18Jun19rv1_2_0+0823-ef9451c33c - detailed test results for NETCONVERT

To reconnect the TextTest GUI to these results, run:

texttest -a netconvert -d /home/delphi/gcc/sumo/tests -reconnect /home/delphi/gcc/texttesttmp/gcc4_64.30Jun001927.4387 -g

To start TextTest for these tests, run:

texttest -a netconvert -d /home/delphi/gcc/sumo/tests

default: 926 tests: 918 succeeded 7 known bugs 1 FAILED

Detailed information for the tests that FAILED:

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : import OSM bugs ticket5513 ( Last six runs Jun2019 )

---------- Differences in net ----------
<         <lane id="-615359752#1_0" index="0" disallow="tram rail_urban rail rail_electric ship" speed="5.55" length="6.13" shape="469.08,1746.91 469.15,1746.72"/>
>         <lane id="-615359752#1_0" index="0" disallow="tram rail_urban rail rail_electric ship" speed="5.55" length="6.13" shape="468.10,1749.71 468.13,1749.61"/>
<         <lane id="47795943#3_0" index="0" disallow="tram rail_urban rail rail_electric ship" speed="10.00" length="4.21" shape="507.17,1470.43 507.07,1470.60"/>
<         <lane id="47795943#3_1" index="1" disallow="tram rail_urban rail rail_electric ship" speed="10.00" length="4.21" shape="504.44,1468.76 504.34,1468.94"/>
>         <lane id="47795943#3_0" index="0" disallow="tram rail_urban rail rail_electric ship" speed="10.00" length="4.21" shape="507.20,1470.39 507.10,1470.56"/>
>         <lane id="47795943#3_1" index="1" disallow="tram rail_urban rail rail_electric ship" speed="10.00" length="4.21" shape="504.42,1468.81 504.31,1468.98"/>

Detailed information for the tests that had known bugs:

TEST had known bugs (see #5609) on ts-sim-build-ba : bugs ticket5609 ( Last six runs Jun2019 )

mutual conflict between bike and car
(This bug was triggered by text found in file 'net' matching 'cluster')
---------- Differences in net ----------
<     <location netOffset="100.00,100.00" convBoundary="0.00,0.00,199.10,200.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.00,-10000000000.00,10000000000.00,10000000000.00" projParameter="!"/>
>     <location netOffset="-601125.94,-5753457.90" convBoundary="0.00,0.00,80.00,89.49" origBoundary="4.396425,51.879155,4.574759,51.941295" projParameter="+proj=utm +zone=31 +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs"/>
<     <edge id=":C_0" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":C_0_0" index="0" speed="6.61" length="9.36" shape="95.20,110.81 94.85,108.18 93.80,106.30 92.05,105.18 89.60,104.80"/>
>     <edge id=":2351978961_0" function="internal">
>         <lane id=":2351978961_0_0" index="0" allow="tram" speed="16.67" length="1.95" shape="26.50,27.08 26.40,25.13"/>
<     <edge id=":C_1" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":C_1_0" index="0" speed="13.89" length="25.24" shape="95.20,110.81 95.20,85.57"/>
<         <lane id=":C_1_1" index="1" speed="13.89" length="25.24" shape="98.40,110.81 98.40,85.57"/>
>     <edge id=":2351978961_1" function="internal">
>         <lane id=":2351978961_1_0" index="0" allow="tram" speed="16.67" length="1.91" shape="27.01,26.91 26.79,26.39 26.59,26.04 26.45,25.68 26.40,25.13"/>
<     <edge id=":C_3" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":C_3_0" index="0" speed="10.00" length="6.30" shape="98.40,110.81 99.48,105.40 100.00,104.81"/>
>     <edge id=":2351978969_0" function="internal">
>         <lane id=":2351978969_0_0" index="0" allow="tram" speed="16.67" length="20.39" shape="29.79,37.91 30.29,42.47 31.34,47.98 32.67,53.42 34.03,57.81"/>
<     <edge id=":C_16" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":C_16_0" index="0" speed="10.00" length="17.51" shape="100.00,104.81 102.73,101.69 108.15,99.68 115.73,99.37"/>
>     <edge id=":2351978969_1" function="internal">
>         <lane id=":2351978969_1_0" index="0" allow="tram" speed="16.67" length="20.31" shape="29.79,37.91 30.31,58.22"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST had known bugs (see #872) on ts-sim-build-ba : import OSM bypass ( Last six runs Jun2019 )

