texttest -a netedit -d /home/delphi/gcc/sumo/tests -reconnect /home/delphi/gcc/texttesttmp/gcc4_64.01Sep002248.2929552 -g
texttest -a netedit -d /home/delphi/gcc/sumo/tests
---------- Differences in output ---------- 4c4 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 824 - 388 --- > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 802 - 404 7c7 < TestFunctions: Netedit closed successfully --- > TestFunctions: Error closing Netedit ---------- New result in errorScreenshot ---------- PNG IHDR1cIDATxwxUɦwH R_X" @A삍HS ' n&w关g<gvg2Ϟ33B*%3b]:t0bm`ͼԩSWKo^keU*!5jGnd)-^ M_E-i[ _VT `MX''''{_ [`U8qՀ4T|~k {왐bm֖fP?ݧҷwuU/[^^^ Lvʕwq?3n2Q/r/f̘1bĈׯ{?VM6S.߽{7!!/زenڢeYh]oo`CulѴiӄ...ƪY6$ɤ?!C|ׯ_,\~]v_ǧG+WwI-hm ֕Krrvs'n| >vsrt\2*ՀƯ_}"..n{BL4i}BXcǎJrݯjQQyڴicǎpرckjرcnnf>#<{KoݫV/j&TܹsGNKKlL&ȸp=իL2qD7|رcB'888??ȑXfŊ:uSNAA֭[e2=/!\]]_xaÆ9;;ٳgҶetԊDQ~U\! JQ^RFuP9jTh):Bo ֫z4-tn<kYfeggBy :OJJ 7y7tX]41gΜÇ\2//裏&O~gggLVTwwqݽ{ܹsZe2fb\~ԩK.;w}JKKp~) Ν;֭w={s-++?Y,Y"x嗻udLpwyG @k*FN-n s[\+eu=J|ۄ&u#ϟ, !.Y|hS$F@J]]]ՕKoҴt)3gΜ9ӨQ}Zwر/ޱc"33ƍaRnnnޏ<k&OKKo;w|9LvƍwեRfe2rʔ)SLB̙3H=_@__ߎ;5j߾}/_ wnڴiBBL&tR\\j2QQQR^xq߾}B>&&= `̘1O<ٳg}?C*-.y2 ΝST5NT5bu ^B,]T7x!XR)RuҴ4:],#u4lP.=zD²29Ҳ%%%͛7wqq9rHqq"...+++""*L(MWvJTyCoO?}?~B;vXO<Dƍ rHRk*R\\gJJ4,M7ji͚5R%RxiiOjnƍ*b5 MòώT۽?jK?Av{@\l JT+ iZTJVB\P('̕i&*\+E+ 2L]m+ I'N4nxر,R~>,'''==]JoVnO>D]:}ʔxzzJӥ Bʟz7o(++e(0lK:X*!37M`LJ2227n,MKZe/_\^^}Q][AA:\ŋRy^M6/++J ̬BpwwךRӥjM6-..~ҲZ1SFT*JiZ$88Zjm*Jj(%NBτ t88Ν;'Mr(q*Jӿŋ{{{_z544t˖-qqq&LHKK_/r]wٸqT*Unn9s;NݺuU*U\\\fyzz>sEEE]v}g̘Q1Vj.\|ꩧ:%Nn5cЧC^q|7/˗ׯ/];-2U\%B<wxti>Ii]bE@@ŋ222~wiIJR'Mϛ7/++^OLLܽ{+{mذ!--ɓ˾+Ν;ϟ_E7oޜ2eʳ>oYPxxxifҍfΜ_WlZűgϞ;wi^zK.ݽ{WX]X2Ӛ̙9m4^{Mv-daw:t8uA붝{eYiM,kU())iØXu0r9,aÆ6`Z<0gBlnNL <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Missing result in additionals ---------- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <additional xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/additional_file.xsd"> <!-- Detectors --> <inductionLoop id="E1_00" lane="-E2_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> <inductionLoop id="E1_01" lane="-E2_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> <inductionLoop id="E1_02" lane="E2_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> <inductionLoop id="E1_03" lane="E2_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> <inductionLoop id="E1_04" lane="-E1_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> <inductionLoop id="E1_05" lane="-E1_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> <inductionLoop id="E1_06" lane="E1_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> <inductionLoop id="E1_07" lane="E1_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> <inductionLoop id="E1_08" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> <inductionLoop id="E1_09" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> <inductionLoop id="E1_10" lane="E3_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> <inductionLoop id="E1_11" lane="E3_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> <inductionLoop id="E1_12" lane="-E0_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> <inductionLoop id="E1_13" lane="-E0_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> <inductionLoop id="E1_14" lane="E0_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> <inductionLoop id="E1_15" lane="E0_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> </additional> ---------- Missing result in guisettingsoutput ---------- <viewsettings> <viewport zoom="315.00" x="30.00" y="30.00" angle="0.00"/> </viewsettings> ---------- Missing result in net ---------- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <net version="1.20" junctionCornerDetail="5" limitTurnSpeed="5.50" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/net_file.xsd"> <location netOffset="30.00,-20.00" convBoundary="0.00,0.00,60.00,60.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.00,-10000000000.00,10000000000.00,10000000000.00" projParameter="!"/> <edge id=":J0_0" function="internal"> <lane id=":J0_0_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.86" length="10.16" shape="25.20,41.10 24.81,38.34 23.62,36.37 21.66,35.19 18.90,34.80"/> <lane id=":J0_0_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="8.29" length="15.32" shape="28.40,41.10 27.81,36.94 26.02,33.98 23.06,32.19 18.90,31.60"/> </edge> <edge id=":J0_2" function="internal"> <lane id=":J0_2_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="22.20" shape="28.40,41.10 28.40,18.90"/> </edge> <edge id=":J0_3" function="internal"> <lane id=":J0_3_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="5.01" shape="28.40,41.10 29.11,36.14"/> </edge> <edge id=":J0_16" function="internal"> <lane id=":J0_16_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="15.47" shape="29.11,36.14 29.19,35.54 31.57,31.58 35.54,29.19 41.10,28.40"/> </edge> <edge id=":J0_4" function="internal"> <lane id=":J0_4_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.86" length="10.16" shape="41.10,34.80 38.34,35.19 36.37,36.38 35.19,38.34 34.80,41.10"/> <lane id=":J0_4_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="8.29" length="15.32" shape="41.10,31.60 36.94,32.19 33.98,33.98 32.19,36.94 31.60,41.10"/> </edge> <edge id=":J0_6" function="internal"> <lane id=":J0_6_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="22.20" shape="41.10,31.60 18.90,31.60"/> </edge> <edge id=":J0_7" function="internal"> <lane id=":J0_7_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="5.01" shape="41.10,31.60 36.14,30.89"/> </edge> <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Missing result in routes ---------- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <routes xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/routes_file.xsd"> <!-- Vehicles, persons and containers (sorted by depart) --> <vehicle id="trip_1" depart="0.00"> <route edges="-E2 E3 -E3 E2" repeat="10"/> </vehicle> <vehicle id="trip_2" depart="0.00"> <route edges="-E1 E0 -E0 E1" repeat="10"/> </vehicle> <vehicle id="trip_3" depart="0.00"> <route edges="-E3 E2 -E2 E3" repeat="10"/> </vehicle> <vehicle id="trip_4" depart="0.00"> <route edges="-E0 E1 -E1 E0" repeat="10"/> </vehicle> </routes>
---------- Differences in additionals ---------- 6,21c6,21 < <inductionLoop id="E1_00" lane="-E2_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_01" lane="-E2_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_02" lane="E2_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_03" lane="E2_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_04" lane="-E1_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_05" lane="-E1_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_06" lane="E1_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_07" lane="E1_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_08" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_09" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_10" lane="E3_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_11" lane="E3_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_12" lane="-E0_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_13" lane="-E0_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_14" lane="E0_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_15" lane="E0_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> --- > <inductionLoop id="e1_0" lane="E4_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_1" lane="E4_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_10" lane="E2_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_10.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_11" lane="E2_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_11.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_12" lane="-E5_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_12.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_13" lane="-E5_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_13.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_14" lane="E5_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_14.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_15" lane="E5_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_15.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_2" lane="-E4_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_3" lane="-E4_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_4" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_5" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ---------- 2c2 < <viewport zoom="120.00" x="30.00" y="30.00" angle="0.00"/> --- > <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/> ---------- Differences in log ---------- 1,7c1,7 < Warning: Unreachable edge '-E2' within tlLogic 'J0' < Warning: Unreachable edge '-E1' within tlLogic 'J0' < Warning: Unreachable edge '-E3' within tlLogic 'J0' < Warning: Unreachable edge '-E0' within tlLogic 'J0' < Warning: Unreachable edge 'E0' within tlLogic 'J0' < Warning: The traffic light 'J0' cannot be adapted to a cycle time of 90.00. < Warning: The traffic light 'J0' has a high cycle time of 272.00. --- > Warning: Unreachable edge '-E3' within tlLogic 'J3' > Warning: Unreachable edge '-E2' within tlLogic 'J3' > Warning: Unreachable edge '-E5' within tlLogic 'J3' > Warning: Unreachable edge '-E4' within tlLogic 'J3' > Warning: Unreachable edge 'E2' within tlLogic 'J3' > Warning: The traffic light 'J3' cannot be adapted to a cycle time of 90.00. > Warning: The traffic light 'J3' has a high cycle time of 272.00. ---------- Differences in net ---------- 6c6 < <location netOffset="30.00,-20.00" convBoundary="0.00,0.00,60.00,60.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.00,-10000000000.00,10000000000.00,10000000000.00" projParameter="!"/> --- > <location netOffset="0.00,0.00" convBoundary="-60.00,-30.00,60.00,30.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.000000,-10000000000.000000,10000000000.000000,10000000000.000000" projParameter="+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext +no_defs"/> 8,10c8,9 < <edge id=":J0_0" function="internal"> < <lane id=":J0_0_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.86" length="10.16" shape="25.20,41.10 24.81,38.34 23.62,36.38 21.66,35.19 18.90,34.80"/> < <lane id=":J0_0_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="8.29" length="15.32" shape="28.40,41.10 27.81,36.94 26.02,33.98 23.06,32.19 18.90,31.60"/> --- > <edge id=":J3_0" function="internal"> > <lane id=":J3_0_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.51" length="4.75" shape="-4.80,10.40 -5.15,7.95 -6.20,6.20 -6.40,6.08"/> 12,13c11,13 < <edge id=":J0_2" function="internal"> < <lane id=":J0_2_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="22.20" shape="28.40,41.10 28.40,18.90"/> --- > <edge id=":J3_1" function="internal"> > <lane id=":J3_1_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="20.80" shape="-4.80,10.40 -4.80,-10.40"/> > <lane id=":J3_1_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="20.80" shape="-1.60,10.40 -1.60,-10.40"/> 15,16c15,16 < <edge id=":J0_3" function="internal"> < <lane id=":J0_3_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="5.01" shape="28.40,41.10 29.11,36.14"/> --- > <edge id=":J3_3" function="internal"> > <lane id=":J3_3_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.26" length="5.01" shape="-1.60,10.40 -0.89,5.44"/> 18,19c18,19 < <edge id=":J0_16" function="internal"> < <lane id=":J0_16_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="15.47" shape="29.11,36.14 29.19,35.54 31.57,31.58 35.54,29.19 41.10,28.40"/> --- > <edge id=":J3_16" function="internal"> > <lane id=":J3_16_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.51" length="4.28" shape="-6.40,6.08 -7.95,5.15 -10.40,4.80"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in output ---------- 4,8c4,8 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 393 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 577 - 393 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 1024 - 393 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 178 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 618 --- > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 802 - 404 > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 582 - 405 > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 1010 - 400 > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 799 - 191 > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 799 - 609 ---------- Differences in routes ---------- 6,17c6,13 < <vehicle id="trip_1" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E2 E3 -E3 E2" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_2" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E1 E0 -E0 E1" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_3" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E3 E2 -E2 E3" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_4" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E0 E1 -E1 E0" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> --- > <trip id="t_0" depart="0.00" from="-E3" to="E4"/> > <trip id="t_1" depart="0.00" from="-E2" to="E3"/> > <trip id="t_2" depart="0.00" from="-E5" to="E2"/> > <trip id="t_3" depart="0.00" from="-E4" to="E5"/> > <flow id="f_0" begin="0.00" from="-E4" to="E2" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_1" begin="0.00" from="-E2" to="E4" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_2" begin="0.00" from="-E5" to="E3" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_3" begin="0.00" from="-E3" to="E5" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> ---------- New result in datas ---------- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd"> <interval id="set" begin="0.00" end="3600.00"> <edgeRelation from="-E3" to="E4"/> <edgeRelation from="-E4" to="E5"/> <edgeRelation from="-E5" to="E2"/> <edgeRelation from="-E2" to="E3"/> </interval> </data>network trafficlights joined attributes offset ( Last six runs Aug2024 )
---------- Differences in log ---------- 6c6,12 < Warning: 22 total messages of type: Unreachable edge '%' within tlLogic '%' --- > Warning: The traffic light 'J3' cannot be adapted to a cycle time of 90.00. > Warning: The traffic light 'J3' has a high cycle time of 272.00. > Warning: The traffic light 'J3' cannot be adapted to a cycle time of 90.00. > Warning: The traffic light 'J3' has a high cycle time of 272.00. > Warning: The traffic light 'J3' cannot be adapted to a cycle time of 90.00. > Warning: The traffic light 'J3' has a high cycle time of 272.00. > Warning: 16 total messages of type: Unreachable edge '%' within tlLogic '%' ---------- Differences in net ---------- 9c9 < <lane id=":J3_0_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.51" length="9.03" shape="-4.80,10.40 -5.15,7.95 -6.20,6.20 -7.95,5.15 -10.40,4.80"/> --- > <lane id=":J3_0_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.51" length="4.75" shape="-4.80,10.40 -5.15,7.95 -6.20,6.20 -6.40,6.08"/> 19c19,22 < <lane id=":J3_16_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.26" length="14.34" shape="-0.89,5.44 -0.85,5.15 1.40,1.40 5.15,-0.85 10.40,-1.60"/> --- > <lane id=":J3_16_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.51" length="4.28" shape="-6.40,6.08 -7.95,5.15 -10.40,4.80"/> > </edge> > <edge id=":J3_17" function="internal"> > <lane id=":J3_17_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.26" length="14.34" shape="-0.89,5.44 -0.85,5.15 1.40,1.40 5.15,-0.85 10.40,-1.60"/> 22c25 < <lane id=":J3_4_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.51" length="9.03" shape="10.40,4.80 7.95,5.15 6.20,6.20 5.15,7.95 4.80,10.40"/> --- > <lane id=":J3_4_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="7.33" length="11.73" shape="10.40,4.80 6.55,5.15 3.80,6.20 2.15,7.95 1.60,10.40"/> 31,32c34,35 < <edge id=":J3_17" function="internal"> < <lane id=":J3_17_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.26" length="14.34" shape="5.44,0.89 5.15,0.85 1.40,-1.40 -0.85,-5.15 -1.60,-10.40"/> --- > <edge id=":J3_18" function="internal"> > <lane id=":J3_18_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.26" length="14.34" shape="5.44,0.89 5.15,0.85 1.40,-1.40 -0.85,-5.15 -1.60,-10.40"/> 35c38 < <lane id=":J3_8_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.51" length="9.03" shape="4.80,-10.40 5.15,-7.95 6.20,-6.20 7.95,-5.15 10.40,-4.80"/> --- > <lane id=":J3_8_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.51" length="4.75" shape="4.80,-10.40 5.15,-7.95 6.20,-6.20 6.40,-6.08"/> 44,45c47,51 < <edge id=":J3_18" function="internal"> < <lane id=":J3_18_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.26" length="14.34" shape="0.89,-5.44 0.85,-5.15 -1.40,-1.40 -5.15,0.85 -10.40,1.60"/> --- > <edge id=":J3_19" function="internal"> <truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in additionals ---------- 6,21c6,21 < <inductionLoop id="E1_00" lane="-E2_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_01" lane="-E2_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_02" lane="E2_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_03" lane="E2_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_04" lane="-E1_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_05" lane="-E1_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_06" lane="E1_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_07" lane="E1_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_08" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_09" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_10" lane="E3_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_11" lane="E3_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_12" lane="-E0_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_13" lane="-E0_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_14" lane="E0_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_15" lane="E0_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> --- > <inductionLoop id="e1_0" lane="E4_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_1" lane="E4_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_10" lane="E2_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_10.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_11" lane="E2_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_11.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_12" lane="-E5_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_12.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_13" lane="-E5_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_13.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_14" lane="E5_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_14.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_15" lane="E5_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_15.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_2" lane="-E4_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_3" lane="-E4_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_4" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_5" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ---------- 2c2 < <viewport zoom="120.00" x="30.00" y="30.00" angle="0.00"/> --- > <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/> ---------- Differences in log ---------- 1,15c1,15 < Warning: Unreachable edge '-E2' within tlLogic 'J0' < Warning: Unreachable edge '-E1' within tlLogic 'J0' < Warning: Unreachable edge '-E3' within tlLogic 'J0' < Warning: Unreachable edge '-E0' within tlLogic 'J0' < Warning: Unreachable edge 'E0' within tlLogic 'J0' < Warning: The traffic light 'J0' cannot be adapted to a cycle time of 90.00. < Warning: The traffic light 'J0' has a high cycle time of 272.00. < Warning: The traffic light 'J0' cannot be adapted to a cycle time of 90.00. < Warning: The traffic light 'J0' has a high cycle time of 272.00. < Warning: The traffic light 'J0' cannot be adapted to a cycle time of 90.00. < Warning: The traffic light 'J0' has a high cycle time of 272.00. < Warning: The traffic light 'J0' cannot be adapted to a cycle time of 90.00. < Warning: The traffic light 'J0' has a high cycle time of 272.00. < Warning: The traffic light 'J0' cannot be adapted to a cycle time of 90.00. < Warning: The traffic light 'J0' has a high cycle time of 272.00. --- > Warning: Unreachable edge '-E3' within tlLogic 'J3' > Warning: Unreachable edge '-E2' within tlLogic 'J3' > Warning: Unreachable edge '-E5' within tlLogic 'J3' > Warning: Unreachable edge '-E4' within tlLogic 'J3' > Warning: Unreachable edge 'E2' within tlLogic 'J3' > Warning: The traffic light 'J3' cannot be adapted to a cycle time of 90.00. > Warning: The traffic light 'J3' has a high cycle time of 272.00. > Warning: The traffic light 'J3' cannot be adapted to a cycle time of 90.00. > Warning: The traffic light 'J3' has a high cycle time of 272.00. > Warning: The traffic light 'J3' cannot be adapted to a cycle time of 90.00. > Warning: The traffic light 'J3' has a high cycle time of 272.00. > Warning: The traffic light 'J3' cannot be adapted to a cycle time of 90.00. > Warning: The traffic light 'J3' has a high cycle time of 272.00. <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in net ---------- 6c6 < <location netOffset="30.00,-20.00" convBoundary="0.00,0.00,60.00,60.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.00,-10000000000.00,10000000000.00,10000000000.00" projParameter="!"/> --- > <location netOffset="0.00,0.00" convBoundary="-60.00,-30.00,60.00,30.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.000000,-10000000000.000000,10000000000.000000,10000000000.000000" projParameter="+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext +no_defs"/> 8,10c8,9 < <edge id=":J0_0" function="internal"> < <lane id=":J0_0_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.86" length="10.16" shape="25.20,41.10 24.81,38.34 23.62,36.38 21.66,35.19 18.90,34.80"/> < <lane id=":J0_0_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="8.29" length="15.32" shape="28.40,41.10 27.81,36.94 26.02,33.98 23.06,32.19 18.90,31.60"/> --- > <edge id=":J3_0" function="internal"> > <lane id=":J3_0_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.51" length="4.75" shape="-4.80,10.40 -5.15,7.95 -6.20,6.20 -6.40,6.08"/> 12,13c11,13 < <edge id=":J0_2" function="internal"> < <lane id=":J0_2_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="22.20" shape="28.40,41.10 28.40,18.90"/> --- > <edge id=":J3_1" function="internal"> > <lane id=":J3_1_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="20.80" shape="-4.80,10.40 -4.80,-10.40"/> > <lane id=":J3_1_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="20.80" shape="-1.60,10.40 -1.60,-10.40"/> 15,16c15,16 < <edge id=":J0_3" function="internal"> < <lane id=":J0_3_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="5.01" shape="28.40,41.10 29.11,36.14"/> --- > <edge id=":J3_3" function="internal"> > <lane id=":J3_3_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.26" length="5.01" shape="-1.60,10.40 -0.89,5.44"/> 18,19c18,19 < <edge id=":J0_16" function="internal"> < <lane id=":J0_16_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="15.47" shape="29.11,36.14 29.19,35.54 31.57,31.58 35.54,29.19 41.10,28.40"/> --- > <edge id=":J3_16" function="internal"> > <lane id=":J3_16_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.51" length="4.28" shape="-6.40,6.08 -7.95,5.15 -10.40,4.80"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in output ---------- 4,8c4,8 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 393 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 577 - 393 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 1024 - 393 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 178 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 618 --- > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 802 - 404 > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 582 - 405 > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 1010 - 400 > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 799 - 191 > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 799 - 609 ---------- Differences in routes ---------- 6,17c6,13 < <vehicle id="trip_1" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E2 E3 -E3 E2" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_2" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E1 E0 -E0 E1" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_3" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E3 E2 -E2 E3" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_4" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E0 E1 -E1 E0" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> --- > <trip id="t_0" depart="0.00" from="-E3" to="E4"/> > <trip id="t_1" depart="0.00" from="-E2" to="E3"/> > <trip id="t_2" depart="0.00" from="-E5" to="E2"/> > <trip id="t_3" depart="0.00" from="-E4" to="E5"/> > <flow id="f_0" begin="0.00" from="-E4" to="E2" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_1" begin="0.00" from="-E2" to="E4" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_2" begin="0.00" from="-E5" to="E3" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_3" begin="0.00" from="-E3" to="E5" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> ---------- New result in datas ---------- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd"> <interval id="set" begin="0.00" end="3600.00"> <edgeRelation from="-E3" to="E4"/> <edgeRelation from="-E4" to="E5"/> <edgeRelation from="-E5" to="E2"/> <edgeRelation from="-E2" to="E3"/> </interval> </data>
---------- Differences in additionals ---------- 6,21c6,21 < <inductionLoop id="E1_00" lane="-E2_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_01" lane="-E2_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_02" lane="E2_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_03" lane="E2_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_04" lane="-E1_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_05" lane="-E1_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_06" lane="E1_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_07" lane="E1_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_08" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_09" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_10" lane="E3_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_11" lane="E3_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_12" lane="-E0_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_13" lane="-E0_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_14" lane="E0_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_15" lane="E0_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> --- > <inductionLoop id="e1_0" lane="E4_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_1" lane="E4_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_10" lane="E2_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_10.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_11" lane="E2_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_11.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_12" lane="-E5_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_12.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_13" lane="-E5_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_13.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_14" lane="E5_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_14.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_15" lane="E5_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_15.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_2" lane="-E4_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_3" lane="-E4_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_4" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_5" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ---------- 2c2 < <viewport zoom="120.00" x="30.00" y="30.00" angle="0.00"/> --- > <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/> ---------- Differences in log ---------- 1,16c1,16 < Warning: Unreachable edge '-E2' within tlLogic 'J0' < Warning: Unreachable edge '-E1' within tlLogic 'J0' < Warning: Unreachable edge '-E3' within tlLogic 'J0' < Warning: Unreachable edge '-E0' within tlLogic 'J0' < Warning: Unreachable edge 'E0' within tlLogic 'J0' < Warning: The traffic light 'J0' cannot be adapted to a cycle time of 90.00. < Warning: The traffic light 'J0' has a high cycle time of 272.00. < Warning: The traffic light 'J0' cannot be adapted to a cycle time of 90.00. < Warning: The traffic light 'J0' has a high cycle time of 272.00. < Warning: The traffic light 'J0' cannot be adapted to a cycle time of 90.00. < Warning: The traffic light 'J0' has a high cycle time of 272.00. < Warning: Generating NEMA phases is not support for traffic light 'J0' with 8 incoming edges. Using tlType 'actuated' as fallback < Warning: The traffic light 'J0' cannot be adapted to a cycle time of 90.00. < Warning: The traffic light 'J0' has a high cycle time of 272.00. < Warning: The traffic light 'J0' cannot be adapted to a cycle time of 90.00. < Warning: The traffic light 'J0' has a high cycle time of 272.00. --- > Warning: Unreachable edge '-E3' within tlLogic 'J3' > Warning: Unreachable edge '-E2' within tlLogic 'J3' > Warning: Unreachable edge '-E5' within tlLogic 'J3' > Warning: Unreachable edge '-E4' within tlLogic 'J3' > Warning: Unreachable edge 'E2' within tlLogic 'J3' > Warning: The traffic light 'J3' cannot be adapted to a cycle time of 90.00. > Warning: The traffic light 'J3' has a high cycle time of 272.00. > Warning: The traffic light 'J3' cannot be adapted to a cycle time of 90.00. > Warning: The traffic light 'J3' has a high cycle time of 272.00. > Warning: The traffic light 'J3' cannot be adapted to a cycle time of 90.00. > Warning: The traffic light 'J3' has a high cycle time of 272.00. > Warning: Generating NEMA phases is not support for traffic light 'J3' with 8 incoming edges. Using tlType 'actuated' as fallback <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in net ---------- 6c6 < <location netOffset="30.00,-20.00" convBoundary="0.00,0.00,60.00,60.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.00,-10000000000.00,10000000000.00,10000000000.00" projParameter="!"/> --- > <location netOffset="0.00,0.00" convBoundary="-60.00,-30.00,60.00,30.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.000000,-10000000000.000000,10000000000.000000,10000000000.000000" projParameter="+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext +no_defs"/> 8,10c8,9 < <edge id=":J0_0" function="internal"> < <lane id=":J0_0_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.86" length="10.16" shape="25.20,41.10 24.81,38.34 23.62,36.38 21.66,35.19 18.90,34.80"/> < <lane id=":J0_0_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="8.29" length="15.32" shape="28.40,41.10 27.81,36.94 26.02,33.98 23.06,32.19 18.90,31.60"/> --- > <edge id=":J3_0" function="internal"> > <lane id=":J3_0_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.51" length="4.75" shape="-4.80,10.40 -5.15,7.95 -6.20,6.20 -6.40,6.08"/> 12,13c11,13 < <edge id=":J0_2" function="internal"> < <lane id=":J0_2_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="22.20" shape="28.40,41.10 28.40,18.90"/> --- > <edge id=":J3_1" function="internal"> > <lane id=":J3_1_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="20.80" shape="-4.80,10.40 -4.80,-10.40"/> > <lane id=":J3_1_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="20.80" shape="-1.60,10.40 -1.60,-10.40"/> 15,16c15,16 < <edge id=":J0_3" function="internal"> < <lane id=":J0_3_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="5.01" shape="28.40,41.10 29.11,36.14"/> --- > <edge id=":J3_3" function="internal"> > <lane id=":J3_3_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.26" length="5.01" shape="-1.60,10.40 -0.89,5.44"/> 18,19c18,19 < <edge id=":J0_16" function="internal"> < <lane id=":J0_16_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="15.47" shape="29.11,36.14 29.19,35.54 31.57,31.58 35.54,29.19 41.10,28.40"/> --- > <edge id=":J3_16" function="internal"> > <lane id=":J3_16_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.51" length="4.28" shape="-6.40,6.08 -7.95,5.15 -10.40,4.80"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in output ---------- 4,8c4,8 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 393 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 577 - 393 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 1024 - 393 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 178 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 618 --- > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 802 - 404 > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 582 - 405 > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 1010 - 400 > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 799 - 191 > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 799 - 609 ---------- Differences in routes ---------- 6,17c6,13 < <vehicle id="trip_1" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E2 E3 -E3 E2" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_2" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E1 E0 -E0 E1" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_3" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E3 E2 -E2 E3" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_4" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E0 E1 -E1 E0" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> --- > <trip id="t_0" depart="0.00" from="-E3" to="E4"/> > <trip id="t_1" depart="0.00" from="-E2" to="E3"/> > <trip id="t_2" depart="0.00" from="-E5" to="E2"/> > <trip id="t_3" depart="0.00" from="-E4" to="E5"/> > <flow id="f_0" begin="0.00" from="-E4" to="E2" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_1" begin="0.00" from="-E2" to="E4" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_2" begin="0.00" from="-E5" to="E3" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_3" begin="0.00" from="-E3" to="E5" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> ---------- New result in datas ---------- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd"> <interval id="set" begin="0.00" end="3600.00"> <edgeRelation from="-E3" to="E4"/> <edgeRelation from="-E4" to="E5"/> <edgeRelation from="-E5" to="E2"/> <edgeRelation from="-E2" to="E3"/> </interval> </data>
---------- Differences in net ---------- 163a164 > <phase duration="90" state="ryryryryryryryryryrr" minDur="5" maxDur="50" vehext="2" yellow="3" red="2" name="1"/> 165d165 < <phase duration="90" state="yryryryryryryryryrrr" minDur="5" maxDur="50" vehext="2" yellow="3" red="2" name="1"/>
---------- Differences in net ---------- 163,164c163,164 < <phase duration="90" state="rgrgrgrgrgrgrgrgrgrg" name="6"/> < <phase duration="180" state="grgrgrgrgrgrgrgrgrgr" name="8"/> --- > <phase duration="180" state="rgrgrgrgrgrgrgrgrgrg" name="6"/> > <phase duration="90" state="grgrgrgrgrgrgrgrgrgr" name="8"/>
---------- Differences in net ---------- 164d163 < <phase duration="90" state="grgrgrgrgrgrgrgrgrgr" name="8"/> 165a165 > <phase duration="90" state="grgrgrgrgrgrgrgrgrgr" name="8"/>network trafficlights joined phases NEMA buttons add green ( Last six runs Aug2024 )
---------- Differences in log ---------- 6d5 < Warning: Unused state in tlLogic 'J3_joined', program '0' at tl-index 20 ---------- Differences in net ---------- 163,164c163,164 < <phase duration="90" state="rgrgrgrgrgrgrgrgrgrgr" name="6"/> < <phase duration="90" state="grgrgrgrgrgrgrgrgrgrr" name="8"/> --- > <phase duration="90" state="rgrgrgrgrgrgrgrgrgrg" name="6"/> > <phase duration="90" state="grgrgrgrgrgrgrgrgrgr" name="8"/>
---------- Differences in net ---------- 163,164c163,164 < <phase duration="90" state="rgrgrgrgrgrgrgrgrgrg" name="6"/> < <phase duration="90" state="grgrgrgrgrgrgrgrgrgr" name="8"/> --- > <phase duration="90" state="rgrgrgrgrgrg" name="6"/> > <phase duration="90" state="grgrgrgrgrgr" name="8"/> 217,220c217,220 < <connection from="-E2" to="E3" fromLane="1" toLane="2" via=":J3_4_0" tl="J3_joined" linkIndex="4" dir="r" state="w"/> < <connection from="-E2" to="E4" fromLane="1" toLane="1" via=":J3_5_0" tl="J3_joined" linkIndex="5" dir="s" state="w"/> < <connection from="-E2" to="E4" fromLane="2" toLane="2" via=":J3_5_1" tl="J3_joined" linkIndex="6" dir="s" state="w"/> < <connection from="-E2" to="E5" fromLane="2" toLane="2" via=":J3_7_0" tl="J3_joined" linkIndex="7" dir="l" state="w"/> --- > <connection from="-E2" to="E3" fromLane="1" toLane="2" via=":J3_4_0" tl="J3_joined" linkIndex="2" dir="r" state="w"/> > <connection from="-E2" to="E4" fromLane="1" toLane="1" via=":J3_5_0" tl="J3_joined" linkIndex="3" dir="s" state="w"/> > <connection from="-E2" to="E4" fromLane="2" toLane="2" via=":J3_5_1" tl="J3_joined" linkIndex="2" dir="s" state="w"/> > <connection from="-E2" to="E5" fromLane="2" toLane="2" via=":J3_7_0" tl="J3_joined" linkIndex="3" dir="l" state="w"/> 223,233c223,233 < <connection from="-E3" to="E5" fromLane="2" toLane="2" via=":J3_1_1" tl="J3_joined" linkIndex="2" dir="s" state="w"/> < <connection from="-E3" to="E2" fromLane="2" toLane="2" via=":J3_3_0" tl="J3_joined" linkIndex="3" dir="l" state="w"/> < <connection from="-E4" to="E5" fromLane="1" toLane="1" via=":J3_12_0" tl="J3_joined" linkIndex="12" dir="r" state="w"/> < <connection from="-E4" to="E2" fromLane="1" toLane="1" via=":J3_13_0" tl="J3_joined" linkIndex="13" dir="s" state="w"/> < <connection from="-E4" to="E2" fromLane="2" toLane="2" via=":J3_13_1" tl="J3_joined" linkIndex="14" dir="s" state="w"/> < <connection from="-E4" to="E3" fromLane="2" toLane="2" via=":J3_15_0" tl="J3_joined" linkIndex="15" dir="l" state="w"/> < <connection from="-E5" to="E2" fromLane="1" toLane="1" via=":J3_8_0" tl="J3_joined" linkIndex="8" dir="r" state="w"/> < <connection from="-E5" to="E3" fromLane="1" toLane="1" via=":J3_9_0" tl="J3_joined" linkIndex="9" dir="s" state="w"/> < <connection from="-E5" to="E3" fromLane="2" toLane="2" via=":J3_9_1" tl="J3_joined" linkIndex="10" dir="s" state="w"/> < <connection from="-E5" to="E4" fromLane="2" toLane="2" via=":J3_11_0" tl="J3_joined" linkIndex="11" dir="l" state="w"/> < <connection from="E2" to="-E2" fromLane="2" toLane="2" via=":J4_0_0" tl="J3_joined" linkIndex="16" dir="t" state="w"/> --- > <connection from="-E3" to="E5" fromLane="2" toLane="2" via=":J3_1_1" tl="J3_joined" linkIndex="0" dir="s" state="w"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in net ---------- 163c163 < <phase duration="90" state="rgrgrgrgrgrgrgrgrgrg" name="6"/> --- > <phase duration="90" state="grgrgrgrgrgrgrgrgrgr" name="8"/>
---------- Differences in log ---------- 5a6 > Warning: Unused state in tlLogic 'J3_joined', program '0' at tl-index 20 ---------- Differences in net ---------- 163,164c163,164 < <phase duration="90" state="rgrgrgrgrgrg" name="6"/> < <phase duration="90" state="grgrgrgrgrgr" name="8"/> --- > <phase duration="90" state="rgrgrgrgrgrgrgrgrgrgr" name="6"/> > <phase duration="90" state="grgrgrgrgrgrgrgrgrgrr" name="8"/> 217,220c217,220 < <connection from="-E2" to="E3" fromLane="1" toLane="2" via=":J3_4_0" tl="J3_joined" linkIndex="2" dir="r" state="w"/> < <connection from="-E2" to="E4" fromLane="1" toLane="1" via=":J3_5_0" tl="J3_joined" linkIndex="3" dir="s" state="w"/> < <connection from="-E2" to="E4" fromLane="2" toLane="2" via=":J3_5_1" tl="J3_joined" linkIndex="2" dir="s" state="w"/> < <connection from="-E2" to="E5" fromLane="2" toLane="2" via=":J3_7_0" tl="J3_joined" linkIndex="3" dir="l" state="w"/> --- > <connection from="-E2" to="E3" fromLane="1" toLane="2" via=":J3_4_0" tl="J3_joined" linkIndex="4" dir="r" state="w"/> > <connection from="-E2" to="E4" fromLane="1" toLane="1" via=":J3_5_0" tl="J3_joined" linkIndex="5" dir="s" state="w"/> > <connection from="-E2" to="E4" fromLane="2" toLane="2" via=":J3_5_1" tl="J3_joined" linkIndex="6" dir="s" state="w"/> > <connection from="-E2" to="E5" fromLane="2" toLane="2" via=":J3_7_0" tl="J3_joined" linkIndex="7" dir="l" state="w"/> 223,233c223,233 < <connection from="-E3" to="E5" fromLane="2" toLane="2" via=":J3_1_1" tl="J3_joined" linkIndex="0" dir="s" state="w"/> < <connection from="-E3" to="E2" fromLane="2" toLane="2" via=":J3_3_0" tl="J3_joined" linkIndex="1" dir="l" state="w"/> < <connection from="-E4" to="E5" fromLane="1" toLane="1" via=":J3_12_0" tl="J3_joined" linkIndex="6" dir="r" state="w"/> < <connection from="-E4" to="E2" fromLane="1" toLane="1" via=":J3_13_0" tl="J3_joined" linkIndex="7" dir="s" state="w"/> < <connection from="-E4" to="E2" fromLane="2" toLane="2" via=":J3_13_1" tl="J3_joined" linkIndex="6" dir="s" state="w"/> < <connection from="-E4" to="E3" fromLane="2" toLane="2" via=":J3_15_0" tl="J3_joined" linkIndex="7" dir="l" state="w"/> < <connection from="-E5" to="E2" fromLane="1" toLane="1" via=":J3_8_0" tl="J3_joined" linkIndex="4" dir="r" state="w"/> < <connection from="-E5" to="E3" fromLane="1" toLane="1" via=":J3_9_0" tl="J3_joined" linkIndex="5" dir="s" state="w"/> < <connection from="-E5" to="E3" fromLane="2" toLane="2" via=":J3_9_1" tl="J3_joined" linkIndex="4" dir="s" state="w"/> < <connection from="-E5" to="E4" fromLane="2" toLane="2" via=":J3_11_0" tl="J3_joined" linkIndex="5" dir="l" state="w"/> < <connection from="E2" to="-E2" fromLane="2" toLane="2" via=":J4_0_0" tl="J3_joined" linkIndex="8" dir="t" state="w"/> --- > <connection from="-E3" to="E5" fromLane="2" toLane="2" via=":J3_1_1" tl="J3_joined" linkIndex="2" dir="s" state="w"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in log ---------- 6d5 < Warning: 7 total messages of type: Non-static traffic light '%' does not define variable phase length.
