31Jul24rv1_20_0+1483-752857089be - detailed test results for NETEDIT.daily.network.lanes

To reconnect the TextTest GUI to these results, run:

texttest -a netedit -d /home/delphi/gcc/sumo/tests -reconnect /home/delphi/gcc/texttesttmp/gcc4_64.06Aug002524.2407176 -g

To start TextTest for these tests, run:

texttest -a netedit -d /home/delphi/gcc/sumo/tests

daily.network.lanes: 326 tests: 296 succeeded 28 FAILED 2 known bugs

Detailed information for the tests that FAILED:

5 TESTS FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba :

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "<TEXTTEST_SANDBOX>/test.py", line 38, in <module>
>     netedit.contextualMenuOperation(referencePosition, 400, 150, netedit.attrs.lane.contextualMenuLane,
> TypeError: contextualMenuOperation() takes 3 positional arguments but 6 were given
---------- Differences in log ----------
< Warning: Edge '-gneE2' is not connected to outgoing edges at junction 'gneJ2'.
< Warning: Edge 'gneE2' is not connected to outgoing edges at junction 'gneJ3'.
< Warning: Lane 'gneE4_0' is not connected from any incoming edge at junction 'gneJ3'.
< Warning: Lane 'gneE8_0' is not connected from any incoming edge at junction 'gneJ2'.
< Warning: Edge '-gneE2' is not connected to outgoing edges at junction 'gneJ2'.
< Warning: Edge 'gneE2' is not connected to outgoing edges at junction 'gneJ3'.
< Warning: Lane 'gneE4_0' is not connected from any incoming edge at junction 'gneJ3'.
< Warning: Lane 'gneE8_0' is not connected from any incoming edge at junction 'gneJ2'.
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
< TestFunctions: Netedit closed successfully
---------- New result in exitcode ----------
---------- Missing result in additionals ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<additional xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/additional_file.xsd">
    <!-- StoppingPlaces -->
    <busStop id="busStop1" lane="gneE0_0" startPos="23.78" endPos="30.38" friendlyPos="true"/>
    <busStop id="busStop2" lane="gneE1_0" startPos="20.63" endPos="30.63" friendlyPos="true"/>
    <busStop id="busStop3" lane="gneE2_1" startPos="39.59" endPos="46.19" friendlyPos="true"/>
    <busStop id="busStop_-gneE2_0_3" lane="-gneE2_0" startPos="38.60" endPos="48.60" friendlyPos="true"/>
---------- Missing result in guisettingsoutput ----------
    <viewport zoom="100.00" x="25.00" y="10.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Missing result in net ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<net version="1.20" junctionCornerDetail="5" limitTurnSpeed="5.50" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/net_file.xsd">

    <location netOffset="25.00,0.00" convBoundary="0.00,0.00,50.00,20.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.00,-10000000000.00,10000000000.00,10000000000.00" projParameter="!"/>

    <edge id=":gneJ0_0" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_0_0" index="0" speed="6.08" length="7.74" shape="-1.60,3.20 -1.30,1.10 -0.40,-0.40 1.10,-1.30 3.20,-1.60"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ0_1" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_1_0" index="0" speed="3.90" length="2.58" shape="3.20,1.60 2.50,1.70 2.00,2.00 1.70,2.50 1.60,3.20"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ0_2" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_2_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="1.30" shape="3.20,1.60 2.12,0.88"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ0_3" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_3_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="3.37" shape="2.12,0.88 2.00,0.80 1.60,0.00 2.00,-0.80 3.20,-1.60"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_0" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_0_0" index="0" speed="3.90" length="2.58" shape="48.40,3.20 48.30,2.50 48.00,2.00 47.50,1.70 46.80,1.60"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_1" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_1_0" index="0" speed="6.08" length="7.74" shape="46.80,-1.60 48.90,-1.30 50.40,-0.40 51.30,1.10 51.60,3.20"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_2" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_2_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="1.44" shape="46.80,-1.60 48.00,-0.80"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_3" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_3_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="3.23" shape="48.00,-0.80 48.40,0.00 48.00,0.80 46.80,1.60"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
network lanes contextual_menu add_restricted_lane bikelane ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network lanes contextual_menu add_restricted_lane buslane ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network lanes contextual_menu add_restricted_lane greenvergeback ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network lanes contextual_menu add_restricted_lane greenvergefront ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network lanes contextual_menu add_restricted_lane sidewalk ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : network lanes contextual_menu duplicate_lane ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "<TEXTTEST_SANDBOX>/test.py", line 38, in <module>
>     netedit.contextualMenuOperation(referencePosition, 400, 150,
> TypeError: contextualMenuOperation() takes 3 positional arguments but 5 were given
---------- Differences in log ----------
< Warning: Edge '-gneE2' is not connected to outgoing edges at junction 'gneJ2'.
< Warning: Edge 'gneE2' is not connected to outgoing edges at junction 'gneJ3'.
< Warning: Lane 'gneE4_0' is not connected from any incoming edge at junction 'gneJ3'.
< Warning: Lane 'gneE8_0' is not connected from any incoming edge at junction 'gneJ2'.
< Warning: Edge '-gneE2' is not connected to outgoing edges at junction 'gneJ2'.
< Warning: Edge 'gneE2' is not connected to outgoing edges at junction 'gneJ3'.
< Warning: Lane 'gneE2_0' is not connected from any incoming edge at junction 'gneJ2'.
< Warning: Lane 'gneE4_0' is not connected from any incoming edge at junction 'gneJ3'.
< Warning: Lane 'gneE8_0' is not connected from any incoming edge at junction 'gneJ2'.
< Warning: Edge '-gneE2' is not connected to outgoing edges at junction 'gneJ2'.
< Warning: 8 total messages of type: Edge '%' is not connected to outgoing edges at junction '%'.
< Warning: 10 total messages of type: Lane '%' is not connected from any incoming edge at junction '%'.
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
< TestFunctions: Netedit closed successfully
---------- New result in exitcode ----------
---------- Missing result in additionals ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<additional xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/additional_file.xsd">
    <!-- StoppingPlaces -->
    <busStop id="busStop1" lane="gneE0_0" startPos="23.78" endPos="30.38" friendlyPos="true"/>
    <busStop id="busStop2" lane="gneE1_0" startPos="20.63" endPos="30.63" friendlyPos="true"/>
    <busStop id="busStop3" lane="gneE2_1" startPos="39.59" endPos="46.19" friendlyPos="true"/>
    <busStop id="busStop_-gneE2_0_3" lane="-gneE2_0" startPos="38.60" endPos="48.60" friendlyPos="true"/>
---------- Missing result in guisettingsoutput ----------
    <viewport zoom="100.00" x="25.00" y="10.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Missing result in net ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<net version="1.20" junctionCornerDetail="5" limitTurnSpeed="5.50" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/net_file.xsd">

    <location netOffset="25.00,0.00" convBoundary="0.00,0.00,50.00,20.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.00,-10000000000.00,10000000000.00,10000000000.00" projParameter="!"/>

    <edge id=":gneJ0_0" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_0_0" index="0" speed="6.08" length="7.74" shape="-1.60,3.20 -1.30,1.10 -0.40,-0.40 1.10,-1.30 3.20,-1.60"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ0_1" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_1_0" index="0" speed="3.90" length="2.58" shape="3.20,1.60 2.50,1.70 2.00,2.00 1.70,2.50 1.60,3.20"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ0_2" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_2_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="1.30" shape="3.20,1.60 2.12,0.88"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ0_3" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_3_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="3.37" shape="2.12,0.88 2.00,0.80 1.60,0.00 2.00,-0.80 3.20,-1.60"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_0" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_0_0" index="0" speed="3.90" length="2.58" shape="48.40,3.20 48.30,2.50 48.00,2.00 47.50,1.70 46.80,1.60"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_1" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_1_0" index="0" speed="6.08" length="7.74" shape="46.80,-1.60 48.90,-1.30 50.40,-0.40 51.30,1.10 51.60,3.20"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_2" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_2_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="1.44" shape="46.80,-1.60 48.00,-0.80"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_3" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_3_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="3.23" shape="48.00,-0.80 48.40,0.00 48.00,0.80 46.80,1.60"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : network lanes contextual_menu remove_restricted_lane bikelane ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "<TEXTTEST_SANDBOX>/test.py", line 38, in <module>
>     netedit.contextualMenuOperation(referencePosition, 400, 150, netedit.attrs.lane.contextualMenuLane,
> TypeError: contextualMenuOperation() takes 3 positional arguments but 6 were given
---------- Differences in log ----------
< Warning: Edge '-gneE2' is not connected to outgoing edges at junction 'gneJ2'.
< Warning: Lane 'gneE8_0' is not connected from any incoming edge at junction 'gneJ2'.
< Warning: Edge '-gneE2' is not connected to outgoing edges at junction 'gneJ2'.
< Warning: Lane 'gneE8_0' is not connected from any incoming edge at junction 'gneJ2'.
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
< TestFunctions: Netedit closed successfully
---------- New result in exitcode ----------
---------- Missing result in additionals ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<additional xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/additional_file.xsd">
    <!-- StoppingPlaces -->
    <busStop id="busStop1" lane="gneE0_0" startPos="23.78" endPos="30.38" friendlyPos="true"/>
    <busStop id="busStop2" lane="gneE1_0" startPos="20.63" endPos="30.63" friendlyPos="true"/>
    <busStop id="busStop_-gneE2_0_3" lane="-gneE2_0" startPos="38.60" endPos="48.60" friendlyPos="true"/>
---------- Missing result in guisettingsoutput ----------
    <viewport zoom="100.00" x="25.00" y="10.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Missing result in net ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<net version="1.20" junctionCornerDetail="5" limitTurnSpeed="5.50" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/net_file.xsd">

