30Mar2021 - detailed test results for COMPLEX

To reconnect the TextTest GUI to these results, run:

texttest -a complex -d /home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tests -reconnect /home/delphi/extraGcc/texttesttmp/extra_gcc4_64.05Apr060922.2301605 -g

To start TextTest for these tests, run:

texttest -a complex -d /home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tests

Total: 1322 tests: 1129 succeeded 166 FAILED 27 known bugs

libsumo.python3: 293 tests: 272 succeeded 15 FAILED 6 known bugs

Detailed information for the tests that FAILED:

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci bugs ticket4432 ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in output ----------
> Loading net-file from 'input_net.net.xml' ... done ((TIME)).
> Loading done.
> Simulation started with time: 0.00
> Reason: Libsumo requested termination.
> Performance: 
> Vehicles: 
>  Inserted: 100
>  Running: 0
>  Waiting: 0
> Statistics (avg):
>  RouteLength: 189.19
>  Speed: 5.45
>  Duration: 42.78
>  WaitingTime: 17.44
>  TimeLoss: 28.61
>  DepartDelay: 1.04
> DijkstraRouter answered 100 queries and explored 3.52 edges on average.
> DijkstraRouter spent (TIME) answering queries ((TIME) on average).
< logfile after load: None
> logfile after load: DijkstraRouter spent (TIME) answering queries ((TIME) on average).
< Simulation ended at time: 161.00
> Simulation ended at time: 160.00
> Simulation ended at time: 160.00
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci bugs ticket5561 ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
< Warning: Ignoring unordered stop at 'busStop1' until -0.00  for vehicle 'bus'.
< Warning: Ignoring unordered stop at 'busStop2' until -0.00  for vehicle 'bus'.
< Warning: Ignoring unordered stop at 'busStop3' until -0.00  for vehicle 'bus'.
< Warning: Not using public transport line 'line' for routing persons. It has less than two usable stops.
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tests/../tests/complex/traci/bugs/ticket5561/runner.py", line 39, in <module>
>     bus_stop_pos = stop[1]
> TypeError: 'TraCINextStopData' object is not subscriptable
---------- Differences in output ----------
< abort stop at busStop2 at t=49.0

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci bugs ticket7057 ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in output ----------
< pois in range {'poi0': {}}
> pois in range {'poi0': {0: ('poi0',)}}
< pois in range {'poi0': {}, 'poi1': {}}
> pois in range {'poi0': {0: ('poi0', 'poi1')}, 'poi1': {0: ('poi0', 'poi1')}}
< pois in range {'poi1': {}}
< polys in range {'poly0': {}}
> pois in range {'poi1': {0: ('poi1',)}}
> polys in range {'poly0': {0: ('poly0',)}}
< polys in range [('poly0', {}), ('poly1', {})]
> polys in range [('poly0', {0: ('poly0', 'poly1')}), ('poly1', {0: ('poly0', 'poly1')})]
< polys in range {'poly0': {}}
> polys in range {'poly0': {0: ('poly0',)}}

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci misc rerouting routingMode rerouteTraveltime_default ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in vehroutes ----------
<     <vehicle id="flow.2" depart="20.00" arrival="80.00">
<         <route edges="beg detour end"/>
>     <vehicle id="flow.2" depart="20.00" arrival="52.00">
>         <routeDistribution>
>             <route replacedOnEdge="beg" reason="traci:rerouteTraveltime" replacedAtTime="21.00" probability="0" edges="beg detour end"/>
>             <route edges="beg middle middle2 end"/>
>         </routeDistribution>
>     </vehicle>
>     <vehicle id="flow.3" depart="30.00" arrival="81.00">
>         <routeDistribution>
>             <route replacedOnEdge="beg" reason="traci:rerouteTraveltime" replacedAtTime="31.00" probability="0" edges="beg detour end"/>
>             <route edges="beg middle middle2 end"/>
>         </routeDistribution>
<     <vehicle id="flow.4" depart="40.00" arrival="81.00">
>     <vehicle id="flow.4" depart="40.00" arrival="83.00">
<     <vehicle id="flow.5" depart="50.00" arrival="83.00">
>     <vehicle id="flow.5" depart="50.00" arrival="85.00">
<     <vehicle id="flow.3" depart="30.00" arrival="90.00">
<         <route edges="beg detour end"/>
>     <vehicle id="flow.6" depart="60.00" arrival="114.00">
>         <routeDistribution>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci misc tracing ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in log ----------
< traci.simulation.getTime()
< traci.simulationStep()
< traci.vehicle.getParameter('veh0', 'foo')
< traci.vehicle.setParameter('veh0', 'foo', '42')
< traci.vehicle.getParameter('veh0', 'foo')
< traci.person.getParameter('ped0', 'foo')
< traci.person.setParameter('ped0', 'foo', '42')
< traci.person.getParameter('ped0', 'foo')
< traci.edge.getParameter('1o', 'foo')
< traci.edge.setParameter('1o', 'foo', '42')
< traci.edge.getParameter('1o', 'foo')
< traci.lane.getParameter('1o_0', 'foo')
< traci.lane.setParameter('1o_0', 'foo', '42')
< traci.lane.getParameter('1o_0', 'foo')
< traci.vehicletype.getParameter('pType', 'foo')
< traci.vehicletype.setParameter('pType', 'foo', '42')
< traci.vehicletype.getParameter('pType', 'foo')
< traci.route.getParameter('horizontal', 'foo')
< traci.route.setParameter('horizontal', 'foo', '42')
< traci.route.getParameter('horizontal', 'foo')
< traci.trafficlight.getParameter('0', 'foo')
< traci.trafficlight.setParameter('0', 'foo', '42')
< traci.trafficlight.getParameter('0', 'foo')
< traci.simulation.getTime()
< traci.simulationStep()
> traci.getTime()
> traci.step(0)
> traci.getParameter('veh0', 'foo')
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci misc tracing_close_start ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tests/../tests/complex/traci/misc/tracing_close_start/runner.py", line 64, in <module>
>     traci.start([sumolib.checkBinary('sumo'), "-c", "sumo.sumocfg"] + sys.argv[1:])
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tools/libsumo/__init__.py", line 160, in start
>     simulation.load(args[1:])
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tools/libsumo/__init__.py", line 202, in tracingWrapper
>     _traceFile[0].write("traci.%s(%s)\n" % (
> ValueError: I/O operation on closed file.
---------- Differences in log ----------
< traci.simulation.getTime()
< traci.simulationStep()
< traci.vehicle.getParameter('veh0', 'foo')
< traci.vehicle.setParameter('veh0', 'foo', '42')
< traci.vehicle.getParameter('veh0', 'foo')
< traci.person.getParameter('ped0', 'foo')
< traci.person.setParameter('ped0', 'foo', '42')
< traci.person.getParameter('ped0', 'foo')
< traci.edge.getParameter('1o', 'foo')
< traci.edge.setParameter('1o', 'foo', '42')
< traci.edge.getParameter('1o', 'foo')
< traci.lane.getParameter('1o_0', 'foo')
< traci.lane.setParameter('1o_0', 'foo', '42')
< traci.lane.getParameter('1o_0', 'foo')
< traci.vehicletype.getParameter('pType', 'foo')
< traci.vehicletype.setParameter('pType', 'foo', '42')
< traci.vehicletype.getParameter('pType', 'foo')
< traci.route.getParameter('horizontal', 'foo')
< traci.route.setParameter('horizontal', 'foo', '42')
< traci.route.getParameter('horizontal', 'foo')
< traci.trafficlight.getParameter('0', 'foo')
< traci.trafficlight.setParameter('0', 'foo', '42')
< traci.trafficlight.getParameter('0', 'foo')
< traci.simulation.getTime()
< traci.simulationStep()
> traci.getTime()
> traci.step(0)
> traci.getParameter('veh0', 'foo')
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ----------
< step 0.0
< Loading configuration ... done.

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci misc tracing_connection ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tests/../tests/complex/traci/misc/tracing_connection/runner.py", line 32, in <module>
>     con = traci.getConnection()
> AttributeError: module 'traci' has no attribute 'getConnection'
---------- Differences in log ----------
< traci.simulation.getTime()
< traci.simulationStep()
< traci.vehicle.getParameter('veh0', 'foo')
< traci.vehicle.setParameter('veh0', 'foo', '42')
< traci.vehicle.getParameter('veh0', 'foo')
< traci.person.getParameter('ped0', 'foo')
< traci.person.setParameter('ped0', 'foo', '42')
< traci.person.getParameter('ped0', 'foo')
< traci.edge.getParameter('1o', 'foo')
< traci.edge.setParameter('1o', 'foo', '42')
< traci.edge.getParameter('1o', 'foo')
< traci.lane.getParameter('1o_0', 'foo')
< traci.lane.setParameter('1o_0', 'foo', '42')
< traci.lane.getParameter('1o_0', 'foo')
< traci.vehicletype.getParameter('pType', 'foo')
< traci.vehicletype.setParameter('pType', 'foo', '42')
< traci.vehicletype.getParameter('pType', 'foo')
< traci.route.getParameter('horizontal', 'foo')
< traci.route.setParameter('horizontal', 'foo', '42')
< traci.route.getParameter('horizontal', 'foo')
< traci.trafficlight.getParameter('0', 'foo')
< traci.trafficlight.setParameter('0', 'foo', '42')
< traci.trafficlight.getParameter('0', 'foo')
< traci.simulation.getTime()
< traci.simulationStep()
< traci.close()
---------- Differences in output ----------
< step 0
< vehicle foo=""
< vehicle foo="42"
< person foo=""
< person foo="42"
< edge foo=""
< edge foo="42"
< lane foo=""
< lane foo="42"
< vType foo=""
< vType foo="42"
< route foo=""
< route foo="42"
< trafficlight foo=""
< trafficlight foo="42"
< step 1

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci misc tracing_noGetters ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in log ----------
< traci.simulationStep()
< traci.vehicle.setParameter('veh0', 'foo', '42')
< traci.person.setParameter('ped0', 'foo', '42')
< traci.edge.setParameter('1o', 'foo', '42')
< traci.lane.setParameter('1o_0', 'foo', '42')
< traci.vehicletype.setParameter('pType', 'foo', '42')
< traci.route.setParameter('horizontal', 'foo', '42')
< traci.trafficlight.setParameter('0', 'foo', '42')
< traci.simulationStep()
> traci.step(0)
> traci.setParameter('veh0', 'foo', '42')
> traci.setParameter('ped0', 'foo', '42')
> traci.setParameter('1o', 'foo', '42')
> traci.setParameter('1o_0', 'foo', '42')
> traci.setParameter('pType', 'foo', '42')
> traci.setParameter('horizontal', 'foo', '42')
> traci.setParameter('0', 'foo', '42')
> traci.step(0)

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci misc tracing_repeat ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tests/../tests/complex/traci/misc/tracing_repeat/runner.py", line 64, in <module>
>     traceTest("default", "log.txt")
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tests/../tests/complex/traci/misc/tracing_repeat/runner.py", line 44, in traceTest
>     traci.start([sumolib.checkBinary('sumo'), "-c", "sumo.sumocfg"] + sys.argv[1:],
> TypeError: start() got an unexpected keyword argument 'label'
---------- Differences in output ----------
< step 0.0
< vehicle foo=""
< vehicle foo="42"
< person foo=""
< person foo="42"
< edge foo=""
< edge foo="42"
< lane foo=""
< lane foo="42"
< vType foo=""
< vType foo="42"
< route foo=""
< route foo="42"
< trafficlight foo=""
< trafficlight foo="42"
< step 1.0
< step 0.0
< vehicle foo=""
< vehicle foo="42"
< person foo=""
< person foo="42"
< edge foo=""
< edge foo="42"
< lane foo=""
< lane foo="42"
< vType foo=""
< vType foo="42"
< route foo=""
< route foo="42"
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Missing result in log ----------
traci.vehicle.getParameter('veh0', 'foo')
traci.vehicle.setParameter('veh0', 'foo', '42')
traci.vehicle.getParameter('veh0', 'foo')
traci.person.getParameter('ped0', 'foo')
traci.person.setParameter('ped0', 'foo', '42')
traci.person.getParameter('ped0', 'foo')
traci.edge.getParameter('1o', 'foo')
traci.edge.setParameter('1o', 'foo', '42')
traci.edge.getParameter('1o', 'foo')
traci.lane.getParameter('1o_0', 'foo')
traci.lane.setParameter('1o_0', 'foo', '42')
traci.lane.getParameter('1o_0', 'foo')
traci.vehicletype.getParameter('pType', 'foo')
traci.vehicletype.setParameter('pType', 'foo', '42')
traci.vehicletype.getParameter('pType', 'foo')
traci.route.getParameter('horizontal', 'foo')
traci.route.setParameter('horizontal', 'foo', '42')
traci.route.getParameter('horizontal', 'foo')
traci.trafficlight.getParameter('0', 'foo')
traci.trafficlight.setParameter('0', 'foo', '42')
traci.trafficlight.getParameter('0', 'foo')
---------- Missing result in log2 ----------
traci.vehicle.getParameter('veh0', 'foo')
traci.vehicle.setParameter('veh0', 'foo', '42')
traci.vehicle.getParameter('veh0', 'foo')
traci.person.getParameter('ped0', 'foo')
traci.person.setParameter('ped0', 'foo', '42')
traci.person.getParameter('ped0', 'foo')
traci.edge.getParameter('1o', 'foo')
traci.edge.setParameter('1o', 'foo', '42')
traci.edge.getParameter('1o', 'foo')
traci.lane.getParameter('1o_0', 'foo')
traci.lane.setParameter('1o_0', 'foo', '42')
traci.lane.getParameter('1o_0', 'foo')
traci.vehicletype.getParameter('pType', 'foo')
traci.vehicletype.setParameter('pType', 'foo', '42')
traci.vehicletype.getParameter('pType', 'foo')
traci.route.getParameter('horizontal', 'foo')
traci.route.setParameter('horizontal', 'foo', '42')
traci.route.getParameter('horizontal', 'foo')
traci.trafficlight.getParameter('0', 'foo')
traci.trafficlight.setParameter('0', 'foo', '42')
traci.trafficlight.getParameter('0', 'foo')

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci person moveToXY leaveRoute_jaywalk ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in vehroutes ----------
<     <person id="p0" type="DEFAULT_PEDTYPE@p0" depart="0.00" departPos="40.00" arrival="111.00">
>     <person id="p0" depart="0.00" departPos="40.00" arrival="111.00">

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci person person ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in output ----------
< 1.0: departed=('horiz', 'detour', 'detour2', 'newPerson') (4) arrived=() (0)
> 1.0: departed=() (0) arrived=() (0)

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci simulation collisions ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in collisions ----------
> <!-- generated on Wed Mar 31 06:15:27 2021 by 
> <configuration xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/Configuration.xsd">
< <collisions xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/collision_file.xsd">
<     <collision time="4.00" type="collision" lane="SC_3" pos="25.10" collider="c0" victim="v0" colliderType="reckless" victimType="slow" colliderSpeed="15.00" victimSpeed="5.00"/>
<     <collision time="4.00" type="collision" lane="SC_4" pos="25.10" collider="c1" victim="v1" colliderType="reckless" victimType="slow" colliderSpeed="15.00" victimSpeed="5.00"/>
<     <collision time="15.00" type="sharedLane" lane="EC_0" pos="85.15" collider="c3" victim="pWE.37" colliderType="reckless" victimType="DEFAULT_PEDTYPE" colliderSpeed="15.00" victimSpeed="0.00"/>
<     <collision time="16.00" type="crossing" lane=":C_c0_0" pos="13.28" collider="c2" victim="pWE.3" colliderType="reckless" victimType="DEFAULT_PEDTYPE" colliderSpeed="15.00" victimSpeed="1.37"/>
<     <collision time="17.00" type="crossing" lane=":C_c0_0" pos="13.28" collider="c2" victim="pWE.3" colliderType="reckless" victimType="DEFAULT_PEDTYPE" colliderSpeed="15.00" victimSpeed="0.00"/>
< </collisions>
>     <input>
>         <net-file value="input_net3.net.xml"/>
>         <route-files value="input_routes.rou.xml"/>
>     </input>
>     <output>
>         <collision-output value="collisions.xml"/>
>     </output>
>     <processing>
>         <collision.check-junctions value="true"/>
>     </processing>
>     <report>
>         <no-step-log value="true"/>
>     </report>
> </configuration>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in errors ----------
< Warning: Teleporting vehicle 'c1'; collision with vehicle 'v1', lane='SC_4', gap=-7.50, time=4.00 stage=move.
< Warning: Teleporting vehicle 'c0'; collision with vehicle 'v0', lane='SC_3', gap=-7.50, time=4.00 stage=move.
< Warning: Vehicle 'c0' ends teleporting on edge 'CN', time 4.00.
< Warning: Vehicle 'c1' ends teleporting on edge 'CN', time 4.00.
< Warning: Vehicle 'c3' collision with person 'pWE.37', lane='EC_0', gap=-0.16, time=15.00 stage=move.
< Warning: Vehicle 'c2' collision with person 'pWE.3', lane=':C_3_0, time=16.00 stage=move.
< Warning: Vehicle 'c2' collision with person 'pWE.3', lane=':C_3_0, time=17.00 stage=events.
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tests/../tests/complex/traci/simulation/collisions/runner.py", line 49, in <module>
>     if len(collisions) > 0:
> TypeError: object of type 'SwigPyObject' has no len()
---------- Differences in output ----------
< 5.0 (Collision(collider=c0, victim=v0, colliderType=reckless, victimType=slow, colliderSpeed=15.0, victimSpeed=5.0, type=collision, lane=SC_3, pos=25.1), Collision(collider=c1, victim=v1, colliderType=reckless, victimType=slow, colliderSpeed=15.0, victimSpeed=5.0, type=collision, lane=SC_4, pos=25.1))
< 16.0 (Collision(collider=c3, victim=pWE.37, colliderType=reckless, victimType=DEFAULT_PEDTYPE, colliderSpeed=15.0, victimSpeed=0.0, type=sharedLane, lane=EC_0, pos=85.15),)
< 17.0 (Collision(collider=c2, victim=pWE.3, colliderType=reckless, victimType=DEFAULT_PEDTYPE, colliderSpeed=15.0, victimSpeed=1.37136177913, type=crossing, lane=:C_c0_0, pos=13.2755594496),)
< 18.0 (Collision(collider=c2, victim=pWE.3, colliderType=reckless, victimType=DEFAULT_PEDTYPE, colliderSpeed=15.0, victimSpeed=0.0, type=crossing, lane=:C_c0_0, pos=13.2755594496),)
> swig/python detected a memory leak of type 'std::vector< libsumo::TraCICollision,std::allocator< libsumo::TraCICollision > > *', no destructor found.

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci simulation load ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in log ----------
< Simulation ended at time: 4.00
> Simulation ended at time: 3.00
< Loading configuration ... done.
< Loading net-file from 'input_net.net.xml' ... done ((TIME)).
< Loading additional-files from 'input_additional2.add.xml' ... done ((TIME)).
< Loading done.
< Simulation started with time: 0.00
< Simulation ended at time: 361.00
< Reason: Libsumo requested termination.
---------- Differences in output ----------
> Loading configuration ... done.
> Loading configuration ... done.

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci simulation simulation ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in output ----------
< contextSubscriptions: {}

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci vehicle taxi case3_redispatch_before_pickup ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
<     raise FatalTraCIError("Connection already closed.")
< traci.exceptions.FatalTraCIError: Connection already closed.
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tests/../tests/complex/traci/vehicle/taxi/case3_redispatch_before_pickup/runner.py", line 70, in <module>
>     while traci.simulation.getMinExpectedNumber() > 0:
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tools/libsumo/libsumo.py", line 3591, in getMinExpectedNumber
>     return _libsumo.simulation_getMinExpectedNumber()
> RuntimeError: SUMO error: A network was not yet constructed.

Detailed information for the tests that had known bugs:

TEST had known bugs (#4727) on ts-sim-build-ba : traci ContextSubscriptionFilters leadFollow carFollowing ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

(This bug was triggered by text found in file 'output' matching '.')
---------- Differences in output ----------
< lead_straight
< [002] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
> [002] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< [003] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
> [003] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< [004] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
> [004] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< [005] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
> [005] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< [006] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
> [006] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< [007] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
> [007] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< [008] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
> [008] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

2 TESTS had known bugs (#4727) on ts-sim-build-ba :

(This bug was triggered by text found in file 'output' matching '.')
---------- Differences in output ----------
> follow_straight
< follow_straight
> follow_straight
< follow_straight
> follow_straight
< follow_straight
> follow_straight
< follow_straight
> follow_straight
< follow_straight
> follow_straight
< follow_straight
> follow_straight
< follow_straight
> follow_straight
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
traci ContextSubscriptionFilters leadFollow laneChangeLeft ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )
traci ContextSubscriptionFilters leadFollow laneChangeRight ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

TEST had known bugs (#4727) on ts-sim-build-ba : traci ContextSubscriptionFilters leadFollow laneChangeNeighbors ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

(This bug was triggered by text found in file 'output' matching '.')
---------- Differences in output ----------
< follow_straight
< follow_right
> follow_right
> follow_straight
> lead_left
< lead_left
< follow_straight
< follow_right
> follow_right
> follow_straight
> lead_left
< lead_left
< follow_straight
< follow_right
> follow_right
> follow_straight
> lead_left
< lead_left
< follow_straight
< follow_right
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST had known bugs (see #3263) on ts-sim-build-ba : traci vehicle moveToXY keepRoute2 ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

mapping failure
(This bug was triggered by text found in file 'output' matching 'failed')
---------- Differences in output ----------
> internal corner (inside, segment2) failed: x=198, x2=198.0,   y=1.9, y2=1.9,   lane=middle_0, lane2=middle_0, pos=102, pos2=98.0   posLat=2.0 posLat2=1.9

TEST had known bugs (see #6192) on ts-sim-build-ba : traci vehicle openGap with_low_maxDecel_fast_CACC ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

not even failing as intended
(This bug was triggered by text found in file 'errors' matching 'Error')
---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tests/../tests/complex/traci/vehicle/openGap/runner.py", line 155, in <module>
>     runSingle(targetTimeHeadway, targetSpaceHeadway, duration, changeRate, maxDecel, refVehID)
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tests/../tests/complex/traci/vehicle/openGap/runner.py", line 82, in runSingle
>     leaderSpeed = traci.vehicle.getSubscriptionResults(leaderID)[tc.VAR_SPEED]
> KeyError: 64
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Time 2.0: Gap 'follower'->'leader' = 5.938 (headway=0.367)
< 'follower' speed = 16.161582708
< Time 3.0: Gap 'follower'->'leader' = 8.966 (headway=0.528)
< 'follower' speed = 16.9836198736
< Time 4.0: Gap 'follower'->'leader' = 11.281 (headway=0.641)
< 'follower' speed = 17.5863190784
< Time 5.0: Gap 'follower'->'leader' = 13.069 (headway=0.725)
< 'follower' speed = 18.0379935645
< Time 6.0: Gap 'follower'->'leader' = 14.459 (headway=0.787)
< 'follower' speed = 18.3815472225
< Time 7.0: Gap 'follower'->'leader' = 15.545 (headway=0.834)
< 'follower' speed = 18.6456171431
< Time 8.0: Gap 'follower'->'leader' = 16.397 (headway=0.870)
< 'follower' speed = 18.8501483763
< Time 9.0: Gap 'follower'->'leader' = 17.068 (headway=0.898)
< 'follower' speed = 19.0094667411
< Time 10.0: Gap 'follower'->'leader' = 17.596 (headway=0.920)
< 'follower' speed = 19.1340998278
< Time 11.0: Gap 'follower'->'leader' = 18.013 (headway=0.937)
< 'follower' speed = 19.231918606
< Time 12.0: Gap 'follower'->'leader' = 18.342 (headway=0.950)
< 'follower' speed = 19.3088858604
< Time 13.0: Gap 'follower'->'leader' = 18.603 (headway=0.960)
< 'follower' speed = 19.3695649077
< Time 14.0: Gap 'follower'->'leader' = 18.810 (headway=0.969)
< 'follower' speed = 19.4174756866
< Time 15.0: Gap 'follower'->'leader' = 18.973 (headway=0.975)
< 'follower' speed = 19.4553500651
< Time 16.0: Gap 'follower'->'leader' = 19.103 (headway=0.980)
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

libtraci.python3: 316 tests: 269 succeeded 41 FAILED 6 known bugs

Detailed information for the tests that FAILED:

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : simpla config ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
< .....WARNING: No typeSubstring given. Managing all vehicles. (PlatoonManager)
< ..
> .....Error: Answered with error to command 0xa4: Vehicle '' is not known.
> E.
> ======================================================================
> ERROR: test_only_vTypeMap_given (__main__.TestConfig)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tests/../tests/complex/simpla/config/test.py", line 235, in test_only_vTypeMap_given
>     traci.simulationStep()
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tools/libtraci/__init__.py", line 136, in simulationStep
>     _manageStepListeners(step)
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tools/libtraci/__init__.py", line 67, in wrapper
>     return func(module, *args, **kwargs)
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tools/traci/connection.py", line 322, in _manageStepListeners
>     keep = listener.step(step)
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tools/simpla/_platoonmanager.py", line 160, in step
>     self._updateVehicleStates()
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tools/simpla/_platoonmanager.py", line 224, in _updateVehicleStates
>     dist = veh.state.leaderInfo[1] + traci.vehicle.getLength(vehAheadID)
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tools/libtraci/libtraci.py", line 5117, in getLength
>     return _libtraci.vehicle_getLength(typeID)
> libtraci.libtraci.TraCIException: Vehicle '' is not known.
< OK
> FAILED (errors=1)
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : simpla platoon_manager ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
< ...WARNING: No typeSubstring given. Managing all vehicles. (PlatoonManager)
> Error: Answered with error to command 0xa4: Vehicle '' is not known.
> E..WARNING: No typeSubstring given. Managing all vehicles. (PlatoonManager)
> Error: Answered with error to command 0xa4: Vehicle '' is not known.
< ..Warning: Value of 'emergencyDecel' (0.50) should be higher than 'decel' (1.70) for vType 'connected_pCatchup'.
> EError: Answered with error to command 0xa4: Vehicle '' is not known.
> EWarning: Value of 'emergencyDecel' (0.50) should be higher than 'decel' (1.70) for vType 'connected_pCatchup'.
> ======================================================================
> ERROR: test_add_and_remove (__main__.TestPlatoonManager)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tests/../tests/complex/simpla/platoon_manager/test.py", line 251, in test_add_and_remove
>     traci.simulationStep()
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tools/libtraci/__init__.py", line 136, in simulationStep
>     _manageStepListeners(step)
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tools/libtraci/__init__.py", line 67, in wrapper
>     return func(module, *args, **kwargs)
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tools/traci/connection.py", line 322, in _manageStepListeners
>     keep = listener.step(step)
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tools/simpla/_platoonmanager.py", line 160, in step
>     self._updateVehicleStates()
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tools/simpla/_platoonmanager.py", line 224, in _updateVehicleStates
>     dist = veh.state.leaderInfo[1] + traci.vehicle.getLength(vehAheadID)
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tools/libtraci/libtraci.py", line 5117, in getLength
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ----------
< 3.1: Adding vehicle 'IAMconnectedTOO' (PlatoonManager)
< 11.4: Platoon '1' joined Platoon '0', which now contains vehicles:
< ['connected.1', 'IAMconnectedTOO'] (PlatoonManager)
< 16.0: Platoon '0' splits (ID of new platoon: '2'):
<     Platoon '0': ['connected.1']
<     Platoon '2': ['IAMconnectedTOO'] (PlatoonManager)
< 17.3: Removing arrived vehicle 'connected.1' (PlatoonManager)
< 19.8: Removing arrived vehicle 'IAMconnectedTOO' (PlatoonManager)
< 3.1: Adding vehicle 'connected.2' (PlatoonManager)
< 13.7: Platoon '1' joined Platoon '0', which now contains vehicles:
< ['connected.1', 'connected.2'] (PlatoonManager)
< 75.0: Platoon '0' splits (ID of new platoon: '6'):
<     Platoon '0': ['connected.1']
<     Platoon '6': ['connected.2'] (PlatoonManager)

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci bugs ticket4141 ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tests/../tests/complex/traci/bugs/ticket4141/runner.py", line 42, in <module>
>     ppStages("shortcut via trainStop:", traci.simulation.findIntermodalRoute("beg2left", "beg2left2"))
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tools/libtraci/libtraci.py", line 3410, in findIntermodalRoute
>     return _libtraci.simulation_findIntermodalRoute(*args, **kwargs)
> RuntimeError: unknown exception
---------- Differences in output ----------
< shortcut via trainStop:
<   Stage(type=2, destStop=trainstop1, edges=('beg2left',), travelTime=240.00192, cost=240.00192, length=490.002, depart=0.0, departPos=0.0, arrivalPos=250.0)
<   Stage(type=2, edges=('beg2left2',), travelTime=95.6112, cost=95.6112, length=298.785, depart=240.00192, departPos=0.0, arrivalPos=99.595)
< train ride
<   Stage(type=2, destStop=trainstop1, edges=('beg2left',), travelTime=240.00096, cost=240.00096, length=490.001, depart=0.0, departPos=0.0, arrivalPos=250.0)
<   Stage(type=3, line=train, destStop=trainstop2, edges=('gneE0',), travelTime=89.99996, cost=89.99996, length=2019.99819256, intended=train.0, depart=300.0, departPos=0.0, arrivalPos=1009.99719256)
<   Stage(type=2, edges=('left2end',), travelTime=0.3888, cost=0.3888, length=250.405, depart=330.00092, departPos=250.0, arrivalPos=249.595)

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci bugs ticket4514 ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in detector ----------
<     <interval begin="0.00" end="382.00" id="4_1" nVehContrib="23" flow="216.75" occupancy="2.38" speed="12.71" harmonicMeanSpeed="12.65" length="5.00" nVehEntered="23"/>
<     <interval begin="0.00" end="382.00" id="4_2" nVehContrib="21" flow="197.91" occupancy="2.18" speed="12.67" harmonicMeanSpeed="12.64" length="5.00" nVehEntered="21"/>
---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Error: Answered with error to command 0xc3: Allowed vehicle classes must be given as a list of strings.
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tests/../tests/complex/traci/bugs/ticket4514/runner.py", line 42, in <module>
>     traci.lane.setAllowed("4_1", "authority")
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tools/libtraci/libtraci.py", line 2337, in setAllowed
>     return _libtraci.lane_setAllowed(*args)
> libtraci.libtraci.TraCIException: Allowed vehicle classes must be given as a list of strings.

