28Jul24rv1_20_0+1446-d70b20b5800 - detailed test results for NETEDIT.daily.network.edges

To reconnect the TextTest GUI to these results, run:

texttest -a netedit -d /home/delphi/gcc/sumo/tests -reconnect /home/delphi/gcc/texttesttmp/gcc4_64.03Aug002521.2924746 -g

To start TextTest for these tests, run:

texttest -a netedit -d /home/delphi/gcc/sumo/tests

daily.network.edges: 165 tests: 100 succeeded 65 FAILED

Detailed information for the tests that FAILED:

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : network edges contextual_menu reset_lenght ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "<TEXTTEST_SANDBOX>/test.py", line 38, in <module>
>     netedit.contextualMenuOperation(referencePosition, 544, 120,
> TypeError: contextualMenuOperation() takes 3 positional arguments but 5 were given
---------- Differences in log ----------
< Warning: Lane 'gneE4_0' is not connected from any incoming edge at junction 'gneJ3'.
< Warning: Lane 'gneE4_0' is not connected from any incoming edge at junction 'gneJ3'.
< Warning: Lane 'gneE4_0' is not connected from any incoming edge at junction 'gneJ3'.
< Warning: Lane 'gneE4_0' is not connected from any incoming edge at junction 'gneJ3'.
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
< TestFunctions: Netedit closed successfully
---------- New result in exitcode ----------
---------- Missing result in additionals ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<additional xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/additional_file.xsd">
    <!-- StoppingPlaces -->
    <busStop id="busStop1" lane="gneE0_0" startPos="37.00" endPos="43.60" friendlyPos="true"/>
    <busStop id="busStop2" lane="gneE1_0" startPos="3.00" endPos="13.00" friendlyPos="true"/>
    <busStop id="busStop3" lane="gneE2_0" startPos="35.50" endPos="35.60" friendlyPos="true"/>
---------- Missing result in guisettingsoutput ----------
    <viewport zoom="120.00" x="20.00" y="10.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Missing result in net ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<net version="1.20" junctionCornerDetail="5" limitTurnSpeed="5.50" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/net_file.xsd">

    <location netOffset="25.00,0.00" convBoundary="0.00,0.00,50.00,20.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.00,-10000000000.00,10000000000.00,10000000000.00" projParameter="!"/>

    <edge id=":gneJ0_0" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_0_0" index="0" speed="6.08" length="7.74" shape="-1.60,3.20 -1.30,1.10 -0.40,-0.40 1.10,-1.30 3.20,-1.60"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ0_1" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_1_0" index="0" speed="3.90" length="2.58" shape="3.20,1.60 2.50,1.70 2.00,2.00 1.70,2.50 1.60,3.20"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ0_2" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_2_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="1.30" shape="3.20,1.60 2.12,0.88"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ0_3" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_3_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="3.37" shape="2.12,0.88 2.00,0.80 1.60,0.00 2.00,-0.80 3.20,-1.60"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_0" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_0_0" index="0" speed="3.90" length="2.58" shape="48.40,3.20 48.30,2.50 48.00,2.00 47.50,1.70 46.80,1.60"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_1" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_1_0" index="0" speed="6.08" length="7.74" shape="46.80,-1.60 48.90,-1.30 50.40,-0.40 51.30,1.10 51.60,3.20"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_2" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_2_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="1.44" shape="46.80,-1.60 48.00,-0.80"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_3" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_3_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="3.23" shape="48.00,-0.80 48.40,0.00 48.00,0.80 46.80,1.60"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : network edges contextual_menu restore_geometry_point ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "<TEXTTEST_SANDBOX>/test.py", line 38, in <module>
>     netedit.contextualMenuOperation(referencePosition, 480, 147, netedit.attrs.edge.contextualMenuEdgeB,
> TypeError: contextualMenuOperation() takes 3 positional arguments but 5 were given
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
< TestFunctions: Netedit closed successfully
---------- New result in exitcode ----------
---------- Missing result in additionals ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<additional xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/additional_file.xsd">
    <!-- StoppingPlaces -->
    <busStop id="busStop1" lane="gneE0_0" startPos="37.00" endPos="43.60" friendlyPos="true"/>
    <busStop id="busStop2" lane="gneE1_0" startPos="3.00" endPos="13.00" friendlyPos="true"/>
    <busStop id="busStop3" lane="gneE2_0" startPos="35.50" endPos="35.60" friendlyPos="true"/>
---------- Missing result in guisettingsoutput ----------
    <viewport zoom="120.00" x="20.00" y="10.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Missing result in net ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<net version="1.20" junctionCornerDetail="5" limitTurnSpeed="5.50" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/net_file.xsd">

    <location netOffset="25.00,0.00" convBoundary="0.00,0.00,50.00,20.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.00,-10000000000.00,10000000000.00,10000000000.00" projParameter="!"/>

    <edge id=":gneJ0_0" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_0_0" index="0" speed="6.08" length="7.74" shape="-1.60,3.20 -1.30,1.10 -0.40,-0.40 1.10,-1.30 3.20,-1.60"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ0_1" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_1_0" index="0" speed="3.90" length="2.58" shape="3.20,1.60 2.50,1.70 2.00,2.00 1.70,2.50 1.60,3.20"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ0_2" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_2_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="1.30" shape="3.20,1.60 2.12,0.88"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ0_3" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_3_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="3.37" shape="2.12,0.88 2.00,0.80 1.60,0.00 2.00,-0.80 3.20,-1.60"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_0" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_0_0" index="0" speed="3.90" length="2.58" shape="48.40,3.20 48.30,2.50 48.00,2.00 47.50,1.70 46.80,1.60"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_1" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_1_0" index="0" speed="6.08" length="7.74" shape="46.80,-1.60 48.90,-1.30 50.40,-0.40 51.30,1.10 51.60,3.20"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_2" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_2_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="1.44" shape="46.80,-1.60 48.00,-0.80"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_3" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_3_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="3.23" shape="48.00,-0.80 48.40,0.00 48.00,0.80 46.80,1.60"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : network edges contextual_menu reverse_direction ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "<TEXTTEST_SANDBOX>/test.py", line 38, in <module>
>     netedit.contextualMenuOperation(referencePosition, 480, 111, netedit.attrs.edge.contextualMenuEdgeA,
> TypeError: contextualMenuOperation() takes 3 positional arguments but 5 were given
---------- Differences in log ----------
< Warning: Lane 'gneE4_0' is not connected from any incoming edge at junction 'gneJ3'.
< Warning: Lane 'gneE4_0' is not connected from any incoming edge at junction 'gneJ3'.
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
< TestFunctions: Netedit closed successfully
---------- New result in exitcode ----------
---------- Missing result in additionals ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<additional xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/additional_file.xsd">
    <!-- StoppingPlaces -->
    <busStop id="busStop1" lane="gneE0_0" startPos="37.00" endPos="43.60" friendlyPos="true"/>
    <busStop id="busStop2" lane="gneE1_0" startPos="3.00" endPos="13.00" friendlyPos="true"/>
    <busStop id="busStop3" lane="gneE2_0" startPos="35.50" endPos="35.60" friendlyPos="true"/>
---------- Missing result in guisettingsoutput ----------
    <viewport zoom="120.00" x="20.00" y="10.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Missing result in net ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<net version="1.20" junctionCornerDetail="5" limitTurnSpeed="5.50" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/net_file.xsd">

    <location netOffset="25.00,0.00" convBoundary="0.00,0.00,50.00,20.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.00,-10000000000.00,10000000000.00,10000000000.00" projParameter="!"/>

    <edge id=":gneJ0_0" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_0_0" index="0" speed="6.08" length="7.74" shape="-1.60,3.20 -1.30,1.10 -0.40,-0.40 1.10,-1.30 3.20,-1.60"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ0_1" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_1_0" index="0" speed="3.90" length="2.58" shape="3.20,1.60 2.50,1.70 2.00,2.00 1.70,2.50 1.60,3.20"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ0_2" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_2_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="1.30" shape="3.20,1.60 2.12,0.88"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ0_3" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_3_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="3.37" shape="2.12,0.88 2.00,0.80 1.60,0.00 2.00,-0.80 3.20,-1.60"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_0" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_0_0" index="0" speed="3.90" length="2.58" shape="48.40,3.20 48.30,2.50 48.00,2.00 47.50,1.70 46.80,1.60"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_1" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_1_0" index="0" speed="6.08" length="7.74" shape="46.80,-1.60 48.90,-1.30 50.40,-0.40 51.30,1.10 51.60,3.20"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_2" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_2_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="1.44" shape="46.80,-1.60 48.00,-0.80"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_3" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_3_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="3.23" shape="48.00,-0.80 48.40,0.00 48.00,0.80 46.80,1.60"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : network edges contextual_menu reverse_direction_disconnected ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "<TEXTTEST_SANDBOX>/test.py", line 38, in <module>
>     netedit.contextualMenuOperation(referencePosition, 480, 111, netedit.attrs.edge.contextualMenuEdgeA,
> TypeError: contextualMenuOperation() takes 3 positional arguments but 5 were given
---------- Differences in log ----------
< Warning: Lane 'gneE4_0' is not connected from any incoming edge at junction 'gneJ3'.
< Warning: Lane 'gneE4_0' is not connected from any incoming edge at junction 'gneJ3'.
< Warning: Lane 'gneE4_0' is not connected from any incoming edge at junction 'gneJ3'.
< Warning: Lane 'gneE4_0' is not connected from any incoming edge at junction 'gneJ3'.
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
< TestFunctions: Netedit closed successfully
---------- New result in exitcode ----------
---------- Missing result in additionals ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<additional xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/additional_file.xsd">
    <!-- StoppingPlaces -->
    <busStop id="busStop1" lane="gneE0_0" startPos="37.00" endPos="43.60" friendlyPos="true"/>
    <busStop id="busStop2" lane="gneE1_0" startPos="3.00" endPos="13.00" friendlyPos="true"/>
    <busStop id="busStop3" lane="gneE2_0" startPos="35.50" endPos="35.60" friendlyPos="true"/>
---------- Missing result in guisettingsoutput ----------
    <viewport zoom="120.00" x="20.00" y="10.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Missing result in net ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<net version="1.20" junctionCornerDetail="5" limitTurnSpeed="5.50" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/net_file.xsd">

    <location netOffset="25.00,0.00" convBoundary="0.00,0.00,50.00,25.20" origBoundary="-10000000000.00,-10000000000.00,10000000000.00,10000000000.00" projParameter="!"/>

    <edge id=":gneJ0_0" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_0_0" index="0" speed="6.08" length="7.74" shape="-1.60,3.20 -1.30,1.10 -0.40,-0.40 1.10,-1.30 3.20,-1.60"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ0_1" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_1_0" index="0" speed="3.90" length="2.58" shape="3.20,1.60 2.50,1.70 2.00,2.00 1.70,2.50 1.60,3.20"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ0_2" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_2_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="1.30" shape="3.20,1.60 2.12,0.88"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ0_3" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_3_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="3.37" shape="2.12,0.88 2.00,0.80 1.60,0.00 2.00,-0.80 3.20,-1.60"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_0" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_0_0" index="0" speed="3.90" length="2.58" shape="48.40,3.20 48.30,2.50 48.00,2.00 47.50,1.70 46.80,1.60"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_1" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_1_0" index="0" speed="6.08" length="7.74" shape="46.80,-1.60 48.90,-1.30 50.40,-0.40 51.30,1.10 51.60,3.20"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_2" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_2_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="1.44" shape="46.80,-1.60 48.00,-0.80"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_3" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_3_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="3.23" shape="48.00,-0.80 48.40,0.00 48.00,0.80 46.80,1.60"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : network edges contextual_menu reverse_edge ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "<TEXTTEST_SANDBOX>/test.py", line 38, in <module>
>     netedit.contextualMenuOperation(referencePosition, 480, 111,
> TypeError: contextualMenuOperation() takes 3 positional arguments but 5 were given
---------- Differences in log ----------
< Warning: Lane 'gneE4_0' is not connected from any incoming edge at junction 'gneJ3'.
< Warning: Lane 'gneE4_0' is not connected from any incoming edge at junction 'gneJ3'.
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
< TestFunctions: Netedit closed successfully
---------- New result in exitcode ----------
---------- Missing result in additionals ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<additional xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/additional_file.xsd">
    <!-- StoppingPlaces -->
    <busStop id="busStop1" lane="gneE0_0" startPos="37.00" endPos="43.60" friendlyPos="true"/>
    <busStop id="busStop2" lane="gneE1_0" startPos="3.00" endPos="13.00" friendlyPos="true"/>
---------- Missing result in guisettingsoutput ----------
    <viewport zoom="120.00" x="20.00" y="10.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Missing result in net ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<net version="1.20" junctionCornerDetail="5" limitTurnSpeed="5.50" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/net_file.xsd">

    <location netOffset="25.00,0.00" convBoundary="0.00,0.00,50.00,20.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.00,-10000000000.00,10000000000.00,10000000000.00" projParameter="!"/>

    <edge id=":gneJ0_0" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_0_0" index="0" speed="6.08" length="7.74" shape="-1.60,3.20 -1.30,1.10 -0.40,-0.40 1.10,-1.30 3.20,-1.60"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ0_1" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_1_0" index="0" speed="3.90" length="2.58" shape="3.20,1.60 2.50,1.70 2.00,2.00 1.70,2.50 1.60,3.20"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ0_2" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_2_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="1.30" shape="3.20,1.60 2.12,0.88"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ0_3" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_3_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="3.37" shape="2.12,0.88 2.00,0.80 1.60,0.00 2.00,-0.80 3.20,-1.60"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_0" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_0_0" index="0" speed="3.90" length="2.58" shape="48.40,3.20 48.30,2.50 48.00,2.00 47.50,1.70 46.80,1.60"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_1" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_1_0" index="0" speed="6.08" length="7.74" shape="46.80,-1.60 48.90,-1.30 50.40,-0.40 51.30,1.10 51.60,3.20"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_2" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_2_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="1.44" shape="46.80,-1.60 48.00,-0.80"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_3" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_3_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="3.23" shape="48.00,-0.80 48.40,0.00 48.00,0.80 46.80,1.60"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : network edges contextual_menu set_geometry_point ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "<TEXTTEST_SANDBOX>/test.py", line 38, in <module>
>     netedit.contextualMenuOperation(referencePosition, 480, 111, netedit.attrs.edge.contextualMenuEdgeA,
> TypeError: contextualMenuOperation() takes 3 positional arguments but 5 were given
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
< TestFunctions: Netedit closed successfully
---------- New result in exitcode ----------
---------- Missing result in additionals ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<additional xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/additional_file.xsd">
    <!-- StoppingPlaces -->
    <busStop id="busStop1" lane="gneE0_0" startPos="37.00" endPos="43.60" friendlyPos="true"/>
    <busStop id="busStop2" lane="gneE1_0" startPos="3.00" endPos="13.00" friendlyPos="true"/>
    <busStop id="busStop3" lane="gneE2_0" startPos="35.50" endPos="35.60" friendlyPos="true"/>
---------- Missing result in guisettingsoutput ----------
    <viewport zoom="120.00" x="20.00" y="10.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Missing result in net ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<net version="1.20" junctionCornerDetail="5" limitTurnSpeed="5.50" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/net_file.xsd">

    <location netOffset="25.00,0.00" convBoundary="0.00,0.00,50.00,20.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.00,-10000000000.00,10000000000.00,10000000000.00" projParameter="!"/>

    <edge id=":gneJ0_0" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_0_0" index="0" speed="6.08" length="7.74" shape="-1.60,3.20 -1.30,1.10 -0.40,-0.40 1.10,-1.30 3.20,-1.60"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ0_1" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_1_0" index="0" speed="3.90" length="2.58" shape="3.20,1.60 2.50,1.70 2.00,2.00 1.70,2.50 1.60,3.20"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ0_2" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_2_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="1.30" shape="3.20,1.60 2.12,0.88"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ0_3" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_3_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="3.37" shape="2.12,0.88 2.00,0.80 1.60,0.00 2.00,-0.80 3.20,-1.60"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_0" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_0_0" index="0" speed="3.90" length="2.58" shape="48.40,3.20 48.30,2.50 48.00,2.00 47.50,1.70 46.80,1.60"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_1" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_1_0" index="0" speed="6.08" length="7.74" shape="46.80,-1.60 48.90,-1.30 50.40,-0.40 51.30,1.10 51.60,3.20"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_2" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_2_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="1.44" shape="46.80,-1.60 48.00,-0.80"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_3" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_3_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="3.23" shape="48.00,-0.80 48.40,0.00 48.00,0.80 46.80,1.60"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

2 TESTS FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba :

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "<TEXTTEST_SANDBOX>/test.py", line 38, in <module>
>     netedit.contextualMenuOperation(referencePosition, 480, 111,
> TypeError: contextualMenuOperation() takes 3 positional arguments but 5 were given
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
< TestFunctions: Netedit closed successfully
---------- New result in exitcode ----------
---------- Missing result in additionals ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<additional xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/additional_file.xsd">
    <!-- StoppingPlaces -->
    <busStop id="busStop1" lane="gneE0_0" startPos="37.00" endPos="43.60" friendlyPos="true"/>
    <busStop id="busStop2" lane="gneE1_0" startPos="3.00" endPos="13.00" friendlyPos="true"/>
    <busStop id="busStop3" lane="gneE2_0" startPos="35.32" endPos="35.42" friendlyPos="true"/>
---------- Missing result in guisettingsoutput ----------
    <viewport zoom="120.00" x="20.00" y="10.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Missing result in net ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<net version="1.20" junctionCornerDetail="5" limitTurnSpeed="5.50" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/net_file.xsd">

    <location netOffset="25.00,0.00" convBoundary="0.00,0.00,50.00,20.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.00,-10000000000.00,10000000000.00,10000000000.00" projParameter="!"/>

    <edge id=":gneJ0_0" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_0_0" index="0" speed="6.08" length="7.74" shape="-1.60,3.20 -1.30,1.10 -0.40,-0.40 1.10,-1.30 3.20,-1.60"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ0_1" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_1_0" index="0" speed="3.90" length="2.58" shape="3.20,1.60 2.50,1.70 2.00,2.00 1.70,2.50 1.60,3.20"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ0_2" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_2_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="1.30" shape="3.20,1.60 2.12,0.88"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ0_3" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_3_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="3.37" shape="2.12,0.88 2.00,0.80 1.60,0.00 2.00,-0.80 3.20,-1.60"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_0" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_0_0" index="0" speed="3.90" length="2.58" shape="48.40,3.20 48.30,2.50 48.00,2.00 47.50,1.70 46.80,1.60"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_1" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_1_0" index="0" speed="6.08" length="7.74" shape="46.80,-1.60 48.90,-1.30 50.40,-0.40 51.30,1.10 51.60,3.20"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_2" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_2_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="1.44" shape="46.80,-1.60 48.00,-0.80"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_3" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_3_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="3.23" shape="48.00,-0.80 48.40,0.00 48.00,0.80 46.80,1.60"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
network edges contextual_menu smooth_edge ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network edges contextual_menu straigthen_edge ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : network edges contextual_menu smooth_elevation_edge ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "<TEXTTEST_SANDBOX>/test.py", line 38, in <module>
>     netedit.contextualMenuOperation(referencePosition, 480, 111, netedit.attrs.edge.contextualMenuEdgeA,
> TypeError: contextualMenuOperation() takes 3 positional arguments but 5 were given
---------- Differences in log ----------
< Warning: Could not compute smooth elevation for edge 'gneE2'
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
< TestFunctions: Netedit closed successfully
---------- New result in exitcode ----------
---------- Missing result in additionals ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<additional xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/additional_file.xsd">
    <!-- StoppingPlaces -->
    <busStop id="busStop1" lane="gneE0_0" startPos="37.00" endPos="43.60" friendlyPos="true"/>
    <busStop id="busStop2" lane="gneE1_0" startPos="3.00" endPos="13.00" friendlyPos="true"/>
    <busStop id="busStop3" lane="gneE2_0" startPos="35.32" endPos="35.42" friendlyPos="true"/>
---------- Missing result in guisettingsoutput ----------
    <viewport zoom="120.00" x="20.00" y="10.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Missing result in net ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<net version="1.20" junctionCornerDetail="5" limitTurnSpeed="5.50" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/net_file.xsd">

    <location netOffset="25.00,0.00" convBoundary="0.00,0.00,50.00,20.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.00,-10000000000.00,10000000000.00,10000000000.00" projParameter="!"/>

    <edge id=":gneJ0_0" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_0_0" index="0" speed="6.08" length="7.74" shape="-1.60,3.20 -1.30,1.10 -0.40,-0.40 1.10,-1.30 3.20,-1.60"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ0_1" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_1_0" index="0" speed="3.90" length="2.58" shape="3.20,1.60 2.50,1.70 2.00,2.00 1.70,2.50 1.60,3.20"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ0_2" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_2_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="1.30" shape="3.20,1.60 2.12,0.88"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ0_3" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_3_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="3.37" shape="2.12,0.88 2.00,0.80 1.60,0.00 2.00,-0.80 3.20,-1.60"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_0" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_0_0" index="0" speed="3.90" length="2.58" shape="48.40,3.20 48.30,2.50 48.00,2.00 47.50,1.70 46.80,1.60"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_1" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_1_0" index="0" speed="6.08" length="7.74" shape="46.80,-1.60 48.90,-1.30 50.40,-0.40 51.30,1.10 51.60,3.20"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_2" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_2_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="1.44" shape="46.80,-1.60 48.00,-0.80"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_3" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_3_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="3.23" shape="48.00,-0.80 48.40,0.00 48.00,0.80 46.80,1.60"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : network edges contextual_menu split_edge ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "<TEXTTEST_SANDBOX>/test.py", line 38, in <module>
>     netedit.contextualMenuOperation(referencePosition, 480, 111,
> TypeError: contextualMenuOperation() takes 3 positional arguments but 5 were given
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
< TestFunctions: Netedit closed successfully
---------- New result in exitcode ----------
---------- Missing result in additionals ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<additional xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/additional_file.xsd">
    <!-- StoppingPlaces -->
    <busStop id="busStop1" lane="gneE0_0" startPos="37.00" endPos="43.60" friendlyPos="true"/>
    <busStop id="busStop2" lane="gneE1_0" startPos="3.00" endPos="13.00" friendlyPos="true"/>
    <busStop id="busStop3" lane="gneE2.19_0" startPos="23.70" endPos="23.80" friendlyPos="true"/>
---------- Missing result in guisettingsoutput ----------
    <viewport zoom="120.00" x="20.00" y="10.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Missing result in net ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<net version="1.20" junctionCornerDetail="5" limitTurnSpeed="5.50" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/net_file.xsd">

    <location netOffset="25.00,0.00" convBoundary="0.00,0.00,50.00,20.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.00,-10000000000.00,10000000000.00,10000000000.00" projParameter="!"/>

    <edge id=":J0_0" function="internal">
        <lane id=":J0_0_0" index="0" speed="13.89" length="0.10" shape="19.00,15.20 19.00,15.20"/>
        <lane id=":J0_0_1" index="1" speed="13.89" length="0.10" shape="19.00,18.40 19.00,18.40"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ0_0" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_0_0" index="0" speed="6.08" length="7.74" shape="-1.60,3.20 -1.30,1.10 -0.40,-0.40 1.10,-1.30 3.20,-1.60"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ0_1" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_1_0" index="0" speed="3.90" length="2.58" shape="3.20,1.60 2.50,1.70 2.00,2.00 1.70,2.50 1.60,3.20"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ0_2" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_2_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="1.30" shape="3.20,1.60 2.12,0.88"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ0_3" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_3_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="3.37" shape="2.12,0.88 2.00,0.80 1.60,0.00 2.00,-0.80 3.20,-1.60"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_0" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_0_0" index="0" speed="3.90" length="2.58" shape="48.40,3.20 48.30,2.50 48.00,2.00 47.50,1.70 46.80,1.60"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_1" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_1_0" index="0" speed="6.08" length="7.74" shape="46.80,-1.60 48.90,-1.30 50.40,-0.40 51.30,1.10 51.60,3.20"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_2" function="internal">
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : network edges contextual_menu split_edge_both ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "<TEXTTEST_SANDBOX>/test.py", line 38, in <module>
>     netedit.contextualMenuOperation(referencePosition, 480, 111, netedit.attrs.edge.contextualMenuEdgeA,
> TypeError: contextualMenuOperation() takes 3 positional arguments but 5 were given
---------- Differences in log ----------
< Warning: Edge '-gneE2' is not connected to outgoing edges at junction 'gneJ2'.
< Warning: Edge 'gneE2' is not connected to outgoing edges at junction 'gneJ3'.
< Warning: Lane 'gneE4_0' is not connected from any incoming edge at junction 'gneJ3'.
< Warning: Lane 'gneE8_0' is not connected from any incoming edge at junction 'gneJ2'.
< Warning: Edge '-gneE2' is not connected to outgoing edges at junction 'gneJ2'.
< Warning: Edge 'gneE2' is not connected to outgoing edges at junction 'gneJ3'.
< Warning: Lane 'gneE4_0' is not connected from any incoming edge at junction 'gneJ3'.
< Warning: Lane 'gneE8_0' is not connected from any incoming edge at junction 'gneJ2'.
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
< TestFunctions: Netedit closed successfully
---------- New result in exitcode ----------
---------- Missing result in additionals ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<additional xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/additional_file.xsd">
    <!-- StoppingPlaces -->
    <busStop id="busStop1" lane="gneE0_0" startPos="37.00" endPos="43.60" friendlyPos="true"/>
    <busStop id="busStop2" lane="gneE1_0" startPos="3.00" endPos="13.00" friendlyPos="true"/>
    <busStop id="busStop3" lane="gneE2.19_0" startPos="21.20" endPos="27.80" friendlyPos="true"/>
---------- Missing result in guisettingsoutput ----------
    <viewport zoom="120.00" x="20.00" y="10.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Missing result in net ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<net version="1.20" junctionCornerDetail="5" limitTurnSpeed="5.50" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/net_file.xsd">

    <location netOffset="25.00,0.00" convBoundary="0.00,0.00,50.00,20.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.00,-10000000000.00,10000000000.00,10000000000.00" projParameter="!"/>

    <edge id=":J0_0" function="internal">
        <lane id=":J0_0_0" index="0" speed="13.89" length="0.10" shape="19.00,21.60 19.00,21.60"/>
    <edge id=":J0_1" function="internal">
        <lane id=":J0_1_0" index="0" speed="13.89" length="0.10" shape="19.00,18.40 19.00,18.40"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ0_0" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_0_0" index="0" speed="6.08" length="7.74" shape="-1.60,3.20 -1.30,1.10 -0.40,-0.40 1.10,-1.30 3.20,-1.60"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ0_1" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_1_0" index="0" speed="3.90" length="2.58" shape="3.20,1.60 2.50,1.70 2.00,2.00 1.70,2.50 1.60,3.20"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ0_2" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_2_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="1.30" shape="3.20,1.60 2.12,0.88"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ0_3" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_3_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="3.37" shape="2.12,0.88 2.00,0.80 1.60,0.00 2.00,-0.80 3.20,-1.60"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_0" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_0_0" index="0" speed="3.90" length="2.58" shape="48.40,3.20 48.30,2.50 48.00,2.00 47.50,1.70 46.80,1.60"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_1" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_1_0" index="0" speed="6.08" length="7.74" shape="46.80,-1.60 48.90,-1.30 50.40,-0.40 51.30,1.10 51.60,3.20"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : network edges contextual_menu straighten_elevation_edge ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
< Error: Loading of C:/Users/alva_pa/.texttest/tmp/netedit.gui.28Jun101856.15528/netedit.gui/netelements/edges/contextual_menu/straighten_elevation_edge/additionals.add.xml failed.
> Error: Loading of <TEXTTEST_SANDBOX>/additionals.add.xml failed.
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "<TEXTTEST_SANDBOX>/test.py", line 38, in <module>
>     netedit.contextualMenuOperation(referencePosition, 480, 111, netedit.attrs.edge.contextualMenuEdgeA,
> TypeError: contextualMenuOperation() takes 3 positional arguments but 5 were given
---------- Differences in log ----------
< Error: Could not build busStop 'busStop5' in netedit; lane 'gneE3_0' doesn't exist.
< Error: Loading of C:/Users/alva_pa/.texttest/tmp/netedit.gui.28Jun101856.15528/netedit.gui/netelements/edges/contextual_menu/straighten_elevation_edge/additionals.add.xml failed.
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
< TestFunctions: Netedit closed successfully
---------- New result in exitcode ----------
---------- Missing result in additionals ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<additional xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/additional_file.xsd">
    <!-- StoppingPlaces -->
    <busStop id="busStop1" lane="gneE0_0" startPos="37.00" endPos="47.00" friendlyPos="true"/>
    <busStop id="busStop2" lane="gneE1_0" startPos="3.00" endPos="13.00" friendlyPos="true"/>
    <busStop id="busStop3" lane="gneE2_0" startPos="37.00" endPos="47.00" friendlyPos="true"/>
---------- Missing result in guisettingsoutput ----------
    <viewport zoom="120.00" x="20.00" y="10.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Missing result in net ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<net version="1.20" junctionCornerDetail="5" limitTurnSpeed="5.50" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/net_file.xsd">

    <location netOffset="25.00,0.00" convBoundary="0.00,0.00,50.00,20.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.00,-10000000000.00,10000000000.00,10000000000.00" projParameter="!"/>

    <edge id=":gneJ0_0" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_0_0" index="0" speed="6.08" length="7.74" shape="-1.60,3.20 -1.30,1.10 -0.40,-0.40 1.10,-1.30 3.20,-1.60"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ0_1" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_1_0" index="0" speed="3.90" length="2.58" shape="3.20,1.60 2.50,1.70 2.00,2.00 1.70,2.50 1.60,3.20"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ0_2" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_2_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="1.30" shape="3.20,1.60 2.12,0.88"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ0_3" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_3_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="3.37" shape="2.12,0.88 2.00,0.80 1.60,0.00 2.00,-0.80 3.20,-1.60"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_0" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_0_0" index="0" speed="3.90" length="2.58" shape="48.40,3.20 48.30,2.50 48.00,2.00 47.50,1.70 46.80,1.60"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_1" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_1_0" index="0" speed="6.08" length="7.74" shape="46.80,-1.60 48.90,-1.30 50.40,-0.40 51.30,1.10 51.60,3.20"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_2" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_2_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="1.44" shape="46.80,-1.60 48.00,-0.80"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_3" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_3_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="3.23" shape="48.00,-0.80 48.40,0.00 48.00,0.80 46.80,1.60"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : network edges create allow ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

---------- Differences in log ----------
< Warning: Invalid edge attributes
< Warning: Invalid edge attributes
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 384 - 268
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 814 - 268
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 561 - 592
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 1038 - 594
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 384 - 343
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 343
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 1041 - 210
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 563 - 210
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 384 - 418
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 418
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 384 - 493
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 493
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 561 - 592
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 563 - 210
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 1038 - 594
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 1041 - 210
< TestFunctions: Netedit closed successfully
> TestFunctions: Error closing Netedit
---------- New result in errorScreenshot ----------

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ܸ-|=uӐ浰6ʍOBkBH*r7ɯc_Ez#ƷA;@DA6nXf=.vvNZz&	++K>ȷAbQ5N̵JeD"%a28Hr32H5\yU.$b"b)TbBvl&.፥)ĕ&qtx=d
ZuęQ:"s$5{֡zʶ66w(;[C̑0ce)n9~9'&%QEOwntj*6>!<YYZÕmGOBr$I
cx<Xd!yR/_{A}{89dbzfe娖ome-]Vjr|wFR;Ur{k͍#Kj 55ڊ\2/1D0L΍n.Ϊ9Qa3JU+ɀj_1.{trtx:*ץ}:(>?ј'==ʒاj5d2Wa\.}mo0̀UsJRW'a^E?77777eYLgT*UN+I$ظ<^ETtz.$\+1'''G*uly׾ܳH$DBDy\Ÿjj(}.֪y"ڰegֻ(Q*r[kR)*ɤRuzUrL&x!/cƭ;=?u׹]+xj 01*a"r$--=~SR%\g'Geܱm
*uL܃<~f!֮Yk6Y\xG{ܼ/TttRsΈVüwG* !U=u*Y&\t+D3TwWp9UX%HSyuucF&qݤ:Zw1$Orݳrrn"O~c"d\
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Missing result in guisettingsoutput ----------
    <viewport zoom="100.00" x="50.00" y="50.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Missing result in net ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<net version="1.20" junctionCornerDetail="5" limitTurnSpeed="5.50" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/net_file.xsd">

    <location netOffset="0.00,0.00" convBoundary="-30.00,35.00,50.00,60.00" origBoundary="10000000000.00,10000000000.00,-10000000000.00,-10000000000.00" projParameter="!"/>

    <edge id="E0" from="J0" to="J1" priority="-1">
        <lane id="E0_0" index="0" allow="pedestrian bus" speed="13.89" length="80.00" shape="-30.00,58.40 50.00,58.40"/>
    <edge id="E1" from="J2" to="J3" priority="-1">
        <lane id="E1_0" index="0" speed="13.89" length="80.00" shape="-30.00,43.40 50.00,43.40"/>
    <edge id="E2" from="J4" to="J5" priority="-1">
        <lane id="E2_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian bus tram rail_urban rail rail_electric ship" speed="13.89" length="80.00" shape="-30.00,33.40 50.00,33.40"/>

    <junction id="J0" type="dead_end" x="-30.00" y="60.00" incLanes="" intLanes="" shape="-30.00,60.00 -30.00,56.80"/>
    <junction id="J1" type="dead_end" x="50.00" y="60.00" incLanes="E0_0" intLanes="" shape="50.00,56.80 50.00,60.00"/>
    <junction id="J2" type="dead_end" x="-30.00" y="45.00" incLanes="" intLanes="" shape="-30.00,45.00 -30.00,41.80"/>
    <junction id="J3" type="dead_end" x="50.00" y="45.00" incLanes="E1_0" intLanes="" shape="50.00,41.80 50.00,45.00"/>
    <junction id="J4" type="dead_end" x="-30.00" y="35.00" incLanes="" intLanes="" shape="-30.00,35.00 -30.00,31.80"/>
    <junction id="J5" type="dead_end" x="50.00" y="35.00" incLanes="E2_0" intLanes="" shape="50.00,31.80 50.00,35.00"/>


TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : network edges create lane speed ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_0' in netedit; edge '-E10' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_1' in netedit; edge 'E7' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_2' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_0' in netedit; edge 'E10' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_1' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_2' in netedit; edge '-E7' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_5' in netedit; lane '-E9_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_6' in netedit; lane 'E12_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_0' in netedit; lane '-E1_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane '-E1_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_1' in netedit; lane 'E0_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane 'E0_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_2' in netedit; lane '-E0_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane '-E0_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_4' in netedit; lane 'E1_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane 'E1_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_0' in netedit; lane 'E5_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_1' in netedit; lane 'E8_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_2' in netedit; lane 'E4_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_3' in netedit; lane 'E2_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_0' in netedit; lane 'E10_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_1' in netedit; lane 'E11_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_2' in netedit; lane '-E7_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_4' in netedit; lane '-E6_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_0' in netedit; lane 'E6_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_1' in netedit; lane '-E10_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_2' in netedit; lane '-E11_0' doesn't exist.
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ----------
<     <viewport zoom="100.00" x="50.00" y="50.00" angle="0.00"/>
>     <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Differences in log ----------
< Warning: Invalid lane attributes
< Warning: Invalid lane attributes
< Warning: Invalid lane attributes
< Warning: Invalid lane attributes
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_0' in netedit; edge '-E10' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_1' in netedit; edge 'E7' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_2' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_0' in netedit; edge 'E10' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_1' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_2' in netedit; edge '-E7' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_5' in netedit; lane '-E9_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_6' in netedit; lane 'E12_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_0' in netedit; lane '-E1_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane '-E1_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_1' in netedit; lane 'E0_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane 'E0_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_2' in netedit; lane '-E0_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane '-E0_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_4' in netedit; lane 'E1_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane 'E1_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_0' in netedit; lane 'E5_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_1' in netedit; lane 'E8_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_2' in netedit; lane 'E4_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_3' in netedit; lane 'E2_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_0' in netedit; lane 'E10_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_1' in netedit; lane 'E11_0' doesn't exist.
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in net ----------
<     <location netOffset="0.00,0.00" convBoundary="-30.00,45.00,50.00,45.00" origBoundary="10000000000.00,10000000000.00,-10000000000.00,-10000000000.00" projParameter="!"/>
>     <location netOffset="0.00,0.00" convBoundary="-60.00,-30.00,60.00,30.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.000000,-10000000000.000000,10000000000.000000,10000000000.000000" projParameter="+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext +no_defs"/>
>     <edge id=":JunctionExtern0_0" function="internal">
>         <lane id=":JunctionExtern0_0_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="3.53" length="4.38" width="3.00" shape="-60.00,1.50 -61.12,0.75 -61.50,0.00 -61.12,-0.75 -60.00,-1.50"/>
>     </edge>
>     <edge id=":JunctionExtern1_0" function="internal">
>         <lane id=":JunctionExtern1_0_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="3.53" length="4.38" width="3.00" shape="60.00,-1.50 61.12,-0.75 61.50,0.00 61.12,0.75 60.00,1.50"/>
>     </edge>
<         <lane id="E0_0" index="0" speed="23.50" length="80.00" shape="-30.00,43.40 50.00,43.40"/>
>         <lane id="E0_0" index="0" speed="13.89" length="40.00" shape="-23.40,-20.00 -23.40,20.00"/>
>     </edge>
>     <edge id="EdgeExternBot" from="JunctionExtern0" to="JunctionExtern1" priority="-1" length="175.00" shape="-60.00,0.00 -45.00,0.00 -45.00,-25.00 -40.00,-30.00 40.00,-30.00 45.00,-25.00 45.00,0.00 60.00,0.00">
>         <lane id="EdgeExternBot_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="175.00" width="3.00" shape="-60.00,-1.50 -46.50,-1.50 -46.50,-25.62 -40.62,-31.50 40.62,-31.50 46.50,-25.62 46.50,-1.50 60.00,-1.50"/>
>     <edge id="EdgeExternTop" from="JunctionExtern1" to="JunctionExtern0" priority="-1" length="175.00" shape="60.00,0.00 45.00,0.00 45.00,25.00 40.00,30.00 -40.00,30.00 -45.00,25.00 -45.00,0.00 -60.00,0.00">
>         <lane id="EdgeExternTop_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="175.00" width="3.00" shape="60.00,1.50 46.50,1.50 46.50,25.62 40.62,31.50 -40.62,31.50 -46.50,25.62 -46.50,1.50 -60.00,1.50"/>
>     </edge>
>     <junction id="J0" type="dead_end" x="-25.00" y="-20.00" incLanes="" intLanes="" shape="-25.00,-20.00 -21.80,-20.00"/>
>     <junction id="J1" type="dead_end" x="-25.00" y="20.00" incLanes="E0_0" intLanes="" shape="-21.80,20.00 -25.00,20.00"/>
>     <junction id="JunctionExtern0" type="priority" x="-60.00" y="0.00" incLanes="EdgeExternTop_0" intLanes=":JunctionExtern0_0_0" shape="-60.00,0.00 -60.00,3.00 -60.00,0.00">
>         <request index="0" response="0" foes="0" cont="0"/>
>     </junction>
>     <junction id="JunctionExtern1" type="priority" x="60.00" y="0.00" incLanes="EdgeExternBot_0" intLanes=":JunctionExtern1_0_0" shape="60.00,0.00 60.00,-3.00 60.00,0.00">
>         <request index="0" response="0" foes="0" cont="0"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 384 - 268
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 814 - 268
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 561 - 592
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 1038 - 594
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 384 - 343
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 343
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 1041 - 210
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 563 - 210
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 384 - 418
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 418
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 561 - 592
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 563 - 210
---------- New result in additionals ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<additional xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/additional_file.xsd">
    <!-- Detectors -->
    <!-- Shapes -->
    <poly id="po_0" color="red" fill="1" layer="0.00" shape="-12.000000,12.000000 -12.000000,8.000000 -8.000000,8.000000 -8.000000,12.000000 -12.000000,12.000000"/>
    <poly id="po_1" color="red" fill="1" layer="0.00" shape="8.000000,12.000000 8.000000,8.000000 12.000000,8.000000 12.000000,12.000000 8.000000,12.000000"/>
    <poly id="po_2" color="red" fill="1" layer="0.00" shape="8.000000,-8.000000 8.000000,-12.000000 12.000000,-12.000000 12.000000,-8.000000 8.000000,-8.000000"/>
    <poly id="po_3" color="red" fill="1" layer="0.00" shape="-8.000000,-8.000000 -12.000000,-8.000000 -12.000000,-12.000000 -8.000000,-12.000000 -8.000000,-8.000000"/>
    <poi id="poi_0" color="red" layer="202.00" x="-26.00" y="8.00"/>
    <poi id="poi_1" color="red" layer="202.00" x="-26.00" y="-8.00"/>
    <poi id="poi_10" color="red" layer="202.00" lon="0.000234" lat="-0.000180"/>
    <poi id="poi_11" color="red" layer="202.00" lon="-0.000234" lat="-0.000180"/>
    <poi id="poi_2" color="red" layer="202.00" x="26.00" y="-8.00"/>
    <poi id="poi_3" color="red" layer="202.00" x="26.00" y="8.00"/>
    <poi id="poi_8" color="red" layer="202.00" lon="-0.000234" lat="0.000180"/>
    <poi id="poi_9" color="red" layer="202.00" lon="0.000234" lat="0.000180"/>
    <!-- TAZs -->
    <taz id="taz_0" shape="-18.00,-14.00 -18.00,-16.00 -8.00,-16.00 -8.00,-14.00 -18.00,-14.00" fill="1" color="green"/>
    <taz id="taz_1" shape="8.00,-14.00 8.00,-16.00 18.00,-16.00 18.00,-14.00 8.00,-14.00" fill="1" color="green"/>
    <taz id="taz_2" shape="18.00,14.00 8.00,14.00 8.00,16.00 18.00,16.00 18.00,14.00" fill="1" color="green"/>
    <taz id="taz_3" shape="-8.00,14.00 -18.00,14.00 -18.00,16.00 -8.00,16.00 -8.00,14.00" fill="1" color="green"/>
    <!-- JuPedSim elements -->
    <poly id="jps.walkable_area_0" type="jupedsim.walkable_area" color="179,217,255" fill="1" layer="1.00" shape="-12.000000,-8.000000 -12.000000,-12.000000 -16.000000,-12.000000 -16.000000,-8.000000 -12.000000,-8.000000"/>
    <poly id="jps.walkable_area_1" type="jupedsim.walkable_area" color="179,217,255" fill="1" layer="1.00" shape="-12.000000,8.000000 -16.000000,8.000000 -16.000000,12.000000 -12.000000,12.000000 -12.000000,8.000000"/>
    <poly id="jps.walkable_area_2" type="jupedsim.walkable_area" color="179,217,255" fill="1" layer="1.00" shape="12.000000,8.000000 16.000000,8.000000 16.000000,12.000000 12.000000,12.000000 12.000000,8.000000"/>
    <poly id="jps.walkable_area_4" type="jupedsim.walkable_area" color="179,217,255" fill="1" layer="1.00" shape="12.000000,-8.000000 12.000000,-12.000000 16.000000,-12.000000 16.000000,-8.000000 12.000000,-8.000000"/>
    <poly id="jps.obstacle_0" type="jupedsim.obstacle" color="255,204,204" fill="1" layer="2.00" shape="20.000000,12.000000 16.000000,12.000000 16.000000,8.000000 20.000000,8.000000 20.000000,12.000000"/>
    <poly id="jps.obstacle_1" type="jupedsim.obstacle" color="255,204,204" fill="1" layer="2.00" shape="20.000000,-8.000000 16.000000,-8.000000 16.000000,-12.000000 20.000000,-12.000000 20.000000,-8.000000"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- New result in datas ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd">
---------- New result in routes ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<routes xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/routes_file.xsd">

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : network edges create lane width ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_0' in netedit; edge '-E10' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_1' in netedit; edge 'E7' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_2' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_0' in netedit; edge 'E10' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_1' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_2' in netedit; edge '-E7' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_5' in netedit; lane '-E9_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_6' in netedit; lane 'E12_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_0' in netedit; lane '-E1_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane '-E1_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_1' in netedit; lane 'E0_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane 'E0_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_2' in netedit; lane '-E0_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane '-E0_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_4' in netedit; lane 'E1_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane 'E1_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_0' in netedit; lane 'E5_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_1' in netedit; lane 'E8_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_2' in netedit; lane 'E4_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_3' in netedit; lane 'E2_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_0' in netedit; lane 'E10_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_1' in netedit; lane 'E11_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_2' in netedit; lane '-E7_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_4' in netedit; lane '-E6_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_0' in netedit; lane 'E6_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_1' in netedit; lane '-E10_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_2' in netedit; lane '-E11_0' doesn't exist.
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ----------
<     <viewport zoom="100.00" x="50.00" y="50.00" angle="0.00"/>
>     <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Differences in log ----------
< Warning: Invalid lane attributes
< Warning: Invalid lane attributes
< Warning: Invalid lane attributes
< Warning: Invalid lane attributes
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_0' in netedit; edge '-E10' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_1' in netedit; edge 'E7' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_2' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_0' in netedit; edge 'E10' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_1' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_2' in netedit; edge '-E7' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_5' in netedit; lane '-E9_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_6' in netedit; lane 'E12_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_0' in netedit; lane '-E1_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane '-E1_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_1' in netedit; lane 'E0_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane 'E0_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_2' in netedit; lane '-E0_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane '-E0_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_4' in netedit; lane 'E1_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane 'E1_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_0' in netedit; lane 'E5_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_1' in netedit; lane 'E8_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_2' in netedit; lane 'E4_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_3' in netedit; lane 'E2_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_0' in netedit; lane 'E10_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_1' in netedit; lane 'E11_0' doesn't exist.
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in net ----------
<     <location netOffset="0.00,0.00" convBoundary="-30.00,45.00,50.00,45.00" origBoundary="10000000000.00,10000000000.00,-10000000000.00,-10000000000.00" projParameter="!"/>
>     <location netOffset="0.00,0.00" convBoundary="-60.00,-30.00,60.00,30.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.000000,-10000000000.000000,10000000000.000000,10000000000.000000" projParameter="+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext +no_defs"/>
>     <edge id=":JunctionExtern0_0" function="internal">
>         <lane id=":JunctionExtern0_0_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="3.53" length="4.38" width="3.00" shape="-60.00,1.50 -61.12,0.75 -61.50,0.00 -61.12,-0.75 -60.00,-1.50"/>
>     </edge>
>     <edge id=":JunctionExtern1_0" function="internal">
>         <lane id=":JunctionExtern1_0_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="3.53" length="4.38" width="3.00" shape="60.00,-1.50 61.12,-0.75 61.50,0.00 61.12,0.75 60.00,1.50"/>
>     </edge>
<         <lane id="E0_0" index="0" speed="13.89" length="80.00" width="23.50" shape="-30.00,33.25 50.00,33.25"/>
>         <lane id="E0_0" index="0" speed="13.89" length="40.00" shape="-23.40,-20.00 -23.40,20.00"/>
>     </edge>
>     <edge id="EdgeExternBot" from="JunctionExtern0" to="JunctionExtern1" priority="-1" length="175.00" shape="-60.00,0.00 -45.00,0.00 -45.00,-25.00 -40.00,-30.00 40.00,-30.00 45.00,-25.00 45.00,0.00 60.00,0.00">
>         <lane id="EdgeExternBot_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="175.00" width="3.00" shape="-60.00,-1.50 -46.50,-1.50 -46.50,-25.62 -40.62,-31.50 40.62,-31.50 46.50,-25.62 46.50,-1.50 60.00,-1.50"/>
>     <edge id="EdgeExternTop" from="JunctionExtern1" to="JunctionExtern0" priority="-1" length="175.00" shape="60.00,0.00 45.00,0.00 45.00,25.00 40.00,30.00 -40.00,30.00 -45.00,25.00 -45.00,0.00 -60.00,0.00">
>         <lane id="EdgeExternTop_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="175.00" width="3.00" shape="60.00,1.50 46.50,1.50 46.50,25.62 40.62,31.50 -40.62,31.50 -46.50,25.62 -46.50,1.50 -60.00,1.50"/>
>     </edge>
>     <junction id="J0" type="dead_end" x="-25.00" y="-20.00" incLanes="" intLanes="" shape="-25.00,-20.00 -21.80,-20.00"/>
>     <junction id="J1" type="dead_end" x="-25.00" y="20.00" incLanes="E0_0" intLanes="" shape="-21.80,20.00 -25.00,20.00"/>
>     <junction id="JunctionExtern0" type="priority" x="-60.00" y="0.00" incLanes="EdgeExternTop_0" intLanes=":JunctionExtern0_0_0" shape="-60.00,0.00 -60.00,3.00 -60.00,0.00">
>         <request index="0" response="0" foes="0" cont="0"/>
>     </junction>
>     <junction id="JunctionExtern1" type="priority" x="60.00" y="0.00" incLanes="EdgeExternBot_0" intLanes=":JunctionExtern1_0_0" shape="60.00,0.00 60.00,-3.00 60.00,0.00">
>         <request index="0" response="0" foes="0" cont="0"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 384 - 268
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 814 - 268
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 561 - 592
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 1038 - 594
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 384 - 343
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 343
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 1041 - 210
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 563 - 210
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 384 - 418
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 418
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 561 - 592
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 563 - 210
---------- New result in additionals ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<additional xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/additional_file.xsd">
    <!-- Detectors -->
    <!-- Shapes -->
    <poly id="po_0" color="red" fill="1" layer="0.00" shape="-12.000000,12.000000 -12.000000,8.000000 -8.000000,8.000000 -8.000000,12.000000 -12.000000,12.000000"/>
    <poly id="po_1" color="red" fill="1" layer="0.00" shape="8.000000,12.000000 8.000000,8.000000 12.000000,8.000000 12.000000,12.000000 8.000000,12.000000"/>
    <poly id="po_2" color="red" fill="1" layer="0.00" shape="8.000000,-8.000000 8.000000,-12.000000 12.000000,-12.000000 12.000000,-8.000000 8.000000,-8.000000"/>
    <poly id="po_3" color="red" fill="1" layer="0.00" shape="-8.000000,-8.000000 -12.000000,-8.000000 -12.000000,-12.000000 -8.000000,-12.000000 -8.000000,-8.000000"/>
    <poi id="poi_0" color="red" layer="202.00" x="-26.00" y="8.00"/>
    <poi id="poi_1" color="red" layer="202.00" x="-26.00" y="-8.00"/>
    <poi id="poi_10" color="red" layer="202.00" lon="0.000234" lat="-0.000180"/>
    <poi id="poi_11" color="red" layer="202.00" lon="-0.000234" lat="-0.000180"/>
    <poi id="poi_2" color="red" layer="202.00" x="26.00" y="-8.00"/>
    <poi id="poi_3" color="red" layer="202.00" x="26.00" y="8.00"/>
    <poi id="poi_8" color="red" layer="202.00" lon="-0.000234" lat="0.000180"/>
    <poi id="poi_9" color="red" layer="202.00" lon="0.000234" lat="0.000180"/>
    <!-- TAZs -->
    <taz id="taz_0" shape="-18.00,-14.00 -18.00,-16.00 -8.00,-16.00 -8.00,-14.00 -18.00,-14.00" fill="1" color="green"/>
    <taz id="taz_1" shape="8.00,-14.00 8.00,-16.00 18.00,-16.00 18.00,-14.00 8.00,-14.00" fill="1" color="green"/>
    <taz id="taz_2" shape="18.00,14.00 8.00,14.00 8.00,16.00 18.00,16.00 18.00,14.00" fill="1" color="green"/>
    <taz id="taz_3" shape="-8.00,14.00 -18.00,14.00 -18.00,16.00 -8.00,16.00 -8.00,14.00" fill="1" color="green"/>
    <!-- JuPedSim elements -->
    <poly id="jps.walkable_area_0" type="jupedsim.walkable_area" color="179,217,255" fill="1" layer="1.00" shape="-12.000000,-8.000000 -12.000000,-12.000000 -16.000000,-12.000000 -16.000000,-8.000000 -12.000000,-8.000000"/>
    <poly id="jps.walkable_area_1" type="jupedsim.walkable_area" color="179,217,255" fill="1" layer="1.00" shape="-12.000000,8.000000 -16.000000,8.000000 -16.000000,12.000000 -12.000000,12.000000 -12.000000,8.000000"/>
    <poly id="jps.walkable_area_2" type="jupedsim.walkable_area" color="179,217,255" fill="1" layer="1.00" shape="12.000000,8.000000 16.000000,8.000000 16.000000,12.000000 12.000000,12.000000 12.000000,8.000000"/>
    <poly id="jps.walkable_area_4" type="jupedsim.walkable_area" color="179,217,255" fill="1" layer="1.00" shape="12.000000,-8.000000 12.000000,-12.000000 16.000000,-12.000000 16.000000,-8.000000 12.000000,-8.000000"/>
    <poly id="jps.obstacle_0" type="jupedsim.obstacle" color="255,204,204" fill="1" layer="2.00" shape="20.000000,12.000000 16.000000,12.000000 16.000000,8.000000 20.000000,8.000000 20.000000,12.000000"/>
    <poly id="jps.obstacle_1" type="jupedsim.obstacle" color="255,204,204" fill="1" layer="2.00" shape="20.000000,-8.000000 16.000000,-8.000000 16.000000,-12.000000 20.000000,-12.000000 20.000000,-8.000000"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- New result in datas ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd">
---------- New result in routes ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<routes xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/routes_file.xsd">

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : network edges delete ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

---------- Differences in additionals ----------
>     <!-- StoppingPlaces -->
>     <busStop id="busStop_3_2_0" lane="3_2" startPos="4.18" endPos="14.18"/>
>     <busStop id="busStop_4_2_2" lane="4_2" startPos="3.01" endPos="13.01"/>
>     <busStop id="busStop_8_2_1" lane="8_2" startPos="29.73" endPos="39.73"/>
---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ----------
<     <viewport zoom="100.00" x="50.00" y="50.00" angle="0.00"/>
>     <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Differences in net ----------
>     <edge id=":A_0" function="internal">
>         <lane id=":A_0_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="4.67" shape="48.40,0.00 49.20,-1.20 50.00,-1.60 50.80,-1.20 51.60,0.00"/>
>     </edge>
>     <edge id=":A_w0" function="walkingarea">
>         <lane id=":A_w0_0" index="0" allow="pedestrian" speed="2.78" length="9.60" width="12.80" shape="50.00,0.00 56.40,0.00 43.60,0.00 50.00,0.00"/>
>     </edge>
>     <edge id=":B_0" function="internal">
>         <lane id=":B_0_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="4.67" shape="51.60,100.00 50.80,101.20 50.00,101.60 49.20,101.20 48.40,100.00"/>
>     </edge>
>     <edge id=":B_w0" function="walkingarea">
>         <lane id=":B_w0_0" index="0" allow="pedestrian" speed="2.78" length="9.60" width="12.80" shape="50.00,100.00 43.60,100.00 56.40,100.00 50.00,100.00"/>
>     </edge>
>     <edge id=":C_0" function="internal">
>         <lane id=":C_0_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian rail_fast" speed="3.65" length="4.67" shape="0.00,51.60 -1.20,50.80 -1.60,50.00 -1.20,49.20 0.00,48.40"/>
>     </edge>
>     <edge id=":C_w0" function="walkingarea">
>         <lane id=":C_w0_0" index="0" allow="pedestrian" speed="2.78" length="22.40" width="3.20" shape="0.00,40.40 0.00,37.20 0.00,62.80 0.00,59.60"/>
>     </edge>
>     <edge id=":Center_0" function="internal">
>         <lane id=":Center_0_0" index="0" allow="bicycle" speed="6.08" length="7.76" shape="45.20,64.30 45.01,61.54 44.43,59.58 43.46,58.39 42.10,58.00"/>
>         <lane id=":Center_0_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian rail_fast" speed="7.02" length="10.69" shape="45.20,64.30 45.01,60.14 44.43,57.17 43.46,55.39 42.10,54.80"/>
>     </edge>
>     <edge id=":Center_2" function="internal">
>         <lane id=":Center_2_0" index="0" speed="13.90" length="28.60" shape="45.20,64.30 45.20,35.70"/>
>         <lane id=":Center_2_1" index="1" speed="13.90" length="28.60" shape="48.40,64.30 48.40,35.70"/>
>     </edge>
>     <edge id=":Center_4" function="internal">
>         <lane id=":Center_4_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian rail_fast" speed="9.57" length="20.74" shape="48.40,64.30 48.99,57.34 50.77,52.38 53.74,49.39 57.90,48.40"/>
>     </edge>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 654 - 368
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 403
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
---------- New result in datas ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd">
---------- New result in routes ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<routes xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/routes_file.xsd">

2 TESTS FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba :

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_0' in netedit; edge '-E10' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_1' in netedit; edge 'E7' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_2' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_0' in netedit; edge 'E10' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_1' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_2' in netedit; edge '-E7' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_5' in netedit; lane '-E9_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_6' in netedit; lane 'E12_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_0' in netedit; lane '-E1_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane '-E1_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_1' in netedit; lane 'E0_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane 'E0_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_2' in netedit; lane '-E0_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane '-E0_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_4' in netedit; lane 'E1_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane 'E1_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_0' in netedit; lane 'E5_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_1' in netedit; lane 'E8_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_2' in netedit; lane 'E4_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_3' in netedit; lane 'E2_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_0' in netedit; lane 'E10_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_1' in netedit; lane 'E11_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_2' in netedit; lane '-E7_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_4' in netedit; lane '-E6_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_0' in netedit; lane 'E6_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_1' in netedit; lane '-E10_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_2' in netedit; lane '-E11_0' doesn't exist.
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in log ----------
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_0' in netedit; edge '-E10' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_1' in netedit; edge 'E7' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_2' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_0' in netedit; edge 'E10' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_1' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_2' in netedit; edge '-E7' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_5' in netedit; lane '-E9_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_6' in netedit; lane 'E12_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_0' in netedit; lane '-E1_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane '-E1_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_1' in netedit; lane 'E0_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane 'E0_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_2' in netedit; lane '-E0_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane '-E0_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_4' in netedit; lane 'E1_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane 'E1_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_0' in netedit; lane 'E5_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_1' in netedit; lane 'E8_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_2' in netedit; lane 'E4_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_3' in netedit; lane 'E2_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_0' in netedit; lane 'E10_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_1' in netedit; lane 'E11_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_2' in netedit; lane '-E7_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_4' in netedit; lane '-E6_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_0' in netedit; lane 'E6_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_1' in netedit; lane '-E10_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_2' in netedit; lane '-E11_0' doesn't exist.
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 744 - 328
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
< TestFunctions: Netedit closed successfully
> TestFunctions: Error closing Netedit
---------- New result in errorScreenshot ----------

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<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Missing result in additionals ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<additional xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/additional_file.xsd">
    <!-- StoppingPlaces -->
    <busStop id="busStop1" lane="gneE0_0" startPos="10.00" endPos="15.00" friendlyPos="true"/>
    <busStop id="busStop2" lane="gneE1_0" startPos="3.00" endPos="13.00" friendlyPos="true"/>
    <busStop id="busStop3" lane="gneE2_0" endPos="30.00" friendlyPos="true"/>
    <busStop id="busStop4" lane="gneE2_1" startPos="25.00" friendlyPos="true"/>
    <busStop id="busStop5" lane="gneE3_0" startPos="3.00" endPos="13.00" friendlyPos="true"/>
    <busStop id="busStop6" lane="gneE3_1" startPos="3.00" endPos="13.00" friendlyPos="true"/>
---------- Missing result in guisettingsoutput ----------
    <viewport zoom="100.00" x="25.00" y="10.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Missing result in net ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<net version="1.20" junctionCornerDetail="5" limitTurnSpeed="5.50" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/net_file.xsd">

    <location netOffset="25.00,0.00" convBoundary="0.00,0.00,50.00,20.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.00,-10000000000.00,10000000000.00,10000000000.00" projParameter="!"/>

    <edge id=":gneJ0_0" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_0_0" index="0" speed="6.08" length="7.74" shape="-1.60,3.20 -1.30,1.10 -0.40,-0.40 1.10,-1.30 3.20,-1.60"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ0_1" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_1_0" index="0" speed="3.90" length="2.58" shape="3.20,1.60 2.50,1.70 2.00,2.00 1.70,2.50 1.60,3.20"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ0_2" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_2_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="1.30" shape="3.20,1.60 2.12,0.88"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ0_3" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_3_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="3.37" shape="2.12,0.88 2.00,0.80 1.60,0.00 2.00,-0.80 3.20,-1.60"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_0" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_0_0" index="0" speed="3.90" length="2.58" shape="48.40,3.20 48.30,2.50 48.00,2.00 47.50,1.70 46.80,1.60"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_1" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_1_0" index="0" speed="6.08" length="7.74" shape="46.80,-1.60 48.90,-1.30 50.40,-0.40 51.30,1.10 51.60,3.20"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_2" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_2_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="1.44" shape="46.80,-1.60 48.00,-0.80"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_3" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_3_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="3.23" shape="48.00,-0.80 48.40,0.00 48.00,0.80 46.80,1.60"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
network edges inspect allow ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network edges inspect disallow ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : network edges inspect distance ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

---------- Differences in additionals ----------
>     <!-- Detectors -->
>     <!-- Shapes -->
>     <poly id="po_0" color="red" fill="1" layer="0.00" shape="-12.000000,12.000000 -12.000000,8.000000 -8.000000,8.000000 -8.000000,12.000000 -12.000000,12.000000"/>
>     <poly id="po_1" color="red" fill="1" layer="0.00" shape="8.000000,12.000000 8.000000,8.000000 12.000000,8.000000 12.000000,12.000000 8.000000,12.000000"/>
>     <poly id="po_2" color="red" fill="1" layer="0.00" shape="8.000000,-8.000000 8.000000,-12.000000 12.000000,-12.000000 12.000000,-8.000000 8.000000,-8.000000"/>
>     <poly id="po_3" color="red" fill="1" layer="0.00" shape="-8.000000,-8.000000 -12.000000,-8.000000 -12.000000,-12.000000 -8.000000,-12.000000 -8.000000,-8.000000"/>
>     <poi id="poi_0" color="red" layer="202.00" x="-26.00" y="8.00"/>
>     <poi id="poi_1" color="red" layer="202.00" x="-26.00" y="-8.00"/>
>     <poi id="poi_2" color="red" layer="202.00" x="26.00" y="-8.00"/>
>     <poi id="poi_3" color="red" layer="202.00" x="26.00" y="8.00"/>
>     <!-- TAZs -->
>     <taz id="taz_0" shape="-18.00,-14.00 -18.00,-16.00 -8.00,-16.00 -8.00,-14.00 -18.00,-14.00" fill="1" color="green"/>
>     <taz id="taz_1" shape="8.00,-14.00 8.00,-16.00 18.00,-16.00 18.00,-14.00 8.00,-14.00" fill="1" color="green"/>
>     <taz id="taz_2" shape="18.00,14.00 8.00,14.00 8.00,16.00 18.00,16.00 18.00,14.00" fill="1" color="green"/>
>     <taz id="taz_3" shape="-8.00,14.00 -18.00,14.00 -18.00,16.00 -8.00,16.00 -8.00,14.00" fill="1" color="green"/>
>     <!-- JuPedSim elements -->
>     <poly id="jps.walkable_area_0" type="jupedsim.walkable_area" color="179,217,255" fill="1" layer="1.00" shape="-12.000000,-8.000000 -12.000000,-12.000000 -16.000000,-12.000000 -16.000000,-8.000000 -12.000000,-8.000000"/>
>     <poly id="jps.walkable_area_1" type="jupedsim.walkable_area" color="179,217,255" fill="1" layer="1.00" shape="-12.000000,8.000000 -16.000000,8.000000 -16.000000,12.000000 -12.000000,12.000000 -12.000000,8.000000"/>
>     <poly id="jps.walkable_area_2" type="jupedsim.walkable_area" color="179,217,255" fill="1" layer="1.00" shape="12.000000,8.000000 16.000000,8.000000 16.000000,12.000000 12.000000,12.000000 12.000000,8.000000"/>
>     <poly id="jps.walkable_area_4" type="jupedsim.walkable_area" color="179,217,255" fill="1" layer="1.00" shape="12.000000,-8.000000 12.000000,-12.000000 16.000000,-12.000000 16.000000,-8.000000 12.000000,-8.000000"/>
>     <poly id="jps.obstacle_0" type="jupedsim.obstacle" color="255,204,204" fill="1" layer="2.00" shape="20.000000,12.000000 16.000000,12.000000 16.000000,8.000000 20.000000,8.000000 20.000000,12.000000"/>
>     <poly id="jps.obstacle_1" type="jupedsim.obstacle" color="255,204,204" fill="1" layer="2.00" shape="20.000000,-8.000000 16.000000,-8.000000 16.000000,-12.000000 20.000000,-12.000000 20.000000,-8.000000"/>
>     <poly id="jps.obstacle_2" type="jupedsim.obstacle" color="255,204,204" fill="1" layer="2.00" shape="-16.000000,-8.000000 -20.000000,-8.000000 -20.000000,-12.000000 -16.000000,-12.000000 -16.000000,-8.000000"/>
>     <poly id="jps.obstacle_3" type="jupedsim.obstacle" color="255,204,204" fill="1" layer="2.00" shape="-16.000000,12.000000 -20.000000,12.000000 -20.000000,8.000000 -16.000000,8.000000 -16.000000,12.000000"/>
---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_0' in netedit; edge '-E10' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_1' in netedit; edge 'E7' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_2' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_0' in netedit; edge 'E10' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_1' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_2' in netedit; edge '-E7' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_5' in netedit; lane '-E9_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_6' in netedit; lane 'E12_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_0' in netedit; lane '-E1_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane '-E1_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_1' in netedit; lane 'E0_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane 'E0_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_2' in netedit; lane '-E0_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane '-E0_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_4' in netedit; lane 'E1_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane 'E1_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_0' in netedit; lane 'E5_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_1' in netedit; lane 'E8_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_2' in netedit; lane 'E4_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_3' in netedit; lane 'E2_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_0' in netedit; lane 'E10_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_1' in netedit; lane 'E11_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_2' in netedit; lane '-E7_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_4' in netedit; lane '-E6_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_0' in netedit; lane 'E6_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_1' in netedit; lane '-E10_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_2' in netedit; lane '-E11_0' doesn't exist.
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ----------
<     <viewport zoom="100.00" x="25.00" y="11.40" angle="0.00"/>
>     <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Differences in log ----------
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_0' in netedit; edge '-E10' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_1' in netedit; edge 'E7' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_2' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_0' in netedit; edge 'E10' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_1' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_2' in netedit; edge '-E7' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_5' in netedit; lane '-E9_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_6' in netedit; lane 'E12_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_0' in netedit; lane '-E1_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane '-E1_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_1' in netedit; lane 'E0_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane 'E0_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_2' in netedit; lane '-E0_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane '-E0_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_4' in netedit; lane 'E1_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane 'E1_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_0' in netedit; lane 'E5_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_1' in netedit; lane 'E8_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_2' in netedit; lane 'E4_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_3' in netedit; lane 'E2_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_0' in netedit; lane 'E10_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_1' in netedit; lane 'E11_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_2' in netedit; lane '-E7_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_4' in netedit; lane '-E6_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_0' in netedit; lane 'E6_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_1' in netedit; lane '-E10_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_2' in netedit; lane '-E11_0' doesn't exist.
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in net ----------
<     <edge id="gneE2" from="gneJ2" to="gneJ3" priority="1" distance="4.00">
>     <edge id="gneE2" from="gneJ2" to="gneJ3" priority="1">
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 744 - 328
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
---------- New result in datas ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd">
---------- New result in routes ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<routes xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/routes_file.xsd">

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : network edges inspect endoffset ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

---------- Differences in additionals ----------
>     <!-- Detectors -->
>     <!-- Shapes -->
>     <poly id="po_0" color="red" fill="1" layer="0.00" shape="-12.000000,12.000000 -12.000000,8.000000 -8.000000,8.000000 -8.000000,12.000000 -12.000000,12.000000"/>
>     <poly id="po_1" color="red" fill="1" layer="0.00" shape="8.000000,12.000000 8.000000,8.000000 12.000000,8.000000 12.000000,12.000000 8.000000,12.000000"/>
>     <poly id="po_2" color="red" fill="1" layer="0.00" shape="8.000000,-8.000000 8.000000,-12.000000 12.000000,-12.000000 12.000000,-8.000000 8.000000,-8.000000"/>
>     <poly id="po_3" color="red" fill="1" layer="0.00" shape="-8.000000,-8.000000 -12.000000,-8.000000 -12.000000,-12.000000 -8.000000,-12.000000 -8.000000,-8.000000"/>
>     <poi id="poi_0" color="red" layer="202.00" x="-26.00" y="8.00"/>
>     <poi id="poi_1" color="red" layer="202.00" x="-26.00" y="-8.00"/>
>     <poi id="poi_2" color="red" layer="202.00" x="26.00" y="-8.00"/>
>     <poi id="poi_3" color="red" layer="202.00" x="26.00" y="8.00"/>
>     <!-- TAZs -->
>     <taz id="taz_0" shape="-18.00,-14.00 -18.00,-16.00 -8.00,-16.00 -8.00,-14.00 -18.00,-14.00" fill="1" color="green"/>
>     <taz id="taz_1" shape="8.00,-14.00 8.00,-16.00 18.00,-16.00 18.00,-14.00 8.00,-14.00" fill="1" color="green"/>
>     <taz id="taz_2" shape="18.00,14.00 8.00,14.00 8.00,16.00 18.00,16.00 18.00,14.00" fill="1" color="green"/>
>     <taz id="taz_3" shape="-8.00,14.00 -18.00,14.00 -18.00,16.00 -8.00,16.00 -8.00,14.00" fill="1" color="green"/>
>     <!-- JuPedSim elements -->
>     <poly id="jps.walkable_area_0" type="jupedsim.walkable_area" color="179,217,255" fill="1" layer="1.00" shape="-12.000000,-8.000000 -12.000000,-12.000000 -16.000000,-12.000000 -16.000000,-8.000000 -12.000000,-8.000000"/>
>     <poly id="jps.walkable_area_1" type="jupedsim.walkable_area" color="179,217,255" fill="1" layer="1.00" shape="-12.000000,8.000000 -16.000000,8.000000 -16.000000,12.000000 -12.000000,12.000000 -12.000000,8.000000"/>
>     <poly id="jps.walkable_area_2" type="jupedsim.walkable_area" color="179,217,255" fill="1" layer="1.00" shape="12.000000,8.000000 16.000000,8.000000 16.000000,12.000000 12.000000,12.000000 12.000000,8.000000"/>
>     <poly id="jps.walkable_area_4" type="jupedsim.walkable_area" color="179,217,255" fill="1" layer="1.00" shape="12.000000,-8.000000 12.000000,-12.000000 16.000000,-12.000000 16.000000,-8.000000 12.000000,-8.000000"/>
>     <poly id="jps.obstacle_0" type="jupedsim.obstacle" color="255,204,204" fill="1" layer="2.00" shape="20.000000,12.000000 16.000000,12.000000 16.000000,8.000000 20.000000,8.000000 20.000000,12.000000"/>
>     <poly id="jps.obstacle_1" type="jupedsim.obstacle" color="255,204,204" fill="1" layer="2.00" shape="20.000000,-8.000000 16.000000,-8.000000 16.000000,-12.000000 20.000000,-12.000000 20.000000,-8.000000"/>
>     <poly id="jps.obstacle_2" type="jupedsim.obstacle" color="255,204,204" fill="1" layer="2.00" shape="-16.000000,-8.000000 -20.000000,-8.000000 -20.000000,-12.000000 -16.000000,-12.000000 -16.000000,-8.000000"/>
>     <poly id="jps.obstacle_3" type="jupedsim.obstacle" color="255,204,204" fill="1" layer="2.00" shape="-16.000000,12.000000 -20.000000,12.000000 -20.000000,8.000000 -16.000000,8.000000 -16.000000,12.000000"/>
---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_0' in netedit; edge '-E10' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_1' in netedit; edge 'E7' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_2' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_0' in netedit; edge 'E10' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_1' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_2' in netedit; edge '-E7' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_5' in netedit; lane '-E9_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_6' in netedit; lane 'E12_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_0' in netedit; lane '-E1_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane '-E1_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_1' in netedit; lane 'E0_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane 'E0_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_2' in netedit; lane '-E0_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane '-E0_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_4' in netedit; lane 'E1_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane 'E1_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_0' in netedit; lane 'E5_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_1' in netedit; lane 'E8_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_2' in netedit; lane 'E4_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_3' in netedit; lane 'E2_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_0' in netedit; lane 'E10_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_1' in netedit; lane 'E11_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_2' in netedit; lane '-E7_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_4' in netedit; lane '-E6_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_0' in netedit; lane 'E6_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_1' in netedit; lane '-E10_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_2' in netedit; lane '-E11_0' doesn't exist.
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ----------
<     <viewport zoom="100.00" x="25.00" y="10.00" angle="0.00"/>
>     <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Differences in log ----------
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_0' in netedit; edge '-E10' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_1' in netedit; edge 'E7' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_2' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_0' in netedit; edge 'E10' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_1' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_2' in netedit; edge '-E7' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_5' in netedit; lane '-E9_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_6' in netedit; lane 'E12_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_0' in netedit; lane '-E1_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane '-E1_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_1' in netedit; lane 'E0_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane 'E0_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_2' in netedit; lane '-E0_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane '-E0_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_4' in netedit; lane 'E1_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane 'E1_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_0' in netedit; lane 'E5_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_1' in netedit; lane 'E8_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_2' in netedit; lane 'E4_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_3' in netedit; lane 'E2_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_0' in netedit; lane 'E10_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_1' in netedit; lane 'E11_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_2' in netedit; lane '-E7_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_4' in netedit; lane '-E6_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_0' in netedit; lane 'E6_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_1' in netedit; lane '-E10_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_2' in netedit; lane '-E11_0' doesn't exist.
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in net ----------
<         <lane id=":gneJ3_2_0" index="0" speed="9.63" length="21.03" shape="30.80,15.20 42.80,15.20 45.25,14.85 47.00,13.80 48.05,12.05 48.40,9.60"/>
>         <lane id=":gneJ3_2_0" index="0" speed="6.51" length="9.03" shape="42.80,15.20 45.25,14.85 47.00,13.80 48.05,12.05 48.40,9.60"/>
<         <lane id=":gneJ3_3_0" index="0" speed="6.02" length="16.67" shape="30.80,18.40 42.80,18.40 44.00,19.20 44.40,20.00 44.00,20.80 42.80,21.60"/>
>         <lane id=":gneJ3_3_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="4.67" shape="42.80,18.40 44.00,19.20 44.40,20.00 44.00,20.80 42.80,21.60"/>
<         <lane id="gneE2_0" index="0" speed="13.89" length="23.60" endOffset="12.00" shape="7.20,15.20 30.80,15.20"/>
<         <lane id="gneE2_1" index="1" speed="13.89" length="23.60" endOffset="12.00" shape="7.20,18.40 30.80,18.40"/>
>         <lane id="gneE2_0" index="0" speed="13.89" length="35.60" shape="7.20,15.20 42.80,15.20"/>
>         <lane id="gneE2_1" index="1" speed="13.89" length="35.60" shape="7.20,18.40 42.80,18.40"/>
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 744 - 328
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
---------- New result in datas ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd">
---------- New result in routes ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<routes xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/routes_file.xsd">

