28Feb20rv1_5_0+0282-38b97ed19c - detailed test results for COMPLEX

To reconnect the TextTest GUI to these results, run:

texttest -a complex -d /home/delphi/gcc/sumo/tests -reconnect /home/delphi/gcc/texttesttmp/gcc4_64.04Mar000534.2404 -g

To start TextTest for these tests, run:

texttest -a complex -d /home/delphi/gcc/sumo/tests

default: 328 tests: 309 succeeded 14 known bugs 5 FAILED

Detailed information for the tests that FAILED:

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traas webservice ( Last six runs Mar2020 Feb2020 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> WARNUNG: Using deprecated META-INF/services mechanism with non-standard property: javax.xml.soap.MetaFactory. Property javax.xml.soap.SAAJMetaFactory should be used instead.
> WARNUNG: Using deprecated META-INF/services mechanism with non-standard property: javax.xml.soap.MetaFactory. Property javax.xml.soap.SAAJMetaFactory should be used instead.
> WARNUNG: Using deprecated META-INF/services mechanism with non-standard property: javax.xml.soap.MetaFactory. Property javax.xml.soap.SAAJMetaFactory should be used instead.
> WARNUNG: Using deprecated META-INF/services mechanism with non-standard property: javax.xml.soap.MetaFactory. Property javax.xml.soap.SAAJMetaFactory should be used instead.
> WARNUNG: Using deprecated META-INF/services mechanism with non-standard property: javax.xml.soap.MetaFactory. Property javax.xml.soap.SAAJMetaFactory should be used instead.
> WARNUNG: Using deprecated META-INF/services mechanism with non-standard property: javax.xml.soap.MetaFactory. Property javax.xml.soap.SAAJMetaFactory should be used instead.
> WARNUNG: Using deprecated META-INF/services mechanism with non-standard property: javax.xml.soap.MetaFactory. Property javax.xml.soap.SAAJMetaFactory should be used instead.
> WARNUNG: Using deprecated META-INF/services mechanism with non-standard property: javax.xml.soap.MetaFactory. Property javax.xml.soap.SAAJMetaFactory should be used instead.
> Feb. 28, 2020 12:18:49 VORM. com.sun.xml.ws.server.sei.TieHandler createResponse
> java.lang.NullPointerException
> 	at de.tudresden.sumo.util.Sumo.start_ws(Sumo.java:143)
> 	at de.tudresden.ws.ServiceImpl.start(ServiceImpl.java:69)
> 	at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
> 	at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:62)
> 	at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43)
> 	at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:566)
> 	at com.sun.xml.ws.util.Trampoline.invoke(MethodUtil.java:82)
> 	at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
> 	at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:62)
> 	at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43)
> 	at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:566)
> 	at com.sun.xml.ws.util.MethodUtil.invoke(MethodUtil.java:107)
> 	at com.sun.xml.ws.api.server.MethodUtil.invoke(MethodUtil.java:64)
> 	at com.sun.xml.ws.api.server.InstanceResolver$1.invoke(InstanceResolver.java:250)
> 	at com.sun.xml.ws.server.InvokerTube$2.invoke(InvokerTube.java:149)
> 	at com.sun.xml.ws.server.sei.SEIInvokerTube.processRequest(SEIInvokerTube.java:88)
> 	at com.sun.xml.ws.api.pipe.Fiber.__doRun(Fiber.java:1136)
> 	at com.sun.xml.ws.api.pipe.Fiber._doRun(Fiber.java:1050)
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Die WSDL und die zugehörigen Metadaten werden heruntergeladen
> Die WSDL und die zugehörigen Metadaten werden heruntergeladen

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci inductionloop inductionloop ( Last six runs Mar2020 Feb2020 )

---------- Differences in output ----------
< {16: 0}
> {16: 1}
< step=12.0 detVehs=() vehData=[('departOnDet', 5.0, 10.0, 11.520954348148399, 'DEFAULT_VEHTYPE')]
> step=12.0 detVehs=('departOnDet',) vehData=[('departOnDet', 5.0, 10.0, 11.520954348148399, 'DEFAULT_VEHTYPE')]
< step=16.0 detVehs=() vehData=[('onDet1', 5.0, 14.796187261392792, 15.675780308314552, 'DEFAULT_VEHTYPE')]
> step=16.0 detVehs=('onDet1',) vehData=[('onDet1', 5.0, 14.796187261392792, 15.675780308314552, 'DEFAULT_VEHTYPE')]
< step=23.0 detVehs=() vehData=[('onDet2', 15.0, 19.862852973742708, 22.383218725601356, 'long')]
> step=23.0 detVehs=('onDet2',) vehData=[('onDet2', 15.0, 19.862852973742708, 22.383218725601356, 'long')]