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci bugs ticket5561 ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
< Warning: Ignoring unordered stop at 'busStop1' until -0.00  for vehicle 'bus'.
< Warning: Ignoring unordered stop at 'busStop2' until -0.00  for vehicle 'bus'.
< Warning: Ignoring unordered stop at 'busStop3' until -0.00  for vehicle 'bus'.
< Warning: Not using public transport line 'line' for routing persons. It has less than two usable stops.
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tests/../tests/complex/traci/bugs/ticket5561/runner.py", line 39, in <module>
>     bus_stop_pos = stop[1]
> TypeError: 'TraCINextStopData' object is not subscriptable
---------- Differences in output ----------
< abort stop at busStop2 at t=49.0

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci bugs ticket7057 ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in output ----------
< pois in range {'poi0': {}}
> pois in range {}
< pois in range {'poi0': {}, 'poi1': {}}
> pois in range {}
< pois in range {'poi1': {}}
< polys in range {'poly0': {}}
> pois in range {}
> polys in range {}
< polys in range [('poly0', {}), ('poly1', {})]
> polys in range []
< polys in range {'poly0': {}}
> polys in range {}

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci connection busySocket sumo ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
< Could not connect in 61 tries
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>     except traci.FatalTraCIError as e:
> TypeError: catching classes that do not inherit from BaseException is not allowed

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci connection busySocket sumo-gui ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
< Could not connect in 61 tries
< Error: tcpip::Socket::accept() Unable to create listening socket: Address already in use
< Quitting (on error).
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>     except traci.FatalTraCIError as e:
> TypeError: catching classes that do not inherit from BaseException is not allowed

2 TESTS FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba :

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tests/../tests/complex/traci/connection/closingOutput/runner.py", line 36, in <module>
>     traci.start([sumoBinary, "-c", "sumo.sumocfg"] + addOption, stdout=sys.stdout)
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tools/libtraci/libtraci.py", line 3214, in start
>     return _libtraci.simulation_start(*args, **kwargs)
> TypeError: in method 'simulation_start', argument 8 of type 'void *'
---------- Differences in output ----------
< -- Unordered text as found by filter '^Loading configuration ... done.' --
< Loading configuration ... done.
---------- Missing result in state ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<netstate xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/netstate_file.xsd">
    <timestep time="0.00">
        <edge id="2fi">
            <lane id="2fi_0">
                <vehicle id="horiz" pos="5.10" speed="0.00"/>
    <timestep time="1.00">
        <edge id="2fi">
            <lane id="2fi_0">
                <vehicle id="horiz" pos="6.53" speed="1.43"/>
    <timestep time="2.00">
        <edge id="2fi">
            <lane id="2fi_0">
                <vehicle id="horiz" pos="10.57" speed="4.03"/>
    <timestep time="3.00">
        <edge id="2fi">
            <lane id="2fi_0">
                <vehicle id="horiz" pos="16.77" speed="6.21"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Missing result in tripinfo ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<tripinfos xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/tripinfo_file.xsd">
traci connection closingOutput sumo ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )
traci connection closingOutput sumo-gui ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci connection multiconnect ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tests/../tests/complex/traci/connection/multiconnect/runner.py", line 36, in <module>
>     conns.append(traci.getConnection(str(i)))
> AttributeError: module 'traci' has no attribute 'getConnection'
---------- Differences in output ----------
< step 0
< step 1
< step 2
< step 0
< step 1
< step 2
< routes ('horizontal', 'vertical', 'withTaz2')
< route count 3
< examining horizontal
< edges ('2fi', '2si', '1o', '1fi', '1si', '3o', '3fi', '3si', '4o', '4fi', '4si')
< routes ('horizontal', 'vertical', 'withTaz2')
< route count 3
< examining horizontal
< edges ('2fi', '2si', '1o', '1fi', '1si', '3o', '3fi', '3si', '4o', '4fi', '4si')
< {0: ('horizontal', 'vertical', 'withTaz2')}
< step 3
< {0: ('horizontal', 'vertical', 'withTaz2')}
< step 4
< {0: ('horizontal', 'vertical', 'withTaz2')}
< step 5
< {0: ('horizontal', 'vertical', 'withTaz2')}
< routes ('h2', 'horizontal', 'vertical', 'withTaz2')
< edges ('1o',)
< {0: ('horizontal', 'vertical', 'withTaz2')}
< step 3
< {0: ('horizontal', 'vertical', 'withTaz2')}
< step 4
< {0: ('horizontal', 'vertical', 'withTaz2')}
< step 5
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci connection multipleConnections asyncDisconnect sumo ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Process Process-2:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>     except traci.FatalTraCIError as e:
> TypeError: catching classes that do not inherit from BaseException is not allowed
> Process Process-1:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>     except traci.FatalTraCIError as e:
> TypeError: catching classes that do not inherit from BaseException is not allowed
> Error: tcpip::Socket::recvAndCheck @ recv: peer shutdown
> Quitting (on error).
> Process Process-3:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>     except traci.FatalTraCIError as e:
> TypeError: catching classes that do not inherit from BaseException is not allowed
> Process Process-4:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>     except traci.FatalTraCIError as e:
> TypeError: catching classes that do not inherit from BaseException is not allowed
> Error: tcpip::Socket::recvAndCheck @ recv: peer shutdown
> Quitting (on error).
> Process Process-5:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>     except traci.FatalTraCIError as e:
> TypeError: catching classes that do not inherit from BaseException is not allowed
> Process Process-6:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>     except traci.FatalTraCIError as e:
> TypeError: catching classes that do not inherit from BaseException is not allowed
> Process Process-7:
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ----------
< -- Unordered text as found by filter '^Simulation ended at time:' --
< Simulation ended at time: 101.00
< Simulation ended at time: 101.00
< Simulation ended at time: 99.00
< Simulation ended at time: 99.00
< Simulation ended at time: 99.00
< Simulation ended at time: 99.00
< Simulation ended at time: 99.00
< Simulation ended at time: 99.00
< -- Unordered text as found by filter '^Reason: TraCI requested termination.' --
< Reason: TraCI requested termination.
< Reason: TraCI requested termination.
< Reason: TraCI requested termination.
< Reason: TraCI requested termination.
< Reason: TraCI requested termination.
< Reason: TraCI requested termination.
< Reason: TraCI requested termination.
< Reason: TraCI requested termination.
< -- Unordered text as found by filter 'Process [0-9]' --
< Process 1 ended at step 20.0
< Process 1 ended at step 20.0
< Process 1 ended at step 20.0
< Process 1 ended at step 20.0
< Process 1 ended at step 20.0
< Process 1 ended at step 20.0
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci connection multipleConnections basic sumo ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Process Process-1:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>     except traci.FatalTraCIError as e:
> TypeError: catching classes that do not inherit from BaseException is not allowed
> Process Process-2:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>     except traci.FatalTraCIError as e:
> TypeError: catching classes that do not inherit from BaseException is not allowed
> Error: tcpip::Socket::recvAndCheck @ recv: peer shutdown
> Quitting (on error).
> Process Process-3:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>     except traci.FatalTraCIError as e:
> TypeError: catching classes that do not inherit from BaseException is not allowed
> Process Process-4:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>     except traci.FatalTraCIError as e:
> TypeError: catching classes that do not inherit from BaseException is not allowed
> Error: tcpip::Socket::recvAndCheck @ recv: peer shutdown
> Quitting (on error).
> Process Process-7:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>     except traci.FatalTraCIError as e:
> TypeError: catching classes that do not inherit from BaseException is not allowed
> Process Process-5:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>     except traci.FatalTraCIError as e:
> TypeError: catching classes that do not inherit from BaseException is not allowed
> Process Process-6:
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Process 1 ended at step 99.0
< Process 2 ended at step 99.0
< Process 1 ended at step 99.0
< Process 2 ended at step 99.0
< Process 1 ended at step 99.0
< Process 2 ended at step 99.0
< Process 3 ended at step 99.0
< Process 4 ended at step 99.0
< Process 5 ended at step 99.0
< Process 1 ended at step 99.0
< Process 2 ended at step 99.0
< Process 3 ended at step 99.0
< Process 4 ended at step 99.0
< Process 5 ended at step 99.0
< Process 1 ended at step 99.0
< Process 2 ended at step 99.0
< Process 1 ended at step 99.0
< Process 2 ended at step 99.0
< Process 1 ended at step 99.0
< Process 2 ended at step 99.0
< Process 3 ended at step 99.0
< Process 4 ended at step 99.0
< Process 5 ended at step 99.0
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci connection multipleConnections basic sumo-gui ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Process Process-1:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>     except traci.FatalTraCIError as e:
> TypeError: catching classes that do not inherit from BaseException is not allowed
> Process Process-2:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>     except traci.FatalTraCIError as e:
> TypeError: catching classes that do not inherit from BaseException is not allowed
> Process Process-3:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>     except traci.FatalTraCIError as e:
> TypeError: catching classes that do not inherit from BaseException is not allowed
> Process Process-4:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>     except traci.FatalTraCIError as e:
> TypeError: catching classes that do not inherit from BaseException is not allowed
> Process Process-6:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>     except traci.FatalTraCIError as e:
> TypeError: catching classes that do not inherit from BaseException is not allowed
> Process Process-9:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>     except traci.FatalTraCIError as e:
> TypeError: catching classes that do not inherit from BaseException is not allowed
> Process Process-5:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>     except traci.FatalTraCIError as e:
> TypeError: catching classes that do not inherit from BaseException is not allowed
> Process Process-7:
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Process 1 ended at step 99
< Process 2 ended at step 99
< Process 1 ended at step 99
< Process 2 ended at step 99
< Process 1 ended at step 99
< Process 2 ended at step 99
< Process 3 ended at step 99
< Process 4 ended at step 99
< Process 5 ended at step 99
< Process 1 ended at step 99
< Process 2 ended at step 99
< Process 3 ended at step 99
< Process 4 ended at step 99
< Process 5 ended at step 99
< Process 1 ended at step 99
< Process 2 ended at step 99
< Process 1 ended at step 99
< Process 2 ended at step 99
< Process 1 ended at step 99
< Process 2 ended at step 99
< Process 3 ended at step 99
< Process 4 ended at step 99
< Process 5 ended at step 99
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci connection multipleConnections concurringSubscriptions sumo ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Process Process-1:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/usr/lib/python3.8/multiprocessing/process.py", line 315, in _bootstrap
>     self.run()
>   File "/usr/lib/python3.8/multiprocessing/process.py", line 108, in run
>     self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tests/../tests/complex/traci/connection/multipleConnections/concurringSubscriptions/runner.py", line 62, in traciLoop
>     vehs = traci.vehicle.getIDList()
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tools/libtraci/libtraci.py", line 5097, in getIDList
>     return _libtraci.vehicle_getIDList()
> libtraci.libtraci.TraCIException: #Error: received status response to command: 3 but expected: 164
> Process Process-2:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/usr/lib/python3.8/multiprocessing/process.py", line 315, in _bootstrap
>     self.run()
>   File "/usr/lib/python3.8/multiprocessing/process.py", line 108, in run
>     self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tests/../tests/complex/traci/connection/multipleConnections/concurringSubscriptions/runner.py", line 62, in traciLoop
>     vehs = traci.vehicle.getIDList()
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tools/libtraci/libtraci.py", line 5097, in getIDList
>     return _libtraci.vehicle_getIDList()
> libtraci.libtraci.TraCIException: #Error: received status response to command: 3 but expected: 164
> Error: tcpip::Socket::recvAndCheck @ recv: peer shutdown
> Quitting (on error).
> Process Process-3:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/usr/lib/python3.8/multiprocessing/process.py", line 315, in _bootstrap
>     self.run()
>   File "/usr/lib/python3.8/multiprocessing/process.py", line 108, in run
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ----------
<    1 subscribing to speed (ID = 64) of vehicle 'horiz'
<    -> {'horiz': {64: 0.0}}
<    2 subscribing to acceleration (ID = 70) of vehicle 'horiz'
<    -> {'horiz': {70: 2.6}}
< Process 1 (order 1) ended at step 120.0
< Process 2 (order 2) ended at step 120.0
<    2 subscribing to acceleration (ID = 70) of vehicle 'horiz'
<    -> {'horiz': {70: 2.6}}
<    1 subscribing to speed (ID = 64) of vehicle 'horiz'
<    -> {'horiz': {64: 0.0}}
< Process 1 (order 9) ended at step 120.0
< Process 2 (order 8) ended at step 120.0
< -- Unordered text as found by filter '^Simulation ended at time:' --
< Simulation ended at time: 120.00
< Simulation ended at time: 120.00
< -- Unordered text as found by filter '^Reason: TraCI requested termination.' --
< Reason: TraCI requested termination.
< Reason: TraCI requested termination.
< -- Unordered text as found by filter '[0-9] vehicle subscription results:' --
<    1 vehicle subscription results: [('horiz', [(64, 0.01613915640426617), (70, 2.6)])]
<    1 vehicle subscription results: [('horiz', [(64, 0.01613915640426617), (70, 2.6)])]
<    1 vehicle subscription results: [('horiz', [(64, 0.5315016328959228), (70, 2.6)])]
<    1 vehicle subscription results: [('horiz', [(64, 0.5315016328959228), (70, 2.6)])]
<    1 vehicle subscription results: [('horiz', [(64, 1.4338497789110989), (70, 2.6)])]
<    1 vehicle subscription results: [('horiz', [(64, 1.4338497789110989), (70, 2.6)])]
<    1 vehicle subscription results: [('horiz', [(64, 1.4893398348105495), (70, 2.6)])]
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci connection multipleConnections differentSteplengths sumo ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Process Process-1:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>     except traci.FatalTraCIError as e:
> TypeError: catching classes that do not inherit from BaseException is not allowed
> Process Process-4:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>     except traci.FatalTraCIError as e:
> TypeError: catching classes that do not inherit from BaseException is not allowed
> Process Process-2:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>     except traci.FatalTraCIError as e:
> TypeError: catching classes that do not inherit from BaseException is not allowed
> Process Process-3:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>     except traci.FatalTraCIError as e:
> TypeError: catching classes that do not inherit from BaseException is not allowed
> Error: tcpip::Socket::recvAndCheck @ recv: peer shutdown
> Quitting (on error).
> Process Process-7:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>     except traci.FatalTraCIError as e:
> TypeError: catching classes that do not inherit from BaseException is not allowed
> Process Process-8:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>     except traci.FatalTraCIError as e:
> TypeError: catching classes that do not inherit from BaseException is not allowed
> Process Process-6:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>     except traci.FatalTraCIError as e:
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Process 1 ended at step 99.0
< Process 1 was informed about 3 entered vehicles
< Process 2 ended at step 99.0
< Process 2 was informed about 3 entered vehicles
< Process 3 ended at step 101.0
< Process 3 was informed about 3 entered vehicles
< Process 4 ended at step 100.0
< Process 4 was informed about 3 entered vehicles
< Process 1 ended at step 100.0
< Process 1 was informed about 3 entered vehicles
< Process 2 ended at step 101.0
< Process 2 was informed about 3 entered vehicles
< Process 3 ended at step 99.0
< Process 3 was informed about 3 entered vehicles
< Process 4 ended at step 99.0
< Process 4 was informed about 3 entered vehicles
< Process 1 ended at step 99.0
< Process 1 was informed about 3 entered vehicles
< Process 2 ended at step 99.0
< Process 2 was informed about 3 entered vehicles
< Process 3 ended at step 101.0
< Process 3 was informed about 3 entered vehicles
< Process 4 ended at step 100.0
< Process 4 was informed about 3 entered vehicles
< Process 1 ended at step 100.0
< Process 1 was informed about 3 entered vehicles
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci connection multipleConnections orderDependentResults sumo ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Process Process-1:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/usr/lib/python3.8/multiprocessing/process.py", line 315, in _bootstrap
>     self.run()
>   File "/usr/lib/python3.8/multiprocessing/process.py", line 108, in run
>     self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tests/../tests/complex/traci/connection/multipleConnections/orderDependentResults/runner.py", line 56, in traciLoop
>     traci.simulationStep(step * steplength)
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tools/libtraci/__init__.py", line 131, in simulationStep
>     _libtraci_step(step)
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tools/libtraci/libtraci.py", line 3226, in step
>     return _libtraci.simulation_step(time)
> libtraci.libtraci.TraCIException: #Error: received status response to command: 3 but expected: 2
> Process Process-2:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/usr/lib/python3.8/multiprocessing/process.py", line 315, in _bootstrap
>     self.run()
>   File "/usr/lib/python3.8/multiprocessing/process.py", line 108, in run
>     self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tests/../tests/complex/traci/connection/multipleConnections/orderDependentResults/runner.py", line 56, in traciLoop
>     traci.simulationStep(step * steplength)
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tools/libtraci/__init__.py", line 131, in simulationStep
>     _libtraci_step(step)
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tools/libtraci/libtraci.py", line 3226, in step
>     return _libtraci.simulation_step(time)
> libtraci.libtraci.TraCIException: #Error: received status response to command: 3 but expected: 2
> Error: tcpip::Socket::recvAndCheck @ recv: peer shutdown
> Quitting (on error).
> Process Process-4:
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Simulation started with time: 0.00
<    Retrieving position for vehicle 'horiz' -> 5.1 on lane '2fi_0'
<    Retrieving speed for vehicle 'horiz' -> 0.0
<    Setting speed for vehicle 'horiz' -> 5
<    Retrieving speed for vehicle 'horiz' -> 0.0
<    Retrieving position for vehicle 'horiz' -> 5.1 on lane '2fi_0'
<    Retrieving speed for vehicle 'horiz' -> 0.0
<    Setting speed for vehicle 'horiz' -> 10
<    Retrieving speed for vehicle 'horiz' -> 0.0
<    stepping (step 2)...
<    Retrieving position for vehicle 'horiz' -> 15.1 on lane '2fi_0'
<    Retrieving speed for vehicle 'horiz' -> 10.0
<    Setting speed for vehicle 'horiz' -> 5
<    Retrieving speed for vehicle 'horiz' -> 10.0
<    stepping (step 2)...
<    Retrieving position for vehicle 'horiz' -> 15.1 on lane '2fi_0'
<    Retrieving speed for vehicle 'horiz' -> 10.0
<    Setting speed for vehicle 'horiz' -> 10
<    Retrieving speed for vehicle 'horiz' -> 10.0
<    stepping (step 3)...
<    Retrieving position for vehicle 'horiz' -> 25.1 on lane '2fi_0'
<    Retrieving speed for vehicle 'horiz' -> 10.0
<    Setting speed for vehicle 'horiz' -> 5
<    Retrieving speed for vehicle 'horiz' -> 10.0
<    stepping (step 3)...
<    Retrieving position for vehicle 'horiz' -> 25.1 on lane '2fi_0'
<    Retrieving speed for vehicle 'horiz' -> 10.0
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci connection multipleConnections subsecondSUMOstep sumo ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Process Process-2:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>     except traci.FatalTraCIError as e:
> TypeError: catching classes that do not inherit from BaseException is not allowed
> Process Process-1:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>     except traci.FatalTraCIError as e:
> TypeError: catching classes that do not inherit from BaseException is not allowed
> Process Process-3:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>     except traci.FatalTraCIError as e:
> TypeError: catching classes that do not inherit from BaseException is not allowed
> Process Process-4:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>     except traci.FatalTraCIError as e:
> TypeError: catching classes that do not inherit from BaseException is not allowed
> Error: tcpip::Socket::recvAndCheck @ recv: peer shutdown
> Quitting (on error).
> Process Process-7:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>     except traci.FatalTraCIError as e:
> TypeError: catching classes that do not inherit from BaseException is not allowed
> Process Process-5:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>     except traci.FatalTraCIError as e:
> TypeError: catching classes that do not inherit from BaseException is not allowed
> Process Process-6:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>     except traci.FatalTraCIError as e:
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Process 1 ended at step 99.0
< Process 1 was informed about 3 entered vehicles
< Process 2 ended at step 99.0
< Process 2 was informed about 3 entered vehicles
< Process 3 ended at step 100.3
< Process 3 was informed about 3 entered vehicles
< Process 4 ended at step 100.0
< Process 4 was informed about 3 entered vehicles
< Process 1 ended at step 100.0
< Process 1 was informed about 3 entered vehicles
< Process 2 ended at step 100.5
< Process 2 was informed about 3 entered vehicles
< Process 3 ended at step 99.0
< Process 3 was informed about 3 entered vehicles
< Process 4 ended at step 99.0
< Process 4 was informed about 3 entered vehicles
< Process 1 ended at step 99.0
< Process 1 was informed about 3 entered vehicles
< Process 2 ended at step 99.0
< Process 2 was informed about 3 entered vehicles
< Process 3 ended at step 100.3
< Process 3 was informed about 3 entered vehicles
< Process 4 ended at step 100.0
< Process 4 was informed about 3 entered vehicles
< Process 1 ended at step 100.0
< Process 1 was informed about 3 entered vehicles
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci connection multipleConnections unspecifiedOrderWarning sumo ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in output ----------
< client 1:  connection closed by SUMO  (at TraCIStep 1)
< client 2:  connection closed by SUMO  (at TraCIStep 1)
> client 1:  SUMO error: tcpip::Socket::recvAndCheck @ recv: peer shutdown  (at TraCIStep 1)
> client 2:  SUMO error: tcpip::Socket::recvAndCheck @ recv: Connection reset by peer  (at TraCIStep 1)
< client 1:  connection closed by SUMO  (at TraCIStep 1)
< client 2:  connection closed by SUMO  (at TraCIStep 1)
> client 1:  #Error: received status response to command: 3 but expected: 2  (at TraCIStep 1)
> client 2:  SUMO error: tcpip::Socket::recvAndCheck @ recv: peer shutdown  (at TraCIStep 1)