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : network edges inspect from ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

---------- Differences in additionals ----------
>     <!-- Detectors -->
>     <!-- Shapes -->
>     <poly id="po_0" color="red" fill="1" layer="0.00" shape="-12.000000,12.000000 -12.000000,8.000000 -8.000000,8.000000 -8.000000,12.000000 -12.000000,12.000000"/>
>     <poly id="po_1" color="red" fill="1" layer="0.00" shape="8.000000,12.000000 8.000000,8.000000 12.000000,8.000000 12.000000,12.000000 8.000000,12.000000"/>
>     <poly id="po_2" color="red" fill="1" layer="0.00" shape="8.000000,-8.000000 8.000000,-12.000000 12.000000,-12.000000 12.000000,-8.000000 8.000000,-8.000000"/>
>     <poly id="po_3" color="red" fill="1" layer="0.00" shape="-8.000000,-8.000000 -12.000000,-8.000000 -12.000000,-12.000000 -8.000000,-12.000000 -8.000000,-8.000000"/>
>     <poi id="poi_0" color="red" layer="202.00" x="-26.00" y="8.00"/>
>     <poi id="poi_1" color="red" layer="202.00" x="-26.00" y="-8.00"/>
>     <poi id="poi_2" color="red" layer="202.00" x="26.00" y="-8.00"/>
>     <poi id="poi_3" color="red" layer="202.00" x="26.00" y="8.00"/>
>     <!-- TAZs -->
>     <taz id="taz_0" shape="-18.00,-14.00 -18.00,-16.00 -8.00,-16.00 -8.00,-14.00 -18.00,-14.00" fill="1" color="green"/>
>     <taz id="taz_1" shape="8.00,-14.00 8.00,-16.00 18.00,-16.00 18.00,-14.00 8.00,-14.00" fill="1" color="green"/>
>     <taz id="taz_2" shape="18.00,14.00 8.00,14.00 8.00,16.00 18.00,16.00 18.00,14.00" fill="1" color="green"/>
>     <taz id="taz_3" shape="-8.00,14.00 -18.00,14.00 -18.00,16.00 -8.00,16.00 -8.00,14.00" fill="1" color="green"/>
>     <!-- JuPedSim elements -->
>     <poly id="jps.walkable_area_0" type="jupedsim.walkable_area" color="179,217,255" fill="1" layer="1.00" shape="-12.000000,-8.000000 -12.000000,-12.000000 -16.000000,-12.000000 -16.000000,-8.000000 -12.000000,-8.000000"/>
>     <poly id="jps.walkable_area_1" type="jupedsim.walkable_area" color="179,217,255" fill="1" layer="1.00" shape="-12.000000,8.000000 -16.000000,8.000000 -16.000000,12.000000 -12.000000,12.000000 -12.000000,8.000000"/>
>     <poly id="jps.walkable_area_2" type="jupedsim.walkable_area" color="179,217,255" fill="1" layer="1.00" shape="12.000000,8.000000 16.000000,8.000000 16.000000,12.000000 12.000000,12.000000 12.000000,8.000000"/>
>     <poly id="jps.walkable_area_4" type="jupedsim.walkable_area" color="179,217,255" fill="1" layer="1.00" shape="12.000000,-8.000000 12.000000,-12.000000 16.000000,-12.000000 16.000000,-8.000000 12.000000,-8.000000"/>
>     <poly id="jps.obstacle_0" type="jupedsim.obstacle" color="255,204,204" fill="1" layer="2.00" shape="20.000000,12.000000 16.000000,12.000000 16.000000,8.000000 20.000000,8.000000 20.000000,12.000000"/>
>     <poly id="jps.obstacle_1" type="jupedsim.obstacle" color="255,204,204" fill="1" layer="2.00" shape="20.000000,-8.000000 16.000000,-8.000000 16.000000,-12.000000 20.000000,-12.000000 20.000000,-8.000000"/>
>     <poly id="jps.obstacle_2" type="jupedsim.obstacle" color="255,204,204" fill="1" layer="2.00" shape="-16.000000,-8.000000 -20.000000,-8.000000 -20.000000,-12.000000 -16.000000,-12.000000 -16.000000,-8.000000"/>
>     <poly id="jps.obstacle_3" type="jupedsim.obstacle" color="255,204,204" fill="1" layer="2.00" shape="-16.000000,12.000000 -20.000000,12.000000 -20.000000,8.000000 -16.000000,8.000000 -16.000000,12.000000"/>
---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_0' in netedit; edge '-E10' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_1' in netedit; edge 'E7' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_2' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_0' in netedit; edge 'E10' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_1' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_2' in netedit; edge '-E7' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_5' in netedit; lane '-E9_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_6' in netedit; lane 'E12_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_0' in netedit; lane '-E1_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane '-E1_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_1' in netedit; lane 'E0_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane 'E0_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_2' in netedit; lane '-E0_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane '-E0_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_4' in netedit; lane 'E1_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane 'E1_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_0' in netedit; lane 'E5_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_1' in netedit; lane 'E8_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_2' in netedit; lane 'E4_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_3' in netedit; lane 'E2_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_0' in netedit; lane 'E10_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_1' in netedit; lane 'E11_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_2' in netedit; lane '-E7_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_4' in netedit; lane '-E6_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_0' in netedit; lane 'E6_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_1' in netedit; lane '-E10_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_2' in netedit; lane '-E11_0' doesn't exist.
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ----------
<     <viewport zoom="100.00" x="25.00" y="10.00" angle="0.00"/>
>     <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Differences in log ----------
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_0' in netedit; edge '-E10' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_1' in netedit; edge 'E7' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_2' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_0' in netedit; edge 'E10' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_1' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_2' in netedit; edge '-E7' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_5' in netedit; lane '-E9_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_6' in netedit; lane 'E12_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_0' in netedit; lane '-E1_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane '-E1_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_1' in netedit; lane 'E0_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane 'E0_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_2' in netedit; lane '-E0_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane '-E0_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_4' in netedit; lane 'E1_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane 'E1_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_0' in netedit; lane 'E5_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_1' in netedit; lane 'E8_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_2' in netedit; lane 'E4_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_3' in netedit; lane 'E2_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_0' in netedit; lane 'E10_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_1' in netedit; lane 'E11_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_2' in netedit; lane '-E7_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_4' in netedit; lane '-E6_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_0' in netedit; lane 'E6_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_1' in netedit; lane '-E10_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_2' in netedit; lane '-E11_0' doesn't exist.
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in net ----------
<         <lane id=":gneJ0_0_0" index="0" speed="11.95" length="32.96" shape="-1.60,5.28 0.33,2.27 6.11,0.12 15.74,-1.17 29.23,-1.60"/>
>         <lane id=":gneJ0_0_0" index="0" speed="6.08" length="7.74" shape="-1.60,3.20 -1.30,1.10 -0.40,-0.40 1.10,-1.30 3.20,-1.60"/>
<         <lane id=":gneJ0_1_0" index="0" speed="10.30" length="2.29" shape="-1.60,5.28 -0.15,3.51"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":gneJ0_4" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":gneJ0_4_0" index="0" speed="10.30" length="28.94" shape="-0.15,3.51 0.79,2.35 7.17,2.58 16.35,5.12 27.16,9.14"/>
>         <lane id=":gneJ0_1_0" index="0" speed="3.90" length="2.58" shape="3.20,1.60 2.50,1.70 2.00,2.00 1.70,2.50 1.60,3.20"/>
<         <lane id=":gneJ0_2_0" index="0" speed="5.78" length="13.17" shape="29.23,1.60 24.56,1.89 22.86,2.74 24.12,4.17 28.35,6.17"/>
>         <lane id=":gneJ0_2_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="1.30" shape="3.20,1.60 2.12,0.88"/>
<         <lane id=":gneJ0_3_0" index="0" speed="11.13" length="28.42" shape="29.23,1.60 17.14,1.83 8.51,2.52 3.33,3.67 1.60,5.28"/>
>         <lane id=":gneJ0_3_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="3.37" shape="2.12,0.88 2.00,0.80 1.60,0.00 2.00,-0.80 3.20,-1.60"/>
<         <lane id=":gneJ2_0_0" index="0" speed="6.86" length="10.16" shape="4.70,24.80 1.94,24.41 -0.03,23.23 -1.21,21.26 -1.60,18.50"/>
>         <lane id=":gneJ2_0_0" index="0" speed="9.32" length="19.63" shape="7.20,24.80 3.35,23.85 0.60,21.00 -1.05,16.25 -1.60,9.60"/>
>     </edge>
>     <edge id=":gneJ2_1" function="internal">
>         <lane id=":gneJ2_1_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="4.67" shape="7.20,21.60 6.00,20.80 5.60,20.00 6.00,19.20 7.20,18.40"/>
>     </edge>
>     <edge id=":gneJ2_2" function="internal">
>         <lane id=":gneJ2_2_0" index="0" speed="6.51" length="9.03" shape="1.60,9.60 1.95,12.05 3.00,13.80 4.75,14.85 7.20,15.20"/>
>         <lane id=":gneJ2_2_1" index="1" speed="7.33" length="11.73" shape="1.60,9.60 1.95,13.45 3.00,16.20 4.75,17.85 7.20,18.40"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 744 - 328
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
---------- New result in datas ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd">
---------- New result in routes ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<routes xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/routes_file.xsd">

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : network edges inspect id ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

---------- Differences in additionals ----------
<     <busStop id="busStop3" lane="correct_ID_0" endPos="30.00" friendlyPos="true"/>
<     <busStop id="busStop4" lane="correct_ID_1" startPos="25.00" friendlyPos="true"/>
>     <busStop id="busStop3" lane="gneE2_0" endPos="30.00" friendlyPos="true"/>
>     <busStop id="busStop4" lane="gneE2_1" startPos="25.00" friendlyPos="true"/>
---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ----------
<     <viewport zoom="100.00" x="25.00" y="10.00" angle="0.00"/>
>     <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Differences in net ----------
<     <edge id="correct_ID" from="gneJ2" to="gneJ3" priority="1">
<         <lane id="correct_ID_0" index="0" speed="13.89" length="35.60" shape="7.20,15.20 42.80,15.20"/>
<         <lane id="correct_ID_1" index="1" speed="13.89" length="35.60" shape="7.20,18.40 42.80,18.40"/>
<     </edge>
>     <edge id="gneE2" from="gneJ2" to="gneJ3" priority="1">
>         <lane id="gneE2_0" index="0" speed="13.89" length="35.60" shape="7.20,15.20 42.80,15.20"/>
>         <lane id="gneE2_1" index="1" speed="13.89" length="35.60" shape="7.20,18.40 42.80,18.40"/>
>     </edge>
<     <junction id="gneJ3" type="priority" x="50.00" y="20.00" incLanes="gneE5_0 correct_ID_0 correct_ID_1" intLanes=":gneJ3_0_0 :gneJ3_0_1 :gneJ3_2_0 :gneJ3_3_0" shape="53.20,9.60 46.80,9.60 46.36,11.82 45.80,12.60 45.02,13.16 44.02,13.49 42.80,13.60 42.80,26.40 45.98,25.93 48.58,24.53 50.60,22.20 52.04,18.93 52.91,14.73">
>     <junction id="gneJ3" type="priority" x="50.00" y="20.00" incLanes="gneE5_0 gneE2_0 gneE2_1" intLanes=":gneJ3_0_0 :gneJ3_0_1 :gneJ3_2_0 :gneJ3_3_0" shape="53.20,9.60 46.80,9.60 46.36,11.82 45.80,12.60 45.02,13.16 44.02,13.49 42.80,13.60 42.80,26.40 45.98,25.93 48.58,24.53 50.60,22.20 52.04,18.93 52.91,14.73">
<     <connection from="correct_ID" to="gneE4" fromLane="0" toLane="0" keepClear="0" via=":gneJ3_2_0" dir="r" state="M"/>
<     <connection from="correct_ID" to="gneE3" fromLane="1" toLane="1" via=":gneJ3_3_0" dir="t" state="m"/>
>     <connection from="gneE2" to="gneE4" fromLane="0" toLane="0" keepClear="0" via=":gneJ3_2_0" dir="r" state="M"/>
>     <connection from="gneE2" to="gneE3" fromLane="1" toLane="1" via=":gneJ3_3_0" dir="t" state="m"/>
<     <connection from="gneE3" to="correct_ID" fromLane="1" toLane="1" via=":gneJ2_1_0" dir="t" state="m"/>
>     <connection from="gneE3" to="gneE2" fromLane="1" toLane="1" via=":gneJ2_1_0" dir="t" state="m"/>
<     <connection from="gneE9" to="correct_ID" fromLane="0" toLane="0" keepClear="0" via=":gneJ2_2_0" dir="r" state="M"/>
<     <connection from="gneE9" to="correct_ID" fromLane="0" toLane="1" keepClear="0" via=":gneJ2_2_1" dir="r" state="M"/>
>     <connection from="gneE9" to="gneE2" fromLane="0" toLane="0" keepClear="0" via=":gneJ2_2_0" dir="r" state="M"/>
>     <connection from="gneE9" to="gneE2" fromLane="0" toLane="1" keepClear="0" via=":gneJ2_2_1" dir="r" state="M"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 744 - 328
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
---------- New result in datas ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd">
---------- New result in routes ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<routes xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/routes_file.xsd">

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : network edges inspect length ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

---------- Differences in additionals ----------
>     <!-- Detectors -->
>     <!-- Shapes -->
>     <poly id="po_0" color="red" fill="1" layer="0.00" shape="-12.000000,12.000000 -12.000000,8.000000 -8.000000,8.000000 -8.000000,12.000000 -12.000000,12.000000"/>
>     <poly id="po_1" color="red" fill="1" layer="0.00" shape="8.000000,12.000000 8.000000,8.000000 12.000000,8.000000 12.000000,12.000000 8.000000,12.000000"/>
>     <poly id="po_2" color="red" fill="1" layer="0.00" shape="8.000000,-8.000000 8.000000,-12.000000 12.000000,-12.000000 12.000000,-8.000000 8.000000,-8.000000"/>
>     <poly id="po_3" color="red" fill="1" layer="0.00" shape="-8.000000,-8.000000 -12.000000,-8.000000 -12.000000,-12.000000 -8.000000,-12.000000 -8.000000,-8.000000"/>
>     <poi id="poi_0" color="red" layer="202.00" x="-26.00" y="8.00"/>
>     <poi id="poi_1" color="red" layer="202.00" x="-26.00" y="-8.00"/>
>     <poi id="poi_2" color="red" layer="202.00" x="26.00" y="-8.00"/>
>     <poi id="poi_3" color="red" layer="202.00" x="26.00" y="8.00"/>
>     <!-- TAZs -->
>     <taz id="taz_0" shape="-18.00,-14.00 -18.00,-16.00 -8.00,-16.00 -8.00,-14.00 -18.00,-14.00" fill="1" color="green"/>
>     <taz id="taz_1" shape="8.00,-14.00 8.00,-16.00 18.00,-16.00 18.00,-14.00 8.00,-14.00" fill="1" color="green"/>
>     <taz id="taz_2" shape="18.00,14.00 8.00,14.00 8.00,16.00 18.00,16.00 18.00,14.00" fill="1" color="green"/>
>     <taz id="taz_3" shape="-8.00,14.00 -18.00,14.00 -18.00,16.00 -8.00,16.00 -8.00,14.00" fill="1" color="green"/>
>     <!-- JuPedSim elements -->
>     <poly id="jps.walkable_area_0" type="jupedsim.walkable_area" color="179,217,255" fill="1" layer="1.00" shape="-12.000000,-8.000000 -12.000000,-12.000000 -16.000000,-12.000000 -16.000000,-8.000000 -12.000000,-8.000000"/>
>     <poly id="jps.walkable_area_1" type="jupedsim.walkable_area" color="179,217,255" fill="1" layer="1.00" shape="-12.000000,8.000000 -16.000000,8.000000 -16.000000,12.000000 -12.000000,12.000000 -12.000000,8.000000"/>
>     <poly id="jps.walkable_area_2" type="jupedsim.walkable_area" color="179,217,255" fill="1" layer="1.00" shape="12.000000,8.000000 16.000000,8.000000 16.000000,12.000000 12.000000,12.000000 12.000000,8.000000"/>
>     <poly id="jps.walkable_area_4" type="jupedsim.walkable_area" color="179,217,255" fill="1" layer="1.00" shape="12.000000,-8.000000 12.000000,-12.000000 16.000000,-12.000000 16.000000,-8.000000 12.000000,-8.000000"/>
>     <poly id="jps.obstacle_0" type="jupedsim.obstacle" color="255,204,204" fill="1" layer="2.00" shape="20.000000,12.000000 16.000000,12.000000 16.000000,8.000000 20.000000,8.000000 20.000000,12.000000"/>
>     <poly id="jps.obstacle_1" type="jupedsim.obstacle" color="255,204,204" fill="1" layer="2.00" shape="20.000000,-8.000000 16.000000,-8.000000 16.000000,-12.000000 20.000000,-12.000000 20.000000,-8.000000"/>
>     <poly id="jps.obstacle_2" type="jupedsim.obstacle" color="255,204,204" fill="1" layer="2.00" shape="-16.000000,-8.000000 -20.000000,-8.000000 -20.000000,-12.000000 -16.000000,-12.000000 -16.000000,-8.000000"/>
>     <poly id="jps.obstacle_3" type="jupedsim.obstacle" color="255,204,204" fill="1" layer="2.00" shape="-16.000000,12.000000 -20.000000,12.000000 -20.000000,8.000000 -16.000000,8.000000 -16.000000,12.000000"/>
---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_0' in netedit; edge '-E10' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_1' in netedit; edge 'E7' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_2' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_0' in netedit; edge 'E10' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_1' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_2' in netedit; edge '-E7' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_5' in netedit; lane '-E9_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_6' in netedit; lane 'E12_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_0' in netedit; lane '-E1_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane '-E1_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_1' in netedit; lane 'E0_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane 'E0_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_2' in netedit; lane '-E0_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane '-E0_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_4' in netedit; lane 'E1_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane 'E1_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_0' in netedit; lane 'E5_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_1' in netedit; lane 'E8_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_2' in netedit; lane 'E4_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_3' in netedit; lane 'E2_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_0' in netedit; lane 'E10_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_1' in netedit; lane 'E11_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_2' in netedit; lane '-E7_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_4' in netedit; lane '-E6_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_0' in netedit; lane 'E6_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_1' in netedit; lane '-E10_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_2' in netedit; lane '-E11_0' doesn't exist.
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ----------
<     <viewport zoom="100.00" x="25.00" y="10.00" angle="0.00"/>
>     <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Differences in log ----------
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_0' in netedit; edge '-E10' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_1' in netedit; edge 'E7' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_2' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_0' in netedit; edge 'E10' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_1' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_2' in netedit; edge '-E7' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_5' in netedit; lane '-E9_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_6' in netedit; lane 'E12_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_0' in netedit; lane '-E1_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane '-E1_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_1' in netedit; lane 'E0_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane 'E0_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_2' in netedit; lane '-E0_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane '-E0_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_4' in netedit; lane 'E1_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane 'E1_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_0' in netedit; lane 'E5_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_1' in netedit; lane 'E8_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_2' in netedit; lane 'E4_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_3' in netedit; lane 'E2_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_0' in netedit; lane 'E10_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_1' in netedit; lane 'E11_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_2' in netedit; lane '-E7_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_4' in netedit; lane '-E6_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_0' in netedit; lane 'E6_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_1' in netedit; lane '-E10_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_2' in netedit; lane '-E11_0' doesn't exist.
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in net ----------
<     <edge id="gneE2" from="gneJ2" to="gneJ3" priority="1" length="40.50">
<         <lane id="gneE2_0" index="0" speed="13.89" length="40.50" shape="7.20,15.20 42.80,15.20"/>
<         <lane id="gneE2_1" index="1" speed="13.89" length="40.50" shape="7.20,18.40 42.80,18.40"/>
>     <edge id="gneE2" from="gneJ2" to="gneJ3" priority="1">
>         <lane id="gneE2_0" index="0" speed="13.89" length="35.60" shape="7.20,15.20 42.80,15.20"/>
>         <lane id="gneE2_1" index="1" speed="13.89" length="35.60" shape="7.20,18.40 42.80,18.40"/>
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 744 - 328
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
---------- New result in datas ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd">
---------- New result in routes ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<routes xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/routes_file.xsd">

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : network edges inspect name ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ----------
<     <viewport zoom="100.00" x="25.00" y="10.00" angle="0.00"/>
>     <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Differences in net ----------
<     <edge id="gneE2" from="gneJ2" to="gneJ3" name="my own name" priority="1">
>     <edge id="gneE2" from="gneJ2" to="gneJ3" priority="1">
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 744 - 328
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
---------- New result in datas ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd">
---------- New result in routes ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<routes xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/routes_file.xsd">

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : network edges inspect numlanes ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ----------
<     <viewport zoom="100.00" x="25.00" y="10.00" angle="0.00"/>
>     <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Differences in net ----------
<         <lane id=":gneJ0_0_0" index="0" speed="6.05" length="7.66" shape="-1.60,3.10 -1.30,1.04 -0.40,-0.43 1.10,-1.31 3.20,-1.60"/>
>         <lane id=":gneJ0_0_0" index="0" speed="6.08" length="7.74" shape="-1.60,3.20 -1.30,1.10 -0.40,-0.40 1.10,-1.30 3.20,-1.60"/>
<         <lane id=":gneJ1_0_0" index="0" speed="3.86" length="2.50" shape="48.40,3.10 48.30,2.44 48.00,1.97 47.50,1.69 46.80,1.60"/>
>         <lane id=":gneJ1_0_0" index="0" speed="3.90" length="2.58" shape="48.40,3.20 48.30,2.50 48.00,2.00 47.50,1.70 46.80,1.60"/>
<         <lane id=":gneJ2_0_0" index="0" speed="10.54" length="25.39" shape="7.20,24.80 3.35,23.45 0.60,19.40 -1.05,12.65 -1.60,3.20"/>
>         <lane id=":gneJ2_0_0" index="0" speed="9.32" length="19.63" shape="7.20,24.80 3.35,23.85 0.60,21.00 -1.05,16.25 -1.60,9.60"/>
<         <lane id=":gneJ2_2_0" index="0" speed="6.48" length="8.95" shape="1.60,3.30 1.95,5.71 3.00,7.43 4.75,8.46 7.20,8.80"/>
<         <lane id=":gneJ2_2_1" index="1" speed="7.30" length="11.64" shape="1.60,3.30 1.95,7.11 3.00,9.83 4.75,11.46 7.20,12.00"/>
<         <lane id=":gneJ2_2_2" index="2" speed="8.08" length="14.48" shape="1.60,3.30 1.95,8.51 3.00,12.23 4.75,14.46 7.20,15.20"/>
<         <lane id=":gneJ2_2_3" index="3" speed="8.80" length="17.40" shape="1.60,3.30 1.95,9.91 3.00,14.63 4.75,17.46 7.20,18.40"/>
>         <lane id=":gneJ2_2_0" index="0" speed="6.51" length="9.03" shape="1.60,9.60 1.95,12.05 3.00,13.80 4.75,14.85 7.20,15.20"/>
>         <lane id=":gneJ2_2_1" index="1" speed="7.33" length="11.73" shape="1.60,9.60 1.95,13.45 3.00,16.20 4.75,17.85 7.20,18.40"/>
<         <lane id=":gneJ3_0_0" index="0" speed="10.52" length="25.30" shape="51.60,3.30 51.05,12.71 49.40,19.43 46.65,23.46 42.80,24.80"/>
<         <lane id=":gneJ3_0_1" index="1" speed="9.92" length="22.39" shape="51.60,3.30 51.05,11.31 49.40,17.03 46.65,20.46 42.80,21.60"/>
>         <lane id=":gneJ3_0_0" index="0" speed="9.32" length="19.63" shape="51.60,9.60 51.05,16.25 49.40,21.00 46.65,23.85 42.80,24.80"/>
>         <lane id=":gneJ3_0_1" index="1" speed="8.67" length="16.85" shape="51.60,9.60 51.05,14.85 49.40,18.60 46.65,20.85 42.80,21.60"/>
<         <lane id=":gneJ3_2_0" index="0" speed="6.51" length="9.03" shape="42.80,8.80 45.25,8.45 47.00,7.40 48.05,5.65 48.40,3.20"/>
>         <lane id=":gneJ3_2_0" index="0" speed="6.51" length="9.03" shape="42.80,15.20 45.25,14.85 47.00,13.80 48.05,12.05 48.40,9.60"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 744 - 328
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
---------- New result in datas ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd">
---------- New result in routes ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<routes xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/routes_file.xsd">

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : network edges inspect parameters ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

---------- Differences in additionals ----------
>     <!-- Detectors -->
>     <!-- Shapes -->
>     <poly id="po_0" color="red" fill="1" layer="0.00" shape="-12.000000,12.000000 -12.000000,8.000000 -8.000000,8.000000 -8.000000,12.000000 -12.000000,12.000000"/>
>     <poly id="po_1" color="red" fill="1" layer="0.00" shape="8.000000,12.000000 8.000000,8.000000 12.000000,8.000000 12.000000,12.000000 8.000000,12.000000"/>
>     <poly id="po_2" color="red" fill="1" layer="0.00" shape="8.000000,-8.000000 8.000000,-12.000000 12.000000,-12.000000 12.000000,-8.000000 8.000000,-8.000000"/>
>     <poly id="po_3" color="red" fill="1" layer="0.00" shape="-8.000000,-8.000000 -12.000000,-8.000000 -12.000000,-12.000000 -8.000000,-12.000000 -8.000000,-8.000000"/>
>     <poi id="poi_0" color="red" layer="202.00" x="-26.00" y="8.00"/>
>     <poi id="poi_1" color="red" layer="202.00" x="-26.00" y="-8.00"/>
>     <poi id="poi_2" color="red" layer="202.00" x="26.00" y="-8.00"/>
>     <poi id="poi_3" color="red" layer="202.00" x="26.00" y="8.00"/>
>     <!-- TAZs -->
>     <taz id="taz_0" shape="-18.00,-14.00 -18.00,-16.00 -8.00,-16.00 -8.00,-14.00 -18.00,-14.00" fill="1" color="green"/>
>     <taz id="taz_1" shape="8.00,-14.00 8.00,-16.00 18.00,-16.00 18.00,-14.00 8.00,-14.00" fill="1" color="green"/>
>     <taz id="taz_2" shape="18.00,14.00 8.00,14.00 8.00,16.00 18.00,16.00 18.00,14.00" fill="1" color="green"/>
>     <taz id="taz_3" shape="-8.00,14.00 -18.00,14.00 -18.00,16.00 -8.00,16.00 -8.00,14.00" fill="1" color="green"/>
>     <!-- JuPedSim elements -->
>     <poly id="jps.walkable_area_0" type="jupedsim.walkable_area" color="179,217,255" fill="1" layer="1.00" shape="-12.000000,-8.000000 -12.000000,-12.000000 -16.000000,-12.000000 -16.000000,-8.000000 -12.000000,-8.000000"/>
>     <poly id="jps.walkable_area_1" type="jupedsim.walkable_area" color="179,217,255" fill="1" layer="1.00" shape="-12.000000,8.000000 -16.000000,8.000000 -16.000000,12.000000 -12.000000,12.000000 -12.000000,8.000000"/>
>     <poly id="jps.walkable_area_2" type="jupedsim.walkable_area" color="179,217,255" fill="1" layer="1.00" shape="12.000000,8.000000 16.000000,8.000000 16.000000,12.000000 12.000000,12.000000 12.000000,8.000000"/>
>     <poly id="jps.walkable_area_4" type="jupedsim.walkable_area" color="179,217,255" fill="1" layer="1.00" shape="12.000000,-8.000000 12.000000,-12.000000 16.000000,-12.000000 16.000000,-8.000000 12.000000,-8.000000"/>
>     <poly id="jps.obstacle_0" type="jupedsim.obstacle" color="255,204,204" fill="1" layer="2.00" shape="20.000000,12.000000 16.000000,12.000000 16.000000,8.000000 20.000000,8.000000 20.000000,12.000000"/>
>     <poly id="jps.obstacle_1" type="jupedsim.obstacle" color="255,204,204" fill="1" layer="2.00" shape="20.000000,-8.000000 16.000000,-8.000000 16.000000,-12.000000 20.000000,-12.000000 20.000000,-8.000000"/>
>     <poly id="jps.obstacle_2" type="jupedsim.obstacle" color="255,204,204" fill="1" layer="2.00" shape="-16.000000,-8.000000 -20.000000,-8.000000 -20.000000,-12.000000 -16.000000,-12.000000 -16.000000,-8.000000"/>
>     <poly id="jps.obstacle_3" type="jupedsim.obstacle" color="255,204,204" fill="1" layer="2.00" shape="-16.000000,12.000000 -20.000000,12.000000 -20.000000,8.000000 -16.000000,8.000000 -16.000000,12.000000"/>
---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_0' in netedit; edge '-E10' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_1' in netedit; edge 'E7' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_2' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_0' in netedit; edge 'E10' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_1' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_2' in netedit; edge '-E7' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_5' in netedit; lane '-E9_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_6' in netedit; lane 'E12_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_0' in netedit; lane '-E1_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane '-E1_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_1' in netedit; lane 'E0_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane 'E0_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_2' in netedit; lane '-E0_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane '-E0_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_4' in netedit; lane 'E1_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane 'E1_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_0' in netedit; lane 'E5_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_1' in netedit; lane 'E8_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_2' in netedit; lane 'E4_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_3' in netedit; lane 'E2_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_0' in netedit; lane 'E10_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_1' in netedit; lane 'E11_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_2' in netedit; lane '-E7_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_4' in netedit; lane '-E6_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_0' in netedit; lane 'E6_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_1' in netedit; lane '-E10_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_2' in netedit; lane '-E11_0' doesn't exist.
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ----------
<     <viewport zoom="100.00" x="25.00" y="11.40" angle="0.00"/>
>     <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Differences in log ----------
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_0' in netedit; edge '-E10' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_1' in netedit; edge 'E7' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_2' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_0' in netedit; edge 'E10' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_1' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_2' in netedit; edge '-E7' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_5' in netedit; lane '-E9_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_6' in netedit; lane 'E12_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_0' in netedit; lane '-E1_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane '-E1_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_1' in netedit; lane 'E0_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane 'E0_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_2' in netedit; lane '-E0_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane '-E0_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_4' in netedit; lane 'E1_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane 'E1_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_0' in netedit; lane 'E5_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_1' in netedit; lane 'E8_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_2' in netedit; lane 'E4_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_3' in netedit; lane 'E2_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_0' in netedit; lane 'E10_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_1' in netedit; lane 'E11_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_2' in netedit; lane '-E7_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_4' in netedit; lane '-E6_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_0' in netedit; lane 'E6_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_1' in netedit; lane '-E10_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_2' in netedit; lane '-E11_0' doesn't exist.
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in net ----------
<         <param key="keyFinal1" value="value1"/>
<         <param key="keyFinal2" value="value2"/>
<         <param key="keyFinal3" value="value3"/>
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 744 - 328
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
---------- New result in datas ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd">
---------- New result in routes ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<routes xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/routes_file.xsd">

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : network edges inspect priority ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

