17Feb2024 - detailed test results for SUMO.gui.osg

To reconnect the TextTest GUI to these results, run:

texttest -a sumo -d /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/tests -reconnect /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/texttesttmp/extra_clang3_64D.29Feb114505.788367 -g

To start TextTest for these tests, run:

texttest -a sumo -d /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/tests

gui.osg: 417 tests: 417 FAILED

Detailed information for the tests that FAILED:

18 TESTS FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba :

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXComboBoxIcon.cpp:102:14: runtime error: implicit conversion from type 'int' of value -5 (32-bit, signed) to type 'unsigned int' changed the value to 4294967291 (32-bit, unsigned)
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXComboBoxIcon.cpp:102:14 in 
> /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/osgview/GUIOSGView.cpp:273:18: runtime error: implicit conversion from type 'int' of value -1 (32-bit, signed) to type 'unsigned int' changed the value to 4294967295 (32-bit, unsigned)
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/osgview/GUIOSGView.cpp:273:18 in 
> /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/osgview/GUIOSGView.cpp:274:18: runtime error: implicit conversion from type 'int' of value -1 (32-bit, signed) to type 'unsigned int' changed the value to 4294967295 (32-bit, unsigned)
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/osgview/GUIOSGView.cpp:274:18 in 
> /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXListIcon.cpp:1201:14: runtime error: implicit conversion from type 'int' of value -65 (32-bit, signed) to type 'unsigned int' changed the value to 4294967231 (32-bit, unsigned)
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXListIcon.cpp:1201:14 in 
> /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXListIconItem.cpp:72:18: runtime error: implicit conversion from type 'int' of value -3 (32-bit, signed) to type 'unsigned int' changed the value to 4294967293 (32-bit, unsigned)
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXListIconItem.cpp:72:18 in 
> /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXListIcon.cpp:206:14: runtime error: implicit conversion from type 'int' of value -33 (32-bit, signed) to type 'unsigned int' changed the value to 4294967263 (32-bit, unsigned)
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXListIcon.cpp:206:14 in 
> AddressSanitizer: failed to read suppressions file '/home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/build/clang_memleak_suppressions.txt'
---------- New result in exitcode ----------
basic container abort_impossible_transport ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic container container_start_containerStop ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic container transport_wrong_destination ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic dynamics deadlock time-to-teleport.remove ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic person ride_access_busstop ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic person riding abort_impossible_ride ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic person riding triggered_discard ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic person riding two_busstops_at_one_edge ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic person riding two_busstops_at_one_edge2 ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic person riding two_stops_at_one_edge ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec departure departSpeed speed_given_deviation_low ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec departure errors edge_disallowed_ignore ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec departure errors lane_given10_ignore ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec departure errors lane_given_disallowed_ignore ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec departure errors slow_lane_ahead ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec departure errors slow_lane_ahead_ignore ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec departure errors speed_given100_ignore ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec departure errors speed_given50_ignore ( Last six runs Feb2024 )

252 TESTS FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba :

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXComboBoxIcon.cpp:102:14: runtime error: implicit conversion from type 'int' of value -5 (32-bit, signed) to type 'unsigned int' changed the value to 4294967291 (32-bit, unsigned)
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXComboBoxIcon.cpp:102:14 in 
> /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/osgview/GUIOSGView.cpp:273:18: runtime error: implicit conversion from type 'int' of value -1 (32-bit, signed) to type 'unsigned int' changed the value to 4294967295 (32-bit, unsigned)
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/osgview/GUIOSGView.cpp:273:18 in 
> /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/osgview/GUIOSGView.cpp:274:18: runtime error: implicit conversion from type 'int' of value -1 (32-bit, signed) to type 'unsigned int' changed the value to 4294967295 (32-bit, unsigned)
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/osgview/GUIOSGView.cpp:274:18 in 
> /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXListIcon.cpp:1201:14: runtime error: implicit conversion from type 'int' of value -65 (32-bit, signed) to type 'unsigned int' changed the value to 4294967231 (32-bit, unsigned)
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXListIcon.cpp:1201:14 in 
> /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXListIconItem.cpp:72:18: runtime error: implicit conversion from type 'int' of value -3 (32-bit, signed) to type 'unsigned int' changed the value to 4294967293 (32-bit, unsigned)
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXListIconItem.cpp:72:18 in 
> /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXListIcon.cpp:206:14: runtime error: implicit conversion from type 'int' of value -33 (32-bit, signed) to type 'unsigned int' changed the value to 4294967263 (32-bit, unsigned)
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXListIcon.cpp:206:14 in 
> AddressSanitizer: failed to read suppressions file '/home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/build/clang_memleak_suppressions.txt'
---------- New result in exitcode ----------
basic container capacity ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic container leaving_vehicle_at_stop ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic container line ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic container loading_duration_extension ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic container loading_duration_no_extension ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic container stop_duration ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic container transfer ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic container transfer_unconnected ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic container transfer_unconnected_2 ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic container transfer_unconnected_3 ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic container transfer_unconnected_4 ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic container transfer_unconnected_chain ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic container transfer_unconnected_fromto ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic container transfer_unconnected_fromto_chain ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic container transport_ANY ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic container transport_default_ANY ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic container triggered ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic container triggeredDepartParking ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic container triggeredParking ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic container triggeredParkingWait ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic container triggered_oldStyle ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic container trip_chain ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic container trip_chain_containerStop_input ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic container trip_chain_no_from ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic container waiting_container ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic containerFlow tranship_containersPerHour ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic containerFlow tranship_departPos_random ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic containerFlow tranship_probability ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic containerFlow triggered ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic dynamics approach_slow_lane_dawdle ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic dynamics approach_slow_subsecond ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic dynamics foe_on_minor ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic dynamics one_vehicle_10m_per_s_high_prio ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic dynamics two_vehicles_10m_per_s_high_prio ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic dynamics two_vehicles_differen_vmax ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic networks internal_net_internal_sim ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic networks internal_net_plain_sim_allCustom ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic networks lefthand ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic networks net_with_taz ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic networks plain_net_internal_sim ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic networks plain_net_plain_sim ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic person atJunction_ride_walk ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic person atJunction_walk_ride ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic person leaving_vehicle_at_stop ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic person lefthand_wait ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic person person_inserted_departPos ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic person person_triggered ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic person person_triggered_from ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic person persons_triggered ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic person ride_ANY_stopLane ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic person ride_access_redundancy ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic person ride_and_stop ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic person ride_and_stop_tolerance ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic person riding boarding_duration_no_extension ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic person riding capacity ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic person riding deboarding_duration_extension ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic person riding permitted ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic person riding public_brief_stop ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic person riding ride ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic person riding ride_access_ride ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic person riding ride_ignore_line ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic person riding ride_stoppingPlace ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic person riding ride_triggered_scale ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic person riding triggered ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic person riding vehicle_triggered ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic person scale individual default ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic person scale individual scale0.5 ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic person scale individual scale3 ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic person scale personFlow_number scale0.5 ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic person scale personFlow_number scale3 ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic person scale personFlow_probability scale0.5 ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic person scale personFlow_probability scale3 ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic person stop_duration0 ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic person stop_duration0_twice ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic person stop_edge ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic person stop_no_duration ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic person stop_stoppingPlace ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic person three_trainStops_at_one_edge ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic person trip_chain ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic person walking walk ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic person walking walk_duration ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic person walking walk_random_pos ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic person walking walk_routeDist ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic person walking walk_routeID ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic person walking walk_start_crossing ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic person walking walk_stoppingPlace ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic person walking walk_unconnected ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic personFlow busStop_ride_busStop ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic personFlow ride ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic personFlow ride_triggered ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic personFlow ride_triggeredFlow ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic personFlow three_trainStops_at_one_edge ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic personFlow triggered ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic personFlow walk_departPos_random ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic personFlow walk_personsPerHour ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic personFlow walk_poisson ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic personFlow walk_probability ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic personFlow walk_routeDist2 ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic personFlow walk_routeDist2_defaults ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic personFlow walk_routeDist_defaults ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic personFlow walk_typeDist ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic routes parsing edgeattr ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic routes parsing edgeattr_nested ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic routes parsing include ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic routes parsing nested ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic routes parsing one_edge ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic routes parsing repeat ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic routes parsing repeat_embedded ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic routes parsing repeat_flow_busstop ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic routes parsing repeat_flow_stops ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic routes parsing repeat_stops ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic routes parsing trip ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic routes parsing trip_via ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic routes simtime_explicite b0_e400 ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic routes simtime_explicite b0_e50 ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic routes simtime_explicite b100_e400 ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic routes simtime_explicite b50_e100 ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic routes simtime_fractional b0_e50 ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic routes simtime_fractional b0_e50_01 ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic routes simtime_fractional b100_e400 ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic routes simtime_fractional b50_e100 ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic routes simtime_same b0_e400 ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic routes simtime_same b0_e50 ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic routes simtime_same b100_e400 ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic routes simtime_same b50_e100 ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic routes validity all_lanes_valid ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic stops rail_at_containerstop ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic stops stop_edge ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic stops stop_edge_in_route ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic stops stop_param ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic stops two_busses_at_one_busstop ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic vtypes two_types_first_off ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic vtypes vclass_specific_speed_limit ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic vtypes vclass_specific_speed_limit_from_additional ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic vtypes vclass_specific_speed_limit_internal_2types ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic vtypes vclass_specific_speed_limit_internal_type ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec arrival arrivalEdge edge_0 ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec arrival arrivalEdge edge_1_flow ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec arrival arrivalEdge edge_1_trip ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec arrival arrivalEdge edge_2 ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec arrival arrivalEdge edge_2_trip ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec arrival arrivalEdge edge_default ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec arrival arrivalEdge edge_random ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec arrival lane_first ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec arrival lane_given0 ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec arrival lane_given1 ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec arrival lane_random ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec arrival pos_default ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec arrival pos_default_trip ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec arrival pos_given-10 ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec arrival pos_given0 ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec arrival pos_given10 ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec arrival pos_max ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec arrival pos_random ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec arrival speed_current_nearend ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec arrival speed_default ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec arrival speed_given0 ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec arrival speed_given0_nearend ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec arrival speed_given10 ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec arrival speed_given10_nearend ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec arrival speed_given_near0 ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec departure approach_slow_lane ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec departure departEdge edge_0 ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec departure departEdge edge_1_flow ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec departure departEdge edge_1_trip ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec departure departEdge edge_2 ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec departure departEdge edge_2_trip ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec departure departEdge edge_default ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec departure departEdge edge_last ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec departure departEdge edge_random ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec departure departEdge edge_random_trip ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec departure departLane lane_allowed_3veh ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec departure departLane lane_allowed_3veh_multimodal ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec departure departLane lane_allowed_3veh_multimodal_emergencyDecel ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec departure departLane lane_best_3veh ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec departure departLane lane_default ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec departure departLane lane_default_3veh_bus ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec departure departLane lane_default_3veh_passenger ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec departure departLane lane_free ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec departure departLane lane_free_3veh ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec departure departLane lane_free_occupancy ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec departure departLane lane_given0 ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec departure departLane lane_given1 ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec departure departLane lane_random ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec departure departPos pos_default ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec departure departPos pos_free ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec departure departPos pos_free_3veh ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec departure departPos pos_free_3veh_10ms ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec departure departPos pos_free_3veh_vmax ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec departure departPos pos_given-10 ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec departure departPos pos_given0 ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec departure departPos pos_given10 ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec departure departPos pos_random ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec departure departPos pos_random_3veh ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec departure departSpeed speed_avg_approach_minor ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec departure departSpeed speed_avg_approach_slow ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec departure departSpeed speed_default ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec departure departSpeed speed_desired_approach_minor ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec departure departSpeed speed_desired_approach_slow ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec departure departSpeed speed_given0 ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec departure departSpeed speed_given10 ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec departure departSpeed speed_given10_laneSpeed ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec departure departSpeed speed_given_30_speedFactor ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec departure departSpeed speed_given_defaultMax_speedFactor ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec departure departSpeed speed_given_deviation ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec departure departSpeed speed_given_speedFactor_roundUp ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec departure departSpeed speed_last_approach_minor ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec departure departSpeed speed_last_approach_slow ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec departure departSpeed speed_max__laneEnd ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec departure departSpeed speed_max__lanelimit ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec departure departSpeed speed_max__leader ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec departure departSpeed speed_max__vehlimit ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec departure departSpeed speed_random__lanelimit ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec departure departSpeed speed_random__vehlimit ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec departure departSpeed speed_speedLimit_approach_minor ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec departure departSpeed speed_speedLimit_approach_slow ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec departure depart_begin ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec departure depart_random ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec departure extrapolate_departpos_short ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec departure insertionChecks followerGap ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec departure insertionChecks leaderGap ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec departure insertionChecks stop ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec departure posLat_beyondLane ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec distribution route_basic ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec distribution route_nested ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec distribution route_nested_ref ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec distribution route_nested_refId ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec distribution route_nested_repeat ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec distribution route_ref ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec distribution route_ref_compact ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec distribution speedDev_override_individual ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec distribution speed_basic ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec distribution vtypeDist_useExisting_overrideProbabilities ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec distribution vtype_basic ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec flow 2flows_scaled ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec flow early_begin ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec flow early_end ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec flow many_per_step ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec flow nested_route ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec flow nested_route_stops ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec flow nested_stops ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec flow no ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec flow number_instant ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec flow number_instant2 ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec flow period ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec flow period_end ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec flow period_no ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec flow vehs_per_hour ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec flow vehs_per_hour_none ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec flow zero_period ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec person ride ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec person walk ( Last six runs Feb2024 )

