texttest -a sumo -d /home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tests -reconnect /home/delphi/extraGcc/texttesttmp/extra_gcc4_64.31Dec091945.2925282 -g
texttest -a sumo -d /home/delphi/extraGcc/sumo/tests
---------- Differences in output ---------- 6,9c6,13 < DijkstraRouter answered 269 queries and explored 2.00 edges on average. < DijkstraRouter spent (TIME) answering queries ((TIME) on average). < DijkstraRouter answered 139 queries and explored 2.00 edges on average. < DijkstraRouter spent (TIME) answering queries ((TIME) on average). --- > Statistics (avg of 300): > RouteLength: 1395.00 > Speed: 12.79 > Duration: 109.06 > WaitingTime: 0.01 > TimeLoss: 8.19 > DepartDelay: 223.85 > 12a17,20 > DijkstraRouter spent (TIME) answering queries ((TIME) on average). > DijkstraRouter answered 204 queries and explored 2.00 edges on average. > DijkstraRouter spent (TIME) answering queries ((TIME) on average). > DijkstraRouter answered 204 queries and explored 2.00 edges on average.
---------- Differences in output ---------- 5c5 < Simulation ended at time: 792.00 --- > Simulation ended at time: 790.00 22c22 < DijkstraRouter answered 65 queries and explored 24.94 edges on average. --- > DijkstraRouter answered 65 queries and explored 23.94 edges on average.
---------- Differences in output ---------- 11c11 < Statistics (avg): --- > Statistics (avg of 150): 13,16c13,17 < Duration: 164.18 < WaitingTime: 22.60 < TimeLoss: 92.58 < DepartDelay: 60.14 --- > Speed: 6.02 > Duration: 164.27 > WaitingTime: 22.59 > TimeLoss: 92.67 > DepartDelay: 60.05
---------- Differences in output ---------- 5c5 < Simulation ended at time: 741.00 --- > Simulation ended at time: 739.00 12c12 < Statistics (avg): --- > Statistics (avg of 10): 14c14,15 < Duration: 562.30 --- > Speed: 1.01 > Duration: 560.30
---------- Differences in output ---------- 6c6,8 < DijkstraRouter answered 2 queries and explored 3.00 edges on average. --- > DijkstraRouter answered 1 queries and explored 3.00 edges on average. > DijkstraRouter spent (TIME) answering queries ((TIME) on average). > DijkstraRouter answered 1 queries and explored 3.00 edges on average.
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 0a1,5 > Error: Request lateral offset of vehicle '1.50' for invalid lane ':C_1_0' > Warning: Request backPos of vehicle '1.72' for invalid lane ':C_1_0' time=428.10. > Warning: Request backPos of vehicle '1.80' for invalid lane ':C_1_0' time=488.20. > Warning: Request backPos of vehicle '1.100' for invalid lane ':C_1_0' time=577.60. > Error: Request lateral offset of vehicle '1.128' for invalid lane ':C_1_0' ---------- Differences in tripinfos ---------- 5c5 < <tripinfo id="0" depart="0.00" departLane="SC_0" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="13.89" departDelay="0.00" arrival="1353.90" arrivalLane="CS_0" arrivalPos="89.60" arrivalSpeed="7.20" duration="1353.90" routeLength="4347.55" waitingTime="438.10" waitingCount="14" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="1040.87" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_0" vType="default" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/> --- > <tripinfo id="0" depart="0.00" departLane="SC_0" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="13.89" departDelay="0.00" arrival="1356.40" arrivalLane="CS_0" arrivalPos="89.60" arrivalSpeed="6.79" duration="1356.40" routeLength="4347.55" waitingTime="438.30" waitingCount="14" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="1043.20" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_0" vType="default" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/>
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 0a1,2 > Error: Request lateral offset of vehicle '1.47' for invalid lane ':C_1_0' > Error: Request lateral offset of vehicle '1.149' for invalid lane ':C_1_0'
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 26d25 < Warning: Vehicle 'high.122' performs emergency braking on lane 'middle_1' with decel=9.00, wished=4.50, severity=1.00, time=230.00. 28a28 > Warning: Vehicle 'high.122' performs emergency braking on lane 'middle_1' with decel=9.00, wished=4.50, severity=1.00, time=230.00. 39d38 < Warning: Vehicle 'high.172' performs emergency braking on lane 'jam_1' with decel=9.00, wished=4.50, severity=1.00, time=349.00. 40a40 > Warning: Vehicle 'high.172' performs emergency braking on lane 'jam_1' with decel=9.00, wished=4.50, severity=1.00, time=349.00. 177d176 < Warning: Vehicle 'high.599' performs emergency braking on lane 'jam_1' with decel=9.00, wished=4.50, severity=1.00, time=1242.00. 178a178 > Warning: Vehicle 'high.599' performs emergency braking on lane 'jam_1' with decel=9.00, wished=4.50, severity=1.00, time=1242.00.
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 48d47 < Warning: Vehicle '0.232' performs emergency braking on lane '5/1to6/1_0' with decel=9.00, wished=4.50, severity=1.00, time=2015.00. 49a49 > Warning: Vehicle '0.232' performs emergency braking on lane '5/1to6/1_0' with decel=9.00, wished=4.50, severity=1.00, time=2015.00. 99d98 < Warning: Vehicle '0.256' performs emergency braking on lane '6/1to7/1_0' with decel=9.00, wished=4.50, severity=1.00, time=2214.00. 100a100 > Warning: Vehicle '0.256' performs emergency braking on lane '6/1to7/1_0' with decel=9.00, wished=4.50, severity=1.00, time=2214.00. 122d121 < Warning: Vehicle '0.238' performs emergency braking on lane '7/1to8/1_0' with decel=9.00, wished=4.50, severity=1.00, time=2256.00. 123a123 > Warning: Vehicle '0.238' performs emergency braking on lane '7/1to8/1_0' with decel=9.00, wished=4.50, severity=1.00, time=2256.00. 173d172 < Warning: Vehicle '0.90' performs emergency braking on lane '5/1to6/1_0' with decel=9.00, wished=4.50, severity=1.00, time=2417.00. 175c174 < Warning: Vehicle '0.174' performs emergency braking on lane '5/1to6/1_0' with decel=9.00, wished=4.50, severity=1.00, time=2418.00. --- > Warning: Vehicle '0.90' performs emergency braking on lane '5/1to6/1_0' with decel=9.00, wished=4.50, severity=1.00, time=2417.00. 176a176 > Warning: Vehicle '0.174' performs emergency braking on lane '5/1to6/1_0' with decel=9.00, wished=4.50, severity=1.00, time=2418.00. 214d213 < Warning: Vehicle '0.124' performs emergency braking on lane '4/1to5/1_0' with decel=9.00, wished=4.50, severity=1.00, time=2516.00. 215a215 > Warning: Vehicle '0.124' performs emergency braking on lane '4/1to5/1_0' with decel=9.00, wished=4.50, severity=1.00, time=2516.00. 294d293 < Warning: Vehicle '0.35' performs emergency braking on lane '4/1to5/1_0' with decel=9.00, wished=4.50, severity=1.00, time=2983.00. 296c295 < Warning: Vehicle '0.36' performs emergency braking on lane '4/1to5/1_0' with decel=9.00, wished=4.50, severity=1.00, time=2984.00. --- > Warning: Vehicle '0.35' performs emergency braking on lane '4/1to5/1_0' with decel=9.00, wished=4.50, severity=1.00, time=2983.00. <truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in tripinfos ---------- 11c11 < <tripinfo id="right2" depart="37.00" departLane="SC_0" departPos="0.00" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="102.00" arrivalLane="CN_0" arrivalPos="91.95" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="65.00" routeLength="200.00" waitingTime="42.00" waitingCount="2" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="49.81" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_right2" vType="right" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/> --- > <tripinfo id="right2" depart="37.00" departLane="SC_0" departPos="0.00" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="102.00" arrivalLane="CN_0" arrivalPos="91.95" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="65.00" routeLength="200.00" waitingTime="41.00" waitingCount="2" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="49.81" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_right2" vType="right" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/>
---------- Differences in tripinfos ---------- 11c11 < <tripinfo id="left1" depart="35.00" departLane="SC_1" departPos="0.00" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="100.00" arrivalLane="CN_1" arrivalPos="91.95" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="65.00" routeLength="200.00" waitingTime="44.00" waitingCount="1" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="49.64" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_left1" vType="left" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/> --- > <tripinfo id="left1" depart="35.00" departLane="SC_1" departPos="0.00" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="100.00" arrivalLane="CN_1" arrivalPos="91.95" arrivalPosLat="0.70" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="65.00" routeLength="200.00" waitingTime="44.00" waitingCount="1" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="49.64" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_left1" vType="left@left1" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/>
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 1c1,3 < Warning: Vehicle 'case_1_ladder'; junction collision with vehicle 'from_west.1', lane=':junc4_19_0', gap=-1.60', latGap=-1.34, time=70.80 stage=move. --- > Warning: Vehicle 'case_1_ladder'; junction collision with vehicle 'from_west.4', lane=':junc4_19_0', gap=-1.60', latGap=-0.62, time=67.60 stage=move. > Warning: Vehicle 'from_east.11'; junction collision with vehicle 'from_west.4', lane=':junc4_7_1', gap=-1.00', latGap=0.00, time=69.80 stage=move. > Warning: Vehicle 'from_west.4'; junction collision with vehicle 'from_east.11', lane=':junc4_19_0', gap=-1.00', latGap=0.00, time=70.00 stage=move. ---------- Differences in tripinfos ---------- 5c5 < <tripinfo id="case_1_engine" depart="20.00" departLane="edge_5_0" departPos="8.10" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="92.60" arrivalLane="edge_0_1" arrivalPos="488.32" arrivalPosLat="-0.69" arrivalSpeed="19.55" duration="72.60" routeLength="990.47" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="21.93" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_case_1_engine bluelight_case_1_engine" vType="engine" speedFactor="1.40" vaporized=""> --- > <tripinfo id="case_1_engine" depart="20.00" departLane="edge_5_0" departPos="8.10" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="97.80" arrivalLane="edge_0_1" arrivalPos="488.32" arrivalPosLat="-0.73" arrivalSpeed="19.51" duration="77.80" routeLength="990.47" waitingTime="1.00" waitingCount="1" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="27.14" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_case_1_engine bluelight_case_1_engine" vType="engine" speedFactor="1.40" vaporized=""> 8c8 < <tripinfo id="case_1_ladder" depart="24.40" departLane="edge_5_0" departPos="10.10" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="4.40" arrival="113.80" arrivalLane="edge_0_1" arrivalPos="488.32" arrivalPosLat="-0.67" arrivalSpeed="19.56" duration="89.40" routeLength="988.47" waitingTime="5.40" waitingCount="1" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="38.82" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_case_1_ladder bluelight_case_1_ladder" vType="ladder" speedFactor="1.40" vaporized=""> --- > <tripinfo id="case_1_ladder" depart="24.40" departLane="edge_5_0" departPos="10.10" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="4.40" arrival="130.60" arrivalLane="edge_0_1" arrivalPos="488.32" arrivalPosLat="-0.67" arrivalSpeed="19.60" duration="106.20" routeLength="988.47" waitingTime="20.40" waitingCount="1" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="55.64" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_case_1_ladder bluelight_case_1_ladder" vType="ladder" speedFactor="1.40" vaporized="">
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 1c1 < Warning: Vehicle 'case_1_ladder'; junction collision with vehicle 'from_west.1', lane=':junc4_19_0', gap=-1.60', latGap=-0.46, time=71.80 stage=move. --- > Warning: Vehicle 'case_1_ladder'; junction collision with vehicle 'from_west.1', lane=':junc4_19_0', gap=-1.60', latGap=-0.46, time=72.00 stage=move. ---------- Differences in tripinfos ---------- 8c8 < <tripinfo id="case_1_ladder" depart="24.40" departLane="edge_5_0" departPos="10.10" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="4.40" arrival="116.00" arrivalLane="edge_0_1" arrivalPos="488.32" arrivalPosLat="-0.67" arrivalSpeed="19.51" duration="91.60" routeLength="988.47" waitingTime="5.80" waitingCount="1" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="41.07" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_case_1_ladder bluelight_case_1_ladder" vType="ladder" speedFactor="1.40" vaporized=""> --- > <tripinfo id="case_1_ladder" depart="24.40" departLane="edge_5_0" departPos="10.10" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="4.40" arrival="116.00" arrivalLane="edge_0_1" arrivalPos="488.32" arrivalPosLat="-0.67" arrivalSpeed="19.51" duration="91.60" routeLength="988.47" waitingTime="5.80" waitingCount="1" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="41.05" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_case_1_ladder bluelight_case_1_ladder" vType="ladder" speedFactor="1.40" vaporized="">
---------- Differences in fcd ---------- 302c302 < <vehicle id="flow.1" x="101.65" y="144.41" angle="0.00" type="t0" speed="13.56" pos="36.36" lane="CN_1" slope="0.00"/> --- > <vehicle id="flow.1" x="101.65" y="144.74" angle="0.00" type="t0" speed="13.89" pos="36.69" lane="CN_1" slope="0.00"/> 306c306 < <vehicle id="flow.1" x="101.65" y="158.30" angle="0.00" type="t0" speed="13.89" pos="50.25" lane="CN_1" slope="0.00"/> --- > <vehicle id="flow.1" x="101.65" y="158.33" angle="0.00" type="t0" speed="13.59" pos="50.28" lane="CN_1" slope="0.00"/> 310,311c310,311 < <vehicle id="flow.1" x="101.65" y="172.15" angle="0.00" type="t0" speed="13.85" pos="64.10" lane="CN_1" slope="0.00"/> < <vehicle id="flow.2" x="101.65" y="141.92" angle="0.00" type="t0" speed="13.67" pos="33.87" lane="CN_1" slope="0.00"/> --- > <vehicle id="flow.1" x="101.65" y="172.13" angle="0.00" type="t0" speed="13.81" pos="64.08" lane="CN_1" slope="0.00"/> > <vehicle id="flow.2" x="101.65" y="141.95" angle="0.00" type="t0" speed="13.70" pos="33.90" lane="CN_1" slope="0.00"/> 314,315c314,315 < <vehicle id="flow.1" x="101.65" y="185.69" angle="0.00" type="t0" speed="13.54" pos="77.64" lane="CN_1" slope="0.00"/> < <vehicle id="flow.2" x="101.65" y="155.56" angle="0.00" type="t0" speed="13.64" pos="47.51" lane="CN_1" slope="0.00"/> --- > <vehicle id="flow.1" x="101.65" y="185.16" angle="0.00" type="t0" speed="13.03" pos="77.11" lane="CN_1" slope="0.00"/> > <vehicle id="flow.2" x="101.65" y="155.51" angle="0.00" type="t0" speed="13.56" pos="47.46" lane="CN_1" slope="0.00"/> 318,319c318,319 < <vehicle id="flow.1" x="101.65" y="198.90" angle="0.00" type="t0" speed="13.21" pos="90.85" lane="CN_1" slope="0.00"/> < <vehicle id="flow.2" x="101.65" y="169.29" angle="0.00" type="t0" speed="13.73" pos="61.24" lane="CN_1" slope="0.00"/> --- > <vehicle id="flow.1" x="101.65" y="199.05" angle="0.00" type="t0" speed="13.89" pos="91.00" lane="CN_1" slope="0.00"/> > <vehicle id="flow.2" x="101.65" y="168.87" angle="0.00" type="t0" speed="13.36" pos="60.82" lane="CN_1" slope="0.00"/> 322,323c322,323 < <vehicle id="flow.1" x="95.05" y="192.54" angle="180.00" type="t0" speed="13.38" pos="7.46" lane="NC_0" slope="0.00"/> < <vehicle id="flow.2" x="101.65" y="183.18" angle="0.00" type="t0" speed="13.89" pos="75.13" lane="CN_1" slope="0.00"/> --- <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in tripinfos ---------- 6,7c6,7 < <tripinfo id="flow.1" depart="36.00" departLane="SC_0" departPos="91.85" departSpeed="0.10" departDelay="0.00" arrival="121.00" arrivalLane="WC_1" arrivalPos="91.95" arrivalSpeed="13.79" duration="85.00" routeLength="398.64" waitingTime="53.00" waitingCount="1" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="55.66" rerouteNo="1" devices="tripinfo_flow.1 routing_flow.1 fcd_flow.1 friction_flow.1" vType="t0" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="flow.2" depart="72.00" departLane="SC_0" departPos="58.19" departSpeed="13.89" departDelay="0.00" arrival="123.00" arrivalLane="WC_1" arrivalPos="91.95" arrivalSpeed="13.80" duration="51.00" routeLength="432.30" waitingTime="13.00" waitingCount="1" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="19.29" rerouteNo="1" devices="tripinfo_flow.2 routing_flow.2 fcd_flow.2 friction_flow.2" vType="t0" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/> --- > <tripinfo id="flow.1" depart="36.00" departLane="SC_0" departPos="91.85" departSpeed="0.10" departDelay="0.00" arrival="121.00" arrivalLane="WC_1" arrivalPos="91.95" arrivalSpeed="13.79" duration="85.00" routeLength="398.64" waitingTime="53.00" waitingCount="1" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="55.62" rerouteNo="1" devices="tripinfo_flow.1 routing_flow.1 fcd_flow.1 friction_flow.1" vType="t0" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/> > <tripinfo id="flow.2" depart="72.00" departLane="SC_0" departPos="58.19" departSpeed="13.89" departDelay="0.00" arrival="123.00" arrivalLane="WC_1" arrivalPos="91.95" arrivalSpeed="13.80" duration="51.00" routeLength="432.30" waitingTime="13.00" waitingCount="1" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="19.32" rerouteNo="1" devices="tripinfo_flow.2 routing_flow.2 fcd_flow.2 friction_flow.2" vType="t0" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/>
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 0a1 > Warning: Adapting number of routing threads to number of simulation threads.devices rerouting parallel public_walk ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
---------- Differences in output ---------- 15,17c15,18 < Statistics (avg): < RouteLength: 1285.91 < Duration: 131.80 --- > Statistics (avg of 4): > RouteLength: 1419.43 > Speed: 11.09 > Duration: 128.00 19c20,27 < TimeLoss: 21.09 --- > TimeLoss: 23.75 > Bike Statistics (avg of 1): > RouteLength: 751.85 > Speed: 5.05 > Duration: 149.00 > WaitingTime: 1.00 > TimeLoss: 13.67 > Statistics (avg of 5): 22c30 < RouteLength: 502.13 --- > RouteLength: 503.06 24c32 < TimeLoss: 40.47 --- > TimeLoss: 39.79 26,29c34,36 < WaitingTime: 89.50 <truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ---------- 4c4 < Simulation ended at time: 6233.00 --- > Simulation ended at time: 6238.00 11c11 < Statistics (avg): --- > Statistics (avg of 1800): 13,16c13,17 < Duration: 86.24 < WaitingTime: 41.44 < TimeLoss: 61.01 < DepartDelay: 1242.71 --- > Speed: 5.53 > Duration: 82.69 > WaitingTime: 39.38 > TimeLoss: 57.47 > DepartDelay: 1261.45 18c19 < DijkstraRouter answered 3350 queries and explored 4.00 edges on average. --- > DijkstraRouter answered 1703 queries and explored 4.00 edges on average. 20c21 < DijkstraRouter answered 66 queries and explored 4.00 edges on average. --- > DijkstraRouter answered 35 queries and explored 4.00 edges on average. 22c23 < DijkstraRouter answered 65 queries and explored 4.00 edges on average. --- <truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ---------- 11c11 < Statistics (avg): --- > Statistics (avg of 1800): 12a13 > Speed: 3.82
---------- Differences in output ---------- 4c4 < Simulation ended at time: 4170.00 --- > Simulation ended at time: 4210.00 11,16c11,17 < Statistics (avg): < RouteLength: 3720.60 < Duration: 414.96 < WaitingTime: 89.35 < TimeLoss: 142.98 < DepartDelay: 0.05 --- > Statistics (avg of 900): > RouteLength: 3711.11 > Speed: 9.31 > Duration: 405.50 > WaitingTime: 84.21 > TimeLoss: 134.21 > DepartDelay: 0.07 18c19 < DijkstraRouter answered 1936 queries and explored 176.21 edges on average. --- > DijkstraRouter answered 1924 queries and explored 170.54 edges on average. 20c21 < DijkstraRouter answered 883 queries and explored 110.36 edges on average. --- > DijkstraRouter answered 868 queries and explored 112.56 edges on average. 22c23 < DijkstraRouter answered 611 queries and explored 87.25 edges on average. --- <truncated after showing first 30 lines>devices rerouting reroute_congestions exit_times ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
---------- Differences in output ---------- 20c20,22 < DijkstraRouter answered 355 queries and explored 9.19 edges on average. --- > DijkstraRouter answered 200 queries and explored 9.21 edges on average. > DijkstraRouter spent (TIME) answering queries ((TIME) on average). > DijkstraRouter answered 155 queries and explored 9.15 edges on average.
---------- Differences in output ---------- 20c20,22 < DijkstraRouter answered 355 queries and explored 10.01 edges on average. --- > DijkstraRouter answered 200 queries and explored 10.01 edges on average. > DijkstraRouter spent (TIME) answering queries ((TIME) on average). > DijkstraRouter answered 155 queries and explored 10.01 edges on average.
---------- Differences in output ---------- 20c20,22 < DijkstraRouter answered 355 queries and explored 10.01 edges on average. --- > DijkstraRouter answered 200 queries and explored 10.00 edges on average. > DijkstraRouter spent (TIME) answering queries ((TIME) on average). > DijkstraRouter answered 155 queries and explored 10.01 edges on average.devices rerouting turn_specific_speeds separateTurns_0.5_interval_10 ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
---------- Differences in output ---------- 20c20,22 < DijkstraRouter answered 357 queries and explored 10.01 edges on average. --- > DijkstraRouter answered 200 queries and explored 10.01 edges on average. > DijkstraRouter spent (TIME) answering queries ((TIME) on average). > DijkstraRouter answered 157 queries and explored 10.01 edges on average.
---------- Differences in output ---------- 20c20,22 < DijkstraRouter answered 355 queries and explored 10.02 edges on average. --- > DijkstraRouter answered 200 queries and explored 10.01 edges on average. > DijkstraRouter spent (TIME) answering queries ((TIME) on average). > DijkstraRouter answered 155 queries and explored 10.03 edges on average.
---------- Differences in output ---------- 28c28,32 < DijkstraRouter answered 35 queries and explored 24.80 edges on average. --- > DijkstraRouter answered 14 queries and explored 23.57 edges on average. > DijkstraRouter spent (TIME) answering queries ((TIME) on average). > DijkstraRouter answered 9 queries and explored 21.44 edges on average. > DijkstraRouter spent (TIME) answering queries ((TIME) on average). > DijkstraRouter answered 12 queries and explored 28.75 edges on average.
---------- Differences in output ---------- 28c28,32 < DijkstraRouter answered 86 queries and explored 25.83 edges on average. --- > DijkstraRouter answered 65 queries and explored 27.09 edges on average. > DijkstraRouter spent (TIME) answering queries ((TIME) on average). > DijkstraRouter answered 9 queries and explored 21.11 edges on average. > DijkstraRouter spent (TIME) answering queries ((TIME) on average). > DijkstraRouter answered 12 queries and explored 22.50 edges on average.
---------- Differences in output ---------- 28c28,32 < DijkstraRouter answered 92 queries and explored 23.60 edges on average. --- > DijkstraRouter answered 71 queries and explored 24.28 edges on average. > DijkstraRouter spent (TIME) answering queries ((TIME) on average). > DijkstraRouter answered 11 queries and explored 18.27 edges on average. > DijkstraRouter spent (TIME) answering queries ((TIME) on average). > DijkstraRouter answered 10 queries and explored 24.60 edges on average.
---------- Differences in output ---------- 28c28,32 < DijkstraRouter answered 68 queries and explored 26.13 edges on average. --- > DijkstraRouter answered 48 queries and explored 27.00 edges on average. > DijkstraRouter spent (TIME) answering queries ((TIME) on average). > DijkstraRouter answered 8 queries and explored 17.50 edges on average. > DijkstraRouter spent (TIME) answering queries ((TIME) on average). > DijkstraRouter answered 12 queries and explored 28.42 edges on average.
---------- Differences in output ---------- 28c28,32 < DijkstraRouter answered 9 queries and explored 16.00 edges on average. --- > DijkstraRouter answered 4 queries and explored 14.00 edges on average. > DijkstraRouter spent (TIME) answering queries ((TIME) on average). > DijkstraRouter answered 3 queries and explored 10.67 edges on average. > DijkstraRouter spent (TIME) answering queries ((TIME) on average). > DijkstraRouter answered 2 queries and explored 28.00 edges on average.devices taxi lines 2lines_rideAny ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
---------- Differences in output ---------- 28c28,32 < DijkstraRouter answered 10 queries and explored 17.70 edges on average. --- > DijkstraRouter answered 5 queries and explored 15.80 edges on average. > DijkstraRouter spent (TIME) answering queries ((TIME) on average). > DijkstraRouter answered 3 queries and explored 14.00 edges on average. > DijkstraRouter spent (TIME) answering queries ((TIME) on average). > DijkstraRouter answered 2 queries and explored 28.00 edges on average.
---------- Differences in output ---------- 28c28,30 < DijkstraRouter answered 8 queries and explored 18.25 edges on average. --- > DijkstraRouter answered 3 queries and explored 16.00 edges on average. > DijkstraRouter spent (TIME) answering queries ((TIME) on average). > DijkstraRouter answered 5 queries and explored 19.60 edges on average.
---------- Differences in output ---------- 28c28,30 < DijkstraRouter answered 9 queries and explored 18.33 edges on average. --- > DijkstraRouter answered 4 queries and explored 16.75 edges on average. > DijkstraRouter spent (TIME) answering queries ((TIME) on average). > DijkstraRouter answered 5 queries and explored 19.60 edges on average.
---------- Differences in output ---------- 28c28,30 < DijkstraRouter answered 15 queries and explored 11.60 edges on average. --- > DijkstraRouter answered 11 queries and explored 11.91 edges on average. > DijkstraRouter spent (TIME) answering queries ((TIME) on average). > DijkstraRouter answered 4 queries and explored 10.75 edges on average.
---------- Differences in output ---------- 28c28,30 < DijkstraRouter answered 9 queries and explored 16.67 edges on average. --- > DijkstraRouter answered 5 queries and explored 21.40 edges on average. > DijkstraRouter spent (TIME) answering queries ((TIME) on average). > DijkstraRouter answered 4 queries and explored 10.75 edges on average.
---------- Differences in output ---------- 32a33,36 > DijkstraRouter answered 3 queries and explored 5.33 edges on average. > DijkstraRouter spent (TIME) answering queries ((TIME) on average). > DijkstraRouter answered 3 queries and explored 8.67 edges on average. > DijkstraRouter spent (TIME) answering queries ((TIME) on average). 36,37d39 < DijkstraRouter spent (TIME) answering queries ((TIME) on average). < DijkstraRouter answered 6 queries and explored 7.00 edges on average.
---------- Differences in output ---------- 12c12,14 < DijkstraRouter answered 2 queries and explored 3.00 edges on average. --- > DijkstraRouter answered 1 queries and explored 3.00 edges on average. > DijkstraRouter spent (TIME) answering queries ((TIME) on average). > DijkstraRouter answered 1 queries and explored 3.00 edges on average.
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 25d24 < Warning: Vehicle 'flow_1.39'; junction collision with vehicle 'flow_0.142', lane=':C_18_0', gap=-1.00, time=394.00 stage=move. 27,51c26,56 < Warning: Vehicle 'flow_1.46'; junction collision with vehicle 'flow_0.169', lane=':C_18_0', gap=-1.00, time=466.50 stage=move. < Warning: Vehicle 'flow_1.47'; junction collision with vehicle 'flow_0.170', lane=':C_15_0', gap=-1.00, time=470.00 stage=move. < Warning: Vehicle 'flow_0.171'; junction collision with vehicle 'flow_1.47', lane=':C_5_1', gap=-1.00, time=474.00 stage=move. < Warning: Vehicle 'flow_1.63' performs emergency stop at the end of lane 'WC_1' because of a red traffic light (decel=-15.55, offset=0.10), time=573.00. < Warning: Vehicle 'flow_0.211' performs emergency stop at the end of lane 'EC_0' because of a red traffic light (decel=-8.77, offset=1.21), time=574.50. < Warning: Vehicle 'flow_1.63'; junction collision with vehicle 'flow_0.212', lane=':C_15_0', gap=-1.00, time=591.50 stage=move. < Warning: Vehicle 'flow_1.63'; junction collision with vehicle 'flow_0.227', lane=':C_18_0', gap=-1.00, time=618.50 stage=move. < Warning: Vehicle 'flow_0.228'; junction collision with vehicle 'flow_1.63', lane=':C_5_1', gap=-1.00, time=621.50 stage=move. < Warning: Vehicle 'flow_0.228' performs emergency stop at the end of lane ':C_5_1' because there is no connection to the next edge (decel=-12.53, offset=3.96), time=622.00. < Warning: Vehicle 'flow_1.64'; junction collision with vehicle 'flow_0.237', lane=':C_18_0', gap=-1.00, time=645.00 stage=move. < Warning: Vehicle 'flow_1.64'; junction collision with vehicle 'flow_0.238', lane=':C_18_0', gap=-1.00, time=648.00 stage=move. < Warning: Vehicle 'flow_1.65'; junction collision with vehicle 'flow_0.239', lane=':C_18_0', gap=-1.00, time=659.50 stage=move. < Warning: Vehicle 'flow_0.240'; junction collision with vehicle 'flow_1.65', lane=':C_5_1', gap=-1.00, time=662.00 stage=move. < Warning: Vehicle 'flow_1.66'; junction collision with vehicle 'flow_0.261', lane=':C_18_0', gap=-1.00, time=708.50 stage=move. < Warning: Vehicle 'flow_1.66'; junction collision with vehicle 'flow_0.262', lane=':C_18_0', gap=-1.00, time=711.50 stage=move. < Warning: Vehicle 'flow_1.77'; junction collision with vehicle 'flow_0.278', lane=':C_18_0', gap=-1.00, time=753.00 stage=move. < Warning: Vehicle 'flow_1.78'; junction collision with vehicle 'flow_0.295', lane=':C_18_0', gap=-1.00, time=800.00 stage=move. < Warning: Vehicle 'flow_1.78'; junction collision with vehicle 'flow_0.296', lane=':C_18_0', gap=-1.00, time=803.00 stage=move. < Warning: Vehicle 'flow_1.81'; junction collision with vehicle 'flow_0.307', lane=':C_18_0', gap=-1.00, time=831.50 stage=move. < Warning: Vehicle 'flow_0.313' performs emergency stop at the end of lane 'EC_1' because of a red traffic light (decel=-16.13, offset=0.94), time=843.00. < Warning: Vehicle 'flow_1.84'; junction collision with vehicle 'flow_0.330', lane=':C_18_0', gap=-1.00, time=892.00 stage=move. < Warning: Vehicle 'flow_1.85'; junction collision with vehicle 'flow_0.338', lane=':C_18_0', gap=-1.00, time=915.00 stage=move. < Warning: Vehicle 'flow_0.347' performs emergency stop at the end of lane 'EC_0' because of a red traffic light (decel=-6.93, offset=1.01), time=935.00. < Warning: Vehicle 'flow_1.87'; junction collision with vehicle 'flow_0.363', lane=':C_18_0', gap=-1.00, time=980.00 stage=move. < Warning: Vehicle 'flow_1.87'; junction collision with vehicle 'flow_0.364', lane=':C_18_0', gap=-1.00, time=983.00 stage=move. --- > Warning: Vehicle 'flow_1.47'; junction collision with vehicle 'flow_0.169', lane=':C_18_0', gap=-1.00, time=466.50 stage=move. <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in output ---------- 8,11c8,11 < Inserted: 473 (Loaded: 1000) < Running: 22 < Waiting: 527 < Teleports: 0 (Collisions: 36) --- > Inserted: 461 (Loaded: 1000) > Running: 20 > Waiting: 539 > Teleports: 0 (Collisions: 41) 13,19c13,19 < Statistics (avg of 451): < RouteLength: 178.82 < Speed: 7.54 < Duration: 36.44 < WaitingTime: 9.24 < TimeLoss: 21.92 < DepartDelay: 149.87 --- > Statistics (avg of 441): > RouteLength: 180.14 > Speed: 7.25 > Duration: 39.34 > WaitingTime: 10.63 > TimeLoss: 24.44 > DepartDelay: 146.50
---------- Differences in output ---------- 4c4 < Simulation ended at time: 237.00 --- > Simulation ended at time: 232.00 10a11 > Teleports: 0 (Collisions: 5) 14c15 < Statistics (avg): --- > Statistics (avg of 20): 16,18c17,20 < Duration: 85.85 < WaitingTime: 36.60 < TimeLoss: 71.26 --- > Speed: 6.88 > Duration: 35.05 > WaitingTime: 12.95 > TimeLoss: 20.59 22,23c24,25 < Duration: 40.06 < TimeLoss: 1.75 --- > Duration: 39.20 > TimeLoss: 0.90 29c31 < DijkstraRouter answered 34 queries and explored 8.47 edges on average. --- > DijkstraRouter answered 34 queries and explored 7.47 edges on average.extended collisions intermodal default ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
---------- Differences in output ---------- 4c4 < Simulation ended at time: 237.00 --- > Simulation ended at time: 232.00 14c14 < Statistics (avg): --- > Statistics (avg of 20): 16,18c16,19 < Duration: 85.85 < WaitingTime: 36.60 < TimeLoss: 71.26 --- > Speed: 6.88 > Duration: 35.05 > WaitingTime: 12.95 > TimeLoss: 20.59 22,23c23,24 < Duration: 40.06 < TimeLoss: 1.75 --- > Duration: 39.20 > TimeLoss: 0.90 29c30 < DijkstraRouter answered 34 queries and explored 8.47 edges on average. --- > DijkstraRouter answered 34 queries and explored 7.47 edges on average.
---------- Differences in output ---------- 4c4 < Simulation ended at time: 237.00 --- > Simulation ended at time: 232.00 10a11 > Teleports: 0 (Collisions: 3) 14,18c15,20 < Statistics (avg): < RouteLength: 194.78 < Duration: 85.85 < WaitingTime: 36.60 < TimeLoss: 71.26 --- > Statistics (avg of 20): > RouteLength: 179.82 > Speed: 6.62 > Duration: 33.75 > WaitingTime: 12.95 > TimeLoss: 20.45 22,23c24,25 < Duration: 40.06 < TimeLoss: 1.75 --- > Duration: 39.09 > TimeLoss: 0.78 29c31 < DijkstraRouter answered 34 queries and explored 8.47 edges on average. --- > DijkstraRouter answered 34 queries and explored 7.47 edges on average.
---------- Differences in output ---------- 4c4 < Simulation ended at time: 237.00 --- > Simulation ended at time: 281.00 10a11,12 > Teleports: 0 (Collisions: 5) > Emergency Stops: 1 14c16,17 < Statistics (avg): --- > Jammed: 11 > Statistics (avg of 20): 16,18c19,22 < Duration: 85.85 < WaitingTime: 36.60 < TimeLoss: 71.26 --- > Speed: 3.57 > Duration: 83.20 > WaitingTime: 48.15 > TimeLoss: 61.12 22,23c26,27 < Duration: 40.06 < TimeLoss: 1.75 --- > Duration: 45.26 > TimeLoss: 6.96 29c33 < DijkstraRouter answered 34 queries and explored 8.47 edges on average. --- <truncated after showing first 30 lines>extended collisions intermodal stoptime_remove ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
---------- Differences in output ---------- 4c4 < Simulation ended at time: 237.00 --- > Simulation ended at time: 232.00 10a11 > Teleports: 3 (Collisions: 3) 14c15 < Statistics (avg): --- > Statistics (avg of 20): 16,18c17,20 < Duration: 85.85 < WaitingTime: 36.60 < TimeLoss: 71.26 --- > Speed: 6.91 > Duration: 34.90 > WaitingTime: 12.95 > TimeLoss: 20.54 22,23c24,25 < Duration: 40.06 < TimeLoss: 1.75 --- > Duration: 39.09 > TimeLoss: 0.78 29c31 < DijkstraRouter answered 34 queries and explored 8.47 edges on average. --- > DijkstraRouter answered 34 queries and explored 7.47 edges on average.