    <location netOffset="25.00,0.00" convBoundary="0.00,0.00,50.00,20.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.00,-10000000000.00,10000000000.00,10000000000.00" projParameter="!"/>

    <edge id=":gneJ0_0" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_0_0" index="0" speed="6.08" length="7.74" shape="-1.60,3.20 -1.30,1.10 -0.40,-0.40 1.10,-1.30 3.20,-1.60"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ0_1" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_1_0" index="0" speed="3.90" length="2.58" shape="3.20,1.60 2.50,1.70 2.00,2.00 1.70,2.50 1.60,3.20"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ0_2" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_2_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="1.30" shape="3.20,1.60 2.12,0.88"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ0_3" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_3_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="3.37" shape="2.12,0.88 2.00,0.80 1.60,0.00 2.00,-0.80 3.20,-1.60"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_0" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_0_0" index="0" speed="3.90" length="2.58" shape="48.40,3.20 48.30,2.50 48.00,2.00 47.50,1.70 46.80,1.60"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_1" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_1_0" index="0" speed="6.08" length="7.74" shape="46.80,-1.60 48.90,-1.30 50.40,-0.40 51.30,1.10 51.60,3.20"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_2" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_2_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="1.44" shape="46.80,-1.60 48.00,-0.80"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_3" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_3_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="3.23" shape="48.00,-0.80 48.40,0.00 48.00,0.80 46.80,1.60"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : network lanes contextual_menu remove_restricted_lane buslane ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "<TEXTTEST_SANDBOX>/test.py", line 38, in <module>
>     netedit.contextualMenuOperation(referencePosition, 400, 150, netedit.attrs.lane.contextualMenuLane,
> TypeError: contextualMenuOperation() takes 3 positional arguments but 6 were given
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
< TestFunctions: Netedit closed successfully
---------- New result in exitcode ----------
---------- Missing result in additionals ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<additional xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/additional_file.xsd">
    <!-- StoppingPlaces -->
    <busStop id="busStop1" lane="gneE0_0" startPos="23.78" endPos="30.38" friendlyPos="true"/>
    <busStop id="busStop2" lane="gneE1_0" startPos="20.63" endPos="30.63" friendlyPos="true"/>
    <busStop id="busStop_-gneE2_0_3" lane="-gneE2_0" startPos="38.60" endPos="48.60" friendlyPos="true"/>
---------- Missing result in guisettingsoutput ----------
    <viewport zoom="100.00" x="25.00" y="10.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Missing result in net ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<net version="1.20" junctionCornerDetail="5" limitTurnSpeed="5.50" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/net_file.xsd">

    <location netOffset="25.00,0.00" convBoundary="0.00,0.00,50.00,20.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.00,-10000000000.00,10000000000.00,10000000000.00" projParameter="!"/>

    <edge id=":gneJ0_0" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_0_0" index="0" speed="6.08" length="7.74" shape="-1.60,3.20 -1.30,1.10 -0.40,-0.40 1.10,-1.30 3.20,-1.60"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ0_1" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_1_0" index="0" speed="3.90" length="2.58" shape="3.20,1.60 2.50,1.70 2.00,2.00 1.70,2.50 1.60,3.20"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ0_2" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_2_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="1.30" shape="3.20,1.60 2.12,0.88"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ0_3" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_3_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="3.37" shape="2.12,0.88 2.00,0.80 1.60,0.00 2.00,-0.80 3.20,-1.60"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_0" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_0_0" index="0" speed="3.90" length="2.58" shape="48.40,3.20 48.30,2.50 48.00,2.00 47.50,1.70 46.80,1.60"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_1" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_1_0" index="0" speed="6.08" length="7.74" shape="46.80,-1.60 48.90,-1.30 50.40,-0.40 51.30,1.10 51.60,3.20"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_2" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_2_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="1.44" shape="46.80,-1.60 48.00,-0.80"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_3" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_3_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="3.23" shape="48.00,-0.80 48.40,0.00 48.00,0.80 46.80,1.60"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

2 TESTS FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba :

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "<TEXTTEST_SANDBOX>/test.py", line 38, in <module>
>     netedit.contextualMenuOperation(referencePosition, 400, 150, netedit.attrs.lane.contextualMenuLane,
> TypeError: contextualMenuOperation() takes 3 positional arguments but 6 were given
---------- Differences in log ----------
< Warning: Edge '-gneE2' is not connected to outgoing edges at junction 'gneJ2'.
< Warning: Lane 'gneE4_0' is not connected from any incoming edge at junction 'gneJ3'.
< Warning: Lane 'gneE8_0' is not connected from any incoming edge at junction 'gneJ2'.
< Warning: Edge '-gneE2' is not connected to outgoing edges at junction 'gneJ2'.
< Warning: Lane 'gneE4_0' is not connected from any incoming edge at junction 'gneJ3'.
< Warning: Lane 'gneE8_0' is not connected from any incoming edge at junction 'gneJ2'.
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
< TestFunctions: Netedit closed successfully
---------- New result in exitcode ----------
---------- Missing result in additionals ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<additional xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/additional_file.xsd">
    <!-- StoppingPlaces -->
    <busStop id="busStop1" lane="gneE0_0" startPos="23.78" endPos="30.38" friendlyPos="true"/>
    <busStop id="busStop2" lane="gneE1_0" startPos="20.63" endPos="30.63" friendlyPos="true"/>
    <busStop id="busStop_-gneE2_0_3" lane="-gneE2_0" startPos="38.60" endPos="48.60" friendlyPos="true"/>
---------- Missing result in guisettingsoutput ----------
    <viewport zoom="100.00" x="25.00" y="10.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Missing result in net ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<net version="1.20" junctionCornerDetail="5" limitTurnSpeed="5.50" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/net_file.xsd">

    <location netOffset="25.00,0.00" convBoundary="0.00,0.00,50.00,20.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.00,-10000000000.00,10000000000.00,10000000000.00" projParameter="!"/>

    <edge id=":gneJ0_0" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_0_0" index="0" speed="6.08" length="7.74" shape="-1.60,3.20 -1.30,1.10 -0.40,-0.40 1.10,-1.30 3.20,-1.60"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ0_1" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_1_0" index="0" speed="3.90" length="2.58" shape="3.20,1.60 2.50,1.70 2.00,2.00 1.70,2.50 1.60,3.20"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ0_2" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_2_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="1.30" shape="3.20,1.60 2.12,0.88"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ0_3" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_3_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="3.37" shape="2.12,0.88 2.00,0.80 1.60,0.00 2.00,-0.80 3.20,-1.60"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_0" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_0_0" index="0" speed="3.90" length="2.58" shape="48.40,3.20 48.30,2.50 48.00,2.00 47.50,1.70 46.80,1.60"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_1" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_1_0" index="0" speed="6.08" length="7.74" shape="46.80,-1.60 48.90,-1.30 50.40,-0.40 51.30,1.10 51.60,3.20"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_2" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_2_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="1.44" shape="46.80,-1.60 48.00,-0.80"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_3" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_3_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="3.23" shape="48.00,-0.80 48.40,0.00 48.00,0.80 46.80,1.60"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
network lanes contextual_menu remove_restricted_lane greenverge ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network lanes contextual_menu remove_restricted_lane sidewalk ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

2 TESTS FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba :

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "<TEXTTEST_SANDBOX>/test.py", line 38, in <module>
>     netedit.contextualMenuOperation(referencePosition, 400, 150, netedit.attrs.lane.contextualMenuLane,
> TypeError: contextualMenuOperation() takes 3 positional arguments but 6 were given
---------- Differences in log ----------
< Warning: Edge '-gneE2' is not connected to outgoing edges at junction 'gneJ2'.
< Warning: Edge 'gneE2' is not connected to outgoing edges at junction 'gneJ3'.
< Warning: Lane 'gneE4_0' is not connected from any incoming edge at junction 'gneJ3'.
< Warning: Lane 'gneE8_0' is not connected from any incoming edge at junction 'gneJ2'.
< Warning: Edge '-gneE2' is not connected to outgoing edges at junction 'gneJ2'.
< Warning: Edge 'gneE2' is not connected to outgoing edges at junction 'gneJ3'.
< Warning: Lane 'gneE4_0' is not connected from any incoming edge at junction 'gneJ3'.
< Warning: Lane 'gneE8_0' is not connected from any incoming edge at junction 'gneJ2'.
< Warning: Edge '-gneE2' is not connected to outgoing edges at junction 'gneJ2'.
< Warning: Lane 'gneE4_0' is not connected from any incoming edge at junction 'gneJ3'.
< Warning: 8 total messages of type: Edge '%' is not connected to outgoing edges at junction '%'.
< Warning: 8 total messages of type: Lane '%' is not connected from any incoming edge at junction '%'.
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
< TestFunctions: Netedit closed successfully
---------- New result in exitcode ----------
---------- Missing result in additionals ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<additional xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/additional_file.xsd">
    <!-- StoppingPlaces -->
    <busStop id="busStop1" lane="gneE0_0" startPos="23.78" endPos="30.38" friendlyPos="true"/>
    <busStop id="busStop2" lane="gneE1_0" startPos="20.63" endPos="30.63" friendlyPos="true"/>
    <busStop id="busStop3" lane="gneE2_0" startPos="39.59" endPos="46.19" friendlyPos="true"/>
    <busStop id="busStop_-gneE2_0_3" lane="-gneE2_0" startPos="38.60" endPos="48.60" friendlyPos="true"/>
---------- Missing result in guisettingsoutput ----------
    <viewport zoom="100.00" x="25.00" y="10.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Missing result in net ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<net version="1.20" junctionCornerDetail="5" limitTurnSpeed="5.50" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/net_file.xsd">

    <location netOffset="25.00,0.00" convBoundary="0.00,0.00,50.00,20.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.00,-10000000000.00,10000000000.00,10000000000.00" projParameter="!"/>

