texttest -a netedit -d /home/delphi/gcc/sumo/tests -reconnect /home/delphi/gcc/texttesttmp/gcc4_64.01Aug002410.1319369 -g
texttest -a netedit -d /home/delphi/gcc/sumo/tests
---------- Differences in additionals ---------- 7,8c7,8 < <detEntry lane="EdgeCenter1_1" pos="32.82"/> < <detExit lane="EdgeCenter1_1" pos="25.91"/> --- > <detEntry lane="EdgeCenter1_1" pos="21.71"/> > <detExit lane="Edge2_1" pos="28.75"/> ---------- Differences in net ---------- 55c55,61 < <lane id=":Junction4_2_1" index="1" allow="bus" speed="6.44" length="8.88" width="3.00" shape="-27.50,1.50 -30.13,1.81 -32.00,2.75 -33.13,4.31 -33.50,6.50"/> --- > <lane id=":Junction4_2_1" index="1" allow="bus" speed="6.44" length="4.18" width="3.00" shape="-27.50,1.50 -30.12,1.81 -31.50,2.50"/> > </edge> > <edge id=":Junction4_4" function="internal"> > <lane id=":Junction4_4_0" index="0" allow="bus" speed="6.44" length="4.70" width="3.00" shape="-31.50,2.50 -32.00,2.75 -33.12,4.31 -33.50,6.50"/> > </edge> > <edge id=":Junction4_c0" function="crossing" crossingEdges="EdgeBike1 EdgeBike0"> > <lane id=":Junction4_c0_0" index="0" allow="pedestrian" speed="2.78" length="8.00" width="4.00" shape="-31.00,4.50 -39.00,4.50" outlineShape="-31.00,6.50 -39.00,6.50 -40.43,2.50 -40.62,2.99 -41.00,6.50 -39.00,6.50 -39.00,2.50 -31.00,2.50 -28.78,3.17 -29.44,3.39 -30.12,3.88 -30.61,4.56 -30.90,5.43"/> 58c64 < <lane id=":Junction4_w0_0" index="0" allow="pedestrian" speed="2.78" length="16.32" width="2.00" shape="-27.50,-3.00 -27.50,-5.00 -31.62,-4.68 -35.00,-3.72 -37.62,-2.12 -39.50,0.11 -40.62,2.99 -41.00,6.50 -39.00,6.50 -38.68,3.60 -37.72,1.22 -36.12,-0.62 -33.89,-1.94 -31.01,-2.74"/> --- > <lane id=":Junction4_w0_0" index="0" allow="pedestrian" speed="2.78" length="10.95" width="4.00" shape="-27.50,-3.00 -27.50,-5.00 -31.62,-4.68 -35.00,-3.72 -37.62,-2.12 -39.50,0.11 -40.62,2.99 -41.00,6.50 -39.00,6.50 -38.68,3.60 -37.72,1.22 -36.12,-0.62 -33.89,-1.94 -31.01,-2.74"/> 61c67 < <lane id=":Junction4_w1_0" index="0" allow="pedestrian" speed="2.78" length="3.54" width="2.00" shape="-31.00,6.50 -29.00,6.50 -27.50,5.00 -27.50,3.00 -28.57,3.10 -29.44,3.39 -30.12,3.88 -30.61,4.56 -30.90,5.43"/> --- > <lane id=":Junction4_w1_0" index="0" allow="pedestrian" speed="2.78" length="3.10" width="4.00" shape="-31.00,6.50 -29.00,6.50 -27.50,5.00 -27.50,3.00 -28.57,3.10 -29.44,3.39 -30.12,3.88 -30.61,4.56 -30.90,5.43"/> 64,67c70 < <lane id=":Junction5_0_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="3.53" length="4.38" width="3.00" shape="20.00,-1.50 21.12,-0.75 21.50,0.00 21.12,0.75 20.00,1.50"/> < </edge> < <edge id=":Junction5_c0" function="crossing" crossingEdges="EdgeCenter1 EdgeCenter0"> < <lane id=":Junction5_c0_0" index="0" allow="pedestrian" speed="2.78" length="6.00" width="4.00" shape="22.00,3.00 22.00,-3.00" outlineShape="20.00,3.00 20.00,-3.00 24.00,-3.00 24.00,3.00 20.00,3.00"/> --- > <lane id=":Junction5_0_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="3.53" length="4.38" width="3.00" shape="0.00,-1.50 1.12,-0.75 1.50,0.00 1.12,0.75 0.00,1.50"/> 70,73c73 < <lane id=":Junction5_w0_0" index="0" allow="pedestrian" speed="2.78" length="2.24" width="4.00" shape="24.00,3.00 20.00,3.00 20.00,5.00"/> < </edge> < <edge id=":Junction5_w1" function="walkingarea"> < <lane id=":Junction5_w1_0" index="0" allow="pedestrian" speed="2.78" length="2.24" width="4.00" shape="20.00,-5.00 20.00,-3.00 24.00,-3.00"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in output ---------- 5c5 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 744 - 308 --- > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 741 - 305 7,8c7,8 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 744 - 308 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 628 - 383 --- > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 741 - 305 > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 649 - 389 10,12c10,12 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 744 - 308 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 705 - 383 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 628 - 383 --- > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 741 - 305 > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 798 - 194 > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 649 - 389