---------- Differences in output ---------- 12,13c12,14 < Emergency Stops: 2 < Statistics (avg): --- > Emergency Stops: 1 > Emergency Braking: 2 > Statistics (avg of 143): 15,18c16,20 < Duration: 96.22 < WaitingTime: 44.13 < TimeLoss: 58.45 < DepartDelay: 1.89 --- > Speed: 9.36 > Duration: 99.54 > WaitingTime: 47.76 > TimeLoss: 61.76 > DepartDelay: 0.45 20c22 < DijkstraRouter answered 9 queries and explored 4.00 edges on average. --- > DijkstraRouter answered 11 queries and explored 4.00 edges on average. 22c24 < DijkstraRouter answered 16 queries and explored 4.00 edges on average. --- > DijkstraRouter answered 13 queries and explored 4.00 edges on average. 24c26 < DijkstraRouter answered 18 queries and explored 4.00 edges on average. --- > DijkstraRouter answered 19 queries and explored 4.00 edges on average. <truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ---------- 5c5 < Simulation ended at time: 216.00 --- > Simulation ended at time: 191.00 12,17c12,18 < Statistics (avg): < RouteLength: 821.47 < Duration: 81.73 < WaitingTime: 24.59 < TimeLoss: 48.77 < DepartDelay: 2.96 --- > Statistics (avg of 143): > RouteLength: 807.49 > Speed: 13.81 > Duration: 74.22 > WaitingTime: 17.68 > TimeLoss: 43.32 > DepartDelay: 0.45 19c20 < DijkstraRouter answered 19 queries and explored 4.74 edges on average. --- > DijkstraRouter answered 23 queries and explored 5.00 edges on average. 21c22 < DijkstraRouter answered 26 queries and explored 4.58 edges on average. --- > DijkstraRouter answered 12 queries and explored 5.00 edges on average. 23c24 < DijkstraRouter answered 9 queries and explored 5.00 edges on average. --- <truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ---------- 5c5 < Simulation ended at time: 690.00 --- > Simulation ended at time: 702.00 12,17c12,18 < Statistics (avg): < RouteLength: 722.76 < Duration: 376.68 < WaitingTime: 38.84 < TimeLoss: 106.83 < DepartDelay: -0.40 --- > Statistics (avg of 50): > RouteLength: 737.23 > Speed: 1.97 > Duration: 376.86 > WaitingTime: 46.42 > TimeLoss: 104.99 > DepartDelay: 0.40 21c22 < DijkstraRouter answered 386 queries and explored 3.99 edges on average. --- > DijkstraRouter answered 410 queries and explored 3.99 edges on average. 23c24 < DijkstraRouter answered 306 queries and explored 3.00 edges on average. --- > DijkstraRouter answered 330 queries and explored 3.00 edges on average. 25c26 < DijkstraRouter answered 234 queries and explored 3.33 edges on average. --- <truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 0a1 > double free or corruption (out) ---------- Differences in stopinfos ---------- 35,54c35 < <stopinfo id="paA1B1.0" type="DEFAULT_VEHTYPE" lane="A1B1_0" pos="90.60" parking="1" started="1.00" ended="-1" initialPersons="0" loadedPersons="0" unloadedPersons="0" initialContainers="0" loadedContainers="0" unloadedContainers="0" parkingArea="paA1B1"/> < <stopinfo id="paC0C1.0" type="DEFAULT_VEHTYPE" lane="C0C1_0" pos="90.60" parking="1" started="1.00" ended="-1" initialPersons="0" loadedPersons="0" unloadedPersons="0" initialContainers="0" loadedContainers="0" unloadedContainers="0" parkingArea="paC0C1"/> < <stopinfo id="paD3C3.0" type="DEFAULT_VEHTYPE" lane="D3C3_0" pos="92.10" parking="1" started="1.00" ended="-1" initialPersons="0" loadedPersons="0" unloadedPersons="0" initialContainers="0" loadedContainers="0" unloadedContainers="0" parkingArea="paD3C3"/> < <stopinfo id="paD0C0.0" type="DEFAULT_VEHTYPE" lane="D0C0_0" pos="92.10" parking="1" started="1.00" ended="-1" initialPersons="0" loadedPersons="0" unloadedPersons="0" initialContainers="0" loadedContainers="0" unloadedContainers="0" parkingArea="paD0C0"/> < <stopinfo id="paC2C1.0" type="DEFAULT_VEHTYPE" lane="C2C1_0" pos="90.60" parking="1" started="1.00" ended="-1" initialPersons="0" loadedPersons="0" unloadedPersons="0" initialContainers="0" loadedContainers="0" unloadedContainers="0" parkingArea="paC2C1"/> < <stopinfo id="paB0B1.0" type="DEFAULT_VEHTYPE" lane="B0B1_0" pos="90.60" parking="1" started="1.00" ended="-1" initialPersons="0" loadedPersons="0" unloadedPersons="0" initialContainers="0" loadedContainers="0" unloadedContainers="0" parkingArea="paB0B1"/> < <stopinfo id="paD2D1.0" type="DEFAULT_VEHTYPE" lane="D2D1_0" pos="90.60" parking="1" started="1.00" ended="-1" initialPersons="0" loadedPersons="0" unloadedPersons="0" initialContainers="0" loadedContainers="0" unloadedContainers="0" parkingArea="paD2D1"/> < <stopinfo id="paD2C2.0" type="DEFAULT_VEHTYPE" lane="D2C2_0" pos="90.60" parking="1" started="1.00" ended="-1" initialPersons="0" loadedPersons="0" unloadedPersons="0" initialContainers="0" loadedContainers="0" unloadedContainers="0" parkingArea="paD2C2"/> < <stopinfo id="paD0D1.0" type="DEFAULT_VEHTYPE" lane="D0D1_0" pos="92.10" parking="1" started="1.00" ended="-1" initialPersons="0" loadedPersons="0" unloadedPersons="0" initialContainers="0" loadedContainers="0" unloadedContainers="0" parkingArea="paD0D1"/> < <stopinfo id="paB3B2.0" type="DEFAULT_VEHTYPE" lane="B3B2_0" pos="90.60" parking="1" started="1.00" ended="-1" initialPersons="0" loadedPersons="0" unloadedPersons="0" initialContainers="0" loadedContainers="0" unloadedContainers="0" parkingArea="paB3B2"/> < <stopinfo id="paC2D2.0" type="DEFAULT_VEHTYPE" lane="C2D2_0" pos="90.60" parking="1" started="1.00" ended="-1" initialPersons="0" loadedPersons="0" unloadedPersons="0" initialContainers="0" loadedContainers="0" unloadedContainers="0" parkingArea="paC2D2"/> < <stopinfo id="paB2B3.0" type="DEFAULT_VEHTYPE" lane="B2B3_0" pos="90.60" parking="1" started="1.00" ended="-1" initialPersons="0" loadedPersons="0" unloadedPersons="0" initialContainers="0" loadedContainers="0" unloadedContainers="0" parkingArea="paB2B3"/> < <stopinfo id="paB2B1.0" type="DEFAULT_VEHTYPE" lane="B2B1_0" pos="90.60" parking="1" started="1.00" ended="-1" initialPersons="0" loadedPersons="0" unloadedPersons="0" initialContainers="0" loadedContainers="0" unloadedContainers="0" parkingArea="paB2B1"/> < <stopinfo id="paA1A0.0" type="DEFAULT_VEHTYPE" lane="A1A0_0" pos="92.10" parking="1" started="1.00" ended="-1" initialPersons="0" loadedPersons="0" unloadedPersons="0" initialContainers="0" loadedContainers="0" unloadedContainers="0" parkingArea="paA1A0"/> < <stopinfo id="paA1A2.0" type="DEFAULT_VEHTYPE" lane="A1A2_0" pos="90.60" parking="1" started="1.00" ended="-1" initialPersons="0" loadedPersons="0" unloadedPersons="0" initialContainers="0" loadedContainers="0" unloadedContainers="0" parkingArea="paA1A2"/> < <stopinfo id="paD1C1.0" type="DEFAULT_VEHTYPE" lane="D1C1_0" pos="90.60" parking="1" started="1.00" ended="-1" initialPersons="0" loadedPersons="0" unloadedPersons="0" initialContainers="0" loadedContainers="0" unloadedContainers="0" parkingArea="paD1C1"/> < <stopinfo id="paC0D0.0" type="DEFAULT_VEHTYPE" lane="C0D0_0" pos="92.10" parking="1" started="1.00" ended="-1" initialPersons="0" loadedPersons="0" unloadedPersons="0" initialContainers="0" loadedContainers="0" unloadedContainers="0" parkingArea="paC0D0"/> < <stopinfo id="paA0A1.0" type="DEFAULT_VEHTYPE" lane="A0A1_0" pos="92.10" parking="1" started="1.00" ended="-1" initialPersons="0" loadedPersons="0" unloadedPersons="0" initialContainers="0" loadedContainers="0" unloadedContainers="0" parkingArea="paA0A1"/> < <stopinfo id="ego.0" type="car" lane="D3D2_0" pos="92.10" parking="1" started="200.00" ended="-1" initialPersons="0" loadedPersons="0" unloadedPersons="0" initialContainers="0" loadedContainers="0" unloadedContainers="0" parkingArea="paD3D2"/> < </stops> --- > <stopinfo id="paA1B1.0" type="DEFAULT_VEHTYPE" lane="A1B1_0" pos="90.60" parking="1" started="1.00" ended="-1" initialPersons="0" loadedPersons="0" unloadedPersons="0" initialContainers="0" loadedContainers="0" unloadedContainers \ No newline at end of file ---------- Differences in tripinfos ---------- 5,6d4 < <tripinfo id="ego.0" depart="0.00" departLane="A0A1_0" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="13.89" departDelay="0.00" arrival="-1.00" arrivalLane="" arrivalPos="-1.00" arrivalSpeed="-1.00" duration="500.00" routeLength="2235.60" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="301.00" timeLoss="38.05" rerouteNo="19" devices="tripinfo_ego.0 routing_ego.0" vType="car" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/> < </tripinfos> ---------- Differences in vehroutes ---------- 2a3,14 > <!-- generated on 2023-12-15 09:56:21 by Eclipse SUMO sumo Version v1_19_0+0330-4fed8f0e2f7 > This data file and the accompanying materials > are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v2.0 > which accompanies this distribution, and is available at > http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v20.html > This file may also be made available under the following Secondary > Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the Eclipse > Public License 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License, version 2 > or later which is available at > https://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0-standalone.html > SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0-or-later > <configuration xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/sumoConfiguration.xsd"> 4,5c16,54 < <routes xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/routes_file.xsd"> < </routes> --- > <input> > <net-file value="net.net.xml"/> > <route-files value="input_routes.rou.xml,input_routes2.rou.xml"/> > <additional-files value="input_additional.add.xml,input_additional2.add.xml,input_additional3.add.xml"/> > </input> > > <output> > <write-license value="true"/> > <tripinfo-output value="tripinfos.xml"/> > <tripinfo-output.write-unfinished value="true"/> > <vehroute-output value="vehroutes.xml"/> > <vehroute-output.exit-times value="true"/> > <vehroute-output.cost value="true"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- New result in exitcode ---------- -6
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 0a1,4 > Warning: Vehicle 'ego.19' ends teleporting on edge 'A1A0', time=145.00. > -- Unordered text as found by filter 'Warning: Teleporting vehicle' -- > Warning: Teleporting vehicle 'ego.19'; collision with vehicle 'ego.17', lane='A2A1_0', gap=-0.60, time=145.00 stage=move. > ---------- Differences in stopinfos ---------- 13,16c13,16 < <stopinfo id="ego.11" type="car" lane="C0C1_0" pos="55.00" parking="1" started="239.00" ended="-1" initialPersons="0" loadedPersons="0" unloadedPersons="0" initialContainers="0" loadedContainers="0" unloadedContainers="0" parkingArea="parkC0C1"/> < <stopinfo id="ego.13" type="car" lane="D0D1_0" pos="55.00" parking="1" started="383.00" ended="-1" initialPersons="0" loadedPersons="0" unloadedPersons="0" initialContainers="0" loadedContainers="0" unloadedContainers="0" parkingArea="parkD0D1"/> < <stopinfo id="ego.14" type="car" lane="D1D2_0" pos="55.00" parking="1" started="353.00" ended="-1" initialPersons="0" loadedPersons="0" unloadedPersons="0" initialContainers="0" loadedContainers="0" unloadedContainers="0" parkingArea="parkD1D2"/> < <stopinfo id="ego.21" type="car" lane="C1C2_0" pos="55.00" parking="1" started="215.00" ended="-1" initialPersons="0" loadedPersons="0" unloadedPersons="0" initialContainers="0" loadedContainers="0" unloadedContainers="0" parkingArea="parkC1C2"/> --- > <stopinfo id="ego.14" type="car" lane="C0C1_0" pos="55.00" parking="1" started="277.00" ended="-1" initialPersons="0" loadedPersons="0" unloadedPersons="0" initialContainers="0" loadedContainers="0" unloadedContainers="0" parkingArea="parkC0C1"/> > <stopinfo id="ego.19" type="car" lane="D1D2_0" pos="55.00" parking="1" started="326.00" ended="-1" initialPersons="0" loadedPersons="0" unloadedPersons="0" initialContainers="0" loadedContainers="0" unloadedContainers="0" parkingArea="parkD1D2"/> > <stopinfo id="ego.24" type="car" lane="D0D1_0" pos="55.00" parking="1" started="338.00" ended="-1" initialPersons="0" loadedPersons="0" unloadedPersons="0" initialContainers="0" loadedContainers="0" unloadedContainers="0" parkingArea="parkD0D1"/> > <stopinfo id="ego.29" type="car" lane="C1C2_0" pos="55.00" parking="1" started="229.00" ended="-1" initialPersons="0" loadedPersons="0" unloadedPersons="0" initialContainers="0" loadedContainers="0" unloadedContainers="0" parkingArea="parkC1C2"/> ---------- Differences in vehroutes ---------- 52c52 < <vehicle id="ego.6" type="car" depart="14.00" departSpeed="5.9727" speedFactor="0.4300" routeLength="5652.53"> --- > <vehicle id="ego.6" type="car" depart="14.00" departSpeed="5.9727" speedFactor="0.4300" routeLength="5576.14"> 57,73c57,72 < <route cost="142.57" savings="-70.66" replacedOnEdge="B1B2" replacedOnIndex="12" reason="parkB1B2:parkingAreaReroute" replacedAtTime="223.00" probability="0" edges="A0A1 A1A2 A2A3 A3B3 B3C3 C3C2 C2C3 C3B3 B3B2 B2B3 B3B2 B2B1 B1B2 B2B3 B3A3 A3A2 A2A3" routeLength="1689.42"/> < <route cost="120.46" savings="-31.79" replacedOnEdge="A1A2" replacedOnIndex="17" reason="parkA1A2:parkingAreaReroute" replacedAtTime="306.00" probability="0" edges="A0A1 A1A2 A2A3 A3B3 B3C3 C3C2 C2C3 C3B3 B3B2 B2B3 B3B2 B2B1 B1B2 B2B1 B1B0 B0A0 A0A1 A1A2 A2A3" routeLength="1879.30"/> < <route cost="32.97" savings="0.00" replacedOnEdge="A2A3" replacedOnIndex="18" reason="parkA2A3:parkingAreaReroute" replacedAtTime="323.00" probability="0" edges="A0A1 A1A2 A2A3 A3B3 B3C3 C3C2 C2C3 C3B3 B3B2 B2B3 B3B2 B2B1 B1B2 B2B1 B1B0 B0A0 A0A1 A1A2 A2A3" routeLength="1879.30"/> < <route cost="157.87" savings="-141.66" replacedOnEdge="C2C3" replacedOnIndex="22" reason="parkC2C3:parkingAreaReroute" replacedAtTime="390.00" probability="0" edges="A0A1 A1A2 A2A3 A3B3 B3C3 C3C2 C2C3 C3B3 B3B2 B2B3 B3B2 B2B1 B1B2 B2B1 B1B0 B0A0 A0A1 A1A2 A2A3 A3B3 B3C3 C3C2 C2C3 C3B3 B3A3 A3A2 A2A3" routeLength="2680.60"/> < <route cost="158.13" savings="-69.48" replacedOnEdge="D2D3" replacedOnIndex="25" reason="parkD2D3:parkingAreaReroute" replacedAtTime="440.00" probability="0" edges="A0A1 A1A2 A2A3 A3B3 B3C3 C3C2 C2C3 C3B3 B3B2 B2B3 B3B2 B2B1 B1B2 B2B1 B1B0 B0A0 A0A1 A1A2 A2A3 A3B3 B3C3 C3C2 C2C3 C3D3 D3D2 D2D3 D3C3 C3B3 B3A3 A3A2 A2A3" routeLength="3077.64"/> < <route cost="177.65" savings="-73.50" replacedOnEdge="D1D2" replacedOnIndex="28" reason="parkD1D2:parkingAreaReroute" replacedAtTime="494.00" probability="0" edges="A0A1 A1A2 A2A3 A3B3 B3C3 C3C2 C2C3 C3B3 B3B2 B2B3 B3B2 B2B1 B1B2 B2B1 B1B0 B0A0 A0A1 A1A2 A2A3 A3B3 B3C3 C3C2 C2C3 C3D3 D3D2 D2D3 D3D2 D2D1 D1D2 D2D3 D3C3 C3B3 B3A3 A3A2 A2A3" routeLength="3480.79"/> < <route cost="192.68" savings="-71.77" replacedOnEdge="D0D1" replacedOnIndex="31" reason="parkD0D1:parkingAreaReroute" replacedAtTime="547.00" probability="0" edges="A0A1 A1A2 A2A3 A3B3 B3C3 C3C2 C2C3 C3B3 B3B2 B2B3 B3B2 B2B1 B1B2 B2B1 B1B0 B0A0 A0A1 A1A2 A2A3 A3B3 B3C3 C3C2 C2C3 C3D3 D3D2 D2D3 D3D2 D2D1 D1D2 D2D1 D1D0 D0D1 D1D0 D0C0 C0B0 B0A0 A0A1 A1A2 A2A3" routeLength="3873.62"/> < <route cost="172.38" savings="-36.97" replacedOnEdge="C0C1" replacedOnIndex="34" reason="parkC0C1:parkingAreaReroute" replacedAtTime="597.00" probability="0" edges="A0A1 A1A2 A2A3 A3B3 B3C3 C3C2 C2C3 C3B3 B3B2 B2B3 B3B2 B2B1 B1B2 B2B1 B1B0 B0A0 A0A1 A1A2 A2A3 A3B3 B3C3 C3C2 C2C3 C3D3 D3D2 D2D3 D3D2 D2D1 D1D2 D2D1 D1D0 D0D1 D1D0 D0C0 C0C1 C1C0 C0B0 B0A0 A0A1 A1A2 A2A3" routeLength="4067.56"/> < <route cost="120.96" savings="-1.73" replacedOnEdge="C1C2" replacedOnIndex="35" reason="parkC1C2:parkingAreaReroute" replacedAtTime="613.00" probability="0" edges="A0A1 A1A2 A2A3 A3B3 B3C3 C3C2 C2C3 C3B3 B3B2 B2B3 B3B2 B2B1 B1B2 B2B1 B1B0 B0A0 A0A1 A1A2 A2A3 A3B3 B3C3 C3C2 C2C3 C3D3 D3D2 D2D3 D3D2 D2D1 D1D2 D2D1 D1D0 D0D1 D1D0 D0C0 C0C1 C1C2 C2C3 C3B3 B3A3 A3A2 A2A3" routeLength="4077.88"/> < <route cost="147.11" savings="-41.70" replacedOnEdge="B2B3" replacedOnIndex="39" reason="parkB2B3:parkingAreaReroute" replacedAtTime="702.00" probability="0" edges="A0A1 A1A2 A2A3 A3B3 B3C3 C3C2 C2C3 C3B3 B3B2 B2B3 B3B2 B2B1 B1B2 B2B1 B1B0 B0A0 A0A1 A1A2 A2A3 A3B3 B3C3 C3C2 C2C3 C3D3 D3D2 D2D3 D3D2 D2D1 D1D2 D2D1 D1D0 D0D1 D1D0 D0C0 C0C1 C1C2 C2C3 C3B3 B3B2 B2B3 B3A3 A3A2 A2A3" routeLength="4282.15"/> < <route cost="170.45" savings="-98.54" replacedOnEdge="B0B1" replacedOnIndex="43" reason="parkB0B1:parkingAreaReroute" replacedAtTime="767.00" probability="0" edges="A0A1 A1A2 A2A3 A3B3 B3C3 C3C2 C2C3 C3B3 B3B2 B2B3 B3B2 B2B1 B1B2 B2B1 B1B0 B0A0 A0A1 A1A2 A2A3 A3B3 B3C3 C3C2 C2C3 C3D3 D3D2 D2D3 D3D2 D2D1 D1D2 D2D1 D1D0 D0D1 D1D0 D0C0 C0C1 C1C2 C2C3 C3B3 B3B2 B2B3 B3B2 B2B1 B1B0 B0B1 B1B0 B0A0 A0A1 A1A2 A2A3" routeLength="4852.77"/> < <route cost="104.22" savings="-1.73" replacedOnEdge="B1B2" replacedOnIndex="44" reason="parkB1B2:parkingAreaReroute" replacedAtTime="783.00" probability="0" edges="A0A1 A1A2 A2A3 A3B3 B3C3 C3C2 C2C3 C3B3 B3B2 B2B3 B3B2 B2B1 B1B2 B2B1 B1B0 B0A0 A0A1 A1A2 A2A3 A3B3 B3C3 C3C2 C2C3 C3D3 D3D2 D2D3 D3D2 D2D1 D1D2 D2D1 D1D0 D0D1 D1D0 D0C0 C0C1 C1C2 C2C3 C3B3 B3B2 B2B3 B3B2 B2B1 B1B0 B0B1 B1B2 B2B3 B3A3 A3A2 A2A3" routeLength="4863.09"/> < <route cost="120.46" savings="-31.79" replacedOnEdge="A1A2" replacedOnIndex="49" reason="parkA1A2:parkingAreaReroute" replacedAtTime="866.00" probability="0" edges="A0A1 A1A2 A2A3 A3B3 B3C3 C3C2 C2C3 C3B3 B3B2 B2B3 B3B2 B2B1 B1B2 B2B1 B1B0 B0A0 A0A1 A1A2 A2A3 A3B3 B3C3 C3C2 C2C3 C3D3 D3D2 D2D3 D3D2 D2D1 D1D2 D2D1 D1D0 D0D1 D1D0 D0C0 C0C1 C1C2 C2C3 C3B3 B3B2 B2B3 B3B2 B2B1 B1B0 B0B1 B1B2 B2B1 B1B0 B0A0 A0A1 A1A2 A2A3" routeLength="5052.97"/> < <route cost="32.97" savings="0.00" replacedOnEdge="A2A3" replacedOnIndex="50" reason="parkA2A3:parkingAreaReroute" replacedAtTime="883.00" probability="0" edges="A0A1 A1A2 A2A3 A3B3 B3C3 C3C2 C2C3 C3B3 B3B2 B2B3 B3B2 B2B1 B1B2 B2B1 B1B0 B0A0 A0A1 A1A2 A2A3 A3B3 B3C3 C3C2 C2C3 C3D3 D3D2 D2D3 D3D2 D2D1 D1D2 D2D1 D1D0 D0D1 D1D0 D0C0 C0C1 C1C2 C2C3 C3B3 B3B2 B2B3 B3B2 B2B1 B1B0 B0B1 B1B2 B2B1 B1B0 B0A0 A0A1 A1A2 A2A3" routeLength="5052.97"/> < <route cost="157.87" savings="-141.66" replacedOnEdge="C2C3" replacedOnIndex="54" reason="parkC2C3:parkingAreaReroute" replacedAtTime="949.00" probability="0" edges="A0A1 A1A2 A2A3 A3B3 B3C3 C3C2 C2C3 C3B3 B3B2 B2B3 B3B2 B2B1 B1B2 B2B1 B1B0 B0A0 A0A1 A1A2 A2A3 A3B3 B3C3 C3C2 C2C3 C3D3 D3D2 D2D3 D3D2 D2D1 D1D2 D2D1 D1D0 D0D1 D1D0 D0C0 C0C1 C1C2 C2C3 C3B3 B3B2 B2B3 B3B2 B2B1 B1B0 B0B1 B1B2 B2B1 B1B0 B0A0 A0A1 A1A2 A2A3 A3B3 B3C3 C3C2 C2C3 C3B3 B3A3 A3A2 A2A3" routeLength="5854.27"/> < <route cost="158.13" savings="-69.48" replacedOnEdge="D2D3" replacedOnIndex="57" reason="parkD2D3:parkingAreaReroute" replacedAtTime="999.00" probability="0" edges="A0A1 A1A2 A2A3 A3B3 B3C3 C3C2 C2C3 C3B3 B3B2 B2B3 B3B2 B2B1 B1B2 B2B1 B1B0 B0A0 A0A1 A1A2 A2A3 A3B3 B3C3 C3C2 C2C3 C3D3 D3D2 D2D3 D3D2 D2D1 D1D2 D2D1 D1D0 D0D1 D1D0 D0C0 C0C1 C1C2 C2C3 C3B3 B3B2 B2B3 B3B2 B2B1 B1B0 B0B1 B1B2 B2B1 B1B0 B0A0 A0A1 A1A2 A2A3 A3B3 B3C3 C3C2 C2C3 C3D3 D3D2 D2D3 D3C3 C3B3 B3A3 A3A2 A2A3" route Length="6251.31"/> < <route cost="177.65" savings="-73.50" edges="A0A1 A1A2 A2A3 A3B3 B3C3 C3C2 C2C3 C3B3 B3B2 B2B3 B3B2 B2B1 B1B2 B2B1 B1B0 B0A0 A0A1 A1A2 A2A3 A3B3 B3C3 C3C2 C2C3 C3D3 D3D2 D2D3 D3D2 D2D1 D1D2 D2D1 D1D0 D0D1 D1D0 D0C0 C0C1 C1C2 C2C3 C3B3 B3B2 B2B3 B3B2 B2B1 B1B0 B0B1 B1B2 B2B1 B1B0 B0A0 A0A1 A1A2 A2A3 A3B3 B3C3 C3C2 C2C3 C3D3 D3D2 D2D3 D3D2 D2D1 D1D2 D2D3 D3C3 C3B3 B3A3 A3A2 A2A3" exitTimes="31.00 47.00 64.00 79.00 96.00 113.00 129.00 146.00 172.00 189.00 205.00 222.00 239.00 257.00 2 73.00 289.00 306.00 323.00 339.00 355.00 372.00 389.00 406.00 422.00 439.00 456.00 476.00 493.00 510.00 530.00 547.00 564.00 581.00 596.00 613.00 630.00 646.00 662.00 701.00 718.00 734.00 751.00 767.00 783.00 800.00 817.00 833.00 849.00 866.00 883.00 899.00 914.00 931.00 948.00 965.00 981.00 998.00 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1"/> --- > <route cost="142.57" savings="-70.66" replacedOnEdge="B1B2" replacedOnIndex="12" reason="parkB1B2:parkingAreaReroute" replacedAtTime="234.00" probability="0" edges="A0A1 A1A2 A2A3 A3B3 B3C3 C3C2 C2C3 C3B3 B3B2 B2B3 B3B2 B2B1 B1B2 B2B3 B3A3 A3A2 A2A3" routeLength="1689.42"/> > <route cost="157.60" savings="-68.93" replacedOnEdge="B0B1" replacedOnIndex="15" reason="parkB0B1:parkingAreaReroute" replacedAtTime="285.00" probability="0" edges="A0A1 A1A2 A2A3 A3B3 B3C3 C3C2 C2C3 C3B3 B3B2 B2B3 B3B2 B2B1 B1B2 B2B1 B1B0 B0B1 B1B0 B0A0 A0A1 A1A2 A2A3" routeLength="2074.25"/> > <route cost="177.68" savings="-75.19" replacedOnEdge="C0C1" replacedOnIndex="18" reason="parkC0C1:parkingAreaReroute" replacedAtTime="337.00" probability="0" edges="A0A1 A1A2 A2A3 A3B3 B3C3 C3C2 C2C3 C3B3 B3B2 B2B3 B3B2 B2B1 B1B2 B2B1 B1B0 B0B1 B1B0 B0C0 C0C1 C1C0 C0B0 B0A0 A0A1 A1A2 A2A3" routeLength="2478.52"/> > <route cost="120.96" savings="-1.73" replacedOnEdge="C1C2" replacedOnIndex="19" reason="parkC1C2:parkingAreaReroute" replacedAtTime="352.00" probability="0" edges="A0A1 A1A2 A2A3 A3B3 B3C3 C3C2 C2C3 C3B3 B3B2 B2B3 B3B2 B2B1 B1B2 B2B1 B1B0 B0B1 B1B0 B0C0 C0C1 C1C2 C2C3 C3B3 B3A3 A3A2 A2A3" routeLength="2488.84"/> > <route cost="174.89" savings="-69.48" replacedOnEdge="D2D3" replacedOnIndex="23" reason="parkD2D3:parkingAreaReroute" replacedAtTime="419.00" probability="0" edges="A0A1 A1A2 A2A3 A3B3 B3C3 C3C2 C2C3 C3B3 B3B2 B2B3 B3B2 B2B1 B1B2 B2B1 B1B0 B0B1 B1B0 B0C0 C0C1 C1C2 C2C3 C3D3 D3D2 D2D3 D3C3 C3B3 B3A3 A3A2 A2A3" routeLength="2885.88"/> > <route cost="208.37" savings="-104.22" replacedOnEdge="D0D1" replacedOnIndex="27" reason="parkD0D1:parkingAreaReroute" replacedAtTime="486.00" probability="0" edges="A0A1 A1A2 A2A3 A3B3 B3C3 C3C2 C2C3 C3B3 B3B2 B2B3 B3B2 B2B1 B1B2 B2B1 B1B0 B0B1 B1B0 B0C0 C0C1 C1C2 C2C3 C3D3 D3D2 D2D3 D3D2 D2D1 D1D0 D0D1 D1D0 D0C0 C0B0 B0A0 A0A1 A1A2 A2A3" routeLength="3472.50"/> > <route cost="137.14" savings="-1.73" replacedOnEdge="D1D2" replacedOnIndex="28" reason="parkD1D2:parkingAreaReroute" replacedAtTime="502.00" probability="0" edges="A0A1 A1A2 A2A3 A3B3 B3C3 C3C2 C2C3 C3B3 B3B2 B2B3 B3B2 B2B1 B1B2 B2B1 B1B0 B0B1 B1B0 B0C0 C0C1 C1C2 C2C3 C3D3 D3D2 D2D3 D3D2 D2D1 D1D0 D0D1 D1D2 D2D3 D3C3 C3B3 B3A3 A3A2 A2A3" routeLength="3482.82"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 1c1,4 < Warning: Vehicle 'ego.56' performs emergency braking on lane ':B3_5_0' with decel=9.00, wished=4.50, severity=1.00, time=216.00. --- > Warning: Vehicle 'ego.17' ends teleporting on edge 'C0D0', time=798.00. > -- Unordered text as found by filter 'Warning: Teleporting vehicle' -- > Warning: Teleporting vehicle 'ego.17'; frontal collision with vehicle 'ego.27', lane='C0B0_0', gap=-0.12, time=798.00 stage=move. > ---------- Differences in stopinfos ---------- 10a11 > <stopinfo id="ego.7" type="car" lane="D1D2_0" pos="55.00" parking="1" started="772.00" ended="-1" initialPersons="0" loadedPersons="0" unloadedPersons="0" initialContainers="0" loadedContainers="0" unloadedContainers="0" parkingArea="parkD1D2"/> 13,16c14,16 < <stopinfo id="ego.24" type="car" lane="C1C2_0" pos="55.00" parking="1" started="304.00" ended="-1" initialPersons="0" loadedPersons="0" unloadedPersons="0" initialContainers="0" loadedContainers="0" unloadedContainers="0" parkingArea="parkC1C2"/> < <stopinfo id="ego.40" type="car" lane="D1D2_0" pos="55.00" parking="1" started="655.00" ended="-1" initialPersons="0" loadedPersons="0" unloadedPersons="0" initialContainers="0" loadedContainers="0" unloadedContainers="0" parkingArea="parkD1D2"/> < <stopinfo id="ego.44" type="car" lane="D2D3_0" pos="55.00" parking="1" started="531.00" ended="-1" initialPersons="0" loadedPersons="0" unloadedPersons="0" initialContainers="0" loadedContainers="0" unloadedContainers="0" parkingArea="parkD2D3"/> < <stopinfo id="ego.61" type="car" lane="D0D1_0" pos="55.00" parking="1" started="616.00" ended="-1" initialPersons="0" loadedPersons="0" unloadedPersons="0" initialContainers="0" loadedContainers="0" unloadedContainers="0" parkingArea="parkD0D1"/> --- > <stopinfo id="ego.21" type="car" lane="D2D3_0" pos="55.00" parking="1" started="525.00" ended="-1" initialPersons="0" loadedPersons="0" unloadedPersons="0" initialContainers="0" loadedContainers="0" unloadedContainers="0" parkingArea="parkD2D3"/> > <stopinfo id="ego.22" type="car" lane="D0D1_0" pos="55.00" parking="1" started="660.00" ended="-1" initialPersons="0" loadedPersons="0" unloadedPersons="0" initialContainers="0" loadedContainers="0" unloadedContainers="0" parkingArea="parkD0D1"/> > <stopinfo id="ego.24" type="car" lane="C1C2_0" pos="55.00" parking="1" started="320.00" ended="-1" initialPersons="0" loadedPersons="0" unloadedPersons="0" initialContainers="0" loadedContainers="0" unloadedContainers="0" parkingArea="parkC1C2"/> ---------- Differences in vehroutes ---------- 43c43 < <vehicle id="ego.5" type="car" depart="12.00" departSpeed="12.4102" speedFactor="1.2291" routeLength="6507.71"> --- > <vehicle id="ego.5" type="car" depart="12.00" departSpeed="12.4102" speedFactor="1.2291" routeLength="6167.40"> 49,56c49,56 < <route cost="187.93" savings="-61.33" replacedOnEdge="C1C2" replacedOnIndex="25" reason="parkC1C2:parkingAreaReroute" replacedAtTime="326.00" probability="0" edges="A0A1 A1A2 A2A3 A3B3 B3B2 B2B1 B1B0 B0A0 A0A1 A1A2 A2A3 A3B3 B3B2 B2B1 B1B0 B0C0 C0C1 C1C2 C2C3 C3D3 D3D2 D2D1 D1D0 D0C0 C0C1 C1C2 C2C3 C3B3 B3B2 B2B1 B1B0 B0A0 A0A1 A1A2 A2A3" routeLength="3434.34"/> < <route cost="210.52" savings="-77.16" replacedOnEdge="B1B2" replacedOnIndex="34" reason="parkB1B2:parkingAreaReroute" replacedAtTime="438.00" probability="0" edges="A0A1 A1A2 A2A3 A3B3 B3B2 B2B1 B1B0 B0A0 A0A1 A1A2 A2A3 A3B3 B3B2 B2B1 B1B0 B0C0 C0C1 C1C2 C2C3 C3D3 D3D2 D2D1 D1D0 D0C0 C0C1 C1C2 C2C3 C3D3 D3D2 D2D1 D1D0 D0C0 C0B0 B0B1 B1B2 B2B3 B3C3 C3C2 C2C1 C1C0 C0B0 B0A0 A0A1 A1A2 A2A3" routeLength="4406.03"/> < <route cost="121.43" savings="0.00" replacedOnEdge="B2B3" replacedOnIndex="35" reason="parkB2B3:parkingAreaReroute" replacedAtTime="464.00" probability="0" edges="A0A1 A1A2 A2A3 A3B3 B3B2 B2B1 B1B0 B0A0 A0A1 A1A2 A2A3 A3B3 B3B2 B2B1 B1B0 B0C0 C0C1 C1C2 C2C3 C3D3 D3D2 D2D1 D1D0 D0C0 C0C1 C1C2 C2C3 C3D3 D3D2 D2D1 D1D0 D0C0 C0B0 B0B1 B1B2 B2B3 B3C3 C3C2 C2C1 C1C0 C0B0 B0A0 A0A1 A1A2 A2A3" routeLength="4406.03"/> < <route cost="107.43" savings="0.00" replacedOnEdge="A1A2" replacedOnIndex="43" reason="parkA1A2:parkingAreaReroute" replacedAtTime="562.00" probability="0" edges="A0A1 A1A2 A2A3 A3B3 B3B2 B2B1 B1B0 B0A0 A0A1 A1A2 A2A3 A3B3 B3B2 B2B1 B1B0 B0C0 C0C1 C1C2 C2C3 C3D3 D3D2 D2D1 D1D0 D0C0 C0C1 C1C2 C2C3 C3D3 D3D2 D2D1 D1D0 D0C0 C0B0 B0B1 B1B2 B2B3 B3C3 C3C2 C2C1 C1C0 C0B0 B0A0 A0A1 A1A2 A2A3" routeLength="4406.03"/> < <route cost="14.93" savings="0.00" replacedOnEdge="A2A3" replacedOnIndex="44" reason="parkA2A3:parkingAreaReroute" replacedAtTime="573.00" probability="0" edges="A0A1 A1A2 A2A3 A3B3 B3B2 B2B1 B1B0 B0A0 A0A1 A1A2 A2A3 A3B3 B3B2 B2B1 B1B0 B0C0 C0C1 C1C2 C2C3 C3D3 D3D2 D2D1 D1D0 D0C0 C0C1 C1C2 C2C3 C3D3 D3D2 D2D1 D1D0 D0C0 C0B0 B0B1 B1B2 B2B3 B3C3 C3C2 C2C1 C1C0 C0B0 B0A0 A0A1 A1A2 A2A3" routeLength="4406.03"/> < <route cost="218.32" savings="-210.93" replacedOnEdge="C2C3" replacedOnIndex="52" reason="parkC2C3:parkingAreaReroute" replacedAtTime="725.00" probability="0" edges="A0A1 A1A2 A2A3 A3B3 B3B2 B2B1 B1B0 B0A0 A0A1 A1A2 A2A3 A3B3 B3B2 B2B1 B1B0 B0C0 C0C1 C1C2 C2C3 C3D3 D3D2 D2D1 D1D0 D0C0 C0C1 C1C2 C2C3 C3D3 D3D2 D2D1 D1D0 D0C0 C0B0 B0B1 B1B2 B2B3 B3C3 C3C2 C2C1 C1C0 C0B0 B0A0 A0A1 A1A2 A2A3 A3B3 B3B2 B2B1 B1B0 B0C0 C0C1 C1C2 C2C3 C3B3 B3B2 B2B1 B1B0 B0A0 A0A1 A1A2 A2A3" routeLength="5 987.63"/> < <route cost="205.32" savings="-105.66" replacedOnEdge="D2D3" replacedOnIndex="61" reason="parkD2D3:parkingAreaReroute" replacedAtTime="922.00" probability="0" edges="A0A1 A1A2 A2A3 A3B3 B3B2 B2B1 B1B0 B0A0 A0A1 A1A2 A2A3 A3B3 B3B2 B2B1 B1B0 B0C0 C0C1 C1C2 C2C3 C3D3 D3D2 D2D1 D1D0 D0C0 C0C1 C1C2 C2C3 C3D3 D3D2 D2D1 D1D0 D0C0 C0B0 B0B1 B1B2 B2B3 B3C3 C3C2 C2C1 C1C0 C0B0 B0A0 A0A1 A1A2 A2A3 A3B3 B3B2 B2B1 B1B0 B0C0 C0C1 C1C2 C2C3 C3B3 B3B2 B2B1 B1B0 B0C0 C0D0 D0D1 D1D2 D2D3 D3C3 C3B3 B3B2 B2B1 B1B0 B0A0 A0A1 A1A2 A2A3" routeLength="6990.30"/> < <route cost="213.59" savings="-99.75" edges="A0A1 A1A2 A2A3 A3B3 B3B2 B2B1 B1B0 B0A0 A0A1 A1A2 A2A3 A3B3 B3B2 B2B1 B1B0 B0C0 C0C1 C1C2 C2C3 C3D3 D3D2 D2D1 D1D0 D0C0 C0C1 C1C2 C2C3 C3D3 D3D2 D2D1 D1D0 D0C0 C0B0 B0B1 B1B2 B2B3 B3C3 C3C2 C2C1 C1C0 C0B0 B0A0 A0A1 A1A2 A2A3 A3B3 B3B2 B2B1 B1B0 B0C0 C0C1 C1C2 C2C3 C3B3 B3B2 B2B1 B1B0 B0C0 C0D0 D0D1 D1D2 D2D3 D3C3 C3C2 C2C1 C1C0 C0B0 B0B1 B1B2 B2B3 B3C3 C3C2 C2C1 C1C0 C0B0 B0A0 A0A1 A1A2 A2A3" exitTimes="21.00 32.00 42.00 51.00 58.00 69.0 0 79.00 86.00 110.00 130.00 149.00 161.00 177.00 197.00 214.00 225.00 247.00 266.00 279.00 285.00 293.00 305.00 311.00 316.00 326.00 344.00 360.00 370.00 376.00 382.00 388.00 393.00 411.00 438.00 464.00 485.00 499.00 510.00 520.00 531.00 540.00 551.00 562.00 573.00 583.00 593.00 602.00 612.00 623.00 671.00 695.00 725.00 770.00 778.00 789.00 815.00 851.00 858.00 877.00 899.00 922.00 947.00 972.00 983.00 989.00 998.00 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1"/> --- > <route cost="199.96" savings="-72.43" replacedOnEdge="B1B2" replacedOnIndex="26" reason="parkB1B2:parkingAreaReroute" replacedAtTime="328.00" probability="0" edges="A0A1 A1A2 A2A3 A3B3 B3B2 B2B1 B1B0 B0A0 A0A1 A1A2 A2A3 A3B3 B3B2 B2B1 B1B0 B0C0 C0C1 C1C2 C2C3 C3D3 D3D2 D2D1 D1D0 D0C0 C0B0 B0B1 B1B2 B2B3 B3C3 C3C2 C2C1 C1C0 C0B0 B0A0 A0A1 A1A2 A2A3" routeLength="3624.01"/> > <route cost="133.05" savings="0.00" replacedOnEdge="B2B3" replacedOnIndex="27" reason="parkB2B3:parkingAreaReroute" replacedAtTime="351.00" probability="0" edges="A0A1 A1A2 A2A3 A3B3 B3B2 B2B1 B1B0 B0A0 A0A1 A1A2 A2A3 A3B3 B3B2 B2B1 B1B0 B0C0 C0C1 C1C2 C2C3 C3D3 D3D2 D2D1 D1D0 D0C0 C0B0 B0B1 B1B2 B2B3 B3C3 C3C2 C2C1 C1C0 C0B0 B0A0 A0A1 A1A2 A2A3" routeLength="3624.01"/> > <route cost="115.80" savings="0.00" replacedOnEdge="A1A2" replacedOnIndex="35" reason="parkA1A2:parkingAreaReroute" replacedAtTime="474.00" probability="0" edges="A0A1 A1A2 A2A3 A3B3 B3B2 B2B1 B1B0 B0A0 A0A1 A1A2 A2A3 A3B3 B3B2 B2B1 B1B0 B0C0 C0C1 C1C2 C2C3 C3D3 D3D2 D2D1 D1D0 D0C0 C0B0 B0B1 B1B2 B2B3 B3C3 C3C2 C2C1 C1C0 C0B0 B0A0 A0A1 A1A2 A2A3" routeLength="3624.01"/> > <route cost="15.43" savings="0.00" replacedOnEdge="A2A3" replacedOnIndex="36" reason="parkA2A3:parkingAreaReroute" replacedAtTime="480.00" probability="0" edges="A0A1 A1A2 A2A3 A3B3 B3B2 B2B1 B1B0 B0A0 A0A1 A1A2 A2A3 A3B3 B3B2 B2B1 B1B0 B0C0 C0C1 C1C2 C2C3 C3D3 D3D2 D2D1 D1D0 D0C0 C0B0 B0B1 B1B2 B2B3 B3C3 C3C2 C2C1 C1C0 C0B0 B0A0 A0A1 A1A2 A2A3" routeLength="3624.01"/> > <route cost="229.89" savings="-222.22" replacedOnEdge="C2C3" replacedOnIndex="44" reason="parkC2C3:parkingAreaReroute" replacedAtTime="567.00" probability="0" edges="A0A1 A1A2 A2A3 A3B3 B3B2 B2B1 B1B0 B0A0 A0A1 A1A2 A2A3 A3B3 B3B2 B2B1 B1B0 B0C0 C0C1 C1C2 C2C3 C3D3 D3D2 D2D1 D1D0 D0C0 C0B0 B0B1 B1B2 B2B3 B3C3 C3C2 C2C1 C1C0 C0B0 B0A0 A0A1 A1A2 A2A3 A3B3 B3B2 B2B1 B1B0 B0C0 C0C1 C1C2 C2C3 C3B3 B3B2 B2B1 B1B0 B0A0 A0A1 A1A2 A2A3" routeLength="5205.61"/> > <route cost="212.82" savings="-109.28" replacedOnEdge="D2D3" replacedOnIndex="53" reason="parkD2D3:parkingAreaReroute" replacedAtTime="737.00" probability="0" edges="A0A1 A1A2 A2A3 A3B3 B3B2 B2B1 B1B0 B0A0 A0A1 A1A2 A2A3 A3B3 B3B2 B2B1 B1B0 B0C0 C0C1 C1C2 C2C3 C3D3 D3D2 D2D1 D1D0 D0C0 C0B0 B0B1 B1B2 B2B3 B3C3 C3C2 C2C1 C1C0 C0B0 B0A0 A0A1 A1A2 A2A3 A3B3 B3B2 B2B1 B1B0 B0C0 C0C1 C1C2 C2C3 C3B3 B3B2 B2B1 B1B0 B0C0 C0D0 D0D1 D1D2 D2D3 D3C3 C3B3 B3B2 B2B1 B1B0 B0A0 A0A1 A1A2 A2A3" rout eLength="6208.28"/> > <route cost="212.35" savings="-109.08" replacedOnEdge="D1D2" replacedOnIndex="60" reason="parkD1D2:parkingAreaReroute" replacedAtTime="916.00" probability="0" edges="A0A1 A1A2 A2A3 A3B3 B3B2 B2B1 B1B0 B0A0 A0A1 A1A2 A2A3 A3B3 B3B2 B2B1 B1B0 B0C0 C0C1 C1C2 C2C3 C3D3 D3D2 D2D1 D1D0 D0C0 C0B0 B0B1 B1B2 B2B3 B3C3 C3C2 C2C1 C1C0 C0B0 B0A0 A0A1 A1A2 A2A3 A3B3 B3B2 B2B1 B1B0 B0C0 C0C1 C1C2 C2C3 C3B3 B3B2 B2B1 B1B0 B0C0 C0D0 D0D1 D1D2 D2D3 D3C3 C3C2 C2C1 C1C0 C0D0 D0D1 D1D2 D2D3 D3C3 C3B3 B3B2 B2B1 B1B0 B0A0 A0A1 A1A2 A2A3" routeLength="7010.95"/> > <route cost="269.19" savings="-152.55" edges="A0A1 A1A2 A2A3 A3B3 B3B2 B2B1 B1B0 B0A0 A0A1 A1A2 A2A3 A3B3 B3B2 B2B1 B1B0 B0C0 C0C1 C1C2 C2C3 C3D3 D3D2 D2D1 D1D0 D0C0 C0B0 B0B1 B1B2 B2B3 B3C3 C3C2 C2C1 C1C0 C0B0 B0A0 A0A1 A1A2 A2A3 A3B3 B3B2 B2B1 B1B0 B0C0 C0C1 C1C2 C2C3 C3B3 B3B2 B2B1 B1B0 B0C0 C0D0 D0D1 D1D2 D2D3 D3C3 C3C2 C2C1 C1C0 C0D0 D0D1 D1D2 D2D3 D3C3 C3C2 C2C1 C1C0 C0B0 B0B1 B1B2 B2B3 B3C3 C3C2 C2C1 C1C0 C0B0 B0A0 A0A1 A1A2 A2A3" exitTimes="21.00 32.00 42.00 51.00 58.00 69. 00 79.00 86.00 110.00 130.00 149.00 161.00 177.00 197.00 214.00 225.00 247.00 266.00 285.00 294.00 300.00 305.00 311.00 317.00 322.00 328.00 351.00 369.00 381.00 389.00 413.00 436.00 460.00 468.00 474.00 480.00 486.00 492.00 519.00 527.00 534.00 541.00 548.00 567.00 602.00 616.00 625.00 640.00 658.00 683.00 690.00 708.00 737.00 765.00 795.00 817.00 845.00 887.00 898.00 916.00 945.00 979.00 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1"/> 64c64 < <route cost="186.20" savings="0.00" edges="A0A1 A1A2 A2A3 A3B3 B3C3 C3C2 C2C1 C1C0 C0B0 B0B1 B1B2 B2B3 B3C3 C3C2 C2C1 C1C0 C0B0 B0A0 A0A1 A1A2 A2A3" exitTimes="31.00 47.00 64.00 79.00 96.00 113.00 130.00 145.00 161.00 178.00 195.00 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1"/> --- > <route cost="186.19" savings="0.00" edges="A0A1 A1A2 A2A3 A3B3 B3C3 C3C2 C2C1 C1C0 C0B0 B0B1 B1B2 B2B3 B3C3 C3C2 C2C1 C1C0 C0B0 B0A0 A0A1 A1A2 A2A3" exitTimes="31.00 47.00 64.00 79.00 96.00 113.00 130.00 145.00 161.00 178.00 195.00 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1"/> 69c69 < <vehicle id="ego.7" type="car" depart="16.00" departSpeed="5.2086" speedFactor="0.6894" routeLength="5612.70"> --- > <vehicle id="ego.7" type="car" depart="16.00" departSpeed="5.2086" speedFactor="0.6894" routeLength="4205.43"> <truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ---------- 19c19,21 < DijkstraRouter answered 52 queries and explored 6.88 edges on average. --- > DijkstraRouter answered 50 queries and explored 6.88 edges on average. > DijkstraRouter spent (TIME) answering queries ((TIME) on average). > DijkstraRouter answered 2 queries and explored 7.00 edges on average.