---------- Differences in additionals ---------- 6,21c6,21 < <inductionLoop id="E1_00" lane="-E2_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_01" lane="-E2_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_02" lane="E2_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_03" lane="E2_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_04" lane="-E1_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_05" lane="-E1_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_06" lane="E1_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_07" lane="E1_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_08" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_09" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_10" lane="E3_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_11" lane="E3_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_12" lane="-E0_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_13" lane="-E0_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_14" lane="E0_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_15" lane="E0_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> --- > <inductionLoop id="e1_0" lane="E4_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_1" lane="E4_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_10" lane="E2_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_10.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_11" lane="E2_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_11.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_12" lane="-E5_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_12.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_13" lane="-E5_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_13.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_14" lane="E5_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_14.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_15" lane="E5_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_15.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_2" lane="-E4_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_3" lane="-E4_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_4" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_5" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ---------- 2c2 < <viewport zoom="120.00" x="30.00" y="30.00" angle="0.00"/> --- > <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/> ---------- Differences in net ---------- 6c6 < <location netOffset="30.00,-20.00" convBoundary="0.00,0.00,60.00,60.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.00,-10000000000.00,10000000000.00,10000000000.00" projParameter="!"/> --- > <location netOffset="0.00,0.00" convBoundary="-60.00,-30.00,60.00,30.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.000000,-10000000000.000000,10000000000.000000,10000000000.000000" projParameter="+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext +no_defs"/> 8,10c8,9 < <edge id=":J0_0" function="internal"> < <lane id=":J0_0_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.86" length="10.16" shape="25.20,41.10 24.81,38.34 23.62,36.37 21.66,35.19 18.90,34.80"/> < <lane id=":J0_0_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="8.29" length="15.32" shape="28.40,41.10 27.81,36.94 26.02,33.98 23.06,32.19 18.90,31.60"/> --- > <edge id=":J3_0" function="internal"> > <lane id=":J3_0_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.51" length="4.75" shape="-4.80,10.40 -5.15,7.95 -6.20,6.20 -6.40,6.08"/> 12,13c11,13 < <edge id=":J0_2" function="internal"> < <lane id=":J0_2_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="22.20" shape="28.40,41.10 28.40,18.90"/> --- > <edge id=":J3_1" function="internal"> > <lane id=":J3_1_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="20.80" shape="-4.80,10.40 -4.80,-10.40"/> > <lane id=":J3_1_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="20.80" shape="-1.60,10.40 -1.60,-10.40"/> 15,16c15,16 < <edge id=":J0_3" function="internal"> < <lane id=":J0_3_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="5.01" shape="28.40,41.10 29.11,36.14"/> --- > <edge id=":J3_3" function="internal"> > <lane id=":J3_3_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.26" length="5.01" shape="-1.60,10.40 -0.89,5.44"/> 18,19c18,19 < <edge id=":J0_16" function="internal"> < <lane id=":J0_16_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="15.47" shape="29.11,36.14 29.19,35.54 31.57,31.58 35.54,29.19 41.10,28.40"/> --- > <edge id=":J3_16" function="internal"> > <lane id=":J3_16_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.51" length="4.28" shape="-6.40,6.08 -7.95,5.15 -10.40,4.80"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in output ---------- 4c4 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 393 --- > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 802 - 404 ---------- Differences in routes ---------- 6,17c6,13 < <vehicle id="trip_1" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E2 E3 -E3 E2" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_2" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E1 E0 -E0 E1" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_3" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E3 E2 -E2 E3" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_4" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E0 E1 -E1 E0" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> --- > <trip id="t_0" depart="0.00" from="-E3" to="E4"/> > <trip id="t_1" depart="0.00" from="-E2" to="E3"/> > <trip id="t_2" depart="0.00" from="-E5" to="E2"/> > <trip id="t_3" depart="0.00" from="-E4" to="E5"/> > <flow id="f_0" begin="0.00" from="-E4" to="E2" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_1" begin="0.00" from="-E2" to="E4" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_2" begin="0.00" from="-E5" to="E3" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_3" begin="0.00" from="-E3" to="E5" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> ---------- New result in datas ---------- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd"> <interval id="set" begin="0.00" end="3600.00"> <edgeRelation from="-E3" to="E4"/> <edgeRelation from="-E4" to="E5"/> <edgeRelation from="-E5" to="E2"/> <edgeRelation from="-E2" to="E3"/> </interval> </data>network trafficlights joined programs delete ( Last six runs Aug2024 )
---------- Differences in additionals ---------- 6,21c6,21 < <inductionLoop id="E1_00" lane="-E2_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_01" lane="-E2_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_02" lane="E2_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_03" lane="E2_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_04" lane="-E1_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_05" lane="-E1_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_06" lane="E1_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_07" lane="E1_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_08" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_09" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_10" lane="E3_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_11" lane="E3_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_12" lane="-E0_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_13" lane="-E0_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_14" lane="E0_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_15" lane="E0_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> --- > <inductionLoop id="e1_0" lane="E4_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_1" lane="E4_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_10" lane="E2_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_10.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_11" lane="E2_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_11.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_12" lane="-E5_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_12.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_13" lane="-E5_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_13.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_14" lane="E5_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_14.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_15" lane="E5_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_15.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_2" lane="-E4_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_3" lane="-E4_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_4" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_5" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ---------- 2c2 < <viewport zoom="120.00" x="30.00" y="30.00" angle="0.00"/> --- > <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/> ---------- Differences in net ---------- 6c6 < <location netOffset="30.00,-20.00" convBoundary="0.00,0.00,60.00,60.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.00,-10000000000.00,10000000000.00,10000000000.00" projParameter="!"/> --- > <location netOffset="0.00,0.00" convBoundary="-60.00,-30.00,60.00,30.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.000000,-10000000000.000000,10000000000.000000,10000000000.000000" projParameter="+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext +no_defs"/> 8,10c8,9 < <edge id=":J0_0" function="internal"> < <lane id=":J0_0_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.86" length="10.16" shape="25.20,41.10 24.81,38.34 23.62,36.38 21.66,35.19 18.90,34.80"/> < <lane id=":J0_0_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="8.29" length="15.32" shape="28.40,41.10 27.81,36.94 26.02,33.98 23.06,32.19 18.90,31.60"/> --- > <edge id=":J3_0" function="internal"> > <lane id=":J3_0_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.51" length="4.75" shape="-4.80,10.40 -5.15,7.95 -6.20,6.20 -6.40,6.08"/> 12,13c11,13 < <edge id=":J0_2" function="internal"> < <lane id=":J0_2_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="22.20" shape="28.40,41.10 28.40,18.90"/> --- > <edge id=":J3_1" function="internal"> > <lane id=":J3_1_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="20.80" shape="-4.80,10.40 -4.80,-10.40"/> > <lane id=":J3_1_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="20.80" shape="-1.60,10.40 -1.60,-10.40"/> 15,16c15,16 < <edge id=":J0_3" function="internal"> < <lane id=":J0_3_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="5.01" shape="28.40,41.10 29.11,36.14"/> --- > <edge id=":J3_3" function="internal"> > <lane id=":J3_3_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.26" length="5.01" shape="-1.60,10.40 -0.89,5.44"/> 18,19c18,19 < <edge id=":J0_16" function="internal"> < <lane id=":J0_16_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="15.47" shape="29.11,36.14 29.19,35.54 31.57,31.58 35.54,29.19 41.10,28.40"/> --- > <edge id=":J3_16" function="internal"> > <lane id=":J3_16_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.51" length="4.28" shape="-6.40,6.08 -7.95,5.15 -10.40,4.80"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in output ---------- 4c4 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 393 --- > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 802 - 404 ---------- Differences in routes ---------- 6,17c6,13 < <vehicle id="trip_1" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E2 E3 -E3 E2" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_2" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E1 E0 -E0 E1" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_3" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E3 E2 -E2 E3" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_4" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E0 E1 -E1 E0" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> --- > <trip id="t_0" depart="0.00" from="-E3" to="E4"/> > <trip id="t_1" depart="0.00" from="-E2" to="E3"/> > <trip id="t_2" depart="0.00" from="-E5" to="E2"/> > <trip id="t_3" depart="0.00" from="-E4" to="E5"/> > <flow id="f_0" begin="0.00" from="-E4" to="E2" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_1" begin="0.00" from="-E2" to="E4" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_2" begin="0.00" from="-E5" to="E3" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_3" begin="0.00" from="-E3" to="E5" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> ---------- New result in datas ---------- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd"> <interval id="set" begin="0.00" end="3600.00"> <edgeRelation from="-E3" to="E4"/> <edgeRelation from="-E4" to="E5"/> <edgeRelation from="-E5" to="E2"/> <edgeRelation from="-E2" to="E3"/> </interval> </data>network trafficlights joined programs resetall ( Last six runs Aug2024 )
---------- Differences in additionals ---------- 6,21c6,21 < <inductionLoop id="E1_00" lane="-E2_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_01" lane="-E2_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_02" lane="E2_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_03" lane="E2_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_04" lane="-E1_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_05" lane="-E1_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_06" lane="E1_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_07" lane="E1_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_08" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_09" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_10" lane="E3_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_11" lane="E3_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_12" lane="-E0_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_13" lane="-E0_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_14" lane="E0_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_15" lane="E0_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> --- > <inductionLoop id="e1_0" lane="E4_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_1" lane="E4_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_10" lane="E2_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_10.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_11" lane="E2_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_11.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_12" lane="-E5_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_12.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_13" lane="-E5_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_13.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_14" lane="E5_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_14.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_15" lane="E5_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_15.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_2" lane="-E4_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_3" lane="-E4_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_4" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_5" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ---------- 2c2 < <viewport zoom="120.00" x="30.00" y="30.00" angle="0.00"/> --- > <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/> ---------- Differences in net ---------- 6c6 < <location netOffset="30.00,-20.00" convBoundary="0.00,0.00,60.00,60.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.00,-10000000000.00,10000000000.00,10000000000.00" projParameter="!"/> --- > <location netOffset="0.00,0.00" convBoundary="-60.00,-30.00,60.00,30.00" origBoundary="-10000000000.000000,-10000000000.000000,10000000000.000000,10000000000.000000" projParameter="+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext +no_defs"/> 8,13c8,9 < <edge id=":J0_0" function="internal"> < <lane id=":J0_0_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.86" length="10.16" shape="25.20,41.10 24.81,38.34 23.62,36.38 21.66,35.19 18.90,34.80"/> < <lane id=":J0_0_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="8.29" length="15.32" shape="28.40,41.10 27.81,36.94 26.02,33.98 23.06,32.19 18.90,31.60"/> < </edge> < <edge id=":J0_2" function="internal"> < <lane id=":J0_2_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="22.20" shape="28.40,41.10 28.40,18.90"/> --- > <edge id=":J3_0" function="internal"> > <lane id=":J3_0_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.51" length="4.75" shape="-4.80,10.40 -5.15,7.95 -6.20,6.20 -6.40,6.08"/> 15,16c11,13 < <edge id=":J0_3" function="internal"> < <lane id=":J0_3_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="5.01" shape="28.40,41.10 29.11,36.14"/> --- > <edge id=":J3_1" function="internal"> > <lane id=":J3_1_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="20.80" shape="-4.80,10.40 -4.80,-10.40"/> > <lane id=":J3_1_1" index="1" disallow="pedestrian" speed="13.89" length="20.80" shape="-1.60,10.40 -1.60,-10.40"/> 18,19c15,16 < <edge id=":J0_16" function="internal"> < <lane id=":J0_16_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.51" length="15.47" shape="29.11,36.14 29.19,35.54 31.57,31.58 35.54,29.19 41.10,28.40"/> --- > <edge id=":J3_3" function="internal"> > <lane id=":J3_3_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.26" length="5.01" shape="-1.60,10.40 -0.89,5.44"/> 21,23c18,19 < <edge id=":J0_4" function="internal"> < <lane id=":J0_4_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.86" length="10.16" shape="41.10,34.80 38.34,35.19 36.38,36.38 35.19,38.34 34.80,41.10"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in output ---------- 4c4 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 393 --- > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 802 - 404 ---------- Differences in routes ---------- 6,17c6,13 < <vehicle id="trip_1" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E2 E3 -E3 E2" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_2" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E1 E0 -E0 E1" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_3" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E3 E2 -E2 E3" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_4" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E0 E1 -E1 E0" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> --- > <trip id="t_0" depart="0.00" from="-E3" to="E4"/> > <trip id="t_1" depart="0.00" from="-E2" to="E3"/> > <trip id="t_2" depart="0.00" from="-E5" to="E2"/> > <trip id="t_3" depart="0.00" from="-E4" to="E5"/> > <flow id="f_0" begin="0.00" from="-E4" to="E2" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_1" begin="0.00" from="-E2" to="E4" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_2" begin="0.00" from="-E5" to="E3" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_3" begin="0.00" from="-E3" to="E5" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> ---------- New result in datas ---------- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd"> <interval id="set" begin="0.00" end="3600.00"> <edgeRelation from="-E3" to="E4"/> <edgeRelation from="-E4" to="E5"/> <edgeRelation from="-E5" to="E2"/> <edgeRelation from="-E2" to="E3"/> </interval> </data>
---------- Differences in additionals ---------- 6,21c6,21 < <inductionLoop id="E1_00" lane="-E2_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_01" lane="-E2_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_02" lane="E2_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_03" lane="E2_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_04" lane="-E1_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_05" lane="-E1_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_06" lane="E1_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_07" lane="E1_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_08" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_09" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_10" lane="E3_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_11" lane="E3_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_12" lane="-E0_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_13" lane="-E0_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_14" lane="E0_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_15" lane="E0_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> --- > <inductionLoop id="e1_0" lane="E4_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_1" lane="E4_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_10" lane="E2_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_10.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_11" lane="E2_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_11.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_12" lane="-E5_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_12.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_13" lane="-E5_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_13.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_14" lane="E5_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_14.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_15" lane="E5_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_15.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_2" lane="-E4_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_3" lane="-E4_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_4" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_5" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ---------- 2c2 < <viewport zoom="120.00" x="30.00" y="30.00" angle="0.00"/> --- > <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/> ---------- Differences in net ---------- 163a164 > <phase duration="90" state="yyyyrrrrrrrrrrrrrr" minDur="5" maxDur="50" vehext="2" yellow="3" red="2" name="1"/> ---------- Differences in output ---------- 4c4 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 393 --- > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 802 - 404 ---------- Differences in routes ---------- 6,17c6,13 < <vehicle id="trip_1" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E2 E3 -E3 E2" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_2" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E1 E0 -E0 E1" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_3" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E3 E2 -E2 E3" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_4" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E0 E1 -E1 E0" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> --- > <trip id="t_0" depart="0.00" from="-E3" to="E4"/> > <trip id="t_1" depart="0.00" from="-E2" to="E3"/> > <trip id="t_2" depart="0.00" from="-E5" to="E2"/> > <trip id="t_3" depart="0.00" from="-E4" to="E5"/> > <flow id="f_0" begin="0.00" from="-E4" to="E2" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_1" begin="0.00" from="-E2" to="E4" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_2" begin="0.00" from="-E5" to="E3" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_3" begin="0.00" from="-E3" to="E5" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> ---------- New result in datas ---------- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd"> <interval id="set" begin="0.00" end="3600.00"> <edgeRelation from="-E3" to="E4"/> <edgeRelation from="-E4" to="E5"/> <edgeRelation from="-E5" to="E2"/> <edgeRelation from="-E2" to="E3"/> </interval> </data>
---------- Differences in additionals ---------- 6,21c6,21 < <inductionLoop id="E1_00" lane="-E2_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_01" lane="-E2_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_02" lane="E2_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_03" lane="E2_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_04" lane="-E1_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_05" lane="-E1_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_06" lane="E1_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_07" lane="E1_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_08" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_09" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_10" lane="E3_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_11" lane="E3_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_12" lane="-E0_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_13" lane="-E0_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_14" lane="E0_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_15" lane="E0_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> --- > <inductionLoop id="e1_0" lane="E4_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_1" lane="E4_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_10" lane="E2_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_10.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_11" lane="E2_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_11.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_12" lane="-E5_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_12.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_13" lane="-E5_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_13.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_14" lane="E5_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_14.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_15" lane="E5_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_15.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_2" lane="-E4_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_3" lane="-E4_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_4" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_5" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ---------- 2c2 < <viewport zoom="120.00" x="30.00" y="30.00" angle="0.00"/> --- > <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/> ---------- Differences in net ---------- 163c163 < <phase duration="90" state="gGGgrrrrrrrrrrrrrG" minDur="5" maxDur="50" vehext="2" yellow="3" red="2" name="2"/> --- > <phase duration="180" state="gGGgrrrrrrrrrrrrrG" minDur="10" maxDur="100" vehext="2" yellow="3" red="2" name="2"/> ---------- Differences in output ---------- 4c4 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 393 --- > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 802 - 404 ---------- Differences in routes ---------- 6,17c6,13 < <vehicle id="trip_1" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E2 E3 -E3 E2" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_2" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E1 E0 -E0 E1" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_3" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E3 E2 -E2 E3" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_4" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E0 E1 -E1 E0" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> --- > <trip id="t_0" depart="0.00" from="-E3" to="E4"/> > <trip id="t_1" depart="0.00" from="-E2" to="E3"/> > <trip id="t_2" depart="0.00" from="-E5" to="E2"/> > <trip id="t_3" depart="0.00" from="-E4" to="E5"/> > <flow id="f_0" begin="0.00" from="-E4" to="E2" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_1" begin="0.00" from="-E2" to="E4" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_2" begin="0.00" from="-E5" to="E3" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_3" begin="0.00" from="-E3" to="E5" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> ---------- New result in datas ---------- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd"> <interval id="set" begin="0.00" end="3600.00"> <edgeRelation from="-E3" to="E4"/> <edgeRelation from="-E4" to="E5"/> <edgeRelation from="-E5" to="E2"/> <edgeRelation from="-E2" to="E3"/> </interval> </data>
---------- Differences in additionals ---------- 6,21c6,21 < <inductionLoop id="E1_00" lane="-E2_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_01" lane="-E2_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_02" lane="E2_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_03" lane="E2_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_04" lane="-E1_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_05" lane="-E1_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_06" lane="E1_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_07" lane="E1_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_08" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_09" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_10" lane="E3_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_11" lane="E3_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_12" lane="-E0_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_13" lane="-E0_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_14" lane="E0_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_15" lane="E0_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> --- > <inductionLoop id="e1_0" lane="E4_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_1" lane="E4_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_10" lane="E2_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_10.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_11" lane="E2_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_11.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_12" lane="-E5_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_12.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_13" lane="-E5_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_13.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_14" lane="E5_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_14.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_15" lane="E5_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_15.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_2" lane="-E4_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_3" lane="-E4_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_4" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_5" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ---------- 2c2 < <viewport zoom="120.00" x="30.00" y="30.00" angle="0.00"/> --- > <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/> ---------- Differences in net ---------- 163a164 > <phase duration="90" state="gggggggggggggggggg" minDur="5" maxDur="50" vehext="2" yellow="3" red="2" name="1"/> ---------- Differences in output ---------- 4c4 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 393 --- > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 802 - 404 ---------- Differences in routes ---------- 6,17c6,13 < <vehicle id="trip_1" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E2 E3 -E3 E2" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_2" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E1 E0 -E0 E1" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_3" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E3 E2 -E2 E3" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_4" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E0 E1 -E1 E0" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> --- > <trip id="t_0" depart="0.00" from="-E3" to="E4"/> > <trip id="t_1" depart="0.00" from="-E2" to="E3"/> > <trip id="t_2" depart="0.00" from="-E5" to="E2"/> > <trip id="t_3" depart="0.00" from="-E4" to="E5"/> > <flow id="f_0" begin="0.00" from="-E4" to="E2" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_1" begin="0.00" from="-E2" to="E4" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_2" begin="0.00" from="-E5" to="E3" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_3" begin="0.00" from="-E3" to="E5" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> ---------- New result in datas ---------- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd"> <interval id="set" begin="0.00" end="3600.00"> <edgeRelation from="-E3" to="E4"/> <edgeRelation from="-E4" to="E5"/> <edgeRelation from="-E5" to="E2"/> <edgeRelation from="-E2" to="E3"/> </interval> </data>
---------- Differences in additionals ---------- 6,21c6,21 < <inductionLoop id="E1_00" lane="-E2_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_01" lane="-E2_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_02" lane="E2_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_03" lane="E2_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_04" lane="-E1_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_05" lane="-E1_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_06" lane="E1_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_07" lane="E1_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_08" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_09" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_10" lane="E3_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_11" lane="E3_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_12" lane="-E0_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_13" lane="-E0_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_14" lane="E0_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_15" lane="E0_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> --- > <inductionLoop id="e1_0" lane="E4_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_1" lane="E4_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_10" lane="E2_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_10.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_11" lane="E2_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_11.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_12" lane="-E5_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_12.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_13" lane="-E5_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_13.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_14" lane="E5_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_14.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_15" lane="E5_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_15.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_2" lane="-E4_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_3" lane="-E4_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_4" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_5" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ---------- 2c2 < <viewport zoom="120.00" x="30.00" y="30.00" angle="0.00"/> --- > <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/> ---------- Differences in net ---------- 163a164 > <phase duration="90" state="GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG" minDur="5" maxDur="50" vehext="2" yellow="3" red="2" name="1"/> ---------- Differences in output ---------- 4c4 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 393 --- > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 802 - 404 ---------- Differences in routes ---------- 6,17c6,13 < <vehicle id="trip_1" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E2 E3 -E3 E2" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_2" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E1 E0 -E0 E1" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_3" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E3 E2 -E2 E3" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_4" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E0 E1 -E1 E0" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> --- > <trip id="t_0" depart="0.00" from="-E3" to="E4"/> > <trip id="t_1" depart="0.00" from="-E2" to="E3"/> > <trip id="t_2" depart="0.00" from="-E5" to="E2"/> > <trip id="t_3" depart="0.00" from="-E4" to="E5"/> > <flow id="f_0" begin="0.00" from="-E4" to="E2" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_1" begin="0.00" from="-E2" to="E4" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_2" begin="0.00" from="-E5" to="E3" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_3" begin="0.00" from="-E3" to="E5" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> ---------- New result in datas ---------- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd"> <interval id="set" begin="0.00" end="3600.00"> <edgeRelation from="-E3" to="E4"/> <edgeRelation from="-E4" to="E5"/> <edgeRelation from="-E5" to="E2"/> <edgeRelation from="-E2" to="E3"/> </interval> </data>
---------- Differences in additionals ---------- 6,21c6,21 < <inductionLoop id="E1_00" lane="-E2_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_01" lane="-E2_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_02" lane="E2_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_03" lane="E2_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_04" lane="-E1_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_05" lane="-E1_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_06" lane="E1_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_07" lane="E1_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_08" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_09" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_10" lane="E3_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_11" lane="E3_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_12" lane="-E0_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_13" lane="-E0_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_14" lane="E0_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_15" lane="E0_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> --- > <inductionLoop id="e1_0" lane="E4_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_1" lane="E4_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_10" lane="E2_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_10.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_11" lane="E2_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_11.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_12" lane="-E5_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_12.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_13" lane="-E5_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_13.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_14" lane="E5_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_14.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_15" lane="E5_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_15.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_2" lane="-E4_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_3" lane="-E4_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_4" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_5" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ---------- 2c2 < <viewport zoom="120.00" x="30.00" y="30.00" angle="0.00"/> --- > <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/> ---------- Differences in net ---------- 163a164 > <phase duration="90" state="rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr" minDur="5" maxDur="50" vehext="2" yellow="3" red="2" name="1"/> ---------- Differences in output ---------- 4c4 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 393 --- > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 802 - 404 ---------- Differences in routes ---------- 6,17c6,13 < <vehicle id="trip_1" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E2 E3 -E3 E2" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_2" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E1 E0 -E0 E1" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_3" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E3 E2 -E2 E3" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_4" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E0 E1 -E1 E0" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> --- > <trip id="t_0" depart="0.00" from="-E3" to="E4"/> > <trip id="t_1" depart="0.00" from="-E2" to="E3"/> > <trip id="t_2" depart="0.00" from="-E5" to="E2"/> > <trip id="t_3" depart="0.00" from="-E4" to="E5"/> > <flow id="f_0" begin="0.00" from="-E4" to="E2" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_1" begin="0.00" from="-E2" to="E4" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_2" begin="0.00" from="-E5" to="E3" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_3" begin="0.00" from="-E3" to="E5" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> ---------- New result in datas ---------- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd"> <interval id="set" begin="0.00" end="3600.00"> <edgeRelation from="-E3" to="E4"/> <edgeRelation from="-E4" to="E5"/> <edgeRelation from="-E5" to="E2"/> <edgeRelation from="-E2" to="E3"/> </interval> </data>
---------- Differences in additionals ---------- 6,21c6,21 < <inductionLoop id="E1_00" lane="-E2_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_01" lane="-E2_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_02" lane="E2_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_03" lane="E2_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_04" lane="-E1_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_05" lane="-E1_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_06" lane="E1_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_07" lane="E1_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_08" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_09" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_10" lane="E3_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_11" lane="E3_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_12" lane="-E0_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_13" lane="-E0_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_14" lane="E0_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_15" lane="E0_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> --- > <inductionLoop id="e1_0" lane="E4_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_1" lane="E4_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_10" lane="E2_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_10.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_11" lane="E2_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_11.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_12" lane="-E5_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_12.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_13" lane="-E5_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_13.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_14" lane="E5_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_14.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_15" lane="E5_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_15.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_2" lane="-E4_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_3" lane="-E4_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_4" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_5" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ---------- 2c2 < <viewport zoom="120.00" x="30.00" y="30.00" angle="0.00"/> --- > <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/> ---------- Differences in net ---------- 163a164 > <phase duration="90" state="yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy" minDur="5" maxDur="50" vehext="2" yellow="3" red="2" name="1"/> ---------- Differences in output ---------- 4c4 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 393 --- > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 802 - 404 ---------- Differences in routes ---------- 6,17c6,13 < <vehicle id="trip_1" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E2 E3 -E3 E2" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_2" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E1 E0 -E0 E1" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_3" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E3 E2 -E2 E3" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_4" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E0 E1 -E1 E0" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> --- > <trip id="t_0" depart="0.00" from="-E3" to="E4"/> > <trip id="t_1" depart="0.00" from="-E2" to="E3"/> > <trip id="t_2" depart="0.00" from="-E5" to="E2"/> > <trip id="t_3" depart="0.00" from="-E4" to="E5"/> > <flow id="f_0" begin="0.00" from="-E4" to="E2" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_1" begin="0.00" from="-E2" to="E4" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_2" begin="0.00" from="-E5" to="E3" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_3" begin="0.00" from="-E3" to="E5" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> ---------- New result in datas ---------- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd"> <interval id="set" begin="0.00" end="3600.00"> <edgeRelation from="-E3" to="E4"/> <edgeRelation from="-E4" to="E5"/> <edgeRelation from="-E5" to="E2"/> <edgeRelation from="-E2" to="E3"/> </interval> </data>