63 TESTS FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba :

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXComboBoxIcon.cpp:102:14: runtime error: implicit conversion from type 'int' of value -5 (32-bit, signed) to type 'unsigned int' changed the value to 4294967291 (32-bit, unsigned)
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXComboBoxIcon.cpp:102:14 in 
> /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/osgview/GUIOSGView.cpp:273:18: runtime error: implicit conversion from type 'int' of value -1 (32-bit, signed) to type 'unsigned int' changed the value to 4294967295 (32-bit, unsigned)
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/osgview/GUIOSGView.cpp:273:18 in 
> /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/osgview/GUIOSGView.cpp:274:18: runtime error: implicit conversion from type 'int' of value -1 (32-bit, signed) to type 'unsigned int' changed the value to 4294967295 (32-bit, unsigned)
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/osgview/GUIOSGView.cpp:274:18 in 
> /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXListIcon.cpp:1201:14: runtime error: implicit conversion from type 'int' of value -65 (32-bit, signed) to type 'unsigned int' changed the value to 4294967231 (32-bit, unsigned)
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXListIcon.cpp:1201:14 in 
> /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXListIconItem.cpp:72:18: runtime error: implicit conversion from type 'int' of value -3 (32-bit, signed) to type 'unsigned int' changed the value to 4294967293 (32-bit, unsigned)
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXListIconItem.cpp:72:18 in 
> /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXListIcon.cpp:206:14: runtime error: implicit conversion from type 'int' of value -33 (32-bit, signed) to type 'unsigned int' changed the value to 4294967263 (32-bit, unsigned)
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXListIcon.cpp:206:14 in 
> /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXTextFieldIcon.cpp:945:14: runtime error: implicit conversion from type 'int' of value -33 (32-bit, signed) to type 'unsigned int' changed the value to 4294967263 (32-bit, unsigned)
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXTextFieldIcon.cpp:945:14 in 
> /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXComboBoxIcon.cpp:190:14: runtime error: implicit conversion from type 'int' of value -33 (32-bit, signed) to type 'unsigned int' changed the value to 4294967263 (32-bit, unsigned)
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXComboBoxIcon.cpp:190:14 in 
> AddressSanitizer: failed to read suppressions file '/home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/build/clang_memleak_suppressions.txt'
---------- New result in exitcode ----------
basic container container_number ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic container permitted ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic dynamics approach_slow_lane ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic dynamics insertion bestLane4 ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic dynamics insertion best_distance ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic dynamics insertion high_flow1 ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic dynamics insertion high_flow2 ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic dynamics insertion high_flow2_emergencyDecel ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic dynamics insertion high_flow3 ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic dynamics short_edges ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic hokkaido ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic person riding boarding_duration_extension ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic person riding boarding_duration_extension_limited ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic person riding boarding_duration_extension_limited_no_persons ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic person riding public ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic person riding public_by_id ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic routes parsing flow ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic routes parsing old_style ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic routes parsing reuse_id_ok ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic routes simtime_fractional b0_e400 ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic simple_nets box box1l ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic simple_nets box box2l ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic simple_nets box box3l ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic simple_nets box box4l ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic simple_nets cross cross1l ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic simple_nets cross cross1ltl ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic simple_nets cross cross3l ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic simple_nets cross cross3ltl ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic stops ship_at_containerstop ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic stops two_rails_at_one_containerstop ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic vtypes no_type ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic vtypes no_type_with_new ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic vtypes no_type_with_new_default ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic vtypes two_types_first_major ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic vtypes two_types_same_prob ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic vtypes two_types_second_off ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic vtypes using_defaults ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic vtypes vclass_specific_speed_limit_internal ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic vtypes vclass_specific_speed_limit_internal_2types_higherSpeed ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec arrival arrivalEdge edge_last ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec arrival arrivalEdge edge_random_routeFlow ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec departure departEdge edge_random_flow ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec departure departEdge edge_random_routeFlow ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec departure departPos pos_last_speed_given ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec departure departPos pos_last_speed_max ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec departure departSpeed speed_avg ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec departure departSpeed speed_desired ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec departure departSpeed speed_last ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec departure departSpeed speed_speedLimit ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec departure extrapolate_departpos ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec distribution route_ref_compact_with_probabilities ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec distribution speedDev ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec distribution speedDev_option ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec distribution speedFactorNormc ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec distribution vtypeDist_useExisting ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec flow poisson_0.1 ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec flow poisson_0.1_number ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec flow poisson_1 ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec flow probability_0.1 ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec flow probability_0.1_begin_100 ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec flow probability_0.1_step-length_0.2 ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec flow probability_0.5 ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec flow probability_0.5_start_1000 ( Last six runs Feb2024 )

