02Sep2024 - detailed test results for SUMO.meso.gui

To reconnect the TextTest GUI to these results, run:

texttest -a sumo -d /home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tests -reconnect /home/delphi/extraGcc/texttesttmp/extra_gcc4_64.16Sep091927.1014917 -g

To start TextTest for these tests, run:

texttest -a sumo -d /home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tests

meso.gui: 2427 tests: 2398 succeeded 18 known bugs 10 FAILED 1 killed

Detailed information for the tests that FAILED:

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : bugs 15xxx ticket15072 ( Last six runs Sep2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
< Warning: Vehicle 'bike0' aborted waiting for a person that will never come.
< Warning: Vehicle 'bike1' aborted waiting for a person that will never come.
---------- New result in exitcode ----------

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : devices taxi groups 5persons_ungrouped_routeExtension ( Last six runs Sep2024 )

---------- Differences in tripinfos ----------
<     <personinfo id="p.1" depart="0.00" type="DEFAULT_PEDTYPE" speedFactor="1.00" duration="291.00" waitingTime="202.00" timeLoss="0.00" traveltime="89.00">
<         <ride waitingTime="202.00" vehicle="trip_0" depart="202.00" arrival="291.00" arrivalPos="191.73" duration="89.00" routeLength="1221.73" timeLoss="0.00"/>
>     <personinfo id="p.1" depart="0.00" type="DEFAULT_PEDTYPE" speedFactor="1.00" duration="122.00" waitingTime="34.00" timeLoss="0.00" traveltime="88.00">
>         <ride waitingTime="34.00" vehicle="trip_0" depart="34.00" arrival="122.00" arrivalPos="191.73" duration="88.00" routeLength="1221.73" timeLoss="0.00"/>
<     <personinfo id="p.2" depart="0.00" type="DEFAULT_PEDTYPE" speedFactor="1.00" duration="459.00" waitingTime="370.00" timeLoss="0.00" traveltime="89.00">
<         <ride waitingTime="370.00" vehicle="trip_0" depart="370.00" arrival="459.00" arrivalPos="191.73" duration="89.00" routeLength="1221.73" timeLoss="0.00"/>
>     <personinfo id="p.2" depart="0.00" type="DEFAULT_PEDTYPE" speedFactor="1.00" duration="122.00" waitingTime="34.00" timeLoss="0.00" traveltime="88.00">
>         <ride waitingTime="34.00" vehicle="trip_0" depart="34.00" arrival="122.00" arrivalPos="191.73" duration="88.00" routeLength="1221.73" timeLoss="0.00"/>
<     <personinfo id="p.3" depart="0.00" type="DEFAULT_PEDTYPE" speedFactor="1.00" duration="627.00" waitingTime="538.00" timeLoss="0.00" traveltime="89.00">
<         <ride waitingTime="538.00" vehicle="trip_0" depart="538.00" arrival="627.00" arrivalPos="191.73" duration="89.00" routeLength="1221.73" timeLoss="0.00"/>
>     <personinfo id="p.3" depart="0.00" type="DEFAULT_PEDTYPE" speedFactor="1.00" duration="122.00" waitingTime="34.00" timeLoss="0.00" traveltime="88.00">
>         <ride waitingTime="34.00" vehicle="trip_0" depart="34.00" arrival="122.00" arrivalPos="191.73" duration="88.00" routeLength="1221.73" timeLoss="0.00"/>
<     <personinfo id="p.4" depart="0.00" type="DEFAULT_PEDTYPE" speedFactor="1.00" duration="795.00" waitingTime="706.00" timeLoss="0.00" traveltime="89.00">
<         <ride waitingTime="706.00" vehicle="trip_0" depart="706.00" arrival="795.00" arrivalPos="191.73" duration="89.00" routeLength="1221.73" timeLoss="0.00"/>
>     <personinfo id="p.4" depart="0.00" type="DEFAULT_PEDTYPE" speedFactor="1.00" duration="122.00" waitingTime="34.00" timeLoss="0.00" traveltime="88.00">
>         <ride waitingTime="34.00" vehicle="trip_0" depart="34.00" arrival="122.00" arrivalPos="191.73" duration="88.00" routeLength="1221.73" timeLoss="0.00"/>
<     <tripinfo id="trip_0" depart="0.00" departLane="A0B0_1" departPos="0.00" departSpeed="13.89" departDelay="0.00" arrival="-1.00" arrivalLane="" arrivalPos="-1.00" arrivalSpeed="-1.00" duration="856.00" routeLength="7635.73" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="305.00" timeLoss="240.00" rerouteNo="11" devices="tripinfo_trip_0 routing_trip_0 taxi_trip_0 person_trip_0" vType="taxi_small" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized="">
<         <taxi customers="5" occupiedDistance="6108.67" occupiedTime="444.80"/>
>     <tripinfo id="trip_0" depart="0.00" departLane="A0B0_1" departPos="0.00" departSpeed="13.89" departDelay="0.00" arrival="-1.00" arrivalLane="" arrivalPos="-1.00" arrivalSpeed="-1.00" duration="183.00" routeLength="1680.53" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="61.00" timeLoss="0.00" rerouteNo="3" devices="tripinfo_trip_0 routing_trip_0 taxi_trip_0 person_trip_0" vType="taxi_large" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized="">
>         <taxi customers="5" occupiedDistance="1221.73" occupiedTime="88.96"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

