texttest -a netedit -d /home/delphi/gcc/sumo/tests -reconnect /home/delphi/gcc/texttesttmp/gcc4_64.22Dec003148.1222687 -g
texttest -a netedit -d /home/delphi/gcc/sumo/tests
---------- Differences in net ---------- 26,28c26 < </edge> < <edge id=":J0_7" function="internal"> < <lane id=":J0_7_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.60" length="12.40" width="3.00" shape="1.19,20.42 0.90,22.24 -0.90,23.77 -3.91,23.09 -8.11,20.19"/> --- > <lane id=":J0_6_1" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.60" length="12.40" width="3.00" shape="1.19,20.42 0.90,22.24 -0.90,23.77 -3.91,23.09 -8.11,20.19"/> 45,47c43 < </edge> < <edge id=":J3_7" function="internal"> < <lane id=":J3_7_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.60" length="12.40" width="3.00" shape="-1.19,-20.42 -0.90,-22.24 0.90,-23.77 3.91,-23.09 8.11,-20.19"/> --- > <lane id=":J3_6_1" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.60" length="12.40" width="3.00" shape="-1.19,-20.42 -0.90,-22.24 0.90,-23.77 3.91,-23.09 8.11,-20.19"/> 145c141 < <junction id="J0" type="priority" x="0.00" y="25.00" incLanes="-E2_0 -E2_1 -E2_2 E0_0 E0_1 E0_2" intLanes=":J0_0_0 :J0_1_0 :J0_2_0 :J0_3_0 :J0_6_0 :J0_7_0" shape="10.99,23.65 7.15,19.04 6.51,19.41 6.29,19.38 6.13,19.23 6.03,18.93 6.00,18.50 -6.00,18.50 -6.13,19.23 -6.29,19.38 -6.51,19.41 -6.80,19.29 -7.15,19.04 -10.99,23.65 -7.33,26.19 -3.66,27.72 -0.00,28.23 3.66,27.72 7.33,26.19"> --- > <junction id="J0" type="priority" x="0.00" y="25.00" incLanes="-E2_0 -E2_1 -E2_2 E0_0 E0_1 E0_2" intLanes=":J0_0_0 :J0_1_0 :J0_2_0 :J0_3_0 :J0_6_0 :J0_6_1" shape="10.99,23.65 7.15,19.04 6.51,19.41 6.29,19.38 6.13,19.23 6.03,18.93 6.00,18.50 -6.00,18.50 -6.13,19.23 -6.29,19.38 -6.51,19.41 -6.80,19.29 -7.15,19.04 -10.99,23.65 -7.33,26.19 -3.66,27.72 -0.00,28.23 3.66,27.72 7.33,26.19"> 155c151 < <junction id="J3" type="priority" x="0.00" y="-25.00" incLanes="E3_0 E3_1 E3_2 -E1_0 -E1_1 -E1_2" intLanes=":J3_6_0 :J3_7_0 :J3_2_0 :J3_3_0 :J3_4_0 :J3_5_0" shape="-6.00,-18.50 6.00,-18.50 6.13,-19.23 6.29,-19.38 6.51,-19.41 6.80,-19.29 7.15,-19.04 10.99,-23.65 7.33,-26.19 3.66,-27.72 0.00,-28.23 -3.66,-27.72 -7.33,-26.19 -10.99,-23.65 -7.15,-19.04 -6.51,-19.41 -6.29,-19.38 -6.13,-19.23 -6.03,-18.93"> --- > <junction id="J3" type="priority" x="0.00" y="-25.00" incLanes="E3_0 E3_1 E3_2 -E1_0 -E1_1 -E1_2" intLanes=":J3_6_0 :J3_6_1 :J3_2_0 :J3_3_0 :J3_4_0 :J3_5_0" shape="-6.00,-18.50 6.00,-18.50 6.13,-19.23 6.29,-19.38 6.51,-19.41 6.80,-19.29 7.15,-19.04 10.99,-23.65 7.33,-26.19 3.66,-27.72 0.00,-28.23 -3.66,-27.72 -7.33,-26.19 -10.99,-23.65 -7.15,-19.04 -6.51,-19.41 -6.29,-19.38 -6.13,-19.23 -6.03,-18.93"> 179c175 < <junction id=":J0_7_0" type="internal" x="1.19" y="20.42" incLanes=":J0_4_1 -E2_1 -E2_2" intLanes=":J0_0_0 :J0_1_0 :J0_2_0 :J0_3_0"/> --- > <junction id=":J0_6_1" type="internal" x="1.19" y="20.42" incLanes=":J0_4_1 -E2_1 -E2_2" intLanes=":J0_0_0 :J0_1_0 :J0_2_0 :J0_3_0"/> 181c177 < <junction id=":J3_7_0" type="internal" x="-1.19" y="-20.42" incLanes=":J3_0_1 -E1_1 -E1_2" intLanes=":J3_2_0 :J3_3_0 :J3_4_0 :J3_5_0"/> --- > <junction id=":J3_6_1" type="internal" x="-1.19" y="-20.42" incLanes=":J3_0_1 -E1_1 -E1_2" intLanes=":J3_2_0 :J3_3_0 :J3_4_0 :J3_5_0"/> 208,209c204,205 < <connection from=":J0_4" to="E1" fromLane="1" toLane="2" via=":J0_7_0" dir="l" state="m"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in net ---------- 6005,6010c6005,6006 < </edge> < <edge id=":2046943012_18" function="internal"> < <lane id=":2046943012_18_0" index="0" disallow="all" speed="5.64" length="7.59" width="2.00" shape="3229.99,1730.86 3232.48,1729.35 3237.17,1729.23"/> < </edge> < <edge id=":2046943012_19" function="internal"> < <lane id=":2046943012_19_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian bicycle tram rail_urban rail rail_electric ship cable_car subway" speed="3.65" length="2.34" shape="3233.04,1732.78 3233.80,1732.31 3235.24,1732.28"/> --- > <lane id=":2046943012_17_1" index="0" disallow="all" speed="5.64" length="7.59" width="2.00" shape="3229.99,1730.86 3232.48,1729.35 3237.17,1729.23"/> > <lane id=":2046943012_17_2" index="0" disallow="pedestrian bicycle tram rail_urban rail rail_electric ship cable_car subway" speed="3.65" length="2.34" shape="3233.04,1732.78 3233.80,1732.31 3235.24,1732.28"/> 6036,6043c6032,6033 < <edge id=":2046943012_20" function="internal"> < <lane id=":2046943012_20_0" index="0" disallow="all" speed="5.55" length="4.60" shape="3233.44,1721.58 3235.01,1720.38 3236.74,1718.40"/> < </edge> < <edge id=":2046943012_21" function="internal"> < <lane id=":2046943012_21_0" index="0" disallow="all" speed="6.96" length="1.30" width="2.00" shape="3223.34,1735.51 3222.05,1735.54"/> < </edge> < <edge id=":2046943012_22" function="internal"> < <lane id=":2046943012_22_0" index="0" disallow="all" speed="5.64" length="7.59" width="2.00" shape="3230.82,1731.38 3228.33,1732.88 3223.65,1733.00"/> --- > <edge id=":2046943012_18" function="internal"> > <lane id=":2046943012_18_0" index="0" disallow="all" speed="5.55" length="4.60" shape="3233.44,1721.58 3235.01,1720.38 3236.74,1718.40"/> 6045,6046c6035,6038 < <edge id=":2046943012_23" function="internal"> < <lane id=":2046943012_23_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian bicycle tram rail_urban rail rail_electric ship cable_car subway" speed="3.65" length="2.34" shape="3227.77,1729.46 3227.01,1729.92 3225.57,1729.96"/> --- > <edge id=":2046943012_19" function="internal"> > <lane id=":2046943012_19_0" index="0" disallow="all" speed="6.96" length="1.30" width="2.00" shape="3223.34,1735.51 3222.05,1735.54"/> > <lane id=":2046943012_19_1" index="0" disallow="all" speed="5.64" length="7.59" width="2.00" shape="3230.82,1731.38 3228.33,1732.88 3223.65,1733.00"/> > <lane id=":2046943012_19_2" index="0" disallow="pedestrian bicycle tram rail_urban rail rail_electric ship cable_car subway" speed="3.65" length="2.34" shape="3227.77,1729.46 3227.01,1729.92 3225.57,1729.96"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 1,4c1,4 < Error: Could not build inductionLoop 'e1_0' in netedit; lane 'E1_2' doesn't exist. < Error: Could not build inductionLoop 'e1_1' in netedit; lane '-E1_2' doesn't exist. < Error: Could not build inductionLoop 'e1_4' in netedit; lane '-E2_2' doesn't exist. < Error: Could not build inductionLoop 'e1_5' in netedit; lane 