23 TESTS FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba :

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> AddressSanitizer: failed to read suppressions file '/home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/build/clang_memleak_suppressions.txt'
basic container errors duplicate_id ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic person errors duplicate_id ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic person errors trainStop_car_disconnected ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic person stop_teleport_stop ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic person walking walk_0 ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic routes parsing repeat_disconnected ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic routes parsing repeat_stops_no_period ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic vtypes no_type_with_new_late ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec arrival arrivalEdge edge_invalid ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec departure departEdge edge_invalid ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec departure departEdge edge_invalid_routeFlow ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec distribution errors route_invalid_ref ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec distribution errors route_nested_invalid_ref ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec distribution errors speedDev_invalid ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec flow errors end_before_begin ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec flow errors neg_begin ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec flow errors neg_period ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec flow errors neg_repno ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec flow errors period_no_end ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec flow errors period_per_hour ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec flow errors poisson_invalid ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec flow errors repetition_missing ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec flow errors zero_period ( Last six runs Feb2024 )

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : basic container errors duplicate_person_id ( Last six runs Feb2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXComboBoxIcon.cpp:102:14: runtime error: implicit conversion from type 'int' of value -5 (32-bit, signed) to type 'unsigned int' changed the value to 4294967291 (32-bit, unsigned)
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXComboBoxIcon.cpp:102:14 in 
> /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/osgview/GUIOSGView.cpp:273:18: runtime error: implicit conversion from type 'int' of value -1 (32-bit, signed) to type 'unsigned int' changed the value to 4294967295 (32-bit, unsigned)
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/osgview/GUIOSGView.cpp:273:18 in 
> /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/osgview/GUIOSGView.cpp:274:18: runtime error: implicit conversion from type 'int' of value -1 (32-bit, signed) to type 'unsigned int' changed the value to 4294967295 (32-bit, unsigned)
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/osgview/GUIOSGView.cpp:274:18 in 
> /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXListIcon.cpp:1201:14: runtime error: implicit conversion from type 'int' of value -65 (32-bit, signed) to type 'unsigned int' changed the value to 4294967231 (32-bit, unsigned)
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXListIcon.cpp:1201:14 in 
> /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXListIconItem.cpp:72:18: runtime error: implicit conversion from type 'int' of value -3 (32-bit, signed) to type 'unsigned int' changed the value to 4294967293 (32-bit, unsigned)
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXListIconItem.cpp:72:18 in 
> /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXListIcon.cpp:206:14: runtime error: implicit conversion from type 'int' of value -33 (32-bit, signed) to type 'unsigned int' changed the value to 4294967263 (32-bit, unsigned)
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXListIcon.cpp:206:14 in 
> Warning: [ReaderWriterOBJ::convertElementListToGeometry] Some faces from geometry '' were reversed by the plugin
> /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXTextFieldIcon.cpp:945:14: runtime error: implicit conversion from type 'int' of value -33 (32-bit, signed) to type 'unsigned int' changed the value to 4294967263 (32-bit, unsigned)
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXTextFieldIcon.cpp:945:14 in 
> /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXComboBoxIcon.cpp:190:14: runtime error: implicit conversion from type 'int' of value -33 (32-bit, signed) to type 'unsigned int' changed the value to 4294967263 (32-bit, unsigned)
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXComboBoxIcon.cpp:190:14 in 
> AddressSanitizer: failed to read suppressions file '/home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/build/clang_memleak_suppressions.txt'
---------- New result in exitcode ----------

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : basic container transport ( Last six runs Feb2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> =================================================================
> ==2240440==ERROR: AddressSanitizer: heap-use-after-free on address 0x60e000027e20 at pc 0x560a5443603d bp 0x7ffdeacd1e80 sp 0x7ffdeacd1608
> READ of size 3 at 0x60e000027e20 thread T0
>     #0 0x560a5443603c in printf_common(void*, char const*, __va_list_tag*) asan_interceptors.cpp.o
>     #1 0x560a54436478 in __interceptor___vsnprintf_chk (/home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/bin/sumo-guiD+0x357f478) (BuildId: 1d847b6a8b1f0cd27c0bbebb63797277795bc9e0)
>     #2 0x7fdd3ae76ec9 in FX::FXString::vformat(char const*, __va_list_tag*) (/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libFOX-1.6.so.0+0x230ec9) (BuildId: 778a89a2a93578f68dd7c5bc5530250e02d6d693)
>     #3 0x7fdd3ae76f7f in FX::FXString::format(char const*, ...) (/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libFOX-1.6.so.0+0x230f7f) (BuildId: 778a89a2a93578f68dd7c5bc5530250e02d6d693)
>     #4 0x560a5518bfd1 in MFXRecentNetworks::onUpdFile(FX::FXObject*, unsigned int, void*) /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXRecentNetworks.cpp:65:20
>     #5 0x560a5518b359 in MFXRecentNetworks::handle(FX::FXObject*, unsigned int, void*) /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXRecentNetworks.cpp:34:1
>     #6 0x7fdd3ae37c3a in FX::FXObject::tryHandle(FX::FXObject*, unsigned int, void*) (/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libFOX-1.6.so.0+0x1f1c3a) (BuildId: 778a89a2a93578f68dd7c5bc5530250e02d6d693)
>     #7 0x7fdd3aec2f70 in FX::FXWindow::onUpdate(FX::FXObject*, unsigned int, void*) (/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libFOX-1.6.so.0+0x27cf70) (BuildId: 778a89a2a93578f68dd7c5bc5530250e02d6d693)
>     #8 0x7fdd3ae2fcfc in FX::FXMenuCaption::onUpdate(FX::FXObject*, unsigned int, void*) (/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libFOX-1.6.so.0+0x1e9cfc) (BuildId: 778a89a2a93578f68dd7c5bc5530250e02d6d693)
>     #9 0x7fdd3ad90b57 in FX::FXApp::getNextEvent(_XEvent&, bool) (/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libFOX-1.6.so.0+0x14ab57) (BuildId: 778a89a2a93578f68dd7c5bc5530250e02d6d693)
>     #10 0x7fdd3ad910c5 in FX::FXApp::runOneEvent(bool) (/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libFOX-1.6.so.0+0x14b0c5) (BuildId: 778a89a2a93578f68dd7c5bc5530250e02d6d693)
>     #11 0x7fdd3ad91174 in FX::FXApp::run() (/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libFOX-1.6.so.0+0x14b174) (BuildId: 778a89a2a93578f68dd7c5bc5530250e02d6d693)
>     #12 0x560a544d5fbc in main /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/guisim_main.cpp:98:27
>     #13 0x7fdd36ac3d8f in __libc_start_call_main csu/../sysdeps/nptl/libc_start_call_main.h:58:16
>     #14 0x7fdd36ac3e3f in __libc_start_main csu/../csu/libc-start.c:392:3
>     #15 0x560a544143e4 in _start (/home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/bin/sumo-guiD+0x355d3e4) (BuildId: 1d847b6a8b1f0cd27c0bbebb63797277795bc9e0)
> 0x60e000027e20 is located 0 bytes inside of 147-byte region [0x60e000027e20,0x60e000027eb3)
> freed by thread T2 here:
>     #0 0x560a54496f82 in __interceptor_free (/home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/bin/sumo-guiD+0x35dff82) (BuildId: 1d847b6a8b1f0cd27c0bbebb63797277795bc9e0)
>     #1 0x7fdd3adb6103 in FX::FXDict::replace(char const*, void const*, bool) (/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libFOX-1.6.so.0+0x170103) (BuildId: 778a89a2a93578f68dd7c5bc5530250e02d6d693)
> previously allocated by thread T0 here:
>     #0 0x560a54481c33 in __interceptor_strdup (/home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/bin/sumo-guiD+0x35cac33) (BuildId: 1d847b6a8b1f0cd27c0bbebb63797277795bc9e0)
>     #1 0x7fdd3adb60ea in FX::FXDict::replace(char const*, void const*, bool) (/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libFOX-1.6.so.0+0x1700ea) (BuildId: 778a89a2a93578f68dd7c5bc5530250e02d6d693)
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in tripinfos ----------
> <!-- generated on 2024-02-17 13:30:26 by Eclipse SUMO GUI Version v1_19_0+0850-9e882d67182
> This data file and the accompanying materials
> are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v2.0
> which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
> http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v20.html
> This file may also be made available under the following Secondary
> Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the Eclipse
> Public License 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License, version 2
> or later which is available at
> https://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0-standalone.html
> SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0-or-later
> <configuration xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/sumoConfiguration.xsd">
< <tripinfos xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/tripinfo_file.xsd">
<     <containerinfo id="c1" depart="0.00" type="DEFAULT_CONTAINERTYPE">
<         <transport waitingTime="0.00" vehicle="v1" depart="0.00" arrival="77.00" arrivalPos="500.00" duration="77.00" routeLength="2000.00" timeLoss="4.86"/>
<     </containerinfo>
<     <tripinfo id="v1" depart="0.00" departLane="beg_0" departPos="0.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="77.00" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="500.00" arrivalSpeed="27.80" duration="77.00" routeLength="2000.00" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="4.86" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_v1 container_v1" vType="DEFAULT_VEHTYPE" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/>
< </tripinfos>
>     <input>
>         <net-file value="three_split.net.xml"/>
>         <route-files value="input_routes.rou.xml"/>
>     </input>
>     <output>
>         <write-license value="true"/>
>         <tripinfo-output value="tripinfos.xml"/>
>     </output>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- New result in exitcode ----------