---------- Differences in additionals ---------- 6,21c6,21 < <inductionLoop id="E1_00" lane="-E2_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_01" lane="-E2_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_02" lane="E2_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_03" lane="E2_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_04" lane="-E1_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_05" lane="-E1_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_06" lane="E1_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_07" lane="E1_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_08" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_09" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_10" lane="E3_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_11" lane="E3_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_12" lane="-E0_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_13" lane="-E0_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_14" lane="E0_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_15" lane="E0_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> --- > <inductionLoop id="e1_0" lane="E4_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_1" lane="E4_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_10" lane="E2_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_10.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_11" lane="E2_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_11.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_12" lane="-E5_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_12.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_13" lane="-E5_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_13.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_14" lane="E5_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_14.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_15" lane="E5_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_15.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_2" lane="-E4_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_3" lane="-E4_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_4" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_5" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ---------- 2c2 < <viewport zoom="120.00" x="30.00" y="30.00" angle="0.00"/> --- > <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/> ---------- Differences in log ---------- 1c1 < Warning: Unused state in tlLogic 'J0', program '0' at tl-index 16 --- > Warning: Unused state in tlLogic 'J3', program '0' at tl-index 18 ---------- Differences in net ---------- 163,166c163,166 < <phase duration="90" state="gGGgrrrrrrrrrrrrrG" minDur="5" maxDur="50" vehext="2" yellow="3" red="2" name="2"/> < <phase duration="90" state="rrrrrrrrgGGgrrrrGr" minDur="5" maxDur="50" vehext="2" yellow="3" red="2" name="6"/> < <phase duration="90" state="rrrrGGGgrrrrrrrrrr" minDur="5" maxDur="50" vehext="2" yellow="3" red="2" name="4"/> < <phase duration="90" state="rrrrrrrrrrrrGGGgrr" minDur="5" maxDur="50" vehext="2" yellow="3" red="2" name="8"/> --- > <phase duration="90" state="gGGgrrrrrrrrrrrrrGr" minDur="5" maxDur="50" vehext="2" yellow="3" red="2" name="2"/> > <phase duration="90" state="rrrrrrrrgGGgrrrrGrr" minDur="5" maxDur="50" vehext="2" yellow="3" red="2" name="6"/> > <phase duration="90" state="rrrrGGGgrrrrrrrrrrr" minDur="5" maxDur="50" vehext="2" yellow="3" red="2" name="4"/> > <phase duration="90" state="rrrrrrrrrrrrGGGgrrr" minDur="5" maxDur="50" vehext="2" yellow="3" red="2" name="8"/> ---------- Differences in output ---------- 4c4 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 393 --- > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 802 - 404 ---------- Differences in routes ---------- 6,17c6,13 < <vehicle id="trip_1" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E2 E3 -E3 E2" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_2" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E1 E0 -E0 E1" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_3" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E3 E2 -E2 E3" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_4" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E0 E1 -E1 E0" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> --- > <trip id="t_0" depart="0.00" from="-E3" to="E4"/> > <trip id="t_1" depart="0.00" from="-E2" to="E3"/> > <trip id="t_2" depart="0.00" from="-E5" to="E2"/> > <trip id="t_3" depart="0.00" from="-E4" to="E5"/> > <flow id="f_0" begin="0.00" from="-E4" to="E2" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_1" begin="0.00" from="-E2" to="E4" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_2" begin="0.00" from="-E5" to="E3" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_3" begin="0.00" from="-E3" to="E5" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> ---------- New result in datas ---------- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd"> <interval id="set" begin="0.00" end="3600.00"> <edgeRelation from="-E3" to="E4"/> <edgeRelation from="-E4" to="E5"/> <edgeRelation from="-E5" to="E2"/> <edgeRelation from="-E2" to="E3"/> </interval> </data>
---------- Differences in additionals ---------- 6,21c6,21 < <inductionLoop id="E1_00" lane="-E2_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_01" lane="-E2_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_02" lane="E2_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_03" lane="E2_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_04" lane="-E1_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_05" lane="-E1_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_06" lane="E1_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_07" lane="E1_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_08" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_09" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_10" lane="E3_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_11" lane="E3_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_12" lane="-E0_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_13" lane="-E0_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_14" lane="E0_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_15" lane="E0_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> --- > <inductionLoop id="e1_0" lane="E4_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_1" lane="E4_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_10" lane="E2_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_10.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_11" lane="E2_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_11.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_12" lane="-E5_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_12.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_13" lane="-E5_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_13.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_14" lane="E5_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_14.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_15" lane="E5_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_15.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_2" lane="-E4_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_3" lane="-E4_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_4" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_5" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ---------- 2c2 < <viewport zoom="120.00" x="30.00" y="30.00" angle="0.00"/> --- > <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/> ---------- Differences in output ---------- 4c4 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 393 --- > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 802 - 404 ---------- Differences in routes ---------- 6,17c6,13 < <vehicle id="trip_1" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E2 E3 -E3 E2" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_2" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E1 E0 -E0 E1" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_3" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E3 E2 -E2 E3" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_4" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E0 E1 -E1 E0" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> --- > <trip id="t_0" depart="0.00" from="-E3" to="E4"/> > <trip id="t_1" depart="0.00" from="-E2" to="E3"/> > <trip id="t_2" depart="0.00" from="-E5" to="E2"/> > <trip id="t_3" depart="0.00" from="-E4" to="E5"/> > <flow id="f_0" begin="0.00" from="-E4" to="E2" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_1" begin="0.00" from="-E2" to="E4" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_2" begin="0.00" from="-E5" to="E3" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_3" begin="0.00" from="-E3" to="E5" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> ---------- New result in datas ---------- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd"> <interval id="set" begin="0.00" end="3600.00"> <edgeRelation from="-E3" to="E4"/> <edgeRelation from="-E4" to="E5"/> <edgeRelation from="-E5" to="E2"/> <edgeRelation from="-E2" to="E3"/> </interval> </data>network trafficlights single phases NEMA buttons cleanstates ( Last six runs Aug2024 )
---------- Differences in additionals ---------- 6,21c6,21 < <inductionLoop id="E1_00" lane="-E2_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_01" lane="-E2_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_02" lane="E2_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_03" lane="E2_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_04" lane="-E1_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_05" lane="-E1_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_06" lane="E1_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_07" lane="E1_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_08" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_09" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_10" lane="E3_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_11" lane="E3_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_12" lane="-E0_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_13" lane="-E0_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_14" lane="E0_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_15" lane="E0_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> --- > <inductionLoop id="e1_0" lane="E4_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_1" lane="E4_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_10" lane="E2_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_10.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_11" lane="E2_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_11.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_12" lane="-E5_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_12.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_13" lane="-E5_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_13.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_14" lane="E5_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_14.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_15" lane="E5_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_15.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_2" lane="-E4_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_3" lane="-E4_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_4" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_5" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ---------- 2c2 < <viewport zoom="120.00" x="30.00" y="30.00" angle="0.00"/> --- > <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/> ---------- Differences in net ---------- 164d163 < <phase duration="90" state="rrrrrrrrgGGgrrrrGr" minDur="5" maxDur="50" vehext="2" yellow="3" red="2" name="6"/> ---------- Differences in output ---------- 4c4 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 393 --- > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 802 - 404 ---------- Differences in routes ---------- 6,17c6,13 < <vehicle id="trip_1" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E2 E3 -E3 E2" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_2" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E1 E0 -E0 E1" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_3" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E3 E2 -E2 E3" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_4" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E0 E1 -E1 E0" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> --- > <trip id="t_0" depart="0.00" from="-E3" to="E4"/> > <trip id="t_1" depart="0.00" from="-E2" to="E3"/> > <trip id="t_2" depart="0.00" from="-E5" to="E2"/> > <trip id="t_3" depart="0.00" from="-E4" to="E5"/> > <flow id="f_0" begin="0.00" from="-E4" to="E2" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_1" begin="0.00" from="-E2" to="E4" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_2" begin="0.00" from="-E5" to="E3" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_3" begin="0.00" from="-E3" to="E5" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> ---------- New result in datas ---------- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd"> <interval id="set" begin="0.00" end="3600.00"> <edgeRelation from="-E3" to="E4"/> <edgeRelation from="-E4" to="E5"/> <edgeRelation from="-E5" to="E2"/> <edgeRelation from="-E2" to="E3"/> </interval> </data>
---------- Differences in additionals ---------- 6,21c6,21 < <inductionLoop id="E1_00" lane="-E2_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_01" lane="-E2_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_02" lane="E2_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_03" lane="E2_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_04" lane="-E1_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_05" lane="-E1_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_06" lane="E1_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_07" lane="E1_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_08" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_09" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_10" lane="E3_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_11" lane="E3_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_12" lane="-E0_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_13" lane="-E0_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_14" lane="E0_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_15" lane="E0_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> --- > <inductionLoop id="e1_0" lane="E4_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_1" lane="E4_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_10" lane="E2_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_10.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_11" lane="E2_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_11.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_12" lane="-E5_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_12.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_13" lane="-E5_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_13.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_14" lane="E5_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_14.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_15" lane="E5_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_15.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_2" lane="-E4_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_3" lane="-E4_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_4" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_5" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ---------- 2c2 < <viewport zoom="120.00" x="30.00" y="30.00" angle="0.00"/> --- > <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/> ---------- Differences in net ---------- 163,166c163,166 < <phase duration="90" state="gGGgrrrrrrrrrrrrrG" minDur="5" maxDur="50" vehext="2" yellow="3" red="2" name="2"/> < <phase duration="90" state="rrrrrrrrgGGgrrrrGr" minDur="5" maxDur="50" vehext="2" yellow="3" red="2" name="6"/> < <phase duration="90" state="rrrrGGGgrrrrrrrrrr" minDur="5" maxDur="50" vehext="2" yellow="3" red="2" name="4"/> < <phase duration="90" state="rrrrrrrrrrrrGGGgrr" minDur="5" maxDur="50" vehext="2" yellow="3" red="2" name="8"/> --- > <phase duration="90" state="gGrrrrrrrG" minDur="5" maxDur="50" vehext="2" yellow="3" red="2" name="2"/> > <phase duration="90" state="rrrrgGrrGr" minDur="5" maxDur="50" vehext="2" yellow="3" red="2" name="6"/> > <phase duration="90" state="rrGgrrrrrr" minDur="5" maxDur="50" vehext="2" yellow="3" red="2" name="4"/> > <phase duration="90" state="rrrrrrGgrr" minDur="5" maxDur="50" vehext="2" yellow="3" red="2" name="8"/> 219,222c219,222 < <connection from="-E2" to="E3" fromLane="1" toLane="2" via=":J3_4_0" tl="J3" linkIndex="4" dir="r" state="o"/> < <connection from="-E2" to="E4" fromLane="1" toLane="1" via=":J3_5_0" tl="J3" linkIndex="5" dir="s" state="o"/> < <connection from="-E2" to="E4" fromLane="2" toLane="2" via=":J3_5_1" tl="J3" linkIndex="6" dir="s" state="o"/> < <connection from="-E2" to="E5" fromLane="2" toLane="2" via=":J3_7_0" tl="J3" linkIndex="7" dir="l" state="o"/> --- > <connection from="-E2" to="E3" fromLane="1" toLane="2" via=":J3_4_0" tl="J3" linkIndex="2" dir="r" state="o"/> > <connection from="-E2" to="E4" fromLane="1" toLane="1" via=":J3_5_0" tl="J3" linkIndex="2" dir="s" state="o"/> > <connection from="-E2" to="E4" fromLane="2" toLane="2" via=":J3_5_1" tl="J3" linkIndex="2" dir="s" state="o"/> > <connection from="-E2" to="E5" fromLane="2" toLane="2" via=":J3_7_0" tl="J3" linkIndex="3" dir="l" state="o"/> 225,234c225,234 < <connection from="-E3" to="E5" fromLane="2" toLane="2" via=":J3_1_1" tl="J3" linkIndex="2" dir="s" state="O"/> < <connection from="-E3" to="E2" fromLane="2" toLane="2" via=":J3_3_0" tl="J3" linkIndex="3" dir="l" state="o"/> < <connection from="-E4" to="E5" fromLane="1" toLane="1" via=":J3_12_0" tl="J3" linkIndex="12" dir="r" state="o"/> < <connection from="-E4" to="E2" fromLane="1" toLane="1" via=":J3_13_0" tl="J3" linkIndex="13" dir="s" state="o"/> < <connection from="-E4" to="E2" fromLane="2" toLane="2" via=":J3_13_1" tl="J3" linkIndex="14" dir="s" state="o"/> < <connection from="-E4" to="E3" fromLane="2" toLane="2" via=":J3_15_0" tl="J3" linkIndex="15" dir="l" state="o"/> < <connection from="-E5" to="E2" fromLane="1" toLane="1" via=":J3_8_0" tl="J3" linkIndex="8" dir="r" state="o"/> < <connection from="-E5" to="E3" fromLane="1" toLane="1" via=":J3_9_0" tl="J3" linkIndex="9" dir="s" state="O"/> < <connection from="-E5" to="E3" fromLane="2" toLane="2" via=":J3_9_1" tl="J3" linkIndex="10" dir="s" state="O"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in output ---------- 4c4 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 393 --- > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 802 - 404 ---------- Differences in routes ---------- 6,17c6,13 < <vehicle id="trip_1" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E2 E3 -E3 E2" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_2" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E1 E0 -E0 E1" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_3" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E3 E2 -E2 E3" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_4" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E0 E1 -E1 E0" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> --- > <trip id="t_0" depart="0.00" from="-E3" to="E4"/> > <trip id="t_1" depart="0.00" from="-E2" to="E3"/> > <trip id="t_2" depart="0.00" from="-E5" to="E2"/> > <trip id="t_3" depart="0.00" from="-E4" to="E5"/> > <flow id="f_0" begin="0.00" from="-E4" to="E2" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_1" begin="0.00" from="-E2" to="E4" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_2" begin="0.00" from="-E5" to="E3" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_3" begin="0.00" from="-E3" to="E5" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> ---------- New result in datas ---------- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd"> <interval id="set" begin="0.00" end="3600.00"> <edgeRelation from="-E3" to="E4"/> <edgeRelation from="-E4" to="E5"/> <edgeRelation from="-E5" to="E2"/> <edgeRelation from="-E2" to="E3"/> </interval> </data>
---------- Differences in additionals ---------- 6,21c6,21 < <inductionLoop id="E1_00" lane="-E2_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_01" lane="-E2_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_02" lane="E2_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_03" lane="E2_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_04" lane="-E1_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_05" lane="-E1_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_06" lane="E1_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_07" lane="E1_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_08" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_09" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_10" lane="E3_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_11" lane="E3_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_12" lane="-E0_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_13" lane="-E0_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_14" lane="E0_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_15" lane="E0_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> --- > <inductionLoop id="e1_0" lane="E4_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_1" lane="E4_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_10" lane="E2_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_10.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_11" lane="E2_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_11.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_12" lane="-E5_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_12.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_13" lane="-E5_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_13.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_14" lane="E5_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_14.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_15" lane="E5_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_15.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_2" lane="-E4_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_3" lane="-E4_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_4" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_5" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ---------- 2c2 < <viewport zoom="120.00" x="30.00" y="30.00" angle="0.00"/> --- > <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/> ---------- Differences in net ---------- 165d164 < <phase duration="90" state="rrrrGGGgrrrrrrrrrr" minDur="5" maxDur="50" vehext="2" yellow="3" red="2" name="4"/> 166a166 > <phase duration="90" state="rrrrGGGgrrrrrrrrrr" minDur="5" maxDur="50" vehext="2" yellow="3" red="2" name="4"/> ---------- Differences in output ---------- 4c4 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 393 --- > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 802 - 404 ---------- Differences in routes ---------- 6,17c6,13 < <vehicle id="trip_1" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E2 E3 -E3 E2" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_2" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E1 E0 -E0 E1" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_3" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E3 E2 -E2 E3" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_4" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E0 E1 -E1 E0" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> --- > <trip id="t_0" depart="0.00" from="-E3" to="E4"/> > <trip id="t_1" depart="0.00" from="-E2" to="E3"/> > <trip id="t_2" depart="0.00" from="-E5" to="E2"/> > <trip id="t_3" depart="0.00" from="-E4" to="E5"/> > <flow id="f_0" begin="0.00" from="-E4" to="E2" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_1" begin="0.00" from="-E2" to="E4" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_2" begin="0.00" from="-E5" to="E3" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_3" begin="0.00" from="-E3" to="E5" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> ---------- New result in datas ---------- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd"> <interval id="set" begin="0.00" end="3600.00"> <edgeRelation from="-E3" to="E4"/> <edgeRelation from="-E4" to="E5"/> <edgeRelation from="-E5" to="E2"/> <edgeRelation from="-E2" to="E3"/> </interval> </data>
---------- Differences in additionals ---------- 6,21c6,21 < <inductionLoop id="E1_00" lane="-E2_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_01" lane="-E2_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_02" lane="E2_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_03" lane="E2_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_04" lane="-E1_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_05" lane="-E1_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_06" lane="E1_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_07" lane="E1_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_08" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_09" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_10" lane="E3_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_11" lane="E3_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_12" lane="-E0_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_13" lane="-E0_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_14" lane="E0_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_15" lane="E0_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> --- > <inductionLoop id="e1_0" lane="E4_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_1" lane="E4_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_10" lane="E2_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_10.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_11" lane="E2_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_11.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_12" lane="-E5_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_12.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_13" lane="-E5_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_13.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_14" lane="E5_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_14.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_15" lane="E5_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_15.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_2" lane="-E4_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_3" lane="-E4_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_4" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_5" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ---------- 2c2 < <viewport zoom="120.00" x="30.00" y="30.00" angle="0.00"/> --- > <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/> ---------- Differences in net ---------- 164d163 < <phase duration="90" state="rrrrrrrrgGGgrrrrGr" minDur="5" maxDur="50" vehext="2" yellow="3" red="2" name="6"/> 165a165 > <phase duration="90" state="rrrrrrrrgGGgrrrrGr" minDur="5" maxDur="50" vehext="2" yellow="3" red="2" name="6"/> ---------- Differences in output ---------- 4c4 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 393 --- > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 802 - 404 ---------- Differences in routes ---------- 6,17c6,13 < <vehicle id="trip_1" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E2 E3 -E3 E2" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_2" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E1 E0 -E0 E1" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_3" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E3 E2 -E2 E3" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_4" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E0 E1 -E1 E0" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> --- > <trip id="t_0" depart="0.00" from="-E3" to="E4"/> > <trip id="t_1" depart="0.00" from="-E2" to="E3"/> > <trip id="t_2" depart="0.00" from="-E5" to="E2"/> > <trip id="t_3" depart="0.00" from="-E4" to="E5"/> > <flow id="f_0" begin="0.00" from="-E4" to="E2" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_1" begin="0.00" from="-E2" to="E4" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_2" begin="0.00" from="-E5" to="E3" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_3" begin="0.00" from="-E3" to="E5" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> ---------- New result in datas ---------- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd"> <interval id="set" begin="0.00" end="3600.00"> <edgeRelation from="-E3" to="E4"/> <edgeRelation from="-E4" to="E5"/> <edgeRelation from="-E5" to="E2"/> <edgeRelation from="-E2" to="E3"/> </interval> </data>
---------- Differences in additionals ---------- 6,21c6,21 < <inductionLoop id="E1_00" lane="-E2_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_01" lane="-E2_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_02" lane="E2_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_03" lane="E2_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_04" lane="-E1_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_05" lane="-E1_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_06" lane="E1_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_07" lane="E1_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_08" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_09" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_10" lane="E3_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_11" lane="E3_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_12" lane="-E0_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_13" lane="-E0_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_14" lane="E0_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_15" lane="E0_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> --- > <inductionLoop id="e1_0" lane="E4_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_1" lane="E4_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_10" lane="E2_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_10.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_11" lane="E2_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_11.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_12" lane="-E5_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_12.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_13" lane="-E5_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_13.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_14" lane="E5_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_14.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_15" lane="E5_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_15.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_2" lane="-E4_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_3" lane="-E4_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_4" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_5" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ---------- 2c2 < <viewport zoom="120.00" x="30.00" y="30.00" angle="0.00"/> --- > <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/> ---------- Differences in net ---------- 163c163 < <phase duration="90" state="gGGgrrrrrrrrrrrrrG" minDur="5" maxDur="50" vehext="2" yellow="3" red="2" name="2"/> --- > <phase duration="13.15" state="gGGgrrrrrrrrrrrrrG" minDur="5" maxDur="50" vehext="2" yellow="3" red="2" name="2"/> ---------- Differences in output ---------- 4c4 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 393 --- > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 802 - 404 ---------- Differences in routes ---------- 6,17c6,13 < <vehicle id="trip_1" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E2 E3 -E3 E2" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_2" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E1 E0 -E0 E1" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_3" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E3 E2 -E2 E3" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_4" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E0 E1 -E1 E0" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> --- > <trip id="t_0" depart="0.00" from="-E3" to="E4"/> > <trip id="t_1" depart="0.00" from="-E2" to="E3"/> > <trip id="t_2" depart="0.00" from="-E5" to="E2"/> > <trip id="t_3" depart="0.00" from="-E4" to="E5"/> > <flow id="f_0" begin="0.00" from="-E4" to="E2" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_1" begin="0.00" from="-E2" to="E4" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_2" begin="0.00" from="-E5" to="E3" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_3" begin="0.00" from="-E3" to="E5" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> ---------- New result in datas ---------- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd"> <interval id="set" begin="0.00" end="3600.00"> <edgeRelation from="-E3" to="E4"/> <edgeRelation from="-E4" to="E5"/> <edgeRelation from="-E5" to="E2"/> <edgeRelation from="-E2" to="E3"/> </interval> </data>
---------- Differences in additionals ---------- 6,21c6,21 < <inductionLoop id="E1_00" lane="-E2_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_01" lane="-E2_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_02" lane="E2_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_03" lane="E2_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_04" lane="-E1_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_05" lane="-E1_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_06" lane="E1_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_07" lane="E1_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_08" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_09" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_10" lane="E3_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_11" lane="E3_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_12" lane="-E0_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_13" lane="-E0_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_14" lane="E0_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_15" lane="E0_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> --- > <inductionLoop id="e1_0" lane="E4_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_1" lane="E4_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_10" lane="E2_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_10.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_11" lane="E2_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_11.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_12" lane="-E5_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_12.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_13" lane="-E5_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_13.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_14" lane="E5_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_14.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_15" lane="E5_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_15.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_2" lane="-E4_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_3" lane="-E4_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_4" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_5" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ---------- 2c2 < <viewport zoom="120.00" x="30.00" y="30.00" angle="0.00"/> --- > <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/> ---------- Differences in net ---------- 165c165 < <phase duration="90" state="rrrrGGGgrrrrrrrrrr" minDur="5" maxDur="50" vehext="2" yellow="3" red="2" name="4"/> --- > <phase duration="90" state="rrrrGGGgrrrrrrrrrr" minDur="5" maxDur="13.15" vehext="2" yellow="3" red="2" name="4"/> ---------- Differences in output ---------- 4c4 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 393 --- > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 802 - 404 ---------- Differences in routes ---------- 6,17c6,13 < <vehicle id="trip_1" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E2 E3 -E3 E2" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_2" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E1 E0 -E0 E1" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_3" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E3 E2 -E2 E3" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_4" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E0 E1 -E1 E0" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> --- > <trip id="t_0" depart="0.00" from="-E3" to="E4"/> > <trip id="t_1" depart="0.00" from="-E2" to="E3"/> > <trip id="t_2" depart="0.00" from="-E5" to="E2"/> > <trip id="t_3" depart="0.00" from="-E4" to="E5"/> > <flow id="f_0" begin="0.00" from="-E4" to="E2" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_1" begin="0.00" from="-E2" to="E4" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_2" begin="0.00" from="-E5" to="E3" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_3" begin="0.00" from="-E3" to="E5" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> ---------- New result in datas ---------- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd"> <interval id="set" begin="0.00" end="3600.00"> <edgeRelation from="-E3" to="E4"/> <edgeRelation from="-E4" to="E5"/> <edgeRelation from="-E5" to="E2"/> <edgeRelation from="-E2" to="E3"/> </interval> </data>
---------- Differences in additionals ---------- 6,21c6,21 < <inductionLoop id="E1_00" lane="-E2_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_01" lane="-E2_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_02" lane="E2_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_03" lane="E2_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_04" lane="-E1_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_05" lane="-E1_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_06" lane="E1_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_07" lane="E1_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_08" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_09" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_10" lane="E3_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_11" lane="E3_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_12" lane="-E0_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_13" lane="-E0_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_14" lane="E0_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_15" lane="E0_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> --- > <inductionLoop id="e1_0" lane="E4_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_1" lane="E4_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_10" lane="E2_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_10.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_11" lane="E2_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_11.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_12" lane="-E5_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_12.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_13" lane="-E5_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_13.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_14" lane="E5_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_14.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_15" lane="E5_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_15.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_2" lane="-E4_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_3" lane="-E4_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_4" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_5" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ---------- 2c2 < <viewport zoom="120.00" x="30.00" y="30.00" angle="0.00"/> --- > <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/> ---------- Differences in net ---------- 164c164 < <phase duration="90" state="rrrrrrrrgGGgrrrrGr" minDur="5" maxDur="50" vehext="2" yellow="3" red="2" name="6"/> --- > <phase duration="90" state="rrrrrrrrgGGgrrrrGr" minDur="13.15" maxDur="50" vehext="2" yellow="3" red="2" name="6"/> ---------- Differences in output ---------- 4c4 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 393 --- > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 802 - 404 ---------- Differences in routes ---------- 6,17c6,13 < <vehicle id="trip_1" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E2 E3 -E3 E2" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_2" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E1 E0 -E0 E1" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_3" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E3 E2 -E2 E3" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_4" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E0 E1 -E1 E0" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> --- > <trip id="t_0" depart="0.00" from="-E3" to="E4"/> > <trip id="t_1" depart="0.00" from="-E2" to="E3"/> > <trip id="t_2" depart="0.00" from="-E5" to="E2"/> > <trip id="t_3" depart="0.00" from="-E4" to="E5"/> > <flow id="f_0" begin="0.00" from="-E4" to="E2" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_1" begin="0.00" from="-E2" to="E4" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_2" begin="0.00" from="-E5" to="E3" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_3" begin="0.00" from="-E3" to="E5" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> ---------- New result in datas ---------- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd"> <interval id="set" begin="0.00" end="3600.00"> <edgeRelation from="-E3" to="E4"/> <edgeRelation from="-E4" to="E5"/> <edgeRelation from="-E5" to="E2"/> <edgeRelation from="-E2" to="E3"/> </interval> </data>
---------- Differences in additionals ---------- 6,21c6,21 < <inductionLoop id="E1_00" lane="-E2_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_01" lane="-E2_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_02" lane="E2_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_03" lane="E2_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_04" lane="-E1_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_05" lane="-E1_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_06" lane="E1_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_07" lane="E1_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_08" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_09" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_10" lane="E3_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_11" lane="E3_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_12" lane="-E0_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_13" lane="-E0_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_14" lane="E0_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_15" lane="E0_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> --- > <inductionLoop id="e1_0" lane="E4_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_1" lane="E4_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_10" lane="E2_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_10.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_11" lane="E2_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_11.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_12" lane="-E5_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_12.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_13" lane="-E5_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_13.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_14" lane="E5_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_14.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_15" lane="E5_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_15.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_2" lane="-E4_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_3" lane="-E4_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_4" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_5" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ---------- 2c2 < <viewport zoom="120.00" x="30.00" y="30.00" angle="0.00"/> --- > <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/> ---------- Differences in net ---------- 163c163 < <phase duration="90" state="gGGgrrrrrrrrrrrrrG" minDur="5" maxDur="50" vehext="2" yellow="3" red="2" name="2"/> --- > <phase duration="90" state="gGGgrrrrrrrrrrrrrG" minDur="5" maxDur="50" vehext="2" yellow="3" red="2" name="custom name"/> ---------- Differences in output ---------- 4c4 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 393 --- > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 802 - 404 ---------- Differences in routes ---------- 6,17c6,13 < <vehicle id="trip_1" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E2 E3 -E3 E2" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_2" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E1 E0 -E0 E1" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_3" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E3 E2 -E2 E3" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_4" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E0 E1 -E1 E0" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> --- > <trip id="t_0" depart="0.00" from="-E3" to="E4"/> > <trip id="t_1" depart="0.00" from="-E2" to="E3"/> > <trip id="t_2" depart="0.00" from="-E5" to="E2"/> > <trip id="t_3" depart="0.00" from="-E4" to="E5"/> > <flow id="f_0" begin="0.00" from="-E4" to="E2" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_1" begin="0.00" from="-E2" to="E4" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_2" begin="0.00" from="-E5" to="E3" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_3" begin="0.00" from="-E3" to="E5" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> ---------- New result in datas ---------- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd"> <interval id="set" begin="0.00" end="3600.00"> <edgeRelation from="-E3" to="E4"/> <edgeRelation from="-E4" to="E5"/> <edgeRelation from="-E5" to="E2"/> <edgeRelation from="-E2" to="E3"/> </interval> </data>