---------- Differences in additionals ---------- 6,8c6,8 < <entryExitDetector id="e3_1" pos="-10.00,10.00" period="300.00" file="e3_1.xml"> < <detExit lane="EdgeCenter0_0" pos="21.00"/> < <detEntry lane="EdgeCenter1_1" pos="35.00"/> --- > <entryExitDetector id="e3_1" pos="4.00,10.00" period="300.00" file="e3_1.xml"> > <detExit lane="Edge4_1" pos="15.00"/> > <detEntry lane="EdgeCenter1_1" pos="21.71"/> ---------- Differences in datas ---------- 6,9c6,11 < <edge id="top"/> < <edge id="EdgeCenter0"/> < <edge id="EdgeCenter1"/> < <edge id="bot"/> --- > <edge id="Edge0"/> > <edge id="Edge1"/> > <edge id="Edge2"/> > <edge id="Edge3"/> > <edge id="Edge4"/> > <edge id="Edge5"/> ---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ---------- 2c2 < <viewport zoom="318.40" x="0.00" y="5.00" angle="0.00"/> --- > <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/> ---------- Differences in net ---------- 6c6 < <location netOffset="25.00,0.00" convBoundary="-25.00,-15.00,25.00,15.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.00,-10000000000.00,10000000000.00,10000000000.00" projParameter="+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext +no_defs"/> --- > <location netOffset="0.00,0.00" convBoundary="-60.00,-30.00,60.00,30.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.000000,-10000000000.000000,10000000000.000000,10000000000.000000" projParameter="+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext +no_defs"/> 8,9c8,9 < <edge id=":JB0_0" function="internal"> < <lane id=":JB0_0_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.51" length="9.03" shape="-26.60,-11.00 -26.25,-13.45 -25.20,-15.20 -23.45,-16.25 -21.00,-16.60"/> --- > <edge id=":Junction0_w0" function="walkingarea"> > <lane id=":Junction0_w0_0" index="0" allow="pedestrian" speed="2.78" length="8.00" width="2.00" shape="-35.00,-23.00 -35.00,-25.00 -35.00,-15.00 -35.00,-17.00"/> 11,12c11,12 < <edge id=":JB1_0" function="internal"> < <lane id=":JB1_0_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.51" length="9.03" shape="21.00,-16.60 23.45,-16.25 25.20,-15.20 26.25,-13.45 26.60,-11.00"/> --- > <edge id=":Junction1_0" function="internal"> > <lane id=":Junction1_0_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="5.28" length="5.64" width="3.00" shape="33.50,-15.00 33.28,-16.53 32.62,-17.62 31.53,-18.28 30.00,-18.50"/> 14,15c14,15 < <edge id=":JC0_0" function="internal"> < <lane id=":JC0_0_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="15.80" shape="-26.60,7.90 -26.60,-7.90"/> --- > <edge id=":Junction1_1" function="internal"> > <lane id=":Junction1_1_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.94" length="10.48" width="3.00" shape="30.00,-21.50 32.84,-21.09 34.88,-19.88 36.09,-17.84 36.50,-15.00"/> 17,19c17,18 < <edge id=":JC0_1" function="internal"> < <lane id=":JC0_1_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="7.88" length="13.71" shape="-26.60,7.90 -26.41,2.34 -25.83,-1.63 -24.86,-4.01 -23.50,-4.80"/> < <lane id=":JC0_1_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="7.02" length="10.69" shape="-26.60,7.90 -26.41,3.74 -25.83,0.78 -24.86,-1.01 -23.50,-1.60"/> --- > <edge id=":Junction1_w0" function="walkingarea"> > <lane id=":Junction1_w0_0" index="0" allow="pedestrian" speed="2.78" length="1.41" width="2.00" shape="30.00,-17.00 30.00,-15.00 32.00,-15.00 31.94,-15.61 31.78,-16.11 31.50,-16.50 31.11,-16.78 30.61,-16.94"/> 21,22c20,21 <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in output ---------- 4,6d3 < 0 < 5 < 25 8,9c5,6 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 680 - 251 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 498 - 251 --- > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 741 - 305 > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 838 - 305 11,12c8,9 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 680 - 251 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 498 - 489 --- > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 741 - 305 > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 649 - 389 14,18c11,15 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 680 - 251 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 923 - 489 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 498 - 251 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 923 - 404 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 498 - 494 --- > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 741 - 305 > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 798 - 194 > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 838 - 305 > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 1121 - 403 > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 649 - 389 ---------- Differences in routes ---------- 6c6 < <route id="r_0" edges="EdgeCenter1 E5 top E0 E1 bot E4 center0"/> --- > <route id="r_0" edges="Edge0 Edge1 Edge2"/>