2 TESTS FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba :

---------- Differences in errors ----------
< Warning: Taxi 'trip_0' aborts waiting for customers: p2 at time=247.00.
---------- Differences in tripinfos ----------
<     <personinfo id="p.0" depart="0.00" type="DEFAULT_PEDTYPE" speedFactor="1.00" duration="122.00" waitingTime="34.00" timeLoss="0.00" traveltime="88.00">
<         <ride waitingTime="34.00" vehicle="trip_0" depart="34.00" arrival="122.00" arrivalPos="191.73" duration="88.00" routeLength="1221.73" timeLoss="0.00"/>
>     <personinfo id="p1" depart="0.00" type="DEFAULT_PEDTYPE" speedFactor="1.00" duration="125.00" waitingTime="69.00" timeLoss="0.00" traveltime="56.00">
>         <ride waitingTime="69.00" vehicle="trip_0" depart="69.00" arrival="125.00" arrivalPos="190.40" duration="56.00" routeLength="761.60" timeLoss="0.00"/>
<     <personinfo id="p.1" depart="0.00" type="DEFAULT_PEDTYPE" speedFactor="1.00" duration="291.00" waitingTime="202.00" timeLoss="0.00" traveltime="89.00">
<         <ride waitingTime="202.00" vehicle="trip_0" depart="202.00" arrival="291.00" arrivalPos="191.73" duration="89.00" routeLength="1221.73" timeLoss="0.00"/>
>     <personinfo id="p0" depart="0.00" type="DEFAULT_PEDTYPE" speedFactor="1.00" duration="206.00" waitingTime="48.00" timeLoss="0.00" traveltime="158.00">
>         <ride waitingTime="48.00" vehicle="trip_0" depart="48.00" arrival="206.00" arrivalPos="190.40" duration="158.00" routeLength="1332.80" timeLoss="0.00"/>
<     <personinfo id="p.2" depart="0.00" type="DEFAULT_PEDTYPE" speedFactor="1.00" duration="459.00" waitingTime="370.00" timeLoss="0.00" traveltime="89.00">
<         <ride waitingTime="370.00" vehicle="trip_0" depart="370.00" arrival="459.00" arrivalPos="191.73" duration="89.00" routeLength="1221.73" timeLoss="0.00"/>
>     <personinfo id="p3" depart="300.00" type="DEFAULT_PEDTYPE" speedFactor="1.00" duration="206.00" waitingTime="150.00" timeLoss="0.00" traveltime="56.00">
>         <ride waitingTime="150.00" vehicle="trip_0" depart="450.00" arrival="506.00" arrivalPos="190.40" duration="56.00" routeLength="761.60" timeLoss="0.00"/>
<     <personinfo id="p.3" depart="0.00" type="DEFAULT_PEDTYPE" speedFactor="1.00" duration="627.00" waitingTime="538.00" timeLoss="0.00" traveltime="89.00">
<         <ride waitingTime="538.00" vehicle="trip_0" depart="538.00" arrival="627.00" arrivalPos="191.73" duration="89.00" routeLength="1221.73" timeLoss="0.00"/>
>     <personinfo id="p2" depart="300.00" type="DEFAULT_PEDTYPE" speedFactor="1.00" duration="-1" waitingTime="267.00" timeLoss="-1" traveltime="-1">
>         <ride waitingTime="267.00" vehicle="NULL" depart="-1" arrival="-1" arrivalPos="-1" duration="-1" routeLength="-1" timeLoss="-1"/>
<     <personinfo id="p.4" depart="0.00" type="DEFAULT_PEDTYPE" speedFactor="1.00" duration="795.00" waitingTime="706.00" timeLoss="0.00" traveltime="89.00">
<         <ride waitingTime="706.00" vehicle="trip_0" depart="706.00" arrival="795.00" arrivalPos="191.73" duration="89.00" routeLength="1221.73" timeLoss="0.00"/>
<     </personinfo>
<     <tripinfo id="trip_0" depart="0.00" departLane="A0B0_1" departPos="0.00" departSpeed="13.89" departDelay="0.00" arrival="-1.00" arrivalLane="" arrivalPos="-1.00" arrivalSpeed="-1.00" duration="856.00" routeLength="7635.73" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="305.00" timeLoss="240.00" rerouteNo="11" devices="tripinfo_trip_0 routing_trip_0 taxi_trip_0 person_trip_0" vType="taxi_small" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized="">
<         <taxi customers="5" occupiedDistance="6108.67" occupiedTime="444.80"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
devices taxi prebooking 2persons_abort ( Last six runs Sep2024 )
devices taxi prebooking 4persons_abort ( Last six runs Sep2024 )