---------- Differences in additionals ---------- 6,21c6,21 < <inductionLoop id="E1_00" lane="-E2_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_01" lane="-E2_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_02" lane="E2_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_03" lane="E2_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_04" lane="-E1_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_05" lane="-E1_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_06" lane="E1_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_07" lane="E1_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_08" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_09" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_10" lane="E3_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_11" lane="E3_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_12" lane="-E0_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_13" lane="-E0_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_14" lane="E0_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_15" lane="E0_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> --- > <inductionLoop id="e1_0" lane="E4_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_1" lane="E4_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_10" lane="E2_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_10.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_11" lane="E2_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_11.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_12" lane="-E5_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_12.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_13" lane="-E5_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_13.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_14" lane="E5_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_14.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_15" lane="E5_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_15.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_2" lane="-E4_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_3" lane="-E4_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_4" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_5" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ---------- 2c2 < <viewport zoom="120.00" x="30.00" y="30.00" angle="0.00"/> --- > <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/> ---------- Differences in net ---------- 166c166 < <phase duration="90" state="rrrrrrrrrrrrGGGgrr" minDur="5" maxDur="50" vehext="2" yellow="3" red="2" name="8"/> --- > <phase duration="90" state="rrrrrrrrrrrrGGGgrr" minDur="5" maxDur="50" vehext="2" yellow="3" red="2" name="8" next="1"/> ---------- Differences in output ---------- 4c4 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 393 --- > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 802 - 404 ---------- Differences in routes ---------- 6,17c6,13 < <vehicle id="trip_1" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E2 E3 -E3 E2" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_2" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E1 E0 -E0 E1" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_3" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E3 E2 -E2 E3" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_4" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E0 E1 -E1 E0" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> --- > <trip id="t_0" depart="0.00" from="-E3" to="E4"/> > <trip id="t_1" depart="0.00" from="-E2" to="E3"/> > <trip id="t_2" depart="0.00" from="-E5" to="E2"/> > <trip id="t_3" depart="0.00" from="-E4" to="E5"/> > <flow id="f_0" begin="0.00" from="-E4" to="E2" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_1" begin="0.00" from="-E2" to="E4" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_2" begin="0.00" from="-E5" to="E3" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_3" begin="0.00" from="-E3" to="E5" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> ---------- New result in datas ---------- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd"> <interval id="set" begin="0.00" end="3600.00"> <edgeRelation from="-E3" to="E4"/> <edgeRelation from="-E4" to="E5"/> <edgeRelation from="-E5" to="E2"/> <edgeRelation from="-E2" to="E3"/> </interval> </data>
---------- Differences in additionals ---------- 6,21c6,21 < <inductionLoop id="E1_00" lane="-E2_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_01" lane="-E2_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_02" lane="E2_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_03" lane="E2_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_04" lane="-E1_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_05" lane="-E1_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_06" lane="E1_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_07" lane="E1_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_08" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_09" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_10" lane="E3_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_11" lane="E3_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_12" lane="-E0_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_13" lane="-E0_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_14" lane="E0_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_15" lane="E0_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> --- > <inductionLoop id="e1_0" lane="E4_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_1" lane="E4_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_10" lane="E2_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_10.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_11" lane="E2_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_11.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_12" lane="-E5_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_12.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_13" lane="-E5_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_13.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_14" lane="E5_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_14.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_15" lane="E5_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_15.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_2" lane="-E4_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_3" lane="-E4_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_4" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_5" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ---------- 2c2 < <viewport zoom="120.00" x="30.00" y="30.00" angle="0.00"/> --- > <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/> ---------- Differences in net ---------- 165c165 < <phase duration="90" state="rrrrGGGgrrrrrrrrrr" minDur="5" maxDur="50" vehext="2" yellow="3" red="2" name="4"/> --- > <phase duration="90" state="rrrrGGGgrrrrrrrrrr" minDur="5" maxDur="50" vehext="2" yellow="3" red="13.15" name="4"/> ---------- Differences in output ---------- 4c4 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 393 --- > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 802 - 404 ---------- Differences in routes ---------- 6,17c6,13 < <vehicle id="trip_1" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E2 E3 -E3 E2" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_2" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E1 E0 -E0 E1" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_3" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E3 E2 -E2 E3" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_4" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E0 E1 -E1 E0" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> --- > <trip id="t_0" depart="0.00" from="-E3" to="E4"/> > <trip id="t_1" depart="0.00" from="-E2" to="E3"/> > <trip id="t_2" depart="0.00" from="-E5" to="E2"/> > <trip id="t_3" depart="0.00" from="-E4" to="E5"/> > <flow id="f_0" begin="0.00" from="-E4" to="E2" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_1" begin="0.00" from="-E2" to="E4" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_2" begin="0.00" from="-E5" to="E3" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_3" begin="0.00" from="-E3" to="E5" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> ---------- New result in datas ---------- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd"> <interval id="set" begin="0.00" end="3600.00"> <edgeRelation from="-E3" to="E4"/> <edgeRelation from="-E4" to="E5"/> <edgeRelation from="-E5" to="E2"/> <edgeRelation from="-E2" to="E3"/> </interval> </data>
---------- Differences in additionals ---------- 6,21c6,21 < <inductionLoop id="E1_00" lane="-E2_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_01" lane="-E2_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_02" lane="E2_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_03" lane="E2_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_04" lane="-E1_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_05" lane="-E1_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_06" lane="E1_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_07" lane="E1_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_08" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_09" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_10" lane="E3_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_11" lane="E3_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_12" lane="-E0_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_13" lane="-E0_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_14" lane="E0_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_15" lane="E0_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> --- > <inductionLoop id="e1_0" lane="E4_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_1" lane="E4_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_10" lane="E2_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_10.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_11" lane="E2_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_11.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_12" lane="-E5_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_12.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_13" lane="-E5_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_13.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_14" lane="E5_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_14.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_15" lane="E5_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_15.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_2" lane="-E4_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_3" lane="-E4_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_4" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_5" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ---------- 2c2 < <viewport zoom="120.00" x="30.00" y="30.00" angle="0.00"/> --- > <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/> ---------- Differences in net ---------- 163c163 < <phase duration="90" state="gGGgrrrrrrrrrrrrrG" minDur="5" maxDur="50" vehext="2" yellow="3" red="2" name="2"/> --- > <phase duration="90" state="gGGgrrrrrrrrrrrrrG" minDur="5" maxDur="50" vehext="13.15" yellow="3" red="2" name="2"/> ---------- Differences in output ---------- 4c4 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 393 --- > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 802 - 404 ---------- Differences in routes ---------- 6,17c6,13 < <vehicle id="trip_1" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E2 E3 -E3 E2" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_2" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E1 E0 -E0 E1" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_3" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E3 E2 -E2 E3" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_4" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E0 E1 -E1 E0" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> --- > <trip id="t_0" depart="0.00" from="-E3" to="E4"/> > <trip id="t_1" depart="0.00" from="-E2" to="E3"/> > <trip id="t_2" depart="0.00" from="-E5" to="E2"/> > <trip id="t_3" depart="0.00" from="-E4" to="E5"/> > <flow id="f_0" begin="0.00" from="-E4" to="E2" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_1" begin="0.00" from="-E2" to="E4" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_2" begin="0.00" from="-E5" to="E3" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_3" begin="0.00" from="-E3" to="E5" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> ---------- New result in datas ---------- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd"> <interval id="set" begin="0.00" end="3600.00"> <edgeRelation from="-E3" to="E4"/> <edgeRelation from="-E4" to="E5"/> <edgeRelation from="-E5" to="E2"/> <edgeRelation from="-E2" to="E3"/> </interval> </data>
---------- Differences in additionals ---------- 6,21c6,21 < <inductionLoop id="E1_00" lane="-E2_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_01" lane="-E2_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_02" lane="E2_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_03" lane="E2_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_04" lane="-E1_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_05" lane="-E1_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_06" lane="E1_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_07" lane="E1_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_08" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_09" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_10" lane="E3_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_11" lane="E3_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_12" lane="-E0_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_13" lane="-E0_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_14" lane="E0_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_15" lane="E0_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> --- > <inductionLoop id="e1_0" lane="E4_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_1" lane="E4_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_10" lane="E2_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_10.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_11" lane="E2_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_11.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_12" lane="-E5_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_12.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_13" lane="-E5_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_13.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_14" lane="E5_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_14.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_15" lane="E5_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_15.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_2" lane="-E4_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_3" lane="-E4_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_4" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_5" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ---------- 2c2 < <viewport zoom="120.00" x="30.00" y="30.00" angle="0.00"/> --- > <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/> ---------- Differences in net ---------- 164c164 < <phase duration="90" state="rrrrrrrrgGGgrrrrGr" minDur="5" maxDur="50" vehext="2" yellow="3" red="2" name="6"/> --- > <phase duration="90" state="rrrrrrrrgGGgrrrrGr" minDur="5" maxDur="50" vehext="2" yellow="13.15" red="2" name="6"/> ---------- Differences in output ---------- 4c4 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 393 --- > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 802 - 404 ---------- Differences in routes ---------- 6,17c6,13 < <vehicle id="trip_1" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E2 E3 -E3 E2" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_2" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E1 E0 -E0 E1" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_3" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E3 E2 -E2 E3" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_4" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E0 E1 -E1 E0" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> --- > <trip id="t_0" depart="0.00" from="-E3" to="E4"/> > <trip id="t_1" depart="0.00" from="-E2" to="E3"/> > <trip id="t_2" depart="0.00" from="-E5" to="E2"/> > <trip id="t_3" depart="0.00" from="-E4" to="E5"/> > <flow id="f_0" begin="0.00" from="-E4" to="E2" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_1" begin="0.00" from="-E2" to="E4" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_2" begin="0.00" from="-E5" to="E3" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_3" begin="0.00" from="-E3" to="E5" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> ---------- New result in datas ---------- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd"> <interval id="set" begin="0.00" end="3600.00"> <edgeRelation from="-E3" to="E4"/> <edgeRelation from="-E4" to="E5"/> <edgeRelation from="-E5" to="E2"/> <edgeRelation from="-E2" to="E3"/> </interval> </data>
---------- Differences in additionals ---------- 6,21c6,21 < <inductionLoop id="E1_00" lane="-E2_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_01" lane="-E2_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_02" lane="E2_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_03" lane="E2_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_04" lane="-E1_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_05" lane="-E1_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_06" lane="E1_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_07" lane="E1_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_08" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_09" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_10" lane="E3_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_11" lane="E3_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_12" lane="-E0_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_13" lane="-E0_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_14" lane="E0_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_15" lane="E0_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> --- > <inductionLoop id="e1_0" lane="E4_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_1" lane="E4_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_10" lane="E2_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_10.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_11" lane="E2_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_11.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_12" lane="-E5_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_12.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_13" lane="-E5_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_13.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_14" lane="E5_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_14.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_15" lane="E5_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_15.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_2" lane="-E4_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_3" lane="-E4_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_4" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_5" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ---------- 2c2 < <viewport zoom="120.00" x="30.00" y="30.00" angle="0.00"/> --- > <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/> ---------- Differences in net ---------- 162,164c162,164 < <tlLogic id="J3" type="static" programID="0" offset="0"> < <phase duration="37" state="gGGgrrrrgGGgrrrrGG"/> < <phase duration="5" state="gGGgrrrrgGGgrrrrrr"/> --- > <tlLogic id="J3" type="actuated" programID="0" offset="0"> > <phase duration="37" state="gGGgrrrrgGGgrrrrGG" minDur="5" maxDur="50"/> > <phase duration="8" state="gGGgrrrrgGGgrrrrrr"/> 166c166 < <phase duration="42" state="rrrrGGGgrrrrGGGgrr"/> --- > <phase duration="42" state="rrrrGGGgrrrrGGGgrr" minDur="5" maxDur="50"/> ---------- Differences in output ---------- 4c4 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 393 --- > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 802 - 404 ---------- Differences in routes ---------- 6,17c6,13 < <vehicle id="trip_1" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E2 E3 -E3 E2" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_2" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E1 E0 -E0 E1" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_3" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E3 E2 -E2 E3" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_4" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E0 E1 -E1 E0" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> --- > <trip id="t_0" depart="0.00" from="-E3" to="E4"/> > <trip id="t_1" depart="0.00" from="-E2" to="E3"/> > <trip id="t_2" depart="0.00" from="-E5" to="E2"/> > <trip id="t_3" depart="0.00" from="-E4" to="E5"/> > <flow id="f_0" begin="0.00" from="-E4" to="E2" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_1" begin="0.00" from="-E2" to="E4" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_2" begin="0.00" from="-E5" to="E3" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_3" begin="0.00" from="-E3" to="E5" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> ---------- New result in datas ---------- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd"> <interval id="set" begin="0.00" end="3600.00"> <edgeRelation from="-E3" to="E4"/> <edgeRelation from="-E4" to="E5"/> <edgeRelation from="-E5" to="E2"/> <edgeRelation from="-E2" to="E3"/> </interval> </data>
---------- Differences in additionals ---------- 6,21c6,21 < <inductionLoop id="E1_00" lane="-E2_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_01" lane="-E2_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_02" lane="E2_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_03" lane="E2_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_04" lane="-E1_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_05" lane="-E1_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_06" lane="E1_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_07" lane="E1_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_08" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_09" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_10" lane="E3_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_11" lane="E3_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_12" lane="-E0_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_13" lane="-E0_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_14" lane="E0_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_15" lane="E0_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> --- > <inductionLoop id="e1_0" lane="E4_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_1" lane="E4_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_10" lane="E2_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_10.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_11" lane="E2_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_11.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_12" lane="-E5_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_12.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_13" lane="-E5_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_13.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_14" lane="E5_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_14.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_15" lane="E5_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_15.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_2" lane="-E4_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_3" lane="-E4_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_4" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_5" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ---------- 2c2 < <viewport zoom="120.00" x="30.00" y="30.00" angle="0.00"/> --- > <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/> ---------- Differences in net ---------- 162,163c162,163 < <tlLogic id="J3" type="static" programID="0" offset="0"> < <phase duration="37" state="gGGgrrrrgGGgrrrrGG"/> --- > <tlLogic id="J3" type="actuated" programID="0" offset="0"> > <phase duration="74" state="gGGgrrrrgGGgrrrrGG" minDur="10" maxDur="100"/> 166c166 < <phase duration="42" state="rrrrGGGgrrrrGGGgrr"/> --- > <phase duration="42" state="rrrrGGGgrrrrGGGgrr" minDur="5" maxDur="50"/> ---------- Differences in output ---------- 4c4 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 393 --- > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 802 - 404 ---------- Differences in routes ---------- 6,17c6,13 < <vehicle id="trip_1" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E2 E3 -E3 E2" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_2" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E1 E0 -E0 E1" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_3" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E3 E2 -E2 E3" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_4" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E0 E1 -E1 E0" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> --- > <trip id="t_0" depart="0.00" from="-E3" to="E4"/> > <trip id="t_1" depart="0.00" from="-E2" to="E3"/> > <trip id="t_2" depart="0.00" from="-E5" to="E2"/> > <trip id="t_3" depart="0.00" from="-E4" to="E5"/> > <flow id="f_0" begin="0.00" from="-E4" to="E2" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_1" begin="0.00" from="-E2" to="E4" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_2" begin="0.00" from="-E5" to="E3" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_3" begin="0.00" from="-E3" to="E5" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> ---------- New result in datas ---------- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd"> <interval id="set" begin="0.00" end="3600.00"> <edgeRelation from="-E3" to="E4"/> <edgeRelation from="-E4" to="E5"/> <edgeRelation from="-E5" to="E2"/> <edgeRelation from="-E2" to="E3"/> </interval> </data>
---------- Differences in additionals ---------- 6,21c6,21 < <inductionLoop id="E1_00" lane="-E2_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_01" lane="-E2_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_02" lane="E2_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_03" lane="E2_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_04" lane="-E1_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_05" lane="-E1_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_06" lane="E1_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_07" lane="E1_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_08" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_09" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_10" lane="E3_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_11" lane="E3_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_12" lane="-E0_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_13" lane="-E0_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_14" lane="E0_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_15" lane="E0_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> --- > <inductionLoop id="e1_0" lane="E4_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_1" lane="E4_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_10" lane="E2_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_10.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_11" lane="E2_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_11.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_12" lane="-E5_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_12.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_13" lane="-E5_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_13.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_14" lane="E5_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_14.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_15" lane="E5_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_15.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_2" lane="-E4_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_3" lane="-E4_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_4" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_5" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ---------- 2c2 < <viewport zoom="120.00" x="30.00" y="30.00" angle="0.00"/> --- > <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/> ---------- Differences in net ---------- 32c32 < <lane id=":J3_7_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.26" length="5.01" shape="10.40,1.60 5.44,0.89"/> --- > <lane id=":J3_7_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.26" length="2.51" shape="10.40,1.60 7.91,1.24"/> 35c35 < <lane id=":J3_18_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.26" length="14.34" shape="5.44,0.89 5.15,0.85 1.40,-1.40 -0.85,-5.15 -1.60,-10.40"/> --- > <lane id=":J3_18_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.26" length="16.84" shape="7.91,1.24 5.15,0.85 1.40,-1.40 -0.85,-5.15 -1.60,-10.40"/> 61c61 < <lane id=":J3_15_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.26" length="5.01" shape="-10.40,-1.60 -5.44,-0.89"/> --- > <lane id=":J3_15_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.26" length="2.51" shape="-10.40,-1.60 -7.91,-1.24"/> 64c64 < <lane id=":J3_21_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.26" length="14.34" shape="-5.44,-0.89 -5.15,-0.85 -1.40,1.40 0.85,5.15 1.60,10.40"/> --- > <lane id=":J3_21_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.26" length="16.84" shape="-7.91,-1.24 -5.15,-0.85 -1.40,1.40 0.85,5.15 1.60,10.40"/> 162,163c162,164 < <tlLogic id="J3" type="static" programID="0" offset="0"> < <phase duration="37" state="gGGgrrrrgGGgrrrrGG"/> --- > <tlLogic id="J3" type="actuated" programID="0" offset="0"> > <phase duration="37" state="gGGgrrrrgGGgrrrrGG" minDur="5" maxDur="50"/> > <phase duration="3" state="gggggggggggggggggg"/> 166c167 < <phase duration="42" state="rrrrGGGgrrrrGGGgrr"/> --- > <phase duration="42" state="rrrrGGGgrrrrGGGgrr" minDur="5" maxDur="50"/> 172,174c173,175 < <request index="1" response="001000000010000000" foes="001111100011100000" cont="0"/> < <request index="2" response="001000000010000000" foes="001111100011100000" cont="0"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in output ---------- 4c4 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 393 --- > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 802 - 404 ---------- Differences in routes ---------- 6,17c6,13 < <vehicle id="trip_1" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E2 E3 -E3 E2" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_2" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E1 E0 -E0 E1" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_3" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E3 E2 -E2 E3" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_4" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E0 E1 -E1 E0" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> --- > <trip id="t_0" depart="0.00" from="-E3" to="E4"/> > <trip id="t_1" depart="0.00" from="-E2" to="E3"/> > <trip id="t_2" depart="0.00" from="-E5" to="E2"/> > <trip id="t_3" depart="0.00" from="-E4" to="E5"/> > <flow id="f_0" begin="0.00" from="-E4" to="E2" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_1" begin="0.00" from="-E2" to="E4" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_2" begin="0.00" from="-E5" to="E3" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_3" begin="0.00" from="-E3" to="E5" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> ---------- New result in datas ---------- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd"> <interval id="set" begin="0.00" end="3600.00"> <edgeRelation from="-E3" to="E4"/> <edgeRelation from="-E4" to="E5"/> <edgeRelation from="-E5" to="E2"/> <edgeRelation from="-E2" to="E3"/> </interval> </data>
---------- Differences in additionals ---------- 6,21c6,21 < <inductionLoop id="E1_00" lane="-E2_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_01" lane="-E2_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_02" lane="E2_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_03" lane="E2_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_04" lane="-E1_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_05" lane="-E1_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_06" lane="E1_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_07" lane="E1_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_08" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_09" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_10" lane="E3_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_11" lane="E3_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_12" lane="-E0_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_13" lane="-E0_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_14" lane="E0_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_15" lane="E0_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> --- > <inductionLoop id="e1_0" lane="E4_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_1" lane="E4_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_10" lane="E2_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_10.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_11" lane="E2_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_11.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_12" lane="-E5_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_12.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_13" lane="-E5_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_13.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_14" lane="E5_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_14.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_15" lane="E5_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_15.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_2" lane="-E4_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_3" lane="-E4_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_4" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_5" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ---------- 2c2 < <viewport zoom="120.00" x="30.00" y="30.00" angle="0.00"/> --- > <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/> ---------- Differences in net ---------- 162,163c162,164 < <tlLogic id="J3" type="static" programID="0" offset="0"> < <phase duration="37" state="gGGgrrrrgGGgrrrrGG"/> --- > <tlLogic id="J3" type="actuated" programID="0" offset="0"> > <phase duration="37" state="gGGgrrrrgGGgrrrrGG" minDur="5" maxDur="50"/> > <phase duration="3" state="GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG"/> 166c167 < <phase duration="42" state="rrrrGGGgrrrrGGGgrr"/> --- > <phase duration="42" state="rrrrGGGgrrrrGGGgrr" minDur="5" maxDur="50"/> ---------- Differences in output ---------- 4c4 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 393 --- > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 802 - 404 ---------- Differences in routes ---------- 6,17c6,13 < <vehicle id="trip_1" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E2 E3 -E3 E2" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_2" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E1 E0 -E0 E1" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_3" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E3 E2 -E2 E3" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_4" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E0 E1 -E1 E0" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> --- > <trip id="t_0" depart="0.00" from="-E3" to="E4"/> > <trip id="t_1" depart="0.00" from="-E2" to="E3"/> > <trip id="t_2" depart="0.00" from="-E5" to="E2"/> > <trip id="t_3" depart="0.00" from="-E4" to="E5"/> > <flow id="f_0" begin="0.00" from="-E4" to="E2" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_1" begin="0.00" from="-E2" to="E4" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_2" begin="0.00" from="-E5" to="E3" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_3" begin="0.00" from="-E3" to="E5" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> ---------- New result in datas ---------- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd"> <interval id="set" begin="0.00" end="3600.00"> <edgeRelation from="-E3" to="E4"/> <edgeRelation from="-E4" to="E5"/> <edgeRelation from="-E5" to="E2"/> <edgeRelation from="-E2" to="E3"/> </interval> </data>
---------- Differences in additionals ---------- 6,21c6,21 < <inductionLoop id="E1_00" lane="-E2_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_01" lane="-E2_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_02" lane="E2_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_03" lane="E2_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_04" lane="-E1_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_05" lane="-E1_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_06" lane="E1_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_07" lane="E1_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_08" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_09" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_10" lane="E3_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_11" lane="E3_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_12" lane="-E0_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_13" lane="-E0_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_14" lane="E0_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_15" lane="E0_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> --- > <inductionLoop id="e1_0" lane="E4_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_1" lane="E4_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_10" lane="E2_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_10.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_11" lane="E2_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_11.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_12" lane="-E5_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_12.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_13" lane="-E5_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_13.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_14" lane="E5_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_14.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_15" lane="E5_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_15.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_2" lane="-E4_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_3" lane="-E4_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_4" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_5" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ---------- 2c2 < <viewport zoom="120.00" x="30.00" y="30.00" angle="0.00"/> --- > <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/> ---------- Differences in net ---------- 162,163c162,164 < <tlLogic id="J3" type="static" programID="0" offset="0"> < <phase duration="37" state="gGGgrrrrgGGgrrrrGG"/> --- > <tlLogic id="J3" type="actuated" programID="0" offset="0"> > <phase duration="37" state="gGGgrrrrgGGgrrrrGG" minDur="5" maxDur="50"/> > <phase duration="3" state="rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr"/> 166c167 < <phase duration="42" state="rrrrGGGgrrrrGGGgrr"/> --- > <phase duration="42" state="rrrrGGGgrrrrGGGgrr" minDur="5" maxDur="50"/> ---------- Differences in output ---------- 4c4 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 393 --- > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 802 - 404 ---------- Differences in routes ---------- 6,17c6,13 < <vehicle id="trip_1" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E2 E3 -E3 E2" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_2" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E1 E0 -E0 E1" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_3" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E3 E2 -E2 E3" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_4" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E0 E1 -E1 E0" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> --- > <trip id="t_0" depart="0.00" from="-E3" to="E4"/> > <trip id="t_1" depart="0.00" from="-E2" to="E3"/> > <trip id="t_2" depart="0.00" from="-E5" to="E2"/> > <trip id="t_3" depart="0.00" from="-E4" to="E5"/> > <flow id="f_0" begin="0.00" from="-E4" to="E2" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_1" begin="0.00" from="-E2" to="E4" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_2" begin="0.00" from="-E5" to="E3" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_3" begin="0.00" from="-E3" to="E5" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> ---------- New result in datas ---------- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd"> <interval id="set" begin="0.00" end="3600.00"> <edgeRelation from="-E3" to="E4"/> <edgeRelation from="-E4" to="E5"/> <edgeRelation from="-E5" to="E2"/> <edgeRelation from="-E2" to="E3"/> </interval> </data>
---------- Differences in additionals ---------- 6,21c6,21 < <inductionLoop id="E1_00" lane="-E2_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_01" lane="-E2_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_02" lane="E2_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_03" lane="E2_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_04" lane="-E1_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_05" lane="-E1_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_06" lane="E1_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_07" lane="E1_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_08" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_09" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_10" lane="E3_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_11" lane="E3_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_12" lane="-E0_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_13" lane="-E0_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_14" lane="E0_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_15" lane="E0_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> --- > <inductionLoop id="e1_0" lane="E4_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_1" lane="E4_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_10" lane="E2_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_10.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_11" lane="E2_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_11.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_12" lane="-E5_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_12.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_13" lane="-E5_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_13.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_14" lane="E5_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_14.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_15" lane="E5_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_15.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_2" lane="-E4_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_3" lane="-E4_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_4" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_5" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ---------- 2c2 < <viewport zoom="120.00" x="30.00" y="30.00" angle="0.00"/> --- > <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/> ---------- Differences in net ---------- 162,163c162,164 < <tlLogic id="J3" type="static" programID="0" offset="0"> < <phase duration="37" state="gGGgrrrrgGGgrrrrGG"/> --- > <tlLogic id="J3" type="actuated" programID="0" offset="0"> > <phase duration="37" state="gGGgrrrrgGGgrrrrGG" minDur="5" maxDur="50"/> > <phase duration="3" state="yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy"/> 166c167 < <phase duration="42" state="rrrrGGGgrrrrGGGgrr"/> --- > <phase duration="42" state="rrrrGGGgrrrrGGGgrr" minDur="5" maxDur="50"/> ---------- Differences in output ---------- 4c4 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 393 --- > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 802 - 404 ---------- Differences in routes ---------- 6,17c6,13 < <vehicle id="trip_1" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E2 E3 -E3 E2" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_2" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E1 E0 -E0 E1" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_3" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E3 E2 -E2 E3" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_4" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E0 E1 -E1 E0" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> --- > <trip id="t_0" depart="0.00" from="-E3" to="E4"/> > <trip id="t_1" depart="0.00" from="-E2" to="E3"/> > <trip id="t_2" depart="0.00" from="-E5" to="E2"/> > <trip id="t_3" depart="0.00" from="-E4" to="E5"/> > <flow id="f_0" begin="0.00" from="-E4" to="E2" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_1" begin="0.00" from="-E2" to="E4" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_2" begin="0.00" from="-E5" to="E3" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_3" begin="0.00" from="-E3" to="E5" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> ---------- New result in datas ---------- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd"> <interval id="set" begin="0.00" end="3600.00"> <edgeRelation from="-E3" to="E4"/> <edgeRelation from="-E4" to="E5"/> <edgeRelation from="-E5" to="E2"/> <edgeRelation from="-E2" to="E3"/> </interval> </data>