---------- Differences in additionals ---------- 7,8c7,8 < <detExit lane="EdgeCenter1_1" pos="32.82"/> < <detEntry lane="EdgeCenter1_1" pos="25.91"/> --- > <detExit lane="EdgeCenter1_1" pos="21.71"/> > <detEntry lane="Edge2_1" pos="28.75"/> ---------- Differences in net ---------- 55c55,61 < <lane id=":Junction4_2_1" index="1" allow="bus" speed="6.44" length="8.88" width="3.00" shape="-27.50,1.50 -30.13,1.81 -32.00,2.75 -33.13,4.31 -33.50,6.50"/> --- > <lane id=":Junction4_2_1" index="1" allow="bus" speed="6.44" length="4.18" width="3.00" shape="-27.50,1.50 -30.12,1.81 -31.50,2.50"/> > </edge> > <edge id=":Junction4_4" function="internal"> > <lane id=":Junction4_4_0" index="0" allow="bus" speed="6.44" length="4.70" width="3.00" shape="-31.50,2.50 -32.00,2.75 -33.12,4.31 -33.50,6.50"/> > </edge> > <edge id=":Junction4_c0" function="crossing" crossingEdges="EdgeBike1 EdgeBike0"> > <lane id=":Junction4_c0_0" index="0" allow="pedestrian" speed="2.78" length="8.00" width="4.00" shape="-31.00,4.50 -39.00,4.50" outlineShape="-31.00,6.50 -39.00,6.50 -40.43,2.50 -40.62,2.99 -41.00,6.50 -39.00,6.50 -39.00,2.50 -31.00,2.50 -28.78,3.17 -29.44,3.39 -30.12,3.88 -30.61,4.56 -30.90,5.43"/> 58c64 < <lane id=":Junction4_w0_0" index="0" allow="pedestrian" speed="2.78" length="16.32" width="2.00" shape="-27.50,-3.00 -27.50,-5.00 -31.62,-4.68 -35.00,-3.72 -37.62,-2.12 -39.50,0.11 -40.62,2.99 -41.00,6.50 -39.00,6.50 -38.68,3.60 -37.72,1.22 -36.12,-0.62 -33.89,-1.94 -31.01,-2.74"/> --- > <lane id=":Junction4_w0_0" index="0" allow="pedestrian" speed="2.78" length="10.95" width="4.00" shape="-27.50,-3.00 -27.50,-5.00 -31.62,-4.68 -35.00,-3.72 -37.62,-2.12 -39.50,0.11 -40.62,2.99 -41.00,6.50 -39.00,6.50 -38.68,3.60 -37.72,1.22 -36.12,-0.62 -33.89,-1.94 -31.01,-2.74"/> 61c67 < <lane id=":Junction4_w1_0" index="0" allow="pedestrian" speed="2.78" length="3.54" width="2.00" shape="-31.00,6.50 -29.00,6.50 -27.50,5.00 -27.50,3.00 -28.57,3.10 -29.44,3.39 -30.12,3.88 -30.61,4.56 -30.90,5.43"/> --- > <lane id=":Junction4_w1_0" index="0" allow="pedestrian" speed="2.78" length="3.10" width="4.00" shape="-31.00,6.50 -29.00,6.50 -27.50,5.00 -27.50,3.00 -28.57,3.10 -29.44,3.39 -30.12,3.88 -30.61,4.56 -30.90,5.43"/> 64,67c70 < <lane id=":Junction5_0_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="3.53" length="4.38" width="3.00" shape="20.00,-1.50 21.12,-0.75 21.50,0.00 21.12,0.75 20.00,1.50"/> < </edge> < <edge id=":Junction5_c0" function="crossing" crossingEdges="EdgeCenter1 EdgeCenter0"> < <lane id=":Junction5_c0_0" index="0" allow="pedestrian" speed="2.78" length="6.00" width="4.00" shape="22.00,3.00 22.00,-3.00" outlineShape="20.00,3.00 20.00,-3.00 24.00,-3.00 24.00,3.00 20.00,3.00"/> --- > <lane id=":Junction5_0_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="3.53" length="4.38" width="3.00" shape="0.00,-1.50 1.12,-0.75 1.50,0.00 1.12,0.75 0.00,1.50"/> 70,73c73 < <lane id=":Junction5_w0_0" index="0" allow="pedestrian" speed="2.78" length="2.24" width="4.00" shape="24.00,3.00 20.00,3.00 20.00,5.00"/> < </edge> < <edge id=":Junction5_w1" function="walkingarea"> < <lane id=":Junction5_w1_0" index="0" allow="pedestrian" speed="2.78" length="2.24" width="4.00" shape="20.00,-5.00 20.00,-3.00 24.00,-3.00"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in output ---------- 5c5 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 744 - 308 --- > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 741 - 305 7,8c7,8 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 744 - 308 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 628 - 383 --- > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 741 - 305 > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 649 - 389 10,12c10,12 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 744 - 308 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 705 - 383 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 628 - 383 --- > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 741 - 305 > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 798 - 194 > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 649 - 389
