20Dec24rv1_21_0+1519-c731a1b1307 - detailed test results for NETEDIT.daily.elements.additionals.basic

To reconnect the TextTest GUI to these results, run:

texttest -a netedit -d /home/delphi/gcc/sumo/tests -reconnect /home/delphi/gcc/texttesttmp/gcc4_64.21Dec003256.2369651 -g

To start TextTest for these tests, run:

texttest -a netedit -d /home/delphi/gcc/sumo/tests

daily.elements.additionals.basic: 250 tests: 179 succeeded 51 known bugs 20 FAILED

Detailed information for the tests that FAILED:

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : elements additionals rerouterelements destprobreroute load probability ( Last six runs Dec2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
< Error: Probability of destProbReroute must be equal or greater than 0
> Error: Could not build destProbReroute with ID 'EdgeCenter0' in netedit; Attribute probability cannot be negative (-1.00).
> Error: Could not build destProbReroute with ID 'EdgeCenter0' in netedit; Attribute probability cannot be negative (-30.00).
---------- Differences in log ----------
< Error: Probability of destProbReroute must be equal or greater than 0
> Error: Could not build destProbReroute with ID 'EdgeCenter0' in netedit; Attribute probability cannot be negative (-1.00).
> Error: Could not build destProbReroute with ID 'EdgeCenter0' in netedit; Attribute probability cannot be negative (-30.00).

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : elements additionals rerouterelements parkingareareroute load probability ( Last six runs Dec2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
< Error: Probability of parkingAreaReroute must be equal or greater than 0
> Error: Could not build parkingAreaReroute with ID 'parkingArea' in netedit; Attribute probability cannot be negative (-1.00).
> Error: Could not build parkingAreaReroute with ID 'parkingArea' in netedit; Attribute probability cannot be negative (-30.00).
---------- Differences in log ----------
< Error: Probability of parkingAreaReroute must be equal or greater than 0
> Error: Could not build parkingAreaReroute with ID 'parkingArea' in netedit; Attribute probability cannot be negative (-1.00).
> Error: Could not build parkingAreaReroute with ID 'parkingArea' in netedit; Attribute probability cannot be negative (-30.00).

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : elements additionals rerouterelements routeprobreroute load probability ( Last six runs Dec2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
< Error: Probability of routeProbReroute must be equal or greater than 0
> Error: Could not build routeProbReroute with ID 'route_0' in netedit; Attribute probability cannot be negative (-1.00).
> Error: Could not build routeProbReroute with ID 'route_0' in netedit; Attribute probability cannot be negative (-50.00).
---------- Differences in log ----------
< Error: Probability of routeProbReroute must be equal or greater than 0
> Error: Could not build routeProbReroute with ID 'route_0' in netedit; Attribute probability cannot be negative (-1.00).
> Error: Could not build routeProbReroute with ID 'route_0' in netedit; Attribute probability cannot be negative (-50.00).

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : elements additionals routeprobe create begin ( Last six runs Dec2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
< Error: Could not build routeProbe with ID 'rp_0' in netedit; Attribute begin cannot be negative.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe with ID 'rp_0' in netedit; Attribute begin cannot be negative (-11.00).
---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ----------
<     <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/>
>     <viewport zoom="140.00" x="38.45" y="-19.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Differences in log ----------
< Error: Could not build routeProbe with ID 'rp_0' in netedit; Attribute begin cannot be negative.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe with ID 'rp_0' in netedit; Attribute begin cannot be negative (-11.00).

4 TESTS FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba :

---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ----------
<     <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/>
>     <viewport zoom="140.00" x="38.45" y="-19.00" angle="0.00"/>
elements additionals routeprobe create default_nocenter ( Last six runs Dec2024 )
elements additionals routeprobe create file ( Last six runs Dec2024 )
elements additionals routeprobe create id ( Last six runs Dec2024 )
elements additionals routeprobe create period ( Last six runs Dec2024 )

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : elements additionals routeprobe create name ( Last six runs Dec2024 )

---------- Differences in additionals ----------
<     <routeProbe id="rp_0" begin="0.00" period="3600.00" edge="Edge1" name="customName" file="rp_0.xml"/>
>     <routeProbe id="rp_0" begin="0.00" period="3600.00" edge="Edge1" file="rp_0.xml" name="customName"/>
---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ----------
<     <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/>
>     <viewport zoom="140.00" x="38.45" y="-19.00" angle="0.00"/>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : elements additionals routeprobe delete ( Last six runs Dec2024 )

