texttest -a netconvert -d /home/delphi/gcc/sumo/tests -reconnect /home/delphi/gcc/texttesttmp/gcc4_64.31Jul002657.2760901 -g
texttest -a netconvert -d /home/delphi/gcc/sumo/tests
invalid yield for right turn (This bug was triggered by text found in file 'net' matching 'net') ---------- Differences in net ---------- 127c127 < <lane id=":gneJ21_c0_0" index="0" allow="pedestrian" speed="2.78" length="24.63" width="4.00" shape="74.38,56.46 59.28,75.92"/> --- > <lane id=":gneJ21_c0_0" index="0" allow="pedestrian" speed="2.78" length="24.63" width="4.00" shape="74.38,56.46 59.28,75.92" outlineShape="75.96,57.69 60.86,77.15 59.44,75.73 57.79,74.58 72.87,55.16 75.93,57.73 77.20,56.18 61.42,40.13 59.46,39.73 59.68,40.15 59.65,41.54 60.91,43.60 63.17,46.25 66.42,49.49 70.68,53.32 72.87,55.16"/> 130c130 < <lane id=":gneJ21_c1_0" index="0" allow="pedestrian" speed="2.78" length="17.75" width="4.00" shape="42.31,35.96 58.99,42.03"/> --- > <lane id=":gneJ21_c1_0" index="0" allow="pedestrian" speed="2.78" length="17.75" width="4.00" shape="42.31,35.96 58.99,42.03" outlineShape="43.24,34.17 59.77,40.18 59.65,41.54 60.91,43.60 61.10,43.82 58.31,43.91 41.63,37.84 43.24,34.17 41.82,33.18 30.22,34.49 29.29,37.34 32.36,38.13 35.20,38.42 37.73,38.18 39.94,37.42 40.13,37.30"/> 133c133 < <lane id=":gneJ21_c2_0" index="0" allow="pedestrian" speed="2.78" length="20.76" width="4.00" shape="24.12,57.48 31.12,37.94"/> --- > <lane id=":gneJ21_c2_0" index="0" allow="pedestrian" speed="2.78" length="20.76" width="4.00" shape="24.12,57.48 31.12,37.94" outlineShape="22.24,56.81 29.24,37.27 29.34,37.19 29.29,37.34 32.36,38.13 33.15,38.21 25.36,59.95 22.24,56.81 21.22,59.63 24.10,68.04 26.08,68.27 25.80,68.50 26.27,65.45 26.14,62.82 25.67,60.63 25.36,59.95"/> 136c136 < <lane id=":gneJ21_c3_0" index="0" allow="pedestrian" speed="2.78" length="17.99" width="4.00" shape="43.75,70.85 26.28,66.56"/> --- > <lane id=":gneJ21_c3_0" index="0" allow="pedestrian" speed="2.78" length="17.99" width="4.00" shape="43.75,70.85 26.28,66.56" outlineShape="43.27,72.79 25.80,68.50 26.27,65.45 26.22,64.48 26.76,64.61 44.23,68.91 46.15,70.80 45.40,70.79 44.06,71.43"/>
missing tls on rail crossing (This bug was triggered by text found in file 'output' matching '.') ---------- New result in errors ---------- Warning: The referenced geometry information (ref='3144381718') is not known Warning: The referenced geometry information (ref='3144381716') is not known Warning: The referenced geometry information (ref='3144381697') is not known Warning: The referenced geometry information (ref='3144381714') is not known Warning: The referenced geometry information (ref='3144381713') is not known Warning: Discarding way '316682910' because it has only 1 node(s) Warning: PT line in relation 18306 with no stops ignored. Probably OSM file is incomplete. Warning: PT line in relation 66869 with no stops ignored. Probably OSM file is incomplete. Warning: PT line in relation 349308 with no stops ignored. Probably OSM file is incomplete. Warning: PT line in relation 2277611 with no stops ignored. Probably OSM file is incomplete. Warning: PT line in relation 2277612 with no stops ignored. Probably OSM file is incomplete. Warning: Speed of straight connection '23209055#1_1->23209055#2_1' reduced by 5.12 due to turning radius of 13.99 (length=4.01, angle=32.41). Warning: 15 total messages of type: PT line in relation % with no stops ignored. Probably OSM file is incomplete. Warning: 281 total messages of type: The referenced geometry information (ref='%') is not known ---------- New result in net ---------- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <net version="1.20" junctionCornerDetail="5" limitTurnSpeed="5.50" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/net_file.xsd"> <location netOffset="-604031.80,-5790823.44" convBoundary="0.00,0.00,80.95,82.87" origBoundary="10.524222,52.257940,10.525400,52.258693" projParameter="+proj=utm +zone=32 +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs"/> <type id="highway.cycleway" priority="1" numLanes="1" speed="5.56" allow="bicycle" oneway="0" width="2.00"/> <type id="highway.footway" priority="1" numLanes="1" speed="2.78" allow="pedestrian" oneway="1" width="2.00"/> <type id="highway.residential" priority="3" numLanes="1" speed="13.89" disallow="tram rail_urban rail rail_electric rail_fast ship container cable_car subway aircraft wheelchair scooter drone" oneway="0"/> <type id="highway.secondary" priority="11" numLanes="1" speed="27.78" disallow="tram rail_urban rail rail_electric rail_fast ship container cable_car subway aircraft wheelchair scooter drone" oneway="0"/> <type id="highway.service" priority="1" numLanes="1" speed="5.56" allow="pedestrian delivery bicycle" oneway="0"/> <type id="railway.tram" priority="17" numLanes="1" speed="13.89" allow="tram" oneway="1"/> <edge id=":251048975_0" function="internal"> <lane id=":251048975_0_0" index="0" allow="tram" speed="13.89" length="10.23" shape="59.28,39.43 49.93,43.58"/> </edge> <edge id=":251048975_1" function="internal"> <lane id=":251048975_1_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian tram rail_urban rail rail_electric rail_fast ship container cable_car subway aircraft wheelchair scooter drone" speed="9.91" length="4.59" shape="55.04,39.13 56.08,40.25 56.68,41.12 57.04,42.13 57.38,43.62"/> <lane id=":251048975_1_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian tram rail_urban rail rail_electric rail_fast ship container cable_car subway aircraft wheelchair scooter drone" speed="8.77" length="4.59" shape="52.77,41.39 53.55,42.26 53.94,42.97 54.16,43.78 54.39,44.95"/> </edge> <edge id=":251048978_0" function="internal"> <lane id=":251048978_0_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian tram rail_urban rail rail_electric rail_fast ship container cable_car subway aircraft wheelchair scooter drone" speed="13.89" length="14.09" shape="64.25,49.41 54.56,59.87"/> <lane id=":251048978_0_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian tram rail_urban rail rail_electric rail_fast ship container cable_car subway aircraft wheelchair scooter drone" speed="13.89" length="14.09" shape="61.76,47.37 52.32,57.58"/> </edge> <edge id=":251048978_2" function="internal"> <lane id=":251048978_2_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian tram rail_urban rail rail_electric rail_fast ship container cable_car subway aircraft wheelchair scooter drone" speed="12.32" length="13.94" shape="57.80,45.69 57.68,50.62 57.10,54.63 56.06,57.71 54.56,59.87"/> <lane id=":251048978_2_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian tram rail_urban rail rail_electric rail_fast ship container cable_car subway aircraft wheelchair scooter drone" speed="9.99" length="13.94" shape="54.47,45.28 55.02,49.20 54.85,52.55 53.95,55.35 52.32,57.58"/> </edge> <edge id=":26189998_0" function="internal"> <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- New result in output ---------- Success.