2 TESTS FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba :

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tests/../tests/complex/traci/connection/parallelConnection/runner.py", line 53, in <module>
>     runSingle(50, 99, i)
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tests/../tests/complex/traci/connection/parallelConnection/runner.py", line 40, in runSingle
>     traci.start([sumoBinary, "-c", "used.sumocfg", "-S", "-Q"], port=PORT, label=label, stdout=sys.stdout)
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tools/libtraci/libtraci.py", line 3214, in start
>     return _libtraci.simulation_start(*args, **kwargs)
> TypeError: in method 'simulation_start', argument 4 of type 'std::string const &'
---------- Differences in output ----------
<  Run 1
<  Run 2
< Print ended at step 100.0
< Print ended at step 100.0
< Print ended at step 100.0
< Connection already closed.
< ----------- TraCI ends first -----------
<  Run 0
<  Run 1
<  Run 2
< Print ended at step 100.0
< Print ended at step 100.0
< Print ended at step 100.0
< Connection '2' is not known.
< -- Unordered text as found by filter '^Loading configuration ... done.' --
< Loading configuration ... done.
< Loading configuration ... done.
< Loading configuration ... done.
< Loading configuration ... done.
< Loading configuration ... done.
< Loading configuration ... done.
traci connection parallelConnection sumo ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )
traci connection parallelConnection sumo-gui ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci contextSubscriptions parking ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in output ----------
< {'ego': {64: 0.0, 66: (5.1, -1.6), 81: 'a_0'}}
< {'ego': {64: 1.6737586267990991, 66: (6.7737586267991, -1.6), 81: 'a_0'}}
< {'ego': {64: 4.2146353791467845, 66: (10.988394005945883, -1.6), 81: 'a_0'}}
< {'ego': {64: 6.175756617565639, 66: (17.164150623511524, -1.6), 81: 'a_0'}}
< {'ego': {64: 8.00881538274698, 66: (25.172966006258505, -1.6), 81: 'a_0'}}
< {'ego': {64: 10.5521199981682, 66: (35.72508600442671, -1.6), 81: 'a_0'}}
< {'ego': {64: 12.18588540405035, 66: (47.91097140847705, -1.6), 81: 'a_0'}}
< {'ego': {64: 13.568249331610279, 66: (61.47922074008733, -1.6), 81: 'a_0'},
<  'parking': {64: 0.0, 66: (100.0, -4.800000000000001), 81: ''}}
< {'ego': {64: 13.181142201959156, 66: (74.66036294204649, -1.6), 81: 'a_0'},
<  'parking': {64: 0.0, 66: (100.0, -4.800000000000001), 81: ''}}
< {'ego': {64: 12.92134470845107, 66: (87.58170765049756, -1.6), 81: 'a_0'},
<  'parking': {64: 0.0, 66: (100.0, -4.800000000000001), 81: ''}}
< {'ego': {64: 13.882154383962042, 66: (101.46386203445961, -1.6), 81: 'a_0'},
<  'parking': {64: 0.0, 66: (100.0, -4.800000000000001), 81: ''}}
< {'ego': {64: 13.015094927451575, 66: (114.47895696191117, -1.6), 81: 'a_0'},
<  'parking': {64: 0.0, 66: (100.0, -4.800000000000001), 81: ''}}
< {'ego': {64: 13.283985643028283, 66: (127.76294260493948, -1.6), 81: 'a_0'},
<  'parking': {64: 0.0, 66: (100.0, -4.800000000000001), 81: ''}}
< {'ego': {64: 13.302254900368862, 66: (141.06519750530833, -1.6), 81: 'a_0'},
<  'parking': {64: 0.0, 66: (100.0, -4.800000000000001), 81: ''}}
< {'ego': {64: 13.153841684744695, 66: (154.21903919005302, -1.6), 81: 'a_0'}}
< {'ego': {64: 13.546129846000113, 66: (167.76516903605312, -1.6), 81: 'a_0'}}
< {'ego': {64: 13.811665639500134, 66: (181.57683467555324, -1.6), 81: 'a_0'}}
< {'ego': {64: 12.751740999133327, 66: (194.32857567468656, -1.6), 81: 'a_0'}}
> {'ego': {64: 0.0, 66: (5.1, -1.6, 0.0), 81: 'a_0'}}
> {'ego': {64: 1.6737586267990991, 66: (6.7737586267991, -1.6, 0.0), 81: 'a_0'}}
> {'ego': {64: 4.2146353791467845,
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci gui b50 ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tests/../tests/complex/traci/gui/b50/runner.py", line 47, in <module>
>     traci.gui.screenshot('View #0', "test_%s_%s.png" % (i, j))
> AttributeError: module 'traci' has no attribute 'gui'

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci gui gui ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tests/../tests/complex/traci/gui/gui/runner.py", line 31, in <module>
>     traci.start([sumolib.checkBinary('sumo-gui')] +
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tests/../tests/complex/traci/gui/gui/../../../../../tools/libtraci/libtraci.py", line 3214, in start
>     return _libtraci.simulation_start(*args, **kwargs)
> TypeError: in method 'simulation_start', argument 8 of type 'void *'
---------- Differences in output ----------
< step 0
< step 1
< step 2
< hasGUI True
< views ('View #0',)
< examining View #0
< set zoom (80.0)
< get zoom 80.0
< set offset (400.0, 400.0)
< get offset (400.0, 400.0)
< set schema ('real world')
< get schema real world
< visible boundary ((-805.859375, -230.0), (1605.859375, 1030.0))
< has view View #0 True
< has view 'foo' False
< track vehicle 'horiz'
< get tracked vehicle horiz
< {0: ('View #0',)}
< step 3
< {0: ('View #0',)}
< step 4
< {0: ('View #0',)}
< step 5
< {0: ('View #0',)}
< veh selected: 0
< edge selected: 0
< veh selected: 1
< edge selected: 1
< -- Unordered text as found by filter '^Loading configuration ... done.' --
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Missing result in png ----------

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TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci gui polygon_dynamics_gui ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tests/../tests/complex/traci/gui/polygon_dynamics_gui/runner.py", line 40, in <module>
>     traci.start([sumolib.checkBinary('sumo-gui'), "-c", "sumo.sumocfg", "-S", "-Q"], stdout=sys.stdout)
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tools/libtraci/libtraci.py", line 3214, in start
>     return _libtraci.simulation_start(*args, **kwargs)
> TypeError: in method 'simulation_start', argument 8 of type 'void *'
---------- Differences in output ----------
< step 0
< step 1
< step 2
< adding poly0
< polygons ('poly0',)
< polygon count 1
< # examining poly0
< shape ((960.0, 510.0), (960.0, 550.0), (1000.0, 550.0), (1000.0, 510.0))
< type test
< color (100, 200, 0, 255)
< filled True
< step 3
< step 4
< step 5
< # (1) Adding underspecified dynamics...
< Caught TraCIException
< # (2) Adding malformed dynamics 1 ...
< Caught TraCIException
< # (3) Adding malformed dynamics 2 ...
< Caught TraCIException
< # (4) Adding malformed dynamics 3 ...
< Caught TraCIException
< # (5) Adding malformed dynamics 4 ...
< Caught TraCIException
< # (6) Adding malformed dynamics 5 ...
< Caught TraCIException
< # examining poly0
< shape ((960.0, 510.0), (960.0, 550.0), (1000.0, 550.0), (1000.0, 510.0))
< type test
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci misc rerouting findIntermodalRoute car_public_speedFactor ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tests/../tests/complex/traci/misc/rerouting/findIntermodalRoute/car_public_speedFactor/runner.py", line 56, in <module>
>     traci.simulation.findIntermodalRoute("A0B0", "A1B1",
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tests/../tests/complex/traci/misc/rerouting/findIntermodalRoute/car_public_speedFactor/../../../../../../../tools/libtraci/libtraci.py", line 3410, in findIntermodalRoute
>     return _libtraci.simulation_findIntermodalRoute(*args, **kwargs)
> RuntimeError: unknown exception
---------- Differences in output ----------
< findIntermodalRoute modes='car bicycle public' vType=' pType=''
<   Stage(type=3, vType=DEFAULT_VEHTYPE, line=car, edges=('A0B0', 'B0B1', 'B1A1', 'A1B1'), travelTime=126.216342693, cost=126.216342693, length=2678.24, intended=car, depart=1.0, departPos=894.8, arrivalPos=100.0)
< findIntermodalRoute modes='car bicycle public' vType=defaultCar' pType=''
<   Stage(type=3, vType=defaultCar, line=defaultCar, edges=('A0B0', 'B0B1', 'B1A1', 'A1B1'), travelTime=126.216342693, cost=126.216342693, length=2678.24, intended=defaultCar, depart=1.0, departPos=894.8, arrivalPos=100.0)
< findIntermodalRoute modes='car bicycle public' vType=slowCar' pType=''
<   Stage(type=3, vType=DEFAULT_VEHTYPE, line=car, edges=('A0B0', 'B0B1', 'B1A1', 'A1B1'), travelTime=126.216342693, cost=126.216342693, length=2678.24, intended=car, depart=1.0, departPos=894.8, arrivalPos=100.0)
< findIntermodalRoute modes='car bicycle public' vType=slowCarFactor' pType=''
<   Stage(type=3, vType=DEFAULT_VEHTYPE, line=car, edges=('A0B0', 'B0B1', 'B1A1', 'A1B1'), travelTime=126.216342693, cost=126.216342693, length=2678.24, intended=car, depart=1.0, departPos=894.8, arrivalPos=100.0)
< findIntermodalRoute modes='car bicycle public' vType=fastCar' pType=''
<   Stage(type=3, vType=fastCar, line=fastCar, edges=('A0B0', 'B0B1', 'B1A1', 'A1B1'), travelTime=65.3581713463, cost=65.3581713463, length=2678.24, intended=fastCar, depart=1.0, departPos=894.8, arrivalPos=100.0)
< findIntermodalRoute modes='public' vType=' pType=''
<   Stage(type=2, destStop=stopC_W, edges=('A0B0', 'accessC'), travelTime=181.27776, cost=181.27776, length=488.831, depart=1.0, departPos=894.8, arrivalPos=91.9)
<   Stage(type=3, line=train2:1, destStop=stopA_W, edges=('railEW',), travelTime=559.72296, cost=559.72296, length=2200.001, intended=train_train2:1.0, depart=599.0, departPos=0.0, arrivalPos=1100.0)
<   Stage(type=2, destStop=stopA_N, edges=('accessA',), travelTime=3.80256, cost=3.80256, length=403.961, depart=742.00072, departPos=86.23, arrivalPos=90.19)
<   Stage(type=3, line=train1:0, destStop=stopB_N, edges=('railSN',), travelTime=355.19796, cost=355.19796, length=1000.001, intended=train_train1:0.1, depart=1001.0, departPos=0.0, arrivalPos=500.0)
<   Stage(type=2, edges=('accessB', 'A1B1'), travelTime=203.9232, cost=203.9232, length=1200.02, depart=1101.00124, departPos=91.16, arrivalPos=100.0)
< findIntermodalRoute modes='public' vType=defaultCar' pType=''
<   Stage(type=3, vType=defaultCar, line=defaultCar, edges=('A0B0', 'B0B1', 'B1A1', 'A1B1'), travelTime=126.216342693, cost=126.216342693, length=2678.24, intended=defaultCar, depart=1.0, departPos=894.8, arrivalPos=100.0)
< findIntermodalRoute modes='public' vType=slowCar' pType=''
<   Stage(type=2, destStop=stopC_W, edges=('A0B0', 'accessC'), travelTime=181.27776, cost=181.27776, length=488.831, depart=1.0, departPos=894.8, arrivalPos=91.9)
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci misc rerouting findIntermodalRoute car_public_speedFactor_routingMode ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tests/../tests/complex/traci/misc/rerouting/findIntermodalRoute/car_public_speedFactor_routingMode/runner.py", line 56, in <module>
>     traci.simulation.findIntermodalRoute("A0B0", "A1B1",
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tests/../tests/complex/traci/misc/rerouting/findIntermodalRoute/car_public_speedFactor_routingMode/../../../../../../../tools/libtraci/libtraci.py", line 3410, in findIntermodalRoute
>     return _libtraci.simulation_findIntermodalRoute(*args, **kwargs)
> RuntimeError: unknown exception
---------- Differences in output ----------
< findIntermodalRoute modes='car bicycle public' vType=' pType=''
<   Stage(type=3, vType=DEFAULT_VEHTYPE, line=car, edges=('A0B0', 'B0B1', 'B1A1', 'A1B1'), travelTime=126.216342693, cost=126.216342693, length=2678.24, intended=car, depart=1.0, departPos=894.8, arrivalPos=100.0)
< findIntermodalRoute modes='car bicycle public' vType=defaultCar' pType=''
<   Stage(type=3, vType=defaultCar, line=defaultCar, edges=('A0B0', 'B0B1', 'B1A1', 'A1B1'), travelTime=126.216342693, cost=126.216342693, length=2678.24, intended=defaultCar, depart=1.0, departPos=894.8, arrivalPos=100.0)
< findIntermodalRoute modes='car bicycle public' vType=slowCar' pType=''
<   Stage(type=3, vType=DEFAULT_VEHTYPE, line=car, edges=('A0B0', 'B0B1', 'B1A1', 'A1B1'), travelTime=126.216342693, cost=126.216342693, length=2678.24, intended=car, depart=1.0, departPos=894.8, arrivalPos=100.0)
< findIntermodalRoute modes='car bicycle public' vType=slowCarFactor' pType=''
<   Stage(type=3, vType=DEFAULT_VEHTYPE, line=car, edges=('A0B0', 'B0B1', 'B1A1', 'A1B1'), travelTime=126.216342693, cost=126.216342693, length=2678.24, intended=car, depart=1.0, departPos=894.8, arrivalPos=100.0)
< findIntermodalRoute modes='car bicycle public' vType=fastCar' pType=''
<   Stage(type=3, vType=fastCar, line=fastCar, edges=('A0B0', 'B0B1', 'B1A1', 'A1B1'), travelTime=65.3581713463, cost=65.3581713463, length=2678.24, intended=fastCar, depart=1.0, departPos=894.8, arrivalPos=100.0)
< findIntermodalRoute modes='public' vType=' pType=''
<   Stage(type=2, destStop=stopC_W, edges=('A0B0', 'accessC'), travelTime=181.27776, cost=181.27776, length=488.831, depart=1.0, departPos=894.8, arrivalPos=91.9)
<   Stage(type=3, line=train2:1, destStop=stopA_W, edges=('railEW',), travelTime=559.72296, cost=559.72296, length=2200.001, intended=train_train2:1.0, depart=599.0, departPos=0.0, arrivalPos=1100.0)
<   Stage(type=2, destStop=stopA_N, edges=('accessA',), travelTime=3.80256, cost=3.80256, length=403.961, depart=742.00072, departPos=86.23, arrivalPos=90.19)
<   Stage(type=3, line=train1:0, destStop=stopB_N, edges=('railSN',), travelTime=355.19796, cost=355.19796, length=1000.001, intended=train_train1:0.1, depart=1001.0, departPos=0.0, arrivalPos=500.0)
<   Stage(type=2, edges=('accessB', 'A1B1'), travelTime=203.9232, cost=203.9232, length=1200.02, depart=1101.00124, departPos=91.16, arrivalPos=100.0)
< findIntermodalRoute modes='public' vType=defaultCar' pType=''
<   Stage(type=3, vType=defaultCar, line=defaultCar, edges=('A0B0', 'B0B1', 'B1A1', 'A1B1'), travelTime=126.216342693, cost=126.216342693, length=2678.24, intended=defaultCar, depart=1.0, departPos=894.8, arrivalPos=100.0)
< findIntermodalRoute modes='public' vType=slowCar' pType=''
<   Stage(type=2, destStop=stopC_W, edges=('A0B0', 'accessC'), travelTime=181.27776, cost=181.27776, length=488.831, depart=1.0, departPos=894.8, arrivalPos=91.9)
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci misc rerouting findIntermodalRoute taxi ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tests/../tests/complex/traci/misc/rerouting/findIntermodalRoute/taxi/runner.py", line 56, in <module>
>     traci.simulation.findIntermodalRoute("A0B0", "A1B1",
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tests/../tests/complex/traci/misc/rerouting/findIntermodalRoute/taxi/../../../../../../../tools/libtraci/libtraci.py", line 3410, in findIntermodalRoute
>     return _libtraci.simulation_findIntermodalRoute(*args, **kwargs)
> RuntimeError: unknown exception
---------- Differences in output ----------
< findIntermodalRoute modes='taxi' vType=' pType=''
<   Stage(type=2, destStop=busStopC, edges=('A0B0',), travelTime=391.00896, cost=391.00896, length=94.802, depart=1.0, departPos=0.0, arrivalPos=894.8)
<   Stage(type=3, vType=DEFAULT_TAXITYPE, line=taxi, edges=('A0B0', 'B0B1', 'B1A1'), travelTime=109.374250137, cost=109.374250137, length=1498.361, intended=taxi, depart=392.00896, departPos=894.8, arrivalPos=894.8)
<   Stage(type=2, edges=('B1A1', 'A1B1'), travelTime=205.4976, cost=205.4976, length=1201.66, depart=501.383210137, departPos=894.8, arrivalPos=100.0)
< findIntermodalRoute modes='taxi public' vType=' pType=''
<   Stage(type=3, vType=DEFAULT_TAXITYPE, line=taxi, edges=('A0B0', 'B0B1', 'B1A1'), travelTime=116.199304132, cost=116.199304132, length=1593.161, intended=taxi, depart=1.00096, departPos=0.0, arrivalPos=894.8)
<   Stage(type=2, edges=('B1A1', 'A1B1'), travelTime=205.4976, cost=205.4976, length=1201.66, depart=117.200264132, departPos=894.8, arrivalPos=100.0)

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci misc rerouting routingMode rerouteTraveltime_default ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in vehroutes ----------
<     <vehicle id="flow.2" depart="20.00" arrival="80.00">
<         <route edges="beg detour end"/>
>     <vehicle id="flow.2" depart="20.00" arrival="52.00">
>         <routeDistribution>
>             <route replacedOnEdge="beg" reason="traci:rerouteTraveltime" replacedAtTime="21.00" probability="0" edges="beg detour end"/>
>             <route edges="beg middle middle2 end"/>
>         </routeDistribution>
>     </vehicle>
>     <vehicle id="flow.3" depart="30.00" arrival="81.00">
>         <routeDistribution>
>             <route replacedOnEdge="beg" reason="traci:rerouteTraveltime" replacedAtTime="31.00" probability="0" edges="beg detour end"/>
>             <route edges="beg middle middle2 end"/>
>         </routeDistribution>
<     <vehicle id="flow.4" depart="40.00" arrival="81.00">
>     <vehicle id="flow.4" depart="40.00" arrival="83.00">
<     <vehicle id="flow.5" depart="50.00" arrival="83.00">
>     <vehicle id="flow.5" depart="50.00" arrival="85.00">
<     <vehicle id="flow.3" depart="30.00" arrival="90.00">
<         <route edges="beg detour end"/>
>     <vehicle id="flow.6" depart="60.00" arrival="114.00">
>         <routeDistribution>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

2 TESTS FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba :

---------- Missing result in log ----------
traci.vehicle.getParameter('veh0', 'foo')
traci.vehicle.setParameter('veh0', 'foo', '42')
traci.vehicle.getParameter('veh0', 'foo')
traci.person.getParameter('ped0', 'foo')
traci.person.setParameter('ped0', 'foo', '42')
traci.person.getParameter('ped0', 'foo')
traci.edge.getParameter('1o', 'foo')
traci.edge.setParameter('1o', 'foo', '42')
traci.edge.getParameter('1o', 'foo')
traci.lane.getParameter('1o_0', 'foo')
traci.lane.setParameter('1o_0', 'foo', '42')
traci.lane.getParameter('1o_0', 'foo')
traci.vehicletype.getParameter('pType', 'foo')
traci.vehicletype.setParameter('pType', 'foo', '42')
traci.vehicletype.getParameter('pType', 'foo')
traci.route.getParameter('horizontal', 'foo')
traci.route.setParameter('horizontal', 'foo', '42')
traci.route.getParameter('horizontal', 'foo')
traci.trafficlight.getParameter('0', 'foo')
traci.trafficlight.setParameter('0', 'foo', '42')
traci.trafficlight.getParameter('0', 'foo')
traci misc tracing ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )
traci misc tracing_close_start ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci misc tracing_connection ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tests/../tests/complex/traci/misc/tracing_connection/runner.py", line 32, in <module>
>     con = traci.getConnection()
> AttributeError: module 'traci' has no attribute 'getConnection'
---------- Differences in output ----------
< step 0
< vehicle foo=""
< vehicle foo="42"
< person foo=""
< person foo="42"
< edge foo=""
< edge foo="42"
< lane foo=""
< lane foo="42"
< vType foo=""
< vType foo="42"
< route foo=""
< route foo="42"
< trafficlight foo=""
< trafficlight foo="42"
< step 1
---------- Missing result in log ----------
traci.vehicle.getParameter('veh0', 'foo')
traci.vehicle.setParameter('veh0', 'foo', '42')
traci.vehicle.getParameter('veh0', 'foo')
traci.person.getParameter('ped0', 'foo')
traci.person.setParameter('ped0', 'foo', '42')
traci.person.getParameter('ped0', 'foo')
traci.edge.getParameter('1o', 'foo')
traci.edge.setParameter('1o', 'foo', '42')
traci.edge.getParameter('1o', 'foo')
traci.lane.getParameter('1o_0', 'foo')
traci.lane.setParameter('1o_0', 'foo', '42')
traci.lane.getParameter('1o_0', 'foo')
traci.vehicletype.getParameter('pType', 'foo')
traci.vehicletype.setParameter('pType', 'foo', '42')
traci.vehicletype.getParameter('pType', 'foo')
traci.route.getParameter('horizontal', 'foo')
traci.route.setParameter('horizontal', 'foo', '42')
traci.route.getParameter('horizontal', 'foo')
traci.trafficlight.getParameter('0', 'foo')
traci.trafficlight.setParameter('0', 'foo', '42')
traci.trafficlight.getParameter('0', 'foo')

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci misc tracing_noGetters ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Missing result in log ----------
traci.vehicle.setParameter('veh0', 'foo', '42')
traci.person.setParameter('ped0', 'foo', '42')
traci.edge.setParameter('1o', 'foo', '42')
traci.lane.setParameter('1o_0', 'foo', '42')
traci.vehicletype.setParameter('pType', 'foo', '42')
traci.route.setParameter('horizontal', 'foo', '42')
traci.trafficlight.setParameter('0', 'foo', '42')

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci misc tracing_repeat ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Missing result in log ----------
traci.vehicle.getParameter('veh0', 'foo')
traci.vehicle.setParameter('veh0', 'foo', '42')
traci.vehicle.getParameter('veh0', 'foo')
traci.person.getParameter('ped0', 'foo')
traci.person.setParameter('ped0', 'foo', '42')
traci.person.getParameter('ped0', 'foo')
traci.edge.getParameter('1o', 'foo')
traci.edge.setParameter('1o', 'foo', '42')
traci.edge.getParameter('1o', 'foo')
traci.lane.getParameter('1o_0', 'foo')
traci.lane.setParameter('1o_0', 'foo', '42')
traci.lane.getParameter('1o_0', 'foo')
traci.vehicletype.getParameter('pType', 'foo')
traci.vehicletype.setParameter('pType', 'foo', '42')
traci.vehicletype.getParameter('pType', 'foo')
traci.route.getParameter('horizontal', 'foo')
traci.route.setParameter('horizontal', 'foo', '42')
traci.route.getParameter('horizontal', 'foo')
traci.trafficlight.getParameter('0', 'foo')
traci.trafficlight.setParameter('0', 'foo', '42')
traci.trafficlight.getParameter('0', 'foo')
---------- Missing result in log2 ----------
traci.vehicle.getParameter('veh0', 'foo')
traci.vehicle.setParameter('veh0', 'foo', '42')
traci.vehicle.getParameter('veh0', 'foo')
traci.person.getParameter('ped0', 'foo')
traci.person.setParameter('ped0', 'foo', '42')
traci.person.getParameter('ped0', 'foo')
traci.edge.getParameter('1o', 'foo')
traci.edge.setParameter('1o', 'foo', '42')
traci.edge.getParameter('1o', 'foo')
traci.lane.getParameter('1o_0', 'foo')
traci.lane.setParameter('1o_0', 'foo', '42')
traci.lane.getParameter('1o_0', 'foo')
traci.vehicletype.getParameter('pType', 'foo')
traci.vehicletype.setParameter('pType', 'foo', '42')
traci.vehicletype.getParameter('pType', 'foo')
traci.route.getParameter('horizontal', 'foo')
traci.route.setParameter('horizontal', 'foo', '42')
traci.route.getParameter('horizontal', 'foo')
traci.trafficlight.getParameter('0', 'foo')
traci.trafficlight.setParameter('0', 'foo', '42')
traci.trafficlight.getParameter('0', 'foo')

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci person arrivalPos ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tests/../tests/complex/traci/person/arrivalPos/runner.py", line 35, in <module>
>     traci.vehicle.add(vehID="bus_1", typeID="BUS", routeID="", depart=0, departPos=0, departSpeed=0, departLane=1)
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tools/libtraci/libtraci.py", line 5221, in add
>     return _libtraci.vehicle_add(*args, **kwargs)
> TypeError: in method 'vehicle_add', argument 4 of type 'std::string const &'
---------- Differences in tripinfo ----------
<     <tripinfo id="bus_1" depart="0.00" departLane="L12_1" departPos="0.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="149.00" arrivalLane="L5_1" arrivalPos="115.32" arrivalSpeed="8.21" duration="149.00" routeLength="276.90" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="100.00" timeLoss="27.41" rerouteNo="1" devices="tripinfo_bus_1 person_bus_1" vType="BUS" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/>
<     <personinfo id="P4" depart="0.00" type="DEFAULT_PEDTYPE">
<         <ride waitingTime="59.00" vehicle="bus_1" depart="59.00" arrival="91.00" arrivalPos="79.32" duration="32.00" routeLength="220.93" timeLoss="14.92"/>
<         <stop duration="1000.00" arrival="1091.00" arrivalPos="79.34" actType="thinking"/>
<     </personinfo>
<     <personinfo id="P5" depart="20.00" type="DEFAULT_PEDTYPE">
<         <ride waitingTime="39.00" vehicle="bus_1" depart="59.00" arrival="91.00" arrivalPos="79.32" duration="32.00" routeLength="220.91" timeLoss="14.92"/>
<         <stop duration="1000.00" arrival="1091.00" arrivalPos="79.34" actType="thinking"/>
<     </personinfo>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci simulation collisions ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in collisions ----------
<     <collision time="4.00" type="collision" lane="SC_3" pos="25.10" collider="c0" victim="v0" colliderType="reckless" victimType="slow" colliderSpeed="15.00" victimSpeed="5.00"/>
<     <collision time="4.00" type="collision" lane="SC_4" pos="25.10" collider="c1" victim="v1" colliderType="reckless" victimType="slow" colliderSpeed="15.00" victimSpeed="5.00"/>
<     <collision time="15.00" type="sharedLane" lane="EC_0" pos="85.15" collider="c3" victim="pWE.37" colliderType="reckless" victimType="DEFAULT_PEDTYPE" colliderSpeed="15.00" victimSpeed="0.00"/>
<     <collision time="16.00" type="crossing" lane=":C_c0_0" pos="13.28" collider="c2" victim="pWE.3" colliderType="reckless" victimType="DEFAULT_PEDTYPE" colliderSpeed="15.00" victimSpeed="1.37"/>
<     <collision time="17.00" type="crossing" lane=":C_c0_0" pos="13.28" collider="c2" victim="pWE.3" colliderType="reckless" victimType="DEFAULT_PEDTYPE" colliderSpeed="15.00" victimSpeed="0.00"/>
---------- Differences in errors ----------
< Warning: Teleporting vehicle 'c1'; collision with vehicle 'v1', lane='SC_4', gap=-7.50, time=4.00 stage=move.
< Warning: Teleporting vehicle 'c0'; collision with vehicle 'v0', lane='SC_3', gap=-7.50, time=4.00 stage=move.
< Warning: Vehicle 'c0' ends teleporting on edge 'CN', time 4.00.
< Warning: Vehicle 'c1' ends teleporting on edge 'CN', time 4.00.
< Warning: Vehicle 'c3' collision with person 'pWE.37', lane='EC_0', gap=-0.16, time=15.00 stage=move.
< Warning: Vehicle 'c2' collision with person 'pWE.3', lane=':C_3_0, time=16.00 stage=move.
< Warning: Vehicle 'c2' collision with person 'pWE.3', lane=':C_3_0, time=17.00 stage=events.
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tests/../tests/complex/traci/simulation/collisions/runner.py", line 49, in <module>
>     if len(collisions) > 0:
> TypeError: object of type 'SwigPyObject' has no len()
---------- Differences in output ----------
< 5.0 (Collision(collider=c0, victim=v0, colliderType=reckless, victimType=slow, colliderSpeed=15.0, victimSpeed=5.0, type=collision, lane=SC_3, pos=25.1), Collision(collider=c1, victim=v1, colliderType=reckless, victimType=slow, colliderSpeed=15.0, victimSpeed=5.0, type=collision, lane=SC_4, pos=25.1))
< 16.0 (Collision(collider=c3, victim=pWE.37, colliderType=reckless, victimType=DEFAULT_PEDTYPE, colliderSpeed=15.0, victimSpeed=0.0, type=sharedLane, lane=EC_0, pos=85.15),)
< 17.0 (Collision(collider=c2, victim=pWE.3, colliderType=reckless, victimType=DEFAULT_PEDTYPE, colliderSpeed=15.0, victimSpeed=1.37136177913, type=crossing, lane=:C_c0_0, pos=13.2755594496),)
< 18.0 (Collision(collider=c2, victim=pWE.3, colliderType=reckless, victimType=DEFAULT_PEDTYPE, colliderSpeed=15.0, victimSpeed=0.0, type=crossing, lane=:C_c0_0, pos=13.2755594496),)
> swig/python detected a memory leak of type 'std::vector< libsumo::TraCICollision,std::allocator< libsumo::TraCICollision > > *', no destructor found.