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : devices taxi prebooking 5persons_abort_sameTrip ( Last six runs Sep2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
< Warning: Taxi 'trip_0' aborts waiting for customers: p.3 p.4 at time=229.00.
> Warning: Person 'p.1' aborted waiting for taxi at edge 'B2C2'.
> Warning: Person 'p.2' aborted waiting for taxi at edge 'B2C2'.
> Warning: Vehicle 'trip_0' aborted waiting for a person that will never come.
---------- Differences in tripinfos ----------
<     <personinfo id="p.1" depart="0.00" type="DEFAULT_PEDTYPE" speedFactor="1.00" duration="291.00" waitingTime="202.00" timeLoss="0.00" traveltime="89.00">
<         <ride waitingTime="202.00" vehicle="trip_0" depart="202.00" arrival="291.00" arrivalPos="191.73" duration="89.00" routeLength="1221.73" timeLoss="0.00"/>
>     <personinfo id="p.1" depart="80.00" type="DEFAULT_PEDTYPE" speedFactor="1.00" duration="-1" waitingTime="242.00" timeLoss="-1" traveltime="-1">
>         <ride waitingTime="242.00" vehicle="NULL" depart="-1" arrival="-1" arrivalPos="-1" duration="-1" routeLength="-1" timeLoss="-1"/>
<     <personinfo id="p.2" depart="0.00" type="DEFAULT_PEDTYPE" speedFactor="1.00" duration="459.00" waitingTime="370.00" timeLoss="0.00" traveltime="89.00">
<         <ride waitingTime="370.00" vehicle="trip_0" depart="370.00" arrival="459.00" arrivalPos="191.73" duration="89.00" routeLength="1221.73" timeLoss="0.00"/>
>     <personinfo id="p.2" depart="160.00" type="DEFAULT_PEDTYPE" speedFactor="1.00" duration="-1" waitingTime="162.00" timeLoss="-1" traveltime="-1">
>         <ride waitingTime="162.00" vehicle="NULL" depart="-1" arrival="-1" arrivalPos="-1" duration="-1" routeLength="-1" timeLoss="-1"/>
<     <personinfo id="p.3" depart="0.00" type="DEFAULT_PEDTYPE" speedFactor="1.00" duration="627.00" waitingTime="538.00" timeLoss="0.00" traveltime="89.00">
<         <ride waitingTime="538.00" vehicle="trip_0" depart="538.00" arrival="627.00" arrivalPos="191.73" duration="89.00" routeLength="1221.73" timeLoss="0.00"/>
>     <personinfo id="p.3" depart="240.00" type="DEFAULT_PEDTYPE" speedFactor="1.00" duration="-1" waitingTime="82.00" timeLoss="-1" traveltime="-1">
>         <ride waitingTime="82.00" vehicle="NULL" depart="-1" arrival="-1" arrivalPos="-1" duration="-1" routeLength="-1" timeLoss="-1"/>
<     <personinfo id="p.4" depart="0.00" type="DEFAULT_PEDTYPE" speedFactor="1.00" duration="795.00" waitingTime="706.00" timeLoss="0.00" traveltime="89.00">
<         <ride waitingTime="706.00" vehicle="trip_0" depart="706.00" arrival="795.00" arrivalPos="191.73" duration="89.00" routeLength="1221.73" timeLoss="0.00"/>
>     <personinfo id="p.4" depart="320.00" type="DEFAULT_PEDTYPE" speedFactor="1.00" duration="-1" waitingTime="2.00" timeLoss="-1" traveltime="-1">
>         <ride waitingTime="2.00" vehicle="NULL" depart="-1" arrival="-1" arrivalPos="-1" duration="-1" routeLength="-1" timeLoss="-1"/>
<     <tripinfo id="trip_0" depart="0.00" departLane="A0B0_1" departPos="0.00" departSpeed="13.89" departDelay="0.00" arrival="-1.00" arrivalLane="" arrivalPos="-1.00" arrivalSpeed="-1.00" duration="856.00" routeLength="7635.73" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="305.00" timeLoss="240.00" rerouteNo="11" devices="tripinfo_trip_0 routing_trip_0 taxi_trip_0 person_trip_0" vType="taxi_small" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized="">
<         <taxi customers="5" occupiedDistance="6108.67" occupiedTime="444.80"/>
>     <tripinfo id="trip_0" depart="0.00" departLane="A0B0_1" departPos="0.00" departSpeed="13.89" departDelay="0.00" arrival="-1.00" arrivalLane="" arrivalPos="-1.00" arrivalSpeed="-1.00" duration="322.00" routeLength="1680.53" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="61.00" timeLoss="0.00" rerouteNo="3" devices="tripinfo_trip_0 routing_trip_0 taxi_trip_0 person_trip_0" vType="taxi_large" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized="">
>         <taxi customers="1" occupiedDistance="1221.73" occupiedTime="88.96"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : devices taxi prebooking abort_pickup ( Last six runs Sep2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
< Warning: Taxi 'trip_1' aborts waiting for customers: p0 at time=256.00.
> Warning: Taxi 'trip_1' aborts waiting for customers: p0 at time=248.00.
---------- Differences in tripinfos ----------
<     <personinfo id="p0" depart="70.00" type="DEFAULT_PEDTYPE" speedFactor="1.00" duration="89.00" waitingTime="0.00" timeLoss="0.00" traveltime="89.00">
<         <ride waitingTime="0.00" vehicle="trip_1" depart="70.00" arrival="159.00" arrivalPos="191.73" duration="89.00" routeLength="1221.73" timeLoss="0.00"/>
>     <personinfo id="p0" depart="300.00" type="DEFAULT_PEDTYPE" speedFactor="1.00" duration="-1" waitingTime="97.00" timeLoss="-1" traveltime="-1">
>         <ride waitingTime="97.00" vehicle="NULL" depart="-1" arrival="-1" arrivalPos="-1" duration="-1" routeLength="-1" timeLoss="-1"/>
<     <tripinfo id="trip_0" depart="0.00" departLane="A0B0_1" departPos="0.00" departSpeed="13.89" departDelay="0.00" arrival="-1.00" arrivalLane="" arrivalPos="-1.00" arrivalSpeed="-1.00" duration="220.00" routeLength="191.73" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="1.00" timeLoss="0.00" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_trip_0 routing_trip_0 taxi_trip_0" vType="taxi" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized="">
>     <tripinfo id="trip_0" depart="0.00" departLane="A0B0_1" departPos="0.00" departSpeed="13.89" departDelay="0.00" arrival="-1.00" arrivalLane="" arrivalPos="-1.00" arrivalSpeed="-1.00" duration="397.00" routeLength="191.73" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="1.00" timeLoss="0.00" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_trip_0 routing_trip_0 taxi_trip_0" vType="taxi" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized="">
<     <tripinfo id="trip_1" depart="0.00" departLane="A2B2_1" departPos="0.00" departSpeed="13.89" departDelay="0.00" arrival="-1.00" arrivalLane="" arrivalPos="-1.00" arrivalSpeed="-1.00" duration="220.00" routeLength="1509.33" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="62.00" timeLoss="47.00" rerouteNo="2" devices="tripinfo_trip_1 routing_trip_1 taxi_trip_1 person_trip_1" vType="taxi" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized="">
<         <taxi customers="1" occupiedDistance="1221.73" occupiedTime="88.96"/>
>     <tripinfo id="trip_1" depart="0.00" departLane="A2B2_1" departPos="0.00" departSpeed="13.89" departDelay="0.00" arrival="-1.00" arrivalLane="" arrivalPos="-1.00" arrivalSpeed="-1.00" duration="397.00" routeLength="1509.33" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="62.00" timeLoss="47.00" rerouteNo="2" devices="tripinfo_trip_1 routing_trip_1 taxi_trip_1" vType="taxi" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized="">
>         <taxi customers="0" occupiedDistance="0.00" occupiedTime="0.00"/>

