texttest -a sumo -d /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/tests -reconnect /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/texttesttmp/extra_clang3_64D.31Oct110829.812956 -g
texttest -a sumo -d /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/tests
---------- Differences in tripinfos ---------- 29d28 < <tripinfo id="type1.37" depart="93.00" departLane="gneE0_0" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="56.00" arrival="214.00" arrivalLane="gneE1_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="121.00" routeLength="998.85" waitingTime="34.00" waitingCount="3" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="48.46" rerouteNo="1" devices="vehroute_type1.37 tripinfo_type1.37 routing_type1.37" vType="car" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/> 31,32c30,31 < <tripinfo id="type1.38" depart="96.00" departLane="gneE0_0" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="58.00" arrival="265.00" arrivalLane="gneE1_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="169.00" routeLength="998.85" waitingTime="78.00" waitingCount="3" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="96.58" rerouteNo="1" devices="vehroute_type1.38 tripinfo_type1.38 routing_type1.38" vType="car" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="type1.39" depart="99.00" departLane="gneE0_0" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="60.00" arrival="266.00" arrivalLane="gneE1_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="167.00" routeLength="998.85" waitingTime="77.00" waitingCount="2" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="95.02" rerouteNo="1" devices="vehroute_type1.39 tripinfo_type1.39 routing_type1.39" vType="car" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/> --- > <tripinfo id="type1.40" depart="102.00" departLane="gneE0_0" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="62.00" arrival="265.00" arrivalLane="gneE1_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="163.00" routeLength="998.85" waitingTime="73.00" waitingCount="3" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="90.58" rerouteNo="2" devices="vehroute_type1.40 tripinfo_type1.40 routing_type1.40" vType="car" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/> > <tripinfo id="type1.41" depart="105.00" departLane="gneE0_0" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="64.00" arrival="266.00" arrivalLane="gneE1_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="161.00" routeLength="998.85" waitingTime="71.00" waitingCount="3" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="89.02" rerouteNo="2" devices="vehroute_type1.41 tripinfo_type1.41 routing_type1.41" vType="car" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/> 35c34 < <tripinfo id="type1.40" depart="102.00" departLane="gneE0_0" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="62.00" arrival="268.00" arrivalLane="gneE1_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="166.00" routeLength="998.85" waitingTime="77.00" waitingCount="2" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="93.45" rerouteNo="1" devices="vehroute_type1.40 tripinfo_type1.40 routing_type1.40" vType="car" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/> --- > <tripinfo id="type1.42" depart="108.00" departLane="gneE0_0" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="66.00" arrival="268.00" arrivalLane="gneE1_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="160.00" routeLength="998.85" waitingTime="70.00" waitingCount="3" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="87.45" rerouteNo="2" devices="vehroute_type1.42 tripinfo_type1.42 routing_type1.42" vType="car" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/> 37c36 < <tripinfo id="type1.41" depart="105.00" departLane="gneE0_0" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="64.00" arrival="269.00" arrivalLane="gneE1_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="164.00" routeLength="998.85" waitingTime="77.00" waitingCount="2" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="91.88" rerouteNo="1" devices="vehroute_type1.41 tripinfo_type1.41 routing_type1.41" vType="car" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/> --- > <tripinfo id="type1.43" depart="111.00" departLane="gneE0_0" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="68.00" arrival="269.00" arrivalLane="gneE1_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="158.00" routeLength="998.85" waitingTime="69.00" waitingCount="3" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="85.88" rerouteNo="1" devices="vehroute_type1.43 tripinfo_type1.43 routing_type1.43" vType="car" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/> 39c38 < <tripinfo id="type1.42" depart="108.00" departLane="gneE0_0" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="66.00" arrival="271.00" arrivalLane="gneE1_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="163.00" routeLength="998.85" waitingTime="77.00" waitingCount="2" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="90.31" rerouteNo="1" devices="vehroute_type1.42 tripinfo_type1.42 routing_type1.42" vType="car" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/> --- > <tripinfo id="type1.44" depart="114.00" departLane="gneE0_0" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="70.00" arrival="271.00" arrivalLane="gneE1_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="157.00" routeLength="998.85" waitingTime="69.00" waitingCount="3" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="84.31" rerouteNo="1" devices="vehroute_type1.44 tripinfo_type1.44 routing_type1.44" vType="car" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/> 41c40 < <tripinfo id="type1.43" depart="111.00" departLane="gneE0_0" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="68.00" arrival="272.00" arrivalLane="gneE1_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="161.00" routeLength="998.85" waitingTime="75.00" waitingCount="2" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="88.74" rerouteNo="1" devices="vehroute_type1.43 tripinfo_type1.43 routing_type1.43" vType="car" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/> --- > <tripinfo id="type1.45" depart="121.00" departLane="gneE0_0" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="76.00" arrival="272.00" arrivalLane="gneE1_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="151.00" routeLength="998.85" waitingTime="65.00" waitingCount="2" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="78.74" rerouteNo="1" devices="vehroute_type1.45 tripinfo_type1.45 routing_type1.45" vType="car" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/> 43,204c42,204 < <tripinfo id="type1.44" depart="114.00" departLane="gneE0_0" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="70.00" arrival="274.00" arrivalLane="gneE1_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="160.00" routeLength="998.85" waitingTime="74.00" waitingCount="2" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="87.18" rerouteNo="1" devices="vehroute_type1.44 tripinfo_type1.44 routing_type1.44" vType="car" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="type1.24" depart="56.00" departLane="gneE0_0" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="32.00" arrival="275.00" arrivalLane="gneE1_1" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="219.00" routeLength="996.75" waitingTime="122.00" waitingCount="7" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="146.90" rerouteNo="1" devices="vehroute_type1.24 tripinfo_type1.24 routing_type1.24" vType="car" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="type1.45" depart="117.00" departLane="gneE0_0" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="72.00" arrival="275.00" arrivalLane="gneE1_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="158.00" routeLength="998.85" waitingTime="72.00" waitingCount="2" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="85.61" rerouteNo="1" devices="vehroute_type1.45 tripinfo_type1.45 routing_type1.45" vType="car" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="type1.46" depart="120.00" departLane="gneE0_0" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="74.00" arrival="276.00" arrivalLane="gneE1_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="156.00" routeLength="998.85" waitingTime="71.00" waitingCount="2" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="84.04" rerouteNo="1" devices="vehroute_type1.46 tripinfo_type1.46 routing_type1.46" vType="car" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="type1.25" depart="58.00" departLane="gneE0_0" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="33.00" arrival="277.00" arrivalLane="gneE1_1" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="219.00" routeLength="996.75" waitingTime="122.00" waitingCount="7" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="146.33" rerouteNo="1" devices="vehroute_type1.25 tripinfo_type1.25 routing_type1.25" vType="car" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in vehroutes ---------- 101,104d100 < <vehicle