---------- Differences in additionals ---------- 6,21c6,21 < <inductionLoop id="E1_00" lane="-E2_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_01" lane="-E2_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_02" lane="E2_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_03" lane="E2_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_04" lane="-E1_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_05" lane="-E1_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_06" lane="E1_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_07" lane="E1_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_08" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_09" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_10" lane="E3_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_11" lane="E3_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_12" lane="-E0_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_13" lane="-E0_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_14" lane="E0_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_15" lane="E0_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> --- > <inductionLoop id="e1_0" lane="E4_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_1" lane="E4_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_10" lane="E2_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_10.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_11" lane="E2_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_11.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_12" lane="-E5_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_12.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_13" lane="-E5_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_13.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_14" lane="E5_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_14.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_15" lane="E5_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_15.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_2" lane="-E4_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_3" lane="-E4_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_4" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_5" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ---------- 2c2 < <viewport zoom="120.00" x="30.00" y="30.00" angle="0.00"/> --- > <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/> ---------- Differences in log ---------- 1c1 < Warning: Unused state in tlLogic 'J0', program '0' at tl-index 16 --- > Warning: Unused state in tlLogic 'J3', program '0' at tl-index 18 ---------- Differences in net ---------- 162,167c162,167 < <tlLogic id="J3" type="static" programID="0" offset="0"> < <phase duration="37" state="gGGgrrrrgGGgrrrrGG"/> < <phase duration="5" state="gGGgrrrrgGGgrrrrrr"/> < <phase duration="3" state="yyyyrrrryyyyrrrrrr"/> < <phase duration="42" state="rrrrGGGgrrrrGGGgrr"/> < <phase duration="3" state="rrrryyyyrrrryyyyrr"/> --- > <tlLogic id="J3" type="actuated" programID="0" offset="0"> > <phase duration="37" state="gGGgrrrrgGGgrrrrGGr" minDur="5" maxDur="50"/> > <phase duration="5" state="gGGgrrrrgGGgrrrrrrr"/> > <phase duration="3" state="yyyyrrrryyyyrrrrrrr"/> > <phase duration="42" state="rrrrGGGgrrrrGGGgrrr" minDur="5" maxDur="50"/> > <phase duration="3" state="rrrryyyyrrrryyyyrrr"/> ---------- Differences in output ---------- 4c4 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 393 --- > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 802 - 404 ---------- Differences in routes ---------- 6,17c6,13 < <vehicle id="trip_1" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E2 E3 -E3 E2" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_2" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E1 E0 -E0 E1" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_3" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E3 E2 -E2 E3" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_4" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E0 E1 -E1 E0" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> --- > <trip id="t_0" depart="0.00" from="-E3" to="E4"/> > <trip id="t_1" depart="0.00" from="-E2" to="E3"/> > <trip id="t_2" depart="0.00" from="-E5" to="E2"/> > <trip id="t_3" depart="0.00" from="-E4" to="E5"/> > <flow id="f_0" begin="0.00" from="-E4" to="E2" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_1" begin="0.00" from="-E2" to="E4" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_2" begin="0.00" from="-E5" to="E3" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_3" begin="0.00" from="-E3" to="E5" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> ---------- New result in datas ---------- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd"> <interval id="set" begin="0.00" end="3600.00"> <edgeRelation from="-E3" to="E4"/> <edgeRelation from="-E4" to="E5"/> <edgeRelation from="-E5" to="E2"/> <edgeRelation from="-E2" to="E3"/> </interval> </data>
---------- Differences in additionals ---------- 6,21c6,21 < <inductionLoop id="E1_00" lane="-E2_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_01" lane="-E2_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_02" lane="E2_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_03" lane="E2_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_04" lane="-E1_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_05" lane="-E1_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_06" lane="E1_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_07" lane="E1_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_08" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_09" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_10" lane="E3_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_11" lane="E3_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_12" lane="-E0_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_13" lane="-E0_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_14" lane="E0_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_15" lane="E0_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> --- > <inductionLoop id="e1_0" lane="E4_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_1" lane="E4_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_10" lane="E2_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_10.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_11" lane="E2_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_11.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_12" lane="-E5_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_12.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_13" lane="-E5_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_13.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_14" lane="E5_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_14.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_15" lane="E5_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_15.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_2" lane="-E4_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_3" lane="-E4_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_4" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_5" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ---------- 2c2 < <viewport zoom="120.00" x="30.00" y="30.00" angle="0.00"/> --- > <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/> ---------- Differences in net ---------- 162,163c162,163 < <tlLogic id="J3" type="static" programID="0" offset="0"> < <phase duration="37" state="gGGgrrrrgGGgrrrrGG"/> --- > <tlLogic id="J3" type="actuated" programID="0" offset="0"> > <phase duration="37" state="gGGgrrrrgGGgrrrrGG" minDur="5" maxDur="50"/> 166c166 < <phase duration="42" state="rrrrGGGgrrrrGGGgrr"/> --- > <phase duration="42" state="rrrrGGGgrrrrGGGgrr" minDur="5" maxDur="50"/> ---------- Differences in output ---------- 4c4 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 393 --- > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 802 - 404 ---------- Differences in routes ---------- 6,17c6,13 < <vehicle id="trip_1" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E2 E3 -E3 E2" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_2" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E1 E0 -E0 E1" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_3" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E3 E2 -E2 E3" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_4" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E0 E1 -E1 E0" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> --- > <trip id="t_0" depart="0.00" from="-E3" to="E4"/> > <trip id="t_1" depart="0.00" from="-E2" to="E3"/> > <trip id="t_2" depart="0.00" from="-E5" to="E2"/> > <trip id="t_3" depart="0.00" from="-E4" to="E5"/> > <flow id="f_0" begin="0.00" from="-E4" to="E2" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_1" begin="0.00" from="-E2" to="E4" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_2" begin="0.00" from="-E5" to="E3" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_3" begin="0.00" from="-E3" to="E5" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> ---------- New result in datas ---------- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd"> <interval id="set" begin="0.00" end="3600.00"> <edgeRelation from="-E3" to="E4"/> <edgeRelation from="-E4" to="E5"/> <edgeRelation from="-E5" to="E2"/> <edgeRelation from="-E2" to="E3"/> </interval> </data>network trafficlights single phases actuated buttons cleanstates ( Last six runs Aug2024 )
---------- Differences in additionals ---------- 6,21c6,21 < <inductionLoop id="E1_00" lane="-E2_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_01" lane="-E2_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_02" lane="E2_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_03" lane="E2_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_04" lane="-E1_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_05" lane="-E1_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_06" lane="E1_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_07" lane="E1_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_08" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_09" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_10" lane="E3_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_11" lane="E3_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_12" lane="-E0_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_13" lane="-E0_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_14" lane="E0_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_15" lane="E0_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> --- > <inductionLoop id="e1_0" lane="E4_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_1" lane="E4_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_10" lane="E2_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_10.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_11" lane="E2_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_11.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_12" lane="-E5_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_12.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_13" lane="-E5_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_13.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_14" lane="E5_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_14.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_15" lane="E5_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_15.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_2" lane="-E4_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_3" lane="-E4_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_4" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_5" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ---------- 2c2 < <viewport zoom="120.00" x="30.00" y="30.00" angle="0.00"/> --- > <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/> ---------- Differences in net ---------- 162,164c162,163 < <tlLogic id="J3" type="static" programID="0" offset="0"> < <phase duration="37" state="gGGgrrrrgGGgrrrrGG"/> < <phase duration="5" state="gGGgrrrrgGGgrrrrrr"/> --- > <tlLogic id="J3" type="actuated" programID="0" offset="0"> > <phase duration="37" state="gGGgrrrrgGGgrrrrGG" minDur="5" maxDur="50"/> 166c165 < <phase duration="42" state="rrrrGGGgrrrrGGGgrr"/> --- > <phase duration="42" state="rrrrGGGgrrrrGGGgrr" minDur="5" maxDur="50"/> ---------- Differences in output ---------- 4c4 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 393 --- > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 802 - 404 ---------- Differences in routes ---------- 6,17c6,13 < <vehicle id="trip_1" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E2 E3 -E3 E2" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_2" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E1 E0 -E0 E1" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_3" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E3 E2 -E2 E3" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_4" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E0 E1 -E1 E0" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> --- > <trip id="t_0" depart="0.00" from="-E3" to="E4"/> > <trip id="t_1" depart="0.00" from="-E2" to="E3"/> > <trip id="t_2" depart="0.00" from="-E5" to="E2"/> > <trip id="t_3" depart="0.00" from="-E4" to="E5"/> > <flow id="f_0" begin="0.00" from="-E4" to="E2" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_1" begin="0.00" from="-E2" to="E4" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_2" begin="0.00" from="-E5" to="E3" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_3" begin="0.00" from="-E3" to="E5" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> ---------- New result in datas ---------- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd"> <interval id="set" begin="0.00" end="3600.00"> <edgeRelation from="-E3" to="E4"/> <edgeRelation from="-E4" to="E5"/> <edgeRelation from="-E5" to="E2"/> <edgeRelation from="-E2" to="E3"/> </interval> </data>
---------- Differences in additionals ---------- 6,21c6,21 < <inductionLoop id="E1_00" lane="-E2_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_01" lane="-E2_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_02" lane="E2_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_03" lane="E2_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_04" lane="-E1_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_05" lane="-E1_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_06" lane="E1_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_07" lane="E1_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_08" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_09" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_10" lane="E3_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_11" lane="E3_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_12" lane="-E0_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_13" lane="-E0_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_14" lane="E0_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_15" lane="E0_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> --- > <inductionLoop id="e1_0" lane="E4_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_1" lane="E4_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_10" lane="E2_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_10.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_11" lane="E2_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_11.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_12" lane="-E5_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_12.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_13" lane="-E5_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_13.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_14" lane="E5_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_14.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_15" lane="E5_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_15.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_2" lane="-E4_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_3" lane="-E4_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_4" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_5" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ---------- 2c2 < <viewport zoom="120.00" x="30.00" y="30.00" angle="0.00"/> --- > <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/> ---------- Differences in net ---------- 162,167c162,167 < <tlLogic id="J3" type="static" programID="0" offset="0"> < <phase duration="37" state="gGGgrrrrgGGgrrrrGG"/> < <phase duration="5" state="gGGgrrrrgGGgrrrrrr"/> < <phase duration="3" state="yyyyrrrryyyyrrrrrr"/> < <phase duration="42" state="rrrrGGGgrrrrGGGgrr"/> < <phase duration="3" state="rrrryyyyrrrryyyyrr"/> --- > <tlLogic id="J3" type="actuated" programID="0" offset="0"> > <phase duration="37" state="gGrrgGrrGG" minDur="5" maxDur="50"/> > <phase duration="5" state="gGrrgGrrrr"/> > <phase duration="3" state="yyrryyrrrr"/> > <phase duration="42" state="rrGgrrGgrr" minDur="5" maxDur="50"/> > <phase duration="3" state="rryyrryyrr"/> 216,219c216,219 < <connection from="-E2" to="E3" fromLane="1" toLane="2" via=":J3_4_0" tl="J3" linkIndex="4" dir="r" state="o"/> < <connection from="-E2" to="E4" fromLane="1" toLane="1" via=":J3_5_0" tl="J3" linkIndex="5" dir="s" state="o"/> < <connection from="-E2" to="E4" fromLane="2" toLane="2" via=":J3_5_1" tl="J3" linkIndex="6" dir="s" state="o"/> < <connection from="-E2" to="E5" fromLane="2" toLane="2" via=":J3_7_0" tl="J3" linkIndex="7" dir="l" state="o"/> --- > <connection from="-E2" to="E3" fromLane="1" toLane="2" via=":J3_4_0" tl="J3" linkIndex="2" dir="r" state="o"/> > <connection from="-E2" to="E4" fromLane="1" toLane="1" via=":J3_5_0" tl="J3" linkIndex="2" dir="s" state="o"/> > <connection from="-E2" to="E4" fromLane="2" toLane="2" via=":J3_5_1" tl="J3" linkIndex="2" dir="s" state="o"/> > <connection from="-E2" to="E5" fromLane="2" toLane="2" via=":J3_7_0" tl="J3" linkIndex="3" dir="l" state="o"/> 222,231c222,231 < <connection from="-E3" to="E5" fromLane="2" toLane="2" via=":J3_1_1" tl="J3" linkIndex="2" dir="s" state="O"/> < <connection from="-E3" to="E2" fromLane="2" toLane="2" via=":J3_3_0" tl="J3" linkIndex="3" dir="l" state="o"/> < <connection from="-E4" to="E5" fromLane="1" toLane="1" via=":J3_12_0" tl="J3" linkIndex="12" dir="r" state="o"/> < <connection from="-E4" to="E2" fromLane="1" toLane="1" via=":J3_13_0" tl="J3" linkIndex="13" dir="s" state="o"/> < <connection from="-E4" to="E2" fromLane="2" toLane="2" via=":J3_13_1" tl="J3" linkIndex="14" dir="s" state="o"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in output ---------- 4c4 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 393 --- > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 802 - 404 ---------- Differences in routes ---------- 6,17c6,13 < <vehicle id="trip_1" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E2 E3 -E3 E2" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_2" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E1 E0 -E0 E1" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_3" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E3 E2 -E2 E3" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_4" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E0 E1 -E1 E0" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> --- > <trip id="t_0" depart="0.00" from="-E3" to="E4"/> > <trip id="t_1" depart="0.00" from="-E2" to="E3"/> > <trip id="t_2" depart="0.00" from="-E5" to="E2"/> > <trip id="t_3" depart="0.00" from="-E4" to="E5"/> > <flow id="f_0" begin="0.00" from="-E4" to="E2" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_1" begin="0.00" from="-E2" to="E4" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_2" begin="0.00" from="-E5" to="E3" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_3" begin="0.00" from="-E3" to="E5" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> ---------- New result in datas ---------- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd"> <interval id="set" begin="0.00" end="3600.00"> <edgeRelation from="-E3" to="E4"/> <edgeRelation from="-E4" to="E5"/> <edgeRelation from="-E5" to="E2"/> <edgeRelation from="-E2" to="E3"/> </interval> </data>
---------- Differences in additionals ---------- 6,21c6,21 < <inductionLoop id="E1_00" lane="-E2_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_01" lane="-E2_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_02" lane="E2_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_03" lane="E2_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_04" lane="-E1_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_05" lane="-E1_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_06" lane="E1_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_07" lane="E1_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_08" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_09" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_10" lane="E3_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_11" lane="E3_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_12" lane="-E0_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_13" lane="-E0_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_14" lane="E0_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_15" lane="E0_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> --- > <inductionLoop id="e1_0" lane="E4_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_1" lane="E4_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_10" lane="E2_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_10.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_11" lane="E2_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_11.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_12" lane="-E5_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_12.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_13" lane="-E5_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_13.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_14" lane="E5_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_14.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_15" lane="E5_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_15.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_2" lane="-E4_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_3" lane="-E4_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_4" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_5" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ---------- 2c2 < <viewport zoom="120.00" x="30.00" y="30.00" angle="0.00"/> --- > <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/> ---------- Differences in net ---------- 162,163c162,163 < <tlLogic id="J3" type="static" programID="0" offset="0"> < <phase duration="37" state="gGGgrrrrgGGgrrrrGG"/> --- > <tlLogic id="J3" type="actuated" programID="0" offset="0"> > <phase duration="37" state="gGGgrrrrgGGgrrrrGG" minDur="5" maxDur="50"/> 166d165 < <phase duration="42" state="rrrrGGGgrrrrGGGgrr"/> 167a167 > <phase duration="42" state="rrrrGGGgrrrrGGGgrr" minDur="5" maxDur="50"/> ---------- Differences in output ---------- 4c4 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 393 --- > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 802 - 404 ---------- Differences in routes ---------- 6,17c6,13 < <vehicle id="trip_1" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E2 E3 -E3 E2" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_2" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E1 E0 -E0 E1" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_3" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E3 E2 -E2 E3" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_4" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E0 E1 -E1 E0" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> --- > <trip id="t_0" depart="0.00" from="-E3" to="E4"/> > <trip id="t_1" depart="0.00" from="-E2" to="E3"/> > <trip id="t_2" depart="0.00" from="-E5" to="E2"/> > <trip id="t_3" depart="0.00" from="-E4" to="E5"/> > <flow id="f_0" begin="0.00" from="-E4" to="E2" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_1" begin="0.00" from="-E2" to="E4" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_2" begin="0.00" from="-E5" to="E3" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_3" begin="0.00" from="-E3" to="E5" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> ---------- New result in datas ---------- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd"> <interval id="set" begin="0.00" end="3600.00"> <edgeRelation from="-E3" to="E4"/> <edgeRelation from="-E4" to="E5"/> <edgeRelation from="-E5" to="E2"/> <edgeRelation from="-E2" to="E3"/> </interval> </data>
---------- Differences in additionals ---------- 6,21c6,21 < <inductionLoop id="E1_00" lane="-E2_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_01" lane="-E2_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_02" lane="E2_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_03" lane="E2_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_04" lane="-E1_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_05" lane="-E1_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_06" lane="E1_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_07" lane="E1_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_08" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_09" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_10" lane="E3_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_11" lane="E3_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_12" lane="-E0_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_13" lane="-E0_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_14" lane="E0_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_15" lane="E0_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> --- > <inductionLoop id="e1_0" lane="E4_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_1" lane="E4_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_10" lane="E2_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_10.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_11" lane="E2_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_11.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_12" lane="-E5_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_12.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_13" lane="-E5_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_13.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_14" lane="E5_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_14.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_15" lane="E5_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_15.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_2" lane="-E4_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_3" lane="-E4_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_4" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_5" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ---------- 2c2 < <viewport zoom="120.00" x="30.00" y="30.00" angle="0.00"/> --- > <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/> ---------- Differences in net ---------- 162,164c162,163 < <tlLogic id="J3" type="static" programID="0" offset="0"> < <phase duration="37" state="gGGgrrrrgGGgrrrrGG"/> < <phase duration="5" state="gGGgrrrrgGGgrrrrrr"/> --- > <tlLogic id="J3" type="actuated" programID="0" offset="0"> > <phase duration="37" state="gGGgrrrrgGGgrrrrGG" minDur="5" maxDur="50"/> 166c165,166 < <phase duration="42" state="rrrrGGGgrrrrGGGgrr"/> --- > <phase duration="5" state="gGGgrrrrgGGgrrrrrr"/> > <phase duration="42" state="rrrrGGGgrrrrGGGgrr" minDur="5" maxDur="50"/> ---------- Differences in output ---------- 4c4 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 393 --- > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 802 - 404 ---------- Differences in routes ---------- 6,17c6,13 < <vehicle id="trip_1" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E2 E3 -E3 E2" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_2" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E1 E0 -E0 E1" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_3" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E3 E2 -E2 E3" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_4" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E0 E1 -E1 E0" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> --- > <trip id="t_0" depart="0.00" from="-E3" to="E4"/> > <trip id="t_1" depart="0.00" from="-E2" to="E3"/> > <trip id="t_2" depart="0.00" from="-E5" to="E2"/> > <trip id="t_3" depart="0.00" from="-E4" to="E5"/> > <flow id="f_0" begin="0.00" from="-E4" to="E2" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_1" begin="0.00" from="-E2" to="E4" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_2" begin="0.00" from="-E5" to="E3" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_3" begin="0.00" from="-E3" to="E5" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> ---------- New result in datas ---------- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd"> <interval id="set" begin="0.00" end="3600.00"> <edgeRelation from="-E3" to="E4"/> <edgeRelation from="-E4" to="E5"/> <edgeRelation from="-E5" to="E2"/> <edgeRelation from="-E2" to="E3"/> </interval> </data>
---------- Differences in additionals ---------- 6,21c6,21 < <inductionLoop id="E1_00" lane="-E2_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_01" lane="-E2_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_02" lane="E2_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_03" lane="E2_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_04" lane="-E1_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_05" lane="-E1_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_06" lane="E1_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_07" lane="E1_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_08" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_09" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_10" lane="E3_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_11" lane="E3_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_12" lane="-E0_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_13" lane="-E0_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_14" lane="E0_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_15" lane="E0_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> --- > <inductionLoop id="e1_0" lane="E4_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_1" lane="E4_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_10" lane="E2_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_10.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_11" lane="E2_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_11.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_12" lane="-E5_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_12.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_13" lane="-E5_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_13.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_14" lane="E5_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_14.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_15" lane="E5_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_15.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_2" lane="-E4_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_3" lane="-E4_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_4" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_5" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ---------- 2c2 < <viewport zoom="120.00" x="30.00" y="30.00" angle="0.00"/> --- > <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/> ---------- Differences in net ---------- 162,163c162,163 < <tlLogic id="J3" type="static" programID="0" offset="0"> < <phase duration="37" state="gGGgrrrrgGGgrrrrGG"/> --- > <tlLogic id="J3" type="actuated" programID="0" offset="0"> > <phase duration="13.15" state="gGGgrrrrgGGgrrrrGG" minDur="5" maxDur="50"/> 166c166 < <phase duration="42" state="rrrrGGGgrrrrGGGgrr"/> --- > <phase duration="42" state="rrrrGGGgrrrrGGGgrr" minDur="5" maxDur="50"/> ---------- Differences in output ---------- 4c4 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 393 --- > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 802 - 404 ---------- Differences in routes ---------- 6,17c6,13 < <vehicle id="trip_1" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E2 E3 -E3 E2" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_2" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E1 E0 -E0 E1" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_3" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E3 E2 -E2 E3" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_4" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E0 E1 -E1 E0" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> --- > <trip id="t_0" depart="0.00" from="-E3" to="E4"/> > <trip id="t_1" depart="0.00" from="-E2" to="E3"/> > <trip id="t_2" depart="0.00" from="-E5" to="E2"/> > <trip id="t_3" depart="0.00" from="-E4" to="E5"/> > <flow id="f_0" begin="0.00" from="-E4" to="E2" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_1" begin="0.00" from="-E2" to="E4" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_2" begin="0.00" from="-E5" to="E3" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_3" begin="0.00" from="-E3" to="E5" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> ---------- New result in datas ---------- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd"> <interval id="set" begin="0.00" end="3600.00"> <edgeRelation from="-E3" to="E4"/> <edgeRelation from="-E4" to="E5"/> <edgeRelation from="-E5" to="E2"/> <edgeRelation from="-E2" to="E3"/> </interval> </data>
---------- Differences in additionals ---------- 6,21c6,21 < <inductionLoop id="E1_00" lane="-E2_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_01" lane="-E2_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_02" lane="E2_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_03" lane="E2_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_04" lane="-E1_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_05" lane="-E1_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_06" lane="E1_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_07" lane="E1_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_08" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_09" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_10" lane="E3_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_11" lane="E3_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_12" lane="-E0_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_13" lane="-E0_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_14" lane="E0_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_15" lane="E0_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> --- > <inductionLoop id="e1_0" lane="E4_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_1" lane="E4_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_10" lane="E2_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_10.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_11" lane="E2_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_11.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_12" lane="-E5_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_12.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_13" lane="-E5_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_13.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_14" lane="E5_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_14.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_15" lane="E5_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_15.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_2" lane="-E4_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_3" lane="-E4_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_4" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_5" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ---------- 2c2 < <viewport zoom="120.00" x="30.00" y="30.00" angle="0.00"/> --- > <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/> ---------- Differences in net ---------- 162,163c162,163 < <tlLogic id="J3" type="static" programID="0" offset="0"> < <phase duration="37" state="gGGgrrrrgGGgrrrrGG"/> --- > <tlLogic id="J3" type="actuated" programID="0" offset="0"> > <phase duration="37" state="gGGgrrrrgGGgrrrrGG" minDur="5" maxDur="50" earliestEnd="13.15"/> 166c166 < <phase duration="42" state="rrrrGGGgrrrrGGGgrr"/> --- > <phase duration="42" state="rrrrGGGgrrrrGGGgrr" minDur="5" maxDur="50"/> ---------- Differences in output ---------- 4c4 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 393 --- > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 802 - 404 ---------- Differences in routes ---------- 6,17c6,13 < <vehicle id="trip_1" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E2 E3 -E3 E2" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_2" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E1 E0 -E0 E1" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_3" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E3 E2 -E2 E3" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_4" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E0 E1 -E1 E0" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> --- > <trip id="t_0" depart="0.00" from="-E3" to="E4"/> > <trip id="t_1" depart="0.00" from="-E2" to="E3"/> > <trip id="t_2" depart="0.00" from="-E5" to="E2"/> > <trip id="t_3" depart="0.00" from="-E4" to="E5"/> > <flow id="f_0" begin="0.00" from="-E4" to="E2" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_1" begin="0.00" from="-E2" to="E4" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_2" begin="0.00" from="-E5" to="E3" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_3" begin="0.00" from="-E3" to="E5" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> ---------- New result in datas ---------- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd"> <interval id="set" begin="0.00" end="3600.00"> <edgeRelation from="-E3" to="E4"/> <edgeRelation from="-E4" to="E5"/> <edgeRelation from="-E5" to="E2"/> <edgeRelation from="-E2" to="E3"/> </interval> </data>
---------- Differences in additionals ---------- 6,21c6,21 < <inductionLoop id="E1_00" lane="-E2_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_01" lane="-E2_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_02" lane="E2_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_03" lane="E2_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_04" lane="-E1_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_05" lane="-E1_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_06" lane="E1_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_07" lane="E1_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_08" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_09" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_10" lane="E3_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_11" lane="E3_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_12" lane="-E0_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_13" lane="-E0_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_14" lane="E0_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_15" lane="E0_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> --- > <inductionLoop id="e1_0" lane="E4_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_1" lane="E4_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_10" lane="E2_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_10.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_11" lane="E2_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_11.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_12" lane="-E5_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_12.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_13" lane="-E5_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_13.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_14" lane="E5_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_14.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_15" lane="E5_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_15.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_2" lane="-E4_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_3" lane="-E4_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_4" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_5" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ---------- 2c2 < <viewport zoom="120.00" x="30.00" y="30.00" angle="0.00"/> --- > <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/> ---------- Differences in net ---------- 162,164c162,164 < <tlLogic id="J3" type="static" programID="0" offset="0"> < <phase duration="37" state="gGGgrrrrgGGgrrrrGG"/> < <phase duration="5" state="gGGgrrrrgGGgrrrrrr"/> --- > <tlLogic id="J3" type="actuated" programID="0" offset="0"> > <phase duration="37" state="gGGgrrrrgGGgrrrrGG" minDur="5" maxDur="50"/> > <phase duration="5" state="gGGgrrrrgGGgrrrrrr" latestEnd="13.15"/> 166c166 < <phase duration="42" state="rrrrGGGgrrrrGGGgrr"/> --- > <phase duration="42" state="rrrrGGGgrrrrGGGgrr" minDur="5" maxDur="50"/> ---------- Differences in output ---------- 4c4 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 393 --- > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 802 - 404 ---------- Differences in routes ---------- 6,17c6,13 < <vehicle id="trip_1" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E2 E3 -E3 E2" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_2" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E1 E0 -E0 E1" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_3" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E3 E2 -E2 E3" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_4" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E0 E1 -E1 E0" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> --- > <trip id="t_0" depart="0.00" from="-E3" to="E4"/> > <trip id="t_1" depart="0.00" from="-E2" to="E3"/> > <trip id="t_2" depart="0.00" from="-E5" to="E2"/> > <trip id="t_3" depart="0.00" from="-E4" to="E5"/> > <flow id="f_0" begin="0.00" from="-E4" to="E2" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_1" begin="0.00" from="-E2" to="E4" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_2" begin="0.00" from="-E5" to="E3" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_3" begin="0.00" from="-E3" to="E5" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> ---------- New result in datas ---------- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd"> <interval id="set" begin="0.00" end="3600.00"> <edgeRelation from="-E3" to="E4"/> <edgeRelation from="-E4" to="E5"/> <edgeRelation from="-E5" to="E2"/> <edgeRelation from="-E2" to="E3"/> </interval> </data>
---------- Differences in additionals ---------- 6,21c6,21 < <inductionLoop id="E1_00" lane="-E2_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_01" lane="-E2_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_02" lane="E2_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_03" lane="E2_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_04" lane="-E1_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_05" lane="-E1_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_06" lane="E1_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_07" lane="E1_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_08" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_09" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_10" lane="E3_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_11" lane="E3_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_12" lane="-E0_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_13" lane="-E0_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_14" lane="E0_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_15" lane="E0_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> --- > <inductionLoop id="e1_0" lane="E4_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_1" lane="E4_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_10" lane="E2_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_10.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_11" lane="E2_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_11.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_12" lane="-E5_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_12.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_13" lane="-E5_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_13.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_14" lane="E5_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_14.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_15" lane="E5_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_15.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_2" lane="-E4_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_3" lane="-E4_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_4" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_5" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ---------- 2c2 < <viewport zoom="120.00" x="30.00" y="30.00" angle="0.00"/> --- > <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/> ---------- Differences in net ---------- 162,163c162,163 < <tlLogic id="J3" type="static" programID="0" offset="0"> < <phase duration="37" state="gGGgrrrrgGGgrrrrGG"/> --- > <tlLogic id="J3" type="actuated" programID="0" offset="0"> > <phase duration="37" state="gGGgrrrrgGGgrrrrGG" minDur="5" maxDur="50"/> 165,166c165,166 < <phase duration="3" state="yyyyrrrryyyyrrrrrr"/> < <phase duration="42" state="rrrrGGGgrrrrGGGgrr"/> --- > <phase duration="3" state="yyyyrrrryyyyrrrrrr" maxDur="13.15"/> > <phase duration="42" state="rrrrGGGgrrrrGGGgrr" minDur="5" maxDur="50"/> ---------- Differences in output ---------- 4c4 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 393 --- > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 802 - 404 ---------- Differences in routes ---------- 6,17c6,13 < <vehicle id="trip_1" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E2 E3 -E3 E2" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_2" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E1 E0 -E0 E1" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_3" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E3 E2 -E2 E3" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_4" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E0 E1 -E1 E0" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> --- > <trip id="t_0" depart="0.00" from="-E3" to="E4"/> > <trip id="t_1" depart="0.00" from="-E2" to="E3"/> > <trip id="t_2" depart="0.00" from="-E5" to="E2"/> > <trip id="t_3" depart="0.00" from="-E4" to="E5"/> > <flow id="f_0" begin="0.00" from="-E4" to="E2" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_1" begin="0.00" from="-E2" to="E4" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_2" begin="0.00" from="-E5" to="E3" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_3" begin="0.00" from="-E3" to="E5" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> ---------- New result in datas ---------- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd"> <interval id="set" begin="0.00" end="3600.00"> <edgeRelation from="-E3" to="E4"/> <edgeRelation from="-E4" to="E5"/> <edgeRelation from="-E5" to="E2"/> <edgeRelation from="-E2" to="E3"/> </interval> </data>