2 TESTS FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba :

---------- Differences in errors ----------
< Warning: Taxi 'trip_0' aborts waiting for customers: p0 at time=254.00.
> Warning: Taxi 'trip_0' aborts waiting for customers: p0 at time=228.00.
devices taxi prebooking greedy too_late_next ( Last six runs Sep2024 )
devices taxi prebooking greedyShared too_late_next ( Last six runs Sep2024 )

2 TESTS FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba :

---------- Differences in output ----------
< Simulation ended at time: 0.00
< Performance: 
< Vehicles: 
> Simulation ended at time: 0.00.
> Performance:
> Vehicles:
junction_model indirect_left_turn internal_junction_controlled ( Last six runs Sep2024 )
junction_model indirect_left_turn internal_junction_uncontrolled ( Last six runs Sep2024 )

Detailed information for the tests that had known bugs:

TEST had known bugs (see #1044) on ts-sim-build-ba : bugs 1xxx ticket1044 ( Last six runs Sep2024 )

bug in lcModel DK2004, fixed in JE2013
(This bug was triggered by FAILING to find text in file 'output' matching 'Simulation ended at time: 16.00')
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Simulation ended at time: 16.00.
> Simulation ended at time: 17.00.

TEST had known bugs (see #1097) on ts-sim-build-ba : bugs 1xxx ticket1097 ( Last six runs Sep2024 )

vehicles use the wrong lane and thereby slow down the flow of traffic
(This bug was triggered by FAILING to find text in file 'output' matching 'Simulation ended at time: 3352.00')
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Loading net-file from 'net.net.xml'...  done ((TIME)).
> Loading net-file from 'net.net.xml' ... done ((TIME)).
< Simulation started with time: 0.00..
< Simulation ended at time: 3352.00.
> Simulation started with time: 0.00.
> Simulation ended at time: 3004.00.

TEST had known bugs (bug 1224 (NONEXISTENT)) on ts-sim-build-ba : bugs 1xxx ticket1224 ( Last six runs Sep2024 )

Failed to open URL 'https://sumo.dlr.de/trac.wsgi/ticket/1224?format=tab': HTTP Error 406: Not Acceptable.

Please make sure that bug 1224 exists
and that the configuration entry 'bug_system_location' points to the correct trac instance.
The current value is 'https://sumo.dlr.de/trac.wsgi/'.
(This bug was triggered by FAILING to find text in file 'rawdump' matching 'pos="25.00"')
---------- Differences in rawdump ----------
<             <lane id="3/1to2/1_0">
<                 <vehicle id="0" pos="350.00" speed="10.00"/>
<             </lane>
>             <vehicle id="0" pos="300.00" speed="10.00"/>
<             <lane id="3/1to2/1_0">
<                 <vehicle id="0" pos="351.00" speed="10.00"/>
<             </lane>
>             <vehicle id="0" pos="300.00" speed="10.00"/>
<             <lane id="3/1to2/1_0">
<                 <vehicle id="0" pos="352.00" speed="10.00"/>
<             </lane>
>             <vehicle id="0" pos="300.00" speed="10.00"/>
<             <lane id="3/1to2/1_0">
<                 <vehicle id="0" pos="353.00" speed="10.00"/>
<             </lane>
>             <vehicle id="0" pos="300.00" speed="10.00"/>
<             <lane id="3/1to2/1_0">
<                 <vehicle id="0" pos="354.00" speed="10.00"/>
<             </lane>
>             <vehicle id="0" pos="300.00" speed="10.00"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST had known bugs (see #3108) on ts-sim-build-ba : bugs 3xxx ticket3108 ( Last six runs Sep2024 )