id="type1.37" type="car" depart="93.00" color="yellow" arrival="214.00"> < <route edges="gneE0 0/0to1/0 1/0to2/0 2/0to2/1 2/1to2/2 gneE1"/> < </vehicle> < 109,110c105,109 < <vehicle id="type1.38" type="car" depart="96.00" color="yellow" arrival="265.00"> < <route edges="gneE0 0/0to1/0 1/0to2/0 2/0to2/1 2/1to2/2 gneE1"/> --- > <vehicle id="type1.40" type="car" depart="102.00" color="yellow" arrival="265.00"> > <routeDistribution> > <route replacedOnEdge="gneE0" reason="device.rerouting" replacedAtTime="102.00" probability="0" edges="gneE0 0/0to0/1 0/1to0/2 0/2to1/2 1/2to2/2 gneE1"/> > <route edges="gneE0 0/0to1/0 1/0to2/0 2/0to2/1 2/1to2/2 gneE1"/> > </routeDistribution> 113,114c112,116 < <vehicle id="type1.39" type="car" depart="99.00" color="yellow" arrival="266.00"> < <route edges="gneE0 0/0to1/0 1/0to2/0 2/0to2/1 2/1to2/2 gneE1"/> --- > <vehicle id="type1.41" type="car" depart="105.00" color="yellow" arrival="266.00"> > <routeDistribution> > <route replacedOnEdge="gneE0" reason="device.rerouting" replacedAtTime="105.00" probability="0" edges="gneE0 0/0to0/1 0/1to0/2 0/2to1/2 1/2to2/2 gneE1"/> > <route edges="gneE0 0/0to1/0 1/0to2/0 2/0to2/1 2/1to2/2 gneE1"/> > </routeDistribution> 125,126c127,131 < <vehicle id="type1.40" type="car" depart="102.00" color="yellow" arrival="268.00"> < <route edges="gneE0 0/0to1/0 1/0to2/0 2/0to2/1 2/1to2/2 gneE1"/> --- > <vehicle id="type1.42" type="car" depart="108.00" color="yellow" arrival="268.00"> > <routeDistribution> > <route replacedOnEdge="gneE0" reason="device.rerouting" replacedAtTime="108.00" probability="0" edges="gneE0 0/0to0/1 0/1to0/2 0/2to1/2 1/2to2/2 gneE1"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in tripinfos ---------- 5,21c5,21 < <tripinfo id="type1.0" depart="0.00" departLane="gneE0_0" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="115.00" arrivalLane="gneE1_1" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="115.00" routeLength="994.90" waitingTime="27.00" waitingCount="2" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="43.06" rerouteNo="1" devices="vehroute_type1.0 tripinfo_type1.0 routing_type1.0" vType="car" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="type1.1" depart="3.00" departLane="gneE0_0" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="2.00" arrival="117.00" arrivalLane="gneE1_1" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="114.00" routeLength="994.90" waitingTime="25.00" waitingCount="2" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="41.49" rerouteNo="1" devices="vehroute_type1.1 tripinfo_type1.1 routing_type1.1" vType="car" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="type1.2" depart="5.00" departLane="gneE0_0" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="3.00" arrival="118.00" arrivalLane="gneE1_1" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="113.00" routeLength="994.90" waitingTime="25.00" waitingCount="2" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="40.92" rerouteNo="1" devices="vehroute_type1.2 tripinfo_type1.2 routing_type1.2" vType="car" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="type1.3" depart="7.00" departLane="gneE0_0" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="4.00" arrival="133.00" arrivalLane="gneE1_1" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="126.00" routeLength="994.90" waitingTime="42.00" waitingCount="1" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="54.23" rerouteNo="1" devices="vehroute_type1.3 tripinfo_type1.3 routing_type1.3" vType="car" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="type1.13" depart="28.00" departLane="gneE0_0" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="15.00" arrival="185.00" arrivalLane="gneE1_1" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="157.00" routeLength="994.90" waitingTime="63.00" waitingCount="3" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="85.06" rerouteNo="1" devices="vehroute_type1.13 tripinfo_type1.13 routing_type1.13" vType="car" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="type1.14" depart="31.00" departLane="gneE0_0" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="17.00" arrival="187.00" arrivalLane="gneE1_1" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="156.00" routeLength="994.90" waitingTime="61.00" waitingCount="3" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="83.49" rerouteNo="1" devices="vehroute_type1.14 tripinfo_type1.14 routing_type1.14" vType="car" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="type1.15" depart="34.00" departLane="gneE0_0" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="19.00" arrival="188.00" arrivalLane="gneE1_1" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="154.00" routeLength="994.90" waitingTime="59.00" waitingCount="3" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="81.92" rerouteNo="1" devices="vehroute_type1.15 tripinfo_type1.15 routing_type1.15" vType="car" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="type1.16" depart="37.00" departLane="gneE0_0" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="21.00" arrival="189.00" arrivalLane="gneE1_1" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="152.00" routeLength="994.90" waitingTime="57.00" waitingCount="3" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="80.35" rerouteNo="1" devices="vehroute_type1.16 tripinfo_type1.16 routing_type1.16" vType="car" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="type1.4" depart="9.00" departLane="gneE0_0" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="5.00" arrival="191.00" arrivalLane="gneE1_1" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="182.00" routeLength="994.90" waitingTime="87.00" waitingCount="3" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="109.79" rerouteNo="1" devices="vehroute_type1.4 tripinfo_type1.4 routing_type1.4" vType="car" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="type1.5" depart="11.00" departLane="gneE0_0" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="6.00" arrival="192.00" arrivalLane="gneE1_1" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="181.00" routeLength="994.90" waitingTime="86.00" waitingCount="3" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="109.22" rerouteNo="1" devices="vehroute_type1.5 tripinfo_type1.5 routing_type1.5" vType="car" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="type1.6" depart="13.00" departLane="gneE0_0" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="7.00" arrival="194.00" arrivalLane="gneE1_1" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="181.00" routeLength="994.90" waitingTime="86.00" waitingCount="3" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="108.65" rerouteNo="1" devices="vehroute_type1.6 tripinfo_type1.6 routing_type1.6" vType="car" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="type1.7" depart="15.00" departLane="gneE0_0" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="8.00" arrival="195.00" arrivalLane="gneE1_1" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="180.00" routeLength="994.90" waitingTime="82.00" waitingCount="3" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="108.08" rerouteNo="1" devices="vehroute_type1.7 tripinfo_type1.7 routing_type1.7" vType="car" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="type1.8" depart="17.00" departLane="gneE0_0" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="9.00" arrival="197.00" arrivalLane="gneE1_1" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="180.00" routeLength="994.90" waitingTime="82.00" waitingCount="3" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="107.51" rerouteNo="1" devices="vehroute_type1.8 tripinfo_type1.8 routing_type1.8" vType="car" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="type1.9" depart="18.00" departLane="gneE0_0" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="9.00" arrival="198.00" arrivalLane="gneE1_1" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="180.00" routeLength="994.90" waitingTime="81.00" waitingCount="4" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="107.95" rerouteNo="1" devices="vehroute_type1.9 tripinfo_type1.9 routing_type1.9" vType="car" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="type1.10" depart="20.00" departLane="gneE0_0" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="10.00" arrival="199.00" arrivalLane="gneE1_1" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="179.00" routeLength="994.90" waitingTime="80.00" waitingCount="4" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="107.38" rerouteNo="1" devices="vehroute_type1.10 tripinfo_type1.10 routing_type1.10" vType="car" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="type1.11" depart="23.00" departLane="gneE0_0" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="12.00" arrival="201.00" arrivalLane="gneE1_1" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="178.00" routeLength="994.90" waitingTime="80.00" waitingCount="4" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="105.81" rerouteNo="1" devices="vehroute_type1.11 tripinfo_type1.11 