18Jul24rv1_20_0+1680-b67118a1887 - detailed test results for NETEDIT.daily.network.trafficlights

To reconnect the TextTest GUI to these results, run:

texttest -a netedit -d /home/delphi/extraNetedit/sumo/tests -reconnect /home/delphi/extraNetedit/texttesttmp/neteditcheckoutput.08Aug221055.2444077 -g

To start TextTest for these tests, run:

texttest -a netedit -d /home/delphi/extraNetedit/sumo/tests

daily.network.trafficlights: 187 tests: 1 succeeded 178 FAILED 8 known bugs

Detailed information for the tests that FAILED:

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : network trafficlights edit_click ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 824 - 388
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 802 - 404
< TestFunctions: Netedit closed successfully
> TestFunctions: Error closing Netedit
---------- New result in errorScreenshot ----------

IHDR1cIDATxy|g}K$AB"Q,uTIQТhE׋-z^V]-uI}ovLnn_^1;3g3>̈uoވ`DFH5ޓ'O^!Fgh,e5{eWT!ڭ֘}4gP,~a5H=7|YRiH$14`/5m5O~vU]S]#h[/ķP)GG|Q*ѣGBBBJJJ-oP5z>y}^^WǸ^o5d/_s\n}ٔ)Sn޼YKKzׯL&>}Ã]OZ7nأG\~Ν?|i֖fYCueUqtt·FSNB899BGGGڌ[L&jsuuSSS_vMpzvܹn://ݻX",,w1J$5e*XV,)un;:lcӝq[/o|BiӦٳG1a„cG|:+]v+EEEBGGǩSxxx?>&&Ff
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<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Missing result in additionals ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<additional xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/additional_file.xsd">
    <!-- Detectors -->
    <inductionLoop id="E1_00" lane="-E2_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_01" lane="-E2_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_02" lane="E2_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_03" lane="E2_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_04" lane="-E1_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_05" lane="-E1_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_06" lane="E1_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_07" lane="E1_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_08" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_09" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_10" lane="E3_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_11" lane="E3_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_12" lane="-E0_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_13" lane="-E0_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_14" lane="E0_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_15" lane="E0_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/>
---------- Missing result in guisettingsoutput ----------
    <viewport zoom="315.00" x="30.00" y="30.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Missing result in net ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<net version="1.20" junctionCornerDetail="5" limitTurnSpeed="5.50" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/net_file.xsd">

    <location netOffset="30.00,-20.00" convBoundary="0.00,0.00,60.00,60.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.00,-10000000000.00,10000000000.00,10000000000.00" projParameter="!"/>

    <edge id=":J0_0" function="internal">
        <lane id=":J0_0_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.86" length="10.16" shape="25.20,41.10 24.81,38.34 23.62,36.37 21.66,35.19 18.90,34.80"/>
        <lane id=":J0_0_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="8.29" length="15.32" shape="28.40,41.10 27.81,36.94 26.02,33.98 23.06,32.19 18.90,31.60"/>
    <edge id=":J0_2" function="internal">
        <lane id=":J0_2_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="22.20" shape="28.40,41.10 28.40,18.90"/>
    <edge id=":J0_3" function="internal">
        <lane id=":J0_3_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="5.01" shape="28.40,41.10 29.11,36.14"/>
    <edge id=":J0_16" function="internal">
        <lane id=":J0_16_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="15.47" shape="29.11,36.14 29.19,35.54 31.57,31.58 35.54,29.19 41.10,28.40"/>
    <edge id=":J0_4" function="internal">
        <lane id=":J0_4_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.86" length="10.16" shape="41.10,34.80 38.34,35.19 36.37,36.38 35.19,38.34 34.80,41.10"/>
        <lane id=":J0_4_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="8.29" length="15.32" shape="41.10,31.60 36.94,32.19 33.98,33.98 32.19,36.94 31.60,41.10"/>
    <edge id=":J0_6" function="internal">
        <lane id=":J0_6_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="22.20" shape="41.10,31.60 18.90,31.60"/>
    <edge id=":J0_7" function="internal">
        <lane id=":J0_7_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="5.01" shape="41.10,31.60 36.14,30.89"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Missing result in routes ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<routes xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/routes_file.xsd">
    <!-- Vehicles, persons and containers (sorted by depart) -->
    <vehicle id="trip_1" depart="0.00">
        <route edges="-E2 E3 -E3 E2" repeat="10"/>
    <vehicle id="trip_2" depart="0.00">
        <route edges="-E1 E0 -E0 E1" repeat="10"/>
    <vehicle id="trip_3" depart="0.00">
        <route edges="-E3 E2 -E2 E3" repeat="10"/>
    <vehicle id="trip_4" depart="0.00">
        <route edges="-E0 E1 -E1 E0" repeat="10"/>

2 TESTS FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba :

---------- Differences in additionals ----------
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_00" lane="-E2_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_01" lane="-E2_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_02" lane="E2_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_03" lane="E2_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_04" lane="-E1_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_05" lane="-E1_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_06" lane="E1_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_07" lane="E1_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_08" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_09" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_10" lane="E3_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_11" lane="E3_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_12" lane="-E0_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_13" lane="-E0_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_14" lane="E0_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_15" lane="E0_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_0" lane="E4_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_1" lane="E4_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_10" lane="E2_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_10.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_11" lane="E2_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_11.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_12" lane="-E5_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_12.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_13" lane="-E5_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_13.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_14" lane="E5_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_14.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_15" lane="E5_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_15.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_2" lane="-E4_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_3" lane="-E4_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_4" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_5" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ----------
<     <viewport zoom="120.00" x="30.00" y="30.00" angle="0.00"/>
>     <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Differences in log ----------
< Warning: Unreachable edge '-E2' within tlLogic 'J0'
< Warning: Unreachable edge '-E1' within tlLogic 'J0'
< Warning: Unreachable edge '-E3' within tlLogic 'J0'
< Warning: Unreachable edge '-E0' within tlLogic 'J0'
< Warning: Unreachable edge 'E0' within tlLogic 'J0'
< Warning: The traffic light 'J0' cannot be adapted to a cycle time of 90.00.
< Warning: The traffic light 'J0' has a high cycle time of 272.00.
> Warning: Unreachable edge '-E3' within tlLogic 'J3'
> Warning: Unreachable edge '-E2' within tlLogic 'J3'
> Warning: Unreachable edge '-E5' within tlLogic 'J3'
> Warning: Unreachable edge '-E4' within tlLogic 'J3'
> Warning: Unreachable edge 'E2' within tlLogic 'J3'
---------- Differences in net ----------
<     <location netOffset="30.00,-20.00" convBoundary="0.00,0.00,60.00,60.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.00,-10000000000.00,10000000000.00,10000000000.00" projParameter="!"/>
>     <location netOffset="0.00,0.00" convBoundary="-60.00,-30.00,60.00,30.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.000000,-10000000000.000000,10000000000.000000,10000000000.000000" projParameter="+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext +no_defs"/>
<     <edge id=":J0_0" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_0_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.86" length="10.16" shape="25.20,41.10 24.81,38.34 23.62,36.38 21.66,35.19 18.90,34.80"/>
<         <lane id=":J0_0_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="8.29" length="15.32" shape="28.40,41.10 27.81,36.94 26.02,33.98 23.06,32.19 18.90,31.60"/>
>     <edge id=":J3_0" function="internal">
>         <lane id=":J3_0_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.51" length="9.03" shape="-4.80,10.40 -5.15,7.95 -6.20,6.20 -7.95,5.15 -10.40,4.80"/>
<     <edge id=":J0_2" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_2_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="22.20" shape="28.40,41.10 28.40,18.90"/>
>     <edge id=":J3_1" function="internal">
>         <lane id=":J3_1_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="20.80" shape="-4.80,10.40 -4.80,-10.40"/>
>         <lane id=":J3_1_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="20.80" shape="-1.60,10.40 -1.60,-10.40"/>
<     <edge id=":J0_3" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_3_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="5.01" shape="28.40,41.10 29.11,36.14"/>
>     <edge id=":J3_3" function="internal">
>         <lane id=":J3_3_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.26" length="5.01" shape="-1.60,10.40 -0.89,5.44"/>
<     <edge id=":J0_16" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_16_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="15.47" shape="29.11,36.14 29.19,35.54 31.57,31.58 35.54,29.19 41.10,28.40"/>
>     <edge id=":J3_16" function="internal">
>         <lane id=":J3_16_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.26" length="14.34" shape="-0.89,5.44 -0.85,5.15 1.40,1.40 5.15,-0.85 10.40,-1.60"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 393
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 577 - 393
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 1024 - 393
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 178
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 618
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 802 - 404
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 582 - 405
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 1010 - 400
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 799 - 191
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 799 - 609
---------- Differences in routes ----------
<     <vehicle id="trip_1" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E2 E3 -E3 E2" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
<     <vehicle id="trip_2" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E1 E0 -E0 E1" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
<     <vehicle id="trip_3" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E3 E2 -E2 E3" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
<     <vehicle id="trip_4" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E0 E1 -E1 E0" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
>     <trip id="t_0" depart="0.00" from="-E3" to="E4"/>
>     <trip id="t_1" depart="0.00" from="-E2" to="E3"/>
>     <trip id="t_2" depart="0.00" from="-E5" to="E2"/>
>     <trip id="t_3" depart="0.00" from="-E4" to="E5"/>
>     <flow id="f_0" begin="0.00" from="-E4" to="E2" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
>     <flow id="f_1" begin="0.00" from="-E2" to="E4" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
>     <flow id="f_2" begin="0.00" from="-E5" to="E3" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
>     <flow id="f_3" begin="0.00" from="-E3" to="E5" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
---------- New result in datas ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd">
    <interval id="set" begin="0.00" end="3600.00">
        <edgeRelation from="-E3" to="E4"/>
        <edgeRelation from="-E4" to="E5"/>
        <edgeRelation from="-E5" to="E2"/>
        <edgeRelation from="-E2" to="E3"/>
network trafficlights joined attributes offset ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights joined attributes parameters ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : network trafficlights joined create copy ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

---------- Differences in additionals ----------
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_00" lane="-E2_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_01" lane="-E2_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_02" lane="E2_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_03" lane="E2_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_04" lane="-E1_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_05" lane="-E1_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_06" lane="E1_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_07" lane="E1_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_08" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_09" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_10" lane="E3_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_11" lane="E3_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_12" lane="-E0_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_13" lane="-E0_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_14" lane="E0_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_15" lane="E0_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_0" lane="E4_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_1" lane="E4_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_10" lane="E2_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_10.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_11" lane="E2_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_11.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_12" lane="-E5_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_12.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_13" lane="-E5_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_13.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_14" lane="E5_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_14.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_15" lane="E5_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_15.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_2" lane="-E4_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_3" lane="-E4_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_4" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_5" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ----------
<     <viewport zoom="120.00" x="30.00" y="30.00" angle="0.00"/>
>     <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Differences in log ----------
< Warning: Unreachable edge '-E2' within tlLogic 'J0'
< Warning: Unreachable edge '-E1' within tlLogic 'J0'
< Warning: Unreachable edge '-E3' within tlLogic 'J0'
< Warning: Unreachable edge '-E0' within tlLogic 'J0'
< Warning: Unreachable edge 'E0' within tlLogic 'J0'
< Warning: The traffic light 'J0' cannot be adapted to a cycle time of 90.00.
< Warning: The traffic light 'J0' has a high cycle time of 272.00.
< Warning: The traffic light 'J0' cannot be adapted to a cycle time of 90.00.
< Warning: The traffic light 'J0' has a high cycle time of 272.00.
< Warning: The traffic light 'J0' cannot be adapted to a cycle time of 90.00.
< Warning: The traffic light 'J0' has a high cycle time of 272.00.
< Warning: The traffic light 'J0' cannot be adapted to a cycle time of 90.00.
< Warning: The traffic light 'J0' has a high cycle time of 272.00.
< Warning: The traffic light 'J0' cannot be adapted to a cycle time of 90.00.
< Warning: The traffic light 'J0' has a high cycle time of 272.00.
< Warning: 6 total messages of type: The traffic light '%' cannot be adapted to a cycle time of %.
< Warning: 6 total messages of type: The traffic light '%' has a high cycle time of %.
< Warning: 32 total messages of type: Unreachable edge '%' within tlLogic '%'
> Warning: Unreachable edge '-E3' within tlLogic 'J3'
> Warning: Unreachable edge '-E2' within tlLogic 'J3'
> Warning: Unreachable edge '-E5' within tlLogic 'J3'
> Warning: Unreachable edge '-E4' within tlLogic 'J3'
> Warning: Unreachable edge 'E2' within tlLogic 'J3'
> Warning: 38 total messages of type: Unreachable edge '%' within tlLogic '%'
---------- Differences in net ----------
<     <location netOffset="30.00,-20.00" convBoundary="0.00,0.00,60.00,60.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.00,-10000000000.00,10000000000.00,10000000000.00" projParameter="!"/>
>     <location netOffset="0.00,0.00" convBoundary="-60.00,-30.00,60.00,30.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.000000,-10000000000.000000,10000000000.000000,10000000000.000000" projParameter="+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext +no_defs"/>
<     <edge id=":J0_0" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_0_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.86" length="10.16" shape="25.20,41.10 24.81,38.34 23.62,36.38 21.66,35.19 18.90,34.80"/>
<         <lane id=":J0_0_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="8.29" length="15.32" shape="28.40,41.10 27.81,36.94 26.02,33.98 23.06,32.19 18.90,31.60"/>
>     <edge id=":J3_0" function="internal">
>         <lane id=":J3_0_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.51" length="9.03" shape="-4.80,10.40 -5.15,7.95 -6.20,6.20 -7.95,5.15 -10.40,4.80"/>
<     <edge id=":J0_2" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_2_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="22.20" shape="28.40,41.10 28.40,18.90"/>
>     <edge id=":J3_1" function="internal">
>         <lane id=":J3_1_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="20.80" shape="-4.80,10.40 -4.80,-10.40"/>
>         <lane id=":J3_1_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="20.80" shape="-1.60,10.40 -1.60,-10.40"/>
<     <edge id=":J0_3" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_3_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="5.01" shape="28.40,41.10 29.11,36.14"/>
>     <edge id=":J3_3" function="internal">
>         <lane id=":J3_3_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.26" length="5.01" shape="-1.60,10.40 -0.89,5.44"/>
<     <edge id=":J0_16" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_16_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="15.47" shape="29.11,36.14 29.19,35.54 31.57,31.58 35.54,29.19 41.10,28.40"/>
>     <edge id=":J3_16" function="internal">
>         <lane id=":J3_16_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.26" length="14.34" shape="-0.89,5.44 -0.85,5.15 1.40,1.40 5.15,-0.85 10.40,-1.60"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 393
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 577 - 393
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 1024 - 393
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 178
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 618
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 802 - 404
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 582 - 405
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 1010 - 400
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 799 - 191
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 799 - 609
---------- Differences in routes ----------
<     <vehicle id="trip_1" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E2 E3 -E3 E2" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
<     <vehicle id="trip_2" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E1 E0 -E0 E1" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
<     <vehicle id="trip_3" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E3 E2 -E2 E3" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
<     <vehicle id="trip_4" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E0 E1 -E1 E0" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
>     <trip id="t_0" depart="0.00" from="-E3" to="E4"/>
>     <trip id="t_1" depart="0.00" from="-E2" to="E3"/>
>     <trip id="t_2" depart="0.00" from="-E5" to="E2"/>
>     <trip id="t_3" depart="0.00" from="-E4" to="E5"/>
>     <flow id="f_0" begin="0.00" from="-E4" to="E2" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
>     <flow id="f_1" begin="0.00" from="-E2" to="E4" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
>     <flow id="f_2" begin="0.00" from="-E5" to="E3" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
>     <flow id="f_3" begin="0.00" from="-E3" to="E5" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
---------- New result in datas ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd">
    <interval id="set" begin="0.00" end="3600.00">
        <edgeRelation from="-E3" to="E4"/>
        <edgeRelation from="-E4" to="E5"/>
        <edgeRelation from="-E5" to="E2"/>
        <edgeRelation from="-E2" to="E3"/>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : network trafficlights joined create disjoin ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

---------- Differences in additionals ----------
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_00" lane="-E2_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_01" lane="-E2_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_02" lane="E2_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_03" lane="E2_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_04" lane="-E1_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_05" lane="-E1_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_06" lane="E1_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_07" lane="E1_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_08" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_09" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_10" lane="E3_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_11" lane="E3_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_12" lane="-E0_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_13" lane="-E0_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_14" lane="E0_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_15" lane="E0_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_0" lane="E4_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_1" lane="E4_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_10" lane="E2_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_10.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_11" lane="E2_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_11.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_12" lane="-E5_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_12.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_13" lane="-E5_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_13.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_14" lane="E5_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_14.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_15" lane="E5_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_15.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_2" lane="-E4_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_3" lane="-E4_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_4" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_5" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ----------
<     <viewport zoom="120.00" x="30.00" y="30.00" angle="0.00"/>
>     <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Differences in log ----------
< Warning: Unreachable edge '-E2' within tlLogic 'J0'
< Warning: Unreachable edge '-E1' within tlLogic 'J0'
< Warning: Unreachable edge '-E3' within tlLogic 'J0'
< Warning: Unreachable edge '-E0' within tlLogic 'J0'
< Warning: Unreachable edge 'E0' within tlLogic 'J0'
< Warning: The traffic light 'J0' cannot be adapted to a cycle time of 90.00.
< Warning: The traffic light 'J0' has a high cycle time of 272.00.
> Warning: Unreachable edge '-E3' within tlLogic 'J3'
> Warning: Unreachable edge '-E2' within tlLogic 'J3'
> Warning: Unreachable edge '-E5' within tlLogic 'J3'
> Warning: Unreachable edge '-E4' within tlLogic 'J3'
> Warning: Unreachable edge 'E2' within tlLogic 'J3'
> Warning: The traffic light 'J4' does not control any links; it will not be build.
> Warning: Could not build program '0' for traffic light 'J4'
> Warning: The traffic light 'J5' does not control any links; it will not be build.
> Warning: Could not build program '0' for traffic light 'J5'
> Warning: The traffic light 'J6' does not control any links; it will not be build.
> Warning: Could not build program '0' for traffic light 'J6'
> Warning: The traffic light 'J7' does not control any links; it will not be build.
> Warning: Could not build program '0' for traffic light 'J7'
---------- Differences in net ----------
<     <location netOffset="30.00,-20.00" convBoundary="0.00,0.00,60.00,60.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.00,-10000000000.00,10000000000.00,10000000000.00" projParameter="!"/>
>     <location netOffset="0.00,0.00" convBoundary="-60.00,-30.00,60.00,30.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.000000,-10000000000.000000,10000000000.000000,10000000000.000000" projParameter="+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext +no_defs"/>
<     <edge id=":J0_0" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_0_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.86" length="10.16" shape="25.20,41.10 24.81,38.34 23.62,36.38 21.66,35.19 18.90,34.80"/>
<         <lane id=":J0_0_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="8.29" length="15.32" shape="28.40,41.10 27.81,36.94 26.02,33.98 23.06,32.19 18.90,31.60"/>
>     <edge id=":J3_0" function="internal">
>         <lane id=":J3_0_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.51" length="9.03" shape="-4.80,10.40 -5.15,7.95 -6.20,6.20 -7.95,5.15 -10.40,4.80"/>
<     <edge id=":J0_2" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_2_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="22.20" shape="28.40,41.10 28.40,18.90"/>
>     <edge id=":J3_1" function="internal">
>         <lane id=":J3_1_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="20.80" shape="-4.80,10.40 -4.80,-10.40"/>
>         <lane id=":J3_1_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="20.80" shape="-1.60,10.40 -1.60,-10.40"/>
<     <edge id=":J0_3" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_3_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="5.01" shape="28.40,41.10 29.11,36.14"/>
>     <edge id=":J3_3" function="internal">
>         <lane id=":J3_3_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.26" length="5.01" shape="-1.60,10.40 -0.89,5.44"/>
<     <edge id=":J0_16" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_16_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="15.47" shape="29.11,36.14 29.19,35.54 31.57,31.58 35.54,29.19 41.10,28.40"/>
>     <edge id=":J3_16" function="internal">
>         <lane id=":J3_16_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.26" length="14.34" shape="-0.89,5.44 -0.85,5.15 1.40,1.40 5.15,-0.85 10.40,-1.60"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 393
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 577 - 393
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 1024 - 393
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 178
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 618
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 802 - 404
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 582 - 405
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 1010 - 400
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 799 - 191
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 799 - 609
---------- Differences in routes ----------
<     <vehicle id="trip_1" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E2 E3 -E3 E2" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
<     <vehicle id="trip_2" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E1 E0 -E0 E1" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
<     <vehicle id="trip_3" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E3 E2 -E2 E3" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
<     <vehicle id="trip_4" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E0 E1 -E1 E0" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
>     <trip id="t_0" depart="0.00" from="-E3" to="E4"/>
>     <trip id="t_1" depart="0.00" from="-E2" to="E3"/>
>     <trip id="t_2" depart="0.00" from="-E5" to="E2"/>
>     <trip id="t_3" depart="0.00" from="-E4" to="E5"/>
>     <flow id="f_0" begin="0.00" from="-E4" to="E2" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
>     <flow id="f_1" begin="0.00" from="-E2" to="E4" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
>     <flow id="f_2" begin="0.00" from="-E5" to="E3" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
>     <flow id="f_3" begin="0.00" from="-E3" to="E5" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
---------- New result in datas ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd">
    <interval id="set" begin="0.00" end="3600.00">
        <edgeRelation from="-E3" to="E4"/>
        <edgeRelation from="-E4" to="E5"/>
        <edgeRelation from="-E5" to="E2"/>
        <edgeRelation from="-E2" to="E3"/>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : network trafficlights joined create id ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

---------- Differences in additionals ----------
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_00" lane="-E2_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_01" lane="-E2_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_02" lane="E2_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_03" lane="E2_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_04" lane="-E1_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_05" lane="-E1_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_06" lane="E1_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_07" lane="E1_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_08" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_09" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_10" lane="E3_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_11" lane="E3_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_12" lane="-E0_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_13" lane="-E0_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_14" lane="E0_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_15" lane="E0_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_0" lane="E4_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_1" lane="E4_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_10" lane="E2_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_10.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_11" lane="E2_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_11.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_12" lane="-E5_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_12.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_13" lane="-E5_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_13.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_14" lane="E5_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_14.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_15" lane="E5_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_15.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_2" lane="-E4_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_3" lane="-E4_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_4" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_5" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ----------
<     <viewport zoom="120.00" x="30.00" y="30.00" angle="0.00"/>
>     <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Differences in log ----------
< Warning: Unreachable edge '-E2' within tlLogic 'J0'
< Warning: Unreachable edge '-E1' within tlLogic 'J0'
< Warning: Unreachable edge '-E3' within tlLogic 'J0'
< Warning: Unreachable edge '-E0' within tlLogic 'J0'
< Warning: Unreachable edge 'E0' within tlLogic 'J0'
< Warning: The traffic light 'J0' cannot be adapted to a cycle time of 90.00.
< Warning: The traffic light 'J0' has a high cycle time of 272.00.
< Warning: The traffic light 'customID' cannot be adapted to a cycle time of 90.00.
< Warning: The traffic light 'customID' has a high cycle time of 272.00.
< Warning: The traffic light 'customID' cannot be adapted to a cycle time of 90.00.
< Warning: The traffic light 'customID' has a high cycle time of 272.00.
< Warning: The traffic light 'customID' cannot be adapted to a cycle time of 90.00.
< Warning: The traffic light 'customID' has a high cycle time of 272.00.
< Warning: 24 total messages of type: Unreachable edge '%' within tlLogic '%'
> Warning: Unreachable edge '-E3' within tlLogic 'J3'
> Warning: Unreachable edge '-E2' within tlLogic 'J3'
> Warning: Unreachable edge '-E5' within tlLogic 'J3'
> Warning: Unreachable edge '-E4' within tlLogic 'J3'
> Warning: Unreachable edge 'E2' within tlLogic 'J3'
> Warning: 30 total messages of type: Unreachable edge '%' within tlLogic '%'
---------- Differences in net ----------
<     <location netOffset="30.00,-20.00" convBoundary="0.00,0.00,60.00,60.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.00,-10000000000.00,10000000000.00,10000000000.00" projParameter="!"/>
>     <location netOffset="0.00,0.00" convBoundary="-60.00,-30.00,60.00,30.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.000000,-10000000000.000000,10000000000.000000,10000000000.000000" projParameter="+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext +no_defs"/>
<     <edge id=":J0_0" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_0_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.86" length="10.16" shape="25.20,41.10 24.81,38.34 23.62,36.38 21.66,35.19 18.90,34.80"/>
<         <lane id=":J0_0_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="8.29" length="15.32" shape="28.40,41.10 27.81,36.94 26.02,33.98 23.06,32.19 18.90,31.60"/>
>     <edge id=":J3_0" function="internal">
>         <lane id=":J3_0_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.51" length="9.03" shape="-4.80,10.40 -5.15,7.95 -6.20,6.20 -7.95,5.15 -10.40,4.80"/>
<     <edge id=":J0_2" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_2_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="22.20" shape="28.40,41.10 28.40,18.90"/>
>     <edge id=":J3_1" function="internal">
>         <lane id=":J3_1_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="20.80" shape="-4.80,10.40 -4.80,-10.40"/>
>         <lane id=":J3_1_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="20.80" shape="-1.60,10.40 -1.60,-10.40"/>
<     <edge id=":J0_3" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_3_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="5.01" shape="28.40,41.10 29.11,36.14"/>
>     <edge id=":J3_3" function="internal">
>         <lane id=":J3_3_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.26" length="5.01" shape="-1.60,10.40 -0.89,5.44"/>
<     <edge id=":J0_16" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_16_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="15.47" shape="29.11,36.14 29.19,35.54 31.57,31.58 35.54,29.19 41.10,28.40"/>
>     <edge id=":J3_16" function="internal">
>         <lane id=":J3_16_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.26" length="14.34" shape="-0.89,5.44 -0.85,5.15 1.40,1.40 5.15,-0.85 10.40,-1.60"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 393
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 577 - 393
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 1024 - 393
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 178
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 618
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 802 - 404
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 582 - 405
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 1010 - 400
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 799 - 191
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 799 - 609
---------- Differences in routes ----------
<     <vehicle id="trip_1" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E2 E3 -E3 E2" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
<     <vehicle id="trip_2" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E1 E0 -E0 E1" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
<     <vehicle id="trip_3" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E3 E2 -E2 E3" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
<     <vehicle id="trip_4" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E0 E1 -E1 E0" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
>     <trip id="t_0" depart="0.00" from="-E3" to="E4"/>
>     <trip id="t_1" depart="0.00" from="-E2" to="E3"/>
>     <trip id="t_2" depart="0.00" from="-E5" to="E2"/>
>     <trip id="t_3" depart="0.00" from="-E4" to="E5"/>
>     <flow id="f_0" begin="0.00" from="-E4" to="E2" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
>     <flow id="f_1" begin="0.00" from="-E2" to="E4" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
>     <flow id="f_2" begin="0.00" from="-E5" to="E3" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
>     <flow id="f_3" begin="0.00" from="-E3" to="E5" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
---------- New result in datas ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd">
    <interval id="set" begin="0.00" end="3600.00">
        <edgeRelation from="-E3" to="E4"/>
        <edgeRelation from="-E4" to="E5"/>
        <edgeRelation from="-E5" to="E2"/>
        <edgeRelation from="-E2" to="E3"/>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : network trafficlights joined create type ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