    <edge id=":gneJ0_0" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_0_0" index="0" speed="6.08" length="7.74" shape="-1.60,3.20 -1.30,1.10 -0.40,-0.40 1.10,-1.30 3.20,-1.60"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ0_1" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_1_0" index="0" speed="3.90" length="2.58" shape="3.20,1.60 2.50,1.70 2.00,2.00 1.70,2.50 1.60,3.20"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ0_2" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_2_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="1.30" shape="3.20,1.60 2.12,0.88"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ0_3" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_3_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="3.37" shape="2.12,0.88 2.00,0.80 1.60,0.00 2.00,-0.80 3.20,-1.60"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_0" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_0_0" index="0" speed="3.90" length="2.58" shape="48.40,3.20 48.30,2.50 48.00,2.00 47.50,1.70 46.80,1.60"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_1" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_1_0" index="0" speed="6.08" length="7.74" shape="46.80,-1.60 48.90,-1.30 50.40,-0.40 51.30,1.10 51.60,3.20"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_2" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_2_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="1.44" shape="46.80,-1.60 48.00,-0.80"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_3" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_3_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="3.23" shape="48.00,-0.80 48.40,0.00 48.00,0.80 46.80,1.60"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
network lanes contextual_menu transform_restricted_lane bikelane ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network lanes contextual_menu transform_restricted_lane buslane ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

2 TESTS FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba :

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "<TEXTTEST_SANDBOX>/test.py", line 38, in <module>
>     netedit.contextualMenuOperation(referencePosition, 400, 150, netedit.attrs.lane.contextualMenuLane,
> TypeError: contextualMenuOperation() takes 3 positional arguments but 6 were given
---------- Differences in log ----------
< Warning: Edge '-gneE2' is not connected to outgoing edges at junction 'gneJ2'.
< Warning: Edge 'gneE2' is not connected to outgoing edges at junction 'gneJ3'.
< Warning: Lane 'gneE4_0' is not connected from any incoming edge at junction 'gneJ3'.
< Warning: Lane 'gneE8_0' is not connected from any incoming edge at junction 'gneJ2'.
< Warning: Edge '-gneE2' is not connected to outgoing edges at junction 'gneJ2'.
< Warning: Lane 'gneE4_0' is not connected from any incoming edge at junction 'gneJ3'.
< Warning: Lane 'gneE8_0' is not connected from any incoming edge at junction 'gneJ2'.
< Warning: Edge '-gneE2' is not connected to outgoing edges at junction 'gneJ2'.
< Warning: Edge 'gneE2' is not connected to outgoing edges at junction 'gneJ3'.
< Warning: Lane 'gneE4_0' is not connected from any incoming edge at junction 'gneJ3'.
< Warning: 6 total messages of type: Edge '%' is not connected to outgoing edges at junction '%'.
< Warning: 8 total messages of type: Lane '%' is not connected from any incoming edge at junction '%'.
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
< TestFunctions: Netedit closed successfully
---------- New result in exitcode ----------
---------- Missing result in additionals ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<additional xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/additional_file.xsd">
    <!-- StoppingPlaces -->
    <busStop id="busStop1" lane="gneE0_0" startPos="23.78" endPos="30.38" friendlyPos="true"/>
    <busStop id="busStop2" lane="gneE1_0" startPos="20.63" endPos="30.63" friendlyPos="true"/>
    <busStop id="busStop3" lane="gneE2_0" startPos="39.59" endPos="46.19" friendlyPos="true"/>
    <busStop id="busStop_-gneE2_0_3" lane="-gneE2_0" startPos="38.60" endPos="48.60" friendlyPos="true"/>
---------- Missing result in guisettingsoutput ----------
    <viewport zoom="100.00" x="25.00" y="10.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Missing result in net ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<net version="1.20" junctionCornerDetail="5" limitTurnSpeed="5.50" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/net_file.xsd">

    <location netOffset="25.00,0.00" convBoundary="0.00,0.00,50.00,20.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.00,-10000000000.00,10000000000.00,10000000000.00" projParameter="!"/>

    <edge id=":gneJ0_0" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_0_0" index="0" speed="6.08" length="7.74" shape="-1.60,3.20 -1.30,1.10 -0.40,-0.40 1.10,-1.30 3.20,-1.60"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ0_1" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_1_0" index="0" speed="3.90" length="2.58" shape="3.20,1.60 2.50,1.70 2.00,2.00 1.70,2.50 1.60,3.20"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ0_2" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_2_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="1.30" shape="3.20,1.60 2.12,0.88"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ0_3" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_3_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="3.37" shape="2.12,0.88 2.00,0.80 1.60,0.00 2.00,-0.80 3.20,-1.60"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_0" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_0_0" index="0" speed="3.90" length="2.58" shape="48.40,3.20 48.30,2.50 48.00,2.00 47.50,1.70 46.80,1.60"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_1" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_1_0" index="0" speed="6.08" length="7.74" shape="46.80,-1.60 48.90,-1.30 50.40,-0.40 51.30,1.10 51.60,3.20"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_2" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_2_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="1.44" shape="46.80,-1.60 48.00,-0.80"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_3" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_3_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="3.23" shape="48.00,-0.80 48.40,0.00 48.00,0.80 46.80,1.60"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
network lanes contextual_menu transform_restricted_lane greenverge ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network lanes contextual_menu transform_restricted_lane sidewalk ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : network lanes inspect type ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

---------- Differences in net ----------
<         <lane id="E0_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="60.00" shape="-30.00,-1.60 30.00,-1.60" type="%%%&&&"/>
>         <lane id="E0_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="60.00" shape="-30.00,-1.60 30.00,-1.60" type="customType"/>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : network lanes inspect_selected acceleration ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Error: Could not build route in netedit; edge doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trip in netedit; edge doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trip in netedit; edge doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trip in netedit; edge doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trip in netedit; edge doesn't exist.
> Error: Invalid route 'r_0' used in vehicle 'v_0'.
> Error: Loading of <TEXTTEST_SANDBOX>/routes.rou.xml failed.
> Error: Could not build edgeData-edge; edge doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build edgeRelation; edge 'E1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build edgeRelation; edge '-E2' doesn't exist.
> Error: Loading of <TEXTTEST_SANDBOX>/datas.dat.xml failed.
---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ----------
<     <viewport zoom="100.00" x="25.00" y="10.00" angle="0.00"/>
>     <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Differences in log ----------
> Error: Could not build route in netedit; edge doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trip in netedit; edge doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trip in netedit; edge doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trip in netedit; edge doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trip in netedit; edge doesn't exist.
> Error: Invalid route 'r_0' used in vehicle 'v_0'.
> Error: Loading of <TEXTTEST_SANDBOX>/routes.rou.xml failed.
> Error: Could not build edgeData-edge; edge doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build edgeRelation; edge 'E1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build edgeRelation; edge '-E2' doesn't exist.
> Error: Loading of <TEXTTEST_SANDBOX>/datas.dat.xml failed.
---------- Differences in net ----------
<         <lane id="gneE2_1" index="1" speed="13.89" length="35.60" acceleration="1" shape="7.20,18.40 42.80,18.40"/>
>         <lane id="gneE2_1" index="1" speed="13.89" length="35.60" shape="7.20,18.40 42.80,18.40"/>
<         <lane id="gneE3_0" index="0" speed="13.89" length="35.60" acceleration="1" shape="42.80,24.80 7.20,24.80"/>
>         <lane id="gneE3_0" index="0" speed="13.89" length="35.60" shape="42.80,24.80 7.20,24.80"/>
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 704 - 323
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 704 - 263
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 704 - 263
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
---------- New result in datas ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd">
    <interval id="dataSet" begin="0.00" end="3600.00"/>
---------- New result in routes ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<routes xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/routes_file.xsd">