---------- Differences in additionals ----------
>     <!-- RouteProbes -->
>     <routeProbe id="routeProbe_01" begin="0.00" period="100.00" edge="EdgeCenter0" file="routeProbe_01.txt"/>
---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ----------
<     <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/>
>     <viewport zoom="140.00" x="-1.00" y="3.45" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Differences in log ----------
< Warning: Unused state in tlLogic 'Junction4', program '0' at tl-index 0
> Warning: Unused state in tlLogic 'Junction4', program '0' at tl-index 2
---------- Differences in meandatas ----------
<     <!-- MeanDataEdges -->
<     <edgeData id="meanDataEdge" file="meanDataEdgeOutput.xml"/>
<     <!-- MeanDataLanes -->
<     <laneData id="meanDataLane" file="meanDataLaneOutput.xml"/>
---------- Differences in net ----------
<         <lane id=":Junction4_0_0" index="0" allow="bicycle" speed="5.59" length="6.45" width="1.00" shape="-27.50,2.50 -29.25,2.75 -30.50,3.50 -31.25,4.75 -31.50,6.50"/>
<         <lane id=":Junction4_0_1" index="1" allow="bus" speed="6.44" length="4.18" width="3.00" shape="-27.50,1.50 -30.12,1.81 -31.50,2.50"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":Junction4_2" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":Junction4_2_0" index="0" allow="bus" speed="6.44" length="4.70" width="3.00" shape="-31.50,2.50 -32.00,2.75 -33.12,4.31 -33.50,6.50"/>
>         <lane id=":Junction4_0_0" index="0" allow="bicycle" speed="7.38" length="12.63" width="1.00" shape="-38.50,1.50 -37.81,-0.25 -35.75,-1.50 -32.31,-2.25 -27.50,-2.50"/>
>         <lane id=":Junction4_0_1" index="1" allow="bus" speed="6.84" length="10.17" width="3.00" shape="-36.50,1.50 -35.94,0.19 -34.25,-0.75 -31.44,-1.31 -27.50,-1.50"/>
<         <lane id=":Junction4_c0_0" index="0" allow="pedestrian" speed="2.78" length="8.00" width="4.00" shape="-31.00,4.50 -39.00,4.50" outlineShape="-31.00,6.50 -39.00,6.50 -39.00,2.50 -31.00,2.50 -28.78,3.17 -29.44,3.39 -30.12,3.88 -30.61,4.56 -30.90,5.43"/>
>         <lane id=":Junction4_c0_0" index="0" allow="pedestrian" speed="2.78" length="8.00" width="4.00" shape="-31.00,-0.50 -39.00,-0.50" outlineShape="-31.00,1.50 -39.00,1.50 -38.92,-2.50 -39.50,-2.11 -40.62,-0.49 -41.00,1.50 -39.00,1.50 -39.00,-2.50 -31.00,-2.50 -28.64,0.05 -29.44,0.17 -30.12,0.38 -30.61,0.67 -30.90,1.04"/>
<         <lane id=":Junction4_w0_0" index="0" allow="pedestrian" speed="2.78" length="2.24" width="4.00" shape="-41.00,6.50 -39.00,6.50 -39.00,2.50"/>
>         <lane id=":Junction4_w0_0" index="0" allow="pedestrian" speed="2.78" length="9.30" width="4.00" shape="-27.50,-3.00 -27.50,-5.00 -31.62,-4.82 -35.00,-4.28 -37.62,-3.38 -39.50,-2.11 -40.62,-0.49 -41.00,1.50 -39.00,1.50 -38.68,0.13 -37.72,-1.00 -36.12,-1.88 -33.89,-2.50 -31.01,-2.88"/>
<         <lane id=":Junction4_w1_0" index="0" allow="pedestrian" speed="2.78" length="3.10" width="4.00" shape="-31.00,6.50 -29.00,6.50 -27.50,5.00 -27.50,3.00 -28.57,3.10 -29.44,3.39 -30.12,3.88 -30.61,4.56 -30.90,5.43"/>
>         <lane id=":Junction4_w1_0" index="0" allow="pedestrian" speed="2.78" length="2.24" width="4.00" shape="-31.00,1.50 -29.00,1.50 -28.57,0.04 -29.44,0.17 -30.12,0.38 -30.61,0.67 -30.90,1.04"/>
<         <lane id="EdgeBike0_0" index="0" allow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="7.00" width="2.00" shape="-40.00,13.50 -40.00,6.50"/>
<         <lane id="EdgeBike0_1" index="1" allow="bicycle" speed="13.89" length="7.00" width="1.00" shape="-38.50,13.50 -38.50,6.50"/>
<         <lane id="EdgeBike0_2" index="2" allow="bus" speed="13.89" length="7.00" width="3.00" shape="-36.50,13.50 -36.50,6.50"/>
>         <lane id="EdgeBike0_0" index="0" allow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="7.00" width="2.00" shape="-40.00,13.50 -40.00,1.50"/>
>         <lane id="EdgeBike0_1" index="1" allow="bicycle" speed="13.89" length="7.00" width="1.00" shape="-38.50,13.50 -38.50,1.50"/>
>         <lane id="EdgeBike0_2" index="2" allow="bus" speed="13.89" length="7.00" width="3.00" shape="-36.50,13.50 -36.50,1.50"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : elements additionals routeprobe inspect begin ( Last six runs Dec2024 )

---------- Differences in additionals ----------
<     <routeProbe id="rp_0" begin="20.00" period="3600.00" edge="EdgeCenter1" file="rp_0.xml"/>
>     <routeProbe id="rp_0" begin="0.00" period="3600.00" edge="EdgeCenter1" file="rp_0.xml"/>
---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ----------
<     <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/>
>     <viewport zoom="140.00" x="-1.00" y="3.45" angle="0.00"/>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : elements additionals routeprobe inspect edge ( Last six runs Dec2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Error: Could not build dataSet with ID 'meanDataEdge' in netedit; Found another dataSet with the same ID.
> Error: Could not build dataSet with ID 'meanDataLane' in netedit; Found another dataSet with the same ID.
> Error: Loading of additional file failed: /home/delphi/gcc/texttesttmp/netedit.daily.basic.20Dec015822.3845216/netedit.daily.basic/basic/configs/netecfg/open/overwritte/keep_new/datas/datas.med.add.xml
---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ----------
<     <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/>
>     <viewport zoom="140.00" x="-1.00" y="3.45" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Differences in log ----------
> Error: Could not build dataSet with ID 'meanDataEdge' in netedit; Found another dataSet with the same ID.
> Error: Could not build dataSet with ID 'meanDataLane' in netedit; Found another dataSet with the same ID.
> Error: Loading of additional file failed: /home/delphi/gcc/texttesttmp/netedit.daily.basic.20Dec015822.3845216/netedit.daily.basic/basic/configs/netecfg/open/overwritte/keep_new/datas/datas.med.add.xml