8 TESTS FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba :

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXComboBoxIcon.cpp:102:14: runtime error: implicit conversion from type 'int' of value -5 (32-bit, signed) to type 'unsigned int' changed the value to 4294967291 (32-bit, unsigned)
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXComboBoxIcon.cpp:102:14 in 
> /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/osgview/GUIOSGView.cpp:273:18: runtime error: implicit conversion from type 'int' of value -1 (32-bit, signed) to type 'unsigned int' changed the value to 4294967295 (32-bit, unsigned)
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/osgview/GUIOSGView.cpp:273:18 in 
> /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/osgview/GUIOSGView.cpp:274:18: runtime error: implicit conversion from type 'int' of value -1 (32-bit, signed) to type 'unsigned int' changed the value to 4294967295 (32-bit, unsigned)
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/osgview/GUIOSGView.cpp:274:18 in 
> /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXListIcon.cpp:1201:14: runtime error: implicit conversion from type 'int' of value -65 (32-bit, signed) to type 'unsigned int' changed the value to 4294967231 (32-bit, unsigned)
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXListIcon.cpp:1201:14 in 
> /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXListIconItem.cpp:72:18: runtime error: implicit conversion from type 'int' of value -3 (32-bit, signed) to type 'unsigned int' changed the value to 4294967293 (32-bit, unsigned)
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXListIconItem.cpp:72:18 in 
> /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXListIcon.cpp:206:14: runtime error: implicit conversion from type 'int' of value -33 (32-bit, signed) to type 'unsigned int' changed the value to 4294967263 (32-bit, unsigned)
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXListIcon.cpp:206:14 in 
> AddressSanitizer: failed to read suppressions file '/home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/build/clang_memleak_suppressions.txt'
---------- New result in exitcode ----------
basic container triggeredParkingNoCapacity ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic container two_containerstops_at_one_edge ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic dynamics deadlock time-to-teleport ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic dynamics deadlock time-to-teleport.highways ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic dynamics deadlock time-to-teleport.highways.min-speed ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic dynamics deadlock time-to-teleport_custom ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic person ride_wrong_destination ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic person riding ride_teleport ( Last six runs Feb2024 )

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : basic containerFlow transport ( Last six runs Feb2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXComboBoxIcon.cpp:102:14: runtime error: implicit conversion from type 'int' of value -5 (32-bit, signed) to type 'unsigned int' changed the value to 4294967291 (32-bit, unsigned)
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXComboBoxIcon.cpp:102:14 in 
> /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/osgview/GUIOSGView.cpp:273:18: runtime error: implicit conversion from type 'int' of value -1 (32-bit, signed) to type 'unsigned int' changed the value to 4294967295 (32-bit, unsigned)
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/osgview/GUIOSGView.cpp:273:18 in 
> /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/osgview/GUIOSGView.cpp:274:18: runtime error: implicit conversion from type 'int' of value -1 (32-bit, signed) to type 'unsigned int' changed the value to 4294967295 (32-bit, unsigned)
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/osgview/GUIOSGView.cpp:274:18 in 
> /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXListIcon.cpp:1201:14: runtime error: implicit conversion from type 'int' of value -65 (32-bit, signed) to type 'unsigned int' changed the value to 4294967231 (32-bit, unsigned)
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXListIcon.cpp:1201:14 in 
> /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXListIconItem.cpp:72:18: runtime error: implicit conversion from type 'int' of value -3 (32-bit, signed) to type 'unsigned int' changed the value to 4294967293 (32-bit, unsigned)
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXListIconItem.cpp:72:18 in 
> /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXListIcon.cpp:206:14: runtime error: implicit conversion from type 'int' of value -33 (32-bit, signed) to type 'unsigned int' changed the value to 4294967263 (32-bit, unsigned)
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXListIcon.cpp:206:14 in 
> Tracer caught signal 11: addr=0x12d20 pc=0x55c98aeab23a sp=0x7fe464a2ed40
> ==2240793==LeakSanitizer has encountered a fatal error.
> ==2240793==HINT: For debugging, try setting environment variable LSAN_OPTIONS=verbosity=1:log_threads=1
> ==2240793==HINT: LeakSanitizer does not work under ptrace (strace, gdb, etc)
---------- New result in exitcode ----------

2 TESTS FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba :

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXComboBoxIcon.cpp:102:14: runtime error: implicit conversion from type 'int' of value -5 (32-bit, signed) to type 'unsigned int' changed the value to 4294967291 (32-bit, unsigned)
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXComboBoxIcon.cpp:102:14 in 
> /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/osgview/GUIOSGView.cpp:273:18: runtime error: implicit conversion from type 'int' of value -1 (32-bit, signed) to type 'unsigned int' changed the value to 4294967295 (32-bit, unsigned)
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/osgview/GUIOSGView.cpp:273:18 in 
> /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/osgview/GUIOSGView.cpp:274:18: runtime error: implicit conversion from type 'int' of value -1 (32-bit, signed) to type 'unsigned int' changed the value to 4294967295 (32-bit, unsigned)
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/osgview/GUIOSGView.cpp:274:18 in 
> /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXListIcon.cpp:1201:14: runtime error: implicit conversion from type 'int' of value -65 (32-bit, signed) to type 'unsigned int' changed the value to 4294967231 (32-bit, unsigned)
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXListIcon.cpp:1201:14 in 
> /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXListIconItem.cpp:72:18: runtime error: implicit conversion from type 'int' of value -3 (32-bit, signed) to type 'unsigned int' changed the value to 4294967293 (32-bit, unsigned)
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXListIconItem.cpp:72:18 in 
> /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXListIcon.cpp:206:14: runtime error: implicit conversion from type 'int' of value -33 (32-bit, signed) to type 'unsigned int' changed the value to 4294967263 (32-bit, unsigned)
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXListIcon.cpp:206:14 in 
> AddressSanitizer: failed to read suppressions file '/home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/build/clang_memleak_suppressions.txt'
---------- New result in exitcode ----------
basic containerFlow trip_chain ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic personFlow trip_chain ( Last six runs Feb2024 )

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : basic dynamics deadlock teleport_multihop ( Last six runs Feb2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXComboBoxIcon.cpp:102:14: runtime error: implicit conversion from type 'int' of value -5 (32-bit, signed) to type 'unsigned int' changed the value to 4294967291 (32-bit, unsigned)
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXComboBoxIcon.cpp:102:14 in 
> /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/osgview/GUIOSGView.cpp:273:18: runtime error: implicit conversion from type 'int' of value -1 (32-bit, signed) to type 'unsigned int' changed the value to 4294967295 (32-bit, unsigned)
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/osgview/GUIOSGView.cpp:273:18 in 
> /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/osgview/GUIOSGView.cpp:274:18: runtime error: implicit conversion from type 'int' of value -1 (32-bit, signed) to type 'unsigned int' changed the value to 4294967295 (32-bit, unsigned)
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/osgview/GUIOSGView.cpp:274:18 in 
> /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXListIcon.cpp:1201:14: runtime error: implicit conversion from type 'int' of value -65 (32-bit, signed) to type 'unsigned int' changed the value to 4294967231 (32-bit, unsigned)
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXListIcon.cpp:1201:14 in 
> /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXListIconItem.cpp:72:18: runtime error: implicit conversion from type 'int' of value -3 (32-bit, signed) to type 'unsigned int' changed the value to 4294967293 (32-bit, unsigned)
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXListIconItem.cpp:72:18 in 
> /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXListIcon.cpp:206:14: runtime error: implicit conversion from type 'int' of value -33 (32-bit, signed) to type 'unsigned int' changed the value to 4294967263 (32-bit, unsigned)
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXListIcon.cpp:206:14 in 
> /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXTextFieldIcon.cpp:945:14: runtime error: implicit conversion from type 'int' of value -33 (32-bit, signed) to type 'unsigned int' changed the value to 4294967263 (32-bit, unsigned)
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXTextFieldIcon.cpp:945:14 in 
> /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXComboBoxIcon.cpp:190:14: runtime error: implicit conversion from type 'int' of value -33 (32-bit, signed) to type 'unsigned int' changed the value to 4294967263 (32-bit, unsigned)
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXComboBoxIcon.cpp:190:14 in 
> AddressSanitizer: failed to read suppressions file '/home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/build/clang_memleak_suppressions.txt'
---------- New result in exitcode ----------

