09Dec2023 - detailed test results for COMPLEX.libtraci

To reconnect the TextTest GUI to these results, run:

texttest -a complex -d /home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tests -reconnect /home/delphi/extraGcc/texttesttmp/extra_gcc4_64.31Dec091945.2925282 -g

To start TextTest for these tests, run:

texttest -a complex -d /home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tests

libtraci: 516 tests: 506 succeeded 9 FAILED 1 known bugs

Detailed information for the tests that FAILED:

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci connection close_instance ( Last six runs Dec2023 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tests/../tests/complex/traci/connection/close_instance/runner.py", line 34, in <module>
>     conn = traci.connect(sumoPort, proc=sumoProcess)
> AttributeError: module 'traci' has no attribute 'connect'
> /usr/lib/python3.10/subprocess.py:1072: ResourceWarning: subprocess 1087667 is still running
>   _warn("subprocess %s is still running" % self.pid,

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci connection close_named ( Last six runs Dec2023 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tests/../tests/complex/traci/connection/close_named/runner.py", line 33, in <module>
>     conn = traci.getConnection('default')
> AttributeError: module 'traci' has no attribute 'getConnection'

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci connection multiconnect ( Last six runs Dec2023 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tests/../tests/complex/traci/connection/multiconnect/runner.py", line 36, in <module>
>     conns.append(traci.getConnection(str(i)))
> AttributeError: module 'traci' has no attribute 'getConnection'
---------- Differences in output ----------
< step 0
< step 1
< step 2
< step 0
< step 1
< step 2
< routes ('horizontal', 'vertical', 'withTaz2')
< route count 3
< examining horizontal
< edges ('2fi', '2si', '1o', '1fi', '1si', '3o', '3fi', '3si', '4o', '4fi', '4si')
< routes ('horizontal', 'vertical', 'withTaz2')
< route count 3
< examining horizontal
< edges ('2fi', '2si', '1o', '1fi', '1si', '3o', '3fi', '3si', '4o', '4fi', '4si')
< {0: ('horizontal', 'vertical', 'withTaz2')}
< step 3
< {0: ('horizontal', 'vertical', 'withTaz2')}
< step 4
< {0: ('horizontal', 'vertical', 'withTaz2')}
< step 5
< {0: ('horizontal', 'vertical', 'withTaz2')}
< routes ('h2', 'horizontal', 'vertical', 'withTaz2')
< edges ('1o',)
< {0: ('horizontal', 'vertical', 'withTaz2')}
< step 3
< {0: ('horizontal', 'vertical', 'withTaz2')}
< step 4
< {0: ('horizontal', 'vertical', 'withTaz2')}
< step 5
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

2 TESTS FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba :

---------- Differences in output ----------
< Connection already closed.
> Not connected.
< Connection '2' is not known.
traci connection parallelConnection sumo ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
traci connection parallelConnection sumo-gui ( Last six runs Dec2023 )

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci connection tracing ( Last six runs Dec2023 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tests/../tests/complex/traci/connection/tracing/runner.py", line 32, in <module>
>     con = traci.getConnection()
> AttributeError: module 'traci' has no attribute 'getConnection'
---------- Differences in log ----------
< traci.start(ARGS)
< traci.simulation.getTime()
< traci.simulationStep()
< traci.vehicle.getParameter('veh0', 'foo')
< traci.vehicle.setParameter('veh0', 'foo', '42')
< traci.vehicle.getParameter('veh0', 'foo')
< traci.person.getParameter('ped0', 'foo')
< traci.person.setParameter('ped0', 'foo', '42')
< traci.person.getParameter('ped0', 'foo')
< traci.edge.getParameter('1o', 'foo')
< traci.edge.setParameter('1o', 'foo', '42')
< traci.edge.getParameter('1o', 'foo')
< traci.lane.getParameter('1o_0', 'foo')
< traci.lane.setParameter('1o_0', 'foo', '42')
< traci.lane.getParameter('1o_0', 'foo')
< traci.vehicletype.getParameter('pType', 'foo')
< traci.vehicletype.setParameter('pType', 'foo', '42')
< traci.vehicletype.getParameter('pType', 'foo')
< traci.route.getParameter('horizontal', 'foo')
< traci.route.setParameter('horizontal', 'foo', '42')
< traci.route.getParameter('horizontal', 'foo')
< traci.trafficlight.getParameter('0', 'foo')
< traci.trafficlight.setParameter('0', 'foo', '42')
< traci.trafficlight.getParameter('0', 'foo')
< traci.simulation.getTime()
< traci.simulationStep()
< traci.close()
---------- Differences in output ----------
< step 0.0
< vehicle foo=""
< vehicle foo="42"
< person foo=""
< person foo="42"
< edge foo=""
< edge foo="42"
< lane foo=""
< lane foo="42"
< vType foo=""
< vType foo="42"
< route foo=""
< route foo="42"
< trafficlight foo=""
< trafficlight foo="42"
< step 1.0