invalid vehicle counts
(This bug was triggered by FAILING to find text in file 'detector' matching 'vehicleSum="60"')
---------- Differences in detector ----------
<    <interval begin="0.00" end="993.00" id="e3_0_1i" meanTravelTime="26.60" meanOverlapTravelTime="31.06" meanSpeed="7.37" meanHaltsPerVehicle="1.40" meanTimeLoss="25.94" vehicleSum="30" meanSpeedWithin="-1.00" meanHaltsPerVehicleWithin="-1.00" meanDurationWithin="-1.00" vehicleSumWithin="0" meanIntervalSpeedWithin="-1.00" meanIntervalHaltsPerVehicleWithin="-1.00" meanIntervalDurationWithin="-1.00" meanTimeLossWithin="-1.00"/>
<    <interval begin="0.00" end="993.00" id="e3_0_2i" meanTravelTime="29.82" meanOverlapTravelTime="31.16" meanSpeed="8.04" meanHaltsPerVehicle="0.67" meanTimeLoss="26.02" vehicleSum="30" meanSpeedWithin="-1.00" meanHaltsPerVehicleWithin="-1.00" meanDurationWithin="-1.00" vehicleSumWithin="0" meanIntervalSpeedWithin="-1.00" meanIntervalHaltsPerVehicleWithin="-1.00" meanIntervalDurationWithin="-1.00" meanTimeLossWithin="-1.00"/>
<    <interval begin="0.00" end="993.00" id="e3_0_3i" meanTravelTime="32.81" meanOverlapTravelTime="33.81" meanSpeed="7.18" meanHaltsPerVehicle="0.72" meanTimeLoss="28.51" vehicleSum="60" meanSpeedWithin="-1.00" meanHaltsPerVehicleWithin="-1.00" meanDurationWithin="-1.00" vehicleSumWithin="0" meanIntervalSpeedWithin="-1.00" meanIntervalHaltsPerVehicleWithin="-1.00" meanIntervalDurationWithin="-1.00" meanTimeLossWithin="-1.00"/>
<    <interval begin="0.00" end="993.00" id="e3_0_4i" meanTravelTime="-1.00" meanOverlapTravelTime="-1.00" meanSpeed="-1.00" meanHaltsPerVehicle="-1.00" meanTimeLoss="-1.00" vehicleSum="0" meanSpeedWithin="-1.00" meanHaltsPerVehicleWithin="-1.00" meanDurationWithin="-1.00" vehicleSumWithin="0" meanIntervalSpeedWithin="-1.00" meanIntervalHaltsPerVehicleWithin="-1.00" meanIntervalDurationWithin="-1.00" meanTimeLossWithin="-1.00"/>
>    <interval begin="0.00" end="977.00" id="e3_0_1i" meanTravelTime="-1.00" meanOverlapTravelTime="-1.00" meanSpeed="-1.00" meanHaltsPerVehicle="-1.00" meanTimeLoss="-1.00" vehicleSum="0" meanSpeedWithin="-1.00" meanHaltsPerVehicleWithin="-1.00" meanDurationWithin="-1.00" vehicleSumWithin="0" meanIntervalSpeedWithin="-1.00" meanIntervalHaltsPerVehicleWithin="-1.00" meanIntervalDurationWithin="-1.00" meanTimeLossWithin="-1.00"/>
>    <interval begin="0.00" end="977.00" id="e3_0_2i" meanTravelTime="-1.00" meanOverlapTravelTime="-1.00" meanSpeed="-1.00" meanHaltsPerVehicle="-1.00" meanTimeLoss="-1.00" vehicleSum="0" meanSpeedWithin="-1.00" meanHaltsPerVehicleWithin="-1.00" meanDurationWithin="-1.00" vehicleSumWithin="0" meanIntervalSpeedWithin="-1.00" meanIntervalHaltsPerVehicleWithin="-1.00" meanIntervalDurationWithin="-1.00" meanTimeLossWithin="-1.00"/>
>    <interval begin="0.00" end="977.00" id="e3_0_3i" meanTravelTime="-1.00" meanOverlapTravelTime="-1.00" meanSpeed="-1.00" meanHaltsPerVehicle="-1.00" meanTimeLoss="-1.00" vehicleSum="0" meanSpeedWithin="-1.00" meanHaltsPerVehicleWithin="-1.00" meanDurationWithin="-1.00" vehicleSumWithin="0" meanIntervalSpeedWithin="-1.00" meanIntervalHaltsPerVehicleWithin="-1.00" meanIntervalDurationWithin="-1.00" meanTimeLossWithin="-1.00"/>
>    <interval begin="0.00" end="977.00" id="e3_0_4i" meanTravelTime="-1.00" meanOverlapTravelTime="-1.00" meanSpeed="-1.00" meanHaltsPerVehicle="-1.00" meanTimeLoss="-1.00" vehicleSum="0" meanSpeedWithin="-1.00" meanHaltsPerVehicleWithin="-1.00" meanDurationWithin="-1.00" vehicleSumWithin="0" meanIntervalSpeedWithin="-1.00" meanIntervalHaltsPerVehicleWithin="-1.00" meanIntervalDurationWithin="-1.00" meanTimeLossWithin="-1.00"/>

TEST had known bugs (see #10246) on ts-sim-build-ba : devices rerouting single_edge ( Last six runs Sep2024 )

consistent handling of unreachable arrivalPos
(This bug was triggered by text found in file 'errors' matching 'Error: Vehicle '2' has no valid route')
---------- Differences in errors ----------
< Error: Vehicle '2' has no valid route. No connection between edge 'beg' and edge 'end'.
> Warning: No connection between edge 'end' and edge 'end' found.
> Warning: No route for vehicle '2' found.
> Error: Vehicle '2' has no valid route.
---------- Differences in vehroutes ----------
<     <vehicle id="1" depart="0.00" arrival="18.00">
<         <route edges="beg"/>
<     </vehicle>

2 TESTS had known bugs (see #3404) on ts-sim-build-ba :

consider via
(This bug was triggered by FAILING to find text in file 'vehroutes' matching 'route edges=.*A1toA2')
---------- Differences in vehroutes ----------
<     <vehicle id="0" depart="0.00" arrival="53.00">
>     <vehicle id="0" depart="0.00" arrival="40.00">
<             <route replacedOnEdge="" replacedAtTime="0.00" probability="0" edges="A0toB0 B0toC0 C0toD0 D0toD1 D1toC1 C1toB1 B1toA1 A1toA2 A2toB2 B2toC2 C2toD2 D2toD3"/>
<             <route edges="A0toB0 B0toB1 B1toA1 A1toA2 A2toB2 B2toC2 C2toD2 D2toD3"/>
>             <route replacedOnEdge="" reason="device.rerouting" replacedAtTime="0.00" probability="0" edges="A0toB0 B0toC0 C0toD0 D0toD1 D1toC1 C1toB1 B1toA1 A1toA2 A2toB2 B2toC2 C2toD2 D2toD3"/>
>             <route edges="A0toB0 B0toB1 B1toB2 B2toC2 C2toD2 D2toD3"/>
devices rerouting via route ( Last six runs Sep2024 )
devices rerouting via route_embedded ( Last six runs Sep2024 )

TEST had known bugs (see #14498) on ts-sim-build-ba : devices taxi bugs ticket8578 ( Last six runs Sep2024 )