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : basic dynamics insertion backlog_lanewise ( Last six runs Feb2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> =================================================================
> ==2231333==ERROR: AddressSanitizer: heap-use-after-free on address 0x60e000029da0 at pc 0x55a435174526 bp 0x7ffc2de9a970 sp 0x7ffc2de9a138
> READ of size 3 at 0x60e000029da0 thread T0
>     #0 0x55a435174525 in __interceptor_strlen (/home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/bin/sumo-guiD+0x3573525) (BuildId: 1d847b6a8b1f0cd27c0bbebb63797277795bc9e0)
>     #1 0x7f158c97e1d7 in FX::FXString::assign(char const*) (/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libFOX-1.6.so.0+0x22e1d7) (BuildId: 778a89a2a93578f68dd7c5bc5530250e02d6d693)
>     #2 0x55a435ed5ee7 in MFXRecentNetworks::onUpdFile(FX::FXObject*, unsigned int, void*) /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXRecentNetworks.cpp:60:29
>     #3 0x55a435ed5359 in MFXRecentNetworks::handle(FX::FXObject*, unsigned int, void*) /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXRecentNetworks.cpp:34:1
>     #4 0x7f158c941c3a in FX::FXObject::tryHandle(FX::FXObject*, unsigned int, void*) (/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libFOX-1.6.so.0+0x1f1c3a) (BuildId: 778a89a2a93578f68dd7c5bc5530250e02d6d693)
>     #5 0x7f158c9ccf70 in FX::FXWindow::onUpdate(FX::FXObject*, unsigned int, void*) (/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libFOX-1.6.so.0+0x27cf70) (BuildId: 778a89a2a93578f68dd7c5bc5530250e02d6d693)
>     #6 0x7f158c939cfc in FX::FXMenuCaption::onUpdate(FX::FXObject*, unsigned int, void*) (/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libFOX-1.6.so.0+0x1e9cfc) (BuildId: 778a89a2a93578f68dd7c5bc5530250e02d6d693)
>     #7 0x7f158c89ab57 in FX::FXApp::getNextEvent(_XEvent&, bool) (/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libFOX-1.6.so.0+0x14ab57) (BuildId: 778a89a2a93578f68dd7c5bc5530250e02d6d693)
>     #8 0x7f158c89b0c5 in FX::FXApp::runOneEvent(bool) (/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libFOX-1.6.so.0+0x14b0c5) (BuildId: 778a89a2a93578f68dd7c5bc5530250e02d6d693)
>     #9 0x7f158c89b174 in FX::FXApp::run() (/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libFOX-1.6.so.0+0x14b174) (BuildId: 778a89a2a93578f68dd7c5bc5530250e02d6d693)
>     #10 0x55a43521ffbc in main /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/guisim_main.cpp:98:27
>     #11 0x7f15885cdd8f in __libc_start_call_main csu/../sysdeps/nptl/libc_start_call_main.h:58:16
>     #12 0x7f15885cde3f in __libc_start_main csu/../csu/libc-start.c:392:3
>     #13 0x55a43515e3e4 in _start (/home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/bin/sumo-guiD+0x355d3e4) (BuildId: 1d847b6a8b1f0cd27c0bbebb63797277795bc9e0)
> 0x60e000029da0 is located 0 bytes inside of 160-byte region [0x60e000029da0,0x60e000029e40)
> freed by thread T2 here:
>     #0 0x55a4351e0f82 in __interceptor_free (/home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/bin/sumo-guiD+0x35dff82) (BuildId: 1d847b6a8b1f0cd27c0bbebb63797277795bc9e0)
>     #1 0x7f158c8c0103 in FX::FXDict::replace(char const*, void const*, bool) (/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libFOX-1.6.so.0+0x170103) (BuildId: 778a89a2a93578f68dd7c5bc5530250e02d6d693)
> previously allocated by thread T0 here:
>     #0 0x55a4351cbc33 in __interceptor_strdup (/home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/bin/sumo-guiD+0x35cac33) (BuildId: 1d847b6a8b1f0cd27c0bbebb63797277795bc9e0)
>     #1 0x7f158c8c00ea in FX::FXDict::replace(char const*, void const*, bool) (/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libFOX-1.6.so.0+0x1700ea) (BuildId: 778a89a2a93578f68dd7c5bc5530250e02d6d693)
> Thread T2 created by T0 here:
>     #0 0x55a4351ca6ac in __interceptor_pthread_create (/home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/bin/sumo-guiD+0x35c96ac) (BuildId: 1d847b6a8b1f0cd27c0bbebb63797277795bc9e0)
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Simulation started with time: 0.00.
< Simulation ended at time: 116.00
< Reason: All vehicles have left the simulation.
< Performance: 
< Vehicles: 
<  Inserted: 12
<  Running: 0
<  Waiting: 0
< Statistics (avg of 12):
<  RouteLength: 186.90
<  Speed: 14.41
<  Duration: 20.42
<  WaitingTime: 0.00
<  TimeLoss: 6.47
<  DepartDelay: 8.58
---------- Differences in tripinfos ----------
> <!-- generated on 2024-02-17 13:29:08 by Eclipse SUMO GUI Version v1_19_0+0850-9e882d67182
> This data file and the accompanying materials
> are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v2.0
> which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
> http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v20.html
> This file may also be made available under the following Secondary
> Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the Eclipse
> Public License 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License, version 2
> or later which is available at
> https://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0-standalone.html
> SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0-or-later
> <configuration xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/sumoConfiguration.xsd">
< <tripinfos xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/tripinfo_file.xsd">
<     <tripinfo id="unblocked.0" depart="0.00" departLane="end_0" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="12.00" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="192.00" arrivalSpeed="31.20" duration="12.00" routeLength="186.90" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="6.37" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_unblocked.0" vType="t0" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="unblocked.1" depart="10.00" departLane="end_0" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="22.00" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="192.00" arrivalSpeed="31.20" duration="12.00" routeLength="186.90" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="6.37" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_unblocked.1" vType="t0" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="unblocked.2" depart="20.00" departLane="end_0" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="32.00" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="192.00" arrivalSpeed="31.20" duration="12.00" routeLength="186.90" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="6.37" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_unblocked.2" vType="t0" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="unblocked.3" depart="30.00" departLane="end_0" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="42.00" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="192.00" arrivalSpeed="31.20" duration="12.00" routeLength="186.90" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="6.37" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_unblocked.3" vType="t0" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="unblocked.4" depart="40.00" departLane="end_0" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="52.00" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="192.00" arrivalSpeed="31.20" duration="12.00" routeLength="186.90" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="6.37" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_unblocked.4" vType="t0" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="unblocked.5" depart="50.00" departLane="end_0" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="62.00" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="192.00" arrivalSpeed="31.20" duration="12.00" routeLength="186.90" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="6.37" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_unblocked.5" vType="t0" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="unblocked.6" depart="60.00" departLane="end_0" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="72.00" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="192.00" arrivalSpeed="31.20" duration="12.00" routeLength="186.90" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="6.37" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_unblocked.6" vType="t0" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="unblocked.7" depart="70.00" departLane="end_0" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="82.00" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="192.00" arrivalSpeed="31.20" duration="12.00" routeLength="186.90" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="6.37" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_unblocked.7" vType="t0" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="unblocked.8" depart="80.00" departLane="end_0" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="92.00" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="192.00" arrivalSpeed="31.20" duration="12.00" routeLength="186.90" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="6.37" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_unblocked.8" vType="t0" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="unblocked.9" depart="90.00" departLane="end_0" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="102.00" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="192.00" arrivalSpeed="31.20" duration="12.00" routeLength="186.90" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="6.37" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_unblocked.9" vType="t0" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="blocker" depart="0.00" departLane="end_1" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="113.00" arrivalLane="end_1" arrivalPos="192.00" arrivalSpeed="31.20" duration="113.00" routeLength="186.90" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="100.00" timeLoss="7.34" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_blocker" vType="t0" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="backlogged" depart="103.00" departLane="end_1" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="103.00" arrival="115.00" arrivalLane="end_1" arrivalPos="192.00" arrivalSpeed="30.50" duration="12.00" routeLength="186.90" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="6.60" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_backlogged" vType="t0" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/>
< </tripinfos>
>     <input>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- New result in exitcode ----------

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : basic dynamics insertion force_unsafe_followspeed ( Last six runs Feb2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXComboBoxIcon.cpp:102:14: runtime error: implicit conversion from type 'int' of value -5 (32-bit, signed) to type 'unsigned int' changed the value to 4294967291 (32-bit, unsigned)
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXComboBoxIcon.cpp:102:14 in 
> /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/osgview/GUIOSGView.cpp:273:18: runtime error: implicit conversion from type 'int' of value -1 (32-bit, signed) to type 'unsigned int' changed the value to 4294967295 (32-bit, unsigned)
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/osgview/GUIOSGView.cpp:273:18 in 
> /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/osgview/GUIOSGView.cpp:274:18: runtime error: implicit conversion from type 'int' of value -1 (32-bit, signed) to type 'unsigned int' changed the value to 4294967295 (32-bit, unsigned)
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/osgview/GUIOSGView.cpp:274:18 in 
> /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXListIcon.cpp:1201:14: runtime error: implicit conversion from type 'int' of value -65 (32-bit, signed) to type 'unsigned int' changed the value to 4294967231 (32-bit, unsigned)
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXListIcon.cpp:1201:14 in 
> /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXListIconItem.cpp:72:18: runtime error: implicit conversion from type 'int' of value -3 (32-bit, signed) to type 'unsigned int' changed the value to 4294967293 (32-bit, unsigned)
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXListIconItem.cpp:72:18 in 
> /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXListIcon.cpp:206:14: runtime error: implicit conversion from type 'int' of value -33 (32-bit, signed) to type 'unsigned int' changed the value to 4294967263 (32-bit, unsigned)
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXListIcon.cpp:206:14 in 
> AddressSanitizer: failed to read suppressions file '/home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/build/clang_memleak_suppressions.txt'
---------- New result in exitcode ----------

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : basic dynamics insertion high_flow1_extreme ( Last six runs Feb2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXComboBoxIcon.cpp:102:14: runtime error: implicit conversion from type 'int' of value -5 (32-bit, signed) to type 'unsigned int' changed the value to 4294967291 (32-bit, unsigned)
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXComboBoxIcon.cpp:102:14 in 
> /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/osgview/GUIOSGView.cpp:273:18: runtime error: implicit conversion from type 'int' of value -1 (32-bit, signed) to type 'unsigned int' changed the value to 4294967295 (32-bit, unsigned)
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/osgview/GUIOSGView.cpp:273:18 in 
> /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/osgview/GUIOSGView.cpp:274:18: runtime error: implicit conversion from type 'int' of value -1 (32-bit, signed) to type 'unsigned int' changed the value to 4294967295 (32-bit, unsigned)
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/osgview/GUIOSGView.cpp:274:18 in 
> /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXListIcon.cpp:1201:14: runtime error: implicit conversion from type 'int' of value -65 (32-bit, signed) to type 'unsigned int' changed the value to 4294967231 (32-bit, unsigned)
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXListIcon.cpp:1201:14 in 
> /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXListIconItem.cpp:72:18: runtime error: implicit conversion from type 'int' of value -3 (32-bit, signed) to type 'unsigned int' changed the value to 4294967293 (32-bit, unsigned)
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXListIconItem.cpp:72:18 in 
> /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXListIcon.cpp:206:14: runtime error: implicit conversion from type 'int' of value -33 (32-bit, signed) to type 'unsigned int' changed the value to 4294967263 (32-bit, unsigned)
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXListIcon.cpp:206:14 in 
> /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXTextFieldIcon.cpp:945:14: runtime error: implicit conversion from type 'int' of value -33 (32-bit, signed) to type 'unsigned int' changed the value to 4294967263 (32-bit, unsigned)
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXTextFieldIcon.cpp:945:14 in 
> /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXComboBoxIcon.cpp:190:14: runtime error: implicit conversion from type 'int' of value -33 (32-bit, signed) to type 'unsigned int' changed the value to 4294967263 (32-bit, unsigned)
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXComboBoxIcon.cpp:190:14 in 
> AddressSanitizer: failed to read suppressions file '/home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/build/clang_memleak_suppressions.txt'
---------- New result in exitcode ----------

