texttest -a sumo -d /home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tests -reconnect /home/delphi/extraGcc/texttesttmp/extra_gcc4_64.30Jun093012.2076434 -g
texttest -a sumo -d /home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tests
---------- Differences in fcd ---------- 107c107 < <person id="pf_0.12" x="84.07" y="9.38" angle="229.52" speed="1.39" pos="27.17" edge="E1" slope="0.00"/> --- > <person id="pf_0.12" x="84.90" y="8.91" angle="189.41" speed="1.39" pos="26.32" edge="E1" slope="0.00"/> 204,205c204,205 < <person id="pf_0.40" x="46.85" y="16.78" angle="301.10" speed="1.39" pos="17.60" edge="E0" slope="0.00"/> < <person id="pf_0.39" x="45.24" y="17.75" angle="301.10" speed="1.39" pos="19.48" edge="E0" slope="0.00"/> --- > <person id="pf_0.39" x="46.45" y="17.02" angle="301.10" speed="1.39" pos="18.08" edge="E0" slope="0.00"/> > <person id="pf_0.40" x="44.84" y="17.99" angle="301.10" speed="1.39" pos="19.95" edge="E0" slope="0.00"/> 251d250 < <person id="pf_0.54" x="105.31" y="9.89" angle="193.86" speed="1.30" pos="5.01" edge="E1" slope="0.00"/> 253c252,253 < <person id="pf_0.51" x="104.11" y="10.39" angle="228.07" speed="1.38" pos="6.10" edge="E1" slope="0.00"/> --- > <person id="pf_0.54" x="104.87" y="10.19" angle="237.68" speed="1.39" pos="5.39" edge="E1" slope="0.00"/> > <person id="pf_0.51" x="104.06" y="10.45" angle="234.80" speed="1.39" pos="6.13" edge="E1" slope="0.00"/> 257c257 < <person id="pf_0.46" x="82.35" y="7.95" angle="216.51" speed="1.33" pos="28.81" edge="E1" slope="0.00"/> --- > <person id="pf_0.46" x="83.90" y="6.44" angle="272.36" speed="1.20" pos="27.18" edge="E1" slope="0.00"/> 259c259 < <person id="pf_0.52" x="73.28" y="9.23" angle="274.42" speed="1.39" pos="38.37" edge="E1" slope="0.00"/> --- > <person id="pf_0.52" x="74.33" y="7.18" angle="230.32" speed="1.36" pos="36.97" edge="E1" slope="0.00"/>
---------- Differences in tripinfos ---------- 8,10d7 < <personinfo id="13" depart="13.00" type="DEFAULT_PEDTYPE" speedFactor="1.00" duration="245.00" waitingTime="0.00" timeLoss="-0.56" traveltime="245.00"> < <walk depart="13.00" departPos="0.00" arrival="258.00" arrivalPos="105.38" duration="245.00" routeLength="341.05" timeLoss="-0.56" maxSpeed="1.39"/> < </personinfo> 13a11,13 > <personinfo id="20" depart="20.00" type="DEFAULT_PEDTYPE" speedFactor="1.00" duration="320.00" waitingTime="0.00" timeLoss="9.86" traveltime="320.00"> > <walk depart="20.00" departPos="0.00" arrival="340.00" arrivalPos="91.12" duration="320.00" routeLength="430.75" timeLoss="9.86" maxSpeed="1.39"/> > </personinfo> 17,18c17,18 < <personinfo id="20" depart="20.00" type="DEFAULT_PEDTYPE" speedFactor="1.00" duration="323.00" waitingTime="0.00" timeLoss="12.86" traveltime="323.00"> < <walk depart="20.00" departPos="0.00" arrival="343.00" arrivalPos="91.12" duration="323.00" routeLength="430.75" timeLoss="12.86" maxSpeed="1.39"/> --- > <personinfo id="13" depart="13.00" type="DEFAULT_PEDTYPE" speedFactor="1.00" duration="395.00" waitingTime="0.00" timeLoss="149.45" traveltime="395.00"> > <walk