---------- Differences in output ---------- 19c19,21 < DijkstraRouter answered 112 queries and explored 3.00 edges on average. --- > DijkstraRouter answered 103 queries and explored 3.00 edges on average. > DijkstraRouter spent (TIME) answering queries ((TIME) on average). > DijkstraRouter answered 9 queries and explored 3.00 edges on average.
---------- Differences in output ---------- 20c20,26 < DijkstraRouter answered 547 queries and explored 3.23 edges on average. --- > DijkstraRouter answered 365 queries and explored 3.15 edges on average. > DijkstraRouter spent (TIME) answering queries ((TIME) on average). > DijkstraRouter answered 52 queries and explored 3.44 edges on average. > DijkstraRouter spent (TIME) answering queries ((TIME) on average). > DijkstraRouter answered 127 queries and explored 3.38 edges on average. > DijkstraRouter spent (TIME) answering queries ((TIME) on average). > DijkstraRouter answered 3 queries and explored 4.00 edges on average.
---------- Differences in output ---------- 27c27,29 < DijkstraRouter answered 343 queries and explored 3.70 edges on average. --- > DijkstraRouter answered 314 queries and explored 3.60 edges on average. > DijkstraRouter spent (TIME) answering queries ((TIME) on average). > DijkstraRouter answered 29 queries and explored 4.83 edges on average.
---------- Differences in output ---------- 28c28,34 < DijkstraRouter answered 4534 queries and explored 3.95 edges on average. --- > DijkstraRouter answered 1632 queries and explored 3.86 edges on average. > DijkstraRouter spent (TIME) answering queries ((TIME) on average). > DijkstraRouter answered 1231 queries and explored 3.97 edges on average. > DijkstraRouter spent (TIME) answering queries ((TIME) on average). > DijkstraRouter answered 946 queries and explored 4.01 edges on average. > DijkstraRouter spent (TIME) answering queries ((TIME) on average). > DijkstraRouter answered 725 queries and explored 4.06 edges on average.
---------- Differences in output ---------- 27c27,29 < DijkstraRouter answered 343 queries and explored 4.00 edges on average. --- > DijkstraRouter answered 314 queries and explored 4.00 edges on average. > DijkstraRouter spent (TIME) answering queries ((TIME) on average). > DijkstraRouter answered 29 queries and explored 4.00 edges on average.
---------- Differences in output ---------- 28c28,34 < DijkstraRouter answered 4860 queries and explored 3.74 edges on average. --- > DijkstraRouter answered 1741 queries and explored 3.63 edges on average. > DijkstraRouter spent (TIME) answering queries ((TIME) on average). > DijkstraRouter answered 1358 queries and explored 3.76 edges on average. > DijkstraRouter spent (TIME) answering queries ((TIME) on average). > DijkstraRouter answered 978 queries and explored 3.81 edges on average. > DijkstraRouter spent (TIME) answering queries ((TIME) on average). > DijkstraRouter answered 783 queries and explored 3.83 edges on average.
---------- Differences in output ---------- 28c28,34 < DijkstraRouter answered 4984 queries and explored 3.76 edges on average. --- > DijkstraRouter answered 1741 queries and explored 3.75 edges on average. > DijkstraRouter spent (TIME) answering queries ((TIME) on average). > DijkstraRouter answered 1397 queries and explored 3.70 edges on average. > DijkstraRouter spent (TIME) answering queries ((TIME) on average). > DijkstraRouter answered 1020 queries and explored 3.83 edges on average. > DijkstraRouter spent (TIME) answering queries ((TIME) on average). > DijkstraRouter answered 826 queries and explored 3.79 edges on average.
---------- Differences in output ---------- 15c15,21 < DijkstraRouter answered 635 queries and explored 2.00 edges on average. --- > DijkstraRouter answered 270 queries and explored 2.00 edges on average. > DijkstraRouter spent (TIME) answering queries ((TIME) on average). > DijkstraRouter answered 260 queries and explored 2.00 edges on average. > DijkstraRouter spent (TIME) answering queries ((TIME) on average). > DijkstraRouter answered 69 queries and explored 2.00 edges on average. > DijkstraRouter spent (TIME) answering queries ((TIME) on average). > DijkstraRouter answered 36 queries and explored 2.00 edges on average.
---------- Differences in output ---------- 15c15,21 < DijkstraRouter answered 700 queries and explored 2.00 edges on average. --- > DijkstraRouter answered 265 queries and explored 2.00 edges on average. > DijkstraRouter spent (TIME) answering queries ((TIME) on average). > DijkstraRouter answered 265 queries and explored 2.00 edges on average. > DijkstraRouter spent (TIME) answering queries ((TIME) on average). > DijkstraRouter answered 132 queries and explored 2.00 edges on average. > DijkstraRouter spent (TIME) answering queries ((TIME) on average). > DijkstraRouter answered 38 queries and explored 2.00 edges on average.
---------- Differences in output ---------- 15c15,21 < DijkstraRouter answered 753 queries and explored 2.00 edges on average. --- > DijkstraRouter answered 236 queries and explored 2.00 edges on average. > DijkstraRouter spent (TIME) answering queries ((TIME) on average). > DijkstraRouter answered 276 queries and explored 2.00 edges on average. > DijkstraRouter spent (TIME) answering queries ((TIME) on average). > DijkstraRouter answered 193 queries and explored 2.00 edges on average. > DijkstraRouter spent (TIME) answering queries ((TIME) on average). > DijkstraRouter answered 48 queries and explored 2.00 edges on average.
---------- Differences in output ---------- 15c15,21 < DijkstraRouter answered 432 queries and explored 2.00 edges on average. --- > DijkstraRouter answered 350 queries and explored 2.00 edges on average. > DijkstraRouter spent (TIME) answering queries ((TIME) on average). > DijkstraRouter answered 66 queries and explored 2.00 edges on average. > DijkstraRouter spent (TIME) answering queries ((TIME) on average). > DijkstraRouter answered 12 queries and explored 2.00 edges on average. > DijkstraRouter spent (TIME) answering queries ((TIME) on average). > DijkstraRouter answered 4 queries and explored 2.00 edges on average.
---------- Differences in output ---------- 15c15,21 < DijkstraRouter answered 725 queries and explored 2.00 edges on average. --- > DijkstraRouter answered 256 queries and explored 2.00 edges on average. > DijkstraRouter spent (TIME) answering queries ((TIME) on average). > DijkstraRouter answered 269 queries and explored 2.00 edges on average. > DijkstraRouter spent (TIME) answering queries ((TIME) on average). > DijkstraRouter answered 160 queries and explored 2.00 edges on average. > DijkstraRouter spent (TIME) answering queries ((TIME) on average). > DijkstraRouter answered 40 queries and explored 2.00 edges on average.
---------- Differences in output ---------- 4c4 < Simulation ended at time: 1005.00 --- > Simulation ended at time: 1094.00 12,17c12,17 < RouteLength: 210.38 < Speed: 25.56 < Duration: 8.48 < WaitingTime: 0.00 < TimeLoss: 1.48 < DepartDelay: 0.00 --- > RouteLength: 223.60 > Speed: 15.32 > Duration: 26.03 > WaitingTime: 0.14 > TimeLoss: 18.67 > DepartDelay: 7.87
---------- Differences in output ---------- 14c14,16 < DijkstraRouter answered 486 queries and explored 2.82 edges on average. --- > DijkstraRouter answered 429 queries and explored 2.93 edges on average. > DijkstraRouter spent (TIME) answering queries ((TIME) on average). > DijkstraRouter answered 57 queries and explored 2.00 edges on average.
---------- Differences in fcd ---------- 99,100c99,100 < <vehicle id="v0" x="381.55" y="491.73" angle="88.99" type="DEFAULT_VEHTYPE" speed="11.91" pos="137.09" lane="1si_0" slope="0.00" signals="8" acceleration="-3.95" accelerationLat="-0.03" distance="137.09" odometer="131.99" posLat="-0.02" speedLat="0.21"/> < <vehicle id="v1" x="357.88" y="495.05" angle="89.97" type="thin" speed="13.89" pos="112.14" lane="1si_1" slope="0.00" signals="0" acceleration="0.00" accelerationLat="-1.05" distance="112.14" odometer="112.14" posLat="0.00" speedLat="0.01"/> --- > <vehicle id="v0" x="381.55" y="491.63" angle="89.96" type="DEFAULT_VEHTYPE" speed="11.91" pos="137.09" lane="1si_0" slope="0.00" signals="8" acceleration="-3.95" accelerationLat="-0.43" distance="137.09" odometer="131.99" posLat="-0.12" speedLat="0.01"/> > <vehicle id="v1" x="357.88" y="495.17" angle="89.00" type="thin" speed="13.89" pos="112.14" lane="1si_1" slope="0.00" signals="0" acceleration="0.00" accelerationLat="-0.58" distance="112.14" odometer="112.14" posLat="0.12" speedLat="0.24"/> 103,104c103,104 < <vehicle id="v0" x="386.13" y="491.74" angle="89.85" type="DEFAULT_VEHTYPE" speed="9.66" pos="141.92" lane="1si_0" slope="0.00" signals="8" acceleration="-4.50" accelerationLat="-0.38" distance="141.92" odometer="136.82" posLat="-0.01" speedLat="0.02"/> < <vehicle id="v1" x="364.47" y="495.05" angle="90.03" type="thin" speed="13.89" pos="119.09" lane="1si_1" slope="0.00" signals="0" acceleration="0.00" accelerationLat="-0.03" distance="119.09" odometer="119.09" posLat="-0.00" speedLat="-0.01"/> --- > <vehicle id="v0" x="386.13" y="491.63" angle="90.02" type="DEFAULT_VEHTYPE" speed="9.66" pos="141.92" lane="1si_0" slope="0.00" signals="8" acceleration="-4.50" accelerationLat="-0.02" distance="141.92" odometer="136.82" posLat="-0.12" speedLat="-0.00"/> > <vehicle id="v1" x="364.47" y="495.18" angle="89.90" type="thin" speed="13.89" pos="119.09" lane="1si_1" slope="0.00" signals="0" acceleration="0.00" accelerationLat="-0.44" distance="119.09" odometer="119.09" posLat="0.13" speedLat="0.03"/> 107,108c107,108 < <vehicle id="v0" x="389.64" y="491.81" angle="89.18" type="DEFAULT_VEHTYPE" speed="7.41" pos="145.63" lane="1si_0" slope="0.00" signals="8" acceleration="-4.50" accelerationLat="0.23" distance="145.63" odometer="140.53" posLat="0.06" speedLat="0.14"/> < <vehicle id="v1" x="371.06" y="495.03" angle="90.16" type="thin" speed="13.89" pos="126.03" lane="1si_1" slope="0.00" signals="0" acceleration="0.00" accelerationLat="-0.06" distance="126.03" odometer="126.03" posLat="-0.02" speedLat="-0.04"/> --- > <vehicle id="v0" x="389.64" y="491.62" angle="90.11" type="DEFAULT_VEHTYPE" speed="7.41" pos="145.63" lane="1si_0" slope="0.00" signals="8" acceleration="-4.50" accelerationLat="-0.03" distance="145.63" odometer="140.53" posLat="-0.13" speedLat="-0.02"/> > <vehicle id="v1" x="371.06" y="495.31" angle="88.96" type="thin" speed="13.89" pos="126.03" lane="1si_1" slope="0.00" signals="0" acceleration="0.00" accelerationLat="0.45" distance="126.03" odometer="126.03" posLat="0.26" speedLat="0.25"/> 111,112c111,112 < <vehicle id="v0" x="392.09" y="491.78" angle="89.91" type="DEFAULT_VEHTYPE" speed="5.16" pos="148.21" lane="1si_0" slope="0.00" signals="8" acceleration="-4.50" accelerationLat="-0.38" distance="148.21" odometer="143.11" posLat="0.03" speedLat="-0.05"/> < <vehicle id="v1" x="377.64" y="495.10" angle="89.40" type="thin" speed="13.89" pos="132.98" lane="1si_1" slope="0.00" signals="0" acceleration="0.00" accelerationLat="0.37" distance="132.98" odometer="132.98" posLat="0.05" speedLat="0.15"/> --- > <vehicle id="v0" x="392.09" y="491.59" angle="90.35" type="DEFAULT_VEHTYPE" speed="5.16" pos="148.21" lane="1si_0" slope="0.00" signals="8" acceleration="-4.50" accelerationLat="-0.06" distance="148.21" odometer="143.11" posLat="-0.16" speedLat="-0.05"/> > <vehicle id="v1" x="377.64" y="495.38" angle="89.42" type="thin" speed="13.89" pos="132.98" lane="1si_1" slope="0.00" signals="0" acceleration="0.00" accelerationLat="-0.22" distance="132.98" odometer="132.98" posLat="0.33" speedLat="0.14"/> 115,116c115,116 < <vehicle id="v0" x="393.48" y="491.78" angle="90.01" type="DEFAULT_VEHTYPE" speed="2.91" pos="149.67" lane="1si_0" slope="0.00" signals="8" acceleration="-4.50" accelerationLat="0.08" distance="149.67" odometer="144.57" posLat="0.03" speedLat="-0.01"/> < <vehicle id="v1" x="384.23" y="495.12" angle="89.83" type="thin" speed="13.89" pos="139.92" lane="1si_1" slope="0.00" signals="0" acceleration="0.00" accelerationLat="-0.21" distance="139.92" odometer="139.92" posLat="0.07" speedLat="0.04"/> --- > <vehicle id="v0" x="393.48" y="491.60" angle="90.19" type="DEFAULT_VEHTYPE" speed="2.91" pos="149.67" lane="1si_0" slope="0.00" signals="8" acceleration="-4.50" accelerationLat="0.12" distance="149.67" odometer="144.57" posLat="-0.15" speedLat="0.01"/> > <vehicle id="v1" x="384.23" y="495.35" angle="90.28" type="thin" speed="13.89" pos="139.92" lane="1si_1" slope="0.00" signals="0" acceleration="0.00" accelerationLat="-0.41" distance="139.92" odometer="139.92" posLat="0.30" speedLat="-0.07"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in fcd ---------- 103c103 < <vehicle id="v0" x="386.13" y="491.91" angle="90.02" type="DEFAULT_VEHTYPE" speed="9.66" pos="141.92" lane="1si_0" slope="0.00"/> --- > <vehicle id="v0" x="386.13" y="491.95" angle="89.51" type="DEFAULT_VEHTYPE" speed="9.66" pos="141.92" lane="1si_0" slope="0.00"/> 107c107 < <vehicle id="v0" x="389.64" y="491.86" angle="90.55" type="DEFAULT_VEHTYPE" speed="7.41" pos="145.63" lane="1si_0" slope="0.00"/> --- > <vehicle id="v0" x="389.64" y="491.95" angle="89.90" type="DEFAULT_VEHTYPE" speed="7.41" pos="145.63" lane="1si_0" slope="0.00"/> 111,112c111,112 < <vehicle id="v0" x="392.09" y="491.82" angle="90.71" type="DEFAULT_VEHTYPE" speed="5.16" pos="148.21" lane="1si_0" slope="0.00"/> < <vehicle id="v1" x="377.64" y="494.95" angle="90.87" type="thin" speed="13.89" pos="132.98" lane="1si_1" slope="0.00"/> --- > <vehicle id="v0" x="392.09" y="491.91" angle="90.41" type="DEFAULT_VEHTYPE" speed="5.16" pos="148.21" lane="1si_0" slope="0.00"/> > <vehicle id="v1" x="377.64" y="494.97" angle="90.72" type="thin" speed="13.89" pos="132.98" lane="1si_1" slope="0.00"/> 115,116c115,116 < <vehicle id="v0" x="393.48" y="491.82" angle="90.47" type="DEFAULT_VEHTYPE" speed="2.91" pos="149.67" lane="1si_0" slope="0.00"/> < <vehicle id="v1" x="384.23" y="495.07" angle="89.01" type="thin" speed="13.89" pos="139.92" lane="1si_1" slope="0.00"/> --- > <vehicle id="v0" x="393.48" y="491.93" angle="90.01" type="DEFAULT_VEHTYPE" speed="2.91" pos="149.67" lane="1si_0" slope="0.00"/> > <vehicle id="v1" x="384.23" y="494.87" angle="90.84" type="thin" speed="13.89" pos="139.92" lane="1si_1" slope="0.00"/> 119,120c119,120 < <vehicle id="v0" x="393.79" y="491.82" angle="90.44" type="DEFAULT_VEHTYPE" speed="0.66" pos="150.00" lane="1si_0" slope="0.00"/> < <vehicle id="v1" x="390.82" y="495.14" angle="89.44" type="thin" speed="13.89" pos="146.87" lane="1si_1" slope="0.00"/> --- > <vehicle id="v0" x="393.79" y="491.93" angle="90.00" type="DEFAULT_VEHTYPE" speed="0.66" pos="150.00" lane="1si_0" slope="0.00"/> > <vehicle id="v1" x="390.82" y="494.94" angle="89.43" type="thin" speed="13.89" pos="146.87" lane="1si_1" slope="0.00"/> 123,124c123,124 < <vehicle id="v0" x="393.79" y="491.82" angle="90.44" type="DEFAULT_VEHTYPE" speed="0.00" pos="150.00" lane="1si_0" slope="0.00"/> < <vehicle id="v1" x="397.41" y="495.13" angle="90.03" type="thin" speed="13.89" pos="153.81" lane="1si_1" slope="0.00"/> --- <truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ---------- 5c5 < Simulation ended at time: 1159.00 --- > Simulation ended at time: 1142.00 12,17c12,18 < Statistics (avg): < RouteLength: 616.72 < Duration: 114.65 < WaitingTime: 19.52 < TimeLoss: 68.62 < DepartDelay: 1.47 --- > Statistics (avg of 1015): > RouteLength: 616.70 > Speed: 6.72 > Duration: 110.52 > WaitingTime: 22.18 > TimeLoss: 64.44 > DepartDelay: 1.67
---------- Differences in output ---------- 5c5 < Simulation ended at time: 1051.00 --- > Simulation ended at time: 1052.00 12,16c12,17 < Statistics (avg): < RouteLength: 615.69 < Duration: 56.00 < WaitingTime: 0.38 < TimeLoss: 10.00 --- > Statistics (avg of 282): > RouteLength: 615.62 > Speed: 11.10 > Duration: 55.56 > WaitingTime: 0.32 > TimeLoss: 9.56
---------- Differences in output ---------- 5c5 < Simulation ended at time: 1051.00 --- > Simulation ended at time: 69.00 9c9 < Inserted: 282 (Loaded: 564) --- > Inserted: 1 12,17c12,18 < Statistics (avg): < RouteLength: 615.69 < Duration: 56.00 < WaitingTime: 0.38 < TimeLoss: 10.00 < DepartDelay: 0.05 --- > Statistics (avg of 1): > RouteLength: 811.07 > Speed: 11.93 > Duration: 68.00 > WaitingTime: 0.00 > TimeLoss: 7.07 > DepartDelay: 0.00 19,23c20 < DijkstraRouter answered 273 queries and explored 4.91 edges on average. < DijkstraRouter spent (TIME) answering queries ((TIME) on average). < DijkstraRouter answered 8 queries and explored 5.75 edges on average. < DijkstraRouter spent (TIME) answering queries ((TIME) on average). < DijkstraRouter answered 1 queries and explored 5.00 edges on average. --- <truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ---------- 12c12 < Statistics (avg): --- > Statistics (avg of 564): 14,17c14,18 < Duration: 60.03 < WaitingTime: 2.49 < TimeLoss: 14.05 < DepartDelay: 0.30 --- > Speed: 10.56 > Duration: 59.09 > WaitingTime: 2.23 > TimeLoss: 13.04 > DepartDelay: 0.29
---------- Differences in output ---------- 5c5 < Simulation ended at time: 1219.00 --- > Simulation ended at time: 1157.00 12c12 < Statistics (avg): --- > Statistics (avg of 1015): 14,17c14,18 < Duration: 142.99 < WaitingTime: 30.37 < TimeLoss: 96.97 < DepartDelay: 2.88 --- > Speed: 6.22 > Duration: 117.07 > WaitingTime: 24.05 > TimeLoss: 71.01 > DepartDelay: 1.66 19c20 < DijkstraRouter answered 451 queries and explored 4.89 edges on average. --- > DijkstraRouter answered 450 queries and explored 4.89 edges on average.
---------- Differences in output ---------- 5c5 < Simulation ended at time: 1052.00 --- > Simulation ended at time: 1051.00 12,16c12,17 < Statistics (avg): < RouteLength: 615.41 < Duration: 56.60 < WaitingTime: 0.50 < TimeLoss: 10.69 --- > Statistics (avg of 282): > RouteLength: 615.34 > Speed: 11.01 > Duration: 56.00 > WaitingTime: 0.26 > TimeLoss: 10.00
---------- Differences in output ---------- 5c5 < Simulation ended at time: 1070.00 --- > Simulation ended at time: 1068.00 12,16c12,17 < Statistics (avg): < RouteLength: 615.62 < Duration: 60.52 < WaitingTime: 2.36 < TimeLoss: 14.59 --- > Statistics (avg of 564): > RouteLength: 615.72 > Speed: 10.36 > Duration: 60.38 > WaitingTime: 2.71 > TimeLoss: 14.38
---------- Differences in output ---------- 5c5 < Simulation ended at time: 1219.00 --- > Simulation ended at time: 1554.00 12,17c12,18 < Statistics (avg): < RouteLength: 616.48 < Duration: 142.99 < WaitingTime: 30.37 < TimeLoss: 96.97 < DepartDelay: 2.88 --- > Statistics (avg of 1015): > RouteLength: 616.06 > Speed: 3.36 > Duration: 253.40 > WaitingTime: 127.67 > TimeLoss: 207.40 > DepartDelay: 72.93 19c20 < DijkstraRouter answered 451 queries and explored 4.89 edges on average. --- > DijkstraRouter answered 500 queries and explored 4.93 edges on average. 21c22 < DijkstraRouter answered 372 queries and explored 5.13 edges on average. --- > DijkstraRouter answered 493 queries and explored 5.11 edges on average. 23c24 < DijkstraRouter answered 114 queries and explored 4.95 edges on average. --- <truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ---------- 5c5 < Simulation ended at time: 1052.00 --- > Simulation ended at time: 1055.00 12,15c12,16 < Statistics (avg): < RouteLength: 615.41 < Duration: 56.60 < WaitingTime: 0.50 --- > Statistics (avg of 282): > RouteLength: 612.72 > Speed: 10.88 > Duration: 56.48 > WaitingTime: 0.76
---------- Differences in output ---------- 5c5 < Simulation ended at time: 1070.00 --- > Simulation ended at time: 1080.00 12,17c12,18 < Statistics (avg): < RouteLength: 615.62 < Duration: 60.52 < WaitingTime: 2.36 < TimeLoss: 14.59 < DepartDelay: 0.32 --- > Statistics (avg of 564): > RouteLength: 613.47 > Speed: 8.48 > Duration: 77.59 > WaitingTime: 10.34 > TimeLoss: 31.78 > DepartDelay: 0.29
---------- Differences in output ---------- 5c5 < Simulation ended at time: 1159.00 --- > Simulation ended at time: 1175.00 12,17c12,18 < Statistics (avg): < RouteLength: 616.72 < Duration: 114.65 < WaitingTime: 19.52 < TimeLoss: 68.62 < DepartDelay: 1.47 --- > Statistics (avg of 1015): > RouteLength: 616.95 > Speed: 6.40 > Duration: 121.73 > WaitingTime: 29.60 > TimeLoss: 75.64 > DepartDelay: 3.10
---------- Differences in output ---------- 5c5 < Simulation ended at time: 1051.00 --- > Simulation ended at time: 1050.00 12,16c12,17 < Statistics (avg): < RouteLength: 615.69 < Duration: 56.00 < WaitingTime: 0.38 < TimeLoss: 10.00 --- > Statistics (avg of 282): > RouteLength: 615.51 > Speed: 11.12 > Duration: 55.46 > WaitingTime: 0.36 > TimeLoss: 9.41
---------- Differences in output ---------- 5c5 < Simulation ended at time: 1066.00 --- > Simulation ended at time: 1065.00 12,16c12,17 < Statistics (avg): < RouteLength: 615.98 < Duration: 60.03 < WaitingTime: 2.49 < TimeLoss: 14.05 --- > Statistics (avg of 564): > RouteLength: 615.80 > Speed: 10.62 > Duration: 58.58 > WaitingTime: 1.95 > TimeLoss: 12.55
---------- Differences in output ---------- 5c5 < Simulation ended at time: 1159.00 --- > Simulation ended at time: 1238.00 12,17c12,18 < Statistics (avg): < RouteLength: 616.72 < Duration: 114.65 < WaitingTime: 19.52 < TimeLoss: 68.62 < DepartDelay: 1.47 --- > Statistics (avg of 1015): > RouteLength: 621.19 > Speed: 6.33 > Duration: 138.51 > WaitingTime: 40.42 > TimeLoss: 92.09 > DepartDelay: 3.70 19c20 < DijkstraRouter answered 450 queries and explored 4.89 edges on average. --- > DijkstraRouter answered 450 queries and explored 4.90 edges on average. 21c22 < DijkstraRouter answered 372 queries and explored 5.13 edges on average. --- > DijkstraRouter answered 372 queries and explored 5.14 edges on average.