---------- Differences in additionals ----------
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_00" lane="-E2_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_01" lane="-E2_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_02" lane="E2_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_03" lane="E2_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_04" lane="-E1_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_05" lane="-E1_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_06" lane="E1_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_07" lane="E1_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_08" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_09" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_10" lane="E3_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_11" lane="E3_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_12" lane="-E0_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_13" lane="-E0_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_14" lane="E0_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_15" lane="E0_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_0" lane="E4_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_1" lane="E4_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_10" lane="E2_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_10.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_11" lane="E2_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_11.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_12" lane="-E5_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_12.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_13" lane="-E5_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_13.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_14" lane="E5_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_14.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_15" lane="E5_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_15.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_2" lane="-E4_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_3" lane="-E4_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_4" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_5" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ----------
<     <viewport zoom="120.00" x="30.00" y="30.00" angle="0.00"/>
>     <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Differences in log ----------
< Warning: Unreachable edge '-E2' within tlLogic 'J0'
< Warning: Unreachable edge '-E1' within tlLogic 'J0'
< Warning: Unreachable edge '-E3' within tlLogic 'J0'
< Warning: Unreachable edge '-E0' within tlLogic 'J0'
< Warning: Unreachable edge 'E0' within tlLogic 'J0'
< Warning: The traffic light 'J0' cannot be adapted to a cycle time of 90.00.
< Warning: The traffic light 'J0' has a high cycle time of 272.00.
< Warning: The traffic light 'J0' cannot be adapted to a cycle time of 90.00.
< Warning: The traffic light 'J0' has a high cycle time of 272.00.
< Warning: The traffic light 'J0' cannot be adapted to a cycle time of 90.00.
< Warning: The traffic light 'J0' has a high cycle time of 272.00.
< Warning: Generating NEMA phases is not support for traffic light 'J0' with 8 incoming edges. Using tlType 'actuated' as fallback
< Warning: The traffic light 'J0' cannot be adapted to a cycle time of 90.00.
< Warning: The traffic light 'J0' has a high cycle time of 272.00.
< Warning: The traffic light 'J0' cannot be adapted to a cycle time of 90.00.
< Warning: The traffic light 'J0' has a high cycle time of 272.00.
< Warning: 6 total messages of type: The traffic light '%' cannot be adapted to a cycle time of %.
< Warning: 6 total messages of type: The traffic light '%' has a high cycle time of %.
< Warning: 48 total messages of type: Unreachable edge '%' within tlLogic '%'
> Warning: Unreachable edge '-E3' within tlLogic 'J3'
> Warning: Unreachable edge '-E2' within tlLogic 'J3'
> Warning: Unreachable edge '-E5' within tlLogic 'J3'
> Warning: Unreachable edge '-E4' within tlLogic 'J3'
> Warning: Unreachable edge 'E2' within tlLogic 'J3'
> Warning: 54 total messages of type: Unreachable edge '%' within tlLogic '%'
---------- Differences in net ----------
<     <location netOffset="30.00,-20.00" convBoundary="0.00,0.00,60.00,60.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.00,-10000000000.00,10000000000.00,10000000000.00" projParameter="!"/>
>     <location netOffset="0.00,0.00" convBoundary="-60.00,-30.00,60.00,30.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.000000,-10000000000.000000,10000000000.000000,10000000000.000000" projParameter="+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext +no_defs"/>
<     <edge id=":J0_0" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_0_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.86" length="10.16" shape="25.20,41.10 24.81,38.34 23.62,36.38 21.66,35.19 18.90,34.80"/>
<         <lane id=":J0_0_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="8.29" length="15.32" shape="28.40,41.10 27.81,36.94 26.02,33.98 23.06,32.19 18.90,31.60"/>
>     <edge id=":J3_0" function="internal">
>         <lane id=":J3_0_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.51" length="9.03" shape="-4.80,10.40 -5.15,7.95 -6.20,6.20 -7.95,5.15 -10.40,4.80"/>
<     <edge id=":J0_2" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_2_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="22.20" shape="28.40,41.10 28.40,18.90"/>
>     <edge id=":J3_1" function="internal">
>         <lane id=":J3_1_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="20.80" shape="-4.80,10.40 -4.80,-10.40"/>
>         <lane id=":J3_1_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="20.80" shape="-1.60,10.40 -1.60,-10.40"/>
<     <edge id=":J0_3" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_3_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="5.01" shape="28.40,41.10 29.11,36.14"/>
>     <edge id=":J3_3" function="internal">
>         <lane id=":J3_3_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.26" length="5.01" shape="-1.60,10.40 -0.89,5.44"/>
<     <edge id=":J0_16" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_16_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="15.47" shape="29.11,36.14 29.19,35.54 31.57,31.58 35.54,29.19 41.10,28.40"/>
>     <edge id=":J3_16" function="internal">
>         <lane id=":J3_16_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.26" length="14.34" shape="-0.89,5.44 -0.85,5.15 1.40,1.40 5.15,-0.85 10.40,-1.60"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 393
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 577 - 393
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 1024 - 393
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 178
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 618
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 802 - 404
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 582 - 405
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 1010 - 400
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 799 - 191
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 799 - 609
---------- Differences in routes ----------
<     <vehicle id="trip_1" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E2 E3 -E3 E2" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
<     <vehicle id="trip_2" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E1 E0 -E0 E1" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
<     <vehicle id="trip_3" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E3 E2 -E2 E3" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
<     <vehicle id="trip_4" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E0 E1 -E1 E0" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
>     <trip id="t_0" depart="0.00" from="-E3" to="E4"/>
>     <trip id="t_1" depart="0.00" from="-E2" to="E3"/>
>     <trip id="t_2" depart="0.00" from="-E5" to="E2"/>
>     <trip id="t_3" depart="0.00" from="-E4" to="E5"/>
>     <flow id="f_0" begin="0.00" from="-E4" to="E2" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
>     <flow id="f_1" begin="0.00" from="-E2" to="E4" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
>     <flow id="f_2" begin="0.00" from="-E5" to="E3" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
>     <flow id="f_3" begin="0.00" from="-E3" to="E5" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
---------- New result in datas ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd">
    <interval id="set" begin="0.00" end="3600.00">
        <edgeRelation from="-E3" to="E4"/>
        <edgeRelation from="-E4" to="E5"/>
        <edgeRelation from="-E5" to="E2"/>
        <edgeRelation from="-E2" to="E3"/>

4 TESTS FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba :

---------- Differences in additionals ----------
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_00" lane="-E2_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_01" lane="-E2_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_02" lane="E2_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_03" lane="E2_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_04" lane="-E1_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_05" lane="-E1_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_06" lane="E1_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_07" lane="E1_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_08" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_09" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_10" lane="E3_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_11" lane="E3_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_12" lane="-E0_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_13" lane="-E0_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_14" lane="E0_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_15" lane="E0_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_0" lane="E4_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_1" lane="E4_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_10" lane="E2_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_10.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_11" lane="E2_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_11.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_12" lane="-E5_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_12.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_13" lane="-E5_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_13.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_14" lane="E5_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_14.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_15" lane="E5_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_15.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_2" lane="-E4_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_3" lane="-E4_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_4" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_5" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ----------
<     <viewport zoom="120.00" x="40.00" y="40.00" angle="0.00"/>
>     <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Differences in log ----------
< Warning: Non-static traffic light 'J0' does not define variable phase length.
< Warning: Non-static traffic light 'J0' does not define variable phase length.
< Warning: Non-static traffic light 'J0' does not define variable phase length.
---------- Differences in net ----------
<     <location netOffset="40.00,-10.00" convBoundary="0.00,0.00,80.00,80.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.00,-10000000000.00,10000000000.00,10000000000.00" projParameter="!"/>
>     <location netOffset="0.00,0.00" convBoundary="-60.00,-30.00,60.00,30.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.000000,-10000000000.000000,10000000000.000000,10000000000.000000" projParameter="+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext +no_defs"/>
<     <edge id=":J0_0" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_0_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.86" length="10.16" shape="35.20,51.10 34.81,48.34 33.62,46.38 31.66,45.19 28.90,44.80"/>
<         <lane id=":J0_0_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="8.29" length="15.32" shape="38.40,51.10 37.81,46.94 36.02,43.98 33.06,42.19 28.90,41.60"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_2" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_2_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="22.20" shape="38.40,51.10 38.40,28.90"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_3" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_3_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="15.55" shape="38.40,51.10 39.19,45.54 41.57,41.58 45.54,39.19 46.22,39.10"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_16" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_16_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="4.93" shape="46.22,39.10 51.10,38.40"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_4" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_4_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.86" length="10.16" shape="51.10,44.80 48.34,45.19 46.37,46.37 45.19,48.34 44.80,51.10"/>
<         <lane id=":J0_4_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="8.29" length="15.32" shape="51.10,41.60 46.94,42.19 43.98,43.98 42.19,46.94 41.60,51.10"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_6" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_6_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="22.20" shape="51.10,41.60 28.90,41.60"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_7" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_7_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="2.51" shape="51.10,41.60 48.61,41.24"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_17" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_17_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="17.97" shape="48.61,41.24 45.54,40.81 41.58,38.43 39.19,34.46 38.40,28.90"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 393
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 802 - 404
---------- Differences in routes ----------
<     <vehicle id="trip_1" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E2 E3 -E3 E2" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
<     <vehicle id="trip_2" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E1 E0 -E0 E1" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
<     <vehicle id="trip_3" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E3 E2 -E2 E3" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
<     <vehicle id="trip_4" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E0 E1 -E1 E0" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
>     <trip id="t_0" depart="0.00" from="-E3" to="E4"/>
>     <trip id="t_1" depart="0.00" from="-E2" to="E3"/>
>     <trip id="t_2" depart="0.00" from="-E5" to="E2"/>
>     <trip id="t_3" depart="0.00" from="-E4" to="E5"/>
>     <flow id="f_0" begin="0.00" from="-E4" to="E2" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
>     <flow id="f_1" begin="0.00" from="-E2" to="E4" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
>     <flow id="f_2" begin="0.00" from="-E5" to="E3" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
>     <flow id="f_3" begin="0.00" from="-E3" to="E5" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
---------- New result in datas ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd">
    <interval id="set" begin="0.00" end="3600.00">
        <edgeRelation from="-E3" to="E4"/>
        <edgeRelation from="-E4" to="E5"/>
        <edgeRelation from="-E5" to="E2"/>
        <edgeRelation from="-E2" to="E3"/>
network trafficlights joined phases NEMA buttons add default ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights joined phases NEMA buttons add greenpriority ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights joined phases NEMA buttons add red ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights joined phases NEMA buttons add yellow ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : network trafficlights joined phases NEMA buttons add duplicate ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

---------- Differences in additionals ----------
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_00" lane="-E2_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_01" lane="-E2_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_02" lane="E2_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_03" lane="E2_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_04" lane="-E1_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_05" lane="-E1_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_06" lane="E1_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_07" lane="E1_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_08" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_09" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_10" lane="E3_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_11" lane="E3_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_12" lane="-E0_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_13" lane="-E0_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_14" lane="E0_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_15" lane="E0_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_0" lane="E4_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_1" lane="E4_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_10" lane="E2_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_10.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_11" lane="E2_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_11.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_12" lane="-E5_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_12.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_13" lane="-E5_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_13.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_14" lane="E5_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_14.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_15" lane="E5_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_15.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_2" lane="-E4_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_3" lane="-E4_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_4" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_5" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ----------
<     <viewport zoom="120.00" x="40.00" y="40.00" angle="0.00"/>
>     <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Differences in log ----------
< Warning: Non-static traffic light 'J0' does not define variable phase length.
< Warning: Non-static traffic light 'J0' does not define variable phase length.
< Warning: Non-static traffic light 'J0' does not define variable phase length.
< Warning: Non-static traffic light 'J0' does not define variable phase length.
< Warning: Non-static traffic light 'J0' does not define variable phase length.
< Warning: 7 total messages of type: Non-static traffic light '%' does not define variable phase length.
---------- Differences in net ----------
<     <location netOffset="40.00,-10.00" convBoundary="0.00,0.00,80.00,80.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.00,-10000000000.00,10000000000.00,10000000000.00" projParameter="!"/>
>     <location netOffset="0.00,0.00" convBoundary="-60.00,-30.00,60.00,30.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.000000,-10000000000.000000,10000000000.000000,10000000000.000000" projParameter="+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext +no_defs"/>
<     <edge id=":J0_0" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_0_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.86" length="10.16" shape="35.20,51.10 34.81,48.34 33.62,46.38 31.66,45.19 28.90,44.80"/>
<         <lane id=":J0_0_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="8.29" length="15.32" shape="38.40,51.10 37.81,46.94 36.02,43.98 33.06,42.19 28.90,41.60"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_2" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_2_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="22.20" shape="38.40,51.10 38.40,28.90"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_3" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_3_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="15.55" shape="38.40,51.10 39.19,45.54 41.57,41.58 45.54,39.19 46.22,39.10"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_16" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_16_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="4.93" shape="46.22,39.10 51.10,38.40"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_4" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_4_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.86" length="10.16" shape="51.10,44.80 48.34,45.19 46.37,46.37 45.19,48.34 44.80,51.10"/>
<         <lane id=":J0_4_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="8.29" length="15.32" shape="51.10,41.60 46.94,42.19 43.98,43.98 42.19,46.94 41.60,51.10"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_6" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_6_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="22.20" shape="51.10,41.60 28.90,41.60"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_7" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_7_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="2.51" shape="51.10,41.60 48.61,41.24"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_17" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_17_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="17.97" shape="48.61,41.24 45.54,40.81 41.58,38.43 39.19,34.46 38.40,28.90"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 393
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 802 - 404
---------- Differences in routes ----------
<     <vehicle id="trip_1" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E2 E3 -E3 E2" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
<     <vehicle id="trip_2" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E1 E0 -E0 E1" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
<     <vehicle id="trip_3" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E3 E2 -E2 E3" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
<     <vehicle id="trip_4" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E0 E1 -E1 E0" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
>     <trip id="t_0" depart="0.00" from="-E3" to="E4"/>
>     <trip id="t_1" depart="0.00" from="-E2" to="E3"/>
>     <trip id="t_2" depart="0.00" from="-E5" to="E2"/>
>     <trip id="t_3" depart="0.00" from="-E4" to="E5"/>
>     <flow id="f_0" begin="0.00" from="-E4" to="E2" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
>     <flow id="f_1" begin="0.00" from="-E2" to="E4" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
>     <flow id="f_2" begin="0.00" from="-E5" to="E3" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
>     <flow id="f_3" begin="0.00" from="-E3" to="E5" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
---------- New result in datas ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd">
    <interval id="set" begin="0.00" end="3600.00">
        <edgeRelation from="-E3" to="E4"/>
        <edgeRelation from="-E4" to="E5"/>
        <edgeRelation from="-E5" to="E2"/>
        <edgeRelation from="-E2" to="E3"/>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : network trafficlights joined phases NEMA buttons add green ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

---------- Differences in additionals ----------
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_00" lane="-E2_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_01" lane="-E2_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_02" lane="E2_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_03" lane="E2_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_04" lane="-E1_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_05" lane="-E1_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_06" lane="E1_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_07" lane="E1_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_08" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_09" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_10" lane="E3_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_11" lane="E3_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_12" lane="-E0_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_13" lane="-E0_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_14" lane="E0_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_15" lane="E0_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_0" lane="E4_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_1" lane="E4_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_10" lane="E2_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_10.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_11" lane="E2_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_11.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_12" lane="-E5_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_12.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_13" lane="-E5_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_13.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_14" lane="E5_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_14.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_15" lane="E5_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_15.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_2" lane="-E4_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_3" lane="-E4_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_4" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_5" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ----------
<     <viewport zoom="120.00" x="40.00" y="40.00" angle="0.00"/>
>     <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Differences in log ----------
< Warning: Non-static traffic light 'J0' does not define variable phase length.
< Warning: Non-static traffic light 'J0' does not define variable phase length.
< Warning: Non-static traffic light 'J0' does not define variable phase length.
---------- Differences in net ----------
<     <location netOffset="40.00,-10.00" convBoundary="0.00,0.00,80.00,80.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.00,-10000000000.00,10000000000.00,10000000000.00" projParameter="!"/>
>     <location netOffset="0.00,0.00" convBoundary="-60.00,-30.00,60.00,30.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.000000,-10000000000.000000,10000000000.000000,10000000000.000000" projParameter="+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext +no_defs"/>
<     <edge id=":J0_0" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_0_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.86" length="10.16" shape="35.20,51.10 34.81,48.34 33.62,46.38 31.66,45.19 28.90,44.80"/>
<         <lane id=":J0_0_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="8.29" length="15.32" shape="38.40,51.10 37.81,46.94 36.02,43.98 33.06,42.19 28.90,41.60"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_2" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_2_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="22.20" shape="38.40,51.10 38.40,28.90"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_3" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_3_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="5.01" shape="38.40,51.10 39.11,46.14"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_16" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_16_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="15.47" shape="39.11,46.14 39.19,45.54 41.57,41.58 45.54,39.19 51.10,38.40"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_4" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_4_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.86" length="10.16" shape="51.10,44.80 48.34,45.19 46.37,46.37 45.19,48.34 44.80,51.10"/>
<         <lane id=":J0_4_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="8.29" length="15.32" shape="51.10,41.60 46.94,42.19 43.98,43.98 42.19,46.94 41.60,51.10"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_6" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_6_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="22.20" shape="51.10,41.60 28.90,41.60"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_7" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_7_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="2.51" shape="51.10,41.60 48.61,41.24"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_17" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_17_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="17.97" shape="48.61,41.24 45.54,40.81 41.58,38.43 39.19,34.46 38.40,28.90"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 393
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 802 - 404
---------- Differences in routes ----------
<     <vehicle id="trip_1" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E2 E3 -E3 E2" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
<     <vehicle id="trip_2" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E1 E0 -E0 E1" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
<     <vehicle id="trip_3" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E3 E2 -E2 E3" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
<     <vehicle id="trip_4" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E0 E1 -E1 E0" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
>     <trip id="t_0" depart="0.00" from="-E3" to="E4"/>
>     <trip id="t_1" depart="0.00" from="-E2" to="E3"/>
>     <trip id="t_2" depart="0.00" from="-E5" to="E2"/>
>     <trip id="t_3" depart="0.00" from="-E4" to="E5"/>
>     <flow id="f_0" begin="0.00" from="-E4" to="E2" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
>     <flow id="f_1" begin="0.00" from="-E2" to="E4" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
>     <flow id="f_2" begin="0.00" from="-E5" to="E3" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
>     <flow id="f_3" begin="0.00" from="-E3" to="E5" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
---------- New result in datas ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd">
    <interval id="set" begin="0.00" end="3600.00">
        <edgeRelation from="-E3" to="E4"/>
        <edgeRelation from="-E4" to="E5"/>
        <edgeRelation from="-E5" to="E2"/>
        <edgeRelation from="-E2" to="E3"/>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : network trafficlights joined phases NEMA buttons addstates ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

---------- Differences in additionals ----------
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_00" lane="-E2_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_01" lane="-E2_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_02" lane="E2_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_03" lane="E2_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_04" lane="-E1_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_05" lane="-E1_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_06" lane="E1_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_07" lane="E1_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_08" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_09" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_10" lane="E3_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_11" lane="E3_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_12" lane="-E0_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_13" lane="-E0_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_14" lane="E0_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_15" lane="E0_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_0" lane="E4_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_1" lane="E4_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_10" lane="E2_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_10.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_11" lane="E2_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_11.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_12" lane="-E5_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_12.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_13" lane="-E5_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_13.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_14" lane="E5_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_14.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_15" lane="E5_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_15.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_2" lane="-E4_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_3" lane="-E4_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_4" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_5" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ----------
<     <viewport zoom="120.00" x="40.00" y="40.00" angle="0.00"/>
>     <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Differences in log ----------
< Warning: Non-static traffic light 'J0' does not define variable phase length.
< Warning: Non-static traffic light 'J0' does not define variable phase length.
< Warning: Non-static traffic light 'J0' does not define variable phase length.
< Warning: Non-static traffic light 'J0' does not define variable phase length.
< Warning: Non-static traffic light 'J0' does not define variable phase length.
< Warning: Unused state in tlLogic 'J0', program '0' at tl-index 40
< Warning: 7 total messages of type: Non-static traffic light '%' does not define variable phase length.
---------- Differences in net ----------
<     <location netOffset="40.00,-10.00" convBoundary="0.00,0.00,80.00,80.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.00,-10000000000.00,10000000000.00,10000000000.00" projParameter="!"/>
>     <location netOffset="0.00,0.00" convBoundary="-60.00,-30.00,60.00,30.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.000000,-10000000000.000000,10000000000.000000,10000000000.000000" projParameter="+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext +no_defs"/>
<     <edge id=":J0_0" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_0_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.86" length="10.16" shape="35.20,51.10 34.81,48.34 33.62,46.38 31.66,45.19 28.90,44.80"/>
<         <lane id=":J0_0_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="8.29" length="15.32" shape="38.40,51.10 37.81,46.94 36.02,43.98 33.06,42.19 28.90,41.60"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_2" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_2_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="22.20" shape="38.40,51.10 38.40,28.90"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_3" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_3_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="15.55" shape="38.40,51.10 39.19,45.54 41.57,41.58 45.54,39.19 46.22,39.10"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_16" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_16_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="4.93" shape="46.22,39.10 51.10,38.40"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_4" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_4_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.86" length="10.16" shape="51.10,44.80 48.34,45.19 46.37,46.37 45.19,48.34 44.80,51.10"/>
<         <lane id=":J0_4_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="8.29" length="15.32" shape="51.10,41.60 46.94,42.19 43.98,43.98 42.19,46.94 41.60,51.10"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_6" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_6_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="22.20" shape="51.10,41.60 28.90,41.60"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_7" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_7_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="2.51" shape="51.10,41.60 48.61,41.24"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_17" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_17_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="17.97" shape="48.61,41.24 45.54,40.81 41.58,38.43 39.19,34.46 38.40,28.90"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 393
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 802 - 404
---------- Differences in routes ----------
<     <vehicle id="trip_1" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E2 E3 -E3 E2" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
<     <vehicle id="trip_2" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E1 E0 -E0 E1" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
<     <vehicle id="trip_3" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E3 E2 -E2 E3" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
<     <vehicle id="trip_4" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E0 E1 -E1 E0" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
>     <trip id="t_0" depart="0.00" from="-E3" to="E4"/>
>     <trip id="t_1" depart="0.00" from="-E2" to="E3"/>
>     <trip id="t_2" depart="0.00" from="-E5" to="E2"/>
>     <trip id="t_3" depart="0.00" from="-E4" to="E5"/>
>     <flow id="f_0" begin="0.00" from="-E4" to="E2" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
>     <flow id="f_1" begin="0.00" from="-E2" to="E4" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
>     <flow id="f_2" begin="0.00" from="-E5" to="E3" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
>     <flow id="f_3" begin="0.00" from="-E3" to="E5" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
---------- New result in datas ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd">
    <interval id="set" begin="0.00" end="3600.00">
        <edgeRelation from="-E3" to="E4"/>
        <edgeRelation from="-E4" to="E5"/>
        <edgeRelation from="-E5" to="E2"/>
        <edgeRelation from="-E2" to="E3"/>

5 TESTS FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba :

---------- Differences in additionals ----------
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_00" lane="-E2_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_01" lane="-E2_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_02" lane="E2_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_03" lane="E2_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_04" lane="-E1_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_05" lane="-E1_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_06" lane="E1_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_07" lane="E1_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_08" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_09" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_10" lane="E3_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_11" lane="E3_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_12" lane="-E0_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_13" lane="-E0_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_14" lane="E0_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_15" lane="E0_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_0" lane="E4_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_1" lane="E4_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_10" lane="E2_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_10.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_11" lane="E2_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_11.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_12" lane="-E5_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_12.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_13" lane="-E5_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_13.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_14" lane="E5_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_14.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_15" lane="E5_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_15.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_2" lane="-E4_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_3" lane="-E4_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_4" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_5" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ----------
<     <viewport zoom="120.00" x="40.00" y="40.00" angle="0.00"/>
>     <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Differences in log ----------
< Warning: Non-static traffic light 'J0' does not define variable phase length.
< Warning: Non-static traffic light 'J0' does not define variable phase length.
< Warning: Non-static traffic light 'J0' does not define variable phase length.
< Warning: Non-static traffic light 'J0' does not define variable phase length.
< Warning: Non-static traffic light 'J0' does not define variable phase length.
< Warning: 7 total messages of type: Non-static traffic light '%' does not define variable phase length.
---------- Differences in net ----------
<     <location netOffset="40.00,-10.00" convBoundary="0.00,0.00,80.00,80.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.00,-10000000000.00,10000000000.00,10000000000.00" projParameter="!"/>
>     <location netOffset="0.00,0.00" convBoundary="-60.00,-30.00,60.00,30.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.000000,-10000000000.000000,10000000000.000000,10000000000.000000" projParameter="+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext +no_defs"/>
<     <edge id=":J0_0" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_0_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.86" length="10.16" shape="35.20,51.10 34.81,48.34 33.62,46.38 31.66,45.19 28.90,44.80"/>
<         <lane id=":J0_0_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="8.29" length="15.32" shape="38.40,51.10 37.81,46.94 36.02,43.98 33.06,42.19 28.90,41.60"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_2" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_2_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="22.20" shape="38.40,51.10 38.40,28.90"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_3" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_3_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="15.55" shape="38.40,51.10 39.19,45.54 41.57,41.58 45.54,39.19 46.22,39.10"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_16" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_16_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="4.93" shape="46.22,39.10 51.10,38.40"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_4" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_4_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.86" length="10.16" shape="51.10,44.80 48.34,45.19 46.37,46.37 45.19,48.34 44.80,51.10"/>
<         <lane id=":J0_4_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="8.29" length="15.32" shape="51.10,41.60 46.94,42.19 43.98,43.98 42.19,46.94 41.60,51.10"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_6" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_6_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="22.20" shape="51.10,41.60 28.90,41.60"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_7" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_7_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="2.51" shape="51.10,41.60 48.61,41.24"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_17" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_17_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="17.97" shape="48.61,41.24 45.54,40.81 41.58,38.43 39.19,34.46 38.40,28.90"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 393
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 802 - 404
---------- Differences in routes ----------
<     <vehicle id="trip_1" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E2 E3 -E3 E2" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
<     <vehicle id="trip_2" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E1 E0 -E0 E1" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
<     <vehicle id="trip_3" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E3 E2 -E2 E3" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
<     <vehicle id="trip_4" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E0 E1 -E1 E0" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
>     <trip id="t_0" depart="0.00" from="-E3" to="E4"/>
>     <trip id="t_1" depart="0.00" from="-E2" to="E3"/>
>     <trip id="t_2" depart="0.00" from="-E5" to="E2"/>
>     <trip id="t_3" depart="0.00" from="-E4" to="E5"/>
>     <flow id="f_0" begin="0.00" from="-E4" to="E2" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
>     <flow id="f_1" begin="0.00" from="-E2" to="E4" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
>     <flow id="f_2" begin="0.00" from="-E5" to="E3" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
>     <flow id="f_3" begin="0.00" from="-E3" to="E5" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
---------- New result in datas ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd">
    <interval id="set" begin="0.00" end="3600.00">
        <edgeRelation from="-E3" to="E4"/>
        <edgeRelation from="-E4" to="E5"/>
        <edgeRelation from="-E5" to="E2"/>
        <edgeRelation from="-E2" to="E3"/>
network trafficlights joined phases NEMA buttons cleanstates ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights joined phases NEMA buttons groupsignals ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights joined phases NEMA buttons movedown ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights joined phases NEMA buttons moveup ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights joined phases NEMA buttons ungroupsignals ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : network trafficlights joined phases NEMA buttons delete ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

---------- Differences in additionals ----------
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_00" lane="-E2_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_01" lane="-E2_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_02" lane="E2_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_03" lane="E2_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_04" lane="-E1_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_05" lane="-E1_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_06" lane="E1_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_07" lane="E1_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_08" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_09" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_10" lane="E3_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_11" lane="E3_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_12" lane="-E0_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_13" lane="-E0_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_14" lane="E0_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_15" lane="E0_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_0" lane="E4_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_1" lane="E4_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_10" lane="E2_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_10.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_11" lane="E2_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_11.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_12" lane="-E5_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_12.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_13" lane="-E5_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_13.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_14" lane="E5_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_14.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_15" lane="E5_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_15.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_2" lane="-E4_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_3" lane="-E4_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_4" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_5" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ----------
<     <viewport zoom="120.00" x="40.00" y="40.00" angle="0.00"/>
>     <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Differences in log ----------
< Warning: Non-static traffic light 'J0' does not define variable phase length.
< Warning: Non-static traffic light 'J0' does not define variable phase length.
< Warning: Non-static traffic light 'J0' does not define variable phase length.
< Warning: Non-static traffic light 'J0' does not define variable phase length.
< Warning: Non-static traffic light 'J0' does not define variable phase length.
< Warning: 7 total messages of type: Non-static traffic light '%' does not define variable phase length.
---------- Differences in net ----------
<     <location netOffset="40.00,-10.00" convBoundary="0.00,0.00,80.00,80.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.00,-10000000000.00,10000000000.00,10000000000.00" projParameter="!"/>
>     <location netOffset="0.00,0.00" convBoundary="-60.00,-30.00,60.00,30.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.000000,-10000000000.000000,10000000000.000000,10000000000.000000" projParameter="+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext +no_defs"/>
<     <edge id=":J0_0" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_0_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.86" length="10.16" shape="35.20,51.10 34.81,48.34 33.62,46.38 31.66,45.19 28.90,44.80"/>
<         <lane id=":J0_0_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="8.29" length="15.32" shape="38.40,51.10 37.81,46.94 36.02,43.98 33.06,42.19 28.90,41.60"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_2" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_2_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="22.20" shape="38.40,51.10 38.40,28.90"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_3" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_3_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="15.55" shape="38.40,51.10 39.19,45.54 41.57,41.58 45.54,39.19 46.22,39.10"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_16" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_16_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="4.93" shape="46.22,39.10 51.10,38.40"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_4" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_4_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.86" length="10.16" shape="51.10,44.80 48.34,45.19 46.37,46.37 45.19,48.34 44.80,51.10"/>
<         <lane id=":J0_4_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="8.29" length="15.32" shape="51.10,41.60 46.94,42.19 43.98,43.98 42.19,46.94 41.60,51.10"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_6" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_6_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="22.20" shape="51.10,41.60 28.90,41.60"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_7" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_7_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="2.51" shape="51.10,41.60 48.61,41.24"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_17" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_17_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="17.97" shape="48.61,41.24 45.54,40.81 41.58,38.43 39.19,34.46 38.40,28.90"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 393
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 802 - 404
---------- Differences in routes ----------
<     <vehicle id="trip_1" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E2 E3 -E3 E2" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
<     <vehicle id="trip_2" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E1 E0 -E0 E1" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
<     <vehicle id="trip_3" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E3 E2 -E2 E3" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
<     <vehicle id="trip_4" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E0 E1 -E1 E0" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
>     <trip id="t_0" depart="0.00" from="-E3" to="E4"/>
>     <trip id="t_1" depart="0.00" from="-E2" to="E3"/>
>     <trip id="t_2" depart="0.00" from="-E5" to="E2"/>
>     <trip id="t_3" depart="0.00" from="-E4" to="E5"/>
>     <flow id="f_0" begin="0.00" from="-E4" to="E2" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
>     <flow id="f_1" begin="0.00" from="-E2" to="E4" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
>     <flow id="f_2" begin="0.00" from="-E5" to="E3" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
>     <flow id="f_3" begin="0.00" from="-E3" to="E5" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
---------- New result in datas ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd">
    <interval id="set" begin="0.00" end="3600.00">
        <edgeRelation from="-E3" to="E4"/>
        <edgeRelation from="-E4" to="E5"/>
        <edgeRelation from="-E5" to="E2"/>
        <edgeRelation from="-E2" to="E3"/>

5 TESTS FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba :

---------- Differences in log ----------
< Warning: Non-static traffic light 'J0' does not define variable phase length.
< Warning: Non-static traffic light 'J0' does not define variable phase length.
< Warning: Non-static traffic light 'J0' does not define variable phase length.
< Warning: Non-static traffic light 'J0' does not define variable phase length.
< Warning: Non-static traffic light 'J0' does not define variable phase length.
< Warning: 7 total messages of type: Non-static traffic light '%' does not define variable phase length.
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 393
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 802 - 404
< TestFunctions: Netedit closed successfully
> TestFunctions: Error closing Netedit
---------- New result in errorScreenshot ----------