idling failure
(This bug was triggered by text found in file 'errors' matching 'no next segment')
---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Warning: Idle taxi 'taxi' has no next segment to stop. time=0.00.
> Warning: No connection between edge 'a' and edge 'a' found.
> Error: Vehicle 'taxi' has no valid route from edge 'a' to stop edge 'a'.
> Quitting (on error).
---------- Differences in tripinfos ----------
<     <personinfo id="p1" depart="0.00" type="DEFAULT_PEDTYPE" speedFactor="1.01" duration="224.00" waitingTime="123.00" timeLoss="3.51" traveltime="80.00">
<         <stop duration="1.00" arrival="1.00" arrivalPos="200.00" actType="waiting"/>
<         <ride waitingTime="123.00" vehicle="taxi" depart="124.00" arrival="204.00" arrivalPos="100.00" duration="80.00" routeLength="250.20" timeLoss="3.51"/>
<         <stop duration="20.00" arrival="224.00" arrivalPos="100.00" actType="waiting"/>
<     </personinfo>
<     <tripinfo id="taxi" depart="0.00" departLane="a_0" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="-1.00" arrivalLane="" arrivalPos="-1.00" arrivalSpeed="-1.00" duration="2000.00" routeLength="395.20" waitingTime="1.00" waitingCount="1" stopTime="1960.00" timeLoss="12.38" rerouteNo="4" devices="tripinfo_taxi routing_taxi taxi_taxi person_taxi" vType="taxiType" speedFactor="1.03" vaporized="">
<         <taxi customers="2" occupiedDistance="320.30" occupiedTime="34.00"/>
>     <tripinfo id="taxi" depart="0.00" departLane="a_0" departPos="0.00" departSpeed="14.31" departDelay="0.00" arrival="-1.00" arrivalLane="" arrivalPos="-1.00" arrivalSpeed="-1.00" duration="0.00" routeLength="0.00" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="0.00" rerouteNo="2" devices="tripinfo_taxi routing_taxi taxi_taxi" vType="taxiType" speedFactor="1.03" vaporized="end">
>         <taxi customers="0" occupiedDistance="0.00" occupiedTime="0.00"/>
<     <personinfo id="p0" depart="0.00" type="DEFAULT_PEDTYPE" speedFactor="0.94" duration="-1" waitingTime="1932.00" timeLoss="-1" traveltime="-1">
<         <ride waitingTime="11.00" vehicle="taxi" depart="11.00" arrival="79.00" arrivalPos="50.00" duration="68.00" routeLength="70.10" timeLoss="4.10"/>
<         <ride waitingTime="1921.00" vehicle="NULL" depart="-1" arrival="-1" arrivalPos="-1" duration="-1" routeLength="-1" timeLoss="-1"/>
>     <personinfo id="p0" depart="0.00" type="DEFAULT_PEDTYPE" speedFactor="0.94" duration="-1" waitingTime="-1" timeLoss="-1" traveltime="-1">
>         <ride waitingTime="0.00" vehicle="NULL" depart="-1" arrival="-1" arrivalPos="-1" duration="-1" routeLength="-1" timeLoss="-1"/>
>         <ride waitingTime="-1" vehicle="NULL" depart="-1" arrival="-1" arrivalPos="-1" duration="-1" routeLength="-1" timeLoss="-1"/>
>     </personinfo>
>     <personinfo id="p1" depart="0.00" type="DEFAULT_PEDTYPE" speedFactor="1.01" duration="-1" waitingTime="-1" timeLoss="-1" traveltime="-1">
>         <stop duration="-1" arrival="-0.00" arrivalPos="200.00" actType="waiting"/>
>         <ride waitingTime="-1" vehicle="NULL" depart="-1" arrival="-1" arrivalPos="-1" duration="-1" routeLength="-1" timeLoss="-1"/>
>         <stop duration="-1" arrival="-0.00" arrivalPos="100.00" actType="waiting"/>
---------- New result in exitcode ----------

TEST had known bugs (see #14825) on ts-sim-build-ba : devices taxi idling stop reuse_stop_laneEnd ( Last six runs Sep2024 )

end of work not recognized for non-parking idle stop
(This bug was triggered by FAILING to find text in file 'errors' matching 'reaches scheduled end of service')
---------- Differences in errors ----------
< Warning: Taxi 'trip_0' reaches scheduled end of service at time=400.00.
---------- Differences in tripinfos ----------
<     <personinfo id="p0" depart="0.00" type="DEFAULT_PEDTYPE" speedFactor="1.00" duration="231.00" waitingTime="48.00" timeLoss="22.71" traveltime="183.00">
<         <ride waitingTime="48.00" vehicle="trip_0" depart="48.00" arrival="231.00" arrivalPos="287.60" duration="183.00" routeLength="1370.28" timeLoss="22.71"/>
>     <personinfo id="p0" depart="0.00" type="DEFAULT_PEDTYPE" speedFactor="1.00" duration="122.00" waitingTime="34.15" timeLoss="0.00" traveltime="87.86">
>         <ride waitingTime="34.15" vehicle="trip_0" depart="34.15" arrival="122.00" arrivalPos="191.73" duration="87.86" routeLength="1221.73" timeLoss="0.00"/>
<     <personinfo id="p1" depart="0.00" type="DEFAULT_PEDTYPE" speedFactor="1.00" duration="232.00" waitingTime="48.00" timeLoss="22.71" traveltime="184.00">
<         <ride waitingTime="48.00" vehicle="trip_0" depart="48.00" arrival="232.00" arrivalPos="287.60" duration="184.00" routeLength="1370.28" timeLoss="22.71"/>
>     <personinfo id="p1" depart="0.00" type="DEFAULT_PEDTYPE" speedFactor="1.00" duration="122.00" waitingTime="34.15" timeLoss="0.00" traveltime="87.86">
>         <ride waitingTime="34.15" vehicle="trip_0" depart="34.15" arrival="122.00" arrivalPos="191.73" duration="87.86" routeLength="1221.73" timeLoss="0.00"/>
<     <tripinfo id="trip_0" depart="0.00" departLane="A0B0_1" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="401.00" arrivalLane="A0B0_1" arrivalPos="287.60" arrivalSpeed="1.99" duration="401.00" routeLength="1866.54" waitingTime="4.00" waitingCount="2" stopTime="230.00" timeLoss="32.62" rerouteNo="2" devices="vehroute_trip_0 tripinfo_trip_0 routing_trip_0 taxi_trip_0 person_trip_0" vType="taxi" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized="">
<         <taxi customers="2" occupiedDistance="1370.28" occupiedTime="185.00"/>
<     </tripinfo>
---------- Differences in vehroutes ----------
<     <person id="p0" depart="0.00" arrival="231.00">
<         <ride from="B2C2" to="A0B0" arrivalPos="287.60" lines="taxi"/>
>     <person id="p0" depart="0.00" arrival="122.00">
>         <ride from="B2C2" to="A0B0" arrivalPos="191.73" lines="taxi"/>
<     <person id="p1" depart="0.00" arrival="232.00">
<         <ride from="B2C2" to="A0B0" arrivalPos="287.60" lines="taxi"/>
>     <person id="p1" depart="0.00" arrival="122.00">
>         <ride from="B2C2" to="A0B0" arrivalPos="191.73" lines="taxi"/>
<     <vehicle id="trip_0" type="taxi" depart="0.00" arrival="401.00">
<         <routeDistribution>
<             <route replacedOnEdge="A0B0" reason="taxi:prepare_dispatch" replacedAtTime="0.00" probability="0" edges="A0B0 B0C0"/>
<             <route replacedOnEdge="A0B0" reason="taxi:dispatch" replacedAtTime="0.00" probability="0" edges="A0B0 B2C2 A0B0"/>
<             <route edges="A0B0 B0B1 B1B2 B2C2 C2C1 C1B1 B1A1 A1A0 A0B0"/>
<         </routeDistribution>
<         <stop lane="B2C2_1" permitted="p0 p1" actType="pickup p0 p1 (0)"/>
<         <stop lane="A0B0_1" actType="dropOff p0 p1 (0)"/>
<     </vehicle>