---------- Differences in output ---------- 5c5 < Simulation ended at time: 1051.00 --- > Simulation ended at time: 1050.00 12,17c12,18 < Statistics (avg): < RouteLength: 615.69 < Duration: 56.00 < WaitingTime: 0.38 < TimeLoss: 10.00 < DepartDelay: 0.05 --- > Statistics (avg of 282): > RouteLength: 618.82 > Speed: 11.25 > Duration: 55.12 > WaitingTime: 0.41 > TimeLoss: 8.85 > DepartDelay: 0.11
---------- Differences in output ---------- 5c5 < Simulation ended at time: 1066.00 --- > Simulation ended at time: 1067.00 12,17c12,18 < Statistics (avg): < RouteLength: 615.98 < Duration: 60.03 < WaitingTime: 2.49 < TimeLoss: 14.05 < DepartDelay: 0.30 --- > Statistics (avg of 564): > RouteLength: 619.69 > Speed: 10.55 > Duration: 59.80 > WaitingTime: 3.20 > TimeLoss: 13.51 > DepartDelay: 0.47
---------- Differences in output ---------- 5c5 < Simulation ended at time: 1159.00 --- > Simulation ended at time: 1353.00 12,17c12,19 < Statistics (avg): < RouteLength: 616.72 < Duration: 114.65 < WaitingTime: 19.52 < TimeLoss: 68.62 < DepartDelay: 1.47 --- > Teleports: 4 (Wrong Lane: 4) > Statistics (avg of 1015): > RouteLength: 621.17 > Speed: 6.16 > Duration: 163.57 > WaitingTime: 71.31 > TimeLoss: 117.16 > DepartDelay: 34.36 19c21 < DijkstraRouter answered 450 queries and explored 4.89 edges on average. --- > DijkstraRouter answered 519 queries and explored 4.96 edges on average. 21c23 < DijkstraRouter answered 372 queries and explored 5.13 edges on average. --- > DijkstraRouter answered 442 queries and explored 5.11 edges on average. 23c25 < DijkstraRouter answered 114 queries and explored 4.95 edges on average. <truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ---------- 5c5 < Simulation ended at time: 1051.00 --- > Simulation ended at time: 1049.00 12,17c12,18 < Statistics (avg): < RouteLength: 615.69 < Duration: 56.00 < WaitingTime: 0.38 < TimeLoss: 10.00 < DepartDelay: 0.05 --- > Statistics (avg of 282): > RouteLength: 618.79 > Speed: 11.23 > Duration: 55.21 > WaitingTime: 0.44 > TimeLoss: 8.96 > DepartDelay: 0.11
---------- Differences in output ---------- 5c5 < Simulation ended at time: 1066.00 --- > Simulation ended at time: 1068.00 12,17c12,18 < Statistics (avg): < RouteLength: 615.98 < Duration: 60.03 < WaitingTime: 2.49 < TimeLoss: 14.05 < DepartDelay: 0.30 --- > Statistics (avg of 564): > RouteLength: 619.63 > Speed: 10.54 > Duration: 59.97 > WaitingTime: 3.56 > TimeLoss: 13.68 > DepartDelay: 0.40
---------- Differences in output ---------- 5c5 < Simulation ended at time: 1303.00 --- > Simulation ended at time: 1300.00 12,17c12,18 < Statistics (avg): < RouteLength: 303.62 < Duration: 121.81 < WaitingTime: 38.39 < TimeLoss: 98.61 < DepartDelay: 57.89 --- > Statistics (avg of 1015): > RouteLength: 303.66 > Speed: 3.56 > Duration: 113.63 > WaitingTime: 39.51 > TimeLoss: 90.39 > DepartDelay: 62.24 19c20 < DijkstraRouter answered 760 queries and explored 4.98 edges on average. --- > DijkstraRouter answered 550 queries and explored 4.94 edges on average. 21c22 < DijkstraRouter answered 423 queries and explored 5.07 edges on average. --- > DijkstraRouter answered 485 queries and explored 5.11 edges on average. 23c24 < DijkstraRouter answered 120 queries and explored 4.98 edges on average. --- <truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ---------- 5c5 < Simulation ended at time: 1031.00 --- > Simulation ended at time: 1030.00 12,17c12,18 < Statistics (avg): < RouteLength: 302.83 < Duration: 33.00 < WaitingTime: 0.34 < TimeLoss: 9.77 < DepartDelay: 0.05 --- > Statistics (avg of 282): > RouteLength: 302.79 > Speed: 9.27 > Duration: 32.77 > WaitingTime: 0.31 > TimeLoss: 9.59 > DepartDelay: 0.08
---------- Differences in output ---------- 5c5 < Simulation ended at time: 1039.00 --- > Simulation ended at time: 1040.00 12,17c12,18 < Statistics (avg): < RouteLength: 302.91 < Duration: 38.21 < WaitingTime: 2.67 < TimeLoss: 15.03 < DepartDelay: 0.35 --- > Statistics (avg of 564): > RouteLength: 302.88 > Speed: 8.43 > Duration: 36.89 > WaitingTime: 2.30 > TimeLoss: 13.70 > DepartDelay: 0.36
---------- Differences in output ---------- 5c5 < Simulation ended at time: 1362.00 --- > Simulation ended at time: 1307.00 12,17c12,18 < Statistics (avg): < RouteLength: 303.40 < Duration: 134.20 < WaitingTime: 47.07 < TimeLoss: 111.00 < DepartDelay: 77.02 --- > Statistics (avg of 1015): > RouteLength: 303.44 > Speed: 3.33 > Duration: 114.73 > WaitingTime: 40.25 > TimeLoss: 91.50 > DepartDelay: 68.91 19c20 < DijkstraRouter answered 779 queries and explored 5.00 edges on average. --- > DijkstraRouter answered 549 queries and explored 4.93 edges on average. 21c22 < DijkstraRouter answered 407 queries and explored 5.09 edges on average. --- > DijkstraRouter answered 470 queries and explored 5.11 edges on average. 23c24 < DijkstraRouter answered 116 queries and explored 4.98 edges on average. --- <truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ---------- 12c12 < Statistics (avg): --- > Statistics (avg of 282): 14,17c14,18 < Duration: 33.94 < WaitingTime: 0.55 < TimeLoss: 10.76 < DepartDelay: 0.10 --- > Speed: 9.06 > Duration: 33.60 > WaitingTime: 0.47 > TimeLoss: 10.42 > DepartDelay: 0.11
---------- Differences in output ---------- 5c5 < Simulation ended at time: 1046.00 --- > Simulation ended at time: 1044.00 12c12 < Statistics (avg): --- > Statistics (avg of 564): 14,16c14,17 < Duration: 39.60 < WaitingTime: 3.19 < TimeLoss: 16.43 --- > Speed: 8.17 > Duration: 38.13 > WaitingTime: 2.44 > TimeLoss: 14.95
---------- Differences in output ---------- 5c5 < Simulation ended at time: 1219.00 --- > Simulation ended at time: 2125.00 12,17c12,18 < Statistics (avg): < RouteLength: 616.48 < Duration: 142.99 < WaitingTime: 30.37 < TimeLoss: 96.97 < DepartDelay: 2.88 --- > Statistics (avg of 1015): > RouteLength: 617.60 > Speed: 2.30 > Duration: 364.97 > WaitingTime: 224.62 > TimeLoss: 318.85 > DepartDelay: 105.84 19c20 < DijkstraRouter answered 451 queries and explored 4.89 edges on average. --- > DijkstraRouter answered 523 queries and explored 4.96 edges on average. 21c22 < DijkstraRouter answered 372 queries and explored 5.13 edges on average. --- > DijkstraRouter answered 535 queries and explored 5.09 edges on average. 23c24 < DijkstraRouter answered 114 queries and explored 4.95 edges on average. --- <truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ---------- 5c5 < Simulation ended at time: 1052.00 --- > Simulation ended at time: 1095.00 12,16c12,17 < Statistics (avg): < RouteLength: 615.41 < Duration: 56.60 < WaitingTime: 0.50 < TimeLoss: 10.69 --- > Statistics (avg of 282): > RouteLength: 615.50 > Speed: 7.76 > Duration: 83.54 > WaitingTime: 24.64 > TimeLoss: 37.61
---------- Differences in output ---------- 5c5 < Simulation ended at time: 1070.00 --- > Simulation ended at time: 1122.00 12,17c12,18 < Statistics (avg): < RouteLength: 615.62 < Duration: 60.52 < WaitingTime: 2.36 < TimeLoss: 14.59 < DepartDelay: 0.32 --- > Statistics (avg of 564): > RouteLength: 616.21 > Speed: 5.88 > Duration: 120.19 > WaitingTime: 52.25 > TimeLoss: 74.19 > DepartDelay: 0.29
---------- Differences in output ---------- 5c5 < Simulation ended at time: 1219.00 --- > Simulation ended at time: 1735.00 12,17c12,18 < Statistics (avg): < RouteLength: 616.48 < Duration: 142.99 < WaitingTime: 30.37 < TimeLoss: 96.97 < DepartDelay: 2.88 --- > Statistics (avg of 1015): > RouteLength: 617.48 > Speed: 2.39 > Duration: 330.60 > WaitingTime: 129.01 > TimeLoss: 284.50 > DepartDelay: 72.42 19c20 < DijkstraRouter answered 451 queries and explored 4.89 edges on average. --- > DijkstraRouter answered 511 queries and explored 5.02 edges on average. 21c22 < DijkstraRouter answered 372 queries and explored 5.13 edges on average. --- > DijkstraRouter answered 486 queries and explored 5.25 edges on average. 23c24 < DijkstraRouter answered 114 queries and explored 4.95 edges on average. --- <truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ---------- 5c5 < Simulation ended at time: 1052.00 --- > Simulation ended at time: 1070.00 12,16c12,17 < Statistics (avg): < RouteLength: 615.41 < Duration: 56.60 < WaitingTime: 0.50 < TimeLoss: 10.69 --- > Statistics (avg of 282): > RouteLength: 615.50 > Speed: 9.53 > Duration: 66.05 > WaitingTime: 6.90 > TimeLoss: 20.12
---------- Differences in output ---------- 5c5 < Simulation ended at time: 1070.00 --- > Simulation ended at time: 1076.00 12,17c12,18 < Statistics (avg): < RouteLength: 615.62 < Duration: 60.52 < WaitingTime: 2.36 < TimeLoss: 14.59 < DepartDelay: 0.32 --- > Statistics (avg of 564): > RouteLength: 615.87 > Speed: 8.75 > Duration: 72.66 > WaitingTime: 9.15 > TimeLoss: 26.67 > DepartDelay: 0.28
---------- Differences in output ---------- 5c5 < Simulation ended at time: 1219.00 --- > Simulation ended at time: 1604.00 12,17c12,18 < Statistics (avg): < RouteLength: 616.48 < Duration: 142.99 < WaitingTime: 30.37 < TimeLoss: 96.97 < DepartDelay: 2.88 --- > Statistics (avg of 1015): > RouteLength: 617.57 > Speed: 2.76 > Duration: 286.05 > WaitingTime: 194.92 > TimeLoss: 239.88 > DepartDelay: 60.19 19c20 < DijkstraRouter answered 451 queries and explored 4.89 edges on average. --- > DijkstraRouter answered 519 queries and explored 4.99 edges on average. 21c22 < DijkstraRouter answered 372 queries and explored 5.13 edges on average. --- > DijkstraRouter answered 473 queries and explored 5.16 edges on average. 23c24 < DijkstraRouter answered 114 queries and explored 4.95 edges on average. --- <truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ---------- 5c5 < Simulation ended at time: 1052.00 --- > Simulation ended at time: 1062.00 12,16c12,17 < Statistics (avg): < RouteLength: 615.41 < Duration: 56.60 < WaitingTime: 0.50 < TimeLoss: 10.69 --- > Statistics (avg of 282): > RouteLength: 615.64 > Speed: 8.99 > Duration: 70.10 > WaitingTime: 11.32 > TimeLoss: 24.20
---------- Differences in output ---------- 5c5 < Simulation ended at time: 1070.00 --- > Simulation ended at time: 1094.00 12,17c12,18 < Statistics (avg): < RouteLength: 615.62 < Duration: 60.52 < WaitingTime: 2.36 < TimeLoss: 14.59 < DepartDelay: 0.32 --- > Statistics (avg of 564): > RouteLength: 616.10 > Speed: 7.10 > Duration: 92.72 > WaitingTime: 30.66 > TimeLoss: 46.73 > DepartDelay: 0.29
---------- Differences in output ---------- 5c5 < Simulation ended at time: 1219.00 --- > Simulation ended at time: 2986.00 12,17c12,18 < Statistics (avg): < RouteLength: 616.48 < Duration: 142.99 < WaitingTime: 30.37 < TimeLoss: 96.97 < DepartDelay: 2.88 --- > Statistics (avg of 1015): > RouteLength: 616.99 > Speed: 1.59 > Duration: 553.02 > WaitingTime: 384.57 > TimeLoss: 506.96 > DepartDelay: 381.63 19c20 < DijkstraRouter answered 451 queries and explored 4.89 edges on average. --- > DijkstraRouter answered 555 queries and explored 4.97 edges on average. 21c22 < DijkstraRouter answered 372 queries and explored 5.13 edges on average. --- > DijkstraRouter answered 602 queries and explored 5.08 edges on average. 23c24 < DijkstraRouter answered 114 queries and explored 4.95 edges on average. --- <truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ---------- 5c5 < Simulation ended at time: 1052.00 --- > Simulation ended at time: 1096.00 12,16c12,17 < Statistics (avg): < RouteLength: 615.41 < Duration: 56.60 < WaitingTime: 0.50 < TimeLoss: 10.69 --- > Statistics (avg of 282): > RouteLength: 613.26 > Speed: 6.95 > Duration: 94.08 > WaitingTime: 30.07 > TimeLoss: 48.29
---------- Differences in output ---------- 5c5 < Simulation ended at time: 1070.00 --- > Simulation ended at time: 1651.00 12,17c12,18 < Statistics (avg): < RouteLength: 615.62 < Duration: 60.52 < WaitingTime: 2.36 < TimeLoss: 14.59 < DepartDelay: 0.32 --- > Statistics (avg of 564): > RouteLength: 615.49 > Speed: 2.60 > Duration: 345.82 > WaitingTime: 205.25 > TimeLoss: 299.86 > DepartDelay: 1.03
---------- Differences in output ---------- 19c19,25 < DijkstraRouter answered 3367 queries and explored 1.27 edges on average. --- > DijkstraRouter answered 1564 queries and explored 1.42 edges on average. > DijkstraRouter spent (TIME) answering queries ((TIME) on average). > DijkstraRouter answered 871 queries and explored 1.17 edges on average. > DijkstraRouter spent (TIME) answering queries ((TIME) on average). > DijkstraRouter answered 574 queries and explored 1.14 edges on average. > DijkstraRouter spent (TIME) answering queries ((TIME) on average). > DijkstraRouter answered 358 queries and explored 1.09 edges on average.
---------- Differences in output ---------- 19c19,21 < DijkstraRouter answered 1738 queries and explored 2.00 edges on average. --- > DijkstraRouter answered 900 queries and explored 2.00 edges on average. > DijkstraRouter spent (TIME) answering queries ((TIME) on average). > DijkstraRouter answered 838 queries and explored 2.00 edges on average.
---------- Differences in output ---------- 4c4 < Simulation ended at time: 1278.60 --- > Simulation ended at time: 1278.00 11c11 < Statistics (avg): --- > Statistics (avg of 61): 13,15c13,16 < Duration: 376.35 < WaitingTime: 4.90 < TimeLoss: 61.50 --- > Speed: 10.13 > Duration: 354.42 > WaitingTime: 0.13 > TimeLoss: 39.55
---------- Differences in output ---------- 11c11 < Statistics (avg): --- > Statistics (avg of 3): 12a13 > Speed: 14.91opposite_direction_driving bugs ticket5238 ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
---------- Differences in output ---------- 4c4 < Simulation ended at time: 1278.60 --- > Simulation ended at time: 1277.60 11c11 < Statistics (avg): --- > Statistics (avg of 61): 13,15c13,16 < Duration: 376.35 < WaitingTime: 4.90 < TimeLoss: 61.50 --- > Speed: 8.81 > Duration: 390.06 > WaitingTime: 0.59 > TimeLoss: 75.20
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 1d0 < Warning: Vehicle 'fwd.33' teleports beyond arrival edge 'a', time=813.00. 2a2 > Warning: Vehicle 'fwd.33' teleports beyond arrival edge 'a', time=813.00.
---------- Differences in output ---------- 16,17d15 < DijkstraRouter answered 220 queries and explored 69.32 edges on average. < DijkstraRouter spent (TIME) answering queries ((TIME) on average). 18a17,18 > DijkstraRouter spent (TIME) answering queries ((TIME) on average). > DijkstraRouter answered 220 queries and explored 69.32 edges on average.pedestrian_model striping block_vehicles_sharedspace complex ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
---------- Differences in output ---------- 4c4 < Simulation ended at time: 237.00 --- > Simulation ended at time: 232.00 14c14 < Statistics (avg): --- > Statistics (avg of 20): 16,18c16,19 < Duration: 85.85 < WaitingTime: 36.60 < TimeLoss: 71.26 --- > Speed: 5.84 > Duration: 39.75 > WaitingTime: 13.45 > TimeLoss: 25.43 22,23c23,24 < Duration: 40.06 < TimeLoss: 1.75 --- > Duration: 39.06 > TimeLoss: 0.75 29c30 < DijkstraRouter answered 34 queries and explored 8.47 edges on average. --- > DijkstraRouter answered 34 queries and explored 7.47 edges on average.
---------- Differences in output ---------- 4c4 < Simulation ended at time: 237.00 --- > Simulation ended at time: 138.00 8c8 < Inserted: 20 --- > Inserted: 34 10a11 > Teleports: 0 (Collisions: 3) 12c13 < Inserted: 34 --- > Inserted: 40 14,20c15,22 < Statistics (avg): < RouteLength: 194.78 < Duration: 85.85 < WaitingTime: 36.60 < TimeLoss: 71.26 < DepartDelay: 0.00 < Pedestrian Statistics (avg of 34 walks): --- > Statistics (avg of 34): > RouteLength: 160.96 > Speed: 9.95 > Duration: 16.20 > WaitingTime: 0.00 > TimeLoss: 4.12 > DepartDelay: 0.70 <truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ---------- 11c11 < Teleports: 253 (Collisions: 253) --- > Emergency Braking: 1 15,20c15,21 < Statistics (avg): < RouteLength: 195.98 < Duration: 103.73 < WaitingTime: 50.57 < TimeLoss: 89.26 < DepartDelay: 0.09 --- > Statistics (avg of 77): > RouteLength: 188.12 > Speed: 6.34 > Duration: 35.02 > WaitingTime: 6.69 > TimeLoss: 21.04 > DepartDelay: 0.08 22,24c23,25 < RouteLength: 152.16 < Duration: 112.54 < TimeLoss: 2.98 --- > RouteLength: 154.07 > Duration: 111.82 > TimeLoss: 0.89 26c27 < DijkstraRouter answered 75 queries and explored 4.03 edges on average. --- <truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ---------- 11c11,12 < Teleports: 253 (Collisions: 253) --- > Teleports: 0 (Collisions: 1) > Emergency Braking: 2 15,19c16,22 < Statistics (avg): < RouteLength: 195.98 < Duration: 103.73 < WaitingTime: 50.57 < TimeLoss: 89.26 --- > Jammed: 1 > Statistics (avg of 77): > RouteLength: 188.12 > Speed: 6.68 > Duration: 33.12 > WaitingTime: 6.35 > TimeLoss: 19.08 22,24c25,27 < RouteLength: 152.16 < Duration: 112.54 < TimeLoss: 2.98 --- > RouteLength: 154.07 > Duration: 111.79 > TimeLoss: 0.86 26c29 < DijkstraRouter answered 75 queries and explored 4.03 edges on average. --- <truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 1d0 < Warning: Invalid approach information to rail signal 'junction 'P2', link 0' after rerouting for vehicle 'rail3' first driveway edge 'T7_1' time=37.00.
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 0a1 > Warning: Vehicle 't1' aborts stop. ---------- Differences in stopinfos ---------- 4a5,6 > <stopinfo id="t1" type="continuingTrain" lane="b_0" pos="211.43" parking="0" started="91.00" ended="124.00" initialPersons="0" loadedPersons="0" unloadedPersons="0" initialContainers="0" loadedContainers="0" unloadedContainers="0"/> > > 6d7 < <stopinfo id="t1" type="continuingTrain@t1" lane="b_0" pos="10.00" parking="0" started="91.00" ended="124.00" initialPersons="0" loadedPersons="0" unloadedPersons="0" initialContainers="0" loadedContainers="0" unloadedContainers="0"/>
---------- Differences in output ---------- 5c5 < Simulation ended at time: 2946.00 --- > Simulation ended at time: 2936.00 12,16c12,17 < Statistics (avg): < RouteLength: 42692.17 < Duration: 2156.67 < WaitingTime: 26.56 < TimeLoss: 780.38 --- > Statistics (avg of 9): > RouteLength: 41665.54 > Speed: 19.59 > Duration: 2098.67 > WaitingTime: 16.55 > TimeLoss: 758.12 19c20 < DijkstraRouter answered 4150 queries and explored 24.40 edges on average. --- > DijkstraRouter answered 3934 queries and explored 30.16 edges on average. 21c22 < DijkstraRouter answered 722 queries and explored 22.78 edges on average. --- > DijkstraRouter answered 713 queries and explored 28.54 edges on average. 23c24 < DijkstraRouter answered 719 queries and explored 24.21 edges on average. --- > DijkstraRouter answered 591 queries and explored 28.88 edges on average. 25c26 <truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ---------- 6c6 < Simulation ended at time: 3465.00 --- > Simulation ended at time: 3454.00 13,14c13 < Emergency Stops: 1 < Statistics (avg): --- > Statistics (avg of 9): 16,18c15,18 < Duration: 2608.78 < WaitingTime: 244.44 < TimeLoss: 1261.76 --- > Speed: 16.01 > Duration: 2579.11 > WaitingTime: 205.67 > TimeLoss: 1236.44 21,27c21 < DijkstraRouter answered 5074 queries and explored 23.75 edges on average. < DijkstraRouter spent (TIME) answering queries ((TIME) on average). < DijkstraRouter answered 1067 queries and explored 22.54 edges on average. < DijkstraRouter spent (TIME) answering queries ((TIME) on average). < DijkstraRouter answered 879 queries and explored 22.71 edges on average. < DijkstraRouter spent (TIME) answering queries ((TIME) on average). < DijkstraRouter answered 598 queries and explored 19.76 edges on average. --- > DijkstraRouter answered 45 queries and explored 36.00 edges on average.
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 1d0 < Warning: Vehicle 'v_0' teleports beyond arrival edge 'E0', time=21.00. 2a2 > Warning: Vehicle 'v_0' teleports beyond arrival edge 'E0', time=21.00.
---------- Differences in output ---------- 19c19,23 < DijkstraRouter answered 28 queries and explored 4.36 edges on average. --- > DijkstraRouter answered 22 queries and explored 4.59 edges on average. > DijkstraRouter spent (TIME) answering queries ((TIME) on average). > DijkstraRouter answered 5 queries and explored 3.40 edges on average. > DijkstraRouter spent (TIME) answering queries ((TIME) on average). > DijkstraRouter answered 1 queries and explored 4.00 edges on average.
---------- Differences in output ---------- 26c26,32 < DijkstraRouter answered 59 queries and explored 4.03 edges on average. --- > DijkstraRouter answered 26 queries and explored 4.50 edges on average. > DijkstraRouter spent (TIME) answering queries ((TIME) on average). > DijkstraRouter answered 22 queries and explored 3.64 edges on average. > DijkstraRouter spent (TIME) answering queries ((TIME) on average). > DijkstraRouter answered 4 queries and explored 3.50 edges on average. > DijkstraRouter spent (TIME) answering queries ((TIME) on average). > DijkstraRouter answered 7 queries and explored 3.86 edges on average.
---------- Differences in output ---------- 20c20,26 < DijkstraRouter answered 427 queries and explored 3.20 edges on average. --- > DijkstraRouter answered 365 queries and explored 3.16 edges on average. > DijkstraRouter spent (TIME) answering queries ((TIME) on average). > DijkstraRouter answered 53 queries and explored 3.40 edges on average. > DijkstraRouter spent (TIME) answering queries ((TIME) on average). > DijkstraRouter answered 7 queries and explored 3.57 edges on average. > DijkstraRouter spent (TIME) answering queries ((TIME) on average). > DijkstraRouter answered 2 queries and explored 3.50 edges on average.
---------- Differences in output ---------- 19c19,21 < DijkstraRouter answered 111 queries and explored 2.46 edges on average. --- > DijkstraRouter answered 81 queries and explored 2.26 edges on average. > DijkstraRouter spent (TIME) answering queries ((TIME) on average). > DijkstraRouter answered 30 queries and explored 3.00 edges on average.
---------- Differences in output ---------- 20c20,24 < DijkstraRouter answered 534 queries and explored 3.23 edges on average. --- > DijkstraRouter answered 371 queries and explored 3.16 edges on average. > DijkstraRouter spent (TIME) answering queries ((TIME) on average). > DijkstraRouter answered 53 queries and explored 3.43 edges on average. > DijkstraRouter spent (TIME) answering queries ((TIME) on average). > DijkstraRouter answered 110 queries and explored 3.39 edges on average.
---------- Differences in fcd ---------- 960c960 < <vehicle id="veh.1" x="161.94" y="-1.96" angle="89.49" type="t0" speed="13.81" pos="161.94" lane="beg_1" slope="0.00" acceleration="0.46" accelerationLat="0.00"/> --- > <vehicle id="veh.1" x="161.94" y="-1.97" angle="89.61" type="t0" speed="13.81" pos="161.94" lane="beg_1" slope="0.00" acceleration="0.46" accelerationLat="-1.00"/> 967c967 < <vehicle id="veh.1" x="163.32" y="-1.94" angle="89.38" type="t0" speed="13.82" pos="163.32" lane="beg_1" slope="0.00" acceleration="0.08" accelerationLat="1.00"/> --- > <vehicle id="veh.1" x="163.32" y="-1.96" angle="89.58" type="t0" speed="13.82" pos="163.32" lane="beg_1" slope="0.00" acceleration="0.08" accelerationLat="1.00"/> 974c974 < <vehicle id="veh.1" x="164.70" y="-1.93" angle="89.41" type="t0" speed="13.76" pos="164.70" lane="beg_1" slope="0.00" acceleration="-0.57" accelerationLat="-1.00"/> --- > <vehicle id="veh.1" x="164.70" y="-1.95" angle="89.56" type="t0" speed="13.76" pos="164.70" lane="beg_1" slope="0.00" acceleration="-0.57" accelerationLat="0.00"/> 976c976 < <vehicle id="veh.3" x="92.91" y="-2.30" angle="90.10" type="t0" speed="13.85" pos="92.91" lane="beg_1" slope="0.00" acceleration="0.35" accelerationLat="0.29"/> --- > <vehicle id="veh.3" x="92.91" y="-2.30" angle="90.13" type="t0" speed="13.85" pos="92.91" lane="beg_1" slope="0.00" acceleration="0.35" accelerationLat="0.00"/> 981c981 < <vehicle id="veh.1" x="166.08" y="-1.92" angle="89.55" type="t0" speed="13.88" pos="166.08" lane="beg_1" slope="0.00" acceleration="1.17" accelerationLat="-1.00"/> --- > <vehicle id="veh.1" x="166.08" y="-1.93" angle="89.54" type="t0" speed="13.88" pos="166.08" lane="beg_1" slope="0.00" acceleration="1.17" accelerationLat="0.00"/> 983c983 < <vehicle id="veh.3" x="94.29" y="-2.29" angle="90.04" type="t0" speed="13.78" pos="94.29" lane="beg_1" slope="0.00" acceleration="-0.67" accelerationLat="0.00"/> --- > <vehicle id="veh.3" x="94.29" y="-2.30" angle="90.09" type="t0" speed="13.78" pos="94.29" lane="beg_1" slope="0.00" acceleration="-0.67" accelerationLat="0.00"/> 988c988 < <vehicle id="veh.1" x="167.47" y="-1.93" angle="89.77" type="t0" speed="13.86" pos="167.47" lane="beg_1" slope="0.00" acceleration="-0.19" accelerationLat="-1.00"/> --- > <vehicle id="veh.1" x="167.47" y="-1.93" angle="89.64" type="t0" speed="13.86" pos="167.47" lane="beg_1" slope="0.00" acceleration="-0.19" accelerationLat="-1.00"/> 990c990 < <vehicle id="veh.3" x="95.67" y="-2.30" angle="90.09" type="t0" speed="13.80" pos="95.67" lane="beg_1" slope="0.00" acceleration="0.24" accelerationLat="-0.86"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ---------- 29c29,35 < DijkstraRouter answered 817 queries and explored 7.99 edges on average. --- > DijkstraRouter answered 413 queries and explored 7.97 edges on average. > DijkstraRouter spent (TIME) answering queries ((TIME) on average). > DijkstraRouter answered 238 queries and explored 8.00 edges on average. > DijkstraRouter spent (TIME) answering queries ((TIME) on average). > DijkstraRouter answered 115 queries and explored 8.00 edges on average. > DijkstraRouter spent (TIME) answering queries ((TIME) on average). > DijkstraRouter answered 51 queries and explored 8.00 edges on average.
---------- Differences in output ---------- 28c28,34 < DijkstraRouter answered 817 queries and explored 7.99 edges on average. --- > DijkstraRouter answered 413 queries and explored 7.97 edges on average. > DijkstraRouter spent (TIME) answering queries ((TIME) on average). > DijkstraRouter answered 238 queries and explored 8.00 edges on average. > DijkstraRouter spent (TIME) answering queries ((TIME) on average). > DijkstraRouter answered 115 queries and explored 8.00 edges on average. > DijkstraRouter spent (TIME) answering queries ((TIME) on average). > DijkstraRouter answered 51 queries and explored 8.00 edges on average.
---------- Differences in output ---------- 28c28,34 < DijkstraRouter answered 818 queries and explored 7.99 edges on average. --- > DijkstraRouter answered 413 queries and explored 7.97 edges on average. > DijkstraRouter spent (TIME) answering queries ((TIME) on average). > DijkstraRouter answered 238 queries and explored 8.00 edges on average. > DijkstraRouter spent (TIME) answering queries ((TIME) on average). > DijkstraRouter answered 115 queries and explored 8.00 edges on average. > DijkstraRouter spent (TIME) answering queries ((TIME) on average). > DijkstraRouter answered 52 queries and explored 8.00 edges on average.
---------- Differences in output ---------- 19c19,21 < DijkstraRouter answered 60 queries and explored 4.00 edges on average. --- > DijkstraRouter answered 50 queries and explored 4.00 edges on average. > DijkstraRouter spent (TIME) answering queries ((TIME) on average). > DijkstraRouter answered 10 queries and explored 4.00 edges on average.
---------- Differences in output ---------- 5c5 < Simulation ended at time: 1159.00 --- > Simulation ended at time: 1212.00 12,17c12,19 < Statistics (avg): < RouteLength: 616.72 < Duration: 114.65 < WaitingTime: 19.52 < TimeLoss: 68.62 < DepartDelay: 1.47 --- > Emergency Braking: 1 > Statistics (avg of 1015): > RouteLength: 618.15 > Speed: 5.61 > Duration: 134.29 > WaitingTime: 33.68 > TimeLoss: 88.03 > DepartDelay: 4.55 19c21 < DijkstraRouter answered 450 queries and explored 4.89 edges on average. --- > DijkstraRouter answered 450 queries and explored 4.96 edges on average. 21c23 < DijkstraRouter answered 372 queries and explored 5.13 edges on average. --- > DijkstraRouter answered 372 queries and explored 5.19 edges on average. 23c25 < DijkstraRouter answered 114 queries and explored 4.95 edges on average. <truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ---------- 5c5 < Simulation ended at time: 1051.00 --- > Simulation ended at time: 1052.00 12,16c12,17 < Statistics (avg): < RouteLength: 615.69 < Duration: 56.00 < WaitingTime: 0.38 < TimeLoss: 10.00 --- > Statistics (avg of 282): > RouteLength: 616.64 > Speed: 11.03 > Duration: 56.01 > WaitingTime: 0.34 > TimeLoss: 9.86 19c20 < DijkstraRouter answered 273 queries and explored 4.91 edges on average. --- > DijkstraRouter answered 273 queries and explored 5.00 edges on average. 21c22 < DijkstraRouter answered 8 queries and explored 5.75 edges on average. --- > DijkstraRouter answered 8 queries and explored 6.00 edges on average. 23c24 < DijkstraRouter answered 1 queries and explored 5.00 edges on average. --- > DijkstraRouter answered 1 queries and explored 6.00 edges on average.
---------- Differences in output ---------- 5c5 < Simulation ended at time: 1051.00 --- > Simulation ended at time: 1033.60 9c9 < Inserted: 282 (Loaded: 564) --- > Inserted: 58 (Loaded: 580) 12,17c12,18 < Statistics (avg): < RouteLength: 615.69 < Duration: 56.00 < WaitingTime: 0.38 < TimeLoss: 10.00 < DepartDelay: 0.05 --- > Statistics (avg of 58): > RouteLength: 619.59 > Speed: 11.85 > Duration: 52.27 > WaitingTime: 0.00 > TimeLoss: 6.22 > DepartDelay: 0.00 19,23c20 < DijkstraRouter answered 273 queries and explored 4.91 edges on average. < DijkstraRouter spent (TIME) answering queries ((TIME) on average). < DijkstraRouter answered 8 queries and explored 5.75 edges on average. < DijkstraRouter spent (TIME) answering queries ((TIME) on average). < DijkstraRouter answered 1 queries and explored 5.00 edges on average. --- <truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ---------- 12,17c12,18 < Statistics (avg): < RouteLength: 615.98 < Duration: 60.03 < WaitingTime: 2.49 < TimeLoss: 14.05 < DepartDelay: 0.30 --- > Statistics (avg of 564): > RouteLength: 617.02 > Speed: 10.34 > Duration: 60.46 > WaitingTime: 2.36 > TimeLoss: 14.30 > DepartDelay: 0.29 19c20 < DijkstraRouter answered 431 queries and explored 4.89 edges on average. --- > DijkstraRouter answered 431 queries and explored 4.95 edges on average. 21c22 < DijkstraRouter answered 110 queries and explored 5.20 edges on average. --- > DijkstraRouter answered 110 queries and explored 5.26 edges on average. 23c24 < DijkstraRouter answered 19 queries and explored 5.42 edges on average. --- > DijkstraRouter answered 19 queries and explored 5.53 edges on average. 25c26 < DijkstraRouter answered 4 queries and explored 4.50 edges on average. --- <truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ---------- 5c5 < Simulation ended at time: 1219.00 --- > Simulation ended at time: 1230.00 12,17c12,19 < Statistics (avg): < RouteLength: 616.48 < Duration: 142.99 < WaitingTime: 30.37 < TimeLoss: 96.97 < DepartDelay: 2.88 --- > Emergency Braking: 1 > Statistics (avg of 1015): > RouteLength: 617.99 > Speed: 4.82 > Duration: 160.76 > WaitingTime: 39.14 > TimeLoss: 114.51 > DepartDelay: 5.85 19c21 < DijkstraRouter answered 451 queries and explored 4.89 edges on average. --- > DijkstraRouter answered 450 queries and explored 4.96 edges on average. 21c23 < DijkstraRouter answered 372 queries and explored 5.13 edges on average. --- > DijkstraRouter answered 372 queries and explored 5.19 edges on average. 23c25 < DijkstraRouter answered 114 queries and explored 4.95 edges on average. <truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ---------- 5c5 < Simulation ended at time: 1052.00 --- > Simulation ended at time: 1051.00 12,16c12,17 < Statistics (avg): < RouteLength: 615.41 < Duration: 56.60 < WaitingTime: 0.50 < TimeLoss: 10.69 --- > Statistics (avg of 282): > RouteLength: 616.48 > Speed: 10.92 > Duration: 56.59 > WaitingTime: 0.46 > TimeLoss: 10.47 19c20 < DijkstraRouter answered 273 queries and explored 4.91 edges on average. --- > DijkstraRouter answered 273 queries and explored 5.00 edges on average. 21c22 < DijkstraRouter answered 8 queries and explored 5.75 edges on average. --- > DijkstraRouter answered 8 queries and explored 6.00 edges on average. 23c24 < DijkstraRouter answered 1 queries and explored 5.00 edges on average. --- > DijkstraRouter answered 1 queries and explored 6.00 edges on average.
---------- Differences in output ---------- 5c5 < Simulation ended at time: 1070.00 --- > Simulation ended at time: 1072.00 12,16c12,18 < Statistics (avg): < RouteLength: 615.62 < Duration: 60.52 < WaitingTime: 2.36 < TimeLoss: 14.59 --- > Emergency Braking: 1 > Statistics (avg of 564): > RouteLength: 616.74 > Speed: 10.33 > Duration: 60.48 > WaitingTime: 2.17 > TimeLoss: 14.36 19c21 < DijkstraRouter answered 431 queries and explored 4.89 edges on average. --- > DijkstraRouter answered 431 queries and explored 4.95 edges on average. 21c23 < DijkstraRouter answered 110 queries and explored 5.20 edges on average. --- > DijkstraRouter answered 110 queries and explored 5.26 edges on average. 23c25 < DijkstraRouter answered 19 queries and explored 5.42 edges on average. --- > DijkstraRouter answered 19 queries and explored 5.53 edges on average. <truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ---------- 5c5 < Simulation ended at time: 1219.00 --- > Simulation ended at time: 1549.00 12,17c12,19 < Statistics (avg): < RouteLength: 616.48 < Duration: 142.99 < WaitingTime: 30.37 < TimeLoss: 96.97 < DepartDelay: 2.88 --- > Emergency Braking: 1 > Statistics (avg of 1015): > RouteLength: 617.62 > Speed: 3.20 > Duration: 261.68 > WaitingTime: 127.70 > TimeLoss: 215.50 > DepartDelay: 68.77 19c21 < DijkstraRouter answered 451 queries and explored 4.89 edges on average. --- > DijkstraRouter answered 515 queries and explored 5.03 edges on average. 21c23 < DijkstraRouter answered 372 queries and explored 5.13 edges on average. --- > DijkstraRouter answered 504 queries and explored 5.10 edges on average. 23c25 < DijkstraRouter answered 114 queries and explored 4.95 edges on average. <truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ---------- 5c5 < Simulation ended at time: 1052.00 --- > Simulation ended at time: 1055.00 12,16c12,17 < Statistics (avg): < RouteLength: 615.41 < Duration: 56.60 < WaitingTime: 0.50 < TimeLoss: 10.69 --- > Statistics (avg of 282): > RouteLength: 613.92 > Speed: 10.88 > Duration: 56.63 > WaitingTime: 0.81 > TimeLoss: 10.71 19c20 < DijkstraRouter answered 273 queries and explored 4.91 edges on average. --- > DijkstraRouter answered 273 queries and explored 4.98 edges on average. 21c22 < DijkstraRouter answered 8 queries and explored 5.75 edges on average. --- > DijkstraRouter answered 8 queries and explored 6.00 edges on average. 23c24 < DijkstraRouter answered 1 queries and explored 5.00 edges on average. --- > DijkstraRouter answered 1 queries and explored 6.00 edges on average.