routing_type1.11" vType="car" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="type1.12" depart="25.00" departLane="gneE0_0" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="13.00" arrival="202.00" arrivalLane="gneE1_1" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="177.00" routeLength="994.90" waitingTime="80.00" waitingCount="4" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="105.24" rerouteNo="1" devices="vehroute_type1.12 tripinfo_type1.12 routing_type1.12" vType="car" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/> --- > <tripinfo id="type1.0" depart="0.00" departLane="gneE0_0" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="115.00" arrivalLane="gneE1_1" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="115.00" routeLength="994.90" waitingTime="32.00" waitingCount="1" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="43.06" rerouteNo="1" devices="vehroute_type1.0 tripinfo_type1.0 routing_type1.0" vType="car" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/> > <tripinfo id="type1.1" depart="3.00" departLane="gneE0_0" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="2.00" arrival="185.00" arrivalLane="gneE1_1" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="182.00" routeLength="994.90" waitingTime="88.00" waitingCount="3" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="110.06" rerouteNo="1" devices="vehroute_type1.1 tripinfo_type1.1 routing_type1.1" vType="car" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/> > <tripinfo id="type1.2" depart="5.00" departLane="gneE0_0" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="3.00" arrival="187.00" arrivalLane="gneE1_1" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="182.00" routeLength="994.90" waitingTime="88.00" waitingCount="3" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="109.49" rerouteNo="1" devices="vehroute_type1.2 tripinfo_type1.2 routing_type1.2" vType="car" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/> > <tripinfo id="type1.3" depart="7.00" departLane="gneE0_0" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="4.00" arrival="188.00" arrivalLane="gneE1_1" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="181.00" routeLength="994.90" waitingTime="80.00" waitingCount="4" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="108.92" rerouteNo="1" devices="vehroute_type1.3 tripinfo_type1.3 routing_type1.3" vType="car" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/> > <tripinfo id="type1.4" depart="9.00" departLane="gneE0_0" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="5.00" arrival="189.00" arrivalLane="gneE1_1" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="180.00" routeLength="994.90" waitingTime="80.00" waitingCount="4" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="108.35" rerouteNo="1" devices="vehroute_type1.4 tripinfo_type1.4 routing_type1.4" vType="car" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/> > <tripinfo id="type1.5" depart="11.00" departLane="gneE0_0" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="6.00" arrival="191.00" arrivalLane="gneE1_1" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="180.00" routeLength="994.90" waitingTime="78.00" waitingCount="4" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="107.79" rerouteNo="1" devices="vehroute_type1.5 tripinfo_type1.5 routing_type1.5" vType="car" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/> > <tripinfo id="type1.6" depart="13.00" departLane="gneE0_0" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="7.00" arrival="192.00" arrivalLane="gneE1_1" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="179.00" routeLength="994.90" waitingTime="78.00" waitingCount="4" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="107.22" rerouteNo="1" devices="vehroute_type1.6 tripinfo_type1.6 routing_type1.6" vType="car" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/> > <tripinfo id="type1.7" depart="15.00" departLane="gneE0_0" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="8.00" arrival="194.00" arrivalLane="gneE1_1" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="179.00" routeLength="994.90" waitingTime="76.00" waitingCount="4" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="106.65" rerouteNo="1" devices="vehroute_type1.7 tripinfo_type1.7 routing_type1.7" vType="car" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/> > <tripinfo id="type1.8" depart="17.00" departLane="gneE0_0" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="9.00" arrival="195.00" arrivalLane="gneE1_1" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="178.00" routeLength="994.90" waitingTime="76.00" waitingCount="4" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="106.08" rerouteNo="1" devices="vehroute_type1.8 tripinfo_type1.8 routing_type1.8" vType="car" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/> > <tripinfo id="type1.9" depart="18.00" departLane="gneE0_0" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="9.00" arrival="197.00" arrivalLane="gneE1_1" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="179.00" routeLength="994.90" waitingTime="74.00" waitingCount="5" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="106.51" rerouteNo="1" devices="vehroute_type1.9 tripinfo_type1.9 routing_type1.9" vType="car" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/> > <tripinfo id="type1.10" depart="20.00" departLane="gneE0_0" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="10.00" arrival="198.00" arrivalLane="gneE1_1" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="178.00" routeLength="994.90" waitingTime="72.00" waitingCount="5" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="105.95" rerouteNo="1" devices="vehroute_type1.10 tripinfo_type1.10 routing_type1.10" vType="car" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in vehroutes ---------- 6c6 < <route edges="gneE0 0-0to0-1 0-1to0-2 0-2to1-2 1-2to2-2 gneE1"/> --- > <route edges="gneE0 0-0to0-1 0-1to1-1 1-1to1-2 1-2to2-2 gneE1"/> 9,10c9,10 < <vehicle id="type1.1" type="car" depart="3.00" color="yellow" arrival="117.00"> < <route edges="gneE0 0-0to0-1 0-1to0-2 0-2to1-2 1-2to2-2 gneE1"/> --- > <vehicle id="type1.1" type="car" depart="3.00" color="yellow" arrival="185.00"> > <route edges="gneE0 0-0to0-1 0-1to1-1 1-1to1-2 1-2to2-2 gneE1"/> 13,14c13,14 < <vehicle id="type1.2" type="car" depart="5.00" color="yellow" arrival="118.00"> < <route edges="gneE0 0-0to0-1 0-1to0-2 0-2to1-2 1-2to2-2 gneE1"/> --- > <vehicle id="type1.2" type="car" depart="5.00" color="yellow" arrival="187.00"> > <route edges="gneE0 0-0to0-1 0-1to1-1 1-1to1-2 1-2to2-2 gneE1"/> 17,18c17,18 < <vehicle id="type1.3" type="car" depart="7.00" color="yellow" arrival="133.00"> < <route edges="gneE0 0-0to0-1 0-1to0-2 0-2to1-2 1-2to2-2 gneE1"/> --- > <vehicle id="type1.3" type="car" depart="7.00" color="yellow" arrival="188.00"> > <route edges="gneE0 0-0to0-1 0-1to1-1 1-1to1-2 1-2to2-2 gneE1"/> 21,22c21,22 < <vehicle id="type1.13" type="car" depart="28.00" color="yellow" arrival="185.00"> < <route edges="gneE0 0-0to1-0 1-0to1-1 1-1to1-2 1-2to2-2 gneE1"/> --- > <vehicle id="type1.4" type="car" depart="9.00" color="yellow" arrival="189.00"> > <route edges="gneE0 0-0to0-1 0-1to1-1 1-1to1-2 1-2to2-2 gneE1"/> 25,26c25,26 < <vehicle id="type1.14" type="car" depart="31.00" color="yellow" arrival="187.00"> <truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in vehroutes ---------- 6c6,17 < <route edges="left0A0 A0A1 A1A2 A2B2 B2C2 C2right2"/> --- > <route edges="left0A0 A0B0 B0B1 B1B2 B2C2 C2right2"/> > </vehicle> > > <vehicle id="f.1" depart="2.00" arrival="47.00"> > <route edges="left0A0 A0B0 B0B1 B1B2 B2C2 C2right2"/> > </vehicle> > > <vehicle id="f.2" depart="5.00" arrival="50.00"> > <routeDistribution> > <route replacedOnEdge="left0A0" reason="device.rerouting" replacedAtTime="10.00" probability="0" edges="left0A0 A0B0 B0B1 B1B2 B2C2 C2right2"/> > <route edges="left0A0 A0A1 A1A2 A2B2 B2C2 C2right2"/> > </routeDistribution> 11,13c22,23 < <route replacedOnEdge="left0A0" reason="device.rerouting" replacedAtTime="12.00" probability="0" edges="left0A0 A0A1 A1A2 A2B2 B2C2 C2right2"/> < <route replacedOnEdge="A0B0" replacedOnIndex="1" reason="device.rerouting" replacedAtTime="22.00" probability="0" edges="left0A0 A0B0 B0B1 B1B2 B2C2 C2right2"/> < <route edges="left0A0 A0B0 B0C0 C0C1 C1C2 C2right2"/> --- > <route replacedOnEdge="left0A0" reason="device.rerouting" replacedAtTime="12.00" probability="0" edges="left0A0 A0B0 B0B1 B1B2 B2C2 C2right2"/> > <route edges="left0A0 A0A1 A1A2 A2B2 B2C2 C2right2"/> 19c29 < <route replacedOnEdge="A0B0" replacedOnIndex="1" reason="device.rerouting" replacedAtTime="22.00" probability="0" edges="left0A0 A0B0 B0B1 B1B2 B2C2 C2right2"/> --- > <route replacedOnEdge="left0A0" reason="device.rerouting" replacedAtTime="17.00" probability="0" edges="left0A0 A0A1 A1A2 A2B2 B2C2 C2right2"/> 24c34 < <vehicle id="f.7" depart="17.00" arrival="63.00"> --- > <vehicle id="f.7" depart="17.00" arrival="62.00"> <truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ---------- 5c5 < Simulation ended at time: 119.00 --- > Simulation ended at time: 119.00.