'E2_2' doesn't exist. --- > Error: Could not build inductionLoop with ID 'e1_0' in netedit; lane parent with ID 'E1_2' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build inductionLoop with ID 'e1_1' in netedit; lane parent with ID '-E1_2' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build inductionLoop with ID 'e1_4' in netedit; lane parent with ID '-E2_2' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build inductionLoop with ID 'e1_5' in netedit; lane parent with ID 'E2_2' doesn't exist. ---------- Differences in log ---------- 1,4c1,4 < Error: Could not build inductionLoop 'e1_0' in netedit; lane 'E1_2' doesn't exist. < Error: Could not build inductionLoop 'e1_1' in netedit; lane '-E1_2' doesn't exist. < Error: Could not build inductionLoop 'e1_4' in netedit; lane '-E2_2' doesn't exist. < Error: Could not build inductionLoop 'e1_5' in netedit; lane 'E2_2' doesn't exist. --- > Error: Could not build inductionLoop with ID 'e1_0' in netedit; lane parent with ID 'E1_2' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build inductionLoop with ID 'e1_1' in netedit; lane parent with ID '-E1_2' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build inductionLoop with ID 'e1_4' in netedit; lane parent with ID '-E2_2' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build inductionLoop with ID 'e1_5' in netedit; lane parent with ID 'E2_2' doesn't exist.
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 1,4c1,4 < Error: Could not build inductionLoop 'e1_3' in netedit; lane 'E0_2' doesn't exist. < Error: Could not build inductionLoop 'e1_4' in netedit; lane '-E2_2' doesn't exist. < Error: Could not build inductionLoop 'e1_5' in netedit; lane 'E2_2' doesn't exist. < Error: Could not build inductionLoop 'e1_6' in netedit; lane '-E3_2' doesn't exist. --- > Error: Could not build inductionLoop with ID 'e1_3' in netedit; lane parent with ID 'E0_2' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build inductionLoop with ID 'e1_4' in netedit; lane parent with ID '-E2_2' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build inductionLoop with ID 'e1_5' in netedit; lane parent with ID 'E2_2' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build inductionLoop with ID 'e1_6' in netedit; lane parent with ID '-E3_2' doesn't exist. ---------- Differences in log ---------- 1,4c1,4 < Error: Could not build inductionLoop 'e1_3' in netedit; lane 'E0_2' doesn't exist. < Error: Could not build inductionLoop 'e1_4' in netedit; lane '-E2_2' doesn't exist. < Error: Could not build inductionLoop 'e1_5' in netedit; lane 'E2_2' doesn't exist. < Error: Could not build inductionLoop 'e1_6' in netedit; lane '-E3_2' doesn't exist. --- > Error: Could not build inductionLoop with ID 'e1_3' in netedit; lane parent with ID 'E0_2' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build inductionLoop with ID 'e1_4' in netedit; lane parent with ID '-E2_2' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build inductionLoop with ID 'e1_5' in netedit; lane parent with ID 'E2_2' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build inductionLoop with ID 'e1_6' in netedit; lane parent with ID '-E3_2' doesn't exist.