invalid joins
(This bug was triggered by text found in file 'net' matching 'cluster')
---------- Differences in net ----------
< <net version="0.27" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/net_file.xsd">
> <net version="1.3" junctionCornerDetail="5" limitTurnSpeed="5.50" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/net_file.xsd">
<     <type id="highway.living_street" priority="3" numLanes="1" speed="2.78" disallow="tram rail_urban rail rail_electric ship" oneway="0"/>
<     <type id="highway.motorway" priority="13" numLanes="2" speed="44.44" allow="private emergency authority army vip passenger hov taxi bus coach delivery truck trailer motorcycle evehicle custom1 custom2" oneway="1"/>
<     <type id="highway.motorway_link" priority="12" numLanes="1" speed="22.22" allow="private emergency authority army vip passenger hov taxi bus coach delivery truck trailer motorcycle evehicle custom1 custom2" oneway="1"/>
<     <type id="highway.path" priority="1" numLanes="1" speed="2.78" allow="bicycle pedestrian" oneway="1" width="2.00"/>
>     <type id="highway.living_street" priority="2" numLanes="1" speed="2.78" disallow="tram rail_urban rail rail_electric rail_fast ship" oneway="0"/>
>     <type id="highway.motorway" priority="14" numLanes="2" speed="39.44" allow="private emergency authority army vip passenger hov taxi bus coach delivery truck trailer motorcycle evehicle custom1 custom2" oneway="1"/>
>     <type id="highway.motorway_link" priority="9" numLanes="1" speed="22.22" allow="private emergency authority army vip passenger hov taxi bus coach delivery truck trailer motorcycle evehicle custom1 custom2" oneway="1"/>
>     <type id="highway.path" priority="1" numLanes="1" speed="2.78" allow="pedestrian bicycle" oneway="1" width="2.00"/>
<     <type id="highway.primary" priority="9" numLanes="2" speed="27.78" disallow="tram rail_urban rail rail_electric ship" oneway="0"/>
<     <type id="highway.primary_link" priority="8" numLanes="1" speed="22.22" disallow="tram rail_urban rail rail_electric ship" oneway="0"/>
<     <type id="highway.raceway" priority="14" numLanes="2" speed="83.33" allow="vip" oneway="0"/>
<     <type id="highway.residential" priority="4" numLanes="1" speed="13.89" disallow="tram rail_urban rail rail_electric ship" oneway="0"/>
<     <type id="highway.secondary" priority="7" numLanes="2" speed="27.78" disallow="tram rail_urban rail rail_electric ship" oneway="0"/>
<     <type id="highway.secondary_link" priority="6" numLanes="1" speed="22.22" disallow="tram rail_urban rail rail_electric ship" oneway="0"/>
<     <type id="highway.service" priority="2" numLanes="1" speed="5.56" allow="delivery bicycle pedestrian" oneway="0"/>
<     <type id="highway.services" priority="1" numLanes="1" speed="8.33" disallow="tram rail_urban rail rail_electric ship" oneway="0"/>
>     <type id="highway.primary" priority="12" numLanes="2" speed="27.78" disallow="tram rail_urban rail rail_electric rail_fast ship" oneway="0"/>
>     <type id="highway.primary_link" priority="7" numLanes="1" speed="22.22" disallow="tram rail_urban rail rail_electric rail_fast ship" oneway="0"/>
>     <type id="highway.raceway" priority="15" numLanes="2" speed="83.33" allow="vip" oneway="0"/>
>     <type id="highway.residential" priority="3" numLanes="1" speed="13.89" disallow="tram rail_urban rail rail_electric rail_fast ship" oneway="0"/>
>     <type id="highway.secondary" priority="11" numLanes="2" speed="27.78" disallow="tram rail_urban rail rail_electric rail_fast ship" oneway="0"/>
>     <type id="highway.secondary_link" priority="6" numLanes="1" speed="22.22" disallow="tram rail_urban rail rail_electric rail_fast ship" oneway="0"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST had known bugs (see #2472) on ts-sim-build-ba : import XML connection_guessing 4arm_rw1 ( Last six runs Jun2019 )