---------- Differences in additionals ---------- 6,8c6,8 < <entryExitDetector id="e3_1" pos="-10.00,10.00" period="300.00" file="e3_1.xml"> < <detEntry lane="EdgeCenter0_0" pos="21.00"/> < <detExit lane="EdgeCenter1_1" pos="35.00"/> --- > <entryExitDetector id="e3_1" pos="4.00,10.00" period="300.00" file="e3_1.xml"> > <detEntry lane="Edge4_1" pos="15.00"/> > <detExit lane="EdgeCenter1_1" pos="21.71"/> ---------- Differences in datas ---------- 6,9c6,11 < <edge id="top"/> < <edge id="EdgeCenter0"/> < <edge id="EdgeCenter1"/> < <edge id="bot"/> --- > <edge id="Edge0"/> > <edge id="Edge1"/> > <edge id="Edge2"/> > <edge id="Edge3"/> > <edge id="Edge4"/> > <edge id="Edge5"/> ---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ---------- 2c2 < <viewport zoom="318.40" x="0.00" y="5.00" angle="0.00"/> --- > <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/> ---------- Differences in net ---------- 6c6 < <location netOffset="25.00,0.00" convBoundary="-25.00,-15.00,25.00,15.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.00,-10000000000.00,10000000000.00,10000000000.00" projParameter="+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext +no_defs"/> --- > <location netOffset="0.00,0.00" convBoundary="-60.00,-30.00,60.00,30.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.000000,-10000000000.000000,10000000000.000000,10000000000.000000" projParameter="+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext +no_defs"/> 8,9c8,9 < <edge id=":JB0_0" function="internal"> < <lane id=":JB0_0_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.51" length="9.03" shape="-26.60,-11.00 -26.25,-13.45 -25.20,-15.20 -23.45,-16.25 -21.00,-16.60"/> --- > <edge id=":Junction0_w0" function="walkingarea"> > <lane id=":Junction0_w0_0" index="0" allow="pedestrian" speed="2.78" length="8.00" width="2.00" shape="-35.00,-23.00 -35.00,-25.00 -35.00,-15.00 -35.00,-17.00"/> 11,12c11,12 < <edge id=":JB1_0" function="internal"> < <lane id=":JB1_0_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.51" length="9.03" shape="21.00,-16.60 23.45,-16.25 25.20,-15.20 26.25,-13.45 26.60,-11.00"/> --- > <edge id=":Junction1_0" function="internal"> > <lane id=":Junction1_0_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="5.28" length="5.64" width="3.00" shape="33.50,-15.00 33.28,-16.53 32.62,-17.62 31.53,-18.28 30.00,-18.50"/> 14,15c14,15 < <edge id=":JC0_0" function="internal"> < <lane id=":JC0_0_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="15.80" shape="-26.60,7.90 -26.60,-7.90"/> --- > <edge id=":Junction1_1" function="internal"> > <lane id=":Junction1_1_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.94" length="10.48" width="3.00" shape="30.00,-21.50 32.84,-21.09 34.88,-19.88 36.09,-17.84 36.50,-15.00"/> 17,19c17,18 < <edge id=":JC0_1" function="internal"> < <lane id=":JC0_1_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="7.88" length="13.71" shape="-26.60,7.90 -26.41,2.34 -25.83,-1.63 -24.86,-4.01 -23.50,-4.80"/> < <lane id=":JC0_1_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="7.02" length="10.69" shape="-26.60,7.90 -26.41,3.74 -25.83,0.78 -24.86,-1.01 -23.50,-1.60"/> --- > <edge id=":Junction1_w0" function="walkingarea"> > <lane id=":Junction1_w0_0" index="0" allow="pedestrian" speed="2.78" length="1.41" width="2.00" shape="30.00,-17.00 30.00,-15.00 32.00,-15.00 31.94,-15.61 31.78,-16.11 31.50,-16.50 31.11,-16.78 30.61,-16.94"/> 21,22c20,21 <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in output ---------- 4,6d3 < 0 < 5 < 25 8,9c5,6 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 680 - 251 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 498 - 251 --- > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 741 - 305 > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 838 - 305 11,12c8,9 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 680 - 251 