8jVZu*pսGZCֶ={2d8,^.羹's@90o&esoTT+sgMs/hT&)TIkPJF0T*(jtI5eJV)@èYMiD0s%eSND$H4@/x<P2Y33"6/{,7|hѢcbp$
[kz,5s̚5k7N,u0S8_|y֭?f>}?Zj7n_VVV}-((زeڵk4%VصkסCZj֭DޡC#G,X //O2TrSΩSd7ͭ]v5+WUVDU#JחX<bxME&nÆ999}?},]KV肿@f0[YYi6Z@0~x"ZС5=jҤ/r%)7|3x`>/<>44~~pp%K?~|-"6mZ߾}g̘~U߸I&o޼y&uqݛ6mz	{׊+<<<+p…)+!!ᣏ>6XxǪYzU5+m#J׫)HBSR^p&M~]:::1j8"~vyG24$/]qnnnѣDdmm=a„޽{cǎ-^6[~G|>ܖ"h̙=z{	BPxܹ7or5m4+++lō5
jV^iD4zaÆ988.ZڵkիO2eŊBP$M6SL}6ٳuB[~UJܷݺucg׫zppJ$X$Y
;IX'N8q_;3ח٩/~NAܡ3S+i޼3g>\RS-]OޢE9sx˗?+W(;;M֢E0ad;wn֭>}*`…lkr:5kٳG2eJFF37o0ٳsrrV\5FXlee5s̠7k֬\vӧkڵϞ=ssslFzŴi>5ktܹk׮lP$EΝ;vXJ&N͛+W/իD/Tm9VZ-Z;l0ܕk]yD">8uT@vZDRV-`7pvv~@ [+Wػ._ܷo_;;;X7xrUU8bDٝ9sf޼yDԾ}SN1Ӱaûw
^~]$իW0ի%ɘ1cn:`"/}={v쾸W„	Kff&!׭[~In)^("##<xPPP0hР+VØWZ5"+))m۶ǏgΝ;;&+oݹsWԿpi܉[Dψfdde4s޽˗/QJutRWWׁ2/pbbǏevˡC[z{{1b...={2eÇիW;wVw<x>>>]v]|
dRRla~--8{lRRRg?]vR$X͇^vڵk+Vܹʕ++T0p/͛Dm۶C[>555..|>ȑ#e\~sϞ=O7otZ(2#pիx"Jn޼5jdmm}M6
2>V$(}	̙3ݻׯ_X"沭eeex<//dggg{|
1w2C@ ػwCfΜ9o޼iӦQXXڵkW*݉(--m---㹸ddd-?<r=znԨ۷sA;;Yfrm۶bŊ?3F՜Ϛ5kÆ

<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Missing result in additionals ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<additional xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/additional_file.xsd">
    <!-- Detectors -->
    <inductionLoop id="E1_00" lane="-E2_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_01" lane="-E2_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_02" lane="E2_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_03" lane="E2_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_04" lane="-E1_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_05" lane="-E1_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_06" lane="E1_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_07" lane="E1_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_08" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_09" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_10" lane="E3_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_11" lane="E3_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_12" lane="-E0_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_13" lane="-E0_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_14" lane="E0_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_15" lane="E0_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/>
---------- Missing result in guisettingsoutput ----------
    <viewport zoom="120.00" x="40.00" y="40.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Missing result in net ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<net version="1.20" junctionCornerDetail="5" limitTurnSpeed="5.50" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/net_file.xsd">

    <location netOffset="40.00,-10.00" convBoundary="0.00,0.00,80.00,80.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.00,-10000000000.00,10000000000.00,10000000000.00" projParameter="!"/>

    <edge id=":J0_0" function="internal">
        <lane id=":J0_0_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.86" length="10.16" shape="35.20,51.10 34.81,48.34 33.62,46.38 31.66,45.19 28.90,44.80"/>
        <lane id=":J0_0_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="8.29" length="15.32" shape="38.40,51.10 37.81,46.94 36.02,43.98 33.06,42.19 28.90,41.60"/>
    <edge id=":J0_2" function="internal">
        <lane id=":J0_2_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="22.20" shape="38.40,51.10 38.40,28.90"/>
    <edge id=":J0_3" function="internal">
        <lane id=":J0_3_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="15.55" shape="38.40,51.10 39.19,45.54 41.57,41.58 45.54,39.19 46.22,39.10"/>
    <edge id=":J0_16" function="internal">
        <lane id=":J0_16_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="4.93" shape="46.22,39.10 51.10,38.40"/>
    <edge id=":J0_4" function="internal">
        <lane id=":J0_4_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.86" length="10.16" shape="51.10,44.80 48.34,45.19 46.37,46.37 45.19,48.34 44.80,51.10"/>
        <lane id=":J0_4_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="8.29" length="15.32" shape="51.10,41.60 46.94,42.19 43.98,43.98 42.19,46.94 41.60,51.10"/>
    <edge id=":J0_6" function="internal">
        <lane id=":J0_6_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="22.20" shape="51.10,41.60 28.90,41.60"/>
    <edge id=":J0_7" function="internal">
        <lane id=":J0_7_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="2.51" shape="51.10,41.60 48.61,41.24"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Missing result in routes ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<routes xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/routes_file.xsd">
    <!-- Vehicles, persons and containers (sorted by depart) -->
    <vehicle id="trip_1" depart="0.00">
        <route edges="-E2 E3 -E3 E2" repeat="10"/>
    <vehicle id="trip_2" depart="0.00">
        <route edges="-E1 E0 -E0 E1" repeat="10"/>
    <vehicle id="trip_3" depart="0.00">
        <route edges="-E3 E2 -E2 E3" repeat="10"/>
    <vehicle id="trip_4" depart="0.00">
        <route edges="-E0 E1 -E1 E0" repeat="10"/>
network trafficlights joined phases NEMA dur ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights joined phases NEMA next ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights joined phases NEMA red ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights joined phases NEMA vehext ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights joined phases NEMA yellow ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

2 TESTS FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba :

---------- Differences in log ----------
< Warning: Non-static traffic light 'J0' does not define variable phase length.
< Warning: Non-static traffic light 'J0' does not define variable phase length.
< Warning: Non-static traffic light 'J0' does not define variable phase length.
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 393
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 802 - 404
< TestFunctions: Netedit closed successfully
> TestFunctions: Error closing Netedit
---------- New result in errorScreenshot ----------

8jVZu*pսGZCֶ={2d8,^.羹's@90o&esoTT+sgMs/hT&)TIkPJF0T*(jtI5eJV)@èYMiD0s%eSND$H4@/x<P2Y33"6/{,7|hѢcbp$
[kz,5s̚5k7N,u0S8_|y֭?f>}?Zj7n_VVV}-((زeڵk4%VصkסCZj֭DޡC#G,X //O2TrSΩSd7ͭ]v5+WUVDU#JחX<bxME&nÆ999}?},]KV肿@f0[YYi6Z@0~x"ZС5=jҤ/r%)7|3x`>/<>44~~pp%K?~|-"6mZ߾}g̘~U߸I&o޼y&uqݛ6mz	{׊+<<<+p…)+!!ᣏ>6XxǪYzU5+m#J׫)HBSR^p&M~]:::1j8"~vyG24$/]qnnnѣDdmm=a„޽{cǎ-^6[~G|>ܖ"h̙=z{	BPxܹ7or5m4+++lō5
jV^iD4zaÆ988.ZڵkիO2eŊBP$M6SL}6ٳuB[~UJܷݺucg׫zppJ$X$Y
;IX'N8q_;3ח٩/~NAܡ3S+i޼3g>\RS-]OޢE9sx˗?+W(;;M֢E0ad;wn֭>}*`…lkr:5kٳG2eJFF37o0ٳsrrV\5FXlee5s̠7k֬\vӧkڵϞ=ssslFzŴi>5ktܹk׮lP$EΝ;vXJ&N͛+W/իD/Tm9VZ-Z;l0ܕk]yD">8uT@vZDRV-`7pvv~@ [+Wػ._ܷo_;;;X7xrUU8bDٝ9sf޼yDԾ}SN1Ӱaûw
^~]$իW0ի%ɘ1cn:`"/}={v쾸W„	Kff&!׭[~In)^("##<xPPP0hР+VØWZ5"+))m۶ǏgΝ;;&+oݹsWԿpi܉[Dψfdde4s޽˗/QJutRWWׁ2/pbbǏevˡC[z{{1b...={2eÇիW;wVw<x>>>]v]|
dRRla~--8{lRRRg?]vR$X͇^vڵk+Vܹʕ++T0p/͛Dm۶C[>555..|>ȑ#e\~sϞ=O7otZ(2#pիx"Jn޼5jdmm}M6
2>V$(}	̙3ݻׯ_X"沭eeex<//dggg{|
1w2C@ ػwCfΜ9o޼iӦQXXڵkW*݉(--m---㹸ddd-?<r=znԨ۷sA;;Yfrm۶bŊ?3F՜Ϛ5kÆ

<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Missing result in additionals ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<additional xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/additional_file.xsd">
    <!-- Detectors -->
    <inductionLoop id="E1_00" lane="-E2_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_01" lane="-E2_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_02" lane="E2_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_03" lane="E2_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_04" lane="-E1_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_05" lane="-E1_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_06" lane="E1_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_07" lane="E1_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_08" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_09" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_10" lane="E3_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_11" lane="E3_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_12" lane="-E0_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_13" lane="-E0_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_14" lane="E0_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_15" lane="E0_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/>
---------- Missing result in guisettingsoutput ----------
    <viewport zoom="120.00" x="40.00" y="40.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Missing result in net ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<net version="1.20" junctionCornerDetail="5" limitTurnSpeed="5.50" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/net_file.xsd">

    <location netOffset="40.00,-10.00" convBoundary="0.00,0.00,80.00,80.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.00,-10000000000.00,10000000000.00,10000000000.00" projParameter="!"/>

    <edge id=":J0_0" function="internal">
        <lane id=":J0_0_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.86" length="10.16" shape="35.20,51.10 34.81,48.34 33.62,46.38 31.66,45.19 28.90,44.80"/>
        <lane id=":J0_0_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="8.29" length="15.32" shape="38.40,51.10 37.81,46.94 36.02,43.98 33.06,42.19 28.90,41.60"/>
    <edge id=":J0_2" function="internal">
        <lane id=":J0_2_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="22.20" shape="38.40,51.10 38.40,28.90"/>
    <edge id=":J0_3" function="internal">
        <lane id=":J0_3_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="15.55" shape="38.40,51.10 39.19,45.54 41.57,41.58 45.54,39.19 46.22,39.10"/>
    <edge id=":J0_16" function="internal">
        <lane id=":J0_16_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="4.93" shape="46.22,39.10 51.10,38.40"/>
    <edge id=":J0_4" function="internal">
        <lane id=":J0_4_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.86" length="10.16" shape="51.10,44.80 48.34,45.19 46.37,46.37 45.19,48.34 44.80,51.10"/>
        <lane id=":J0_4_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="8.29" length="15.32" shape="51.10,41.60 46.94,42.19 43.98,43.98 42.19,46.94 41.60,51.10"/>
    <edge id=":J0_6" function="internal">
        <lane id=":J0_6_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="22.20" shape="51.10,41.60 28.90,41.60"/>
    <edge id=":J0_7" function="internal">
        <lane id=":J0_7_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="2.51" shape="51.10,41.60 48.61,41.24"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Missing result in routes ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<routes xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/routes_file.xsd">
    <!-- Vehicles, persons and containers (sorted by depart) -->
    <vehicle id="trip_1" depart="0.00">
        <route edges="-E2 E3 -E3 E2" repeat="10"/>
    <vehicle id="trip_2" depart="0.00">
        <route edges="-E1 E0 -E0 E1" repeat="10"/>
    <vehicle id="trip_3" depart="0.00">
        <route edges="-E3 E2 -E2 E3" repeat="10"/>
    <vehicle id="trip_4" depart="0.00">
        <route edges="-E0 E1 -E1 E0" repeat="10"/>
network trafficlights joined phases NEMA max ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights joined phases NEMA min ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : network trafficlights joined phases NEMA name ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

---------- Differences in log ----------
< Warning: Non-static traffic light 'J0' does not define variable phase length.
< Warning: Non-static traffic light 'J0' does not define variable phase length.
< Warning: Non-static traffic light 'J0' does not define variable phase length.
< Warning: Non-static traffic light 'J0' does not define variable phase length.
< Warning: Non-static traffic light 'J0' does not define variable phase length.
< Warning: 7 total messages of type: Non-static traffic light '%' does not define variable phase length.
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 393
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 802 - 404
< TestFunctions: Netedit closed successfully
> TestFunctions: Error closing Netedit
---------- New result in errorScreenshot ----------

8jVZu*pսGZCֶ={2d8,^.羹's@90o&esoTT+sgMs/hT&)TIkPJF0T*(jtI5eJV)@èYMiD0s%eSND$H4@/x<P2Y33"6/{,7|hѢcbp$
[kz,5s̚5k7N,u0S8_|y֭?f>}?Zj7n_VVV}-((زeڵk4%VصkסCZj֭DޡC#G,X //O2TrSΩSd7ͭ]v5+WUVDU#JחX<bxME&nÆ999}?},]KV肿@f0[YYi6Z@0~x"ZС5=jҤ/r%)7|3x`>/<>44~~pp%K?~|-"6mZ߾}g̘~U߸I&o޼y&uqݛ6mz	{׊+<<<+p…)+!!ᣏ>6XxǪYzU5+m#J׫)HBSR^p&M~]:::1j8"~vyG24$/]qnnnѣDdmm=a„޽{cǎ-^6[~G|>ܖ"h̙=z{	BPxܹ7or5m4+++lō5
jV^iD4zaÆ988.ZڵkիO2eŊBP$M6SL}6ٳuB[~UJܷݺucg׫zppJ$X$Y
;IX'N8q_;3ח٩/~NAܡ3S+i޼3g>\RS-]OޢE9sx˗?+W(;;M֢E0ad;wn֭>}*`…lkr:5kٳG2eJFF37o0ٳsrrV\5FXlee5s̠7k֬\vӧkڵϞ=ssslFzŴi>5ktܹk׮lP$EΝ;vXJ&N͛+W/իD/Tm9VZ-Z;l0ܕk]yD">8uT@vZDRV-`7pvv~@ [+Wػ._ܷo_;;;X7xrUU8bDٝ9sf޼yDԾ}SN1Ӱaûw
^~]$իW0ի%ɘ1cn:`"/}={v쾸W„	Kff&!׭[~In)^("##<xPPP0hР+VØWZ5"+))m۶ǏgΝ;;&+oݹsWԿpi܉[Dψfdde4s޽˗/QJutRWWׁ2/pbbǏevˡC[z{{1b...={2eÇիW;wVw<x>>>]v]|
dRRla~--8{lRRRg?]vR$X͇^vڵk+Vܹʕ++T0p/͛Dm۶C[>555..|>ȑ#e\~sϞ=O7otZ(2#pիx"Jn޼5jdmm}M6
2>V$(}	̙3ݻׯ_X"沭eeex<//dggg{|
1w2C@ ػwCfΜ9o޼iӦQXXڵkW*݉(--m---㹸ddd-?<r=znԨ۷sA;;Yfrm۶bŊ?3F՜Ϛ5kÆ

<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Missing result in additionals ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<additional xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/additional_file.xsd">
    <!-- Detectors -->
    <inductionLoop id="E1_00" lane="-E2_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_01" lane="-E2_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_02" lane="E2_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_03" lane="E2_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_04" lane="-E1_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_05" lane="-E1_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_06" lane="E1_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_07" lane="E1_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_08" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_09" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_10" lane="E3_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_11" lane="E3_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_12" lane="-E0_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_13" lane="-E0_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_14" lane="E0_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_15" lane="E0_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/>
---------- Missing result in guisettingsoutput ----------
    <viewport zoom="120.00" x="40.00" y="40.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Missing result in net ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<net version="1.20" junctionCornerDetail="5" limitTurnSpeed="5.50" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/net_file.xsd">

    <location netOffset="40.00,-10.00" convBoundary="0.00,0.00,80.00,80.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.00,-10000000000.00,10000000000.00,10000000000.00" projParameter="!"/>

    <edge id=":J0_0" function="internal">
        <lane id=":J0_0_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.86" length="10.16" shape="35.20,51.10 34.81,48.34 33.62,46.38 31.66,45.19 28.90,44.80"/>
        <lane id=":J0_0_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="8.29" length="15.32" shape="38.40,51.10 37.81,46.94 36.02,43.98 33.06,42.19 28.90,41.60"/>
    <edge id=":J0_2" function="internal">
        <lane id=":J0_2_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="22.20" shape="38.40,51.10 38.40,28.90"/>
    <edge id=":J0_3" function="internal">
        <lane id=":J0_3_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="15.55" shape="38.40,51.10 39.19,45.54 41.57,41.58 45.54,39.19 46.22,39.10"/>
    <edge id=":J0_16" function="internal">
        <lane id=":J0_16_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="4.93" shape="46.22,39.10 51.10,38.40"/>
    <edge id=":J0_4" function="internal">
        <lane id=":J0_4_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.86" length="10.16" shape="51.10,44.80 48.34,45.19 46.37,46.37 45.19,48.34 44.80,51.10"/>
        <lane id=":J0_4_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="8.29" length="15.32" shape="51.10,41.60 46.94,42.19 43.98,43.98 42.19,46.94 41.60,51.10"/>
    <edge id=":J0_6" function="internal">
        <lane id=":J0_6_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="22.20" shape="51.10,41.60 28.90,41.60"/>
    <edge id=":J0_7" function="internal">
        <lane id=":J0_7_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="2.51" shape="51.10,41.60 48.61,41.24"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Missing result in routes ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<routes xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/routes_file.xsd">
    <!-- Vehicles, persons and containers (sorted by depart) -->
    <vehicle id="trip_1" depart="0.00">
        <route edges="-E2 E3 -E3 E2" repeat="10"/>
    <vehicle id="trip_2" depart="0.00">
        <route edges="-E1 E0 -E0 E1" repeat="10"/>
    <vehicle id="trip_3" depart="0.00">
        <route edges="-E3 E2 -E2 E3" repeat="10"/>
    <vehicle id="trip_4" depart="0.00">
        <route edges="-E0 E1 -E1 E0" repeat="10"/>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : network trafficlights joined phases NEMA state ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

---------- Differences in log ----------
< Warning: Non-static traffic light 'J0' does not define variable phase length.
< Warning: Non-static traffic light 'J0' does not define variable phase length.
< Warning: Non-static traffic light 'J0' does not define variable phase length.
< Warning: Non-static traffic light 'J0' does not define variable phase length.
< Warning: Non-static traffic light 'J0' does not define variable phase length.
< Warning: 7 total messages of type: Non-static traffic light '%' does not define variable phase length.
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 393
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 802 - 404
< TestFunctions: Netedit closed successfully
> TestFunctions: Error closing Netedit
---------- New result in errorScreenshot ----------

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n޼ټy'88ʕ+ܽνDDӧO?361c٦D"{SH$b7cH$jԨѷ~KDmڴ%qppbZk׮]hԩS}||<زe5j4j2øIxx8"5j$$$Gׯ_hѢ3f?>sLFFFN*Udgg>|e˖~~~M49}4uuԨQUVeEٕȡCF6mNsŮ?x`V׳>ӧOx`zX.o1_&/'#W=vWV
ٳmmmٛϟ?EEEg3f˗ɓ'?~<))ݞ]/W	|>X[[ogmm͞lmmݼyɓ'K_)Nz=\\v+VYԩS[lQ888DDD;˻w4iRddS.]bϝ;-[

<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Missing result in additionals ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<additional xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/additional_file.xsd">
    <!-- Detectors -->
    <inductionLoop id="E1_00" lane="-E2_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_01" lane="-E2_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_02" lane="E2_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_03" lane="E2_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_04" lane="-E1_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_05" lane="-E1_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_06" lane="E1_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_07" lane="E1_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_08" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_09" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_10" lane="E3_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_11" lane="E3_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_12" lane="-E0_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_13" lane="-E0_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_14" lane="E0_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_15" lane="E0_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/>
---------- Missing result in guisettingsoutput ----------
    <viewport zoom="120.00" x="40.00" y="40.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Missing result in net ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<net version="1.20" junctionCornerDetail="5" limitTurnSpeed="5.50" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/net_file.xsd">

    <location netOffset="40.00,-10.00" convBoundary="0.00,0.00,80.00,80.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.00,-10000000000.00,10000000000.00,10000000000.00" projParameter="!"/>

    <edge id=":J0_0" function="internal">
        <lane id=":J0_0_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.86" length="10.16" shape="35.20,51.10 34.81,48.34 33.62,46.38 31.66,45.19 28.90,44.80"/>
        <lane id=":J0_0_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="8.29" length="15.32" shape="38.40,51.10 37.81,46.94 36.02,43.97 33.06,42.19 28.90,41.60"/>
    <edge id=":J0_2" function="internal">
        <lane id=":J0_2_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="22.20" shape="38.40,51.10 38.40,28.90"/>
    <edge id=":J0_3" function="internal">
        <lane id=":J0_3_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="20.48" shape="38.40,51.10 39.19,45.54 41.57,41.58 45.54,39.19 51.10,38.40"/>
    <edge id=":J0_4" function="internal">
        <lane id=":J0_4_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.86" length="10.16" shape="51.10,44.80 48.34,45.19 46.38,46.37 45.19,48.34 44.80,51.10"/>
        <lane id=":J0_4_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="8.29" length="15.32" shape="51.10,41.60 46.94,42.19 43.97,43.98 42.19,46.94 41.60,51.10"/>
    <edge id=":J0_6" function="internal">
        <lane id=":J0_6_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="22.20" shape="51.10,41.60 28.90,41.60"/>
    <edge id=":J0_7" function="internal">
        <lane id=":J0_7_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="20.48" shape="51.10,41.60 45.54,40.81 41.58,38.43 39.19,34.46 38.40,28.90"/>
    <edge id=":J0_8" function="internal">
        <lane id=":J0_8_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.86" length="10.16" shape="44.80,28.90 45.19,31.66 46.37,33.62 48.34,34.81 51.10,35.20"/>
        <lane id=":J0_8_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="8.29" length="15.32" shape="41.60,28.90 42.19,33.06 43.98,36.03 46.94,37.81 51.10,38.40"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Missing result in routes ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<routes xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/routes_file.xsd">
    <!-- Vehicles, persons and containers (sorted by depart) -->
    <vehicle id="trip_1" depart="0.00">
        <route edges="-E2 E3 -E3 E2" repeat="10"/>
    <vehicle id="trip_2" depart="0.00">
        <route edges="-E1 E0 -E0 E1" repeat="10"/>
    <vehicle id="trip_3" depart="0.00">
        <route edges="-E3 E2 -E2 E3" repeat="10"/>
    <vehicle id="trip_4" depart="0.00">
        <route edges="-E0 E1 -E1 E0" repeat="10"/>

13 TESTS FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba :

---------- Differences in additionals ----------
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_00" lane="-E2_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_01" lane="-E2_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_02" lane="E2_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_03" lane="E2_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_04" lane="-E1_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_05" lane="-E1_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_06" lane="E1_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_07" lane="E1_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_08" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_09" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_10" lane="E3_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_11" lane="E3_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_12" lane="-E0_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_13" lane="-E0_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_14" lane="E0_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_15" lane="E0_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_0" lane="E4_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_1" lane="E4_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_10" lane="E2_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_10.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_11" lane="E2_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_11.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_12" lane="-E5_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_12.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_13" lane="-E5_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_13.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_14" lane="E5_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_14.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_15" lane="E5_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_15.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_2" lane="-E4_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_3" lane="-E4_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_4" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_5" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ----------
<     <viewport zoom="120.00" x="30.00" y="30.00" angle="0.00"/>
>     <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Differences in log ----------
< Warning: Non-static traffic light 'J0' does not define variable phase length.
< Warning: Non-static traffic light 'J0' does not define variable phase length.
< Warning: Non-static traffic light 'J0' does not define variable phase length.
< Warning: Non-static traffic light 'J0' does not define variable phase length.
< Warning: Non-static traffic light 'J0' does not define variable phase length.
< Warning: 7 total messages of type: Non-static traffic light '%' does not define variable phase length.
---------- Differences in net ----------
<     <location netOffset="30.00,-20.00" convBoundary="0.00,0.00,60.00,60.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.00,-10000000000.00,10000000000.00,10000000000.00" projParameter="!"/>
>     <location netOffset="0.00,0.00" convBoundary="-60.00,-30.00,60.00,30.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.000000,-10000000000.000000,10000000000.000000,10000000000.000000" projParameter="+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext +no_defs"/>
<     <edge id=":J0_0" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_0_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.86" length="10.16" shape="25.20,41.10 24.81,38.34 23.62,36.37 21.66,35.19 18.90,34.80"/>
<         <lane id=":J0_0_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="8.29" length="15.32" shape="28.40,41.10 27.81,36.94 26.02,33.98 23.06,32.19 18.90,31.60"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_2" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_2_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="22.20" shape="28.40,41.10 28.40,18.90"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_3" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_3_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="15.55" shape="28.40,41.10 29.19,35.54 31.57,31.58 35.54,29.19 36.22,29.10"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_16" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_16_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="4.93" shape="36.22,29.10 41.10,28.40"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_4" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_4_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.86" length="10.16" shape="41.10,34.80 38.34,35.19 36.37,36.38 35.19,38.34 34.80,41.10"/>
<         <lane id=":J0_4_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="8.29" length="15.32" shape="41.10,31.60 36.94,32.19 33.98,33.98 32.19,36.94 31.60,41.10"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_6" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_6_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="22.20" shape="41.10,31.60 18.90,31.60"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_7" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_7_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="2.51" shape="41.10,31.60 38.61,31.24"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_17" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_17_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="17.97" shape="38.61,31.24 35.54,30.81 31.58,28.43 29.19,24.46 28.40,18.90"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 393
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 802 - 404
---------- Differences in routes ----------
<     <vehicle id="trip_1" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E2 E3 -E3 E2" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
<     <vehicle id="trip_2" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E1 E0 -E0 E1" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
<     <vehicle id="trip_3" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E3 E2 -E2 E3" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
<     <vehicle id="trip_4" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E0 E1 -E1 E0" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
>     <trip id="t_0" depart="0.00" from="-E3" to="E4"/>
>     <trip id="t_1" depart="0.00" from="-E2" to="E3"/>
>     <trip id="t_2" depart="0.00" from="-E5" to="E2"/>
>     <trip id="t_3" depart="0.00" from="-E4" to="E5"/>
>     <flow id="f_0" begin="0.00" from="-E4" to="E2" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
>     <flow id="f_1" begin="0.00" from="-E2" to="E4" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
>     <flow id="f_2" begin="0.00" from="-E5" to="E3" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
>     <flow id="f_3" begin="0.00" from="-E3" to="E5" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
---------- New result in datas ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd">
    <interval id="set" begin="0.00" end="3600.00">
        <edgeRelation from="-E3" to="E4"/>
        <edgeRelation from="-E4" to="E5"/>
        <edgeRelation from="-E5" to="E2"/>
        <edgeRelation from="-E2" to="E3"/>
network trafficlights joined phases actuated buttons add default ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights joined phases actuated buttons add duplicate ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights joined phases actuated buttons cleanstates ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights joined phases actuated buttons groupsignals ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights joined phases actuated buttons movedown ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights joined phases actuated buttons moveup ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights joined phases actuated buttons ungroupsignals ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights joined phases delay_based buttons add default ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights joined phases delay_based buttons cleanstates ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights joined phases delay_based buttons delete ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights joined phases delay_based buttons groupsignals ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights joined phases delay_based buttons moveup ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights joined phases delay_based buttons ungroupsignals ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : network trafficlights joined phases actuated buttons add green ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

---------- Differences in additionals ----------
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_00" lane="-E2_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_01" lane="-E2_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_02" lane="E2_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_03" lane="E2_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_04" lane="-E1_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_05" lane="-E1_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_06" lane="E1_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_07" lane="E1_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_08" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_09" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_10" lane="E3_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_11" lane="E3_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_12" lane="-E0_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_13" lane="-E0_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_14" lane="E0_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_15" lane="E0_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_0" lane="E4_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_1" lane="E4_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_10" lane="E2_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_10.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_11" lane="E2_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_11.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_12" lane="-E5_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_12.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_13" lane="-E5_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_13.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_14" lane="E5_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_14.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_15" lane="E5_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_15.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_2" lane="-E4_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_3" lane="-E4_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_4" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_5" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ----------
<     <viewport zoom="120.00" x="30.00" y="30.00" angle="0.00"/>
>     <viewport zoom="140.00" x="32.57" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Differences in log ----------
< Warning: Non-static traffic light 'J0' does not define variable phase length.
< Warning: Non-static traffic light 'J0' does not define variable phase length.
< Warning: Non-static traffic light 'J0' does not define variable phase length.
< Warning: Non-static traffic light 'J0' does not define variable phase length.
< Warning: Non-static traffic light 'J0' does not define variable phase length.
< Warning: 7 total messages of type: Non-static traffic light '%' does not define variable phase length.
---------- Differences in net ----------
<     <location netOffset="30.00,-20.00" convBoundary="0.00,0.00,60.00,60.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.00,-10000000000.00,10000000000.00,10000000000.00" projParameter="!"/>
>     <location netOffset="0.00,0.00" convBoundary="-60.00,-30.00,60.00,30.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.000000,-10000000000.000000,10000000000.000000,10000000000.000000" projParameter="+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext +no_defs"/>
<     <edge id=":J0_0" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_0_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.86" length="10.16" shape="25.20,41.10 24.81,38.34 23.62,36.37 21.66,35.19 18.90,34.80"/>
<         <lane id=":J0_0_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="8.29" length="15.32" shape="28.40,41.10 27.81,36.94 26.02,33.98 23.06,32.19 18.90,31.60"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_2" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_2_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="22.20" shape="28.40,41.10 28.40,18.90"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_3" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_3_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="5.01" shape="28.40,41.10 29.11,36.14"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_16" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_16_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="15.47" shape="29.11,36.14 29.19,35.54 31.57,31.58 35.54,29.19 41.10,28.40"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_4" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_4_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.86" length="10.16" shape="41.10,34.80 38.34,35.19 36.37,36.38 35.19,38.34 34.80,41.10"/>
<         <lane id=":J0_4_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="8.29" length="15.32" shape="41.10,31.60 36.94,32.19 33.98,33.98 32.19,36.94 31.60,41.10"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_6" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_6_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="22.20" shape="41.10,31.60 18.90,31.60"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_7" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_7_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="2.51" shape="41.10,31.60 38.61,31.24"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_17" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_17_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="17.97" shape="38.61,31.24 35.54,30.81 31.58,28.43 29.19,24.46 28.40,18.90"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 393
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 802 - 404
---------- Differences in routes ----------
<     <vehicle id="trip_1" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E2 E3 -E3 E2" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
<     <vehicle id="trip_2" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E1 E0 -E0 E1" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
<     <vehicle id="trip_3" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E3 E2 -E2 E3" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
<     <vehicle id="trip_4" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E0 E1 -E1 E0" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
>     <trip id="t_0" depart="0.00" from="-E3" to="E4"/>
>     <trip id="t_1" depart="0.00" from="-E2" to="E3"/>
>     <trip id="t_2" depart="0.00" from="-E5" to="E2"/>
>     <trip id="t_3" depart="0.00" from="-E4" to="E5"/>
>     <flow id="f_0" begin="0.00" from="-E4" to="E2" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
>     <flow id="f_1" begin="0.00" from="-E2" to="E4" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
>     <flow id="f_2" begin="0.00" from="-E5" to="E3" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
>     <flow id="f_3" begin="0.00" from="-E3" to="E5" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
---------- New result in datas ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd">
    <interval id="set" begin="0.00" end="3600.00">
        <edgeRelation from="-E3" to="E4"/>
        <edgeRelation from="-E4" to="E5"/>
        <edgeRelation from="-E5" to="E2"/>
        <edgeRelation from="-E2" to="E3"/>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : network trafficlights joined phases actuated buttons add greenpriority ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

