09Apr20rv1_5_0+1110-7b2fc6436d - detailed test results for MAROUTER

To reconnect the TextTest GUI to these results, run:

texttest -a marouter -d /home/delphi/gcc/sumo/tests -reconnect /home/delphi/gcc/texttesttmp/gcc4_64.30Apr003455.7411 -g

To start TextTest for these tests, run:

texttest -a marouter -d /home/delphi/gcc/sumo/tests

default: 85 tests: 84 succeeded 1 killed

Detailed information for the tests that were terminated before completion:

TEST were terminated before completion (TIMEOUT) on ts-sim-build-ba : meta help ( Last six runs Apr2020 )

Test exceeded wallclock time limit of 300.0 seconds
---------- Differences in output ----------
<  Copyright (C) 2001-2020 German Aerospace Center (DLR) and others; https://sumo.dlr.de
< Import O/D-matrices for macroscopic traffic assignment to generate SUMO routes
< Usage: marouter [OPTION]*
< Configuration Options:
<   -c, --configuration-file FILE      Loads the named config on startup
<   -C, --save-configuration FILE      Saves current configuration into FILE
<   --save-template FILE               Saves a configuration template (empty)
<                                        into FILE
<   --save-schema FILE                 Saves the configuration schema into FILE
<   --save-commented                   Adds comments to saved template,
<                                        configuration, or schema
< Input Options:
<   -n, --net-file FILE                Use FILE as SUMO-network to route on
<   -d, --additional-files FILE        Read additional network data (districts,
<                                        bus stops) from FILE
<   -m, --od-matrix-files FILE         Loads O/D-files from FILE(s)
<   --od-amitran-files FILE            Loads O/D-matrix in Amitran format from
<                                        FILE(s)
<   -r, --route-files FILE             Read sumo-routes or trips from FILE(s)
<   -w, --weight-files FILE            Read network weights from FILE(s)
<   --lane-weight-files FILE           Read lane-based network weights from
<                                        FILE(s)
<   -x, --weight-attribute STR         Name of the xml attribute which gives the
<                                        edge weight
<   --weight-adaption FLOAT            The travel time influence of prior
<                                        intervals
<   --taz-param STR[]                  Parameter key(s) defining source (and
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>