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 498 - 489 --- > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 741 - 305 > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 649 - 389 14,18c11,15 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 680 - 251 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 923 - 489 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 498 - 251 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 923 - 404 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 498 - 494 --- > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 741 - 305 > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 798 - 194 > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 838 - 305 > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 1121 - 403 > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 649 - 389 ---------- Differences in routes ---------- 6c6 < <route id="r_0" edges="EdgeCenter1 E5 top E0 E1 bot E4 center0"/> --- > <route id="r_0" edges="Edge0 Edge1 Edge2"/>
---------- Differences in additionals ---------- 6c6 < <laneAreaDetector id="multiLaneAreaDetector_0" name="nameA" lanes="Edge0_1 Edge1_1" pos="10.00" endPos="20.00" period="120.00" file="fileA.txt" vTypes="type1 type2 type3" friendlyPos="1"> --- > <laneAreaDetector id="multiLaneAreaDetector_0" name="nameA" lanes="Edge0_1 Edge1_1 Edge2_1" pos="10.00" endPos="20.00" period="120.00" file="fileA.txt" vTypes="type1 type2 type3" friendlyPos="1"> 11c11 < <laneAreaDetector id="multiLaneAreaDetector_1" name="nameB" lanes="Edge4_1 Edge5_1" pos="5.00" endPos="15.00" period="120.00" file="fileB.xml" vTypes="type4 type5 type6" friendlyPos="1"> --- > <laneAreaDetector id="multiLaneAreaDetector_1" name="nameB" lanes="Edge3_1 Edge4_1 Edge5_1" pos="5.00" endPos="15.00" period="120.00" file="fileB.xml" vTypes="type4 type5 type6" friendlyPos="1">
---------- Differences in additionals ---------- 6c6 < <laneAreaDetector id="e2_0" lanes="EdgeCenter1_1 center0_1" pos="23.50" endPos="29.50" period="300.00" file="e2_0.xml"/> --- > <laneAreaDetector id="e2_0" lanes="Edge0_1 Edge1_1" pos="23.00" endPos="17.00" period="300.00" file="e2_0.xml"/> ---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ---------- 2c2 < <viewport zoom="120.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/> --- > <viewport zoom="140.00" x="7.18" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/> ---------- Differences in output ---------- 7c7 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 714 - 611 --- > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 864 - 608
---------- Differences in additionals ---------- 6,9d5 < <entryExitDetector id="customID" pos="-4.00,10.00" period="300.00" file="customID.xml"> < <detExit lane="EdgeCenter1_1" pos="35.00"/> < <detEntry lane="EdgeCenter1_1" pos="21.00"/> < </entryExitDetector> ---------- Differences in datas ---------- 6,9c6,11 < <edge id="top"/> < <edge id="EdgeCenter0"/> < <edge id="EdgeCenter1"/> < <edge id="bot"/> --- > <edge id="Edge0"/> > <edge id="Edge1"/> > <edge id="Edge2"/> > <edge id="Edge3"/> > <edge id="Edge4"/> > <edge id="Edge5"/> ---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ---------- 2c2 < <viewport zoom="318.40" x="0.00" y="5.00" angle="0.00"/> --- > <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/> ---------- Differences in log ---------- 0a1 > Warning: E3 'customID' needs at least one entry and one exit ---------- Differences in net ---------- 6c6 < <location netOffset="25.00,0.00" convBoundary="-25.00,-15.00,25.00,15.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.00,-10000000000.00,10000000000.00,10000000000.00" projParameter="+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext +no_defs"/> --- > <location netOffset="0.00,0.00" convBoundary="-60.00,-30.00,60.00,30.