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : traci simulation simulation ( Last six runs Mar2020 Feb2020 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
< Error: Answered with error to command 0xab: Invalid departure edge for vehicle type 'DEFAULT_VEHTYPE' (Vehicle '' is not allowed to depart on any lane of its first edge.)
< Error: Answered with error to command 0xab: Unknown from edge 'foo'.
< Warning: Ignoring vehicle type 'DEFAULT_BIKETYPE' when performing intermodal routing because it is not allowed on the start edge 'footpath'.
< Warning: Ignoring vehicle type 'DEFAULT_BIKETYPE' when performing intermodal routing because it is not allowed on the start edge 'footpath'.
< Warning: Teleporting vehicle 'collider'; collision with vehicle 'suddenStop', lane='o_0', gap=-1.36, time=13.00 stage=move.
< Warning: Vehicle 'collider' teleports beyond arrival edge 'o', time 13.00.
< Warning: Vehicle 'emergencyStopper' performs emergency stop at the end of lane 'o_0' because there is no connection to the next edge (decel=-100.00, offset=68.12), time=16.00.
< Warning: Vehicle 'emergencyStopper' performs emergency stop at the end of lane 'o_0' because there is no connection to the next edge (decel=0.00, offset=100.00), time=17.00.
< Error: Requested command not implemented (0xac): GUI is not running, command not implemented in command line sumo
< Warning: Vehicle 'emergencyStopper' performs emergency stop at the end of lane 'o_0' because there is no connection to the next edge (decel=0.00, offset=100.00), time=18.00.
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>     raise FatalTraCIError("connection closed by SUMO")
> traci.exceptions.FatalTraCIError: connection closed by SUMO
---------- Differences in log ----------
< ***Starting server on port <PORT> ***
< Loading net-file from 'input_net.net.xml' ... done ((TIME)).
< Loading additional-files from 'input_additional2.add.xml' ... done ((TIME)).
< Loading done.
< Warning: Value of tau=0.1 in car following model 'carFollowing-Krauss' lower than simulation step size may cause collisions
< Simulation started with time: 0.00
< Error: Answered with error to command 0xab: Parameter 'foo.bla' is not supported.
< Error: Answered with error to command 0xab: Invalid chargingStation parameter 'bla'
< Error: Answered with error to command 0xab: Invalid chargingStation 'foo'
< Error: Answered with error to command 0xab: Unknown bus stop 'foo'.
< Error: Answered with error to command 0xab: Unknown from edge 'foo'.
< Error: Answered with error to command 0xab: Invalid departure edge for vehicle type 'DEFAULT_VEHTYPE' (Vehicle '' is not allowed to depart on any lane of its first edge.)
< Error: Answered with error to command 0xab: Unknown from edge 'foo'.
< Warning: Ignoring vehicle type 'DEFAULT_BIKETYPE' when performing intermodal routing because it is not allowed on the start edge 'footpath'.
< Warning: Ignoring vehicle type 'DEFAULT_BIKETYPE' when performing intermodal routing because it is not allowed on the start edge 'footpath'.
< Warning: Teleporting vehicle 'collider'; collision with vehicle 'suddenStop', lane='o_0', gap=-1.36, time=13.00 stage=move.
< Warning: Vehicle 'collider' teleports beyond arrival edge 'o', time 13.00.
< Warning: Vehicle 'emergencyStopper' performs emergency stop at the end of lane 'o_0' because there is no connection to the next edge (decel=-100.00, offset=68.12), time=16.00.
< Warning: Vehicle 'emergencyStopper' performs emergency stop at the end of lane 'o_0' because there is no connection to the next edge (decel=0.00, offset=100.00), time=17.00.
< Error: Requested command not implemented (0xac): GUI is not running, command not implemented in command line sumo
< custom log message
< Warning: Vehicle 'emergencyStopper' performs emergency stop at the end of lane 'o_0' because there is no connection to the next edge (decel=0.00, offset=100.00), time=18.00.
< Simulation ended at time: 19.00
< Reason: TraCI requested termination.
< DijkstraRouter answered 2 queries and explored 2.00 edges on average.
< DijkstraRouter spent (TIME) answering queries ((TIME) on average).
< DijkstraRouter answered 8 queries and explored 24.75 edges on average.
< DijkstraRouter spent (TIME) answering queries ((TIME) on average).
< DijkstraRouter answered 1 queries and explored 2.00 edges on average.
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ----------
< findRoute with routing mode Stage(type=3, edges=('o', '2o'), travelTime=1681.83638465, cost=1681.83638465, length=15136.55, depart=-1073741824.0, departPos=-1073741824.0, arrivalPos=-1073741824.0)
< findIntermodalRoute (Stage(type=2, edges=('footpath', 'footpath2'), travelTime=144.0, cost=144.0, length=300.0, depart=6.0, departPos=0.0, arrivalPos=100.0),)
< findIntermodalRoute (walk)
<   Stage(type=2, edges=('o', '2o'), travelTime=4804.48416, cost=4804.48416, length=19979.67, depart=6.0, departPos=25.0, arrivalPos=25.0)
< findIntermodalRoute (bike)
<   Stage(type=3, vType=DEFAULT_BIKETYPE, line=bicycle, edges=('o', '2o'), travelTime=2724.579, cost=2724.579, length=25111.55, intended=bicycle, depart=6.0, departPos=0.0, arrivalPos=25.0)
< findIntermodalRoute (car)
<   Stage(type=3, vType=DEFAULT_VEHTYPE, line=car, edges=('o', '2o'), travelTime=1088.96043165, cost=1088.96043165, length=25111.55, intended=car, depart=6.0, departPos=0.0, arrivalPos=25.0)
< findIntermodalRoute (bike,car,public)
<   Stage(type=3, vType=DEFAULT_VEHTYPE, line=car, edges=('o', '2o'), travelTime=1088.96043165, cost=1088.96043165, length=25111.55, intended=car, depart=6.0, departPos=0.0, arrivalPos=25.0)
< step 0
< {114: (), 116: ()}
< step 1
< {114: (), 116: ()}
< step 2
< {114: (), 116: ('suddenStop',)}
< step 3
< {114: (), 116: ()}
< step 4
< {114: (), 116: ()}
< step 5
< {114: (), 116: ('collider',)}
< step 6
< {114: (), 116: ()}
< step 7
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : tutorial city_mobil ( Last six runs Mar2020 Feb2020 )