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : network lanes inspect_selected allow ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Error: Could not build route in netedit; edge doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trip in netedit; edge doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trip in netedit; edge doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trip in netedit; edge doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trip in netedit; edge doesn't exist.
> Error: Invalid route 'r_0' used in vehicle 'v_0'.
> Error: Loading of <TEXTTEST_SANDBOX>/routes.rou.xml failed.
> Error: Could not build edgeData-edge; edge doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build edgeRelation; edge 'E1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build edgeRelation; edge '-E2' doesn't exist.
> Error: Loading of <TEXTTEST_SANDBOX>/datas.dat.xml failed.
---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ----------
<     <viewport zoom="100.00" x="25.00" y="10.00" angle="0.00"/>
>     <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Differences in log ----------
> Error: Could not build route in netedit; edge doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trip in netedit; edge doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trip in netedit; edge doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trip in netedit; edge doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trip in netedit; edge doesn't exist.
> Error: Invalid route 'r_0' used in vehicle 'v_0'.
> Error: Loading of <TEXTTEST_SANDBOX>/routes.rou.xml failed.
> Error: Could not build edgeData-edge; edge doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build edgeRelation; edge 'E1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build edgeRelation; edge '-E2' doesn't exist.
> Error: Loading of <TEXTTEST_SANDBOX>/datas.dat.xml failed.
---------- Differences in net ----------
<         <lane id=":gneJ2_0_0" index="0" allow="authority army vip passenger hov taxi bus coach bicycle tram" speed="9.32" length="19.63" shape="7.20,24.80 3.35,23.85 0.60,21.00 -1.05,16.25 -1.60,9.60"/>
>         <lane id=":gneJ2_0_0" index="0" speed="9.32" length="19.63" shape="7.20,24.80 3.35,23.85 0.60,21.00 -1.05,16.25 -1.60,9.60"/>
<         <lane id=":gneJ2_1_0" index="0" allow="authority army vip passenger hov taxi bus coach bicycle tram" speed="3.65" length="4.67" shape="7.20,21.60 6.00,20.80 5.60,20.00 6.00,19.20 7.20,18.40"/>
>         <lane id=":gneJ2_1_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="4.67" shape="7.20,21.60 6.00,20.80 5.60,20.00 6.00,19.20 7.20,18.40"/>
<         <lane id=":gneJ2_2_1" index="1" allow="authority army vip passenger hov taxi bus coach bicycle tram" speed="7.33" length="11.73" shape="1.60,9.60 1.95,13.45 3.00,16.20 4.75,17.85 7.20,18.40"/>
>         <lane id=":gneJ2_2_1" index="1" speed="7.33" length="11.73" shape="1.60,9.60 1.95,13.45 3.00,16.20 4.75,17.85 7.20,18.40"/>
<         <lane id=":gneJ3_0_0" index="0" allow="authority army vip passenger hov taxi bus coach bicycle tram" speed="9.32" length="19.63" shape="51.60,9.60 51.05,16.25 49.40,21.00 46.65,23.85 42.80,24.80"/>
>         <lane id=":gneJ3_0_0" index="0" speed="9.32" length="19.63" shape="51.60,9.60 51.05,16.25 49.40,21.00 46.65,23.85 42.80,24.80"/>
<         <lane id=":gneJ3_3_0" index="0" allow="authority army vip passenger hov taxi bus coach bicycle tram" speed="3.65" length="4.67" shape="42.80,18.40 44.00,19.20 44.40,20.00 44.00,20.80 42.80,21.60"/>
>         <lane id=":gneJ3_3_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="4.67" shape="42.80,18.40 44.00,19.20 44.40,20.00 44.00,20.80 42.80,21.60"/>
<         <lane id="gneE2_1" index="1" allow="authority army vip passenger hov taxi bus coach bicycle tram" speed="13.89" length="35.60" shape="7.20,18.40 42.80,18.40"/>
>         <lane id="gneE2_1" index="1" speed="13.89" length="35.60" shape="7.20,18.40 42.80,18.40"/>
<         <lane id="gneE3_0" index="0" allow="authority army vip passenger hov taxi bus coach bicycle tram" speed="13.89" length="35.60" shape="42.80,24.80 7.20,24.80"/>
>         <lane id="gneE3_0" index="0" speed="13.89" length="35.60" shape="42.80,24.80 7.20,24.80"/>
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 704 - 323
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 704 - 263
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 704 - 263
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
---------- New result in datas ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd">
    <interval id="dataSet" begin="0.00" end="3600.00"/>
---------- New result in routes ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<routes xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/routes_file.xsd">

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : network lanes inspect_selected changeleft ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Error: Could not build route in netedit; edge doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trip in netedit; edge doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trip in netedit; edge doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trip in netedit; edge doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trip in netedit; edge doesn't exist.
> Error: Invalid route 'r_0' used in vehicle 'v_0'.
> Error: Loading of <TEXTTEST_SANDBOX>/routes.rou.xml failed.
> Error: Could not build edgeData-edge; edge doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build edgeRelation; edge 'E1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build edgeRelation; edge '-E2' doesn't exist.
> Error: Loading of <TEXTTEST_SANDBOX>/datas.dat.xml failed.
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 704 - 323
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 704 - 263
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 704 - 263
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
< TestFunctions: Netedit closed successfully
> TestFunctions: Error closing Netedit
---------- New result in errorScreenshot ----------

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WbspNgb}8䵩kkuq=VmPiS&6_Ͼ]ZݳPȗVwyl+|mھc====?]b{N ⡳)))w_:dZ3
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Missing result in additionals ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<additional xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/additional_file.xsd">
    <!-- StoppingPlaces -->
    <busStop id="busStop1" lane="gneE0_0" startPos="10.00" endPos="15.00" friendlyPos="true"/>
    <busStop id="busStop2" lane="gneE1_0" startPos="3.00" endPos="13.00" friendlyPos="true"/>
    <busStop id="busStop3" lane="gneE2_0" endPos="30.00" friendlyPos="true"/>
    <busStop id="busStop4" lane="gneE2_1" startPos="25.00" friendlyPos="true"/>
    <busStop id="busStop5" lane="gneE3_0" startPos="3.00" endPos="13.00" friendlyPos="true"/>
    <busStop id="busStop6" lane="gneE3_1" startPos="3.00" endPos="13.00" friendlyPos="true"/>
---------- Missing result in guisettingsoutput ----------
    <viewport zoom="100.00" x="25.00" y="10.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Missing result in net ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<net version="1.20" junctionCornerDetail="5" limitTurnSpeed="5.50" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/net_file.xsd">

    <location netOffset="25.00,0.00" convBoundary="0.00,0.00,50.00,20.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.00,-10000000000.00,10000000000.00,10000000000.00" projParameter="!"/>

    <edge id=":gneJ0_0" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_0_0" index="0" speed="6.08" length="7.74" shape="-1.60,3.20 -1.30,1.10 -0.40,-0.40 1.10,-1.30 3.20,-1.60"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ0_1" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_1_0" index="0" speed="3.90" length="2.58" shape="3.20,1.60 2.50,1.70 2.00,2.00 1.70,2.50 1.60,3.20"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ0_2" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_2_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="1.30" shape="3.20,1.60 2.12,0.88"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ0_3" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_3_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="3.37" shape="2.12,0.88 2.00,0.80 1.60,0.00 2.00,-0.80 3.20,-1.60"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_0" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_0_0" index="0" speed="3.90" length="2.58" shape="48.40,3.20 48.30,2.50 48.00,2.00 47.50,1.70 46.80,1.60"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_1" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_1_0" index="0" speed="6.08" length="7.74" shape="46.80,-1.60 48.90,-1.30 50.40,-0.40 51.30,1.10 51.60,3.20"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_2" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_2_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="1.44" shape="46.80,-1.60 48.00,-0.80"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_3" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_3_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="3.23" shape="48.00,-0.80 48.40,0.00 48.00,0.80 46.80,1.60"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : network lanes inspect_selected changeright ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Error: Could not build route in netedit; edge doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trip in netedit; edge doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trip in netedit; edge doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trip in netedit; edge doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trip in netedit; edge doesn't exist.
> Error: Invalid route 'r_0' used in vehicle 'v_0'.
> Error: Loading of <TEXTTEST_SANDBOX>/routes.rou.xml failed.
> Error: Could not build edgeData-edge; edge doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build edgeRelation; edge 'E1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build edgeRelation; edge '-E2' doesn't exist.
> Error: Loading of <TEXTTEST_SANDBOX>/datas.dat.xml failed.
---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ----------
<     <viewport zoom="100.00" x="25.00" y="10.00" angle="0.00"/>
>     <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Differences in log ----------
> Error: Could not build route in netedit; edge doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trip in netedit; edge doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trip in netedit; edge doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trip in netedit; edge doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trip in netedit; edge doesn't exist.
> Error: Invalid route 'r_0' used in vehicle 'v_0'.
> Error: Loading of <TEXTTEST_SANDBOX>/routes.rou.xml failed.
> Error: Could not build edgeData-edge; edge doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build edgeRelation; edge 'E1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build edgeRelation; edge '-E2' doesn't exist.
> Error: Loading of <TEXTTEST_SANDBOX>/datas.dat.xml failed.
---------- Differences in net ----------
<         <lane id="gneE2_1" index="1" speed="13.89" length="35.60" shape="7.20,18.40 42.80,18.40" changeRight="emergency authority army vip pedestrian passenger hov bus coach motorcycle moped tram rail_urban rail rail_electric custom1"/>
>         <lane id="gneE2_1" index="1" speed="13.89" length="35.60" shape="7.20,18.40 42.80,18.40"/>
<         <lane id="gneE3_0" index="0" speed="13.89" length="35.60" shape="42.80,24.80 7.20,24.80" changeRight="emergency authority army vip pedestrian passenger hov bus coach motorcycle moped tram rail_urban rail rail_electric custom1"/>
>         <lane id="gneE3_0" index="0" speed="13.89" length="35.60" shape="42.80,24.80 7.20,24.80"/>
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 704 - 323
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 704 - 263
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 704 - 263
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
---------- New result in datas ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd">
    <interval id="dataSet" begin="0.00" end="3600.00"/>
---------- New result in routes ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<routes xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/routes_file.xsd">

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : network lanes inspect_selected disallow ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Error: Could not build route in netedit; edge doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trip in netedit; edge doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trip in netedit; edge doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trip in netedit; edge doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trip in netedit; edge doesn't exist.
> Error: Invalid route 'r_0' used in vehicle 'v_0'.
> Error: Loading of <TEXTTEST_SANDBOX>/routes.rou.xml failed.
> Error: Could not build edgeData-edge; edge doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build edgeRelation; edge 'E1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build edgeRelation; edge '-E2' doesn't exist.
> Error: Loading of <TEXTTEST_SANDBOX>/datas.dat.xml failed.
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 704 - 323
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 704 - 263
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 704 - 263
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
< TestFunctions: Netedit closed successfully
> TestFunctions: Error closing Netedit
---------- New result in errorScreenshot ----------