---------- Differences in additionals ----------
>     <!-- Detectors -->
>     <!-- Shapes -->
>     <poly id="po_0" color="red" fill="1" layer="0.00" shape="-12.000000,12.000000 -12.000000,8.000000 -8.000000,8.000000 -8.000000,12.000000 -12.000000,12.000000"/>
>     <poly id="po_1" color="red" fill="1" layer="0.00" shape="8.000000,12.000000 8.000000,8.000000 12.000000,8.000000 12.000000,12.000000 8.000000,12.000000"/>
>     <poly id="po_2" color="red" fill="1" layer="0.00" shape="8.000000,-8.000000 8.000000,-12.000000 12.000000,-12.000000 12.000000,-8.000000 8.000000,-8.000000"/>
>     <poly id="po_3" color="red" fill="1" layer="0.00" shape="-8.000000,-8.000000 -12.000000,-8.000000 -12.000000,-12.000000 -8.000000,-12.000000 -8.000000,-8.000000"/>
>     <poi id="poi_0" color="red" layer="202.00" x="-26.00" y="8.00"/>
>     <poi id="poi_1" color="red" layer="202.00" x="-26.00" y="-8.00"/>
>     <poi id="poi_2" color="red" layer="202.00" x="26.00" y="-8.00"/>
>     <poi id="poi_3" color="red" layer="202.00" x="26.00" y="8.00"/>
>     <!-- TAZs -->
>     <taz id="taz_0" shape="-18.00,-14.00 -18.00,-16.00 -8.00,-16.00 -8.00,-14.00 -18.00,-14.00" fill="1" color="green"/>
>     <taz id="taz_1" shape="8.00,-14.00 8.00,-16.00 18.00,-16.00 18.00,-14.00 8.00,-14.00" fill="1" color="green"/>
>     <taz id="taz_2" shape="18.00,14.00 8.00,14.00 8.00,16.00 18.00,16.00 18.00,14.00" fill="1" color="green"/>
>     <taz id="taz_3" shape="-8.00,14.00 -18.00,14.00 -18.00,16.00 -8.00,16.00 -8.00,14.00" fill="1" color="green"/>
>     <!-- JuPedSim elements -->
>     <poly id="jps.walkable_area_0" type="jupedsim.walkable_area" color="179,217,255" fill="1" layer="1.00" shape="-12.000000,-8.000000 -12.000000,-12.000000 -16.000000,-12.000000 -16.000000,-8.000000 -12.000000,-8.000000"/>
>     <poly id="jps.walkable_area_1" type="jupedsim.walkable_area" color="179,217,255" fill="1" layer="1.00" shape="-12.000000,8.000000 -16.000000,8.000000 -16.000000,12.000000 -12.000000,12.000000 -12.000000,8.000000"/>
>     <poly id="jps.walkable_area_2" type="jupedsim.walkable_area" color="179,217,255" fill="1" layer="1.00" shape="12.000000,8.000000 16.000000,8.000000 16.000000,12.000000 12.000000,12.000000 12.000000,8.000000"/>
>     <poly id="jps.walkable_area_4" type="jupedsim.walkable_area" color="179,217,255" fill="1" layer="1.00" shape="12.000000,-8.000000 12.000000,-12.000000 16.000000,-12.000000 16.000000,-8.000000 12.000000,-8.000000"/>
>     <poly id="jps.obstacle_0" type="jupedsim.obstacle" color="255,204,204" fill="1" layer="2.00" shape="20.000000,12.000000 16.000000,12.000000 16.000000,8.000000 20.000000,8.000000 20.000000,12.000000"/>
>     <poly id="jps.obstacle_1" type="jupedsim.obstacle" color="255,204,204" fill="1" layer="2.00" shape="20.000000,-8.000000 16.000000,-8.000000 16.000000,-12.000000 20.000000,-12.000000 20.000000,-8.000000"/>
>     <poly id="jps.obstacle_2" type="jupedsim.obstacle" color="255,204,204" fill="1" layer="2.00" shape="-16.000000,-8.000000 -20.000000,-8.000000 -20.000000,-12.000000 -16.000000,-12.000000 -16.000000,-8.000000"/>
>     <poly id="jps.obstacle_3" type="jupedsim.obstacle" color="255,204,204" fill="1" layer="2.00" shape="-16.000000,12.000000 -20.000000,12.000000 -20.000000,8.000000 -16.000000,8.000000 -16.000000,12.000000"/>
---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_0' in netedit; edge '-E10' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_1' in netedit; edge 'E7' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_2' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_0' in netedit; edge 'E10' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_1' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_2' in netedit; edge '-E7' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_5' in netedit; lane '-E9_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_6' in netedit; lane 'E12_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_0' in netedit; lane '-E1_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane '-E1_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_1' in netedit; lane 'E0_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane 'E0_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_2' in netedit; lane '-E0_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane '-E0_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_4' in netedit; lane 'E1_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane 'E1_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_0' in netedit; lane 'E5_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_1' in netedit; lane 'E8_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_2' in netedit; lane 'E4_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_3' in netedit; lane 'E2_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_0' in netedit; lane 'E10_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_1' in netedit; lane 'E11_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_2' in netedit; lane '-E7_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_4' in netedit; lane '-E6_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_0' in netedit; lane 'E6_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_1' in netedit; lane '-E10_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_2' in netedit; lane '-E11_0' doesn't exist.
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ----------
<     <viewport zoom="100.00" x="25.00" y="11.40" angle="0.00"/>
>     <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Differences in log ----------
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_0' in netedit; edge '-E10' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_1' in netedit; edge 'E7' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_2' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_0' in netedit; edge 'E10' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_1' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_2' in netedit; edge '-E7' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_5' in netedit; lane '-E9_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_6' in netedit; lane 'E12_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_0' in netedit; lane '-E1_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane '-E1_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_1' in netedit; lane 'E0_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane 'E0_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_2' in netedit; lane '-E0_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane '-E0_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_4' in netedit; lane 'E1_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane 'E1_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_0' in netedit; lane 'E5_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_1' in netedit; lane 'E8_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_2' in netedit; lane 'E4_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_3' in netedit; lane 'E2_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_0' in netedit; lane 'E10_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_1' in netedit; lane 'E11_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_2' in netedit; lane '-E7_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_4' in netedit; lane '-E6_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_0' in netedit; lane 'E6_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_1' in netedit; lane '-E10_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_2' in netedit; lane '-E11_0' doesn't exist.
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in net ----------
<     <edge id="gneE2" from="gneJ2" to="gneJ3" priority="-1">
>     <edge id="gneE2" from="gneJ2" to="gneJ3" priority="1">
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 744 - 328
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
---------- New result in datas ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd">
---------- New result in routes ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<routes xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/routes_file.xsd">

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : network edges inspect shape ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
< Error: Shape of a(n) user-supplied shape is broken: the position is neither x,y nor x,y,z.
---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ----------
<     <viewport zoom="100.00" x="25.00" y="10.00" angle="0.00"/>
>     <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Differences in log ----------
< Error: Shape of a(n) user-supplied shape is broken: the position is neither x,y nor x,y,z.
---------- Differences in net ----------
<         <lane id=":gneJ2_0_0" index="0" speed="10.08" length="23.15" shape="10.60,24.80 5.26,23.78 1.45,20.70 -0.84,15.58 -1.60,8.42"/>
>         <lane id=":gneJ2_0_0" index="0" speed="9.32" length="19.63" shape="7.20,24.80 3.35,23.85 0.60,21.00 -1.05,16.25 -1.60,9.60"/>
<         <lane id=":gneJ2_1_0" index="0" speed="4.74" length="8.53" shape="9.76,21.60 7.27,20.75 6.19,19.52 6.52,17.92 8.27,15.95"/>
>         <lane id=":gneJ2_1_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="4.67" shape="7.20,21.60 6.00,20.80 5.60,20.00 6.00,19.20 7.20,18.40"/>
<         <lane id=":gneJ2_2_0" index="0" speed="5.98" length="9.06" shape="1.60,8.42 1.97,10.99 3.06,12.59 4.89,13.21 7.45,12.86"/>
<         <lane id=":gneJ2_2_1" index="1" speed="6.84" length="12.24" shape="1.60,8.42 2.02,12.43 3.27,15.03 5.35,16.20 8.27,15.95"/>
>         <lane id=":gneJ2_2_0" index="0" speed="6.51" length="9.03" shape="1.60,9.60 1.95,12.05 3.00,13.80 4.75,14.85 7.20,15.20"/>
>         <lane id=":gneJ2_2_1" index="1" speed="7.33" length="11.73" shape="1.60,9.60 1.95,13.45 3.00,16.20 4.75,17.85 7.20,18.40"/>
<         <lane id=":gneJ3_0_0" index="0" speed="9.52" length="20.54" shape="51.60,8.62 51.05,15.70 49.38,20.76 46.61,23.79 42.73,24.80"/>
<         <lane id=":gneJ3_0_1" index="1" speed="8.88" length="17.71" shape="51.60,8.62 51.05,14.30 49.39,18.36 46.64,20.79 42.77,21.60"/>
>         <lane id=":gneJ3_0_0" index="0" speed="9.32" length="19.63" shape="51.60,9.60 51.05,16.25 49.40,21.00 46.65,23.85 42.80,24.80"/>
>         <lane id=":gneJ3_0_1" index="1" speed="8.67" length="16.85" shape="51.60,9.60 51.05,14.85 49.40,18.60 46.65,20.85 42.80,21.60"/>
<         <lane id=":gneJ3_2_0" index="0" speed="5.97" length="8.80" shape="42.89,13.31 45.30,13.52 47.02,12.81 48.06,11.18 48.40,8.62"/>
>         <lane id=":gneJ3_2_0" index="0" speed="6.51" length="9.03" shape="42.80,15.20 45.25,14.85 47.00,13.80 48.05,12.05 48.40,9.60"/>
<         <lane id=":gneJ3_3_0" index="0" speed="4.43" length="7.31" shape="42.85,16.59 44.71,17.87 45.31,19.13 44.67,20.37 42.77,21.60"/>
>         <lane id=":gneJ3_3_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="4.67" shape="42.80,18.40 44.00,19.20 44.40,20.00 44.00,20.80 42.80,21.60"/>
<     <edge id="gneE2" from="gneJ2" to="gneJ3" priority="1" shape="0.00,20.00 13.11,16.22 34.19,16.11 50.00,20.00">
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 744 - 328
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 744 - 328
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
---------- New result in datas ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd">
---------- New result in routes ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<routes xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/routes_file.xsd">

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : network edges inspect shapeend ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_0' in netedit; edge '-E10' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_1' in netedit; edge 'E7' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_2' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_0' in netedit; edge 'E10' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_1' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_2' in netedit; edge '-E7' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_5' in netedit; lane '-E9_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_6' in netedit; lane 'E12_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_0' in netedit; lane '-E1_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane '-E1_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_1' in netedit; lane 'E0_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane 'E0_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_2' in netedit; lane '-E0_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane '-E0_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_4' in netedit; lane 'E1_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane 'E1_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_0' in netedit; lane 'E5_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_1' in netedit; lane 'E8_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_2' in netedit; lane 'E4_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_3' in netedit; lane 'E2_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_0' in netedit; lane 'E10_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_1' in netedit; lane 'E11_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_2' in netedit; lane '-E7_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_4' in netedit; lane '-E6_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_0' in netedit; lane 'E6_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_1' in netedit; lane '-E10_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_2' in netedit; lane '-E11_0' doesn't exist.
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in log ----------
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_0' in netedit; edge '-E10' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_1' in netedit; edge 'E7' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_2' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_0' in netedit; edge 'E10' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_1' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_2' in netedit; edge '-E7' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_5' in netedit; lane '-E9_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_6' in netedit; lane 'E12_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_0' in netedit; lane '-E1_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane '-E1_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_1' in netedit; lane 'E0_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane 'E0_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_2' in netedit; lane '-E0_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane '-E0_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_4' in netedit; lane 'E1_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane 'E1_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_0' in netedit; lane 'E5_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_1' in netedit; lane 'E8_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_2' in netedit; lane 'E4_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_3' in netedit; lane 'E2_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_0' in netedit; lane 'E10_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_1' in netedit; lane 'E11_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_2' in netedit; lane '-E7_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_4' in netedit; lane '-E6_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_0' in netedit; lane 'E6_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_1' in netedit; lane '-E10_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_2' in netedit; lane '-E11_0' doesn't exist.
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 744 - 328
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
< TestFunctions: Netedit closed successfully
> TestFunctions: Error closing Netedit
---------- New result in errorScreenshot ----------

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<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Missing result in additionals ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<additional xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/additional_file.xsd">
    <!-- StoppingPlaces -->
    <busStop id="busStop1" lane="gneE0_0" startPos="10.00" endPos="15.00" friendlyPos="true"/>
    <busStop id="busStop2" lane="gneE1_0" startPos="3.00" endPos="13.00" friendlyPos="true"/>
    <busStop id="busStop3" lane="gneE2_0" endPos="30.00" friendlyPos="true"/>
    <busStop id="busStop4" lane="gneE2_1" startPos="25.00" friendlyPos="true"/>
    <busStop id="busStop5" lane="gneE3_0" startPos="3.00" endPos="13.00" friendlyPos="true"/>
    <busStop id="busStop6" lane="gneE3_1" startPos="3.00" endPos="13.00" friendlyPos="true"/>
---------- Missing result in guisettingsoutput ----------
    <viewport zoom="100.00" x="25.00" y="11.40" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Missing result in net ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<net version="1.20" junctionCornerDetail="5" limitTurnSpeed="5.50" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/net_file.xsd">

    <location netOffset="25.00,0.00" convBoundary="0.00,0.00,50.00,20.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.00,-10000000000.00,10000000000.00,10000000000.00" projParameter="!"/>

    <edge id=":gneJ0_0" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_0_0" index="0" speed="6.08" length="7.74" shape="-1.60,3.20 -1.30,1.10 -0.40,-0.40 1.10,-1.30 3.20,-1.60"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ0_1" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_1_0" index="0" speed="3.90" length="2.58" shape="3.20,1.60 2.50,1.70 2.00,2.00 1.70,2.50 1.60,3.20"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ0_2" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_2_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="1.30" shape="3.20,1.60 2.12,0.88"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ0_3" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_3_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="3.37" shape="2.12,0.88 2.00,0.80 1.60,0.00 2.00,-0.80 3.20,-1.60"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_0" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_0_0" index="0" speed="3.90" length="2.58" shape="48.40,3.20 48.30,2.50 48.00,2.00 47.50,1.70 46.80,1.60"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_1" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_1_0" index="0" speed="6.08" length="7.74" shape="46.80,-1.60 48.90,-1.30 50.40,-0.40 51.30,1.10 51.60,3.20"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_2" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_2_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="1.44" shape="46.80,-1.60 48.00,-0.80"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_3" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_3_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="3.23" shape="48.00,-0.80 48.40,0.00 48.00,0.80 46.80,1.60"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : network edges inspect shapestart ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

---------- Differences in additionals ----------
>     <!-- Detectors -->
>     <!-- Shapes -->
>     <poly id="po_0" color="red" fill="1" layer="0.00" shape="-12.000000,12.000000 -12.000000,8.000000 -8.000000,8.000000 -8.000000,12.000000 -12.000000,12.000000"/>
>     <poly id="po_1" color="red" fill="1" layer="0.00" shape="8.000000,12.000000 8.000000,8.000000 12.000000,8.000000 12.000000,12.000000 8.000000,12.000000"/>
>     <poly id="po_2" color="red" fill="1" layer="0.00" shape="8.000000,-8.000000 8.000000,-12.000000 12.000000,-12.000000 12.000000,-8.000000 8.000000,-8.000000"/>
>     <poly id="po_3" color="red" fill="1" layer="0.00" shape="-8.000000,-8.000000 -12.000000,-8.000000 -12.000000,-12.000000 -8.000000,-12.000000 -8.000000,-8.000000"/>
>     <poi id="poi_0" color="red" layer="202.00" x="-26.00" y="8.00"/>
>     <poi id="poi_1" color="red" layer="202.00" x="-26.00" y="-8.00"/>
>     <poi id="poi_2" color="red" layer="202.00" x="26.00" y="-8.00"/>
>     <poi id="poi_3" color="red" layer="202.00" x="26.00" y="8.00"/>
>     <!-- TAZs -->
>     <taz id="taz_0" shape="-18.00,-14.00 -18.00,-16.00 -8.00,-16.00 -8.00,-14.00 -18.00,-14.00" fill="1" color="green"/>
>     <taz id="taz_1" shape="8.00,-14.00 8.00,-16.00 18.00,-16.00 18.00,-14.00 8.00,-14.00" fill="1" color="green"/>
>     <taz id="taz_2" shape="18.00,14.00 8.00,14.00 8.00,16.00 18.00,16.00 18.00,14.00" fill="1" color="green"/>
>     <taz id="taz_3" shape="-8.00,14.00 -18.00,14.00 -18.00,16.00 -8.00,16.00 -8.00,14.00" fill="1" color="green"/>
>     <!-- JuPedSim elements -->
>     <poly id="jps.walkable_area_0" type="jupedsim.walkable_area" color="179,217,255" fill="1" layer="1.00" shape="-12.000000,-8.000000 -12.000000,-12.000000 -16.000000,-12.000000 -16.000000,-8.000000 -12.000000,-8.000000"/>
>     <poly id="jps.walkable_area_1" type="jupedsim.walkable_area" color="179,217,255" fill="1" layer="1.00" shape="-12.000000,8.000000 -16.000000,8.000000 -16.000000,12.000000 -12.000000,12.000000 -12.000000,8.000000"/>
>     <poly id="jps.walkable_area_2" type="jupedsim.walkable_area" color="179,217,255" fill="1" layer="1.00" shape="12.000000,8.000000 16.000000,8.000000 16.000000,12.000000 12.000000,12.000000 12.000000,8.000000"/>
>     <poly id="jps.walkable_area_4" type="jupedsim.walkable_area" color="179,217,255" fill="1" layer="1.00" shape="12.000000,-8.000000 12.000000,-12.000000 16.000000,-12.000000 16.000000,-8.000000 12.000000,-8.000000"/>
>     <poly id="jps.obstacle_0" type="jupedsim.obstacle" color="255,204,204" fill="1" layer="2.00" shape="20.000000,12.000000 16.000000,12.000000 16.000000,8.000000 20.000000,8.000000 20.000000,12.000000"/>
>     <poly id="jps.obstacle_1" type="jupedsim.obstacle" color="255,204,204" fill="1" layer="2.00" shape="20.000000,-8.000000 16.000000,-8.000000 16.000000,-12.000000 20.000000,-12.000000 20.000000,-8.000000"/>
>     <poly id="jps.obstacle_2" type="jupedsim.obstacle" color="255,204,204" fill="1" layer="2.00" shape="-16.000000,-8.000000 -20.000000,-8.000000 -20.000000,-12.000000 -16.000000,-12.000000 -16.000000,-8.000000"/>
>     <poly id="jps.obstacle_3" type="jupedsim.obstacle" color="255,204,204" fill="1" layer="2.00" shape="-16.000000,12.000000 -20.000000,12.000000 -20.000000,8.000000 -16.000000,8.000000 -16.000000,12.000000"/>
---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_0' in netedit; edge '-E10' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_1' in netedit; edge 'E7' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_2' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_0' in netedit; edge 'E10' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_1' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_2' in netedit; edge '-E7' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_5' in netedit; lane '-E9_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_6' in netedit; lane 'E12_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_0' in netedit; lane '-E1_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane '-E1_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_1' in netedit; lane 'E0_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane 'E0_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_2' in netedit; lane '-E0_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane '-E0_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_4' in netedit; lane 'E1_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane 'E1_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_0' in netedit; lane 'E5_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_1' in netedit; lane 'E8_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_2' in netedit; lane 'E4_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_3' in netedit; lane 'E2_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_0' in netedit; lane 'E10_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_1' in netedit; lane 'E11_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_2' in netedit; lane '-E7_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_4' in netedit; lane '-E6_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_0' in netedit; lane 'E6_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_1' in netedit; lane '-E10_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_2' in netedit; lane '-E11_0' doesn't exist.
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ----------
<     <viewport zoom="100.00" x="25.00" y="10.00" angle="0.00"/>
>     <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Differences in log ----------
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_0' in netedit; edge '-E10' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_1' in netedit; edge 'E7' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_2' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_0' in netedit; edge 'E10' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_1' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_2' in netedit; edge '-E7' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_5' in netedit; lane '-E9_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_6' in netedit; lane 'E12_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_0' in netedit; lane '-E1_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane '-E1_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_1' in netedit; lane 'E0_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane 'E0_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_2' in netedit; lane '-E0_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane '-E0_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_4' in netedit; lane 'E1_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane 'E1_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_0' in netedit; lane 'E5_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_1' in netedit; lane 'E8_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_2' in netedit; lane 'E4_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_3' in netedit; lane 'E2_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_0' in netedit; lane 'E10_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_1' in netedit; lane 'E11_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_2' in netedit; lane '-E7_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_4' in netedit; lane '-E6_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_0' in netedit; lane 'E6_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_1' in netedit; lane '-E10_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_2' in netedit; lane '-E11_0' doesn't exist.
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in net ----------
<         <lane id=":gneJ2_0_0" index="0" speed="10.04" length="22.96" shape="4.68,24.80 1.93,23.51 -0.03,19.64 -1.21,13.20 -1.60,4.17"/>
>         <lane id=":gneJ2_0_0" index="0" speed="9.32" length="19.63" shape="7.20,24.80 3.35,23.85 0.60,21.00 -1.05,16.25 -1.60,9.60"/>
<         <lane id=":gneJ2_1_0" index="0" speed="5.47" length="12.79" shape="5.07,21.60 2.07,19.03 1.25,16.72 2.60,14.68 6.12,12.90"/>
>         <lane id=":gneJ2_1_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="4.67" shape="7.20,21.60 6.00,20.80 5.60,20.00 6.00,19.20 7.20,18.40"/>
<         <lane id=":gneJ2_2_0" index="0" speed="6.53" length="8.24" shape="1.60,4.17 1.91,6.37 2.83,8.03 4.36,9.15 6.51,9.73"/>
<         <lane id=":gneJ2_2_1" index="1" speed="7.37" length="10.75" shape="1.60,4.17 1.88,7.78 2.73,10.44 4.15,12.15 6.12,12.90"/>
>         <lane id=":gneJ2_2_0" index="0" speed="6.51" length="9.03" shape="1.60,9.60 1.95,12.05 3.00,13.80 4.75,14.85 7.20,15.20"/>
>         <lane id=":gneJ2_2_1" index="1" speed="7.33" length="11.73" shape="1.60,9.60 1.95,13.45 3.00,16.20 4.75,17.85 7.20,18.40"/>
<         <lane id=":gneJ3_0_0" index="0" speed="9.41" length="20.04" shape="51.60,9.15 51.05,16.00 49.40,20.89 46.64,23.82 42.78,24.80"/>
<         <lane id=":gneJ3_0_1" index="1" speed="8.77" length="17.24" shape="51.60,9.15 51.05,14.60 49.40,18.49 46.65,20.82 42.79,21.60"/>
>         <lane id=":gneJ3_0_0" index="0" speed="9.32" length="19.63" shape="51.60,9.60 51.05,16.25 49.40,21.00 46.65,23.85 42.80,24.80"/>
>         <lane id=":gneJ3_0_1" index="1" speed="8.67" length="16.85" shape="51.60,9.60 51.05,14.85 49.40,18.60 46.65,20.85 42.80,21.60"/>
<         <lane id=":gneJ3_2_0" index="0" speed="6.21" length="8.90" shape="42.82,14.27 45.26,14.21 47.01,13.34 48.05,11.65 48.40,9.15"/>
>         <lane id=":gneJ3_2_0" index="0" speed="6.51" length="9.03" shape="42.80,15.20 45.25,14.85 47.00,13.80 48.05,12.05 48.40,9.60"/>
<         <lane id=":gneJ3_3_0" index="0" speed="4.05" length="6.00" shape="42.81,17.49 44.35,18.52 44.86,19.55 44.34,20.58 42.79,21.60"/>
>         <lane id=":gneJ3_3_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="4.67" shape="42.80,18.40 44.00,19.20 44.40,20.00 44.00,20.80 42.80,21.60"/>
<     <edge id="gneE2" from="gneJ2" to="gneJ3" priority="1" shape="14.00,15.50 50.00,20.00">
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 744 - 328
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
---------- New result in datas ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd">
---------- New result in routes ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<routes xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/routes_file.xsd">

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : network edges inspect speed ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

---------- Differences in additionals ----------
>     <!-- Detectors -->
>     <!-- Shapes -->
>     <poly id="po_0" color="red" fill="1" layer="0.00" shape="-12.000000,12.000000 -12.000000,8.000000 -8.000000,8.000000 -8.000000,12.000000 -12.000000,12.000000"/>
>     <poly id="po_1" color="red" fill="1" layer="0.00" shape="8.000000,12.000000 8.000000,8.000000 12.000000,8.000000 12.000000,12.000000 8.000000,12.000000"/>
>     <poly id="po_2" color="red" fill="1" layer="0.00" shape="8.000000,-8.000000 8.000000,-12.000000 12.000000,-12.000000 12.000000,-8.000000 8.000000,-8.000000"/>
>     <poly id="po_3" color="red" fill="1" layer="0.00" shape="-8.000000,-8.000000 -12.000000,-8.000000 -12.000000,-12.000000 -8.000000,-12.000000 -8.000000,-8.000000"/>
>     <poi id="poi_0" color="red" layer="202.00" x="-26.00" y="8.00"/>
>     <poi id="poi_1" color="red" layer="202.00" x="-26.00" y="-8.00"/>
>     <poi id="poi_2" color="red" layer="202.00" x="26.00" y="-8.00"/>
>     <poi id="poi_3" color="red" layer="202.00" x="26.00" y="8.00"/>
>     <!-- TAZs -->
>     <taz id="taz_0" shape="-18.00,-14.00 -18.00,-16.00 -8.00,-16.00 -8.00,-14.00 -18.00,-14.00" fill="1" color="green"/>
>     <taz id="taz_1" shape="8.00,-14.00 8.00,-16.00 18.00,-16.00 18.00,-14.00 8.00,-14.00" fill="1" color="green"/>
>     <taz id="taz_2" shape="18.00,14.00 8.00,14.00 8.00,16.00 18.00,16.00 18.00,14.00" fill="1" color="green"/>
>     <taz id="taz_3" shape="-8.00,14.00 -18.00,14.00 -18.00,16.00 -8.00,16.00 -8.00,14.00" fill="1" color="green"/>
>     <!-- JuPedSim elements -->
>     <poly id="jps.walkable_area_0" type="jupedsim.walkable_area" color="179,217,255" fill="1" layer="1.00" shape="-12.000000,-8.000000 -12.000000,-12.000000 -16.000000,-12.000000 -16.000000,-8.000000 -12.000000,-8.000000"/>
>     <poly id="jps.walkable_area_1" type="jupedsim.walkable_area" color="179,217,255" fill="1" layer="1.00" shape="-12.000000,8.000000 -16.000000,8.000000 -16.000000,12.000000 -12.000000,12.000000 -12.000000,8.000000"/>
>     <poly id="jps.walkable_area_2" type="jupedsim.walkable_area" color="179,217,255" fill="1" layer="1.00" shape="12.000000,8.000000 16.000000,8.000000 16.000000,12.000000 12.000000,12.000000 12.000000,8.000000"/>
>     <poly id="jps.walkable_area_4" type="jupedsim.walkable_area" color="179,217,255" fill="1" layer="1.00" shape="12.000000,-8.000000 12.000000,-12.000000 16.000000,-12.000000 16.000000,-8.000000 12.000000,-8.000000"/>
>     <poly id="jps.obstacle_0" type="jupedsim.obstacle" color="255,204,204" fill="1" layer="2.00" shape="20.000000,12.000000 16.000000,12.000000 16.000000,8.000000 20.000000,8.000000 20.000000,12.000000"/>
>     <poly id="jps.obstacle_1" type="jupedsim.obstacle" color="255,204,204" fill="1" layer="2.00" shape="20.000000,-8.000000 16.000000,-8.000000 16.000000,-12.000000 20.000000,-12.000000 20.000000,-8.000000"/>
>     <poly id="jps.obstacle_2" type="jupedsim.obstacle" color="255,204,204" fill="1" layer="2.00" shape="-16.000000,-8.000000 -20.000000,-8.000000 -20.000000,-12.000000 -16.000000,-12.000000 -16.000000,-8.000000"/>
>     <poly id="jps.obstacle_3" type="jupedsim.obstacle" color="255,204,204" fill="1" layer="2.00" shape="-16.000000,12.000000 -20.000000,12.000000 -20.000000,8.000000 -16.000000,8.000000 -16.000000,12.000000"/>
---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_0' in netedit; edge '-E10' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_1' in netedit; edge 'E7' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_2' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_0' in netedit; edge 'E10' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_1' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_2' in netedit; edge '-E7' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_5' in netedit; lane '-E9_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_6' in netedit; lane 'E12_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_0' in netedit; lane '-E1_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane '-E1_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_1' in netedit; lane 'E0_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane 'E0_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_2' in netedit; lane '-E0_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane '-E0_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_4' in netedit; lane 'E1_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane 'E1_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_0' in netedit; lane 'E5_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_1' in netedit; lane 'E8_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_2' in netedit; lane 'E4_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_3' in netedit; lane 'E2_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_0' in netedit; lane 'E10_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_1' in netedit; lane 'E11_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_2' in netedit; lane '-E7_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_4' in netedit; lane '-E6_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_0' in netedit; lane 'E6_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_1' in netedit; lane '-E10_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_2' in netedit; lane '-E11_0' doesn't exist.
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ----------
<     <viewport zoom="100.00" x="25.00" y="10.00" angle="0.00"/>
>     <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Differences in log ----------
< Warning: Speed of turning connection 'gneE9_0->gneE2_0' reduced by 60.69 due to turning radius of 7.70 (length=9.03, angle=90.00).
< Warning: Speed of turning connection 'gneE9_0->gneE2_1' reduced by 59.87 due to turning radius of 9.76 (length=11.73, angle=90.00).
< Warning: Speed of turning connection 'gneE2_0->gneE4_0' reduced by 60.69 due to turning radius of 7.70 (length=9.03, angle=90.00).
< Warning: Speed of turning connection 'gneE9_0->gneE2_0' reduced by 60.69 due to turning radius of 7.70 (length=9.03, angle=90.00).
< Warning: Speed of turning connection 'gneE9_0->gneE2_1' reduced by 59.87 due to turning radius of 9.76 (length=11.73, angle=90.00).
< Warning: 6 total messages of type: Speed of % connection '%' reduced by % due to turning radius of % (length=%, angle=%).
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_0' in netedit; edge '-E10' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_1' in netedit; edge 'E7' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_2' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_0' in netedit; edge 'E10' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_1' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_2' in netedit; edge '-E7' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_5' in netedit; lane '-E9_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_6' in netedit; lane 'E12_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_0' in netedit; lane '-E1_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane '-E1_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_1' in netedit; lane 'E0_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane 'E0_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_2' in netedit; lane '-E0_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane '-E0_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_4' in netedit; lane 'E1_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane 'E1_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_0' in netedit; lane 'E5_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_1' in netedit; lane 'E8_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_2' in netedit; lane 'E4_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_3' in netedit; lane 'E2_0' doesn't exist.
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in net ----------
<         <lane id="gneE2_0" index="0" speed="120.50" length="35.60" shape="7.20,15.20 42.80,15.20"/>
<         <lane id="gneE2_1" index="1" speed="120.50" length="35.60" shape="7.20,18.40 42.80,18.40"/>
>         <lane id="gneE2_0" index="0" speed="13.89" length="35.60" shape="7.20,15.20 42.80,15.20"/>
>         <lane id="gneE2_1" index="1" speed="13.89" length="35.60" shape="7.20,18.40 42.80,18.40"/>
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 744 - 328
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
---------- New result in datas ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd">
---------- New result in routes ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<routes xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/routes_file.xsd">

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : network edges inspect spreadtype ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

---------- Differences in additionals ----------
>     <!-- Detectors -->
>     <!-- Shapes -->
>     <poly id="po_0" color="red" fill="1" layer="0.00" shape="-12.000000,12.000000 -12.000000,8.000000 -8.000000,8.000000 -8.000000,12.000000 -12.000000,12.000000"/>
>     <poly id="po_1" color="red" fill="1" layer="0.00" shape="8.000000,12.000000 8.000000,8.000000 12.000000,8.000000 12.000000,12.000000 8.000000,12.000000"/>
>     <poly id="po_2" color="red" fill="1" layer="0.00" shape="8.000000,-8.000000 8.000000,-12.000000 12.000000,-12.000000 12.000000,-8.000000 8.000000,-8.000000"/>
>     <poly id="po_3" color="red" fill="1" layer="0.00" shape="-8.000000,-8.000000 -12.000000,-8.000000 -12.000000,-12.000000 -8.000000,-12.000000 -8.000000,-8.000000"/>
>     <poi id="poi_0" color="red" layer="202.00" x="-26.00" y="8.00"/>
>     <poi id="poi_1" color="red" layer="202.00" x="-26.00" y="-8.00"/>
>     <poi id="poi_2" color="red" layer="202.00" x="26.00" y="-8.00"/>
>     <poi id="poi_3" color="red" layer="202.00" x="26.00" y="8.00"/>
>     <!-- TAZs -->
>     <taz id="taz_0" shape="-18.00,-14.00 -18.00,-16.00 -8.00,-16.00 -8.00,-14.00 -18.00,-14.00" fill="1" color="green"/>
>     <taz id="taz_1" shape="8.00,-14.00 8.00,-16.00 18.00,-16.00 18.00,-14.00 8.00,-14.00" fill="1" color="green"/>
>     <taz id="taz_2" shape="18.00,14.00 8.00,14.00 8.00,16.00 18.00,16.00 18.00,14.00" fill="1" color="green"/>
>     <taz id="taz_3" shape="-8.00,14.00 -18.00,14.00 -18.00,16.00 -8.00,16.00 -8.00,14.00" fill="1" color="green"/>
>     <!-- JuPedSim elements -->
>     <poly id="jps.walkable_area_0" type="jupedsim.walkable_area" color="179,217,255" fill="1" layer="1.00" shape="-12.000000,-8.000000 -12.000000,-12.000000 -16.000000,-12.000000 -16.000000,-8.000000 -12.000000,-8.000000"/>
>     <poly id="jps.walkable_area_1" type="jupedsim.walkable_area" color="179,217,255" fill="1" layer="1.00" shape="-12.000000,8.000000 -16.000000,8.000000 -16.000000,12.000000 -12.000000,12.000000 -12.000000,8.000000"/>
>     <poly id="jps.walkable_area_2" type="jupedsim.walkable_area" color="179,217,255" fill="1" layer="1.00" shape="12.000000,8.000000 16.000000,8.000000 16.000000,12.000000 12.000000,12.000000 12.000000,8.000000"/>
>     <poly id="jps.walkable_area_4" type="jupedsim.walkable_area" color="179,217,255" fill="1" layer="1.00" shape="12.000000,-8.000000 12.000000,-12.000000 16.000000,-12.000000 16.000000,-8.000000 12.000000,-8.000000"/>
>     <poly id="jps.obstacle_0" type="jupedsim.obstacle" color="255,204,204" fill="1" layer="2.00" shape="20.000000,12.000000 16.000000,12.000000 16.000000,8.000000 20.000000,8.000000 20.000000,12.000000"/>
>     <poly id="jps.obstacle_1" type="jupedsim.obstacle" color="255,204,204" fill="1" layer="2.00" shape="20.000000,-8.000000 16.000000,-8.000000 16.000000,-12.000000 20.000000,-12.000000 20.000000,-8.000000"/>
>     <poly id="jps.obstacle_2" type="jupedsim.obstacle" color="255,204,204" fill="1" layer="2.00" shape="-16.000000,-8.000000 -20.000000,-8.000000 -20.000000,-12.000000 -16.000000,-12.000000 -16.000000,-8.000000"/>
>     <poly id="jps.obstacle_3" type="jupedsim.obstacle" color="255,204,204" fill="1" layer="2.00" shape="-16.000000,12.000000 -20.000000,12.000000 -20.000000,8.000000 -16.000000,8.000000 -16.000000,12.000000"/>
---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_0' in netedit; edge '-E10' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_1' in netedit; edge 'E7' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_2' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_0' in netedit; edge 'E10' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_1' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_2' in netedit; edge '-E7' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_5' in netedit; lane '-E9_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_6' in netedit; lane 'E12_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_0' in netedit; lane '-E1_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane '-E1_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_1' in netedit; lane 'E0_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane 'E0_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_2' in netedit; lane '-E0_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane '-E0_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_4' in netedit; lane 'E1_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane 'E1_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_0' in netedit; lane 'E5_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_1' in netedit; lane 'E8_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_2' in netedit; lane 'E4_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_3' in netedit; lane 'E2_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_0' in netedit; lane 'E10_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_1' in netedit; lane 'E11_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_2' in netedit; lane '-E7_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_4' in netedit; lane '-E6_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_0' in netedit; lane 'E6_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_1' in netedit; lane '-E10_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_2' in netedit; lane '-E11_0' doesn't exist.
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ----------
<     <viewport zoom="100.00" x="25.00" y="10.00" angle="0.00"/>
>     <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Differences in log ----------
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_0' in netedit; edge '-E10' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_1' in netedit; edge 'E7' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_2' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_0' in netedit; edge 'E10' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_1' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_2' in netedit; edge '-E7' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_5' in netedit; lane '-E9_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_6' in netedit; lane 'E12_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_0' in netedit; lane '-E1_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane '-E1_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_1' in netedit; lane 'E0_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane 'E0_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_2' in netedit; lane '-E0_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane '-E0_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_4' in netedit; lane 'E1_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane 'E1_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_0' in netedit; lane 'E5_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_1' in netedit; lane 'E8_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_2' in netedit; lane 'E4_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_3' in netedit; lane 'E2_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_0' in netedit; lane 'E10_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_1' in netedit; lane 'E11_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_2' in netedit; lane '-E7_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_4' in netedit; lane '-E6_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_0' in netedit; lane 'E6_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_1' in netedit; lane '-E10_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_2' in netedit; lane '-E11_0' doesn't exist.
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in net ----------
<     <location netOffset="25.00,0.00" convBoundary="0.00,0.00,50.20,20.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.00,-10000000000.00,10000000000.00,10000000000.00" projParameter="!"/>
>     <location netOffset="25.00,0.00" convBoundary="0.00,0.00,50.00,20.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.00,-10000000000.00,10000000000.00,10000000000.00" projParameter="!"/>
<     <edge id="gneE2" from="gneJ2" to="gneJ3" priority="1" spreadType="center" shape="0.00,16.80 50.20,16.81">
>     <edge id="gneE2" from="gneJ2" to="gneJ3" priority="1">
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 744 - 328
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
---------- New result in datas ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd">
---------- New result in routes ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<routes xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/routes_file.xsd">