---------- Differences in output ----------
< waiting time (max, mean, dev): True True True
> waiting time (max, mean, dev): False True False
< waiting time (max, mean, dev): True True True
> waiting time (max, mean, dev): False True False

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : tutorial san_pablo_dam ( Last six runs Mar2020 Feb2020 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
< Warning: Value of tau=0.9649490355799297 in car following model 'carFollowing-Krauss' lower than simulation step size may cause collisions
> Warning: Value of tau=0.96494903558 in car following model 'carFollowing-Krauss' lower than simulation step size may cause collisions
< Warning: Value of tau=0.9931354115970644 in car following model 'carFollowing-Krauss' lower than simulation step size may cause collisions
> Warning: Value of tau=0.993135411597 in car following model 'carFollowing-Krauss' lower than simulation step size may cause collisions
---------- Differences in output ----------
< #### yields rmse: 172.2392
> #### yields rmse: 173.1440
< # simulation with: vMax:22.165 aMax:1.565 bMax:2.720 lCar:6.498 sigA:0.100 tTau:1.100
> # simulation with: vMax:22.166 aMax:1.566 bMax:2.717 lCar:6.497 sigA:0.100 tTau:1.100
< #### yields rmse: 60.5485
< # simulation with: vMax:22.182 aMax:1.590 bMax:2.655 lCar:6.477 sigA:0.000 tTau:1.214
> #### yields rmse: 60.6427
> # simulation with: vMax:22.183 aMax:1.592 bMax:2.653 lCar:6.476 sigA:0.000 tTau:1.214
< #### yields rmse: 58.6171
< # simulation with: vMax:22.053 aMax:1.375 bMax:3.141 lCar:6.655 sigA:0.100 tTau:1.100
> #### yields rmse: 58.5833
> # simulation with: vMax:22.050 aMax:1.376 bMax:3.137 lCar:6.653 sigA:0.100 tTau:1.100
< #### yields rmse: 60.3859
< # simulation with: vMax:22.094 aMax:1.336 bMax:3.121 lCar:6.691 sigA:0.215 tTau:1.311
> #### yields rmse: 60.5787
> # simulation with: vMax:22.092 aMax:1.337 bMax:3.117 lCar:6.689 sigA:0.216 tTau:1.310
< #### yields rmse: 150.9203
< # simulation with: vMax:21.730 aMax:1.633 bMax:3.267 lCar:6.403 sigA:0.100 tTau:1.100
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in results ----------
< 22.816 1.568 3.174 6.737 0.185 1.369 172.239236673
> 22.816 1.568 3.174 6.737 0.185 1.369 173.143957113
< 22.165 1.565 2.720 6.498 0.100 1.100 60.5484723072
< 22.182 1.590 2.655 6.477 -0.110 1.214 58.6171465806
< 22.053 1.375 3.141 6.655 0.100 1.100 60.3858938028
< 22.094 1.336 3.121 6.691 0.215 1.311 150.920255339
< 21.730 1.633 3.267 6.403 0.100 1.100 60.6021449482
< 21.880 1.251 3.028 6.724 0.100 1.100 60.6941055588
< 22.067 1.296 3.145 6.558 0.100 1.100 60.0940085599
< 22.196 1.182 3.224 6.395 0.100 1.100 61.8440867821
< 22.067 1.296 3.145 6.558 0.210 1.040 62.6424938313
< 21.894 1.163 3.030 6.596 0.100 1.100 59.4332301417
< 21.721 1.276 3.085 6.466 0.100 1.100 59.6644210123
< 21.925 1.207 2.927 6.549 0.092 1.105 59.5285982384
< 21.748 1.095 2.935 6.762 0.100 1.100 60.4884625499
< 21.925 1.076 3.070 6.522 0.100 1.100 59.2941433447
< 21.996 1.109 3.168 6.532 0.100 1.100 59.5609759817
< 21.925 1.076 3.070 6.522 0.070 1.045 63.8394295172
< 21.921 1.070 3.070 6.525 0.131 1.221 75.6576348087
< 21.922 1.074 3.073 6.525 0.040 1.115 59.6434222544
< 21.950 1.026 2.973 6.469 0.100 1.100 60.3399229337
< 21.905 1.100 3.082 6.469 0.099 1.102 59.709910891
< 21.836 1.098 3.094 6.604 0.100 1.100 59.2719209804
< 21.843 1.066 3.052 6.637 0.100 1.100 58.9090365156
< 21.830 1.027 3.007 6.649 0.100 1.100 58.6493074846
< 21.852 0.999 2.977 6.691 0.100 1.100 58.6911627841
< 21.828 1.004 3.027 6.649 0.101 1.098 58.9951959841
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