IHDR1cIDATxw|I-m̲PPQAD 2TP("lY")Ȟe[g~!I6Iz>#\h|N(0KXXpns˗s,_ӹW9ٶ)FcNkB23i4U1
_GfmO\E)̨YMAp[9!͙	777+dHak$Ԯvegػ/΍-	uhfKWڻ#5t9f>$FZjzz͗XXw.%NZXrAe;m{9pI[ad|YfuI֬ߩOvK6|^e>?!}?ǯ[ܹoTM]:0…6\xrg3籮cWِfBJ%[ך
޷SؔP!U+h4g_ںsOnnBro׺eCܤ/{\kB<>|/gfe)spESRuئa999	BOOϼ|̈́1O;x4r>lc}{t\ܱs.oݹ^w%ffeSv-5mVGƭuWn{u(XrUL\|Va͛4LKKu{ݦnWXVT:ޒjZOsȱ&_׫o)_Vo>1wl^LMn:9k4_/õQ
ԭVrL\J޲Y=\)Tug_2H3h$.!1Qk+UhݲM۟||rWZm~+:VߙZ5{H~fMUXAN(_iPv`ok[T̬ĤR6>lr{ʕ[l.o:oؼ#&.Aqٚիzzz/TB_JV-B_s$Ijڸa-}"ܴuWzFB=k.gP"9_>}|e?j۶m۶mqw|%ɽ[ّ51Qʅˑg]/ݥČ]BtЦz*[٥CVV{0ڍB9*sJnR9{uPF{edf<dt|_ɭe<Zʗ"=)tǶ22sPѵcUl&u6''	!$Iڱ7ZڱM*wܤsvnߺa:8\[";NjZNmCgĤ:jԯ[`SQ__گ]x5ay٧{իߌF
MgTGzw۲L֩]R5I+UyThCq	I^^^RӚ$I<</盛TLJj\'otFs'%n^$J1qϷNv$Ijߺ
{|P?޳npAddgߟ^F:WBHmHJJ"]wͫonP֮x7kވ-(۲yS%߹ _j֤OPlѬx{5lPw*_ZzF5
oڪEb$)Zի*;ʽPDvNX{;y|s_{Q&vN׆-;ۉ8qZy*-w	"==S!IR);)hesrs	1Y-7޳[R>ZN_1qώZr$,rVCxck?"w5
*ػk`IIɥJ!ʕ-#I$!$IūAe$Ht3M:|GcO꧳8s>>ΜeLtl`?n6W[Νo!DiIKrrսI4_O9srr$B2+++++Kf휓\WdffFݺ]rK#TpFT)0[W(WUs%=BdgeoW3;;[aνX!}<\ŷ?Ksrr
rrr";]J:5+^eS o+OOTwwwoFѭS5\~؉S<ܣs{y\+Wo육;$777YpI|pţ#ʸ]s_={sv
F	W9991ƷυKWtVUJz,uVv;:&?_#)-<)gE;`cs+WpܵFs?<GG
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Missing result in additionals ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<additional xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/additional_file.xsd">
    <!-- StoppingPlaces -->
    <busStop id="busStop1" lane="gneE0_0" startPos="10.00" endPos="15.00" friendlyPos="true"/>
    <busStop id="busStop2" lane="gneE1_0" startPos="3.00" endPos="13.00" friendlyPos="true"/>
    <busStop id="busStop3" lane="gneE2_0" endPos="30.00" friendlyPos="true"/>
    <busStop id="busStop4" lane="gneE2_1" startPos="25.00" friendlyPos="true"/>
    <busStop id="busStop5" lane="gneE3_0" startPos="3.00" endPos="13.00" friendlyPos="true"/>
    <busStop id="busStop6" lane="gneE3_1" startPos="3.00" endPos="13.00" friendlyPos="true"/>
---------- Missing result in guisettingsoutput ----------
    <viewport zoom="100.00" x="25.00" y="10.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Missing result in net ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<net version="1.20" junctionCornerDetail="5" limitTurnSpeed="5.50" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/net_file.xsd">

    <location netOffset="25.00,0.00" convBoundary="0.00,0.00,50.00,20.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.00,-10000000000.00,10000000000.00,10000000000.00" projParameter="!"/>

    <edge id=":gneJ0_0" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_0_0" index="0" speed="6.08" length="7.74" shape="-1.60,3.20 -1.30,1.10 -0.40,-0.40 1.10,-1.30 3.20,-1.60"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ0_1" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_1_0" index="0" speed="3.90" length="2.58" shape="3.20,1.60 2.50,1.70 2.00,2.00 1.70,2.50 1.60,3.20"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ0_2" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_2_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="1.30" shape="3.20,1.60 2.12,0.88"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ0_3" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_3_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="3.37" shape="2.12,0.88 2.00,0.80 1.60,0.00 2.00,-0.80 3.20,-1.60"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_0" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_0_0" index="0" speed="3.90" length="2.58" shape="48.40,3.20 48.30,2.50 48.00,2.00 47.50,1.70 46.80,1.60"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_1" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_1_0" index="0" speed="6.08" length="7.74" shape="46.80,-1.60 48.90,-1.30 50.40,-0.40 51.30,1.10 51.60,3.20"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_2" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_2_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="1.44" shape="46.80,-1.60 48.00,-0.80"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_3" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_3_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="3.23" shape="48.00,-0.80 48.40,0.00 48.00,0.80 46.80,1.60"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : network lanes inspect_selected endoffset ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Error: Could not build route in netedit; edge doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trip in netedit; edge doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trip in netedit; edge doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trip in netedit; edge doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trip in netedit; edge doesn't exist.
> Error: Invalid route 'r_0' used in vehicle 'v_0'.
> Error: Loading of <TEXTTEST_SANDBOX>/routes.rou.xml failed.
> Error: Could not build edgeData-edge; edge doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build edgeRelation; edge 'E1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build edgeRelation; edge '-E2' doesn't exist.
> Error: Loading of <TEXTTEST_SANDBOX>/datas.dat.xml failed.
---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ----------
<     <viewport zoom="100.00" x="25.00" y="10.00" angle="0.00"/>
>     <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Differences in log ----------
> Error: Could not build route in netedit; edge doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trip in netedit; edge doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trip in netedit; edge doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trip in netedit; edge doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trip in netedit; edge doesn't exist.
> Error: Invalid route 'r_0' used in vehicle 'v_0'.
> Error: Loading of <TEXTTEST_SANDBOX>/routes.rou.xml failed.
> Error: Could not build edgeData-edge; edge doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build edgeRelation; edge 'E1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build edgeRelation; edge '-E2' doesn't exist.
> Error: Loading of <TEXTTEST_SANDBOX>/datas.dat.xml failed.
---------- Differences in net ----------
<         <lane id=":gneJ2_0_0" index="0" speed="11.81" length="32.13" shape="19.70,24.80 7.20,24.80 3.35,23.85 0.60,21.00 -1.05,16.25 -1.60,9.60"/>
>         <lane id=":gneJ2_0_0" index="0" speed="9.32" length="19.63" shape="7.20,24.80 3.35,23.85 0.60,21.00 -1.05,16.25 -1.60,9.60"/>
<         <lane id=":gneJ3_3_0" index="0" speed="6.10" length="17.17" shape="30.30,18.40 42.80,18.40 44.00,19.20 44.40,20.00 44.00,20.80 42.80,21.60"/>
>         <lane id=":gneJ3_3_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="4.67" shape="42.80,18.40 44.00,19.20 44.40,20.00 44.00,20.80 42.80,21.60"/>
<         <lane id="gneE2_0" index="0" speed="13.89" length="29.35" shape="7.20,15.20 42.80,15.20"/>
<         <lane id="gneE2_1" index="1" speed="13.89" length="29.35" endOffset="12.50" shape="7.20,18.40 30.30,18.40"/>
>         <lane id="gneE2_0" index="0" speed="13.89" length="35.60" shape="7.20,15.20 42.80,15.20"/>
>         <lane id="gneE2_1" index="1" speed="13.89" length="35.60" shape="7.20,18.40 42.80,18.40"/>
<         <lane id="gneE3_0" index="0" speed="13.89" length="29.35" endOffset="12.50" shape="42.80,24.80 19.70,24.80"/>
<         <lane id="gneE3_1" index="1" speed="13.89" length="29.35" shape="42.80,21.60 7.20,21.60"/>
>         <lane id="gneE3_0" index="0" speed="13.89" length="35.60" shape="42.80,24.80 7.20,24.80"/>
>         <lane id="gneE3_1" index="1" speed="13.89" length="35.60" shape="42.80,21.60 7.20,21.60"/>
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 704 - 323
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 704 - 263
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 704 - 263
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
---------- New result in datas ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd">
    <interval id="dataSet" begin="0.00" end="3600.00"/>
---------- New result in routes ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<routes xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/routes_file.xsd">

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : network lanes inspect_selected parameters ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Error: Could not build route in netedit; edge doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trip in netedit; edge doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trip in netedit; edge doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trip in netedit; edge doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trip in netedit; edge doesn't exist.
> Error: Invalid route 'r_0' used in vehicle 'v_0'.
> Error: Loading of <TEXTTEST_SANDBOX>/routes.rou.xml failed.
> Error: Could not build edgeData-edge; edge doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build edgeRelation; edge 'E1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build edgeRelation; edge '-E2' doesn't exist.
> Error: Loading of <TEXTTEST_SANDBOX>/datas.dat.xml failed.
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 704 - 323
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 704 - 263
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 704 - 263
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
< TestFunctions: Netedit closed successfully
> TestFunctions: Error closing Netedit
---------- New result in errorScreenshot ----------