---------- Differences in output ---------- 5c5 < Simulation ended at time: 1070.00 --- > Simulation ended at time: 1073.00 12,17c12,18 < Statistics (avg): < RouteLength: 615.62 < Duration: 60.52 < WaitingTime: 2.36 < TimeLoss: 14.59 < DepartDelay: 0.32 --- > Statistics (avg of 564): > RouteLength: 614.85 > Speed: 8.51 > Duration: 76.10 > WaitingTime: 8.85 > TimeLoss: 30.15 > DepartDelay: 0.29 19c20 < DijkstraRouter answered 431 queries and explored 4.89 edges on average. --- > DijkstraRouter answered 431 queries and explored 4.96 edges on average. 21c22 < DijkstraRouter answered 110 queries and explored 5.20 edges on average. --- > DijkstraRouter answered 110 queries and explored 5.26 edges on average. 23c24 < DijkstraRouter answered 19 queries and explored 5.42 edges on average. --- <truncated after showing first 30 lines>
#4134 (This bug was triggered by text found in file 'errors' matching 'collision') ---------- Differences in errors ---------- 0a1,4 > Warning: Vehicle 'follower2' teleports beyond arrival edge 'end3', time=7.80. > -- Unordered text as found by filter 'Warning: Teleporting vehicle' -- > Warning: Teleporting vehicle 'follower2'; collision with vehicle 'follower', lane='end3_0', gap=-0.09, time=7.80 stage=move. >
too much braking (ballistic or asl) (This bug was triggered by text found in file 'rawdump' matching '.*') ---------- Differences in rawdump ---------- 1008c1008 < <vehicle id="veh" pos="165.24" speed="28.15"/> --- > <vehicle id="veh" pos="165.23" speed="27.97"/> 1017c1017 < <vehicle id="veh" pos="168.03" speed="27.70"/> --- > <vehicle id="veh" pos="167.99" speed="27.35"/> 1026c1026 < <vehicle id="veh" pos="170.78" speed="27.25"/> --- > <vehicle id="veh" pos="170.70" speed="26.72"/> 1035c1035 < <vehicle id="veh" pos="173.48" speed="26.80"/> --- > <vehicle id="veh" pos="173.34" speed="26.09"/> 1044c1044 < <vehicle id="veh" pos="176.14" speed="26.35"/> --- > <vehicle id="veh" pos="175.92" speed="25.47"/> 1053c1053 < <vehicle id="veh" pos="178.75" speed="25.90"/> --- > <vehicle id="veh" pos="178.43" speed="24.84"/> 1062c1062 < <vehicle id="veh" pos="181.32" speed="25.45"/> --- > <vehicle id="veh" pos="180.89" speed="24.22"/> 1071c1071 < <vehicle id="veh" pos="183.84" speed="25.00"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines>
#3969 (This bug was triggered by text found in file 'output' matching '.*') ---------- Differences in aggregated300 ---------- 5c5 < <interval begin="0.00" end="1030.00" id="laneData"> --- > <interval begin="0.00" end="1029.90" id="laneData"> 12,13c12,13 < <lane id="beg2_0" sampledSeconds="2328.77" traveltime="102.18" overlapTraveltime="104.04" density="0.75" occupancy="0.37" waitingTime="0.00" speed="28.85" departed="363" arrived="0" entered="0" left="283" laneChangedFrom="80" laneChangedTo="0"/> < <lane id="beg2_1" sampledSeconds="2183.89" traveltime="86.88" overlapTraveltime="87.09" density="0.71" occupancy="0.35" waitingTime="0.00" speed="34.47" departed="332" arrived="0" entered="0" left="412" laneChangedFrom="0" laneChangedTo="80"/> --- > <lane id="beg2_0" sampledSeconds="2179.70" traveltime="105.36" overlapTraveltime="107.14" density="0.71" laneDensity="0.71" occupancy="0.35" waitingTime="1.50" timeLoss="459.30" speed="28.02" speedRelative="0.78" departed="344" arrived="0" entered="0" left="266" laneChangedFrom="79" laneChangedTo="1"/> > <lane id="beg2_1" sampledSeconds="2171.69" traveltime="91.53" overlapTraveltime="91.89" density="0.70" laneDensity="0.70" occupancy="0.35" waitingTime="0.00" timeLoss="222.60" speed="32.67" speedRelative="0.91" departed="300" arrived="0" entered="0" left="378" laneChangedFrom="1" laneChangedTo="79"/> 16,17c16,17 < <lane id="end_0" sampledSeconds="4033.76" traveltime="8.85" overlapTraveltime="9.02" density="19.88" occupancy="9.64" waitingTime="0.00" speed="22.39" departed="0" arrived="448" entered="448" left="0" laneChangedFrom="0" laneChangedTo="0"/> < <lane id="end_1" sampledSeconds="2637.89" traveltime="5.88" overlapTraveltime="6.02" density="13.00" occupancy="6.35" waitingTime="0.00" speed="33.56" departed="0" arrived="439" entered="439" left="0" laneChangedFrom="0" laneChangedTo="0"/> --- > <lane id="end_0" sampledSeconds="3744.92" traveltime="9.02" overlapTraveltime="9.23" density="18.46" laneDensity="18.46" occupancy="9.02" waitingTime="0.00" timeLoss="1437.02" speed="21.89" speedRelative="0.61" departed="0" arrived="413" entered="415" left="0" laneChangedFrom="2" laneChangedTo="0"/> > <lane id="end_1" sampledSeconds="2751.00" traveltime="6.44" overlapTraveltime="6.60" density="13.56" laneDensity="13.56" occupancy="6.67" waitingTime="0.00" timeLoss="436.33" speed="30.61" speedRelative="0.85" departed="0" arrived="424" entered="422" left="0" laneChangedFrom="0" laneChangedTo="2"/> 26,28c26,28 < <lane id="merge_0" sampledSeconds="2828.16" traveltime="20.82" overlapTraveltime="21.89" density="28.31" occupancy="14.00" waitingTime="1155.00" speed="4.66" departed="0" arrived="0" entered="192" left="0" laneChangedFrom="192" laneChangedTo="0"/> < <lane id="merge_1" sampledSeconds="2919.07" traveltime="8.32" overlapTraveltime="8.78" density="29.22" occupancy="13.91" waitingTime="113.00" speed="11.61" departed="0" arrived="0" entered="283" left="448" laneChangedFrom="27" laneChangedTo="192"/> < <lane id="merge_2" sampledSeconds="1320.89" traveltime="2.95" overlapTraveltime="3.10" density="13.22" occupancy="6.29" waitingTime="0.00" speed="32.86" departed="0" arrived="0" entered="412" left="439" laneChangedFrom="0" laneChangedTo="27"/> --- > <lane id="merge_0" sampledSeconds="4601.02" traveltime="33.98" overlapTraveltime="35.73" density="46.06" laneDensity="46.06" occupancy="22.87" waitingTime="2477.40" timeLoss="4234.15" speed="2.85" speedRelative="0.08" departed="0" arrived="0" entered="193" left="0" laneChangedFrom="193" laneChangedTo="0"/> > <lane id="merge_1" sampledSeconds="2827.42" traveltime="8.50" overlapTraveltime="9.01" density="28.30" laneDensity="28.30" occupancy="13.52" waitingTime="326.20" timeLoss="1922.39" speed="11.33" speedRelative="0.31" departed="0" arrived="0" entered="266" left="415" laneChangedFrom="44" laneChangedTo="193"/> > <lane id="merge_2" sampledSeconds="1526.73" traveltime="3.68" overlapTraveltime="3.87" density="15.28" laneDensity="15.28" occupancy="7.28" waitingTime="25.00" timeLoss="423.29" speed="26.34" speedRelative="0.73" departed="0" arrived="0" entered="378" left="422" laneChangedFrom="0" laneChangedTo="44"/> 34c34 < <lane id="onRamp_0" sampledSeconds="1851.43" traveltime="9.51" overlapTraveltime="9.81" density="5.95" occupancy="2.93" waitingTime="0.00" speed="31.33" departed="192" arrived="0" entered="0" left="192" laneChangedFrom="0" laneChangedTo="0"/> --- > <lane id="onRamp_0" sampledSeconds="1979.29" traveltime="10.06" overlapTraveltime="10.43" density="6.36" laneDensity="6.36" occupancy="3.12" waitingTime="9.00" timeLoss="351.67" speed="29.46" speedRelative="0.82" departed="193" arrived="0" entered="0" left="193" laneChangedFrom="0" laneChangedTo="0"/> ---------- Differences in output ---------- 1,2c1,2 < Loading net-file from 'motorway.net.xml'... done ((TIME)). < Loading additional-files from 'input_additional.add.xml'... done ((TIME)). --- > Loading net-file from 'motorway.net.xml' ... done ((TIME)). > Loading additional-files from 'input_additional.add.xml' ... done ((TIME)). 4,5c4,5 < Simulation started with time: 0.00.. < Simulation ended at time: 1030.00 --- > Simulation started with time: 0.00. > Simulation ended at time: 1029.90 9c9 < Inserted: 887 --- > Inserted: 837 12,16c12,17 < Statistics (avg): < RouteLength: 521.02 < Duration: 22.82 < WaitingTime: 1.43 < TimeLoss: 7.85 --- > Statistics (avg of 837): > RouteLength: 522.39 > Speed: 25.80 > Duration: 25.81 > WaitingTime: 3.41 > TimeLoss: 11.23
#3969 (This bug was triggered by text found in file 'output' matching '.*') ---------- Differences in aggregated300 ---------- 5c5 < <interval begin="0.00" end="1018.00" id="laneData"> --- > <interval begin="0.00" end="1047.40" id="laneData"> 12,13c12,13 < <lane id="beg2_0" sampledSeconds="2270.89" traveltime="101.64" overlapTraveltime="102.90" density="0.74" occupancy="0.37" waitingTime="15.00" speed="29.17" departed="359" arrived="0" entered="0" left="269" laneChangedFrom="90" laneChangedTo="0"/> < <lane id="beg2_1" sampledSeconds="2200.02" traveltime="87.61" overlapTraveltime="87.83" density="0.72" occupancy="0.36" waitingTime="0.00" speed="34.18" departed="331" arrived="0" entered="0" left="421" laneChangedFrom="0" laneChangedTo="90"/> --- > <lane id="beg2_0" sampledSeconds="4441.83" traveltime="219.99" overlapTraveltime="230.43" density="1.42" laneDensity="1.42" occupancy="0.68" waitingTime="116.00" timeLoss="2833.85" speed="13.03" speedRelative="0.36" departed="360" arrived="0" entered="0" left="226" laneChangedFrom="135" laneChangedTo="1"/> > <lane id="beg2_1" sampledSeconds="3193.24" traveltime="128.21" overlapTraveltime="129.30" density="1.02" laneDensity="1.02" occupancy="0.50" waitingTime="8.00" timeLoss="1132.09" speed="23.22" speedRelative="0.64" departed="284" arrived="0" entered="0" left="418" laneChangedFrom="1" laneChangedTo="135"/> 16,17c16,17 < <lane id="end_0" sampledSeconds="3999.82" traveltime="8.64" overlapTraveltime="8.81" density="19.94" occupancy="9.68" waitingTime="0.00" speed="22.93" departed="0" arrived="455" entered="455" left="0" laneChangedFrom="0" laneChangedTo="0"/> < <lane id="end_1" sampledSeconds="2742.02" traveltime="5.96" overlapTraveltime="6.10" density="13.67" occupancy="6.68" waitingTime="0.00" speed="33.09" departed="0" arrived="450" entered="450" left="0" laneChangedFrom="0" laneChangedTo="0"/> --- > <lane id="end_0" sampledSeconds="3544.37" traveltime="10.44" overlapTraveltime="10.68" density="17.18" laneDensity="17.18" occupancy="8.33" waitingTime="0.00" timeLoss="1680.76" speed="18.91" speedRelative="0.53" departed="0" arrived="338" entered="340" left="0" laneChangedFrom="2" laneChangedTo="0"/> > <lane id="end_1" sampledSeconds="3542.90" traveltime="7.05" overlapTraveltime="7.22" density="17.17" laneDensity="17.17" occupancy="8.44" waitingTime="0.00" timeLoss="785.73" speed="27.96" speedRelative="0.78" departed="0" arrived="499" entered="497" left="0" laneChangedFrom="0" laneChangedTo="2"/> 26,28c26,28 < <lane id="merge_0" sampledSeconds="1620.55" traveltime="10.94" overlapTraveltime="11.51" density="16.41" occupancy="8.07" waitingTime="294.00" speed="8.87" departed="0" arrived="0" entered="215" left="0" laneChangedFrom="215" laneChangedTo="0"/> < <lane id="merge_1" sampledSeconds="2612.78" traveltime="7.56" overlapTraveltime="7.99" density="26.46" occupancy="12.58" waitingTime="111.00" speed="12.77" departed="0" arrived="0" entered="269" left="455" laneChangedFrom="29" laneChangedTo="215"/> < <lane id="merge_2" sampledSeconds="1378.41" traveltime="3.00" overlapTraveltime="3.15" density="13.96" occupancy="6.64" waitingTime="0.00" speed="32.34" departed="0" arrived="0" entered="421" left="450" laneChangedFrom="0" laneChangedTo="29"/> --- > <lane id="merge_0" sampledSeconds="3309.61" traveltime="22.43" overlapTraveltime="23.58" density="32.58" laneDensity="32.58" occupancy="16.05" waitingTime="529.50" timeLoss="2909.31" speed="4.33" speedRelative="0.12" departed="0" arrived="0" entered="193" left="0" laneChangedFrom="193" laneChangedTo="0"/> > <lane id="merge_1" sampledSeconds="6518.17" traveltime="27.08" overlapTraveltime="27.53" density="64.16" laneDensity="64.16" occupancy="30.81" waitingTime="658.10" timeLoss="5847.41" speed="3.70" speedRelative="0.10" departed="0" arrived="0" entered="223" left="341" laneChangedFrom="75" laneChangedTo="193"/> > <lane id="merge_2" sampledSeconds="2416.39" traveltime="5.03" overlapTraveltime="5.25" density="23.78" laneDensity="23.78" occupancy="11.33" waitingTime="10.00" timeLoss="1112.16" speed="19.41" speedRelative="0.54" departed="0" arrived="0" entered="421" left="496" laneChangedFrom="0" laneChangedTo="75"/> 34c34 < <lane id="onRamp_0" sampledSeconds="2079.28" traveltime="9.59" overlapTraveltime="9.83" density="6.76" occupancy="3.34" waitingTime="2.00" speed="31.24" departed="215" arrived="0" entered="0" left="215" laneChangedFrom="0" laneChangedTo="0"/> --- > <lane id="onRamp_0" sampledSeconds="2039.99" traveltime="10.30" overlapTraveltime="10.75" density="6.44" laneDensity="6.44" occupancy="3.15" waitingTime="3.00" timeLoss="412.39" speed="28.58" speedRelative="0.79" departed="193" arrived="0" entered="0" left="193" laneChangedFrom="0" laneChangedTo="0"/> ---------- Differences in lanechanges ---------- 5,338c5,414 < <change id="onRamp.0" type="t0" time="12.00" from="merge_0" to="merge_1" dir="1" speed="29.47" pos="12.52" reason="strategic|urgent" leaderGap="64.66" leaderSecureGap="0.00" followerGap="33.84" followerSecureGap="28.75" origLeaderGap="None" origLeaderSecureGap="None"/> < <change id="main.10" type="t0" time="17.00" from="beg2_0" to="beg2_1" dir="1" speed="38.49" pos="2875.80" reason="speedGain" leaderGap="90.24" leaderSecureGap="65.77" followerGap="38.75" followerSecureGap="8.48" origLeaderGap="96.59" origLeaderSecureGap="100.90"/> < <change id="onRamp.1" type="t0" time="20.00" from="merge_0" to="merge_1" dir="1" speed="26.98" pos="25.48" reason="strategic|urgent" leaderGap="36.57" leaderSecureGap="10.93" followerGap="192.15" followerSecureGap="57.47" origLeaderGap="None" origLeaderSecureGap="None"/> < <change id="onRamp.2" type="t0" time="23.00" from="merge_0" to="merge_1" dir="1" speed="28.22" pos="19.45" reason="strategic|urgent" leaderGap="90.74" leaderSecureGap="15.60" followerGap="91.72" followerSecureGap="51.63" origLeaderGap="None" origLeaderSecureGap="None"/> < <change id="main.16" type="t0" time="30.00" from="beg2_0" to="beg2_1" dir="1" speed="35.58" pos="2940.42" reason="cooperative|urgent" leaderGap="103.13" leaderSecureGap="36.92" followerGap="35.66" followerSecureGap="25.33" origLeaderGap="114.55" origLeaderSecureGap="56.84"/> < <change id="onRamp.3" type="t0" time="31.00" from="merge_0" to="merge_1" dir="1" speed="14.78" pos="79.33" reason="strategic|urgent" leaderGap="8.19" leaderSecureGap="0.00" followerGap="183.69" followerSecureGap="111.62" origLeaderGap="None" origLeaderSecureGap="None"/> < <change id="onRamp.4" type="t0" time="32.00" from="merge_0" to="merge_1" dir="1" speed="21.72" pos="49.74" reason="strategic|urgent" leaderGap="41.83" leaderSecureGap="38.88" followerGap="122.62" followerSecureGap="83.93" origLeaderGap="None" origLeaderSecureGap="None"/> < <change id="main.26" type="t0" time="45.00" from="beg2_0" to="beg2_1" dir="1" speed="40.96" pos="2961.39" reason="cooperative|urgent" leaderGap="108.64" leaderSecureGap="74.35" followerGap="54.77" followerSecureGap="0.00" origLeaderGap="156.68" origLeaderSecureGap="115.37"/> < <change id="onRamp.5" type="t0" time="46.00" from="merge_0" to="merge_1" dir="1" speed="2.78" pos="96.39" reason="strategic|urgent" leaderGap="54.21" leaderSecureGap="0.00" followerGap="188.35" followerSecureGap="150.50" origLeaderGap="None" origLeaderSecureGap="None"/> < <change id="main.28" type="t0" time="49.00" from="merge_1" to="merge_2" dir="1" speed="31.38" pos="4.13" reason="cooperative|urgent" leaderGap="31.91" leaderSecureGap="9.39" followerGap="None" followerSecureGap="None" origLeaderGap="108.61" origLeaderSecureGap="120.00"/> < <change id="onRamp.6" type="t0" time="50.00" from="merge_0" to="merge_1" dir="1" speed="25.28" pos="37.43" reason="strategic|urgent" leaderGap="86.99" leaderSecureGap="74.33" followerGap="194.04" followerSecureGap="152.52" origLeaderGap="None" origLeaderSecureGap="None"/> < <change id="main.29" type="t0" time="52.00" from="beg2_0" to="beg2_1" dir="1" speed="41.70" pos="2921.44" reason="speedGain" leaderGap="179.57" leaderSecureGap="105.62" followerGap="87.83" followerSecureGap="0.00" origLeaderGap="162.04" origLeaderSecureGap="156.17"/> < <change id="onRamp.7" type="t0" time="54.00" from="merge_0" to="merge_1" dir="1" speed="30.69" pos="5.81" reason="strategic|urgent" leaderGap="126.16" leaderSecureGap="66.45" followerGap="138.82" followerSecureGap="34.19" origLeaderGap="None" origLeaderSecureGap="None"/> < <change id="main.35" type="t0" time="63.00" from="beg2_0" to="beg2_1" dir="1" speed="31.67" pos="2988.30" reason="cooperative|urgent" leaderGap="50.61" leaderSecureGap="8.73" followerGap="61.69" followerSecureGap="26.99" origLeaderGap="83.50" origLeaderSecureGap="21.04"/> < <change id="onRamp.8" type="t0" time="64.00" from="merge_0" to="merge_1" dir="1" speed="4.59" pos="95.57" reason="strategic|urgent" leaderGap="9.41" leaderSecureGap="0.00" followerGap="173.19" followerSecureGap="118.53" origLeaderGap="None" origLeaderSecureGap="None"/> < <change id="onRamp.11" type="t0" time="64.00" from="merge_0" to="merge_1" dir="1" speed="25.39" pos="2.61" reason="strategic|urgent" leaderGap="87.96" leaderSecureGap="84.76" followerGap="80.24" followerSecureGap="59.16" origLeaderGap="25.09" origLeaderSecureGap="42.93"/> < <change id="main.41" type="t0" time="71.00" from="beg2_0" to="beg2_1" dir="1" speed="34.54" pos="2980.38" reason="speedGain" leaderGap="52.88" leaderSecureGap="45.78" followerGap="107.95" followerSecureGap="44.26" origLeaderGap="72.83" origLeaderSecureGap="93.05"/> < <change id="onRamp.9" type="t0" time="73.00" from="merge_0" to="merge_1" dir="1" speed="0.00" pos="97.00" reason="strategic|urgent" leaderGap="None" leaderSecureGap="None" followerGap="200.38" followerSecureGap="128.90" origLeaderGap="None" origLeaderSecureGap="None"/> < <change id="onRamp.10" type="t0" time="76.00" from="merge_0" to="merge_1" dir="1" speed="0.04" pos="96.33" reason="strategic|urgent" leaderGap="None" leaderSecureGap="None" followerGap="108.72" followerSecureGap="101.71" origLeaderGap="None" origLeaderSecureGap="None"/> < <change id="onRamp.12" type="t0" time="80.00" from="merge_0" to="merge_1" dir="1" speed="12.54" pos="84.84" reason="strategic|urgent" leaderGap="30.72" leaderSecureGap="18.14" followerGap="22.54" followerSecureGap="16.11" origLeaderGap="None" origLeaderSecureGap="None"/> < <change id="onRamp.13" type="t0" time="82.00" from="merge_0" to="merge_1" dir="1" speed="12.06" pos="75.23" reason="strategic|urgent" leaderGap="7.09" leaderSecureGap="3.02" followerGap="17.67" followerSecureGap="10.67" origLeaderGap="None" origLeaderSecureGap="None"/> < <change id="main.45" type="t0" time="83.00" from="merge_1" to="merge_2" dir="1" speed="12.78" pos="65.34" reason="speedGain" leaderGap="4.82" leaderSecureGap="0.00" followerGap="168.09" followerSecureGap="114.75" origLeaderGap="17.00" origLeaderSecureGap="14.11"/> < <change id="onRamp.14" type="t0" time="83.00" from="merge_0" to="merge_1" dir="1" speed="14.39" pos="57.45" reason="strategic|urgent" leaderGap="24.89" leaderSecureGap="19.83" followerGap="16.96" followerSecureGap="9.95" origLeaderGap="None" origLeaderSecureGap="None"/> < <change id="main.47" type="t0" time="83.00" from="merge_1" to="merge_2" dir="1" speed="13.20" pos="35.49" reason="speedGain" leaderGap="24.85" leaderSecureGap="14.06" followerGap="138.24" followerSecureGap="113.90" origLeaderGap="16.96" origLeaderSecureGap="9.95"/> < <change id="main.53" type="t0" time="89.00" from="beg2_0" to="beg2_1" dir="1" speed="34.93" pos="2935.39" reason="speedGain" leaderGap="82.80" leaderSecureGap="72.67" followerGap="34.22" followerSecureGap="20.00" origLeaderGap="97.29" origLeaderSecureGap="87.87"/> < <change id="onRamp.16" type="t0" time="90.00" from="merge_0" to="merge_1" dir="1" speed="27.92" pos="14.48" reason="strategic|urgent" leaderGap="44.81" leaderSecureGap="35.37" followerGap="108.95" followerSecureGap="65.49" origLeaderGap="59.52" origLeaderSecureGap="84.64"/> < <change id="main.55" type="t0" time="94.00" from="merge_1" to="merge_2" dir="1" speed="31.47" pos="31.25" reason="cooperative|urgent" leaderGap="25.13" leaderSecureGap="20.74" followerGap="59.38" followerSecureGap="50.64" origLeaderGap="90.68" origLeaderSecureGap="53.58"/> < <change id="main.61" type="t0" time="100.00" from="beg2_0" to="beg2_1" dir="1" speed="36.99" pos="2980.42" reason="cooperative|urgent" leaderGap="43.29" leaderSecureGap="24.67" followerGap="38.03" followerSecureGap="18.73" origLeaderGap="63.02" origLeaderSecureGap="48.02"/> < <change id="onRamp.15" type="t0" time="102.00" from="merge_0" to="merge_1" dir="1" speed="0.00" pos="97.00" reason="strategic|urgent" leaderGap="None" leaderSecureGap="None" followerGap="122.91" followerSecureGap="117.84" origLeaderGap="None" origLeaderSecureGap="None"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in output ---------- 1,2c1,2 < Loading net-file from 'motorway.net.xml'... done ((TIME)). < Loading additional-files from 'input_additional.add.xml'... done ((TIME)). --- > Loading net-file from 'motorway.net.xml' ... done ((TIME)). > Loading additional-files from 'input_additional.add.xml' ... done ((TIME)). 4,5c4,5 < Simulation started with time: 0.00.. < Simulation ended at time: 1018.00 --- > Simulation started with time: 0.00. > Simulation ended at time: 1047.40 9c9 < Inserted: 905 --- > Inserted: 837 12,16c12,17 < Statistics (avg): < RouteLength: 523.07 < Duration: 21.06 < WaitingTime: 0.47 < TimeLoss: 6.01 --- > Statistics (avg of 837): > RouteLength: 522.39 > Speed: 20.40 > Duration: 34.27 > WaitingTime: 1.65 > TimeLoss: 19.70
[zeitlupe] no consistent slow down (This bug was triggered by text found in file 'tripinfos' matching '.*') ---------- Differences in tripinfos ---------- 5,6c5,6 < <tripinfo id="this_test_should_fail_as_a_reminder_to_look_at_it" depart="1.50" departLane="beg_0" departPos="1000.00" departSpeed="36.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="58.00" arrivalLane="beg_0" arrivalPos="2998.50" arrivalSpeed="36.00" duration="56.50" routeLength="1998.50" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="0.95" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_overtaking" vType="fast" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="slow_middle" depart="0.00" departLane="beg_1" departPos="1000.00" departSpeed="25.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="80.00" arrivalLane="beg_1" arrivalPos="2998.50" arrivalSpeed="25.00" duration="80.00" routeLength="1998.50" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="0.00" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_slow_middle" vType="slow" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/> --- > <tripinfo id="overtaking" depart="1.50" departLane="beg_0" departPos="1000.00" departSpeed="36.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="57.90" arrivalLane="beg_0" arrivalPos="2996.00" arrivalSpeed="36.00" duration="56.40" routeLength="1996.00" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="0.95" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_overtaking" vType="fast" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/> > <tripinfo id="slow_middle" depart="0.00" departLane="beg_1" departPos="1000.00" departSpeed="25.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="79.90" arrivalLane="beg_1" arrivalPos="2996.00" arrivalSpeed="25.00" duration="79.90" routeLength="1996.00" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="0.00" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_slow_middle" vType="slow" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/>
#3703 (This bug was triggered by text found in file 'output' matching '.*') ---------- Differences in lanechanges ---------- 5,44c5,48 < <change id="cars.1" type="car" time="4.00" from="beg_1" to="beg_0" dir="-1" speed="3.52" pos="10.26" reason="sublane" leaderGap="None" leaderSecureGap="None" followerGap="None" followerSecureGap="None" origLeaderGap="None" origLeaderSecureGap="None" latGap="None"/> < <change id="cars.2" type="car" time="7.00" from="beg_1" to="beg_0" dir="-1" speed="6.79" pos="18.13" reason="sublane" leaderGap="None" leaderSecureGap="None" followerGap="None" followerSecureGap="None" origLeaderGap="None" origLeaderSecureGap="None" latGap="None"/> < <change id="cars.4" type="car" time="12.00" from="beg_1" to="beg_0" dir="-1" speed="7.90" pos="25.35" reason="sublane" leaderGap="46.39" leaderSecureGap="0.00" followerGap="13.05" followerSecureGap="0.00" origLeaderGap="None" origLeaderSecureGap="None" latGap="None"/> < <change id="cars.2" type="car" time="15.00" from="beg_0" to="beg_1" dir="1" speed="14.07" pos="118.10" reason="sublane" leaderGap="None" leaderSecureGap="None" followerGap="50.36" followerSecureGap="14.87" origLeaderGap="1.78" origLeaderSecureGap="18.57" latGap="None"/> < <change id="cars.6" type="car" time="15.00" from="beg_1" to="beg_0" dir="-1" speed="6.60" pos="18.35" reason="sublane" leaderGap="39.38" leaderSecureGap="0.00" followerGap="None" followerSecureGap="None" origLeaderGap="None" origLeaderSecureGap="None" latGap="None"/> < <change id="cars.6" type="car" time="17.00" from="beg_0" to="beg_1" dir="1" speed="10.33" pos="37.35" reason="sublane" leaderGap="48.14" leaderSecureGap="2.23" followerGap="24.78" followerSecureGap="0.00" origLeaderGap="1.89" origLeaderSecureGap="13.36" latGap="None"/> < <change id="cars.6" type="car" time="22.00" from="beg_1" to="beg_0" dir="-1" speed="14.94" pos="107.43" reason="sublane" leaderGap="46.92" leaderSecureGap="19.89" followerGap="16.21" followerSecureGap="0.00" origLeaderGap="None" origLeaderSecureGap="None" latGap="None"/> < <change id="cars.11" type="car" time="25.00" from="beg_1" to="beg_0" dir="-1" speed="4.30" pos="11.42" reason="sublane" leaderGap="65.44" leaderSecureGap="0.00" followerGap="None" followerSecureGap="None" origLeaderGap="13.87" origLeaderSecureGap="0.09" latGap="None"/> < <change id="cars.3" type="car" time="27.00" from="beg_0" to="beg_1" dir="1" speed="14.98" pos="255.89" reason="speedGain" leaderGap="19.35" leaderSecureGap="20.63" followerGap="145.96" followerSecureGap="3.50" origLeaderGap="1.28" origLeaderSecureGap="23.59" latGap="None"/> < <change id="cars.13" type="car" time="33.00" from="beg_1" to="beg_0" dir="-1" speed="13.02" pos="57.08" reason="sublane" leaderGap="44.65" leaderSecureGap="10.19" followerGap="44.73" followerSecureGap="0.00" origLeaderGap="87.87" origLeaderSecureGap="5.45" latGap="None"/> < <change id="cars.11" type="car" time="35.00" from="beg_0" to="beg_1" dir="1" speed="13.67" pos="134.86" reason="sublane" leaderGap="57.72" leaderSecureGap="19.37" followerGap="41.42" followerSecureGap="23.82" origLeaderGap="None" origLeaderSecureGap="None" latGap="None"/> < <change id="cars.13" type="car" time="35.00" from="beg_0" to="beg_1" dir="1" speed="16.21" pos="88.44" reason="sublane" leaderGap="41.42" leaderSecureGap="23.82" followerGap="67.13" followerSecureGap="0.00" origLeaderGap="1.42" origLeaderSecureGap="20.51" latGap="None"/> < <change id="cars.4" type="car" time="36.00" from="beg_0" to="beg_1" dir="1" speed="0.22" pos="291.42" reason="sublane" leaderGap="2.58" leaderSecureGap="0.22" followerGap="3.14" followerSecureGap="4.38" origLeaderGap="None" origLeaderSecureGap="None" latGap="None"/> < <change id="cars.12" type="car" time="42.00" from="beg_0" to="beg_1" dir="1" speed="12.83" pos="185.42" reason="speedGain" leaderGap="11.48" leaderSecureGap="4.44" followerGap="99.74" followerSecureGap="2.97" origLeaderGap="13.20" origLeaderSecureGap="19.02" latGap="None"/> < <change id="cars.17" type="car" time="42.00" from="beg_1" to="beg_0" dir="-1" speed="11.65" pos="57.39" reason="sublane" leaderGap="18.29" leaderSecureGap="15.86" followerGap="None" followerSecureGap="None" origLeaderGap="139.51" origLeaderSecureGap="0.90" latGap="None"/> < <change id="cars.16" type="car" time="45.00" from="beg_1" to="beg_0" dir="-1" speed="9.53" pos="110.67" reason="keepRight" leaderGap="9.55" leaderSecureGap="6.19" followerGap="15.66" followerSecureGap="11.56" origLeaderGap="111.52" origLeaderSecureGap="0.00" latGap="None"/> < <change id="cars.17" type="car" time="46.00" from="beg_0" to="beg_1" dir="1" speed="10.09" pos="100.10" reason="speedGain" leaderGap="135.36" leaderSecureGap="3.73" followerGap="55.62" followerSecureGap="12.40" origLeaderGap="14.15" origLeaderSecureGap="12.68" latGap="None"/> < <change id="cars.17" type="car" time="49.00" from="beg_1" to="beg_0" dir="-1" speed="11.37" pos="135.04" reason="sublane" leaderGap="151.46" leaderSecureGap="20.60" followerGap="45.34" followerSecureGap="31.98" origLeaderGap="119.78" origLeaderSecureGap="20.60" latGap="None"/> < <change id="cars.19" type="car" time="52.00" from="beg_0" to="beg_1" dir="1" speed="16.64" pos="136.37" reason="speedGain" leaderGap="28.63" leaderSecureGap="30.69" followerGap="None" followerSecureGap="None" origLeaderGap="8.33" origLeaderSecureGap="29.04" latGap="None"/> < <change id="cars.17" type="car" time="53.00" from="beg_0" to="beg_1" dir="1" speed="11.95" pos="181.95" reason="sublane" leaderGap="104.55" leaderSecureGap="22.35" followerGap="25.32" followerSecureGap="23.64" origLeaderGap="2.24" origLeaderSecureGap="15.00" latGap="None"/> < <change id="cars.17" type="car" time="58.00" from="beg_1" to="beg_0" dir="-1" speed="12.13" pos="241.93" reason="speedGain" leaderGap="21.52" leaderSecureGap="17.59" followerGap="17.98" followerSecureGap="14.45" origLeaderGap="14.57" origLeaderSecureGap="22.88" latGap="None"/> < <change id="cars.19" type="car" time="59.00" from="beg_1" to="beg_0" dir="-1" speed="12.36" pos="231.30" reason="speedGain" leaderGap="17.12" leaderSecureGap="14.08" followerGap="None" followerSecureGap="None" origLeaderGap="25.19" origLeaderSecureGap="23.58" latGap="None"/> < <change id="cars.19" type="car" time="60.00" from="beg_0" to="beg_1" dir="1" speed="11.70" pos="243.00" reason="sublane" leaderGap="14.22" leaderSecureGap="17.30" followerGap="None" followerSecureGap="None" origLeaderGap="None" origLeaderSecureGap="None" latGap="None"/> < <change id="cars.16" type="car" time="64.00" from="beg_0" to="beg_1" dir="1" speed="1.34" pos="247.82" reason="sublane" leaderGap="8.41" leaderSecureGap="1.34" followerGap="None" followerSecureGap="None" origLeaderGap="1.17" origLeaderSecureGap="1.34" latGap="None"/> < <change id="cars.4" type="car" time="206.00" from="end_1" to="end_0" dir="-1" speed="9.34" pos="23.33" reason="sublane" leaderGap="22.31" leaderSecureGap="1.94" followerGap="14.40" followerSecureGap="6.05" origLeaderGap="None" origLeaderSecureGap="None" latGap="None"/> < <change id="cars.8" type="car" time="209.00" from="end_1" to="end_0" dir="-1" speed="11.91" pos="35.97" reason="sublane" leaderGap="20.33" leaderSecureGap="8.67" followerGap="20.35" followerSecureGap="5.33" origLeaderGap="None" origLeaderSecureGap="None" latGap="None"/> < <change id="cars.15" type="car" time="209.00" from="end_0" to="end_1" dir="1" speed="9.72" pos="10.62" reason="sublane" leaderGap="20.35" leaderSecureGap="5.33" followerGap="14.84" followerSecureGap="6.08" origLeaderGap="2.22" origLeaderSecureGap="11.41" latGap="None"/> < <change id="cars.4" type="car" time="211.00" from="end_0" to="end_1" dir="1" speed="13.45" pos="88.35" reason="sublane" leaderGap="25.28" leaderSecureGap="12.60" followerGap="23.92" followerSecureGap="9.24" origLeaderGap="None" origLeaderSecureGap="None" latGap="None"/> < <change id="cars.17" type="car" time="211.00" from="end_0" to="end_1" dir="1" speed="11.31" pos="12.58" reason="sublane" leaderGap="14.52" leaderSecureGap="12.70" followerGap="21.83" followerSecureGap="0.19" origLeaderGap="0.06" origLeaderSecureGap="16.77" latGap="None"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in output ---------- 1c1 < Loading net-file from 'net.net.xml'... done ((TIME)). --- > Loading net-file from 'net.net.xml' ... done ((TIME)). 3,4c3,4 < Simulation started with time: 0.00.. < Simulation ended at time: 237.00 --- > Simulation started with time: 0.00. > Simulation ended at time: 235.80 11c11 < Statistics (avg): --- > Statistics (avg of 20): 13,16c13,17 < Duration: 205.30 < WaitingTime: 154.10 < TimeLoss: 167.16 < DepartDelay: 0.70 --- > Speed: 2.39 > Duration: 207.34 > WaitingTime: 152.91 > TimeLoss: 169.59 > DepartDelay: 0.14
#3702 (This bug was triggered by text found in file 'output' matching '.*') ---------- Differences in errors ---------- 0a1,16 > Warning: Vehicle 'mixed.59' performs emergency braking on lane 'beg_1' with decel=10.00, wished=7.00, severity=1.00, time=69.30. > Warning: Vehicle 'mixed.60' performs emergency braking on lane 'beg_1' with decel=10.00, wished=7.00, severity=1.00, time=70.00. > Warning: Vehicle 'mixed.34' performs emergency braking on lane 'beg_0' with decel=10.00, wished=7.00, severity=1.00, time=74.90. > Warning: Vehicle 'mixed.34' ends teleporting on edge 'end', time=75.40. > Warning: Vehicle 'mixed.21' performs emergency braking on lane 'beg_0' with decel=9.00, wished=4.50, severity=1.00, time=82.40. > Warning: Vehicle 'mixed.59' ends teleporting on edge 'end', time=88.10. > Warning: Vehicle 'mixed.55' performs emergency braking on lane 'beg_0' with decel=10.00, wished=7.00, severity=1.00, time=88.40. > Warning: Vehicle 'mixed.75' performs emergency braking on lane 'beg_1' with decel=10.00, wished=7.00, severity=1.00, time=95.80. > Warning: Vehicle 'mixed.84' ends teleporting on edge 'end', time=123.40. > Warning: Vehicle 'mixed.95' performs emergency braking on lane 'beg_0' with decel=10.00, wished=7.00, severity=1.00, time=133.40. > Warning: Vehicle 'mixed.90' performs emergency braking on lane 'beg_0' with decel=9.00, wished=4.50, severity=1.00, time=134.70. > -- Unordered text as found by filter 'Warning: Teleporting vehicle' -- > Warning: Teleporting vehicle 'mixed.34'; collision with vehicle 'mixed.38', lane='beg_1', gap=-0.02', latGap=-0.22, time=75.40 stage=move. > Warning: Teleporting vehicle 'mixed.59'; collision with vehicle 'mixed.61', lane='beg_0', gap=-0.83', latGap=-0.01, time=88.10 stage=laneChange. > Warning: Teleporting vehicle 'mixed.84'; collision with vehicle 'mixed.83', lane='beg_0', gap=-3.23', latGap=-0.01, time=123.40 stage=laneChange. > ---------- Differences in output ---------- 1c1 < Loading net-file from 'net.net.xml'... done ((TIME)). --- > Loading net-file from 'net.net.xml' ... done ((TIME)). 3c3 < Simulation started with time: 0.00.. --- > Simulation started with time: 0.00. 11c11,13 < Statistics (avg): --- > Teleports: 3 (Collisions: 3) > Emergency Braking: 8 > Statistics (avg of 100): 13,16c15,19 < Duration: 191.49 < WaitingTime: 118.92 < TimeLoss: 149.57 < DepartDelay: 17.70 --- > Speed: 2.83 > Duration: 194.31 > WaitingTime: 115.59 > TimeLoss: 153.01 > DepartDelay: 10.92 ---------- Differences in tripinfos ---------- 5,104c5,104 < <tripinfo id="mixed.65" depart="74.00" departLane="beg_1" departPos="2.20" departPosLat="1.01" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="9.00" arrival="107.60" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="200.00" arrivalPosLat="-1.20" arrivalSpeed="16.46" duration="33.60" routeLength="497.80" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="10.74" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_mixed.65" vType="moped" speedFactor="1.21" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="mixed.88" depart="102.10" departLane="beg_0" departPos="2.20" departPosLat="0.99" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="14.10" arrival="141.80" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="200.00" arrivalPosLat="-1.20" arrivalSpeed="10.40" duration="39.70" routeLength="497.80" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="7.77" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_mixed.88" vType="moped" speedFactor="0.77" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="mixed.15" depart="15.40" departLane="beg_1" departPos="2.20" departPosLat="0.75" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.40" arrival="222.30" arrivalLane="end_1" arrivalPos="200.00" arrivalPosLat="-1.05" arrivalSpeed="15.10" duration="206.90" routeLength="497.80" waitingTime="152.20" waitingCount="1" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="174.75" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_mixed.15" vType="moped" speedFactor="1.12" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="mixed.6" depart="6.40" departLane="beg_0" departPos="2.20" departPosLat="-0.77" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.40" arrival="223.10" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="200.00" arrivalPosLat="0.68" arrivalSpeed="16.30" duration="216.70" routeLength="497.80" waitingTime="163.00" waitingCount="2" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="186.72" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_mixed.6" vType="moped" speedFactor="1.36" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="mixed.3" depart="3.20" departLane="beg_0" departPos="2.20" departPosLat="-1.09" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.20" arrival="223.20" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="200.00" arrivalPosLat="-1.20" arrivalSpeed="13.14" duration="220.00" routeLength="497.80" waitingTime="163.90" waitingCount="2" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="183.39" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_mixed.3" vType="moped" speedFactor="0.98" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="mixed.13" depart="13.40" departLane="beg_0" departPos="2.20" departPosLat="-0.85" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.40" arrival="223.90" arrivalLane="end_1" arrivalPos="200.00" arrivalPosLat="-0.49" arrivalSpeed="16.59" duration="210.50" routeLength="497.80" waitingTime="151.80" waitingCount="1" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="180.50" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_mixed.13" vType="moped" speedFactor="1.33" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="mixed.8" depart="9.80" departLane="beg_0" departPos="5.10" departPosLat="0.70" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="1.80" arrival="225.00" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="200.00" arrivalPosLat="1.18" arrivalSpeed="16.88" duration="215.20" routeLength="494.90" waitingTime="153.30" waitingCount="3" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="186.54" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_mixed.8" vType="car" speedFactor="1.25" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="mixed.0" depart="0.00" departLane="beg_0" departPos="2.20" departPosLat="0.51" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="225.70" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="200.00" arrivalPosLat="-1.20" arrivalSpeed="10.10" duration="225.70" routeLength="497.80" waitingTime="164.60" waitingCount="1" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="178.00" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_mixed.0" vType="moped" speedFactor="0.75" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="mixed.14" depart="14.80" departLane="beg_0" departPos="2.20" departPosLat="0.75" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.80" arrival="226.80" arrivalLane="end_1" arrivalPos="200.00" arrivalPosLat="1.13" arrivalSpeed="13.98" duration="212.00" routeLength="497.80" waitingTime="151.10" waitingCount="1" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="177.49" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_mixed.14" vType="moped" speedFactor="1.04" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="mixed.5" depart="6.00" departLane="beg_0" departPos="5.10" departPosLat="0.64" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="1.00" arrival="227.20" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="200.00" arrivalPosLat="0.58" arrivalSpeed="13.71" duration="221.20" routeLength="494.90" waitingTime="160.70" waitingCount="1" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="186.44" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_mixed.5" vType="car" speedFactor="1.03" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="mixed.12" depart="12.10" departLane="beg_1" departPos="2.20" departPosLat="-0.28" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.10" arrival="228.10" arrivalLane="end_1" arrivalPos="200.00" arrivalPosLat="-1.05" arrivalSpeed="10.07" duration="216.00" routeLength="497.80" waitingTime="153.30" waitingCount="1" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="167.79" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_mixed.12" vType="moped" speedFactor="0.74" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="mixed.11" depart="18.80" departLane="beg_0" departPos="5.10" departPosLat="0.68" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="7.80" arrival="230.10" arrivalLane="end_1" arrivalPos="200.00" arrivalPosLat="0.55" arrivalSpeed="12.57" duration="211.30" routeLength="494.90" waitingTime="149.30" waitingCount="1" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="178.37" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_mixed.11" vType="car" speedFactor="1.08" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="mixed.9" depart="12.30" departLane="beg_0" departPos="5.10" departPosLat="0.69" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="3.30" arrival="230.20" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="200.00" arrivalPosLat="0.58" arrivalSpeed="10.96" duration="217.90" routeLength="494.90" waitingTime="152.00" waitingCount="2" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="173.35" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_mixed.9" vType="car" speedFactor="0.80" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="mixed.7" depart="7.50" departLane="beg_1" departPos="2.20" departPosLat="0.90" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.50" arrival="231.60" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