,-3.00 -7.00,3.00 -4.78,3.44 -4.00,4.00 -3.44,4.78 -3.11,5.78"> < <request index="0" response="010" foes="010" cont="0"/> < <request index="1" response="000" foes="101" cont="0"/> < <request index="2" response="010" foes="010" cont="0"/> --- > <junction id="Junction5" type="priority" x="0.00" y="0.00" incLanes="-E0_0 -E2_0 -E3_0 -E1_0" intLanes=":Junction5_0_0 :Junction5_1_0 :Junction5_2_0 :Junction5_3_0" shape="-3.00,7.00 3.00,7.00 3.44,4.78 4.00,4.00 4.78,3.44 5.78,3.11 7.00,3.00 7.00,-3.00 4.78,-3.44 4.00,-4.00 3.44,-4.78 3.11,-5.78 3.00,-7.00 -3.00,-7.00 -3.44,-4.78 -4.00,-4.00 -4.78,-3.44 -5.78,-3.11 -7.00,-3.00 -7.00,3.00 -4.78,3.44 -4.00,4.00 -3.44,4.78 -3.11,5.78"> > <request index="0" response="0000" foes="1010" cont="0"/> > <request index="1" response="0101" foes="0101" cont="0"/> > <request index="2" response="0000" foes="1010" cont="0"/> > <request index="3" response="0101" foes="0101" cont="0"/> 71,73c75,78 < <connection from="-E1" to="E2" fromLane="0" toLane="0" via=":Junction5_2_0" dir="s" state="m"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in routes ---------- 8a9 > <trip id="t_0" type="ship" depart="0.00" from="-E0" to="E3"/>
---------- Differences in output ---------- 4c4 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 701 - 318 --- > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 724 - 368 12c12 < TestFunctions: Netedit closed successfully --- > TestFunctions: Error closing Netedit ---------- New result in errorScreenshot ---------- PNG IHDR 1c IDATxwXSsCd 8qREpZ.mZ9pUn[ZZm֍uQD2,2Iy{ 99! 23v j 0v Pt,FEE1 (L7fٯ꼗Ԋ_fJ" HL"!-2} ejܕL4Ef˦X,V= ^6Qrt` o@LvؼC$Pj7nҥYYYƎdÞ,~ LiH#KSXg *2+&&&D*5+S^|$RVbcc4Z* uIOO?}ڵkw{c`[l)&O{<E2= 2}kemr (#_ (9d wUkoW&ZgX_, ?>omݼgbbWP)=-WYaa:˖5;v3f5ŽB@ xׯv10fΜ9իW3fLnnnll1=ٻw+Wlӧ*cرUV}ƍW6<,,gϞyyykUщFUDڶmۼC-^۷8nҤIzrww[zY4~K.2dHFH\refRRR]vޓ6N:GW7߬^ZE{777֪Uĉ[]fMMCNW D`۰acVVҥ_Ϛ5;##sG9/ |@P ɐ F́cǎ%"-zc`LF~ϳHFܓ...ƍ߿P(TwuΝ˗?xD4s̞={Ξ=)$$ŋS֏ƍ5zͽ{ouuuggg_/YDE"hƍݺu[v۷K$=S8no߿ڵ.]~q{RFgeeՋ7%%Na{m&ݻlٲO$W@rH 0%e%nԨoֱcrE".h J\oiذX,>|X)b fffGYlOD?`Ikٽ{w33GljDٳgw۷'"KKKKK3glܸq],*ƍgdd}ZְaC>0fffcǎׯ͝;wgooJD3fL~ʕ+ի)S×/_nE"ќ9sv횝a(|]\\n>|xժULj* pnnnN ŋݺukԨ۷-,,z#GQz "<(UVSN!~UV*_j[ƍ}Sγgd?%,,,s">|)Svϔ>f͚۩Sׯ<̙3DD윖χjjڴi7n e˖uܹsll0xgJ$N:UTil.2%Eرcǎrsb[36"ef{=9p*7ab 0UM6=uf̘of͚լY+WE/^|"$3g6k,$$8aaa-[SSS{,%K\xd0ԴiӧO>|kԩiiiٳg7m4,,yeee}wlҥKDknn>gΜ0@0wl͜9✝B!q=˝f͚ջw5kƶo߾cǎ2ai֬ٙ3g95i$u^d 8''G(*khѢ-Z,]ߓp\@˕<{ED"QAAY@@3Bڵkbq5HnpBEBBP(x"{ ={͕_@z[HYIIImڴ9qq 4u떲`---ׯ_߾}ڌ3unݺ'O/^E˖-KKK&"KK˕+WYͺ>LD({7ߓED~~~nbsrr<==?.=#))?>z(qy&-۷ $}8?~SRRTn %wϷ%#Fn ۷YBթSoɩo߾_~%СCٳg<`ӬX *2dʕ]v6m(%%} .ݛw^x8OO:\ɩO> v[ݠA|2))I:?|AVZU\}Λ7O6ElY[[~}{avQH$27780;;[{]|۷_z5?C&[0`ݺu˗/<yqP(ttt۷aä[_kfbׂy]v,cyJJ P/իW-,,6mzh+++,[V$sT?[\beeADYYY,/^YJ"TP233y-333C<uvjժeggϘ1ݝuknn.H#ѣF")SU$̳P(w)إK3f:t^z'Ǝ{RJ2333f@RSisϞ=Ν;wÆ UTvppGB[[ۣGfggܹfϞ=Z*k?yd"w^ffСCWZ%ʗ//6mxxxO1 @Q;4[+`BO+Wqw? PvǻQ͚5̶mq'?đ?R-VjffƒO=}|DTF 33X-[& UaZjBCCtBDo۷]\\ V*6m$FAA ??=UJ@cf-˗Y1͕H$|3???''G&M߁/^LKKeU5kG}_EVʺ͕m){5ccDDǏ'VZ%J|yzzfddDFF6oZj 48y$lu]v]pM6˗/;vBBBdSM4WW?\p#cƌ.4hD"ʒΚ5/J*edd<xYfލ7f={ٳʪSNf6❵?p@o6mڢE,H233eg<y255Uu eDK5,'W$Ol駕@F->ˤQdZRv#>, ,O <,Iɴe [a߄}j|7^z;(++K:ٓH$| N|%E%=lB7iǎ8p%Kڵk.F7Nھ}/Uz퓓A,|RaW~ 0<yr\\AD/_DX\y5 ?)SBBB=$v.^Xb?ԩSښrrr&SҡC666lPrС!C\r-++kwTQm~}5k־}_.44t.\عsɓXSN5oޜw۶meʪySNU} ʎ k'''ǿ?Q|aavrAn %wf*\,nnnOi>{w^aaSݽ{I&`V [feeYYY)-f`666|%*\|}}ٝU<xp̶f{iӦlO#c5&mӧO<<<"""R>/gϞ?gu+;;I&6NM6s,\NNϟ?gd"twwz{x#G 5)((DQP3gΰ6?oܸ!s,x ݻwSS H$2WS✜oooHt=ҥK#F i/VZ?~\)/ ++ 0o)cuWWF &tFDɿٳ---߿_B7o0`g*TpQe-SRR~G6֭[~~~$k魰̙3}}mP[[ۇzyyk}u8p`y٬>:?4=ɮteN<9wÇzJ:` ?]~<6''ѣG۷o8qbBB~:uTeXa)ݻw_xn:H4q˗/DWaƍ~۷o;v8i$(<%ׯ_ٷ6=o-jժU֩SO?tʕd2eݻw3335jԭ[3ghlDsm/,(+ 0ݰ( X0q2`zr̘1#%%eر.dϟz-[<{իZzWΜ9.