IHDR1cIDATxwxSs̲ۤP({rLA%QQ8*Ȗ% *Ȑ]蠻tDžKjMҼ_O<͹ޤi>{"\d%<<]87ڹv	9nӯ+Ifߜl۔F15@4zcsү#UW'â`f,X8s-Mˎޅyyy؄|2SsXMyoQvhr럻Ƒڵn~#֥+W:3#G1s||*Un-V3"|SzĤdU:8]8$In/wc'NYݚ
!|{vPfܳ.l۹7;;GmZ4_NB}:sN2^;B{IVv	!ʕ-=~̳{w1cخce~zwVrZz!$Irss+s$p|H*o˖}p;63%%%$$dKC^Vmp,(	*JV[RR-B+ZadU*8u
/;I>m[=ڤ#nnZ6@O.;qvL\:55N⍛;nZo?Kxw>5-Dʕ+VȌ{0>t[4k\N-yv}zth4wB=<:ҠnOHLn*9%m7?*7蒐$흙kRjb1]c`$=5?/[:^]3_W9pww/׳>R!8W	͚5駟w^dɍ_V){ww?}{tRFm
!T*6-֫&wȵ&!zW>lUFfW5U*UשG陛?%>:3+KXn+/+w܅vl`ʌLckJԦEƍxշcW.{ti/XfmL\|M6LKK=:T(WVT]:>jZs?t[ٷϏ67;9%uˎ=-5	*a~Ny͗_ p-*~Z+UWܛ5n"!˷l6M7U5
˶l;~rWU~ߴX!DĿgW,/aQn5nؠBuJ5%JLH|+Zm쀘vmWXWPe&qY-;c!NZJeJ+[z7?IH\Bas$IjH6-x{E^ywRpVŒӧW-Zdo߾}Ъ|W>/ȊcWFLbj.G=w1dv3SVU*UܺcDN233ckQ7r^U֔ܤn*kܮz;Z?[~#x.E^[7w?B[UTqο$7K}X!Iν_-hju*Wٱk&un*''G^cۖhBRR	oo9<|+BԴ.Z֯фĤի֩U`PrWxſ_M3}$''t}˓_`p^];TRi_hP].+\[{u]{xx幹I!ʝغKRF	
ɦ_'^^j*9%MR-V߸)?jԍ===
)_vLΣB߽w'KيvZ$]G#=+?%|srrJuIIMh4)jV|$I+_]~%vSۑ$mfOR쵨hWW]oP{nnnRrJj_"IRrenݎBxzJ״bC'Nڽ&OӺEz~0;+| NE~͙#}*jhD!b5(:c^q
|7eͦ۫~Z)W֪QSRR:kQעKSx{{=Runܼ--ѴqÿjZmT{䯿{yz=RoοΞc=<a49'?NzV$7!D&O+b\q~~kT??߰G[1B#6nyIɩBJHuo<zT#=YN-k9jTIT*322SRӅq8w7jU+߈U|Yx9J$u(mZ׎mn݊B	\I
/ɓ#&@9@j-oݎ'~o߽KfxyznޱGI-5o&t<yJAzJ~	r<=ԣ=}߳^v-oގ%}
蛕qNv"NQ^vK9~R-HOϐoߕ$wrJ?۽TvN<0!&6>3+YG8VVzL\sWP.>!QweV>]dunjxeN}_斻^lY{w
 11D	!DR$
]{$IvFVVBh4999G;ggg+7oUPȊ^N9>^:w5m[-J{!̔;&!fVV{Qlz)zⳕߥOW~ɑ_	̬3.VR\
!=s3*Uպvl& kHKW*9UAv+Vp)23+-;{tmߴqC!DVvvAIH*nw\`F>k;]dUyfށ"B|֭i=\ykn^6h%y9La[uM-ʒ$)''G&?;v?Cj<<[gܼͬ\JBy&	Srb]Vvvh4߽+IRFFFS?\͜!D^^|@*uZv妍ؽf*=ZNNjЦEվפ{'&'!<<))B//Oy!VNMK[f}w=}N1U+{գ=%G{ccth͑ע;ѾMwˑ6se'Q~r=ꪕB~߼CB?yRHU+>vB9 jT_驽<=;o݇.[k4ΎLjV{*O|<==RRS}|5MZ]O.ڬ߸Onn.^ɗ<|>Mrss3;.u222*wl]l)Kr+S{vN@k4p}vF-s33j5Kx+nݎȧA
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Bdd'dgg9~]		I	̿nj|W&z-אYBظYYSRwijUͯ]VkF윜+֩U}N.u+&Vg(xvneffUZˏ5x@n2ܮceRA
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'`޹mKbAp@ȑ#`cOwXpB2my뎞ݻػK.q+!,~g./[wحsFq3m$I"6X<ĸ2OM,`C-=np(miwsΝܜ;wn	oomXcw=U`@/'KZi47Hz(b`Btү\O>#7zjOXǵ?={i_q(۶|=ڝqճw/
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Missing result in additionals ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<additional xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/additional_file.xsd">
    <!-- StoppingPlaces -->
    <busStop id="busStop1" lane="gneE0_0" startPos="10.00" endPos="15.00" friendlyPos="true"/>
    <busStop id="busStop2" lane="gneE1_0" startPos="3.00" endPos="13.00" friendlyPos="true"/>
    <busStop id="busStop3" lane="gneE2_0" endPos="30.00" friendlyPos="true"/>
    <busStop id="busStop4" lane="gneE2_1" startPos="25.00" friendlyPos="true"/>
    <busStop id="busStop5" lane="gneE3_0" startPos="3.00" endPos="13.00" friendlyPos="true"/>
    <busStop id="busStop6" lane="gneE3_1" startPos="3.00" endPos="13.00" friendlyPos="true"/>
---------- Missing result in guisettingsoutput ----------
    <viewport zoom="100.00" x="25.00" y="11.40" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Missing result in net ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<net version="1.20" junctionCornerDetail="5" limitTurnSpeed="5.50" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/net_file.xsd">

    <location netOffset="25.00,0.00" convBoundary="0.00,0.00,50.00,20.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.00,-10000000000.00,10000000000.00,10000000000.00" projParameter="!"/>

    <edge id=":gneJ0_0" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_0_0" index="0" speed="6.08" length="7.74" shape="-1.60,3.20 -1.30,1.10 -0.40,-0.40 1.10,-1.30 3.20,-1.60"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ0_1" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_1_0" index="0" speed="3.90" length="2.58" shape="3.20,1.60 2.50,1.70 2.00,2.00 1.70,2.50 1.60,3.20"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ0_2" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_2_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="1.30" shape="3.20,1.60 2.12,0.88"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ0_3" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_3_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="3.37" shape="2.12,0.88 2.00,0.80 1.60,0.00 2.00,-0.80 3.20,-1.60"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_0" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_0_0" index="0" speed="3.90" length="2.58" shape="48.40,3.20 48.30,2.50 48.00,2.00 47.50,1.70 46.80,1.60"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_1" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_1_0" index="0" speed="6.08" length="7.74" shape="46.80,-1.60 48.90,-1.30 50.40,-0.40 51.30,1.10 51.60,3.20"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_2" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_2_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="1.44" shape="46.80,-1.60 48.00,-0.80"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_3" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_3_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="3.23" shape="48.00,-0.80 48.40,0.00 48.00,0.80 46.80,1.60"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : network lanes inspect_selected speed ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Error: Could not build route in netedit; edge doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trip in netedit; edge doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trip in netedit; edge doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trip in netedit; edge doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trip in netedit; edge doesn't exist.
> Error: Invalid route 'r_0' used in vehicle 'v_0'.
> Error: Loading of <TEXTTEST_SANDBOX>/routes.rou.xml failed.
> Error: Could not build edgeData-edge; edge doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build edgeRelation; edge 'E1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build edgeRelation; edge '-E2' doesn't exist.
> Error: Loading of <TEXTTEST_SANDBOX>/datas.dat.xml failed.
---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ----------
<     <viewport zoom="100.00" x="25.00" y="10.00" angle="0.00"/>
>     <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Differences in log ----------
< Warning: Speed of turning connection 'gneE3_0->gneE8_0' reduced by 57.87 due to turning radius of 15.79 (length=19.63, angle=90.00).
< Warning: Speed of turning connection 'gneE9_0->gneE2_1' reduced by 59.87 due to turning radius of 9.76 (length=11.73, angle=90.00).
< Warning: Speed of turning connection 'gneE5_0->gneE3_0' reduced by 57.87 due to turning radius of 15.79 (length=19.63, angle=90.00).
< Warning: Speed of turning connection 'gneE3_0->gneE8_0' reduced by 57.87 due to turning radius of 15.79 (length=19.63, angle=90.00).
< Warning: Speed of turning connection 'gneE9_0->gneE2_1' reduced by 59.87 due to turning radius of 9.76 (length=11.73, angle=90.00).
< Warning: 6 total messages of type: Speed of % connection '%' reduced by % due to turning radius of % (length=%, angle=%).
> Error: Could not build route in netedit; edge doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trip in netedit; edge doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trip in netedit; edge doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trip in netedit; edge doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trip in netedit; edge doesn't exist.
> Error: Invalid route 'r_0' used in vehicle 'v_0'.
> Error: Loading of <TEXTTEST_SANDBOX>/routes.rou.xml failed.
> Error: Could not build edgeData-edge; edge doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build edgeRelation; edge 'E1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build edgeRelation; edge '-E2' doesn't exist.
> Error: Loading of <TEXTTEST_SANDBOX>/datas.dat.xml failed.
---------- Differences in net ----------
<         <lane id="gneE2_1" index="1" speed="120.50" length="35.60" shape="7.20,18.40 42.80,18.40"/>
>         <lane id="gneE2_1" index="1" speed="13.89" length="35.60" shape="7.20,18.40 42.80,18.40"/>
<         <lane id="gneE3_0" index="0" speed="120.50" length="35.60" shape="42.80,24.80 7.20,24.80"/>
>         <lane id="gneE3_0" index="0" speed="13.89" length="35.60" shape="42.80,24.80 7.20,24.80"/>
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 704 - 323
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 704 - 263
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 704 - 263
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
---------- New result in datas ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd">
    <interval id="dataSet" begin="0.00" end="3600.00"/>
---------- New result in routes ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<routes xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/routes_file.xsd">