Detailed information for the tests that had known bugs:

TEST had known bugs (see #254) on ts-sim-build-ba : sumo output one_vehicle ( Last six runs Mar2020 Feb2020 )

different outputs from detectors which should detect the same
(This bug was triggered by text found in file 'output' matching 'failed')
---------- Differences in output ----------
< success 0.1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
> failed 0.1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] 3/1to2/1_0 (71.3, 71.4) [('e2', 10.0), ('e3', -1.0), ('edge', -1.0), ('lane', -1.0)]
< success 1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
> failed 1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] 3/1to2/1_0 (72.0, 73.0) [('e2', 10.0), ('e3', -1.0), ('edge', -1.0), ('lane', -1.0)]
< success 10 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
> failed 10 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] 3/1to2/1_0 (80.0, 90.0) [('e2', 10.0), ('e3', -1.0), ('edge', -1.0), ('lane', -1.0)]
< success 0.1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
> failed 0.1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 3/1to2/1_0 (71.3, 71.4) [('e2', 10.0), ('e3', -1.0), ('edge', -1.0), ('lane', -1.0)]
< success 1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
> failed 1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 3/1to2/1_0 (72.0, 73.0) [('e2', 10.0), ('e3', -1.0), ('edge', -1.0), ('lane', -1.0)]
< success 10 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
> failed 10 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 3/1to2/1_0 (80.0, 90.0) [('e2', 10.0), ('e3', -1.0), ('edge', -1.0), ('lane', -1.0)]
< success 100 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
> failed 100 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 3/1to2/1_0 (100.0, 200.0) [('e1', -1.0), ('e2', 10.0), ('e3', -1.0), ('edge', -1.0), ('lane', -1.0)]
< success 0.1 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '100'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST had known bugs (see #254) on ts-sim-build-ba : sumo output teleport ( Last six runs Mar2020 Feb2020 )