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.000000,-10000000000.000000,10000000000.000000,10000000000.000000" projParameter="+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext +no_defs"/> 8,9c8,9 < <edge id=":JB0_0" function="internal"> < <lane id=":JB0_0_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.51" length="9.03" shape="-26.60,-11.00 -26.25,-13.45 -25.20,-15.20 -23.45,-16.25 -21.00,-16.60"/> --- > <edge id=":Junction0_w0" function="walkingarea"> > <lane id=":Junction0_w0_0" index="0" allow="pedestrian" speed="2.78" length="8.00" width="2.00" shape="-35.00,-23.00 -35.00,-25.00 -35.00,-15.00 -35.00,-17.00"/> 11,12c11,12 < <edge id=":JB1_0" function="internal"> < <lane id=":JB1_0_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.51" length="9.03" shape="21.00,-16.60 23.45,-16.25 25.20,-15.20 26.25,-13.45 26.60,-11.00"/> --- > <edge id=":Junction1_0" function="internal"> > <lane id=":Junction1_0_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="5.28" length="5.64" width="3.00" shape="33.50,-15.00 33.28,-16.53 32.62,-17.62 31.53,-18.28 30.00,-18.50"/> 14,15c14,15 < <edge id=":JC0_0" function="internal"> < <lane id=":JC0_0_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="15.80" shape="-26.60,7.90 -26.60,-7.90"/> --- > <edge id=":Junction1_1" function="internal"> > <lane id=":Junction1_1_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.94" length="10.48" width="3.00" shape="30.00,-21.50 32.84,-21.09 34.88,-19.88 36.09,-17.84 36.50,-15.00"/> 17,19c17,18 < <edge id=":JC0_1" function="internal"> < <lane id=":JC0_1_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="7.88" length="13.71" shape="-26.60,7.90 -26.41,2.34 -25.83,-1.63 -24.86,-4.01 -23.50,-4.80"/> < <lane id=":JC0_1_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="7.02" length="10.69" shape="-26.60,7.90 -26.41,3.74 -25.83,0.78 -24.86,-1.01 -23.50,-1.60"/> --- > <edge id=":Junction1_w0" function="walkingarea"> > <lane id=":Junction1_w0_0" index="0" allow="pedestrian" speed="2.78" length="1.41" width="2.00" shape="30.00,-17.00 30.00,-15.00 32.00,-15.00 31.94,-15.61 31.78,-16.11 31.50,-16.50 31.11,-16.78 30.61,-16.94"/> 21,22c20,21 <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in output ---------- 4,6d3 < 0 < 5 < 25 9c6 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 680 - 251 --- > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 741 - 305 11c8 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 700 - 251 --- > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 838 - 305 13,14c10,11 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 680 - 251 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 498 - 489 --- > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 741 - 305 > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 649 - 389 16,17c13,14 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 680 - 251 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 923 - 489 --- > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 741 - 305 > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 798 - 194 ---------- Differences in routes ---------- 6c6 < <route id="r_0" edges="EdgeCenter1 E5 top E0 E1 bot E4 center0"/> --- > <route id="r_0" edges="Edge0 Edge1 Edge2"/>
---------- Differences in additionals ---------- 5a6,9 > <entryExitDetector id="entryExitDetector_1" pos="6.00,10.00" period="100.00" file="entryExitDetector_4.txt" timeThreshold="5000" speedThreshold="2.51"> > <detEntry lane="EdgeCenter0_0" pos="15.00"/> > <detExit lane="EdgeCenter0_0" pos="20.00"/> > </entryExitDetector> ---------- Differences in datas ---------- 6,9c6,11 < <edge id="top"/> < <edge id="EdgeCenter0"/> < <edge id="EdgeCenter1"/> < <edge id="bot"/> --- > <edge id="Edge0"/> > <edge id="Edge1"/> > <edge id="Edge2"/> > <edge id="Edge3"/> > <edge id="Edge4"/> > <edge id="Edge5"/> ---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ---------- 2c2 < <viewport zoom="318.40" x="0.00" y="5.00" angle="0.00"/> --- > <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/> ---------- Differences in log ---------- 2d1 < Warning: E3 'entryExitDetector_1' needs at least one entry and one exit ---------- Differences in net ---------- 6c6 < <location netOffset="25.00,0.00" convBoundary="-25.00,-15.00,25.00,15.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.00,-10000000000.00,10000000000.00,10000000000.00" projParameter="+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext +no_defs"/> --- > <location netOffset="0.00,0.00" convBoundary="-60.00,-30.00,60.00,30.