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 1,8c1,8 < Error: Could not build inductionLoop 'e1_0' in netedit; lane 'E1_2' doesn't exist. < Error: Could not build inductionLoop 'e1_1' in netedit; lane '-E1_2' doesn't exist. < Error: Could not build inductionLoop 'e1_2' in netedit; lane '-E0_2' doesn't exist. < Error: Could not build inductionLoop 'e1_3' in netedit; lane 'E0_2' doesn't exist. < Error: Could not build inductionLoop 'e1_4' in netedit; lane '-E2_2' doesn't exist. < Error: Could not build inductionLoop 'e1_5' in netedit; lane 'E2_2' doesn't exist. < Error: Could not build inductionLoop 'e1_6' in netedit; lane '-E3_2' doesn't exist. < Error: Could not build inductionLoop 'e1_7' in netedit; lane 'E3_2' doesn't exist. --- > Error: Could not build inductionLoop with ID 'e1_0' in netedit; lane parent with ID 'E1_2' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build inductionLoop with ID 'e1_1' in netedit; lane parent with ID '-E1_2' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build inductionLoop with ID 'e1_2' in netedit; lane parent with ID '-E0_2' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build inductionLoop with ID 'e1_3' in netedit; lane parent with ID 'E0_2' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build inductionLoop with ID 'e1_4' in netedit; lane parent with ID '-E2_2' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build inductionLoop with ID 'e1_5' in netedit; lane parent with ID 'E2_2' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build inductionLoop with ID 'e1_6' in netedit; lane parent with ID '-E3_2' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build inductionLoop with ID 'e1_7' in netedit; lane parent with ID 'E3_2' doesn't exist. ---------- Differences in log ---------- 1,8c1,8 < Error: Could not build inductionLoop 'e1_0' in netedit; lane 'E1_2' doesn't exist. < Error: Could not build inductionLoop 'e1_1' in netedit; lane '-E1_2' doesn't exist. < Error: Could not build inductionLoop 'e1_2' in netedit; lane '-E0_2' doesn't exist. < Error: Could not build inductionLoop 'e1_3' in netedit; lane 'E0_2' doesn't exist. < Error: Could not build inductionLoop 'e1_4' in netedit; lane '-E2_2' doesn't exist. < Error: Could not build inductionLoop 'e1_5' in netedit; lane 'E2_2' doesn't exist. < Error: Could not build inductionLoop 'e1_6' in netedit; lane '-E3_2' doesn't exist. < Error: Could not build inductionLoop 'e1_7' in netedit; lane 'E3_2' doesn't exist. --- > Error: Could not build inductionLoop with ID 'e1_0' in netedit; lane parent with ID 'E1_2' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build inductionLoop with ID 'e1_1' in netedit; lane parent with ID '-E1_2' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build inductionLoop with ID 'e1_2' in netedit; lane parent with ID '-E0_2' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build inductionLoop with ID 'e1_3' in netedit; lane parent with ID 'E0_2' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build inductionLoop with ID 'e1_4' in netedit; lane parent with ID '-E2_2' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build inductionLoop with ID 'e1_5' in netedit; lane parent with ID 'E2_2' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build inductionLoop with ID 'e1_6' in netedit; lane parent with ID '-E3_2' doesn't exist. > Error: Could not build inductionLoop with ID 'e1_7' in netedit; lane parent with ID 'E3_2' doesn't exist.