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 0a1,16 > > ================================================================= > ==3536663==ERROR: LeakSanitizer: detected memory leaks > > Direct leak of 10080 byte(s) in 2 object(s) allocated from: > #0 0x559af069dced in operator new(unsigned long) (/home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/bin/sumoD+0x2b27ced) (BuildId: 815ad34fa53812a6171602817860c5d7f4fcfc19) > #1 0x559af2133fb7 in MSRoutingEngine::getThreadRNG() /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/devices/MSRoutingEngine.cpp:188:28 > #2 0x559af213465f in MSRoutingEngine::getEffortExtra(MSEdge const*, SUMOVehicle const*, double) /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/devices/MSRoutingEngine.cpp:203:62 > #3 0x559af080d941 in SUMOAbstractRouter<MSEdge, SUMOVehicle>::getEffort(MSEdge const*, SUMOVehicle const*, double) const /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/router/SUMOAbstractRouter.h:331:16 > #4 0x559af082e2d4 in AStarRouter<MSEdge, SUMOVehicle>::compute(MSEdge const*, MSEdge const*, SUMOVehicle const*, long long, std::vector<MSEdge const*, std::allocator<MSEdge const*> >&, bool) /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/router/AStarRouter.h:215:46 > #5 0x559af0df8158 in MSBaseVehicle::reroute(long long, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, SUMOAbstractRouter<MSEdge, SUMOVehicle>&, bool, bool, bool, MSEdge const*) /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/MSBaseVehicle.cpp:378:21 > #6 0x559af21408a4 in MSRoutingEngine::RoutingTask::run(MFXWorkerThread*) /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/microsim/devices/MSRoutingEngine.cpp:620:19 > #7 0x559af0f96cdd in MFXWorkerThread::run() /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXWorkerThread.h:351:24 > #8 0x7ff733fab4f2 in FX::FXThread::execute(void*) (/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libFOX-1.6.so.0+0x2624f2) (BuildId: 778a89a2a93578f68dd7c5bc5530250e02d6d693) > > SUMMARY: AddressSanitizer: 10080 byte(s) leaked in 2 allocation(s). ---------- Differences in vehroutes ---------- 5,6c5,6 < <vehicle id="0.1" depart="2.00" arrival="49.00"> < <route edges="A0A1 A1B1 B1B2 B2B3 B3C3 C3D3"/> --- > <vehicle id="0.0" depart="0.00" arrival="48.00"> > <route edges="A0A1 A1A2 A2B2 B2C2 C2D2 D2D3"/> 9,10c9,10 < <vehicle id="0.3" depart="1.00" arrival="50.00"> < <route edges="A0B0 B0C0 C0C1 C1D1 D1D2 D2D3"/> --- > <vehicle id="0.3" depart="7.00" arrival="53.00"> > <route edges="A0A1 A1A2 A2A3 A3B3 B3C3 C3D3"/> 13,14c13,14 < <vehicle id="0.4" depart="3.00" arrival="54.00"> < <route edges="A0B0 B0B1 B1C1 C1D1 D1D2 D2D3"/> --- > <vehicle id="0.8" depart="3.00" arrival="57.00"> > <route edges="A0B0 B0B1 B1B2 B2C2 C2D2 D2D3"/> 17,18c17,18 < <vehicle id="0.5" depart="6.00" arrival="55.00"> < <route edges="A0B0 B0B1 B1B2 B2C2 C2C3 C3D3"/> --- > <vehicle id="0.2" depart="5.00" arrival="59.00"> > <route edges="A0A1 A1A2 A2B2 B2C2 C2D2 D2D3"/> 21,22c21,22 < <vehicle id="0.6" depart="8.00" arrival="58.00"> < <route edges="A0B0 B0C0 C0C1 C1D1 D1D2 D2D3"/> --- > <vehicle id="0.5" depart="12.00" arrival="59.00"> > <route edges="A0A1 A1B1 B1B2 B2B3 B3C3 C3D3"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- New result in exitcode ---------- 1
---------- Differences in output ---------- 5c5 < Simulation ended at time: 1403.00 --- > Simulation ended at time: 1403.00. 7,8c7,8 < Performance: < Vehicles: --- > Performance: > Vehicles: 12c12 < Persons: --- > Persons: 15d14 <
---------- Differences in vehroutes ---------- 9,12c9,10 < <person id="p0" depart="0.00" arrival="1421.00"> < <walk edges="beg beg2left" trainStop="beg2left"/> < <ride from="gneE0" to="gneE0" trainStop="left2end" lines="train" intended="train.3" depart="910.00"/> < <walk edges="left2end end"/> --- > <person id="p0" depart="0.00" arrival="1413.00"> > <walk edges="beg middle end"/>
---------- Differences in tripinfos ---------- 8,9c8,9 < <personinfo id="p1" depart="0.00" type="DEFAULT_PEDTYPE" speedFactor="1.00" duration="1001.00" waitingTime="0.00" timeLoss="95.60" traveltime="1001.00"> < <walk depart="0.00" departPos="0.00" arrival="1001.00" arrivalPos="254.70" duration="1001.00" routeLength="1257.50" timeLoss="95.60" maxSpeed="1.39"/> --- > <personinfo id="p1" depart="0.00" type="DEFAULT_PEDTYPE" speedFactor="1.00" duration="1002.00" waitingTime="0.00" timeLoss="96.60" traveltime="1002.00"> > <walk depart="0.00" departPos="0.00" arrival="1002.00" arrivalPos="254.70" duration="1002.00" routeLength="1257.50" timeLoss="96.60" maxSpeed="1.39"/> 11,17c11,13 < <tripinfo id="train.3" depart="900.00" departLane="gneE0_0" departPos="109.60" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="1028.00" arrivalLane="gneE0_0" arrivalPos="1529.03" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="128.00" routeLength="1419.43" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="2.00" timeLoss="23.75" rerouteNo="1" devices="tripinfo_train.3 routing_train.3 person_train.3" vType="train" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/> < <personinfo id="p0" depart="0.00" type="DEFAULT_PEDTYPE" speedFactor="1.00" duration="1220.00" waitingTime="82.00" timeLoss="114.70" traveltime="1138.00"> < <walk depart="0.00" departPos="0.00" arrival="823.00" arrivalPos="514.64" duration="823.00" routeLength="1024.04" timeLoss="85.69" maxSpeed="1.39"/> < <access stop="beg2left" depart="823.00" arrival="842.00" duration="19.00" routeLength="26.39"/> < <ride waitingTime="82.00" vehicle="train.3" depart="924.00" arrival="1005.00" arrivalPos="1300.00" duration="81.00" routeLength="1000.00" timeLoss="9.01"/> < <access stop="left2end" depart="1005.00" arrival="1020.00" duration="15.00" routeLength="21.15"/> < <walk depart="1020.00" departPos="503.09" arrival="1220.00" arrivalPos="250.00" duration="200.00" routeLength="250.00" timeLoss="20.00" maxSpeed="1.39"/> --- > <tripinfo id="train.3" depart="900.00" departLane="gneE0_0" departPos="109.60" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="1028.00" arrivalLane="gneE0_0" arrivalPos="1529.03" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="128.00" routeLength="1419.43" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="2.00" timeLoss="23.75" rerouteNo="1" devices="tripinfo_train.3 