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : elements additionals routeprobe inspect file ( Last six runs Dec2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Error: Could not build dataSet with ID 'meanDataEdge' in netedit; Found another dataSet with the same ID.
> Error: Could not build dataSet with ID 'meanDataLane' in netedit; Found another dataSet with the same ID.
> Error: Loading of additional file failed: /home/delphi/gcc/texttesttmp/netedit.daily.basic.20Dec015822.3845216/netedit.daily.basic/basic/configs/netecfg/open/overwritte/keep_new/datas/datas.med.add.xml
---------- Differences in additionals ----------
<     <routeProbe id="rp_0" begin="0.00" period="3600.00" edge="EdgeCenter1" file="fileA.txt"/>
>     <routeProbe id="rp_0" begin="0.00" period="3600.00" edge="EdgeCenter1" file="rp_0.xml"/>
---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ----------
<     <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/>
>     <viewport zoom="140.00" x="-1.00" y="3.45" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Differences in log ----------
> Error: Could not build dataSet with ID 'meanDataEdge' in netedit; Found another dataSet with the same ID.
> Error: Could not build dataSet with ID 'meanDataLane' in netedit; Found another dataSet with the same ID.
> Error: Loading of additional file failed: /home/delphi/gcc/texttesttmp/netedit.daily.basic.20Dec015822.3845216/netedit.daily.basic/basic/configs/netecfg/open/overwritte/keep_new/datas/datas.med.add.xml

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : elements additionals routeprobe inspect id ( Last six runs Dec2024 )

---------- Differences in additionals ----------
<     <routeProbe id="correctID" begin="0.00" period="3600.00" edge="EdgeCenter1" file="rp_0.xml"/>
<     <routeProbe id="rp_1" begin="0.00" period="3600.00" edge="Edge1" file="rp_1.xml"/>
>     <routeProbe id="rp_0" begin="0.00" period="3600.00" edge="EdgeCenter1" file="rp_0.xml"/>
>     <routeProbe id="rp_1" begin="0.00" period="3600.00" edge="correctID" file="rp_1.xml"/>
---------- Differences in datas ----------
<         <edge id="Edge1"/>
>         <edge id="correctID"/>
---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ----------
<     <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/>
>     <viewport zoom="140.00" x="38.45" y="-19.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Differences in net ----------
<     <edge id="Edge1" from="Junction1" to="Junction2" priority="-1" length="30.00">
<         <lane id="Edge1_0" index="0" allow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="30.00" width="2.00" shape="39.00,-15.00 39.00,15.00"/>
<         <lane id="Edge1_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="30.00" width="3.00" shape="36.50,-15.00 36.50,15.00"/>
<     </edge>
>     <edge id="correctID" from="Junction1" to="Junction2" priority="-1" length="30.00">
>         <lane id="correctID_0" index="0" allow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="30.00" width="2.00" shape="39.00,-15.00 39.00,15.00"/>
>         <lane id="correctID_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="30.00" width="3.00" shape="36.50,-15.00 36.50,15.00"/>
>     </edge>
<     <junction id="Junction2" type="traffic_light" x="35.00" y="20.00" incLanes="Edge1_0 Edge1_1 Edge3_0 Edge3_1" intLanes=":Junction2_0_0 :Junction2_1_0" shape="40.00,15.00 30.00,15.00 30.00,25.00 33.06,24.72 35.56,23.89 37.50,22.50 38.89,20.56 39.72,18.06">
>     <junction id="Junction2" type="traffic_light" x="35.00" y="20.00" incLanes="correctID_0 correctID_1 Edge3_0 Edge3_1" intLanes=":Junction2_0_0 :Junction2_1_0" shape="40.00,15.00 30.00,15.00 30.00,25.00 33.06,24.72 35.56,23.89 37.50,22.50 38.89,20.56 39.72,18.06">
<     <connection from="Edge0" to="Edge1" fromLane="1" toLane="1" via=":Junction1_1_0" tl="Junction1" linkIndex="1" dir="l" state="O"/>
<     <connection from="Edge1" to="Edge2" fromLane="1" toLane="1" via=":Junction2_0_0" tl="Junction2" linkIndex="0" dir="l" state="O"/>
>     <connection from="Edge0" to="correctID" fromLane="1" toLane="1" via=":Junction1_1_0" tl="Junction1" linkIndex="1" dir="l" state="O"/>
>     <connection from="correctID" to="Edge2" fromLane="1" toLane="1" via=":Junction2_0_0" tl="Junction2" linkIndex="0" dir="l" state="O"/>
<     <connection from=":Junction1_1" to="Edge1" fromLane="0" toLane="1" dir="l" state="M"/>
>     <connection from=":Junction1_1" to="correctID" fromLane="0" toLane="1" dir="l" state="M"/>
<     <connection from=":Junction1_w1" to="Edge1" fromLane="0" toLane="0" dir="s" state="M"/>
>     <connection from=":Junction1_w1" to="correctID" fromLane="0" toLane="0" dir="s" state="M"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in routes ----------
<     <route id="r_0" edges="Edge0 Edge1 Edge2"/>
>     <route id="r_0" edges="Edge0 correctID Edge2"/>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : elements additionals routeprobe inspect name ( Last six runs Dec2024 )