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : network lanes inspect_selected stopoffset ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Error: Could not build route in netedit; edge doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trip in netedit; edge doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trip in netedit; edge doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trip in netedit; edge doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trip in netedit; edge doesn't exist.
> Error: Invalid route 'r_0' used in vehicle 'v_0'.
> Error: Loading of <TEXTTEST_SANDBOX>/routes.rou.xml failed.
> Error: Could not build edgeData-edge; edge doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build edgeRelation; edge 'E1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build edgeRelation; edge '-E2' doesn't exist.
> Error: Loading of <TEXTTEST_SANDBOX>/datas.dat.xml failed.
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 704 - 323
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 704 - 263
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 704 - 263
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
< TestFunctions: Netedit closed successfully
> TestFunctions: Error closing Netedit
---------- New result in errorScreenshot ----------

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iis{?пoumg{	Y{!Ĝwoݪ=p݀+mjӣN	tYam_j;v0v+X1#G*!D=nq5jT_%YfEB8RA㾊tŔϏDRRO?׾7??_V#JF.<OO#G~OÇ
By-}$--T)!ġ#G+W>I[	SZZF|DYݫL,//Md jΖo|Y!w.^˥
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Missing result in additionals ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<additional xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/additional_file.xsd">
    <!-- StoppingPlaces -->
    <busStop id="busStop1" lane="gneE0_0" startPos="10.00" endPos="15.00" friendlyPos="true"/>
    <busStop id="busStop2" lane="gneE1_0" startPos="3.00" endPos="13.00" friendlyPos="true"/>
    <busStop id="busStop3" lane="gneE2_0" endPos="30.00" friendlyPos="true"/>
    <busStop id="busStop4" lane="gneE2_1" startPos="25.00" friendlyPos="true"/>
    <busStop id="busStop5" lane="gneE3_0" startPos="3.00" endPos="13.00" friendlyPos="true"/>
    <busStop id="busStop6" lane="gneE3_1" startPos="3.00" endPos="13.00" friendlyPos="true"/>
---------- Missing result in guisettingsoutput ----------
    <viewport zoom="100.00" x="25.00" y="10.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Missing result in net ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<net version="1.20" junctionCornerDetail="5" limitTurnSpeed="5.50" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/net_file.xsd">

    <location netOffset="25.00,0.00" convBoundary="0.00,0.00,50.00,20.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.00,-10000000000.00,10000000000.00,10000000000.00" projParameter="!"/>

    <edge id=":gneJ0_0" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_0_0" index="0" speed="6.08" length="7.74" shape="-1.60,3.20 -1.30,1.10 -0.40,-0.40 1.10,-1.30 3.20,-1.60"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ0_1" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_1_0" index="0" speed="3.90" length="2.58" shape="3.20,1.60 2.50,1.70 2.00,2.00 1.70,2.50 1.60,3.20"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ0_2" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_2_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="1.30" shape="3.20,1.60 2.12,0.88"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ0_3" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_3_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="3.37" shape="2.12,0.88 2.00,0.80 1.60,0.00 2.00,-0.80 3.20,-1.60"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_0" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_0_0" index="0" speed="3.90" length="2.58" shape="48.40,3.20 48.30,2.50 48.00,2.00 47.50,1.70 46.80,1.60"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_1" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_1_0" index="0" speed="6.08" length="7.74" shape="46.80,-1.60 48.90,-1.30 50.40,-0.40 51.30,1.10 51.60,3.20"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_2" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_2_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="1.44" shape="46.80,-1.60 48.00,-0.80"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_3" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_3_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="3.23" shape="48.00,-0.80 48.40,0.00 48.00,0.80 46.80,1.60"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : network lanes inspect_selected stopoffsetexception ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Error: Could not build route in netedit; edge doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trip in netedit; edge doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trip in netedit; edge doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trip in netedit; edge doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trip in netedit; edge doesn't exist.
> Error: Invalid route 'r_0' used in vehicle 'v_0'.
> Error: Loading of <TEXTTEST_SANDBOX>/routes.rou.xml failed.
> Error: Could not build edgeData-edge; edge doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build edgeRelation; edge 'E1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build edgeRelation; edge '-E2' doesn't exist.
> Error: Loading of <TEXTTEST_SANDBOX>/datas.dat.xml failed.
---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ----------
<     <viewport zoom="100.00" x="25.00" y="10.00" angle="0.00"/>
>     <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Differences in log ----------
> Error: Could not build route in netedit; edge doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trip in netedit; edge doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trip in netedit; edge doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trip in netedit; edge doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trip in netedit; edge doesn't exist.
> Error: Invalid route 'r_0' used in vehicle 'v_0'.
> Error: Loading of <TEXTTEST_SANDBOX>/routes.rou.xml failed.
> Error: Could not build edgeData-edge; edge doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build edgeRelation; edge 'E1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build edgeRelation; edge '-E2' doesn't exist.
> Error: Loading of <TEXTTEST_SANDBOX>/datas.dat.xml failed.
---------- Differences in net ----------
<         <lane id="gneE2_1" index="1" speed="13.89" length="35.60" shape="7.20,18.40 42.80,18.40">
<             <stopOffset exceptions="authority army vip passenger hov taxi bus coach bicycle tram" value="12.50"/>
<         </lane>
>         <lane id="gneE2_1" index="1" speed="13.89" length="35.60" shape="7.20,18.40 42.80,18.40"/>
<         <lane id="gneE3_0" index="0" speed="13.89" length="35.60" shape="42.80,24.80 7.20,24.80">
<             <stopOffset exceptions="authority army vip passenger hov taxi bus coach bicycle tram" value="12.50"/>
<         </lane>
>         <lane id="gneE3_0" index="0" speed="13.89" length="35.60" shape="42.80,24.80 7.20,24.80"/>
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 704 - 323
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 704 - 263
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 704 - 263
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
---------- New result in datas ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd">
    <interval id="dataSet" begin="0.00" end="3600.00"/>
---------- New result in routes ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<routes xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/routes_file.xsd">

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : network lanes inspect_selected type ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Error: Could not build route in netedit; edge doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trip in netedit; edge doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trip in netedit; edge doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trip in netedit; edge doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trip in netedit; edge doesn't exist.
> Error: Invalid route 'r_0' used in vehicle 'v_0'.
> Error: Loading of <TEXTTEST_SANDBOX>/routes.rou.xml failed.
> Error: Could not build edgeData-edge; edge doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build edgeRelation; edge 'E1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build edgeRelation; edge '-E2' doesn't exist.
> Error: Loading of <TEXTTEST_SANDBOX>/datas.dat.xml failed.
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 704 - 323
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 704 - 263
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 704 - 263
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
< TestFunctions: Netedit closed successfully
> TestFunctions: Error closing Netedit
---------- New result in errorScreenshot ----------

"K@8q1Dq"?T-K@U!@)Aw#d5I&i^Gy$w;	%ٻf	w͡v|{pvk:JY7g66hi
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6*s=߇<=u_g]^VZ]GϜXC=WUn"O'Wqw߸yM??5o#ms!đ7lpH<zݤT!J{߷s=q*W?5Z5yzzi$I*J	)B~v{oDߪPv\%Iʺ_6k6cny{{!ZvN$ICBKΑgNIMgpssswwy jrWnFE
Bl_Uܼ\ _J%?__eZWÞ>}tc7oD^ons>Jڸu~;'(Xe%?)Bg7JT;9%u˟{^*?;'Kլ#{vws+QCZsK=&.+V(%pY||pZ>^jS/宗-[];HLL*QGQ:$I=&Ows$i)D%I
$F-t,))YcO裳8s>ѿΜLt,(0MX_֮!/Γ-/)I=#w8777~߯$Itמ3;;tp)I]%/3333335MNNNuEFFF[*t9bעSgN!D<ݻwcۖeK}w\	rO222222Yr:ʒ{}-ʕ
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Missing result in additionals ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<additional xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/additional_file.xsd">
    <!-- StoppingPlaces -->
    <busStop id="busStop1" lane="gneE0_0" startPos="10.00" endPos="15.00" friendlyPos="true"/>
    <busStop id="busStop2" lane="gneE1_0" startPos="3.00" endPos="13.00" friendlyPos="true"/>
    <busStop id="busStop3" lane="gneE2_0" endPos="30.00" friendlyPos="true"/>
    <busStop id="busStop4" lane="gneE2_1" startPos="25.00" friendlyPos="true"/>
    <busStop id="busStop5" lane="gneE3_0" startPos="3.00" endPos="13.00" friendlyPos="true"/>
    <busStop id="busStop6" lane="gneE3_1" startPos="3.00" endPos="13.00" friendlyPos="true"/>
---------- Missing result in guisettingsoutput ----------
    <viewport zoom="100.00" x="25.00" y="10.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Missing result in net ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<net version="1.20" junctionCornerDetail="5" limitTurnSpeed="5.50" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/net_file.xsd">

    <location netOffset="25.00,0.00" convBoundary="0.00,0.00,50.00,20.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.00,-10000000000.00,10000000000.00,10000000000.00" projParameter="!"/>