depart="13.00" departPos="0.00" arrival="408.00" arrivalPos="105.38" duration="395.00" routeLength="341.05" timeLoss="149.45" maxSpeed="1.39"/> 37a38,40 > <personinfo id="17" depart="17.00" type="DEFAULT_PEDTYPE" speedFactor="1.00" duration="835.00" waitingTime="0.00" timeLoss="11.63" traveltime="835.00"> > <walk depart="17.00" departPos="0.00" arrival="852.00" arrivalPos="107.02" duration="835.00" routeLength="1143.57" timeLoss="11.63" maxSpeed="1.39"/> > </personinfo> 41,43d43 < <personinfo id="17" depart="17.00" type="DEFAULT_PEDTYPE" speedFactor="1.00" duration="841.00" waitingTime="0.00" timeLoss="17.63" traveltime="841.00"> < <walk depart="17.00" departPos="0.00" arrival="858.00" arrivalPos="107.02" duration="841.00" routeLength="1143.57" timeLoss="17.63" maxSpeed="1.39"/> < </personinfo> 50,51c50,51 < <personinfo id="12" depart="12.00" type="DEFAULT_PEDTYPE" speedFactor="1.00" duration="977.00" waitingTime="0.00" timeLoss="11.26" traveltime="977.00"> < <walk depart="12.00" departPos="0.00" arrival="989.00" arrivalPos="86.58" duration="977.00" routeLength="1341.30" timeLoss="11.26" maxSpeed="1.39"/> --- > <personinfo id="12" depart="12.00" type="DEFAULT_PEDTYPE" speedFactor="1.00" duration="972.00" waitingTime="0.00" timeLoss="6.26" traveltime="972.00"> > <walk depart="12.00" departPos="0.00" arrival="984.00" arrivalPos="86.58" duration="972.00" routeLength="1341.30" timeLoss="6.26" maxSpeed="1.39"/> 56,57c56,57 < <personinfo id="5" depart="5.00" type="DEFAULT_PEDTYPE" speedFactor="1.00" duration="1367.00" waitingTime="0.00" timeLoss="4.31" traveltime="1367.00"> <truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 215c215 < Warning: Error while adding person 'pS5_4.93' as JuPedSim agent: Model constraint violation: Agent (117.51619394613378, 65.9046179111565) too close to agent (117.64067151655361, 65.77556244420309): distance 0.17930415245662254 --- > Warning: Error while adding person 'pS5_4.93' as JuPedSim agent: Model constraint violation: Agent (117.51619394613378, 65.9046179111565) too close to agent (117.6674318984204, 65.60217441193997): distance 0.33814935816912856 218c218 < Warning: Error while adding person 'pS5_4.93' as JuPedSim agent: Model constraint violation: Agent (117.51619394613378, 65.9046179111565) too close to agent (117.64067151655361, 65.77556244420309): distance 0.17930415245662254 --- > Warning: Error while adding person 'pS5_4.93' as JuPedSim agent: Model constraint violation: Agent (117.51619394613378, 65.9046179111565) too close to agent (117.6674318984204, 65.60217441193997): distance 0.33814935816912856 446d445 < Warning: Error while adding person 'pS5_4.195' as JuPedSim agent: Model constraint violation: Agent (113.53219394613379, 65.92180470538088) too close to agent (113.16626786913186, 65.72834574636424): distance 0.4139181835264354 449d447 < Warning: Error while adding person 'pS5_4.195' as JuPedSim agent: Model constraint violation: Agent (113.53219394613379, 65.92180470538088) too close to agent (113.16626786913186, 65.72834574636424): distance 0.4139181835264354 454,455c452,453 < Warning: Invalid arrivalPos 101.94 