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci simulation load ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
<  The route can not be build.)
---------- Differences in output ----------
>  The route can not be build.)

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci simulation simulation ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
< Warning: Teleporting vehicle 'collider'; collision with vehicle 'suddenStop', lane='o_0', gap=-1.36, time=13.00 stage=move.
< Warning: Vehicle 'collider' teleports beyond arrival edge 'o', time 13.00.
< Warning: Vehicle 'emergencyStopper' performs emergency stop at the end of lane 'o_0' because there is no connection to the next edge (decel=-100.00, offset=68.12), time=16.00.
< Warning: Vehicle 'emergencyStopper' performs emergency stop at the end of lane 'o_0' because there is no connection to the next edge (decel=0.00, offset=100.00), time=17.00.
< Error: Requested command not implemented (0xac): GUI is not running, command not implemented in command line sumo
< Warning: Vehicle 'emergencyStopper' performs emergency stop at the end of lane 'o_0' because there is no connection to the next edge (decel=0.00, offset=100.00), time=18.00.
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tests/../tests/complex/traci/simulation/simulation/runner.py", line 167, in <module>
>     print("findIntermodalRoute", traci.simulation.findIntermodalRoute(
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tools/libtraci/libtraci.py", line 3410, in findIntermodalRoute
>     return _libtraci.simulation_findIntermodalRoute(*args, **kwargs)
> RuntimeError: unknown exception
---------- Differences in log ----------
< Warning: Teleporting vehicle 'collider'; collision with vehicle 'suddenStop', lane='o_0', gap=-1.36, time=13.00 stage=move.
< Warning: Vehicle 'collider' teleports beyond arrival edge 'o', time 13.00.
< Warning: Vehicle 'emergencyStopper' performs emergency stop at the end of lane 'o_0' because there is no connection to the next edge (decel=-100.00, offset=68.12), time=16.00.
< Warning: Vehicle 'emergencyStopper' performs emergency stop at the end of lane 'o_0' because there is no connection to the next edge (decel=0.00, offset=100.00), time=17.00.
< Error: Requested command not implemented (0xac): GUI is not running, command not implemented in command line sumo
< custom log message
< Warning: Vehicle 'emergencyStopper' performs emergency stop at the end of lane 'o_0' because there is no connection to the next edge (decel=0.00, offset=100.00), time=18.00.
< Simulation ended at time: 19.00
< Reason: TraCI requested termination.
> Error: tcpip::Socket::recvAndCheck @ recv: peer shutdown
> Quitting (on error).
< DijkstraRouter answered 8 queries and explored 25.62 edges on average.
> DijkstraRouter answered 2 queries and explored 9.00 edges on average.
---------- Differences in output ----------
< findIntermodalRoute (Stage(type=2, edges=('footpath', 'footpath2'), travelTime=144.0, cost=144.0, length=250.0, depart=6.0, departPos=0.0, arrivalPos=50.0),)
< findIntermodalRoute (walk)
<   Stage(type=2, edges=('o', '2o'), travelTime=4804.48416, cost=4804.48416, length=14979.671, depart=6.0, departPos=25.0, arrivalPos=5000.0)
< findIntermodalRoute (bike)
<   Stage(type=3, vType=DEFAULT_BIKETYPE, line=bicycle, edges=('o', '2o'), travelTime=1824.579, cost=1824.579, length=20111.55, intended=bicycle, depart=6.00096, departPos=0.0, arrivalPos=5000.0)
< findIntermodalRoute (car)
<   Stage(type=3, vType=DEFAULT_VEHTYPE, line=car, edges=('o', '2o'), travelTime=729.248201439, cost=729.248201439, length=20111.55, intended=car, depart=6.00096, departPos=0.0, arrivalPos=5000.0)
< findIntermodalRoute (bike,car,public)
<   Stage(type=3, vType=DEFAULT_VEHTYPE, line=car, edges=('o', '2o'), travelTime=729.248201439, cost=729.248201439, length=20111.55, intended=car, depart=6.00096, departPos=0.0, arrivalPos=5000.0)
< contextSubscriptions: {}
< step 0
< {114: (), 116: ()}
< step 1
< {114: (), 116: ()}
< step 2
< {114: (), 116: ('suddenStop',)}
< step 3
< {114: (), 116: ()}
< step 4
< {114: (), 116: ()}
< step 5
< {114: (), 116: ('collider',)}
< step 6
< {114: (), 116: ()}
< step 7
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci vehicle taxi case3_redispatch_before_pickup ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
<     raise FatalTraCIError("Connection already closed.")
< traci.exceptions.FatalTraCIError: Connection already closed.
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tests/../tests/complex/traci/vehicle/taxi/case3_redispatch_before_pickup/runner.py", line 70, in <module>
>     while traci.simulation.getMinExpectedNumber() > 0:
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tools/libtraci/libtraci.py", line 3378, in getMinExpectedNumber
>     return _libtraci.simulation_getMinExpectedNumber()
> RuntimeError: SUMO error: Not connected.

2 TESTS FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba :

---------- Differences in output ----------
< [(57, (1000.0, 501.65, 0.0)), (66, (1000.0, 501.65))]
> [(57, (1000.0, 501.65, 0.0)), (66, (1000.0, 501.65, 0.0))]
< [(57, (997.8703470737165, 501.65, 0.0)), (66, (997.8703470737165, 501.65))]
> [(57, (997.8703470737165, 501.65, 0.0)), (66, (997.8703470737165, 501.65, 0.0))]
< [(57, (993.8028839783015, 501.65, 0.0)), (66, (993.8028839783015, 501.65))]
> [(57, (993.8028839783015, 501.65, 0.0)), (66, (993.8028839783015, 501.65, 0.0))]
< [(57, (987.7629824096396, 501.65, 0.0)), (66, (987.7629824096396, 501.65))]
> [(57, (987.7629824096396, 501.65, 0.0)), (66, (987.7629824096396, 501.65, 0.0))]
< [(57, (980.4087382871334, 501.65, 0.0)), (66, (980.4087382871334, 501.65))]
> [(57, (980.4087382871334, 501.65, 0.0)), (66, (980.4087382871334, 501.65, 0.0))]
< [(57, (971.7406557188401, 501.65, 0.0)), (66, (971.7406557188401, 501.65))]
> [(57, (971.7406557188401, 501.65, 0.0)), (66, (971.7406557188401, 501.65, 0.0))]
< [(57, (962.9856812990602, 501.65, 0.0)), (66, (962.9856812990602, 501.65))]
> [(57, (962.9856812990602, 501.65, 0.0)), (66, (962.9856812990602, 501.65, 0.0))]
< [(57, (953.5572547837248, 501.65, 0.0)), (66, (953.5572547837248, 501.65))]
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
traci vehicle vehicle ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )
traci vehicle vehicle_sublane ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

Detailed information for the tests that had known bugs:

TEST had known bugs (#4727) on ts-sim-build-ba : traci ContextSubscriptionFilters leadFollow carFollowing ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

(This bug was triggered by text found in file 'output' matching '.')
---------- Differences in output ----------
< lead_straight
< [002] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
> [002] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< [003] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
> [003] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< [004] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
> [004] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< [005] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
> [005] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< [006] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
> [006] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< [007] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
> [007] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< [008] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
> [008] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

2 TESTS had known bugs (#4727) on ts-sim-build-ba :

(This bug was triggered by text found in file 'output' matching '.')
---------- Differences in output ----------
> follow_straight
< follow_straight
> follow_straight
< follow_straight
> follow_straight
< follow_straight
> follow_straight
< follow_straight
> follow_straight
< follow_straight
> follow_straight
< follow_straight
> follow_straight
< follow_straight
> follow_straight
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
traci ContextSubscriptionFilters leadFollow laneChangeLeft ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )
traci ContextSubscriptionFilters leadFollow laneChangeRight ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

TEST had known bugs (#4727) on ts-sim-build-ba : traci ContextSubscriptionFilters leadFollow laneChangeNeighbors ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

(This bug was triggered by text found in file 'output' matching '.')
---------- Differences in output ----------
< follow_straight
< follow_right
> follow_right
> follow_straight
> lead_left
< lead_left
< follow_straight
< follow_right
> follow_right
> follow_straight
> lead_left
< lead_left
< follow_straight
< follow_right
> follow_right
> follow_straight
> lead_left
< lead_left
< follow_straight
< follow_right
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST had known bugs (see #3263) on ts-sim-build-ba : traci vehicle moveToXY keepRoute2 ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

mapping failure
(This bug was triggered by text found in file 'output' matching 'failed')
---------- Differences in output ----------
> internal corner (inside, segment2) failed: x=198, x2=198.0,   y=1.9, y2=1.9,   lane=middle_0, lane2=middle_0, pos=102, pos2=98.0   posLat=2.0 posLat2=1.9

TEST had known bugs (see #6192) on ts-sim-build-ba : traci vehicle openGap with_low_maxDecel_fast_CACC ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

not even failing as intended
(This bug was triggered by text found in file 'errors' matching 'Error')
---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tests/../tests/complex/traci/vehicle/openGap/runner.py", line 155, in <module>
>     runSingle(targetTimeHeadway, targetSpaceHeadway, duration, changeRate, maxDecel, refVehID)
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tests/../tests/complex/traci/vehicle/openGap/runner.py", line 82, in runSingle
>     leaderSpeed = traci.vehicle.getSubscriptionResults(leaderID)[tc.VAR_SPEED]
> KeyError: 64
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Time 2.0: Gap 'follower'->'leader' = 5.938 (headway=0.367)
< 'follower' speed = 16.161582708
< Time 3.0: Gap 'follower'->'leader' = 8.966 (headway=0.528)
< 'follower' speed = 16.9836198736
< Time 4.0: Gap 'follower'->'leader' = 11.281 (headway=0.641)
< 'follower' speed = 17.5863190784
< Time 5.0: Gap 'follower'->'leader' = 13.069 (headway=0.725)
< 'follower' speed = 18.0379935645
< Time 6.0: Gap 'follower'->'leader' = 14.459 (headway=0.787)
< 'follower' speed = 18.3815472225
< Time 7.0: Gap 'follower'->'leader' = 15.545 (headway=0.834)
< 'follower' speed = 18.6456171431
< Time 8.0: Gap 'follower'->'leader' = 16.397 (headway=0.870)
< 'follower' speed = 18.8501483763
< Time 9.0: Gap 'follower'->'leader' = 17.068 (headway=0.898)
< 'follower' speed = 19.0094667411
< Time 10.0: Gap 'follower'->'leader' = 17.596 (headway=0.920)
< 'follower' speed = 19.1340998278
< Time 11.0: Gap 'follower'->'leader' = 18.013 (headway=0.937)
< 'follower' speed = 19.231918606
< Time 12.0: Gap 'follower'->'leader' = 18.342 (headway=0.950)
< 'follower' speed = 19.3088858604
< Time 13.0: Gap 'follower'->'leader' = 18.603 (headway=0.960)
< 'follower' speed = 19.3695649077
< Time 14.0: Gap 'follower'->'leader' = 18.810 (headway=0.969)
< 'follower' speed = 19.4174756866
< Time 15.0: Gap 'follower'->'leader' = 18.973 (headway=0.975)
< 'follower' speed = 19.4553500651
< Time 16.0: Gap 'follower'->'leader' = 19.103 (headway=0.980)
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

meso: 264 tests: 158 succeeded 105 FAILED 1 known bugs

Detailed information for the tests that FAILED:

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : state save_cyclic_stops ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in output ----------
< <     <stopinfo id="v0" type="DEFAULT_VEHTYPE" edge="SC" pos="0.00" parking="0" started="0.00" ended="67.00" delay="7.00" initialPersons="0" loadedPersons="0" unloadedPersons="0" initialContainers="0" loadedContainers="0" unloadedContainers="0"/>
< > </stops>
< <     <stopinfo id="v0" type="DEFAULT_VEHTYPE" edge="CN" pos="0.00" parking="0" started="66.62" ended="127.00" delay="7.00" initialPersons="0" loadedPersons="0" unloadedPersons="0" initialContainers="0" loadedContainers="0" unloadedContainers="0"/>
< <     <stopinfo id="v0" type="DEFAULT_VEHTYPE" edge="SC" pos="0.00" parking="0" started="139.86" ended="247.00" delay="7.00" initialPersons="0" loadedPersons="0" unloadedPersons="0" initialContainers="0" loadedContainers="0" unloadedContainers="0"/>
< <     <stopinfo id="v0" type="DEFAULT_VEHTYPE" edge="CN" pos="0.00" parking="0" started="246.62" ended="307.00" delay="7.00" initialPersons="0" loadedPersons="0" unloadedPersons="0" initialContainers="0" loadedContainers="0" unloadedContainers="0"/>
> > </stops>
---------- Differences in state ----------
<     <vType id="DEFAULT_VEHTYPE"/>
>     <vType id="DEFAULT_VEHTYPE" sigma="0"/>
<         <stop lane="SC_0" startPos="91.75" endPos="91.95" until="360.00"/>
>         <stop lane="SC_0" startPos="91.75" endPos="91.95" until="360.00" actualArrival="319.86"/>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : state save_parking ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in state ----------
<         <stop lane="middle_0" startPos="9.80" endPos="10.00" duration="2.00" parking="1"/>
<         <stop lane="middle_0" startPos="59.80" endPos="60.00" duration="20.00" parking="1"/>
>         <stop lane="middle_0" startPos="9.80" endPos="10.00" duration="2.00" parking="1" actualArrival="7.00"/>
>         <stop lane="middle_0" startPos="59.80" endPos="60.00" duration="20.00" parking="1" actualArrival="7.00"/>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : state save_parking_busStop ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in state ----------
<         <stop busStop="stop0" duration="30.00" parking="1"/>
>         <stop busStop="stop0" duration="30.00" parking="1" actualArrival="7.00"/>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : state save_stopped ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in state ----------
<         <stop lane="middle_0" startPos="9.80" endPos="10.00" duration="2.00" parking="0" tripId="testTripID" line="testLine"/>
<         <stop lane="middle_0" startPos="59.80" endPos="60.00" duration="20.00" parking="0"/>
>         <stop lane="middle_0" startPos="9.80" endPos="10.00" duration="2.00" parking="0" tripId="testTripID" line="testLine" actualArrival="7.00"/>
>         <stop lane="middle_0" startPos="59.80" endPos="60.00" duration="20.00" parking="0" actualArrival="7.00"/>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci ContextSubscriptionFilters fieldOfVision incompatible_filter ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
< Warning: Ignoring field of vision subscription filter due to incompatibility with other filter(s).
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Subscribing to context of vehicle 'ego' (range=50.0)
< Adding field of vision subscription filter ... (openingAngle=90.0)
< Context results for veh 'ego':
< ego
< v8
< v9
< Ok: Unsubscribe successful
< Print ended at step 3.0
> Usage: runner <sumo/sumo-gui> <range> <openingAngle> <testWithIncompatibleFilter (0/1)>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci ContextSubscriptionFilters fieldOfVision persons range_50_angle_90 ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Subscribing to context of vehicle 'ego' (range=50.0)
< Adding field of vision subscription filter ... (openingAngle=90.0)
< Context results for veh 'ego':
< p9
< Ok: Unsubscribe successful
< Print ended at step 3.0
> Usage: runner <sumo/sumo-gui> <range> <openingAngle> <testWithIncompatibleFilter (0/1)>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci ContextSubscriptionFilters fieldOfVision range_0_angle_90 ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Subscribing to context of vehicle 'ego' (range=0.0)
< Adding field of vision subscription filter ... (openingAngle=90.0)
< Context results for veh 'ego':
< ego
< Ok: Unsubscribe successful
< Print ended at step 3.0
> Usage: runner <sumo/sumo-gui> <range> <openingAngle> <testWithIncompatibleFilter (0/1)>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci ContextSubscriptionFilters fieldOfVision range_50_angle_0 ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
< Warning: Field of vision opening angle ('0.00') should be within interval (0, 360), ignoring filter...
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Subscribing to context of vehicle 'ego' (range=50.0)
< Adding field of vision subscription filter ... (openingAngle=0.0)
< Context results for veh 'ego':
< ego
< v10
< v8
< v9
< Ok: Unsubscribe successful
< Print ended at step 3.0
> Usage: runner <sumo/sumo-gui> <range> <openingAngle> <testWithIncompatibleFilter (0/1)>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci ContextSubscriptionFilters fieldOfVision range_50_angle_270 ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Subscribing to context of vehicle 'ego' (range=50.0)
< Adding field of vision subscription filter ... (openingAngle=270.0)
< Context results for veh 'ego':
< ego
< v10
< v9
< Ok: Unsubscribe successful
< Print ended at step 3.0
> Usage: runner <sumo/sumo-gui> <range> <openingAngle> <testWithIncompatibleFilter (0/1)>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci ContextSubscriptionFilters fieldOfVision range_50_angle_360 ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
< Warning: Field of vision opening angle ('360.00') should be within interval (0, 360), ignoring filter...
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Subscribing to context of vehicle 'ego' (range=50.0)
< Adding field of vision subscription filter ... (openingAngle=360.0)
< Context results for veh 'ego':
< ego
< v10
< v8
< v9
< Ok: Unsubscribe successful
< Print ended at step 3.0
> Usage: runner <sumo/sumo-gui> <range> <openingAngle> <testWithIncompatibleFilter (0/1)>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci ContextSubscriptionFilters fieldOfVision range_50_angle_90 ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Subscribing to context of vehicle 'ego' (range=50.0)
< Adding field of vision subscription filter ... (openingAngle=90.0)
< Context results for veh 'ego':
< ego
< v9
< Ok: Unsubscribe successful
< Print ended at step 3.0
> Usage: runner <sumo/sumo-gui> <range> <openingAngle> <testWithIncompatibleFilter (0/1)>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci ContextSubscriptionFilters lanesUpDownDistance lanesLeftOpposite ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tests/../tests/complex/traci/ContextSubscriptionFilters/lanesUpDownDistance/runner.py", line 81, in <module>
>     runSingle(100, float(sys.argv[2]), "ego")
> ValueError: could not convert string to float: 'sumo'
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Subscribing to vehicle context of object 'ego'
< [001] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< follow_left
< follow_left2
< lead_left
< lead_left2
< [002] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< follow_left
< follow_left2
< lead_left
< lead_left2
< [003] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< follow_left
< follow_left2
< lead_left
< lead_left2
< [004] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< follow_left
< follow_left2
< lead_left
< lead_left2
< [005] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< follow_left
< follow_left2
< lead_left
< lead_left2
< [006] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< follow_left
< follow_left2
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci ContextSubscriptionFilters lanesUpDownDistance lanesLeftOppositeDownDistZero ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tests/../tests/complex/traci/ContextSubscriptionFilters/lanesUpDownDistance/runner.py", line 81, in <module>
>     runSingle(100, float(sys.argv[2]), "ego")
> ValueError: could not convert string to float: 'sumo'
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Subscribing to vehicle context of object 'ego'
< [001] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< follow_left
< follow_left2
< [002] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< follow_left
< follow_left2
< [003] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< follow_left
< follow_left2
< [004] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< follow_left
< follow_left2
< [005] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< follow_left
< follow_left2
< [006] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< follow_left
< follow_left2
< [007] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< follow_left
< follow_left2
< [008] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< follow_left
< follow_left2
< [009] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< follow_left
< follow_left2
< [010] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci ContextSubscriptionFilters lanesUpDownDistance lanesLeftOppositeUpDistZero ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tests/../tests/complex/traci/ContextSubscriptionFilters/lanesUpDownDistance/runner.py", line 81, in <module>
>     runSingle(100, float(sys.argv[2]), "ego")
> ValueError: could not convert string to float: 'sumo'
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Subscribing to vehicle context of object 'ego'
< [001] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< lead_left
< lead_left2
< [002] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< lead_left
< lead_left2
< [003] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< lead_left
< lead_left2
< [004] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< lead_left
< lead_left2
< [005] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< lead_left
< lead_left2
< [006] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< lead_left
< lead_left2
< [007] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< lead_left
< lead_left2
< opposite_lead_left
< [008] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< lead_left
< lead_left2
< opposite_lead_left
< opposite_lead_left2
< [009] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci ContextSubscriptionFilters lanesUpDownDistance lanesOppositeAll ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tests/../tests/complex/traci/ContextSubscriptionFilters/lanesUpDownDistance/runner.py", line 81, in <module>
>     runSingle(100, float(sys.argv[2]), "ego")
> ValueError: could not convert string to float: 'sumo'
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Subscribing to vehicle context of object 'ego'
< [001] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< [002] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< [003] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< [004] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< [005] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< [006] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< [007] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< opposite_lead_left
< opposite_lead_middle
< opposite_lead_right
< [008] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< opposite_lead_left
< opposite_lead_left2
< opposite_lead_middle
< opposite_lead_right
< opposite_lead_right2
< [009] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< opposite_lead_left
< opposite_lead_left2
< opposite_lead_middle
< opposite_lead_middle2
< opposite_lead_right
< opposite_lead_right2
< [010] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< opposite_follow_left2
< opposite_follow_middle2
< opposite_follow_right2
< opposite_lead_left
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci ContextSubscriptionFilters lanesUpDownDistance lanesOppositeAllDownDistZero ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tests/../tests/complex/traci/ContextSubscriptionFilters/lanesUpDownDistance/runner.py", line 81, in <module>
>     runSingle(100, float(sys.argv[2]), "ego")
> ValueError: could not convert string to float: 'sumo'
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Subscribing to vehicle context of object 'ego'
< [001] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< [002] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< [003] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< [004] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< [005] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< [006] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< [007] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< [008] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< [009] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< [010] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< [011] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< [012] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< opposite_lead_right
< [013] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< opposite_lead_left
< opposite_lead_middle
< opposite_lead_right
< [014] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< opposite_lead_left
< opposite_lead_left2
< opposite_lead_middle
< opposite_lead_middle2
< opposite_lead_right
< opposite_lead_right2
< [015] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< opposite_follow_right2
< opposite_lead_left
< opposite_lead_left2
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci ContextSubscriptionFilters lanesUpDownDistance lanesOppositeAllUpDistZero ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tests/../tests/complex/traci/ContextSubscriptionFilters/lanesUpDownDistance/runner.py", line 81, in <module>
>     runSingle(100, float(sys.argv[2]), "ego")
> ValueError: could not convert string to float: 'sumo'
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Subscribing to vehicle context of object 'ego'
< [001] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< [002] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< [003] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< [004] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< [005] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< [006] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< [007] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< opposite_lead_left
< opposite_lead_middle
< opposite_lead_right
< [008] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< opposite_lead_left
< opposite_lead_left2
< opposite_lead_middle
< opposite_lead_right
< opposite_lead_right2
< [009] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< opposite_lead_left
< opposite_lead_left2
< opposite_lead_middle
< opposite_lead_middle2
< opposite_lead_right
< opposite_lead_right2
< [010] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< opposite_follow_left2
< opposite_follow_middle2
< opposite_follow_right2
< opposite_lead_left
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