(ʆ.YfN0LJ^M:uٲe˖-IJJ/rI6m۶o߾]fC- <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Missing result in guisettingsoutput ---------- <viewsettings> <viewport zoom="500.00" x="50.00" y="50.00" angle="0.00"/> </viewsettings> ---------- Missing result in net ---------- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <net version="1.20" junctionCornerDetail="5" limitTurnSpeed="5.50" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/net_file.xsd"> <location netOffset="50.00,50.00" convBoundary="0.00,0.00,100.00,100.00" origBoundary="-50.00,-50.00,50.00,50.00" projParameter="!"/> <edge id="1" from="Center" to="A" priority="-1"> <lane id="1_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="45.20,39.60 45.20,0.00"/> <lane id="1_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="48.40,39.60 48.40,0.00"/> </edge> <edge id="2" from="Center" to="B" priority="-1"> <lane id="2_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="54.80,60.40 54.80,100.00"/> <lane id="2_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="51.60,60.40 51.60,100.00"/> </edge> <edge id="3" from="Center" to="C" priority="-1"> <lane id="3_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="39.60,54.80 0.00,54.80"/> <lane id="3_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="39.60,51.60 0.00,51.60"/> </edge> <edge id="4" from="Center" to="D" priority="-1"> <lane id="4_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="60.40,45.20 100.00,45.20"/> <lane id="4_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="60.40,48.40 100.00,48.40"/> </edge> <edge id="5" from="A" to="Center" priority="-1"> <lane id="5_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="54.80,0.00 54.80,39.60"/> <lane id="5_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="51.60,0.00 51.60,39.60"/> </edge> <edge id="6" from="B" to="Center" priority="-1"> <lane id="6_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="45.20,100.00 45.20,60.40"/> <lane id="6_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="48.40,100.00 48.40,60.40"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ---------- 2c2 < <viewport zoom="500.00" x="50.00" y="50.00" angle="0.00"/> --- > <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/> ---------- Differences in net ---------- 6c6 < <location netOffset="50.00,50.00" convBoundary="0.00,0.00,100.00,100.00" origBoundary="-50.00,-50.00,50.00,50.00" projParameter="!"/> --- > <location netOffset="0.00,0.00" convBoundary="-60.00,-30.00,60.00,30.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.000000,-10000000000.000000,10000000000.000000,10000000000.000000" projParameter="+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext +no_defs"/> 8,38c8,24 < <edge id="1" from="Center" to="A" priority="-1"> < <lane id="1_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="45.20,39.60 45.20,0.00"/> < <lane id="1_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="48.40,39.60 48.40,0.00"/> < </edge> < <edge id="2" from="Center" to="B" priority="-1"> < <lane id="2_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="54.80,60.40 54.80,100.00"/> < <lane id="2_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="51.60,60.40 51.60,100.00"/> < </edge> < <edge id="3" from="Center" to="C" priority="-1"> < <lane id="3_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="39.60,54.80 0.00,54.80"/> < <lane id="3_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="39.60,51.60 0.00,51.60"/> < </edge> < <edge id="4" from="Center" to="D" priority="-1"> < <lane id="4_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="60.40,45.20 100.00,45.20"/> < <lane id="4_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="60.40,48.40 100.00,48.40"/> < </edge> < <edge id="5" from="A" to="Center" priority="-1"> < <lane id="5_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="54.80,0.00 54.80,39.60"/> < <lane id="5_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="51.60,0.00 51.60,39.60"/> < </edge> < <edge id="6" from="B" to="Center" priority="-1"> < <lane id="6_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="45.20,100.00 45.20,60.40"/> < <lane id="6_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="48.40,100.00 48.40,60.40"/> < </edge> < <edge id="7" from="C" to="Center" priority="-1"> <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in output ---------- 4c4 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 701 - 318 --- > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 724 - 368 ---------- New result in additionals ---------- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <additional xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/additional_file.xsd"> <!