routing_train.3" vType="train" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/> > <personinfo id="p0" depart="0.00" type="DEFAULT_PEDTYPE" speedFactor="1.00" duration="1413.00" waitingTime="0.00" timeLoss="144.22" traveltime="1413.00"> > <walk depart="0.00" departPos="0.00" arrival="1413.00" arrivalPos="250.00" duration="1413.00" routeLength="1762.20" timeLoss="144.22" maxSpeed="1.39"/> ---------- Differences in vehroutes ---------- 5c5 < <person id="p1" depart="0.00" arrival="1001.00"> --- > <person id="p1" depart="0.00" arrival="1002.00"> 9,12c9,10 < <person id="p0" depart="0.00" arrival="1220.00"> < <walk edges="beg beg2left" trainStop="beg2left"/> < <ride from="gneE0" to="gneE0" trainStop="left2end" lines="train" intended="train.3" depart="910.00"/> < <walk edges="left2end end"/> --- > <person id="p0" depart="0.00" arrival="1413.00"> > <walk edges="beg middle end"/>
---------- Differences in output ---------- 5c5 < Simulation ended at time: 1029.00 --- > Simulation ended at time: 1029.00. 7,8c7,8 < Performance: < Vehicles: --- > Performance: > Vehicles: 12c12 < Persons: --- > Persons: 15,17c15,18 < Statistics (avg): < RouteLength: 1285.91 < Duration: 131.80 --- > Statistics (avg of 4): > RouteLength: 1419.43 > Speed: 11.09 > Duration: 128.00 19c20,27 < TimeLoss: 20.99 --- > TimeLoss: 23.75 > Bike Statistics (avg of 1): > RouteLength: 751.85 > Speed: 5.05 <truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in vehroutes ---------- 5,6c5,6 < <person id="0" depart="0.00" arrival="190.00"> < <walk edges="B0toA0 C0toB0 C0toC1"/> --- > <person id="0" depart="0.00" arrival="182.00"> > <walk edges="A0toB0 C0toB0 C0toC1"/>
---------- Differences in vehroutes ---------- 5,6c5,6 < <person id="0" depart="0.00" arrival="306.00"> < <walk edges="B0toA0 C0toB0 C0toC1 C2toC1 C3toC2"/> --- > <person id="0" depart="0.00" arrival="290.00"> > <walk edges="A1toA0 A1toB1 B2toB1 B2toC2 C3toC2"/>
---------- Differences in vehroutes ---------- 6c6 < <walk edges="A0toB0 C0toB0 C1toC0 C1toC2"/> --- > <walk edges="A0toA1 A1toB1 C1toB1 C1toC2"/>
---------- Differences in vehroutes ---------- 6c6 < <walk edges="C0toC1 C2toC1 C3toC2 B3toC3 B3toA3"/> --- > <walk edges="C0toC1 B0toC0 B0toB1 B2toB1 B2toA2 A2toA3"/>
---------- Differences in vehroutes ---------- 5,6c5,6 < <person id="0" depart="0.00" arrival="227.00"> < <walk edges="B0toA0 C0toB0 C0toD0"/> --- > <person id="0" depart="0.00" arrival="219.00"> > <walk edges="A0toB0 C0toB0 C0toD0"/>devices rerouting personTrip junctionTaz viaJunctions ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
---------- Differences in vehroutes ---------- 5,6c5,6 < <person id="ped.0" depart="0.00" arrival="761.00"> < <walk edges="A0B0 B0A0 B0C0 C1C0 C1D1 D1D2 D3D2 E3D3 E4E3 E5E4 E5F5"/> --- > <person id="ped.0" depart="0.00" arrival="759.00"> > <walk edges="A0B0 A0A1 A1A2 A2A3 B3A3 B3B4 C4B4 D4C4 E4D4 E4E5 E5F5"/> 10c10 < <walk edges="A0B0 A0A1 B1A1 B2B1 B3B2 C3B3 C4C3 C4D4 D4E4 E5E4 E5F5"/> --- > <walk edges="A0B0 A0A1 A1A2 A2B2 C2B2 D2C2 D2D3 D4D3 D5D4 E5D5 E5F5"/> 13,14c13,14 < <person id="ped.3" depart="3.00" arrival="764.00"> < <walk edges="A0B0 B1B0 C1B1 C2C1 C3C2 D3C3 D3D4 D5D4 E5D5 E5F5"/> --- > <person id="ped.2" depart="2.00" arrival="764.00"> > <walk edges="A0B0 A0A1 B1A1 C1B1 C2C1 C3C2 C3D3 D3E3 E3E4 E5E4 E5F5"/> 17,18c17,18 < <person id="ped.4" depart="4.00" arrival="766.00"> < <walk edges="A0B0 B0A0 B1B0 B1B2 B3B2 B3C3 D3C3 D4D3 D4E4 E5E4 E5F5"/> --- > <person id="ped.3" depart="3.00" arrival="765.00"> > <walk edges="A0B0 B0A0 B0C0 C1C0 C1D1 D1D2 D2E2 E3E2 E3E4 E5E4 E5F5"/> 21,22c21,22 < <person id="ped.2" depart="2.00" arrival="766.00"> < <walk edges="A0B0 A1A0 A1B1 B1B2 B3B2 C3B3 C3D3 D3E3 E3E4 E5E4 E5F5"/> --- > <person id="ped.4" depart="4.00" arrival="765.00"> > <walk edges="A0B0 B0A0 B0C0 C1C0 C1D1 E1D1 E1E2 E2E3 E4E3 E5E4 E5F5"/> 25,26c25,26 < <person id="ped.8" depart="8.00" arrival="767.00"> <truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in tripinfos ---------- 10c10 < <tripinfo id="trainAB.1" depart="915.00" departLane="railSN_0" departPos="135.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="1145.00" arrivalLane="railSN_0" arrivalPos="1200.00" arrivalSpeed="11.25" duration="230.00" routeLength="1064.90" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="62.00" timeLoss="90.70" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_trainAB.1 person_trainAB.1" vType="train" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/> --- > <tripinfo id="trainAB.1" depart="915.00" departLane="railSN_0" departPos="135.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="1145.00" arrivalLane="railSN_0" arrivalPos="1200.00" arrivalSpeed="11.25" duration="230.00" routeLength="1064.90" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="62.00" timeLoss="90.70" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_trainAB.1" vType="train" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/> 12,15c12 < <tripinfo id="busABCD.1" depart="1205.00" departLane="A1A0_1" departPos="12.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="1744.00" arrivalLane="B0B1_1" arrivalPos="487.60" arrivalSpeed="3.40" duration="539.00" routeLength="4975.02" waitingTime="1.00" waitingCount="1" stopTime="129.00" timeLoss="51.75" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_busABCD.1 person_busABCD.1" vType="bus" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="trainAB.2" depart="1515.00" departLane="railSN_0" departPos="135.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="1745.00" arrivalLane="railSN_0" arrivalPos="1200.00" arrivalSpeed="11.25" duration="230.00" routeLength="1064.90" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="62.00" timeLoss="90.70" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_trainAB.2" vType="train" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="trainBA.2" depart="1562.00" departLane="railNS_0" departPos="135.