="200.00" arrivalPosLat="-1.20" arrivalSpeed="9.16" duration="224.10" routeLength="497.80" waitingTime="157.90" waitingCount="1" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="172.14" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_mixed.7" vType="moped" speedFactor="0.69" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="mixed.28" depart="28.20" departLane="beg_1" departPos="2.20" departPosLat="0.40" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.20" arrival="231.80" arrivalLane="end_1" arrivalPos="200.00" arrivalPosLat="0.15" arrivalSpeed="12.62" duration="203.60" routeLength="497.80" waitingTime="147.70" waitingCount="1" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="173.70" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_mixed.28" vType="moped" speedFactor="1.41" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="mixed.10" depart="10.10" departLane="beg_0" departPos="2.20" departPosLat="-0.89" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.10" arrival="233.10" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="200.00" arrivalPosLat="-1.20" arrivalSpeed="9.73" duration="223.00" routeLength="497.80" waitingTime="151.30" waitingCount="3" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="172.27" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_mixed.10" vType="moped" speedFactor="0.71" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="mixed.31" depart="31.60" departLane="beg_1" departPos="2.20" departPosLat="0.95" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.60" arrival="233.30" arrivalLane="end_1" arrivalPos="200.00" arrivalPosLat="1.20" arrivalSpeed="13.31" duration="201.70" routeLength="497.80" waitingTime="146.70" waitingCount="2" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="171.77" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_mixed.31" vType="moped" speedFactor="1.26" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="mixed.21" depart="23.30" departLane="beg_1" departPos="5.10" departPosLat="0.09" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="2.30" arrival="234.00" arrivalLane="end_1" arrivalPos="200.00" arrivalPosLat="-0.70" arrivalSpeed="9.86" duration="210.70" routeLength="494.90" waitingTime="147.70" waitingCount="2" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="165.39" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_mixed.21" vType="car" speedFactor="0.79" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="mixed.18" depart="20.20" departLane="beg_1" departPos="5.10" departPosLat="0.61" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="2.20" arrival="234.90" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="200.00" arrivalPosLat="0.58" arrivalSpeed="9.79" duration="214.70" routeLength="494.90" waitingTime="148.70" waitingCount="1" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="166.83" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_mixed.18" vType="car" speedFactor="0.75" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="mixed.19" depart="25.90" departLane="beg_1" departPos="5.10" departPosLat="-0.41" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="6.90" arrival="235.90" arrivalLane="end_1" arrivalPos="200.00" arrivalPosLat="-0.06" arrivalSpeed="12.73" duration="210.00" routeLength="494.90" waitingTime="147.40" waitingCount="3" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="176.43" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_mixed.19" vType="car" speedFactor="1.06" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="mixed.17" depart="22.30" departLane="beg_0" departPos="5.10" departPosLat="-0.55" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="5.30" arrival="236.70" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="200.00" arrivalPosLat="1.26" arrivalSpeed="12.61" duration="214.40" routeLength="494.90" waitingTime="148.20" waitingCount="2" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="179.28" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_mixed.17" vType="car" speedFactor="1.02" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="mixed.22" depart="30.90" departLane="beg_0" departPos="2.20" departPosLat="-0.62" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="8.90" arrival="237.60" arrivalLane="end_1" arrivalPos="200.00" arrivalPosLat="-0.13" arrivalSpeed="12.25" duration="206.70" routeLength="497.80" waitingTime="138.20" waitingCount="4" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="176.80" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_mixed.22" vType="moped" speedFactor="1.62" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="mixed.30" depart="31.60" departLane="beg_1" departPos="2.20" departPosLat="-0.17" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="1.60" arrival="238.40" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="200.00" arrivalPosLat="1.36" arrivalSpeed="14.18" duration="206.80" routeLength="497.80" waitingTime="146.40" waitingCount="3" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="174.78" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_mixed.30" vType="moped" speedFactor="1.12" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="mixed.4" depart="4.20" departLane="beg_1" departPos="2.20" departPosLat="-1.12" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.20" arrival="238.60" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="200.00" arrivalPosLat="-1.20" arrivalSpeed="7.31" duration="234.40" routeLength="497.80" waitingTime="155.30" waitingCount="2" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="168.49" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_mixed.4" vType="moped" speedFactor="0.54" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="mixed.39" depart="46.20" departLane="beg_0" departPos="2.20" departPosLat="1.11" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="7.20" arrival="239.00" arrivalLane="end_1" arrivalPos="200.00" arrivalPosLat="-0.49" arrivalSpeed="13.42" duration="192.80" routeLength="497.80" waitingTime="136.90" waitingCount="1" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="162.89" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_mixed.39" vType="moped" speedFactor="1.40" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="mixed.35" depart="38.50" departLane="beg_1" departPos="2.20" departPosLat="0.41" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="3.50" arrival="239.50" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="200.00" arrivalPosLat="0.55" arrivalSpeed="15.86" duration="201.00" routeLength="497.80" waitingTime="134.90" waitingCount="5" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="171.04" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_mixed.35" vType="moped" speedFactor="1.25" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="mixed.27" depart="31.40" departLane="beg_0" departPos="2.20" departPosLat="0.96" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="4.40" arrival="240.30" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="200.00" arrivalPosLat="-0.84" arrivalSpeed="9.04" duration="208.90" routeLength="497.80" waitingTime="136.70" waitingCount="5" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="161.67" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_mixed.27" vType="moped" speedFactor="0.76" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="mixed.20" depart="35.70" departLane="beg_1" departPos="5.10" departPosLat="0.04" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="15.70" arrival="240.90" arrivalLane="end_1" arrivalPos="200.00" arrivalPosLat="-1.26" arrivalSpeed="13.85" duration="205.20" routeLength="494.90" waitingTime="143.10" waitingCount="4" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="176.97" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_mixed.20" vType="car" speedFactor="1.26" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="mixed.45" depart="50.50" departLane="beg_0" departPos="2.20" departPosLat="1.16" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="5.50" arrival="241.10" arrivalLane="end_1" arrivalPos="200.00" arrivalPosLat="1.20" arrivalSpeed="13.32" duration="190.60" routeLength="497.80" waitingTime="129.80" waitingCount="2" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="154.42" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_mixed.45" vType="moped" speedFactor="0.99" vaporized=""/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines>
#3700 (This bug was triggered by text found in file 'errors' matching '.*') ---------- Differences in errors ---------- 0a1,4 > Warning: Vehicle 'right' ends teleporting on edge 'middle', time=0.90. > -- Unordered text as found by filter 'Warning: Teleporting vehicle' -- > Warning: Teleporting vehicle 'right'; junction collision with vehicle 'left', lane=':B_0_2', gap=-11.50', latGap=-1.06, time=0.90 stage=move. >
counter-change deadlock (This bug was triggered by FAILING to find text in file 'tripinfos' matching 'veh.6.*arrival="23.00"') ---------- Differences in tripinfos ---------- 6,14c6,14 < <tripinfo id="veh.1" depart="0.10" departLane="beg_0" departPos="83.80" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="9.70" arrivalLane="beg_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="2.05" arrivalSpeed="8.86" duration="9.60" routeLength="16.20" waitingTime="5.00" waitingCount="2" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="8.24" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_veh.1" vType="t0" speedFactor="0.88" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="veh.4" depart="0.40" departLane="beg_0" departPos="61.00" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="12.90" arrivalLane="beg_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="3.78" arrivalSpeed="13.88" duration="12.50" routeLength="39.00" waitingTime="4.70" waitingCount="3" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="9.74" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_veh.4" vType="t0" speedFactor="1.06" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="veh.9" depart="0.90" departLane="beg_0" departPos="23.01" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="17.50" arrivalLane="beg_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="-2.65" arrivalSpeed="9.92" duration="16.60" routeLength="76.99" waitingTime="2.60" waitingCount="4" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="8.76" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_veh.9" vType="t0" speedFactor="0.71" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="veh.2" depart="0.20" departLane="beg_0" departPos="76.20" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="18.80" arrivalLane="beg_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="2.46" arrivalSpeed="6.76" duration="18.60" routeLength="23.80" waitingTime="10.10" waitingCount="4" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="16.87" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_veh.2" vType="t0" speedFactor="1.02" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="veh.7" depart="0.70" departLane="beg_0" departPos="38.21" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="23.70" arrivalLane="beg_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="3.72" arrivalSpeed="10.72" duration="23.00" routeLength="61.79" waitingTime="7.10" waitingCount="6" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="17.12" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_veh.7" vType="t0" speedFactor="0.77" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="veh.3" depart="0.30" departLane="beg_0" departPos="68.60" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="24.90" arrivalLane="beg_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="-2.46" arrivalSpeed="6.78" duration="24.60" routeLength="31.40" waitingTime="12.30" waitingCount="5" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="22.61" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_veh.3" vType="t0" speedFactor="1.17" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="veh.8" depart="0.80" departLane="beg_0" departPos="30.61" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="25.30" arrivalLane="beg_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="3.23" arrivalSpeed="12.16" duration="24.50" routeLength="69.39" waitingTime="7.20" waitingCount="6" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="18.72" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_veh.8" vType="t0" speedFactor="0.88" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="veh.5" depart="0.50" departLane="beg_0" departPos="53.40" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="27.00" arrivalLane="beg_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="-3.00" arrivalSpeed="8.59" duration="26.50" routeLength="46.60" waitingTime="10.60" waitingCount="6" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="21.32" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_veh.5" vType="t0" speedFactor="0.66" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="veh.6" depart="0.60" departLane="beg_0" departPos="45.81" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="33.10" arrivalLane="beg_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="2.46" arrivalSpeed="6.52" duration="32.50" routeLength="54.19" waitingTime="12.20" waitingCount="7" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="28.91" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_veh.6" vType="t0" speedFactor="1.09" vaporized=""/> --- > <tripinfo id="veh.1" depart="0.10" departLane="beg_0" departPos="83.80" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="12.70" arrivalLane="beg_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="2.55" arrivalSpeed="6.76" duration="12.60" routeLength="16.20" waitingTime="6.00" waitingCount="3" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="11.21" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_veh.1" vType="t0" speedFactor="0.88" vaporized=""/> > <tripinfo id="veh.6" depart="0.60" departLane="beg_0" departPos="45.81" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="13.10" arrivalLane="beg_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="-2.10" arrivalSpeed="15.16" duration="12.50" routeLength="54.19" waitingTime="2.50" waitingCount="4" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="8.80" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_veh.6" vType="t0" speedFactor="1.09" vaporized=""/> > <tripinfo id="veh.4" depart="0.40" departLane="beg_0" departPos="61.00" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="14.80" arrivalLane="beg_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="3.90" arrivalSpeed="13.57" duration="14.40" routeLength="39.00" waitingTime="6.00" waitingCount="3" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="11.70" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_veh.4" vType="t0" speedFactor="1.06" vaporized=""/> > <tripinfo id="veh.7" depart="0.70" departLane="beg_0" departPos="38.21" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="15.40" arrivalLane="beg_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="-3.00" arrivalSpeed="10.72" duration="14.70" routeLength="61.79" waitingTime="2.50" waitingCount="4" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="8.88" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_veh.7" vType="t0" speedFactor="0.77" vaporized=""/> > <tripinfo id="veh.8" depart="0.80" departLane="beg_0" departPos="30.61" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="17.10" arrivalLane="beg_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="-3.80" arrivalSpeed="12.16" duration="16.30" routeLength="69.39" waitingTime="2.60" waitingCount="4" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="10.47" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_veh.8" vType="t0" speedFactor="0.88" vaporized=""/> > <tripinfo id="veh.5" depart="0.50" departLane="beg_0" departPos="53.40" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="17.20" arrivalLane="beg_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="3.74" arrivalSpeed="9.20" duration="16.70" routeLength="46.60" waitingTime="6.10" waitingCount="4" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="11.51" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_veh.5" vType="t0" speedFactor="0.66" vaporized=""/> > <tripinfo id="veh.9" depart="0.90" departLane="beg_0" departPos="23.01" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="19.40" arrivalLane="beg_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="-3.54" arrivalSpeed="9.91" duration="18.50" routeLength="76.99" waitingTime="2.60" waitingCount="4" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="10.67" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_veh.9" vType="t0" speedFactor="0.71" vaporized=""/> > <tripinfo id="veh.2" depart="0.20" departLane="beg_0" departPos="76.20" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="23.80" arrivalLane="beg_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="2.55" arrivalSpeed="6.76" duration="23.60" routeLength="23.80" waitingTime="13.30" waitingCount="5" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="21.87" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_veh.2" vType="t0" speedFactor="1.02" vaporized=""/> > <tripinfo id="veh.3" depart="0.30" departLane="beg_0" departPos="68.60" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="27.80" arrivalLane="beg_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="-2.46" arrivalSpeed="6.75" duration="27.50" routeLength="31.40" waitingTime="13.60" waitingCount="5" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="25.51" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_veh.3" vType="t0" speedFactor="1.17" vaporized=""/>
#3698 (This bug was triggered by text found in file 'fcd' matching '.*') ---------- Differences in fcd ---------- 10c10 < <vehicle id="blocker1" x="2.76" y="-4.94" angle="89.93" type="t1" speed="27.78" pos="2.78" lane="beg_1" slope="0.00"/> --- > <vehicle id="blocker1" x="2.76" y="-4.94" angle="89.89" type="t1" speed="27.78" pos="2.78" lane="beg_1" slope="0.00"/> 14c14 < <vehicle id="blocker1" x="5.51" y="-4.92" angle="89.85" type="t1" speed="27.78" pos="5.56" lane="beg_1" slope="0.00"/> --- > <vehicle id="blocker1" x="5.51" y="-4.92" angle="89.72" type="t1" speed="27.78" pos="5.56" lane="beg_1" slope="0.00"/> 18c18 < <vehicle id="blocker1" x="8.27" y="-4.89" angle="89.78" type="t1" speed="27.78" pos="8.33" lane="beg_1" slope="0.00"/> --- > <vehicle id="blocker1" x="8.27" y="-4.89" angle="89.53" type="t1" speed="27.78" pos="8.33" lane="beg_1" slope="0.00"/> 22c22 < <vehicle id="blocker1" x="11.03" y="-4.85" angle="89.71" type="t1" speed="27.78" pos="11.11" lane="beg_1" slope="0.00"/> --- > <vehicle id="blocker1" x="11.03" y="-4.85" angle="89.33" type="t1" speed="27.78" pos="11.11" lane="beg_1" slope="0.00"/> 26c26 < <vehicle id="blocker1" x="13.79" y="-4.80" angle="89.63" type="t1" speed="27.78" pos="13.89" lane="beg_1" slope="0.00"/> --- > <vehicle id="blocker1" x="13.79" y="-4.80" angle="89.13" type="t1" speed="27.78" pos="13.89" lane="beg_1" slope="0.00"/> 30c30 < <vehicle id="blocker1" x="16.54" y="-4.74" angle="89.56" type="t1" speed="27.78" pos="16.67" lane="beg_1" slope="0.00"/> --- > <vehicle id="blocker1" x="16.54" y="-4.74" angle="88.93" type="t1" speed="27.78" pos="16.67" lane="beg_1" slope="0.00"/> 34c34 < <vehicle id="blocker1" x="19.30" y="-4.67" angle="89.48" type="t1" speed="27.78" pos="19.45" lane="beg_1" slope="0.00"/> --- > <vehicle id="blocker1" x="19.30" y="-4.67" angle="88.72" type="t1" speed="27.78" pos="19.45" lane="beg_1" slope="0.00"/> 38c38 < <vehicle id="blocker1" x="22.06" y="-4.59" angle="89.41" type="t1" speed="27.78" pos="22.22" lane="beg_1" slope="0.00"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines>
#3698 (This bug was triggered by text found in file 'fcd' matching '.*') ---------- Differences in fcd ---------- 10c10 < <vehicle id="blocker1" x="2.76" y="-4.94" angle="89.93" type="t1" speed="27.78" pos="2.78" lane="beg_1" slope="0.00" signals="0"/> --- > <vehicle id="blocker1" x="2.76" y="-4.94" angle="89.89" type="t1" speed="27.78" pos="2.78" lane="beg_1" slope="0.00" signals="0"/> 14c14 < <vehicle id="blocker1" x="5.51" y="-4.92" angle="89.85" type="t1" speed="27.78" pos="5.56" lane="beg_1" slope="0.00" signals="2"/> --- > <vehicle id="blocker1" x="5.51" y="-4.92" angle="89.72" type="t1" speed="27.78" pos="5.56" lane="beg_1" slope="0.00" signals="2"/> 18c18 < <vehicle id="blocker1" x="8.25" y="-4.89" angle="89.78" type="t1" speed="27.33" pos="8.31" lane="beg_1" slope="0.00" signals="2"/> --- > <vehicle id="blocker1" x="8.25" y="-4.89" angle="89.53" type="t1" speed="27.33" pos="8.31" lane="beg_1" slope="0.00" signals="2"/> 22c22 < <vehicle id="blocker1" x="10.94" y="-4.85" angle="89.70" type="t1" speed="26.88" pos="11.02" lane="beg_1" slope="0.00" signals="2"/> --- > <vehicle id="blocker1" x="10.94" y="-4.85" angle="89.32" type="t1" speed="26.88" pos="11.02" lane="beg_1" slope="0.00" signals="2"/> 26c26 < <vehicle id="blocker1" x="13.59" y="-4.80" angle="89.63" type="t1" speed="26.44" pos="13.69" lane="beg_1" slope="0.00" signals="2"/> --- > <vehicle id="blocker1" x="13.59" y="-4.80" angle="89.11" type="t1" speed="26.44" pos="13.69" lane="beg_1" slope="0.00" signals="2"/> 30c30 < <vehicle id="blocker1" x="16.19" y="-4.74" angle="89.55" type="t1" speed="25.99" pos="16.31" lane="beg_1" slope="0.00" signals="2"/> --- > <vehicle id="blocker1" x="16.19" y="-4.74" angle="88.88" type="t1" speed="25.99" pos="16.31" lane="beg_1" slope="0.00" signals="2"/> 34c34 < <vehicle id="blocker1" x="18.75" y="-4.67" angle="89.47" type="t1" speed="25.65" pos="18.89" lane="beg_1" slope="0.00" signals="2"/> --- > <vehicle id="blocker1" x="18.75" y="-4.67" angle="88.65" type="t1" speed="25.65" pos="18.89" lane="beg_1" slope="0.00" signals="2"/> 38c38 < <vehicle id="blocker1" x="21.28" y="-4.59" angle="89.39" type="t1" speed="25.31" pos="21.44" lane="beg_1" slope="0.00" signals="2"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in lanechanges ---------- 5,6c5,6 < <change id="blocker1" type="t1" time="2.10" from="beg_1" to="beg_2" dir="1" speed="25.10" pos="53.94" reason="cooperative|urgent" leaderGap="None" leaderSecureGap="None" followerGap="None" followerSecureGap="None" origLeaderGap="None" origLeaderSecureGap="None" latGap="None"/> < <change id="merge" type="t0" time="3.90" from="beg_0" to="beg_1" dir="1" speed="27.78" pos="113.34" reason="strategic|urgent" leaderGap="None" leaderSecureGap="None" followerGap="None" followerSecureGap="None" origLeaderGap="None" origLeaderSecureGap="None" latGap="None"/> --- > <change id="blocker1" type="t1" time="2.10" from="beg_1" to="beg_2" dir="1" speed="25.10" pos="53.94" reason="cooperative|urgent" leaderGap="None" leaderSecureGap="None" leaderSpeed="None" followerGap="None" followerSecureGap="None" followerSpeed="None" origLeaderGap="None" origLeaderSecureGap="None" origLeaderSpeed="None" latGap="None"/> > <change id="merge" type="t0" time="3.90" from="beg_0" to="beg_1" dir="1" speed="27.78" pos="113.34" reason="strategic|urgent" leaderGap="None" leaderSecureGap="None" leaderSpeed="None" followerGap="None" followerSecureGap="None" followerSpeed="None" origLeaderGap="None" origLeaderSecureGap="None" origLeaderSpeed="None" latGap="None"/> ---------- Differences in tripinfos ---------- 5c5 < <tripinfo id="merge" depart="0.00" departLane="beg_0" departPos="5.00" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="27.78" departDelay="0.00" arrival="10.70" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="27.78" duration="10.70" routeLength="295.00" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="0.02" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_merge fcd_merge" vType="t0" speedFactor="2.00" vaporized=""/> --- > <tripinfo id="merge" depart="0.00" departLane="beg_0" departPos="5.00" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="27.78" departDelay="0.00" arrival="10.80" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="27.78" duration="10.80" routeLength="295.00" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="0.09" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_merge fcd_merge" vType="t0" speedFactor="2.00" vaporized=""/>
[no lc-right!? perhaps keep_right prob with asl] (This bug was triggered by text found in file 'output' matching '.*') ---------- Differences in output ---------- 1c1 < Loading net-file from 'net.net.xml'... done ((TIME)). --- > Loading net-file from 'net.net.xml' ... done ((TIME)). 3,4c3,4 < Simulation started with time: 0.00.. < Simulation ended at time: 33.00 --- > Simulation started with time: 0.00. > Simulation ended at time: 32.10 11c11 < Statistics (avg): --- > Statistics (avg of 2): 13c13,14 < Duration: 26.00 --- > Speed: 18.33 > Duration: 26.35 15c16 < TimeLoss: 0.00 --- > TimeLoss: 0.34
#3696 (This bug was triggered by text found in file 'output' matching '.*') ---------- Differences in lanechanges ---------- 5c5 < <change id="A" type="t0" time="3.00" from="beg_0" to="beg_1" dir="1" speed="33.33" pos="105.09" reason="strategic|urgent" leaderGap="None" leaderSecureGap="None" followerGap="6.66" followerSecureGap="8.17" origLeaderGap="None" origLeaderSecureGap="None" latGap="None"/> --- > <change id="A" type="t0" time="9.10" from="beg_0" to="beg_1" dir="1" speed="2.07" pos="199.52" reason="strategic|urgent" leaderGap="59.90" leaderSecureGap="0.00" leaderSpeed="30.00" followerGap="None" followerSecureGap="None" followerSpeed="None" origLeaderGap="None" origLeaderSecureGap="None" origLeaderSpeed="None" latGap="None"/> ---------- Differences in output ---------- 1c1 < Loading net-file from 'net.net.xml'... done ((TIME)). --- > Loading net-file from 'net.net.xml' ... done ((TIME)). 3,4c3,4 < Simulation started with time: 0.00.. < Simulation ended at time: 11.00 --- > Simulation started with time: 0.00. > Simulation ended at time: 18.90 11c11 < Statistics (avg): --- > Statistics (avg of 2): 13,15c13,16 < Duration: 9.50 < WaitingTime: 0.00 < TimeLoss: 0.04 --- > Speed: 22.16 > Duration: 14.55 > WaitingTime: 0.25 > TimeLoss: 5.20 ---------- Differences in tripinfos ---------- 5c5 < <tripinfo id="B" depart="0.00" departLane="beg_1" departPos="5.10" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="30.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="10.30" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="30.00" duration="10.30" routeLength="294.90" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="0.41" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_B" vType="t1" speedFactor="0.90" vaporized=""/> --- > <tripinfo id="B" depart="0.00" departLane="beg_1" departPos="5.10" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="30.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="10.30" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="30.00" duration="10.30" routeLength="294.90" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="0.46" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_B" vType="t1" speedFactor="0.90" vaporized=""/>
#3696 (This bug was triggered by text found in file 'output' matching '.*') ---------- Differences in errors ---------- 0a1,4 > Warning: Vehicle 'A' teleports beyond arrival edge 'end', time=324.70. > -- Unordered text as found by filter 'Warning: Teleporting vehicle' -- > Warning: Teleporting vehicle 'A'; waited too long (wrong lane), lane='beg_0', time=316.70. > ---------- Differences in lanechanges ---------- 5d4 < <change id="A" type="t0" time="81.00" from="beg_0" to="beg_1" dir="1" speed="0.00" pos="200.00" reason="strategic|urgent" leaderGap="8.72" leaderSecureGap="0.00" followerGap="63.62" followerSecureGap="97.08" origLeaderGap="None" origLeaderSecureGap="None" latGap="None"/> ---------- Differences in output ---------- 1c1 < Loading net-file from 'net.net.xml'... done ((TIME)). --- > Loading net-file from 'net.net.xml' ... done ((TIME)). 3,4c3,4 < Simulation started with time: 0.00.. < Simulation ended at time: 372.00 --- > Simulation started with time: 0.00. > Simulation ended at time: 392.40 11,16c11,18 < Statistics (avg): < RouteLength: 235.03 < Duration: 8.92 < WaitingTime: 0.28 < TimeLoss: 1.42 < DepartDelay: 35.17 --- > Teleports: 1 (Wrong Lane: 1) > Statistics (avg of 232): > RouteLength: 282.09 > Speed: 17.05 > Duration: 20.18 > WaitingTime: 1.30 > TimeLoss: 11.65 > DepartDelay: 25.20 ---------- Differences in tripinfos ---------- 5,236c5,236 < <tripinfo id="B.0" depart="0.00" departLane="beg_1" departPos="178.20" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="31.27" departDelay="0.00" arrival="4.00" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="30.31" duration="4.00" routeLength="121.80" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="0.05" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_B.0" vType="t1" speedFactor="0.94" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="B.1" depart="1.30" departLane="beg_1" departPos="98.29" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="33.68" departDelay="0.00" arrival="7.40" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="32.56" duration="6.10" routeLength="201.71" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="0.09" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_B.1" vType="t1" speedFactor="1.01" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="B.2" depart="2.60" departLane="beg_1" departPos="49.50" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="36.09" departDelay="0.00" arrival="9.70" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="35.50" duration="7.10" routeLength="250.50" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="0.12" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_B.2" vType="t1" speedFactor="1.08" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="B.3" depart="4.00" departLane="beg_1" departPos="90.42" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="31.28" departDelay="0.10" arrival="10.60" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="33.26" duration="6.60" routeLength="209.58" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="0.42" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_B.3" vType="t1" speedFactor="1.03" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="B.4" depart="5.20" departLane="beg_1" departPos="64.39" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="27.70" departDelay="0.00" arrival="13.90" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="27.51" duration="8.70" routeLength="235.61" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="0.16" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_B.4" vType="t1" speedFactor="0.83" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="B.5" depart="6.80" departLane="beg_1" departPos="47.34" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="30.39" departDelay="0.30" arrival="15.50" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="29.61" duration="8.70" routeLength="252.66" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="1.43" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_B.5" vType="t1" speedFactor="1.05" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="B.6" depart="7.80" departLane="beg_1" departPos="5.96" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="29.53" departDelay="0.00" arrival="18.00" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="29.20" duration="10.20" routeLength="294.04" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="0.19" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_B.6" vType="t1" speedFactor="0.89" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="B.7" depart="9.10" departLane="beg_1" departPos="33.59" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="25.41" departDelay="0.00" arrival="19.20" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="30.02" duration="10.10" routeLength="266.41" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="1.50" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_B.7" vType="t1" speedFactor="0.94" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="B.8" depart="10.60" departLane="beg_1" departPos="61.56" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="21.22" departDelay="0.20" arrival="20.50" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="28.02" duration="9.90" routeLength="238.44" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="1.47" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_B.8" vType="t1" speedFactor="0.86" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="B.9" depart="11.70" departLane="beg_1" departPos="30.37" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="24.95" departDelay="0.00" arrival="22.00" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="30.80" duration="10.30" routeLength="269.63" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="2.86" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_B.9" vType="t1" speedFactor="1.09" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="B.10" depart="13.00" departLane="beg_1" departPos="17.20" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="26.60" departDelay="0.00" arrival="23.50" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="30.31" duration="10.50" routeLength="282.80" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="2.21" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_B.10" vType="t1" speedFactor="1.03" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="B.11" depart="14.90" departLane="beg_1" departPos="4.77" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="29.87" departDelay="0.60" arrival="25.10" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="31.81" duration="10.20" routeLength="295.23" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="1.71" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_B.11" vType="t1" speedFactor="1.05" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="B.12" depart="16.20" departLane="beg_1" departPos="20.31" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="27.72" departDelay="0.60" arrival="26.30" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="31.88" duration="10.10" routeLength="279.69" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="2.62" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_B.12" vType="t1" speedFactor="1.12" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="B.13" depart="17.20" departLane="beg_1" departPos="8.52" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="27.76" departDelay="0.30" arrival="27.90" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="31.33" duration="10.70" routeLength="291.48" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="1.80" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_B.13" vType="t1" speedFactor="0.99" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="B.14" depart="18.60" departLane="beg_1" departPos="20.58" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="26.15" departDelay="0.40" arrival="29.20" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="30.29" duration="10.60" routeLength="279.42" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="1.54" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_B.14" vType="t1" speedFactor="0.93" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="B.15" depart="19.60" departLane="beg_1" departPos="33.50" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="22.12" departDelay="0.10" arrival="30.70" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="29.16" duration="11.10" routeLength="266.50" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="1.89" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_B.15" vType="t1" speedFactor="0.88" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="B.16" depart="21.30" departLane="beg_1" departPos="41.50" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="22.59" departDelay="0.50" arrival="32.40" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="28.18" duration="11.10" routeLength="258.50" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="2.77" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_B.16" vType="t1" speedFactor="0.94" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="B.17" depart="22.10" departLane="beg_1" departPos="31.52" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="22.10" departDelay="0.00" arrival="33.70" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="28.58" duration="11.60" routeLength="268.48" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="2.97" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_B.17" vType="t1" speedFactor="0.94" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="B.18" depart="23.40" departLane="beg_1" departPos="38.10" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="20.28" departDelay="0.00" arrival="35.20" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="28.69" duration="11.80" routeLength="261.90" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="4.95" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_B.18" vType="t1" speedFactor="1.16" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="B.19" depart="24.80" departLane="beg_1" departPos="23.89" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="22.90" departDelay="0.10" arrival="37.00" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="26.62" duration="12.20" routeLength="276.11" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="4.02" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_B.19" vType="t1" speedFactor="1.02" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="B.20" depart="26.00" departLane="beg_1" departPos="21.93" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="22.22" departDelay="0.00" arrival="38.60" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="26.89" duration="12.60" routeLength="278.07" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="4.27" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_B.20" vType="t1" speedFactor="1.01" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="B.21" depart="27.80" departLane="beg_1" departPos="9.79" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="25.64" departDelay="0.50" arrival="40.10" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="27.71" duration="12.30" routeLength="290.21" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="3.29" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_B.21" vType="t1" speedFactor="0.98" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="B.22" depart="30.10" departLane="beg_1" departPos="5.32" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="28.80" departDelay="1.50" arrival="41.70" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="27.95" duration="11.60" routeLength="294.68" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="1.62" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_B.22" vType="t1" speedFactor="0.89" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="B.23" depart="31.20" departLane="beg_1" departPos="3.28" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="27.52" departDelay="1.30" arrival="43.30" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="27.37" duration="12.10" routeLength="296.72" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="1.24" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_B.23" vType="t1" speedFactor="0.83" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="B.24" depart="31.60" departLane="beg_1" departPos="1.57" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="23.72" departDelay="0.40" arrival="44.90" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="26.54" duration="13.30" routeLength="298.43" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="2.98" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_B.24" vType="t1" speedFactor="0.87" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="B.25" depart="33.20" departLane="beg_1" departPos="16.44" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="21.17" departDelay="0.70" arrival="46.30" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="25.98" duration="13.10" routeLength="283.56" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="3.78" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_B.25" vType="t1" speedFactor="0.92" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="B.26" depart="34.00" departLane="beg_1" departPos="23.91" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="16.64" departDelay="0.20" arrival="47.80" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="25.34" duration="13.80" routeLength="276.09" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="5.04" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_B.26" vType="t1" speedFactor="0.95" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="B.27" depart="35.20" departLane="beg_1" departPos="1.03" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="19.66" departDelay="0.10" arrival="49.30" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="27.26" duration="14.10" routeLength="298.97" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="6.10" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_B.27" vType="t1" speedFactor="1.13" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="B.28" depart="36.40" departLane="beg_1" departPos="10.49" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="16.43" departDelay="0.00" arrival="50.90" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="26.15" duration="14.50" routeLength="289.51" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="5.15" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_B.28" vType="t1" speedFactor="0.93" vaporized=""/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines>