-- Detectors --> <inductionLoop id="e1_0" lane="E1_0" pos="8.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> <inductionLoop id="e1_1" lane="-E1_0" pos="15.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> <inductionLoop id="e1_2" lane="-E0_0" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> <inductionLoop id="e1_3" lane="E0_0" pos="8.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> <inductionLoop id="e1_4" lane="-E2_0" pos="15.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> <inductionLoop id="e1_5" lane="E2_0" pos="8.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> <inductionLoop id="e1_6" lane="-E3_0" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> <inductionLoop id="e1_7" lane="E3_0" pos="8.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> </additional> ---------- New result in datas ---------- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd"> </data> ---------- New result in routes ---------- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <routes xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/routes_file.xsd"> <!-- VTypes --> <vType id="bus" vClass="bus"/> <vType id="ship" vClass="ship"/> <!-- Vehicles, persons and containers (sorted by depart) --> <trip id="t_0" type="ship" depart="0.00" from="-E0" to="E3"/> <trip id="t_1" type="ship" depart="0.00" from="-E3" to="E0"/> <trip id="t_2" depart="0.00" from="-E2" to="E1"/> <trip id="t_3" type="bus" depart="0.00" from="-E1" to="E2"/> </routes>network connections without_tls inspect changeleft ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 0a1,187 > Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_0' in netedit; edge '-E10' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_1' in netedit; edge 'E7' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_2' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_0' in netedit; edge 'E10' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_1' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_2' in netedit; edge '-E7' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_5' in netedit; lane '-E9_1' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_6' in netedit; lane 'E12_1' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_0' in netedit; lane '-E1_1' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build access in netedit; busStop 'bs_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_1' in netedit; lane 'E0_1' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build access in netedit; busStop 'bs_1' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_2' in netedit; lane '-E0_1' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build access in netedit; busStop 'bs_2' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_4' in netedit; lane 'E1_1' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build access in netedit; busStop 'bs_4' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_0' in netedit; lane 'E5_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_1' in netedit; lane 'E8_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_2' in netedit; lane 'E4_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_0' in netedit; lane 'E10_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_1' in netedit; lane 'E11_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_2' in netedit; lane '-E7_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_4' in netedit; lane '-E6_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_0' in netedit; lane 'E6_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_1' in netedit; lane '-E10_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_2' in netedit; lane '-E11_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_3' in netedit; lane 'E7_0' doesn't exist. <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ---------- 2c2 < <viewport zoom="500.00" x="50.00" y="50.00" angle="0.00"/> --- > <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/> ---------- Differences in log ---------- 0a1,191 > Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_0' in netedit; edge '-E10' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_1' in netedit; edge 'E7' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_2' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_0' in netedit; edge 'E10' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_1' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_2' in netedit; edge '-E7' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_5' in netedit; lane '-E9_1' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_6' in netedit; lane 'E12_1' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_0' in netedit; lane '-E1_1' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build access in netedit; busStop 'bs_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_1' in netedit; lane 'E0_1' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build access in netedit; busStop 'bs_1' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_2' in netedit; lane '-E0_1' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build access in netedit; busStop 'bs_2' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_4' in netedit; lane 'E1_1' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build access in netedit; busStop 'bs_4' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_0' in netedit; lane 'E5_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_1' in netedit; lane 'E8_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_2' in netedit; lane 'E4_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_0' in netedit; lane 'E10_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_1' in netedit; lane 'E11_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_2' in netedit; lane '-E7_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_4' in netedit; lane '-E6_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_0' in netedit; lane 'E6_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_1' in netedit; lane '-E10_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_2' in netedit; lane '-E11_0' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_3' in netedit; lane 'E7_0' doesn't exist. <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in net ---------- 6c6 < <location netOffset="50.00,50.00" convBoundary="0.00,0.00,100.00,100.00" origBoundary="-50.00,-50.00,50.00,50.00" projParameter="!"/> --- > <location netOffset="0.00,0.00" convBoundary="-60.00,-30.00,60.00,30.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.000000,-10000000000.000000,10000000000.000000,10000000000.000000" projParameter="+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext +no_defs"/> 8,38c8,24 < <edge id="1" from="Center" to="A" priority="-1"> < <lane id="1_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="45.20,39.60 45.20,0.00"/> < <lane id="1_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="48.40,39.60 48.40,0.00"/> < </edge> < <edge id="2" from="Center" to="B" priority="-1"> < <lane id="2_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="54.80,60.40 54.80,100.00"/> < <lane id="2_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="51.60,60.40 51.60,100.00"/> < </edge> < <edge