TEST had known bugs (see #2622) on ts-sim-build-ba : extended rerouter closingLaneReroute closingLane ( Last six runs Sep2024 )

flow should be reduced
(This bug was triggered by FAILING to find text in file 'output' matching 'time: 342.00')
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Simulation ended at time: 288.00
> Simulation ended at time: 288.00.
< Performance: 
< Vehicles: 
> Performance:
> Vehicles:

TEST had known bugs (see #2622) on ts-sim-build-ba : extended rerouter closingLaneReroute closingLane_all ( Last six runs Sep2024 )

flow should be reduced
(This bug was triggered by FAILING to find text in file 'output' matching 'time: 342.00')
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Simulation ended at time: 283.00
> Simulation ended at time: 283.00.
< Performance: 
< Vehicles: 
> Performance:
> Vehicles:

TEST had known bugs (see #2622) on ts-sim-build-ba : extended rerouter closingLaneReroute closingLane_with_rerouting ( Last six runs Sep2024 )

flow should be reduced
(This bug was triggered by FAILING to find text in file 'output' matching 'time: 342.00')
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Simulation ended at time: 130.00
> Simulation ended at time: 130.00.
< Performance: 
< Vehicles: 
> Performance:
> Vehicles:

TEST had known bugs (see #14496) on ts-sim-build-ba : extended rerouter closing_disallows_dest ( Last six runs Sep2024 )

rerouting only triggered on entering rerouter edge
(This bug was triggered by FAILING to find text in file 'errors' matching 'veh0')
---------- Differences in errors ----------
< Warning: Vehicle 'veh0' is not allowed on destination edge 'left'.
< Warning: No route for vehicle 'veh0' found.

TEST had known bugs (see #14208) on ts-sim-build-ba : extended rerouter person destProb ( Last six runs Sep2024 )

meandata for meso persons not working
(This bug was triggered by text found in file 'aggregated' matching '<edge id="end" arrived="0"')
---------- Differences in aggregated ----------
<     <interval begin="0.00" end="283.00" id="ed0">
<         <edge id="left" arrived="41"/>
<         <edge id="middle" arrived="29"/>
<         <edge id="right" arrived="30"/>
>     <interval begin="0.00" end="1358.00" id="ed0">
>         <edge id="beg" arrived="0"/>
>         <edge id="beg2left" arrived="0"/>
>         <edge id="beg2right" arrived="0"/>
>         <edge id="end" arrived="0"/>
>         <edge id="left" arrived="0"/>
>         <edge id="left2end" arrived="0"/>
>         <edge id="middle" arrived="0"/>
>         <edge id="rend" arrived="0"/>
>         <edge id="right" arrived="0"/>
>         <edge id="right2end" arrived="0"/>

TEST had known bugs (see #14208) on ts-sim-build-ba : extended rerouter person optional ( Last six runs Sep2024 )

meandata for meso persons not working
(This bug was triggered by text found in file 'aggregated' matching '<edge id="end" arrived="0"')
---------- Differences in aggregated ----------
<     <interval begin="0.00" end="283.00" id="ed0">
<         <edge id="left" arrived="41"/>
<         <edge id="middle" arrived="29"/>
<         <edge id="right" arrived="30"/>
>     <interval begin="0.00" end="2071.00" id="ed0">
>         <edge id="beg" arrived="0" entered="0"/>
>         <edge id="beg2left" arrived="0" entered="0"/>
>         <edge id="beg2right" arrived="0" entered="0"/>
>         <edge id="end" arrived="0" entered="0"/>
>         <edge id="left" arrived="0" entered="0"/>
>         <edge id="left2end" arrived="0" entered="0"/>
>         <edge id="middle" arrived="0" entered="0"/>
>         <edge id="rend" arrived="0" entered="0"/>
>         <edge id="right" arrived="0" entered="0"/>
>         <edge id="right2end" arrived="0" entered="0"/>

TEST had known bugs (see #14208) on ts-sim-build-ba : extended rerouter person viaProb ( Last six runs Sep2024 )

meandata for meso persons not working
(This bug was triggered by text found in file 'aggregated' matching '<edge id="end" arrived="0"')
---------- Differences in aggregated ----------
<     <interval begin="0.00" end="283.00" id="ed0">
<         <edge id="left" arrived="41"/>
<         <edge id="middle" arrived="29"/>
<         <edge id="right" arrived="30"/>
>     <interval begin="0.00" end="2086.00" id="ed0">
>         <edge id="beg" arrived="0" entered="0"/>
>         <edge id="beg2left" arrived="0" entered="0"/>
>         <edge id="beg2right" arrived="0" entered="0"/>
>         <edge id="end" arrived="0" entered="0"/>
>         <edge id="left" arrived="0" entered="0"/>
>         <edge id="left2end" arrived="0" entered="0"/>
>         <edge id="middle" arrived="0" entered="0"/>
>         <edge id="rend" arrived="0" entered="0"/>
>         <edge id="right" arrived="0" entered="0"/>
>         <edge id="right2end" arrived="0" entered="0"/>