#3696 (This bug was triggered by text found in file 'output' matching '.*') ---------- Differences in errors ---------- 0a1,4 > Warning: Vehicle 'A' teleports beyond arrival edge 'end', time=324.70. > -- Unordered text as found by filter 'Warning: Teleporting vehicle' -- > Warning: Teleporting vehicle 'A'; waited too long (wrong lane), lane='beg_0', time=316.70. > ---------- Differences in lanechanges ---------- 5d4 < <change id="A" type="t0" time="111.00" from="beg_0" to="beg_1" dir="1" speed="0.00" pos="200.00" reason="strategic|urgent" leaderGap="21.37" leaderSecureGap="0.00" followerGap="94.84" followerSecureGap="139.07" origLeaderGap="None" origLeaderSecureGap="None" latGap="None"/> ---------- Differences in output ---------- 1c1 < Loading net-file from 'net.net.xml'... done ((TIME)). --- > Loading net-file from 'net.net.xml' ... done ((TIME)). 3,4c3,4 < Simulation started with time: 0.00.. < Simulation ended at time: 384.00 --- > Simulation started with time: 0.00. > Simulation ended at time: 392.40 11,16c11,18 < Statistics (avg): < RouteLength: 231.56 < Duration: 8.81 < WaitingTime: 0.41 < TimeLoss: 1.44 < DepartDelay: 37.43 --- > Teleports: 1 (Wrong Lane: 1) > Statistics (avg of 232): > RouteLength: 282.09 > Speed: 17.05 > Duration: 20.18 > WaitingTime: 1.30 > TimeLoss: 11.65 > DepartDelay: 25.20 ---------- Differences in tripinfos ---------- 5,236c5,236 < <tripinfo id="B.0" depart="0.00" departLane="beg_1" departPos="178.20" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="31.27" departDelay="0.00" arrival="4.00" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="30.31" duration="4.00" routeLength="121.80" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="0.05" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_B.0" vType="t1" speedFactor="0.94" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="B.1" depart="1.30" departLane="beg_1" departPos="98.29" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="33.68" departDelay="0.00" arrival="7.40" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="32.56" duration="6.10" routeLength="201.71" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="0.09" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_B.1" vType="t1" speedFactor="1.01" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="B.2" depart="2.60" departLane="beg_1" departPos="49.50" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="36.09" departDelay="0.00" arrival="9.70" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="35.50" duration="7.10" routeLength="250.50" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="0.12" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_B.2" vType="t1" speedFactor="1.08" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="B.3" depart="4.00" departLane="beg_1" departPos="90.42" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="31.28" departDelay="0.10" arrival="10.60" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="33.26" duration="6.60" routeLength="209.58" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="0.42" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_B.3" vType="t1" speedFactor="1.03" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="B.4" depart="5.20" departLane="beg_1" departPos="64.39" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="27.70" departDelay="0.00" arrival="13.90" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="27.51" duration="8.70" routeLength="235.61" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="0.16" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_B.4" vType="t1" speedFactor="0.83" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="B.5" depart="6.80" departLane="beg_1" departPos="47.34" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="30.39" departDelay="0.30" arrival="15.50" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="29.61" duration="8.70" routeLength="252.66" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="1.43" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_B.5" vType="t1" speedFactor="1.05" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="B.6" depart="7.80" departLane="beg_1" departPos="5.96" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="29.53" departDelay="0.00" arrival="18.00" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="29.20" duration="10.20" routeLength="294.04" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="0.19" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_B.6" vType="t1" speedFactor="0.89" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="B.7" depart="9.10" departLane="beg_1" departPos="33.59" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="25.41" departDelay="0.00" arrival="19.20" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="30.02" duration="10.10" routeLength="266.41" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="1.50" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_B.7" vType="t1" speedFactor="0.94" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="B.8" depart="10.60" departLane="beg_1" departPos="61.56" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="21.22" departDelay="0.20" arrival="20.50" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="28.02" duration="9.90" routeLength="238.44" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="1.47" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_B.8" vType="t1" speedFactor="0.86" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="B.9" depart="11.70" departLane="beg_1" departPos="30.37" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="24.95" departDelay="0.00" arrival="22.00" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="30.80" duration="10.30" routeLength="269.63" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="2.86" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_B.9" vType="t1" speedFactor="1.09" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="B.10" depart="13.00" departLane="beg_1" departPos="17.20" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="26.60" departDelay="0.00" arrival="23.50" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="30.31" duration="10.50" routeLength="282.80" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="2.21" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_B.10" vType="t1" speedFactor="1.03" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="B.11" depart="14.90" departLane="beg_1" departPos="4.77" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="29.87" departDelay="0.60" arrival="25.10" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="31.81" duration="10.20" routeLength="295.23" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="1.71" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_B.11" vType="t1" speedFactor="1.05" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="B.12" depart="16.20" departLane="beg_1" departPos="20.31" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="27.72" departDelay="0.60" arrival="26.30" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="31.88" duration="10.10" routeLength="279.69" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="2.62" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_B.12" vType="t1" speedFactor="1.12" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="B.13" depart="17.20" departLane="beg_1" departPos="8.52" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="27.76" departDelay="0.30" arrival="27.90" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="31.33" duration="10.70" routeLength="291.48" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="1.80" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_B.13" vType="t1" speedFactor="0.99" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="B.14" depart="18.60" departLane="beg_1" departPos="20.58" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="26.15" departDelay="0.40" arrival="29.20" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="30.29" duration="10.60" routeLength="279.42" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="1.54" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_B.14" vType="t1" speedFactor="0.93" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="B.15" depart="19.60" departLane="beg_1" departPos="33.50" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="22.12" departDelay="0.10" arrival="30.70" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="29.16" duration="11.10" routeLength="266.50" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="1.89" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_B.15" vType="t1" speedFactor="0.88" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="B.16" depart="21.30" departLane="beg_1" departPos="41.50" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="22.59" departDelay="0.50" arrival="32.40" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="28.18" duration="11.10" routeLength="258.50" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="2.77" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_B.16" vType="t1" speedFactor="0.94" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="B.17" depart="22.10" departLane="beg_1" departPos="31.52" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="22.10" departDelay="0.00" arrival="33.70" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="28.58" duration="11.60" routeLength="268.48" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="2.97" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_B.17" vType="t1" speedFactor="0.94" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="B.18" depart="23.40" departLane="beg_1" departPos="38.10" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="20.28" departDelay="0.00" arrival="35.20" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="28.69" duration="11.80" routeLength="261.90" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="4.95" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_B.18" vType="t1" speedFactor="1.16" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="B.19" depart="24.80" departLane="beg_1" departPos="23.89" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="22.90" departDelay="0.10" arrival="37.00" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="26.62" duration="12.20" routeLength="276.11" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="4.02" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_B.19" vType="t1" speedFactor="1.02" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="B.20" depart="26.00" departLane="beg_1" departPos="21.93" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="22.22" departDelay="0.00" arrival="38.60" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="26.89" duration="12.60" routeLength="278.07" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="4.27" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_B.20" vType="t1" speedFactor="1.01" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="B.21" depart="27.80" departLane="beg_1" departPos="9.79" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="25.64" departDelay="0.50" arrival="40.10" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="27.71" duration="12.30" routeLength="290.21" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="3.29" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_B.21" vType="t1" speedFactor="0.98" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="B.22" depart="30.10" departLane="beg_1" departPos="5.32" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="28.80" departDelay="1.50" arrival="41.70" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="27.95" duration="11.60" routeLength="294.68" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="1.62" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_B.22" vType="t1" speedFactor="0.89" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="B.23" depart="31.20" departLane="beg_1" departPos="3.28" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="27.52" departDelay="1.30" arrival="43.30" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="27.37" duration="12.10" routeLength="296.72" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="1.24" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_B.23" vType="t1" speedFactor="0.83" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="B.24" depart="31.60" departLane="beg_1" departPos="1.57" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="23.72" departDelay="0.40" arrival="44.90" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="26.54" duration="13.30" routeLength="298.43" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="2.98" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_B.24" vType="t1" speedFactor="0.87" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="B.25" depart="33.20" departLane="beg_1" departPos="16.44" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="21.17" departDelay="0.70" arrival="46.30" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="25.98" duration="13.10" routeLength="283.56" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="3.78" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_B.25" vType="t1" speedFactor="0.92" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="B.26" depart="34.00" departLane="beg_1" departPos="23.91" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="16.64" departDelay="0.20" arrival="47.80" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="25.34" duration="13.80" routeLength="276.09" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="5.04" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_B.26" vType="t1" speedFactor="0.95" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="B.27" depart="35.20" departLane="beg_1" departPos="1.03" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="19.66" departDelay="0.10" arrival="49.30" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="27.26" duration="14.10" routeLength="298.97" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="6.10" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_B.27" vType="t1" speedFactor="1.13" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="B.28" depart="36.40" departLane="beg_1" departPos="10.49" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="16.43" departDelay="0.00" arrival="50.90" arrivalLane="end_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="0.00" arrivalSpeed="26.15" duration="14.50" routeLength="289.51" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="5.15" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_B.28" vType="t1" speedFactor="0.93" vaporized=""/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines>
#3698 (This bug was triggered by text found in file 'fcd' matching '.*') ---------- Differences in fcd ---------- 8a9,12 > <timestep time="0.10"> > <vehicle id="B" x="1.38" y="-1.64" angle="89.89" type="tB" speed="13.89" pos="1.39" lane="beg_1" slope="0.00"/> > <vehicle id="ego" x="1.48" y="-4.94" angle="89.89" type="tEgo" speed="13.89" pos="1.49" lane="beg_0" slope="0.00"/> > </timestep> 10,11c14,19 < <vehicle id="B" x="2.76" y="-1.65" angle="90.00" type="tB" speed="13.89" pos="2.78" lane="beg_1" slope="0.00"/> < <vehicle id="ego" x="2.86" y="-4.91" angle="89.71" type="tEgo" speed="13.89" pos="2.88" lane="beg_0" slope="0.00"/> --- > <vehicle id="B" x="2.76" y="-1.62" angle="89.69" type="tB" speed="13.89" pos="2.78" lane="beg_1" slope="0.00"/> > <vehicle id="ego" x="2.86" y="-4.92" angle="89.69" type="tEgo" speed="13.89" pos="2.88" lane="beg_0" slope="0.00"/> > </timestep> > <timestep time="0.30"> > <vehicle id="B" x="4.11" y="-1.59" angle="89.43" type="tB" speed="13.44" pos="4.14" lane="beg_1" slope="0.00"/> > <vehicle id="ego" x="4.23" y="-4.89" angle="89.43" type="tEgo" speed="13.89" pos="4.27" lane="beg_0" slope="0.00"/> 14,15c22,27 < <vehicle id="B" x="5.51" y="-1.61" angle="89.71" type="tB" speed="13.89" pos="5.56" lane="beg_1" slope="0.00"/> < <vehicle id="ego" x="5.61" y="-4.83" angle="89.41" type="tEgo" speed="13.89" pos="5.66" lane="beg_0" slope="0.00"/> --- > <vehicle id="B" x="5.43" y="-1.56" angle="89.23" type="tB" speed="12.99" pos="5.47" lane="beg_1" slope="0.00"/> > <vehicle id="ego" x="5.61" y="-4.85" angle="89.13" type="tEgo" speed="13.89" pos="5.66" lane="beg_0" slope="0.00"/> > </timestep> > <timestep time="0.50"> > <vehicle id="B" x="6.69" y="-1.52" angle="88.97" type="tB" speed="12.54" pos="6.74" lane="beg_1" slope="0.00"/> > <vehicle id="ego" x="6.99" y="-4.80" angle="88.80" type="tEgo" speed="13.89" pos="7.05" lane="beg_0" slope="0.00"/> 18,19c30,35 < <vehicle id="B" x="8.27" y="-1.57" angle="89.71" type="tB" speed="13.89" pos="8.33" lane="beg_1" slope="0.00"/> < <vehicle id="ego" x="8.37" y="-4.71" angle="89.12" type="tEgo" speed="13.89" pos="8.43" lane="beg_0" slope="0.00"/> --- > <vehicle id="B" x="7.91" y="-1.47" angle="88.64" type="tB" speed="12.09" pos="7.97" lane="beg_1" slope="0.00"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in lanechanges ---------- 5c5 < <change id="ego" type="tEgo" time="7.40" from="beg_0" to="beg_1" dir="1" speed="13.89" pos="102.89" reason="strategic|urgent" leaderGap="None" leaderSecureGap="None" followerGap="6.95" followerSecureGap="3.90" origLeaderGap="None" origLeaderSecureGap="None" latGap="None"/> --- > <change id="ego" type="tEgo" time="2.80" from="beg_0" to="beg_1" dir="1" speed="13.89" pos="38.99" reason="strategic|urgent" leaderGap="None" leaderSecureGap="None" leaderSpeed="None" followerGap="4.63" followerSecureGap="0.00" followerSpeed="9.84" origLeaderGap="None" origLeaderSecureGap="None" origLeaderSpeed="None" latGap="None"/>
#3704 (This bug was triggered by text found in file 'output' matching '.*') ---------- Differences in errors ---------- 0a1,26 > Warning: Vehicle 'ramp.0' performs emergency braking on lane 'merge_1' with decel=9.00, wished=4.50, severity=1.00, time=4.10. > Warning: Vehicle 'main.11' performs emergency braking on lane 'merge_1' with decel=9.00, wished=4.50, severity=1.00, time=25.00. > Warning: Vehicle 'main.14' performs emergency braking on lane 'end_0' with decel=9.00, wished=4.50, severity=1.00, time=48.70. > Warning: Vehicle 'ramp.18' performs emergency braking on lane 'merge_0' with decel=9.00, wished=4.50, severity=1.00, time=81.10. > Warning: Vehicle 'main.90' performs emergency braking on lane 'beg_1' with decel=9.00, wished=4.50, severity=1.00, time=112.50. > Warning: Vehicle 'main.90' ends teleporting on edge 'merge', time=117.60. > Warning: Vehicle 'main.60' ends teleporting on edge 'end', time=131.50. > Warning: Vehicle 'main.119' ends teleporting on edge 'end', time=150.60. > Warning: Vehicle 'main.101' performs emergency braking on lane 'merge_1' with decel=9.00, wished=4.50, severity=1.00, time=155.20. > Warning: Vehicle 'main.110' ends teleporting on edge 'end', time=159.50. > Warning: Vehicle 'main.120' ends teleporting on edge 'end', time=161.60. > Warning: Vehicle 'main.140' performs emergency braking on lane 'merge_2' with decel=9.00, wished=4.50, severity=1.00, time=167.00. > Warning: Vehicle 'main.140' ends teleporting on edge 'end', time=171.60. > Warning: Vehicle 'ramp.52' performs emergency braking on lane 'merge_1' with decel=9.00, wished=4.50, severity=1.00, time=191.30. > Warning: Vehicle 'main.197' performs emergency braking on lane 'end_1' with decel=9.00, wished=4.50, severity=1.00, time=282.50. > Warning: Vehicle 'main.215' performs emergency braking on lane 'merge_2' with decel=9.00, wished=4.50, severity=1.00, time=356.30. > Warning: Vehicle 'main.280' ends teleporting on edge 'end', time=374.60. > -- Unordered text as found by filter 'Warning: Teleporting vehicle' -- > Warning: Teleporting vehicle 'main.110'; collision with vehicle 'main.108', lane='merge_1', gap=-1.82', latGap=-0.06, time=156.90 stage=laneChange. > Warning: Teleporting vehicle 'main.119'; collision with vehicle 'main.110', lane='merge_1', gap=-0.64', latGap=-0.56, time=150.60 stage=move. > Warning: Teleporting vehicle 'main.120'; collision with vehicle 'main.86', lane='merge_1', gap=-2.37', latGap=-0.07, time=160.30 stage=laneChange. > Warning: Teleporting vehicle 'main.140'; collision with vehicle 'main.86', lane='merge_1', gap=-0.15', latGap=-0.19, time=167.30 stage=move. > Warning: Teleporting vehicle 'main.280'; collision with vehicle 'main.228', lane='merge_1', gap=-0.48', latGap=-0.24, time=374.60 stage=move. > Warning: Teleporting vehicle 'main.60'; collision with vehicle 'ramp.40', lane='merge_1', gap=-0.07', latGap=-0.49, time=131.50 stage=move. > Warning: Teleporting vehicle 'main.90'; collision with vehicle 'main.86', lane='beg_0', gap=-0.09', latGap=-0.74, time=112.60 stage=move. > ---------- Differences in lanechanges ---------- 5,360c5,446 < <change id="ramp.0" type="passenger_pushy" time="2.00" from="merge_0" to="merge_1" dir="1" speed="24.45" pos="51.03" reason="strategic|urgent" leaderGap="8.88" leaderSecureGap="0.00" followerGap="None" followerSecureGap="None" origLeaderGap="None" origLeaderSecureGap="None" latGap="None"/> < <change id="main.3" type="passenger_pushy" time="4.00" from="merge_1" to="merge_2" dir="1" speed="31.26" pos="36.39" reason="cooperative|urgent" leaderGap="63.08" leaderSecureGap="6.32" followerGap="None" followerSecureGap="None" origLeaderGap="24.98" origLeaderSecureGap="93.27" latGap="None"/> < <change id="ramp.1" type="passenger" time="5.00" from="merge_0" to="merge_1" dir="1" speed="14.51" pos="80.88" reason="strategic|urgent" leaderGap="None" leaderSecureGap="None" followerGap="37.40" followerSecureGap="28.87" origLeaderGap="None" origLeaderSecureGap="None" latGap="None"/> < <change id="ramp.3" type="passenger_pushy" time="5.00" from="merge_0" to="merge_1" dir="1" speed="18.08" pos="38.49" reason="strategic|urgent" leaderGap="17.93" leaderSecureGap="16.90" followerGap="None" followerSecureGap="None" origLeaderGap="17.93" origLeaderSecureGap="16.90" latGap="None"/> < <change id="ramp.2" type="passenger" time="6.00" from="merge_0" to="merge_1" dir="1" speed="13.88" pos="75.29" reason="strategic|urgent" leaderGap="17.71" leaderSecureGap="4.17" followerGap="14.07" followerSecureGap="29.30" origLeaderGap="None" origLeaderSecureGap="None" latGap="None"/> < <change id="ramp.4" type="motorcycle" time="16.00" from="merge_0" to="merge_1" dir="1" speed="0.00" pos="116.79" reason="strategic|urgent" leaderGap="14.72" leaderSecureGap="0.00" followerGap="2.50" followerSecureGap="9.79" origLeaderGap="None" origLeaderSecureGap="None" latGap="None"/> < <change id="ramp.5" type="motorcycle" time="16.00" from="merge_0" to="merge_1" dir="1" speed="9.79" pos="112.09" reason="strategic|urgent" leaderGap="2.50" leaderSecureGap="9.79" followerGap="81.81" followerSecureGap="13.62" origLeaderGap="None" origLeaderSecureGap="None" latGap="None"/> < <change id="main.18" type="passenger" time="19.00" from="beg_0" to="beg_1" dir="1" speed="25.36" pos="253.55" reason="cooperative|urgent" leaderGap="32.14" leaderSecureGap="0.00" followerGap="29.42" followerSecureGap="56.98" origLeaderGap="48.39" origLeaderSecureGap="84.65" latGap="None"/> < <change id="main.19" type="passenger" time="19.00" from="beg_0" to="beg_1" dir="1" speed="30.11" pos="219.13" reason="cooperative|urgent" leaderGap="29.42" leaderSecureGap="56.98" followerGap="None" followerSecureGap="None" origLeaderGap="82.81" origLeaderSecureGap="116.27" latGap="None"/> < <change id="ramp.6" type="motorcycle" time="20.00" from="merge_0" to="merge_1" dir="1" speed="0.00" pos="116.79" reason="strategic|urgent" leaderGap="29.10" leaderSecureGap="0.00" followerGap="16.24" followerSecureGap="27.32" origLeaderGap="None" origLeaderSecureGap="None" latGap="None"/> < <change id="ramp.7" type="passenger" time="20.00" from="merge_0" to="merge_1" dir="1" speed="13.58" pos="98.34" reason="strategic|urgent" leaderGap="16.24" leaderSecureGap="27.32" followerGap="17.21" followerSecureGap="5.32" origLeaderGap="None" origLeaderSecureGap="None" latGap="None"/> < <change id="ramp.8" type="passenger" time="20.00" from="merge_0" to="merge_1" dir="1" speed="10.86" pos="76.14" reason="strategic|urgent" leaderGap="17.21" leaderSecureGap="5.32" followerGap="24.58" followerSecureGap="0.00" origLeaderGap="None" origLeaderSecureGap="None" latGap="None"/> < <change id="ramp.9" type="passenger_pushy" time="20.00" from="merge_0" to="merge_1" dir="1" speed="3.84" pos="46.56" reason="strategic|urgent" leaderGap="24.58" leaderSecureGap="0.00" followerGap="93.70" followerSecureGap="86.80" origLeaderGap="None" origLeaderSecureGap="None" latGap="None"/> < <change id="ramp.11" type="passenger_pushy" time="20.00" from="merge_0" to="merge_1" dir="1" speed="0.32" pos="17.97" reason="strategic|urgent" leaderGap="23.59" leaderSecureGap="0.32" followerGap="65.11" followerSecureGap="86.80" origLeaderGap="12.25" origLeaderSecureGap="0.32" latGap="None"/> < <change id="ramp.10" type="passenger" time="22.00" from="merge_0" to="merge_1" dir="1" speed="6.44" pos="45.50" reason="strategic|urgent" leaderGap="11.54" leaderSecureGap="3.80" followerGap="14.09" followerSecureGap="4.59" origLeaderGap="None" origLeaderSecureGap="None" latGap="None"/> < <change id="ramp.13" type="passenger_pushy" time="26.00" from="merge_0" to="merge_1" dir="1" speed="9.85" pos="29.85" reason="strategic|urgent" leaderGap="36.77" leaderSecureGap="0.00" followerGap="4.92" followerSecureGap="0.00" origLeaderGap="20.68" origLeaderSecureGap="11.48" latGap="None"/> < <change id="ramp.12" type="motorcycle" time="27.00" from="merge_0" to="merge_1" dir="1" speed="4.99" pos="77.38" reason="strategic|urgent" leaderGap="27.01" leaderSecureGap="0.00" followerGap="32.88" followerSecureGap="23.85" origLeaderGap="None" origLeaderSecureGap="None" latGap="None"/> < <change id="ramp.15" type="passenger_pushy" time="29.00" from="merge_0" to="merge_1" dir="1" speed="11.17" pos="35.65" reason="strategic|urgent" leaderGap="55.52" leaderSecureGap="19.01" followerGap="13.49" followerSecureGap="3.45" origLeaderGap="None" origLeaderSecureGap="None" latGap="0.55"/> < <change id="ramp.16" type="passenger_pushy" time="30.00" from="merge_0" to="merge_1" dir="1" speed="10.99" pos="28.15" reason="strategic|urgent" leaderGap="16.27" leaderSecureGap="5.17" followerGap="38.29" followerSecureGap="24.73" origLeaderGap="None" origLeaderSecureGap="None" latGap="None"/> < <change id="ramp.14" type="motorcycle" time="32.00" from="merge_0" to="merge_1" dir="1" speed="0.00" pos="116.79" reason="strategic|urgent" leaderGap="31.36" leaderSecureGap="0.00" followerGap="45.53" followerSecureGap="16.34" origLeaderGap="None" origLeaderSecureGap="None" latGap="None"/> < <change id="main.24" type="motorcycle" time="32.00" from="merge_1" to="merge_2" dir="1" speed="6.24" pos="28.63" reason="speedGain" leaderGap="49.92" leaderSecureGap="0.00" followerGap="57.03" followerSecureGap="31.83" origLeaderGap="35.43" origLeaderSecureGap="6.24" latGap="None"/> < <change id="ramp.17" type="motorcycle" time="34.00" from="merge_0" to="merge_1" dir="1" speed="11.75" pos="52.05" reason="strategic|urgent" leaderGap="17.00" leaderSecureGap="10.94" followerGap="32.92" followerSecureGap="7.44" origLeaderGap="None" origLeaderSecureGap="None" latGap="None"/> < <change id="main.34" type="passenger_pushy" time="36.00" from="beg_0" to="beg_1" dir="1" speed="11.15" pos="244.84" reason="speedGain" leaderGap="8.95" leaderSecureGap="17.60" followerGap="None" followerSecureGap="None" origLeaderGap="None" origLeaderSecureGap="None" latGap="None"/> < <change id="main.31" type="passenger_pushy" time="37.00" from="beg_0" to="beg_1" dir="1" speed="7.01" pos="282.05" reason="speedGain" leaderGap="9.35" leaderSecureGap="0.00" followerGap="9.27" followerSecureGap="7.96" origLeaderGap="11.30" origLeaderSecureGap="5.48" latGap="None"/> < <change id="ramp.18" type="passenger" time="37.00" from="merge_0" to="merge_1" dir="1" speed="15.00" pos="64.17" reason="strategic|urgent" leaderGap="30.70" leaderSecureGap="27.17" followerGap="13.87" followerSecureGap="2.06" origLeaderGap="None" origLeaderSecureGap="None" latGap="None"/> < <change id="main.30" type="passenger_pushy" time="38.00" from="merge_1" to="merge_2" dir="1" speed="5.71" pos="14.77" reason="speedGain" leaderGap="13.81" leaderSecureGap="2.81" followerGap="8.34" followerSecureGap="11.64" origLeaderGap="13.81" origLeaderSecureGap="2.81" latGap="None"/> < <change id="main.29" type="truck" time="39.00" from="merge_1" to="merge_2" dir="1" speed="11.20" pos="46.28" reason="cooperative|urgent" leaderGap="18.66" leaderSecureGap="0.00" followerGap="16.70" followerSecureGap="3.21" origLeaderGap="5.40" origLeaderSecureGap="11.74" latGap="None"/> < <change id="ramp.19" type="passenger_pushy" time="40.00" from="merge_0" to="merge_1" dir="1" speed="13.53" pos="70.21" reason="strategic|urgent" leaderGap="14.47" leaderSecureGap="6.31" followerGap="21.97" followerSecureGap="1.10" origLeaderGap="None" origLeaderSecureGap="None" latGap="None"/> < <change id="ramp.20" type="passenger" time="40.00" from="merge_0" to="merge_1" dir="1" speed="9.40" pos="43.24" reason="strategic|urgent" leaderGap="21.97" leaderSecureGap="1.10" followerGap="12.61" followerSecureGap="8.38" origLeaderGap="None" origLeaderSecureGap="None" latGap="None"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in output ---------- 1c1 < Loading net-file from 'net.net.xml'... done ((TIME)). --- > Loading net-file from 'net.net.xml' ... done ((TIME)). 3,4c3,4 < Simulation started with time: 0.00.. < Simulation ended at time: 477.00 --- > Simulation started with time: 0.00. > Simulation ended at time: 662.20 11,16c11,19 < Statistics (avg): < RouteLength: 395.35 < Duration: 25.06 < WaitingTime: 1.35 < TimeLoss: 12.26 < DepartDelay: 45.72 --- > Teleports: 7 (Collisions: 7) > Emergency Braking: 10 > Statistics (avg of 565): > RouteLength: 404.89 > Speed: 13.25 > Duration: 45.39 > WaitingTime: 5.89 > TimeLoss: 32.67 > DepartDelay: 110.92
#3696 (This bug was triggered by text found in file 'output' matching '.*') ---------- Differences in aggregated300 ---------- 5c5 < <interval begin="0.00" end="1030.00" id="laneData"> --- > <interval begin="0.00" end="1218.20" id="laneData"> 12,13c12,13 < <lane id="beg2_0" sampledSeconds="2328.77" traveltime="102.18" overlapTraveltime="104.04" density="0.75" occupancy="0.37" waitingTime="0.00" speed="28.85" departed="363" arrived="0" entered="0" left="283" laneChangedFrom="80" laneChangedTo="0"/> < <lane id="beg2_1" sampledSeconds="2183.89" traveltime="86.88" overlapTraveltime="87.09" density="0.71" occupancy="0.35" waitingTime="0.00" speed="34.47" departed="332" arrived="0" entered="0" left="412" laneChangedFrom="0" laneChangedTo="80"/> --- > <lane id="beg2_0" sampledSeconds="23796.63" traveltime="1889.40" overlapTraveltime="1898.77" density="6.52" laneDensity="6.52" occupancy="3.22" waitingTime="6560.16" timeLoss="22756.32" speed="1.58" speedRelative="0.04" departed="192" arrived="0" entered="0" left="165" laneChangedFrom="45" laneChangedTo="18"/> > <lane id="beg2_1" sampledSeconds="7105.64" traveltime="227.78" overlapTraveltime="225.97" density="1.95" laneDensity="1.95" occupancy="0.97" waitingTime="47.90" timeLoss="4476.25" speed="13.28" speedRelative="0.37" departed="452" arrived="0" entered="0" left="479" laneChangedFrom="18" laneChangedTo="45"/> 16,17c16,17 < <lane id="end_0" sampledSeconds="4033.76" traveltime="8.85" overlapTraveltime="9.02" density="19.88" occupancy="9.64" waitingTime="0.00" speed="22.39" departed="0" arrived="448" entered="448" left="0" laneChangedFrom="0" laneChangedTo="0"/> < <lane id="end_1" sampledSeconds="2637.89" traveltime="5.88" overlapTraveltime="6.02" density="13.00" occupancy="6.35" waitingTime="0.00" speed="33.56" departed="0" arrived="439" entered="439" left="0" laneChangedFrom="0" laneChangedTo="0"/> --- > <lane id="end_0" sampledSeconds="3400.07" traveltime="9.98" overlapTraveltime="10.21" density="14.17" laneDensity="14.17" occupancy="6.86" waitingTime="0.00" timeLoss="1527.85" speed="19.78" speedRelative="0.55" departed="0" arrived="339" entered="339" left="0" laneChangedFrom="1" laneChangedTo="1"/> > <lane id="end_1" sampledSeconds="3122.76" traveltime="6.22" overlapTraveltime="6.37" density="13.01" laneDensity="13.01" occupancy="6.40" waitingTime="0.00" timeLoss="370.70" speed="31.69" speedRelative="0.88" departed="0" arrived="498" entered="498" left="0" laneChangedFrom="1" laneChangedTo="1"/> 26,28c26,28 < <lane id="merge_0" sampledSeconds="2828.16" traveltime="20.82" overlapTraveltime="21.89" density="28.31" occupancy="14.00" waitingTime="1155.00" speed="4.66" departed="0" arrived="0" entered="192" left="0" laneChangedFrom="192" laneChangedTo="0"/> < <lane id="merge_1" sampledSeconds="2919.07" traveltime="8.32" overlapTraveltime="8.78" density="29.22" occupancy="13.91" waitingTime="113.00" speed="11.61" departed="0" arrived="0" entered="283" left="448" laneChangedFrom="27" laneChangedTo="192"/> < <lane id="merge_2" sampledSeconds="1320.89" traveltime="2.95" overlapTraveltime="3.10" density="13.22" occupancy="6.29" waitingTime="0.00" speed="32.86" departed="0" arrived="0" entered="412" left="439" laneChangedFrom="0" laneChangedTo="27"/> --- > <lane id="merge_0" sampledSeconds="7572.45" traveltime="53.08" overlapTraveltime="55.82" density="64.08" laneDensity="64.08" occupancy="31.26" waitingTime="2622.30" timeLoss="7186.09" speed="1.83" speedRelative="0.05" departed="0" arrived="0" entered="193" left="0" laneChangedFrom="193" laneChangedTo="0"/> > <lane id="merge_1" sampledSeconds="8615.29" traveltime="40.46" overlapTraveltime="40.43" density="72.91" laneDensity="72.91" occupancy="34.73" waitingTime="2994.20" timeLoss="8012.24" speed="2.52" speedRelative="0.07" departed="0" arrived="0" entered="165" left="339" laneChangedFrom="19" laneChangedTo="193"/> > <lane id="merge_2" sampledSeconds="2094.42" traveltime="4.11" overlapTraveltime="4.29" density="17.72" laneDensity="17.72" occupancy="8.44" waitingTime="5.90" timeLoss="708.36" speed="23.78" speedRelative="0.66" departed="0" arrived="0" entered="479" left="498" laneChangedFrom="0" laneChangedTo="19"/> 34c34 < <lane id="onRamp_0" sampledSeconds="1851.43" traveltime="9.51" overlapTraveltime="9.81" density="5.95" occupancy="2.93" waitingTime="0.00" speed="31.33" departed="192" arrived="0" entered="0" left="192" laneChangedFrom="0" laneChangedTo="0"/> --- > <lane id="onRamp_0" sampledSeconds="7086.74" traveltime="35.02" overlapTraveltime="37.34" density="19.25" laneDensity="19.25" occupancy="9.32" waitingTime="490.70" timeLoss="5459.09" speed="8.23" speedRelative="0.23" departed="193" arrived="0" entered="0" left="193" laneChangedFrom="0" laneChangedTo="0"/> ---------- Differences in errors ---------- 0a1,8 > Warning: Vehicle 'main.131' performs emergency braking on lane 'beg2_1' with decel=9.00, wished=4.50, severity=1.00, time=183.10. > Warning: Vehicle 'main.179' performs emergency braking on lane 'beg2_1' with decel=9.00, wished=4.50, severity=1.00, time=250.70. > Warning: Vehicle 'main.253' performs emergency braking on lane 'beg2_1' with decel=9.00, wished=4.50, severity=1.00, time=396.20. > Warning: Vehicle 'main.278' performs emergency braking on lane 'beg2_1' with decel=9.00, wished=4.50, severity=1.00, time=451.70. > Warning: Vehicle 'onRamp.114' performs emergency braking on lane 'merge_0' with decel=9.00, wished=4.50, severity=1.00, time=689.60. > Warning: Vehicle 'onRamp.114' performs emergency stop at the end of lane 'merge_0' because there is no connection to the next edge (decel=-12.91, offset=0.16), time=689.70. > Warning: Vehicle 'main.558' performs emergency braking on lane 'beg2_1' with decel=9.00, wished=4.50, severity=1.00, time=1069.30. > Warning: Vehicle 'main.563' performs emergency braking on lane 'beg2_1' with decel=9.00, wished=4.50, severity=1.00, time=1080.30. ---------- Differences in output ---------- 1,2c1,2 < Loading net-file from 'motorway.net.xml'... done ((TIME)). < Loading additional-files from 'input_additional.add.xml'... done ((TIME)). --- > Loading net-file from 'motorway.net.xml' ... done ((TIME)). > Loading additional-files from 'input_additional.add.xml' ... done ((TIME)). 4,5c4,5 < Simulation started with time: 0.00.. < Simulation ended at time: 1030.00 --- > Simulation started with time: 0.00. > Simulation ended at time: 1218.20 9c9 < Inserted: 887 --- > Inserted: 837 12,17c12,20 < Statistics (avg): < RouteLength: 521.02 < Duration: 22.82 < WaitingTime: 1.43 < TimeLoss: 7.85 < DepartDelay: 0.00 --- > Emergency Stops: 1 > Emergency Braking: 7 > Statistics (avg of 837): > RouteLength: 522.39 > Speed: 15.57 > Duration: 74.36 <truncated after showing first 30 lines>
emergency braking (This bug was triggered by text found in file 'errors' matching 'emergency braking') ---------- Differences in errors ---------- 0a1,7 > Warning: Vehicle 'f_0.22' performs emergency braking on lane '26691822#0_1' with decel=9.00, wished=4.50, severity=1.00, time=45.00. > Warning: Vehicle 'f_0.47' performs emergency braking on lane '26691822#0_1' with decel=9.00, wished=4.50, severity=1.00, time=95.00. > Warning: Vehicle 'f_0.72' performs emergency braking on lane '26691822#0_0' with decel=9.00, wished=4.50, severity=1.00, time=145.00. > Warning: Vehicle 'f_0.97' performs emergency braking on lane '26691822#0_1' with decel=9.00, wished=4.50, severity=1.00, time=195.00. > Warning: Vehicle 'f_0.122' performs emergency braking on lane '26691822#0_0' with decel=9.00, wished=4.50, severity=1.00, time=245.00. > Warning: Vehicle 'f_0.147' performs emergency braking on lane '26691822#0_1' with decel=9.00, wished=4.50, severity=1.00, time=295.00. > Warning: Vehicle 'f_0.172' performs emergency braking on lane '26691822#0_1' with decel=9.00, wished=4.50, severity=1.00, time=345.00.
vehicles use the wrong lane and thereby slow down the flow of traffic (This bug was triggered by FAILING to find text in file 'output' matching 'Simulation ended at time: 3352.00') ---------- Differences in output ---------- 1c1 < Loading net-file from 'net.net.xml'... done ((TIME)). --- > Loading net-file from 'net.net.xml' ... done ((TIME)). 3,4c3,4 < Simulation started with time: 0.00.. < Simulation ended at time: 3352.00 --- > Simulation started with time: 0.00. > Simulation ended at time: 3784.00
(This bug was triggered by text found in file 'errors' matching 'collision') ---------- New result in errors ---------- Warning: Vehicle 'major' ends teleporting on edge 'mid2', time=8.00. -- Unordered text as found by filter 'Warning: Teleporting vehicle' -- Warning: Teleporting vehicle 'major'; collision with vehicle 'minor', lane='mid1_0', gap=-6.18, time=8.00 stage=move. ---------- New result in output ----------
(This bug was triggered by text found in file 'errors' matching 'teleporting') ---------- Differences in errors ---------- 0a1,4 > Warning: Vehicle 'v1' ends teleporting on edge 'end', time=307.00. > -- Unordered text as found by filter 'Warning: Teleporting vehicle' -- > Warning: Teleporting vehicle 'v1'; waited too long (jam), lane=':C_3_0', time=307.00. > ---------- Differences in fcd ---------- 6c6,7 < <vehicle id="v0" x="52.31" y="34.06" angle="357.81" type="t0" speed="0.00" pos="17.43" lane="beg2_2" slope="0.00"/> --- > <vehicle id="v0" x="52.31" y="34.06" angle="357.81" type="truck" speed="0.00" pos="17.43" lane="beg2_2" slope="0.00"/> > <vehicle id="v1" x="18.32" y="51.01" angle="90.14" type="car" speed="0.00" pos="36.66" lane="beg1_0" slope="0.00"/> 9c10,11 < <vehicle id="v0" x="52.21" y="36.66" angle="357.81" type="t0" speed="2.60" pos="20.03" lane="beg2_2" slope="0.00"/> --- > <vehicle id="v0" x="52.21" y="36.66" angle="357.81" type="truck" speed="2.60" pos="20.03" lane="beg2_2" slope="0.00"/> > <vehicle id="v1" x="20.92" y="51.01" angle="90.14" type="car" speed="2.60" pos="39.26" lane="beg1_0" slope="0.00"/> 12c14,15 < <vehicle id="v0" x="52.01" y="41.85" angle="357.81" type="t0" speed="5.20" pos="25.23" lane="beg2_2" slope="0.00"/> --- > <vehicle id="v0" x="52.01" y="41.85" angle="357.81" type="truck" speed="5.20" pos="25.23" lane="beg2_2" slope="0.00"/> > <vehicle id="v1" x="26.12" y="50.99" angle="90.14" type="car" speed="5.20" pos="44.46" lane="beg1_0" slope="0.00"/> 15c18,19 < <vehicle id="v0" x="54.58" y="51.86" angle="3.05" type="t0" speed="7.80" pos="5.60" lane=":C_0_2" slope="0.00"/> --- > <vehicle id="v0" x="54.58" y="51.86" angle="3.05" type="truck" speed="7.80" pos="5.60" lane=":C_0_2" slope="0.00"/> > <vehicle id="v1" x="33.92" y="50.97" angle="90.14" type="car" speed="7.80" pos="52.26" lane="beg1_0" slope="0.00"/> 18c22,23 < <vehicle id="v0" x="62.96" y="54.02" angle="20.19" type="t0" speed="6.25" pos="1.25" lane="end_2" slope="0.00"/> --- > <vehicle id="v0" x="62.96" y="54.02" angle="20.19" type="truck" speed="6.25" pos="1.25" lane="end_2" slope="0.00"/> > <vehicle id="v1" x="43.19" y="50.95" angle="90.14" type="car" speed="9.27" pos="61.53" lane="beg1_0" slope="0.00"/> 21,22c26,27 < <vehicle id="v0" x="64.71" y="53.99" angle="24.78" type="t0" speed="1.75" pos="3.00" lane="end_2" slope="0.00"/> < <vehicle id="v1" x="18.32" y="51.01" angle="90.14" type="t0" speed="0.00" pos="36.66" lane="beg1_0" slope="0.00"/> --- > <vehicle id="v0" x="64.71" y="53.99" angle="24.78" type="truck" speed="1.75" pos="3.00" lane="end_2" slope="0.00"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines>
(This bug was triggered by text found in file 'errors' matching 'Vehicle 'ego' will not be able to depart using the given velocity (unpriorised junction too close)!') ---------- New result in errors ---------- Error: Vehicle 'ego' will not be able to depart using the given velocity (unpriorised junction too close)!