---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Netedit closed successfully
> TestFunctions: Error closing Netedit
---------- New result in errorScreenshot ----------

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<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Missing result in additionals ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<additional xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/additional_file.xsd">
    <!-- RouteProbes -->
    <routeProbe id="rp_0" begin="0.00" period="3600.00" edge="EdgeCenter1" name="customName" file="rp_0.xml"/>
---------- Missing result in datas ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd">
    <interval id="dataSet" begin="0.00" end="3600.00">
        <edge id="Edge0"/>
        <edge id="Edge1"/>
        <edge id="Edge2"/>
        <edge id="Edge3"/>
        <edge id="Edge4"/>
        <edge id="Edge5"/>
---------- Missing result in guisettingsoutput ----------
    <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Missing result in meandatas ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<additional xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/additional_file.xsd">
    <!-- MeanDataEdges -->
    <edgeData id="meanDataEdge" file="meanDataEdgeOutput.xml"/>
    <!-- MeanDataLanes -->
    <laneData id="meanDataLane" file="meanDataLaneOutput.xml"/>
---------- Missing result in net ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<net version="1.20" junctionCornerDetail="5" limitTurnSpeed="5.50" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/net_file.xsd">

    <location netOffset="0.00,0.00" convBoundary="-60.00,-30.00,60.00,30.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.000000,-10000000000.000000,10000000000.000000,10000000000.000000" projParameter="+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext +no_defs"/>