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 0a1,7 > Traceback (most recent call last): > File "<TEXTTEST_SANDBOX>/test.py", line 43, in <module> > netedit.crossingClearEdges() > File "/home/delphi/gcc/sumo/tests/netedit/neteditTestFunctions.py", line 1535, in crossingClearEdges > for _ in range(attrs.crossing.clearEdges): > ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ > AttributeError: type object 'crossing' has no attribute 'clearEdges' ---------- Differences in output ---------- 7d6 < TestFunctions: Netedit closed successfully ---------- New result in exitcode ---------- 1 ---------- Missing result in additionals ---------- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <additional xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/additional_file.xsd"> <!-- Detectors --> <inductionLoop id="e1_0" lane="E1_2" pos="8.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> <inductionLoop id="e1_1" lane="-E1_2" pos="15.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> <inductionLoop id="e1_2" lane="-E0_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> <inductionLoop id="e1_3" lane="E0_2" pos="8.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> <inductionLoop id="e1_4" lane="-E2_2" pos="15.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> <inductionLoop id="e1_5" lane="E2_2" pos="8.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> <inductionLoop id="e1_6" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> <inductionLoop id="e1_7" lane="E3_2" pos="8.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> </additional> ---------- Missing result in datas ---------- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd"> </data> ---------- Missing result in guisettingsoutput ---------- <viewsettings> <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/> </viewsettings> ---------- Missing result in meandatas ---------- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <additional xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/additional_file.xsd"> <!-- MeanDataEdges --> <edgeData id="meanDataEdge" file="meanDataEdgeOutput.xml"/> <!-- MeanDataLanes --> <laneData id="meanDataLane" file="meanDataLaneOutput.xml"/> </additional> ---------- Missing result in net ---------- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <net version="1.20" junctionCornerDetail="5" limitTurnSpeed="5.50" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/net_file.xsd"> <location netOffset="0.00,0.00" convBoundary="-60.00,-30.00,60.00,30.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.000000,-10000000000.000000,10000000000.000000,10000000000.000000" projParameter="+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext +no_defs"/> <edge id=":Junction5_0" function="internal"> <lane id=":Junction5_0_0" index="0" allow="bicycle" speed="5.34" length="6.45" width="1.00" shape="-3.50,7.50 -3.75,5.75 -4.50,4.50 -5.75,3.75 -7.50,3.50"/> </edge> <edge id=":Junction5_1" function="internal"> <lane id=":Junction5_1_0" index="0" allow="bicycle" speed="13.89" length="15.00" width="1.00" shape="-3.50,7.50 -3.50,-7.50"/> </edge> <edge id=":Junction5_2" function="internal"> <lane id=":Junction5_2_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.69" length="0.77" width="3.00" shape="-1.50,7.50 -1.61,6.74"/> </edge> <edge id=":Junction5_3" function="internal"> <lane id=":Junction5_3_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="15.00" width="3.00" shape="-1.50,7.50 -1.50,-7.50"/> </edge> <edge id=":Junction5_16" function="internal"> <lane id=":Junction5_16_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.69" length="8.91" width="3.00" shape="-1.61,6.74 -1.87,4.88 -3.00,3.00 -4.87,1.88 -7.50,1.50"/> </edge> <edge id=":Junction5_4" function="internal"> <lane id=":Junction5_4_0" index="0" allow="bicycle" speed="5.34" length="6.45" width="1.00" shape="7.50,3.50 