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.000000,-10000000000.000000,10000000000.000000,10000000000.000000" projParameter="+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext +no_defs"/> 8,9c8,9 < <edge id=":JB0_0" function="internal"> < <lane id=":JB0_0_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.51" length="9.03" shape="-26.60,-11.00 -26.25,-13.45 -25.20,-15.20 -23.45,-16.25 -21.00,-16.60"/> --- > <edge id=":Junction0_w0" function="walkingarea"> > <lane id=":Junction0_w0_0" index="0" allow="pedestrian" speed="2.78" length="8.00" width="2.00" shape="-35.00,-23.00 -35.00,-25.00 -35.00,-15.00 -35.00,-17.00"/> 11,12c11,12 < <edge id=":JB1_0" function="internal"> < <lane id=":JB1_0_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.51" length="9.03" shape="21.00,-16.60 23.45,-16.25 25.20,-15.20 26.25,-13.45 26.60,-11.00"/> --- > <edge id=":Junction1_0" function="internal"> > <lane id=":Junction1_0_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="5.28" length="5.64" width="3.00" shape="33.50,-15.00 33.28,-16.53 32.62,-17.62 31.53,-18.28 30.00,-18.50"/> 14,15c14,15 < <edge id=":JC0_0" function="internal"> < <lane id=":JC0_0_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="15.80" shape="-26.60,7.90 -26.60,-7.90"/> --- > <edge id=":Junction1_1" function="internal"> > <lane id=":Junction1_1_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.94" length="10.48" width="3.00" shape="30.00,-21.50 32.84,-21.09 34.88,-19.88 36.09,-17.84 36.50,-15.00"/> 17,19c17,18 < <edge id=":JC0_1" function="internal"> < <lane id=":JC0_1_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="7.88" length="13.71" shape="-26.60,7.90 -26.41,2.34 -25.83,-1.63 -24.86,-4.01 -23.50,-4.80"/> < <lane id=":JC0_1_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="7.02" length="10.69" shape="-26.60,7.90 -26.41,3.74 -25.83,0.78 -24.86,-1.01 -23.50,-1.60"/> --- > <edge id=":Junction1_w0" function="walkingarea"> > <lane id=":Junction1_w0_0" index="0" allow="pedestrian" speed="2.78" length="1.41" width="2.00" shape="30.00,-17.00 30.00,-15.00 32.00,-15.00 31.94,-15.61 31.78,-16.11 31.50,-16.50 31.11,-16.78 30.61,-16.94"/> 21,22c20,21 <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in output ---------- 4,6d3 < 0 < 5 < 25 8c5 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 680 - 251 --- > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 741 - 305 10,11c7,8 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 680 - 251 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 498 - 489 --- > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 741 - 305 > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 649 - 389 13,18c10,15 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 680 - 251 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 923 - 489 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 498 - 489 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 923 - 489 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 953 - 404 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 1103 - 404 --- > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 741 - 305 > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 798 - 194 > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 649 - 389 > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 798 - 194 > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168 > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168 ---------- Differences in routes ---------- 6c6 < <route id="r_0" edges="EdgeCenter1 E5 top E0 E1 bot E4 center0"/> --- > <route id="r_0" edges="Edge0 Edge1 Edge2"/>
---------- Differences in additionals ---------- 4a5,9 > <!-- Detectors --> > <entryExitDetector id="entryExitDetector_1" pos="6.00,10.00" period="100.00" file="entryExitDetector_4.txt" timeThreshold="5000" speedThreshold="2.51"> > <detEntry lane="EdgeCenter0_0" pos="15.00"/> > <detExit lane="EdgeCenter0_0" pos="20.00"/> > </entryExitDetector> ---------- Differences in datas ---------- 6,9c6,11 < <edge id="top"/> < <edge id="EdgeCenter0"/> < <edge id="EdgeCenter1"/> < <edge id="bot"/> --- > <edge id="Edge0"/> > <edge id="Edge1"/> > <edge id="Edge2"/> > <edge id="Edge3"/> > <edge id="Edge4"/> > <edge id="Edge5"/> ---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ---------- 2c2 < <viewport zoom="318.40" x="0.00" y="5.00" angle="0.00"/> --- > <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/> ---------- Differences in net ---------- 6c6 < <location netOffset="25.00,0.00" convBoundary="-25.00,-15.00,25.00,15.