    <edge id=":Junction0_0" function="internal">
        <lane id=":Junction0_0_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="3.53" length="4.38" width="3.00" shape="-35.00,-18.50 -36.12,-19.25 -36.50,-20.00 -36.12,-20.75 -35.00,-21.50"/>
    <edge id=":Junction0_w0" function="walkingarea">
        <lane id=":Junction0_w0_0" index="0" allow="pedestrian" speed="2.78" length="8.00" width="2.00" shape="-35.00,-23.00 -35.00,-25.00 -35.00,-15.00 -35.00,-17.00"/>
    <edge id=":Junction1_0" function="internal">
        <lane id=":Junction1_0_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="5.28" length="5.64" width="3.00" shape="33.50,-15.00 33.28,-16.53 32.62,-17.62 31.53,-18.28 30.00,-18.50"/>
    <edge id=":Junction1_1" function="internal">
        <lane id=":Junction1_1_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.94" length="10.48" width="3.00" shape="30.00,-21.50 32.84,-21.09 34.88,-19.88 36.09,-17.84 36.50,-15.00"/>
    <edge id=":Junction1_w0" function="walkingarea">
        <lane id=":Junction1_w0_0" index="0" allow="pedestrian" speed="2.78" length="1.41" width="2.00" shape="30.00,-17.00 30.00,-15.00 32.00,-15.00 31.94,-15.61 31.78,-16.11 31.50,-16.50 31.11,-16.78 30.61,-16.94"/>
    <edge id=":Junction1_w1" function="walkingarea">
        <lane id=":Junction1_w1_0" index="0" allow="pedestrian" speed="2.78" length="12.73" width="2.00" shape="38.00,-15.00 40.00,-15.00 39.72,-18.06 38.89,-20.56 37.50,-22.50 35.56,-23.89 33.06,-24.72 30.00,-25.00 30.00,-23.00 32.44,-22.78 34.44,-22.11 36.00,-21.00 37.11,-19.44 37.78,-17.44"/>
    <edge id=":Junction2_0" function="internal">
        <lane id=":Junction2_0_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.94" length="10.48" width="3.00" shape="36.50,15.00 36.09,17.84 34.88,19.88 32.84,21.09 30.00,21.50"/>
    <edge id=":Junction2_1" function="internal">
        <lane id=":Junction2_1_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="5.28" length="5.64" width="3.00" shape="30.00,18.50 31.53,18.28 32.62,17.62 33.28,16.53 33.50,15.00"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Missing result in routes ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<routes xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/routes_file.xsd">
    <!-- Routes -->
    <route id="r_0" edges="Edge0 Edge1 Edge2"/>
    <!-- Vehicles, persons and containers (sorted by depart) -->
    <flow id="f_0" begin="0.00" route="r_0" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="180"/>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : elements additionals routeprobe inspect parameters ( Last six runs Dec2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Error: Could not build dataSet with ID 'meanDataEdge' in netedit; Found another dataSet with the same ID.
> Error: Could not build dataSet with ID 'meanDataLane' in netedit; Found another dataSet with the same ID.
> Error: Loading of additional file failed: /home/delphi/gcc/texttesttmp/netedit.daily.basic.20Dec015822.3845216/netedit.daily.basic/basic/configs/netecfg/open/overwritte/keep_new/datas/datas.med.add.xml
> Error: Could not build dataSet with ID 'meanDataEdge' in netedit; Found another dataSet with the same ID.
> Error: Could not build dataSet with ID 'meanDataLane' in netedit; Found another dataSet with the same ID.
> Error: Loading of additional file failed: /home/delphi/gcc/texttesttmp/netedit.daily.basic.20Dec015822.3845216/netedit.daily.basic/basic/configs/netecfg/open/overwritte/keep_new/datas/datas.med.add.xml
> Error: Could not build dataSet with ID 'meanDataEdge' in netedit; Found another dataSet with the same ID.
> Error: Could not build dataSet with ID 'meanDataLane' in netedit; Found another dataSet with the same ID.
> Error: Loading of additional file failed: /home/delphi/gcc/texttesttmp/netedit.daily.basic.20Dec015822.3845216/netedit.daily.basic/basic/configs/netecfg/open/overwritte/keep_new/datas/datas.med.add.xml
> Error: Could not build dataSet with ID 'meanDataEdge' in netedit; Found another dataSet with the same ID.
> Error: Could not build dataSet with ID 'meanDataLane' in netedit; Found another dataSet with the same ID.
> Error: Loading of additional file failed: /home/delphi/gcc/texttesttmp/netedit.daily.basic.20Dec015822.3845216/netedit.daily.basic/basic/configs/netecfg/open/overwritte/keep_new/datas/datas.med.add.xml
> Error: Could not build dataSet with ID 'meanDataEdge' in netedit; Found another dataSet with the same ID.
> Error: Could not build dataSet with ID 'meanDataLane' in netedit; Found another dataSet with the same ID.
> Error: Loading of additional file failed: /home/delphi/gcc/texttesttmp/netedit.daily.basic.20Dec015822.3845216/netedit.daily.basic/basic/configs/netecfg/open/overwritte/keep_new/datas/datas.med.add.xml
---------- Differences in additionals ----------
<     <routeProbe id="rp_0" begin="0.00" period="3600.00" edge="EdgeCenter1" file="rp_0.xml">
<         <param key="keyFinal1" value="value1"/>
<         <param key="keyFinal2" value="value2"/>
<         <param key="keyFinal3" value="value3"/>
<     </routeProbe>
>     <routeProbe id="rp_0" begin="0.00" period="3600.00" edge="EdgeCenter1" file="rp_0.xml"/>
---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ----------
<     <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/>
>     <viewport zoom="140.00" x="-1.00" y="3.45" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Differences in log ----------
> Error: Could not build dataSet with ID 'meanDataEdge' in netedit; Found another dataSet with the same ID.
> Error: Could not build dataSet with ID 'meanDataLane' in netedit; Found another dataSet with the same ID.
> Error: Loading of additional file failed: /home/delphi/gcc/texttesttmp/netedit.daily.basic.20Dec015822.3845216/netedit.daily.basic/basic/configs/netecfg/open/overwritte/keep_new/datas/datas.med.add.xml
> Error: Could not build dataSet with ID 'meanDataEdge' in netedit; Found another dataSet with the same ID.
> Error: Could not build dataSet with ID 'meanDataLane' in netedit; Found another dataSet with the same ID.
> Error: Loading of additional file failed: /home/delphi/gcc/texttesttmp/netedit.daily.basic.20Dec015822.3845216/netedit.daily.basic/basic/configs/netecfg/open/overwritte/keep_new/datas/datas.med.add.xml
> Error: Could not build dataSet with ID 'meanDataEdge' in netedit; Found another dataSet with the same ID.
> Error: Could not build dataSet with ID 'meanDataLane' in netedit; Found another dataSet with the same ID.
> Error: Loading of additional file failed: /home/delphi/gcc/texttesttmp/netedit.daily.basic.20Dec015822.3845216/netedit.daily.basic/basic/configs/netecfg/open/overwritte/keep_new/datas/datas.med.add.xml
> Error: Could not build dataSet with ID 'meanDataEdge' in netedit; Found another dataSet with the same ID.
> Error: Could not build dataSet with ID 'meanDataLane' in netedit; Found another dataSet with the same ID.
> Error: Loading of additional file failed: /home/delphi/gcc/texttesttmp/netedit.daily.basic.20Dec015822.3845216/netedit.daily.basic/basic/configs/netecfg/open/overwritte/keep_new/datas/datas.med.add.xml
> Error: Could not build dataSet with ID 'meanDataEdge' in netedit; Found another dataSet with the same ID.
> Error: Could not build dataSet with ID 'meanDataLane' in netedit; Found another dataSet with the same ID.
> Error: Loading of additional file failed: /home/delphi/gcc/texttesttmp/netedit.daily.basic.20Dec015822.3845216/netedit.daily.basic/basic/configs/netecfg/open/overwritte/keep_new/datas/datas.med.add.xml

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : elements additionals routeprobe inspect period ( Last six runs Dec2024 )

---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Netedit closed successfully
> TestFunctions: Error closing Netedit
---------- New result in errorScreenshot ----------