13 TESTS FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba :

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXComboBoxIcon.cpp:102:14: runtime error: implicit conversion from type 'int' of value -5 (32-bit, signed) to type 'unsigned int' changed the value to 4294967291 (32-bit, unsigned)
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXComboBoxIcon.cpp:102:14 in 
> /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/osgview/GUIOSGView.cpp:273:18: runtime error: implicit conversion from type 'int' of value -1 (32-bit, signed) to type 'unsigned int' changed the value to 4294967295 (32-bit, unsigned)
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/osgview/GUIOSGView.cpp:273:18 in 
> /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/osgview/GUIOSGView.cpp:274:18: runtime error: implicit conversion from type 'int' of value -1 (32-bit, signed) to type 'unsigned int' changed the value to 4294967295 (32-bit, unsigned)
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/osgview/GUIOSGView.cpp:274:18 in 
> /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXListIcon.cpp:1201:14: runtime error: implicit conversion from type 'int' of value -65 (32-bit, signed) to type 'unsigned int' changed the value to 4294967231 (32-bit, unsigned)
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXListIcon.cpp:1201:14 in 
> /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXListIconItem.cpp:72:18: runtime error: implicit conversion from type 'int' of value -3 (32-bit, signed) to type 'unsigned int' changed the value to 4294967293 (32-bit, unsigned)
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXListIconItem.cpp:72:18 in 
> /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXListIcon.cpp:206:14: runtime error: implicit conversion from type 'int' of value -33 (32-bit, signed) to type 'unsigned int' changed the value to 4294967263 (32-bit, unsigned)
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXListIcon.cpp:206:14 in 
> AddressSanitizer: failed to read suppressions file '/home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/build/clang_memleak_suppressions.txt'
---------- New result in exitcode ----------
basic dynamics short_edge_arrival ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic networks internal_net_plain_sim ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic person errors unsuitable_vclass ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic stops busstop_change_color ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic stops long_bus_at_busstop ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic stops long_bus_at_busstop2 ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic stops long_rail_at_containerstop ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic stops long_rail_at_containerstop2 ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic vtypes invalid_type ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec arrival errors lane_given10 ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec arrival errors speed_given100 ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec arrival pos_given10000 ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec flow number_no_end ( Last six runs Feb2024 )

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : basic person errors duplicate_container_id ( Last six runs Feb2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXComboBoxIcon.cpp:102:14: runtime error: implicit conversion from type 'int' of value -5 (32-bit, signed) to type 'unsigned int' changed the value to 4294967291 (32-bit, unsigned)
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXComboBoxIcon.cpp:102:14 in 
> /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/osgview/GUIOSGView.cpp:273:18: runtime error: implicit conversion from type 'int' of value -1 (32-bit, signed) to type 'unsigned int' changed the value to 4294967295 (32-bit, unsigned)
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/osgview/GUIOSGView.cpp:273:18 in 
> /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/osgview/GUIOSGView.cpp:274:18: runtime error: implicit conversion from type 'int' of value -1 (32-bit, signed) to type 'unsigned int' changed the value to 4294967295 (32-bit, unsigned)
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/osgview/GUIOSGView.cpp:274:18 in 
> /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXListIcon.cpp:1201:14: runtime error: implicit conversion from type 'int' of value -65 (32-bit, signed) to type 'unsigned int' changed the value to 4294967231 (32-bit, unsigned)
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXListIcon.cpp:1201:14 in 
> /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXListIconItem.cpp:72:18: runtime error: implicit conversion from type 'int' of value -3 (32-bit, signed) to type 'unsigned int' changed the value to 4294967293 (32-bit, unsigned)
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXListIconItem.cpp:72:18 in 
> /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXListIcon.cpp:206:14: runtime error: implicit conversion from type 'int' of value -33 (32-bit, signed) to type 'unsigned int' changed the value to 4294967263 (32-bit, unsigned)
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXListIcon.cpp:206:14 in 
> Warning: [ReaderWriterOBJ::convertElementListToGeometry] Some faces from geometry '' were reversed by the plugin
> AddressSanitizer: failed to read suppressions file '/home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/build/clang_memleak_suppressions.txt'
---------- New result in exitcode ----------

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : basic person errors invalid_busstop ( Last six runs Feb2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> AddressSanitizer: failed to read suppressions file '/home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/build/clang_memleak_suppressions.txt'

9 TESTS FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba :

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXComboBoxIcon.cpp:102:14: runtime error: implicit conversion from type 'int' of value -5 (32-bit, signed) to type 'unsigned int' changed the value to 4294967291 (32-bit, unsigned)
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXComboBoxIcon.cpp:102:14 in 
> /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/osgview/GUIOSGView.cpp:273:18: runtime error: implicit conversion from type 'int' of value -1 (32-bit, signed) to type 'unsigned int' changed the value to 4294967295 (32-bit, unsigned)
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/osgview/GUIOSGView.cpp:273:18 in 
> /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/osgview/GUIOSGView.cpp:274:18: runtime error: implicit conversion from type 'int' of value -1 (32-bit, signed) to type 'unsigned int' changed the value to 4294967295 (32-bit, unsigned)
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/osgview/GUIOSGView.cpp:274:18 in 
> /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXListIcon.cpp:1201:14: runtime error: implicit conversion from type 'int' of value -65 (32-bit, signed) to type 'unsigned int' changed the value to 4294967231 (32-bit, unsigned)
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXListIcon.cpp:1201:14 in 
> /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXListIconItem.cpp:72:18: runtime error: implicit conversion from type 'int' of value -3 (32-bit, signed) to type 'unsigned int' changed the value to 4294967293 (32-bit, unsigned)
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXListIconItem.cpp:72:18 in 
> /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXListIcon.cpp:206:14: runtime error: implicit conversion from type 'int' of value -33 (32-bit, signed) to type 'unsigned int' changed the value to 4294967263 (32-bit, unsigned)
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXListIcon.cpp:206:14 in 
> AddressSanitizer: failed to read suppressions file '/home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/build/clang_memleak_suppressions.txt'
basic person errors person_triggered_invalidFrom ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic routes parsing reuse_id_false ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic routes parsing trip_via_invalid ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic routes validity connection_invalid ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec departure errors edge_disallowed ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec departure errors lane_given10 ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec departure errors lane_given_disallowed ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec departure errors speed_given100 ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec departure errors speed_given50 ( Last six runs Feb2024 )

4 TESTS FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba :

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXComboBoxIcon.cpp:102:14: runtime error: implicit conversion from type 'int' of value -5 (32-bit, signed) to type 'unsigned int' changed the value to 4294967291 (32-bit, unsigned)
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXComboBoxIcon.cpp:102:14 in 
> /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/osgview/GUIOSGView.cpp:273:18: runtime error: implicit conversion from type 'int' of value -1 (32-bit, signed) to type 'unsigned int' changed the value to 4294967295 (32-bit, unsigned)
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/osgview/GUIOSGView.cpp:273:18 in 
> /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/osgview/GUIOSGView.cpp:274:18: runtime error: implicit conversion from type 'int' of value -1 (32-bit, signed) to type 'unsigned int' changed the value to 4294967295 (32-bit, unsigned)
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/osgview/GUIOSGView.cpp:274:18 in 
> /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXListIcon.cpp:1201:14: runtime error: implicit conversion from type 'int' of value -65 (32-bit, signed) to type 'unsigned int' changed the value to 4294967231 (32-bit, unsigned)
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXListIcon.cpp:1201:14 in 
> /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXListIconItem.cpp:72:18: runtime error: implicit conversion from type 'int' of value -3 (32-bit, signed) to type 'unsigned int' changed the value to 4294967293 (32-bit, unsigned)
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXListIconItem.cpp:72:18 in 
> /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXListIcon.cpp:206:14: runtime error: implicit conversion from type 'int' of value -33 (32-bit, signed) to type 'unsigned int' changed the value to 4294967263 (32-bit, unsigned)
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXListIcon.cpp:206:14 in 
> Warning: [ReaderWriterOBJ::convertElementListToGeometry] Some faces from geometry '' were reversed by the plugin
> /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXTextFieldIcon.cpp:945:14: runtime error: implicit conversion from type 'int' of value -33 (32-bit, signed) to type 'unsigned int' changed the value to 4294967263 (32-bit, unsigned)
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXTextFieldIcon.cpp:945:14 in 
> /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXComboBoxIcon.cpp:190:14: runtime error: implicit conversion from type 'int' of value -33 (32-bit, signed) to type 'unsigned int' changed the value to 4294967263 (32-bit, unsigned)
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXComboBoxIcon.cpp:190:14 in 
> AddressSanitizer: failed to read suppressions file '/home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/build/clang_memleak_suppressions.txt'
---------- New result in exitcode ----------
basic person leaving_vehicle_at_stop_subsecond ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic person riding public_wait ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic personFlow ferry_trip ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic personFlow walkRoute_busStop_walk ( Last six runs Feb2024 )