---------- Differences in additionals ---------- 6,21c6,21 < <inductionLoop id="E1_00" lane="-E2_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_01" lane="-E2_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_02" lane="E2_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_03" lane="E2_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_04" lane="-E1_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_05" lane="-E1_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_06" lane="E1_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_07" lane="E1_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_08" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_09" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_10" lane="E3_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_11" lane="E3_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_12" lane="-E0_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_13" lane="-E0_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_14" lane="E0_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_15" lane="E0_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> --- > <inductionLoop id="e1_0" lane="E4_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_1" lane="E4_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_10" lane="E2_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_10.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_11" lane="E2_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_11.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_12" lane="-E5_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_12.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_13" lane="-E5_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_13.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_14" lane="E5_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_14.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_15" lane="E5_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_15.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_2" lane="-E4_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_3" lane="-E4_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_4" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_5" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ---------- 2c2 < <viewport zoom="120.00" x="30.00" y="30.00" angle="0.00"/> --- > <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/> ---------- Differences in net ---------- 162,164c162,164 < <tlLogic id="J3" type="static" programID="0" offset="0"> < <phase duration="37" state="gGGgrrrrgGGgrrrrGG"/> < <phase duration="5" state="gGGgrrrrgGGgrrrrrr"/> --- > <tlLogic id="J3" type="actuated" programID="0" offset="0"> > <phase duration="37" state="gGGgrrrrgGGgrrrrGG" minDur="5" maxDur="50"/> > <phase duration="5" state="gGGgrrrrgGGgrrrrrr" minDur="13.15"/> 166c166 < <phase duration="42" state="rrrrGGGgrrrrGGGgrr"/> --- > <phase duration="42" state="rrrrGGGgrrrrGGGgrr" minDur="5" maxDur="50"/> ---------- Differences in output ---------- 4c4 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 393 --- > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 802 - 404 ---------- Differences in routes ---------- 6,17c6,13 < <vehicle id="trip_1" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E2 E3 -E3 E2" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_2" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E1 E0 -E0 E1" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_3" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E3 E2 -E2 E3" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_4" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E0 E1 -E1 E0" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> --- > <trip id="t_0" depart="0.00" from="-E3" to="E4"/> > <trip id="t_1" depart="0.00" from="-E2" to="E3"/> > <trip id="t_2" depart="0.00" from="-E5" to="E2"/> > <trip id="t_3" depart="0.00" from="-E4" to="E5"/> > <flow id="f_0" begin="0.00" from="-E4" to="E2" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_1" begin="0.00" from="-E2" to="E4" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_2" begin="0.00" from="-E5" to="E3" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_3" begin="0.00" from="-E3" to="E5" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> ---------- New result in datas ---------- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd"> <interval id="set" begin="0.00" end="3600.00"> <edgeRelation from="-E3" to="E4"/> <edgeRelation from="-E4" to="E5"/> <edgeRelation from="-E5" to="E2"/> <edgeRelation from="-E2" to="E3"/> </interval> </data>
---------- Differences in additionals ---------- 6,21c6,21 < <inductionLoop id="E1_00" lane="-E2_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_01" lane="-E2_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_02" lane="E2_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_03" lane="E2_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_04" lane="-E1_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_05" lane="-E1_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_06" lane="E1_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_07" lane="E1_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_08" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_09" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_10" lane="E3_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_11" lane="E3_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_12" lane="-E0_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_13" lane="-E0_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_14" lane="E0_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_15" lane="E0_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> --- > <inductionLoop id="e1_0" lane="E4_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_1" lane="E4_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_10" lane="E2_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_10.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_11" lane="E2_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_11.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_12" lane="-E5_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_12.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_13" lane="-E5_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_13.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_14" lane="E5_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_14.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_15" lane="E5_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_15.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_2" lane="-E4_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_3" lane="-E4_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_4" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_5" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ---------- 2c2 < <viewport zoom="120.00" x="30.00" y="30.00" angle="0.00"/> --- > <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/> ---------- Differences in net ---------- 162,163c162,163 < <tlLogic id="J3" type="static" programID="0" offset="0"> < <phase duration="37" state="gGGgrrrrgGGgrrrrGG"/> --- > <tlLogic id="J3" type="actuated" programID="0" offset="0"> > <phase duration="37" state="gGGgrrrrgGGgrrrrGG" minDur="5" maxDur="50"/> 166c166 < <phase duration="42" state="rrrrGGGgrrrrGGGgrr"/> --- > <phase duration="42" state="rrrrGGGgrrrrGGGgrr" minDur="5" maxDur="50" name="custom name"/> ---------- Differences in output ---------- 4c4 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 393 --- > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 802 - 404 ---------- Differences in routes ---------- 6,17c6,13 < <vehicle id="trip_1" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E2 E3 -E3 E2" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_2" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E1 E0 -E0 E1" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_3" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E3 E2 -E2 E3" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_4" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E0 E1 -E1 E0" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> --- > <trip id="t_0" depart="0.00" from="-E3" to="E4"/> > <trip id="t_1" depart="0.00" from="-E2" to="E3"/> > <trip id="t_2" depart="0.00" from="-E5" to="E2"/> > <trip id="t_3" depart="0.00" from="-E4" to="E5"/> > <flow id="f_0" begin="0.00" from="-E4" to="E2" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_1" begin="0.00" from="-E2" to="E4" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_2" begin="0.00" from="-E5" to="E3" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_3" begin="0.00" from="-E3" to="E5" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> ---------- New result in datas ---------- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd"> <interval id="set" begin="0.00" end="3600.00"> <edgeRelation from="-E3" to="E4"/> <edgeRelation from="-E4" to="E5"/> <edgeRelation from="-E5" to="E2"/> <edgeRelation from="-E2" to="E3"/> </interval> </data>
---------- Differences in additionals ---------- 6,21c6,21 < <inductionLoop id="E1_00" lane="-E2_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_01" lane="-E2_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_02" lane="E2_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_03" lane="E2_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_04" lane="-E1_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_05" lane="-E1_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_06" lane="E1_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_07" lane="E1_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_08" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_09" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_10" lane="E3_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_11" lane="E3_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_12" lane="-E0_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_13" lane="-E0_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_14" lane="E0_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_15" lane="E0_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> --- > <inductionLoop id="e1_0" lane="E4_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_1" lane="E4_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_10" lane="E2_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_10.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_11" lane="E2_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_11.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_12" lane="-E5_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_12.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_13" lane="-E5_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_13.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_14" lane="E5_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_14.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_15" lane="E5_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_15.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_2" lane="-E4_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_3" lane="-E4_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_4" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_5" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ---------- 2c2 < <viewport zoom="120.00" x="30.00" y="30.00" angle="0.00"/> --- > <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/> ---------- Differences in net ---------- 162,163c162,163 < <tlLogic id="J3" type="static" programID="0" offset="0"> < <phase duration="37" state="gGGgrrrrgGGgrrrrGG"/> --- > <tlLogic id="J3" type="actuated" programID="0" offset="0"> > <phase duration="37" state="gGGgrrrrgGGgrrrrGG" minDur="5" maxDur="50"/> 165,166c165,166 < <phase duration="3" state="yyyyrrrryyyyrrrrrr"/> < <phase duration="42" state="rrrrGGGgrrrrGGGgrr"/> --- > <phase duration="3" state="yyyyrrrryyyyrrrrrr" next="1"/> > <phase duration="42" state="rrrrGGGgrrrrGGGgrr" minDur="5" maxDur="50"/> ---------- Differences in output ---------- 4c4 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 393 --- > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 802 - 404 ---------- Differences in routes ---------- 6,17c6,13 < <vehicle id="trip_1" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E2 E3 -E3 E2" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_2" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E1 E0 -E0 E1" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_3" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E3 E2 -E2 E3" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_4" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E0 E1 -E1 E0" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> --- > <trip id="t_0" depart="0.00" from="-E3" to="E4"/> > <trip id="t_1" depart="0.00" from="-E2" to="E3"/> > <trip id="t_2" depart="0.00" from="-E5" to="E2"/> > <trip id="t_3" depart="0.00" from="-E4" to="E5"/> > <flow id="f_0" begin="0.00" from="-E4" to="E2" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_1" begin="0.00" from="-E2" to="E4" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_2" begin="0.00" from="-E5" to="E3" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_3" begin="0.00" from="-E3" to="E5" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> ---------- New result in datas ---------- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd"> <interval id="set" begin="0.00" end="3600.00"> <edgeRelation from="-E3" to="E4"/> <edgeRelation from="-E4" to="E5"/> <edgeRelation from="-E5" to="E2"/> <edgeRelation from="-E2" to="E3"/> </interval> </data>
---------- Differences in additionals ---------- 6,21c6,21 < <inductionLoop id="E1_00" lane="-E2_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_01" lane="-E2_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_02" lane="E2_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_03" lane="E2_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_04" lane="-E1_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_05" lane="-E1_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_06" lane="E1_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_07" lane="E1_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_08" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_09" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_10" lane="E3_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_11" lane="E3_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_12" lane="-E0_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_13" lane="-E0_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_14" lane="E0_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_15" lane="E0_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> --- > <inductionLoop id="e1_0" lane="E4_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_1" lane="E4_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_10" lane="E2_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_10.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_11" lane="E2_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_11.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_12" lane="-E5_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_12.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_13" lane="-E5_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_13.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_14" lane="E5_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_14.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_15" lane="E5_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_15.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_2" lane="-E4_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_3" lane="-E4_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_4" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_5" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ---------- 2c2 < <viewport zoom="120.00" x="30.00" y="30.00" angle="0.00"/> --- > <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/> ---------- Differences in net ---------- 162c162 < <tlLogic id="J3" type="actuated" programID="0" offset="0"> --- > <tlLogic id="J3" type="delay_based" programID="0" offset="0"> 165c165 < <phase duration="3" state="yyyyrrrryyyyrrrrrr"/> --- > <phase duration="6" state="yyyyrrrryyyyrrrrrr"/> ---------- Differences in output ---------- 4c4 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 393 --- > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 802 - 404 ---------- Differences in routes ---------- 6,17c6,13 < <vehicle id="trip_1" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E2 E3 -E3 E2" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_2" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E1 E0 -E0 E1" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_3" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E3 E2 -E2 E3" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_4" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E0 E1 -E1 E0" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> --- > <trip id="t_0" depart="0.00" from="-E3" to="E4"/> > <trip id="t_1" depart="0.00" from="-E2" to="E3"/> > <trip id="t_2" depart="0.00" from="-E5" to="E2"/> > <trip id="t_3" depart="0.00" from="-E4" to="E5"/> > <flow id="f_0" begin="0.00" from="-E4" to="E2" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_1" begin="0.00" from="-E2" to="E4" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_2" begin="0.00" from="-E5" to="E3" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_3" begin="0.00" from="-E3" to="E5" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> ---------- New result in datas ---------- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd"> <interval id="set" begin="0.00" end="3600.00"> <edgeRelation from="-E3" to="E4"/> <edgeRelation from="-E4" to="E5"/> <edgeRelation from="-E5" to="E2"/> <edgeRelation from="-E2" to="E3"/> </interval> </data>
---------- Differences in additionals ---------- 6,21c6,21 < <inductionLoop id="E1_00" lane="-E2_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_01" lane="-E2_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_02" lane="E2_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_03" lane="E2_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_04" lane="-E1_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_05" lane="-E1_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_06" lane="E1_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_07" lane="E1_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_08" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_09" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_10" lane="E3_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_11" lane="E3_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_12" lane="-E0_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_13" lane="-E0_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_14" lane="E0_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_15" lane="E0_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> --- > <inductionLoop id="e1_0" lane="E4_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_1" lane="E4_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_10" lane="E2_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_10.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_11" lane="E2_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_11.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_12" lane="-E5_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_12.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_13" lane="-E5_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_13.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_14" lane="E5_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_14.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_15" lane="E5_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_15.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_2" lane="-E4_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_3" lane="-E4_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_4" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_5" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ---------- 2c2 < <viewport zoom="120.00" x="30.00" y="30.00" angle="0.00"/> --- > <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/> ---------- Differences in net ---------- 162c162 < <tlLogic id="J3" type="actuated" programID="0" offset="0"> --- > <tlLogic id="J3" type="delay_based" programID="0" offset="0"> 164c164 < <phase duration="5" state="gGGgrrrrgGGgrrrrrr"/> --- > <phase duration="10" state="gGGgrrrrgGGgrrrrrr"/> ---------- Differences in output ---------- 4c4 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 393 --- > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 802 - 404 ---------- Differences in routes ---------- 6,17c6,13 < <vehicle id="trip_1" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E2 E3 -E3 E2" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_2" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E1 E0 -E0 E1" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_3" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E3 E2 -E2 E3" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_4" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E0 E1 -E1 E0" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> --- > <trip id="t_0" depart="0.00" from="-E3" to="E4"/> > <trip id="t_1" depart="0.00" from="-E2" to="E3"/> > <trip id="t_2" depart="0.00" from="-E5" to="E2"/> > <trip id="t_3" depart="0.00" from="-E4" to="E5"/> > <flow id="f_0" begin="0.00" from="-E4" to="E2" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_1" begin="0.00" from="-E2" to="E4" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_2" begin="0.00" from="-E5" to="E3" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_3" begin="0.00" from="-E3" to="E5" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> ---------- New result in datas ---------- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd"> <interval id="set" begin="0.00" end="3600.00"> <edgeRelation from="-E3" to="E4"/> <edgeRelation from="-E4" to="E5"/> <edgeRelation from="-E5" to="E2"/> <edgeRelation from="-E2" to="E3"/> </interval> </data>
---------- Differences in additionals ---------- 6,21c6,21 < <inductionLoop id="E1_00" lane="-E2_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_01" lane="-E2_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_02" lane="E2_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_03" lane="E2_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_04" lane="-E1_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_05" lane="-E1_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_06" lane="E1_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_07" lane="E1_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_08" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_09" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_10" lane="E3_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_11" lane="E3_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_12" lane="-E0_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_13" lane="-E0_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_14" lane="E0_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_15" lane="E0_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> --- > <inductionLoop id="e1_0" lane="E4_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_1" lane="E4_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_10" lane="E2_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_10.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_11" lane="E2_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_11.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_12" lane="-E5_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_12.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_13" lane="-E5_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_13.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_14" lane="E5_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_14.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_15" lane="E5_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_15.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_2" lane="-E4_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_3" lane="-E4_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_4" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_5" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ---------- 2c2 < <viewport zoom="120.00" x="30.00" y="30.00" angle="0.00"/> --- > <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/> ---------- Differences in net ---------- 32c32 < <lane id=":J3_7_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.26" length="5.01" shape="10.40,1.60 5.44,0.89"/> --- > <lane id=":J3_7_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.26" length="2.51" shape="10.40,1.60 7.91,1.24"/> 35c35 < <lane id=":J3_18_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.26" length="14.34" shape="5.44,0.89 5.15,0.85 1.40,-1.40 -0.85,-5.15 -1.60,-10.40"/> --- > <lane id=":J3_18_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.26" length="16.84" shape="7.91,1.24 5.15,0.85 1.40,-1.40 -0.85,-5.15 -1.60,-10.40"/> 61c61 < <lane id=":J3_15_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.26" length="5.01" shape="-10.40,-1.60 -5.44,-0.89"/> --- > <lane id=":J3_15_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.26" length="2.51" shape="-10.40,-1.60 -7.91,-1.24"/> 64c64 < <lane id=":J3_21_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.26" length="14.34" shape="-5.44,-0.89 -5.15,-0.85 -1.40,1.40 0.85,5.15 1.60,10.40"/> --- > <lane id=":J3_21_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.26" length="16.84" shape="-7.91,-1.24 -5.15,-0.85 -1.40,1.40 0.85,5.15 1.60,10.40"/> 162c162 < <tlLogic id="J3" type="actuated" programID="0" offset="0"> --- > <tlLogic id="J3" type="delay_based" programID="0" offset="0"> 164a165 > <phase duration="3" state="gggggggggggggggggg"/> 172,174c173,175 < <request index="1" response="001000000010000000" foes="001111100011100000" cont="0"/> < <request index="2" response="001000000010000000" foes="001111100011100000" cont="0"/> < <request index="3" response="011000011010000000" foes="011110011011100000" cont="1"/> --- > <request index="1" response="000000000000000000" foes="001111100011100000" cont="0"/> > <request index="2" response="000000000000000000" foes="001111100011100000" cont="0"/> > <request index="3" response="010000011000000000" foes="011110011011100000" cont="1"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in output ---------- 4c4 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 393 --- > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 802 - 404 ---------- Differences in routes ---------- 6,17c6,13 < <vehicle id="trip_1" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E2 E3 -E3 E2" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_2" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E1 E0 -E0 E1" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_3" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E3 E2 -E2 E3" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_4" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E0 E1 -E1 E0" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> --- > <trip id="t_0" depart="0.00" from="-E3" to="E4"/> > <trip id="t_1" depart="0.00" from="-E2" to="E3"/> > <trip id="t_2" depart="0.00" from="-E5" to="E2"/> > <trip id="t_3" depart="0.00" from="-E4" to="E5"/> > <flow id="f_0" begin="0.00" from="-E4" to="E2" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_1" begin="0.00" from="-E2" to="E4" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_2" begin="0.00" from="-E5" to="E3" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_3" begin="0.00" from="-E3" to="E5" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> ---------- New result in datas ---------- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd"> <interval id="set" begin="0.00" end="3600.00"> <edgeRelation from="-E3" to="E4"/> <edgeRelation from="-E4" to="E5"/> <edgeRelation from="-E5" to="E2"/> <edgeRelation from="-E2" to="E3"/> </interval> </data>
---------- Differences in additionals ---------- 6,21c6,21 < <inductionLoop id="E1_00" lane="-E2_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_01" lane="-E2_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_02" lane="E2_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_03" lane="E2_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_04" lane="-E1_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_05" lane="-E1_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_06" lane="E1_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_07" lane="E1_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_08" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_09" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_10" lane="E3_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_11" lane="E3_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_12" lane="-E0_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_13" lane="-E0_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_14" lane="E0_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_15" lane="E0_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> --- > <inductionLoop id="e1_0" lane="E4_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_1" lane="E4_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_10" lane="E2_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_10.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_11" lane="E2_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_11.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_12" lane="-E5_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_12.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_13" lane="-E5_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_13.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_14" lane="E5_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_14.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_15" lane="E5_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_15.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_2" lane="-E4_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_3" lane="-E4_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_4" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_5" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ---------- 2c2 < <viewport zoom="120.00" x="30.00" y="30.00" angle="0.00"/> --- > <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/> ---------- Differences in net ---------- 162c162 < <tlLogic id="J3" type="actuated" programID="0" offset="0"> --- > <tlLogic id="J3" type="delay_based" programID="0" offset="0"> 164a165 > <phase duration="3" state="GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG"/> ---------- Differences in output ---------- 4c4 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 393 --- > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 802 - 404 ---------- Differences in routes ---------- 6,17c6,13 < <vehicle id="trip_1" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E2 E3 -E3 E2" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_2" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E1 E0 -E0 E1" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_3" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E3 E2 -E2 E3" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_4" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E0 E1 -E1 E0" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> --- > <trip id="t_0" depart="0.00" from="-E3" to="E4"/> > <trip id="t_1" depart="0.00" from="-E2" to="E3"/> > <trip id="t_2" depart="0.00" from="-E5" to="E2"/> > <trip id="t_3" depart="0.00" from="-E4" to="E5"/> > <flow id="f_0" begin="0.00" from="-E4" to="E2" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_1" begin="0.00" from="-E2" to="E4" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_2" begin="0.00" from="-E5" to="E3" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_3" begin="0.00" from="-E3" to="E5" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> ---------- New result in datas ---------- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd"> <interval id="set" begin="0.00" end="3600.00"> <edgeRelation from="-E3" to="E4"/> <edgeRelation from="-E4" to="E5"/> <edgeRelation from="-E5" to="E2"/> <edgeRelation from="-E2" to="E3"/> </interval> </data>
---------- Differences in additionals ---------- 6,21c6,21 < <inductionLoop id="E1_00" lane="-E2_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_01" lane="-E2_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_02" lane="E2_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_03" lane="E2_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_04" lane="-E1_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_05" lane="-E1_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_06" lane="E1_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_07" lane="E1_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_08" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_09" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_10" lane="E3_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_11" lane="E3_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_12" lane="-E0_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_13" lane="-E0_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_14" lane="E0_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_15" lane="E0_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> --- > <inductionLoop id="e1_0" lane="E4_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_1" lane="E4_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_10" lane="E2_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_10.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_11" lane="E2_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_11.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_12" lane="-E5_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_12.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_13" lane="-E5_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_13.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_14" lane="E5_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_14.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_15" lane="E5_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_15.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_2" lane="-E4_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_3" lane="-E4_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_4" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_5" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ---------- 2c2 < <viewport zoom="120.00" x="30.00" y="30.00" angle="0.00"/> --- > <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/> ---------- Differences in net ---------- 162c162 < <tlLogic id="J3" type="actuated" programID="0" offset="0"> --- > <tlLogic id="J3" type="delay_based" programID="0" offset="0"> 164a165 > <phase duration="3" state="rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr"/> ---------- Differences in output ---------- 4c4 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 393 --- > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 802 - 404 ---------- Differences in routes ---------- 6,17c6,13 < <vehicle id="trip_1" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E2 E3 -E3 E2" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_2" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E1 E0 -E0 E1" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_3" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E3 E2 -E2 E3" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_4" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E0 E1 -E1 E0" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> --- > <trip id="t_0" depart="0.00" from="-E3" to="E4"/> > <trip id="t_1" depart="0.00" from="-E2" to="E3"/> > <trip id="t_2" depart="0.00" from="-E5" to="E2"/> > <trip id="t_3" depart="0.00" from="-E4" to="E5"/> > <flow id="f_0" begin="0.00" from="-E4" to="E2" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_1" begin="0.00" from="-E2" to="E4" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_2" begin="0.00" from="-E5" to="E3" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_3" begin="0.00" from="-E3" to="E5" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> ---------- New result in datas ---------- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd"> <interval id="set" begin="0.00" end="3600.00"> <edgeRelation from="-E3" to="E4"/> <edgeRelation from="-E4" to="E5"/> <edgeRelation from="-E5" to="E2"/> <edgeRelation from="-E2" to="E3"/> </interval> </data>
---------- Differences in additionals ---------- 6,21c6,21 < <inductionLoop id="E1_00" lane="-E2_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_01" lane="-E2_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_02" lane="E2_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_03" lane="E2_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_04" lane="-E1_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_05" lane="-E1_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_06" lane="E1_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_07" lane="E1_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_08" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_09" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_10" lane="E3_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_11" lane="E3_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_12" lane="-E0_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_13" lane="-E0_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_14" lane="E0_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_15" lane="E0_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> --- > <inductionLoop id="e1_0" lane="E4_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_1" lane="E4_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_10" lane="E2_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_10.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_11" lane="E2_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_11.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_12" lane="-E5_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_12.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_13" lane="-E5_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_13.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_14" lane="E5_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_14.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_15" lane="E5_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_15.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_2" lane="-E4_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_3" lane="-E4_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_4" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_5" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ---------- 2c2 < <viewport zoom="120.00" x="30.00" y="30.00" angle="0.00"/> --- > <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/> ---------- Differences in net ---------- 162c162 < <tlLogic id="J3" type="actuated" programID="0" offset="0"> --- > <tlLogic id="J3" type="delay_based" programID="0" offset="0"> 164a165 > <phase duration="3" state="yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy"/> ---------- Differences in output ---------- 4c4 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 393 --- > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 802 - 404 ---------- Differences in routes ---------- 6,17c6,13 < <vehicle id="trip_1" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E2 E3 -E3 E2" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_2" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E1 E0 -E0 E1" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_3" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E3 E2 -E2 E3" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_4" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E0 E1 -E1 E0" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> --- > <trip id="t_0" depart="0.00" from="-E3" to="E4"/> > <trip id="t_1" depart="0.00" from="-E2" to="E3"/> > <trip id="t_2" depart="0.00" from="-E5" to="E2"/> > <trip id="t_3" depart="0.00" from="-E4" to="E5"/> > <flow id="f_0" begin="0.00" from="-E4" to="E2" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_1" begin="0.00" from="-E2" to="E4" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_2" begin="0.00" from="-E5" to="E3" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_3" begin="0.00" from="-E3" to="E5" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> ---------- New result in datas ---------- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd"> <interval id="set" begin="0.00" end="3600.00"> <edgeRelation from="-E3" to="E4"/> <edgeRelation from="-E4" to="E5"/> <edgeRelation from="-E5" to="E2"/> <edgeRelation from="-E2" to="E3"/> </interval> </data>
---------- Differences in additionals ---------- 6,21c6,21 < <inductionLoop id="E1_00" lane="-E2_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_01" lane="-E2_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_02" lane="E2_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_03" lane="E2_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_04" lane="-E1_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_05" lane="-E1_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_06" lane="E1_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_07" lane="E1_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_08" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_09" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_10" lane="E3_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_11" lane="E3_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_12" lane="-E0_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_13" lane="-E0_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_14" lane="E0_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_15" lane="E0_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> --- > <inductionLoop id="e1_0" lane="E4_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_1" lane="E4_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_10" lane="E2_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_10.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_11" lane="E2_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_11.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_12" lane="-E5_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_12.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_13" lane="-E5_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_13.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_14" lane="E5_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_14.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_15" lane="E5_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_15.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_2" lane="-E4_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_3" lane="-E4_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_4" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_5" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ---------- 2c2 < <viewport zoom="120.00" x="30.00" y="30.00" angle="0.00"/> --- > <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/> ---------- Differences in log ---------- 1c1 < Warning: Unused state in tlLogic 'J0', program '0' at tl-index 16 --- > Warning: Unused state in tlLogic 'J3', program '0' at tl-index 18 ---------- Differences in net ---------- 162,167c162,167 < <tlLogic id="J3" type="actuated" programID="0" offset="0"> < <phase duration="37" state="gGGgrrrrgGGgrrrrGG" minDur="5" maxDur="50"/> < <phase duration="5" state="gGGgrrrrgGGgrrrrrr"/> < <phase duration="3" state="yyyyrrrryyyyrrrrrr"/> < <phase duration="42" state="rrrrGGGgrrrrGGGgrr" minDur="5" maxDur="50"/> < <phase duration="3" state="rrrryyyyrrrryyyyrr"/> --- > <tlLogic id="J3" type="delay_based" programID="0" offset="0"> > <phase duration="37" state="gGGgrrrrgGGgrrrrGGr" minDur="5" maxDur="50"/> > <phase duration="5" state="gGGgrrrrgGGgrrrrrrr"/> > <phase duration="3" state="yyyyrrrryyyyrrrrrrr"/> > <phase duration="42" state="rrrrGGGgrrrrGGGgrrr" minDur="5" maxDur="50"/> > <phase duration="3" state="rrrryyyyrrrryyyyrrr"/> ---------- Differences in output ---------- 4c4 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 393 --- > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 802 - 404 ---------- Differences in routes ---------- 6,17c6,13 < <vehicle id="trip_1" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E2 E3 -E3 E2" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_2" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E1 E0 -E0 E1" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_3" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E3 E2 -E2 E3" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_4" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E0 E1 -E1 E0" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> --- > <trip id="t_0" depart="0.00" from="-E3" to="E4"/> > <trip id="t_1" depart="0.00" from="-E2" to="E3"/> > <trip id="t_2" depart="0.00" from="-E5" to="E2"/> > <trip id="t_3" depart="0.00" from="-E4" to="E5"/> > <flow id="f_0" begin="0.00" from="-E4" to="E2" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_1" begin="0.00" from="-E2" to="E4" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_2" begin="0.00" from="-E5" to="E3" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_3" begin="0.00" from="-E3" to="E5" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> ---------- New result in datas ---------- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd"> <interval id="set" begin="0.00" end="3600.00"> <edgeRelation from="-E3" to="E4"/> <edgeRelation from="-E4" to="E5"/> <edgeRelation from="-E5" to="E2"/> <edgeRelation from="-E2" to="E3"/> </interval> </data>