(This bug was triggered by FAILING to find text in file 'aggregated15' matching '31to211') ---------- Differences in output ---------- 1d0 < Loading configuration ... done. ---------- New result in aggregated15 ---------- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <meandata xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/meandata_file.xsd"> <interval begin="600.00" end="615.00" id="dump_15"> <edge id="31to210"> <lane id="31to210_0" sampledSeconds="195.00" overlapTraveltime="100000.00" density="36.93" laneDensity="36.93" occupancy="18.47" waitingTime="195.00" timeLoss="195.00" speed="0.00" speedRelative="0.00" departed="0" arrived="0" entered="0" left="0" laneChangedFrom="0" laneChangedTo="0"/> </edge> <edge id="31to212"> <lane id="31to212_0" sampledSeconds="105.00" overlapTraveltime="100000.00" density="133.33" laneDensity="133.33" occupancy="67.38" waitingTime="105.00" timeLoss="105.00" speed="0.00" speedRelative="0.00" departed="0" arrived="0" entered="0" left="0" laneChangedFrom="0" laneChangedTo="0"/> </edge> </interval> <interval begin="615.00" end="630.00" id="dump_15"> <edge id="31to210"> <lane id="31to210_0" sampledSeconds="195.00" overlapTraveltime="100000.00" density="36.93" laneDensity="36.93" occupancy="18.47" waitingTime="195.00" timeLoss="195.00" speed="0.00" speedRelative="0.00" departed="0" arrived="0" entered="0" left="0" laneChangedFrom="0" laneChangedTo="0"/> </edge> <edge id="31to212"> <lane id="31to212_0" sampledSeconds="105.00" overlapTraveltime="100000.00" density="133.33" laneDensity="133.33" occupancy="67.38" waitingTime="105.00" timeLoss="105.00" speed="0.00" speedRelative="0.00" departed="0" arrived="0" entered="0" left="0" laneChangedFrom="0" laneChangedTo="0"/> </edge> </interval> <interval begin="630.00" end="645.00" id="dump_15"> <edge id="31to210"> <lane id="31to210_0" sampledSeconds="195.00" overlapTraveltime="100000.00" density="36.93" laneDensity="36.93" occupancy="18.47" waitingTime="195.00" timeLoss="195.00" speed="0.00" speedRelative="0.00" departed="0" arrived="0" entered="0" left="0" laneChangedFrom="0" laneChangedTo="0"/> </edge> <edge id="31to212"> <lane id="31to212_0" sampledSeconds="105.00" overlapTraveltime="100000.00" density="133.33" laneDensity="133.33" occupancy="67.38" waitingTime="105.00" timeLoss="105.00" speed="0.00" speedRelative="0.00" departed="0" arrived="0" entered="0" left="0" laneChangedFrom="0" laneChangedTo="0"/> </edge> </interval> <interval begin="645.00" end="660.00" id="dump_15"> <edge id="31to210"> <truncated after showing first 30 lines>
collision on junction (This bug was triggered by text found in file 'errors' matching 'collision') ---------- Differences in errors ---------- 0a1 > Warning: Vehicle 'NW'; junction collision with vehicle 'NE', lane=':C_2_0', gap=-1.00, time=9.75 stage=move.
collision free in same subsecond test - ACC model doesn't work adequately with step-length 1s (This bug was triggered by text found in file 'errors' matching 'collision') ---------- Differences in errors ---------- 137d136 < Warning: Vehicle '1.5' performs emergency braking on lane 'a_0' with decel=9.00, wished=4.50, severity=1.00, time=210.00. 139c138 < Warning: Vehicle '1.6' performs emergency braking on lane 'a_0' with decel=9.00, wished=4.50, severity=1.00, time=213.00. --- > Warning: Vehicle '1.6' performs emergency braking on lane 'a_0' with decel=9.00, wished=4.50, severity=1.00, time=212.00. 141,142c140 < Warning: Vehicle '1.19' performs emergency braking on lane 'a_0' with decel=9.00, wished=4.50, severity=1.00, time=215.00. < Warning: Vehicle '1.20' performs emergency braking on lane 'a_0' with decel=9.00, wished=4.50, severity=1.00, time=217.00. --- > Warning: Vehicle '1.20' performs emergency braking on lane 'a_0' with decel=9.00, wished=4.50, severity=1.00, time=216.00. 146a145 > Warning: Vehicle '1.18' ends teleporting on edge 'a', time=220.00. 149,151c148 < Warning: Vehicle '1.25' performs emergency braking on lane 'a_0' with decel=9.00, wished=4.50, severity=1.00, time=221.00. < Warning: Vehicle '1.2' ends teleporting on edge 'b', time=222.00. < Warning: Vehicle '1.18' ends teleporting on edge 'a', time=222.00. --- > Warning: Vehicle '1.25' performs emergency braking on lane 'a_0' with decel=9.00, wished=4.50, severity=1.00, time=222.00. 153d149 < Warning: Vehicle '1.12' performs emergency braking on lane 'a_0' with decel=9.00, wished=4.50, severity=1.00, time=223.00. 155d150 < Warning: Vehicle '1.3' ends teleporting on edge 'b', time=223.00. 157,164c152,155 < Warning: Vehicle '1.30' performs emergency braking on lane 'a_0' with decel=9.00, wished=4.50, severity=1.00, time=225.00. < Warning: Vehicle '1.31' performs emergency braking on lane 'a_0' with decel=9.00, wished=4.50, severity=1.00, time=225.00. < Warning: Vehicle '1.7' ends teleporting on edge 'b', time=225.00. < Warning: Vehicle '1.15' ends teleporting on edge 'b', time=226.00. < Warning: Vehicle '1.17' ends teleporting on edge 'b', time=226.00. < Warning: Vehicle '1.26' performs emergency braking on lane 'a_0' with decel=9.00, wished=4.50, severity=1.00, time=227.00. <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in output ---------- 13,14c13,14 < Teleports: 330 (Collisions: 330) < Emergency Braking: 1897 --- > Teleports: 343 (Collisions: 343) > Emergency Braking: 1870 16,17c16,17 < RouteLength: 62159.90 < Speed: 20.73 --- > RouteLength: 63707.22 > Speed: 21.25 19,20c19,20 < WaitingTime: 70.00 < TimeLoss: 1088.77 --- > WaitingTime: 58.77 > TimeLoss: 1043.51
platform dependant behavior (This bug was triggered by FAILING to find text in file 'output' matching 'Collisions: 25') ---------- Differences in errors ---------- 1,15c1,21 < Warning: Vehicle '1.23' performs emergency braking on lane 'a_0' with decel=9.00, wished=4.50, severity=1.00, time=69.00. < Warning: Vehicle '1.31' performs emergency braking on lane 'a_0' with decel=9.00, wished=4.50, severity=1.00, time=135.00. < Warning: Vehicle '1.32' performs emergency braking on lane 'a_0' with decel=9.00, wished=4.50, severity=1.00, time=136.00. < Warning: Vehicle '1.10' performs emergency braking on lane 'a_0' with decel=9.00, wished=4.50, severity=1.00, time=207.00. < Warning: Vehicle '1.26' performs emergency braking on lane 'a_0' with decel=9.00, wished=4.50, severity=1.00, time=232.00. < Warning: Vehicle '1.31' performs emergency braking on lane 'a_0' with decel=9.00, wished=4.50, severity=1.00, time=239.00. < Warning: Vehicle '1.1' performs emergency braking on lane 'a_0' with decel=9.00, wished=4.50, severity=1.00, time=247.00. < Warning: Vehicle '1.10' performs emergency braking on lane 'a_0' with decel=9.00, wished=4.50, severity=1.00, time=261.00. < Warning: Vehicle '1.19' performs emergency braking on lane 'a_0' with decel=9.00, wished=4.50, severity=1.00, time=274.00. < Warning: Vehicle '1.1' performs emergency braking on lane 'a_0' with decel=9.00, wished=4.50, severity=1.00, time=299.00. < Warning: Vehicle '1.2' performs emergency braking on lane 'a_0' with decel=9.00, wished=4.50, severity=1.00, time=300.00. < Warning: Vehicle '1.11' performs emergency braking on lane 'a_0' with decel=9.00, wished=4.50, severity=1.00, time=314.00. < Warning: Vehicle '1.23' performs emergency braking on lane 'b_0' with decel=9.00, wished=4.50, severity=1.00, time=385.00. < Warning: Vehicle '1.1' performs emergency braking on lane 'a_0' with decel=9.00, wished=4.50, severity=1.00, time=404.00. < Warning: Vehicle '1.2' performs emergency braking on lane 'a_0' with decel=9.00, wished=4.50, severity=1.00, time=406.00. --- > Warning: Vehicle '1.8' performs emergency braking on lane 'a_0' with decel=9.00, wished=4.50, severity=1.00, time=100.00. > Warning: Vehicle '1.9' performs emergency braking on lane 'a_0' with decel=9.00, wished=4.50, severity=1.00, time=101.00. > Warning: Vehicle '1.11' performs emergency braking on lane 'a_0' with decel=9.00, wished=4.50, severity=1.00, time=104.00. > Warning: Vehicle '1.24' performs emergency braking on lane 'a_0' with decel=9.00, wished=4.50, severity=1.00, time=124.00. > Warning: Vehicle '1.25' performs emergency braking on lane 'a_0' with decel=9.00, wished=4.50, severity=1.00, time=125.00. > Warning: Vehicle '1.34' performs emergency braking on lane 'a_0' with decel=9.00, wished=4.50, severity=1.00, time=139.00. > Warning: Vehicle '1.12' performs emergency braking on lane 'a_0' with decel=9.00, wished=4.50, severity=1.00, time=158.00. > Warning: Vehicle '1.27' performs emergency braking on lane ':8/1_0_0' with decel=9.00, wished=4.50, severity=1.00, time=180.00. > Warning: Vehicle '1.2' performs emergency braking on lane 'a_0' with decel=9.00, wished=4.50, severity=1.00, time=248.00. > Warning: Vehicle '1.5' performs emergency braking on lane 'a_0' with decel=9.00, wished=4.50, severity=1.00, time=253.00. > Warning: Vehicle '1.14' performs emergency braking on lane 'a_0' with decel=9.00, wished=4.50, severity=1.00, time=266.00. > Warning: Vehicle '1.15' performs emergency braking on lane 'a_0' with decel=9.00, wished=4.50, severity=1.00, time=267.00. > Warning: Vehicle '1.5' performs emergency braking on lane 'a_0' with decel=9.00, wished=4.50, severity=1.00, time=304.00. <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in output ---------- 13c13 < Emergency Braking: 144 --- > Emergency Braking: 152 15c15 < RouteLength: 42289.27 --- > RouteLength: 42311.12 18,19c18,19 < WaitingTime: 708.17 < TimeLoss: 1588.39 --- > WaitingTime: 708.94 > TimeLoss: 1587.66
non-determinism (This bug was triggered by text found in the full difference report matching 'route') ---------- Differences in vehroutes ---------- 5,6c5,6 < <vehicle id="0.1" depart="2.00" arrival="49.00"> < <route edges="A0A1 A1B1 B1B2 B2B3 B3C3 C3D3"/> --- > <vehicle id="0.0" depart="0.00" arrival="48.00"> > <route edges="A0B0 B0C0 C0C1 C1C2 C2D2 D2D3"/> 9,10c9,10 < <vehicle id="0.2" depart="4.00" arrival="53.00"> < <route edges="A0B0 B0C0 C0C1 C1D1 D1D2 D2D3"/> --- > <vehicle id="0.5" depart="3.00" arrival="49.00"> > <route edges="A0A1 A1A2 A2A3 A3B3 B3C3 C3D3"/> 13,14c13,14 < <vehicle id="0.3" depart="6.00" arrival="57.00"> < <route edges="A0B0 B0B1 B1B2 B2C2 C2C3 C3D3"/> --- > <vehicle id="0.1" depart="2.00" arrival="51.00"> > <route edges="A0B0 B0B1 B1B2 B2B3 B3C3 C3D3"/> 17,18c17,18 < <vehicle id="0.7" depart="14.00" arrival="60.00"> < <route edges="A0A1 A1A2 A2A3 A3B3 B3C3 C3D3"/> --- > <vehicle id="0.4" depart="1.00" arrival="53.00"> > <route edges="A0A1 A1B1 B1B2 B2B3 B3C3 C3D3"/> 21,22c21,22 < <vehicle id="0.6" depart="12.00" arrival="61.00"> < <route edges="A0B0 B0C0 C0C1 C1D1 D1D2 D2D3"/> --- > <vehicle id="0.3" depart="7.00" arrival="54.00"> > <route edges="A0B0 B0C0 C0D0 D0D1 D1D2 D2D3"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines>
consistent handling of unreachable arrivalPos (This bug was triggered by text found in file 'errors' matching 'Error: Vehicle '2' has no valid route') ---------- Differences in errors ---------- 1c1,3 < Error: Vehicle '2' has no valid route. No connection between edge 'beg' and edge 'end'. --- > Warning: No connection between edge 'end' and edge 'end' found. > Warning: No route for vehicle '2' found. > Error: Vehicle '2' has no valid route. ---------- Differences in vehroutes ---------- 5,8d4 < <vehicle id="1" depart="0.00" arrival="23.00"> < <route edges="beg"/> < </vehicle> <
consider via (This bug was triggered by FAILING to find text in file 'vehroutes' matching 'route edges=.*A1toA2') ---------- Differences in vehroutes ---------- 5c5 < <vehicle id="0" depart="0.00" arrival="64.00"> --- > <vehicle id="0" depart="0.00" arrival="45.00"> 7,8c7,8 < <route replacedOnEdge="" replacedAtTime="0.00" probability="0" edges="A0toB0 B0toC0 C0toD0 D0toD1 D1toC1 C1toB1 B1toA1 A1toA2 A2toB2 B2toC2 C2toD2 D2toD3"/> < <route edges="A0toB0 B0toB1 B1toA1 A1toA2 A2toB2 B2toC2 C2toD2 D2toD3"/> --- > <route replacedOnEdge="" reason="device.rerouting" replacedAtTime="0.00" probability="0" edges="A0toB0 B0toC0 C0toD0 D0toD1 D1toC1 C1toB1 B1toA1 A1toA2 A2toB2 B2toC2 C2toD2 D2toD3"/> > <route edges="A0toB0 B0toC0 C0toD0 D0toD1 D1toD2 D2toD3"/>devices rerouting via route ( Last six runs Dec2023 )
#5644 (This bug was triggered by text found in file 'ssm' matching '.') ---------- Differences in ssm ---------- 5,17c5,17 < <conflict begin="1.00" end="11.40" ego="ego1" foe="foe1"> < <timeSpan values="1.00 1.10 1.20 1.30 1.40 1.50 1.60 1.70 1.80 1.90 2.00 2.10 2.20 2.30 2.40 2.50 2.60 2.70 2.80 2.90 3.00 3.10 3.20 3.30 3.40 3.50 3.60 3.70 3.80 3.90 4.00 4.10 4.20 4.30 4.40 4.50 4.60 4.70 4.80 4.90 5.00 5.10 5.20 5.30 5.40 5.50 5.60 5.70 5.80 5.90 6.00 6.10 6.20 6.30 6.40 6.50 6.60 6.70 6.80 6.90 7.00 7.10 7.20 7.30 7.40 7.50 7.60 7.70 7.80 7.90 8.00 8.10 8.20 8.30 8.40 8.50 8.60 8.70 8.80 8.90 9.00 9.10 9.20 9.30 9.40 9.50 9.60 9.70 9.80 9.90 10.00 10.10 10.20 10.3 0 10.40 10.50 10.60 10.70 10.80 10.90 11.00 11.10 11.20 11.30 11.40"/> < <typeSpan values="11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 12 12 12 12 12 14 14 14 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101.65,45.94 101.65,45.94 101.65,45.94 101.65,45.94 101.65,45.94 101.65,45.94 101.65,45.94 101.65,45.94 101.65,45.94 101.65,45.94 101.65,45.94 101.65,45.94 101.65,45.94 100.54,47.67 100.54,47.67 100.54,47.67 100.54,47.67 100.54,47.67 100.54,47.67 100.54,47.67 100.54,47.67 100.54,47.67 100.54,47.67 100.54,47.67 100.54,47.67 100.54,47.67 100.54,47.67 100.54,47.67 100.54,47.67 100.54,47.67 100.54,47.67 100.54,47.67 100.54,47.67 100.54,47.67 100.54,47.67 100.54,47.67 100.54,47.67 100.54,47.67 100.54,47.67 100.54,47.67 100.54,47.67 100.54,47.67 100.54,47.67 100.5 4,47.67 100.54,47.67 100.54,47.67 100.54,47.67 100.54,47.67 100.54,47.67 100.54,47.67 100.54,47.67 100.54,47.67 100.54,47.67 100.54,47.67 100.54,47.67 100.54,47.67 100.54,47.67 100.54,47.67 100.54,47.67 100.54,47.67 100.54,47.67 100.54,47.67 100.54,47.67 100.54,47.67 100.54,47.67 100.54,47.67 100.54,47.67 100.54,47.67 100.54,47.67 100.54,47.67 100.54,47.67 100.54,47.67 100.54,47.67 100.54,47.67 100.54,47.67 100.54,47.67 100.54,47.67 100.54,47.67 100.54,47.67 100.54,47.67"/> > <TTCSpan values="6.91 6.81 6.71 6.61 6.51 6.41 6.31 6.21 6.11 6.01 5.91 5.81 5.71 5.61 5.51 5.41 5.31 5.21 5.11 5.01 4.91 4.81 4.71 4.61 4.51 4.41 4.31 4.21 4.11 4.01 3.91 3.81 3.71 3.61 3.51 3.41 3.31 3.21 3.11 3.01 2.91 2.81 2.71 2.61 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA"/> > <minTTC time="5.30" position="101.65,45.94" type="11" value="2.61" speed="13.89"/> > <DRACSpan values="0.10 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.14 0.14 0.15 0.15 0.16 0.16 0.17 0.18 0.18 0.19 0.20 0.21 0.22 0.22 0.23 0.24 0.26 0.27 0.28 0.29 0.31 0.32 0.34 0.36 0.38 0.40 0.42 0.45 0.48 0.51 0.54 0.58 0.62 0.66 3.48 3.41 3.35 3.27 3.18 3.09 2.99 2.87 2.74 2.59 2.43 2.24 2.03 1.78 1.49 1.16 0.77 0.31 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines>
crll bug (This bug was triggered by FAILING to find text in file 'tripinfos' matching '<tripinfo id="across"') ---------- Differences in tripinfos ---------- 4,15c4,14 < <tripinfos> < <tripinfo id="blocker.0" depart="0.00" departLane="across3_0" departPos="90.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="5.00" arrivalLane="across4_0" arrivalPos="18.55" arrivalSpeed="13.00" duration="5.00" routeLength="23.80" waitSteps="0" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_blocker.0" vType="DEFAULT_VEHTYPE" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="blocker.1" depart="2.00" departLane="across3_0" departPos="90.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="8.00" arrivalLane="across4_0" arrivalPos="18.55" arrivalSpeed="13.38" duration="6.00" routeLength="23.80" waitSteps="0" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_blocker.1" vType="DEFAULT_VEHTYPE" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="blocker.2" depart="5.00" departLane="across3_0" departPos="90.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="1.00" arrival="10.00" arrivalLane="across4_0" arrivalPos="18.55" arrivalSpeed="12.56" duration="5.00" routeLength="23.80" waitSteps="0" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_blocker.2" vType="DEFAULT_VEHTYPE" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="blocker.3" depart="7.00" departLane="across3_0" departPos="90.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="1.00" arrival="13.00" arrivalLane="across4_0" arrivalPos="18.55" arrivalSpeed="13.00" duration="6.00" routeLength="23.80" waitSteps="1" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_blocker.3" vType="DEFAULT_VEHTYPE" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="across" depart="0.00" departLane="across1_0" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="14.00" arrivalLane="across2_0" arrivalPos="18.55" arrivalSpeed="13.75" duration="14.00" routeLength="108.70" waitSteps="0" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_across" vType="DEFAULT_VEHTYPE" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="blocker.4" depart="10.00" departLane="across3_0" departPos="90.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="2.00" arrival="16.00" arrivalLane="across4_0" arrivalPos="18.55" arrivalSpeed="13.38" duration="6.00" routeLength="23.80" waitSteps="0" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_blocker.4" vType="DEFAULT_VEHTYPE" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="blocker.5" depart="13.00" departLane="across3_0" departPos="90.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="3.00" arrival="18.00" arrivalLane="across4_0" arrivalPos="18.55" arrivalSpeed="12.56" duration="5.00" routeLength="23.80" waitSteps="0" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_blocker.5" vType="DEFAULT_VEHTYPE" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="blocker.6" depart="15.00" departLane="across3_0" departPos="90.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="3.00" arrival="21.00" arrivalLane="across4_0" arrivalPos="18.55" arrivalSpeed="13.00" duration="6.00" routeLength="23.80" waitSteps="1" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_blocker.6" vType="DEFAULT_VEHTYPE" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="blocker.7" depart="18.00" departLane="across3_0" departPos="90.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="4.00" arrival="24.00" arrivalLane="across4_0" arrivalPos="18.55" arrivalSpeed="13.38" duration="6.00" routeLength="23.80" waitSteps="0" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_blocker.7" vType="DEFAULT_VEHTYPE" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="blocker.8" depart="21.00" departLane="across3_0" departPos="90.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="5.00" arrival="26.00" arrivalLane="across4_0" arrivalPos="18.55" arrivalSpeed="12.56" duration="5.00" routeLength="23.80" waitSteps="0" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_blocker.8" vType="DEFAULT_VEHTYPE" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="blocker.9" depart="23.00" departLane="across3_0" departPos="90.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="5.00" arrival="29.00" arrivalLane="across4_0" arrivalPos="18.55" arrivalSpeed="13.00" duration="6.00" routeLength="23.80" waitSteps="1" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_blocker.9" vType="DEFAULT_VEHTYPE" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/> --- > <tripinfos xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/tripinfo_file.xsd"> > <tripinfo id="blocker.0" depart="0.00" departLane="across3_0" departPos="70.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="6.00" arrivalLane="across4_0" arrivalPos="18.55" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="6.00" routeLength="50.00" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="2.19" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_blocker.0" vType="DEFAULT_VEHTYPE" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/> > <tripinfo id="blocker.1" depart="2.00" departLane="across3_0" departPos="70.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="9.00" arrivalLane="across4_0" arrivalPos="18.55" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="7.00" routeLength="50.00" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="2.77" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_blocker.1" vType="DEFAULT_VEHTYPE" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/> > <tripinfo id="blocker.2" depart="5.00" departLane="across3_0" departPos="70.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="1.00" arrival="11.00" arrivalLane="across4_0" arrivalPos="18.55" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="6.00" routeLength="50.00" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="2.19" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_blocker.2" vType="DEFAULT_VEHTYPE" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/> > <tripinfo id="blocker.3" depart="7.00" departLane="across3_0" departPos="70.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="1.00" arrival="14.00" arrivalLane="across4_0" arrivalPos="18.55" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="7.00" routeLength="50.00" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="2.77" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_blocker.3" vType="DEFAULT_VEHTYPE" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/> > <tripinfo id="blocker.4" depart="10.00" departLane="across3_0" departPos="70.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="2.00" arrival="16.00" arrivalLane="across4_0" arrivalPos="18.55" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="6.00" routeLength="50.00" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="2.19" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_blocker.4" vType="DEFAULT_VEHTYPE" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/> > <tripinfo id="blocker.5" depart="12.00" departLane="across3_0" departPos="70.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="2.00" arrival="19.00" arrivalLane="across4_0" arrivalPos="18.55" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="7.00" routeLength="50.00" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="2.77" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_blocker.5" vType="DEFAULT_VEHTYPE" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/> > <tripinfo id="blocker.6" depart="15.00" departLane="across3_0" departPos="70.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="3.00" arrival="21.00" arrivalLane="across4_0" arrivalPos="18.55" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="6.00" routeLength="50.00" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="2.19" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_blocker.6" vType="DEFAULT_VEHTYPE" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/> > <tripinfo id="blocker.7" depart="17.00" departLane="across3_0" departPos="70.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="3.00" arrival="24.00" arrivalLane="across4_0" arrivalPos="18.55" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="7.00" routeLength="50.00" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="2.77" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_blocker.7" vType="DEFAULT_VEHTYPE" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/> > <tripinfo id="blocker.8" depart="20.00" departLane="across3_0" departPos="70.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="4.00" arrival="26.00" arrivalLane="across4_0" arrivalPos="18.55" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="6.00" routeLength="50.00" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="2.19" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_blocker.8" vType="DEFAULT_VEHTYPE" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/> > <tripinfo id="blocker.9" depart="22.00" departLane="across3_0" departPos="70.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="4.00" arrival="29.00" arrivalLane="across4_0" arrivalPos="18.55" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="7.00" routeLength="50.00" waitingTime="0.00" waitingCount="0" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="2.77" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_blocker.9" vType="DEFAULT_VEHTYPE" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/>
crll bug (This bug was triggered by FAILING to find text in file 'tripinfos' matching '<tripinfo id') ---------- Differences in tripinfos ---------- 4,5c4 < <tripinfos> < <tripinfo id="across" depart="0.00" departLane="across1_0" departPos="5.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="14.00" arrivalLane="across2_0" arrivalPos="18.55" arrivalSpeed="13.75" duration="14.00" routeLength="108.70" waitSteps="0" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_across" vType="DEFAULT_VEHTYPE" vaporized=""/> --- > <tripinfos xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/tripinfo_file.xsd">
red-light violators on main road ignores right-of-way (This bug was triggered by text found in file 'errors' matching 'collision') ---------- Differences in errors ---------- 3c3 < Warning: Teleporting vehicle 'foe.3'; collision with vehicle 'ego', lane=':C_6_1', gap=-1.00, time=51.00 stage=move. --- > Warning: Teleporting vehicle 'foe.3'; junction collision with vehicle 'ego', lane=':C_6_1', gap=-1.00, time=51.00 stage=move.
counter lanechange blockage (This bug was triggered by text found in file 'errors' matching 'wrong lane') ---------- Differences in errors ---------- 0a1,4 > Warning: Vehicle 't_0.6' ends teleporting on edge '-398891520', time=5938.00. > -- Unordered text as found by filter 'Warning: Teleporting vehicle' -- > Warning: Teleporting vehicle 't_0.6'; waited too long (wrong lane), lane='314690803#0_0', time=5938.00. >
deadlock (This bug was triggered by text found in file 'errors' matching 'Teleporting') ---------- Differences in errors ---------- 0a1,4 > Warning: Vehicle 'train1' ends teleporting on edge '-c', time=409.00. > -- Unordered text as found by filter 'Warning: Teleporting vehicle' -- > Warning: Teleporting vehicle 'train1'; waited too long (yield), lane='-e_0', time=400.00. > ---------- Differences in tripinfos ---------- 5,6c5,6 < <tripinfo id="train1" depart="0.00" departLane="a_0" departPos="50.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="139.00" arrivalLane="-a_0" arrivalPos="99.62" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="139.00" routeLength="1162.53" waitingTime="2.00" waitingCount="1" stopTime="10.00" timeLoss="62.85" rerouteNo="1" devices="tripinfo_train1 routing_train1" vType="train" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="train2" depart="50.00" departLane="a_0" departPos="50.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="262.00" arrivalLane="-a_0" arrivalPos="99.62" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="212.00" routeLength="1162.53" waitingTime="58.00" waitingCount="2" stopTime="10.00" timeLoss="135.85" rerouteNo="1" devices="tripinfo_train2 routing_train2" vType="train" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/> --- > <tripinfo id="train1" depart="0.00" departLane="a_0" departPos="50.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="428.00" arrivalLane="-a_0" arrivalPos="99.62" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="428.00" routeLength="1162.33" waitingTime="303.00" waitingCount="2" stopTime="10.00" timeLoss="354.03" rerouteNo="1" devices="tripinfo_train1 routing_train1" vType="train" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/> > <tripinfo id="train2" depart="50.00" departLane="a_0" departPos="50.10" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="504.00" arrivalLane="-a_0" arrivalPos="99.62" arrivalSpeed="13.89" duration="454.00" routeLength="1162.53" waitingTime="295.00" waitingCount="2" stopTime="10.00" timeLoss="377.86" rerouteNo="1" devices="tripinfo_train2 routing_train2" vType="train" speedFactor="1.00" vaporized=""/>
deadlock (This bug was triggered by text found in file 'errors' matching 'Teleporting') ---------- Differences in errors ---------- 0a1,4 > Warning: Vehicle 'train2' ends teleporting on edge 'e', time=428.00. > -- Unordered text as found by filter 'Warning: Teleporting vehicle' -- > Warning: Teleporting vehicle 'train2'; waited too long (yield), lane='d_0', time=408.00. >
routing error (This bug was triggered by text found in file 'errors' matching 'Warning: No connection between edge 'gneE2' and edge '-gneE0' found') ---------- Differences in errors ---------- 0a1,4 > Warning: No connection between edge 'gneE2' and edge '-gneE0' found. > Warning: No route for vehicle 't0' found. > Error: Vehicle 't0' has no valid route. > Quitting (on error). ---------- Differences in railsignalblocks ---------- 5,31d4 < <railSignal id="gneJ1"> < <link linkIndex="0" from="-gneE1_0" to=":gneJ1_0_0"> < <driveWay edges="-gneE0"> < <forward lanes=":gneJ1_0_0 -gneE0_0"/> < <bidi lanes=":gneJ1_1_0 gneE0_0"/> < <flank lanes=""/> < <protectingSwitches links=""/> < <conflictLinks signals=""/> < </driveWay> < </link> < <link linkIndex="1" from="gneE0_0" to=":gneJ1_1_0"> < <driveWay edges="gneE1 gneE2"> < <forward lanes=":gneJ1_1_0 gneE1_0 :gneJ3_2_0 gneE2_0"/> < <bidi lanes=":gneJ1_0_0 -gneE1_0 :gneJ3_1_0 -gneE2_0"/> < <flank lanes=":gneJ3_0_0 -gneE3_0"/> < <protectingSwitches links=""/> < <conflictLinks signals=""/> < </driveWay> < <driveWay edges="gneE1 gneE3"> < <forward lanes=":gneJ1_1_0 gneE1_0 :gneJ3_3_0 gneE3_0"/> < <bidi lanes=":gneJ1_0_0 -gneE1_0 :gneJ3_0_0 -gneE3_0"/> < <flank lanes=":gneJ3_1_0 -gneE2_0"/> < <protectingSwitches links=""/> < <conflictLinks signals=""/> < </driveWay> < </link> < </railSignal> ---------- Differences in vehroutes ---------- 5,12d4 < <vehicle id="t0" type="train" depart="0.00" arrival="71.00"> < <route edges="gneE0 gneE1 gneE3 -gneE3 -gneE1 -gneE0"/> < </vehicle> < < <vehicle id="t1" type="train" depart="100.00" arrival="171.00"> < <route edges="gneE0 gneE1 gneE3 -gneE3 -gneE1 -gneE0"/> < </vehicle> < ---------- New result in exitcode ---------- 1
routing failure (This bug was triggered by text found in file 'errors' matching 'Warning: No connection between edge 'gneE2' and edge '-gneE0' found.') ---------- Differences in errors ---------- 0a1,4 > Warning: No connection between edge 'gneE2' and edge '-gneE0' found. > Warning: No route for vehicle 't0' found. > Error: Vehicle 't0' has no valid route. > Quitting (on error). ---------- Differences in railsignalblocks ---------- 5,24d4 < <railSignal id="gneJ1"> < <link linkIndex="0" from="-gneE1_0" to=":gneJ1_0_0"> < <driveWay edges="-gneE0"> < <forward lanes=":gneJ1_0_0 -gneE0_0"/> < <bidi lanes=":gneJ1_1_0 gneE0_0"/> < <flank lanes=""/> < <protectingSwitches links=""/> < <conflictLinks signals=""/> < </driveWay> < </link> < <link linkIndex="1" from="gneE0_0" to=":gneJ1_1_0"> < <driveWay edges="gneE1 gneE2"> < <forward lanes=":gneJ1_1_0 gneE1_0 :gneJ3_2_0 gneE2_0"/> < <bidi lanes=":gneJ1_0_0 -gneE1_0 :gneJ3_1_0 -gneE2_0"/> < <flank lanes=":gneJ3_0_0 -gneE3_0"/> < <protectingSwitches links=""/> < <conflictLinks signals=""/> < </driveWay> < </link> < </railSignal> ---------- Differences in vehroutes ---------- 5,8d4 < <vehicle id="t0" type="train" depart="0.00" arrival="36.00"> < <route edges="gneE3 -gneE3 -gneE1 -gneE0"/> < </vehicle> < ---------- New result in exitcode ---------- 1
counter-change deadlock (This bug was triggered by FAILING to find text in file 'tripinfos' matching 'veh.6.*arrival="23.00"') ---------- Differences in tripinfos ---------- 5,14c5,14 < <tripinfo id="veh.0" depart="0.00" departLane="beg_0" departPos="91.40" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="7.00" arrivalLane="beg_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="-2.46" arrivalSpeed="7.81" duration="7.00" routeLength="8.60" waitingTime="4.00" waitingCount="1" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="5.99" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_veh.0" vType="t0" speedFactor="1.12" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="veh.1" depart="1.00" departLane="beg_0" departPos="83.90" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.90" arrival="8.00" arrivalLane="beg_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="2.46" arrivalSpeed="10.41" duration="7.00" routeLength="16.10" waitingTime="3.00" waitingCount="1" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="4.85" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_veh.1" vType="t0" speedFactor="0.88" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="veh.2" depart="1.00" departLane="beg_0" departPos="76.30" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.80" arrival="9.00" arrivalLane="beg_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="3.00" arrivalSpeed="10.41" duration="8.00" routeLength="23.70" waitingTime="4.00" waitingCount="1" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="6.15" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_veh.2" vType="t0" speedFactor="1.02" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="veh.3" depart="1.00" departLane="beg_0" departPos="68.70" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.70" arrival="13.00" arrivalLane="beg_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="-2.46" arrivalSpeed="6.43" duration="12.00" routeLength="31.30" waitingTime="5.00" waitingCount="1" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="9.95" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_veh.3" vType="t0" speedFactor="1.17" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="veh.4" depart="1.00" departLane="beg_0" departPos="61.10" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.60" arrival="15.00" arrivalLane="beg_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="-2.46" arrivalSpeed="9.03" duration="14.00" routeLength="38.90" waitingTime="6.00" waitingCount="1" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="11.13" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_veh.4" vType="t0" speedFactor="1.06" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="veh.5" depart="1.00" departLane="beg_0" departPos="53.50" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.50" arrival="15.00" arrivalLane="beg_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="2.46" arrivalSpeed="9.20" duration="14.00" routeLength="46.50" waitingTime="7.00" waitingCount="1" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="8.24" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_veh.5" vType="t0" speedFactor="0.66" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="veh.6" depart="1.00" departLane="beg_0" departPos="45.90" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.40" arrival="16.00" arrivalLane="beg_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="3.78" arrivalSpeed="11.80" duration="15.00" routeLength="54.10" waitingTime="8.00" waitingCount="1" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="11.33" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_veh.6" vType="t0" speedFactor="1.09" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="veh.9" depart="1.00" departLane="beg_0" departPos="23.10" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.10" arrival="17.00" arrivalLane="beg_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="-2.46" arrivalSpeed="9.92" duration="16.00" routeLength="76.90" waitingTime="3.00" waitingCount="1" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="7.66" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_veh.9" vType="t0" speedFactor="0.71" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="veh.8" depart="1.00" departLane="beg_0" departPos="30.70" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.20" arrival="18.00" arrivalLane="beg_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="3.90" arrivalSpeed="12.16" duration="17.00" routeLength="69.30" waitingTime="8.00" waitingCount="1" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="10.80" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_veh.8" vType="t0" speedFactor="0.88" vaporized=""/> < <tripinfo id="veh.7" depart="1.00" departLane="beg_0" departPos="38.30" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.30" arrival="21.00" arrivalLane="beg_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="2.46" arrivalSpeed="7.81" duration="20.00" routeLength="61.70" waitingTime="9.00" waitingCount="2" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="13.57" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_veh.7" vType="t0" speedFactor="0.77" vaporized=""/> --- > <tripinfo id="veh.0" depart="0.00" departLane="beg_0" departPos="91.40" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.00" arrival="9.00" arrivalLane="beg_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="-2.46" arrivalSpeed="7.81" duration="9.00" routeLength="8.60" waitingTime="6.00" waitingCount="1" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="7.99" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_veh.0" vType="t0" speedFactor="1.12" vaporized=""/> > <tripinfo id="veh.1" depart="1.00" departLane="beg_0" departPos="83.90" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.90" arrival="11.00" arrivalLane="beg_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="-2.46" arrivalSpeed="10.41" duration="10.00" routeLength="16.10" waitingTime="6.00" waitingCount="1" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="7.85" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_veh.1" vType="t0" speedFactor="0.88" vaporized=""/> > <tripinfo id="veh.2" depart="1.00" departLane="beg_0" departPos="76.30" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.80" arrival="11.00" arrivalLane="beg_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="2.46" arrivalSpeed="11.07" duration="10.00" routeLength="23.70" waitingTime="5.00" waitingCount="1" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="7.64" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_veh.2" vType="t0" speedFactor="1.02" vaporized=""/> > <tripinfo id="veh.5" depart="1.00" departLane="beg_0" departPos="53.50" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.50" arrival="12.00" arrivalLane="beg_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="2.46" arrivalSpeed="9.20" duration="11.00" routeLength="46.50" waitingTime="4.00" waitingCount="1" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="5.94" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_veh.5" vType="t0" speedFactor="0.66" vaporized=""/> > <tripinfo id="veh.7" depart="1.00" departLane="beg_0" departPos="38.30" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.30" arrival="14.00" arrivalLane="beg_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="2.46" arrivalSpeed="10.72" duration="13.00" routeLength="61.70" waitingTime="5.00" waitingCount="1" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="6.91" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_veh.7" vType="t0" speedFactor="0.77" vaporized=""/> > <tripinfo id="veh.8" depart="1.00" departLane="beg_0" departPos="30.70" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.20" arrival="16.00" arrivalLane="beg_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="2.46" arrivalSpeed="12.16" duration="15.00" routeLength="69.30" waitingTime="6.00" waitingCount="1" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="8.50" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_veh.8" vType="t0" speedFactor="0.88" vaporized=""/> > <tripinfo id="veh.9" depart="1.00" departLane="beg_0" departPos="23.10" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.10" arrival="16.00" arrivalLane="beg_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="-3.42" arrivalSpeed="9.91" duration="15.00" routeLength="76.90" waitingTime="5.00" waitingCount="1" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="6.35" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_veh.9" vType="t0" speedFactor="0.71" vaporized=""/> > <tripinfo id="veh.3" depart="1.00" departLane="beg_0" departPos="68.70" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.70" arrival="20.00" arrivalLane="beg_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="2.46" arrivalSpeed="7.81" duration="19.00" routeLength="31.30" waitingTime="11.00" waitingCount="2" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="16.62" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_veh.3" vType="t0" speedFactor="1.17" vaporized=""/> > <tripinfo id="veh.4" depart="1.00" departLane="beg_0" departPos="61.10" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.60" arrival="22.00" arrivalLane="beg_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="2.78" arrivalSpeed="10.41" duration="21.00" routeLength="38.90" waitingTime="12.00" waitingCount="2" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="17.67" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_veh.4" vType="t0" speedFactor="1.06" vaporized=""/> > <tripinfo id="veh.6" depart="1.00" departLane="beg_0" departPos="45.90" departPosLat="0.00" departSpeed="0.00" departDelay="0.40" arrival="27.00" arrivalLane="beg_0" arrivalPos="100.00" arrivalPosLat="2.46" arrivalSpeed="7.81" duration="26.00" routeLength="54.10" waitingTime="11.00" waitingCount="4" stopTime="0.00" timeLoss="21.95" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_veh.6" vType="t0" speedFactor="1.09" vaporized=""/>
collision when lane width changes (This bug was triggered by text found in file 'errors' matching 'collision') ---------- Differences in errors ---------- 1,141c1,94 < Warning: Vehicle '24'; collision with vehicle '13', lane='EC_1', gap=-2.91', latGap=-0.90, time=17.00 stage=move. < Warning: Vehicle '13' teleports beyond arrival edge 'EC', time=28.00. < Warning: Vehicle '24' ends teleporting on edge 'CE', time=28.00. < Warning: Vehicle '22' performs emergency braking with decel=-9.00 wished=4.50 severity=1.00, time=38.00. < Warning: Vehicle '62'; collision with vehicle '29', lane='WC_0', gap=-0.08', latGap=-0.80, time=38.00 stage=move. < Warning: Vehicle '22'; collision with vehicle '37', lane='WC_1', gap=-3.33', latGap=-1.05, time=38.00 stage=move. < Warning: Vehicle '22' teleports beyond arrival edge 'WC', time=49.00. < Warning: Vehicle '37' teleports beyond arrival edge 'WC', time=49.00. < Warning: Vehicle '29' teleports beyond arrival edge 'WC', time=49.00. < Warning: Vehicle '90'; collision with vehicle '91', lane='NC_0', gap=-4.70', latGap=-0.12, time=49.00 stage=laneChange. < Warning: Vehicle '31'; collision with vehicle '6', lane='EC_1', gap=-6.50', latGap=-0.29, time=49.00 stage=laneChange. < Warning: Vehicle '62' ends teleporting on edge 'CE', time=49.00. < Warning: Vehicle '96'; collision with vehicle '86', lane='NC_1', gap=-3.50', latGap=-1.58, time=52.00 stage=move. < Warning: Vehicle '96' performs emergency braking with decel=-9.00 wished=4.50 severity=1.00, time=53.00. < Warning: Vehicle '91' teleports beyond arrival edge 'NC', time=60.00. < Warning: Vehicle '111'; collision with vehicle '96', lane='NC_1', gap=-0.65', latGap=-0.07, time=60.00 stage=move. < Warning: Vehicle '6' ends teleporting on edge 'CS', time=60.00. < Warning: Vehicle '31' ends teleporting on edge 'CN', time=60.00. < Warning: Vehicle '90' ends teleporting on edge 'CE', time=60.00. < Warning: Vehicle '0'; collision with vehicle '12', lane='EC_1', gap=-3.40', latGap=-0.90, time=62.00 stage=laneChange. < Warning: Vehicle '96' teleports beyond arrival edge 'NC', time=63.00. < Warning: Vehicle '86' ends teleporting on edge 'CS', time=63.00. < Warning: Vehicle '48'; collision with vehicle '30', lane=':gneJ2_0_1', gap=-4.11', latGap=-0.60, time=65.00 stage=move. < Warning: Vehicle '111' ends teleporting on edge 'CW', time=71.00. < Warning: Vehicle '0' teleports beyond arrival edge 'EC', time=73.00. < Warning: Vehicle '12' ends teleporting on edge 'CW', time=73.00. < Warning: Vehicle '83'; collision with vehicle '40', lane=':C_19_0', gap=-2.04', latGap=-0.76, time=76.00 stage=move. < Warning: Vehicle '115'; collision with vehicle '2', lane='SC_2', gap=-4.01', latGap=-0.90, time=76.00 stage=laneChange. < Warning: Vehicle '2'; collision with vehicle '94', lane='SC_2', gap=-0.69', latGap=-0.45, time=76.00 stage=laneChange. <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in output ---------- 1,2c1,2 < Loading net-file from 'net.net.xml'... done ((TIME)). < Loading additional-files from 'input_additional.add.xml'... done ((TIME)). --- > Loading net-file from 'net.net.xml' ... done ((TIME)). > Loading additional-files from 'input_additional.add.xml' ... done ((TIME)). 5c5 < Simulation ended at time: 1681.00 --- > Simulation ended at time: 2152.00 12,19c12,21 < Teleports: 307 (Collisions: 297, Jam: 5, Yield: 4, Wrong Lane: 1) < Emergency Stops: 14 < Statistics (avg): < RouteLength: 191.51 < Duration: 122.54 < WaitingTime: 92.16 < TimeLoss: 104.50 < DepartDelay: 293.48 --- > Teleports: 263 (Collisions: 247, Jam: 15, Wrong Lane: 1) > Emergency Stops: 17 > Emergency Braking: 31 > Statistics (avg of 1200): > RouteLength: 185.99 > Speed: 3.66 > Duration: 126.39 > WaitingTime: 97.90 > TimeLoss: 109.45 > DepartDelay: 404.34 <truncated after showing first 30 lines>