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : network edges inspect stopexception ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_0' in netedit; edge '-E10' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_1' in netedit; edge 'E7' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_2' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_0' in netedit; edge 'E10' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_1' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_2' in netedit; edge '-E7' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_5' in netedit; lane '-E9_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_6' in netedit; lane 'E12_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_0' in netedit; lane '-E1_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane '-E1_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_1' in netedit; lane 'E0_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane 'E0_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_2' in netedit; lane '-E0_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane '-E0_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_4' in netedit; lane 'E1_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane 'E1_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_0' in netedit; lane 'E5_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_1' in netedit; lane 'E8_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_2' in netedit; lane 'E4_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_3' in netedit; lane 'E2_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_0' in netedit; lane 'E10_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_1' in netedit; lane 'E11_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_2' in netedit; lane '-E7_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_4' in netedit; lane '-E6_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_0' in netedit; lane 'E6_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_1' in netedit; lane '-E10_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_2' in netedit; lane '-E11_0' doesn't exist.
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in log ----------
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_0' in netedit; edge '-E10' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_1' in netedit; edge 'E7' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_2' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_0' in netedit; edge 'E10' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_1' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_2' in netedit; edge '-E7' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_5' in netedit; lane '-E9_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_6' in netedit; lane 'E12_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_0' in netedit; lane '-E1_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane '-E1_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_1' in netedit; lane 'E0_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane 'E0_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_2' in netedit; lane '-E0_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane '-E0_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_4' in netedit; lane 'E1_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane 'E1_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_0' in netedit; lane 'E5_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_1' in netedit; lane 'E8_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_2' in netedit; lane 'E4_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_3' in netedit; lane 'E2_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_0' in netedit; lane 'E10_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_1' in netedit; lane 'E11_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_2' in netedit; lane '-E7_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_4' in netedit; lane '-E6_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_0' in netedit; lane 'E6_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_1' in netedit; lane '-E10_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_2' in netedit; lane '-E11_0' doesn't exist.
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 744 - 328
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
< TestFunctions: Netedit closed successfully
> TestFunctions: Error closing Netedit
---------- New result in errorScreenshot ----------

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q	J_JgeeQffVZzFt+{qv*Y'uܫWqJKY<r#޹JiZz:BV&ʕy)}"^X[ľJ@Tʵ2:FXYnnD"~LE=(N~~~̫WyyRor^gggǾ~^WDf0sss%ɲŭ)[ָ=e	(ƶTZvͭDq	NIo^Ƽ"WqA%vtxijZ-R+۵nne%zUރ1Fd2vCNpZ:*^qcۖUB''n>j$߽Cp<iո(^mZ>x$=<wEw?be2wW"KR7[6kʝpU0:T*D$Q|B"UxF˦^h#\u|p})[ƭWyҎmZ5{,YvڴlW+fJW3:kueDܪY/ߦek-6R{I&.&K-?<#3Ei野?|]C>8-=ԴtU[<r<3+i2<F(ZZZ6o=ݪyc{;Ĥ
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Missing result in additionals ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<additional xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/additional_file.xsd">
    <!-- StoppingPlaces -->
    <busStop id="busStop1" lane="gneE0_0" startPos="10.00" endPos="15.00" friendlyPos="true"/>
    <busStop id="busStop2" lane="gneE1_0" startPos="3.00" endPos="13.00" friendlyPos="true"/>
    <busStop id="busStop3" lane="gneE2_0" endPos="30.00" friendlyPos="true"/>
    <busStop id="busStop4" lane="gneE2_1" startPos="25.00" friendlyPos="true"/>
    <busStop id="busStop5" lane="gneE3_0" startPos="3.00" endPos="13.00" friendlyPos="true"/>
    <busStop id="busStop6" lane="gneE3_1" startPos="3.00" endPos="13.00" friendlyPos="true"/>
---------- Missing result in guisettingsoutput ----------
    <viewport zoom="100.00" x="25.00" y="11.40" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Missing result in net ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<net version="1.20" junctionCornerDetail="5" limitTurnSpeed="5.50" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/net_file.xsd">

    <location netOffset="25.00,0.00" convBoundary="0.00,0.00,50.00,20.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.00,-10000000000.00,10000000000.00,10000000000.00" projParameter="!"/>

    <edge id=":gneJ0_0" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_0_0" index="0" speed="6.08" length="7.74" shape="-1.60,3.20 -1.30,1.10 -0.40,-0.40 1.10,-1.30 3.20,-1.60"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ0_1" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_1_0" index="0" speed="3.90" length="2.58" shape="3.20,1.60 2.50,1.70 2.00,2.00 1.70,2.50 1.60,3.20"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ0_2" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_2_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="1.30" shape="3.20,1.60 2.12,0.88"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ0_3" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_3_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="3.37" shape="2.12,0.88 2.00,0.80 1.60,0.00 2.00,-0.80 3.20,-1.60"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_0" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_0_0" index="0" speed="3.90" length="2.58" shape="48.40,3.20 48.30,2.50 48.00,2.00 47.50,1.70 46.80,1.60"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_1" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_1_0" index="0" speed="6.08" length="7.74" shape="46.80,-1.60 48.90,-1.30 50.40,-0.40 51.30,1.10 51.60,3.20"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_2" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_2_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="1.44" shape="46.80,-1.60 48.00,-0.80"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_3" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_3_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="3.23" shape="48.00,-0.80 48.40,0.00 48.00,0.80 46.80,1.60"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : network edges inspect stopoffset ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ----------
<     <viewport zoom="100.00" x="25.00" y="11.40" angle="0.00"/>
>     <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Differences in net ----------
<         <stopOffset vClasses="all" value="4.00"/>
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 744 - 328
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
---------- New result in datas ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd">
---------- New result in routes ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<routes xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/routes_file.xsd">

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : network edges inspect to ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

---------- Differences in additionals ----------
>     <!-- Detectors -->
>     <!-- Shapes -->
>     <poly id="po_0" color="red" fill="1" layer="0.00" shape="-12.000000,12.000000 -12.000000,8.000000 -8.000000,8.000000 -8.000000,12.000000 -12.000000,12.000000"/>
>     <poly id="po_1" color="red" fill="1" layer="0.00" shape="8.000000,12.000000 8.000000,8.000000 12.000000,8.000000 12.000000,12.000000 8.000000,12.000000"/>
>     <poly id="po_2" color="red" fill="1" layer="0.00" shape="8.000000,-8.000000 8.000000,-12.000000 12.000000,-12.000000 12.000000,-8.000000 8.000000,-8.000000"/>
>     <poly id="po_3" color="red" fill="1" layer="0.00" shape="-8.000000,-8.000000 -12.000000,-8.000000 -12.000000,-12.000000 -8.000000,-12.000000 -8.000000,-8.000000"/>
>     <poi id="poi_0" color="red" layer="202.00" x="-26.00" y="8.00"/>
>     <poi id="poi_1" color="red" layer="202.00" x="-26.00" y="-8.00"/>
>     <poi id="poi_2" color="red" layer="202.00" x="26.00" y="-8.00"/>
>     <poi id="poi_3" color="red" layer="202.00" x="26.00" y="8.00"/>
>     <!-- TAZs -->
>     <taz id="taz_0" shape="-18.00,-14.00 -18.00,-16.00 -8.00,-16.00 -8.00,-14.00 -18.00,-14.00" fill="1" color="green"/>
>     <taz id="taz_1" shape="8.00,-14.00 8.00,-16.00 18.00,-16.00 18.00,-14.00 8.00,-14.00" fill="1" color="green"/>
>     <taz id="taz_2" shape="18.00,14.00 8.00,14.00 8.00,16.00 18.00,16.00 18.00,14.00" fill="1" color="green"/>
>     <taz id="taz_3" shape="-8.00,14.00 -18.00,14.00 -18.00,16.00 -8.00,16.00 -8.00,14.00" fill="1" color="green"/>
>     <!-- JuPedSim elements -->
>     <poly id="jps.walkable_area_0" type="jupedsim.walkable_area" color="179,217,255" fill="1" layer="1.00" shape="-12.000000,-8.000000 -12.000000,-12.000000 -16.000000,-12.000000 -16.000000,-8.000000 -12.000000,-8.000000"/>
>     <poly id="jps.walkable_area_1" type="jupedsim.walkable_area" color="179,217,255" fill="1" layer="1.00" shape="-12.000000,8.000000 -16.000000,8.000000 -16.000000,12.000000 -12.000000,12.000000 -12.000000,8.000000"/>
>     <poly id="jps.walkable_area_2" type="jupedsim.walkable_area" color="179,217,255" fill="1" layer="1.00" shape="12.000000,8.000000 16.000000,8.000000 16.000000,12.000000 12.000000,12.000000 12.000000,8.000000"/>
>     <poly id="jps.walkable_area_4" type="jupedsim.walkable_area" color="179,217,255" fill="1" layer="1.00" shape="12.000000,-8.000000 12.000000,-12.000000 16.000000,-12.000000 16.000000,-8.000000 12.000000,-8.000000"/>
>     <poly id="jps.obstacle_0" type="jupedsim.obstacle" color="255,204,204" fill="1" layer="2.00" shape="20.000000,12.000000 16.000000,12.000000 16.000000,8.000000 20.000000,8.000000 20.000000,12.000000"/>
>     <poly id="jps.obstacle_1" type="jupedsim.obstacle" color="255,204,204" fill="1" layer="2.00" shape="20.000000,-8.000000 16.000000,-8.000000 16.000000,-12.000000 20.000000,-12.000000 20.000000,-8.000000"/>
>     <poly id="jps.obstacle_2" type="jupedsim.obstacle" color="255,204,204" fill="1" layer="2.00" shape="-16.000000,-8.000000 -20.000000,-8.000000 -20.000000,-12.000000 -16.000000,-12.000000 -16.000000,-8.000000"/>
>     <poly id="jps.obstacle_3" type="jupedsim.obstacle" color="255,204,204" fill="1" layer="2.00" shape="-16.000000,12.000000 -20.000000,12.000000 -20.000000,8.000000 -16.000000,8.000000 -16.000000,12.000000"/>
---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_0' in netedit; edge '-E10' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_1' in netedit; edge 'E7' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_2' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_0' in netedit; edge 'E10' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_1' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_2' in netedit; edge '-E7' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_5' in netedit; lane '-E9_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_6' in netedit; lane 'E12_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_0' in netedit; lane '-E1_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane '-E1_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_1' in netedit; lane 'E0_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane 'E0_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_2' in netedit; lane '-E0_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane '-E0_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_4' in netedit; lane 'E1_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane 'E1_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_0' in netedit; lane 'E5_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_1' in netedit; lane 'E8_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_2' in netedit; lane 'E4_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_3' in netedit; lane 'E2_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_0' in netedit; lane 'E10_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_1' in netedit; lane 'E11_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_2' in netedit; lane '-E7_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_4' in netedit; lane '-E6_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_0' in netedit; lane 'E6_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_1' in netedit; lane '-E10_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_2' in netedit; lane '-E11_0' doesn't exist.
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ----------
<     <viewport zoom="100.00" x="25.00" y="10.00" angle="0.00"/>
>     <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Differences in log ----------
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_0' in netedit; edge '-E10' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_1' in netedit; edge 'E7' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_2' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_0' in netedit; edge 'E10' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_1' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_2' in netedit; edge '-E7' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_5' in netedit; lane '-E9_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_6' in netedit; lane 'E12_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_0' in netedit; lane '-E1_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane '-E1_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_1' in netedit; lane 'E0_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane 'E0_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_2' in netedit; lane '-E0_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane '-E0_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_4' in netedit; lane 'E1_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane 'E1_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_0' in netedit; lane 'E5_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_1' in netedit; lane 'E8_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_2' in netedit; lane 'E4_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_3' in netedit; lane 'E2_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_0' in netedit; lane 'E10_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_1' in netedit; lane 'E11_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_2' in netedit; lane '-E7_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_4' in netedit; lane '-E6_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_0' in netedit; lane 'E6_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_1' in netedit; lane '-E10_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_2' in netedit; lane '-E11_0' doesn't exist.
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in net ----------
<         <lane id=":gneJ1_0_0" index="0" speed="11.13" length="28.42" shape="48.40,5.28 46.67,3.67 41.49,2.52 32.86,1.83 20.77,1.60"/>
>         <lane id=":gneJ1_0_0" index="0" speed="3.90" length="2.58" shape="48.40,3.20 48.30,2.50 48.00,2.00 47.50,1.70 46.80,1.60"/>
<         <lane id=":gneJ1_1_0" index="0" speed="11.95" length="32.96" shape="20.77,-1.60 34.26,-1.17 43.89,0.12 49.67,2.27 51.60,5.28"/>
>         <lane id=":gneJ1_1_0" index="0" speed="6.08" length="7.74" shape="46.80,-1.60 48.90,-1.30 50.40,-0.40 51.30,1.10 51.60,3.20"/>
<         <lane id=":gneJ1_2_0" index="0" speed="5.78" length="13.17" shape="21.65,6.17 25.88,4.17 27.14,2.74 25.44,1.89 20.77,1.60"/>
>         <lane id=":gneJ1_2_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="1.44" shape="46.80,-1.60 48.00,-0.80"/>
<         <lane id=":gneJ1_3_0" index="0" speed="10.30" length="31.23" shape="22.84,9.14 33.65,5.12 42.83,2.58 49.21,2.35 51.60,5.28"/>
>         <lane id=":gneJ1_3_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="3.23" shape="48.00,-0.80 48.40,0.00 48.00,0.80 46.80,1.60"/>
<         <lane id=":gneJ2_0_0" index="0" speed="9.21" length="19.14" shape="4.00,24.80 1.55,23.74 -0.20,20.56 -1.25,15.25 -1.60,7.83"/>
>         <lane id=":gneJ2_0_0" index="0" speed="9.32" length="19.63" shape="7.20,24.80 3.35,23.85 0.60,21.00 -1.05,16.25 -1.60,9.60"/>
<         <lane id=":gneJ2_1_0" index="0" speed="6.43" length="16.76" shape="4.00,21.60 -0.32,21.17 -0.98,19.90 2.03,17.77 8.70,14.80"/>
>         <lane id=":gneJ2_1_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="4.67" shape="7.20,21.60 6.00,20.80 5.60,20.00 6.00,19.20 7.20,18.40"/>
<         <lane id=":gneJ2_2_0" index="0" speed="5.84" length="9.13" shape="1.60,7.83 1.97,10.46 3.08,12.01 4.92,12.46 7.51,11.83"/>
<         <lane id=":gneJ2_2_1" index="1" speed="6.73" length="12.58" shape="1.60,7.83 2.04,11.94 3.37,14.47 5.59,15.43 8.70,14.80"/>
>         <lane id=":gneJ2_2_0" index="0" speed="6.51" length="9.03" shape="1.60,9.60 1.95,12.05 3.00,13.80 4.75,14.85 7.20,15.20"/>
>         <lane id=":gneJ2_2_1" index="1" speed="7.33" length="11.73" shape="1.60,9.60 1.95,13.45 3.00,16.20 4.75,17.85 7.20,18.40"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 744 - 328
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
---------- New result in datas ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd">
---------- New result in routes ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<routes xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/routes_file.xsd">

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : network edges inspect type ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

---------- Differences in additionals ----------
>     <!-- Detectors -->
>     <!-- Shapes -->
>     <poly id="po_0" color="red" fill="1" layer="0.00" shape="-12.000000,12.000000 -12.000000,8.000000 -8.000000,8.000000 -8.000000,12.000000 -12.000000,12.000000"/>
>     <poly id="po_1" color="red" fill="1" layer="0.00" shape="8.000000,12.000000 8.000000,8.000000 12.000000,8.000000 12.000000,12.000000 8.000000,12.000000"/>
>     <poly id="po_2" color="red" fill="1" layer="0.00" shape="8.000000,-8.000000 8.000000,-12.000000 12.000000,-12.000000 12.000000,-8.000000 8.000000,-8.000000"/>
>     <poly id="po_3" color="red" fill="1" layer="0.00" shape="-8.000000,-8.000000 -12.000000,-8.000000 -12.000000,-12.000000 -8.000000,-12.000000 -8.000000,-8.000000"/>
>     <poi id="poi_0" color="red" layer="202.00" x="-26.00" y="8.00"/>
>     <poi id="poi_1" color="red" layer="202.00" x="-26.00" y="-8.00"/>
>     <poi id="poi_2" color="red" layer="202.00" x="26.00" y="-8.00"/>
>     <poi id="poi_3" color="red" layer="202.00" x="26.00" y="8.00"/>
>     <!-- TAZs -->
>     <taz id="taz_0" shape="-18.00,-14.00 -18.00,-16.00 -8.00,-16.00 -8.00,-14.00 -18.00,-14.00" fill="1" color="green"/>
>     <taz id="taz_1" shape="8.00,-14.00 8.00,-16.00 18.00,-16.00 18.00,-14.00 8.00,-14.00" fill="1" color="green"/>
>     <taz id="taz_2" shape="18.00,14.00 8.00,14.00 8.00,16.00 18.00,16.00 18.00,14.00" fill="1" color="green"/>
>     <taz id="taz_3" shape="-8.00,14.00 -18.00,14.00 -18.00,16.00 -8.00,16.00 -8.00,14.00" fill="1" color="green"/>
>     <!-- JuPedSim elements -->
>     <poly id="jps.walkable_area_0" type="jupedsim.walkable_area" color="179,217,255" fill="1" layer="1.00" shape="-12.000000,-8.000000 -12.000000,-12.000000 -16.000000,-12.000000 -16.000000,-8.000000 -12.000000,-8.000000"/>
>     <poly id="jps.walkable_area_1" type="jupedsim.walkable_area" color="179,217,255" fill="1" layer="1.00" shape="-12.000000,8.000000 -16.000000,8.000000 -16.000000,12.000000 -12.000000,12.000000 -12.000000,8.000000"/>
>     <poly id="jps.walkable_area_2" type="jupedsim.walkable_area" color="179,217,255" fill="1" layer="1.00" shape="12.000000,8.000000 16.000000,8.000000 16.000000,12.000000 12.000000,12.000000 12.000000,8.000000"/>
>     <poly id="jps.walkable_area_4" type="jupedsim.walkable_area" color="179,217,255" fill="1" layer="1.00" shape="12.000000,-8.000000 12.000000,-12.000000 16.000000,-12.000000 16.000000,-8.000000 12.000000,-8.000000"/>
>     <poly id="jps.obstacle_0" type="jupedsim.obstacle" color="255,204,204" fill="1" layer="2.00" shape="20.000000,12.000000 16.000000,12.000000 16.000000,8.000000 20.000000,8.000000 20.000000,12.000000"/>
>     <poly id="jps.obstacle_1" type="jupedsim.obstacle" color="255,204,204" fill="1" layer="2.00" shape="20.000000,-8.000000 16.000000,-8.000000 16.000000,-12.000000 20.000000,-12.000000 20.000000,-8.000000"/>
>     <poly id="jps.obstacle_2" type="jupedsim.obstacle" color="255,204,204" fill="1" layer="2.00" shape="-16.000000,-8.000000 -20.000000,-8.000000 -20.000000,-12.000000 -16.000000,-12.000000 -16.000000,-8.000000"/>
>     <poly id="jps.obstacle_3" type="jupedsim.obstacle" color="255,204,204" fill="1" layer="2.00" shape="-16.000000,12.000000 -20.000000,12.000000 -20.000000,8.000000 -16.000000,8.000000 -16.000000,12.000000"/>
---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_0' in netedit; edge '-E10' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_1' in netedit; edge 'E7' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_2' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_0' in netedit; edge 'E10' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_1' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_2' in netedit; edge '-E7' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_5' in netedit; lane '-E9_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_6' in netedit; lane 'E12_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_0' in netedit; lane '-E1_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane '-E1_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_1' in netedit; lane 'E0_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane 'E0_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_2' in netedit; lane '-E0_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane '-E0_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_4' in netedit; lane 'E1_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane 'E1_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_0' in netedit; lane 'E5_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_1' in netedit; lane 'E8_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_2' in netedit; lane 'E4_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_3' in netedit; lane 'E2_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_0' in netedit; lane 'E10_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_1' in netedit; lane 'E11_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_2' in netedit; lane '-E7_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_4' in netedit; lane '-E6_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_0' in netedit; lane 'E6_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_1' in netedit; lane '-E10_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_2' in netedit; lane '-E11_0' doesn't exist.
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ----------
<     <viewport zoom="100.00" x="25.00" y="10.00" angle="0.00"/>
>     <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Differences in log ----------
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_0' in netedit; edge '-E10' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_1' in netedit; edge 'E7' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_2' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_0' in netedit; edge 'E10' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_1' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_2' in netedit; edge '-E7' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_5' in netedit; lane '-E9_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_6' in netedit; lane 'E12_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_0' in netedit; lane '-E1_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane '-E1_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_1' in netedit; lane 'E0_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane 'E0_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_2' in netedit; lane '-E0_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane '-E0_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_4' in netedit; lane 'E1_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane 'E1_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_0' in netedit; lane 'E5_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_1' in netedit; lane 'E8_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_2' in netedit; lane 'E4_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_3' in netedit; lane 'E2_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_0' in netedit; lane 'E10_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_1' in netedit; lane 'E11_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_2' in netedit; lane '-E7_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_4' in netedit; lane '-E6_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_0' in netedit; lane 'E6_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_1' in netedit; lane '-E10_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_2' in netedit; lane '-E11_0' doesn't exist.
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in net ----------
<     <edge id="gneE2" from="gneJ2" to="gneJ3" priority="1" type="customType">
>     <edge id="gneE2" from="gneJ2" to="gneJ3" priority="1">
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 744 - 328
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
---------- New result in datas ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd">
---------- New result in routes ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<routes xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/routes_file.xsd">

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : network edges inspect width ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ----------
<     <viewport zoom="100.00" x="25.00" y="10.00" angle="0.00"/>
>     <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Differences in net ----------
<         <lane id=":gneJ2_0_0" index="0" speed="9.63" length="21.05" shape="7.20,24.80 3.35,23.75 0.60,20.60 -1.05,15.35 -1.60,8.00"/>
>         <lane id=":gneJ2_0_0" index="0" speed="9.32" length="19.63" shape="7.20,24.80 3.35,23.85 0.60,21.00 -1.05,16.25 -1.60,9.60"/>
<         <lane id=":gneJ2_1_0" index="0" speed="3.80" length="5.26" width="4.00" shape="7.20,21.60 5.85,20.70 5.40,19.80 5.85,18.90 7.20,18.00"/>
>         <lane id=":gneJ2_1_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="4.67" shape="7.20,21.60 6.00,20.80 5.60,20.00 6.00,19.20 7.20,18.40"/>
<         <lane id=":gneJ2_2_0" index="0" speed="6.61" length="9.36" width="4.00" shape="1.60,8.00 1.95,10.62 3.00,12.50 4.75,13.62 7.20,14.00"/>
<         <lane id=":gneJ2_2_1" index="1" speed="7.62" length="12.78" width="4.00" shape="1.60,8.00 1.95,12.38 3.00,15.50 4.75,17.38 7.20,18.00"/>
>         <lane id=":gneJ2_2_0" index="0" speed="6.51" length="9.03" shape="1.60,9.60 1.95,12.05 3.00,13.80 4.75,14.85 7.20,15.20"/>
>         <lane id=":gneJ2_2_1" index="1" speed="7.33" length="11.73" shape="1.60,9.60 1.95,13.45 3.00,16.20 4.75,17.85 7.20,18.40"/>
<         <lane id=":gneJ3_0_0" index="0" speed="9.63" length="21.05" shape="51.60,8.00 51.05,15.35 49.40,20.60 46.65,23.75 42.80,24.80"/>
<         <lane id=":gneJ3_0_1" index="1" speed="9.00" length="18.23" shape="51.60,8.00 51.05,13.95 49.40,18.20 46.65,20.75 42.80,21.60"/>
>         <lane id=":gneJ3_0_0" index="0" speed="9.32" length="19.63" shape="51.60,9.60 51.05,16.25 49.40,21.00 46.65,23.85 42.80,24.80"/>
>         <lane id=":gneJ3_0_1" index="1" speed="8.67" length="16.85" shape="51.60,9.60 51.05,14.85 49.40,18.60 46.65,20.85 42.80,21.60"/>
<         <lane id=":gneJ3_2_0" index="0" speed="6.69" length="9.36" shape="42.80,14.00 45.25,13.62 47.00,12.50 48.05,10.62 48.40,8.00"/>
>         <lane id=":gneJ3_2_0" index="0" speed="6.51" length="9.03" shape="42.80,15.20 45.25,14.85 47.00,13.80 48.05,12.05 48.40,9.60"/>
<         <lane id=":gneJ3_3_0" index="0" speed="3.94" length="5.26" shape="42.80,18.00 44.15,18.90 44.60,19.80 44.15,20.70 42.80,21.60"/>
>         <lane id=":gneJ3_3_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="4.67" shape="42.80,18.40 44.00,19.20 44.40,20.00 44.00,20.80 42.80,21.60"/>
<         <lane id="gneE2_0" index="0" speed="13.89" length="35.60" width="4.00" shape="7.20,14.00 42.80,14.00"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 744 - 328
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
---------- New result in datas ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd">
---------- New result in routes ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<routes xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/routes_file.xsd">

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : network edges inspect_selected allow ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

---------- Differences in log ----------
< Warning: Speed of straight connection 'gneE3_1->gneE2_1' reduced by 10.07 due to turning radius of 2.65 (length=4.67, angle=180.00).
< Warning: Speed of straight connection 'gneE2_1->gneE3_1' reduced by 10.07 due to turning radius of 2.65 (length=4.67, angle=180.00).
< Warning: Speed of straight connection 'gneE3_1->gneE2_1' reduced by 10.07 due to turning radius of 2.65 (length=4.67, angle=180.00).
< Warning: Speed of straight connection 'gneE2_1->gneE3_1' reduced by 10.07 due to turning radius of 2.65 (length=4.67, angle=180.00).
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 744 - 328
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 744 - 288
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 744 - 328
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
< TestFunctions: Netedit closed successfully
> TestFunctions: Error closing Netedit
---------- New result in errorScreenshot ----------

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kӢ٫W-޸.SW}+8'&񇈫ޗJxTvжϣ_jwӡMj~uk:vR,Oک7D"aۖ^zWBlA0###yc/K.s$4+;u󦖖!'ϲ?IC>8#3ūLe[;q&;'Esr>cGs(ZFFd6m=۶Uu7<?<|㞝?Y\X!);BЎdzF&ooթ}V̎VH `*UrwsmWƯݸBN
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Missing result in additionals ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<additional xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/additional_file.xsd">
    <!-- StoppingPlaces -->
    <busStop id="busStop1" lane="gneE0_0" startPos="10.00" endPos="15.00" friendlyPos="true"/>
    <busStop id="busStop2" lane="gneE1_0" startPos="3.00" endPos="13.00" friendlyPos="true"/>
    <busStop id="busStop3" lane="gneE2_0" endPos="30.00" friendlyPos="true"/>
    <busStop id="busStop4" lane="gneE2_1" startPos="25.00" friendlyPos="true"/>
    <busStop id="busStop5" lane="gneE3_0" startPos="3.00" endPos="13.00" friendlyPos="true"/>
    <busStop id="busStop6" lane="gneE3_1" startPos="3.00" endPos="13.00" friendlyPos="true"/>
---------- Missing result in guisettingsoutput ----------
    <viewport zoom="100.00" x="25.00" y="10.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Missing result in net ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<net version="1.20" junctionCornerDetail="5" limitTurnSpeed="5.50" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/net_file.xsd">

    <location netOffset="25.00,0.00" convBoundary="0.00,0.00,50.00,20.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.00,-10000000000.00,10000000000.00,10000000000.00" projParameter="!"/>

    <edge id=":gneJ0_0" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_0_0" index="0" speed="6.08" length="7.74" shape="-1.60,3.20 -1.30,1.10 -0.40,-0.40 1.10,-1.30 3.20,-1.60"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ0_1" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_1_0" index="0" speed="3.90" length="2.58" shape="3.20,1.60 2.50,1.70 2.00,2.00 1.70,2.50 1.60,3.20"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ0_2" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_2_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="1.30" shape="3.20,1.60 2.12,0.88"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ0_3" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_3_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="3.37" shape="2.12,0.88 2.00,0.80 1.60,0.00 2.00,-0.80 3.20,-1.60"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_0" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_0_0" index="0" speed="3.90" length="2.58" shape="48.40,3.20 48.30,2.50 48.00,2.00 47.50,1.70 46.80,1.60"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_1" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_1_0" index="0" speed="6.08" length="7.74" shape="46.80,-1.60 48.90,-1.30 50.40,-0.40 51.30,1.10 51.60,3.20"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_2" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_2_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="1.44" shape="46.80,-1.60 48.00,-0.80"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_3" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_3_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="3.23" shape="48.00,-0.80 48.40,0.00 48.00,0.80 46.80,1.60"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : network edges inspect_selected disallow ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_0' in netedit; edge '-E10' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_1' in netedit; edge 'E7' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_2' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_0' in netedit; edge 'E10' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_1' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_2' in netedit; edge '-E7' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_5' in netedit; lane '-E9_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_6' in netedit; lane 'E12_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_0' in netedit; lane '-E1_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane '-E1_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_1' in netedit; lane 'E0_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane 'E0_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_2' in netedit; lane '-E0_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane '-E0_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_4' in netedit; lane 'E1_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane 'E1_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_0' in netedit; lane 'E5_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_1' in netedit; lane 'E8_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_2' in netedit; lane 'E4_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_3' in netedit; lane 'E2_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_0' in netedit; lane 'E10_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_1' in netedit; lane 'E11_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_2' in netedit; lane '-E7_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_4' in netedit; lane '-E6_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_0' in netedit; lane 'E6_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_1' in netedit; lane '-E10_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_2' in netedit; lane '-E11_0' doesn't exist.
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in log ----------
< Warning: Speed of straight connection 'gneE3_1->gneE2_1' reduced by 10.07 due to turning radius of 2.65 (length=4.67, angle=180.00).
< Warning: Speed of straight connection 'gneE2_1->gneE3_1' reduced by 10.07 due to turning radius of 2.65 (length=4.67, angle=180.00).
< Warning: Speed of straight connection 'gneE3_1->gneE2_1' reduced by 10.07 due to turning radius of 2.65 (length=4.67, angle=180.00).
< Warning: Speed of straight connection 'gneE2_1->gneE3_1' reduced by 10.07 due to turning radius of 2.65 (length=4.67, angle=180.00).
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_0' in netedit; edge '-E10' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_1' in netedit; edge 'E7' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_2' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_0' in netedit; edge 'E10' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_1' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_2' in netedit; edge '-E7' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_5' in netedit; lane '-E9_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_6' in netedit; lane 'E12_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_0' in netedit; lane '-E1_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane '-E1_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_1' in netedit; lane 'E0_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane 'E0_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_2' in netedit; lane '-E0_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane '-E0_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_4' in netedit; lane 'E1_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane 'E1_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_0' in netedit; lane 'E5_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_1' in netedit; lane 'E8_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_2' in netedit; lane 'E4_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_3' in netedit; lane 'E2_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_0' in netedit; lane 'E10_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_1' in netedit; lane 'E11_0' doesn't exist.
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 744 - 328
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 744 - 288
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 744 - 328
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
< TestFunctions: Netedit closed successfully
> TestFunctions: Error closing Netedit
---------- New result in errorScreenshot ----------

IHDR1cIDATxw\%TDQp!U=UVںZEZZ=uֽ'-d@yf~u\<w	O=G1v4d.@fX{={fĞ@IgKs/hM6oS,jeYq1F_Sm`9JFbnJC&$_3PhZ6ND2LB$q!K4
:)2a›`Z7oɼ<RHZQpfbb_?|^>MiCH3`s>'%%;++K3UDwB7;U*%%%i2n-5:sÈƎrܥ7ܚ;)eoף[GʕٳޟB쑴pcmfO":}W;`?? C(2Lws~/oIiǏ,oXf<rsL(""Xle&;'
\]R^r-6ߙkԐ_v%=|cMzصcF.^{ZzFkTmPgSg/^|]}?H,{jd<tޢjaHjG?o?uًDdog׹}~?||i4_M{31|	3
+.R]Ӣw2LDۇp=LD|:ǎq*y{]ewS_)C)M֫HH$5n;q5}ܥ}қWmfuj]Ƕ22o\gNNn|Y{ظA]Uޥt}Ƕ-VqՈ$G?ik7w.95{}k_ms'w3#3ۦWN;֩-˲GOUӾV/\Q(
믎;.]z	>QDV][ghҐܽS
9VV"~ˇ#-bqVMWJ	IoƦ@Ǝ6q][[zcn^߱={p{ّ5[x~Y>'7WՖ4o\nZI\BֿԮUvh֝IMի]&33+:C
=;,gv	D"|5sݸuWikrNmJؽiijܠ˾Cztm>9Xvܹ/ckT$[5[KFWM{F
ݸ~ډoe^5=,ѤA}ַ.U[yӟcJ4 1)۠F5_g9 H0j6o6E#'u8v^Ƅ;MD9i\X!"*>DD7<\JԠn3.?yogJ׫z0RSN.\=z;k;0U	.z1+/Щ*L03>+<~ugmZ6>y"iٴwcmZz7Ns/c˫܂߲SۖU|*?}>;''5:ϵ'`Ρ<Fx詳SVe>wڶjZɻgӮU3Tz"b/cbHƲm+x;q1m[6nĿ߹KגSSKqqFQZFfx-9%կOHO
Ϟ|$ҩcsyg/\Wand2[viߺr%g.dԪQB%?PV5W_vjZ&Dg'bYuwswd\;[[X)=ʺK$1>	fcctAD"Az(?.]J׋FAuX6S$23/ ]ZԶO
]GDAeӆIe˸I$WqD"&6]~>7XtV6iX_n[k*Fhe%:uԴQ>=:mٱl|Ҏiœ^rŇO1Yx"rwsHQ/߾^feet=NTpQ܉
uM{{1M%k'.>˘/cJרZ䙋vuk?ѱCzu[[֟;巬_slkTw?]շgOOlr^DǾ-]ڱ_.~cWqDP~\JkζN@Ϳ2(3~T3+3+{$Z'\}!U?D"1""2ZKH|2˘W|}^ž'֮uj}VVvjZb{{w=my/]igkSNsuBi~AU6662|8M""a\h%S1&gyU\b-1mikk'Ȅjn:>ٙd2Z0<dg''"ϗqϘ'6Nx[DVVV\hK5zɑsD޾bm˦Z7?t$"
VV5<zѓH"#CJގ(++틘0-w|Bқ!>*9mZ5}%	ɝ{v
g"zyR鍛wO=бS}>Cokc1K۩Z/w*5|~[TկnI%w\par/=<<5#HII-Uʞʸ2ӿz!"a7uwnDqqqf&&^:&ا=bǸ-*H$R17g++>vըKDq	wSMZZ8fwNns.(({;9aW-RiwWa^#"\esߍJ2/'''korOEU(":6]$\{[nlUnģ۟;rJzCDy\Ǹrz(}<oִa="Z~[=P*rOP*fvIR⚟/JJ}_] ??tiGHI䫸"pzvmٔO0L 	UYԋcoSrrr\]ܢg˽$Nt[wܺZ"^Jxҹy=ZޣbOTX,t~[T>vD~%;-ȁ|R)<<nkLFD=.K>?RX>bYX"WU77,37/a|n;.C<
ϖ2//@V-	7&|n
#b]¤waU,O|-"ʓJaeY5Ya.ѻ[KH&ޥ;zք>yVnc'UtM6\kJ(Ժyj~Ojt҉ZND6,˦g(Ij
[wQ$ܾeקD2lP?zV6_{uwS>.>DqKRr
~W;2gkM֝-~_JwSͷr: U\\^b^Q
q	J_JgeeQffVZzFt+{qv*Y'uܫWqJKY<r#޹JiZz:BV&ʕy)}"^X[ľJ@Tʵ2:FXYnnD"~LE=(N~~~̫WyyRor^gggǾ~^WDf0sss%ɲŭ)[ָ=e	(ƶTZvͭDq	NIo^Ƽ"WqA%vtxijZ-R+۵nne%zUރ1Fd2vCNpZ:*^qcۖUB''n>j$߽Cp<iո(^mZ>x$=<wEw?be2wW"KR7[6kʝpU0:T*D$Q|B"UxF˦^h#\u|p})[ƭWyҎmZ5{,YvڴlW+fJW3:kueDܪY/ߦek-6R{I&.&K-?<#3Ei野?|]C>8-=ԴtU[<r<3+i2<F(ZZZ6o=ݪyc{;Ĥ
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Missing result in additionals ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<additional xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/additional_file.xsd">
    <!-- StoppingPlaces -->
    <busStop id="busStop1" lane="gneE0_0" startPos="10.00" endPos="15.00" friendlyPos="true"/>
    <busStop id="busStop2" lane="gneE1_0" startPos="3.00" endPos="13.00" friendlyPos="true"/>
    <busStop id="busStop3" lane="gneE2_0" endPos="30.00" friendlyPos="true"/>
    <busStop id="busStop4" lane="gneE2_1" startPos="25.00" friendlyPos="true"/>
    <busStop id="busStop5" lane="gneE3_0" startPos="3.00" endPos="13.00" friendlyPos="true"/>
    <busStop id="busStop6" lane="gneE3_1" startPos="3.00" endPos="13.00" friendlyPos="true"/>
---------- Missing result in guisettingsoutput ----------
    <viewport zoom="100.00" x="25.00" y="10.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Missing result in net ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<net version="1.20" junctionCornerDetail="5" limitTurnSpeed="5.50" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/net_file.xsd">