    <edge id=":gneJ0_0" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_0_0" index="0" speed="6.08" length="7.74" shape="-1.60,3.20 -1.30,1.10 -0.40,-0.40 1.10,-1.30 3.20,-1.60"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ0_1" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_1_0" index="0" speed="3.90" length="2.58" shape="3.20,1.60 2.50,1.70 2.00,2.00 1.70,2.50 1.60,3.20"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ0_2" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_2_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="1.30" shape="3.20,1.60 2.12,0.88"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ0_3" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_3_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="3.37" shape="2.12,0.88 2.00,0.80 1.60,0.00 2.00,-0.80 3.20,-1.60"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_0" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_0_0" index="0" speed="3.90" length="2.58" shape="48.40,3.20 48.30,2.50 48.00,2.00 47.50,1.70 46.80,1.60"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_1" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_1_0" index="0" speed="6.08" length="7.74" shape="46.80,-1.60 48.90,-1.30 50.40,-0.40 51.30,1.10 51.60,3.20"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_2" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_2_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="1.44" shape="46.80,-1.60 48.00,-0.80"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_3" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_3_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="3.23" shape="48.00,-0.80 48.40,0.00 48.00,0.80 46.80,1.60"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : network lanes inspect_selected width ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Error: Could not build route in netedit; edge doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trip in netedit; edge doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trip in netedit; edge doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trip in netedit; edge doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build trip in netedit; edge doesn't exist.
> Error: Invalid route 'r_0' used in vehicle 'v_0'.
> Error: Loading of <TEXTTEST_SANDBOX>/routes.rou.xml failed.
> Error: Could not build edgeData-edge; edge doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build edgeRelation; edge 'E1' doesn't exist.
> Error: Could not build edgeRelation; edge '-E2' doesn't exist.
> Error: Loading of <TEXTTEST_SANDBOX>/datas.dat.xml failed.
---------- Differences in output ----------
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 704 - 323
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 704 - 263
< TestFunctions: Clicked over position 704 - 263
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
> TestFunctions: Clicked over position 304 - 168
< TestFunctions: Netedit closed successfully
> TestFunctions: Error closing Netedit
---------- New result in errorScreenshot ----------

IHDR1cIDATxy|lvsɝHw}SOQYUZW]E(-JUZuVU"n:	&	>7ccy3n6gJ1F0o&7&&ƈ=sgMs/hMV3lS2L@OF0L&,@kV)@èYMiD0seSND$J5Y {2Y33
tU0})I[gdHE{ɒ·wH;?.rq{7`xrWH$<z6x#yƆBMIJZzAa[k{<$-=SC1#٤Q}zݸE}rnܰ^Vxzge\zDm3=vlXO*^qU=|eMzػ{!MW);'zvP;FIރG'\K&q`Ws@J=?0X,^r=xW4n](탪vlWձRվSjTe"D0@ (׳Ebf>DЙEnܸ)//oo>|^NNߞOM1v(~2NeBH$!P(q"ZС5vU/"*S*#I
xW״̄/sM	;]ѡ{yjWZŷ(9,=m޴Aw
ql,NHD"[Wórr֫~S22MemٵٷG,MGgDj>(mGvU+33b¢=nE⇏_UlllHi$dH0%7oouO)}lzw(8~=0(P!oU*Wptd>9qBIB6-֯+0Ɯ2[k"zWm^XTdc#|([S(vnߪAb8%-$R٤q#._u.%?(*.:ֻ[Gl<9qfKڍ
*edH$Ru@Ai;?V666U|}[6oՎ?ND7רoggWw-~KLNIZŷEHa4jЦesG	N/( "YMN)pVH̙^Yb:yɓ'Go^06}?Mmxg_shs&XU<౛Kv{:kUͿJةPN튊οyܥg	DUnMFtؖ[Gv5W=srAaa`}kN̶V,~#x*Oե}E.]#[Ur̿ҾX,D0̙=OH$"L&:oUߩӹ]v͎m[6pjDFVV6\I,eu:AKW"22jV[Pj>uuqnR$._xII.J(]W5†j
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P\"]TFB.?LJԨ^5!oeoMRja״/~]Vk6I)/S܈H*%5qaw7W!QIb]9'7]A =
"uhˤėn}ܥw{vp;uK!A-B($J _w-+;[Ѹ7o߻x%\{۵|,y}y-폄Ql']m9<{ٛyTpt=~=\%%䔴]|F PіW-}RONMp*>i`+_bh݈-Wz_8Ssooocw
23*Tp$.\ `aU%/OlAaww7a_cYY7;Ʈ9o5=yuiߺ^ZD@D.ۃߍD\a}<y<ˢ"LVRRRzX,s

<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Missing result in additionals ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<additional xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/additional_file.xsd">
    <!-- StoppingPlaces -->
    <busStop id="busStop1" lane="gneE0_0" startPos="10.00" endPos="15.00" friendlyPos="true"/>
    <busStop id="busStop2" lane="gneE1_0" startPos="3.00" endPos="13.00" friendlyPos="true"/>
    <busStop id="busStop3" lane="gneE2_0" endPos="30.00" friendlyPos="true"/>
    <busStop id="busStop4" lane="gneE2_1" startPos="25.00" friendlyPos="true"/>
    <busStop id="busStop5" lane="gneE3_0" startPos="3.00" endPos="13.00" friendlyPos="true"/>
    <busStop id="busStop6" lane="gneE3_1" startPos="3.00" endPos="13.00" friendlyPos="true"/>
---------- Missing result in guisettingsoutput ----------
    <viewport zoom="100.00" x="25.00" y="10.00" angle="0.00"/>
---------- Missing result in net ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<net version="1.20" junctionCornerDetail="5" limitTurnSpeed="5.50" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/net_file.xsd">

    <location netOffset="25.00,0.00" convBoundary="0.00,0.00,50.00,20.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.00,-10000000000.00,10000000000.00,10000000000.00" projParameter="!"/>

    <edge id=":gneJ0_0" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_0_0" index="0" speed="6.08" length="7.74" shape="-1.60,3.20 -1.30,1.10 -0.40,-0.40 1.10,-1.30 3.20,-1.60"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ0_1" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_1_0" index="0" speed="3.90" length="2.58" shape="3.20,1.60 2.50,1.70 2.00,2.00 1.70,2.50 1.60,3.20"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ0_2" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_2_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="1.30" shape="3.20,1.60 2.12,0.88"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ0_3" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ0_3_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="3.37" shape="2.12,0.88 2.00,0.80 1.60,0.00 2.00,-0.80 3.20,-1.60"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_0" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_0_0" index="0" speed="3.90" length="2.58" shape="48.40,3.20 48.30,2.50 48.00,2.00 47.50,1.70 46.80,1.60"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_1" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_1_0" index="0" speed="6.08" length="7.74" shape="46.80,-1.60 48.90,-1.30 50.40,-0.40 51.30,1.10 51.60,3.20"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_2" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_2_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="1.44" shape="46.80,-1.60 48.00,-0.80"/>
    <edge id=":gneJ1_3" function="internal">
        <lane id=":gneJ1_3_0" index="0" speed="3.65" length="3.23" shape="48.00,-0.80 48.40,0.00 48.00,0.80 46.80,1.60"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : network lanes select_vtypes disallowed army ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )

---------- Differences in additionals ----------
<     <busStop id="bs_1" lane="E44_0" startPos="10.00" endPos="20.00"/>
<     <inductionLoop id="e1_1" lane="E44_0" pos="60.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/>
---------- Differences in net ----------
<     <location netOffset="0.00,0.00" convBoundary="-60.00,-30.00,60.00,30.00" origBoundary="-60.00,-30.00,60.00,30.00" projParameter="!"/>
<     <edge id=":J38_0" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J38_0_0" index="0" disallow="army" speed="3.65" length="4.67" shape="-35.00,1.60 -36.20,0.80 -36.60,0.00 -36.20,-0.80 -35.00,-1.60"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":J39_0" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":J39_0_0" index="0" disallow="army" speed="3.65" length="4.67" shape="35.00,-1.60 36.20,-0.80 36.60,0.00 36.20,0.80 35.00,1.60"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":JunctionExtern0_0" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":JunctionExtern0_0_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="3.53" length="4.38" width="3.00" shape="-60.00,1.50 -61.12,0.75 -61.50,0.00 -61.12,-0.75 -60.00,-1.50"/>
<     </edge>
<     <edge id=":JunctionExtern1_0" function="internal">
<         <lane id=":JunctionExtern1_0_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="3.53" length="4.38" width="3.00" shape="60.00,-1.50 61.12,-0.75 61.50,0.00 61.12,0.75 60.00,1.50"/>
<     </edge>
>     <location netOffset="0.00,0.00" convBoundary="-60.00,0.00,60.00,0.00" origBoundary="-60.00,-30.00,60.00,30.00" projParameter="!"/>
<         <lane id="-E44_0" index="0" disallow="army" speed="13.89" length="70.00" shape="35.00,4.80 -35.00,4.80"/>
<         <lane id="-E44_1" index="1" speed="13.89" length="70.00" shape="35.00,1.60 -35.00,1.60"/>
>         <lane id="-E44_0" index="0" disallow="army" speed="13.89" length="70.00" shape="35.00,1.60 -35.00,1.60"/>
<         <lane id="E44_0" index="0" speed="13.89" length="70.00" shape="-35.00,-4.80 35.00,-4.80"/>
<         <lane id="E44_1" index="1" disallow="army" speed="13.89" length="70.00" shape="-35.00,-1.60 35.00,-1.60"/>
>         <lane id="E44_0" index="0" disallow="army" speed="13.89" length="70.00" shape="-35.00,-1.60 35.00,-1.60"/>
<     <edge id="EdgeExternBot" from="JunctionExtern0" to="JunctionExtern1" priority="-1" length="175.00" shape="-60.00,0.00 -45.00,0.00 -45.00,-25.00 -40.00,-30.00 40.00,-30.00 45.00,-25.00 45.00,0.00 60.00,0.00">
<         <lane id="EdgeExternBot_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="175.00" width="3.00" shape="-60.00,-1.50 -46.50,-1.50 -46.50,-25.62 -40.62,-31.50 40.62,-31.50 46.50,-25.62 46.50,-1.50 60.00,-1.50"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

Detailed information for the tests that had known bugs:

2 TESTS had known bugs (Test needed #3045) on ts-sim-build-ba :

(This bug was triggered by text found in file 'errors' matching 'python: can't open file')
---------- New result in errors ----------
python: can't open file '<TEXTTEST_SANDBOX>/test.py': [Errno 2] No such file or directory
network lanes delete ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )
network lanes move ( Last six runs Aug2024 Jul2024 )