---------- Differences in additionals ----------
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_00" lane="-E2_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_01" lane="-E2_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_02" lane="E2_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_03" lane="E2_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_04" lane="-E1_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_05" lane="-E1_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_06" lane="E1_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_07" lane="E1_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_08" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_09" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_10" lane="E3_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_11" lane="E3_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_12" lane="-E0_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_13" lane="-E0_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_14" lane="E0_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_15" lane="E0_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_0" lane="E4_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_1" lane="E4_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_10" lane="E2_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_10.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_11" lane="E2_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_11.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_12" lane="-E5_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_12.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_13" lane="-E5_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_13.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_14" lane="E5_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_14.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_15" lane="E5_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_15.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_2" lane="-E4_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_3" lane="-E4_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_4" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_5" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ----------
<     <viewport zoom="120.00" x="30.00" y="30.00" angle="0.00"/>
>     <viewport zoom="140.00" x="43.43" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Differences in log ----------
< Warning: Non-static traffic light 'J0' does not define variable phase length.
< Warning: Non-static traffic light 'J0' does not define variable phase length.
< Warning: Non-static traffic light 'J0' does not define variable phase length.
< Warning: Non-static traffic light 'J0' does not define variable phase length.
< Warning: Non-static traffic light 'J0' does not define variable phase length.
< Warning: 7 total messages of type: Non-static traffic light '%' does not define variable phase length.
---------- Differences in net ----------
<     <location netOffset="30.00,-20.00" convBoundary="0.00,0.00,60.00,60.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.00,-10000000000.00,10000000000.00,10000000000.00" projParameter="!"/>
>     <location netOffset="0.00,0.00" convBoundary="-60.00,-30.00,60.00,30.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.000000,-10000000000.000000,10000000000.000000,10000000000.000000" projParameter="+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext +no_defs"/>
<     <edge id=":J0_0" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_0_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.86" length="10.16" shape="25.20,41.10 24.81,38.34 23.62,36.37 21.66,35.19 18.90,34.80"/>
<         <lane id=":J0_0_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="8.29" length="15.32" shape="28.40,41.10 27.81,36.94 26.02,33.98 23.06,32.19 18.90,31.60"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_2" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_2_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="22.20" shape="28.40,41.10 28.40,18.90"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_3" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_3_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="15.55" shape="28.40,41.10 29.19,35.54 31.57,31.58 35.54,29.19 36.22,29.10"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_16" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_16_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="4.93" shape="36.22,29.10 41.10,28.40"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_4" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_4_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.86" length="10.16" shape="41.10,34.80 38.34,35.19 36.37,36.38 35.19,38.34 34.80,41.10"/>
<         <lane id=":J0_4_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="8.29" length="15.32" shape="41.10,31.60 36.94,32.19 33.98,33.98 32.19,36.94 31.60,41.10"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_6" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_6_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="22.20" shape="41.10,31.60 18.90,31.60"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_7" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_7_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="2.51" shape="41.10,31.60 38.61,31.24"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_17" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_17_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="17.97" shape="38.61,31.24 35.54,30.81 31.58,28.43 29.19,24.46 28.40,18.90"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 393
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 802 - 404
---------- Differences in routes ----------
<     <vehicle id="trip_1" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E2 E3 -E3 E2" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
<     <vehicle id="trip_2" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E1 E0 -E0 E1" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
<     <vehicle id="trip_3" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E3 E2 -E2 E3" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
<     <vehicle id="trip_4" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E0 E1 -E1 E0" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
>     <trip id="t_0" depart="0.00" from="-E3" to="E4"/>
>     <trip id="t_1" depart="0.00" from="-E2" to="E3"/>
>     <trip id="t_2" depart="0.00" from="-E5" to="E2"/>
>     <trip id="t_3" depart="0.00" from="-E4" to="E5"/>
>     <flow id="f_0" begin="0.00" from="-E4" to="E2" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
>     <flow id="f_1" begin="0.00" from="-E2" to="E4" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
>     <flow id="f_2" begin="0.00" from="-E5" to="E3" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
>     <flow id="f_3" begin="0.00" from="-E3" to="E5" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
---------- New result in datas ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd">
    <interval id="set" begin="0.00" end="3600.00">
        <edgeRelation from="-E3" to="E4"/>
        <edgeRelation from="-E4" to="E5"/>
        <edgeRelation from="-E5" to="E2"/>
        <edgeRelation from="-E2" to="E3"/>

2 TESTS FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba :

---------- Differences in additionals ----------
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_00" lane="-E2_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_01" lane="-E2_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_02" lane="E2_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_03" lane="E2_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_04" lane="-E1_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_05" lane="-E1_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_06" lane="E1_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_07" lane="E1_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_08" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_09" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_10" lane="E3_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_11" lane="E3_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_12" lane="-E0_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_13" lane="-E0_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_14" lane="E0_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_15" lane="E0_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_0" lane="E4_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_1" lane="E4_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_10" lane="E2_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_10.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_11" lane="E2_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_11.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_12" lane="-E5_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_12.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_13" lane="-E5_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_13.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_14" lane="E5_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_14.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_15" lane="E5_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_15.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_2" lane="-E4_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_3" lane="-E4_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_4" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_5" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ----------
<     <viewport zoom="120.00" x="30.00" y="30.00" angle="0.00"/>
>     <viewport zoom="140.00" x="10.86" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Differences in log ----------
< Warning: Non-static traffic light 'J0' does not define variable phase length.
< Warning: Non-static traffic light 'J0' does not define variable phase length.
< Warning: Non-static traffic light 'J0' does not define variable phase length.
< Warning: Non-static traffic light 'J0' does not define variable phase length.
< Warning: Non-static traffic light 'J0' does not define variable phase length.
< Warning: 7 total messages of type: Non-static traffic light '%' does not define variable phase length.
---------- Differences in net ----------
<     <location netOffset="30.00,-20.00" convBoundary="0.00,0.00,60.00,60.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.00,-10000000000.00,10000000000.00,10000000000.00" projParameter="!"/>
>     <location netOffset="0.00,0.00" convBoundary="-60.00,-30.00,60.00,30.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.000000,-10000000000.000000,10000000000.000000,10000000000.000000" projParameter="+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext +no_defs"/>
<     <edge id=":J0_0" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_0_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.86" length="10.16" shape="25.20,41.10 24.81,38.34 23.62,36.37 21.66,35.19 18.90,34.80"/>
<         <lane id=":J0_0_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="8.29" length="15.32" shape="28.40,41.10 27.81,36.94 26.02,33.98 23.06,32.19 18.90,31.60"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_2" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_2_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="22.20" shape="28.40,41.10 28.40,18.90"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_3" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_3_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="15.55" shape="28.40,41.10 29.19,35.54 31.57,31.58 35.54,29.19 36.22,29.10"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_16" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_16_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="4.93" shape="36.22,29.10 41.10,28.40"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_4" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_4_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.86" length="10.16" shape="41.10,34.80 38.34,35.19 36.37,36.38 35.19,38.34 34.80,41.10"/>
<         <lane id=":J0_4_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="8.29" length="15.32" shape="41.10,31.60 36.94,32.19 33.98,33.98 32.19,36.94 31.60,41.10"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_6" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_6_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="22.20" shape="41.10,31.60 18.90,31.60"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_7" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_7_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="2.51" shape="41.10,31.60 38.61,31.24"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_17" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_17_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="17.97" shape="38.61,31.24 35.54,30.81 31.58,28.43 29.19,24.46 28.40,18.90"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 393
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 802 - 404
---------- Differences in routes ----------
<     <vehicle id="trip_1" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E2 E3 -E3 E2" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
<     <vehicle id="trip_2" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E1 E0 -E0 E1" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
<     <vehicle id="trip_3" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E3 E2 -E2 E3" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
<     <vehicle id="trip_4" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E0 E1 -E1 E0" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
>     <trip id="t_0" depart="0.00" from="-E3" to="E4"/>
>     <trip id="t_1" depart="0.00" from="-E2" to="E3"/>
>     <trip id="t_2" depart="0.00" from="-E5" to="E2"/>
>     <trip id="t_3" depart="0.00" from="-E4" to="E5"/>
>     <flow id="f_0" begin="0.00" from="-E4" to="E2" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
>     <flow id="f_1" begin="0.00" from="-E2" to="E4" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
>     <flow id="f_2" begin="0.00" from="-E5" to="E3" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
>     <flow id="f_3" begin="0.00" from="-E3" to="E5" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
---------- New result in datas ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd">
    <interval id="set" begin="0.00" end="3600.00">
        <edgeRelation from="-E3" to="E4"/>
        <edgeRelation from="-E4" to="E5"/>
        <edgeRelation from="-E5" to="E2"/>
        <edgeRelation from="-E2" to="E3"/>
network trafficlights joined phases actuated buttons add red ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights joined phases delay_based buttons add duplicate ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

2 TESTS FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba :

---------- Differences in additionals ----------
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_00" lane="-E2_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_01" lane="-E2_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_02" lane="E2_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_03" lane="E2_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_04" lane="-E1_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_05" lane="-E1_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_06" lane="E1_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_07" lane="E1_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_08" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_09" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_10" lane="E3_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_11" lane="E3_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_12" lane="-E0_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_13" lane="-E0_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_14" lane="E0_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_15" lane="E0_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_0" lane="E4_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_1" lane="E4_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_10" lane="E2_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_10.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_11" lane="E2_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_11.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_12" lane="-E5_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_12.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_13" lane="-E5_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_13.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_14" lane="E5_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_14.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_15" lane="E5_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_15.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_2" lane="-E4_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_3" lane="-E4_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_4" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_5" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ----------
<     <viewport zoom="120.00" x="30.00" y="30.00" angle="0.00"/>
>     <viewport zoom="140.00" x="21.71" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Differences in log ----------
< Warning: Non-static traffic light 'J0' does not define variable phase length.
< Warning: Non-static traffic light 'J0' does not define variable phase length.
< Warning: Non-static traffic light 'J0' does not define variable phase length.
< Warning: Non-static traffic light 'J0' does not define variable phase length.
< Warning: Non-static traffic light 'J0' does not define variable phase length.
< Warning: 7 total messages of type: Non-static traffic light '%' does not define variable phase length.
---------- Differences in net ----------
<     <location netOffset="30.00,-20.00" convBoundary="0.00,0.00,60.00,60.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.00,-10000000000.00,10000000000.00,10000000000.00" projParameter="!"/>
>     <location netOffset="0.00,0.00" convBoundary="-60.00,-30.00,60.00,30.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.000000,-10000000000.000000,10000000000.000000,10000000000.000000" projParameter="+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext +no_defs"/>
<     <edge id=":J0_0" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_0_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.86" length="10.16" shape="25.20,41.10 24.81,38.34 23.62,36.37 21.66,35.19 18.90,34.80"/>
<         <lane id=":J0_0_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="8.29" length="15.32" shape="28.40,41.10 27.81,36.94 26.02,33.98 23.06,32.19 18.90,31.60"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_2" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_2_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="22.20" shape="28.40,41.10 28.40,18.90"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_3" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_3_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="15.55" shape="28.40,41.10 29.19,35.54 31.57,31.58 35.54,29.19 36.22,29.10"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_16" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_16_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="4.93" shape="36.22,29.10 41.10,28.40"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_4" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_4_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.86" length="10.16" shape="41.10,34.80 38.34,35.19 36.37,36.38 35.19,38.34 34.80,41.10"/>
<         <lane id=":J0_4_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="8.29" length="15.32" shape="41.10,31.60 36.94,32.19 33.98,33.98 32.19,36.94 31.60,41.10"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_6" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_6_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="22.20" shape="41.10,31.60 18.90,31.60"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_7" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_7_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="2.51" shape="41.10,31.60 38.61,31.24"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_17" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_17_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="17.97" shape="38.61,31.24 35.54,30.81 31.58,28.43 29.19,24.46 28.40,18.90"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 393
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 802 - 404
---------- Differences in routes ----------
<     <vehicle id="trip_1" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E2 E3 -E3 E2" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
<     <vehicle id="trip_2" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E1 E0 -E0 E1" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
<     <vehicle id="trip_3" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E3 E2 -E2 E3" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
<     <vehicle id="trip_4" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E0 E1 -E1 E0" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
>     <trip id="t_0" depart="0.00" from="-E3" to="E4"/>
>     <trip id="t_1" depart="0.00" from="-E2" to="E3"/>
>     <trip id="t_2" depart="0.00" from="-E5" to="E2"/>
>     <trip id="t_3" depart="0.00" from="-E4" to="E5"/>
>     <flow id="f_0" begin="0.00" from="-E4" to="E2" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
>     <flow id="f_1" begin="0.00" from="-E2" to="E4" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
>     <flow id="f_2" begin="0.00" from="-E5" to="E3" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
>     <flow id="f_3" begin="0.00" from="-E3" to="E5" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
---------- New result in datas ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd">
    <interval id="set" begin="0.00" end="3600.00">
        <edgeRelation from="-E3" to="E4"/>
        <edgeRelation from="-E4" to="E5"/>
        <edgeRelation from="-E5" to="E2"/>
        <edgeRelation from="-E2" to="E3"/>
network trafficlights joined phases actuated buttons add yellow ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights joined phases delay_based buttons add red ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

2 TESTS FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba :

---------- Differences in additionals ----------
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_00" lane="-E2_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_01" lane="-E2_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_02" lane="E2_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_03" lane="E2_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_04" lane="-E1_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_05" lane="-E1_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_06" lane="E1_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_07" lane="E1_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_08" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_09" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_10" lane="E3_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_11" lane="E3_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_12" lane="-E0_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_13" lane="-E0_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_14" lane="E0_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_15" lane="E0_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_0" lane="E4_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_1" lane="E4_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_10" lane="E2_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_10.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_11" lane="E2_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_11.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_12" lane="-E5_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_12.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_13" lane="-E5_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_13.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_14" lane="E5_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_14.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_15" lane="E5_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_15.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_2" lane="-E4_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_3" lane="-E4_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_4" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_5" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ----------
<     <viewport zoom="120.00" x="30.00" y="30.00" angle="0.00"/>
>     <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Differences in log ----------
< Warning: Non-static traffic light 'J0' does not define variable phase length.
< Warning: Non-static traffic light 'J0' does not define variable phase length.
< Warning: Non-static traffic light 'J0' does not define variable phase length.
< Warning: Non-static traffic light 'J0' does not define variable phase length.
< Warning: Non-static traffic light 'J0' does not define variable phase length.
< Warning: Unused state in tlLogic 'J0', program '0' at tl-index 24
< Warning: 7 total messages of type: Non-static traffic light '%' does not define variable phase length.
---------- Differences in net ----------
<     <location netOffset="30.00,-20.00" convBoundary="0.00,0.00,60.00,60.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.00,-10000000000.00,10000000000.00,10000000000.00" projParameter="!"/>
>     <location netOffset="0.00,0.00" convBoundary="-60.00,-30.00,60.00,30.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.000000,-10000000000.000000,10000000000.000000,10000000000.000000" projParameter="+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext +no_defs"/>
<     <edge id=":J0_0" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_0_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.86" length="10.16" shape="25.20,41.10 24.81,38.34 23.62,36.37 21.66,35.19 18.90,34.80"/>
<         <lane id=":J0_0_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="8.29" length="15.32" shape="28.40,41.10 27.81,36.94 26.02,33.98 23.06,32.19 18.90,31.60"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_2" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_2_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="22.20" shape="28.40,41.10 28.40,18.90"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_3" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_3_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="15.55" shape="28.40,41.10 29.19,35.54 31.57,31.58 35.54,29.19 36.22,29.10"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_16" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_16_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="4.93" shape="36.22,29.10 41.10,28.40"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_4" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_4_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.86" length="10.16" shape="41.10,34.80 38.34,35.19 36.37,36.38 35.19,38.34 34.80,41.10"/>
<         <lane id=":J0_4_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="8.29" length="15.32" shape="41.10,31.60 36.94,32.19 33.98,33.98 32.19,36.94 31.60,41.10"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_6" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_6_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="22.20" shape="41.10,31.60 18.90,31.60"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_7" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_7_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="2.51" shape="41.10,31.60 38.61,31.24"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_17" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_17_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="17.97" shape="38.61,31.24 35.54,30.81 31.58,28.43 29.19,24.46 28.40,18.90"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 393
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 802 - 404
---------- Differences in routes ----------
<     <vehicle id="trip_1" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E2 E3 -E3 E2" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
<     <vehicle id="trip_2" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E1 E0 -E0 E1" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
<     <vehicle id="trip_3" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E3 E2 -E2 E3" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
<     <vehicle id="trip_4" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E0 E1 -E1 E0" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
>     <trip id="t_0" depart="0.00" from="-E3" to="E4"/>
>     <trip id="t_1" depart="0.00" from="-E2" to="E3"/>
>     <trip id="t_2" depart="0.00" from="-E5" to="E2"/>
>     <trip id="t_3" depart="0.00" from="-E4" to="E5"/>
>     <flow id="f_0" begin="0.00" from="-E4" to="E2" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
>     <flow id="f_1" begin="0.00" from="-E2" to="E4" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
>     <flow id="f_2" begin="0.00" from="-E5" to="E3" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
>     <flow id="f_3" begin="0.00" from="-E3" to="E5" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
---------- New result in datas ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd">
    <interval id="set" begin="0.00" end="3600.00">
        <edgeRelation from="-E3" to="E4"/>
        <edgeRelation from="-E4" to="E5"/>
        <edgeRelation from="-E5" to="E2"/>
        <edgeRelation from="-E2" to="E3"/>
network trafficlights joined phases actuated buttons addstates ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights joined phases delay_based buttons addstates ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

2 TESTS FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba :

---------- Differences in additionals ----------
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_00" lane="-E2_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_01" lane="-E2_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_02" lane="E2_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_03" lane="E2_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_04" lane="-E1_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_05" lane="-E1_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_06" lane="E1_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_07" lane="E1_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_08" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_09" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_10" lane="E3_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_11" lane="E3_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_12" lane="-E0_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_13" lane="-E0_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_14" lane="E0_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_15" lane="E0_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_0" lane="E4_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_1" lane="E4_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_10" lane="E2_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_10.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_11" lane="E2_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_11.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_12" lane="-E5_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_12.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_13" lane="-E5_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_13.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_14" lane="E5_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_14.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_15" lane="E5_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_15.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_2" lane="-E4_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_3" lane="-E4_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_4" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_5" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ----------
<     <viewport zoom="120.00" x="30.00" y="30.00" angle="0.00"/>
>     <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Differences in log ----------
< Warning: Non-static traffic light 'J0' does not define variable phase length.
< Warning: Non-static traffic light 'J0' does not define variable phase length.
< Warning: Non-static traffic light 'J0' does not define variable phase length.
< Warning: Non-static traffic light 'J0' does not define variable phase length.
< Warning: Non-static traffic light 'J0' does not define variable phase length.
< Warning: 7 total messages of type: Non-static traffic light '%' does not define variable phase length.
---------- Differences in net ----------
<     <location netOffset="30.00,-20.00" convBoundary="0.00,0.00,60.00,60.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.00,-10000000000.00,10000000000.00,10000000000.00" projParameter="!"/>
>     <location netOffset="0.00,0.00" convBoundary="-60.00,-30.00,60.00,30.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.000000,-10000000000.000000,10000000000.000000,10000000000.000000" projParameter="+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext +no_defs"/>
<     <edge id=":J0_0" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_0_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.86" length="10.16" shape="25.20,41.10 24.81,38.34 23.62,36.37 21.66,35.19 18.90,34.80"/>
<         <lane id=":J0_0_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="8.29" length="15.32" shape="28.40,41.10 27.81,36.94 26.02,33.98 23.06,32.19 18.90,31.60"/>
>     <edge id=":J3_0" function="internal">
>         <lane id=":J3_0_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.51" length="9.03" shape="-4.80,10.40 -5.15,7.95 -6.20,6.20 -7.95,5.15 -10.40,4.80"/>
<     <edge id=":J0_2" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_2_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="22.20" shape="28.40,41.10 28.40,18.90"/>
>     <edge id=":J3_1" function="internal">
>         <lane id=":J3_1_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="20.80" shape="-4.80,10.40 -4.80,-10.40"/>
>         <lane id=":J3_1_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="20.80" shape="-1.60,10.40 -1.60,-10.40"/>
<     <edge id=":J0_3" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_3_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="15.55" shape="28.40,41.10 29.19,35.54 31.57,31.58 35.54,29.19 36.22,29.10"/>
>     <edge id=":J3_3" function="internal">
>         <lane id=":J3_3_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.26" length="5.01" shape="-1.60,10.40 -0.89,5.44"/>
<     <edge id=":J0_16" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_16_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="4.93" shape="36.22,29.10 41.10,28.40"/>
>     <edge id=":J3_16" function="internal">
>         <lane id=":J3_16_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.26" length="14.34" shape="-0.89,5.44 -0.85,5.15 1.40,1.40 5.15,-0.85 10.40,-1.60"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 393
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 802 - 404
---------- Differences in routes ----------
<     <vehicle id="trip_1" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E2 E3 -E3 E2" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
<     <vehicle id="trip_2" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E1 E0 -E0 E1" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
<     <vehicle id="trip_3" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E3 E2 -E2 E3" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
<     <vehicle id="trip_4" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E0 E1 -E1 E0" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
>     <trip id="t_0" depart="0.00" from="-E3" to="E4"/>
>     <trip id="t_1" depart="0.00" from="-E2" to="E3"/>
>     <trip id="t_2" depart="0.00" from="-E5" to="E2"/>
>     <trip id="t_3" depart="0.00" from="-E4" to="E5"/>
>     <flow id="f_0" begin="0.00" from="-E4" to="E2" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
>     <flow id="f_1" begin="0.00" from="-E2" to="E4" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
>     <flow id="f_2" begin="0.00" from="-E5" to="E3" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
>     <flow id="f_3" begin="0.00" from="-E3" to="E5" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
---------- New result in datas ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd">
    <interval id="set" begin="0.00" end="3600.00">
        <edgeRelation from="-E3" to="E4"/>
        <edgeRelation from="-E4" to="E5"/>
        <edgeRelation from="-E5" to="E2"/>
        <edgeRelation from="-E2" to="E3"/>
network trafficlights joined phases actuated buttons delete ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights joined phases delay_based buttons movedown ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

6 TESTS FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba :

---------- Differences in log ----------
< Warning: Non-static traffic light 'J0' does not define variable phase length.
< Warning: Non-static traffic light 'J0' does not define variable phase length.
< Warning: Non-static traffic light 'J0' does not define variable phase length.
< Warning: Non-static traffic light 'J0' does not define variable phase length.
< Warning: Non-static traffic light 'J0' does not define variable phase length.
< Warning: 7 total messages of type: Non-static traffic light '%' does not define variable phase length.
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 393
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 802 - 404
< TestFunctions: Netedit closed successfully
> TestFunctions: Error closing Netedit
---------- New result in errorScreenshot ----------

8jVZu*pսGZCֶ={2d8,^.羹's@90o&esoTT+sgMs/hT&)TIkPJF0T*(jtI5eJV)@èYMiD0s%eSND$H4@/x<P2Y33"6/{,7|hѢcbp$
[kz,5s̚5k7N,u0S8_|y֭?f>}?Zj7n_VVV}-((زeڵk4%VصkסCZj֭DޡC#G,X //O2TrSΩSd7ͭ]v5+WUVDU#JחX<bxME&nÆ999}?},]KV肿@f0[YYi6Z@0~x"ZС5=jҤ/r%)7|3x`>/<>44~~pp%K?~|-"6mZ߾}g̘~U߸I&o޼y&uqݛ6mz	{׊+<<<+p…)+!!ᣏ>6XxǪYzU5+m#J׫)HBSR^p&M~]:::1j8"~vyG24$/]qnnnѣDdmm=a„޽{cǎ-^6[~G|>ܖ"h̙=z{	BPxܹ7or5m4+++lō5
jV^iD4zaÆ988.ZڵkիO2eŊBP$M6SL}6ٳuB[~UJܷݺucg׫zppJ$X$Y
;IX'N8q_;3ח٩/~NAܡ3S+i޼3g>\RS-]OޢE9sx˗?+W(;;M֢E0ad;wn֭>}*`…lkr:5kٳG2eJFF37o0ٳsrrV\5FXlee5s̠7k֬\vӧkڵϞ=ssslFzŴi>5ktܹk׮lP$EΝ;vXJ&N͛+W/իD/Tm9VZ-Z;l0ܕk]yD">8uT@vZDRV-`7pvv~@ [+Wػ._ܷo_;;;X7xrUU8bDٝ9sf޼yDԾ}SN1Ӱaûw
^~]$իW0ի%ɘ1cn:`"/}={v쾸W„	Kff&!׭[~In)^("##<xPPP0hР+VØWZ5"+))m۶ǏgΝ;;&+oݹsWԿpi܉[Dψfdde4s޽˗/QJutRWWׁ2/pbbǏevˡC[z{{1b...={2eÇիW;wVw<x>>>]v]|
dRRla~--8{lRRRg?]vR$X͇^vڵk+Vܹʕ++T0p/͛Dm۶C[>555..|>ȑ#e\~sϞ=O7otZ(2#pիx"Jn޼5jdmm}M6
2>V$(}	̙3ݻׯ_X"沭eeex<//dggg{|
1w2C@ ػwCfΜ9o޼iӦQXXڵkW*݉(--m---㹸ddd-?<r=znԨ۷sA;;Yfrm۶bŊ?3F՜Ϛ5kÆ

<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Missing result in additionals ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<additional xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/additional_file.xsd">
    <!-- Detectors -->
    <inductionLoop id="E1_00" lane="-E2_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_01" lane="-E2_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_02" lane="E2_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_03" lane="E2_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_04" lane="-E1_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_05" lane="-E1_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_06" lane="E1_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_07" lane="E1_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_08" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_09" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_10" lane="E3_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_11" lane="E3_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_12" lane="-E0_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_13" lane="-E0_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_14" lane="E0_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_15" lane="E0_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/>
---------- Missing result in guisettingsoutput ----------
    <viewport zoom="120.00" x="30.00" y="30.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Missing result in net ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<net version="1.20" junctionCornerDetail="5" limitTurnSpeed="5.50" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/net_file.xsd">

    <location netOffset="30.00,-20.00" convBoundary="0.00,0.00,60.00,60.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.00,-10000000000.00,10000000000.00,10000000000.00" projParameter="!"/>

    <edge id=":J0_0" function="internal">
        <lane id=":J0_0_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.86" length="10.16" shape="25.20,41.10 24.81,38.34 23.62,36.37 21.66,35.19 18.90,34.80"/>
        <lane id=":J0_0_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="8.29" length="15.32" shape="28.40,41.10 27.81,36.94 26.02,33.98 23.06,32.19 18.90,31.60"/>
    <edge id=":J0_2" function="internal">
        <lane id=":J0_2_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="22.20" shape="28.40,41.10 28.40,18.90"/>
    <edge id=":J0_3" function="internal">
        <lane id=":J0_3_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="15.55" shape="28.40,41.10 29.19,35.54 31.57,31.58 35.54,29.19 36.22,29.10"/>
    <edge id=":J0_16" function="internal">
        <lane id=":J0_16_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="4.93" shape="36.22,29.10 41.10,28.40"/>
    <edge id=":J0_4" function="internal">
        <lane id=":J0_4_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.86" length="10.16" shape="41.10,34.80 38.34,35.19 36.37,36.38 35.19,38.34 34.80,41.10"/>
        <lane id=":J0_4_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="8.29" length="15.32" shape="41.10,31.60 36.94,32.19 33.98,33.98 32.19,36.94 31.60,41.10"/>
    <edge id=":J0_6" function="internal">
        <lane id=":J0_6_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="22.20" shape="41.10,31.60 18.90,31.60"/>
    <edge id=":J0_7" function="internal">
        <lane id=":J0_7_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="2.51" shape="41.10,31.60 38.61,31.24"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Missing result in routes ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<routes xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/routes_file.xsd">
    <!-- Vehicles, persons and containers (sorted by depart) -->
    <vehicle id="trip_1" depart="0.00">
        <route edges="-E2 E3 -E3 E2" repeat="10"/>
    <vehicle id="trip_2" depart="0.00">
        <route edges="-E1 E0 -E0 E1" repeat="10"/>
    <vehicle id="trip_3" depart="0.00">
        <route edges="-E3 E2 -E2 E3" repeat="10"/>
    <vehicle id="trip_4" depart="0.00">
        <route edges="-E0 E1 -E1 E0" repeat="10"/>
network trafficlights joined phases actuated dur ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights joined phases actuated earliestend ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights joined phases actuated latestend ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights joined phases actuated next ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights joined phases delay_based dur ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights joined phases delay_based next ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