id="3" from="Center" to="C" priority="-1"> < <lane id="3_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="39.60,54.80 0.00,54.80"/> < <lane id="3_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="39.60,51.60 0.00,51.60"/> < </edge> < <edge id="4" from="Center" to="D" priority="-1"> < <lane id="4_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="60.40,45.20 100.00,45.20"/> < <lane id="4_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="60.40,48.40 100.00,48.40"/> < </edge> < <edge id="5" from="A" to="Center" priority="-1"> < <lane id="5_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="54.80,0.00 54.80,39.60"/> < <lane id="5_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="51.60,0.00 51.60,39.60"/> < </edge> < <edge id="6" from="B" to="Center" priority="-1"> < <lane id="6_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="45.20,100.00 45.20,60.40"/> < <lane id="6_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="48.40,100.00 48.40,60.40"/> < </edge> < <edge id="7" from="C" to="Center" priority="-1"> <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in output ---------- 4c4 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 701 - 318 --- > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 724 - 368 ---------- New result in additionals ---------- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <additional xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/additional_file.xsd"> <!-- StoppingPlaces --> <trainStop id="ts_3" lane="E2_0"/> <parkingArea id="pa_1" lane="-E2_0"> <space x="26.00" y="10.00"/> <space x="26.00" y="10.00"/> </parkingArea> <!-- Detectors --> <inductionLoop id="e1_0" lane="E1_0" pos="8.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> <inductionLoop id="e1_1" lane="-E1_0" pos="15.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> <inductionLoop id="e1_2" lane="-E0_0" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> <inductionLoop id="e1_3" lane="E0_0" pos="8.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> <inductionLoop id="e1_4" lane="-E2_0" pos="15.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> <inductionLoop id="e1_5" lane="E2_0" pos="8.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> <inductionLoop id="e1_6" lane="-E3_0" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> <inductionLoop id="e1_7" lane="E3_0" pos="8.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> <!-- Other additionals --> <variableSpeedSign id="vs_2" lanes="-E2_0" pos="22.00,10.00"/> <!-- Shapes --> <poly id="po_0" color="red" fill="1" layer="0.00" shape="-12.000000,12.000000 -12.000000,8.000000 -8.000000,8.000000 -8.000000,12.000000 -12.000000,12.000000"/> <poly id="po_1" color="red" fill="1" layer="0.00" shape="8.000000,12.000000 8.000000,8.000000 12.000000,8.000000 12.000000,12.000000 8.000000,12.000000"/> <poly id="po_2" color="red" fill="1" layer="0.00" shape="8.000000,-8.000000 8.000000,-12.000000 12.000000,-12.000000 12.000000,-8.000000 8.000000,-8.000000"/> <poly id="po_3" color="red" fill="1" layer="0.00" shape="-8.000000,-8.000000 -12.000000,-8.000000 -12.000000,-12.000000 -8.000000,-12.000000 -8.000000,-8.000000"/> <poi id="poi_0" color="red" layer="202.00" x="-26.00" y="8.00"/> <poi id="poi_1" color="red" layer="202.00" x="-26.00" y="-8.00"/> <poi id="poi_10" color="red" layer="202.00" lon="0.000234" lat="-0.000180"/> <poi id="poi_11" color="red" layer="202.00" lon="-0.000234" lat="-0.000180"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- New result in datas ---------- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd"> </data> ---------- New result in routes ---------- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <routes xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/routes_file.xsd"> <!-- VTypes --> <vType id="bus" vClass="bus"/> <vType id="ship" vClass="ship"/> <!