IHDR1cIDATxwXW3[ *{1Qcآ5vĘFDKKLlb{/Alu{}vfgܙYvsx(F
$""B*ks>}Zs~ǽcRMY̶E,kJi`%C0e%L~Bn"|ì(PEI`r
8cl1D+VLMM,f(w^"CrD8znHT/qRft!t9cLVl/gJ$ͮG`CzxrST$A>̗J3VaB2qNQc3cpN3W
_ƏK*&p~wϾӺ}wH,t1$Ŝ4^L:-++|kfxSI`p-EB;9 4tՌ
11C"T*U^7>$--(V!"".Sf5?NWrbRU51GOR˿	7~讵HGVΌtkf!DW;W
s͜㢻+<ﲣ_!#"Rag<D-Wd^{Zv~Li9ҀG>EtWSl\6Gگg,:̂CwaD0bD*<c2ǃC3YfWTTT``_T)wHZܝDžMv	%1H^^^z҆b"F,<K0RoBK"KRW[#7ϻJG,-#3H,J)ھDbԼr|toT%JF5B/~g'Jjo}؋g%)+"-.6yPPᢐ`+F
ZB"\7rOoގX[sĢ%epӣ"B-R-ER(\I^sNe0X"fDb*~^^>>>+uw+ɫs}SEN[2.Mmٯ=4[vj/jc
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:R,8غC%; &q7jeg*"R߸̂Ѿ-G6*+"qÏD[mF_}op
\*ӹO%Y769TMR*Lת]Ѵ\LvSZ!rUe2BŪrL&dy2<Z]`y^^[m[	Wss*V%5?o¯(TR#{{ggf<Njɯ2LM&7;Eɼ=K5V*TjR
Q}'-YtH *}h+^V;2g`]Ǭ/>-=S)=Wj|q6y,6+^{#Dy۱MwlZb]bovE{oy863ѵ[
a^UQ/#SVu_1Oi1yg+•/wδMÕyxlcˈȫ	]j;w=,L͙- ޣow>̓_Oةɭ2JJB#&0'kVO'+zPP*
99~^ɋE4ovܿܣ	򜗹~"UKYAoy=q.@-פ_3nQэQJ*EDQQQWvDUXV]@J5V*iO2sAp@'S0ΏUii-&wIh""FP*L&S˕jR`Xe~[
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Missing result in additionals ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<additional xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/additional_file.xsd">
    <!-- RouteProbes -->
    <routeProbe id="rp_0" begin="0.00" period="150.00" edge="EdgeCenter1" file="rp_0.xml"/>
---------- Missing result in datas ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd">
    <interval id="dataSet" begin="0.00" end="3600.00">
        <edge id="Edge0"/>
        <edge id="Edge1"/>
        <edge id="Edge2"/>
        <edge id="Edge3"/>
        <edge id="Edge4"/>
        <edge id="Edge5"/>
---------- Missing result in guisettingsoutput ----------
    <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Missing result in meandatas ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<additional xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/additional_file.xsd">
    <!-- MeanDataEdges -->
    <edgeData id="meanDataEdge" file="meanDataEdgeOutput.xml"/>
    <!-- MeanDataLanes -->
    <laneData id="meanDataLane" file="meanDataLaneOutput.xml"/>
---------- Missing result in net ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<net version="1.20" junctionCornerDetail="5" limitTurnSpeed="5.50" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/net_file.xsd">

    <location netOffset="0.00,0.00" convBoundary="-60.00,-30.00,60.00,30.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.000000,-10000000000.000000,10000000000.000000,10000000000.000000" projParameter="+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext +no_defs"/>

    <edge id=":Junction0_0" function="internal">
        <lane id=":Junction0_0_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="3.53" length="4.38" width="3.00" shape="-35.00,-18.50 -36.12,-19.25 -36.50,-20.00 -36.12,-20.75 -35.00,-21.50"/>
    <edge id=":Junction0_w0" function="walkingarea">
        <lane id=":Junction0_w0_0" index="0" allow="pedestrian" speed="2.78" length="8.00" width="2.00" shape="-35.00,-23.00 -35.00,-25.00 -35.00,-15.00 -35.00,-17.00"/>
    <edge id=":Junction1_0" function="internal">
        <lane id=":Junction1_0_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="5.28" length="5.64" width="3.00" shape="33.50,-15.00 33.28,-16.53 32.62,-17.62 31.53,-18.28 30.00,-18.50"/>
    <edge id=":Junction1_1" function="internal">
        <lane id=":Junction1_1_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.94" length="10.48" width="3.00" shape="30.00,-21.50 32.84,-21.09 34.88,-19.88 36.09,-17.84 36.50,-15.00"/>
    <edge id=":Junction1_w0" function="walkingarea">
        <lane id=":Junction1_w0_0" index="0" allow="pedestrian" speed="2.78" length="1.41" width="2.00" shape="30.00,-17.00 30.00,-15.00 32.00,-15.00 31.94,-15.61 31.78,-16.11 31.50,-16.50 31.11,-16.78 30.61,-16.94"/>
    <edge id=":Junction1_w1" function="walkingarea">
        <lane id=":Junction1_w1_0" index="0" allow="pedestrian" speed="2.78" length="12.73" width="2.00" shape="38.00,-15.00 40.00,-15.00 39.72,-18.06 38.89,-20.56 37.50,-22.50 35.56,-23.89 33.06,-24.72 30.00,-25.00 30.00,-23.00 32.44,-22.78 34.44,-22.11 36.00,-21.00 37.11,-19.44 37.78,-17.44"/>
    <edge id=":Junction2_0" function="internal">
        <lane id=":Junction2_0_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.94" length="10.48" width="3.00" shape="36.50,15.00 36.09,17.84 34.88,19.88 32.84,21.09 30.00,21.50"/>
    <edge id=":Junction2_1" function="internal">
        <lane id=":Junction2_1_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="5.28" length="5.64" width="3.00" shape="30.00,18.50 31.53,18.28 32.62,17.62 33.28,16.53 33.50,15.00"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Missing result in routes ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<routes xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/routes_file.xsd">
    <!-- Routes -->
    <route id="r_0" edges="Edge0 Edge1 Edge2"/>
    <!-- Vehicles, persons and containers (sorted by depart) -->
    <flow id="f_0" begin="0.00" route="r_0" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="180"/>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : elements additionals routeprobe inspect_selection name ( Last six runs Dec2024 )