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="1791.00" arrivalLane="railNS_0" arrivalPos="1200.00" arrivalSpeed="13.25" duration="229.00" routeLength="1064.90" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="62.00" timeLoss="89.78" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_trainBA.2" vType="train" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/> < <personinfo id="p0" depart="400.00" type="DEFAULT_PEDTYPE" speedFactor="1.00" duration="1395.00" waitingTime="616.00" timeLoss="112.23" traveltime="778.00"> --- > <personinfo id="p0" depart="400.00" type="DEFAULT_PEDTYPE" speedFactor="1.00" duration="1264.00" waitingTime="38.00" timeLoss="133.07" traveltime="1225.00"> 22,29c19,20 < <walk depart="691.00" departPos="81.39" arrival="698.00" arrivalPos="90.19" duration="7.00" routeLength="8.80" timeLoss="0.66" maxSpeed="1.39"/> < <access stop="stopA_N" depart="698.00" arrival="698.00" duration="0.00" routeLength="1.01"/> < <ride waitingTime="303.00" vehicle="trainAB.1" depart="1001.00" arrival="1070.00" arrivalPos="950.00" duration="69.00" routeLength="500.00" timeLoss="33.00"/> < <access stop="stopB_N" depart="1070.00" arrival="1071.00" duration="1.00" routeLength="0.04"/> < <walk depart="1071.00" departPos="91.16" arrival="1229.00" arrivalPos="894.80" duration="158.00" routeLength="199.18" timeLoss="14.59" maxSpeed="1.39"/> < <ride waitingTime="275.00" vehicle="busABCD.1" depart="1504.00" arrival="1624.00" arrivalPos="904.79" duration="120.00" routeLength="1501.58" timeLoss="11.90"/> < <walk depart="1624.00" departPos="904.79" arrival="1784.00" arrivalPos="109.86" duration="160.00" routeLength="199.92" timeLoss="16.05" maxSpeed="1.39"/> < <access stop="stopC_E" depart="1784.00" arrival="1795.00" duration="11.00" routeLength="15.46"/> --- > <walk depart="691.00" departPos="81.39" arrival="1653.00" arrivalPos="109.86" duration="962.00" routeLength="1201.32" timeLoss="97.05" maxSpeed="1.39"/> > <access stop="stopC_E" depart="1653.00" arrival="1664.00" duration="11.00" routeLength="15.46"/> 30a22,24 > <tripinfo id="busABCD.1" depart="1205.00" departLane="A1A0_1" departPos="12.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="1744.00" arrivalLane="B0B1_1" arrivalPos="487.60" arrivalSpeed="3.40" duration="539.00" routeLength="4975.02" waitingTime="1.00" waitingCount="1" stopTime="129.00" timeLoss="51.75" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_busABCD.1" vType="bus" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/> > <tripinfo id="trainAB.2" depart="1515.00" departLane="railSN_0" departPos="135.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="1745.00" arrivalLane="railSN_0" arrivalPos="1200.00" arrivalSpeed="11.25" duration="230.00" routeLength="1064.90" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="62.00" timeLoss="90.70" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_trainAB.2" vType="train" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/> > <tripinfo id="trainBA.2" depart="1562.00" departLane="railNS_0" departPos="135.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="1791.00" arrivalLane="railNS_0" arrivalPos="1200.00" arrivalSpeed="13.25" duration="229.00" routeLength="1064.90" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="62.00" timeLoss="89.78" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_trainBA.2" vType="train" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/>
---------- Differences in vehroutes ---------- 6c6 < <walk edges="A0toB0 C0toB0 C1toC0 C1toC2"/> --- > <walk edges="A0toA1 A1toB1 C1toB1 C1toC2"/> 10c10 < <walk edges="A0toB0 C0toB0 C1toC0 C1toC2"/> --- > <walk edges="A0toA1 A1toB1 C1toB1 C1toC2"/>
---------- Differences in output ---------- 12c12 < RouteLength: 3713.15 --- > RouteLength: 3715.92 14,16c14,16 < Duration: 405.93 < WaitingTime: 84.58 < TimeLoss: 134.48 --- > Duration: 405.71 > WaitingTime: 84.23 > TimeLoss: 134.09 18c18 < DijkstraRouter answered 3510 queries and explored 137.71 edges on average. --- > DijkstraRouter answered 3503 queries and explored 68.05 edges on average. ---------- Differences in vehroutes ---------- 5,6c5,6 < <vehicle id="6" depart="24.00" arrival="359.00"> < <route cost="217.57" savings="0.00" edges="-2669 -1780 -1627 -814 -658 -278 -262 264 493 1338 1575 1623" exitTimes="54.00 73.00 82.00 91.00 102.00 135.00 225.00 270.00 309.00 322.00 341.00 359.00"/> --- > <vehicle id="6" depart="24.00" arrival="360.00"> > <route cost="217.57" savings="0.00" edges="-2669 -1780 -1627 -814 -658 -278 -262 264 493 1338 1575 1623" exitTimes="54.00 73.00 82.00 91.00 102.00 135.00 225.00 270.00 309.00 322.00 340.00 360.00"/> 9,10c9,10 < <vehicle id="13" depart="52.00" arrival="361.00"> < <route cost="241.52" savings="0.00" edges="-2440 -2438 -2058 2066 -2175 -1605 1611 -1613 -1575 -1314 1312 1342" exitTimes="83.00 97.00 115.00 157.00 194.00 221.00 247.00 276.00 301.00 334.00 344.00 361.00"/> --- > <vehicle id="13" depart="52.00" arrival="360.00"> > <route cost="241.52" savings="0.00" edges="-2440 -2438 -2058 2066 -2175 -1605 1611 -1613 -1575 -1314 1312 1342" exitTimes="83.00 97.00 115.00 157.00 193.00 221.00 247.00 276.00 301.00 334.00 343.00 360.00"/> 14c14 < <route cost="246.28" savings="0.00" edges="-2472 -1782 1784 -1892 -829 833 2386 -2370 2319 2321 2365 -2405" exitTimes="76.00 108.00 118.00 160.00 175.00 188.00 209.00 270.00 287.00 318.00 350.00 365.00"/> --- > <route cost="246.28" savings="0.00" edges="-2472 -1782 1784 -1892 -829 833 2386 -2370 2319 2321 2365 -2405" exitTimes="76.00 108.00 118.00 160.00 175.00 188.00 209.00 270.00 287.00 317.00 349.00 365.00"/> 18c18 < <route cost="245.98" savings="0.00" edges="-21 5 222 240 254 278 652 662 833 2386 -2370 1903" exitTimes="36.00 48.00 65.00 93.00 122.00 133.00 170.00 183.00 193.00 213.00 280.00 370.00"/> --- > <route cost="245.98" savings="0.00" edges="-21 5 222 240 254 278 652 662 833 2386 -2370 1903" exitTimes="36.00 48.00 65.00 93.00 121.00 133.00 170.00 183.00 193.00 213.00 280.00 370.00"/> 21,22c21,22 < <vehicle id="35" depart="140.00" arrival="378.00"> < <route cost="201.64" savings="0.00" edges="-814 -658 -278 -254 -240 -228 -197 205 320" exitTimes="152.00 163.00 174.00 202.00 230.00 291.00 324.00 351.00 378.00"/> --- > <vehicle