-- Vehicles, persons and containers (sorted by depart) --> <trip id="t_0" type="ship" depart="0.00" from="-E0" to="E3"/> <trip id="t_1" type="ship" depart="0.00" from="-E3" to="E0"/> <trip id="t_2" depart="0.00" from="-E2" to="E1"/> <trip id="t_3" type="bus" depart="0.00" from="-E1" to="E2"/> </routes>network connections without_tls inspect contpos ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 1d0 < Error: Shape of a(n) user-supplied shape is broken: the position is neither x,y nor x,y,z. ---------- Differences in log ---------- 1d0 < Error: Shape of a(n) user-supplied shape is broken: the position is neither x,y nor x,y,z. ---------- Differences in output ---------- 4c4 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 701 - 318 --- > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 724 - 368 10c10 < TestFunctions: Netedit closed successfully --- > TestFunctions: Error closing Netedit ---------- New result in errorScreenshot ---------- PNG IHDR 1c IDATxw|n-e!T(dOC@T@@@W[S!K6 2^eЖ88CV4;磏<{\|N x(0Itt pmN5so||{ puk<JI7e66VMi O&F0ZCo,`Juf֊Jx sLvnDN+_7gZv.5e~ *+!]`b.6y QH~OKKst_\kX瀝im9g>$FgϦ'#tҗ/_v\$M4Kԝ 7nx%jժ~:%%e˖-|/bqkV,<<|֬Y59r+ߟ<9횄e߾}<y \:Cnݾ)/ѺM9iغssswyWzvky_| |x8xrg1属fɒ%vYBT*//SNݾ}[5+vL6iҤJ* <833311Q;FaMvuΜ95x:w<dȐ_r?>>>qqq]ty>#56ok֬>} /I҈#^xbŊ?~y)դs7ƻۯ_ڵk_zU輅J,9gΜy?駟ICO駟^~>`yF/Zr|ɿKW\Q]ně ]N>OKK{&Lx%K.uPU0 <Fwȅһe1!rr#Đ!CJfŎj?ܹSiɁk2""ٳJ2cOo۶mg͚uԩC !ƏߥK'\~}1>sڵ{ĉ<{)R7 yf̘a}?;vO;vyגLYJжm[͉o!IϻwzSRR6nhdMzRLKK{yS^%Iou{^y:3gμxz Cp&k?nݺ@+w\sBxoznG JsHjժUPܵk;r)wذa:u^n̙3B9s>ׯ$ĉ۷ɓ'~~~~~~[n'WJk>{{wVZJt2dH==z,X066666VѩS'N<G uV||Q\fͲQ'MԡCtyMߟ}REjMy}#""'ꫯ]6eʔ/_~ԨQs5333۴i-ؽ{wǎk}1__{ϛ7oݺuBjժʕzs^z:u*11Qb7=ztBBnܸΝ+?ݺu{駯\=ݷu.0`Q,YL|M0!22M6Yf߾}njhM}RBB %''_pA<qcƌ9|_~iԨO?ٮ]'::o߾۶mS/mڴ)S̀|}}) c^ V>gM,6lذaÆrG,I_OZu>8jsf+ 8zmyեJ7n۷?!Ą ׯ?uT//{͙3G~w%HMMB?~111$iרQ{Ν;;w6ԁ3f[uzmٲeڵJ=ztrrĉի'IҔ)S>#!ޞ={>>>&M[n\\ɓ,4~xxB T*I9;]ti ]v[lٺuk???n~ԯ_֭֭+UԈ#L3gddT*CsN6aÆ&^^^ʸ\۶m6mvvwttqT*'|Oz3^tIRUR%00p]vҥKPPPffK!ի͚5믿$IQѣG u`J~~~۷;&gHʹ6nܸ;Ο?ܹs>>>ӧOoذ̙3;u$3gNll?妾⋵k !)" r6>qij>_wMj>)!DTTѣG222J,y51W^mҤ%I^#GAAABWcǎGU$iС/y <8r.}\ڿ<XBH{KNN"] {;vhK*զM> <<{zPX^{M W\9u|]wŋׯߜ9s:t0f̘իW!nٲeKKlMw-IRɒ%[j5gΜnݺɫWjv_۷<gb3w t}ʔ)Z)JJJܣG{_غuk9}||$IIOOĉ{ݻwo%Zl9o<ykB,Zwϗqƹs$IRTaaaݻw߿期~ihhh&L z-ZIL~o)(W}j֬{ ^Nz}(QB&{yyy+VZRŋBK{<ӲfersTLL'|RB7ǧXbr>>>j:99+,,Ln74hbԨQrpgNNJԩSDXXXǍf!ĭ[{9!C:t.SVWеkRSS{yyEDDTӤIm۶7'Og+W.===44TqRׯ_+'~˗9rĉܹs .f͚(Qo1 su?R˖+r䇏wz>Eݯ^ .\BT\o3$Iw<IY|yooo9|ŋ.,x'<;&ϹpBݎT*#GXP^۷B;v{:]|y///Rrʕ+c*U{b<233juvvRIFFի[wʽc322QFL0gyW/$##C^Tffng*+f͚5H1tP!Dƍ,!B%Kwoʕ 4PB56m$WG)~]v5kl֬YCٵkWLL"Θ1C-!/)/ wq}>}괴4 ^y}[L{^~+V|gj믿iFޱY.Ͽjժ (߽{w̘1ӦM۷ZNMMZK/iӦ;w? 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---------- Differences in output ---------- 4c4 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 701 - 318 --- > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 724 - 368 12c12 < TestFunctions: Netedit closed successfully --- > TestFunctions: Error closing Netedit ---------- New result in errorScreenshot ---------- PNG IHDR 1c IDATxw|o'P,QP=eYDiT2Ȓ=GYB)Aw~!I|q\K Rغu ś]`{ Po үܫPC3oSJҐ Ed`S*nV I\V 8RQMN(9! Y 0i2df0nͫ$a*Uꭷޚ={vFFR'}X7̇H` >'QTPƍ"IS_#M5!;-['$$תU+55uǎ}?lrkf$88xܹ-Zpqq7nڵkޟB힄ywO26y h u,wF6e`.((?f|}v/Tƍf\Vm _,??ߐ:+V9֭[F=Ur {IæfƎIMVZ#Gfggǫ}FX=>}̟?Eׯ_׳XϞ=GUr7o~?4=&&W^999K,4bzzݶmۜ7>վB;vlK.}Յ矆WU_ސ!C6l(4^Bʕ?~ӦM?UVߓ6VZ7oWG-\Paaa}ꩧ/-̬^HOoHS 4i 6?"##cN}'--\r+^[ > <FP1JݨHAFB-К;&iذ?w^馹S(зznnnz7iҤUV9sssνpDžSLի;u5kjG 6|s \T_?_ܸq{}ӧ^j^\ða:w:S%P(߿f͚gNMMݺu=k222z-799YZ Ųe4{ƍ{Nޜ9s\~/rR!g 6駟:vXDu_ީT][?ܴ= R'KG 4 )((شi̙3Rѣ{;gi/&"-sϹnYZRPxyy;]v};w/VZ%JngIKK;ܱ \uԨQ=sL~=z8wȑ#WDw9rdsZ^^^ӦM֭[ff'?\"&?Cn~nzw Vr/X@ ԩS^^bݻwoذӧ=<<pX!D:un:.\/Ö-[N0!..NO?l]O,xĉ^zVZ7oTKC>BDDD6l+VgNީSǏׯ_;wԵ'n"$$$%%ڵkrW-[8q'?s-<==kժޥK'22rvR*/:uXa<<<9 i ,X$lٲe˖-N~B;zmFΕ۳{L_^5id6l(_ɓݻG !Nڴi3fDEE͟?_zo>!Dzzbʔ)M6R(KĴh?~Ϟ=uu>ؿBCM4ٱcǦMʗ/?awyI&111 wO|BdggO6q111...