    <location netOffset="25.00,0.00" convBoundary="0.00,0.00,50.00,20.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.00,-10000000000.00,10000000000.00,10000000000.00" projParameter="!"/>

    <edge id=":gneJ0_0" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_0_0" index="0" speed="6.08" length="7.74" shape="-1.60,3.20 -1.30,1.10 -0.40,-0.40 1.10,-1.30 3.20,-1.60"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ0_1" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_1_0" index="0" speed="3.90" length="2.58" shape="3.20,1.60 2.50,1.70 2.00,2.00 1.70,2.50 1.60,3.20"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ0_2" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_2_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="1.30" shape="3.20,1.60 2.12,0.88"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ0_3" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_3_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="3.37" shape="2.12,0.88 2.00,0.80 1.60,0.00 2.00,-0.80 3.20,-1.60"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_0" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_0_0" index="0" speed="3.90" length="2.58" shape="48.40,3.20 48.30,2.50 48.00,2.00 47.50,1.70 46.80,1.60"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_1" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_1_0" index="0" speed="6.08" length="7.74" shape="46.80,-1.60 48.90,-1.30 50.40,-0.40 51.30,1.10 51.60,3.20"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_2" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_2_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="1.44" shape="46.80,-1.60 48.00,-0.80"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_3" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_3_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="3.23" shape="48.00,-0.80 48.40,0.00 48.00,0.80 46.80,1.60"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : network edges inspect_selected endoffset ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_0' in netedit; edge '-E10' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_1' in netedit; edge 'E7' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_2' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_0' in netedit; edge 'E10' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_1' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_2' in netedit; edge '-E7' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_5' in netedit; lane '-E9_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_6' in netedit; lane 'E12_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_0' in netedit; lane '-E1_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane '-E1_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_1' in netedit; lane 'E0_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane 'E0_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_2' in netedit; lane '-E0_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane '-E0_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_4' in netedit; lane 'E1_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane 'E1_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_0' in netedit; lane 'E5_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_1' in netedit; lane 'E8_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_2' in netedit; lane 'E4_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_3' in netedit; lane 'E2_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_0' in netedit; lane 'E10_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_1' in netedit; lane 'E11_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_2' in netedit; lane '-E7_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_4' in netedit; lane '-E6_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_0' in netedit; lane 'E6_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_1' in netedit; lane '-E10_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_2' in netedit; lane '-E11_0' doesn't exist.
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 744 - 328
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 744 - 288
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 744 - 328
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
< TestFunctions: Netedit closed successfully
> TestFunctions: Error closing Netedit
---------- New result in errorScreenshot ----------

IHDR1cIDATxw\%TDQp!U=UVںZEZZ=uֽ'-d@yf~u\<w	O=G1v4d.@fX{={fĞ@IgKs/hM6oS,jeYq1F_Sm`9JFbnJC&$_3PhZ6ND2LB$q!K4
:)2a›`Z7oɼ<RHZQpfbb_?|^>MiCH3`s>'%%;++K3UDwB7;U*%%%i2n-5:sÈƎrܥ7ܚ;)eoף[GʕٳޟB쑴pcmfO":}W;`?? C(2Lws~/oIiǏ,oXf<rsL(""Xle&;'
\]R^r-6ߙkԐ_v%=|cMzصcF.^{ZzFkTmPgSg/^|]}?H,{jd<tޢjaHjG?o?uًDdog׹}~?||i4_M{31|	3
+.R]Ӣw2LDۇp=LD|:ǎq*y{]ewS_)C)M֫HH$5n;q5}ܥ}қWmfuj]Ƕ22o\gNNn|Y{ظA]Uޥt}Ƕ-VqՈ$G?ik7w.95{}k_ms'w3#3ۦWN;֩-˲GOUӾV/\Q(
믎;.]z	>QDV][ghҐܽS
9VV"~ˇ#-bqVMWJ	IoƦ@Ǝ6q][[zcn^߱={p{ّ5[x~Y>'7WՖ4o\nZI\BֿԮUvh֝IMի]&33+:C
=;,gv	D"|5sݸuWikrNmJؽiijܠ˾Cztm>9Xvܹ/ckT$[5[KFWM{F
ݸ~ډoe^5=,ѤA}ַ.U[yӟcJ4 1)۠F5_g9 H0j6o6E#'u8v^Ƅ;MD9i\X!"*>DD7<\JԠn3.?yogJ׫z0RSN.\=z;k;0U	.z1+/Щ*L03>+<~ugmZ6>y"iٴwcmZz7Ns/c˫܂߲SۖU|*?}>;''5:ϵ'`Ρ<Fx詳SVe>wڶjZɻgӮU3Tz"b/cbHƲm+x;q1m[6nĿ߹KגSSKqqFQZFfx-9%կOHO
Ϟ|$ҩcsyg/\Wand2[viߺr%g.dԪQB%?PV5W_vjZ&Dg'bYuwswd\;[[X)=ʺK$1>	fcctAD"Az(?.]J׋FAuX6S$23/ ]ZԶO
]GDAeӆIe˸I$WqD"&6]~>7XtV6iX_n[k*Fhe%:uԴQ>=:mٱl|Ҏiœ^rŇO1Yx"rwsHQ/߾^feet=NTpQ܉
uM{{1M%k'.>˘/cJרZ䙋vuk?ѱCzu[[֟;巬_slkTw?]շgOOlr^DǾ-]ڱ_.~cWqDP~\JkζN@Ϳ2(3~T3+3+{$Z'\}!U?D"1""2ZKH|2˘W|}^ž'֮uj}VVvjZb{{w=my/]igkSNsuBi~AU6662|8M""a\h%S1&gyU\b-1mikk'Ȅjn:>ٙd2Z0<dg''"ϗqϘ'6Nx[DVVV\hK5zɑsD޾bm˦Z7?t$"
VV5<zѓH"#CJގ(++틘0-w|Bқ!>*9mZ5}%	ɝ{v
g"zyR鍛wO=бS}>Cokc1K۩Z/w*5|~[TկnI%w\par/=<<5#HII-Uʞʸ2ӿz!"a7uwnDqqqf&&^:&ا=bǸ-*H$R17g++>vըKDq	wSMZZ8fwNns.(({;9aW-RiwWa^#"\esߍJ2/'''korOEU(":6]$\{[nlUnģ۟;rJzCDy\Ǹrz(}<oִa="Z~[=P*rOP*fvIR⚟/JJ}_] ??tiGHI䫸"pzvmٔO0L 	UYԋcoSrrr\]ܢg˽$Nt[wܺZ"^Jxҹy=ZޣbOTX,t~[T>vD~%;-ȁ|R)<<nkLFD=.K>?RX>bYX"WU77,37/a|n;.C<
ϖ2//@V-	7&|n
#b]¤waU,O|-"ʓJaeY5Ya.ѻ[KH&ޥ;zք>yVnc'UtM6\kJ(Ժyj~Ojt҉ZND6,˦g(Ij
[wQ$ܾeקD2lP?zV6_{uwS>.>DqKRr
~W;2gkM֝-~_JwSͷr: U\\^b^Q
q	J_JgeeQffVZzFt+{qv*Y'uܫWqJKY<r#޹JiZz:BV&ʕy)}"^X[ľJ@Tʵ2:FXYnnD"~LE=(N~~~̫WyyRor^gggǾ~^WDf0sss%ɲŭ)[ָ=e	(ƶTZvͭDq	NIo^Ƽ"WqA%vtxijZ-R+۵nne%zUރ1Fd2vCNpZ:*^qcۖUB''n>j$߽Cp<iո(^mZ>x$=<wEw?be2wW"KR7[6kʝpU0:T*D$Q|B"UxF˦^h#\u|p})[ƭWyҎmZ5{,YvڴlW+fJW3:kueDܪY/ߦek-6R{I&.&K-?<#3Ei野?|]C>8-=ԴtU[<r<3+i2<F(ZZZ6o=ݪyc{;Ĥ
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Missing result in additionals ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<additional xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/additional_file.xsd">
    <!-- StoppingPlaces -->
    <busStop id="busStop1" lane="gneE0_0" startPos="10.00" endPos="15.00" friendlyPos="true"/>
    <busStop id="busStop2" lane="gneE1_0" startPos="3.00" endPos="13.00" friendlyPos="true"/>
    <busStop id="busStop3" lane="gneE2_0" endPos="30.00" friendlyPos="true"/>
    <busStop id="busStop4" lane="gneE2_1" startPos="25.00" friendlyPos="true"/>
    <busStop id="busStop5" lane="gneE3_0" startPos="3.00" endPos="13.00" friendlyPos="true"/>
    <busStop id="busStop6" lane="gneE3_1" startPos="3.00" endPos="13.00" friendlyPos="true"/>
---------- Missing result in guisettingsoutput ----------
    <viewport zoom="100.00" x="25.00" y="10.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Missing result in net ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<net version="1.20" junctionCornerDetail="5" limitTurnSpeed="5.50" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/net_file.xsd">

    <location netOffset="25.00,0.00" convBoundary="0.00,0.00,50.00,20.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.00,-10000000000.00,10000000000.00,10000000000.00" projParameter="!"/>

    <edge id=":gneJ0_0" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_0_0" index="0" speed="6.08" length="7.74" shape="-1.60,3.20 -1.30,1.10 -0.40,-0.40 1.10,-1.30 3.20,-1.60"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ0_1" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_1_0" index="0" speed="3.90" length="2.58" shape="3.20,1.60 2.50,1.70 2.00,2.00 1.70,2.50 1.60,3.20"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ0_2" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_2_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="1.30" shape="3.20,1.60 2.12,0.88"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ0_3" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_3_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="3.37" shape="2.12,0.88 2.00,0.80 1.60,0.00 2.00,-0.80 3.20,-1.60"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_0" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_0_0" index="0" speed="3.90" length="2.58" shape="48.40,3.20 48.30,2.50 48.00,2.00 47.50,1.70 46.80,1.60"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_1" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_1_0" index="0" speed="6.08" length="7.74" shape="46.80,-1.60 48.90,-1.30 50.40,-0.40 51.30,1.10 51.60,3.20"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_2" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_2_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="1.44" shape="46.80,-1.60 48.00,-0.80"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_3" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_3_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="3.23" shape="48.00,-0.80 48.40,0.00 48.00,0.80 46.80,1.60"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : network edges inspect_selected length ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

---------- Differences in additionals ----------
>     <!-- Detectors -->
>     <!-- Shapes -->
>     <poly id="po_0" color="red" fill="1" layer="0.00" shape="-12.000000,12.000000 -12.000000,8.000000 -8.000000,8.000000 -8.000000,12.000000 -12.000000,12.000000"/>
>     <poly id="po_1" color="red" fill="1" layer="0.00" shape="8.000000,12.000000 8.000000,8.000000 12.000000,8.000000 12.000000,12.000000 8.000000,12.000000"/>
>     <poly id="po_2" color="red" fill="1" layer="0.00" shape="8.000000,-8.000000 8.000000,-12.000000 12.000000,-12.000000 12.000000,-8.000000 8.000000,-8.000000"/>
>     <poly id="po_3" color="red" fill="1" layer="0.00" shape="-8.000000,-8.000000 -12.000000,-8.000000 -12.000000,-12.000000 -8.000000,-12.000000 -8.000000,-8.000000"/>
>     <poi id="poi_0" color="red" layer="202.00" x="-26.00" y="8.00"/>
>     <poi id="poi_1" color="red" layer="202.00" x="-26.00" y="-8.00"/>
>     <poi id="poi_2" color="red" layer="202.00" x="26.00" y="-8.00"/>
>     <poi id="poi_3" color="red" layer="202.00" x="26.00" y="8.00"/>
>     <!-- TAZs -->
>     <taz id="taz_0" shape="-18.00,-14.00 -18.00,-16.00 -8.00,-16.00 -8.00,-14.00 -18.00,-14.00" fill="1" color="green"/>
>     <taz id="taz_1" shape="8.00,-14.00 8.00,-16.00 18.00,-16.00 18.00,-14.00 8.00,-14.00" fill="1" color="green"/>
>     <taz id="taz_2" shape="18.00,14.00 8.00,14.00 8.00,16.00 18.00,16.00 18.00,14.00" fill="1" color="green"/>
>     <taz id="taz_3" shape="-8.00,14.00 -18.00,14.00 -18.00,16.00 -8.00,16.00 -8.00,14.00" fill="1" color="green"/>
>     <!-- JuPedSim elements -->
>     <poly id="jps.walkable_area_0" type="jupedsim.walkable_area" color="179,217,255" fill="1" layer="1.00" shape="-12.000000,-8.000000 -12.000000,-12.000000 -16.000000,-12.000000 -16.000000,-8.000000 -12.000000,-8.000000"/>
>     <poly id="jps.walkable_area_1" type="jupedsim.walkable_area" color="179,217,255" fill="1" layer="1.00" shape="-12.000000,8.000000 -16.000000,8.000000 -16.000000,12.000000 -12.000000,12.000000 -12.000000,8.000000"/>
>     <poly id="jps.walkable_area_2" type="jupedsim.walkable_area" color="179,217,255" fill="1" layer="1.00" shape="12.000000,8.000000 16.000000,8.000000 16.000000,12.000000 12.000000,12.000000 12.000000,8.000000"/>
>     <poly id="jps.walkable_area_4" type="jupedsim.walkable_area" color="179,217,255" fill="1" layer="1.00" shape="12.000000,-8.000000 12.000000,-12.000000 16.000000,-12.000000 16.000000,-8.000000 12.000000,-8.000000"/>
>     <poly id="jps.obstacle_0" type="jupedsim.obstacle" color="255,204,204" fill="1" layer="2.00" shape="20.000000,12.000000 16.000000,12.000000 16.000000,8.000000 20.000000,8.000000 20.000000,12.000000"/>
>     <poly id="jps.obstacle_1" type="jupedsim.obstacle" color="255,204,204" fill="1" layer="2.00" shape="20.000000,-8.000000 16.000000,-8.000000 16.000000,-12.000000 20.000000,-12.000000 20.000000,-8.000000"/>
>     <poly id="jps.obstacle_2" type="jupedsim.obstacle" color="255,204,204" fill="1" layer="2.00" shape="-16.000000,-8.000000 -20.000000,-8.000000 -20.000000,-12.000000 -16.000000,-12.000000 -16.000000,-8.000000"/>
>     <poly id="jps.obstacle_3" type="jupedsim.obstacle" color="255,204,204" fill="1" layer="2.00" shape="-16.000000,12.000000 -20.000000,12.000000 -20.000000,8.000000 -16.000000,8.000000 -16.000000,12.000000"/>
---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_0' in netedit; edge '-E10' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_1' in netedit; edge 'E7' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_2' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_0' in netedit; edge 'E10' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_1' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_2' in netedit; edge '-E7' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_5' in netedit; lane '-E9_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_6' in netedit; lane 'E12_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_0' in netedit; lane '-E1_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane '-E1_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_1' in netedit; lane 'E0_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane 'E0_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_2' in netedit; lane '-E0_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane '-E0_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_4' in netedit; lane 'E1_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane 'E1_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_0' in netedit; lane 'E5_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_1' in netedit; lane 'E8_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_2' in netedit; lane 'E4_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_3' in netedit; lane 'E2_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_0' in netedit; lane 'E10_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_1' in netedit; lane 'E11_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_2' in netedit; lane '-E7_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_4' in netedit; lane '-E6_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_0' in netedit; lane 'E6_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_1' in netedit; lane '-E10_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_2' in netedit; lane '-E11_0' doesn't exist.
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ----------
<     <viewport zoom="100.00" x="25.00" y="10.00" angle="0.00"/>
>     <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Differences in log ----------
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_0' in netedit; edge '-E10' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_1' in netedit; edge 'E7' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_2' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_0' in netedit; edge 'E10' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_1' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_2' in netedit; edge '-E7' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_5' in netedit; lane '-E9_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_6' in netedit; lane 'E12_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_0' in netedit; lane '-E1_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane '-E1_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_1' in netedit; lane 'E0_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane 'E0_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_2' in netedit; lane '-E0_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane '-E0_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_4' in netedit; lane 'E1_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane 'E1_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_0' in netedit; lane 'E5_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_1' in netedit; lane 'E8_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_2' in netedit; lane 'E4_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_3' in netedit; lane 'E2_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_0' in netedit; lane 'E10_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_1' in netedit; lane 'E11_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_2' in netedit; lane '-E7_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_4' in netedit; lane '-E6_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_0' in netedit; lane 'E6_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_1' in netedit; lane '-E10_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_2' in netedit; lane '-E11_0' doesn't exist.
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in net ----------
<     <edge id="gneE2" from="gneJ2" to="gneJ3" priority="1" length="40.50">
<         <lane id="gneE2_0" index="0" speed="13.89" length="40.50" shape="7.20,15.20 42.80,15.20"/>
<         <lane id="gneE2_1" index="1" speed="13.89" length="40.50" shape="7.20,18.40 42.80,18.40"/>
>     <edge id="gneE2" from="gneJ2" to="gneJ3" priority="1">
>         <lane id="gneE2_0" index="0" speed="13.89" length="35.60" shape="7.20,15.20 42.80,15.20"/>
>         <lane id="gneE2_1" index="1" speed="13.89" length="35.60" shape="7.20,18.40 42.80,18.40"/>
<     <edge id="gneE3" from="gneJ3" to="gneJ2" priority="1" length="40.50">
<         <lane id="gneE3_0" index="0" speed="13.89" length="40.50" shape="42.80,24.80 7.20,24.80"/>
<         <lane id="gneE3_1" index="1" speed="13.89" length="40.50" shape="42.80,21.60 7.20,21.60"/>
>     <edge id="gneE3" from="gneJ3" to="gneJ2" priority="1">
>         <lane id="gneE3_0" index="0" speed="13.89" length="35.60" shape="42.80,24.80 7.20,24.80"/>
>         <lane id="gneE3_1" index="1" speed="13.89" length="35.60" shape="42.80,21.60 7.20,21.60"/>
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 744 - 328
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 744 - 288
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 744 - 328
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
---------- New result in datas ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd">
---------- New result in routes ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<routes xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/routes_file.xsd">

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : network edges inspect_selected name ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ----------
<     <viewport zoom="100.00" x="25.00" y="10.00" angle="0.00"/>
>     <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Differences in net ----------
<     <edge id="gneE2" from="gneJ2" to="gneJ3" name="my own name" priority="1">
>     <edge id="gneE2" from="gneJ2" to="gneJ3" priority="1">
<     <edge id="gneE3" from="gneJ3" to="gneJ2" name="my own name" priority="1">
>     <edge id="gneE3" from="gneJ3" to="gneJ2" priority="1">
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 744 - 328
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 744 - 288
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 744 - 328
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
---------- New result in datas ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd">
---------- New result in routes ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<routes xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/routes_file.xsd">

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : network edges inspect_selected numlanes ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_0' in netedit; edge '-E10' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_1' in netedit; edge 'E7' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_2' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_0' in netedit; edge 'E10' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_1' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_2' in netedit; edge '-E7' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_5' in netedit; lane '-E9_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_6' in netedit; lane 'E12_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_0' in netedit; lane '-E1_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane '-E1_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_1' in netedit; lane 'E0_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane 'E0_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_2' in netedit; lane '-E0_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane '-E0_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_4' in netedit; lane 'E1_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane 'E1_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_0' in netedit; lane 'E5_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_1' in netedit; lane 'E8_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_2' in netedit; lane 'E4_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_3' in netedit; lane 'E2_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_0' in netedit; lane 'E10_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_1' in netedit; lane 'E11_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_2' in netedit; lane '-E7_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_4' in netedit; lane '-E6_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_0' in netedit; lane 'E6_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_1' in netedit; lane '-E10_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_2' in netedit; lane '-E11_0' doesn't exist.
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in log ----------
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_0' in netedit; edge '-E10' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_1' in netedit; edge 'E7' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_2' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_0' in netedit; edge 'E10' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_1' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_2' in netedit; edge '-E7' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_5' in netedit; lane '-E9_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_6' in netedit; lane 'E12_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_0' in netedit; lane '-E1_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane '-E1_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_1' in netedit; lane 'E0_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane 'E0_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_2' in netedit; lane '-E0_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane '-E0_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_4' in netedit; lane 'E1_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane 'E1_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_0' in netedit; lane 'E5_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_1' in netedit; lane 'E8_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_2' in netedit; lane 'E4_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_3' in netedit; lane 'E2_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_0' in netedit; lane 'E10_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_1' in netedit; lane 'E11_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_2' in netedit; lane '-E7_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_4' in netedit; lane '-E6_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_0' in netedit; lane 'E6_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_1' in netedit; lane '-E10_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_2' in netedit; lane '-E11_0' doesn't exist.
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 744 - 328
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 744 - 288
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 744 - 328
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
< TestFunctions: Netedit closed successfully
> TestFunctions: Error closing Netedit
---------- New result in errorScreenshot ----------

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<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Missing result in additionals ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<additional xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/additional_file.xsd">
    <!-- StoppingPlaces -->
    <busStop id="busStop1" lane="gneE0_0" startPos="10.00" endPos="15.00" friendlyPos="true"/>
    <busStop id="busStop2" lane="gneE1_0" startPos="3.00" endPos="13.00" friendlyPos="true"/>
    <busStop id="busStop3" lane="gneE2_0" endPos="30.00" friendlyPos="true"/>
    <busStop id="busStop4" lane="gneE2_1" startPos="25.00" friendlyPos="true"/>
    <busStop id="busStop5" lane="gneE3_0" startPos="3.00" endPos="13.00" friendlyPos="true"/>
    <busStop id="busStop6" lane="gneE3_1" startPos="3.00" endPos="13.00" friendlyPos="true"/>
---------- Missing result in guisettingsoutput ----------
    <viewport zoom="100.00" x="25.00" y="10.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Missing result in net ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<net version="1.20" junctionCornerDetail="5" limitTurnSpeed="5.50" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/net_file.xsd">

    <location netOffset="25.00,0.00" convBoundary="0.00,0.00,50.00,20.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.00,-10000000000.00,10000000000.00,10000000000.00" projParameter="!"/>

    <edge id=":gneJ0_0" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_0_0" index="0" speed="6.05" length="7.66" shape="-1.60,3.10 -1.30,1.04 -0.40,-0.43 1.10,-1.31 3.20,-1.60"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ0_1" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_1_0" index="0" speed="3.90" length="2.58" shape="3.20,1.60 2.50,1.70 2.00,2.00 1.70,2.50 1.60,3.20"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ0_2" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_2_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="1.31" shape="3.20,1.60 2.11,0.88"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ0_3" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_3_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="3.37" shape="2.11,0.88 2.00,0.80 1.60,0.00 2.00,-0.80 3.20,-1.60"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_0" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_0_0" index="0" speed="3.86" length="2.50" shape="48.40,3.10 48.30,2.44 48.00,1.97 47.50,1.69 46.80,1.60"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_1" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_1_0" index="0" speed="6.08" length="7.74" shape="46.80,-1.60 48.90,-1.30 50.40,-0.40 51.30,1.10 51.60,3.20"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_2" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_2_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="1.44" shape="46.80,-1.60 48.00,-0.80"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_3" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_3_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="3.23" shape="48.00,-0.80 48.40,0.00 48.00,0.80 46.80,1.60"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : network edges inspect_selected parameters ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

---------- Differences in additionals ----------
>     <!-- Detectors -->
>     <!-- Shapes -->
>     <poly id="po_0" color="red" fill="1" layer="0.00" shape="-12.000000,12.000000 -12.000000,8.000000 -8.000000,8.000000 -8.000000,12.000000 -12.000000,12.000000"/>
>     <poly id="po_1" color="red" fill="1" layer="0.00" shape="8.000000,12.000000 8.000000,8.000000 12.000000,8.000000 12.000000,12.000000 8.000000,12.000000"/>
>     <poly id="po_2" color="red" fill="1" layer="0.00" shape="8.000000,-8.000000 8.000000,-12.000000 12.000000,-12.000000 12.000000,-8.000000 8.000000,-8.000000"/>
>     <poly id="po_3" color="red" fill="1" layer="0.00" shape="-8.000000,-8.000000 -12.000000,-8.000000 -12.000000,-12.000000 -8.000000,-12.000000 -8.000000,-8.000000"/>
>     <poi id="poi_0" color="red" layer="202.00" x="-26.00" y="8.00"/>
>     <poi id="poi_1" color="red" layer="202.00" x="-26.00" y="-8.00"/>
>     <poi id="poi_2" color="red" layer="202.00" x="26.00" y="-8.00"/>
>     <poi id="poi_3" color="red" layer="202.00" x="26.00" y="8.00"/>
>     <!-- TAZs -->
>     <taz id="taz_0" shape="-18.00,-14.00 -18.00,-16.00 -8.00,-16.00 -8.00,-14.00 -18.00,-14.00" fill="1" color="green"/>
>     <taz id="taz_1" shape="8.00,-14.00 8.00,-16.00 18.00,-16.00 18.00,-14.00 8.00,-14.00" fill="1" color="green"/>
>     <taz id="taz_2" shape="18.00,14.00 8.00,14.00 8.00,16.00 18.00,16.00 18.00,14.00" fill="1" color="green"/>
>     <taz id="taz_3" shape="-8.00,14.00 -18.00,14.00 -18.00,16.00 -8.00,16.00 -8.00,14.00" fill="1" color="green"/>
>     <!-- JuPedSim elements -->
>     <poly id="jps.walkable_area_0" type="jupedsim.walkable_area" color="179,217,255" fill="1" layer="1.00" shape="-12.000000,-8.000000 -12.000000,-12.000000 -16.000000,-12.000000 -16.000000,-8.000000 -12.000000,-8.000000"/>
>     <poly id="jps.walkable_area_1" type="jupedsim.walkable_area" color="179,217,255" fill="1" layer="1.00" shape="-12.000000,8.000000 -16.000000,8.000000 -16.000000,12.000000 -12.000000,12.000000 -12.000000,8.000000"/>
>     <poly id="jps.walkable_area_2" type="jupedsim.walkable_area" color="179,217,255" fill="1" layer="1.00" shape="12.000000,8.000000 16.000000,8.000000 16.000000,12.000000 12.000000,12.000000 12.000000,8.000000"/>
>     <poly id="jps.walkable_area_4" type="jupedsim.walkable_area" color="179,217,255" fill="1" layer="1.00" shape="12.000000,-8.000000 12.000000,-12.000000 16.000000,-12.000000 16.000000,-8.000000 12.000000,-8.000000"/>
>     <poly id="jps.obstacle_0" type="jupedsim.obstacle" color="255,204,204" fill="1" layer="2.00" shape="20.000000,12.000000 16.000000,12.000000 16.000000,8.000000 20.000000,8.000000 20.000000,12.000000"/>
>     <poly id="jps.obstacle_1" type="jupedsim.obstacle" color="255,204,204" fill="1" layer="2.00" shape="20.000000,-8.000000 16.000000,-8.000000 16.000000,-12.000000 20.000000,-12.000000 20.000000,-8.000000"/>
>     <poly id="jps.obstacle_2" type="jupedsim.obstacle" color="255,204,204" fill="1" layer="2.00" shape="-16.000000,-8.000000 -20.000000,-8.000000 -20.000000,-12.000000 -16.000000,-12.000000 -16.000000,-8.000000"/>
>     <poly id="jps.obstacle_3" type="jupedsim.obstacle" color="255,204,204" fill="1" layer="2.00" shape="-16.000000,12.000000 -20.000000,12.000000 -20.000000,8.000000 -16.000000,8.000000 -16.000000,12.000000"/>
---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_0' in netedit; edge '-E10' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_1' in netedit; edge 'E7' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_2' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_0' in netedit; edge 'E10' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_1' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_2' in netedit; edge '-E7' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_5' in netedit; lane '-E9_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_6' in netedit; lane 'E12_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_0' in netedit; lane '-E1_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane '-E1_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_1' in netedit; lane 'E0_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane 'E0_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_2' in netedit; lane '-E0_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane '-E0_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_4' in netedit; lane 'E1_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane 'E1_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_0' in netedit; lane 'E5_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_1' in netedit; lane 'E8_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_2' in netedit; lane 'E4_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_3' in netedit; lane 'E2_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_0' in netedit; lane 'E10_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_1' in netedit; lane 'E11_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_2' in netedit; lane '-E7_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_4' in netedit; lane '-E6_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_0' in netedit; lane 'E6_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_1' in netedit; lane '-E10_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_2' in netedit; lane '-E11_0' doesn't exist.
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ----------
<     <viewport zoom="100.00" x="25.00" y="11.40" angle="0.00"/>
>     <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Differences in log ----------
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_0' in netedit; edge '-E10' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_1' in netedit; edge 'E7' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_2' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_0' in netedit; edge 'E10' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_1' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_2' in netedit; edge '-E7' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_5' in netedit; lane '-E9_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_6' in netedit; lane 'E12_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_0' in netedit; lane '-E1_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane '-E1_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_1' in netedit; lane 'E0_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane 'E0_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_2' in netedit; lane '-E0_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane '-E0_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_4' in netedit; lane 'E1_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane 'E1_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_0' in netedit; lane 'E5_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_1' in netedit; lane 'E8_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_2' in netedit; lane 'E4_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_3' in netedit; lane 'E2_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_0' in netedit; lane 'E10_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_1' in netedit; lane 'E11_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_2' in netedit; lane '-E7_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_4' in netedit; lane '-E6_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_0' in netedit; lane 'E6_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_1' in netedit; lane '-E10_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_2' in netedit; lane '-E11_0' doesn't exist.
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in net ----------
<         <param key="keyFinal1" value="value1"/>
<         <param key="keyFinal2" value="value2"/>
<         <param key="keyFinal3" value="value3"/>
<         <param key="keyFinal1" value="value1"/>
<         <param key="keyFinal2" value="value2"/>
<         <param key="keyFinal3" value="value3"/>
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 744 - 328
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 744 - 288
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 744 - 328
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
---------- New result in datas ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd">
---------- New result in routes ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<routes xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/routes_file.xsd">

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : network edges inspect_selected priority ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

---------- Differences in additionals ----------
>     <!-- Detectors -->
>     <!-- Shapes -->
>     <poly id="po_0" color="red" fill="1" layer="0.00" shape="-12.000000,12.000000 -12.000000,8.000000 -8.000000,8.000000 -8.000000,12.000000 -12.000000,12.000000"/>
>     <poly id="po_1" color="red" fill="1" layer="0.00" shape="8.000000,12.000000 8.000000,8.000000 12.000000,8.000000 12.000000,12.000000 8.000000,12.000000"/>
>     <poly id="po_2" color="red" fill="1" layer="0.00" shape="8.000000,-8.000000 8.000000,-12.000000 12.000000,-12.000000 12.000000,-8.000000 8.000000,-8.000000"/>
>     <poly id="po_3" color="red" fill="1" layer="0.00" shape="-8.000000,-8.000000 -12.000000,-8.000000 -12.000000,-12.000000 -8.000000,-12.000000 -8.000000,-8.000000"/>
>     <poi id="poi_0" color="red" layer="202.00" x="-26.00" y="8.00"/>
>     <poi id="poi_1" color="red" layer="202.00" x="-26.00" y="-8.00"/>
>     <poi id="poi_2" color="red" layer="202.00" x="26.00" y="-8.00"/>
>     <poi id="poi_3" color="red" layer="202.00" x="26.00" y="8.00"/>
>     <!-- TAZs -->
>     <taz id="taz_0" shape="-18.00,-14.00 -18.00,-16.00 -8.00,-16.00 -8.00,-14.00 -18.00,-14.00" fill="1" color="green"/>
>     <taz id="taz_1" shape="8.00,-14.00 8.00,-16.00 18.00,-16.00 18.00,-14.00 8.00,-14.00" fill="1" color="green"/>
>     <taz id="taz_2" shape="18.00,14.00 8.00,14.00 8.00,16.00 18.00,16.00 18.00,14.00" fill="1" color="green"/>
>     <taz id="taz_3" shape="-8.00,14.00 -18.00,14.00 -18.00,16.00 -8.00,16.00 -8.00,14.00" fill="1" color="green"/>
>     <!-- JuPedSim elements -->
>     <poly id="jps.walkable_area_0" type="jupedsim.walkable_area" color="179,217,255" fill="1" layer="1.00" shape="-12.000000,-8.000000 -12.000000,-12.000000 -16.000000,-12.000000 -16.000000,-8.000000 -12.000000,-8.000000"/>
>     <poly id="jps.walkable_area_1" type="jupedsim.walkable_area" color="179,217,255" fill="1" layer="1.00" shape="-12.000000,8.000000 -16.000000,8.000000 -16.000000,12.000000 -12.000000,12.000000 -12.000000,8.000000"/>
>     <poly id="jps.walkable_area_2" type="jupedsim.walkable_area" color="179,217,255" fill="1" layer="1.00" shape="12.000000,8.000000 16.000000,8.000000 16.000000,12.000000 12.000000,12.000000 12.000000,8.000000"/>
>     <poly id="jps.walkable_area_4" type="jupedsim.walkable_area" color="179,217,255" fill="1" layer="1.00" shape="12.000000,-8.000000 12.000000,-12.000000 16.000000,-12.000000 16.000000,-8.000000 12.000000,-8.000000"/>
>     <poly id="jps.obstacle_0" type="jupedsim.obstacle" color="255,204,204" fill="1" layer="2.00" shape="20.000000,12.000000 16.000000,12.000000 16.000000,8.000000 20.000000,8.000000 20.000000,12.000000"/>
>     <poly id="jps.obstacle_1" type="jupedsim.obstacle" color="255,204,204" fill="1" layer="2.00" shape="20.000000,-8.000000 16.000000,-8.000000 16.000000,-12.000000 20.000000,-12.000000 20.000000,-8.000000"/>
>     <poly id="jps.obstacle_2" type="jupedsim.obstacle" color="255,204,204" fill="1" layer="2.00" shape="-16.000000,-8.000000 -20.000000,-8.000000 -20.000000,-12.000000 -16.000000,-12.000000 -16.000000,-8.000000"/>
>     <poly id="jps.obstacle_3" type="jupedsim.obstacle" color="255,204,204" fill="1" layer="2.00" shape="-16.000000,12.000000 -20.000000,12.000000 -20.000000,8.000000 -16.000000,8.000000 -16.000000,12.000000"/>
---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_0' in netedit; edge '-E10' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_1' in netedit; edge 'E7' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_2' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_0' in netedit; edge 'E10' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_1' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_2' in netedit; edge '-E7' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_5' in netedit; lane '-E9_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_6' in netedit; lane 'E12_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_0' in netedit; lane '-E1_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane '-E1_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_1' in netedit; lane 'E0_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane 'E0_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_2' in netedit; lane '-E0_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane '-E0_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_4' in netedit; lane 'E1_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane 'E1_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_0' in netedit; lane 'E5_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_1' in netedit; lane 'E8_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_2' in netedit; lane 'E4_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_3' in netedit; lane 'E2_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_0' in netedit; lane 'E10_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_1' in netedit; lane 'E11_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_2' in netedit; lane '-E7_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_4' in netedit; lane '-E6_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_0' in netedit; lane 'E6_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_1' in netedit; lane '-E10_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_2' in netedit; lane '-E11_0' doesn't exist.
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ----------
<     <viewport zoom="100.00" x="25.00" y="10.00" angle="0.00"/>
>     <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Differences in log ----------
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_0' in netedit; edge '-E10' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_1' in netedit; edge 'E7' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_2' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_0' in netedit; edge 'E10' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_1' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_2' in netedit; edge '-E7' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_5' in netedit; lane '-E9_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_6' in netedit; lane 'E12_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_0' in netedit; lane '-E1_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane '-E1_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_1' in netedit; lane 'E0_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane 'E0_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_2' in netedit; lane '-E0_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane '-E0_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_4' in netedit; lane 'E1_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane 'E1_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_0' in netedit; lane 'E5_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_1' in netedit; lane 'E8_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_2' in netedit; lane 'E4_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_3' in netedit; lane 'E2_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_0' in netedit; lane 'E10_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_1' in netedit; lane 'E11_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_2' in netedit; lane '-E7_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_4' in netedit; lane '-E6_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_0' in netedit; lane 'E6_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_1' in netedit; lane '-E10_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_2' in netedit; lane '-E11_0' doesn't exist.
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in net ----------
<     <edge id="gneE2" from="gneJ2" to="gneJ3" priority="-1">
>     <edge id="gneE2" from="gneJ2" to="gneJ3" priority="1">
<     <edge id="gneE3" from="gneJ3" to="gneJ2" priority="-1">
>     <edge id="gneE3" from="gneJ3" to="gneJ2" priority="1">
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 744 - 328
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 744 - 288
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 744 - 328
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
---------- New result in datas ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd">
---------- New result in routes ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<routes xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/routes_file.xsd">