id="22" depart="88.00" arrival="371.00"> > <route cost="253.29" savings="0.00" edges="212 -205 197 228 240 254 278 658 814 1627 1782 2472" exitTimes="118.00 147.00 176.00 216.00 246.00 286.00 299.00 311.00 321.00 331.00 360.00 371.00"/> 25,26c25,26 < <vehicle id="22" depart="88.00" arrival="380.00"> < <route cost="253.29" savings="0.00" edges="212 -205 197 228 240 254 278 658 814 1627 1782 2472" exitTimes="118.00 147.00 176.00 220.00 254.00 290.00 306.00 318.00 330.00 339.00 369.00 380.00"/> --- <truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ---------- 12c12 < RouteLength: 3713.15 --- > RouteLength: 3715.92 14,16c14,16 < Duration: 405.93 < WaitingTime: 84.58 < TimeLoss: 134.48 --- > Duration: 405.71 > WaitingTime: 84.23 > TimeLoss: 134.09 18c18 < DijkstraRouter answered 3510 queries and explored 137.71 edges on average. --- > DijkstraRouter answered 3503 queries and explored 68.05 edges on average. ---------- Differences in vehroutes ---------- 5c5 < <vehicle id="6" depart="24.00" arrival="359.00"> --- > <vehicle id="6" depart="24.00" arrival="360.00"> 9c9 < <vehicle id="13" depart="52.00" arrival="361.00"> --- > <vehicle id="13" depart="52.00" arrival="360.00"> 21,22c21,22 < <vehicle id="35" depart="140.00" arrival="378.00"> < <route cost="201.64" savings="0.00" edges="-814 -658 -278 -254 -240 -228 -197 205 320"/> --- > <vehicle id="22" depart="88.00" arrival="371.00"> > <route cost="253.29" savings="0.00" edges="212 -205 197 228 240 254 278 658 814 1627 1782 2472"/> 25,26c25,26 < <vehicle id="22" depart="88.00" arrival="380.00"> < <route cost="253.29" savings="0.00" edges="212 -205 197 228 240 254 278 658 814 1627 1782 2472"/> --- > <vehicle id="35" depart="140.00" arrival="378.00"> > <route cost="201.64" savings="0.00" edges="-814 -658 -278 -254 -240 -228 -197 205 320"/> 49,56c49 < <vehicle id="27" depart="108.00" arrival="435.00"> < <routeDistribution> < <route cost="266.22" savings="0.00" replacedOnEdge="-278" replacedOnIndex="3" reason="device.rerouting" replacedAtTime="228.00" probability="0" edges="664 -664 -652 -278 -254 -240 -222 -5 9 39 51 330"/> < <route cost="187.73" savings="0.00" edges="664 -664 -652 -278 -254 -240 -222 -5 3 -45 51 330"/> < </routeDistribution> < </vehicle> < < <vehicle id="19" depart="76.00" arrival="439.00"> --- <truncated after showing first 30 lines>devices rerouting reroute_congestions period_120 ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
---------- Differences in output ---------- 5c5 < Simulation ended at time: 3259.00 --- > Simulation ended at time: 3259.00. 7,8c7,8 < Performance: < Vehicles: --- > Performance: > Vehicles: 19d18 <devices rerouting tlsPenalty default ( Last six runs Oct2024 )
---------- Differences in output ---------- 5c5 < Simulation ended at time: 1488.00 --- > Simulation ended at time: 1509.00. 7,8c7,8 < Performance: < Vehicles: --- > Performance: > Vehicles: 15,20c15,19 < Duration: 217.87 < WaitingTime: 135.71 < TimeLoss: 170.47 < DepartDelay: 215.66 < < DijkstraRouter answered 355 queries and explored 8.41 edges on average. --- > Duration: 226.45 > WaitingTime: 147.88 > TimeLoss: 179.05 > DepartDelay: 217.97 > DijkstraRouter answered 355 queries and explored 7.96 edges on average.
---------- Differences in output ---------- 5c5 < Simulation ended at time: 1330.00 --- > Simulation ended at time: 1344.00. 7,8c7,8 < Performance: < Vehicles: --- > Performance: > Vehicles: 13,20c13,19 < RouteLength: 620.50 < Speed: 11.80 < Duration: 78.57 < WaitingTime: 24.75 < TimeLoss: 33.27 < DepartDelay: 221.83 < < DijkstraRouter answered 355 queries and explored 9.32 edges on average. --- > RouteLength: 619.19 > Speed: 11.72 > Duration: 90.18 > WaitingTime: 35.69 > TimeLoss: 44.98 > DepartDelay: 214.95 > DijkstraRouter answered 355 queries and explored 8.74 edges on average.
---------- Differences in output ---------- 5c5 < Simulation ended at time: 1330.00 --- > Simulation ended at time: 1366.00. 7,8c7,8 < Performance: < Vehicles: --- > Performance: > Vehicles: 13,20c13,19 < RouteLength: 620.50 < Speed: 11.80 < Duration: 78.57 < WaitingTime: 24.75 < TimeLoss: 33.27 < DepartDelay: 221.83 < < DijkstraRouter answered 355 queries and explored 9.28 edges on average. --- > RouteLength: 619.86 > Speed: 11.63 > Duration: 97.06 > WaitingTime: 42.54 > TimeLoss: 51.80 > DepartDelay: 221.59 > DijkstraRouter answered 355 queries and explored 8.70 edges on average.
---------- Differences in output ---------- 5c5 < Simulation ended at time: 1348.00 --- > Simulation ended at time: 1360.00. 7,8c7,8 < Performance: < Vehicles: --- > Performance: > Vehicles: 13,20c13,19 < RouteLength: 619.19 < Speed: 11.72 < Duration: 84.73 < WaitingTime: 29.98 < TimeLoss: 39.53 < DepartDelay: 224.39 < < DijkstraRouter answered 355 queries and explored 9.20 edges on average. --- > RouteLength: 617.56 > Speed: 11.62 > Duration: 100.53 > WaitingTime: 45.27 > TimeLoss: 55.44 > DepartDelay: 214.04 > DijkstraRouter answered 355 queries and explored 8.51 edges on average.
---------- Differences in output ---------- 5c5 < Simulation ended at time: 1349.00 --- > Simulation ended at time: 1364.00. 7,8c7,8 < Performance: < Vehicles: --- > Performance: > Vehicles: 13,20c13,19 < RouteLength: 618.94 < Speed: 11.67 < Duration: 86.67 < WaitingTime: 31.71 < TimeLoss: 41.48 < DepartDelay: 220.94 < < DijkstraRouter answered 357 queries and explored 9.39 edges on average. --- > RouteLength: 617.63 > Speed: 11.61 > Duration: 99.26 > WaitingTime: 44.34 > TimeLoss: 54.19 > DepartDelay: 217.72 > DijkstraRouter answered 355 queries and explored 8.50 edges on average.
---------- Differences in output ---------- 5c5 < Simulation ended at time: 1332.00 --- > Simulation ended at time: 1371.00. 7,8c7,8 < Performance: < Vehicles: --- > Performance: > Vehicles: 13,20c13,19 < RouteLength: 619.19 < Speed: 11.72 < Duration: 81.82 < WaitingTime: 26.95 < TimeLoss: 36.59 < DepartDelay: 220.73 < < DijkstraRouter answered 355 queries and explored 9.20 edges on average. --- > RouteLength: 617.56 > Speed: 11.61 > Duration: 103.43 > WaitingTime: 48.59 > TimeLoss: 58.35 > DepartDelay: 216.84 > DijkstraRouter answered 355 queries and explored 8.50 edges on average.