invalid connections
(This bug was triggered by FAILING to find text in file 'net' matching '<connection from="EC" to="CS" fromLane="3" toLane="0"')
---------- Differences in net ----------
< <net version="0.27" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/net_file.xsd">
> <net version="1.3" junctionCornerDetail="5" limitTurnSpeed="5.50" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/net_file.xsd">
<         <lane id="CE_0" index="0" speed="13.89" length="100.00" shape="114.65,95.05 200.00,95.05"/>
<         <lane id="CE_1" index="1" speed="13.89" length="100.00" shape="114.65,98.35 200.00,98.35"/>
>         <lane id="CE_0" index="0" speed="13.89" length="100.00" shape="116.80,95.20 200.00,95.20"/>
>         <lane id="CE_1" index="1" speed="13.89" length="100.00" shape="116.80,98.40 200.00,98.40"/>
<         <lane id="CN_0" index="0" speed="13.89" length="100.00" shape="104.95,111.35 104.95,200.00"/>
<         <lane id="CN_1" index="1" speed="13.89" length="100.00" shape="101.65,111.35 101.65,200.00"/>
>         <lane id="CN_0" index="0" speed="13.89" length="100.00" shape="104.80,113.60 104.80,200.00"/>
>         <lane id="CN_1" index="1" speed="13.89" length="100.00" shape="101.60,113.60 101.60,200.00"/>
<         <lane id="CS_0" index="0" speed="13.89" length="100.00" shape="95.05,85.35 95.05,0.00"/>
<         <lane id="CS_1" index="1" speed="13.89" length="100.00" shape="98.35,85.35 98.35,0.00"/>
>         <lane id="CS_0" index="0" speed="13.89" length="100.00" shape="95.20,83.20 95.20,0.00"/>
>         <lane id="CS_1" index="1" speed="13.89" length="100.00" shape="98.40,83.20 98.40,0.00"/>
<         <lane id="CW_0" index="0" speed="13.89" length="100.00" shape="85.35,104.95 0.00,104.95"/>
<         <lane id="CW_1" index="1" speed="13.89" length="100.00" shape="85.35,101.65 0.00,101.65"/>
>         <lane id="CW_0" index="0" speed="13.89" length="100.00" shape="83.20,104.80 0.00,104.80"/>
>         <lane id="CW_1" index="1" speed="13.89" length="100.00" shape="83.20,101.60 0.00,101.60"/>
<         <lane id="EC_0" index="0" speed="13.89" length="100.00" shape="200.00,108.25 114.65,108.25"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST had known bugs (see #2472) on ts-sim-build-ba : import XML connection_guessing 4arm_rw2 ( Last six runs Jun2019 )

invalid connections
(This bug was triggered by FAILING to find text in file 'net' matching '<connection from="EC" to="CS" fromLane="3" toLane="0"')
---------- Differences in net ----------
< <net version="0.27" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/net_file.xsd">
> <net version="1.3" junctionCornerDetail="5" limitTurnSpeed="5.50" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/net_file.xsd">
<         <lane id="CE_0" index="0" speed="13.89" length="100.00" shape="108.05,91.75 200.00,91.75"/>
<         <lane id="CE_1" index="1" speed="13.89" length="100.00" shape="108.05,95.05 200.00,95.05"/>
<         <lane id="CE_2" index="2" speed="13.89" length="100.00" shape="108.05,98.35 200.00,98.35"/>
>         <lane id="CE_0" index="0" speed="13.89" length="100.00" shape="110.40,92.00 200.00,92.00"/>
>         <lane id="CE_1" index="1" speed="13.89" length="100.00" shape="110.40,95.20 200.00,95.20"/>
>         <lane id="CE_2" index="2" speed="13.89" length="100.00" shape="110.40,98.40 200.00,98.40"/>
<         <lane id="CN_0" index="0" speed="13.89" length="100.00" shape="104.95,117.95 104.95,200.00"/>
<         <lane id="CN_1" index="1" speed="13.89" length="100.00" shape="101.65,117.95 101.65,200.00"/>
>         <lane id="CN_0" index="0" speed="13.89" length="100.00" shape="104.80,120.00 104.80,200.00"/>
>         <lane id="CN_1" index="1" speed="13.89" length="100.00" shape="101.60,120.00 101.60,200.00"/>
<         <lane id="CS_0" index="0" speed="13.89" length="100.00" shape="95.05,82.05 95.05,0.00"/>
<         <lane id="CS_1" index="1" speed="13.89" length="100.00" shape="98.35,82.05 98.35,0.00"/>
>         <lane id="CS_0" index="0" speed="13.89" length="100.00" shape="95.20,80.00 95.20,0.00"/>
>         <lane id="CS_1" index="1" speed="13.89" length="100.00" shape="98.40,80.00 98.40,0.00"/>
<         <lane id="CW_0" index="0" speed="13.89" length="100.00" shape="85.35,104.95 0.00,104.95"/>
<         <lane id="CW_1" index="1" speed="13.89" length="100.00" shape="85.35,101.65 0.00,101.65"/>
>         <lane id="CW_0" index="0" speed="13.89" length="100.00" shape="83.20,104.80 0.00,104.80"/>
>         <lane id="CW_1" index="1" speed="13.89" length="100.00" shape="83.20,101.60 0.00,101.60"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