4 TESTS FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba :

---------- Differences in log ----------
< Warning: Non-static traffic light 'J0' does not define variable phase length.
< Warning: Non-static traffic light 'J0' does not define variable phase length.
< Warning: Non-static traffic light 'J0' does not define variable phase length.
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 393
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 802 - 404
< TestFunctions: Netedit closed successfully
> TestFunctions: Error closing Netedit
---------- New result in errorScreenshot ----------

8jVZu*pսGZCֶ={2d8,^.羹's@90o&esoTT+sgMs/hT&)TIkPJF0T*(jtI5eJV)@èYMiD0s%eSND$H4@/x<P2Y33"6/{,7|hѢcbp$
[kz,5s̚5k7N,u0S8_|y֭?f>}?Zj7n_VVV}-((زeڵk4%VصkסCZj֭DޡC#G,X //O2TrSΩSd7ͭ]v5+WUVDU#JחX<bxME&nÆ999}?},]KV肿@f0[YYi6Z@0~x"ZС5=jҤ/r%)7|3x`>/<>44~~pp%K?~|-"6mZ߾}g̘~U߸I&o޼y&uqݛ6mz	{׊+<<<+p…)+!!ᣏ>6XxǪYzU5+m#J׫)HBSR^p&M~]:::1j8"~vyG24$/]qnnnѣDdmm=a„޽{cǎ-^6[~G|>ܖ"h̙=z{	BPxܹ7or5m4+++lō5
jV^iD4zaÆ988.ZڵkիO2eŊBP$M6SL}6ٳuB[~UJܷݺucg׫zppJ$X$Y
;IX'N8q_;3ח٩/~NAܡ3S+i޼3g>\RS-]OޢE9sx˗?+W(;;M֢E0ad;wn֭>}*`…lkr:5kٳG2eJFF37o0ٳsrrV\5FXlee5s̠7k֬\vӧkڵϞ=ssslFzŴi>5ktܹk׮lP$EΝ;vXJ&N͛+W/իD/Tm9VZ-Z;l0ܕk]yD">8uT@vZDRV-`7pvv~@ [+Wػ._ܷo_;;;X7xrUU8bDٝ9sf޼yDԾ}SN1Ӱaûw
^~]$իW0ի%ɘ1cn:`"/}={v쾸W„	Kff&!׭[~In)^("##<xPPP0hР+VØWZ5"+))m۶ǏgΝ;;&+oݹsWԿpi܉[Dψfdde4s޽˗/QJutRWWׁ2/pbbǏevˡC[z{{1b...={2eÇիW;wVw<x>>>]v]|
dRRla~--8{lRRRg?]vR$X͇^vڵk+Vܹʕ++T0p/͛Dm۶C[>555..|>ȑ#e\~sϞ=O7otZ(2#pիx"Jn޼5jdmm}M6
2>V$(}	̙3ݻׯ_X"沭eeex<//dggg{|
1w2C@ ػwCfΜ9o޼iӦQXXڵkW*݉(--m---㹸ddd-?<r=znԨ۷sA;;Yfrm۶bŊ?3F՜Ϛ5kÆ

<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Missing result in additionals ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<additional xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/additional_file.xsd">
    <!-- Detectors -->
    <inductionLoop id="E1_00" lane="-E2_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_01" lane="-E2_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_02" lane="E2_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_03" lane="E2_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_04" lane="-E1_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_05" lane="-E1_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_06" lane="E1_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_07" lane="E1_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_08" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_09" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_10" lane="E3_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_11" lane="E3_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_12" lane="-E0_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_13" lane="-E0_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_14" lane="E0_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_15" lane="E0_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/>
---------- Missing result in guisettingsoutput ----------
    <viewport zoom="120.00" x="30.00" y="30.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Missing result in net ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<net version="1.20" junctionCornerDetail="5" limitTurnSpeed="5.50" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/net_file.xsd">

    <location netOffset="30.00,-20.00" convBoundary="0.00,0.00,60.00,60.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.00,-10000000000.00,10000000000.00,10000000000.00" projParameter="!"/>

    <edge id=":J0_0" function="internal">
        <lane id=":J0_0_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.86" length="10.16" shape="25.20,41.10 24.81,38.34 23.62,36.37 21.66,35.19 18.90,34.80"/>
        <lane id=":J0_0_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="8.29" length="15.32" shape="28.40,41.10 27.81,36.94 26.02,33.98 23.06,32.19 18.90,31.60"/>
    <edge id=":J0_2" function="internal">
        <lane id=":J0_2_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="22.20" shape="28.40,41.10 28.40,18.90"/>
    <edge id=":J0_3" function="internal">
        <lane id=":J0_3_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="15.55" shape="28.40,41.10 29.19,35.54 31.57,31.58 35.54,29.19 36.22,29.10"/>
    <edge id=":J0_16" function="internal">
        <lane id=":J0_16_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="4.93" shape="36.22,29.10 41.10,28.40"/>
    <edge id=":J0_4" function="internal">
        <lane id=":J0_4_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.86" length="10.16" shape="41.10,34.80 38.34,35.19 36.37,36.38 35.19,38.34 34.80,41.10"/>
        <lane id=":J0_4_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="8.29" length="15.32" shape="41.10,31.60 36.94,32.19 33.98,33.98 32.19,36.94 31.60,41.10"/>
    <edge id=":J0_6" function="internal">
        <lane id=":J0_6_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="22.20" shape="41.10,31.60 18.90,31.60"/>
    <edge id=":J0_7" function="internal">
        <lane id=":J0_7_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="2.51" shape="41.10,31.60 38.61,31.24"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Missing result in routes ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<routes xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/routes_file.xsd">
    <!-- Vehicles, persons and containers (sorted by depart) -->
    <vehicle id="trip_1" depart="0.00">
        <route edges="-E2 E3 -E3 E2" repeat="10"/>
    <vehicle id="trip_2" depart="0.00">
        <route edges="-E1 E0 -E0 E1" repeat="10"/>
    <vehicle id="trip_3" depart="0.00">
        <route edges="-E3 E2 -E2 E3" repeat="10"/>
    <vehicle id="trip_4" depart="0.00">
        <route edges="-E0 E1 -E1 E0" repeat="10"/>
network trafficlights joined phases actuated max ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights joined phases actuated min ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights joined phases delay_based max ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights joined phases delay_based min ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

2 TESTS FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba :

---------- Differences in log ----------
< Warning: Non-static traffic light 'J0' does not define variable phase length.
< Warning: Non-static traffic light 'J0' does not define variable phase length.
< Warning: Non-static traffic light 'J0' does not define variable phase length.
< Warning: Non-static traffic light 'J0' does not define variable phase length.
< Warning: Non-static traffic light 'J0' does not define variable phase length.
< Warning: 7 total messages of type: Non-static traffic light '%' does not define variable phase length.
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 393
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 802 - 404
< TestFunctions: Netedit closed successfully
> TestFunctions: Error closing Netedit
---------- New result in errorScreenshot ----------

8jVZu*pսGZCֶ={2d8,^.羹's@90o&esoTT+sgMs/hT&)TIkPJF0T*(jtI5eJV)@èYMiD0s%eSND$H4@/x<P2Y33"6/{,7|hѢcbp$
[kz,5s̚5k7N,u0S8_|y֭?f>}?Zj7n_VVV}-((زeڵk4%VصkסCZj֭DޡC#G,X //O2TrSΩSd7ͭ]v5+WUVDU#JחX<bxME&nÆ999}?},]KV肿@f0[YYi6Z@0~x"ZС5=jҤ/r%)7|3x`>/<>44~~pp%K?~|-"6mZ߾}g̘~U߸I&o޼y&uqݛ6mz	{׊+<<<+p…)+!!ᣏ>6XxǪYzU5+m#J׫)HBSR^p&M~]:::1j8"~vyG24$/]qnnnѣDdmm=a„޽{cǎ-^6[~G|>ܖ"h̙=z{	BPxܹ7or5m4+++lō5
jV^iD4zaÆ988.ZڵkիO2eŊBP$M6SL}6ٳuB[~UJܷݺucg׫zppJ$X$Y
;IX'N8q_;3ח٩/~NAܡ3S+i޼3g>\RS-]OޢE9sx˗?+W(;;M֢E0ad;wn֭>}*`…lkr:5kٳG2eJFF37o0ٳsrrV\5FXlee5s̠7k֬\vӧkڵϞ=ssslFzŴi>5ktܹk׮lP$EΝ;vXJ&N͛+W/իD/Tm9VZ-Z;l0ܕk]yD">8uT@vZDRV-`7pvv~@ [+Wػ._ܷo_;;;X7xrUU8bDٝ9sf޼yDԾ}SN1Ӱaûw
^~]$իW0ի%ɘ1cn:`"/}={v쾸W„	Kff&!׭[~In)^("##<xPPP0hР+VØWZ5"+))m۶ǏgΝ;;&+oݹsWԿpi܉[Dψfdde4s޽˗/QJutRWWׁ2/pbbǏevˡC[z{{1b...={2eÇիW;wVw<x>>>]v]|
dRRla~--8{lRRRg?]vR$X͇^vڵk+Vܹʕ++T0p/͛Dm۶C[>555..|>ȑ#e\~sϞ=O7otZ(2#pիx"Jn޼5jdmm}M6
2>V$(}	̙3ݻׯ_X"沭eeex<//dggg{|
1w2C@ ػwCfΜ9o޼iӦQXXڵkW*݉(--m---㹸ddd-?<r=znԨ۷sA;;Yfrm۶bŊ?3F՜Ϛ5kÆ

<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Missing result in additionals ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<additional xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/additional_file.xsd">
    <!-- Detectors -->
    <inductionLoop id="E1_00" lane="-E2_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_01" lane="-E2_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_02" lane="E2_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_03" lane="E2_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_04" lane="-E1_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_05" lane="-E1_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_06" lane="E1_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_07" lane="E1_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_08" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_09" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_10" lane="E3_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_11" lane="E3_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_12" lane="-E0_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_13" lane="-E0_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_14" lane="E0_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_15" lane="E0_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/>
---------- Missing result in guisettingsoutput ----------
    <viewport zoom="120.00" x="30.00" y="30.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Missing result in net ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<net version="1.20" junctionCornerDetail="5" limitTurnSpeed="5.50" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/net_file.xsd">

    <location netOffset="30.00,-20.00" convBoundary="0.00,0.00,60.00,60.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.00,-10000000000.00,10000000000.00,10000000000.00" projParameter="!"/>

    <edge id=":J0_0" function="internal">
        <lane id=":J0_0_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.86" length="10.16" shape="25.20,41.10 24.81,38.34 23.62,36.37 21.66,35.19 18.90,34.80"/>
        <lane id=":J0_0_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="8.29" length="15.32" shape="28.40,41.10 27.81,36.94 26.02,33.98 23.06,32.19 18.90,31.60"/>
    <edge id=":J0_2" function="internal">
        <lane id=":J0_2_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="22.20" shape="28.40,41.10 28.40,18.90"/>
    <edge id=":J0_3" function="internal">
        <lane id=":J0_3_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="15.55" shape="28.40,41.10 29.19,35.54 31.57,31.58 35.54,29.19 36.22,29.10"/>
    <edge id=":J0_16" function="internal">
        <lane id=":J0_16_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="4.93" shape="36.22,29.10 41.10,28.40"/>
    <edge id=":J0_4" function="internal">
        <lane id=":J0_4_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.86" length="10.16" shape="41.10,34.80 38.34,35.19 36.37,36.38 35.19,38.34 34.80,41.10"/>
        <lane id=":J0_4_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="8.29" length="15.32" shape="41.10,31.60 36.94,32.19 33.98,33.98 32.19,36.94 31.60,41.10"/>
    <edge id=":J0_6" function="internal">
        <lane id=":J0_6_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="22.20" shape="41.10,31.60 18.90,31.60"/>
    <edge id=":J0_7" function="internal">
        <lane id=":J0_7_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="2.51" shape="41.10,31.60 38.61,31.24"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Missing result in routes ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<routes xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/routes_file.xsd">
    <!-- Vehicles, persons and containers (sorted by depart) -->
    <vehicle id="trip_1" depart="0.00">
        <route edges="-E2 E3 -E3 E2" repeat="10"/>
    <vehicle id="trip_2" depart="0.00">
        <route edges="-E1 E0 -E0 E1" repeat="10"/>
    <vehicle id="trip_3" depart="0.00">
        <route edges="-E3 E2 -E2 E3" repeat="10"/>
    <vehicle id="trip_4" depart="0.00">
        <route edges="-E0 E1 -E1 E0" repeat="10"/>
network trafficlights joined phases actuated name ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights joined phases delay_based name ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

2 TESTS FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba :

---------- Differences in log ----------
< Warning: Non-static traffic light 'J0' does not define variable phase length.
< Warning: Non-static traffic light 'J0' does not define variable phase length.
< Warning: Non-static traffic light 'J0' does not define variable phase length.
< Warning: Non-static traffic light 'J0' does not define variable phase length.
< Warning: Non-static traffic light 'J0' does not define variable phase length.
< Warning: 7 total messages of type: Non-static traffic light '%' does not define variable phase length.
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 393
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 802 - 404
< TestFunctions: Netedit closed successfully
> TestFunctions: Error closing Netedit
---------- New result in errorScreenshot ----------

IHDR1cIDATxw\%KąJŁ{uUV:ZqޣuTڡ?k[u=Q@@2H~^cIH~j/s\b]Z]6ҹ7::ڀ3̦_չaԪ_t۔D"Q5(#5#D"C5ZP'3]EnC%|xCf,dL9RӲ1w"l<]ҤoHfoYhQnnk1m80nܸ[n]xЅd>g>D4xO *obbI"#iy 6mƾxBG:t^zYYYgϞ]v={nM\\\,YҺuk7iҤR푬n޼jժ;v]0iś}SG6e
=,s	=nc쓘Tp
:aE>}FvvϮ%O}+ppx J蘭-,,4z-@ ?~<q-hњc5i_~t{SWʀGo<x0*hggoݿ?$$dɒ%?uM6o߾3fpqq	OIIٿvToܤI7o<|P
$!C1(I&{׮]VR<GW]NIU.]ڸqcWWWX|Ȃ"0aB޽|c/^MZ-?#>qnKP8s=z?z􈈬Ν;q~MMfggs-^QF\aseUƍsoǏ?h [[41"""""zq
vD"e֭[<^S",^~ϪI:qĉ'ٴaI˩	s
ZOϜ9sʕ+O:5==}ҥD4}-Z̙3ㅇggg/_}\BD999D4mڴ-Z3#ܹs[ngddGY.d[թYfgϞ=zϔ)S233fg̘ѼyHafϞrJ)6*D"3gGFFxYf[N>W^k׮}왫@ `~`3ҋ/MY&66s]ve<?=-Z8wܱc*W<q7oެ\XuW^%@ljjѢEܑd{HzLkϟ?_(S
޽{W ԯ_B^ڷo_GGGna,,,V^-nju_|ٳgŽ&L_n:fK
vKEaDAXƼj*im۶=~80wܑ^1\~Ν;_z0oNڟD#zFĴ\-33(Х{]|*Wܭ[K8pȐ!^^^_|?~.[:{Ĉ˗/wvvٳ)S>LD^ܹ½K&l6ڵ]\\0lذ7n6l'Onn0pٳgt>>ڵB
6%%%2gl>|ڵk׮]TRΝW\>p/͛Dm۶C[>--->>|>ȑ#\~SϞ=O7otʊa@W^%$$%WRTTeͯ_ިQ#KK˛7oiaBZK cΜ9w޽~uJ(//m-;;yyy?8''7o؍y<ϗj/A``޽{:dkk;syM6׮][F<GGǰ0@FDlk<933mʹ#GѣGwFn߾gϞΚ5+""",,m۶*U矹5S~֬Y6lVZ^^7Ѐ%gϞ;wӧ1c?PzuI&)\?qDGo߾RJ۷oW&@Q։>Uye=+z."xj׮Iqٙn}涬^:gg=ݝjժRcdG޲F@܊5j԰ѣG"w5jxM6IQ\\\\\\TTUZ5

n޼ټy'88ʕ+ܽνDDӧO?361c٦D"{SH$b7cH$jԨѷ~KDmڴ%qppbZk׮]hԩS}||<زe5j4j2øIxx8"5j$$$Gׯ_hѢ3f?>sLFFFN*Udgg>|e˖~~~M49}4uuԨQUVeEٕȡCF6mNsŮ?x`V׳>ӧOx`zX.o1_&/'#W=vWV
ٳmmmٛϟ?EEEg3f˗ɓ'?~<))ݞ]/W	|>X[[ogmm͞lmmݼyɓ'K_)Nz=\\v+VYԩS[lQ888DDD;˻w4iRddS.]bϝ;-[

<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Missing result in additionals ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<additional xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/additional_file.xsd">
    <!-- Detectors -->
    <inductionLoop id="E1_00" lane="-E2_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_01" lane="-E2_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_02" lane="E2_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_03" lane="E2_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_04" lane="-E1_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_05" lane="-E1_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_06" lane="E1_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_07" lane="E1_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_08" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_09" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_10" lane="E3_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_11" lane="E3_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_12" lane="-E0_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_13" lane="-E0_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_14" lane="E0_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_15" lane="E0_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/>
---------- Missing result in guisettingsoutput ----------
    <viewport zoom="120.00" x="30.00" y="30.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Missing result in net ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<net version="1.20" junctionCornerDetail="5" limitTurnSpeed="5.50" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/net_file.xsd">

    <location netOffset="30.00,-20.00" convBoundary="0.00,0.00,60.00,60.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.00,-10000000000.00,10000000000.00,10000000000.00" projParameter="!"/>

    <edge id=":J0_0" function="internal">
        <lane id=":J0_0_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.86" length="10.16" shape="25.20,41.10 24.81,38.34 23.62,36.38 21.66,35.19 18.90,34.80"/>
        <lane id=":J0_0_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="8.29" length="15.32" shape="28.40,41.10 27.81,36.94 26.02,33.98 23.06,32.19 18.90,31.60"/>
    <edge id=":J0_2" function="internal">
        <lane id=":J0_2_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="22.20" shape="28.40,41.10 28.40,18.90"/>
    <edge id=":J0_3" function="internal">
        <lane id=":J0_3_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="20.48" shape="28.40,41.10 29.19,35.54 31.57,31.58 35.54,29.19 41.10,28.40"/>
    <edge id=":J0_4" function="internal">
        <lane id=":J0_4_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.86" length="10.16" shape="41.10,34.80 38.34,35.19 36.38,36.38 35.19,38.34 34.80,41.10"/>
        <lane id=":J0_4_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="8.29" length="15.32" shape="41.10,31.60 36.94,32.19 33.98,33.98 32.19,36.94 31.60,41.10"/>
    <edge id=":J0_6" function="internal">
        <lane id=":J0_6_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="22.20" shape="41.10,31.60 18.90,31.60"/>
    <edge id=":J0_7" function="internal">
        <lane id=":J0_7_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="20.48" shape="41.10,31.60 35.54,30.81 31.58,28.43 29.19,24.46 28.40,18.90"/>
    <edge id=":J0_8" function="internal">
        <lane id=":J0_8_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.86" length="10.16" shape="34.80,18.90 35.19,21.66 36.38,23.63 38.34,24.81 41.10,25.20"/>
        <lane id=":J0_8_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="8.29" length="15.32" shape="31.60,18.90 32.19,23.06 33.98,26.02 36.94,27.81 41.10,28.40"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Missing result in routes ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<routes xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/routes_file.xsd">
    <!-- Vehicles, persons and containers (sorted by depart) -->
    <vehicle id="trip_1" depart="0.00">
        <route edges="-E2 E3 -E3 E2" repeat="10"/>
    <vehicle id="trip_2" depart="0.00">
        <route edges="-E1 E0 -E0 E1" repeat="10"/>
    <vehicle id="trip_3" depart="0.00">
        <route edges="-E3 E2 -E2 E3" repeat="10"/>
    <vehicle id="trip_4" depart="0.00">
        <route edges="-E0 E1 -E1 E0" repeat="10"/>
network trafficlights joined phases actuated state ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights joined phases delay_based state ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : network trafficlights joined phases delay_based buttons add green ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

---------- Differences in additionals ----------
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_00" lane="-E2_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_01" lane="-E2_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_02" lane="E2_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_03" lane="E2_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_04" lane="-E1_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_05" lane="-E1_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_06" lane="E1_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_07" lane="E1_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_08" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_09" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_10" lane="E3_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_11" lane="E3_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_12" lane="-E0_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_13" lane="-E0_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_14" lane="E0_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_15" lane="E0_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_0" lane="E4_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_1" lane="E4_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_10" lane="E2_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_10.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_11" lane="E2_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_11.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_12" lane="-E5_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_12.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_13" lane="-E5_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_13.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_14" lane="E5_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_14.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_15" lane="E5_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_15.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_2" lane="-E4_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_3" lane="-E4_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_4" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_5" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ----------
<     <viewport zoom="120.00" x="30.00" y="30.00" angle="0.00"/>
>     <viewport zoom="140.00" x="43.43" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Differences in log ----------
< Warning: Non-static traffic light 'J0' does not define variable phase length.
< Warning: Non-static traffic light 'J0' does not define variable phase length.
< Warning: Non-static traffic light 'J0' does not define variable phase length.
< Warning: Non-static traffic light 'J0' does not define variable phase length.
< Warning: Non-static traffic light 'J0' does not define variable phase length.
< Warning: 7 total messages of type: Non-static traffic light '%' does not define variable phase length.
---------- Differences in net ----------
<     <location netOffset="30.00,-20.00" convBoundary="0.00,0.00,60.00,60.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.00,-10000000000.00,10000000000.00,10000000000.00" projParameter="!"/>
>     <location netOffset="0.00,0.00" convBoundary="-60.00,-30.00,60.00,30.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.000000,-10000000000.000000,10000000000.000000,10000000000.000000" projParameter="+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext +no_defs"/>
<     <edge id=":J0_0" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_0_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.86" length="10.16" shape="25.20,41.10 24.81,38.34 23.62,36.37 21.66,35.19 18.90,34.80"/>
<         <lane id=":J0_0_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="8.29" length="15.32" shape="28.40,41.10 27.81,36.94 26.02,33.98 23.06,32.19 18.90,31.60"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_2" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_2_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="22.20" shape="28.40,41.10 28.40,18.90"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_3" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_3_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="5.01" shape="28.40,41.10 29.11,36.14"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_16" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_16_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="15.47" shape="29.11,36.14 29.19,35.54 31.57,31.58 35.54,29.19 41.10,28.40"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_4" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_4_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.86" length="10.16" shape="41.10,34.80 38.34,35.19 36.37,36.38 35.19,38.34 34.80,41.10"/>
<         <lane id=":J0_4_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="8.29" length="15.32" shape="41.10,31.60 36.94,32.19 33.98,33.98 32.19,36.94 31.60,41.10"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_6" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_6_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="22.20" shape="41.10,31.60 18.90,31.60"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_7" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_7_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="2.51" shape="41.10,31.60 38.61,31.24"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_17" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_17_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="17.97" shape="38.61,31.24 35.54,30.81 31.58,28.43 29.19,24.46 28.40,18.90"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 393
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 802 - 404
---------- Differences in routes ----------
<     <vehicle id="trip_1" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E2 E3 -E3 E2" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
<     <vehicle id="trip_2" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E1 E0 -E0 E1" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
<     <vehicle id="trip_3" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E3 E2 -E2 E3" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
<     <vehicle id="trip_4" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E0 E1 -E1 E0" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
>     <trip id="t_0" depart="0.00" from="-E3" to="E4"/>
>     <trip id="t_1" depart="0.00" from="-E2" to="E3"/>
>     <trip id="t_2" depart="0.00" from="-E5" to="E2"/>
>     <trip id="t_3" depart="0.00" from="-E4" to="E5"/>
>     <flow id="f_0" begin="0.00" from="-E4" to="E2" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
>     <flow id="f_1" begin="0.00" from="-E2" to="E4" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
>     <flow id="f_2" begin="0.00" from="-E5" to="E3" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
>     <flow id="f_3" begin="0.00" from="-E3" to="E5" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
---------- New result in datas ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd">
    <interval id="set" begin="0.00" end="3600.00">
        <edgeRelation from="-E3" to="E4"/>
        <edgeRelation from="-E4" to="E5"/>
        <edgeRelation from="-E5" to="E2"/>
        <edgeRelation from="-E2" to="E3"/>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : network trafficlights joined phases delay_based buttons add greenpriority ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

---------- Differences in additionals ----------
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_00" lane="-E2_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_01" lane="-E2_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_02" lane="E2_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_03" lane="E2_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_04" lane="-E1_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_05" lane="-E1_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_06" lane="E1_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_07" lane="E1_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_08" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_09" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_10" lane="E3_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_11" lane="E3_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_12" lane="-E0_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_13" lane="-E0_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_14" lane="E0_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_15" lane="E0_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_0" lane="E4_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_1" lane="E4_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_10" lane="E2_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_10.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_11" lane="E2_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_11.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_12" lane="-E5_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_12.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_13" lane="-E5_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_13.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_14" lane="E5_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_14.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_15" lane="E5_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_15.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_2" lane="-E4_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_3" lane="-E4_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_4" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_5" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ----------
<     <viewport zoom="120.00" x="30.00" y="30.00" angle="0.00"/>
>     <viewport zoom="140.00" x="54.29" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Differences in log ----------
< Warning: Non-static traffic light 'J0' does not define variable phase length.
< Warning: Non-static traffic light 'J0' does not define variable phase length.
< Warning: Non-static traffic light 'J0' does not define variable phase length.
< Warning: Non-static traffic light 'J0' does not define variable phase length.
< Warning: Non-static traffic light 'J0' does not define variable phase length.
< Warning: 7 total messages of type: Non-static traffic light '%' does not define variable phase length.
---------- Differences in net ----------
<     <location netOffset="30.00,-20.00" convBoundary="0.00,0.00,60.00,60.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.00,-10000000000.00,10000000000.00,10000000000.00" projParameter="!"/>
>     <location netOffset="0.00,0.00" convBoundary="-60.00,-30.00,60.00,30.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.000000,-10000000000.000000,10000000000.000000,10000000000.000000" projParameter="+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext +no_defs"/>
<     <edge id=":J0_0" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_0_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.86" length="10.16" shape="25.20,41.10 24.81,38.34 23.62,36.37 21.66,35.19 18.90,34.80"/>
<         <lane id=":J0_0_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="8.29" length="15.32" shape="28.40,41.10 27.81,36.94 26.02,33.98 23.06,32.19 18.90,31.60"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_2" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_2_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="22.20" shape="28.40,41.10 28.40,18.90"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_3" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_3_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="15.55" shape="28.40,41.10 29.19,35.54 31.57,31.58 35.54,29.19 36.22,29.10"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_16" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_16_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="4.93" shape="36.22,29.10 41.10,28.40"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_4" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_4_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.86" length="10.16" shape="41.10,34.80 38.34,35.19 36.37,36.38 35.19,38.34 34.80,41.10"/>
<         <lane id=":J0_4_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="8.29" length="15.32" shape="41.10,31.60 36.94,32.19 33.98,33.98 32.19,36.94 31.60,41.10"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_6" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_6_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="22.20" shape="41.10,31.60 18.90,31.60"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_7" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_7_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="2.51" shape="41.10,31.60 38.61,31.24"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_17" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_17_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="17.97" shape="38.61,31.24 35.54,30.81 31.58,28.43 29.19,24.46 28.40,18.90"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 393
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 802 - 404
---------- Differences in routes ----------
<     <vehicle id="trip_1" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E2 E3 -E3 E2" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
<     <vehicle id="trip_2" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E1 E0 -E0 E1" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
<     <vehicle id="trip_3" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E3 E2 -E2 E3" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
<     <vehicle id="trip_4" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E0 E1 -E1 E0" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
>     <trip id="t_0" depart="0.00" from="-E3" to="E4"/>
>     <trip id="t_1" depart="0.00" from="-E2" to="E3"/>
>     <trip id="t_2" depart="0.00" from="-E5" to="E2"/>
>     <trip id="t_3" depart="0.00" from="-E4" to="E5"/>
>     <flow id="f_0" begin="0.00" from="-E4" to="E2" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
>     <flow id="f_1" begin="0.00" from="-E2" to="E4" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
>     <flow id="f_2" begin="0.00" from="-E5" to="E3" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
>     <flow id="f_3" begin="0.00" from="-E3" to="E5" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
---------- New result in datas ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd">
    <interval id="set" begin="0.00" end="3600.00">
        <edgeRelation from="-E3" to="E4"/>
        <edgeRelation from="-E4" to="E5"/>
        <edgeRelation from="-E5" to="E2"/>
        <edgeRelation from="-E2" to="E3"/>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : network trafficlights joined phases delay_based buttons add yellow ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