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci misc signature ( Last six runs Dec2023 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tests/../tests/complex/traci/misc/signature/runner.py", line 48, in <module>
>     traci.vehicle.setLaneChangeMode("horiz", lcm=0)
> TypeError: vehicle.setLaneChangeMode() got an unexpected keyword argument 'lcm'
---------- Differences in output ----------
< lane.getLinks traci: (laneID, extended=True) libsumo: (laneID)
< person.getPosition traci: (personID) libsumo: (personID, includeZ=False)
< poi.getPosition traci: (poiID) libsumo: (poiID, includeZ=False)
< vehicle.getPosition traci: (vehID) libsumo: (vehID, includeZ=False)
< Domain.setParameter() got an unexpected keyword argument 'oID'

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci vehicle openGap reference_vehicle_removed ( Last six runs Dec2023 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Error: Answered with error to command 0xc4: Vehicle 'ego' is not known
> Error: tcpip::Socket::recvAndCheck @ recv: peer shutdown
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tests/../tests/complex/traci/vehicle/openGap/runner.py", line 156, in <module>
>     runSingle(targetTimeHeadway, targetSpaceHeadway, duration, changeRate, maxDecel, refVehID)
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tests/../tests/complex/traci/vehicle/openGap/runner.py", line 50, in runSingle
>     traci.vehicle.changeLane(followerID, 0, 500)
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tools/libtraci/libtraci.py", line 6443, in changeLane
>     return _libtraci.vehicle_changeLane(vehID, laneIndex, duration)
> libtraci.libtraci.TraCIException: Vehicle 'follower' is not known
---------- Differences in output ----------
> Quitting (on error).
< Subscribe to leader.
< Time 2.0: Gap 'follower'->'merger' = 9825.038 (headway=607.926)
< 'follower' speed = 16.161582708
< Time 3.0: Gap 'follower'->'merger' = 9828.066 (headway=578.679)
< 'follower' speed = 16.9836198736
< Time 4.0: Gap 'follower'->'merger' = 9830.381 (headway=558.979)
< 'follower' speed = 17.5863190784
< Time 5.0: Gap 'follower'->'merger' = 9832.169 (headway=545.081)
< 'follower' speed = 18.0379935645
< Time 6.0: Gap 'follower'->'merger' = 9833.559 (headway=534.969)
< 'follower' speed = 18.3815472225
< Time 7.0: Gap 'follower'->'merger' = 9834.645 (headway=527.451)
< 'follower' speed = 18.6456171431
< Time 8.0: Gap 'follower'->'merger' = 9835.497 (headway=521.773)
< 'follower' speed = 18.8501483763
< Time 9.0: Gap 'follower'->'merger' = 9836.168 (headway=517.435)
< 'follower' speed = 19.0094667411
< Time 10.0: Gap 'follower'->'merger' = 9836.696 (headway=514.092)
< 'follower' speed = 19.1340998278
< Time 11.0: Gap 'follower'->'merger' = 9837.113 (headway=511.499)
< 'follower' speed = 19.231918606
< Time 12.0: Gap 'follower'->'merger' = 9837.442 (headway=509.477)
< 'follower' speed = 19.3088858604
< Time 13.0: Gap 'follower'->'merger' = 9837.703 (headway=507.895)
< 'follower' speed = 19.3695649077
< Time 14.0: Gap 'follower'->'merger' = 9837.910 (headway=506.652)
< 'follower' speed = 19.4174756866
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci vehicle setStop newInternalStop ( Last six runs Dec2023 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tests/../tests/complex/traci/vehicle/setStop/newInternalStop/runner.py", line 40, in <module>
>     traci.vehicle.setStop("ego", ":C_11", pos=5, duration=10)
>   File "/home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tools/libtraci/libtraci.py", line 6404, in setStop
>     return _libtraci.vehicle_setStop(*args, **kwargs)
> libtraci.libtraci.TraCIException: Vehicle 'ego' is not known
---------- Missing result in stopinfos ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<stops xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/stopinfo_file.xsd">
    <stopinfo id="ego" type="DEFAULT_VEHTYPE" lane="SC_0" pos="60.00" parking="0" started="11.00" ended="16.00" initialPersons="0" loadedPersons="0" unloadedPersons="0" initialContainers="0" loadedContainers="0" unloadedContainers="0"/>
    <stopinfo id="ego" type="DEFAULT_VEHTYPE" lane=":C_11_0" pos="4.99" parking="0" started="24.00" ended="34.00" initialPersons="0" loadedPersons="0" unloadedPersons="0" initialContainers="0" loadedContainers="0" unloadedContainers="0"/>
---------- Missing result in vehroutes ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<routes xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/routes_file.xsd">
    <vehicle id="ego" depart="0.00" arrival="44.00">
        <route edges="SC CN"/>
        <stop lane="SC_0" endPos="60.00" duration="5.00"/>
        <stop lane=":C_11_0" startPos="4.90" endPos="5.00" duration="10.00"/>


Detailed information for the tests that had known bugs:

TEST had known bugs (see #3263) on ts-sim-build-ba : traci vehicle moveToXY keepRoute2 ( Last six runs Dec2023 )

mapping failure
(This bug was triggered by text found in file 'output' matching 'failed')
---------- Differences in output ----------
> internal corner (inside, segment2) failed: x=198, x2=198.0,   y=1.9, y2=1.9,   lane=middle_0, lane2=middle_0, pos=102, pos2=98.0   posLat=2.0 posLat2=1.9