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.00,-10000000000.00,10000000000.00,10000000000.00" projParameter="+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext +no_defs"/> --- > <location netOffset="0.00,0.00" convBoundary="-60.00,-30.00,60.00,30.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.000000,-10000000000.000000,10000000000.000000,10000000000.000000" projParameter="+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext +no_defs"/> 8,9c8,9 < <edge id=":JB0_0" function="internal"> < <lane id=":JB0_0_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.51" length="9.03" shape="-26.60,-11.00 -26.25,-13.45 -25.20,-15.20 -23.45,-16.25 -21.00,-16.60"/> --- > <edge id=":Junction0_w0" function="walkingarea"> > <lane id=":Junction0_w0_0" index="0" allow="pedestrian" speed="2.78" length="8.00" width="2.00" shape="-35.00,-23.00 -35.00,-25.00 -35.00,-15.00 -35.00,-17.00"/> 11,12c11,12 < <edge id=":JB1_0" function="internal"> < <lane id=":JB1_0_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.51" length="9.03" shape="21.00,-16.60 23.45,-16.25 25.20,-15.20 26.25,-13.45 26.60,-11.00"/> --- > <edge id=":Junction1_0" function="internal"> > <lane id=":Junction1_0_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="5.28" length="5.64" width="3.00" shape="33.50,-15.00 33.28,-16.53 32.62,-17.62 31.53,-18.28 30.00,-18.50"/> 14,15c14,15 < <edge id=":JC0_0" function="internal"> < <lane id=":JC0_0_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="15.80" shape="-26.60,7.90 -26.60,-7.90"/> --- > <edge id=":Junction1_1" function="internal"> > <lane id=":Junction1_1_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.94" length="10.48" width="3.00" shape="30.00,-21.50 32.84,-21.09 34.88,-19.88 36.09,-17.84 36.50,-15.00"/> 17,19c17,18 < <edge id=":JC0_1" function="internal"> < <lane id=":JC0_1_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="7.88" length="13.71" shape="-26.60,7.90 -26.41,2.34 -25.83,-1.63 -24.86,-4.01 -23.50,-4.80"/> < <lane id=":JC0_1_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="7.02" length="10.69" shape="-26.60,7.90 -26.41,3.74 -25.83,0.78 -24.86,-1.01 -23.50,-1.60"/> --- > <edge id=":Junction1_w0" function="walkingarea"> > <lane id=":Junction1_w0_0" index="0" allow="pedestrian" speed="2.78" length="1.41" width="2.00" shape="30.00,-17.00 30.00,-15.00 32.00,-15.00 31.94,-15.61 31.78,-16.11 31.50,-16.50 31.11,-16.78 30.61,-16.94"/> 21,22c20,21 <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in output ---------- 4,6d3 < 0 < 5 < 25 8c5 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 680 - 251 --- > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 741 - 305 10,11c7,8 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 680 - 251 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 498 - 489 --- > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 741 - 305 > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 649 - 389 13,16c10,13 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 680 - 251 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 923 - 489 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 680 - 251 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 981 - 251 --- > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 741 - 305 > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 798 - 194 > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 741 - 305 > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168 ---------- Differences in routes ---------- 6c6 < <route id="r_0" edges="EdgeCenter1 E5 top E0 E1 bot E4 center0"/> --- > <route id="r_0" edges="Edge0 Edge1 Edge2"/>
---------- Differences in output ---------- 6c6 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 981 - 251 --- > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ---------- 2c2 < <viewport zoom="140.00" x="13.83" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/> --- > <viewport zoom="140.00" x="14.35" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/>
#3045 (This bug was triggered by text found in file 'errors' matching 'python: can't open file') ---------- New result in errors ---------- python: can't open file '<TEXTTEST_SANDBOX>/test.py': [Errno 2] No such file or directoryelements additionals detentry fix ( Last six runs Jul2024 )