---------- Differences in additionals ----------
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_00" lane="-E2_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_01" lane="-E2_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_02" lane="E2_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_03" lane="E2_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_04" lane="-E1_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_05" lane="-E1_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_06" lane="E1_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_07" lane="E1_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_08" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_09" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_10" lane="E3_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_11" lane="E3_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_12" lane="-E0_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_13" lane="-E0_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_14" lane="E0_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_15" lane="E0_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_0" lane="E4_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_1" lane="E4_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_10" lane="E2_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_10.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_11" lane="E2_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_11.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_12" lane="-E5_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_12.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_13" lane="-E5_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_13.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_14" lane="E5_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_14.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_15" lane="E5_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_15.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_2" lane="-E4_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_3" lane="-E4_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_4" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_5" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ----------
<     <viewport zoom="120.00" x="30.00" y="30.00" angle="0.00"/>
>     <viewport zoom="140.00" x="32.57" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Differences in log ----------
< Warning: Non-static traffic light 'J0' does not define variable phase length.
< Warning: Non-static traffic light 'J0' does not define variable phase length.
< Warning: Non-static traffic light 'J0' does not define variable phase length.
< Warning: Non-static traffic light 'J0' does not define variable phase length.
< Warning: Non-static traffic light 'J0' does not define variable phase length.
< Warning: 7 total messages of type: Non-static traffic light '%' does not define variable phase length.
---------- Differences in net ----------
<     <location netOffset="30.00,-20.00" convBoundary="0.00,0.00,60.00,60.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.00,-10000000000.00,10000000000.00,10000000000.00" projParameter="!"/>
>     <location netOffset="0.00,0.00" convBoundary="-60.00,-30.00,60.00,30.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.000000,-10000000000.000000,10000000000.000000,10000000000.000000" projParameter="+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext +no_defs"/>
<     <edge id=":J0_0" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_0_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.86" length="10.16" shape="25.20,41.10 24.81,38.34 23.62,36.37 21.66,35.19 18.90,34.80"/>
<         <lane id=":J0_0_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="8.29" length="15.32" shape="28.40,41.10 27.81,36.94 26.02,33.98 23.06,32.19 18.90,31.60"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_2" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_2_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="22.20" shape="28.40,41.10 28.40,18.90"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_3" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_3_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="15.55" shape="28.40,41.10 29.19,35.54 31.57,31.58 35.54,29.19 36.22,29.10"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_16" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_16_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="4.93" shape="36.22,29.10 41.10,28.40"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_4" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_4_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.86" length="10.16" shape="41.10,34.80 38.34,35.19 36.37,36.38 35.19,38.34 34.80,41.10"/>
<         <lane id=":J0_4_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="8.29" length="15.32" shape="41.10,31.60 36.94,32.19 33.98,33.98 32.19,36.94 31.60,41.10"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_6" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_6_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="22.20" shape="41.10,31.60 18.90,31.60"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_7" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_7_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="2.51" shape="41.10,31.60 38.61,31.24"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_17" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_17_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="17.97" shape="38.61,31.24 35.54,30.81 31.58,28.43 29.19,24.46 28.40,18.90"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 393
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 802 - 404
---------- Differences in routes ----------
<     <vehicle id="trip_1" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E2 E3 -E3 E2" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
<     <vehicle id="trip_2" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E1 E0 -E0 E1" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
<     <vehicle id="trip_3" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E3 E2 -E2 E3" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
<     <vehicle id="trip_4" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E0 E1 -E1 E0" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
>     <trip id="t_0" depart="0.00" from="-E3" to="E4"/>
>     <trip id="t_1" depart="0.00" from="-E2" to="E3"/>
>     <trip id="t_2" depart="0.00" from="-E5" to="E2"/>
>     <trip id="t_3" depart="0.00" from="-E4" to="E5"/>
>     <flow id="f_0" begin="0.00" from="-E4" to="E2" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
>     <flow id="f_1" begin="0.00" from="-E2" to="E4" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
>     <flow id="f_2" begin="0.00" from="-E5" to="E3" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
>     <flow id="f_3" begin="0.00" from="-E3" to="E5" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
---------- New result in datas ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd">
    <interval id="set" begin="0.00" end="3600.00">
        <edgeRelation from="-E3" to="E4"/>
        <edgeRelation from="-E4" to="E5"/>
        <edgeRelation from="-E5" to="E2"/>
        <edgeRelation from="-E2" to="E3"/>

8 TESTS FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba :

---------- Differences in additionals ----------
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_00" lane="-E2_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_01" lane="-E2_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_02" lane="E2_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_03" lane="E2_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_04" lane="-E1_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_05" lane="-E1_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_06" lane="E1_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_07" lane="E1_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_08" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_09" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_10" lane="E3_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_11" lane="E3_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_12" lane="-E0_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_13" lane="-E0_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_14" lane="E0_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_15" lane="E0_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_0" lane="E4_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_1" lane="E4_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_10" lane="E2_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_10.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_11" lane="E2_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_11.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_12" lane="-E5_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_12.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_13" lane="-E5_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_13.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_14" lane="E5_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_14.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_15" lane="E5_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_15.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_2" lane="-E4_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_3" lane="-E4_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_4" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_5" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ----------
<     <viewport zoom="120.00" x="30.00" y="30.00" angle="0.00"/>
>     <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Differences in net ----------
<     <location netOffset="30.00,-20.00" convBoundary="0.00,0.00,60.00,60.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.00,-10000000000.00,10000000000.00,10000000000.00" projParameter="!"/>
>     <location netOffset="0.00,0.00" convBoundary="-60.00,-30.00,60.00,30.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.000000,-10000000000.000000,10000000000.000000,10000000000.000000" projParameter="+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext +no_defs"/>
<     <edge id=":J0_0" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_0_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.86" length="10.16" shape="25.20,41.10 24.81,38.34 23.62,36.37 21.66,35.19 18.90,34.80"/>
<         <lane id=":J0_0_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="8.29" length="15.32" shape="28.40,41.10 27.81,36.94 26.02,33.98 23.06,32.19 18.90,31.60"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_2" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_2_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="22.20" shape="28.40,41.10 28.40,18.90"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_3" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_3_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="15.55" shape="28.40,41.10 29.19,35.54 31.57,31.58 35.54,29.19 36.22,29.10"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_16" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_16_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="4.93" shape="36.22,29.10 41.10,28.40"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_4" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_4_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.86" length="10.16" shape="41.10,34.80 38.34,35.19 36.37,36.38 35.19,38.34 34.80,41.10"/>
<         <lane id=":J0_4_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="8.29" length="15.32" shape="41.10,31.60 36.94,32.19 33.98,33.98 32.19,36.94 31.60,41.10"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_6" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_6_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="22.20" shape="41.10,31.60 18.90,31.60"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_7" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_7_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="2.51" shape="41.10,31.60 38.61,31.24"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_17" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_17_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="17.97" shape="38.61,31.24 35.54,30.81 31.58,28.43 29.19,24.46 28.40,18.90"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 393
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 802 - 404
---------- Differences in routes ----------
<     <vehicle id="trip_1" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E2 E3 -E3 E2" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
<     <vehicle id="trip_2" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E1 E0 -E0 E1" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
<     <vehicle id="trip_3" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E3 E2 -E2 E3" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
<     <vehicle id="trip_4" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E0 E1 -E1 E0" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
>     <trip id="t_0" depart="0.00" from="-E3" to="E4"/>
>     <trip id="t_1" depart="0.00" from="-E2" to="E3"/>
>     <trip id="t_2" depart="0.00" from="-E5" to="E2"/>
>     <trip id="t_3" depart="0.00" from="-E4" to="E5"/>
>     <flow id="f_0" begin="0.00" from="-E4" to="E2" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
>     <flow id="f_1" begin="0.00" from="-E2" to="E4" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
>     <flow id="f_2" begin="0.00" from="-E5" to="E3" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
>     <flow id="f_3" begin="0.00" from="-E3" to="E5" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
---------- New result in datas ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd">
    <interval id="set" begin="0.00" end="3600.00">
        <edgeRelation from="-E3" to="E4"/>
        <edgeRelation from="-E4" to="E5"/>
        <edgeRelation from="-E5" to="E2"/>
        <edgeRelation from="-E2" to="E3"/>
network trafficlights joined phases static buttons add default ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights joined phases static buttons add duplicate ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights joined phases static buttons cleanstates ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights joined phases static buttons delete ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights joined phases static buttons groupsignals ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights joined phases static buttons movedown ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights joined phases static buttons moveup ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights joined phases static buttons ungroupsignals ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : network trafficlights joined phases static buttons add green ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

---------- Differences in additionals ----------
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_00" lane="-E2_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_01" lane="-E2_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_02" lane="E2_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_03" lane="E2_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_04" lane="-E1_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_05" lane="-E1_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_06" lane="E1_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_07" lane="E1_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_08" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_09" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_10" lane="E3_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_11" lane="E3_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_12" lane="-E0_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_13" lane="-E0_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_14" lane="E0_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_15" lane="E0_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_0" lane="E4_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_1" lane="E4_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_10" lane="E2_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_10.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_11" lane="E2_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_11.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_12" lane="-E5_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_12.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_13" lane="-E5_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_13.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_14" lane="E5_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_14.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_15" lane="E5_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_15.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_2" lane="-E4_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_3" lane="-E4_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_4" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_5" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ----------
<     <viewport zoom="120.00" x="30.00" y="30.00" angle="0.00"/>
>     <viewport zoom="140.00" x="32.57" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Differences in net ----------
<     <location netOffset="30.00,-20.00" convBoundary="0.00,0.00,60.00,60.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.00,-10000000000.00,10000000000.00,10000000000.00" projParameter="!"/>
>     <location netOffset="0.00,0.00" convBoundary="-60.00,-30.00,60.00,30.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.000000,-10000000000.000000,10000000000.000000,10000000000.000000" projParameter="+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext +no_defs"/>
<     <edge id=":J0_0" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_0_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.86" length="10.16" shape="25.20,41.10 24.81,38.34 23.62,36.37 21.66,35.19 18.90,34.80"/>
<         <lane id=":J0_0_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="8.29" length="15.32" shape="28.40,41.10 27.81,36.94 26.02,33.98 23.06,32.19 18.90,31.60"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_2" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_2_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="22.20" shape="28.40,41.10 28.40,18.90"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_3" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_3_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="5.01" shape="28.40,41.10 29.11,36.14"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_16" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_16_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="15.47" shape="29.11,36.14 29.19,35.54 31.57,31.58 35.54,29.19 41.10,28.40"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_4" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_4_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.86" length="10.16" shape="41.10,34.80 38.34,35.19 36.37,36.38 35.19,38.34 34.80,41.10"/>
<         <lane id=":J0_4_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="8.29" length="15.32" shape="41.10,31.60 36.94,32.19 33.98,33.98 32.19,36.94 31.60,41.10"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_6" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_6_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="22.20" shape="41.10,31.60 18.90,31.60"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_7" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_7_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="2.51" shape="41.10,31.60 38.61,31.24"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_17" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_17_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="17.97" shape="38.61,31.24 35.54,30.81 31.58,28.43 29.19,24.46 28.40,18.90"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 393
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 802 - 404
---------- Differences in routes ----------
<     <vehicle id="trip_1" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E2 E3 -E3 E2" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
<     <vehicle id="trip_2" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E1 E0 -E0 E1" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
<     <vehicle id="trip_3" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E3 E2 -E2 E3" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
<     <vehicle id="trip_4" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E0 E1 -E1 E0" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
>     <trip id="t_0" depart="0.00" from="-E3" to="E4"/>
>     <trip id="t_1" depart="0.00" from="-E2" to="E3"/>
>     <trip id="t_2" depart="0.00" from="-E5" to="E2"/>
>     <trip id="t_3" depart="0.00" from="-E4" to="E5"/>
>     <flow id="f_0" begin="0.00" from="-E4" to="E2" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
>     <flow id="f_1" begin="0.00" from="-E2" to="E4" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
>     <flow id="f_2" begin="0.00" from="-E5" to="E3" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
>     <flow id="f_3" begin="0.00" from="-E3" to="E5" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
---------- New result in datas ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd">
    <interval id="set" begin="0.00" end="3600.00">
        <edgeRelation from="-E3" to="E4"/>
        <edgeRelation from="-E4" to="E5"/>
        <edgeRelation from="-E5" to="E2"/>
        <edgeRelation from="-E2" to="E3"/>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : network trafficlights joined phases static buttons add greenpriority ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

---------- Differences in additionals ----------
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_00" lane="-E2_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_01" lane="-E2_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_02" lane="E2_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_03" lane="E2_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_04" lane="-E1_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_05" lane="-E1_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_06" lane="E1_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_07" lane="E1_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_08" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_09" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_10" lane="E3_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_11" lane="E3_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_12" lane="-E0_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_13" lane="-E0_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_14" lane="E0_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_15" lane="E0_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_0" lane="E4_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_1" lane="E4_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_10" lane="E2_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_10.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_11" lane="E2_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_11.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_12" lane="-E5_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_12.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_13" lane="-E5_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_13.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_14" lane="E5_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_14.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_15" lane="E5_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_15.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_2" lane="-E4_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_3" lane="-E4_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_4" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_5" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ----------
<     <viewport zoom="120.00" x="30.00" y="30.00" angle="0.00"/>
>     <viewport zoom="140.00" x="43.43" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Differences in net ----------
<     <location netOffset="30.00,-20.00" convBoundary="0.00,0.00,60.00,60.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.00,-10000000000.00,10000000000.00,10000000000.00" projParameter="!"/>
>     <location netOffset="0.00,0.00" convBoundary="-60.00,-30.00,60.00,30.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.000000,-10000000000.000000,10000000000.000000,10000000000.000000" projParameter="+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext +no_defs"/>
<     <edge id=":J0_0" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_0_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.86" length="10.16" shape="25.20,41.10 24.81,38.34 23.62,36.37 21.66,35.19 18.90,34.80"/>
<         <lane id=":J0_0_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="8.29" length="15.32" shape="28.40,41.10 27.81,36.94 26.02,33.98 23.06,32.19 18.90,31.60"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_2" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_2_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="22.20" shape="28.40,41.10 28.40,18.90"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_3" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_3_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="15.55" shape="28.40,41.10 29.19,35.54 31.57,31.58 35.54,29.19 36.22,29.10"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_16" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_16_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="4.93" shape="36.22,29.10 41.10,28.40"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_4" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_4_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.86" length="10.16" shape="41.10,34.80 38.34,35.19 36.37,36.38 35.19,38.34 34.80,41.10"/>
<         <lane id=":J0_4_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="8.29" length="15.32" shape="41.10,31.60 36.94,32.19 33.98,33.98 32.19,36.94 31.60,41.10"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_6" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_6_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="22.20" shape="41.10,31.60 18.90,31.60"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_7" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_7_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="2.51" shape="41.10,31.60 38.61,31.24"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_17" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_17_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="17.97" shape="38.61,31.24 35.54,30.81 31.58,28.43 29.19,24.46 28.40,18.90"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 393
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 802 - 404
---------- Differences in routes ----------
<     <vehicle id="trip_1" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E2 E3 -E3 E2" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
<     <vehicle id="trip_2" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E1 E0 -E0 E1" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
<     <vehicle id="trip_3" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E3 E2 -E2 E3" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
<     <vehicle id="trip_4" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E0 E1 -E1 E0" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
>     <trip id="t_0" depart="0.00" from="-E3" to="E4"/>
>     <trip id="t_1" depart="0.00" from="-E2" to="E3"/>
>     <trip id="t_2" depart="0.00" from="-E5" to="E2"/>
>     <trip id="t_3" depart="0.00" from="-E4" to="E5"/>
>     <flow id="f_0" begin="0.00" from="-E4" to="E2" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
>     <flow id="f_1" begin="0.00" from="-E2" to="E4" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
>     <flow id="f_2" begin="0.00" from="-E5" to="E3" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
>     <flow id="f_3" begin="0.00" from="-E3" to="E5" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
---------- New result in datas ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd">
    <interval id="set" begin="0.00" end="3600.00">
        <edgeRelation from="-E3" to="E4"/>
        <edgeRelation from="-E4" to="E5"/>
        <edgeRelation from="-E5" to="E2"/>
        <edgeRelation from="-E2" to="E3"/>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : network trafficlights joined phases static buttons add red ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

---------- Differences in additionals ----------
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_00" lane="-E2_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_01" lane="-E2_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_02" lane="E2_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_03" lane="E2_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_04" lane="-E1_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_05" lane="-E1_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_06" lane="E1_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_07" lane="E1_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_08" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_09" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_10" lane="E3_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_11" lane="E3_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_12" lane="-E0_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_13" lane="-E0_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_14" lane="E0_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_15" lane="E0_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_0" lane="E4_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_1" lane="E4_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_10" lane="E2_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_10.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_11" lane="E2_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_11.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_12" lane="-E5_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_12.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_13" lane="-E5_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_13.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_14" lane="E5_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_14.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_15" lane="E5_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_15.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_2" lane="-E4_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_3" lane="-E4_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_4" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_5" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ----------
<     <viewport zoom="120.00" x="30.00" y="30.00" angle="0.00"/>
>     <viewport zoom="140.00" x="10.86" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Differences in net ----------
<     <location netOffset="30.00,-20.00" convBoundary="0.00,0.00,60.00,60.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.00,-10000000000.00,10000000000.00,10000000000.00" projParameter="!"/>
>     <location netOffset="0.00,0.00" convBoundary="-60.00,-30.00,60.00,30.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.000000,-10000000000.000000,10000000000.000000,10000000000.000000" projParameter="+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext +no_defs"/>
<     <edge id=":J0_0" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_0_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.86" length="10.16" shape="25.20,41.10 24.81,38.34 23.62,36.37 21.66,35.19 18.90,34.80"/>
<         <lane id=":J0_0_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="8.29" length="15.32" shape="28.40,41.10 27.81,36.94 26.02,33.98 23.06,32.19 18.90,31.60"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_2" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_2_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="22.20" shape="28.40,41.10 28.40,18.90"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_3" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_3_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="15.55" shape="28.40,41.10 29.19,35.54 31.57,31.58 35.54,29.19 36.22,29.10"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_16" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_16_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="4.93" shape="36.22,29.10 41.10,28.40"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_4" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_4_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.86" length="10.16" shape="41.10,34.80 38.34,35.19 36.37,36.38 35.19,38.34 34.80,41.10"/>
<         <lane id=":J0_4_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="8.29" length="15.32" shape="41.10,31.60 36.94,32.19 33.98,33.98 32.19,36.94 31.60,41.10"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_6" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_6_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="22.20" shape="41.10,31.60 18.90,31.60"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_7" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_7_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="2.51" shape="41.10,31.60 38.61,31.24"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_17" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_17_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="17.97" shape="38.61,31.24 35.54,30.81 31.58,28.43 29.19,24.46 28.40,18.90"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 393
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 802 - 404
---------- Differences in routes ----------
<     <vehicle id="trip_1" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E2 E3 -E3 E2" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
<     <vehicle id="trip_2" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E1 E0 -E0 E1" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
<     <vehicle id="trip_3" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E3 E2 -E2 E3" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
<     <vehicle id="trip_4" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E0 E1 -E1 E0" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
>     <trip id="t_0" depart="0.00" from="-E3" to="E4"/>
>     <trip id="t_1" depart="0.00" from="-E2" to="E3"/>
>     <trip id="t_2" depart="0.00" from="-E5" to="E2"/>
>     <trip id="t_3" depart="0.00" from="-E4" to="E5"/>
>     <flow id="f_0" begin="0.00" from="-E4" to="E2" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
>     <flow id="f_1" begin="0.00" from="-E2" to="E4" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
>     <flow id="f_2" begin="0.00" from="-E5" to="E3" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
>     <flow id="f_3" begin="0.00" from="-E3" to="E5" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
---------- New result in datas ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd">
    <interval id="set" begin="0.00" end="3600.00">
        <edgeRelation from="-E3" to="E4"/>
        <edgeRelation from="-E4" to="E5"/>
        <edgeRelation from="-E5" to="E2"/>
        <edgeRelation from="-E2" to="E3"/>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : network trafficlights joined phases static buttons add yellow ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

---------- Differences in additionals ----------
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_00" lane="-E2_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_01" lane="-E2_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_02" lane="E2_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_03" lane="E2_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_04" lane="-E1_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_05" lane="-E1_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_06" lane="E1_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_07" lane="E1_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_08" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_09" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_10" lane="E3_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_11" lane="E3_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_12" lane="-E0_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_13" lane="-E0_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_14" lane="E0_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_15" lane="E0_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_0" lane="E4_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_1" lane="E4_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_10" lane="E2_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_10.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_11" lane="E2_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_11.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_12" lane="-E5_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_12.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_13" lane="-E5_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_13.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_14" lane="E5_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_14.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_15" lane="E5_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_15.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_2" lane="-E4_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_3" lane="-E4_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_4" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_5" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ----------
<     <viewport zoom="120.00" x="30.00" y="30.00" angle="0.00"/>
>     <viewport zoom="140.00" x="21.71" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Differences in net ----------
<     <location netOffset="30.00,-20.00" convBoundary="0.00,0.00,60.00,60.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.00,-10000000000.00,10000000000.00,10000000000.00" projParameter="!"/>
>     <location netOffset="0.00,0.00" convBoundary="-60.00,-30.00,60.00,30.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.000000,-10000000000.000000,10000000000.000000,10000000000.000000" projParameter="+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext +no_defs"/>
<     <edge id=":J0_0" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_0_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.86" length="10.16" shape="25.20,41.10 24.81,38.34 23.62,36.37 21.66,35.19 18.90,34.80"/>
<         <lane id=":J0_0_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="8.29" length="15.32" shape="28.40,41.10 27.81,36.94 26.02,33.98 23.06,32.19 18.90,31.60"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_2" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_2_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="22.20" shape="28.40,41.10 28.40,18.90"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_3" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_3_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="15.55" shape="28.40,41.10 29.19,35.54 31.57,31.58 35.54,29.19 36.22,29.10"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_16" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_16_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="4.93" shape="36.22,29.10 41.10,28.40"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_4" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_4_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.86" length="10.16" shape="41.10,34.80 38.34,35.19 36.37,36.38 35.19,38.34 34.80,41.10"/>
<         <lane id=":J0_4_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="8.29" length="15.32" shape="41.10,31.60 36.94,32.19 33.98,33.98 32.19,36.94 31.60,41.10"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_6" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_6_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="22.20" shape="41.10,31.60 18.90,31.60"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_7" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_7_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="2.51" shape="41.10,31.60 38.61,31.24"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_17" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_17_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="17.97" shape="38.61,31.24 35.54,30.81 31.58,28.43 29.19,24.46 28.40,18.90"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 393
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 802 - 404
---------- Differences in routes ----------
<     <vehicle id="trip_1" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E2 E3 -E3 E2" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
<     <vehicle id="trip_2" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E1 E0 -E0 E1" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
<     <vehicle id="trip_3" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E3 E2 -E2 E3" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
<     <vehicle id="trip_4" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E0 E1 -E1 E0" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
>     <trip id="t_0" depart="0.00" from="-E3" to="E4"/>
>     <trip id="t_1" depart="0.00" from="-E2" to="E3"/>
>     <trip id="t_2" depart="0.00" from="-E5" to="E2"/>
>     <trip id="t_3" depart="0.00" from="-E4" to="E5"/>
>     <flow id="f_0" begin="0.00" from="-E4" to="E2" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
>     <flow id="f_1" begin="0.00" from="-E2" to="E4" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
>     <flow id="f_2" begin="0.00" from="-E5" to="E3" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
>     <flow id="f_3" begin="0.00" from="-E3" to="E5" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
---------- New result in datas ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd">
    <interval id="set" begin="0.00" end="3600.00">
        <edgeRelation from="-E3" to="E4"/>
        <edgeRelation from="-E4" to="E5"/>
        <edgeRelation from="-E5" to="E2"/>
        <edgeRelation from="-E2" to="E3"/>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : network trafficlights joined phases static buttons addstates ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

---------- Differences in additionals ----------
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_00" lane="-E2_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_01" lane="-E2_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_02" lane="E2_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_03" lane="E2_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_04" lane="-E1_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_05" lane="-E1_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_06" lane="E1_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_07" lane="E1_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_08" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_09" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_10" lane="E3_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_11" lane="E3_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_12" lane="-E0_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_13" lane="-E0_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_14" lane="E0_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_15" lane="E0_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_0" lane="E4_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_1" lane="E4_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_10" lane="E2_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_10.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_11" lane="E2_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_11.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_12" lane="-E5_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_12.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_13" lane="-E5_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_13.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_14" lane="E5_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_14.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_15" lane="E5_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_15.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_2" lane="-E4_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_3" lane="-E4_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_4" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_5" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ----------
<     <viewport zoom="120.00" x="30.00" y="30.00" angle="0.00"/>
>     <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Differences in log ----------
< Warning: Unused state in tlLogic 'J0', program '0' at tl-index 24
---------- Differences in net ----------
<     <location netOffset="30.00,-20.00" convBoundary="0.00,0.00,60.00,60.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.00,-10000000000.00,10000000000.00,10000000000.00" projParameter="!"/>
>     <location netOffset="0.00,0.00" convBoundary="-60.00,-30.00,60.00,30.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.000000,-10000000000.000000,10000000000.000000,10000000000.000000" projParameter="+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext +no_defs"/>
<     <edge id=":J0_0" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_0_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.86" length="10.16" shape="25.20,41.10 24.81,38.34 23.62,36.37 21.66,35.19 18.90,34.80"/>
<         <lane id=":J0_0_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="8.29" length="15.32" shape="28.40,41.10 27.81,36.94 26.02,33.98 23.06,32.19 18.90,31.60"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_2" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_2_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="22.20" shape="28.40,41.10 28.40,18.90"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_3" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_3_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="15.55" shape="28.40,41.10 29.19,35.54 31.57,31.58 35.54,29.19 36.22,29.10"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_16" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_16_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="4.93" shape="36.22,29.10 41.10,28.40"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_4" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_4_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.86" length="10.16" shape="41.10,34.80 38.34,35.19 36.37,36.38 35.19,38.34 34.80,41.10"/>
<         <lane id=":J0_4_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="8.29" length="15.32" shape="41.10,31.60 36.94,32.19 33.98,33.98 32.19,36.94 31.60,41.10"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_6" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_6_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="22.20" shape="41.10,31.60 18.90,31.60"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_7" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_7_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="2.51" shape="41.10,31.60 38.61,31.24"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_17" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_17_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="17.97" shape="38.61,31.24 35.54,30.81 31.58,28.43 29.19,24.46 28.40,18.90"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 393
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 802 - 404
---------- Differences in routes ----------
<     <vehicle id="trip_1" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E2 E3 -E3 E2" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
<     <vehicle id="trip_2" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E1 E0 -E0 E1" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
<     <vehicle id="trip_3" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E3 E2 -E2 E3" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
<     <vehicle id="trip_4" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E0 E1 -E1 E0" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
>     <trip id="t_0" depart="0.00" from="-E3" to="E4"/>
>     <trip id="t_1" depart="0.00" from="-E2" to="E3"/>
>     <trip id="t_2" depart="0.00" from="-E5" to="E2"/>
>     <trip id="t_3" depart="0.00" from="-E4" to="E5"/>
>     <flow id="f_0" begin="0.00" from="-E4" to="E2" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
>     <flow id="f_1" begin="0.00" from="-E2" to="E4" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
>     <flow id="f_2" begin="0.00" from="-E5" to="E3" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
>     <flow id="f_3" begin="0.00" from="-E3" to="E5" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
---------- New result in datas ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd">
    <interval id="set" begin="0.00" end="3600.00">
        <edgeRelation from="-E3" to="E4"/>
        <edgeRelation from="-E4" to="E5"/>
        <edgeRelation from="-E5" to="E2"/>
        <edgeRelation from="-E2" to="E3"/>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : network trafficlights joined phases static dur ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 393
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 802 - 404
< TestFunctions: Netedit closed successfully
> TestFunctions: Error closing Netedit
---------- New result in errorScreenshot ----------

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[kz,5s̚5k7N,u0S8_|y֭?f>}?Zj7n_VVV}-((زeڵk4%VصkסCZj֭DޡC#G,X //O2TrSΩSd7ͭ]v5+WUVDU#JחX<bxME&nÆ999}?},]KV肿@f0[YYi6Z@0~x"ZС5=jҤ/r%)7|3x`>/<>44~~pp%K?~|-"6mZ߾}g̘~U߸I&o޼y&uqݛ6mz	{׊+<<<+p…)+!!ᣏ>6XxǪYzU5+m#J׫)HBSR^p&M~]:::1j8"~vyG24$/]qnnnѣDdmm=a„޽{cǎ-^6[~G|>ܖ"h̙=z{	BPxܹ7or5m4+++lō5
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2>V$(}	̙3ݻׯ_X"沭eeex<//dggg{|
1w2C@ ػwCfΜ9o޼iӦQXXڵkW*݉(--m---㹸ddd-?<r=znԨ۷sA;;Yfrm۶bŊ?3F՜Ϛ5kÆ

<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Missing result in additionals ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<additional xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/additional_file.xsd">
    <!-- Detectors -->
    <inductionLoop id="E1_00" lane="-E2_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_01" lane="-E2_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_02" lane="E2_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_03" lane="E2_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_04" lane="-E1_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_05" lane="-E1_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_06" lane="E1_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_07" lane="E1_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_08" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_09" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_10" lane="E3_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_11" lane="E3_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_12" lane="-E0_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_13" lane="-E0_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_14" lane="E0_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_15" lane="E0_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/>
---------- Missing result in guisettingsoutput ----------
    <viewport zoom="120.00" x="30.00" y="30.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Missing result in net ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<net version="1.20" junctionCornerDetail="5" limitTurnSpeed="5.50" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/net_file.xsd">

    <location netOffset="30.00,-20.00" convBoundary="0.00,0.00,60.00,60.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.00,-10000000000.00,10000000000.00,10000000000.00" projParameter="!"/>

    <edge id=":J0_0" function="internal">
        <lane id=":J0_0_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.86" length="10.16" shape="25.20,41.10 24.81,38.34 23.62,36.37 21.66,35.19 18.90,34.80"/>
        <lane id=":J0_0_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="8.29" length="15.32" shape="28.40,41.10 27.81,36.94 26.02,33.98 23.06,32.19 18.90,31.60"/>
    <edge id=":J0_2" function="internal">
        <lane id=":J0_2_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="22.20" shape="28.40,41.10 28.40,18.90"/>
    <edge id=":J0_3" function="internal">
        <lane id=":J0_3_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="15.55" shape="28.40,41.10 29.19,35.54 31.57,31.58 35.54,29.19 36.22,29.10"/>
    <edge id=":J0_16" function="internal">
        <lane id=":J0_16_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="4.93" shape="36.22,29.10 41.10,28.40"/>
    <edge id=":J0_4" function="internal">
        <lane id=":J0_4_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.86" length="10.16" shape="41.10,34.80 38.34,35.19 36.37,36.38 35.19,38.34 34.80,41.10"/>
        <lane id=":J0_4_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="8.29" length="15.32" shape="41.10,31.60 36.94,32.19 33.98,33.98 32.19,36.94 31.60,41.10"/>
    <edge id=":J0_6" function="internal">
        <lane id=":J0_6_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="22.20" shape="41.10,31.60 18.90,31.60"/>
    <edge id=":J0_7" function="internal">
        <lane id=":J0_7_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="2.51" shape="41.10,31.60 38.61,31.24"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Missing result in routes ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<routes xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/routes_file.xsd">
    <!-- Vehicles, persons and containers (sorted by depart) -->
    <vehicle id="trip_1" depart="0.00">
        <route edges="-E2 E3 -E3 E2" repeat="10"/>
    <vehicle id="trip_2" depart="0.00">
        <route edges="-E1 E0 -E0 E1" repeat="10"/>
    <vehicle id="trip_3" depart="0.00">
        <route edges="-E3 E2 -E2 E3" repeat="10"/>
    <vehicle id="trip_4" depart="0.00">
        <route edges="-E0 E1 -E1 E0" repeat="10"/>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : network trafficlights joined phases static name ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 393
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 802 - 404
< TestFunctions: Netedit closed successfully
> TestFunctions: Error closing Netedit
---------- New result in errorScreenshot ----------