different outputs from detectors which should detect the same
(This bug was triggered by text found in file 'output' matching 'failed')
---------- Differences in output ----------
< success ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '51'] ['2/1to1/1_0']
> success 0.1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '51'] ['2/1to1/1_0']
< success ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '51'] ['2/1to1/1_0', '1/1to0/1_0']
> success 0.1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '51'] ['2/1to1/1_0', '1/1to0/1_0']
< success ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '51'] ['2/1to1/1_0']
> success 1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '51'] ['2/1to1/1_0']
< success ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '51'] ['2/1to1/1_0', '1/1to0/1_0']
> success 1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '51'] ['2/1to1/1_0', '1/1to0/1_0']
< success ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '51'] ['2/1to1/1_0']
> success 10 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '51'] ['2/1to1/1_0']
< success ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '51'] ['2/1to1/1_0', '1/1to0/1_0']
> success 10 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '51'] ['2/1to1/1_0', '1/1to0/1_0']
< success ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '51'] ['2/1to1/1_0']
> success 100 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '51'] ['2/1to1/1_0']
< success ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '51'] ['2/1to1/1_0', '1/1to0/1_0']
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST had known bugs (see #254) on ts-sim-build-ba : sumo output teleport_multihop ( Last six runs Mar2020 Feb2020 )

different outputs from detectors which should detect the same
(This bug was triggered by text found in file 'output' matching 'failed')
---------- Differences in output ----------
< success 0.1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 2/1to1/1_0 (230.0, 230.1) [('e2', 9.99), ('e3', 10.0), ('edge', 9.99), ('lane', 9.99)]
> failed 0.1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 2/1to1/1_0 (149.0, 149.1) [('e2', 9.99), ('e3', 10.0), ('edge', 10.0), ('lane', 10.0)]
< success 0.1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 1/1to0/1_0 (148.1, 148.2) [('e2', 9.99), ('e3', 10.0), ('edge', 9.99), ('lane', 9.99)]
> failed 0.1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 2/1to1/1_0 (149.0, 149.1) [('e2', 9.99), ('e3', 10.0), ('edge', 10.0), ('lane', 10.0)]
< success 1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 2/1to1/1_0 (230.0, 231.0) [('e2', 9.99), ('e3', 10.0), ('edge', 9.99), ('lane', 9.99)]
> failed 1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 2/1to1/1_0 (149.0, 150.0) [('e2', 9.93), ('e3', 10.0), ('edge', 10.0), ('lane', 10.0)]
< success 1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 1/1to0/1_0 (148.0, 149.0) [('e2', 9.91), ('e3', 10.0), ('edge', 9.91), ('lane', 9.91)]
> failed 1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 2/1to1/1_0 (149.0, 150.0) [('e2', 9.93), ('e3', 10.0), ('edge', 10.0), ('lane', 10.0)]
< success 10 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 2/1to1/1_0 (230.0, 240.0) [('e2', 9.42), ('e3', 9.9), ('edge', 9.42), ('lane', 9.42)]
> failed 10 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 2/1to1/1_0 (140.0, 150.0) [('e2', 9.99), ('e3', 10.0), ('edge', 10.0), ('lane', 10.0)]
< success 10 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 1/1to0/1_0 (140.0, 150.0) [('e2', 9.96), ('e3', 9.99), ('edge', 9.96), ('lane', 9.96)]
> failed 10 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 2/1to1/1_0 (140.0, 150.0) [('e2', 9.99), ('e3', 10.0), ('edge', 10.0), ('lane', 10.0)]
< success 100 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 2/1to1/1_0 (200.0, 300.0) [('e1', 10.0), ('e2', 9.22), ('e3', 5.71), ('edge', 9.22), ('lane', 9.22)]
> failed 100 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 2/1to1/1_0 (100.0, 200.0) [('e1', 10.0), ('e2', 7.95), ('e3', 10.0), ('edge', 10.0), ('lane', 10.0)]
< success 100 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 1/1to0/1_0 (100.0, 200.0) [('e1', 9.53), ('e2', 5.82), ('e3', 6.93), ('edge', 5.82), ('lane', 5.82)]
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST had known bugs (see #254) on ts-sim-build-ba : sumo output teleport_multihop_newDefaults ( Last six runs Mar2020 Feb2020 )