TEST had known bugs (see #6928) on ts-sim-build-ba : rail rail_signal siding_deadend ( Last six runs Sep2024 )

routing error
(This bug was triggered by text found in file 'errors' matching 'Warning: No connection between edge 'gneE2' and edge '-gneE0' found')
---------- Differences in errors ----------
< Warning: Railway routing failure due to turn-around on short edge 'gneE2' for vehicle 't0' time=0.00.
> Warning: No connection between edge 'gneE2' and edge '-gneE0' found.
> Warning: No route for vehicle 't0' found.
> Error: Vehicle 't0' has no valid route.
> Quitting (on error).
---------- Differences in railsignalblocks ----------
<         <link linkIndex="0" from="-gneE1_0" to="-gneE0_0">
<             <driveWay edges="-gneE0">
<                 <forward lanes="-gneE0_0"/>
<                 <bidi lanes="gneE0_0"/>
<                 <flank lanes=""/>
<                 <protectingSwitches links=""/>
<                 <conflictLinks signals=""/>
<             </driveWay>
<         </link>
<         <link linkIndex="1" from="gneE0_0" to="gneE1_0">
<             <driveWay edges="gneE1 gneE2">
<                 <forward lanes="gneE1_0 gneE2_0"/>
<                 <bidi lanes="-gneE1_0 -gneE2_0"/>
<                 <flank lanes="-gneE3_0"/>
<                 <protectingSwitches links=""/>
<                 <conflictLinks signals=""/>
<             </driveWay>
<         </link>
>         <link linkIndex="0" from="-gneE1_0" to="-gneE0_0"/>
>         <link linkIndex="1" from="gneE0_0" to="gneE1_0"/>
---------- Differences in vehroutes ----------
<     <vehicle id="t0" type="train" depart="0.00" arrival="42.00">
<         <route edges="gneE0 gneE1 gneE3 -gneE3 -gneE1 -gneE0"/>
<     </vehicle>
<     <vehicle id="t1" type="train" depart="100.00" arrival="142.00">
<         <route edges="gneE0 gneE1 gneE3 -gneE3 -gneE1 -gneE0"/>
<     </vehicle>
---------- New result in exitcode ----------

TEST had known bugs (see #6928) on ts-sim-build-ba : rail routing reverse_on_short_start ( Last six runs Sep2024 )

routing failure
(This bug was triggered by text found in file 'errors' matching 'Warning: No connection between edge 'gneE2' and edge '-gneE0' found.')
---------- Differences in errors ----------
< Warning: Railway routing failure due to turn-around on short edge 'gneE2' for vehicle 't0' time=0.00.
> Warning: No connection between edge 'gneE2' and edge '-gneE0' found.
> Warning: No route for vehicle 't0' found.
> Error: Vehicle 't0' has no valid route.
> Quitting (on error).
---------- Differences in railsignalblocks ----------
<         <link linkIndex="0" from="-gneE1_0" to="-gneE0_0">
<             <driveWay edges="-gneE0">
<                 <forward lanes="-gneE0_0"/>
<                 <bidi lanes="gneE0_0"/>
<                 <flank lanes=""/>
<                 <protectingSwitches links=""/>
<                 <conflictLinks signals=""/>
<             </driveWay>
<         </link>
<         <link linkIndex="1" from="gneE0_0" to="gneE1_0">
<             <driveWay edges="gneE1 gneE2">
<                 <forward lanes="gneE1_0 gneE2_0"/>
<                 <bidi lanes="-gneE1_0 -gneE2_0"/>
<                 <flank lanes="-gneE3_0"/>
<                 <protectingSwitches links=""/>
<                 <conflictLinks signals=""/>
<             </driveWay>
<         </link>
>         <link linkIndex="0" from="-gneE1_0" to="-gneE0_0"/>
>         <link linkIndex="1" from="gneE0_0" to="gneE1_0"/>
---------- Differences in vehroutes ----------
<     <vehicle id="t0" type="train" depart="0.00" arrival="28.00">
<         <route edges="gneE3 -gneE3 -gneE1 -gneE0"/>
<     </vehicle>
---------- New result in exitcode ----------

Detailed information for the tests that were terminated before completion:

TEST were terminated before completion (TIMEOUT) on ts-sim-build-ba : devices taxi personTrip pickup_ptStops_longTaxiWait ( Last six runs Sep2024 )

Test exceeded wallclock time limit of 300.0 seconds
---------- Differences in errors ----------
< Warning: Vehicle 'trip_0' aborted waiting for a person that will never come.
< Warning: Vehicle 'trip_1' aborted waiting for a person that will never come.
---------- Differences in vehroutes ----------
> <!-- generated on 2024-09-02 10:01:11 by Eclipse SUMO GUI Version v1_20_0+1821-fef78581e33
> This data file and the accompanying materials
> are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v2.0
> which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
> http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v20.html
> This file may also be made available under the following Secondary
> Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the Eclipse
> Public License 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License, version 2
> or later which is available at
> https://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0-standalone.html
> SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0-or-later
> <sumoConfiguration xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/sumoConfiguration.xsd">
< <routes xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/routes_file.xsd">
<     <person id="p0" depart="0.00" arrival="930.00">
<         <walk edges="A1B1 C1B1 C1D1 E1D1 E1F1"/>
<     </person>
>     <input>
>         <net-file value="net.net.xml"/>
>         <route-files value="input_routes.rou.xml"/>
>         <additional-files value="input_additional.add.xml"/>
>     </input>
< </routes>
>     <output>
>         <write-license value="true"/>
>         <vehroute-output value="vehroutes.xml"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>