5.75,3.75 4.50,4.50 3.75,5.75 3.50,7.50"/> </edge> <edge id=":Junction5_5" function="internal"> <lane id=":Junction5_5_0" index="0" allow="bicycle" speed="13.89" length="15.00" width="1.00" shape="7.50,3.50 -7.50,3.50"/> </edge> <edge id=":Junction5_6" function="internal"> <lane id=":Junction5_6_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.69" length="0.77" width="3.00" shape="7.50,1.50 6.74,1.61"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Missing result in routes ---------- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <routes xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/routes_file.xsd"> <!-- Vehicles, persons and containers (sorted by depart) --> <trip id="t_0" depart="0.00" from="-E2" to="E1"/> <trip id="t_1" depart="0.00" from="-E1" to="E2"/> <trip id="t_2" depart="0.00" from="-E3" to="E0"/> <trip id="t_3" depart="0.00" from="-E0" to="E3"/> <trip id="t_4" type="DEFAULT_BIKETYPE" depart="0.00" from="-E0" to="E1"/> <trip id="t_5" type="DEFAULT_BIKETYPE" depart="0.00" from="-E1" to="E3"/> <trip id="t_6" type="DEFAULT_BIKETYPE" depart="0.00" from="-E3" to="E2"/> <trip id="t_7" type="DEFAULT_BIKETYPE" depart="0.00" from="-E2" to="E0"/> </routes>
---------- Differences in output ---------- 8c8 < TestFunctions: Netedit closed successfully --- > TestFunctions: Error closing Netedit ---------- New result in errorScreenshot ---------- PNG IHDR 1c IDATxw|]V^WRVٛ2d9@@*2~,A KAQT@@d/{٣PF)m+~ iI6Iyxir{%O# uLҬY3[W ]`{ `M-:2I7e6%) @ AAm,`Jg֊ܶJ Y)ĨYEN09r-MމyS e5*Bth, *n>E F>!bd9`4|."QTR%>>k 0ֵRM2p`=kxV$&(2$@aym>G,.uz;xrg8Δe+,"#Km"߀iX9/jX>}ܷ3~Ĕ*&Ww3z+T80TJ9" O| `1; Vwgggϟ Y0ul]5 /O(SixqO|^onF,bK$t,;kՇ\Mo%bH$%)l?Kem&U2'MݽX9k.fBD.͈~ku7JaǓbp?tҲ!N&3咸y&8९r$ h~WX6ѿ\kYw`=9.al#L0RY{4ǯ5=9~'ߞL)Tp/5$!C=(E6lCrhpN{Nۺf V{jX.F,JeDL90R''a$2'''rb0"D"1zakP]7Ee$"aEO$H+9ƾRS*/H$Ek~j-u=WWD~wû1ǯ6ED`c>ޮwww DBO~;J$vAd=s۽8[ "a&*,={ÒO8>TXŌ3}CKH7x&i+1lqT0x[-\{NIw^{VID*},{=kO͈$Rfqtg s;߿?,ꪹn#3&+9~yHl αg/mXdtC}f+).z ""D~sL>nvlobN0Û%"`_Y|HTs7$!/-=V3[K30w֏&HƣS i/!C+?_H,kn{o% هXvSi/%l1x6~m!mBjцII.Huџ ?qh*ĊDg'<gwBVેF+3UeE;wsΆf#b}Z5}fbN([tO$:|uC*"t䱯v_mKxydf_mo%E5>9V"EG=[uIL@dF!.^핳 _շU8|wxs66+\8 ᳁fߕĈbq:)g99'nx_6`V&tsPɺ{ b ^txmI*VK48]d$ΏD$ x\/N.!;9""=r=UVlHg'_}/ؙ!7Cgu ZKj\^_9Սfhhzz:Q `{hǡI]H?=җlȠ~ɈIjxd戈]?ռ,6d¯=䭞ǒD-e۱oͱU^[SL?}[NZK\^_'\Ljzw.YxQ͆bOG|<ITu5ߊm~|Fif[ӂbpg+2o逇>$Lƫvl2p͂}~;,m$j<ijn>G^z#Q@~>+/Wz4WN$jѨW"7W剈pŠGDJz8;[_9No{Jd2'H*$"V剈XCDN_ѡگD\!99wCHDHl>6k^W;9;ؼB$NNNP jQDL&&"w5KD+d2!Gm1>XbAS\go^M{~kƤ8\\[NS$ Ç ݺ.kpˉ2n̙<[W}|\k_]RM 5=\7kW_+uT +&θ?yEV{ڭ[.pDĆ(t Yy#y8߃6$wvL N|`mϧE|nmq #<.ӱܣ_k8ʶe_>@Egf1wr}ܺ]u/ri34t,A)իWm]/ ҄.&,j/?&R<ض_'Q^6r1l?ߩ}eFR+ϦpDNbY7x蟓M*$sp?|}<IMx~OA.MlЮQᛣJ""BW6K?,=i6OgK:㔴Qc^-wvaOrUؿmȫT*NVT*?sحk)/8 J2'g<R(J%RP8W+|r\.sR6J\.oq\*N&Q6{aofz+_TEQd쌴y^ҳX')k+Pīugg k}RTO!nJZyW#.?ñT^\ 6K}IS(DD|уyרƐfijƀ>F~}>众zee_<c#"剹F{㣥_2nG^;_0K.m"QFVW-k'}{$E "Q:OOŘ}{4|ErWsy |r`z>:>3=MO#r#փݛm 8,>#=ݕ!?Ϲ?oM\h~?߹k6ʟMęI{dം XHM{ĩ9o_fm튲Ij5H*#"ש~םMR|S<xTjD*8R3I{7UDJN9Rț_]+^aIx}By[&RyAS;9][j5GDdd6' '-!!7o.xBSz~bt뚤;V<Q 8NV7Z9_V|gz)s\8yd..\VfJH\c$OK+3?+\mfGlՉ=9y;fAؗʟ[T=x͝OZ?^rzOO4D絛#f>zRߋU*e }U]x%DS*UT{A#zrl[ۆL袦bZ}u|'yܐ"|{n櫓{UVWq[; _tͬW?;H$9=g`k/ P!9^ \.tqsQDe XyH j^ ɫռU*ӄCK_"B$C=LkRICD(T TZ!U:K*8Pϟl:J%ϟīٳ*ތJ^j"RSg^!֪G~MBω'<RS(G;y[}".o K/) 6߽6wG7ۛR;Bz!9ծ_*58bƮb_Ay)b'V""QN]N8\;3ߪkkv?Roö6xDuu_2W7|lW?US'r*Jj!궊D1pŌlHgsj%\JߢKkkv>Q)͍,Z0)o)HéJK( tV(</%6CC}\S~ pM2 jbMu;n|" LƪT*JޓpA$Ng&|ҧRT@īuWWqԻJ>wV'gT*JprH~k?;}~/ARUB9oyeo=@^e9؍Rxfq<QB2E6h˕>zt90\vR'YPT*Ư;oԿ3e"Zwl拥?oڣS T*V.CyxJq3dZ$SsU*JxSTm$wzbsij;Nd Qq;*U>nH;?0n&cK&~ ibML.io (DԺuk[Wy8'^/ݱY36"S+hȊQu㔹/-{k9nM}a+?%jTY>Q}7}f{Ntr!<? wc˾Ӿ*7R[}eo#NU1ﭨluw"y@KjjWC&N}{&B'^u'fSZ̟|EsqcsU"wf˼lݻz_MjuBoJ-%#~<ږ>Z{_Y%S^͞ÙW'!RGG~n$mUժKFx}]#Y% q2~2bTi1'*6\m`\W7(-[ %a!4k i[\(\cE+ Dƽ?/<