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : network edges inspect_selected shapeend ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 744 - 328
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 744 - 288
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 744 - 328
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
< TestFunctions: Netedit closed successfully
> TestFunctions: Error closing Netedit
---------- New result in errorScreenshot ----------

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<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Missing result in additionals ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<additional xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/additional_file.xsd">
    <!-- StoppingPlaces -->
    <busStop id="busStop1" lane="gneE0_0" startPos="10.00" endPos="15.00" friendlyPos="true"/>
    <busStop id="busStop2" lane="gneE1_0" startPos="3.00" endPos="13.00" friendlyPos="true"/>
    <busStop id="busStop3" lane="gneE2_0" endPos="30.00" friendlyPos="true"/>
    <busStop id="busStop4" lane="gneE2_1" startPos="25.00" friendlyPos="true"/>
    <busStop id="busStop5" lane="gneE3_0" startPos="3.00" endPos="13.00" friendlyPos="true"/>
    <busStop id="busStop6" lane="gneE3_1" startPos="3.00" endPos="13.00" friendlyPos="true"/>
---------- Missing result in guisettingsoutput ----------
    <viewport zoom="100.00" x="25.00" y="10.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Missing result in net ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<net version="1.20" junctionCornerDetail="5" limitTurnSpeed="5.50" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/net_file.xsd">

    <location netOffset="25.00,0.00" convBoundary="0.00,0.00,50.00,20.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.00,-10000000000.00,10000000000.00,10000000000.00" projParameter="!"/>

    <edge id=":gneJ0_0" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_0_0" index="0" speed="6.08" length="7.74" shape="-1.60,3.20 -1.30,1.10 -0.40,-0.40 1.10,-1.30 3.20,-1.60"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ0_1" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_1_0" index="0" speed="3.90" length="2.58" shape="3.20,1.60 2.50,1.70 2.00,2.00 1.70,2.50 1.60,3.20"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ0_2" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_2_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="1.30" shape="3.20,1.60 2.12,0.88"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ0_3" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_3_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="3.37" shape="2.12,0.88 2.00,0.80 1.60,0.00 2.00,-0.80 3.20,-1.60"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_0" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_0_0" index="0" speed="3.90" length="2.58" shape="48.40,3.20 48.30,2.50 48.00,2.00 47.50,1.70 46.80,1.60"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_1" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_1_0" index="0" speed="6.08" length="7.74" shape="46.80,-1.60 48.90,-1.30 50.40,-0.40 51.30,1.10 51.60,3.20"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_2" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_2_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="1.44" shape="46.80,-1.60 48.00,-0.80"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_3" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_3_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="3.23" shape="48.00,-0.80 48.40,0.00 48.00,0.80 46.80,1.60"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : network edges inspect_selected shapestart ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

---------- Differences in additionals ----------
>     <!-- Detectors -->
>     <!-- Shapes -->
>     <poly id="po_0" color="red" fill="1" layer="0.00" shape="-12.000000,12.000000 -12.000000,8.000000 -8.000000,8.000000 -8.000000,12.000000 -12.000000,12.000000"/>
>     <poly id="po_1" color="red" fill="1" layer="0.00" shape="8.000000,12.000000 8.000000,8.000000 12.000000,8.000000 12.000000,12.000000 8.000000,12.000000"/>
>     <poly id="po_2" color="red" fill="1" layer="0.00" shape="8.000000,-8.000000 8.000000,-12.000000 12.000000,-12.000000 12.000000,-8.000000 8.000000,-8.000000"/>
>     <poly id="po_3" color="red" fill="1" layer="0.00" shape="-8.000000,-8.000000 -12.000000,-8.000000 -12.000000,-12.000000 -8.000000,-12.000000 -8.000000,-8.000000"/>
>     <poi id="poi_0" color="red" layer="202.00" x="-26.00" y="8.00"/>
>     <poi id="poi_1" color="red" layer="202.00" x="-26.00" y="-8.00"/>
>     <poi id="poi_2" color="red" layer="202.00" x="26.00" y="-8.00"/>
>     <poi id="poi_3" color="red" layer="202.00" x="26.00" y="8.00"/>
>     <!-- TAZs -->
>     <taz id="taz_0" shape="-18.00,-14.00 -18.00,-16.00 -8.00,-16.00 -8.00,-14.00 -18.00,-14.00" fill="1" color="green"/>
>     <taz id="taz_1" shape="8.00,-14.00 8.00,-16.00 18.00,-16.00 18.00,-14.00 8.00,-14.00" fill="1" color="green"/>
>     <taz id="taz_2" shape="18.00,14.00 8.00,14.00 8.00,16.00 18.00,16.00 18.00,14.00" fill="1" color="green"/>
>     <taz id="taz_3" shape="-8.00,14.00 -18.00,14.00 -18.00,16.00 -8.00,16.00 -8.00,14.00" fill="1" color="green"/>
>     <!-- JuPedSim elements -->
>     <poly id="jps.walkable_area_0" type="jupedsim.walkable_area" color="179,217,255" fill="1" layer="1.00" shape="-12.000000,-8.000000 -12.000000,-12.000000 -16.000000,-12.000000 -16.000000,-8.000000 -12.000000,-8.000000"/>
>     <poly id="jps.walkable_area_1" type="jupedsim.walkable_area" color="179,217,255" fill="1" layer="1.00" shape="-12.000000,8.000000 -16.000000,8.000000 -16.000000,12.000000 -12.000000,12.000000 -12.000000,8.000000"/>
>     <poly id="jps.walkable_area_2" type="jupedsim.walkable_area" color="179,217,255" fill="1" layer="1.00" shape="12.000000,8.000000 16.000000,8.000000 16.000000,12.000000 12.000000,12.000000 12.000000,8.000000"/>
>     <poly id="jps.walkable_area_4" type="jupedsim.walkable_area" color="179,217,255" fill="1" layer="1.00" shape="12.000000,-8.000000 12.000000,-12.000000 16.000000,-12.000000 16.000000,-8.000000 12.000000,-8.000000"/>
>     <poly id="jps.obstacle_0" type="jupedsim.obstacle" color="255,204,204" fill="1" layer="2.00" shape="20.000000,12.000000 16.000000,12.000000 16.000000,8.000000 20.000000,8.000000 20.000000,12.000000"/>
>     <poly id="jps.obstacle_1" type="jupedsim.obstacle" color="255,204,204" fill="1" layer="2.00" shape="20.000000,-8.000000 16.000000,-8.000000 16.000000,-12.000000 20.000000,-12.000000 20.000000,-8.000000"/>
>     <poly id="jps.obstacle_2" type="jupedsim.obstacle" color="255,204,204" fill="1" layer="2.00" shape="-16.000000,-8.000000 -20.000000,-8.000000 -20.000000,-12.000000 -16.000000,-12.000000 -16.000000,-8.000000"/>
>     <poly id="jps.obstacle_3" type="jupedsim.obstacle" color="255,204,204" fill="1" layer="2.00" shape="-16.000000,12.000000 -20.000000,12.000000 -20.000000,8.000000 -16.000000,8.000000 -16.000000,12.000000"/>
---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_0' in netedit; edge '-E10' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_1' in netedit; edge 'E7' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_2' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_0' in netedit; edge 'E10' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_1' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_2' in netedit; edge '-E7' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_5' in netedit; lane '-E9_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_6' in netedit; lane 'E12_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_0' in netedit; lane '-E1_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane '-E1_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_1' in netedit; lane 'E0_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane 'E0_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_2' in netedit; lane '-E0_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane '-E0_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_4' in netedit; lane 'E1_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane 'E1_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_0' in netedit; lane 'E5_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_1' in netedit; lane 'E8_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_2' in netedit; lane 'E4_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_3' in netedit; lane 'E2_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_0' in netedit; lane 'E10_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_1' in netedit; lane 'E11_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_2' in netedit; lane '-E7_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_4' in netedit; lane '-E6_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_0' in netedit; lane 'E6_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_1' in netedit; lane '-E10_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_2' in netedit; lane '-E11_0' doesn't exist.
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ----------
<     <viewport zoom="100.00" x="25.00" y="10.00" angle="0.00"/>
>     <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Differences in log ----------
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_0' in netedit; edge '-E10' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_1' in netedit; edge 'E7' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_2' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_0' in netedit; edge 'E10' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_1' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_2' in netedit; edge '-E7' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_5' in netedit; lane '-E9_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_6' in netedit; lane 'E12_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_0' in netedit; lane '-E1_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane '-E1_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_1' in netedit; lane 'E0_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane 'E0_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_2' in netedit; lane '-E0_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane '-E0_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_4' in netedit; lane 'E1_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane 'E1_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_0' in netedit; lane 'E5_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_1' in netedit; lane 'E8_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_2' in netedit; lane 'E4_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_3' in netedit; lane 'E2_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_0' in netedit; lane 'E10_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_1' in netedit; lane 'E11_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_2' in netedit; lane '-E7_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_4' in netedit; lane '-E6_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_0' in netedit; lane 'E6_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_1' in netedit; lane '-E10_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_2' in netedit; lane '-E11_0' doesn't exist.
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in net ----------
<         <lane id=":gneJ2_0_0" index="0" speed="8.73" length="21.13" shape="-0.33,25.15 -0.97,23.66 -1.36,19.16 -1.55,12.42 -1.60,4.17"/>
>         <lane id=":gneJ2_0_0" index="0" speed="9.32" length="19.63" shape="7.20,24.80 3.35,23.85 0.60,21.00 -1.05,16.25 -1.60,9.60"/>
<         <lane id=":gneJ2_1_0" index="0" speed="7.52" length="23.16" shape="-1.31,22.10 -1.12,14.96 1.18,11.17 5.59,10.73 12.11,13.65"/>
>         <lane id=":gneJ2_1_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="4.67" shape="7.20,21.60 6.00,20.80 5.60,20.00 6.00,19.20 7.20,18.40"/>
<         <lane id=":gneJ2_2_0" index="0" speed="8.22" length="13.60" shape="1.60,4.17 2.28,6.42 4.33,8.22 7.74,9.57 12.51,10.48"/>
<         <lane id=":gneJ2_2_1" index="1" speed="8.79" length="15.68" shape="1.60,4.17 2.26,7.82 4.23,10.62 7.51,12.57 12.11,13.65"/>
>         <lane id=":gneJ2_2_0" index="0" speed="6.51" length="9.03" shape="1.60,9.60 1.95,12.05 3.00,13.80 4.75,14.85 7.20,15.20"/>
>         <lane id=":gneJ2_2_1" index="1" speed="7.33" length="11.73" shape="1.60,9.60 1.95,13.45 3.00,16.20 4.75,17.85 7.20,18.40"/>
<         <lane id=":gneJ3_0_0" index="0" speed="13.89" length="43.10" shape="51.60,5.62 49.10,7.66 41.62,10.96 29.13,15.50 11.66,21.29"/>
<         <lane id=":gneJ3_0_1" index="1" speed="13.89" length="42.84" shape="51.60,5.62 45.34,7.97 31.50,12.20 17.48,16.29 10.68,18.25"/>
>         <lane id=":gneJ3_0_0" index="0" speed="9.32" length="19.63" shape="51.60,9.60 51.05,16.25 49.40,21.00 46.65,23.85 42.80,24.80"/>
>         <lane id=":gneJ3_0_1" index="1" speed="8.67" length="16.85" shape="51.60,9.60 51.05,14.85 49.40,18.60 46.65,20.85 42.80,21.60"/>
<         <lane id=":gneJ3_2_0" index="0" speed="12.30" length="38.25" shape="12.71,10.50 28.32,11.87 39.48,11.51 46.17,9.43 48.40,5.62"/>
>         <lane id=":gneJ3_2_0" index="0" speed="6.51" length="9.03" shape="42.80,15.20 45.25,14.85 47.00,13.80 48.05,12.05 48.40,9.60"/>
<         <lane id=":gneJ3_3_0" index="0" speed="4.51" length="7.09" shape="12.31,13.68 13.62,15.43 13.78,16.78 12.80,17.72 10.68,18.25"/>
>         <lane id=":gneJ3_3_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="4.67" shape="42.80,18.40 44.00,19.20 44.40,20.00 44.00,20.80 42.80,21.60"/>
<     <edge id="gneE2" from="gneJ2" to="gneJ3" priority="1" shape="14.00,15.50 50.00,20.00">
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 744 - 328
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 744 - 288
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 744 - 328
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
---------- New result in datas ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd">
---------- New result in routes ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<routes xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/routes_file.xsd">

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : network edges inspect_selected speed ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ----------
<     <viewport zoom="100.00" x="25.00" y="10.00" angle="0.00"/>
>     <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Differences in log ----------
< Warning: Speed of turning connection 'gneE3_0->gneE8_0' reduced by 57.87 due to turning radius of 15.79 (length=19.63, angle=90.00).
< Warning: Speed of turning connection 'gneE9_0->gneE2_0' reduced by 60.69 due to turning radius of 7.70 (length=9.03, angle=90.00).
< Warning: Speed of turning connection 'gneE9_0->gneE2_1' reduced by 59.87 due to turning radius of 9.76 (length=11.73, angle=90.00).
< Warning: Speed of turning connection 'gneE5_0->gneE3_0' reduced by 57.87 due to turning radius of 15.79 (length=19.63, angle=90.00).
< Warning: Speed of turning connection 'gneE5_0->gneE3_1' reduced by 58.52 due to turning radius of 13.67 (length=16.85, angle=90.00).
< Warning: 12 total messages of type: Speed of % connection '%' reduced by % due to turning radius of % (length=%, angle=%).
---------- Differences in net ----------
<         <lane id="gneE2_0" index="0" speed="120.50" length="35.60" shape="7.20,15.20 42.80,15.20"/>
<         <lane id="gneE2_1" index="1" speed="120.50" length="35.60" shape="7.20,18.40 42.80,18.40"/>
>         <lane id="gneE2_0" index="0" speed="13.89" length="35.60" shape="7.20,15.20 42.80,15.20"/>
>         <lane id="gneE2_1" index="1" speed="13.89" length="35.60" shape="7.20,18.40 42.80,18.40"/>
<         <lane id="gneE3_0" index="0" speed="120.50" length="35.60" shape="42.80,24.80 7.20,24.80"/>
<         <lane id="gneE3_1" index="1" speed="120.50" length="35.60" shape="42.80,21.60 7.20,21.60"/>
>         <lane id="gneE3_0" index="0" speed="13.89" length="35.60" shape="42.80,24.80 7.20,24.80"/>
>         <lane id="gneE3_1" index="1" speed="13.89" length="35.60" shape="42.80,21.60 7.20,21.60"/>
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 744 - 328
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 744 - 288
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 744 - 328
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
---------- New result in datas ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd">
---------- New result in routes ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<routes xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/routes_file.xsd">

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : network edges inspect_selected spreadtype ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_0' in netedit; edge '-E10' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_1' in netedit; edge 'E7' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_2' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_0' in netedit; edge 'E10' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_1' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_2' in netedit; edge '-E7' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_5' in netedit; lane '-E9_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_6' in netedit; lane 'E12_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_0' in netedit; lane '-E1_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane '-E1_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_1' in netedit; lane 'E0_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane 'E0_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_2' in netedit; lane '-E0_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane '-E0_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_4' in netedit; lane 'E1_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane 'E1_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_0' in netedit; lane 'E5_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_1' in netedit; lane 'E8_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_2' in netedit; lane 'E4_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_3' in netedit; lane 'E2_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_0' in netedit; lane 'E10_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_1' in netedit; lane 'E11_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_2' in netedit; lane '-E7_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_4' in netedit; lane '-E6_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_0' in netedit; lane 'E6_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_1' in netedit; lane '-E10_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_2' in netedit; lane '-E11_0' doesn't exist.
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 744 - 328
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 744 - 288
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 744 - 328
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
< TestFunctions: Netedit closed successfully
> TestFunctions: Error closing Netedit
---------- New result in errorScreenshot ----------

IHDR1cIDATxw\%TDQp!U=UVںZEZZ=uֽ'-d@yf~u\<w	O=G1v4d.@fX{={fĞ@IgKs/hM6oS,jeYq1F_Sm`9JFbnJC&$_3PhZ6ND2LB$q!K4
:)2a›`Z7oɼ<RHZQpfbb_?|^>MiCH3`s>'%%;++K3UDwB7;U*%%%i2n-5:sÈƎrܥ7ܚ;)eoף[GʕٳޟB쑴pcmfO":}W;`?? C(2Lws~/oIiǏ,oXf<rsL(""Xle&;'
\]R^r-6ߙkԐ_v%=|cMzصcF.^{ZzFkTmPgSg/^|]}?H,{jd<tޢjaHjG?o?uًDdog׹}~?||i4_M{31|	3
+.R]Ӣw2LDۇp=LD|:ǎq*y{]ewS_)C)M֫HH$5n;q5}ܥ}қWmfuj]Ƕ22o\gNNn|Y{ظA]Uޥt}Ƕ-VqՈ$G?ik7w.95{}k_ms'w3#3ۦWN;֩-˲GOUӾV/\Q(
믎;.]z	>QDV][ghҐܽS
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=;,gv	D"|5sݸuWikrNmJؽiijܠ˾Cztm>9Xvܹ/ckT$[5[KFWM{F
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Ϟ|$ҩcsyg/\Wand2[viߺr%g.dԪQB%?PV5W_vjZ&Dg'bYuwswd\;[[X)=ʺK$1>	fcctAD"Az(?.]J׋FAuX6S$23/ ]ZԶO
]GDAeӆIe˸I$WqD"&6]~>7XtV6iX_n[k*Fhe%:uԴQ>=:mٱl|Ҏiœ^rŇO1Yx"rwsHQ/߾^feet=NTpQ܉
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<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Missing result in additionals ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<additional xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/additional_file.xsd">
    <!-- StoppingPlaces -->
    <busStop id="busStop1" lane="gneE0_0" startPos="10.00" endPos="15.00" friendlyPos="true"/>
    <busStop id="busStop2" lane="gneE1_0" startPos="3.00" endPos="13.00" friendlyPos="true"/>
    <busStop id="busStop3" lane="gneE2_0" endPos="30.00" friendlyPos="true"/>
    <busStop id="busStop4" lane="gneE2_1" startPos="25.00" friendlyPos="true"/>
    <busStop id="busStop5" lane="gneE3_0" startPos="3.00" endPos="13.00" friendlyPos="true"/>
    <busStop id="busStop6" lane="gneE3_1" startPos="3.00" endPos="13.00" friendlyPos="true"/>
---------- Missing result in guisettingsoutput ----------
    <viewport zoom="100.00" x="25.00" y="10.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Missing result in net ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<net version="1.20" junctionCornerDetail="5" limitTurnSpeed="5.50" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/net_file.xsd">

    <location netOffset="25.00,0.00" convBoundary="0.00,0.00,50.20,23.20" origBoundary="-10000000000.00,-10000000000.00,10000000000.00,10000000000.00" projParameter="!"/>

    <edge id=":gneJ0_0" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_0_0" index="0" speed="6.08" length="7.74" shape="-1.60,3.20 -1.30,1.10 -0.40,-0.40 1.10,-1.30 3.20,-1.60"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ0_1" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_1_0" index="0" speed="3.90" length="2.58" shape="3.20,1.60 2.50,1.70 2.00,2.00 1.70,2.50 1.60,3.20"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ0_2" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_2_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="1.30" shape="3.20,1.60 2.12,0.88"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ0_3" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_3_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="3.37" shape="2.12,0.88 2.00,0.80 1.60,0.00 2.00,-0.80 3.20,-1.60"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_0" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_0_0" index="0" speed="3.90" length="2.58" shape="48.40,3.20 48.30,2.50 48.00,2.00 47.50,1.70 46.80,1.60"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_1" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_1_0" index="0" speed="6.08" length="7.74" shape="46.80,-1.60 48.90,-1.30 50.40,-0.40 51.30,1.10 51.60,3.20"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_2" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_2_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="1.44" shape="46.80,-1.60 48.00,-0.80"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_3" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_3_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="3.23" shape="48.00,-0.80 48.40,0.00 48.00,0.80 46.80,1.60"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : network edges inspect_selected stopexception ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_0' in netedit; edge '-E10' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_1' in netedit; edge 'E7' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_2' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_0' in netedit; edge 'E10' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_1' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_2' in netedit; edge '-E7' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_5' in netedit; lane '-E9_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_6' in netedit; lane 'E12_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_0' in netedit; lane '-E1_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane '-E1_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_1' in netedit; lane 'E0_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane 'E0_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_2' in netedit; lane '-E0_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane '-E0_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_4' in netedit; lane 'E1_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane 'E1_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_0' in netedit; lane 'E5_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_1' in netedit; lane 'E8_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_2' in netedit; lane 'E4_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_3' in netedit; lane 'E2_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_0' in netedit; lane 'E10_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_1' in netedit; lane 'E11_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_2' in netedit; lane '-E7_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_4' in netedit; lane '-E6_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_0' in netedit; lane 'E6_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_1' in netedit; lane '-E10_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_2' in netedit; lane '-E11_0' doesn't exist.
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in log ----------
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_0' in netedit; edge '-E10' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_1' in netedit; edge 'E7' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_2' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_0' in netedit; edge 'E10' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_1' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_2' in netedit; edge '-E7' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_5' in netedit; lane '-E9_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_6' in netedit; lane 'E12_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_0' in netedit; lane '-E1_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane '-E1_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_1' in netedit; lane 'E0_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane 'E0_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_2' in netedit; lane '-E0_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane '-E0_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_4' in netedit; lane 'E1_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane 'E1_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_0' in netedit; lane 'E5_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_1' in netedit; lane 'E8_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_2' in netedit; lane 'E4_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_3' in netedit; lane 'E2_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_0' in netedit; lane 'E10_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_1' in netedit; lane 'E11_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_2' in netedit; lane '-E7_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_4' in netedit; lane '-E6_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_0' in netedit; lane 'E6_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_1' in netedit; lane '-E10_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_2' in netedit; lane '-E11_0' doesn't exist.
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 744 - 328
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 744 - 288
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 744 - 328
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
< TestFunctions: Netedit closed successfully
> TestFunctions: Error closing Netedit
---------- New result in errorScreenshot ----------

IHDR1cIDATxw\%TDQp!U=UVںZEZZ=uֽ'-d@yf~u\<w	O=G1v4d.@fX{={fĞ@IgKs/hM6oS,jeYq1F_Sm`9JFbnJC&$_3PhZ6ND2LB$q!K4
:)2a›`Z7oɼ<RHZQpfbb_?|^>MiCH3`s>'%%;++K3UDwB7;U*%%%i2n-5:sÈƎrܥ7ܚ;)eoף[GʕٳޟB쑴pcmfO":}W;`?? C(2Lws~/oIiǏ,oXf<rsL(""Xle&;'
\]R^r-6ߙkԐ_v%=|cMzصcF.^{ZzFkTmPgSg/^|]}?H,{jd<tޢjaHjG?o?uًDdog׹}~?||i4_M{31|	3
+.R]Ӣw2LDۇp=LD|:ǎq*y{]ewS_)C)M֫HH$5n;q5}ܥ}қWmfuj]Ƕ22o\gNNn|Y{ظA]Uޥt}Ƕ-VqՈ$G?ik7w.95{}k_ms'w3#3ۦWN;֩-˲GOUӾV/\Q(
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=;,gv	D"|5sݸuWikrNmJؽiijܠ˾Cztm>9Xvܹ/ckT$[5[KFWM{F
ݸ~ډoe^5=,ѤA}ַ.U[yӟcJ4 1)۠F5_g9 H0j6o6E#'u8v^Ƅ;MD9i\X!"*>DD7<\JԠn3.?yogJ׫z0RSN.\=z;k;0U	.z1+/Щ*L03>+<~ugmZ6>y"iٴwcmZz7Ns/c˫܂߲SۖU|*?}>;''5:ϵ'`Ρ<Fx詳SVe>wڶjZɻgӮU3Tz"b/cbHƲm+x;q1m[6nĿ߹KגSSKqqFQZFfx-9%կOHO
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q	J_JgeeQffVZzFt+{qv*Y'uܫWqJKY<r#޹JiZz:BV&ʕy)}"^X[ľJ@Tʵ2:FXYnnD"~LE=(N~~~̫WyyRor^gggǾ~^WDf0sss%ɲŭ)[ָ=e	(ƶTZvͭDq	NIo^Ƽ"WqA%vtxijZ-R+۵nne%zUރ1Fd2vCNpZ:*^qcۖUB''n>j$߽Cp<iո(^mZ>x$=<wEw?be2wW"KR7[6kʝpU0:T*D$Q|B"UxF˦^h#\u|p})[ƭWyҎmZ5{,YvڴlW+fJW3:kueDܪY/ߦek-6R{I&.&K-?<#3Ei野?|]C>8-=ԴtU[<r<3+i2<F(ZZZ6o=ݪyc{;Ĥ
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Missing result in additionals ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<additional xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/additional_file.xsd">
    <!-- StoppingPlaces -->
    <busStop id="busStop1" lane="gneE0_0" startPos="10.00" endPos="15.00" friendlyPos="true"/>
    <busStop id="busStop2" lane="gneE1_0" startPos="3.00" endPos="13.00" friendlyPos="true"/>
    <busStop id="busStop3" lane="gneE2_0" endPos="30.00" friendlyPos="true"/>
    <busStop id="busStop4" lane="gneE2_1" startPos="25.00" friendlyPos="true"/>
    <busStop id="busStop5" lane="gneE3_0" startPos="3.00" endPos="13.00" friendlyPos="true"/>
    <busStop id="busStop6" lane="gneE3_1" startPos="3.00" endPos="13.00" friendlyPos="true"/>
---------- Missing result in guisettingsoutput ----------
    <viewport zoom="100.00" x="25.00" y="10.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Missing result in net ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<net version="1.20" junctionCornerDetail="5" limitTurnSpeed="5.50" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/net_file.xsd">

    <location netOffset="25.00,0.00" convBoundary="0.00,0.00,50.00,20.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.00,-10000000000.00,10000000000.00,10000000000.00" projParameter="!"/>

    <edge id=":gneJ0_0" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_0_0" index="0" speed="6.08" length="7.74" shape="-1.60,3.20 -1.30,1.10 -0.40,-0.40 1.10,-1.30 3.20,-1.60"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ0_1" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_1_0" index="0" speed="3.90" length="2.58" shape="3.20,1.60 2.50,1.70 2.00,2.00 1.70,2.50 1.60,3.20"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ0_2" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_2_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="1.30" shape="3.20,1.60 2.12,0.88"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ0_3" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_3_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="3.37" shape="2.12,0.88 2.00,0.80 1.60,0.00 2.00,-0.80 3.20,-1.60"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_0" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_0_0" index="0" speed="3.90" length="2.58" shape="48.40,3.20 48.30,2.50 48.00,2.00 47.50,1.70 46.80,1.60"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_1" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_1_0" index="0" speed="6.08" length="7.74" shape="46.80,-1.60 48.90,-1.30 50.40,-0.40 51.30,1.10 51.60,3.20"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_2" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_2_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="1.44" shape="46.80,-1.60 48.00,-0.80"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_3" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_3_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="3.23" shape="48.00,-0.80 48.40,0.00 48.00,0.80 46.80,1.60"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : network edges inspect_selected stopoffset ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ----------
<     <viewport zoom="100.00" x="25.00" y="10.00" angle="0.00"/>
>     <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Differences in net ----------
<         <stopOffset vClasses="all" value="4.00"/>
<         <stopOffset vClasses="all" value="4.00"/>
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 744 - 328
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 744 - 288
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 744 - 328
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
---------- New result in datas ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd">
---------- New result in routes ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<routes xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/routes_file.xsd">

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : network edges inspect_selected type ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

---------- Differences in additionals ----------
>     <!-- Detectors -->
>     <!-- Shapes -->
>     <poly id="po_0" color="red" fill="1" layer="0.00" shape="-12.000000,12.000000 -12.000000,8.000000 -8.000000,8.000000 -8.000000,12.000000 -12.000000,12.000000"/>
>     <poly id="po_1" color="red" fill="1" layer="0.00" shape="8.000000,12.000000 8.000000,8.000000 12.000000,8.000000 12.000000,12.000000 8.000000,12.000000"/>
>     <poly id="po_2" color="red" fill="1" layer="0.00" shape="8.000000,-8.000000 8.000000,-12.000000 12.000000,-12.000000 12.000000,-8.000000 8.000000,-8.000000"/>
>     <poly id="po_3" color="red" fill="1" layer="0.00" shape="-8.000000,-8.000000 -12.000000,-8.000000 -12.000000,-12.000000 -8.000000,-12.000000 -8.000000,-8.000000"/>
>     <poi id="poi_0" color="red" layer="202.00" x="-26.00" y="8.00"/>
>     <poi id="poi_1" color="red" layer="202.00" x="-26.00" y="-8.00"/>
>     <poi id="poi_2" color="red" layer="202.00" x="26.00" y="-8.00"/>
>     <poi id="poi_3" color="red" layer="202.00" x="26.00" y="8.00"/>
>     <!-- TAZs -->
>     <taz id="taz_0" shape="-18.00,-14.00 -18.00,-16.00 -8.00,-16.00 -8.00,-14.00 -18.00,-14.00" fill="1" color="green"/>
>     <taz id="taz_1" shape="8.00,-14.00 8.00,-16.00 18.00,-16.00 18.00,-14.00 8.00,-14.00" fill="1" color="green"/>
>     <taz id="taz_2" shape="18.00,14.00 8.00,14.00 8.00,16.00 18.00,16.00 18.00,14.00" fill="1" color="green"/>
>     <taz id="taz_3" shape="-8.00,14.00 -18.00,14.00 -18.00,16.00 -8.00,16.00 -8.00,14.00" fill="1" color="green"/>
>     <!-- JuPedSim elements -->
>     <poly id="jps.walkable_area_0" type="jupedsim.walkable_area" color="179,217,255" fill="1" layer="1.00" shape="-12.000000,-8.000000 -12.000000,-12.000000 -16.000000,-12.000000 -16.000000,-8.000000 -12.000000,-8.000000"/>
>     <poly id="jps.walkable_area_1" type="jupedsim.walkable_area" color="179,217,255" fill="1" layer="1.00" shape="-12.000000,8.000000 -16.000000,8.000000 -16.000000,12.000000 -12.000000,12.000000 -12.000000,8.000000"/>
>     <poly id="jps.walkable_area_2" type="jupedsim.walkable_area" color="179,217,255" fill="1" layer="1.00" shape="12.000000,8.000000 16.000000,8.000000 16.000000,12.000000 12.000000,12.000000 12.000000,8.000000"/>
>     <poly id="jps.walkable_area_4" type="jupedsim.walkable_area" color="179,217,255" fill="1" layer="1.00" shape="12.000000,-8.000000 12.000000,-12.000000 16.000000,-12.000000 16.000000,-8.000000 12.000000,-8.000000"/>
>     <poly id="jps.obstacle_0" type="jupedsim.obstacle" color="255,204,204" fill="1" layer="2.00" shape="20.000000,12.000000 16.000000,12.000000 16.000000,8.000000 20.000000,8.000000 20.000000,12.000000"/>
>     <poly id="jps.obstacle_1" type="jupedsim.obstacle" color="255,204,204" fill="1" layer="2.00" shape="20.000000,-8.000000 16.000000,-8.000000 16.000000,-12.000000 20.000000,-12.000000 20.000000,-8.000000"/>
>     <poly id="jps.obstacle_2" type="jupedsim.obstacle" color="255,204,204" fill="1" layer="2.00" shape="-16.000000,-8.000000 -20.000000,-8.000000 -20.000000,-12.000000 -16.000000,-12.000000 -16.000000,-8.000000"/>
>     <poly id="jps.obstacle_3" type="jupedsim.obstacle" color="255,204,204" fill="1" layer="2.00" shape="-16.000000,12.000000 -20.000000,12.000000 -20.000000,8.000000 -16.000000,8.000000 -16.000000,12.000000"/>
---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_0' in netedit; edge '-E10' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_1' in netedit; edge 'E7' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_2' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_0' in netedit; edge 'E10' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_1' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_2' in netedit; edge '-E7' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_5' in netedit; lane '-E9_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_6' in netedit; lane 'E12_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_0' in netedit; lane '-E1_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane '-E1_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_1' in netedit; lane 'E0_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane 'E0_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_2' in netedit; lane '-E0_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane '-E0_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_4' in netedit; lane 'E1_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane 'E1_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_0' in netedit; lane 'E5_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_1' in netedit; lane 'E8_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_2' in netedit; lane 'E4_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_3' in netedit; lane 'E2_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_0' in netedit; lane 'E10_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_1' in netedit; lane 'E11_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_2' in netedit; lane '-E7_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_4' in netedit; lane '-E6_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_0' in netedit; lane 'E6_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_1' in netedit; lane '-E10_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_2' in netedit; lane '-E11_0' doesn't exist.
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ----------
<     <viewport zoom="100.00" x="25.00" y="11.40" angle="0.00"/>
>     <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Differences in log ----------
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_0' in netedit; edge '-E10' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_1' in netedit; edge 'E7' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_2' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_0' in netedit; edge 'E10' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_1' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_2' in netedit; edge '-E7' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_5' in netedit; lane '-E9_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_6' in netedit; lane 'E12_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_0' in netedit; lane '-E1_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane '-E1_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_1' in netedit; lane 'E0_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane 'E0_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_2' in netedit; lane '-E0_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane '-E0_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_4' in netedit; lane 'E1_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane 'E1_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_0' in netedit; lane 'E5_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_1' in netedit; lane 'E8_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_2' in netedit; lane 'E4_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_3' in netedit; lane 'E2_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_0' in netedit; lane 'E10_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_1' in netedit; lane 'E11_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_2' in netedit; lane '-E7_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_4' in netedit; lane '-E6_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_0' in netedit; lane 'E6_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_1' in netedit; lane '-E10_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_2' in netedit; lane '-E11_0' doesn't exist.
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in net ----------
<     <edge id="gneE2" from="gneJ2" to="gneJ3" priority="1" type="customType">
>     <edge id="gneE2" from="gneJ2" to="gneJ3" priority="1">
<     <edge id="gneE3" from="gneJ3" to="gneJ2" priority="1" type="customType">
>     <edge id="gneE3" from="gneJ3" to="gneJ2" priority="1">
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 744 - 328
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 744 - 288
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 744 - 328
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
---------- New result in datas ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd">
---------- New result in routes ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<routes xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/routes_file.xsd">