3 TESTS FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba :

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tests/../tests/complex/traci/ContextSubscriptionFilters/lanesUpDownDistance/runner.py", line 81, in <module>
>     runSingle(100, float(sys.argv[2]), "ego")
> ValueError: could not convert string to float: 'sumo'
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Subscribing to vehicle context of object 'ego'
< [001] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< [002] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< [003] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< [004] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< [005] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< [006] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< [007] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< [008] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< [009] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< [010] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< [011] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< [012] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< [013] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< [014] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< [015] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< [016] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< [017] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< [018] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< [019] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< [020] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< [021] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< [022] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< [023] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< [024] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< [025] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< [026] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< [027] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< [028] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
traci ContextSubscriptionFilters lanesUpDownDistance lanesOutOfBounds ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )
traci ContextSubscriptionFilters lanesUpDownDistance lanesOutOfBoundsDownDistZero ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )
traci ContextSubscriptionFilters lanesUpDownDistance lanesOutOfBoundsUpDistZero ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci ContextSubscriptionFilters lanesUpDownDistance lanesRight ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tests/../tests/complex/traci/ContextSubscriptionFilters/lanesUpDownDistance/runner.py", line 81, in <module>
>     runSingle(100, float(sys.argv[2]), "ego")
> ValueError: could not convert string to float: 'sumo'
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Subscribing to vehicle context of object 'ego'
< [001] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< follow_right
< follow_right2
< lead_right
< lead_right2
< [002] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< follow_right
< follow_right2
< lead_right
< lead_right2
< [003] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< follow_right
< follow_right2
< lead_right
< lead_right2
< [004] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< follow_right
< follow_right2
< lead_right
< lead_right2
< [005] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< follow_right
< follow_right2
< lead_right
< lead_right2
< [006] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< follow_right
< follow_right2
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci ContextSubscriptionFilters lanesUpDownDistance lanesRightDownDistZero ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tests/../tests/complex/traci/ContextSubscriptionFilters/lanesUpDownDistance/runner.py", line 81, in <module>
>     runSingle(100, float(sys.argv[2]), "ego")
> ValueError: could not convert string to float: 'sumo'
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Subscribing to vehicle context of object 'ego'
< [001] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< follow_right
< follow_right2
< [002] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< follow_right
< follow_right2
< [003] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< follow_right
< follow_right2
< [004] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< follow_right
< follow_right2
< [005] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< follow_right
< follow_right2
< [006] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< follow_right
< follow_right2
< [007] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< follow_right
< follow_right2
< [008] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< follow_right
< follow_right2
< [009] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< follow_right
< follow_right2
< [010] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci ContextSubscriptionFilters lanesUpDownDistance lanesRightUpDistZero ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tests/../tests/complex/traci/ContextSubscriptionFilters/lanesUpDownDistance/runner.py", line 81, in <module>
>     runSingle(100, float(sys.argv[2]), "ego")
> ValueError: could not convert string to float: 'sumo'
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Subscribing to vehicle context of object 'ego'
< [001] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< lead_right
< lead_right2
< [002] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< lead_right
< lead_right2
< [003] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< lead_right
< lead_right2
< [004] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< lead_right
< lead_right2
< [005] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< lead_right
< lead_right2
< [006] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< lead_right
< lead_right2
< [007] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< lead_right
< lead_right2
< [008] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< lead_right
< lead_right2
< [009] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< lead_right
< lead_right2
< [010] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci ContextSubscriptionFilters lateralDistance incompatible_filter ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
< Warning: Ignoring field of vision subscription filter due to incompatibility with other filter(s).
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Subscribing to context of vehicle 'ego' (range=50.0)
< Adding lateral distance subscription filter ... (lateralDistance=50.0, downstreamDistance=50.0, upstreamDistance=50.0)
< Context results for veh 'ego':
< ego
< v10
< v8
< v9
< Ok: Unsubscribe successful
< Print ended at step 3.0
> Usage: runner <sumo/sumo-gui> <range> <lateralDistance> <downstreamDistance> <upstreamDistance> <testWithIncompatibleFilter (0/1)>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci ContextSubscriptionFilters lateralDistance internal_edges ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Subscribing to context of vehicle 'ego' (range=50.0)
< Adding lateral distance subscription filter ... (lateralDistance=50.0, downstreamDistance=50.0, upstreamDistance=50.0)
< Context results for veh 'ego' (step = 1):
< ego
< v2
< Context results for veh 'ego' (step = 2):
< ego
< v2
< Context results for veh 'ego' (step = 3):
< ego
< v1
< v2
< Context results for veh 'ego' (step = 4):
< ego
< v1
< v2
< Context results for veh 'ego' (step = 5):
< ego
< v1
< v2
< Context results for veh 'ego' (step = 6):
< ego
< v1
< v2
< Context results for veh 'ego' (step = 7):
< ego
< v1
< v2
< Context results for veh 'ego' (step = 8):
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci ContextSubscriptionFilters lateralDistance persons range_50_lateralDist_50 ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Subscribing to context of vehicle 'ego' (range=50.0)
< Adding lateral distance subscription filter ... (lateralDistance=50.0, downstreamDistance=50.0, upstreamDistance=50.0)
< Context results for veh 'ego':
< p10
< p8
< p9
< Ok: Unsubscribe successful
< Print ended at step 3.0
> Usage: runner <sumo/sumo-gui> <range> <lateralDistance> <downstreamDistance> <upstreamDistance> <testWithIncompatibleFilter (0/1)>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci ContextSubscriptionFilters lateralDistance range_50_lateralDist_50 ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Subscribing to context of vehicle 'ego' (range=50.0)
< Adding lateral distance subscription filter ... (lateralDistance=50.0, downstreamDistance=50.0, upstreamDistance=50.0)
< Context results for veh 'ego':
< ego
< v10
< v8
< v9
< Ok: Unsubscribe successful
< Print ended at step 3.0
> Usage: runner <sumo/sumo-gui> <range> <lateralDistance> <downstreamDistance> <upstreamDistance> <testWithIncompatibleFilter (0/1)>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci ContextSubscriptionFilters leadFollow carFollowing ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tests/../tests/complex/traci/ContextSubscriptionFilters/leadFollow/carFollowing/runner.py", line 76, in <module>
>     runSingle(100, float(sys.argv[2]), "ego")
> ValueError: could not convert string to float: 'sumo'
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Subscribing to vehicle context of object 'ego'
< [001] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< lead_straight
< follow_straight
< [002] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< lead_straight
< follow_straight
< [003] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< lead_straight
< follow_straight
< [004] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< lead_straight
< follow_straight
< [005] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< lead_straight
< follow_straight
< [006] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< lead_straight
< follow_straight
< [007] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< lead_straight
< follow_straight
< [008] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< lead_straight
< follow_straight
< [009] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< lead_straight
< follow_straight
< [010] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci ContextSubscriptionFilters leadFollow laneChangeLeft ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tests/../tests/complex/traci/ContextSubscriptionFilters/leadFollow/laneChangeLeft/runner.py", line 76, in <module>
>     runSingle(100, float(sys.argv[2]), "ego")
> ValueError: could not convert string to float: 'sumo'
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Subscribing to vehicle context of object 'ego'
< [001] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< follow_left
< lead_left
< lead_straight
< follow_straight
< [002] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< follow_left
< lead_left
< lead_straight
< follow_straight
< [003] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< follow_left
< lead_left
< lead_straight
< follow_straight
< [004] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< follow_left
< lead_left
< lead_straight
< follow_straight
< [005] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< follow_left
< lead_left
< lead_straight
< follow_straight
< [006] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< follow_left
< lead_left
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci ContextSubscriptionFilters leadFollow laneChangeNeighbors ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tests/../tests/complex/traci/ContextSubscriptionFilters/leadFollow/laneChangeNeighbors/runner.py", line 75, in <module>
>     runSingle(100, float(sys.argv[2]), "ego")
> ValueError: could not convert string to float: 'sumo'
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Subscribing to vehicle context of object 'ego'
< [001] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< follow_straight
< follow_right
< follow_left
< lead_right
< lead_straight
< lead_left
< [002] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< follow_straight
< follow_right
< follow_left
< lead_right
< lead_straight
< lead_left
< [003] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< follow_straight
< follow_right
< follow_left
< lead_right
< lead_straight
< lead_left
< [004] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< follow_straight
< follow_right
< follow_left
< lead_right
< lead_straight
< lead_left
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci ContextSubscriptionFilters leadFollow laneChangeRight ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tests/../tests/complex/traci/ContextSubscriptionFilters/leadFollow/laneChangeRight/runner.py", line 76, in <module>
>     runSingle(100, float(sys.argv[2]), "ego")
> ValueError: could not convert string to float: 'sumo'
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Subscribing to vehicle context of object 'ego'
< [001] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< follow_right
< lead_right
< lead_straight
< follow_straight
< [002] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< follow_right
< lead_right
< lead_straight
< follow_straight
< [003] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< follow_right
< lead_right
< lead_straight
< follow_straight
< [004] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< follow_right
< lead_right
< lead_straight
< follow_straight
< [005] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< follow_right
< lead_right
< lead_straight
< follow_straight
< [006] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< follow_right
< lead_right
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci ContextSubscriptionFilters leadFollowOpposite laneChangeOpposite ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tests/../tests/complex/traci/ContextSubscriptionFilters/leadFollowOpposite/laneChangeOpposite/runner.py", line 72, in <module>
>     runSingle(100, float(sys.argv[2]), "ego")
> ValueError: could not convert string to float: 'sumo'
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Subscribing to vehicle context of object 'ego'
< [001] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< snail_leader
< [002] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< snail_leader
< [003] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< snail_leader
< [004] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< snail_leader
< [005] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< snail_leader
< [006] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< snail_leader
< [007] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< snail_leader
< [008] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< snail_leader
< [009] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< snail_leader
< [010] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< opposite.0
< snail_leader
< [011] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< opposite.0
< snail_leader
< [012] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< opposite.0
< snail_leader
< [013] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci ContextSubscriptionFilters noOpposite lanesInclOpposite ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tests/../tests/complex/traci/ContextSubscriptionFilters/noOpposite/lanesInclOpposite/runner.py", line 72, in <module>
>     runSingle(100, float(sys.argv[2]), "ego")
> ValueError: could not convert string to float: 'sumo'
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Subscribing to vehicle context of object 'ego'
< [001] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< ego
< [002] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< ego
< [003] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< ego
< [004] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< ego
< [005] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< ego
< [006] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< ego
< [007] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< ego
< opp1
< [008] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< ego
< opp1
< [009] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< ego
< opp1
< [010] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< ego
< opp1
< [011] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< ego
< opp1
< [012] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci ContextSubscriptionFilters roadnetSearch_noOpposite dist_10 ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tests/../tests/complex/traci/ContextSubscriptionFilters/roadnetSearch_noOpposite/runner.py", line 87, in <module>
>     runSingle(1, float(sys.argv[2]), float(sys.argv[3]), lanes, opposite)
> ValueError: could not convert string to float: 'sumo'
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Subscribing to context of vehicle 'ego'
< Adding subscription filters ... 
< (downstreamDist=10.0, upstreamDist=10.0, lanes=[0], opposite=False)
< Context results for veh 'ego':
< ego
< Ok: Unsubscribe successful
< Print ended at step 3.0

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci ContextSubscriptionFilters roadnetSearch_noOpposite dist_10_disregard_opposite ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tests/../tests/complex/traci/ContextSubscriptionFilters/roadnetSearch_noOpposite/runner.py", line 87, in <module>
>     runSingle(1, float(sys.argv[2]), float(sys.argv[3]), lanes, opposite)
> ValueError: could not convert string to float: 'sumo'
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Subscribing to context of vehicle 'ego'
< Adding subscription filters ... 
< (downstreamDist=10.0, upstreamDist=10.0, lanes=[0, 1], opposite=False)
< Context results for veh 'ego':
< ego
< Ok: Unsubscribe successful
< Print ended at step 3.0

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci ContextSubscriptionFilters roadnetSearch_noOpposite dist_d10u100 ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tests/../tests/complex/traci/ContextSubscriptionFilters/roadnetSearch_noOpposite/runner.py", line 87, in <module>
>     runSingle(1, float(sys.argv[2]), float(sys.argv[3]), lanes, opposite)
> ValueError: could not convert string to float: 'sumo'
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Subscribing to context of vehicle 'ego'
< Adding subscription filters ... 
< (downstreamDist=10.0, upstreamDist=100.0, lanes=[0], opposite=False)
< Context results for veh 'ego':
< ego
< v4
< v7
< v8
< Ok: Unsubscribe successful
< Print ended at step 3.0

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci ContextSubscriptionFilters roadnetSearch_noOpposite dist_d10u80 ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tests/../tests/complex/traci/ContextSubscriptionFilters/roadnetSearch_noOpposite/runner.py", line 87, in <module>
>     runSingle(1, float(sys.argv[2]), float(sys.argv[3]), lanes, opposite)
> ValueError: could not convert string to float: 'sumo'
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Subscribing to context of vehicle 'ego'
< Adding subscription filters ... 
< (downstreamDist=10.0, upstreamDist=80.0, lanes=[0], opposite=False)
< Context results for veh 'ego':
< ego
< v4
< v8
< Ok: Unsubscribe successful
< Print ended at step 3.0

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci ContextSubscriptionFilters roadnetSearch_noOpposite dist_d155u65 ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tests/../tests/complex/traci/ContextSubscriptionFilters/roadnetSearch_noOpposite/runner.py", line 87, in <module>
>     runSingle(1, float(sys.argv[2]), float(sys.argv[3]), lanes, opposite)
> ValueError: could not convert string to float: 'sumo'
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Subscribing to context of vehicle 'ego'
< Adding subscription filters ... 
< (downstreamDist=155.0, upstreamDist=65.0, lanes=[0], opposite=False)
< Context results for veh 'ego':
< ego
< v1
< v3
< v8
< v9
< Ok: Unsubscribe successful
< Print ended at step 3.0

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci ContextSubscriptionFilters roadnetSearch_noOpposite dist_d200u10 ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tests/../tests/complex/traci/ContextSubscriptionFilters/roadnetSearch_noOpposite/runner.py", line 87, in <module>
>     runSingle(1, float(sys.argv[2]), float(sys.argv[3]), lanes, opposite)
> ValueError: could not convert string to float: 'sumo'
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Subscribing to context of vehicle 'ego'
< Adding subscription filters ... 
< (downstreamDist=200.0, upstreamDist=10.0, lanes=[0], opposite=False)
< Context results for veh 'ego':
< ego
< v2
< v9
< Ok: Unsubscribe successful
< Print ended at step 3.0

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci ContextSubscriptionFilters roadnetSearch_noOpposite dist_d20u30 ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tests/../tests/complex/traci/ContextSubscriptionFilters/roadnetSearch_noOpposite/runner.py", line 87, in <module>
>     runSingle(1, float(sys.argv[2]), float(sys.argv[3]), lanes, opposite)
> ValueError: could not convert string to float: 'sumo'
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Subscribing to context of vehicle 'ego'
< Adding subscription filters ... 
< (downstreamDist=20.0, upstreamDist=30.0, lanes=[0], opposite=False)
< Context results for veh 'ego':
< ego
< v8
< Ok: Unsubscribe successful
< Print ended at step 3.0

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci ContextSubscriptionFilters roadnetSearch_noOpposite dist_d30u20 ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tests/../tests/complex/traci/ContextSubscriptionFilters/roadnetSearch_noOpposite/runner.py", line 87, in <module>
>     runSingle(1, float(sys.argv[2]), float(sys.argv[3]), lanes, opposite)
> ValueError: could not convert string to float: 'sumo'
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Subscribing to context of vehicle 'ego'
< Adding subscription filters ... 
< (downstreamDist=30.0, upstreamDist=20.0, lanes=[0], opposite=False)
< Context results for veh 'ego':
< ego
< v9
< Ok: Unsubscribe successful
< Print ended at step 3.0

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci ContextSubscriptionFilters roadnetSearch_withOpposite dist_10_with_opposite ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tests/../tests/complex/traci/ContextSubscriptionFilters/roadnetSearch_withOpposite/runner.py", line 87, in <module>
>     runSingle(1, float(sys.argv[2]), float(sys.argv[3]), lanes, opposite)
> ValueError: could not convert string to float: 'sumo'
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Subscribing to context of vehicle 'ego'
< Adding subscription filters ... 
< (downstreamDist=10.0, upstreamDist=10.0, lanes=[0, 1], opposite=True)
< Context results for veh 'ego':
< ego
< v10
< Ok: Unsubscribe successful
< Print ended at step 3.0

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci ContextSubscriptionFilters roadnetSearch_withOpposite dist_d0_u150_only_opposite ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tests/../tests/complex/traci/ContextSubscriptionFilters/roadnetSearch_withOpposite/runner.py", line 87, in <module>
>     runSingle(1, float(sys.argv[2]), float(sys.argv[3]), lanes, opposite)
> ValueError: could not convert string to float: 'sumo'
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Subscribing to context of vehicle 'ego'
< Adding subscription filters ... 
< (downstreamDist=0.0, upstreamDist=150.0, lanes=[1], opposite=True)
< Context results for veh 'ego':
< v10
< v5
< Ok: Unsubscribe successful
< Print ended at step 3.0

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci ContextSubscriptionFilters roadnetSearch_withOpposite dist_d0_u150_with_opposite ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tests/../tests/complex/traci/ContextSubscriptionFilters/roadnetSearch_withOpposite/runner.py", line 87, in <module>
>     runSingle(1, float(sys.argv[2]), float(sys.argv[3]), lanes, opposite)
> ValueError: could not convert string to float: 'sumo'
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Subscribing to context of vehicle 'ego'
< Adding subscription filters ... 
< (downstreamDist=0.0, upstreamDist=150.0, lanes=[0, 1], opposite=True)
< Context results for veh 'ego':
< ego
< v10
< v4
< v5
< v7
< v8
< Ok: Unsubscribe successful
< Print ended at step 3.0

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci ContextSubscriptionFilters roadnetSearch_withOpposite dist_d100_u0_with_opposite ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tests/../tests/complex/traci/ContextSubscriptionFilters/roadnetSearch_withOpposite/runner.py", line 85, in <module>
>     opposite = bool(int(sys.argv[5]))
> ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: '0.0'
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Subscribing to context of vehicle 'ego'
< Adding subscription filters ... 
< (downstreamDist=100.0, upstreamDist=0.0, lanes=[0, 1], opposite=True)
< Context results for veh 'ego':
< ego
< v6
< v9
< Ok: Unsubscribe successful
< Print ended at step 3.0

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci ContextSubscriptionFilters roadnetSearch_withOpposite dist_d250_u0_only_opposite ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tests/../tests/complex/traci/ContextSubscriptionFilters/roadnetSearch_withOpposite/runner.py", line 85, in <module>
>     opposite = bool(int(sys.argv[5]))
> ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: '0.0'
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Subscribing to context of vehicle 'ego'
< Adding subscription filters ... 
< (downstreamDist=250.0, upstreamDist=0.0, lanes=[1], opposite=True)
< Context results for veh 'ego':
< v1
< v3
< v6
< Ok: Unsubscribe successful
< Print ended at step 3.0

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci ContextSubscriptionFilters roadnetSearch_withOpposite dist_d250_u0_with_opposite ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tests/../tests/complex/traci/ContextSubscriptionFilters/roadnetSearch_withOpposite/runner.py", line 85, in <module>
>     opposite = bool(int(sys.argv[5]))
> ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: '0.0'
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Subscribing to context of vehicle 'ego'
< Adding subscription filters ... 
< (downstreamDist=250.0, upstreamDist=0.0, lanes=[0, 1], opposite=True)
< Context results for veh 'ego':
< ego
< v1
< v2
< v3
< v6
< v9
< Ok: Unsubscribe successful
< Print ended at step 3.0

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci ContextSubscriptionFilters roadnetSearch_withOpposite dist_d250_u250_all ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tests/../tests/complex/traci/ContextSubscriptionFilters/roadnetSearch_withOpposite/runner.py", line 87, in <module>
>     runSingle(1, float(sys.argv[2]), float(sys.argv[3]), lanes, opposite)
> ValueError: could not convert string to float: 'sumo'
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Subscribing to context of vehicle 'ego'
< Adding subscription filters ... 
< (downstreamDist=250.0, upstreamDist=250.0, lanes=[0, 1], opposite=True)
< Context results for veh 'ego':
< ego
< v1
< v10
< v2
< v3
< v4
< v5
< v6
< v7
< v8
< v9
< Ok: Unsubscribe successful
< Print ended at step 3.0

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci ContextSubscriptionFilters turn turn_d250_u250 ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tests/../tests/complex/traci/ContextSubscriptionFilters/turn/runner.py", line 83, in <module>
>     runSingle(100, float(sys.argv[2]), float(sys.argv[3]))
> ValueError: could not convert string to float: 'sumo'
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Subscribing to context of vehicle 'ego'
< Adding turn filter ... 
< (downstreamDist=250.0, upstreamDist=250.0)
< Step 1:
< Context results for veh 'ego':
< v4
< v6
< Step 2:
< Context results for veh 'ego':
< v4
< v6
< Step 3:
< Context results for veh 'ego':
< v4
< v6
< Step 4:
< Context results for veh 'ego':
< v4
< v5.2
< v6
< Step 5:
< Context results for veh 'ego':
< v4
< v5.2
< v6
< Step 6:
< Context results for veh 'ego':
< v4
< v4.2
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci ContextSubscriptionFilters turn turn_d50_u50 ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tests/../tests/complex/traci/ContextSubscriptionFilters/turn/runner.py", line 83, in <module>
>     runSingle(100, float(sys.argv[2]), float(sys.argv[3]))
> ValueError: could not convert string to float: 'sumo'
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Subscribing to context of vehicle 'ego'
< Adding turn filter ... 
< (downstreamDist=50.0, upstreamDist=50.0)
< Step 1:
< Context results for veh 'ego':
< v4
< Step 2:
< Context results for veh 'ego':
< v4
< Step 3:
< Context results for veh 'ego':
< v4
< Step 4:
< Context results for veh 'ego':
< v4
< Step 5:
< Context results for veh 'ego':
< v4
< Step 6:
< Context results for veh 'ego':
< v4
< v4.2
< Step 7:
< Context results for veh 'ego':
< v4
< v4.2
< Step 8:
< Context results for veh 'ego':
< v4
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci ContextSubscriptionFilters vType_and_vClass none ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tests/../tests/complex/traci/ContextSubscriptionFilters/vType_and_vClass/runner.py", line 98, in <module>
>     runSingle(1, float(sys.argv[2]), float(sys.argv[3]), lanes, opposite, vTypes, vClasses)
> ValueError: could not convert string to float: 'sumo'
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Subscribing to context of vehicle 'ego'
< Adding subscription filters ...
< (downstreamDist=20.0, upstreamDist=30.0, lanes=[0], opposite=False
<    vTypes:[], vClasses:[])
< Context results for veh 'ego':
< ego
< v8
< Ok: Unsubscribe successful
< Print ended at step 3.0

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci ContextSubscriptionFilters vType_and_vClass vClass_negative ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tests/../tests/complex/traci/ContextSubscriptionFilters/vType_and_vClass/runner.py", line 98, in <module>
>     runSingle(1, float(sys.argv[2]), float(sys.argv[3]), lanes, opposite, vTypes, vClasses)
> ValueError: could not convert string to float: 'sumo'
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Subscribing to context of vehicle 'ego'
< Adding subscription filters ...
< (downstreamDist=20.0, upstreamDist=30.0, lanes=[0], opposite=False
<    vTypes:[], vClasses:['passenger'])
< Context results for veh 'ego':
< ego
< Ok: Unsubscribe successful
< Print ended at step 3.0

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci ContextSubscriptionFilters vType_and_vClass vClass_positive ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tests/../tests/complex/traci/ContextSubscriptionFilters/vType_and_vClass/runner.py", line 98, in <module>
>     runSingle(1, float(sys.argv[2]), float(sys.argv[3]), lanes, opposite, vTypes, vClasses)
> ValueError: could not convert string to float: 'sumo'
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Subscribing to context of vehicle 'ego'
< Adding subscription filters ...
< (downstreamDist=20.0, upstreamDist=30.0, lanes=[0], opposite=False
<    vTypes:[], vClasses:['truck'])
< Context results for veh 'ego':
< v8
< Ok: Unsubscribe successful
< Print ended at step 3.0

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci ContextSubscriptionFilters vType_and_vClass vType_negative ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tests/../tests/complex/traci/ContextSubscriptionFilters/vType_and_vClass/runner.py", line 98, in <module>
>     runSingle(1, float(sys.argv[2]), float(sys.argv[3]), lanes, opposite, vTypes, vClasses)
> ValueError: could not convert string to float: 'sumo'
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Subscribing to context of vehicle 'ego'
< Adding subscription filters ...
< (downstreamDist=20.0, upstreamDist=30.0, lanes=[0], opposite=False
<    vTypes:['unknown'], vClasses:[])
< Context results for veh 'ego':
< Ok: Unsubscribe successful
< Print ended at step 3.0

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci ContextSubscriptionFilters vType_and_vClass vType_positive ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tests/../tests/complex/traci/ContextSubscriptionFilters/vType_and_vClass/runner.py", line 98, in <module>
>     runSingle(1, float(sys.argv[2]), float(sys.argv[3]), lanes, opposite, vTypes, vClasses)
> ValueError: could not convert string to float: 'sumo'
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Subscribing to context of vehicle 'ego'
< Adding subscription filters ...
< (downstreamDist=20.0, upstreamDist=30.0, lanes=[0], opposite=False
<    vTypes:['t0'], vClasses:[])
< Context results for veh 'ego':
< v8
< Ok: Unsubscribe successful
< Print ended at step 3.0

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci connection busySocket sumo ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
< Error: tcpip::Socket::accept() Unable to create listening socket: Address already in use
< Quitting (on error).
< Could not connect in 61 tries
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tests/../tests/complex/traci/connection/busySocket/runner.py", line 41, in <module>
>     sumoProc = subprocess.Popen([sumoBinary, "--remote-port", str(PORT)] + addOption,
>   File "/usr/lib/python3.8/subprocess.py", line 854, in __init__
>     self._execute_child(args, executable, preexec_fn, close_fds,
>   File "/usr/lib/python3.8/subprocess.py", line 1702, in _execute_child
>     raise child_exception_type(errno_num, err_msg, err_filename)
> FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '--mesosim'
---------- Differences in output ----------
< -- Unordered text as found by filter '^Loading configuration ... done.' --
< Loading configuration ... done.

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci connection busySocket sumo-gui ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
< Could not connect in 61 tries
< Error: tcpip::Socket::accept() Unable to create listening socket: Address already in use
< Quitting (on error).
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tests/../tests/complex/traci/connection/busySocket/runner.py", line 41, in <module>
>     sumoProc = subprocess.Popen([sumoBinary, "--remote-port", str(PORT)] + addOption,
>   File "/usr/lib/python3.8/subprocess.py", line 854, in __init__
>     self._execute_child(args, executable, preexec_fn, close_fds,
>   File "/usr/lib/python3.8/subprocess.py", line 1702, in _execute_child
>     raise child_exception_type(errno_num, err_msg, err_filename)
> FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '--mesosim'
---------- Differences in output ----------
< -- Unordered text as found by filter '^Loading configuration ... done.' --
< Loading configuration ... done.