2 TESTS had known bugs (see #5365) on ts-sim-build-ba :

invalid gradient
(This bug was triggered by text found in file 'errors' matching 'grade of 46')
---------- Differences in errors ----------
< Warning: Edge '-2.0.00' has a grade of 15.11%.
> Warning: Edge '-2.0.00' has a grade of 46.86%.
import openDRIVE elevation_roundtrip ( Last six runs Jun2019 )
import openDRIVE pRange ( Last six runs Jun2019 )

TEST had known bugs (#4252) on ts-sim-build-ba : inner_lanes indirect_left_turns_tl_control ( Last six runs Jun2019 )

(This bug was triggered by FAILING to find text in file 'net' matching 'via=":C_23_0" dir="l" state="m" tl="C" linkIndex="8"')
---------- Differences in net ----------
< <net version="0.27" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/net_file.xsd">
> <net version="1.3" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/net_file.xsd">
<         <lane id=":C_0_0" index="0" speed="13.89" length="18.80" width="3.50" shape="374.22,166.31 367.39,166.51 362.47,167.66 359.47,169.77 358.37,172.83"/>
>         <lane id=":C_0_0" index="0" speed="13.89" length="18.06" width="3.50" shape="374.22,166.31 367.75,166.52 363.09,167.69 360.24,169.80 359.20,172.86"/>
<         <lane id=":C_1_0" index="0" allow="bicycle" speed="13.89" length="37.28" width="1.50" shape="373.50,166.28 372.25,166.24 363.53,164.91 356.73,164.35 351.09,164.31 336.35,164.79"/>
>         <lane id=":C_1_0" index="0" allow="bicycle" speed="13.89" length="38.04" width="1.50" shape="374.22,166.31 372.25,166.24 363.53,164.91 356.73,164.35 351.09,164.31 336.32,164.79"/>
<         <lane id=":C_2_0" index="0" speed="13.89" length="24.00" width="3.50" shape="373.50,166.28 372.25,166.24 357.76,165.99 353.55,167.48 350.79,167.80 350.80,166.79"/>
>         <lane id=":C_2_0" index="0" speed="13.89" length="24.00" width="3.50" shape="374.22,166.31 372.25,166.24 357.76,165.99 353.55,167.48 350.79,167.80 350.79,167.51"/>
<         <lane id=":C_4_0" index="0" speed="13.89" length="41.72" width="3.50" shape="378.17,163.27 363.97,162.42 356.77,162.18 351.17,162.02 336.48,162.29"/>
>         <lane id=":C_4_0" index="0" speed="13.89" length="41.67" width="3.50" shape="378.00,163.26 363.97,162.42 356.77,162.18 351.17,162.02 336.36,162.29"/>
<         <lane id=":C_5_0" index="0" speed="13.89" length="15.01" width="3.50" shape="378.29,160.51 369.55,160.70 367.29,160.70 363.28,160.50"/>
>         <lane id=":C_5_0" index="0" speed="13.89" length="14.84" width="3.50" shape="378.11,160.51 369.55,160.70 367.29,160.70 363.28,160.50"/>
<         <lane id=":C_21_0" index="0" speed="13.89" length="21.43" width="3.50" shape="350.80,166.79 350.86,161.94 350.99,157.02 350.95,152.83 351.72,145.40"/>
>         <lane id=":C_21_0" index="0" speed="13.89" length="21.61" width="3.50" shape="350.79,167.51 350.86,161.94 350.99,157.02 350.95,152.83 351.66,145.94"/>
<         <lane id=":C_6_0" index="0" allow="bicycle" speed="13.89" length="19.03" width="1.50" shape="359.43,144.25 360.09,148.67 362.50,151.89 366.64,153.91 372.52,154.73"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>