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : basic person person_number ( Last six runs Feb2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXComboBoxIcon.cpp:102:14: runtime error: implicit conversion from type 'int' of value -5 (32-bit, signed) to type 'unsigned int' changed the value to 4294967291 (32-bit, unsigned)
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXComboBoxIcon.cpp:102:14 in 
> /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/osgview/GUIOSGView.cpp:273:18: runtime error: implicit conversion from type 'int' of value -1 (32-bit, signed) to type 'unsigned int' changed the value to 4294967295 (32-bit, unsigned)
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/osgview/GUIOSGView.cpp:273:18 in 
> /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/osgview/GUIOSGView.cpp:274:18: runtime error: implicit conversion from type 'int' of value -1 (32-bit, signed) to type 'unsigned int' changed the value to 4294967295 (32-bit, unsigned)
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/osgview/GUIOSGView.cpp:274:18 in 
> /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXListIcon.cpp:1201:14: runtime error: implicit conversion from type 'int' of value -65 (32-bit, signed) to type 'unsigned int' changed the value to 4294967231 (32-bit, unsigned)
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXListIcon.cpp:1201:14 in 
> /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXListIconItem.cpp:72:18: runtime error: implicit conversion from type 'int' of value -3 (32-bit, signed) to type 'unsigned int' changed the value to 4294967293 (32-bit, unsigned)
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXListIconItem.cpp:72:18 in 
> /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXListIcon.cpp:206:14: runtime error: implicit conversion from type 'int' of value -33 (32-bit, signed) to type 'unsigned int' changed the value to 4294967263 (32-bit, unsigned)
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXListIcon.cpp:206:14 in 
> /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXTextFieldIcon.cpp:945:14: runtime error: implicit conversion from type 'int' of value -33 (32-bit, signed) to type 'unsigned int' changed the value to 4294967263 (32-bit, unsigned)
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXTextFieldIcon.cpp:945:14 in 
> /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXComboBoxIcon.cpp:190:14: runtime error: implicit conversion from type 'int' of value -33 (32-bit, signed) to type 'unsigned int' changed the value to 4294967263 (32-bit, unsigned)
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXComboBoxIcon.cpp:190:14 in 
> Warning: [ReaderWriterOBJ::convertElementListToGeometry] Some faces from geometry '' were reversed by the plugin
> AddressSanitizer: failed to read suppressions file '/home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/build/clang_memleak_suppressions.txt'
---------- New result in exitcode ----------

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : basic person ride_premature_end ( Last six runs Feb2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
< Warning: Teleporting person 'p1' from vehicle destination edge 'middle' to intended destination edge 'end' time=59.00
> =================================================================
> ==2235977==ERROR: AddressSanitizer: heap-use-after-free on address 0x60e000028980 at pc 0x561787f92526 bp 0x7ffdd3042290 sp 0x7ffdd3041a58
> READ of size 3 at 0x60e000028980 thread T0
>     #0 0x561787f92525 in __interceptor_strlen (/home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/bin/sumo-guiD+0x3573525) (BuildId: 1d847b6a8b1f0cd27c0bbebb63797277795bc9e0)
>     #1 0x7fbdd28b61d7 in FX::FXString::assign(char const*) (/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libFOX-1.6.so.0+0x22e1d7) (BuildId: 778a89a2a93578f68dd7c5bc5530250e02d6d693)
>     #2 0x561788cf3ee7 in MFXRecentNetworks::onUpdFile(FX::FXObject*, unsigned int, void*) /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXRecentNetworks.cpp:60:29
>     #3 0x561788cf3359 in MFXRecentNetworks::handle(FX::FXObject*, unsigned int, void*) /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXRecentNetworks.cpp:34:1
>     #4 0x7fbdd2879c3a in FX::FXObject::tryHandle(FX::FXObject*, unsigned int, void*) (/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libFOX-1.6.so.0+0x1f1c3a) (BuildId: 778a89a2a93578f68dd7c5bc5530250e02d6d693)
>     #5 0x7fbdd2904f70 in FX::FXWindow::onUpdate(FX::FXObject*, unsigned int, void*) (/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libFOX-1.6.so.0+0x27cf70) (BuildId: 778a89a2a93578f68dd7c5bc5530250e02d6d693)
>     #6 0x7fbdd2871cfc in FX::FXMenuCaption::onUpdate(FX::FXObject*, unsigned int, void*) (/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libFOX-1.6.so.0+0x1e9cfc) (BuildId: 778a89a2a93578f68dd7c5bc5530250e02d6d693)
>     #7 0x7fbdd27d2b57 in FX::FXApp::getNextEvent(_XEvent&, bool) (/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libFOX-1.6.so.0+0x14ab57) (BuildId: 778a89a2a93578f68dd7c5bc5530250e02d6d693)
>     #8 0x7fbdd27d30c5 in FX::FXApp::runOneEvent(bool) (/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libFOX-1.6.so.0+0x14b0c5) (BuildId: 778a89a2a93578f68dd7c5bc5530250e02d6d693)
>     #9 0x7fbdd27d3174 in FX::FXApp::run() (/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libFOX-1.6.so.0+0x14b174) (BuildId: 778a89a2a93578f68dd7c5bc5530250e02d6d693)
>     #10 0x56178803dfbc in main /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/guisim_main.cpp:98:27
>     #11 0x7fbdce505d8f in __libc_start_call_main csu/../sysdeps/nptl/libc_start_call_main.h:58:16
>     #12 0x7fbdce505e3f in __libc_start_main csu/../csu/libc-start.c:392:3
>     #13 0x561787f7c3e4 in _start (/home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/bin/sumo-guiD+0x355d3e4) (BuildId: 1d847b6a8b1f0cd27c0bbebb63797277795bc9e0)
> 0x60e000028980 is located 0 bytes inside of 145-byte region [0x60e000028980,0x60e000028a11)
> freed by thread T2 here:
>     #0 0x561787ffef82 in __interceptor_free (/home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/bin/sumo-guiD+0x35dff82) (BuildId: 1d847b6a8b1f0cd27c0bbebb63797277795bc9e0)
>     #1 0x7fbdd27f8103 in FX::FXDict::replace(char const*, void const*, bool) (/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libFOX-1.6.so.0+0x170103) (BuildId: 778a89a2a93578f68dd7c5bc5530250e02d6d693)
> previously allocated by thread T0 here:
>     #0 0x561787fe9c33 in __interceptor_strdup (/home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/bin/sumo-guiD+0x35cac33) (BuildId: 1d847b6a8b1f0cd27c0bbebb63797277795bc9e0)
>     #1 0x7fbdd27f80ea in FX::FXDict::replace(char const*, void const*, bool) (/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libFOX-1.6.so.0+0x1700ea) (BuildId: 778a89a2a93578f68dd7c5bc5530250e02d6d693)
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in tripinfos ----------
> <!-- generated on 2024-02-17 13:29:52 by Eclipse SUMO GUI Version v1_19_0+0850-9e882d67182
> This data file and the accompanying materials
> are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v2.0
> which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
> http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v20.html
> This file may also be made available under the following Secondary
> Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the Eclipse
> Public License 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License, version 2
> or later which is available at
> https://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0-standalone.html
> SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0-or-later
> <configuration xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/sumoConfiguration.xsd">
< <tripinfos xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/tripinfo_file.xsd">
<     <personinfo id="p1" depart="0.00" type="DEFAULT_PEDTYPE" speedFactor="1.00">
<         <ride waitingTime="0.00" vehicle="v1" depart="0.00" arrival="59.00" arrivalPos="1000.00" duration="59.00" routeLength="1500.00" timeLoss="4.86"/>
<     </personinfo>
<     <tripinfo id="v1" depart="0.00" departLane="beg_0" departPos="0.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="59.00" arrivalLane="middle_0" arrivalPos="1000.00" arrivalSpeed="27.80" duration="59.00" routeLength="1500.00" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="4.86" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_v1 person_v1" vType="DEFAULT_VEHTYPE" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/>
<     <personinfo id="p2" depart="0.00" type="DEFAULT_PEDTYPE" speedFactor="1.00">
<         <walk depart="0.00" departPos="0.00" arrival="180.00" arrivalPos="250.00" duration="180.00" routeLength="250.00" timeLoss="0.00" maxSpeed="1.39"/>
<     </personinfo>
< </tripinfos>
>     <input>
>         <net-file value="three_split.net.xml"/>
>         <route-files value="input_routes.rou.xml"/>
>     </input>
>     <output>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- New result in exitcode ----------

9 TESTS FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba :

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXComboBoxIcon.cpp:102:14: runtime error: implicit conversion from type 'int' of value -5 (32-bit, signed) to type 'unsigned int' changed the value to 4294967291 (32-bit, unsigned)
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXComboBoxIcon.cpp:102:14 in 
> /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/osgview/GUIOSGView.cpp:273:18: runtime error: implicit conversion from type 'int' of value -1 (32-bit, signed) to type 'unsigned int' changed the value to 4294967295 (32-bit, unsigned)
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/osgview/GUIOSGView.cpp:273:18 in 
> /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/osgview/GUIOSGView.cpp:274:18: runtime error: implicit conversion from type 'int' of value -1 (32-bit, signed) to type 'unsigned int' changed the value to 4294967295 (32-bit, unsigned)
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/osgview/GUIOSGView.cpp:274:18 in 
> /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXListIcon.cpp:1201:14: runtime error: implicit conversion from type 'int' of value -65 (32-bit, signed) to type 'unsigned int' changed the value to 4294967231 (32-bit, unsigned)
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXListIcon.cpp:1201:14 in 
> /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXListIconItem.cpp:72:18: runtime error: implicit conversion from type 'int' of value -3 (32-bit, signed) to type 'unsigned int' changed the value to 4294967293 (32-bit, unsigned)
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXListIconItem.cpp:72:18 in 
> /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXListIcon.cpp:206:14: runtime error: implicit conversion from type 'int' of value -33 (32-bit, signed) to type 'unsigned int' changed the value to 4294967263 (32-bit, unsigned)
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXListIcon.cpp:206:14 in 
> Warning: [ReaderWriterOBJ::convertElementListToGeometry] Some faces from geometry '' were reversed by the plugin
> AddressSanitizer: failed to read suppressions file '/home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/build/clang_memleak_suppressions.txt'
---------- New result in exitcode ----------
basic person ride_stopMismatch ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic person riding boarding_duration_extension_small ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic person scale personFlow_number default ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic person stop_duration ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic person trip_chain_chargingstations ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic person walking walk_speedFactor ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic personFlow busStop_ride_busStop_capacity ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic personFlow walk_busStop_walk ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
basic personFlow walk_routeDist ( Last six runs Feb2024 )