2 TESTS FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba :

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tests/../tests/complex/traci/connection/clientCloses/runner.py", line 68, in <module>
>     runSingle(99, 50)
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tests/../tests/complex/traci/connection/clientCloses/runner.py", line 46, in runSingle
>     sumoProcess = subprocess.Popen([sumoBinary, "-c", "sumo.sumocfg", "--remote-port", str(PORT)] + opt,
>   File "/usr/lib/python3.8/subprocess.py", line 854, in __init__
>     self._execute_child(args, executable, preexec_fn, close_fds,
>   File "/usr/lib/python3.8/subprocess.py", line 1702, in _execute_child
>     raise child_exception_type(errno_num, err_msg, err_filename)
> FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '--mesosim'
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Print ended at step 100
< ----------- SUMO end time is not given -----------
< Print ended at step 100
< =========== empty routes in SUMO ===========
< ----------- SUMO end time is smaller than TraCI's -----------
< Print ended at step 100
< ----------- SUMO end time is not given -----------
< Print ended at step 100
< =========== vehicle leaves before TraCI ends ===========
< ----------- SUMO end time is smaller than TraCI's -----------
< Print ended at step 100
< ----------- SUMO end time is not given -----------
< Print ended at step 100
< -- Unordered text as found by filter '^Loading configuration ... done.' --
< Loading configuration ... done.
< Loading configuration ... done.
< Loading configuration ... done.
< Loading configuration ... done.
< Loading configuration ... done.
< Loading configuration ... done.
traci connection clientCloses sumo ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )
traci connection clientCloses sumo-gui ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

2 TESTS FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba :

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tests/../tests/complex/traci/connection/closingOutput/runner.py", line 36, in <module>
>     traci.start([sumoBinary, "-c", "sumo.sumocfg"] + addOption, stdout=sys.stdout)
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tools/traci/main.py", line 157, in start
>     sumoProcess = subprocess.Popen(cmd2, stdout=stdout)
>   File "/usr/lib/python3.8/subprocess.py", line 854, in __init__
>     self._execute_child(args, executable, preexec_fn, close_fds,
>   File "/usr/lib/python3.8/subprocess.py", line 1702, in _execute_child
>     raise child_exception_type(errno_num, err_msg, err_filename)
> FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '--mesosim'
---------- Differences in output ----------
< -- Unordered text as found by filter '^Loading configuration ... done.' --
< Loading configuration ... done.
---------- Missing result in state ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<netstate xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/netstate_file.xsd">
    <timestep time="0.00">
        <edge id="2fi">
            <lane id="2fi_0">
                <vehicle id="horiz" pos="5.10" speed="0.00"/>
    <timestep time="1.00">
        <edge id="2fi">
            <lane id="2fi_0">
                <vehicle id="horiz" pos="6.53" speed="1.43"/>
    <timestep time="2.00">
        <edge id="2fi">
            <lane id="2fi_0">
                <vehicle id="horiz" pos="10.57" speed="4.03"/>
    <timestep time="3.00">
        <edge id="2fi">
            <lane id="2fi_0">
                <vehicle id="horiz" pos="16.77" speed="6.21"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Missing result in tripinfo ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<tripinfos xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/tripinfo_file.xsd">
traci connection closingOutput sumo ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )
traci connection closingOutput sumo-gui ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci connection multipleConnections asyncDisconnect sumo ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> /bin/sh: 0: Illegal option --
> Process Process-2:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>     raise FatalTraCIError("Could not connect in %s tries" % (numRetries + 1))
> traci.exceptions.FatalTraCIError: Could not connect in 61 tries
> Process Process-1:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>     raise FatalTraCIError("Could not connect in %s tries" % (numRetries + 1))
> traci.exceptions.FatalTraCIError: Could not connect in 61 tries
> /bin/sh: 0: Illegal option --
> Process Process-4:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>     raise FatalTraCIError("Could not connect in %s tries" % (numRetries + 1))
> traci.exceptions.FatalTraCIError: Could not connect in 61 tries
> Process Process-3:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>     raise FatalTraCIError("Could not connect in %s tries" % (numRetries + 1))
> traci.exceptions.FatalTraCIError: Could not connect in 61 tries
> /bin/sh: 0: Illegal option --
> Process Process-5:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>     raise FatalTraCIError("Could not connect in %s tries" % (numRetries + 1))
> traci.exceptions.FatalTraCIError: Could not connect in 61 tries
> Process Process-6:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>     raise FatalTraCIError("Could not connect in %s tries" % (numRetries + 1))
> traci.exceptions.FatalTraCIError: Could not connect in 61 tries
> Process Process-7:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ----------
< ***Starting server on port <PORT> ***
<   waiting for 2 clients...
<   client connected
<   client connected
< Loading net-file from 'input_net.net.xml' ... done ((TIME)).
< Loading additional-files from 'input_additional2.add.xml' ... done ((TIME)).
< Loading done.
< Simulation started with time: 0.00
< ***Starting server on port <PORT> ***
<   waiting for 2 clients...
<   client connected
<   client connected
< Loading net-file from 'input_net.net.xml' ... done ((TIME)).
< Loading additional-files from 'input_additional2.add.xml' ... done ((TIME)).
< Loading done.
< Simulation started with time: 0.00
< ***Starting server on port <PORT> ***
<   waiting for 3 clients...
<   client connected
<   client connected
<   client connected
< Loading net-file from 'input_net.net.xml' ... done ((TIME)).
< Loading additional-files from 'input_additional2.add.xml' ... done ((TIME)).
< Loading done.
< Simulation started with time: 0.00
< ***Starting server on port <PORT> ***
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci connection multipleConnections basic sumo ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> /bin/sh: 0: Illegal option --
> Process Process-2:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>     raise FatalTraCIError("Could not connect in %s tries" % (numRetries + 1))
> traci.exceptions.FatalTraCIError: Could not connect in 61 tries
> Process Process-1:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>     raise FatalTraCIError("Could not connect in %s tries" % (numRetries + 1))
> traci.exceptions.FatalTraCIError: Could not connect in 61 tries
> /bin/sh: 0: Illegal option --
> Process Process-4:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>     raise FatalTraCIError("Could not connect in %s tries" % (numRetries + 1))
> traci.exceptions.FatalTraCIError: Could not connect in 61 tries
> Process Process-3:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>     raise FatalTraCIError("Could not connect in %s tries" % (numRetries + 1))
> traci.exceptions.FatalTraCIError: Could not connect in 61 tries
> /bin/sh: 0: Illegal option --
> Process Process-5:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>     raise FatalTraCIError("Could not connect in %s tries" % (numRetries + 1))
> traci.exceptions.FatalTraCIError: Could not connect in 61 tries
> Process Process-6:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>     raise FatalTraCIError("Could not connect in %s tries" % (numRetries + 1))
> traci.exceptions.FatalTraCIError: Could not connect in 61 tries
> Process Process-7:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ----------
< ***Starting server on port <PORT> ***
<   waiting for 2 clients...
<   client connected
<   client connected
< Loading net-file from 'input_net.net.xml' ... done ((TIME)).
< Loading additional-files from 'input_additional2.add.xml' ... done ((TIME)).
< Loading done.
< Simulation started with time: 0.00
< Process 1 ended at step 99.0
< Process 2 ended at step 99.0
< ***Starting server on port <PORT> ***
<   waiting for 2 clients...
<   client connected
<   client connected
< Loading net-file from 'input_net.net.xml' ... done ((TIME)).
< Loading additional-files from 'input_additional2.add.xml' ... done ((TIME)).
< Loading done.
< Simulation started with time: 0.00
< Process 1 ended at step 99.0
< Process 2 ended at step 99.0
< ***Starting server on port <PORT> ***
<   waiting for 5 clients...
<   client connected
<   client connected
<   client connected
<   client connected
<   client connected
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci connection multipleConnections basic sumo-gui ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> /bin/sh: 0: Illegal option --
> Process Process-2:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>     raise FatalTraCIError("Could not connect in %s tries" % (numRetries + 1))
> traci.exceptions.FatalTraCIError: Could not connect in 61 tries
> Process Process-1:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>     raise FatalTraCIError("Could not connect in %s tries" % (numRetries + 1))
> traci.exceptions.FatalTraCIError: Could not connect in 61 tries
> /bin/sh: 0: Illegal option --
> Process Process-3:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>     raise FatalTraCIError("Could not connect in %s tries" % (numRetries + 1))
> traci.exceptions.FatalTraCIError: Could not connect in 61 tries
> /bin/sh: 0: Illegal option --
> Process Process-5:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>     raise FatalTraCIError("Could not connect in %s tries" % (numRetries + 1))
> traci.exceptions.FatalTraCIError: Could not connect in 61 tries
> Process Process-6:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>     raise FatalTraCIError("Could not connect in %s tries" % (numRetries + 1))
> traci.exceptions.FatalTraCIError: Could not connect in 61 tries
> Process Process-7:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>     raise FatalTraCIError("Could not connect in %s tries" % (numRetries + 1))
> traci.exceptions.FatalTraCIError: Could not connect in 61 tries
> Process Process-8:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Process 1 ended at step 99
< Process 2 ended at step 99
< Process 1 ended at step 99
< Process 2 ended at step 99
> Process 1 ended at step 99.0
< Process 1 ended at step 99
< Process 2 ended at step 99
< Process 3 ended at step 99
< Process 4 ended at step 99
< Process 5 ended at step 99
< Process 1 ended at step 99
< Process 2 ended at step 99
< Process 3 ended at step 99
< Process 4 ended at step 99
< Process 5 ended at step 99
< Process 1 ended at step 99
< Process 2 ended at step 99
< Process 1 ended at step 99
< Process 2 ended at step 99
< Process 1 ended at step 99
< Process 2 ended at step 99
< Process 3 ended at step 99
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci connection multipleConnections concurringSubscriptions sumo ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> /bin/sh: 0: Illegal option --
> Process Process-1:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>     raise FatalTraCIError("Could not connect in %s tries" % (numRetries + 1))
> traci.exceptions.FatalTraCIError: Could not connect in 61 tries
> Process Process-2:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>     raise FatalTraCIError("Could not connect in %s tries" % (numRetries + 1))
> traci.exceptions.FatalTraCIError: Could not connect in 61 tries
> /bin/sh: 0: Illegal option --
> Process Process-3:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>     raise FatalTraCIError("Could not connect in %s tries" % (numRetries + 1))
> traci.exceptions.FatalTraCIError: Could not connect in 61 tries
> Process Process-4:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>     raise FatalTraCIError("Could not connect in %s tries" % (numRetries + 1))
> traci.exceptions.FatalTraCIError: Could not connect in 61 tries
---------- Differences in output ----------
< ***Starting server on port <PORT> ***
<   waiting for 2 clients...
<   client connected
<   client connected
< Loading net-file from 'input_net.net.xml' ... done ((TIME)).
< Loading done.
< Simulation started with time: 0.00
<    1 subscribing to speed (ID = 64) of vehicle 'horiz'
<    -> {'horiz': {64: 0.0}}
<    2 subscribing to acceleration (ID = 70) of vehicle 'horiz'
<    -> {'horiz': {70: 2.6}}
< Process 1 (order 1) ended at step 120.0
< Process 2 (order 2) ended at step 120.0
< ***Starting server on port <PORT> ***
<   waiting for 2 clients...
<   client connected
<   client connected
< Loading net-file from 'input_net.net.xml' ... done ((TIME)).
< Loading done.
< Simulation started with time: 0.00
<    2 subscribing to acceleration (ID = 70) of vehicle 'horiz'
<    -> {'horiz': {70: 2.6}}
<    1 subscribing to speed (ID = 64) of vehicle 'horiz'
<    -> {'horiz': {64: 0.0}}
< Process 1 (order 9) ended at step 120.0
< Process 2 (order 8) ended at step 120.0
< -- Unordered text as found by filter '^Simulation ended at time:' --
< Simulation ended at time: 120.00
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci connection multipleConnections differentSteplengths sumo ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> /bin/sh: 0: Illegal option --
> Process Process-2:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>     raise FatalTraCIError("Could not connect in %s tries" % (numRetries + 1))
> traci.exceptions.FatalTraCIError: Could not connect in 61 tries
> Process Process-1:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>     raise FatalTraCIError("Could not connect in %s tries" % (numRetries + 1))
> traci.exceptions.FatalTraCIError: Could not connect in 61 tries
> Process Process-3:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>     raise FatalTraCIError("Could not connect in %s tries" % (numRetries + 1))
> traci.exceptions.FatalTraCIError: Could not connect in 61 tries
> Process Process-4:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>     raise FatalTraCIError("Could not connect in %s tries" % (numRetries + 1))
> traci.exceptions.FatalTraCIError: Could not connect in 61 tries
> /bin/sh: 0: Illegal option --
> Process Process-5:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>     raise FatalTraCIError("Could not connect in %s tries" % (numRetries + 1))
> traci.exceptions.FatalTraCIError: Could not connect in 61 tries
> Process Process-6:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>     raise FatalTraCIError("Could not connect in %s tries" % (numRetries + 1))
> traci.exceptions.FatalTraCIError: Could not connect in 61 tries
> Process Process-7:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>     raise FatalTraCIError("Could not connect in %s tries" % (numRetries + 1))
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ----------
< ***Starting server on port <PORT> ***
<   waiting for 4 clients...
<   client connected
<   client connected
<   client connected
<   client connected
< Loading net-file from 'input_net.net.xml' ... done ((TIME)).
< Loading additional-files from 'input_additional2.add.xml' ... done ((TIME)).
< Loading done.
< Simulation started with time: 0.00
< Process 1 ended at step 99.0
< Process 1 was informed about 3 entered vehicles
< Process 2 ended at step 99.0
< Process 2 was informed about 3 entered vehicles
< Process 3 ended at step 101.0
< Process 3 was informed about 3 entered vehicles
< Process 4 ended at step 100.0
< Process 4 was informed about 3 entered vehicles
< ***Starting server on port <PORT> ***
<   waiting for 4 clients...
<   client connected
<   client connected
<   client connected
<   client connected
< Loading net-file from 'input_net.net.xml' ... done ((TIME)).
< Loading additional-files from 'input_additional2.add.xml' ... done ((TIME)).
< Loading done.
< Simulation started with time: 0.00
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci connection multipleConnections orderDependentResults sumo ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> /bin/sh: 0: Illegal option --
> Process Process-1:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>     raise FatalTraCIError("Could not connect in %s tries" % (numRetries + 1))
> traci.exceptions.FatalTraCIError: Could not connect in 61 tries
> Process Process-2:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>     raise FatalTraCIError("Could not connect in %s tries" % (numRetries + 1))
> traci.exceptions.FatalTraCIError: Could not connect in 61 tries
> /bin/sh: 0: Illegal option --
> Process Process-3:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>     raise FatalTraCIError("Could not connect in %s tries" % (numRetries + 1))
> traci.exceptions.FatalTraCIError: Could not connect in 61 tries
> Process Process-4:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>     raise FatalTraCIError("Could not connect in %s tries" % (numRetries + 1))
> traci.exceptions.FatalTraCIError: Could not connect in 61 tries
---------- Differences in output ----------
< ***Starting server on port <PORT> ***
<   waiting for 2 clients...
<   client connected
<   client connected
< Loading net-file from 'input_net.net.xml' ... done ((TIME)).
< Loading done.
< Simulation started with time: 0.00
<    stepping (step 1)...
<    Retrieving position for vehicle 'horiz' -> 5.1 on lane '2fi_0'
<    Retrieving speed for vehicle 'horiz' -> 0.0
<    Setting speed for vehicle 'horiz' -> 5
<    Retrieving speed for vehicle 'horiz' -> 0.0
<    stepping (step 1)...
<    Retrieving position for vehicle 'horiz' -> 5.1 on lane '2fi_0'
<    Retrieving speed for vehicle 'horiz' -> 0.0
<    Setting speed for vehicle 'horiz' -> 10
<    Retrieving speed for vehicle 'horiz' -> 0.0
<    stepping (step 2)...
<    Retrieving position for vehicle 'horiz' -> 15.1 on lane '2fi_0'
<    Retrieving speed for vehicle 'horiz' -> 10.0
<    Setting speed for vehicle 'horiz' -> 5
<    Retrieving speed for vehicle 'horiz' -> 10.0
<    stepping (step 2)...
<    Retrieving position for vehicle 'horiz' -> 15.1 on lane '2fi_0'
<    Retrieving speed for vehicle 'horiz' -> 10.0
<    Setting speed for vehicle 'horiz' -> 10
<    Retrieving speed for vehicle 'horiz' -> 10.0
<    stepping (step 3)...
<    Retrieving position for vehicle 'horiz' -> 25.1 on lane '2fi_0'
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci connection multipleConnections subsecondSUMOstep sumo ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> /bin/sh: 0: Illegal option --
> Process Process-1:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>     raise FatalTraCIError("Could not connect in %s tries" % (numRetries + 1))
> traci.exceptions.FatalTraCIError: Could not connect in 61 tries
> Process Process-2:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>     raise FatalTraCIError("Could not connect in %s tries" % (numRetries + 1))
> traci.exceptions.FatalTraCIError: Could not connect in 61 tries
> Process Process-4:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>     raise FatalTraCIError("Could not connect in %s tries" % (numRetries + 1))
> traci.exceptions.FatalTraCIError: Could not connect in 61 tries
> Process Process-3:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>     raise FatalTraCIError("Could not connect in %s tries" % (numRetries + 1))
> traci.exceptions.FatalTraCIError: Could not connect in 61 tries
> /bin/sh: 0: Illegal option --
> Process Process-5:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>     raise FatalTraCIError("Could not connect in %s tries" % (numRetries + 1))
> traci.exceptions.FatalTraCIError: Could not connect in 61 tries
> Process Process-6:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>     raise FatalTraCIError("Could not connect in %s tries" % (numRetries + 1))
> traci.exceptions.FatalTraCIError: Could not connect in 61 tries
> Process Process-7:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>     raise FatalTraCIError("Could not connect in %s tries" % (numRetries + 1))
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ----------
< ***Starting server on port <PORT> ***
<   waiting for 4 clients...
<   client connected
<   client connected
<   client connected
<   client connected
< Loading net-file from 'input_net.net.xml' ... done ((TIME)).
< Loading additional-files from 'input_additional2.add.xml' ... done ((TIME)).
< Loading done.
< Simulation started with time: 0.00
< Process 1 ended at step 99.0
< Process 1 was informed about 3 entered vehicles
< Process 2 ended at step 99.0
< Process 2 was informed about 3 entered vehicles
< Process 3 ended at step 100.3
< Process 3 was informed about 3 entered vehicles
< Process 4 ended at step 100.0
< Process 4 was informed about 3 entered vehicles
< ***Starting server on port <PORT> ***
<   waiting for 4 clients...
<   client connected
<   client connected
<   client connected
<   client connected
< Loading net-file from 'input_net.net.xml' ... done ((TIME)).
< Loading additional-files from 'input_additional2.add.xml' ... done ((TIME)).
< Loading done.
< Simulation started with time: 0.00
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci connection multipleConnections unspecifiedOrderWarning sumo ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
< Error: Execution order (libsumo::CMD_SETORDER) was not set for all TraCI clients in pre-execution phase.
< Quitting (on error).
< Error: Execution order (libsumo::CMD_SETORDER) was not set for all TraCI clients in pre-execution phase.
< Quitting (on error).
> /bin/sh: 0: Illegal option --
> /bin/sh: 0: Illegal option --
---------- Differences in output ----------
< ***Starting server on port <PORT> ***
<   waiting for 2 clients...
<   client connected
<   client connected
< client 1:  connection closed by SUMO  (at TraCIStep 1)
< client 2:  connection closed by SUMO  (at TraCIStep 1)
> client 1:  Could not connect in 61 tries  (at TraCIStep 1)
> client 2:  Could not connect in 61 tries  (at TraCIStep 1)
< ***Starting server on port <PORT> ***
<   waiting for 2 clients...
<   client connected
<   client connected
< client 1:  connection closed by SUMO  (at TraCIStep 1)
< client 2:  connection closed by SUMO  (at TraCIStep 1)
> client 1:  Could not connect in 61 tries  (at TraCIStep 1)
> client 2:  Could not connect in 61 tries  (at TraCIStep 1)
< -- Unordered text as found by filter '^Loading configuration ... done.' --
< Loading configuration ... done.
< Loading configuration ... done.

2 TESTS FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba :

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tests/../tests/complex/traci/connection/parallelConnection/runner.py", line 53, in <module>
>     runSingle(50, 99, i)
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tests/../tests/complex/traci/connection/parallelConnection/runner.py", line 40, in runSingle
>     traci.start([sumoBinary, "-c", "used.sumocfg", "-S", "-Q"], port=PORT, label=label, stdout=sys.stdout)
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tools/traci/main.py", line 157, in start
>     sumoProcess = subprocess.Popen(cmd2, stdout=stdout)
>   File "/usr/lib/python3.8/subprocess.py", line 854, in __init__
>     self._execute_child(args, executable, preexec_fn, close_fds,
>   File "/usr/lib/python3.8/subprocess.py", line 1702, in _execute_child
>     raise child_exception_type(errno_num, err_msg, err_filename)
> FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '--mesosim'
---------- Differences in output ----------
<  Run 1
<  Run 2
< Print ended at step 100.0
< Print ended at step 100.0
< Print ended at step 100.0
< Connection already closed.
< ----------- TraCI ends first -----------
<  Run 0
<  Run 1
<  Run 2
< Print ended at step 100.0
< Print ended at step 100.0
< Print ended at step 100.0
< Connection '2' is not known.
< -- Unordered text as found by filter '^Loading configuration ... done.' --
< Loading configuration ... done.
< Loading configuration ... done.
< Loading configuration ... done.
< Loading configuration ... done.
< Loading configuration ... done.
< Loading configuration ... done.
traci connection parallelConnection sumo ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )
traci connection parallelConnection sumo-gui ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

2 TESTS FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba :

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> /bin/sh: 0: Illegal option --
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>     raise FatalTraCIError("Could not connect in %s tries" % (numRetries + 1))
> traci.exceptions.FatalTraCIError: Could not connect in 61 tries
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Print ended at step 100
<  Run 1
< Print ended at step 100
<  Run 2
< Print ended at step 100
<  Run 3
< Print ended at step 100
<  Run 4
< Print ended at step 100
<  Run 5
< Print ended at step 100
<  Run 6
< Print ended at step 100
<  Run 7
< Print ended at step 100
<  Run 8
< Print ended at step 100
<  Run 9
< Print ended at step 100
< ----------- TraCI ends first -----------
<  Run 0
< Print ended at step 100
<  Run 1
< Print ended at step 100
<  Run 2
< Print ended at step 100
<  Run 3
< Print ended at step 100
<  Run 4
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
traci connection repeatedConnection sumo ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )
traci connection repeatedConnection sumo-gui ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

2 TESTS FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba :

---------- Differences in output ----------
< ['1fi']
< Ok: Unsubscribe successful
< Print ended at step 1003.0
< Ok: Subscription and computed are same
< -- Unordered text as found by filter '^Loading configuration ... done.' --
< Loading configuration ... done.
traci contextSubscriptions edge_100m ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )
traci contextSubscriptions edge_200m ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

2 TESTS FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba :

---------- Differences in output ----------
< ['0']
< Ok: Unsubscribe successful
< Print ended at step 1003.0
< Ok: Subscription and computed are same
< -- Unordered text as found by filter '^Loading configuration ... done.' --
< Loading configuration ... done.
traci contextSubscriptions junction_100m ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )
traci contextSubscriptions junction_200m ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

2 TESTS FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba :

---------- Differences in output ----------
< ['2si_0']
< Ok: Unsubscribe successful
< Print ended at step 1003.0
< Ok: Subscription and computed are same
< -- Unordered text as found by filter '^Loading configuration ... done.' --
< Loading configuration ... done.
traci contextSubscriptions lane_100m ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )
traci contextSubscriptions lane_200m ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

2 TESTS FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba :

---------- Differences in output ----------
< ['p0']
< Ok: Unsubscribe successful
< Print ended at step 1003.0
< Ok: Subscription and computed are same
< -- Unordered text as found by filter '^Loading configuration ... done.' --
< Loading configuration ... done.
traci contextSubscriptions person_100m ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )
traci contextSubscriptions person_200m ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

2 TESTS FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba :

---------- Differences in output ----------
< ['poi']
< Ok: Unsubscribe successful
< Print ended at step 1003.0
< Ok: Subscription and computed are same
< -- Unordered text as found by filter '^Loading configuration ... done.' --
< Loading configuration ... done.
traci contextSubscriptions poi_100m ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )
traci contextSubscriptions poi_200m ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

2 TESTS FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba :

---------- Differences in output ----------
< ['poly']
< Ok: Unsubscribe successful
< Print ended at step 1003.0
< Ok: Subscription and computed are same
< -- Unordered text as found by filter '^Loading configuration ... done.' --
< Loading configuration ... done.
traci contextSubscriptions polygon_100m ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )
traci contextSubscriptions polygon_200m ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

2 TESTS FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba :

---------- Differences in output ----------
< ['ego']
< Ok: Unsubscribe successful
< Print ended at step 1003.0
< Ok: Subscription and computed are same
< -- Unordered text as found by filter '^Loading configuration ... done.' --
< Loading configuration ... done.
traci contextSubscriptions range_100m ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )
traci contextSubscriptions range_200m ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci edge edge ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in output ----------
< 3si count=1 meanSpeed=3.0 travelTime=79.05
< 3si count=1 meanSpeed=3.0 travelTime=79.05
< 3si count=1 meanSpeed=3.0 travelTime=79.05
< 3si count=1 meanSpeed=3.0 travelTime=79.05
< 3si count=1 meanSpeed=3.0 travelTime=79.05
< 3si count=1 meanSpeed=3.0 travelTime=79.05
< 3si count=1 meanSpeed=3.0 travelTime=79.05
< 3si count=1 meanSpeed=3.0 travelTime=79.05
< 3si count=1 meanSpeed=3.0 travelTime=79.05
< 3si count=1 meanSpeed=3.0 travelTime=79.05
> 3si count=2 meanSpeed=2.9792290419161676 travelTime=79.60113058224987
> pending ()
> 3si count=2 meanSpeed=2.9792290419161676 travelTime=79.60113058224987
> pending ()
> 3si count=2 meanSpeed=2.9792290419161676 travelTime=79.60113058224987
> pending ()
> 3si count=2 meanSpeed=2.9792290419161676 travelTime=79.60113058224987
> pending ()
> 3si count=2 meanSpeed=2.9792290419161676 travelTime=79.60113058224987
> pending ()
> 3si count=2 meanSpeed=2.9792290419161676 travelTime=79.60113058224987
> pending ()
> 3si count=2 meanSpeed=2.9792290419161676 travelTime=79.60113058224987
> pending ()
> 3si count=2 meanSpeed=2.9792290419161676 travelTime=79.60113058224987
> pending ()
> 3si count=2 meanSpeed=2.9792290419161676 travelTime=79.60113058224987
> pending ()
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci gui gui ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in png ----------
Binärdateien /home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tests/complex/traci/gui/gui/png.complex und /home/delphi/extraGcc/texttesttmp/extra_gcc4_64.31Mar060933.4125780/complex.meso/traci/gui/gui/png.complex sind verschieden.

