texttest -a netedit -d /home/delphi/gcc/sumo/tests -reconnect /home/delphi/gcc/texttesttmp/gcc4_64.06Nov002714.1091539 -g
texttest -a netedit -d /home/delphi/gcc/sumo/tests
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 3d2 < Error: Could not build laneAreaDetector with ID 'E2_04' in netedit; Invalid position over lane. ---------- Differences in additionals ---------- 6a7 > <laneAreaDetector id="E2_04" lane="EdgeCenter0_0" pos="2990.00" length="10.00" period="100.00" file="fileA.txt" friendlyPos="1"/> ---------- Differences in log ---------- 3d2 < Error: Could not build laneAreaDetector with ID 'E2_04' in netedit; Invalid position over lane.
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 2,3c2 < Error: Could not build laneAreaDetector 'E2_02' in netedit; lane 'dummyLane' doesn't exist. < Error: Loading of <TEXTTEST_SANDBOX>/additionals.add.xml failed. --- > TestFunctions: Killed Netedit process. 'reference.png' not found ---------- Differences in log ---------- 1,3d0 < Error: Could not build laneAreaDetector with ID 'E2_01' in netedit; List of lanes isn't valid. < Error: Could not build laneAreaDetector 'E2_02' in netedit; lane 'dummyLane' doesn't exist. < Error: Loading of <TEXTTEST_SANDBOX>/additionals.add.xml failed. ---------- Differences in output ---------- 3,4c3 < TestFunctions: 'reference.png' found. Position: 304 - 168 < TestFunctions: Netedit closed successfully --- > ---------- New result in errorScreenshot ---------- PNG IHDR 1c nIDATxw]u?ۦd&w%T)!һ X@ZП뺻_Wwa""HH%t %$B{f2rQD$3GL9=w|> A7 t?X Ep8JD[[["5 X0 !pxԨQÆ 4hЁ8rȢp8ǛW\9o 6]vʕL& NTVVw'>D"p8D&yW^={O?]SSl > ؾH$O~ӟǎKK>䓏</NR СC@[[ۂC?\ +**:x≭[I'x+** @(TVVӟtҥx6fD?-++U лUVV^8Q[n+++~ Vw}wCCK444u]20 (//9sfkkN۴Μ9< @oww777g'nt]w rss93? E"O>yO,YSOD"A z7 {+5jTP 9/1 ! @/bpa}; z z}O/)) SO=u} z zH$re;6FBPh̘1]v'| @o4zN8!'''FBP(M>q z0 zC=tذaAwwÆ ;CN ^RNEѳ>4F ` uF1uԠoĈAw@O&