different outputs from detectors which should detect the same
(This bug was triggered by text found in file 'output' matching 'failed')
---------- Differences in output ----------
< success 0.1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] ['2/1to1/1_0']
> failed 0.1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] 2/1to1/1_0 (76.2, 76.3) [('e2', 10.49), ('e3', 10.35), ('edge', 10.49), ('lane', 10.49)]
< success 0.1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] ['2/1to1/1_0', '1/1to0/1_0']
> failed 0.1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] 2/1to1/1_0 (76.2, 76.3) [('e2', 10.49), ('e3', 10.35), ('edge', 10.49), ('lane', 10.49)]
< success 1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] ['2/1to1/1_0']
> failed 1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] 2/1to1/1_0 (76.0, 77.0) [('e2', 10.39), ('e3', 10.35), ('edge', 10.39), ('lane', 10.39)]
< success 1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] ['2/1to1/1_0', '1/1to0/1_0']
> failed 1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] 2/1to1/1_0 (76.0, 77.0) [('e2', 10.39), ('e3', 10.35), ('edge', 10.39), ('lane', 10.39)]
< success 10 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] ['2/1to1/1_0']
> failed 10 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] 2/1to1/1_0 (70.0, 80.0) [('e2', 10.42), ('e3', 10.25), ('edge', 10.42), ('lane', 10.42)]
< success 10 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] ['2/1to1/1_0', '1/1to0/1_0']
> failed 10 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] 2/1to1/1_0 (70.0, 80.0) [('e2', 10.42), ('e3', 10.25), ('edge', 10.42), ('lane', 10.42)]
< success 100 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] ['2/1to1/1_0']
> failed 100 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] 2/1to1/1_0 (0.0, 100.0) [('e1', 10.27), ('e2', 10.24), ('e3', 9.59), ('edge', 10.24), ('lane', 10.24)]
< success 100 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] ['2/1to1/1_0', '1/1to0/1_0']
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST had known bugs (see #254) on ts-sim-build-ba : sumo output two_same_vehicles ( Last six runs Mar2020 Feb2020 )

different outputs from detectors which should detect the same
(This bug was triggered by text found in file 'output' matching 'failed')
---------- Differences in output ----------
< success 0.1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
> failed 0.1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] 3/1to2/1_0 (75.4, 75.5) [('e2', 10.0), ('e3', -1.0), ('edge', -1.0), ('lane', -1.0)]
< success 1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
> failed 1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] 3/1to2/1_0 (76.0, 77.0) [('e2', 10.0), ('e3', -1.0), ('edge', -1.0), ('lane', -1.0)]
< success 10 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
> failed 10 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] 3/1to2/1_0 (80.0, 90.0) [('e2', 10.0), ('e3', -1.0), ('edge', -1.0), ('lane', -1.0)]
< success 0.1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
> failed 0.1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 3/1to2/1_0 (75.4, 75.5) [('e2', 10.0), ('e3', -1.0), ('edge', -1.0), ('lane', -1.0)]
< success 1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
> failed 1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 3/1to2/1_0 (76.0, 77.0) [('e2', 10.0), ('e3', -1.0), ('edge', -1.0), ('lane', -1.0)]
< success 10 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
> failed 10 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 3/1to2/1_0 (80.0, 90.0) [('e2', 10.0), ('e3', -1.0), ('edge', -1.0), ('lane', -1.0)]
< success 100 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
> failed 100 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 3/1to2/1_0 (100.0, 200.0) [('e1', -1.0), ('e2', 10.0), ('e3', -1.0), ('edge', -1.0), ('lane', -1.0)]
< success 0.1 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '100'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST had known bugs (see #254) on ts-sim-build-ba : sumo output two_vehicles_diff_length ( Last six runs Mar2020 Feb2020 )

different outputs from detectors which should detect the same
(This bug was triggered by text found in file 'output' matching 'failed')
---------- Differences in output ----------
< success 0.1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
> failed 0.1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] 3/1to2/1_0 (76.4, 76.5) [('e2', 10.0), ('e3', -1.0), ('edge', -1.0), ('lane', -1.0)]
< success 1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
> failed 1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] 3/1to2/1_0 (77.0, 78.0) [('e2', 10.0), ('e3', -1.0), ('edge', -1.0), ('lane', -1.0)]
< success 10 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
> failed 10 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] 3/1to2/1_0 (80.0, 90.0) [('e2', 10.0), ('e3', -1.0), ('edge', -1.0), ('lane', -1.0)]
< success 0.1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
> failed 0.1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 3/1to2/1_0 (76.4, 76.5) [('e2', 10.0), ('e3', -1.0), ('edge', -1.0), ('lane', -1.0)]
< success 1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
> failed 1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 3/1to2/1_0 (77.0, 78.0) [('e2', 10.0), ('e3', -1.0), ('edge', -1.0), ('lane', -1.0)]
< success 10 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
> failed 10 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 3/1to2/1_0 (80.0, 90.0) [('e2', 10.0), ('e3', -1.0), ('edge', -1.0), ('lane', -1.0)]
< success 100 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
> failed 100 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 3/1to2/1_0 (100.0, 200.0) [('e1', -1.0), ('e2', 10.0), ('e3', -1.0), ('edge', -1.0), ('lane', -1.0)]
< success 0.1 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '100'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST had known bugs (see #254) on ts-sim-build-ba : sumo output two_vehicles_diff_speed ( Last six runs Mar2020 Feb2020 )