IHDR1cIDATxw\%ž2DܫJŁ{uUYhkUnUjYۺ[PʐF$嫽\.}s	O#r1vj	

2v	`L:Kh#Vt0~U^Q~u6oSD@GjF0D"(jN5eJF)@ͨYMD0seSND$@/x<P2Y35<6/},_hѢ\cbp$

:tPzΞ=v={hݚc-Yu<oнR,n޼jժ;v}0i[|SeG6e=,s	=ncꛘs
zaE>}Fvv%O}#prx 3Jd󭬬4z-@ 0aq-hњc5i_~t{S_ʈG믿<x0*oݿ?$$dɒ%?uM6o߾3fpssOIIٿvToܤI7o<|P
$!C))/I&{׮]Vb<GW]^IU.]ڸqcwwwX|Ȃ"8qb޽|c/^MZ-?#>qnKP8s=z?zllllllΝ;q~MMfggs-^QF\aseUƍso'L0h {{49"""""z4SL)P/YDH`H3//=VVVVVVφ
vD"e֭[<^S""_~ϪI:qĉ'ٴaI˩	s
Xp!̬ۚN͚5;{ѣG}}}N6;cƌ͛GFF23{ܕ+WrMQA$YYY͜9388822͚5+//rzZvg0?^x1mڴ?x͚5;wڵ+(IiѢŹs;VRI&yfʕŪz*e[Ο?UV-$LDweZcW?~B}w`ڵbVZҭnbmm@Pn];;+Ww]|o߾"Hnd!+pĈb?s̼y(99}NbaÆw׷~P($Wٙ/)a++իWcnݺuD4rHn_gϞ?>/՟8q/fuq5_R[J~.
k&4hŊ0UVqHKNNn۶	scǎɬov+/=e3;kc?߁bpL,cPvݻwe"TRnݖ.]6p!CS0x{{9III?f-n3bĈ˗sԩ&W^uYޥ[6vunnn6l؍7
6˓҅}Çgftrr8pٳefJMMeg}vUzKP36>|xڵk׮UXs+WPGyM"ڶmСC׭[nOD|>rԨQ[_ťgϞӧOg7o:udmmmcc0@ Wښ+)**ںyׯ_oԨ͛740XPhkk%1gΜw^~ֶbŊDǶ񼽽SRRn͛7I<KWb5ۗKD 00p޽9syMFDk׮^z^^sXX@  ttꚙɶ\\\f?ȑ#DѣQFoسggֶ͚mۊ+es)[?k֬
6TZ5//ŅhvѳgΝ;Se̘1~Vɓ4iڷo_b۷+l(_fD~*U=x?P<{
kܤLfnd>Fs[VVSwϟ?PժUOnN$eWnmm͝,/""GDt޽*+=իWx6m.-jժ<nYTTTR%wڵBv

J{O~glbd+g̳MD"vcHn>HԨQ#5"oڴiuK,**b$:ľ֮]hѢ7;;-[^zFN>-3:{s/"ˉʪ^zBB@ 8z(;x-1c;>3gdddz蔩\rvvÇ[lYF&M>}v:z*U"JmСCl#M6eb<xUVY|ӧu)2_h䳴K[zKUÕ*,,dذ_&''sA&j[;VfKv3eSȴ;W~~@ (..fsLalFH$%%%\dC̖l"+]~ZPPF56HիWڵrssÞD")**b.X(KSʶ%[qq1{S,2I;qpN:mٲEzT

ܹg}ƕ:;;X,NKKSؔ{MD'O~پ}(--MB,q{{{|}QQٳǎ{yʔ)ǏOJJbgbqrr(Ux7#!!ڲ6o|ʔ)o$WJ^='''5׮]{Ŋk֬9uꔗז-[T.NNNƍ|ݻ'Oy)nKsm˖-CCCU`4}c_<y&tID2CZ@K$.D)ѣG%%%^^^gϞ>77ޞÒOO3gHof͚S4IwJ\[[[}l%/ʶd7j?Yܮ?~p̶t#z,=͛7gtޣLk㏰O>bŊކ]VcǎC۷o\\ݻyyy͚5w5oiTlfdd|]&SafffZZZ@@ljF)))ճ}1ٵkƌWE>nR/[mSN:eGUfškժUPPzj"bg+,,~Fdz===BÇW^/׳?lðiӆ<yR>W_]y	(~>Ӹ*mDTTTϘ1ѣG>>>?fMsСC|||?lW^OwGn2;wnʕkC/DDD888<yRJ칾ܾ:4{lPRu>4#ɝJDɧO5kѣGK'	~7)c
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Missing result in additionals ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<additional xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/additional_file.xsd">
    <!-- Detectors -->
    <inductionLoop id="E1_00" lane="-E2_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_01" lane="-E2_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_02" lane="E2_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_03" lane="E2_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_04" lane="-E1_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_05" lane="-E1_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_06" lane="E1_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_07" lane="E1_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_08" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_09" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_10" lane="E3_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_11" lane="E3_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_12" lane="-E0_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_13" lane="-E0_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_14" lane="E0_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_15" lane="E0_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/>
---------- Missing result in guisettingsoutput ----------
    <viewport zoom="120.00" x="30.00" y="30.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Missing result in net ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<net version="1.20" junctionCornerDetail="5" limitTurnSpeed="5.50" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/net_file.xsd">

    <location netOffset="30.00,-20.00" convBoundary="0.00,0.00,60.00,60.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.00,-10000000000.00,10000000000.00,10000000000.00" projParameter="!"/>

    <edge id=":J0_0" function="internal">
        <lane id=":J0_0_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.86" length="10.16" shape="25.20,41.10 24.81,38.34 23.62,36.37 21.66,35.19 18.90,34.80"/>
        <lane id=":J0_0_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="8.29" length="15.32" shape="28.40,41.10 27.81,36.94 26.02,33.98 23.06,32.19 18.90,31.60"/>
    <edge id=":J0_2" function="internal">
        <lane id=":J0_2_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="22.20" shape="28.40,41.10 28.40,18.90"/>
    <edge id=":J0_3" function="internal">
        <lane id=":J0_3_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="15.55" shape="28.40,41.10 29.19,35.54 31.57,31.58 35.54,29.19 36.22,29.10"/>
    <edge id=":J0_16" function="internal">
        <lane id=":J0_16_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="4.93" shape="36.22,29.10 41.10,28.40"/>
    <edge id=":J0_4" function="internal">
        <lane id=":J0_4_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.86" length="10.16" shape="41.10,34.80 38.34,35.19 36.37,36.38 35.19,38.34 34.80,41.10"/>
        <lane id=":J0_4_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="8.29" length="15.32" shape="41.10,31.60 36.94,32.19 33.98,33.98 32.19,36.94 31.60,41.10"/>
    <edge id=":J0_6" function="internal">
        <lane id=":J0_6_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="22.20" shape="41.10,31.60 18.90,31.60"/>
    <edge id=":J0_7" function="internal">
        <lane id=":J0_7_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="2.51" shape="41.10,31.60 38.61,31.24"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Missing result in routes ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<routes xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/routes_file.xsd">
    <!-- Vehicles, persons and containers (sorted by depart) -->
    <vehicle id="trip_1" depart="0.00">
        <route edges="-E2 E3 -E3 E2" repeat="10"/>
    <vehicle id="trip_2" depart="0.00">
        <route edges="-E1 E0 -E0 E1" repeat="10"/>
    <vehicle id="trip_3" depart="0.00">
        <route edges="-E3 E2 -E2 E3" repeat="10"/>
    <vehicle id="trip_4" depart="0.00">
        <route edges="-E0 E1 -E1 E0" repeat="10"/>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : network trafficlights joined phases static next ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 393
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 802 - 404
< TestFunctions: Netedit closed successfully
> TestFunctions: Error closing Netedit
---------- New result in errorScreenshot ----------

IHDR1cIDATxw\%RĽ*Um[pսWUvֽG݂Ud) a$?N1L2_7y9"(c cͤt2b%`L7WueWg36%Hi
GƎ{Ν˗/7̇V	DEKLL4\d"Mє)Q~xӶmۘ/^h#Gԯ_?++֭۷o֭0ҥK۴i&Mt!)r۫W޵k'ΐ[7U{oS&b7o@}VNz@9\JJJylgϞcǾ|RG|"<ɓ'o`Zca3g֬Ysر"(&&F毃‘0`+ڴiswܸqժUKJJڴi/®ׯ_aam֭[6.nݺ
:4  `۷o'"WW;;vl…jauW:uΜ9#A^^^ڵKY~5: QA&d?ī3w7n]gdggY,[+{?Qz'x>oeeCh!q㈈kAXiӦ?+W؛TF<||@ P@SoHHҥK<yr"6mZ~f̘6wܔ*kGM6}ͣGԩpܹ:uڻw-[>}޵rJ////**ZhE*;zJLL
iڈ*7!ܴi~[nNNNHZ1߳}kƮ@?*˖-kҤX,>~xDDDAAY[[?O>|>ĉK,~v
kҤ	W|>ܸqohhsxxxxx8ѣGcǎ


ubqZ[Sŋnݺvvv׮]czj~E"KݘBVV#b_eooܹQrrrΜ90LF߿/4h`ggwM"~z~"ZfX,/o>p@"9r$/X?b3빚/)-K?5QddÇCCCW\c^z5׈vڝ<ya{I?qzovݯ^RX62≘fffe4WQJwl277A
2gȑ\NJJz	n9tPv
6%%%2gl>zƍ7nܨXb.]VZ9hР#G޾}v1t׳ۧg5j6lpqqի|͛Ν;[[[Ba_z@D\I-Zyfƍo߾ͦAa*|	d̙37o޴X"屭eggx<{|
1w2ҕC@ ܿ#GgΜ9iӦܹs׭[Wz<ggS
4`m(>>…~~~Ϟ=SȌ36o\Z5I&)\?qDGuСbŊ;wT&@QqՉ:GUzyŗ<Pdzv|>Ɍahnjժ|6|瞞DTV->?Z%;=իW*V^5w>={у
5DTXX($Iqq1יYTT$ZPPp-Z׮]e/(((u%">}|駟$??36%؛2؍E"\D"Qƍ׈["j۶-->}@ 8rZnŋb__Çjժz7>{0}2w\Ed;{9YYYիWOHHǏgGoذa3f`GG}tܹR2+W>zhVjԨѴiӳgQnF]JvXC9rmYf4WÇnZz=?>{.X|veo\U2Y|eoʉ"Sl6d^6<DMv/RfKv3eSȴ;W~~@ (..fsLalFH$%%%\dC̖l"+]~ZPPF56H5kٳrssÞD")**b.X(KSʶ%[qq1{S,2I;ug}hѢΝ;o۶MzTҥ˧~ʕ:;;X,NKKSؔCD&M?pqTȞ%noo|9Ϸ/**={_~y՟~is=ydRR=(_D|>c)e			<֖==ֶE'O~#IRүz899)v+W\v3gmۦuqrr
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Missing result in additionals ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<additional xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/additional_file.xsd">
    <!-- Detectors -->
    <inductionLoop id="E1_00" lane="-E2_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_01" lane="-E2_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_02" lane="E2_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_03" lane="E2_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_04" lane="-E1_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_05" lane="-E1_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_06" lane="E1_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_07" lane="E1_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_08" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_09" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_10" lane="E3_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_11" lane="E3_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_12" lane="-E0_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_13" lane="-E0_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_14" lane="E0_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
    <inductionLoop id="E1_15" lane="E0_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/>
---------- Missing result in guisettingsoutput ----------
    <viewport zoom="120.00" x="30.00" y="30.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Missing result in net ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<net version="1.20" junctionCornerDetail="5" limitTurnSpeed="5.50" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/net_file.xsd">

    <location netOffset="30.00,-20.00" convBoundary="0.00,0.00,60.00,60.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.00,-10000000000.00,10000000000.00,10000000000.00" projParameter="!"/>

    <edge id=":J0_0" function="internal">
        <lane id=":J0_0_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.86" length="10.16" shape="25.20,41.10 24.81,38.34 23.62,36.37 21.66,35.19 18.90,34.80"/>
        <lane id=":J0_0_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="8.29" length="15.32" shape="28.40,41.10 27.81,36.94 26.02,33.98 23.06,32.19 18.90,31.60"/>
    <edge id=":J0_2" function="internal">
        <lane id=":J0_2_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="22.20" shape="28.40,41.10 28.40,18.90"/>
    <edge id=":J0_3" function="internal">
        <lane id=":J0_3_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="15.55" shape="28.40,41.10 29.19,35.54 31.57,31.58 35.54,29.19 36.22,29.10"/>
    <edge id=":J0_16" function="internal">
        <lane id=":J0_16_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="4.93" shape="36.22,29.10 41.10,28.40"/>
    <edge id=":J0_4" function="internal">
        <lane id=":J0_4_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.86" length="10.16" shape="41.10,34.80 38.34,35.19 36.37,36.38 35.19,38.34 34.80,41.10"/>
        <lane id=":J0_4_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="8.29" length="15.32" shape="41.10,31.60 36.94,32.19 33.98,33.98 32.19,36.94 31.60,41.10"/>
    <edge id=":J0_6" function="internal">
        <lane id=":J0_6_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="22.20" shape="41.10,31.60 18.90,31.60"/>
    <edge id=":J0_7" function="internal">
        <lane id=":J0_7_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="2.51" shape="41.10,31.60 38.61,31.24"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Missing result in routes ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<routes xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/routes_file.xsd">
    <!-- Vehicles, persons and containers (sorted by depart) -->
    <vehicle id="trip_1" depart="0.00">
        <route edges="-E2 E3 -E3 E2" repeat="10"/>
    <vehicle id="trip_2" depart="0.00">
        <route edges="-E1 E0 -E0 E1" repeat="10"/>
    <vehicle id="trip_3" depart="0.00">
        <route edges="-E3 E2 -E2 E3" repeat="10"/>
    <vehicle id="trip_4" depart="0.00">
        <route edges="-E0 E1 -E1 E0" repeat="10"/>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : network trafficlights joined phases static state ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

---------- Differences in additionals ----------
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_00" lane="-E2_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_01" lane="-E2_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_02" lane="E2_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_03" lane="E2_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_04" lane="-E1_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_05" lane="-E1_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_06" lane="E1_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_07" lane="E1_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_08" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_09" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_10" lane="E3_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_11" lane="E3_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_12" lane="-E0_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_13" lane="-E0_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_14" lane="E0_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_15" lane="E0_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_0" lane="E4_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_1" lane="E4_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_10" lane="E2_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_10.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_11" lane="E2_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_11.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_12" lane="-E5_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_12.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_13" lane="-E5_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_13.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_14" lane="E5_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_14.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_15" lane="E5_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_15.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_2" lane="-E4_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_3" lane="-E4_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_4" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_5" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ----------
<     <viewport zoom="120.00" x="30.00" y="30.00" angle="0.00"/>
>     <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Differences in net ----------
<     <location netOffset="30.00,-20.00" convBoundary="0.00,0.00,60.00,60.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.00,-10000000000.00,10000000000.00,10000000000.00" projParameter="!"/>
>     <location netOffset="0.00,0.00" convBoundary="-60.00,-30.00,60.00,30.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.000000,-10000000000.000000,10000000000.000000,10000000000.000000" projParameter="+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext +no_defs"/>
<     <edge id=":J0_0" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_0_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.86" length="10.16" shape="25.20,41.10 24.81,38.34 23.62,36.38 21.66,35.19 18.90,34.80"/>
<         <lane id=":J0_0_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="8.29" length="15.32" shape="28.40,41.10 27.81,36.94 26.02,33.98 23.06,32.19 18.90,31.60"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_2" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_2_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="22.20" shape="28.40,41.10 28.40,18.90"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_3" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_3_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="20.48" shape="28.40,41.10 29.19,35.54 31.57,31.58 35.54,29.19 41.10,28.40"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_4" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_4_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.86" length="10.16" shape="41.10,34.80 38.34,35.19 36.38,36.38 35.19,38.34 34.80,41.10"/>
<         <lane id=":J0_4_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="8.29" length="15.32" shape="41.10,31.60 36.94,32.19 33.98,33.98 32.19,36.94 31.60,41.10"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_6" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_6_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="22.20" shape="41.10,31.60 18.90,31.60"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_7" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_7_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="20.48" shape="41.10,31.60 35.54,30.81 31.58,28.43 29.19,24.46 28.40,18.90"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_8" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_8_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.86" length="10.16" shape="34.80,18.90 35.19,21.66 36.38,23.63 38.34,24.81 41.10,25.20"/>
<         <lane id=":J0_8_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="8.29" length="15.32" shape="31.60,18.90 32.19,23.06 33.98,26.02 36.94,27.81 41.10,28.40"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_10" function="internal">
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 393
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 802 - 404
---------- Differences in routes ----------
<     <vehicle id="trip_1" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E2 E3 -E3 E2" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
<     <vehicle id="trip_2" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E1 E0 -E0 E1" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
<     <vehicle id="trip_3" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E3 E2 -E2 E3" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
<     <vehicle id="trip_4" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E0 E1 -E1 E0" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
>     <trip id="t_0" depart="0.00" from="-E3" to="E4"/>
>     <trip id="t_1" depart="0.00" from="-E2" to="E3"/>
>     <trip id="t_2" depart="0.00" from="-E5" to="E2"/>
>     <trip id="t_3" depart="0.00" from="-E4" to="E5"/>
>     <flow id="f_0" begin="0.00" from="-E4" to="E2" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
>     <flow id="f_1" begin="0.00" from="-E2" to="E4" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
>     <flow id="f_2" begin="0.00" from="-E5" to="E3" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
>     <flow id="f_3" begin="0.00" from="-E3" to="E5" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
---------- New result in datas ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd">
    <interval id="set" begin="0.00" end="3600.00">
        <edgeRelation from="-E3" to="E4"/>
        <edgeRelation from="-E4" to="E5"/>
        <edgeRelation from="-E5" to="E2"/>
        <edgeRelation from="-E2" to="E3"/>

3 TESTS FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba :

---------- Differences in additionals ----------
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_00" lane="-E2_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_01" lane="-E2_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_02" lane="E2_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_03" lane="E2_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_04" lane="-E1_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_05" lane="-E1_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_06" lane="E1_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_07" lane="E1_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_08" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_09" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_10" lane="E3_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_11" lane="E3_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_12" lane="-E0_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_13" lane="-E0_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_14" lane="E0_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_15" lane="E0_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_0" lane="E4_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_1" lane="E4_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_10" lane="E2_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_10.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_11" lane="E2_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_11.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_12" lane="-E5_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_12.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_13" lane="-E5_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_13.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_14" lane="E5_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_14.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_15" lane="E5_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_15.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_2" lane="-E4_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_3" lane="-E4_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_4" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_5" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ----------
<     <viewport zoom="120.00" x="30.00" y="30.00" angle="0.00"/>
>     <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Differences in net ----------
<     <location netOffset="30.00,-20.00" convBoundary="0.00,0.00,60.00,60.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.00,-10000000000.00,10000000000.00,10000000000.00" projParameter="!"/>
>     <location netOffset="0.00,0.00" convBoundary="-60.00,-30.00,60.00,30.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.000000,-10000000000.000000,10000000000.000000,10000000000.000000" projParameter="+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext +no_defs"/>
<     <edge id=":J0_0" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_0_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.86" length="10.16" shape="25.20,41.10 24.81,38.34 23.62,36.37 21.66,35.19 18.90,34.80"/>
<         <lane id=":J0_0_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="8.29" length="15.32" shape="28.40,41.10 27.81,36.94 26.02,33.98 23.06,32.19 18.90,31.60"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_2" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_2_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="22.20" shape="28.40,41.10 28.40,18.90"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_3" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_3_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="5.01" shape="28.40,41.10 29.11,36.14"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_16" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_16_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="15.47" shape="29.11,36.14 29.19,35.54 31.57,31.58 35.54,29.19 41.10,28.40"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_4" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_4_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.86" length="10.16" shape="41.10,34.80 38.34,35.19 36.37,36.38 35.19,38.34 34.80,41.10"/>
<         <lane id=":J0_4_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="8.29" length="15.32" shape="41.10,31.60 36.94,32.19 33.98,33.98 32.19,36.94 31.60,41.10"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_6" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_6_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="22.20" shape="41.10,31.60 18.90,31.60"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_7" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_7_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="2.51" shape="41.10,31.60 38.61,31.24"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_17" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_17_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="17.97" shape="38.61,31.24 35.54,30.81 31.58,28.43 29.19,24.46 28.40,18.90"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 393
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 802 - 404
---------- Differences in routes ----------
<     <vehicle id="trip_1" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E2 E3 -E3 E2" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
<     <vehicle id="trip_2" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E1 E0 -E0 E1" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
<     <vehicle id="trip_3" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E3 E2 -E2 E3" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
<     <vehicle id="trip_4" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E0 E1 -E1 E0" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
>     <trip id="t_0" depart="0.00" from="-E3" to="E4"/>
>     <trip id="t_1" depart="0.00" from="-E2" to="E3"/>
>     <trip id="t_2" depart="0.00" from="-E5" to="E2"/>
>     <trip id="t_3" depart="0.00" from="-E4" to="E5"/>
>     <flow id="f_0" begin="0.00" from="-E4" to="E2" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
>     <flow id="f_1" begin="0.00" from="-E2" to="E4" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
>     <flow id="f_2" begin="0.00" from="-E5" to="E3" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
>     <flow id="f_3" begin="0.00" from="-E3" to="E5" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
---------- New result in datas ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd">
    <interval id="set" begin="0.00" end="3600.00">
        <edgeRelation from="-E3" to="E4"/>
        <edgeRelation from="-E4" to="E5"/>
        <edgeRelation from="-E5" to="E2"/>
        <edgeRelation from="-E2" to="E3"/>
network trafficlights joined programs delete ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights joined programs resetphase ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights single programs delete ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

3 TESTS FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba :

---------- Differences in additionals ----------
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_00" lane="-E2_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_01" lane="-E2_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_02" lane="E2_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_03" lane="E2_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_04" lane="-E1_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_05" lane="-E1_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_06" lane="E1_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_07" lane="E1_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_08" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_09" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_10" lane="E3_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_11" lane="E3_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_12" lane="-E0_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_13" lane="-E0_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_14" lane="E0_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_15" lane="E0_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_0" lane="E4_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_1" lane="E4_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_10" lane="E2_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_10.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_11" lane="E2_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_11.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_12" lane="-E5_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_12.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_13" lane="-E5_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_13.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_14" lane="E5_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_14.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_15" lane="E5_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_15.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_2" lane="-E4_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_3" lane="-E4_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_4" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_5" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ----------
<     <viewport zoom="120.00" x="30.00" y="30.00" angle="0.00"/>
>     <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Differences in net ----------
<     <location netOffset="30.00,-20.00" convBoundary="0.00,0.00,60.00,60.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.00,-10000000000.00,10000000000.00,10000000000.00" projParameter="!"/>
>     <location netOffset="0.00,0.00" convBoundary="-60.00,-30.00,60.00,30.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.000000,-10000000000.000000,10000000000.000000,10000000000.000000" projParameter="+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext +no_defs"/>
<     <edge id=":J0_0" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_0_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.86" length="10.16" shape="25.20,41.10 24.81,38.34 23.62,36.38 21.66,35.19 18.90,34.80"/>
<         <lane id=":J0_0_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="8.29" length="15.32" shape="28.40,41.10 27.81,36.94 26.02,33.98 23.06,32.19 18.90,31.60"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_2" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_2_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="22.20" shape="28.40,41.10 28.40,18.90"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_3" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_3_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="5.01" shape="28.40,41.10 29.11,36.14"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_16" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_16_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="15.47" shape="29.11,36.14 29.19,35.54 31.57,31.58 35.54,29.19 41.10,28.40"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_4" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_4_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.86" length="10.16" shape="41.10,34.80 38.34,35.19 36.38,36.38 35.19,38.34 34.80,41.10"/>
<         <lane id=":J0_4_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="8.29" length="15.32" shape="41.10,31.60 36.94,32.19 33.98,33.98 32.19,36.94 31.60,41.10"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_6" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_6_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="22.20" shape="41.10,31.60 18.90,31.60"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_7" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_7_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="5.01" shape="41.10,31.60 36.14,30.89"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_17" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_17_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="15.47" shape="36.14,30.89 35.54,30.81 31.58,28.43 29.19,24.46 28.40,18.90"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 393
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 802 - 404
---------- Differences in routes ----------
<     <vehicle id="trip_1" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E2 E3 -E3 E2" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
<     <vehicle id="trip_2" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E1 E0 -E0 E1" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
<     <vehicle id="trip_3" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E3 E2 -E2 E3" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
<     <vehicle id="trip_4" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E0 E1 -E1 E0" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
>     <trip id="t_0" depart="0.00" from="-E3" to="E4"/>
>     <trip id="t_1" depart="0.00" from="-E2" to="E3"/>
>     <trip id="t_2" depart="0.00" from="-E5" to="E2"/>
>     <trip id="t_3" depart="0.00" from="-E4" to="E5"/>
>     <flow id="f_0" begin="0.00" from="-E4" to="E2" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
>     <flow id="f_1" begin="0.00" from="-E2" to="E4" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
>     <flow id="f_2" begin="0.00" from="-E5" to="E3" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
>     <flow id="f_3" begin="0.00" from="-E3" to="E5" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
---------- New result in datas ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd">
    <interval id="set" begin="0.00" end="3600.00">
        <edgeRelation from="-E3" to="E4"/>
        <edgeRelation from="-E4" to="E5"/>
        <edgeRelation from="-E5" to="E2"/>
        <edgeRelation from="-E2" to="E3"/>
network trafficlights joined programs resetall ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights single programs resetall ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights single programs resetphase ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

53 TESTS FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba :

---------- Differences in additionals ----------
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_00" lane="-E2_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_01" lane="-E2_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_02" lane="E2_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_03" lane="E2_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_04" lane="-E1_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_05" lane="-E1_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_06" lane="E1_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_07" lane="E1_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_08" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_09" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_10" lane="E3_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_11" lane="E3_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_12" lane="-E0_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_13" lane="-E0_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_14" lane="E0_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_15" lane="E0_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_0" lane="E4_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_1" lane="E4_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_10" lane="E2_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_10.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_11" lane="E2_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_11.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_12" lane="-E5_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_12.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_13" lane="-E5_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_13.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_14" lane="E5_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_14.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_15" lane="E5_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_15.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_2" lane="-E4_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_3" lane="-E4_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_4" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_5" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ----------
<     <viewport zoom="120.00" x="30.00" y="30.00" angle="0.00"/>
>     <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Differences in net ----------
<     <location netOffset="30.00,-20.00" convBoundary="0.00,0.00,60.00,60.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.00,-10000000000.00,10000000000.00,10000000000.00" projParameter="!"/>
>     <location netOffset="0.00,0.00" convBoundary="-60.00,-30.00,60.00,30.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.000000,-10000000000.000000,10000000000.000000,10000000000.000000" projParameter="+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext +no_defs"/>
<     <edge id=":J0_0" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_0_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.86" length="10.16" shape="25.20,41.10 24.81,38.34 23.62,36.38 21.66,35.19 18.90,34.80"/>
<         <lane id=":J0_0_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="8.29" length="15.32" shape="28.40,41.10 27.81,36.94 26.02,33.98 23.06,32.19 18.90,31.60"/>
>     <edge id=":J3_0" function="internal">
>         <lane id=":J3_0_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.51" length="9.03" shape="-4.80,10.40 -5.15,7.95 -6.20,6.20 -7.95,5.15 -10.40,4.80"/>
<     <edge id=":J0_2" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_2_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="22.20" shape="28.40,41.10 28.40,18.90"/>
>     <edge id=":J3_1" function="internal">
>         <lane id=":J3_1_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="20.80" shape="-4.80,10.40 -4.80,-10.40"/>
>         <lane id=":J3_1_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="20.80" shape="-1.60,10.40 -1.60,-10.40"/>
<     <edge id=":J0_3" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_3_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="5.01" shape="28.40,41.10 29.11,36.14"/>
>     <edge id=":J3_3" function="internal">
>         <lane id=":J3_3_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.26" length="5.01" shape="-1.60,10.40 -0.89,5.44"/>
<     <edge id=":J0_16" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_16_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="15.47" shape="29.11,36.14 29.19,35.54 31.57,31.58 35.54,29.19 41.10,28.40"/>
>     <edge id=":J3_16" function="internal">
>         <lane id=":J3_16_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.26" length="14.34" shape="-0.89,5.44 -0.85,5.15 1.40,1.40 5.15,-0.85 10.40,-1.60"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 393
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 802 - 404
---------- Differences in routes ----------
<     <vehicle id="trip_1" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E2 E3 -E3 E2" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
<     <vehicle id="trip_2" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E1 E0 -E0 E1" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
<     <vehicle id="trip_3" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E3 E2 -E2 E3" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
<     <vehicle id="trip_4" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E0 E1 -E1 E0" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
>     <trip id="t_0" depart="0.00" from="-E3" to="E4"/>
>     <trip id="t_1" depart="0.00" from="-E2" to="E3"/>
>     <trip id="t_2" depart="0.00" from="-E5" to="E2"/>
>     <trip id="t_3" depart="0.00" from="-E4" to="E5"/>
>     <flow id="f_0" begin="0.00" from="-E4" to="E2" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
>     <flow id="f_1" begin="0.00" from="-E2" to="E4" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
>     <flow id="f_2" begin="0.00" from="-E5" to="E3" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
>     <flow id="f_3" begin="0.00" from="-E3" to="E5" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
---------- New result in datas ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd">
    <interval id="set" begin="0.00" end="3600.00">
        <edgeRelation from="-E3" to="E4"/>
        <edgeRelation from="-E4" to="E5"/>
        <edgeRelation from="-E5" to="E2"/>
        <edgeRelation from="-E2" to="E3"/>
network trafficlights single attributes offset ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights single create basic ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights single create copy ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights single create type ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights single phases actuated buttons add default ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights single phases actuated buttons add duplicate ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights single phases actuated buttons add greenpriority ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights single phases actuated buttons add red ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights single phases actuated buttons add yellow ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights single phases actuated buttons cleanstates ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights single phases actuated buttons delete ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights single phases actuated buttons groupsignals ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights single phases actuated buttons movedown ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights single phases actuated buttons moveup ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights single phases actuated buttons ungroupsignals ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights single phases actuated dur ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights single phases actuated earliestend ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights single phases actuated latestend ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights single phases actuated max ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights single phases actuated min ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights single phases actuated name ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights single phases actuated next ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights single phases actuated state ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights single phases delay_based buttons add default ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights single phases delay_based buttons add duplicate ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights single phases delay_based buttons add greenpriority ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights single phases delay_based buttons add red ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights single phases delay_based buttons add yellow ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights single phases delay_based buttons cleanstates ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights single phases delay_based buttons delete ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights single phases delay_based buttons groupsignals ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights single phases delay_based buttons movedown ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights single phases delay_based buttons moveup ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights single phases delay_based buttons ungroupsignals ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights single phases delay_based dur ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights single phases delay_based max ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights single phases delay_based min ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights single phases delay_based name ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights single phases delay_based next ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights single phases delay_based state ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights single phases static buttons add default ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights single phases static buttons add duplicate ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights single phases static buttons add greenpriority ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights single phases static buttons add red ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights single phases static buttons add yellow ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights single phases static buttons cleanstates ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights single phases static buttons delete ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights single phases static buttons groupsignals ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights single phases static buttons movedown ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights single phases static buttons moveup ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights single phases static buttons ungroupsignals ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights single phases static dur ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights single phases static next ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