---------- Differences in additionals ----------
<     <routeProbe id="routeProbe_01" begin="0.00" period="100.00" edge="EdgeCenter0" name="customName" file="fileA.txt">
>     <routeProbe id="routeProbe_01" begin="0.00" period="100.00" edge="EdgeCenter0" file="fileA.txt" name="customName">
<     <routeProbe id="routeProbe_02" begin="3.00" period="120.00" edge="EdgeCenter1" name="customName" file="fileB.txt">
>     <routeProbe id="routeProbe_02" begin="3.00" period="120.00" edge="EdgeCenter1" file="fileB.txt" name="customName">

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : elements additionals routeprobe inspect_selection parameters ( Last six runs Dec2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Error: Could not build dataSet with ID 'meanDataEdge' in netedit; Found another dataSet with the same ID.
> Error: Could not build dataSet with ID 'meanDataLane' in netedit; Found another dataSet with the same ID.
> Error: Loading of additional file failed: /home/delphi/gcc/texttesttmp/netedit.daily.basic.20Dec015822.3845216/netedit.daily.basic/basic/configs/netecfg/open/overwritte/keep_new/datas/datas.med.add.xml
> Error: Could not build dataSet with ID 'meanDataEdge' in netedit; Found another dataSet with the same ID.
> Error: Could not build dataSet with ID 'meanDataLane' in netedit; Found another dataSet with the same ID.
> Error: Loading of additional file failed: /home/delphi/gcc/texttesttmp/netedit.daily.basic.20Dec015822.3845216/netedit.daily.basic/basic/configs/netecfg/open/overwritte/keep_new/datas/datas.med.add.xml
> Error: Could not build dataSet with ID 'meanDataEdge' in netedit; Found another dataSet with the same ID.
> Error: Could not build dataSet with ID 'meanDataLane' in netedit; Found another dataSet with the same ID.
> Error: Loading of additional file failed: /home/delphi/gcc/texttesttmp/netedit.daily.basic.20Dec015822.3845216/netedit.daily.basic/basic/configs/netecfg/open/overwritte/keep_new/datas/datas.med.add.xml
> Error: Could not build dataSet with ID 'meanDataEdge' in netedit; Found another dataSet with the same ID.
> Error: Could not build dataSet with ID 'meanDataLane' in netedit; Found another dataSet with the same ID.
> Error: Loading of additional file failed: /home/delphi/gcc/texttesttmp/netedit.daily.basic.20Dec015822.3845216/netedit.daily.basic/basic/configs/netecfg/open/overwritte/keep_new/datas/datas.med.add.xml
> Error: Could not build dataSet with ID 'meanDataEdge' in netedit; Found another dataSet with the same ID.
> Error: Could not build dataSet with ID 'meanDataLane' in netedit; Found another dataSet with the same ID.
> Error: Loading of additional file failed: /home/delphi/gcc/texttesttmp/netedit.daily.basic.20Dec015822.3845216/netedit.daily.basic/basic/configs/netecfg/open/overwritte/keep_new/datas/datas.med.add.xml
---------- Differences in additionals ----------
<         <param key="keyFinal1" value="value1"/>
<         <param key="keyFinal2" value="value2"/>
<         <param key="keyFinal3" value="value3"/>
>         <param key="KeyA1" value="valueA1"/>
>         <param key="KeyA2" value="valueA3"/>
>         <param key="KeyA3" value="valueA2"/>
<         <param key="keyFinal1" value="value1"/>
<         <param key="keyFinal2" value="value2"/>
<         <param key="keyFinal3" value="value3"/>
>         <param key="KeyB1" value="valueB1"/>
>         <param key="KeyB2" value="valueB3"/>
>         <param key="KeyB3" value="valueB2"/>
---------- Differences in log ----------
> Error: Could not build dataSet with ID 'meanDataEdge' in netedit; Found another dataSet with the same ID.
> Error: Could not build dataSet with ID 'meanDataLane' in netedit; Found another dataSet with the same ID.
> Error: Loading of additional file failed: /home/delphi/gcc/texttesttmp/netedit.daily.basic.20Dec015822.3845216/netedit.daily.basic/basic/configs/netecfg/open/overwritte/keep_new/datas/datas.med.add.xml
> Error: Could not build dataSet with ID 'meanDataEdge' in netedit; Found another dataSet with the same ID.
> Error: Could not build dataSet with ID 'meanDataLane' in netedit; Found another dataSet with the same ID.
> Error: Loading of additional file failed: /home/delphi/gcc/texttesttmp/netedit.daily.basic.20Dec015822.3845216/netedit.daily.basic/basic/configs/netecfg/open/overwritte/keep_new/datas/datas.med.add.xml
> Error: Could not build dataSet with ID 'meanDataEdge' in netedit; Found another dataSet with the same ID.
> Error: Could not build dataSet with ID 'meanDataLane' in netedit; Found another dataSet with the same ID.
> Error: Loading of additional file failed: /home/delphi/gcc/texttesttmp/netedit.daily.basic.20Dec015822.3845216/netedit.daily.basic/basic/configs/netecfg/open/overwritte/keep_new/datas/datas.med.add.xml
> Error: Could not build dataSet with ID 'meanDataEdge' in netedit; Found another dataSet with the same ID.
> Error: Could not build dataSet with ID 'meanDataLane' in netedit; Found another dataSet with the same ID.
> Error: Loading of additional file failed: /home/delphi/gcc/texttesttmp/netedit.daily.basic.20Dec015822.3845216/netedit.daily.basic/basic/configs/netecfg/open/overwritte/keep_new/datas/datas.med.add.xml
> Error: Could not build dataSet with ID 'meanDataEdge' in netedit; Found another dataSet with the same ID.
> Error: Could not build dataSet with ID 'meanDataLane' in netedit; Found another dataSet with the same ID.
> Error: Loading of additional file failed: /home/delphi/gcc/texttesttmp/netedit.daily.basic.20Dec015822.3845216/netedit.daily.basic/basic/configs/netecfg/open/overwritte/keep_new/datas/datas.med.add.xml