different outputs from detectors which should detect the same
(This bug was triggered by text found in file 'output' matching 'failed')
---------- Differences in output ----------
> Loading configuration ... done.
> failed 0.1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '51'] 3/1to2/1_0 (38.4, 38.5) [('e2', 9.6), ('e3', 9.5), ('edge', 9.6), ('lane', 9.6)]
> Loading configuration ... done.
> failed 1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '51'] 3/1to2/1_0 (38.0, 39.0) [('e2', 9.64), ('e3', 9.5), ('edge', 9.64), ('lane', 9.64)]
> Loading configuration ... done.
> failed 10 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '51'] 3/1to2/1_0 (30.0, 40.0) [('e2', 9.86), ('e3', 9.5), ('edge', 9.86), ('lane', 9.86)]
> Loading configuration ... done.
> failed 100 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '51'] 3/1to2/1_0 (0.0, 51.0) [('e2', 9.62), ('e3', 9.5), ('edge', 9.62), ('lane', 9.62)]
> Loading configuration ... done.
> failed 0.1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] 3/1to2/1_0 (38.4, 38.5) [('e2', 9.6), ('e3', 9.5), ('edge', 9.6), ('lane', 9.6)]
> Loading configuration ... done.
> failed 1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] 3/1to2/1_0 (38.0, 39.0) [('e2', 9.64), ('e3', 9.5), ('edge', 9.64), ('lane', 9.64)]
> Loading configuration ... done.
> failed 10 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] 3/1to2/1_0 (30.0, 40.0) [('e2', 9.86), ('e3', 9.5), ('edge', 9.86), ('lane', 9.86)]
> Loading configuration ... done.
> failed 100 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] 3/1to2/1_0 (0.0, 100.0) [('e1', 9.5), ('e2', 9.53), ('e3', 9.5), ('edge', 9.47), ('lane', 9.47)]
> Loading configuration ... done.
> failed 0.1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 3/1to2/1_0 (38.4, 38.5) [('e2', 9.6), ('e3', 9.5), ('edge', 9.6), ('lane', 9.6)]
> Loading configuration ... done.
> failed 1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 3/1to2/1_0 (38.0, 39.0) [('e2', 9.64), ('e3', 9.5), ('edge', 9.64), ('lane', 9.64)]
> Loading configuration ... done.
> failed 10 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 3/1to2/1_0 (30.0, 40.0) [('e2', 9.86), ('e3', 9.5), ('edge', 9.86), ('lane', 9.86)]
> Loading configuration ... done.
> failed 100 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 3/1to2/1_0 (0.0, 100.0) [('e1', 9.5), ('e2', 9.53), ('e3', 9.5), ('edge', 9.47), ('lane', 9.47)]
> Loading configuration ... done.
> failed 0.1 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '51'] 3/1to2/1_0 (39.0, 40.0) [('e2', 9.6), ('e3', 9.5), ('edge', 9.6), ('lane', 9.6)]
> Loading configuration ... done.
> failed 1 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '51'] 3/1to2/1_0 (39.0, 40.0) [('e2', 9.6), ('e3', 9.5), ('edge', 9.6), ('lane', 9.6)]
> Loading configuration ... done.
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST had known bugs (#4727) on ts-sim-build-ba : traci ContextSubscriptionFilters leadFollow carFollowing ( Last six runs Mar2020 Feb2020 )

(This bug was triggered by text found in file 'output' matching '.')
---------- Differences in output ----------
< lead_straight
< [002] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
> [002] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< [003] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
> [003] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< [004] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
> [004] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< [005] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
> [005] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< [006] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
> [006] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< [007] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
> [007] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
< [008] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
> [008] Context results for vehicle 'ego':
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

2 TESTS had known bugs (#4727) on ts-sim-build-ba :

(This bug was triggered by text found in file 'output' matching '.')
---------- Differences in output ----------
> follow_straight
< follow_straight
> follow_straight
< follow_straight
> follow_straight
< follow_straight
> follow_straight
< follow_straight
> follow_straight
< follow_straight
> follow_straight
< follow_straight
> follow_straight
< follow_straight
> follow_straight
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
traci ContextSubscriptionFilters leadFollow laneChangeLeft ( Last six runs Mar2020 Feb2020 )
traci ContextSubscriptionFilters leadFollow laneChangeRight ( Last six runs Mar2020 Feb2020 )