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : network edges inspect_selected width ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_0' in netedit; edge '-E10' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_1' in netedit; edge 'E7' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_2' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_0' in netedit; edge 'E10' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_1' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_2' in netedit; edge '-E7' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_5' in netedit; lane '-E9_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_6' in netedit; lane 'E12_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_0' in netedit; lane '-E1_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane '-E1_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_1' in netedit; lane 'E0_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane 'E0_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_2' in netedit; lane '-E0_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane '-E0_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_4' in netedit; lane 'E1_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane 'E1_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_0' in netedit; lane 'E5_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_1' in netedit; lane 'E8_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_2' in netedit; lane 'E4_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_3' in netedit; lane 'E2_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_0' in netedit; lane 'E10_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_1' in netedit; lane 'E11_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_2' in netedit; lane '-E7_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_4' in netedit; lane '-E6_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_0' in netedit; lane 'E6_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_1' in netedit; lane '-E10_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_2' in netedit; lane '-E11_0' doesn't exist.
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in log ----------
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_0' in netedit; edge '-E10' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_1' in netedit; edge 'E7' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_2' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build routeProbe 'rp_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_0' in netedit; edge 'E10' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_1' in netedit; edge 'E6' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_2' in netedit; edge '-E7' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_3' in netedit; edge '-E11' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_5' in netedit; lane '-E9_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build calibrator 'ca_6' in netedit; lane 'E12_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_0' in netedit; lane '-E1_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane '-E1_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_1' in netedit; lane 'E0_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane 'E0_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_2' in netedit; lane '-E0_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane '-E0_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build busStop 'bs_4' in netedit; lane 'E1_1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build access in netedit; lane 'E1_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_0' in netedit; lane 'E5_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_1' in netedit; lane 'E8_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_2' in netedit; lane 'E4_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trainStop 'ts_3' in netedit; lane 'E2_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_0' in netedit; lane 'E10_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_1' in netedit; lane 'E11_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_2' in netedit; lane '-E7_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build containerStop 'ct_4' in netedit; lane '-E6_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_0' in netedit; lane 'E6_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_1' in netedit; lane '-E10_0' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build chargingStation 'cs_2' in netedit; lane '-E11_0' doesn't exist.
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 744 - 328
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 744 - 288
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 744 - 328
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
< TestFunctions: Netedit closed successfully
> TestFunctions: Error closing Netedit
---------- New result in errorScreenshot ----------

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q	J_JgeeQffVZzFt+{qv*Y'uܫWqJKY<r#޹JiZz:BV&ʕy)}"^X[ľJ@Tʵ2:FXYnnD"~LE=(N~~~̫WyyRor^gggǾ~^WDf0sss%ɲŭ)[ָ=e	(ƶTZvͭDq	NIo^Ƽ"WqA%vtxijZ-R+۵nne%zUރ1Fd2vCNpZ:*^qcۖUB''n>j$߽Cp<iո(^mZ>x$=<wEw?be2wW"KR7[6kʝpU0:T*D$Q|B"UxF˦^h#\u|p})[ƭWyҎmZ5{,YvڴlW+fJW3:kueDܪY/ߦek-6R{I&.&K-?<#3Ei野?|]C>8-=ԴtU[<r<3+i2<F(ZZZ6o=ݪyc{;Ĥ
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Missing result in additionals ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<additional xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/additional_file.xsd">
    <!-- StoppingPlaces -->
    <busStop id="busStop1" lane="gneE0_0" startPos="10.00" endPos="15.00" friendlyPos="true"/>
    <busStop id="busStop2" lane="gneE1_0" startPos="3.00" endPos="13.00" friendlyPos="true"/>
    <busStop id="busStop3" lane="gneE2_0" endPos="30.00" friendlyPos="true"/>
    <busStop id="busStop4" lane="gneE2_1" startPos="25.00" friendlyPos="true"/>
    <busStop id="busStop5" lane="gneE3_0" startPos="3.00" endPos="13.00" friendlyPos="true"/>
    <busStop id="busStop6" lane="gneE3_1" startPos="3.00" endPos="13.00" friendlyPos="true"/>
---------- Missing result in guisettingsoutput ----------
    <viewport zoom="100.00" x="25.00" y="10.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Missing result in net ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<net version="1.20" junctionCornerDetail="5" limitTurnSpeed="5.50" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/net_file.xsd">

    <location netOffset="25.00,0.00" convBoundary="0.00,0.00,50.00,20.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.00,-10000000000.00,10000000000.00,10000000000.00" projParameter="!"/>

    <edge id=":gneJ0_0" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_0_0" index="0" speed="6.08" length="7.74" shape="-1.60,3.20 -1.30,1.10 -0.40,-0.40 1.10,-1.30 3.20,-1.60"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ0_1" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_1_0" index="0" speed="3.90" length="2.58" shape="3.20,1.60 2.50,1.70 2.00,2.00 1.70,2.50 1.60,3.20"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ0_2" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_2_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="1.30" shape="3.20,1.60 2.12,0.88"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ0_3" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_3_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="3.37" shape="2.12,0.88 2.00,0.80 1.60,0.00 2.00,-0.80 3.20,-1.60"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_0" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_0_0" index="0" speed="3.90" length="2.58" shape="48.40,3.20 48.30,2.50 48.00,2.00 47.50,1.70 46.80,1.60"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_1" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_1_0" index="0" speed="6.08" length="7.74" shape="46.80,-1.60 48.90,-1.30 50.40,-0.40 51.30,1.10 51.60,3.20"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_2" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_2_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="1.44" shape="46.80,-1.60 48.00,-0.80"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_3" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_3_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="3.23" shape="48.00,-0.80 48.40,0.00 48.00,0.80 46.80,1.60"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : network edges move basic ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "<TEXTTEST_SANDBOX>/test.py", line 35, in <module>
>     netedit.moveElement(referencePosition, 460, 210, 460, 60)
> TypeError: moveElement() takes 3 positional arguments but 5 were given
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
< TestFunctions: Netedit closed successfully
---------- New result in exitcode ----------
---------- Missing result in additionals ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<additional xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/additional_file.xsd">
    <!-- StoppingPlaces -->
    <busStop id="busStop_gneE1_0_1" lane="gneE1_0" startPos="34.00" endPos="44.00"/>
    <busStop id="busStop_gneE1_0_2" lane="gneE1_0" startPos="6.00" endPos="16.00"/>
---------- Missing result in guisettingsoutput ----------
    <viewport zoom="100.00" x="25.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Missing result in net ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<net version="1.20" junctionCornerDetail="5" limitTurnSpeed="5.50" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/net_file.xsd">

    <location netOffset="25.00,0.00" convBoundary="0.00,-10.00,50.00,10.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.00,-10000000000.00,10000000000.00,10000000000.00" projParameter="!"/>

    <edge id=":gneJ0_0" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_0_0" index="0" speed="3.99" length="4.27" shape="-0.65,1.46 -1.75,0.73 -2.11,-0.00 -1.75,-0.73 -0.65,-1.46"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_0" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_0_0" index="0" speed="3.93" length="4.39" shape="50.55,-1.50 51.67,-0.75 52.05,-0.00 51.67,0.75 50.55,1.50"/>

    <edge id="gneE0" from="gneJ0" to="gneJ1" priority="1" shape="0.00,0.00 22.50,-10.00 50.00,0.00">
        <lane id="gneE0_0" index="0" speed="13.89" length="55.18" shape="-0.65,-1.46 22.44,-11.72 50.55,-1.50"/>
    <edge id="gneE1" from="gneJ1" to="gneJ0" priority="1" shape="50.00,0.00 22.50,10.00 0.00,0.00">
        <lane id="gneE1_0" index="0" speed="13.89" length="55.18" shape="50.55,1.50 22.44,11.72 -0.65,1.46"/>

    <tlLogic id="gneJ0" type="static" programID="0" offset="0">
        <phase duration="87" state="G"/>
        <phase duration="3"  state="y"/>
    <tlLogic id="gneJ1" type="static" programID="0" offset="0">
        <phase duration="87" state="G"/>
        <phase duration="3"  state="y"/>

<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : network edges move move_geometrypoint ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "<TEXTTEST_SANDBOX>/test.py", line 35, in <module>
>     netedit.moveElement(referencePosition, 392, 245, 460, 413)
> TypeError: moveElement() takes 3 positional arguments but 5 were given
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
< TestFunctions: Netedit closed successfully
---------- New result in exitcode ----------
---------- Missing result in additionals ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<additional xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/additional_file.xsd">
    <!-- StoppingPlaces -->
    <busStop id="busStop_gneE1_0_1" lane="gneE1_0" startPos="34.00" endPos="44.00"/>
    <busStop id="busStop_gneE1_0_2" lane="gneE1_0" startPos="6.00" endPos="16.00"/>
---------- Missing result in guisettingsoutput ----------
    <viewport zoom="100.00" x="25.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Missing result in net ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<net version="1.20" junctionCornerDetail="5" limitTurnSpeed="5.50" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/net_file.xsd">

    <location netOffset="25.00,0.00" convBoundary="0.00,-12.50,50.00,0.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.00,-10000000000.00,10000000000.00,10000000000.00" projParameter="!"/>

    <edge id=":gneJ0_0" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_0_0" index="0" speed="3.86" length="4.52" shape="0.00,1.60 -1.32,1.14 -1.89,0.49 -1.71,-0.36 -0.78,-1.40"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_0" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_0_0" index="0" speed="4.31" length="5.81" shape="40.01,-1.60 41.94,-1.78 42.74,-2.33 42.41,-3.23 40.94,-4.50"/>

    <edge id="gneE0" from="gneJ0" to="gneJ1" priority="1" shape="0.00,0.00 22.50,-12.50 32.50,0.00 50.00,0.00">
        <lane id="gneE0_0" index="0" speed="13.89" length="50.43" shape="-0.78,-1.40 22.90,-14.56 33.27,-1.60 40.01,-1.60"/>
    <edge id="gneE1" from="gneJ1" to="gneJ0" priority="1" shape="50.00,0.00 32.50,-12.50 17.50,0.00 0.00,0.00">
        <lane id="gneE1_0" index="0" speed="13.89" length="47.23" shape="40.94,-4.50 32.58,-10.48 18.08,1.60 0.00,1.60"/>

    <tlLogic id="gneJ0" type="static" programID="0" offset="0">
        <phase duration="87" state="G"/>
        <phase duration="3"  state="y"/>
    <tlLogic id="gneJ1" type="static" programID="0" offset="0">
        <phase duration="87" state="G"/>
        <phase duration="3"  state="y"/>

<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : network edges move selected_both ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "<TEXTTEST_SANDBOX>/test.py", line 44, in <module>
>     netedit.moveElement(referencePosition, 460, 210, 460, 413)
> TypeError: moveElement() takes 3 positional arguments but 5 were given
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 764 - 378
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 764 - 428
< TestFunctions: Netedit closed successfully
---------- New result in exitcode ----------
---------- Missing result in additionals ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<additional xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/additional_file.xsd">
    <!-- StoppingPlaces -->
    <busStop id="busStop_gneE1_0_1" lane="gneE1_0" startPos="34.00" endPos="44.00"/>
    <busStop id="busStop_gneE1_0_2" lane="gneE1_0" startPos="6.00" endPos="16.00"/>
---------- Missing result in guisettingsoutput ----------
    <viewport zoom="100.00" x="25.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Missing result in net ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<net version="1.20" junctionCornerDetail="5" limitTurnSpeed="5.50" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/net_file.xsd">

    <location netOffset="25.00,0.00" convBoundary="0.00,-15.00,50.00,0.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.00,-10000000000.00,10000000000.00,10000000000.00" projParameter="!"/>

    <edge id=":gneJ0_0" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_0_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="4.67" shape="0.89,1.33 -0.55,1.33 -1.33,0.89 -1.44,0.00 -0.89,-1.33"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_0" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_0_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="4.67" shape="50.77,-1.40 51.44,-0.13 51.40,0.77 50.67,1.28 49.23,1.40"/>

    <edge id="gneE0" from="gneJ0" to="gneJ1" priority="1" shape="0.00,0.00 22.50,-15.00 50.00,0.00">
        <lane id="gneE0_0" index="0" speed="13.89" length="60.30" shape="-0.89,-1.33 22.42,-16.87 50.77,-1.40"/>
    <edge id="gneE1" from="gneJ1" to="gneJ0" priority="1" shape="50.00,0.00 22.50,-15.00 0.00,0.00">
        <lane id="gneE1_0" index="0" speed="13.89" length="56.43" shape="49.23,1.40 22.58,-13.13 0.89,1.33"/>

    <tlLogic id="gneJ0" type="static" programID="0" offset="0">
        <phase duration="87" state="G"/>
        <phase duration="3"  state="y"/>
    <tlLogic id="gneJ1" type="static" programID="0" offset="0">
        <phase duration="87" state="G"/>
        <phase duration="3"  state="y"/>

<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : network edges move selected_both_both_junctions ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "<TEXTTEST_SANDBOX>/test.py", line 48, in <module>
>     netedit.moveElement(referencePosition, 460, 210, 460, 413)
> TypeError: moveElement() takes 3 positional arguments but 5 were given
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 764 - 428
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 764 - 378
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 449 - 398
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 1154 - 398
< TestFunctions: Netedit closed successfully
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
---------- New result in exitcode ----------
---------- Missing result in additionals ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<additional xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/additional_file.xsd">
    <!-- StoppingPlaces -->
    <busStop id="busStop_gneE1_0_1" lane="gneE1_0" startPos="34.00" endPos="44.00"/>
    <busStop id="busStop_gneE1_0_2" lane="gneE1_0" startPos="6.00" endPos="16.00"/>
---------- Missing result in guisettingsoutput ----------
    <viewport zoom="100.00" x="25.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Missing result in net ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<net version="1.20" junctionCornerDetail="5" limitTurnSpeed="5.50" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/net_file.xsd">

    <location netOffset="25.00,0.00" convBoundary="0.00,-15.00,50.00,-15.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.00,-10000000000.00,10000000000.00,10000000000.00" projParameter="!"/>

    <edge id=":gneJ0_0" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_0_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="4.67" shape="0.00,-13.40 -1.20,-14.20 -1.60,-15.00 -1.20,-15.80 0.00,-16.60"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_0" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_0_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="4.67" shape="50.00,-16.60 51.20,-15.80 51.60,-15.00 51.20,-14.20 50.00,-13.40"/>

    <edge id="gneE0" from="gneJ0" to="gneJ1" priority="1">
        <lane id="gneE0_0" index="0" speed="13.89" length="50.00" shape="0.00,-16.60 50.00,-16.60"/>
    <edge id="gneE1" from="gneJ1" to="gneJ0" priority="1">
        <lane id="gneE1_0" index="0" speed="13.89" length="50.00" shape="50.00,-13.40 0.00,-13.40"/>

    <tlLogic id="gneJ0" type="static" programID="0" offset="0">
        <phase duration="87" state="G"/>
        <phase duration="3"  state="y"/>
    <tlLogic id="gneJ1" type="static" programID="0" offset="0">
        <phase duration="87" state="G"/>
        <phase duration="3"  state="y"/>

<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : network edges move selected_both_from_junction ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "<TEXTTEST_SANDBOX>/test.py", line 47, in <module>
>     netedit.moveElement(referencePosition, 460, 210, 460, 413)
> TypeError: moveElement() takes 3 positional arguments but 5 were given
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 764 - 428
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 764 - 378
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 449 - 398
< TestFunctions: Netedit closed successfully
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
---------- New result in exitcode ----------
---------- Missing result in additionals ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<additional xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/additional_file.xsd">
    <!-- StoppingPlaces -->
    <busStop id="busStop_gneE1_0_1" lane="gneE1_0" startPos="34.00" endPos="44.00"/>
    <busStop id="busStop_gneE1_0_2" lane="gneE1_0" startPos="6.00" endPos="16.00"/>
---------- Missing result in guisettingsoutput ----------
    <viewport zoom="100.00" x="25.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Missing result in net ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<net version="1.20" junctionCornerDetail="5" limitTurnSpeed="5.50" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/net_file.xsd">

    <location netOffset="25.00,0.00" convBoundary="0.00,-15.00,50.00,0.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.00,-10000000000.00,10000000000.00,10000000000.00" projParameter="!"/>

    <edge id=":gneJ0_0" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_0_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="4.67" shape="0.00,-13.40 -1.20,-14.20 -1.60,-15.00 -1.20,-15.80 -0.00,-16.60"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_0" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_0_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="4.67" shape="50.77,-1.40 51.44,-0.13 51.40,0.77 50.67,1.28 49.23,1.40"/>

    <edge id="gneE0" from="gneJ0" to="gneJ1" priority="1" shape="0.00,-15.00 22.50,-15.00 50.00,0.00">
        <lane id="gneE0_0" index="0" speed="13.89" length="54.64" shape="-0.00,-16.60 22.91,-16.60 50.77,-1.40"/>
    <edge id="gneE1" from="gneJ1" to="gneJ0" priority="1" shape="50.00,0.00 22.50,-15.00 0.00,-15.00">
        <lane id="gneE1_0" index="0" speed="13.89" length="53.01" shape="49.23,1.40 22.09,-13.40 0.00,-13.40"/>

    <tlLogic id="gneJ0" type="static" programID="0" offset="0">
        <phase duration="87" state="G"/>
        <phase duration="3"  state="y"/>
    <tlLogic id="gneJ1" type="static" programID="0" offset="0">
        <phase duration="87" state="G"/>
        <phase duration="3"  state="y"/>

<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : network edges move selected_both_to_junction ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "<TEXTTEST_SANDBOX>/test.py", line 47, in <module>
>     netedit.moveElement(referencePosition, 460, 260, 460, 413)
> TypeError: moveElement() takes 3 positional arguments but 5 were given
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 764 - 428
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 524 - 378
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 1154 - 398
< TestFunctions: Netedit closed successfully
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
---------- New result in exitcode ----------
---------- Missing result in additionals ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<additional xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/additional_file.xsd">
    <!-- StoppingPlaces -->
    <busStop id="busStop_gneE1_0_1" lane="gneE1_0" startPos="34.00" endPos="44.00"/>
    <busStop id="busStop_gneE1_0_2" lane="gneE1_0" startPos="6.00" endPos="16.00"/>
---------- Missing result in guisettingsoutput ----------
    <viewport zoom="100.00" x="25.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Missing result in net ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<net version="1.20" junctionCornerDetail="5" limitTurnSpeed="5.50" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/net_file.xsd">

    <location netOffset="25.00,0.00" convBoundary="0.00,-10.00,50.00,0.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.00,-10000000000.00,10000000000.00,10000000000.00" projParameter="!"/>

    <edge id=":gneJ0_0" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_0_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="4.67" shape="0.65,1.46 -0.77,1.22 -1.46,0.65 -1.42,-0.24 -0.65,-1.46"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_0" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_0_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="4.67" shape="50.00,-11.60 51.20,-10.80 51.60,-10.00 51.20,-9.20 50.00,-8.40"/>

    <edge id="gneE0" from="gneJ0" to="gneJ1" priority="1" shape="0.00,0.00 22.50,-10.00 50.00,-10.00">
        <lane id="gneE0_0" index="0" speed="13.89" length="52.80" shape="-0.65,-1.46 22.16,-11.60 50.00,-11.60"/>
    <edge id="gneE1" from="gneJ1" to="gneJ0" priority="1" shape="50.00,-10.00 22.50,-10.00 0.00,0.00">
        <lane id="gneE1_0" index="0" speed="13.89" length="51.44" shape="50.00,-8.40 22.84,-8.40 0.65,1.46"/>

    <tlLogic id="gneJ0" type="static" programID="0" offset="0">
        <phase duration="87" state="G"/>
        <phase duration="3"  state="y"/>
    <tlLogic id="gneJ1" type="static" programID="0" offset="0">
        <phase duration="87" state="G"/>
        <phase duration="3"  state="y"/>

<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : network edges move selected_none_both_junctions ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "<TEXTTEST_SANDBOX>/test.py", line 42, in <module>
>     netedit.moveElement(referencePosition, 145, 230, 145, 413)
> TypeError: moveElement() takes 3 positional arguments but 5 were given
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 449 - 398
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 1154 - 398
< TestFunctions: Netedit closed successfully
---------- New result in exitcode ----------
---------- Missing result in additionals ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<additional xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/additional_file.xsd">
    <!-- StoppingPlaces -->
    <busStop id="busStop_gneE1_0_1" lane="gneE1_0" startPos="34.00" endPos="44.00"/>
    <busStop id="busStop_gneE1_0_2" lane="gneE1_0" startPos="6.00" endPos="16.00"/>
---------- Missing result in guisettingsoutput ----------
    <viewport zoom="100.00" x="25.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Missing result in net ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<net version="1.20" junctionCornerDetail="5" limitTurnSpeed="5.50" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/net_file.xsd">

    <location netOffset="25.00,0.00" convBoundary="0.00,-12.50,50.00,-12.50" origBoundary="-10000000000.00,-10000000000.00,10000000000.00,10000000000.00" projParameter="!"/>

    <edge id=":gneJ0_0" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_0_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="4.67" shape="0.00,-10.90 -1.20,-11.70 -1.60,-12.50 -1.20,-13.30 0.00,-14.10"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_0" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_0_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="4.67" shape="50.00,-14.10 51.20,-13.30 51.60,-12.50 51.20,-11.70 50.00,-10.90"/>

    <edge id="gneE0" from="gneJ0" to="gneJ1" priority="1">
        <lane id="gneE0_0" index="0" speed="13.89" length="50.00" shape="0.00,-14.10 50.00,-14.10"/>
    <edge id="gneE1" from="gneJ1" to="gneJ0" priority="1">
        <lane id="gneE1_0" index="0" speed="13.89" length="50.00" shape="50.00,-10.90 0.00,-10.90"/>

    <tlLogic id="gneJ0" type="static" programID="0" offset="0">
        <phase duration="87" state="G"/>
        <phase duration="3"  state="y"/>
    <tlLogic id="gneJ1" type="static" programID="0" offset="0">
        <phase duration="87" state="G"/>
        <phase duration="3"  state="y"/>

<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : network edges move selected_separated ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "<TEXTTEST_SANDBOX>/test.py", line 41, in <module>
>     netedit.moveElement(referencePosition, 460, 210, 460, 413)
> TypeError: moveElement() takes 3 positional arguments but 5 were given
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
< TestFunctions: Netedit closed successfully
---------- New result in exitcode ----------
---------- Missing result in additionals ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<additional xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/additional_file.xsd">
    <!-- StoppingPlaces -->
    <busStop id="busStop_gneE0_0_6" lane="gneE0_0" startPos="6.00" endPos="16.00"/>
    <busStop id="busStop_gneE0_0_7" lane="gneE0_0" startPos="34.00" endPos="44.00"/>
    <busStop id="busStop_gneE1_0_1" lane="gneE1_0" startPos="34.00" endPos="44.00"/>
    <busStop id="busStop_gneE1_0_2" lane="gneE1_0" startPos="6.00" endPos="16.00"/>
    <busStop id="busStop_gneE3_0_4" lane="gneE3_0" startPos="34.00" endPos="44.00"/>
    <busStop id="busStop_gneE3_0_5" lane="gneE3_0" startPos="6.00" endPos="16.00"/>
    <busStop id="busStop_gneE4_0_2" lane="gneE4_0" startPos="35.00" endPos="45.00"/>
    <busStop id="busStop_gneE4_0_3" lane="gneE4_0" startPos="6.00" endPos="16.00"/>
---------- Missing result in guisettingsoutput ----------
    <viewport zoom="100.00" x="25.00" y="11.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Missing result in net ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<net version="1.20" junctionCornerDetail="5" limitTurnSpeed="5.50" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/net_file.xsd">

    <location netOffset="25.00,11.00" convBoundary="0.00,-17.50,50.00,22.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.00,-10000000000.00,10000000000.00,10000000000.00" projParameter="!"/>

    <edge id=":gneJ0_0" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_0_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="4.67" shape="1.02,12.24 -0.42,12.38 -1.24,12.02 -1.43,11.14 -1.02,9.76"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_0" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_0_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="4.67" shape="50.89,9.67 51.44,11.01 51.33,11.89 50.55,12.33 49.11,12.33"/>

    <edge id="gneE0" from="gneJ0" to="gneJ1" priority="1" shape="0.00,11.00 22.50,-7.50 50.00,11.00">
        <lane id="gneE0_0" index="0" speed="13.89" length="64.66" shape="-1.02,9.76 22.40,-9.49 50.89,9.67"/>
    <edge id="gneE1" from="gneJ1" to="gneJ0" priority="1" shape="50.00,11.00 22.50,-7.50 0.00,11.00">
        <lane id="gneE1_0" index="0" speed="13.89" length="59.89" shape="49.11,12.33 22.60,-5.51 1.02,12.24"/>
    <edge id="gneE3" from="gneJ4" to="gneJ5" priority="-1" shape="0.00,0.00 22.50,-17.50 49.00,0.00">
        <lane id="gneE3_0" index="0" speed="13.89" length="62.56" shape="-0.98,-1.26 22.42,-19.47 49.88,-1.34"/>
    <edge id="gneE4" from="gneJ3" to="gneJ2" priority="-1" shape="50.00,22.00 22.50,5.00 0.00,22.00">
        <lane id="gneE4_0" index="0" speed="13.89" length="58.34" shape="49.16,23.36 22.59,6.94 0.96,23.28"/>

    <tlLogic id="gneJ0" type="static" programID="0" offset="0">
        <phase duration="87" state="G"/>
        <phase duration="3"  state="y"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : network edges move selected_single ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "<TEXTTEST_SANDBOX>/test.py", line 41, in <module>
>     netedit.moveElement(referencePosition, 460, 210, 460, 60)
> TypeError: moveElement() takes 3 positional arguments but 5 were given
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 764 - 378
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
< TestFunctions: Netedit closed successfully
---------- New result in exitcode ----------
---------- Missing result in additionals ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<additional xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/additional_file.xsd">
    <!-- StoppingPlaces -->
    <busStop id="busStop_gneE1_0_1" lane="gneE1_0" startPos="34.00" endPos="44.00"/>
    <busStop id="busStop_gneE1_0_2" lane="gneE1_0" startPos="6.00" endPos="16.00"/>
---------- Missing result in guisettingsoutput ----------
    <viewport zoom="100.00" x="25.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Missing result in net ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<net version="1.20" junctionCornerDetail="5" limitTurnSpeed="5.50" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/net_file.xsd">

    <location netOffset="25.00,0.00" convBoundary="0.00,-10.00,50.00,10.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.00,-10000000000.00,10000000000.00,10000000000.00" projParameter="!"/>

    <edge id=":gneJ0_0" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_0_0" index="0" speed="6.86" length="19.10" shape="0.00,11.60 -5.06,8.58 -6.86,5.39 -5.39,2.05 -0.65,-1.46"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_0" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_0_0" index="0" speed="6.78" length="19.15" shape="50.55,-1.50 55.32,1.98 56.83,5.32 55.05,8.53 50.00,11.60"/>

    <edge id="gneE0" from="gneJ0" to="gneJ1" priority="1" shape="0.00,0.00 22.50,-10.00 50.00,0.00">
        <lane id="gneE0_0" index="0" speed="13.89" length="55.18" shape="-0.65,-1.46 22.44,-11.72 50.55,-1.50"/>
    <edge id="gneE1" from="gneJ1" to="gneJ0" priority="1" shape="50.00,10.00 0.00,10.00">
        <lane id="gneE1_0" index="0" speed="13.89" length="50.00" shape="50.00,11.60 0.00,11.60"/>

    <tlLogic id="gneJ0" type="static" programID="0" offset="0">
        <phase duration="87" state="G"/>
        <phase duration="3"  state="y"/>
    <tlLogic id="gneJ1" type="static" programID="0" offset="0">
        <phase duration="87" state="G"/>
        <phase duration="3"  state="y"/>

<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : network edges templates clear ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ----------
<     <viewport zoom="100.00" x="50.00" y="50.00" angle="0.00"/>
>     <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 391 - 276
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 814 - 276
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 554 - 288
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 391 - 518
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 814 - 518
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 554 - 288
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
---------- New result in additionals ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<additional xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/additional_file.xsd">
---------- New result in datas ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd">
---------- New result in routes ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<routes xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/routes_file.xsd">
---------- Missing result in net ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<net version="1.20" junctionCornerDetail="5" limitTurnSpeed="5.50" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/net_file.xsd">

    <location netOffset="0.00,0.00" convBoundary="-30.00,30.00,50.00,75.00" origBoundary="10000000000.00,10000000000.00,-10000000000.00,-10000000000.00" projParameter="!"/>

    <edge id="E0" from="J0" to="J1" priority="15">
        <lane id="E0_0" index="0" allow="pedestrian bus" speed="13.89" length="80.00" shape="-30.00,67.00 50.00,67.00"/>
        <lane id="E0_1" index="1" allow="pedestrian bus" speed="13.89" length="80.00" shape="-30.00,70.20 50.00,70.20"/>
        <lane id="E0_2" index="2" allow="pedestrian bus" speed="13.89" length="80.00" shape="-30.00,73.40 50.00,73.40"/>
    <edge id="E1" from="J2" to="J3" priority="15">
        <lane id="E1_0" index="0" allow="pedestrian bus" speed="13.89" length="80.00" shape="-30.00,22.00 50.00,22.00"/>
        <lane id="E1_1" index="1" allow="pedestrian bus" speed="13.89" length="80.00" shape="-30.00,25.20 50.00,25.20"/>
        <lane id="E1_2" index="2" allow="pedestrian bus" speed="13.89" length="80.00" shape="-30.00,28.40 50.00,28.40"/>

    <junction id="J0" type="dead_end" x="-30.00" y="75.00" incLanes="" intLanes="" shape="-30.00,75.00 -30.00,65.40"/>
    <junction id="J1" type="dead_end" x="50.00" y="75.00" incLanes="E0_0 E0_1 E0_2" intLanes="" shape="50.00,65.40 50.00,75.00"/>
    <junction id="J2" type="dead_end" x="-30.00" y="30.00" incLanes="" intLanes="" shape="-30.00,30.00 -30.00,20.40"/>
    <junction id="J3" type="dead_end" x="50.00" y="30.00" incLanes="E1_0 E1_1 E1_2" intLanes="" shape="50.00,20.40 50.00,30.00"/>


TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : network edges templates copy ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ----------
<     <viewport zoom="100.00" x="50.00" y="50.00" angle="0.00"/>
>     <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 391 - 518
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 814 - 518
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 391 - 276
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 814 - 276
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 554 - 288
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 554 - 522
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
---------- New result in additionals ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<additional xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/additional_file.xsd">
---------- New result in datas ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd">
---------- New result in routes ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<routes xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/routes_file.xsd">
---------- Missing result in net ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<net version="1.20" junctionCornerDetail="5" limitTurnSpeed="5.50" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/net_file.xsd">

    <location netOffset="0.00,0.00" convBoundary="-30.00,30.00,50.00,75.00" origBoundary="10000000000.00,10000000000.00,-10000000000.00,-10000000000.00" projParameter="!"/>

    <edge id="E0" from="J0" to="J1" priority="15">
        <lane id="E0_0" index="0" allow="pedestrian bus" speed="13.89" length="80.00" shape="-30.00,22.00 50.00,22.00"/>
        <lane id="E0_1" index="1" allow="pedestrian bus" speed="13.89" length="80.00" shape="-30.00,25.20 50.00,25.20"/>
        <lane id="E0_2" index="2" allow="pedestrian bus" speed="13.89" length="80.00" shape="-30.00,28.40 50.00,28.40"/>
    <edge id="E1" from="J2" to="J3" priority="15">
        <lane id="E1_0" index="0" allow="pedestrian bus" speed="13.89" length="80.00" shape="-30.00,67.00 50.00,67.00"/>
        <lane id="E1_1" index="1" allow="pedestrian bus" speed="13.89" length="80.00" shape="-30.00,70.20 50.00,70.20"/>
        <lane id="E1_2" index="2" allow="pedestrian bus" speed="13.89" length="80.00" shape="-30.00,73.40 50.00,73.40"/>

    <junction id="J0" type="dead_end" x="-30.00" y="30.00" incLanes="" intLanes="" shape="-30.00,30.00 -30.00,20.40"/>
    <junction id="J1" type="dead_end" x="50.00" y="30.00" incLanes="E0_0 E0_1 E0_2" intLanes="" shape="50.00,20.40 50.00,30.00"/>
    <junction id="J2" type="dead_end" x="-30.00" y="75.00" incLanes="" intLanes="" shape="-30.00,75.00 -30.00,65.40"/>
    <junction id="J3" type="dead_end" x="50.00" y="75.00" incLanes="E1_0 E1_1 E1_2" intLanes="" shape="50.00,65.40 50.00,75.00"/>


TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : network edges templates create ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ----------
<     <viewport zoom="100.00" x="50.00" y="50.00" angle="0.00"/>
>     <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 391 - 276
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 814 - 276
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 554 - 288
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 391 - 518
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 814 - 518
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
---------- New result in additionals ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<additional xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/additional_file.xsd">
---------- New result in datas ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd">
---------- New result in routes ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<routes xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/routes_file.xsd">
---------- Missing result in net ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<net version="1.20" junctionCornerDetail="5" limitTurnSpeed="5.50" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/net_file.xsd">

    <location netOffset="0.00,0.00" convBoundary="-30.00,30.00,50.00,75.00" origBoundary="10000000000.00,10000000000.00,-10000000000.00,-10000000000.00" projParameter="!"/>

    <edge id="E0" from="J0" to="J1" priority="15">
        <lane id="E0_0" index="0" allow="pedestrian bus" speed="13.89" length="80.00" shape="-30.00,67.00 50.00,67.00"/>
        <lane id="E0_1" index="1" allow="pedestrian bus" speed="13.89" length="80.00" shape="-30.00,70.20 50.00,70.20"/>
        <lane id="E0_2" index="2" allow="pedestrian bus" speed="13.89" length="80.00" shape="-30.00,73.40 50.00,73.40"/>
    <edge id="E1" from="J2" to="J3" priority="15">
        <lane id="E1_0" index="0" allow="pedestrian bus" speed="13.89" length="80.00" shape="-30.00,22.00 50.00,22.00"/>
        <lane id="E1_1" index="1" allow="pedestrian bus" speed="13.89" length="80.00" shape="-30.00,25.20 50.00,25.20"/>
        <lane id="E1_2" index="2" allow="pedestrian bus" speed="13.89" length="80.00" shape="-30.00,28.40 50.00,28.40"/>

    <junction id="J0" type="dead_end" x="-30.00" y="75.00" incLanes="" intLanes="" shape="-30.00,75.00 -30.00,65.40"/>
    <junction id="J1" type="dead_end" x="50.00" y="75.00" incLanes="E0_0 E0_1 E0_2" intLanes="" shape="50.00,65.40 50.00,75.00"/>
    <junction id="J2" type="dead_end" x="-30.00" y="30.00" incLanes="" intLanes="" shape="-30.00,30.00 -30.00,20.40"/>
    <junction id="J3" type="dead_end" x="50.00" y="30.00" incLanes="E1_0 E1_1 E1_2" intLanes="" shape="50.00,20.40 50.00,30.00"/>