ӧO̔Д)SbիWCBB ŋ씐0u>}|۷رZ5?z6msˏ;Rt-9k֬͛Ϟ=[ޓp\y\Zk]v͚5+//522rnnn}YAAO>)4j%-ᑐVF Kw۷W^ٚ/tamBabbb6m/BQ^SNL@@ܾ/|ӧOKR5M<{-rJhhy9s椤C9hx`){KM-^xӦMBRJIςϝ;3ܓ%8uꔴpPPPVVVrnݺ:#11UV7oV(u=yW!tA> ^|yrr AEqJgߟ^FqxWP4_)%%ET[w R-_|N>}0@:Cҥ_}U9 y Ҵ%˔)3dȐumĉ6lB$''o^U[Ss+rua/ҠA=*nРArLLLT؋/8x`iҥK4h%J۷ᆱv$~~~W;vT]]Pgffuܹ<xlٲ۷_p^}cǎ !ہ.ZHZΝ;W\Q(nnnAAA}:tu6uTXkNJbp,(+hҤɡCׯq1ooo^^^^f̘qԩCy{{-[V!ɴ4ҥK߾}[QJL2Bti<ZvqqquuUDʐRΔϪT0ydwwҥKKͺ+ʔ 7xcĈBKKJnnn}1c ڵɓ7n({>+5jԨǏ+VTuVzz?SP)6m?k.?J*eff#6oޜrJ;,^rƍB;w.==W_]`Kɒ%ۦMe~wc pҨSG6$4yJN߾_旾 ڵkBի.[L/LPhqRKV\U Ew%K !|IWWoЎIK.]TcnnnzΰXJv*8}t߾}uu8444//r..._}j7JwUTE,-[|yJLilR'9ssszuر&Mߍ7JJ|ج,yTSN}_~e)K=ʒV*5iK{rrrח#!o-hٲ\֒+=DQ\u5k֬J*۶mT͕V'[jվ}ڴi3wQF۷/**J~?\HD*Uԋ/g8$--mޠAJeFFZuԩ/XbZZچ 6mZjgyF믿wNׯo֬&N8k֬+t۶m(~بϪҴJ,ػ~B&? 85i7n%җu)-9b%`:ZH&33-//Oij2<)4%@%=6??_#C)M^x +VBddd=R)GtC:/G5]K[$-)?//OYPP Mj˖-|Ю]%K.֚&Lh߾/,wO$%% ! ܹ)]wO`<nܸW^ZqyZK(1b߾}㣢6oެDKLLLLLܿ ^|۷>>>>B,Y&䗄C|}}A җ72СC%o|˻EsOj(6?|p͚5M6m߾?o۷oʕƍ߾}{fͤ.[L:zYݬY &y l}J]}ErZ~ǡ:j X3,RXÕΟ?c s*Uj={6??QFRJ RPnf(%:vWN ׯ_.)3KgW-/|c-ai7iDړ3%c5~4i/Plٵkת.#K>P0W^/_g:u*33QFi4irpMzt[nIӪzXtioo.H7<8|p;啛$$tիWܹSZlٲ+r BsժUkƌ]Z֍R*jGSdeeUZܹsxׄ4]+lu֭?XN?~9K iKmiNR ;<VmBܤ~w<|2e.\ =yoYL͛7Z299o:u*""ByjܹO>F_[cIII?Cttŋ˗//+ڵkׯw233|h{R:Um۶ӧoڴݻ]ߖ.uҥ˗3&!!!$$矟0av <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Missing result in guisettingsoutput ---------- <viewsettings> <viewport zoom="500.00" x="50.00" y="50.00" angle="0.00"/> </viewsettings> ---------- Missing result in net ---------- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <net version="1.20" junctionCornerDetail="5" limitTurnSpeed="5.50" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/net_file.xsd"> <location netOffset="50.00,50.00" convBoundary="0.00,0.00,100.00,100.00" origBoundary="-50.00,-50.00,50.00,50.00" projParameter="!"/> <edge id="1" from="Center" to="A" priority="-1"> <lane id="1_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="45.20,39.60 45.20,0.00"/> <lane id="1_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="48.40,39.60 48.40,0.00"/> </edge> <edge id="2" from="Center" to="B" priority="-1"> <lane id="2_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="54.80,60.40 54.80,100.00"/> <lane id="2_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="51.60,60.40 51.60,100.00"/> </edge> <edge id="3" from="Center" to="C" priority="-1"> <lane id="3_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="39.60,54.80 0.00,54.80"/> <lane id="3_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="39.60,51.60 0.00,51.60"/> </edge> <edge id="4" from="Center" to="D" priority="-1"> <lane id="4_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="60.40,45.20 100.00,45.20"/> <lane id="4_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="60.40,48.40 100.00,48.40"/> </edge> <edge id="5" from="A" to="Center" priority="-1"> <lane id="5_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="54.80,0.00 54.80,39.60"/> <lane id="5_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="51.60,0.00 51.60,39.60"/> </edge> <edge id="6" from="B" to="Center" priority="-1"> <lane id="6_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="45.20,100.00 45.20,60.40"/> <lane id="6_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="48.40,100.00 48.40,60.40"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ---------- 2c2 < <viewport zoom="500.00" x="50.00" y="50.00" angle="0.00"/> --- > <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/> ---------- Differences in log ---------- 1d0 < Warning: Unused state in tlLogic 'Center', program '0' at tl-index 1 ---------- Differences in net ---------- 6c6 < <location netOffset="50.00,50.00" convBoundary="0.00,0.00,100.00,100.00" origBoundary="-50.00,-50.00,50.00,50.00" projParameter="!"/> --- > <location netOffset="0.00,0.00" convBoundary="-60.00,-30.00,60.00,30.