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : basic person scale personFlow_probability default ( Last six runs Feb2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> =================================================================
> ==2235662==ERROR: AddressSanitizer: heap-use-after-free on address 0x60d000007060 at pc 0x5652a4dbb526 bp 0x7ffcc3c45c70 sp 0x7ffcc3c45438
> READ of size 3 at 0x60d000007060 thread T0
>     #0 0x5652a4dbb525 in __interceptor_strlen (/home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/bin/sumo-guiD+0x3573525) (BuildId: 1d847b6a8b1f0cd27c0bbebb63797277795bc9e0)
>     #1 0x7fc167c9b1d7 in FX::FXString::assign(char const*) (/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libFOX-1.6.so.0+0x22e1d7) (BuildId: 778a89a2a93578f68dd7c5bc5530250e02d6d693)
>     #2 0x5652a5b1cee7 in MFXRecentNetworks::onUpdFile(FX::FXObject*, unsigned int, void*) /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXRecentNetworks.cpp:60:29
>     #3 0x5652a5b1c359 in MFXRecentNetworks::handle(FX::FXObject*, unsigned int, void*) /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXRecentNetworks.cpp:34:1
>     #4 0x7fc167c5ec3a in FX::FXObject::tryHandle(FX::FXObject*, unsigned int, void*) (/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libFOX-1.6.so.0+0x1f1c3a) (BuildId: 778a89a2a93578f68dd7c5bc5530250e02d6d693)
>     #5 0x7fc167ce9f70 in FX::FXWindow::onUpdate(FX::FXObject*, unsigned int, void*) (/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libFOX-1.6.so.0+0x27cf70) (BuildId: 778a89a2a93578f68dd7c5bc5530250e02d6d693)
>     #6 0x7fc167c56cfc in FX::FXMenuCaption::onUpdate(FX::FXObject*, unsigned int, void*) (/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libFOX-1.6.so.0+0x1e9cfc) (BuildId: 778a89a2a93578f68dd7c5bc5530250e02d6d693)
>     #7 0x7fc167bb7b57 in FX::FXApp::getNextEvent(_XEvent&, bool) (/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libFOX-1.6.so.0+0x14ab57) (BuildId: 778a89a2a93578f68dd7c5bc5530250e02d6d693)
>     #8 0x7fc167bb80c5 in FX::FXApp::runOneEvent(bool) (/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libFOX-1.6.so.0+0x14b0c5) (BuildId: 778a89a2a93578f68dd7c5bc5530250e02d6d693)
>     #9 0x7fc167bb8174 in FX::FXApp::run() (/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libFOX-1.6.so.0+0x14b174) (BuildId: 778a89a2a93578f68dd7c5bc5530250e02d6d693)
>     #10 0x5652a4e66fbc in main /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/guisim_main.cpp:98:27
>     #11 0x7fc1638ead8f in __libc_start_call_main csu/../sysdeps/nptl/libc_start_call_main.h:58:16
>     #12 0x7fc1638eae3f in __libc_start_main csu/../csu/libc-start.c:392:3
>     #13 0x5652a4da53e4 in _start (/home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/bin/sumo-guiD+0x355d3e4) (BuildId: 1d847b6a8b1f0cd27c0bbebb63797277795bc9e0)
> 0x60d000007060 is located 0 bytes inside of 144-byte region [0x60d000007060,0x60d0000070f0)
> freed by thread T2 here:
>     #0 0x5652a4e27f82 in __interceptor_free (/home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/bin/sumo-guiD+0x35dff82) (BuildId: 1d847b6a8b1f0cd27c0bbebb63797277795bc9e0)
>     #1 0x7fc167bdd103 in FX::FXDict::replace(char const*, void const*, bool) (/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libFOX-1.6.so.0+0x170103) (BuildId: 778a89a2a93578f68dd7c5bc5530250e02d6d693)
> previously allocated by thread T0 here:
>     #0 0x5652a4e12c33 in __interceptor_strdup (/home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/bin/sumo-guiD+0x35cac33) (BuildId: 1d847b6a8b1f0cd27c0bbebb63797277795bc9e0)
>     #1 0x7fc167bdd0ea in FX::FXDict::replace(char const*, void const*, bool) (/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libFOX-1.6.so.0+0x1700ea) (BuildId: 778a89a2a93578f68dd7c5bc5530250e02d6d693)
> Thread T2 created by T0 here:
>     #0 0x5652a4e116ac in __interceptor_pthread_create (/home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/bin/sumo-guiD+0x35c96ac) (BuildId: 1d847b6a8b1f0cd27c0bbebb63797277795bc9e0)
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Simulation started with time: 0.00.
< Simulation ended at time: 35.00
< Reason: All vehicles have left the simulation.
< Statistics (avg of 0):
<  RouteLength: 0.00
<  Speed: 0.00
<  Duration: 0.00
<  WaitingTime: 0.00
<  TimeLoss: 0.00
<  DepartDelay: 0.00
< Pedestrian Statistics (avg of 3 walks):
<  RouteLength: 137.93
<  Duration: 29.00
<  TimeLoss: 1.42
---------- Differences in tripinfos ----------
> <!-- generated on 2024-02-17 13:29:48 by Eclipse SUMO GUI Version v1_19_0+0850-9e882d67182
> This data file and the accompanying materials
> are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v2.0
> which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
> http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v20.html
> This file may also be made available under the following Secondary
> Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the Eclipse
> Public License 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License, version 2
> or later which is available at
> https://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0-standalone.html
> SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0-or-later
> <configuration xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/sumoConfiguration.xsd">
< <tripinfos xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/tripinfo_file.xsd">
<     <personinfo id="p.0" depart="2.00" type="DEFAULT_PEDTYPE" speedFactor="1.00">
<         <walk depart="2.00" departPos="0.00" arrival="31.00" arrivalPos="45.98" duration="29.00" routeLength="137.93" timeLoss="1.42" maxSpeed="5.00"/>
<     </personinfo>
<     <personinfo id="p.1" depart="3.00" type="DEFAULT_PEDTYPE" speedFactor="1.00">
<         <walk depart="3.00" departPos="0.00" arrival="32.00" arrivalPos="45.98" duration="29.00" routeLength="137.93" timeLoss="1.42" maxSpeed="5.00"/>
<     </personinfo>
<     <personinfo id="p.2" depart="5.00" type="DEFAULT_PEDTYPE" speedFactor="1.00">
<         <walk depart="5.00" departPos="0.00" arrival="34.00" arrivalPos="45.98" duration="29.00" routeLength="137.93" timeLoss="1.42" maxSpeed="5.00"/>
<     </personinfo>
< </tripinfos>
>     <input>
>         <net-file value="net2.net.xml"/>
>         <route-files value="input_routes.rou.xml"/>
>     </input>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- New result in exitcode ----------

3 TESTS FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba :

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> AddressSanitizer: failed to read suppressions file '/home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/build/clang_memleak_suppressions.txt'
basic routes parsing nested_ref ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec arrival arrivalEdge edge_negative ( Last six runs Feb2024 )
spec departure departEdge edge_negative ( Last six runs Feb2024 )

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : spec arrival speed_current ( Last six runs Feb2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXComboBoxIcon.cpp:102:14: runtime error: implicit conversion from type 'int' of value -5 (32-bit, signed) to type 'unsigned int' changed the value to 4294967291 (32-bit, unsigned)
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXComboBoxIcon.cpp:102:14 in 
> /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/osgview/GUIOSGView.cpp:273:18: runtime error: implicit conversion from type 'int' of value -1 (32-bit, signed) to type 'unsigned int' changed the value to 4294967295 (32-bit, unsigned)
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/osgview/GUIOSGView.cpp:273:18 in 
> /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/osgview/GUIOSGView.cpp:274:18: runtime error: implicit conversion from type 'int' of value -1 (32-bit, signed) to type 'unsigned int' changed the value to 4294967295 (32-bit, unsigned)
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/osgview/GUIOSGView.cpp:274:18 in 
> /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXListIcon.cpp:1201:14: runtime error: implicit conversion from type 'int' of value -65 (32-bit, signed) to type 'unsigned int' changed the value to 4294967231 (32-bit, unsigned)
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXListIcon.cpp:1201:14 in 
> /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXListIconItem.cpp:72:18: runtime error: implicit conversion from type 'int' of value -3 (32-bit, signed) to type 'unsigned int' changed the value to 4294967293 (32-bit, unsigned)
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXListIconItem.cpp:72:18 in 
> /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXListIcon.cpp:206:14: runtime error: implicit conversion from type 'int' of value -33 (32-bit, signed) to type 'unsigned int' changed the value to 4294967263 (32-bit, unsigned)
> SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/delphi/extraClangDebug/sumo/src/utils/foxtools/MFXListIcon.cpp:206:14 in 
> Tracer caught signal 11: addr=0x12c00 pc=0x56044aa5f23a sp=0x7f9450f2ed40
> ==2224658==LeakSanitizer has encountered a fatal error.
> ==2224658==HINT: For debugging, try setting environment variable LSAN_OPTIONS=verbosity=1:log_threads=1
> ==2224658==HINT: LeakSanitizer does not work under ptrace (strace, gdb, etc)
---------- New result in exitcode ----------