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci lane lane ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in output ----------
> pending 2fi_0: ()
> pending 2fi_0: ()
> pending 2fi_0: ()

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci lanearea lanearea ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in output ----------
> parameter 42
<      length 417.433147279
>      length 417.43314727863753
<      length 417.433147279
>      length 417.43314727863753
<      length 417.433147279
>      length 417.43314727863753
<      length 417.433147279
>      length 417.43314727863753
<      length 417.433147279
>      length 417.43314727863753
<      length 417.433147279
>      length 417.43314727863753

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci lanearea subsecond ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in output ----------
> parameter 42
<      length 417.433147279
>      length 417.43314727863753
<      length 417.433147279
>      length 417.43314727863753
<      length 417.433147279
>      length 417.43314727863753
<      length 417.433147279
>      length 417.43314727863753
<      length 417.433147279
>      length 417.43314727863753
<      length 417.433147279
>      length 417.43314727863753

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci person abort_riding ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
< Warning: setStop not yet implemented for meso
< Warning: setStop not yet implemented for meso
---------- Differences in tripinfo ----------
<     <tripinfo id="bus_1" depart="0.00" departLane="" departPos="0.00" departSpeed="13.89" departDelay="0.00" arrival="19.00" arrivalLane="" arrivalPos="115.32" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="19.00" routeLength="253.58" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="0.00" rerouteNo="1" devices="tripinfo_bus_1" vType="BUS" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/>
>     <personinfo id="0" depart="0.00" type="DEFAULT_PEDTYPE">
>         <ride waitingTime="5.00" vehicle="NULL" depart="-1" arrival="5.00" arrivalPos="90.60" duration="5.00" routeLength="-1.00" timeLoss="-0.00"/>
>         <stop duration="0.00" arrival="5.00" arrivalPos="0.00" actType="last stage removed"/>
>     </personinfo>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci person person ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in output ----------
> 0.0: departed=() (0) arrived=() (0)
> 1.0: departed=('horiz', 'detour', 'detour2', 'newPerson') (4) arrived=() (0)
> 2.0: departed=() (0) arrived=() (0)
< lanePos 242.158536585
> lanePos 242.15853658536585
< lanePos 245.817073171
> lanePos 245.8170731707317
<   0: Stage(type=3, vType=DEFAULT_VEHTYPE, line=B42, edges=('3si', '1o'), travelTime=INVALID, cost=INVALID, length=117.525, depart=7.0, departPos=INVALID, arrivalPos=486.549, description=driving)
>   0: Stage(type=3, vType=DEFAULT_VEHTYPE, line=B42, edges=('3si', '1o'), travelTime=INVALID, cost=INVALID, length=117.525, depart=7.0, departPos=INVALID, arrivalPos=486.54900000000004, description=driving)
<   -2: Stage(type=1, edges=('3si',), travelTime=0.0, cost=INVALID, length=0.0, depart=7.0, departPos=INVALID, arrivalPos=232.550267867, description=waiting (last stage removed))
>   -2: Stage(type=1, edges=('3si',), travelTime=0.0, cost=INVALID, length=0.0, depart=7.0, departPos=INVALID, arrivalPos=232.55026786670953, description=waiting (last stage removed))
< 51.6513116556
> 51.651311655558075
< 215.0 person=tripTest2 edge=2fi pos=11.3801162203
< 216.0 person=tripTest2 edge=2fi pos=12.7602324406
< 217.0 person=tripTest2 edge=2fi pos=14.1403486609
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci trafficlight actuated ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
< Warning: Traffic light type 'actuated' cannot be used in mesoscopic simulation. Using 'static' as fallback
> Warning: Traffic light type 'actuated' cannot be used in mesoscopic simulation. Using 'static' as fallback.
---------- Differences in output ----------
< 8.0 phase=1
< 9.0 phase=1
< 10.0 phase=1
< 11.0 phase=2
< 12.0 phase=2
< 13.0 phase=2
< 14.0 phase=2
< 15.0 phase=2
< 16.0 phase=2
< 17.0 phase=3
< 18.0 phase=3
< 19.0 phase=3
< 20.0 phase=4
< 21.0 phase=4
< 22.0 phase=4
< 23.0 phase=4
< 24.0 phase=4
< 25.0 phase=5
< 26.0 phase=5
< 27.0 phase=5
< 28.0 phase=6
< 29.0 phase=6
< 30.0 phase=6
< 31.0 phase=6
< 32.0 phase=6
< 33.0 phase=6
< 34.0 phase=7
< 35.0 phase=7
< 36.0 phase=7
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in tls_state ----------
<         <phase duration="33.00" state="rrrrrGGGggrrrrrGGGgg"/>
<         <phase duration="3.00"  state="rrrrryyyggrrrrryyygg"/>
<         <phase duration="6.00"  state="rrrrrrrrGGrrrrrrrrGG"/>
<         <phase duration="3.00"  state="rrrrrrrryyrrrrrrrryy"/>
>         <phase duration="5.00"  state="rrrrrGGGggrrrrrGGGgg"/>
>         <phase duration="20.00" state="rrrrrrrryyrrrrrrrryy"/>
<         <phase duration="33.00" state="GGGggrrrrrGGGggrrrrr"/>
>         <phase duration="50.00" state="GGGggrrrrrGGGggrrrrr"/>
>         <phase duration="3.00"  state="GGGggrrrrrGGGggrrrrr"/>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci trafficlight constraints getConstraints ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in output ----------
<    Constraint(signalId=A tripId=t0, foeId=t1, foeSignal=D, limit=3, type=0, mustWait=False)
>    Constraint(signalId=A tripId=t0, foeId=t1, foeSignal=D, limit=3, type=0, mustWait=True)

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci trafficlight constraints swapConstraints ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Warning: Teleporting vehicle 't0'; waited too long, from edge 'a':3, time 329.80.
> Warning: Vehicle 't0' ends teleporting on edge 'c':0, time 358.59.
> Warning: Teleporting vehicle 't2'; waited too long, from edge 'c':3, time 368.77.
> Warning: Vehicle 't2' ends teleporting on edge 'g':0, time 397.57.
---------- Differences in tripinfo ----------
<     <tripinfo id="t1" depart="0.00" departLane="h_0" departPos="50.10" departSpeed="13.89" departDelay="0.00" arrival="98.00" arrivalLane="g_0" arrivalPos="400.00" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="98.00" routeLength="1349.90" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="0.00" rerouteNo="1" devices="tripinfo_t1 routing_t1" vType="train" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="t2" depart="0.00" departLane="d_0" departPos="50.10" departSpeed="13.89" departDelay="0.00" arrival="165.00" arrivalLane="g_0" arrivalPos="400.00" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="165.00" routeLength="1432.74" waitingTime="29.00" waitingCount="1" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="61.18" rerouteNo="1" devices="tripinfo_t2 routing_t2" vType="train" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="t0" depart="0.00" departLane="a_0" departPos="50.10" departSpeed="13.89" departDelay="0.00" arrival="221.00" arrivalLane="g_0" arrivalPos="400.00" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="221.00" routeLength="1391.32" waitingTime="88.00" waitingCount="1" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="120.16" rerouteNo="1" devices="tripinfo_t0 routing_t0" vType="train" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/>
>     <tripinfo id="t1" depart="0.00" departLane="" departPos="0.00" departSpeed="13.89" departDelay="0.00" arrival="101.00" arrivalLane="" arrivalPos="400.00" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="101.00" routeLength="1400.00" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="0.00" rerouteNo="1" devices="tripinfo_t1 routing_t1" vType="train" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/>
>     <tripinfo id="t2" depart="0.00" departLane="" departPos="0.00" departSpeed="13.89" departDelay="0.00" arrival="427.00" arrivalLane="" arrivalPos="400.00" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="427.00" routeLength="1482.84" waitingTime="301.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="301.00" rerouteNo="1" devices="tripinfo_t2 routing_t2" vType="train" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/>
>     <tripinfo id="t0" depart="0.00" departLane="" departPos="0.00" departSpeed="13.89" departDelay="0.00" arrival="434.00" arrivalLane="" arrivalPos="400.00" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="434.00" routeLength="1441.42" waitingTime="308.20" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="308.20" rerouteNo="1" devices="tripinfo_t0 routing_t0" vType="train" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci trafficlight constraints swapConstraints_loadState ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Warning: Teleporting vehicle 't0'; waited too long, from edge 'a':3, time 329.80.
> Warning: Vehicle 't0' ends teleporting on edge 'c':0, time 358.59.
> Warning: Teleporting vehicle 't2'; waited too long, from edge 'c':3, time 368.77.
> Warning: Vehicle 't2' ends teleporting on edge 'g':0, time 397.57.
---------- Differences in state ----------
< <snapshot xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/state_file.xsd" version="<version>" time="0.00" type="micro" constraints="1">
> <snapshot xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/state_file.xsd" version="<version>" time="0.00" type="meso" constraints="1">
<     <vehicle id="t0" type="train" depart="0.00" departSpeed="max" route="!t0" distance="0 0" speedFactor="1.00" reroute="1" state="131090 9223372036854775807 0 -1.00 0 0.00 0 0 0" pos="0.00 0.00 0.00" speed="0.00 0.00" angle="90.00" posLat="0.00" waitingTime="100000 0">
<         <device id="tripinfo_t0" state=" 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 -1"/>
>     <vehicle id="t0" type="train" depart="0.00" departSpeed="max" route="!t0" distance="0 0" speedFactor="1.00" reroute="1" state="9223372036854775807 0 -1000 -1 0 -9223372036854775808 -9223372036854775808 9223372036854775807">
>         <device id="tripinfo_t0" state="-1 0 0 0 0 0 -1"/>
<     <vehicle id="t1" type="train" depart="0.00" departSpeed="max" route="!t1" distance="0 0" speedFactor="1.00" reroute="1" state="131090 9223372036854775807 0 -1.00 0 0.00 0 0 0" pos="0.00 0.00 0.00" speed="0.00 0.00" angle="90.00" posLat="0.00" waitingTime="100000 0">
<         <device id="tripinfo_t1" state=" 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 -1"/>
>     <vehicle id="t1" type="train" depart="0.00" departSpeed="max" route="!t1" distance="0 0" speedFactor="1.00" reroute="1" state="9223372036854775807 0 -1000 -1 0 -9223372036854775808 -9223372036854775808 9223372036854775807">
>         <device id="tripinfo_t1" state="-1 0 0 0 0 0 -1"/>
<     <vehicle id="t2" type="train" depart="0.00" departSpeed="max" route="!t2" distance="0 0" speedFactor="1.00" reroute="1" state="131090 9223372036854775807 0 -1.00 0 0.00 0 0 0" pos="0.00 0.00 0.00" speed="0.00 0.00" angle="90.00" posLat="0.00" waitingTime="100000 0">
<         <device id="tripinfo_t2" state=" 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 -1"/>
>     <vehicle id="t2" type="train" depart="0.00" departSpeed="max" route="!t2" distance="0 0" speedFactor="1.00" reroute="1" state="9223372036854775807 0 -1000 -1 0 -9223372036854775808 -9223372036854775808 9223372036854775807">
>         <device id="tripinfo_t2" state="-1 0 0 0 0 0 -1"/>
---------- Differences in tripinfo ----------
<     <tripinfo id="t1" depart="0.00" departLane="h_0" departPos="50.10" departSpeed="13.89" departDelay="0.00" arrival="98.00" arrivalLane="g_0" arrivalPos="400.00" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="98.00" routeLength="1349.90" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="0.00" rerouteNo="1" devices="tripinfo_t1 routing_t1" vType="train" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="t2" depart="0.00" departLane="d_0" departPos="50.10" departSpeed="13.89" departDelay="0.00" arrival="165.00" arrivalLane="g_0" arrivalPos="400.00" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="165.00" routeLength="1432.74" waitingTime="29.00" waitingCount="1" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="61.18" rerouteNo="1" devices="tripinfo_t2 routing_t2" vType="train" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/>
<     <tripinfo id="t0" depart="0.00" departLane="a_0" departPos="50.10" departSpeed="13.89" departDelay="0.00" arrival="221.00" arrivalLane="g_0" arrivalPos="400.00" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="221.00" routeLength="1391.32" waitingTime="88.00" waitingCount="1" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="120.16" rerouteNo="1" devices="tripinfo_t0 routing_t0" vType="train" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/>
>     <tripinfo id="t1" depart="0.00" departLane="" departPos="0.00" departSpeed="13.89" departDelay="0.00" arrival="101.00" arrivalLane="" arrivalPos="400.00" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="101.00" routeLength="1400.00" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="0.00" rerouteNo="1" devices="tripinfo_t1 routing_t1" vType="train" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/>
>     <tripinfo id="t2" depart="0.00" departLane="" departPos="0.00" departSpeed="13.89" departDelay="0.00" arrival="427.00" arrivalLane="" arrivalPos="400.00" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="427.00" routeLength="1482.84" waitingTime="301.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="301.00" rerouteNo="1" devices="tripinfo_t2 routing_t2" vType="train" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/>
>     <tripinfo id="t0" depart="0.00" departLane="" departPos="0.00" departSpeed="13.89" departDelay="0.00" arrival="434.00" arrivalLane="" arrivalPos="400.00" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="434.00" routeLength="1441.42" waitingTime="308.20" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="308.20" rerouteNo="1" devices="tripinfo_t0 routing_t0" vType="train" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci trafficlight getBlocking_reroute ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
< Warning: replaceStop not yet implemented for meso

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci vehicle replaceStop first_teleport ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
< Warning: Teleporting vehicle 'ego'; waited too long (wrong lane) (disconnected), lane='A0A1_0', time=13.00.
< Warning: Vehicle 'ego' ends teleporting on edge 'A2B2', time 13.00.
---------- Differences in vehroutes ----------
<     <vehicle id="ego" depart="0.00" arrival="200.00">
>     <vehicle id="ego" depart="0.00" arrival="194.00">
<             <route edges="A0A1 A1A2 A2B2 B2B1 B1C1 C1D1 D1D2 D2D3"/>
>             <route edges="A0A1 A2B2 B2B1 B1C1 C1D1 D1D2 D2D3"/>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci vehicle replaceStop second_change_attribute ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in vehroutes ----------
<         <routeDistribution>
<             <route replacedOnEdge="A0A1" reason="traci:replaceStop" replacedAtTime="5.00" probability="0" edges="A0A1 A1B1 B1C1 C1D1 D1D2 D2D3"/>
<             <route edges="A0A1 A1B1 B1B2 B2C2 C2C1 C1D1 D1D2 D2D3"/>
<         </routeDistribution>
>         <route edges="A0A1 A1B1 B1B2 B2B1 B1C1 C1D1 D1D2 D2D3"/>
<         <stop busStop="busStop_B2C2" duration="30.00"/>
>         <stop busStop="busStop_B1C1" duration="30.00"/>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci vehicle replaceStop second_teleport ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
< Warning: Teleporting vehicle 'ego'; waited too long (wrong lane) (disconnected), lane='A1B1_0', time=85.00.
< Warning: Vehicle 'ego' ends teleporting on edge 'B2C2', time 85.00.
---------- Differences in vehroutes ----------
<     <vehicle id="ego" depart="0.00" arrival="200.00">
>     <vehicle id="ego" depart="0.00" arrival="194.00">
<             <route edges="A0A1 A1B1 B1B2 B2C2 C2C1 C1D1 D1D2 D2D3"/>
>             <route edges="A0A1 A1B1 B2C2 C2C1 C1D1 D1D2 D2D3"/>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci vehicle replaceStop second_unreachable_teleport ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
< Warning: Teleporting vehicle 'ego'; waited too long (wrong lane) (disconnected), lane='A1B1_0', time=87.00.
< Warning: Vehicle 'ego' ends teleporting on edge 'B2C2', time 87.00.
---------- Differences in vehroutes ----------
<     <vehicle id="ego" depart="0.00" arrival="200.00">
>     <vehicle id="ego" depart="0.00" arrival="192.00">
<             <route edges="A0A1 A1B1 B1B2 B2C2 C2C1 C1D1 D1D2 D2D3"/>
>             <route edges="A0A1 A1B1 B2C2 C2C1 C1D1 D1D2 D2D3"/>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci vehicle vehicle ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Error: Answered with error to command 0xc4: Meso Vehicle 'horiz' does not support laneChangeModel parameters.
> Error: setSignals not applicable for meso
> Warning: setStop not yet implemented for meso
< Error: Answered with error to command 0xc4: Meso Vehicle 'horiz' does not support laneChangeModel parameters.
< Error: setSignals not applicable for meso
< Warning: setStop not yet implemented for meso
---------- Differences in output ----------
< lastActionTime -9.22337203685e+15
> lastActionTime -9223372036854776.0
< lastActionTime -9.22337203685e+15
> lastActionTime -9223372036854776.0
< lastActionTime -9.22337203685e+15
> lastActionTime -9223372036854776.0
< lastActionTime -9.22337203685e+15
> lastActionTime -9223372036854776.0
< lastActionTime -9.22337203685e+15
> lastActionTime -9223372036854776.0

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci vehicletype save_and_load_vtype_params ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> UserWarning: Could not connect to TraCI server using port 47113. Retrying with different port.
>   warnings.warn("Could not connect to TraCI server using port %s. Retrying with different port." % sumoPort)

Detailed information for the tests that had known bugs:

TEST had known bugs (see #7492) on ts-sim-build-ba : traci inductionloop inductionloop ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

meso handles inductionloops differently
(This bug was triggered by text found in file 'errors' matching 'Induction loop '0' is not known')
---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Error: Answered with error to command 0xa0: Induction loop '0' is not known
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tests/../tests/complex/traci/inductionloop/inductionloop/runner.py", line 39, in <module>
>     print("vehNum", traci.inductionloop.getLastStepVehicleNumber(loopID))
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tools/traci/_inductionloop.py", line 69, in getLastStepVehicleNumber
>     return self._getUniversal(tc.LAST_STEP_VEHICLE_NUMBER, loopID)
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tools/traci/domain.py", line 171, in _getUniversal
>     return _parse(self._retValFunc, varID, self._getCmd(varID, objectID, format, *values))
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tools/traci/domain.py", line 176, in _getCmd
>     r = self._connection._sendCmd(self._cmdGetID, varID, objID, format, *values)
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tools/traci/connection.py", line 181, in _sendCmd
>     return self._sendExact()
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tools/traci/connection.py", line 98, in _sendExact
>     raise TraCIException(err, prefix[1], _RESULTS[prefix[2]])
> traci.exceptions.TraCIException: Induction loop '0' is not known
> Error: tcpip::Socket::recvAndCheck @ recv: peer shutdown
> Quitting (on error).
---------- Differences in output ----------
< vehNum 1
< meanSpeed 4.03334372395
< vehIDs ('horiz',)
< occupancy 14.0626126034
< meanLength 5.0
< timeSinceDet 0.0
< vehData [('horiz', 5.0, 2.859373873965989, -1.0, 'DEFAULT_VEHTYPE')]
< position 10.0
< laneID 2fi_0
< parameter 42
< {16: 1}
< step 3
< {16: 1}
< step 4
< {16: 0}
< step 5
< {16: 0}
< step=6.0 detVehs=() vehData=[]
< step=7.0 detVehs=() vehData=[]
< step=8.0 detVehs=() vehData=[]
< step=9.0 detVehs=() vehData=[]
< step=10.0 detVehs=('jump',) vehData=[('jump', 5.0, 9.217991643355125, 9.762970751742937, 'DEFAULT_VEHTYPE')]
< step=11.0 detVehs=('departOnDet',) vehData=[('departOnDet', 5.0, 10.0, -1.0, 'DEFAULT_VEHTYPE')]
< step=12.0 detVehs=('departOnDet',) vehData=[('departOnDet', 5.0, 10.0, 11.520954348148399, 'DEFAULT_VEHTYPE')]
< step=13.0 detVehs=() vehData=[]
< step=14.0 detVehs=() vehData=[]
< step=15.0 detVehs=('onDet1',) vehData=[('onDet1', 5.0, 14.796187261392792, -1.0, 'DEFAULT_VEHTYPE')]
< step=16.0 detVehs=('onDet1',) vehData=[('onDet1', 5.0, 14.796187261392792, 15.675780308314552, 'DEFAULT_VEHTYPE')]
< step=17.0 detVehs=() vehData=[]
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

python3: 449 tests: 430 succeeded 14 known bugs 5 FAILED

Detailed information for the tests that FAILED:

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : sumo lane_change best_lanes ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in output ----------
< lane 0 ok
> lane 0 mismatches
< lane 0 ok
< lane 1 ok
< lane 2 ok
> lane 0 mismatches
> lane 1 mismatches
> lane 2 mismatches
< lane 0 ok
< lane 1 ok
< lane 2 ok
> lane 0 mismatches
> lane 1 mismatches
> lane 2 mismatches
< lane 0 ok
< lane 1 ok
< lane 2 ok
> lane 0 mismatches
> lane 1 mismatches
> lane 2 mismatches
< lane 0 ok
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : sumo protobuf ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tools/xml/protobuf2xml.py", line 130, in <module>
>     main()
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tools/xml/protobuf2xml.py", line 126, in main
>     writeXml(attrFinder.xsdStruc.root.name, module, options)
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tools/xml/protobuf2xml.py", line 102, in writeXml
>     length = struct.unpack('>L', read_n(inputf, 4))[0]
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tools/xml/protobuf2xml.py", line 65, in read_n
>     buf += data
> TypeError: can only concatenate str (not "bytes") to str
---------- Differences in output ----------
< +<trajectories timeStepSize="1000">
< -- Unordered text as found by filter '^Loading configuration ... done.' --
> -    <actorConfig id="5" vehicleClass="Passenger" fuel="Gasoline" emissionClass="Euro4" ref="DEFAULT_VEHTYPE"/>
> -    <vehicle id="0" actorConfig="5" startTime="0" ref="0"/>
> -    <motionState vehicle="0" speed="1000" time="0" acceleration="0"/>
> -    <motionState vehicle="0" speed="1000" time="1000" acceleration="0"/>
> -    <motionState vehicle="0" speed="1000" time="2000" acceleration="0"/>
> -    <motionState vehicle="0" speed="1000" time="3000" acceleration="0"/>
> -    <motionState vehicle="0" speed="1000" time="4000" acceleration="0"/>
> -    <motionState vehicle="0" speed="1000" time="5000" acceleration="0"/>
> -    <vehicle id="1" actorConfig="5" startTime="5000" ref="1"/>
> -    <motionState vehicle="1" speed="1000" time="5000" acceleration="0"/>
> -    <motionState vehicle="0" speed="1000" time="6000" acceleration="0"/>
> -    <motionState vehicle="1" speed="1000" time="6000" acceleration="0"/>
> -    <motionState vehicle="0" speed="1000" time="7000" acceleration="0"/>
> -    <motionState vehicle="1" speed="1000" time="7000" acceleration="0"/>
> -    <motionState vehicle="0" speed="1000" time="8000" acceleration="0"/>
> -    <motionState vehicle="1" speed="1000" time="8000" acceleration="0"/>
> -    <motionState vehicle="0" speed="1000" time="9000" acceleration="0"/>
> -    <motionState vehicle="1" speed="1000" time="9000" acceleration="0"/>
> -    <motionState vehicle="0" speed="1000" time="10000" acceleration="0"/>
> -    <motionState vehicle="1" speed="1000" time="10000" acceleration="0"/>
> -    <motionState vehicle="0" speed="1000" time="11000" acceleration="0"/>
> -    <motionState vehicle="1" speed="1000" time="11000" acceleration="0"/>
> -    <motionState vehicle="0" speed="1000" time="12000" acceleration="0"/>
> -    <motionState vehicle="1" speed="1000" time="12000" acceleration="0"/>
> -    <motionState vehicle="0" speed="1000" time="13000" acceleration="0"/>
> -    <motionState vehicle="1" speed="1000" time="13000" acceleration="0"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : sumo socketout ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
< Error: Error on closing output devices.
< Error: send failed: Software caused tcpip::Socket abort
< Error: Error on closing output devices.
< Error: send failed: Software caused tcpip::Socket abort

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci edge edge ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> corrupted size vs. prev_size in fastbins

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci gui gui ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

---------- Differences in png ----------
Binärdateien /home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tests/complex/traci/gui/gui/png.complex und /home/delphi/extraGcc/texttesttmp/extra_gcc4_64.31Mar060933.4125780/complex.python3/traci/gui/gui/png.complex sind verschieden.