given for person 'pS5_4.197' walking to edge 'E4'. Using edge end instead. < Warning: Error while adding person 'pS5_4.189' as JuPedSim agent: Model constraint violation: Agent (49.06030803254578, 66.34369928234237) too close to geometry boundaries, distance <= 0.239 --- > Warning: Invalid arrivalPos 101.94 given for person 'pS5_4.198' walking to edge 'E4'. Using edge end instead. > Warning: Error while adding person 'pS5_4.189' as JuPedSim agent: Agent (49.42625915991846, 66.19970902482028) not inside walkable area 457a456 > Warning: Error while adding person 'pS5_4.189' as JuPedSim agent: Agent (49.48851941536884, 66.32702092670816) not inside walkable area
---------- Differences in fcd ---------- 14319c14319 < <person id="pf_3.1" x="1685.54" y="2034.42" angle="8.10" speed="1.20" pos="5.00" edge="E3" slope="0.00"/> --- > <person id="pf_3.1" x="1685.45" y="2034.41" angle="329.73" speed="1.29" pos="5.00" edge="E3" slope="0.00"/> 14616c14616 < <person id="pf_3.2" x="1686.09" y="2034.47" angle="251.87" speed="1.32" pos="5.00" edge="E3" slope="0.00"/> --- > <person id="pf_3.2" x="1686.04" y="2034.46" angle="251.82" speed="1.38" pos="5.00" edge="E3" slope="0.00"/> 14908c14908 < <person id="pf_3.2" x="1685.64" y="2035.07" angle="8.08" speed="0.75" pos="5.00" edge="E3" slope="0.00"/> --- > <person id="pf_3.2" x="1685.10" y="2035.02" angle="329.74" speed="1.10" pos="5.00" edge="E3" slope="0.00"/> 15202c15202 < <person id="pf_3.2" x="1685.83" y="2036.44" angle="8.08" speed="1.39" pos="5.00" edge="E3" slope="0.00"/> --- > <person id="pf_3.2" x="1684.40" y="2036.22" angle="329.74" speed="1.39" pos="5.00" edge="E3" slope="0.00"/> 15491a15492 > <person id="pf_3.2" x="1683.70" y="2037.42" angle="329.74" speed="1.39" pos="4.52" edge="E3" slope="0.00"/> 15499d15499 < <person id="pf_3.2" x="1686.03" y="2037.82" angle="8.08" speed="1.39" pos="5.00" edge="E3" slope="0.00"/> 15788a15789 > <person id="pf_3.2" x="1683.00" y="2038.62" angle="329.74" speed="1.39" pos="3.82" edge="E3" slope="0.00"/> 15796d15796 < <person id="pf_3.2" x="1686.22" y="2039.19" angle="8.08" speed="1.39" pos="5.00" edge="E3" slope="0.00"/> 16087a16088 > <person id="pf_3.2" x="1682.30" y="2039.82" angle="329.74" speed="1.39" pos="3.12" edge="E3" slope="0.00"/> 16257d16257 < <person id="pf_2.74" x="1799.73" y="2076.49" angle="343.90" speed="0.00" pos="0.34" edge="1464" slope="0.00"/> 16261c16261 < <person id="pf_2.79" x="1799.73" y="2076.49" angle="343.90" speed="0.00" pos="0.34" edge="1464" slope="0.00"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in output ---------- 22d21 < Person 'pf_3.2' in vanishing area 'jupedsim.vanishing_area_2' was removed from the simulation. 32c31 < Running: 301 --- > Running: 302 ---------- Differences in tripinfos ---------- 95,97d94 < <personinfo id="pf_3.2" depart="3.00" type="DEFAULT_PEDTYPE" speedFactor="1.00" duration="95.00" waitingTime="0.00" timeLoss="31.84" traveltime="95.00"> < <walk depart="3.00" departPos="0.00" arrival="98.00" arrivalPos="2.50" duration="95.00" routeLength="87.72" timeLoss="31.84" maxSpeed="1.39"/> < </personinfo>