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.000000,-10000000000.000000,10000000000.000000,10000000000.000000" projParameter="+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext +no_defs"/> 8,38c8,24 < <edge id="1" from="Center" to="A" priority="-1"> < <lane id="1_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="45.20,39.60 45.20,0.00"/> < <lane id="1_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="48.40,39.60 48.40,0.00"/> < </edge> < <edge id="2" from="Center" to="B" priority="-1"> < <lane id="2_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="54.80,60.40 54.80,100.00"/> < <lane id="2_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="51.60,60.40 51.60,100.00"/> < </edge> < <edge id="3" from="Center" to="C" priority="-1"> < <lane id="3_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="39.60,54.80 0.00,54.80"/> < <lane id="3_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="39.60,51.60 0.00,51.60"/> < </edge> < <edge id="4" from="Center" to="D" priority="-1"> < <lane id="4_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="60.40,45.20 100.00,45.20"/> < <lane id="4_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="60.40,48.40 100.00,48.40"/> < </edge> < <edge id="5" from="A" to="Center" priority="-1"> < <lane id="5_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="54.80,0.00 54.80,39.60"/> < <lane id="5_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="51.60,0.00 51.60,39.60"/> < </edge> < <edge id="6" from="B" to="Center" priority="-1"> < <lane id="6_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="45.20,100.00 45.20,60.40"/> < <lane id="6_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.90" length="50.00" shape="48.40,100.00 48.40,60.40"/> < </edge> < <edge id="7" from="C" to="Center" priority="-1"> <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in output ---------- 4c4 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 701 - 318 --- > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 724 - 368 ---------- New result in additionals ---------- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <additional xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/additional_file.xsd"> <!-- Detectors --> <inductionLoop id="e1_0" lane="E1_0" pos="8.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> <inductionLoop id="e1_1" lane="-E1_0" pos="15.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> <inductionLoop id="e1_2" lane="-E0_0" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> <inductionLoop id="e1_3" lane="E0_0" pos="8.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> <inductionLoop id="e1_4" lane="-E2_0" pos="15.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> <inductionLoop id="e1_5" lane="E2_0" pos="8.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> <inductionLoop id="e1_6" lane="-E3_0" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> <inductionLoop id="e1_7" lane="E3_0" pos="8.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> </additional> ---------- New result in datas ---------- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd"> </data> ---------- New result in routes ---------- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <routes xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/routes_file.xsd"> <!-- VTypes --> <vType id="bus" vClass="bus"/> <vType id="ship" vClass="ship"/> <!-- Vehicles, persons and containers (sorted by depart) --> <trip id="t_0" type="ship" depart="0.00" from="-E0" to="E3"/> <trip id="t_1" type="ship" depart="0.00" from="-E3" to="E0"/> <trip id="t_2" depart="0.00" from="-E2" to="E1"/> <trip id="t_3" type="bus" depart="0.00" from="-E1" to="E2"/> </routes>
---------- Differences in output ---------- 4c4 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 532 - 332 --- > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 724 - 368 12c12 < TestFunctions: Netedit closed successfully --- > TestFunctions: Error closing Netedit ---------- New result in errorScreenshot ---------- PNG IHDR 1c IDATxykמXX9C !D~gdw$%\{YBεnֵk{vfvy=w= .Ja m ͮ`ռ7!! &R?U(ߐ۔R45 @1)J+DcC_{fV> <