Detailed information for the tests that had known bugs:

TEST had known bugs (see #7471) on ts-sim-build-ba : state load_flow_state_only ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

missing flow vehicles
(This bug was triggered by text found in file 'output' matching 'flowFromTo.1')
---------- Differences in output ----------
< DijkstraRouter answered 1 queries and explored 3.00 edges on average.
< DijkstraRouter spent (TIME) answering queries ((TIME) on average).
> <     <tripinfo id="flowFromTo.1" depart="16.00" departLane="beg_0" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="6.00" arrival="42.00" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="26.00" routeLength="301.90" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="2.77" rerouteNo="1" devices="tripinfo_flowFromTo.1 routing_flowFromTo.1" vType="t0" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/>
> > </tripinfos>
> <     <tripinfo id="flowPeriod.1" depart="20.00" departLane="beg_0" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="10.00" arrival="46.00" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="26.00" routeLength="301.90" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="2.77" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_flowPeriod.1" vType="t0" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/>
> <     <tripinfo id="flowPeriod.2" depart="24.00" departLane="beg_0" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="9.00" arrival="50.00" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="26.00" routeLength="301.90" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="2.77" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_flowPeriod.2" vType="t0" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/>
> <     <tripinfo id="flowNumber.2" depart="28.00" departLane="beg_0" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="12.00" arrival="54.00" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="26.00" routeLength="301.90" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="2.77" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_flowNumber.2" vType="t0" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/>
> <     <tripinfo id="flowPeriod.3" depart="32.00" departLane="beg_0" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="12.00" arrival="58.00" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="26.00" routeLength="301.90" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="2.77" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_flowPeriod.3" vType="t0" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/>
> <     <tripinfo id="flowProb.0" depart="36.00" departLane="beg_0" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="14.00" arrival="62.00" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="26.00" routeLength="301.90" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="2.77" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_flowProb.0" vType="t0" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/>
> <     <tripinfo id="flowNumber.3" depart="40.00" departLane="beg_0" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="16.00" arrival="66.00" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="26.00" routeLength="301.90" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="2.77" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_flowNumber.3" vType="t0" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/>
> <     <tripinfo id="flowPeriod.4" depart="44.00" departLane="beg_0" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="19.00" arrival="70.00" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="26.00" routeLength="301.90" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="2.77" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_flowPeriod.4" vType="t0" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/>
> <     <tripinfo id="flowProb.1" depart="48.00" departLane="beg_0" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="23.00" arrival="74.00" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="26.00" routeLength="301.90" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="2.77" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_flowProb.1" vType="t0" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/>
> <     <tripinfo id="flowPeriod.5" depart="52.00" departLane="beg_0" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="22.00" arrival="78.00" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="26.00" routeLength="301.90" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="2.77" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_flowPeriod.5" vType="t0" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/>
> <     <tripinfo id="flowProb.2" depart="56.00" departLane="beg_0" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="26.00" arrival="82.00" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="26.00" routeLength="301.90" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="2.77" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_flowProb.2" vType="t0" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/>
> <     <tripinfo id="flowNumber.4" depart="60.00" departLane="beg_0" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="28.00" arrival="86.00" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="26.00" routeLength="301.90" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="2.77" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_flowNumber.4" vType="t0" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/>
> <     <tripinfo id="flowPeriod.6" depart="64.00" departLane="beg_0" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="29.00" arrival="90.00" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="26.00" routeLength="301.90" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="2.77" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_flowPeriod.6" vType="t0" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/>
> <     <tripinfo id="flowProb.3" depart="68.00" departLane="beg_0" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="32.00" arrival="94.00" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="26.00" routeLength="301.90" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="2.77" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_flowProb.3" vType="t0" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/>
> <     <tripinfo id="flowPeriod.7" depart="72.00" departLane="beg_0" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="32.00" arrival="98.00" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="26.00" routeLength="301.90" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="2.77" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_flowPeriod.7" vType="t0" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/>
> <     <tripinfo id="flowProb.4" depart="76.00" departLane="beg_0" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="36.00" arrival="102.00" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="26.00" routeLength="301.90" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="2.77" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_flowProb.4" vType="t0" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/>
> <     <tripinfo id="flowPeriod.8" depart="80.00" departLane="beg_0" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="35.00" arrival="106.00" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="26.00" routeLength="301.90" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="2.77" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_flowPeriod.8" vType="t0" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/>
> <     <tripinfo id="flowPeriod.9" depart="84.00" departLane="beg_0" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="34.00" arrival="110.00" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="26.00" routeLength="301.90" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="2.77" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_flowPeriod.9" vType="t0" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/>
> <     <tripinfo id="flowProb.5" depart="88.00" departLane="beg_0" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="38.00" arrival="114.00" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="26.00" routeLength="301.90" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="2.77" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_flowProb.5" vType="t0" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/>
> <     <tripinfo id="flowProb.6" depart="92.00" departLane="beg_0" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="37.00" arrival="118.00" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="26.00" routeLength="301.90" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="2.77" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_flowProb.6" vType="t0" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/>
> <     <tripinfo id="flowProb.7" depart="96.00" departLane="beg_0" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="28.00" arrival="122.00" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="26.00" routeLength="301.90" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="2.77" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_flowProb.7" vType="t0" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/>
> <     <tripinfo id="flowProb.8" depart="100.00" departLane="beg_0" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="17.00" arrival="126.00" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="26.00" routeLength="301.90" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="2.77" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_flowProb.8" vType="t0" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/>
> <     <tripinfo id="flowProb.9" depart="104.00" departLane="beg_0" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="17.00" arrival="130.00" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="26.00" routeLength="301.90" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="2.77" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_flowProb.9" vType="t0" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/>
> <     <tripinfo id="flowProb.10" depart="108.00" departLane="beg_0" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="16.00" arrival="134.00" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="26.00" routeLength="301.90" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="2.77" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_flowProb.10" vType="t0" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/>
> <     <tripinfo id="flowProb.11" depart="112.00" departLane="beg_0" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="16.00" arrival="138.00" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="26.00" routeLength="301.90" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="2.77" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_flowProb.11" vType="t0" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST had known bugs (see #254) on ts-sim-build-ba : sumo output one_vehicle ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

different outputs from detectors which should detect the same
(This bug was triggered by text found in file 'output' matching 'failed')
---------- Differences in output ----------
< success 0.1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
< success 1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
< success 10 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
> failed 0.1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] 3/1to2/1_0 (71.4, 71.5) <zip object at 0x7f9d78025340>
> failed 1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] 3/1to2/1_0 (72.0, 73.0) <zip object at 0x7f9d7868a940>
> failed 10 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] 3/1to2/1_0 (80.0, 90.0) <zip object at 0x7f9d78071880>
< success 0.1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
< success 1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
< success 10 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
< success 100 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
> failed 0.1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 3/1to2/1_0 (71.4, 71.5) <zip object at 0x7f9d77ca5340>
> failed 1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 3/1to2/1_0 (72.0, 73.0) <zip object at 0x7f9d78064b00>
> failed 10 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 3/1to2/1_0 (80.0, 90.0) <zip object at 0x7f9d78064b00>
> failed 100 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 3/1to2/1_0 (100.0, 200.0) <zip object at 0x7f9d77fbfb80>
< success 0.1 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '100'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
< success 1 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '100'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
< success 10 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '100'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
> failed 0.1 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '100'] 3/1to2/1_0 (73.0, 74.0) <zip object at 0x7f9d77fbf500>
> failed 1 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '100'] 3/1to2/1_0 (73.0, 74.0) <zip object at 0x7f9d77ffae80>
> failed 10 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '100'] 3/1to2/1_0 (80.0, 90.0) <zip object at 0x7f9d77ffae40>
< success 0.1 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '1000'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
< success 1 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '1000'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
< success 10 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '1000'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST had known bugs (see #254) on ts-sim-build-ba : sumo output teleport ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

different outputs from detectors which should detect the same
(This bug was triggered by text found in file 'output' matching 'failed')
---------- Differences in output ----------
< success ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '51'] ['2/1to1/1_0']
< success ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '51'] ['2/1to1/1_0', '1/1to0/1_0']
< success ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '51'] ['2/1to1/1_0']
< success ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '51'] ['2/1to1/1_0', '1/1to0/1_0']
< success ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '51'] ['2/1to1/1_0']
< success ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '51'] ['2/1to1/1_0', '1/1to0/1_0']
< success ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '51'] ['2/1to1/1_0']
< success ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '51'] ['2/1to1/1_0', '1/1to0/1_0']
< success ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] ['2/1to1/1_0']
< success ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] ['2/1to1/1_0', '1/1to0/1_0']
< success ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] ['2/1to1/1_0']
< success ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] ['2/1to1/1_0', '1/1to0/1_0']
< success ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] ['2/1to1/1_0']
< success ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] ['2/1to1/1_0', '1/1to0/1_0']
< success ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] ['2/1to1/1_0']
< success ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] ['2/1to1/1_0', '1/1to0/1_0']
< failed ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 2/1to1/1_0 (108.6, 108.7) [9.9, 10.0, 9.9, 9.9]
< failed ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 2/1to1/1_0 (108.6, 108.7) [9.9, 10.0, 9.9, 9.9]
< failed ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 2/1to1/1_0 (108.0, 109.0) [9.87, 10.0, 9.87, 9.87]
< failed ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 2/1to1/1_0 (108.0, 109.0) [9.87, 10.0, 9.87, 9.87]
< failed ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 2/1to1/1_0 (100.0, 110.0) [9.85, 9.96, 9.85, 9.85]
< failed ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 2/1to1/1_0 (100.0, 110.0) [9.85, 9.96, 9.85, 9.85]
< failed ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 2/1to1/1_0 (100.0, 200.0) [-1.0, 2.26, 3.2, 2.27, 2.27]
< failed ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 2/1to1/1_0 (100.0, 200.0) [-1.0, 2.26, 3.2, 2.27, 2.27]
< success ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '51'] ['2/1to1/1_0']
< success ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '51'] ['2/1to1/1_0', '1/1to0/1_0']
< success ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '51'] ['2/1to1/1_0']
< success ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '51'] ['2/1to1/1_0', '1/1to0/1_0']
< success ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '51'] ['2/1to1/1_0']
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST had known bugs (see #254) on ts-sim-build-ba : sumo output teleport_multihop ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

different outputs from detectors which should detect the same
(This bug was triggered by text found in file 'output' matching 'failed')
---------- Differences in output ----------
< success 0.1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 2/1to1/1_0 (230.0, 230.1) [('e2', 9.99), ('e3', 10.0), ('edge', 9.99), ('lane', 9.99)]
< success 0.1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 1/1to0/1_0 (148.1, 148.2) [('e2', 9.99), ('e3', 10.0), ('edge', 9.99), ('lane', 9.99)]
< success 1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 2/1to1/1_0 (230.0, 231.0) [('e2', 9.99), ('e3', 10.0), ('edge', 9.99), ('lane', 9.99)]
< success 1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 1/1to0/1_0 (148.0, 149.0) [('e2', 9.91), ('e3', 10.0), ('edge', 9.91), ('lane', 9.91)]
< success 10 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 2/1to1/1_0 (230.0, 240.0) [('e2', 9.42), ('e3', 9.9), ('edge', 9.42), ('lane', 9.42)]
< success 10 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 1/1to0/1_0 (140.0, 150.0) [('e2', 9.96), ('e3', 9.99), ('edge', 9.96), ('lane', 9.96)]
< success 100 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 2/1to1/1_0 (200.0, 300.0) [('e1', 10.0), ('e2', 9.22), ('e3', 5.71), ('edge', 9.22), ('lane', 9.22)]
< success 100 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 1/1to0/1_0 (100.0, 200.0) [('e1', 9.53), ('e2', 5.82), ('e3', 6.93), ('edge', 5.82), ('lane', 5.82)]
> failed 0.1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 2/1to1/1_0 (149.0, 149.1) <zip object at 0x7f2231cdafc0>
> failed 0.1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 2/1to1/1_0 (149.0, 149.1) <zip object at 0x7f223174b3c0>
> failed 1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 2/1to1/1_0 (149.0, 150.0) <zip object at 0x7f2231fff880>
> failed 1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 2/1to1/1_0 (149.0, 150.0) <zip object at 0x7f223205c240>
> failed 10 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 2/1to1/1_0 (140.0, 150.0) <zip object at 0x7f2231fce840>
> failed 10 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 2/1to1/1_0 (140.0, 150.0) <zip object at 0x7f2231fce480>
> failed 100 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 2/1to1/1_0 (100.0, 200.0) <zip object at 0x7f2231fce380>
> failed 100 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 2/1to1/1_0 (100.0, 200.0) <zip object at 0x7f2231ff8180>
< success 0.1 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '1000'] 2/1to1/1_0 (245.0, 246.0) [('e2', 8.92), ('e3', 10.0), ('edge', 8.92), ('lane', 8.92)]
< success 0.1 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '1000'] 1/1to0/1_0 (150.0, 151.0) [('e2', 9.82), ('e3', 10.0), ('edge', 9.82), ('lane', 9.82)]
< success 1 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '1000'] 2/1to1/1_0 (245.0, 246.0) [('e2', 8.92), ('e3', 10.0), ('edge', 8.92), ('lane', 8.92)]
< success 1 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '1000'] 1/1to0/1_0 (150.0, 151.0) [('e2', 9.82), ('e3', 10.0), ('edge', 9.82), ('lane', 9.82)]
< success 10 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '1000'] 2/1to1/1_0 (240.0, 250.0) [('e2', 9.9), ('e3', 10.0), ('edge', 9.9), ('lane', 9.9)]
< success 10 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '1000'] 1/1to0/1_0 (150.0, 160.0) [('e2', 9.15), ('e3', 9.84), ('edge', 9.15), ('lane', 9.15)]
< success 100 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '1000'] 2/1to1/1_0 (200.0, 300.0) [('e1', 10.0), ('e2', 9.41), ('e3', 5.84), ('edge', 9.41), ('lane', 9.41)]
< success 100 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '1000'] 1/1to0/1_0 (100.0, 200.0) [('e1', 10.0), ('e2', 5.94), ('e3', 7.08), ('edge', 5.94), ('lane', 5.94)]
> failed 0.1 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '1000'] 2/1to1/1_0 (150.0, 151.0) <zip object at 0x7f2231fe5040>
> failed 0.1 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '1000'] 2/1to1/1_0 (150.0, 151.0) <zip object at 0x7f223206ca80>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST had known bugs (see #254) on ts-sim-build-ba : sumo output teleport_multihop_newDefaults ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

different outputs from detectors which should detect the same
(This bug was triggered by text found in file 'output' matching 'failed')
---------- Differences in output ----------
< success 0.1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] ['2/1to1/1_0']
< success 0.1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] ['2/1to1/1_0', '1/1to0/1_0']
< success 1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] ['2/1to1/1_0']
< success 1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] ['2/1to1/1_0', '1/1to0/1_0']
< success 10 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] ['2/1to1/1_0']
< success 10 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] ['2/1to1/1_0', '1/1to0/1_0']
< success 100 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] ['2/1to1/1_0']
< success 100 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] ['2/1to1/1_0', '1/1to0/1_0']
< success 0.1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 2/1to1/1_0 (230.0, 230.1) [('e2', 9.99), ('e3', 10.0), ('edge', 9.99), ('lane', 9.99)]
< success 0.1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 1/1to0/1_0 (148.1, 148.2) [('e2', 9.99), ('e3', 10.0), ('edge', 9.99), ('lane', 9.99)]
< success 1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 2/1to1/1_0 (230.0, 231.0) [('e2', 9.99), ('e3', 10.0), ('edge', 9.99), ('lane', 9.99)]
< success 1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 1/1to0/1_0 (148.0, 149.0) [('e2', 9.91), ('e3', 10.0), ('edge', 9.91), ('lane', 9.91)]
< success 10 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 2/1to1/1_0 (230.0, 240.0) [('e2', 9.42), ('e3', 9.9), ('edge', 9.42), ('lane', 9.42)]
< success 10 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 1/1to0/1_0 (140.0, 150.0) [('e2', 9.96), ('e3', 9.99), ('edge', 9.96), ('lane', 9.96)]
< success 100 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 2/1to1/1_0 (200.0, 300.0) [('e1', 10.0), ('e2', 9.22), ('e3', 5.71), ('edge', 9.22), ('lane', 9.22)]
< success 100 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 1/1to0/1_0 (100.0, 200.0) [('e1', 9.53), ('e2', 5.82), ('e3', 6.93), ('edge', 5.82), ('lane', 5.82)]
> failed 0.1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] 2/1to1/1_0 (76.2, 76.3) <zip object at 0x7f9d8673e240>
> failed 0.1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] 2/1to1/1_0 (76.2, 76.3) <zip object at 0x7f9d86690440>
> failed 1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] 2/1to1/1_0 (76.0, 77.0) <zip object at 0x7f9d8672a040>
> failed 1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] 2/1to1/1_0 (76.0, 77.0) <zip object at 0x7f9d8672acc0>
> failed 10 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] 2/1to1/1_0 (70.0, 80.0) <zip object at 0x7f9d8672a780>
> failed 10 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] 2/1to1/1_0 (70.0, 80.0) <zip object at 0x7f9d8672aec0>
> failed 100 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] 2/1to1/1_0 (0.0, 100.0) <zip object at 0x7f9d8672a7c0>
> failed 100 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] 2/1to1/1_0 (0.0, 100.0) <zip object at 0x7f9d8672a4c0>
> failed 0.1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 2/1to1/1_0 (76.2, 76.3) <zip object at 0x7f9d863980c0>
> failed 0.1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 2/1to1/1_0 (76.2, 76.3) <zip object at 0x7f9d85e182c0>
> failed 1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 2/1to1/1_0 (76.0, 77.0) <zip object at 0x7f9d86238a00>
> failed 1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 2/1to1/1_0 (76.0, 77.0) <zip object at 0x7f9d86734f00>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST had known bugs (see #254) on ts-sim-build-ba : sumo output two_same_vehicles ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

different outputs from detectors which should detect the same
(This bug was triggered by text found in file 'output' matching 'failed')
---------- Differences in output ----------
< success 0.1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
< success 1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
< success 10 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
> failed 0.1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] 3/1to2/1_0 (75.4, 75.5) <zip object at 0x7f26c2053440>
> failed 1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] 3/1to2/1_0 (76.0, 77.0) <zip object at 0x7f26c2088980>
> failed 10 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] 3/1to2/1_0 (80.0, 90.0) <zip object at 0x7f26c2713f40>
< success 0.1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
< success 1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
< success 10 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
< success 100 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
> failed 0.1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 3/1to2/1_0 (75.4, 75.5) <zip object at 0x7f26c1c53140>
> failed 1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 3/1to2/1_0 (76.0, 77.0) <zip object at 0x7f26c2050180>
> failed 10 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 3/1to2/1_0 (80.0, 90.0) <zip object at 0x7f26c1fde040>
> failed 100 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 3/1to2/1_0 (100.0, 200.0) <zip object at 0x7f26c204e8c0>
< success 0.1 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '100'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
< success 1 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '100'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
< success 10 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '100'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
> failed 0.1 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '100'] 3/1to2/1_0 (77.0, 78.0) <zip object at 0x7f26c2035d80>
> failed 1 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '100'] 3/1to2/1_0 (77.0, 78.0) <zip object at 0x7f26c2035e80>
> failed 10 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '100'] 3/1to2/1_0 (80.0, 90.0) <zip object at 0x7f26c1fde040>
< success 0.1 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '1000'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
< success 1 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '1000'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
< success 10 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '1000'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST had known bugs (see #254) on ts-sim-build-ba : sumo output two_vehicles_diff_length ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

different outputs from detectors which should detect the same
(This bug was triggered by text found in file 'output' matching 'failed')
---------- Differences in output ----------
< success 0.1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
< success 1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
< success 10 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
> failed 0.1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] 3/1to2/1_0 (76.4, 76.5) <zip object at 0x7f2916abcf80>
> failed 1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] 3/1to2/1_0 (77.0, 78.0) <zip object at 0x7f2917117800>
> failed 10 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] 3/1to2/1_0 (80.0, 90.0) <zip object at 0x7f2917113080>
< success 0.1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
< success 1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
< success 10 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
< success 100 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
> failed 0.1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 3/1to2/1_0 (76.4, 76.5) <zip object at 0x7f29166ba440>
> failed 1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 3/1to2/1_0 (77.0, 78.0) <zip object at 0x7f2916ab7b80>
> failed 10 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 3/1to2/1_0 (80.0, 90.0) <zip object at 0x7f2916ab7b80>
> failed 100 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 3/1to2/1_0 (100.0, 200.0) <zip object at 0x7f2916aef540>
< success 0.1 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '100'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
< success 1 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '100'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
< success 10 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '100'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
> failed 0.1 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '100'] 3/1to2/1_0 (78.0, 79.0) <zip object at 0x7f2916abf640>
> failed 1 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '100'] 3/1to2/1_0 (78.0, 79.0) <zip object at 0x7f2916abfd40>
> failed 10 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '100'] 3/1to2/1_0 (80.0, 90.0) <zip object at 0x7f2916a87d80>
< success 0.1 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '1000'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
< success 1 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '1000'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
< success 10 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '1000'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST had known bugs (see #254) on ts-sim-build-ba : sumo output two_vehicles_diff_speed ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

different outputs from detectors which should detect the same
(This bug was triggered by text found in file 'output' matching 'failed')
---------- Differences in output ----------
> failed 0.1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '51'] 3/1to2/1_0 (38.4, 38.5) <zip object at 0x7f4a0ca1bfc0>
> failed 1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '51'] 3/1to2/1_0 (38.0, 39.0) <zip object at 0x7f4a0c9a5400>
> failed 10 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '51'] 3/1to2/1_0 (30.0, 40.0) <zip object at 0x7f4a0ca0d240>
> failed 100 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '51'] 3/1to2/1_0 (0.0, 51.0) <zip object at 0x7f4a0ca0d180>
> failed 0.1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] 3/1to2/1_0 (38.4, 38.5) <zip object at 0x7f4a0c9db140>
> failed 1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] 3/1to2/1_0 (38.0, 39.0) <zip object at 0x7f4a0d034500>
> failed 10 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] 3/1to2/1_0 (30.0, 40.0) <zip object at 0x7f4a0ca07540>
> failed 100 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] 3/1to2/1_0 (0.0, 100.0) <zip object at 0x7f4a0ca07200>
> failed 0.1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 3/1to2/1_0 (38.4, 38.5) <zip object at 0x7f4a0c5de440>
> failed 1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 3/1to2/1_0 (38.0, 39.0) <zip object at 0x7f4a0c9d9bc0>
> failed 10 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 3/1to2/1_0 (30.0, 40.0) <zip object at 0x7f4a0c9d9bc0>
> failed 100 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 3/1to2/1_0 (0.0, 100.0) <zip object at 0x7f4a0ca07c00>
> failed 0.1 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '51'] 3/1to2/1_0 (39.0, 40.0) <zip object at 0x7f4a0c969800>
> failed 1 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '51'] 3/1to2/1_0 (39.0, 40.0) <zip object at 0x7f4a0c9dbfc0>
> failed 10 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '51'] 3/1to2/1_0 (30.0, 40.0) <zip object at 0x7f4a0c969e00>
> failed 100 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '51'] 3/1to2/1_0 (0.0, 51.0) <zip object at 0x7f4a0c9dbb40>
> failed 0.1 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '100'] 3/1to2/1_0 (39.0, 40.0) <zip object at 0x7f4a0c969b00>
> failed 1 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '100'] 3/1to2/1_0 (39.0, 40.0) <zip object at 0x7f4a0c9d9bc0>
> failed 10 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '100'] 3/1to2/1_0 (30.0, 40.0) <zip object at 0x7f4a0c969600>
> failed 100 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '100'] 3/1to2/1_0 (0.0, 100.0) <zip object at 0x7f4a0c969e00>
> failed 0.1 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '1000'] 3/1to2/1_0 (39.0, 40.0) <zip object at 0x7f4a0c969800>
> failed 1 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '1000'] 3/1to2/1_0 (39.0, 40.0) <zip object at 0x7f4a0c9dbc80>
> failed 10 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '1000'] 3/1to2/1_0 (30.0, 40.0) <zip object at 0x7f4a0c976740>
> failed 100 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '1000'] 3/1to2/1_0 (0.0, 100.0) <zip object at 0x7f4a0ca07080>
> -- Unordered text as found by filter '^Loading configuration ... done.' --
> Loading configuration ... done.
> Loading configuration ... done.
> Loading configuration ... done.
> Loading configuration ... done.
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST had known bugs (#4727) on ts-sim-build-ba : traci ContextSubscriptionFilters leadFollow carFollowing ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

(This bug was triggered by text found in file 'output' matching '.')
---------- Differences in output ----------
< lead_straight
< [002] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
> [002] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< [003] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
> [003] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< [004] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
> [004] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< [005] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
> [005] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< [006] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
> [006] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< [007] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
> [007] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< [008] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
> [008] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

2 TESTS had known bugs (#4727) on ts-sim-build-ba :

(This bug was triggered by text found in file 'output' matching '.')
---------- Differences in output ----------
> follow_straight
< follow_straight
> follow_straight
< follow_straight
> follow_straight
< follow_straight
> follow_straight
< follow_straight
> follow_straight
< follow_straight
> follow_straight
< follow_straight
> follow_straight
< follow_straight
> follow_straight
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
traci ContextSubscriptionFilters leadFollow laneChangeLeft ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )
traci ContextSubscriptionFilters leadFollow laneChangeRight ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

TEST had known bugs (#4727) on ts-sim-build-ba : traci ContextSubscriptionFilters leadFollow laneChangeNeighbors ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

(This bug was triggered by text found in file 'output' matching '.')
---------- Differences in output ----------
< follow_straight
< follow_right
> follow_right
> follow_straight
> lead_left
< lead_left
< follow_straight
< follow_right
> follow_right
> follow_straight
> lead_left
< lead_left
< follow_straight
< follow_right
> follow_right
> follow_straight
> lead_left
< lead_left
< follow_straight
< follow_right
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST had known bugs (see #3263) on ts-sim-build-ba : traci vehicle moveToXY keepRoute2 ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

mapping failure
(This bug was triggered by text found in file 'output' matching 'failed')
---------- Differences in output ----------
> internal corner (inside, segment2) failed: x=198, x2=198.0,   y=1.9, y2=1.9,   lane=middle_0, lane2=middle_0, pos=102, pos2=98.0   posLat=2.0 posLat2=1.9

TEST had known bugs (see #6192) on ts-sim-build-ba : traci vehicle openGap with_low_maxDecel_fast_CACC ( Last six runs Apr2021 Mar2021 )

not even failing as intended
(This bug was triggered by text found in file 'errors' matching 'Error')
---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tests/../tests/complex/traci/vehicle/openGap/runner.py", line 155, in <module>
>     runSingle(targetTimeHeadway, targetSpaceHeadway, duration, changeRate, maxDecel, refVehID)
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tests/../tests/complex/traci/vehicle/openGap/runner.py", line 65, in runSingle
>     leader = results[tc.VAR_LEADER][0]
> TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable
> Error: tcpip::Socket::recvAndCheck @ recv: peer shutdown
> Quitting (on error).
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Time 2.0: Gap 'follower'->'leader' = 5.938 (headway=0.367)
< 'follower' speed = 16.161582708
< Time 3.0: Gap 'follower'->'leader' = 8.966 (headway=0.528)
< 'follower' speed = 16.9836198736
< Time 4.0: Gap 'follower'->'leader' = 11.281 (headway=0.641)
< 'follower' speed = 17.5863190784
< Time 5.0: Gap 'follower'->'leader' = 13.069 (headway=0.725)
< 'follower' speed = 18.0379935645
< Time 6.0: Gap 'follower'->'leader' = 14.459 (headway=0.787)
< 'follower' speed = 18.3815472225
< Time 7.0: Gap 'follower'->'leader' = 15.545 (headway=0.834)
< 'follower' speed = 18.6456171431
< Time 8.0: Gap 'follower'->'leader' = 16.397 (headway=0.870)
< 'follower' speed = 18.8501483763
< Time 9.0: Gap 'follower'->'leader' = 17.068 (headway=0.898)
< 'follower' speed = 19.0094667411
< Time 10.0: Gap 'follower'->'leader' = 17.596 (headway=0.920)
< 'follower' speed = 19.1340998278
< Time 11.0: Gap 'follower'->'leader' = 18.013 (headway=0.937)
< 'follower' speed = 19.231918606
< Time 12.0: Gap 'follower'->'leader' = 18.342 (headway=0.950)
< 'follower' speed = 19.3088858604
< Time 13.0: Gap 'follower'->'leader' = 18.603 (headway=0.960)
< 'follower' speed = 19.3695649077
< Time 14.0: Gap 'follower'->'leader' = 18.810 (headway=0.969)
< 'follower' speed = 19.4174756866
< Time 15.0: Gap 'follower'->'leader' = 18.973 (headway=0.975)
< 'follower' speed = 19.4553500651
< Time 16.0: Gap 'follower'->'leader' = 19.103 (headway=0.980)
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>