TEST had known bugs (#4727) on ts-sim-build-ba : traci ContextSubscriptionFilters leadFollow laneChangeNeighbors ( Last six runs Mar2020 Feb2020 )

(This bug was triggered by text found in file 'output' matching '.')
---------- Differences in output ----------
< follow_straight
< follow_right
> follow_right
> follow_straight
> lead_left
< lead_left
< follow_straight
< follow_right
> follow_right
> follow_straight
> lead_left
< lead_left
< follow_straight
< follow_right
> follow_right
> follow_straight
> lead_left
< lead_left
< follow_straight
< follow_right
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST had known bugs (see #3263) on ts-sim-build-ba : traci misc moveToXY keepRoute2 ( Last six runs Mar2020 Feb2020 )

mapping failure
(This bug was triggered by text found in file 'output' matching 'failed')
---------- Differences in output ----------
> internal corner (inside, segment2) failed: x=198, x2=198.0,   y=1.9, y2=1.9,   lane=middle_0, lane2=middle_0, pos=102, pos2=98.0   posLat=2.0 posLat2=1.9
> internal corner (outside, far) failed: x=203, x2=203.0,   y=-4, y2=-4.0,   lane=, lane2=middle_0, pos=-1073741824.0, pos2=100.0   posLat=-1073741824.0 posLat2=-1.41421356237

TEST had known bugs (see #5383) on ts-sim-build-ba : traci misc moveToXY permissions ( Last six runs Mar2020 Feb2020 )

mapping failure
(This bug was triggered by text found in file 'output' matching 'failed')
---------- Differences in output ----------
> right lane (ignore permissions) failed: mode=6 x=40, x2=40.0,   y=-1.6, y2=-1.6,   lane=beg_0, lane2=, pos=40, pos2=-1073741824.0   posLat=0.0 posLat2=-1073741824.0

TEST had known bugs (see #6192) on ts-sim-build-ba : traci vehicle openGap with_low_maxDecel_fast_CACC ( Last six runs Mar2020 Feb2020 )

not even failing as intended
(This bug was triggered by text found in file 'errors' matching 'Error')
---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/home/delphi/gcc/sumo/tests/../tests/complex/traci/vehicle/openGap/runner.py", line 155, in <module>
>     runSingle(targetTimeHeadway, targetSpaceHeadway, duration, changeRate, maxDecel, refVehID)
>   File "/home/delphi/gcc/sumo/tests/../tests/complex/traci/vehicle/openGap/runner.py", line 65, in runSingle
>     leader = results[tc.VAR_LEADER][0]
> TypeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute '__getitem__'
> Error: tcpip::Socket::recvAndCheck @ recv: peer shutdown
> Quitting (on error).
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Time 2.0: Gap 'follower'->'leader' = 5.938 (headway=0.367)
< 'follower' speed = 16.161582708
< Time 3.0: Gap 'follower'->'leader' = 8.966 (headway=0.528)
< 'follower' speed = 16.9836198736
< Time 4.0: Gap 'follower'->'leader' = 11.281 (headway=0.641)
< 'follower' speed = 17.5863190784
< Time 5.0: Gap 'follower'->'leader' = 13.069 (headway=0.725)
< 'follower' speed = 18.0379935645
< Time 6.0: Gap 'follower'->'leader' = 14.459 (headway=0.787)
< 'follower' speed = 18.3815472225
< Time 7.0: Gap 'follower'->'leader' = 15.545 (headway=0.834)
< 'follower' speed = 18.6456171431
< Time 8.0: Gap 'follower'->'leader' = 16.397 (headway=0.870)
< 'follower' speed = 18.8501483763
< Time 9.0: Gap 'follower'->'leader' = 17.068 (headway=0.898)
< 'follower' speed = 19.0094667411
< Time 10.0: Gap 'follower'->'leader' = 17.596 (headway=0.920)
< 'follower' speed = 19.1340998278
< Time 11.0: Gap 'follower'->'leader' = 18.013 (headway=0.937)
< 'follower' speed = 19.231918606
< Time 12.0: Gap 'follower'->'leader' = 18.342 (headway=0.950)
< 'follower' speed = 19.3088858604
< Time 13.0: Gap 'follower'->'leader' = 18.603 (headway=0.960)
< 'follower' speed = 19.3695649077
< Time 14.0: Gap 'follower'->'leader' = 18.810 (headway=0.969)
< 'follower' speed = 19.4174756866
< Time 15.0: Gap 'follower'->'leader' = 18.973 (headway=0.975)
< 'follower' speed = 19.4553500651
< Time 16.0: Gap 'follower'->'leader' = 19.103 (headway=0.980)
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>