---------- Differences in additionals ---------- 6,21c6,21 < <inductionLoop id="E1_00" lane="-E2_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_01" lane="-E2_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_02" lane="E2_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_03" lane="E2_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_04" lane="-E1_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_05" lane="-E1_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_06" lane="E1_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_07" lane="E1_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_08" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_09" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_10" lane="E3_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_11" lane="E3_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_12" lane="-E0_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_13" lane="-E0_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_14" lane="E0_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_15" lane="E0_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> --- > <inductionLoop id="e1_0" lane="E4_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_1" lane="E4_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_10" lane="E2_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_10.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_11" lane="E2_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_11.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_12" lane="-E5_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_12.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_13" lane="-E5_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_13.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_14" lane="E5_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_14.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_15" lane="E5_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_15.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_2" lane="-E4_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_3" lane="-E4_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_4" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_5" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ---------- 2c2 < <viewport zoom="120.00" x="30.00" y="30.00" angle="0.00"/> --- > <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/> ---------- Differences in net ---------- 162c162 < <tlLogic id="J3" type="actuated" programID="0" offset="0"> --- > <tlLogic id="J3" type="delay_based" programID="0" offset="0"> ---------- Differences in output ---------- 4c4 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 393 --- > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 802 - 404 ---------- Differences in routes ---------- 6,17c6,13 < <vehicle id="trip_1" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E2 E3 -E3 E2" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_2" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E1 E0 -E0 E1" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_3" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E3 E2 -E2 E3" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_4" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E0 E1 -E1 E0" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> --- > <trip id="t_0" depart="0.00" from="-E3" to="E4"/> > <trip id="t_1" depart="0.00" from="-E2" to="E3"/> > <trip id="t_2" depart="0.00" from="-E5" to="E2"/> > <trip id="t_3" depart="0.00" from="-E4" to="E5"/> > <flow id="f_0" begin="0.00" from="-E4" to="E2" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_1" begin="0.00" from="-E2" to="E4" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_2" begin="0.00" from="-E5" to="E3" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_3" begin="0.00" from="-E3" to="E5" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> ---------- New result in datas ---------- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd"> <interval id="set" begin="0.00" end="3600.00"> <edgeRelation from="-E3" to="E4"/> <edgeRelation from="-E4" to="E5"/> <edgeRelation from="-E5" to="E2"/> <edgeRelation from="-E2" to="E3"/> </interval> </data>network trafficlights single phases delay_based buttons cleanstates ( Last six runs Aug2024 )
---------- Differences in additionals ---------- 6,21c6,21 < <inductionLoop id="E1_00" lane="-E2_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_01" lane="-E2_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_02" lane="E2_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_03" lane="E2_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_04" lane="-E1_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_05" lane="-E1_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_06" lane="E1_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_07" lane="E1_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_08" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_09" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_10" lane="E3_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_11" lane="E3_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_12" lane="-E0_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_13" lane="-E0_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_14" lane="E0_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_15" lane="E0_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> --- > <inductionLoop id="e1_0" lane="E4_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_1" lane="E4_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_10" lane="E2_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_10.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_11" lane="E2_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_11.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_12" lane="-E5_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_12.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_13" lane="-E5_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_13.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_14" lane="E5_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_14.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_15" lane="E5_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_15.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_2" lane="-E4_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_3" lane="-E4_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_4" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_5" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ---------- 2c2 < <viewport zoom="120.00" x="30.00" y="30.00" angle="0.00"/> --- > <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/> ---------- Differences in net ---------- 162c162 < <tlLogic id="J3" type="actuated" programID="0" offset="0"> --- > <tlLogic id="J3" type="delay_based" programID="0" offset="0"> 165d164 < <phase duration="3" state="yyyyrrrryyyyrrrrrr"/> ---------- Differences in output ---------- 4c4 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 393 --- > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 802 - 404 ---------- Differences in routes ---------- 6,17c6,13 < <vehicle id="trip_1" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E2 E3 -E3 E2" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_2" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E1 E0 -E0 E1" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_3" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E3 E2 -E2 E3" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_4" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E0 E1 -E1 E0" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> --- > <trip id="t_0" depart="0.00" from="-E3" to="E4"/> > <trip id="t_1" depart="0.00" from="-E2" to="E3"/> > <trip id="t_2" depart="0.00" from="-E5" to="E2"/> > <trip id="t_3" depart="0.00" from="-E4" to="E5"/> > <flow id="f_0" begin="0.00" from="-E4" to="E2" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_1" begin="0.00" from="-E2" to="E4" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_2" begin="0.00" from="-E5" to="E3" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_3" begin="0.00" from="-E3" to="E5" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> ---------- New result in datas ---------- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd"> <interval id="set" begin="0.00" end="3600.00"> <edgeRelation from="-E3" to="E4"/> <edgeRelation from="-E4" to="E5"/> <edgeRelation from="-E5" to="E2"/> <edgeRelation from="-E2" to="E3"/> </interval> </data>
---------- Differences in additionals ---------- 6,21c6,21 < <inductionLoop id="E1_00" lane="-E2_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_01" lane="-E2_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_02" lane="E2_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_03" lane="E2_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_04" lane="-E1_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_05" lane="-E1_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_06" lane="E1_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_07" lane="E1_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_08" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_09" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_10" lane="E3_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_11" lane="E3_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_12" lane="-E0_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_13" lane="-E0_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_14" lane="E0_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_15" lane="E0_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> --- > <inductionLoop id="e1_0" lane="E4_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_1" lane="E4_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_10" lane="E2_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_10.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_11" lane="E2_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_11.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_12" lane="-E5_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_12.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_13" lane="-E5_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_13.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_14" lane="E5_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_14.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_15" lane="E5_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_15.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_2" lane="-E4_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_3" lane="-E4_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_4" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_5" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ---------- 2c2 < <viewport zoom="120.00" x="30.00" y="30.00" angle="0.00"/> --- > <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/> ---------- Differences in net ---------- 162,167c162,167 < <tlLogic id="J3" type="actuated" programID="0" offset="0"> < <phase duration="37" state="gGGgrrrrgGGgrrrrGG" minDur="5" maxDur="50"/> < <phase duration="5" state="gGGgrrrrgGGgrrrrrr"/> < <phase duration="3" state="yyyyrrrryyyyrrrrrr"/> < <phase duration="42" state="rrrrGGGgrrrrGGGgrr" minDur="5" maxDur="50"/> < <phase duration="3" state="rrrryyyyrrrryyyyrr"/> --- > <tlLogic id="J3" type="delay_based" programID="0" offset="0"> > <phase duration="37" state="gGrrgGrrGG" minDur="5" maxDur="50"/> > <phase duration="5" state="gGrrgGrrrr"/> > <phase duration="3" state="yyrryyrrrr"/> > <phase duration="42" state="rrGgrrGgrr" minDur="5" maxDur="50"/> > <phase duration="3" state="rryyrryyrr"/> 216,219c216,219 < <connection from="-E2" to="E3" fromLane="1" toLane="2" via=":J3_4_0" tl="J3" linkIndex="4" dir="r" state="o"/> < <connection from="-E2" to="E4" fromLane="1" toLane="1" via=":J3_5_0" tl="J3" linkIndex="5" dir="s" state="o"/> < <connection from="-E2" to="E4" fromLane="2" toLane="2" via=":J3_5_1" tl="J3" linkIndex="6" dir="s" state="o"/> < <connection from="-E2" to="E5" fromLane="2" toLane="2" via=":J3_7_0" tl="J3" linkIndex="7" dir="l" state="o"/> --- > <connection from="-E2" to="E3" fromLane="1" toLane="2" via=":J3_4_0" tl="J3" linkIndex="2" dir="r" state="o"/> > <connection from="-E2" to="E4" fromLane="1" toLane="1" via=":J3_5_0" tl="J3" linkIndex="2" dir="s" state="o"/> > <connection from="-E2" to="E4" fromLane="2" toLane="2" via=":J3_5_1" tl="J3" linkIndex="2" dir="s" state="o"/> > <connection from="-E2" to="E5" fromLane="2" toLane="2" via=":J3_7_0" tl="J3" linkIndex="3" dir="l" state="o"/> 222,231c222,231 < <connection from="-E3" to="E5" fromLane="2" toLane="2" via=":J3_1_1" tl="J3" linkIndex="2" dir="s" state="O"/> < <connection from="-E3" to="E2" fromLane="2" toLane="2" via=":J3_3_0" tl="J3" linkIndex="3" dir="l" state="o"/> < <connection from="-E4" to="E5" fromLane="1" toLane="1" via=":J3_12_0" tl="J3" linkIndex="12" dir="r" state="o"/> < <connection from="-E4" to="E2" fromLane="1" toLane="1" via=":J3_13_0" tl="J3" linkIndex="13" dir="s" state="o"/> < <connection from="-E4" to="E2" fromLane="2" toLane="2" via=":J3_13_1" tl="J3" linkIndex="14" dir="s" state="o"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in output ---------- 4c4 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 393 --- > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 802 - 404 ---------- Differences in routes ---------- 6,17c6,13 < <vehicle id="trip_1" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E2 E3 -E3 E2" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_2" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E1 E0 -E0 E1" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_3" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E3 E2 -E2 E3" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_4" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E0 E1 -E1 E0" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> --- > <trip id="t_0" depart="0.00" from="-E3" to="E4"/> > <trip id="t_1" depart="0.00" from="-E2" to="E3"/> > <trip id="t_2" depart="0.00" from="-E5" to="E2"/> > <trip id="t_3" depart="0.00" from="-E4" to="E5"/> > <flow id="f_0" begin="0.00" from="-E4" to="E2" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_1" begin="0.00" from="-E2" to="E4" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_2" begin="0.00" from="-E5" to="E3" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_3" begin="0.00" from="-E3" to="E5" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> ---------- New result in datas ---------- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd"> <interval id="set" begin="0.00" end="3600.00"> <edgeRelation from="-E3" to="E4"/> <edgeRelation from="-E4" to="E5"/> <edgeRelation from="-E5" to="E2"/> <edgeRelation from="-E2" to="E3"/> </interval> </data>
---------- Differences in additionals ---------- 6,21c6,21 < <inductionLoop id="E1_00" lane="-E2_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_01" lane="-E2_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_02" lane="E2_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_03" lane="E2_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_04" lane="-E1_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_05" lane="-E1_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_06" lane="E1_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_07" lane="E1_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_08" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_09" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_10" lane="E3_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_11" lane="E3_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_12" lane="-E0_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_13" lane="-E0_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_14" lane="E0_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_15" lane="E0_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> --- > <inductionLoop id="e1_0" lane="E4_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_1" lane="E4_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_10" lane="E2_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_10.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_11" lane="E2_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_11.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_12" lane="-E5_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_12.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_13" lane="-E5_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_13.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_14" lane="E5_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_14.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_15" lane="E5_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_15.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_2" lane="-E4_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_3" lane="-E4_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_4" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_5" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ---------- 2c2 < <viewport zoom="120.00" x="30.00" y="30.00" angle="0.00"/> --- > <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/> ---------- Differences in net ---------- 162,163c162 < <tlLogic id="J3" type="actuated" programID="0" offset="0"> < <phase duration="37" state="gGGgrrrrgGGgrrrrGG" minDur="5" maxDur="50"/> --- > <tlLogic id="J3" type="delay_based" programID="0" offset="0"> 164a164 > <phase duration="37" state="gGGgrrrrgGGgrrrrGG" minDur="5" maxDur="50"/> ---------- Differences in output ---------- 4c4 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 393 --- > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 802 - 404 ---------- Differences in routes ---------- 6,17c6,13 < <vehicle id="trip_1" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E2 E3 -E3 E2" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_2" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E1 E0 -E0 E1" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_3" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E3 E2 -E2 E3" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_4" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E0 E1 -E1 E0" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> --- > <trip id="t_0" depart="0.00" from="-E3" to="E4"/> > <trip id="t_1" depart="0.00" from="-E2" to="E3"/> > <trip id="t_2" depart="0.00" from="-E5" to="E2"/> > <trip id="t_3" depart="0.00" from="-E4" to="E5"/> > <flow id="f_0" begin="0.00" from="-E4" to="E2" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_1" begin="0.00" from="-E2" to="E4" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_2" begin="0.00" from="-E5" to="E3" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_3" begin="0.00" from="-E3" to="E5" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> ---------- New result in datas ---------- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd"> <interval id="set" begin="0.00" end="3600.00"> <edgeRelation from="-E3" to="E4"/> <edgeRelation from="-E4" to="E5"/> <edgeRelation from="-E5" to="E2"/> <edgeRelation from="-E2" to="E3"/> </interval> </data>
---------- Differences in additionals ---------- 6,21c6,21 < <inductionLoop id="E1_00" lane="-E2_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_01" lane="-E2_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_02" lane="E2_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_03" lane="E2_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_04" lane="-E1_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_05" lane="-E1_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_06" lane="E1_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_07" lane="E1_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_08" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_09" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_10" lane="E3_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_11" lane="E3_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_12" lane="-E0_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_13" lane="-E0_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_14" lane="E0_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_15" lane="E0_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> --- > <inductionLoop id="e1_0" lane="E4_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_1" lane="E4_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_10" lane="E2_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_10.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_11" lane="E2_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_11.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_12" lane="-E5_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_12.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_13" lane="-E5_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_13.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_14" lane="E5_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_14.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_15" lane="E5_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_15.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_2" lane="-E4_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_3" lane="-E4_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_4" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_5" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ---------- 2c2 < <viewport zoom="120.00" x="30.00" y="30.00" angle="0.00"/> --- > <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/> ---------- Differences in net ---------- 162c162 < <tlLogic id="J3" type="actuated" programID="0" offset="0"> --- > <tlLogic id="J3" type="delay_based" programID="0" offset="0"> 167d166 < <phase duration="3" state="rrrryyyyrrrryyyyrr"/> ---------- Differences in output ---------- 4c4 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 393 --- > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 802 - 404 ---------- Differences in routes ---------- 6,17c6,13 < <vehicle id="trip_1" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E2 E3 -E3 E2" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_2" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E1 E0 -E0 E1" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_3" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E3 E2 -E2 E3" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_4" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E0 E1 -E1 E0" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> --- > <trip id="t_0" depart="0.00" from="-E3" to="E4"/> > <trip id="t_1" depart="0.00" from="-E2" to="E3"/> > <trip id="t_2" depart="0.00" from="-E5" to="E2"/> > <trip id="t_3" depart="0.00" from="-E4" to="E5"/> > <flow id="f_0" begin="0.00" from="-E4" to="E2" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_1" begin="0.00" from="-E2" to="E4" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_2" begin="0.00" from="-E5" to="E3" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_3" begin="0.00" from="-E3" to="E5" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> ---------- New result in datas ---------- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd"> <interval id="set" begin="0.00" end="3600.00"> <edgeRelation from="-E3" to="E4"/> <edgeRelation from="-E4" to="E5"/> <edgeRelation from="-E5" to="E2"/> <edgeRelation from="-E2" to="E3"/> </interval> </data>
---------- Differences in additionals ---------- 6,21c6,21 < <inductionLoop id="E1_00" lane="-E2_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_01" lane="-E2_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_02" lane="E2_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_03" lane="E2_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_04" lane="-E1_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_05" lane="-E1_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_06" lane="E1_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_07" lane="E1_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_08" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_09" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_10" lane="E3_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_11" lane="E3_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_12" lane="-E0_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_13" lane="-E0_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_14" lane="E0_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_15" lane="E0_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> --- > <inductionLoop id="e1_0" lane="E4_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_1" lane="E4_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_10" lane="E2_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_10.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_11" lane="E2_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_11.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_12" lane="-E5_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_12.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_13" lane="-E5_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_13.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_14" lane="E5_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_14.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_15" lane="E5_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_15.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_2" lane="-E4_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_3" lane="-E4_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_4" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_5" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ---------- 2c2 < <viewport zoom="120.00" x="30.00" y="30.00" angle="0.00"/> --- > <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/> ---------- Differences in net ---------- 162,163c162,163 < <tlLogic id="J3" type="actuated" programID="0" offset="0"> < <phase duration="37" state="gGGgrrrrgGGgrrrrGG" minDur="5" maxDur="50"/> --- > <tlLogic id="J3" type="delay_based" programID="0" offset="0"> > <phase duration="13.15" state="gGGgrrrrgGGgrrrrGG" minDur="5" maxDur="50"/> ---------- Differences in output ---------- 4c4 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 393 --- > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 802 - 404 ---------- Differences in routes ---------- 6,17c6,13 < <vehicle id="trip_1" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E2 E3 -E3 E2" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_2" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E1 E0 -E0 E1" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_3" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E3 E2 -E2 E3" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_4" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E0 E1 -E1 E0" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> --- > <trip id="t_0" depart="0.00" from="-E3" to="E4"/> > <trip id="t_1" depart="0.00" from="-E2" to="E3"/> > <trip id="t_2" depart="0.00" from="-E5" to="E2"/> > <trip id="t_3" depart="0.00" from="-E4" to="E5"/> > <flow id="f_0" begin="0.00" from="-E4" to="E2" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_1" begin="0.00" from="-E2" to="E4" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_2" begin="0.00" from="-E5" to="E3" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_3" begin="0.00" from="-E3" to="E5" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> ---------- New result in datas ---------- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd"> <interval id="set" begin="0.00" end="3600.00"> <edgeRelation from="-E3" to="E4"/> <edgeRelation from="-E4" to="E5"/> <edgeRelation from="-E5" to="E2"/> <edgeRelation from="-E2" to="E3"/> </interval> </data>
---------- Differences in additionals ---------- 6,21c6,21 < <inductionLoop id="E1_00" lane="-E2_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_01" lane="-E2_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_02" lane="E2_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_03" lane="E2_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_04" lane="-E1_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_05" lane="-E1_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_06" lane="E1_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_07" lane="E1_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_08" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_09" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_10" lane="E3_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_11" lane="E3_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_12" lane="-E0_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_13" lane="-E0_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_14" lane="E0_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_15" lane="E0_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> --- > <inductionLoop id="e1_0" lane="E4_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_1" lane="E4_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_10" lane="E2_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_10.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_11" lane="E2_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_11.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_12" lane="-E5_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_12.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_13" lane="-E5_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_13.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_14" lane="E5_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_14.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_15" lane="E5_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_15.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_2" lane="-E4_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_3" lane="-E4_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_4" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_5" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ---------- 2c2 < <viewport zoom="120.00" x="30.00" y="30.00" angle="0.00"/> --- > <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/> ---------- Differences in net ---------- 162c162 < <tlLogic id="J3" type="actuated" programID="0" offset="0"> --- > <tlLogic id="J3" type="delay_based" programID="0" offset="0"> 165c165 < <phase duration="3" state="yyyyrrrryyyyrrrrrr"/> --- > <phase duration="3" state="yyyyrrrryyyyrrrrrr" maxDur="13.15"/> ---------- Differences in output ---------- 4c4 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 393 --- > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 802 - 404 ---------- Differences in routes ---------- 6,17c6,13 < <vehicle id="trip_1" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E2 E3 -E3 E2" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_2" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E1 E0 -E0 E1" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_3" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E3 E2 -E2 E3" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_4" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E0 E1 -E1 E0" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> --- > <trip id="t_0" depart="0.00" from="-E3" to="E4"/> > <trip id="t_1" depart="0.00" from="-E2" to="E3"/> > <trip id="t_2" depart="0.00" from="-E5" to="E2"/> > <trip id="t_3" depart="0.00" from="-E4" to="E5"/> > <flow id="f_0" begin="0.00" from="-E4" to="E2" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_1" begin="0.00" from="-E2" to="E4" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_2" begin="0.00" from="-E5" to="E3" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_3" begin="0.00" from="-E3" to="E5" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> ---------- New result in datas ---------- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd"> <interval id="set" begin="0.00" end="3600.00"> <edgeRelation from="-E3" to="E4"/> <edgeRelation from="-E4" to="E5"/> <edgeRelation from="-E5" to="E2"/> <edgeRelation from="-E2" to="E3"/> </interval> </data>
---------- Differences in additionals ---------- 6,21c6,21 < <inductionLoop id="E1_00" lane="-E2_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_01" lane="-E2_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_02" lane="E2_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_03" lane="E2_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_04" lane="-E1_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_05" lane="-E1_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_06" lane="E1_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_07" lane="E1_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_08" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_09" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_10" lane="E3_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_11" lane="E3_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_12" lane="-E0_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_13" lane="-E0_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_14" lane="E0_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_15" lane="E0_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> --- > <inductionLoop id="e1_0" lane="E4_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_1" lane="E4_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_10" lane="E2_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_10.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_11" lane="E2_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_11.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_12" lane="-E5_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_12.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_13" lane="-E5_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_13.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_14" lane="E5_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_14.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_15" lane="E5_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_15.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_2" lane="-E4_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_3" lane="-E4_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_4" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_5" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ---------- 2c2 < <viewport zoom="120.00" x="30.00" y="30.00" angle="0.00"/> --- > <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/> ---------- Differences in net ---------- 162c162 < <tlLogic id="J3" type="actuated" programID="0" offset="0"> --- > <tlLogic id="J3" type="delay_based" programID="0" offset="0"> 164c164 < <phase duration="5" state="gGGgrrrrgGGgrrrrrr"/> --- > <phase duration="5" state="gGGgrrrrgGGgrrrrrr" minDur="13.15"/> ---------- Differences in output ---------- 4c4 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 393 --- > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 802 - 404 ---------- Differences in routes ---------- 6,17c6,13 < <vehicle id="trip_1" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E2 E3 -E3 E2" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_2" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E1 E0 -E0 E1" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_3" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E3 E2 -E2 E3" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_4" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E0 E1 -E1 E0" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> --- > <trip id="t_0" depart="0.00" from="-E3" to="E4"/> > <trip id="t_1" depart="0.00" from="-E2" to="E3"/> > <trip id="t_2" depart="0.00" from="-E5" to="E2"/> > <trip id="t_3" depart="0.00" from="-E4" to="E5"/> > <flow id="f_0" begin="0.00" from="-E4" to="E2" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_1" begin="0.00" from="-E2" to="E4" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_2" begin="0.00" from="-E5" to="E3" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_3" begin="0.00" from="-E3" to="E5" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> ---------- New result in datas ---------- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd"> <interval id="set" begin="0.00" end="3600.00"> <edgeRelation from="-E3" to="E4"/> <edgeRelation from="-E4" to="E5"/> <edgeRelation from="-E5" to="E2"/> <edgeRelation from="-E2" to="E3"/> </interval> </data>
---------- Differences in additionals ---------- 6,21c6,21 < <inductionLoop id="E1_00" lane="-E2_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_01" lane="-E2_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_02" lane="E2_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_03" lane="E2_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_04" lane="-E1_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_05" lane="-E1_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_06" lane="E1_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_07" lane="E1_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_08" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_09" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_10" lane="E3_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_11" lane="E3_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_12" lane="-E0_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_13" lane="-E0_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_14" lane="E0_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_15" lane="E0_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> --- > <inductionLoop id="e1_0" lane="E4_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_1" lane="E4_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_10" lane="E2_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_10.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_11" lane="E2_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_11.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_12" lane="-E5_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_12.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_13" lane="-E5_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_13.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_14" lane="E5_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_14.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_15" lane="E5_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_15.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_2" lane="-E4_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_3" lane="-E4_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_4" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_5" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ---------- 2c2 < <viewport zoom="120.00" x="30.00" y="30.00" angle="0.00"/> --- > <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/> ---------- Differences in net ---------- 162c162 < <tlLogic id="J3" type="actuated" programID="0" offset="0"> --- > <tlLogic id="J3" type="delay_based" programID="0" offset="0"> 164c164 < <phase duration="5" state="gGGgrrrrgGGgrrrrrr"/> --- > <phase duration="5" state="gGGgrrrrgGGgrrrrrr" name="custom name"/> ---------- Differences in output ---------- 4c4 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 393 --- > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 802 - 404 ---------- Differences in routes ---------- 6,17c6,13 < <vehicle id="trip_1" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E2 E3 -E3 E2" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_2" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E1 E0 -E0 E1" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_3" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E3 E2 -E2 E3" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_4" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E0 E1 -E1 E0" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> --- > <trip id="t_0" depart="0.00" from="-E3" to="E4"/> > <trip id="t_1" depart="0.00" from="-E2" to="E3"/> > <trip id="t_2" depart="0.00" from="-E5" to="E2"/> > <trip id="t_3" depart="0.00" from="-E4" to="E5"/> > <flow id="f_0" begin="0.00" from="-E4" to="E2" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_1" begin="0.00" from="-E2" to="E4" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_2" begin="0.00" from="-E5" to="E3" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_3" begin="0.00" from="-E3" to="E5" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> ---------- New result in datas ---------- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd"> <interval id="set" begin="0.00" end="3600.00"> <edgeRelation from="-E3" to="E4"/> <edgeRelation from="-E4" to="E5"/> <edgeRelation from="-E5" to="E2"/> <edgeRelation from="-E2" to="E3"/> </interval> </data>
---------- Differences in additionals ---------- 6,21c6,21 < <inductionLoop id="E1_00" lane="-E2_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_01" lane="-E2_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_02" lane="E2_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_03" lane="E2_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_04" lane="-E1_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_05" lane="-E1_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_06" lane="E1_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_07" lane="E1_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_08" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_09" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_10" lane="E3_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_11" lane="E3_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_12" lane="-E0_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_13" lane="-E0_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_14" lane="E0_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_15" lane="E0_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> --- > <inductionLoop id="e1_0" lane="E4_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_1" lane="E4_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_10" lane="E2_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_10.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_11" lane="E2_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_11.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_12" lane="-E5_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_12.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_13" lane="-E5_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_13.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_14" lane="E5_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_14.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_15" lane="E5_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_15.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_2" lane="-E4_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_3" lane="-E4_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_4" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_5" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ---------- 2c2 < <viewport zoom="120.00" x="30.00" y="30.00" angle="0.00"/> --- > <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/> ---------- Differences in net ---------- 162,163c162,163 < <tlLogic id="J3" type="actuated" programID="0" offset="0"> < <phase duration="37" state="gGGgrrrrgGGgrrrrGG" minDur="5" maxDur="50"/> --- > <tlLogic id="J3" type="delay_based" programID="0" offset="0"> > <phase duration="37" state="gGGgrrrrgGGgrrrrGG" minDur="5" maxDur="50" next="1"/> ---------- Differences in output ---------- 4c4 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 393 --- > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 802 - 404 ---------- Differences in routes ---------- 6,17c6,13 < <vehicle id="trip_1" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E2 E3 -E3 E2" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_2" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E1 E0 -E0 E1" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_3" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E3 E2 -E2 E3" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_4" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E0 E1 -E1 E0" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> --- > <trip id="t_0" depart="0.00" from="-E3" to="E4"/> > <trip id="t_1" depart="0.00" from="-E2" to="E3"/> > <trip id="t_2" depart="0.00" from="-E5" to="E2"/> > <trip id="t_3" depart="0.00" from="-E4" to="E5"/> > <flow id="f_0" begin="0.00" from="-E4" to="E2" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_1" begin="0.00" from="-E2" to="E4" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_2" begin="0.00" from="-E5" to="E3" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_3" begin="0.00" from="-E3" to="E5" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> ---------- New result in datas ---------- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd"> <interval id="set" begin="0.00" end="3600.00"> <edgeRelation from="-E3" to="E4"/> <edgeRelation from="-E4" to="E5"/> <edgeRelation from="-E5" to="E2"/> <edgeRelation from="-E2" to="E3"/> </interval> </data>