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : elements additionals vaporizer create begin ( Last six runs Dec2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
< Error: Could not build vaporizer with ID 'Edge1' in netedit; Attribute begin cannot be negative.
> Error: Could not build vaporizer with ID 'Edge1' in netedit; Attribute begin cannot be negative (-12.00).
---------- Differences in log ----------
< Error: Could not build vaporizer with ID 'Edge1' in netedit; Attribute begin cannot be negative.
> Error: Could not build vaporizer with ID 'Edge1' in netedit; Attribute begin cannot be negative (-12.00).

Detailed information for the tests that had known bugs:

51 TESTS had known bugs (Test needed #3045) on ts-sim-build-ba :

(This bug was triggered by text found in file 'errors' matching 'python: can't open file')
---------- New result in errors ----------
python: can't open file '<TEXTTEST_SANDBOX>/test.py': [Errno 2] No such file or directory
elements additionals calibrator delete ( Last six runs Dec2024 )
elements additionals calibratorflow create ( Last six runs Dec2024 )
elements additionals calibratorflow delete ( Last six runs Dec2024 )
elements additionals calibratorflow inspect ( Last six runs Dec2024 )
elements additionals calibratorflow inspect_selection ( Last six runs Dec2024 )
elements additionals calibratorflow volatilerecomputing ( Last six runs Dec2024 )
elements additionals calibratorlane delete ( Last six runs Dec2024 )
elements additionals rerouter contextual_menu ( Last six runs Dec2024 )
elements additionals rerouter create ( Last six runs Dec2024 )
elements additionals rerouter delete ( Last six runs Dec2024 )
elements additionals rerouter inspect ( Last six runs Dec2024 )
elements additionals rerouter inspect_selection ( Last six runs Dec2024 )
elements additionals rerouter move ( Last six runs Dec2024 )
elements additionals rerouter volatile_recomputing ( Last six runs Dec2024 )
elements additionals rerouterelements closinglanereroute create ( Last six runs Dec2024 )
elements additionals rerouterelements closinglanereroute delete ( Last six runs Dec2024 )
elements additionals rerouterelements closinglanereroute inspect ( Last six runs Dec2024 )
elements additionals rerouterelements closinglanereroute inspect_selection ( Last six runs Dec2024 )
elements additionals rerouterelements closinglanereroute volatilerecomputing ( Last six runs Dec2024 )
elements additionals rerouterelements closingreroute create ( Last six runs Dec2024 )
elements additionals rerouterelements closingreroute delete ( Last six runs Dec2024 )
elements additionals rerouterelements closingreroute inspect ( Last six runs Dec2024 )
elements additionals rerouterelements closingreroute inspect_selection ( Last six runs Dec2024 )
elements additionals rerouterelements closingreroute volatilerecomputing ( Last six runs Dec2024 )
elements additionals rerouterelements destprobreroute create ( Last six runs Dec2024 )
elements additionals rerouterelements destprobreroute delete ( Last six runs Dec2024 )
elements additionals rerouterelements destprobreroute inspect ( Last six runs Dec2024 )
elements additionals rerouterelements destprobreroute inspect_selection ( Last six runs Dec2024 )
elements additionals rerouterelements destprobreroute volatilerecomputing ( Last six runs Dec2024 )
elements additionals rerouterelements interval create ( Last six runs Dec2024 )
elements additionals rerouterelements interval delete ( Last six runs Dec2024 )
elements additionals rerouterelements interval inspect ( Last six runs Dec2024 )
elements additionals rerouterelements interval inspect_selection ( Last six runs Dec2024 )
elements additionals rerouterelements interval volatilerecomputing ( Last six runs Dec2024 )
elements additionals rerouterelements parkingareareroute create ( Last six runs Dec2024 )
elements additionals rerouterelements parkingareareroute delete ( Last six runs Dec2024 )
elements additionals rerouterelements parkingareareroute inspect ( Last six runs Dec2024 )
elements additionals rerouterelements parkingareareroute inspect_selection ( Last six runs Dec2024 )
elements additionals rerouterelements parkingareareroute volatilerecomputing ( Last six runs Dec2024 )
elements additionals rerouterelements routeprobreroute create ( Last six runs Dec2024 )
elements additionals rerouterelements routeprobreroute delete ( Last six runs Dec2024 )
elements additionals rerouterelements routeprobreroute inspect ( Last six runs Dec2024 )
elements additionals rerouterelements routeprobreroute inspect_selection ( Last six runs Dec2024 )
elements additionals rerouterelements routeprobreroute volatilerecomputing ( Last six runs Dec2024 )
elements additionals variablespeedsign contextual_menu ( Last six runs Dec2024 )
elements additionals variablespeedsign create ( Last six runs Dec2024 )
elements additionals variablespeedsign delete ( Last six runs Dec2024 )
elements additionals variablespeedsign inspect ( Last six runs Dec2024 )
elements additionals variablespeedsign inspect_selection ( Last six runs Dec2024 )
elements additionals variablespeedsign move ( Last six runs Dec2024 )
elements additionals variablespeedsign volatile_recomputing ( Last six runs Dec2024 )