---------- Differences in vehroutes ---------- 6,9c6 < <routeDistribution> < <route replacedOnEdge="" reason="device.rerouting" replacedAtTime="0.00" probability="0" edges="0/0to1/0 2/1to3/1"/> < <route edges="0/0to1/0 1/0to1/1 1/1to2/1 2/1to3/1"/> < </routeDistribution> --- > <route edges="0/0to1/0 1/0to1/1 1/1to2/1 2/1to3/1"/> 13,16c10 < <routeDistribution> < <route replacedOnEdge="" reason="device.rerouting" replacedAtTime="2.00" probability="0" edges="0/0to1/0 2/1to3/1"/> < <route edges="0/0to1/0 1/0to1/1 1/1to2/1 2/1to3/1"/> < </routeDistribution> --- > <route edges="0/0to1/0 1/0to1/1 1/1to2/1 2/1to3/1"/> 20,23c14 < <routeDistribution> < <route replacedOnEdge="" reason="device.rerouting" replacedAtTime="4.00" probability="0" edges="0/0to1/0 2/1to3/1"/> < <route edges="0/0to1/0 1/0to1/1 1/1to2/1 2/1to3/1"/> < </routeDistribution> --- > <route edges="0/0to1/0 1/0to2/0 2/0to2/1 2/1to3/1"/> 27,30c18 < <routeDistribution> < <route replacedOnEdge="" reason="device.rerouting" replacedAtTime="6.00" probability="0" edges="0/0to1/0 2/1to3/1"/> < <route edges="0/0to1/0 1/0to1/1 1/1to2/1 2/1to3/1"/> < </routeDistribution> --- > <route edges="0/0to1/0 1/0to2/0 2/0to2/1 2/1to3/1"/> 34,37c22 < <routeDistribution> <truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ---------- 5c5 < Simulation ended at time: 214.00 --- > Simulation ended at time: 216.00. 7,8c7,8 < Performance: < Vehicles: --- > Performance: > Vehicles: 12d11 < Emergency Stops: 1 14,18c13,17 < RouteLength: 855.04 < Speed: 9.36 < Duration: 99.54 < WaitingTime: 47.76 < TimeLoss: 61.76 --- > RouteLength: 852.24 > Speed: 9.33 > Duration: 100.02 > WaitingTime: 49.47 > TimeLoss: 62.65 20,21c19 < < DijkstraRouter answered 43 queries and explored 4.00 edges on average. --- > DijkstraRouter answered 43 queries and explored 3.86 edges on average.
---------- Differences in output ---------- 5c5 < Simulation ended at time: 191.00 --- > Simulation ended at time: 194.00. 7,8c7,8 < Performance: < Vehicles: --- > Performance: > Vehicles: 14,17c14,17 < Speed: 13.81 < Duration: 74.22 < WaitingTime: 17.68 < TimeLoss: 43.32 --- > Speed: 13.73 > Duration: 75.24 > WaitingTime: 18.50 > TimeLoss: 44.31 19,20c19 < < DijkstraRouter answered 43 queries and explored 4.79 edges on average. --- > DijkstraRouter answered 43 queries and explored 4.70 edges on average.
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 1,2d0 < Warning: Teleporting vehicle 'VehicleClosedAlready'; waited too long (wrong lane), lane='middle_0', time=346.00. < Warning: Vehicle 'VehicleClosedAlready' ends teleporting on edge 'end', time=365.00. ---------- Differences in vehroutes ---------- 5,6c5,9 < <vehicle id="VehicleClosedAlready" depart="1.00" arrival="401.00"> < <route edges="beg beg2 middle middle2 end end2"/> --- > <vehicle id="VehicleClosedAlready" depart="1.00" arrival="208.00"> > <routeDistribution> > <route replacedOnEdge="" reason="device.rerouting" replacedAtTime="1.00" probability="0" edges="beg beg2 middle middle2 end end2"/> > <route edges="beg beg2 left left2 end end2"/> > </routeDistribution>
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 1d0 < Warning: Routing algorithm CHWrapper does not support dynamic closing of edges
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 1,3d0 < Warning: Routing algorithm CH does not support dynamic closing of edges < Warning: Teleporting vehicle 'tripClosedAlready'; waited too long (wrong lane), lane='middle_0', time=1345.00. < Warning: Vehicle 'tripClosedAlready' ends teleporting on edge 'end', time=1364.00. ---------- Differences in vehroutes ---------- 5,6c5,6 < <vehicle id="tripClosedAlready" depart="1000.00" arrival="1400.00"> < <route edges="beg beg2 middle middle2 end end2"/> --- > <vehicle id="tripClosedAlready" depart="1000.00" arrival="1207.00"> > <route edges="beg beg2 left left2 end end2"/>
---------- Differences in output ---------- 5c5 < Simulation ended at time: 702.00 --- > Simulation ended at time: 702.00. 7,8c7,8 < Performance: < Vehicles: --- > Performance: > Vehicles: 15,17c15,17 < Duration: 376.86 < WaitingTime: 46.42 < TimeLoss: 104.99 --- > Duration: 377.46 > WaitingTime: 47.08 > TimeLoss: 105.38 19d18 <
---------- Differences in output ---------- 17c17 < DijkstraRouter answered 90 queries and explored 27.00 edges on average. --- > DijkstraRouter answered 90 queries and explored 16.00 edges on average. 19c19 < DijkstraRouter answered 32 queries and explored 30.00 edges on average. --- > DijkstraRouter answered 32 queries and explored 20.38 edges on average. 21c21 < DijkstraRouter answered 12 queries and explored 33.75 edges on average. --- > DijkstraRouter answered 12 queries and explored 24.50 edges on average. 23c23 < DijkstraRouter answered 24 queries and explored 30.62 edges on average. --- > DijkstraRouter answered 24 queries and explored 19.50 edges on average. 25c25 < DijkstraRouter answered 16 queries and explored 40.50 edges on average. --- > DijkstraRouter answered 16 queries and explored 24.50 edges on average. 27c27 < DijkstraRouter answered 24 queries and explored 39.50 edges on average. --- > DijkstraRouter answered 24 queries and explored 25.50 edges on average. 29c29 < DijkstraRouter answered 4 queries and explored 42.50 edges on average. --- > DijkstraRouter answered 4 queries and explored 28.00 edges on average.
consistent handling of unreachable arrivalPos (This bug was triggered by text found in file 'errors' matching 'Error: Vehicle '2' has no valid route') ---------- Differences in errors ---------- 1c1,3 < Error: Vehicle '2' has no valid route. No connection between edge 'beg' and edge 'end'. --- > Warning: No connection between edge 'end' and edge 'end' found. > Warning: No route for vehicle '2' found. > Error: Vehicle '2' has no valid route. ---------- Differences in vehroutes ---------- 5,8d4 < <vehicle id="1" depart="0.00" arrival="23.00"> < <route edges="beg"/> < </vehicle> <
consider via (This bug was triggered by FAILING to find text in file 'vehroutes' matching 'route edges=.*A1toA2') ---------- Differences in vehroutes ---------- 5c5 < <vehicle id="0" depart="0.00" arrival="64.00"> --- > <vehicle id="0" depart="0.00" arrival="45.00"> 7,8c7,8 < <route replacedOnEdge="" replacedAtTime="0.00" probability="0" edges="A0toB0 B0toC0 C0toD0 D0toD1 D1toC1 C1toB1 B1toA1 A1toA2 A2toB2 B2toC2 C2toD2 D2toD3"/> < <route edges="A0toB0 B0toB1 B1toA1 A1toA2 A2toB2 B2toC2 C2toD2 D2toD3"/> --- > <route replacedOnEdge="" reason="device.rerouting" replacedAtTime="0.00" probability="0" edges="A0toB0 B0toC0 C0toD0 D0toD1 D1toC1 C1toB1 B1toA1 A1toA2 A2toB2 B2toC2 C2toD2 D2toD3"/> > <route edges="A0toB0 B0toC0 C0toD0 D0toD1 D1toD2 D2toD3"/>devices rerouting via route ( Last six runs Oct2024 )