8 TESTS FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba :

---------- Differences in additionals ----------
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_00" lane="-E2_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_01" lane="-E2_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_02" lane="E2_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_03" lane="E2_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_04" lane="-E1_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_05" lane="-E1_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_06" lane="E1_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_07" lane="E1_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_08" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_09" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_10" lane="E3_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_11" lane="E3_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_12" lane="-E0_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_13" lane="-E0_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_14" lane="E0_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_15" lane="E0_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_0" lane="E4_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_1" lane="E4_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_10" lane="E2_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_10.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_11" lane="E2_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_11.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_12" lane="-E5_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_12.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_13" lane="-E5_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_13.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_14" lane="E5_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_14.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_15" lane="E5_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_15.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_2" lane="-E4_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_3" lane="-E4_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_4" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_5" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ----------
<     <viewport zoom="120.00" x="30.00" y="30.00" angle="0.00"/>
>     <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Differences in net ----------
<     <location netOffset="30.00,-20.00" convBoundary="0.00,0.00,60.00,60.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.00,-10000000000.00,10000000000.00,10000000000.00" projParameter="!"/>
>     <location netOffset="0.00,0.00" convBoundary="-60.00,-30.00,60.00,30.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.000000,-10000000000.000000,10000000000.000000,10000000000.000000" projParameter="+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext +no_defs"/>
<     <edge id=":J0_0" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_0_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.86" length="10.16" shape="25.20,41.10 24.81,38.34 23.62,36.37 21.66,35.19 18.90,34.80"/>
<         <lane id=":J0_0_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="8.29" length="15.32" shape="28.40,41.10 27.81,36.94 26.02,33.98 23.06,32.19 18.90,31.60"/>
>     <edge id=":J3_0" function="internal">
>         <lane id=":J3_0_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.51" length="9.03" shape="-4.80,10.40 -5.15,7.95 -6.20,6.20 -7.95,5.15 -10.40,4.80"/>
<     <edge id=":J0_2" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_2_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="22.20" shape="28.40,41.10 28.40,18.90"/>
>     <edge id=":J3_1" function="internal">
>         <lane id=":J3_1_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="20.80" shape="-4.80,10.40 -4.80,-10.40"/>
>         <lane id=":J3_1_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="20.80" shape="-1.60,10.40 -1.60,-10.40"/>
<     <edge id=":J0_3" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_3_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="5.01" shape="28.40,41.10 29.11,36.14"/>
>     <edge id=":J3_3" function="internal">
>         <lane id=":J3_3_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.26" length="5.01" shape="-1.60,10.40 -0.89,5.44"/>
<     <edge id=":J0_16" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_16_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="15.47" shape="29.11,36.14 29.19,35.54 31.57,31.58 35.54,29.19 41.10,28.40"/>
>     <edge id=":J3_16" function="internal">
>         <lane id=":J3_16_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.26" length="14.34" shape="-0.89,5.44 -0.85,5.15 1.40,1.40 5.15,-0.85 10.40,-1.60"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 393
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 802 - 404
---------- Differences in routes ----------
<     <vehicle id="trip_1" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E2 E3 -E3 E2" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
<     <vehicle id="trip_2" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E1 E0 -E0 E1" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
<     <vehicle id="trip_3" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E3 E2 -E2 E3" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
<     <vehicle id="trip_4" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E0 E1 -E1 E0" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
>     <trip id="t_0" depart="0.00" from="-E3" to="E4"/>
>     <trip id="t_1" depart="0.00" from="-E2" to="E3"/>
>     <trip id="t_2" depart="0.00" from="-E5" to="E2"/>
>     <trip id="t_3" depart="0.00" from="-E4" to="E5"/>
>     <flow id="f_0" begin="0.00" from="-E4" to="E2" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
>     <flow id="f_1" begin="0.00" from="-E2" to="E4" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
>     <flow id="f_2" begin="0.00" from="-E5" to="E3" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
>     <flow id="f_3" begin="0.00" from="-E3" to="E5" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
---------- New result in datas ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd">
    <interval id="set" begin="0.00" end="3600.00">
        <edgeRelation from="-E3" to="E4"/>
        <edgeRelation from="-E4" to="E5"/>
        <edgeRelation from="-E5" to="E2"/>
        <edgeRelation from="-E2" to="E3"/>
network trafficlights single attributes parameters ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights single create id ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights single phases NEMA buttons add green ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights single phases actuated buttons add green ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights single phases delay_based buttons add green ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights single phases static buttons add green ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights single phases static name ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights single phases static state ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : network trafficlights single create overlapped ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

---------- Differences in additionals ----------
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_00" lane="-E2_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_01" lane="-E2_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_02" lane="E2_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_03" lane="E2_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_04" lane="-E1_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_05" lane="-E1_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_06" lane="E1_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_07" lane="E1_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_08" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_09" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_10" lane="E3_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_11" lane="E3_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_12" lane="-E0_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_13" lane="-E0_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_14" lane="E0_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_15" lane="E0_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_0" lane="E4_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_1" lane="E4_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_10" lane="E2_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_10.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_11" lane="E2_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_11.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_12" lane="-E5_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_12.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_13" lane="-E5_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_13.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_14" lane="E5_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_14.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_15" lane="E5_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_15.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_2" lane="-E4_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_3" lane="-E4_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_4" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_5" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ----------
<     <viewport zoom="120.00" x="30.00" y="30.00" angle="0.00"/>
>     <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Differences in net ----------
<     <location netOffset="30.00,-20.00" convBoundary="0.00,0.00,60.00,60.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.00,-10000000000.00,10000000000.00,10000000000.00" projParameter="!"/>
>     <location netOffset="0.00,0.00" convBoundary="-60.00,-30.00,60.00,30.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.000000,-10000000000.000000,10000000000.000000,10000000000.000000" projParameter="+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext +no_defs"/>
<     <edge id=":J0_0" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_0_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.86" length="10.16" shape="25.20,41.10 24.81,38.34 23.62,36.38 21.66,35.19 18.90,34.80"/>
<         <lane id=":J0_0_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="8.29" length="15.32" shape="28.40,41.10 27.81,36.94 26.02,33.98 23.06,32.19 18.90,31.60"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_2" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_2_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="22.20" shape="28.40,41.10 28.40,18.90"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_3" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_3_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="5.01" shape="28.40,41.10 29.11,36.14"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_16" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_16_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="15.47" shape="29.11,36.14 29.19,35.54 31.57,31.58 35.54,29.19 41.10,28.40"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_4" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_4_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.86" length="10.16" shape="41.10,34.80 38.34,35.19 36.38,36.38 35.19,38.34 34.80,41.10"/>
<         <lane id=":J0_4_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="8.29" length="15.32" shape="41.10,31.60 36.94,32.19 33.98,33.98 32.19,36.94 31.60,41.10"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_6" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_6_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="22.20" shape="41.10,31.60 18.90,31.60"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_7" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_7_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="20.48" shape="41.10,31.60 35.54,30.81 31.58,28.43 29.19,24.46 28.40,18.90"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J0_8" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_8_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.86" length="10.16" shape="34.80,18.90 35.19,21.66 36.38,23.63 38.34,24.81 41.10,25.20"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 393
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 802 - 404
---------- Differences in routes ----------
<     <vehicle id="trip_1" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E2 E3 -E3 E2" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
<     <vehicle id="trip_2" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E1 E0 -E0 E1" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
<     <vehicle id="trip_3" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E3 E2 -E2 E3" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
<     <vehicle id="trip_4" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E0 E1 -E1 E0" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
>     <trip id="t_0" depart="0.00" from="-E3" to="E4"/>
>     <trip id="t_1" depart="0.00" from="-E2" to="E3"/>
>     <trip id="t_2" depart="0.00" from="-E5" to="E2"/>
>     <trip id="t_3" depart="0.00" from="-E4" to="E5"/>
>     <flow id="f_0" begin="0.00" from="-E4" to="E2" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
>     <flow id="f_1" begin="0.00" from="-E2" to="E4" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
>     <flow id="f_2" begin="0.00" from="-E5" to="E3" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
>     <flow id="f_3" begin="0.00" from="-E3" to="E5" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
---------- New result in datas ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd">
    <interval id="set" begin="0.00" end="3600.00">
        <edgeRelation from="-E3" to="E4"/>
        <edgeRelation from="-E4" to="E5"/>
        <edgeRelation from="-E5" to="E2"/>
        <edgeRelation from="-E2" to="E3"/>

18 TESTS FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba :

---------- Differences in additionals ----------
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_00" lane="-E2_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_01" lane="-E2_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_02" lane="E2_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_03" lane="E2_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_04" lane="-E1_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_05" lane="-E1_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_06" lane="E1_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_07" lane="E1_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_08" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_09" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_10" lane="E3_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_11" lane="E3_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_12" lane="-E0_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_13" lane="-E0_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_14" lane="E0_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_15" lane="E0_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_0" lane="E4_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_1" lane="E4_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_10" lane="E2_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_10.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_11" lane="E2_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_11.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_12" lane="-E5_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_12.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_13" lane="-E5_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_13.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_14" lane="E5_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_14.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_15" lane="E5_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_15.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_2" lane="-E4_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_3" lane="-E4_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_4" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_5" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ----------
<     <viewport zoom="120.00" x="30.00" y="30.00" angle="0.00"/>
>     <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Differences in net ----------
<     <location netOffset="30.00,-20.00" convBoundary="0.00,0.00,60.00,60.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.00,-10000000000.00,10000000000.00,10000000000.00" projParameter="!"/>
>     <location netOffset="0.00,0.00" convBoundary="-60.00,-30.00,60.00,30.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.000000,-10000000000.000000,10000000000.000000,10000000000.000000" projParameter="+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext +no_defs"/>
<     <edge id=":J0_0" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_0_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.86" length="10.16" shape="25.20,41.10 24.81,38.34 23.62,36.38 21.66,35.19 18.90,34.80"/>
<         <lane id=":J0_0_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="8.29" length="15.32" shape="28.40,41.10 27.81,36.94 26.02,33.98 23.06,32.19 18.90,31.60"/>
>     <edge id=":J3_0" function="internal">
>         <lane id=":J3_0_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.51" length="9.03" shape="-4.80,10.40 -5.15,7.95 -6.20,6.20 -7.95,5.15 -10.40,4.80"/>
<     <edge id=":J0_2" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_2_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="22.20" shape="28.40,41.10 28.40,18.90"/>
>     <edge id=":J3_1" function="internal">
>         <lane id=":J3_1_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="20.80" shape="-4.80,10.40 -4.80,-10.40"/>
>         <lane id=":J3_1_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="20.80" shape="-1.60,10.40 -1.60,-10.40"/>
<     <edge id=":J0_3" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_3_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="20.48" shape="28.40,41.10 29.19,35.54 31.57,31.58 35.54,29.19 41.10,28.40"/>
>     <edge id=":J3_3" function="internal">
>         <lane id=":J3_3_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.26" length="5.01" shape="-1.60,10.40 -0.89,5.44"/>
<     <edge id=":J0_4" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_4_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.86" length="10.16" shape="41.10,34.80 38.34,35.19 36.38,36.38 35.19,38.34 34.80,41.10"/>
<         <lane id=":J0_4_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="8.29" length="15.32" shape="41.10,31.60 36.94,32.19 33.98,33.98 32.19,36.94 31.60,41.10"/>
>     <edge id=":J3_16" function="internal">
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 393
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 802 - 404
---------- Differences in routes ----------
<     <vehicle id="trip_1" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E2 E3 -E3 E2" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
<     <vehicle id="trip_2" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E1 E0 -E0 E1" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
<     <vehicle id="trip_3" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E3 E2 -E2 E3" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
<     <vehicle id="trip_4" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E0 E1 -E1 E0" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
>     <trip id="t_0" depart="0.00" from="-E3" to="E4"/>
>     <trip id="t_1" depart="0.00" from="-E2" to="E3"/>
>     <trip id="t_2" depart="0.00" from="-E5" to="E2"/>
>     <trip id="t_3" depart="0.00" from="-E4" to="E5"/>
>     <flow id="f_0" begin="0.00" from="-E4" to="E2" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
>     <flow id="f_1" begin="0.00" from="-E2" to="E4" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
>     <flow id="f_2" begin="0.00" from="-E5" to="E3" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
>     <flow id="f_3" begin="0.00" from="-E3" to="E5" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
---------- New result in datas ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd">
    <interval id="set" begin="0.00" end="3600.00">
        <edgeRelation from="-E3" to="E4"/>
        <edgeRelation from="-E4" to="E5"/>
        <edgeRelation from="-E5" to="E2"/>
        <edgeRelation from="-E2" to="E3"/>
network trafficlights single phases NEMA buttons add default ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights single phases NEMA buttons add duplicate ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights single phases NEMA buttons add greenpriority ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights single phases NEMA buttons add red ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights single phases NEMA buttons add yellow ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights single phases NEMA buttons cleanstates ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights single phases NEMA buttons delete ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights single phases NEMA buttons groupsignals ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights single phases NEMA buttons movedown ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights single phases NEMA buttons moveup ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights single phases NEMA buttons ungroupsignals ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights single phases NEMA dur ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights single phases NEMA min ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights single phases NEMA name ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights single phases NEMA next ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights single phases NEMA state ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights single phases NEMA vehext ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights single phases NEMA yellow ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : network trafficlights single phases NEMA buttons addstates ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

---------- Differences in additionals ----------
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_00" lane="-E2_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_01" lane="-E2_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_02" lane="E2_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_03" lane="E2_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_04" lane="-E1_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_05" lane="-E1_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_06" lane="E1_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_07" lane="E1_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_08" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_09" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_10" lane="E3_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_11" lane="E3_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_12" lane="-E0_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_13" lane="-E0_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_14" lane="E0_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_15" lane="E0_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_0" lane="E4_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_1" lane="E4_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_10" lane="E2_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_10.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_11" lane="E2_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_11.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_12" lane="-E5_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_12.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_13" lane="-E5_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_13.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_14" lane="E5_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_14.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_15" lane="E5_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_15.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_2" lane="-E4_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_3" lane="-E4_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_4" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_5" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ----------
<     <viewport zoom="120.00" x="30.00" y="30.00" angle="0.00"/>
>     <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Differences in log ----------
< Warning: Unused state in tlLogic 'J0', program '0' at tl-index 16
> Warning: Unused state in tlLogic 'J3', program '0' at tl-index 16
---------- Differences in net ----------
<     <location netOffset="30.00,-20.00" convBoundary="0.00,0.00,60.00,60.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.00,-10000000000.00,10000000000.00,10000000000.00" projParameter="!"/>
>     <location netOffset="0.00,0.00" convBoundary="-60.00,-30.00,60.00,30.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.000000,-10000000000.000000,10000000000.000000,10000000000.000000" projParameter="+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext +no_defs"/>
<     <edge id=":J0_0" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_0_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.86" length="10.16" shape="25.20,41.10 24.81,38.34 23.62,36.38 21.66,35.19 18.90,34.80"/>
<         <lane id=":J0_0_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="8.29" length="15.32" shape="28.40,41.10 27.81,36.94 26.02,33.98 23.06,32.19 18.90,31.60"/>
>     <edge id=":J3_0" function="internal">
>         <lane id=":J3_0_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.51" length="9.03" shape="-4.80,10.40 -5.15,7.95 -6.20,6.20 -7.95,5.15 -10.40,4.80"/>
<     <edge id=":J0_2" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_2_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="22.20" shape="28.40,41.10 28.40,18.90"/>
>     <edge id=":J3_1" function="internal">
>         <lane id=":J3_1_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="20.80" shape="-4.80,10.40 -4.80,-10.40"/>
>         <lane id=":J3_1_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="20.80" shape="-1.60,10.40 -1.60,-10.40"/>
<     <edge id=":J0_3" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_3_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="20.48" shape="28.40,41.10 29.19,35.54 31.57,31.58 35.54,29.19 41.10,28.40"/>
>     <edge id=":J3_3" function="internal">
>         <lane id=":J3_3_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.26" length="5.01" shape="-1.60,10.40 -0.89,5.44"/>
<     <edge id=":J0_4" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_4_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.86" length="10.16" shape="41.10,34.80 38.34,35.19 36.38,36.38 35.19,38.34 34.80,41.10"/>
<         <lane id=":J0_4_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="8.29" length="15.32" shape="41.10,31.60 36.94,32.19 33.98,33.98 32.19,36.94 31.60,41.10"/>
>     <edge id=":J3_16" function="internal">
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 393
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 802 - 404
---------- Differences in routes ----------
<     <vehicle id="trip_1" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E2 E3 -E3 E2" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
<     <vehicle id="trip_2" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E1 E0 -E0 E1" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
<     <vehicle id="trip_3" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E3 E2 -E2 E3" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
<     <vehicle id="trip_4" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E0 E1 -E1 E0" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
>     <trip id="t_0" depart="0.00" from="-E3" to="E4"/>
>     <trip id="t_1" depart="0.00" from="-E2" to="E3"/>
>     <trip id="t_2" depart="0.00" from="-E5" to="E2"/>
>     <trip id="t_3" depart="0.00" from="-E4" to="E5"/>
>     <flow id="f_0" begin="0.00" from="-E4" to="E2" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
>     <flow id="f_1" begin="0.00" from="-E2" to="E4" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
>     <flow id="f_2" begin="0.00" from="-E5" to="E3" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
>     <flow id="f_3" begin="0.00" from="-E3" to="E5" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
---------- New result in datas ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd">
    <interval id="set" begin="0.00" end="3600.00">
        <edgeRelation from="-E3" to="E4"/>
        <edgeRelation from="-E4" to="E5"/>
        <edgeRelation from="-E5" to="E2"/>
        <edgeRelation from="-E2" to="E3"/>

2 TESTS FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba :

---------- Differences in additionals ----------
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_00" lane="-E2_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_01" lane="-E2_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_02" lane="E2_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_03" lane="E2_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_04" lane="-E1_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_05" lane="-E1_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_06" lane="E1_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_07" lane="E1_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_08" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_09" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_10" lane="E3_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_11" lane="E3_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_12" lane="-E0_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_13" lane="-E0_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_14" lane="E0_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_15" lane="E0_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_0" lane="E4_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_1" lane="E4_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_10" lane="E2_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_10.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_11" lane="E2_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_11.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_12" lane="-E5_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_12.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_13" lane="-E5_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_13.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_14" lane="E5_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_14.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_15" lane="E5_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_15.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_2" lane="-E4_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_3" lane="-E4_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_4" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_5" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ----------
<     <viewport zoom="120.00" x="30.00" y="30.00" angle="0.00"/>
>     <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Differences in net ----------
<     <location netOffset="30.00,-20.00" convBoundary="0.00,0.00,60.00,60.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.00,-10000000000.00,10000000000.00,10000000000.00" projParameter="!"/>
>     <location netOffset="0.00,0.00" convBoundary="-60.00,-30.00,60.00,30.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.000000,-10000000000.000000,10000000000.000000,10000000000.000000" projParameter="+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext +no_defs"/>
<     <edge id=":J0_0" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_0_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.86" length="10.16" shape="25.20,41.10 24.81,38.34 23.62,36.37 21.66,35.19 18.90,34.80"/>
<         <lane id=":J0_0_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="8.29" length="15.32" shape="28.40,41.10 27.81,36.94 26.02,33.98 23.06,32.19 18.90,31.60"/>
>     <edge id=":J3_0" function="internal">
>         <lane id=":J3_0_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.51" length="9.03" shape="-4.80,10.40 -5.15,7.95 -6.20,6.20 -7.95,5.15 -10.40,4.80"/>
<     <edge id=":J0_2" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_2_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="22.20" shape="28.40,41.10 28.40,18.90"/>
>     <edge id=":J3_1" function="internal">
>         <lane id=":J3_1_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="20.80" shape="-4.80,10.40 -4.80,-10.40"/>
>         <lane id=":J3_1_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="20.80" shape="-1.60,10.40 -1.60,-10.40"/>
<     <edge id=":J0_3" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_3_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="20.48" shape="28.40,41.10 29.19,35.54 31.57,31.58 35.54,29.19 41.10,28.40"/>
>     <edge id=":J3_3" function="internal">
>         <lane id=":J3_3_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.26" length="5.01" shape="-1.60,10.40 -0.89,5.44"/>
<     <edge id=":J0_4" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_4_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.86" length="10.16" shape="41.10,34.80 38.34,35.19 36.37,36.38 35.19,38.34 34.80,41.10"/>
<         <lane id=":J0_4_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="8.29" length="15.32" shape="41.10,31.60 36.94,32.19 33.98,33.98 32.19,36.94 31.60,41.10"/>
>     <edge id=":J3_16" function="internal">
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 393
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 802 - 404
---------- Differences in routes ----------
<     <vehicle id="trip_1" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E2 E3 -E3 E2" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
<     <vehicle id="trip_2" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E1 E0 -E0 E1" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
<     <vehicle id="trip_3" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E3 E2 -E2 E3" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
<     <vehicle id="trip_4" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E0 E1 -E1 E0" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
>     <trip id="t_0" depart="0.00" from="-E3" to="E4"/>
>     <trip id="t_1" depart="0.00" from="-E2" to="E3"/>
>     <trip id="t_2" depart="0.00" from="-E5" to="E2"/>
>     <trip id="t_3" depart="0.00" from="-E4" to="E5"/>
>     <flow id="f_0" begin="0.00" from="-E4" to="E2" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
>     <flow id="f_1" begin="0.00" from="-E2" to="E4" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
>     <flow id="f_2" begin="0.00" from="-E5" to="E3" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
>     <flow id="f_3" begin="0.00" from="-E3" to="E5" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
---------- New result in datas ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd">
    <interval id="set" begin="0.00" end="3600.00">
        <edgeRelation from="-E3" to="E4"/>
        <edgeRelation from="-E4" to="E5"/>
        <edgeRelation from="-E5" to="E2"/>
        <edgeRelation from="-E2" to="E3"/>
network trafficlights single phases NEMA max ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights single phases NEMA red ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

3 TESTS FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba :

---------- Differences in additionals ----------
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_00" lane="-E2_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_01" lane="-E2_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_02" lane="E2_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_03" lane="E2_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_04" lane="-E1_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_05" lane="-E1_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_06" lane="E1_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_07" lane="E1_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_08" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_09" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_10" lane="E3_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_11" lane="E3_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_12" lane="-E0_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_13" lane="-E0_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_14" lane="E0_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="E1_15" lane="E0_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_0" lane="E4_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_1" lane="E4_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_10" lane="E2_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_10.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_11" lane="E2_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_11.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_12" lane="-E5_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_12.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_13" lane="-E5_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_13.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_14" lane="E5_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_14.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_15" lane="E5_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_15.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_2" lane="-E4_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_3" lane="-E4_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_4" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/>
>     <inductionLoop id="e1_5" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ----------
<     <viewport zoom="120.00" x="30.00" y="30.00" angle="0.00"/>
>     <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Differences in log ----------
< Warning: Unused state in tlLogic 'J0', program '0' at tl-index 16
> Warning: Unused state in tlLogic 'J3', program '0' at tl-index 16
---------- Differences in net ----------
<     <location netOffset="30.00,-20.00" convBoundary="0.00,0.00,60.00,60.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.00,-10000000000.00,10000000000.00,10000000000.00" projParameter="!"/>
>     <location netOffset="0.00,0.00" convBoundary="-60.00,-30.00,60.00,30.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.000000,-10000000000.000000,10000000000.000000,10000000000.000000" projParameter="+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext +no_defs"/>
<     <edge id=":J0_0" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_0_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.86" length="10.16" shape="25.20,41.10 24.81,38.34 23.62,36.38 21.66,35.19 18.90,34.80"/>
<         <lane id=":J0_0_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="8.29" length="15.32" shape="28.40,41.10 27.81,36.94 26.02,33.98 23.06,32.19 18.90,31.60"/>
>     <edge id=":J3_0" function="internal">
>         <lane id=":J3_0_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.51" length="9.03" shape="-4.80,10.40 -5.15,7.95 -6.20,6.20 -7.95,5.15 -10.40,4.80"/>
<     <edge id=":J0_2" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_2_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="22.20" shape="28.40,41.10 28.40,18.90"/>
>     <edge id=":J3_1" function="internal">
>         <lane id=":J3_1_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="20.80" shape="-4.80,10.40 -4.80,-10.40"/>
>         <lane id=":J3_1_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="20.80" shape="-1.60,10.40 -1.60,-10.40"/>
<     <edge id=":J0_3" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_3_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="5.01" shape="28.40,41.10 29.11,36.14"/>
>     <edge id=":J3_3" function="internal">
>         <lane id=":J3_3_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.26" length="5.01" shape="-1.60,10.40 -0.89,5.44"/>
<     <edge id=":J0_16" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J0_16_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="15.47" shape="29.11,36.14 29.19,35.54 31.57,31.58 35.54,29.19 41.10,28.40"/>
>     <edge id=":J3_16" function="internal">
>         <lane id=":J3_16_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.26" length="14.34" shape="-0.89,5.44 -0.85,5.15 1.40,1.40 5.15,-0.85 10.40,-1.60"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 393
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 802 - 404
---------- Differences in routes ----------
<     <vehicle id="trip_1" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E2 E3 -E3 E2" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
<     <vehicle id="trip_2" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E1 E0 -E0 E1" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
<     <vehicle id="trip_3" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E3 E2 -E2 E3" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
<     <vehicle id="trip_4" depart="0.00">
<         <route edges="-E0 E1 -E1 E0" repeat="10"/>
<     </vehicle>
>     <trip id="t_0" depart="0.00" from="-E3" to="E4"/>
>     <trip id="t_1" depart="0.00" from="-E2" to="E3"/>
>     <trip id="t_2" depart="0.00" from="-E5" to="E2"/>
>     <trip id="t_3" depart="0.00" from="-E4" to="E5"/>
>     <flow id="f_0" begin="0.00" from="-E4" to="E2" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
>     <flow id="f_1" begin="0.00" from="-E2" to="E4" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
>     <flow id="f_2" begin="0.00" from="-E5" to="E3" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
>     <flow id="f_3" begin="0.00" from="-E3" to="E5" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/>
---------- New result in datas ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd">
    <interval id="set" begin="0.00" end="3600.00">
        <edgeRelation from="-E3" to="E4"/>
        <edgeRelation from="-E4" to="E5"/>
        <edgeRelation from="-E5" to="E2"/>
        <edgeRelation from="-E2" to="E3"/>
network trafficlights single phases actuated buttons addstates ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights single phases delay_based buttons addstates ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights single phases static buttons addstates ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

Detailed information for the tests that had known bugs:

7 TESTS had known bugs (Test needed #3045) on ts-sim-build-ba :

(This bug was triggered by text found in file 'errors' matching 'python: can't open file')
---------- New result in errors ----------
python: can't open file '<TEXTTEST_SANDBOX>/test.py': [Errno 2] No such file or directory
network trafficlights joined attributes E1 ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights joined file load ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights joined file save ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights joined programs select ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights single attributes E1 ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights single file load ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network trafficlights single file save ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

TEST had known bugs (Test needed #3045) on ts-sim-build-ba : network trafficlights single programs select ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

(This bug was triggered by text found in file 'errors' matching 'python: can't open file')
---------- Differences in errors ----------
< python: can't open file '/home/palcraft/.texttest/tmp/netedit.daily.net.trafficlights.26Jan095536.11298/netedit.daily.net.trafficlights/netelements/trafficlights/single/programs/select/test.py': [Errno 2] No such file or directory
> python: can't open file '<TEXTTEST_SANDBOX>/test.py': [Errno 2] No such file or directory