---------- Differences in additionals ---------- 6,21c6,21 < <inductionLoop id="E1_00" lane="-E2_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_01" lane="-E2_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_02" lane="E2_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_03" lane="E2_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_04" lane="-E1_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_05" lane="-E1_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_06" lane="E1_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_07" lane="E1_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_08" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_09" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_10" lane="E3_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_11" lane="E3_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_12" lane="-E0_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_13" lane="-E0_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_14" lane="E0_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_15" lane="E0_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> --- > <inductionLoop id="e1_0" lane="E4_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_1" lane="E4_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_10" lane="E2_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_10.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_11" lane="E2_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_11.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_12" lane="-E5_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_12.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_13" lane="-E5_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_13.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_14" lane="E5_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_14.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_15" lane="E5_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_15.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_2" lane="-E4_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_3" lane="-E4_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_4" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_5" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ---------- 2c2 < <viewport zoom="120.00" x="30.00" y="30.00" angle="0.00"/> --- > <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/> ---------- Differences in net ---------- 32c32,35 < <lane id=":J3_7_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.26" length="19.35" shape="10.40,1.60 5.15,0.85 1.40,-1.40 -0.85,-5.15 -1.60,-10.40"/> --- > <lane id=":J3_7_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.26" length="5.01" shape="10.40,1.60 5.44,0.89"/> > </edge> > <edge id=":J3_18" function="internal"> > <lane id=":J3_18_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.26" length="14.34" shape="5.44,0.89 5.15,0.85 1.40,-1.40 -0.85,-5.15 -1.60,-10.40"/> 44,46d46 < <edge id=":J3_18" function="internal"> < <lane id=":J3_18_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.51" length="4.28" shape="6.40,-6.08 7.95,-5.15 10.40,-4.80"/> < </edge> 48c48,51 < <lane id=":J3_19_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.26" length="14.34" shape="0.89,-5.44 0.85,-5.15 -1.40,-1.40 -5.15,0.85 -10.40,1.60"/> --- > <lane id=":J3_19_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.51" length="4.28" shape="6.40,-6.08 7.95,-5.15 10.40,-4.80"/> > </edge> > <edge id=":J3_20" function="internal"> > <lane id=":J3_20_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.26" length="14.34" shape="0.89,-5.44 0.85,-5.15 -1.40,-1.40 -5.15,0.85 -10.40,1.60"/> 58c61,64 < <lane id=":J3_15_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.26" length="19.35" shape="-10.40,-1.60 -5.15,-0.85 -1.40,1.40 0.85,5.15 1.60,10.40"/> --- > <lane id=":J3_15_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.26" length="5.01" shape="-10.40,-1.60 -5.44,-0.89"/> > </edge> > <edge id=":J3_21" function="internal"> > <lane id=":J3_21_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.26" length="14.34" shape="-5.44,-0.89 -5.15,-0.85 -1.40,1.40 0.85,5.15 1.60,10.40"/> 156c162,170 < <junction id="J3" type="priority" x="0.00" y="0.00" incLanes="-E3_0 -E3_1 -E3_2 -E2_0 -E2_1 -E2_2 -E5_0 -E5_1 -E5_2 -E4_0 -E4_1 -E4_2 :J3_w2_0 :J3_w0_0" intLanes=":J3_16_0 :J3_1_0 :J3_1_1 :J3_17_0 :J3_4_0 :J3_5_0 :J3_5_1 :J3_7_0 :J3_18_0 :J3_9_0 :J3_9_1 :J3_19_0 :J3_12_0 :J3_13_0 :J3_13_1 :J3_15_0 :J3_c0_0 :J3_c1_0" shape="-8.40,10.40 8.40,10.40 8.62,9.29 8.90,8.90 9.29,8.62 9.79,8.46 10.40,8.40 10.40,-8.40 9.29,-8.62 8.90,-8.90 8.62,-9.29 8.46,-9.79 8.40,-10.40 -8.40,-10.40 -8.62,-9.29 -8 .90,-8.90 -9.29,-8.62 -9.79,-8.46 -10.40,-8.40 -10.40,8.40 -9.29,8.62 -8.90,8.90 -8.62,9.29 -8.46,9.79"> --- > <tlLogic id="J3" type="static" programID="0" offset="0"> > <phase duration="37" state="gGGgrrrrgGGgrrrrGG"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in output ---------- 4c4 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 393 --- > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 802 - 404 ---------- Differences in routes ---------- 6,17c6,13 < <vehicle id="trip_1" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E2 E3 -E3 E2" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_2" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E1 E0 -E0 E1" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_3" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E3 E2 -E2 E3" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_4" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E0 E1 -E1 E0" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> --- > <trip id="t_0" depart="0.00" from="-E3" to="E4"/> > <trip id="t_1" depart="0.00" from="-E2" to="E3"/> > <trip id="t_2" depart="0.00" from="-E5" to="E2"/> > <trip id="t_3" depart="0.00" from="-E4" to="E5"/> > <flow id="f_0" begin="0.00" from="-E4" to="E2" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_1" begin="0.00" from="-E2" to="E4" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_2" begin="0.00" from="-E5" to="E3" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_3" begin="0.00" from="-E3" to="E5" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> ---------- New result in datas ---------- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd"> <interval id="set" begin="0.00" end="3600.00"> <edgeRelation from="-E3" to="E4"/> <edgeRelation from="-E4" to="E5"/> <edgeRelation from="-E5" to="E2"/> <edgeRelation from="-E2" to="E3"/> </interval> </data>network trafficlights single phases static buttons add default ( Last six runs Aug2024 )
---------- Differences in additionals ---------- 6,21c6,21 < <inductionLoop id="E1_00" lane="-E2_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_01" lane="-E2_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_02" lane="E2_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_03" lane="E2_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_04" lane="-E1_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_05" lane="-E1_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_06" lane="E1_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_07" lane="E1_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_08" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_09" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_10" lane="E3_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_11" lane="E3_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_12" lane="-E0_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_13" lane="-E0_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_14" lane="E0_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_15" lane="E0_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> --- > <inductionLoop id="e1_0" lane="E4_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_1" lane="E4_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_10" lane="E2_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_10.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_11" lane="E2_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_11.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_12" lane="-E5_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_12.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_13" lane="-E5_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_13.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_14" lane="E5_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_14.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_15" lane="E5_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_15.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_2" lane="-E4_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_3" lane="-E4_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_4" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_5" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ---------- 2c2 < <viewport zoom="120.00" x="30.00" y="30.00" angle="0.00"/> --- > <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/> ---------- Differences in net ---------- 32c32,35 < <lane id=":J3_7_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.26" length="19.35" shape="10.40,1.60 5.15,0.85 1.40,-1.40 -0.85,-5.15 -1.60,-10.40"/> --- > <lane id=":J3_7_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.26" length="5.01" shape="10.40,1.60 5.44,0.89"/> > </edge> > <edge id=":J3_18" function="internal"> > <lane id=":J3_18_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.26" length="14.34" shape="5.44,0.89 5.15,0.85 1.40,-1.40 -0.85,-5.15 -1.60,-10.40"/> 44,46d46 < <edge id=":J3_18" function="internal"> < <lane id=":J3_18_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.51" length="4.28" shape="6.40,-6.08 7.95,-5.15 10.40,-4.80"/> < </edge> 48c48,51 < <lane id=":J3_19_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.26" length="14.34" shape="0.89,-5.44 0.85,-5.15 -1.40,-1.40 -5.15,0.85 -10.40,1.60"/> --- > <lane id=":J3_19_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.51" length="4.28" shape="6.40,-6.08 7.95,-5.15 10.40,-4.80"/> > </edge> > <edge id=":J3_20" function="internal"> > <lane id=":J3_20_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.26" length="14.34" shape="0.89,-5.44 0.85,-5.15 -1.40,-1.40 -5.15,0.85 -10.40,1.60"/> 58c61,64 < <lane id=":J3_15_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.26" length="19.35" shape="-10.40,-1.60 -5.15,-0.85 -1.40,1.40 0.85,5.15 1.60,10.40"/> --- > <lane id=":J3_15_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.26" length="5.01" shape="-10.40,-1.60 -5.44,-0.89"/> > </edge> > <edge id=":J3_21" function="internal"> > <lane id=":J3_21_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.26" length="14.34" shape="-5.44,-0.89 -5.15,-0.85 -1.40,1.40 0.85,5.15 1.60,10.40"/> 156c162,170 < <junction id="J3" type="priority" x="0.00" y="0.00" incLanes="-E3_0 -E3_1 -E3_2 -E2_0 -E2_1 -E2_2 -E5_0 -E5_1 -E5_2 -E4_0 -E4_1 -E4_2 :J3_w2_0 :J3_w0_0" intLanes=":J3_16_0 :J3_1_0 :J3_1_1 :J3_17_0 :J3_4_0 :J3_5_0 :J3_5_1 :J3_7_0 :J3_18_0 :J3_9_0 :J3_9_1 :J3_19_0 :J3_12_0 :J3_13_0 :J3_13_1 :J3_15_0 :J3_c0_0 :J3_c1_0" shape="-8.40,10.40 8.40,10.40 8.62,9.29 8.90,8.90 9.29,8.62 9.79,8.46 10.40,8.40 10.40,-8.40 9.29,-8.62 8.90,-8.90 8.62,-9.29 8.46,-9.79 8.40,-10.40 -8.40,-10.40 -8.62,-9.29 -8 .90,-8.90 -9.29,-8.62 -9.79,-8.46 -10.40,-8.40 -10.40,8.40 -9.29,8.62 -8.90,8.90 -8.62,9.29 -8.46,9.79"> --- > <tlLogic id="J3" type="static" programID="0" offset="0"> > <phase duration="74" state="gGGgrrrrgGGgrrrrGG"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in output ---------- 4c4 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 393 --- > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 802 - 404 ---------- Differences in routes ---------- 6,17c6,13 < <vehicle id="trip_1" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E2 E3 -E3 E2" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_2" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E1 E0 -E0 E1" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_3" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E3 E2 -E2 E3" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_4" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E0 E1 -E1 E0" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> --- > <trip id="t_0" depart="0.00" from="-E3" to="E4"/> > <trip id="t_1" depart="0.00" from="-E2" to="E3"/> > <trip id="t_2" depart="0.00" from="-E5" to="E2"/> > <trip id="t_3" depart="0.00" from="-E4" to="E5"/> > <flow id="f_0" begin="0.00" from="-E4" to="E2" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_1" begin="0.00" from="-E2" to="E4" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_2" begin="0.00" from="-E5" to="E3" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_3" begin="0.00" from="-E3" to="E5" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> ---------- New result in datas ---------- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd"> <interval id="set" begin="0.00" end="3600.00"> <edgeRelation from="-E3" to="E4"/> <edgeRelation from="-E4" to="E5"/> <edgeRelation from="-E5" to="E2"/> <edgeRelation from="-E2" to="E3"/> </interval> </data>
---------- Differences in additionals ---------- 6,21c6,21 < <inductionLoop id="E1_00" lane="-E2_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_01" lane="-E2_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_02" lane="E2_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_03" lane="E2_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_04" lane="-E1_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_05" lane="-E1_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_06" lane="E1_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_07" lane="E1_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_08" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_09" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_10" lane="E3_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_11" lane="E3_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_12" lane="-E0_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_13" lane="-E0_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_14" lane="E0_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_15" lane="E0_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> --- > <inductionLoop id="e1_0" lane="E4_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_1" lane="E4_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_10" lane="E2_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_10.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_11" lane="E2_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_11.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_12" lane="-E5_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_12.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_13" lane="-E5_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_13.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_14" lane="E5_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_14.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_15" lane="E5_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_15.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_2" lane="-E4_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_3" lane="-E4_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_4" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_5" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ---------- 2c2 < <viewport zoom="120.00" x="30.00" y="30.00" angle="0.00"/> --- > <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/> ---------- Differences in net ---------- 32c32,35 < <lane id=":J3_7_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.26" length="19.35" shape="10.40,1.60 5.15,0.85 1.40,-1.40 -0.85,-5.15 -1.60,-10.40"/> --- > <lane id=":J3_7_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.26" length="2.51" shape="10.40,1.60 7.91,1.24"/> > </edge> > <edge id=":J3_18" function="internal"> > <lane id=":J3_18_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.26" length="16.84" shape="7.91,1.24 5.15,0.85 1.40,-1.40 -0.85,-5.15 -1.60,-10.40"/> 44,46d46 < <edge id=":J3_18" function="internal"> < <lane id=":J3_18_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.51" length="4.28" shape="6.40,-6.08 7.95,-5.15 10.40,-4.80"/> < </edge> 48c48,51 < <lane id=":J3_19_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.26" length="14.34" shape="0.89,-5.44 0.85,-5.15 -1.40,-1.40 -5.15,0.85 -10.40,1.60"/> --- > <lane id=":J3_19_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.51" length="4.28" shape="6.40,-6.08 7.95,-5.15 10.40,-4.80"/> > </edge> > <edge id=":J3_20" function="internal"> > <lane id=":J3_20_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.26" length="14.34" shape="0.89,-5.44 0.85,-5.15 -1.40,-1.40 -5.15,0.85 -10.40,1.60"/> 58c61,64 < <lane id=":J3_15_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.26" length="19.35" shape="-10.40,-1.60 -5.15,-0.85 -1.40,1.40 0.85,5.15 1.60,10.40"/> --- > <lane id=":J3_15_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.26" length="2.51" shape="-10.40,-1.60 -7.91,-1.24"/> > </edge> > <edge id=":J3_21" function="internal"> > <lane id=":J3_21_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.26" length="16.84" shape="-7.91,-1.24 -5.15,-0.85 -1.40,1.40 0.85,5.15 1.60,10.40"/> 156c162,171 < <junction id="J3" type="priority" x="0.00" y="0.00" incLanes="-E3_0 -E3_1 -E3_2 -E2_0 -E2_1 -E2_2 -E5_0 -E5_1 -E5_2 -E4_0 -E4_1 -E4_2 :J3_w2_0 :J3_w0_0" intLanes=":J3_16_0 :J3_1_0 :J3_1_1 :J3_17_0 :J3_4_0 :J3_5_0 :J3_5_1 :J3_7_0 :J3_18_0 :J3_9_0 :J3_9_1 :J3_19_0 :J3_12_0 :J3_13_0 :J3_13_1 :J3_15_0 :J3_c0_0 :J3_c1_0" shape="-8.40,10.40 8.40,10.40 8.62,9.29 8.90,8.90 9.29,8.62 9.79,8.46 10.40,8.40 10.40,-8.40 9.29,-8.62 8.90,-8.90 8.62,-9.29 8.46,-9.79 8.40,-10.40 -8.40,-10.40 -8.62,-9.29 -8 .90,-8.90 -9.29,-8.62 -9.79,-8.46 -10.40,-8.40 -10.40,8.40 -9.29,8.62 -8.90,8.90 -8.62,9.29 -8.46,9.79"> --- > <tlLogic id="J3" type="static" programID="0" offset="0"> > <phase duration="37" state="gGGgrrrrgGGgrrrrGG"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in output ---------- 4c4 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 393 --- > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 802 - 404 ---------- Differences in routes ---------- 6,17c6,13 < <vehicle id="trip_1" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E2 E3 -E3 E2" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_2" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E1 E0 -E0 E1" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_3" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E3 E2 -E2 E3" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_4" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E0 E1 -E1 E0" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> --- > <trip id="t_0" depart="0.00" from="-E3" to="E4"/> > <trip id="t_1" depart="0.00" from="-E2" to="E3"/> > <trip id="t_2" depart="0.00" from="-E5" to="E2"/> > <trip id="t_3" depart="0.00" from="-E4" to="E5"/> > <flow id="f_0" begin="0.00" from="-E4" to="E2" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_1" begin="0.00" from="-E2" to="E4" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_2" begin="0.00" from="-E5" to="E3" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_3" begin="0.00" from="-E3" to="E5" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> ---------- New result in datas ---------- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd"> <interval id="set" begin="0.00" end="3600.00"> <edgeRelation from="-E3" to="E4"/> <edgeRelation from="-E4" to="E5"/> <edgeRelation from="-E5" to="E2"/> <edgeRelation from="-E2" to="E3"/> </interval> </data>
---------- Differences in additionals ---------- 6,21c6,21 < <inductionLoop id="E1_00" lane="-E2_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_01" lane="-E2_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_02" lane="E2_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_03" lane="E2_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_04" lane="-E1_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_05" lane="-E1_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_06" lane="E1_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_07" lane="E1_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_08" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_09" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_10" lane="E3_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_11" lane="E3_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_12" lane="-E0_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_13" lane="-E0_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_14" lane="E0_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_15" lane="E0_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> --- > <inductionLoop id="e1_0" lane="E4_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_1" lane="E4_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_10" lane="E2_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_10.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_11" lane="E2_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_11.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_12" lane="-E5_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_12.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_13" lane="-E5_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_13.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_14" lane="E5_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_14.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_15" lane="E5_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_15.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_2" lane="-E4_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_3" lane="-E4_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_4" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_5" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ---------- 2c2 < <viewport zoom="120.00" x="30.00" y="30.00" angle="0.00"/> --- > <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/> ---------- Differences in net ---------- 32c32,35 < <lane id=":J3_7_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.26" length="19.35" shape="10.40,1.60 5.15,0.85 1.40,-1.40 -0.85,-5.15 -1.60,-10.40"/> --- > <lane id=":J3_7_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.26" length="5.01" shape="10.40,1.60 5.44,0.89"/> > </edge> > <edge id=":J3_18" function="internal"> > <lane id=":J3_18_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.26" length="14.34" shape="5.44,0.89 5.15,0.85 1.40,-1.40 -0.85,-5.15 -1.60,-10.40"/> 44,46d46 < <edge id=":J3_18" function="internal"> < <lane id=":J3_18_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.51" length="4.28" shape="6.40,-6.08 7.95,-5.15 10.40,-4.80"/> < </edge> 48c48,51 < <lane id=":J3_19_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.26" length="14.34" shape="0.89,-5.44 0.85,-5.15 -1.40,-1.40 -5.15,0.85 -10.40,1.60"/> --- > <lane id=":J3_19_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.51" length="4.28" shape="6.40,-6.08 7.95,-5.15 10.40,-4.80"/> > </edge> > <edge id=":J3_20" function="internal"> > <lane id=":J3_20_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.26" length="14.34" shape="0.89,-5.44 0.85,-5.15 -1.40,-1.40 -5.15,0.85 -10.40,1.60"/> 58c61,64 < <lane id=":J3_15_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.26" length="19.35" shape="-10.40,-1.60 -5.15,-0.85 -1.40,1.40 0.85,5.15 1.60,10.40"/> --- > <lane id=":J3_15_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.26" length="5.01" shape="-10.40,-1.60 -5.44,-0.89"/> > </edge> > <edge id=":J3_21" function="internal"> > <lane id=":J3_21_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.26" length="14.34" shape="-5.44,-0.89 -5.15,-0.85 -1.40,1.40 0.85,5.15 1.60,10.40"/> 156c162,171 < <junction id="J3" type="priority" x="0.00" y="0.00" incLanes="-E3_0 -E3_1 -E3_2 -E2_0 -E2_1 -E2_2 -E5_0 -E5_1 -E5_2 -E4_0 -E4_1 -E4_2 :J3_w2_0 :J3_w0_0" intLanes=":J3_16_0 :J3_1_0 :J3_1_1 :J3_17_0 :J3_4_0 :J3_5_0 :J3_5_1 :J3_7_0 :J3_18_0 :J3_9_0 :J3_9_1 :J3_19_0 :J3_12_0 :J3_13_0 :J3_13_1 :J3_15_0 :J3_c0_0 :J3_c1_0" shape="-8.40,10.40 8.40,10.40 8.62,9.29 8.90,8.90 9.29,8.62 9.79,8.46 10.40,8.40 10.40,-8.40 9.29,-8.62 8.90,-8.90 8.62,-9.29 8.46,-9.79 8.40,-10.40 -8.40,-10.40 -8.62,-9.29 -8 .90,-8.90 -9.29,-8.62 -9.79,-8.46 -10.40,-8.40 -10.40,8.40 -9.29,8.62 -8.90,8.90 -8.62,9.29 -8.46,9.79"> --- > <tlLogic id="J3" type="static" programID="0" offset="0"> > <phase duration="37" state="gGGgrrrrgGGgrrrrGG"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in output ---------- 4c4 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 393 --- > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 802 - 404 ---------- Differences in routes ---------- 6,17c6,13 < <vehicle id="trip_1" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E2 E3 -E3 E2" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_2" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E1 E0 -E0 E1" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_3" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E3 E2 -E2 E3" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_4" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E0 E1 -E1 E0" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> --- > <trip id="t_0" depart="0.00" from="-E3" to="E4"/> > <trip id="t_1" depart="0.00" from="-E2" to="E3"/> > <trip id="t_2" depart="0.00" from="-E5" to="E2"/> > <trip id="t_3" depart="0.00" from="-E4" to="E5"/> > <flow id="f_0" begin="0.00" from="-E4" to="E2" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_1" begin="0.00" from="-E2" to="E4" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_2" begin="0.00" from="-E5" to="E3" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_3" begin="0.00" from="-E3" to="E5" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> ---------- New result in datas ---------- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd"> <interval id="set" begin="0.00" end="3600.00"> <edgeRelation from="-E3" to="E4"/> <edgeRelation from="-E4" to="E5"/> <edgeRelation from="-E5" to="E2"/> <edgeRelation from="-E2" to="E3"/> </interval> </data>network trafficlights single phases static buttons add greenpriority ( Last six runs Aug2024 )
---------- Differences in additionals ---------- 6,21c6,21 < <inductionLoop id="E1_00" lane="-E2_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_01" lane="-E2_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_02" lane="E2_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_03" lane="E2_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_04" lane="-E1_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_05" lane="-E1_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_06" lane="E1_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_07" lane="E1_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_08" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_09" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_10" lane="E3_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_11" lane="E3_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_12" lane="-E0_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_13" lane="-E0_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_14" lane="E0_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_15" lane="E0_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> --- > <inductionLoop id="e1_0" lane="E4_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_1" lane="E4_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_10" lane="E2_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_10.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_11" lane="E2_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_11.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_12" lane="-E5_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_12.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_13" lane="-E5_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_13.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_14" lane="E5_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_14.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_15" lane="E5_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_15.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_2" lane="-E4_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_3" lane="-E4_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_4" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_5" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ---------- 2c2 < <viewport zoom="120.00" x="30.00" y="30.00" angle="0.00"/> --- > <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/> ---------- Differences in log ---------- 1c1 < Warning: Unused state in tlLogic 'J0', program '0' at tl-index 16 --- > Warning: Unused state in tlLogic 'J3', program '0' at tl-index 18 ---------- Differences in net ---------- 32c32,35 < <lane id=":J3_7_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.26" length="19.35" shape="10.40,1.60 5.15,0.85 1.40,-1.40 -0.85,-5.15 -1.60,-10.40"/> --- > <lane id=":J3_7_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.26" length="5.01" shape="10.40,1.60 5.44,0.89"/> > </edge> > <edge id=":J3_18" function="internal"> > <lane id=":J3_18_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.26" length="14.34" shape="5.44,0.89 5.15,0.85 1.40,-1.40 -0.85,-5.15 -1.60,-10.40"/> 44,46d46 < <edge id=":J3_18" function="internal"> < <lane id=":J3_18_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.51" length="4.28" shape="6.40,-6.08 7.95,-5.15 10.40,-4.80"/> < </edge> 48c48,51 < <lane id=":J3_19_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.26" length="14.34" shape="0.89,-5.44 0.85,-5.15 -1.40,-1.40 -5.15,0.85 -10.40,1.60"/> --- > <lane id=":J3_19_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.51" length="4.28" shape="6.40,-6.08 7.95,-5.15 10.40,-4.80"/> > </edge> > <edge id=":J3_20" function="internal"> > <lane id=":J3_20_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.26" length="14.34" shape="0.89,-5.44 0.85,-5.15 -1.40,-1.40 -5.15,0.85 -10.40,1.60"/> 58c61,64 < <lane id=":J3_15_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.26" length="19.35" shape="-10.40,-1.60 -5.15,-0.85 -1.40,1.40 0.85,5.15 1.60,10.40"/> --- > <lane id=":J3_15_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.26" length="5.01" shape="-10.40,-1.60 -5.44,-0.89"/> > </edge> > <edge id=":J3_21" function="internal"> > <lane id=":J3_21_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.26" length="14.34" shape="-5.44,-0.89 -5.15,-0.85 -1.40,1.40 0.85,5.15 1.60,10.40"/> 156c162,170 < <junction id="J3" type="priority" x="0.00" y="0.00" incLanes="-E3_0 -E3_1 -E3_2 -E2_0 -E2_1 -E2_2 -E5_0 -E5_1 -E5_2 -E4_0 -E4_1 -E4_2 :J3_w2_0 :J3_w0_0" intLanes=":J3_16_0 :J3_1_0 :J3_1_1 :J3_17_0 :J3_4_0 :J3_5_0 :J3_5_1 :J3_7_0 :J3_18_0 :J3_9_0 :J3_9_1 :J3_19_0 :J3_12_0 :J3_13_0 :J3_13_1 :J3_15_0 :J3_c0_0 :J3_c1_0" shape="-8.40,10.40 8.40,10.40 8.62,9.29 8.90,8.90 9.29,8.62 9.79,8.46 10.40,8.40 10.40,-8.40 9.29,-8.62 8.90,-8.90 8.62,-9.29 8.46,-9.79 8.40,-10.40 -8.40,-10.40 -8.62,-9.29 -8 .90,-8.90 -9.29,-8.62 -9.79,-8.46 -10.40,-8.40 -10.40,8.40 -9.29,8.62 -8.90,8.90 -8.62,9.29 -8.46,9.79"> --- > <tlLogic id="J3" type="static" programID="0" offset="0"> > <phase duration="37" state="gGGgrrrrgGGgrrrrGGr"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in output ---------- 4c4 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 393 --- > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 802 - 404 ---------- Differences in routes ---------- 6,17c6,13 < <vehicle id="trip_1" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E2 E3 -E3 E2" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_2" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E1 E0 -E0 E1" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_3" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E3 E2 -E2 E3" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_4" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E0 E1 -E1 E0" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> --- > <trip id="t_0" depart="0.00" from="-E3" to="E4"/> > <trip id="t_1" depart="0.00" from="-E2" to="E3"/> > <trip id="t_2" depart="0.00" from="-E5" to="E2"/> > <trip id="t_3" depart="0.00" from="-E4" to="E5"/> > <flow id="f_0" begin="0.00" from="-E4" to="E2" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_1" begin="0.00" from="-E2" to="E4" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_2" begin="0.00" from="-E5" to="E3" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_3" begin="0.00" from="-E3" to="E5" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> ---------- New result in datas ---------- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd"> <interval id="set" begin="0.00" end="3600.00"> <edgeRelation from="-E3" to="E4"/> <edgeRelation from="-E4" to="E5"/> <edgeRelation from="-E5" to="E2"/> <edgeRelation from="-E2" to="E3"/> </interval> </data>
---------- Differences in additionals ---------- 6,21c6,21 < <inductionLoop id="E1_00" lane="-E2_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_01" lane="-E2_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_02" lane="E2_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_03" lane="E2_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_04" lane="-E1_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_05" lane="-E1_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_06" lane="E1_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_07" lane="E1_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_08" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_09" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_10" lane="E3_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_11" lane="E3_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_12" lane="-E0_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_13" lane="-E0_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_14" lane="E0_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_15" lane="E0_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> --- > <inductionLoop id="e1_0" lane="E4_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_1" lane="E4_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_10" lane="E2_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_10.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_11" lane="E2_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_11.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_12" lane="-E5_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_12.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_13" lane="-E5_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_13.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_14" lane="E5_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_14.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_15" lane="E5_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_15.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_2" lane="-E4_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_3" lane="-E4_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_4" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_5" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ---------- 2c2 < <viewport zoom="120.00" x="30.00" y="30.00" angle="0.00"/> --- > <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/> ---------- Differences in net ---------- 32c32,35 < <lane id=":J3_7_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.26" length="19.35" shape="10.40,1.60 5.15,0.85 1.40,-1.40 -0.85,-5.15 -1.60,-10.40"/> --- > <lane id=":J3_7_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.26" length="5.01" shape="10.40,1.60 5.44,0.89"/> > </edge> > <edge id=":J3_18" function="internal"> > <lane id=":J3_18_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.26" length="14.34" shape="5.44,0.89 5.15,0.85 1.40,-1.40 -0.85,-5.15 -1.60,-10.40"/> 44,46d46 < <edge id=":J3_18" function="internal"> < <lane id=":J3_18_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.51" length="4.28" shape="6.40,-6.08 7.95,-5.15 10.40,-4.80"/> < </edge> 48c48,51 < <lane id=":J3_19_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.26" length="14.34" shape="0.89,-5.44 0.85,-5.15 -1.40,-1.40 -5.15,0.85 -10.40,1.60"/> --- > <lane id=":J3_19_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.51" length="4.28" shape="6.40,-6.08 7.95,-5.15 10.40,-4.80"/> > </edge> > <edge id=":J3_20" function="internal"> > <lane id=":J3_20_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.26" length="14.34" shape="0.89,-5.44 0.85,-5.15 -1.40,-1.40 -5.15,0.85 -10.40,1.60"/> 58c61,64 < <lane id=":J3_15_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.26" length="19.35" shape="-10.40,-1.60 -5.15,-0.85 -1.40,1.40 0.85,5.15 1.60,10.40"/> --- > <lane id=":J3_15_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.26" length="5.01" shape="-10.40,-1.60 -5.44,-0.89"/> > </edge> > <edge id=":J3_21" function="internal"> > <lane id=":J3_21_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.26" length="14.34" shape="-5.44,-0.89 -5.15,-0.85 -1.40,1.40 0.85,5.15 1.60,10.40"/> 156c162,169 < <junction id="J3" type="priority" x="0.00" y="0.00" incLanes="-E3_0 -E3_1 -E3_2 -E2_0 -E2_1 -E2_2 -E5_0 -E5_1 -E5_2 -E4_0 -E4_1 -E4_2 :J3_w2_0 :J3_w0_0" intLanes=":J3_16_0 :J3_1_0 :J3_1_1 :J3_17_0 :J3_4_0 :J3_5_0 :J3_5_1 :J3_7_0 :J3_18_0 :J3_9_0 :J3_9_1 :J3_19_0 :J3_12_0 :J3_13_0 :J3_13_1 :J3_15_0 :J3_c0_0 :J3_c1_0" shape="-8.40,10.40 8.40,10.40 8.62,9.29 8.90,8.90 9.29,8.62 9.79,8.46 10.40,8.40 10.40,-8.40 9.29,-8.62 8.90,-8.90 8.62,-9.29 8.46,-9.79 8.40,-10.40 -8.40,-10.40 -8.62,-9.29 -8 .90,-8.90 -9.29,-8.62 -9.79,-8.46 -10.40,-8.40 -10.40,8.40 -9.29,8.62 -8.90,8.90 -8.62,9.29 -8.46,9.79"> --- > <tlLogic id="J3" type="static" programID="0" offset="0"> > <phase duration="37" state="gGGgrrrrgGGgrrrrGG"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in output ---------- 4c4 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 393 --- > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 802 - 404 ---------- Differences in routes ---------- 6,17c6,13 < <vehicle id="trip_1" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E2 E3 -E3 E2" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_2" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E1 E0 -E0 E1" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_3" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E3 E2 -E2 E3" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_4" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E0 E1 -E1 E0" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> --- > <trip id="t_0" depart="0.00" from="-E3" to="E4"/> > <trip id="t_1" depart="0.00" from="-E2" to="E3"/> > <trip id="t_2" depart="0.00" from="-E5" to="E2"/> > <trip id="t_3" depart="0.00" from="-E4" to="E5"/> > <flow id="f_0" begin="0.00" from="-E4" to="E2" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_1" begin="0.00" from="-E2" to="E4" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_2" begin="0.00" from="-E5" to="E3" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_3" begin="0.00" from="-E3" to="E5" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> ---------- New result in datas ---------- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd"> <interval id="set" begin="0.00" end="3600.00"> <edgeRelation from="-E3" to="E4"/> <edgeRelation from="-E4" to="E5"/> <edgeRelation from="-E5" to="E2"/> <edgeRelation from="-E2" to="E3"/> </interval> </data>
---------- Differences in additionals ---------- 6,21c6,21 < <inductionLoop id="E1_00" lane="-E2_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_01" lane="-E2_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_02" lane="E2_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_03" lane="E2_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_04" lane="-E1_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_05" lane="-E1_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_06" lane="E1_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_07" lane="E1_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_08" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_09" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_10" lane="E3_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_7.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_11" lane="E3_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_12" lane="-E0_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_13" lane="-E0_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_14" lane="E0_2" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> < <inductionLoop id="E1_15" lane="E0_1" pos="-10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_6.xml"/> --- > <inductionLoop id="e1_0" lane="E4_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_0.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_1" lane="E4_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_1.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_10" lane="E2_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_10.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_11" lane="E2_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_11.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_12" lane="-E5_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_12.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_13" lane="-E5_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_13.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_14" lane="E5_2" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_14.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_15" lane="E5_1" pos="4.60" period="300.00" file="e1_15.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_2" lane="-E4_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_2.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_3" lane="-E4_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_3.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_4" lane="-E3_1" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_4.xml"/> > <inductionLoop id="e1_5" lane="-E3_2" pos="10.00" period="300.00" file="e1_5.xml"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in guisettingsoutput ---------- 2c2 < <viewport zoom="120.00" x="30.00" y="30.00" angle="0.00"/> --- > <viewport zoom="140.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" angle="0.00"/> ---------- Differences in net ---------- 32c32,35 < <lane id=":J3_7_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.26" length="19.35" shape="10.40,1.60 5.15,0.85 1.40,-1.40 -0.85,-5.15 -1.60,-10.40"/> --- > <lane id=":J3_7_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.26" length="5.01" shape="10.40,1.60 5.44,0.89"/> > </edge> > <edge id=":J3_18" function="internal"> > <lane id=":J3_18_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.26" length="14.34" shape="5.44,0.89 5.15,0.85 1.40,-1.40 -0.85,-5.15 -1.60,-10.40"/> 44,46d46 < <edge id=":J3_18" function="internal"> < <lane id=":J3_18_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.51" length="4.28" shape="6.40,-6.08 7.95,-5.15 10.40,-4.80"/> < </edge> 48c48,51 < <lane id=":J3_19_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.26" length="14.34" shape="0.89,-5.44 0.85,-5.15 -1.40,-1.40 -5.15,0.85 -10.40,1.60"/> --- > <lane id=":J3_19_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="6.51" length="4.28" shape="6.40,-6.08 7.95,-5.15 10.40,-4.80"/> > </edge> > <edge id=":J3_20" function="internal"> > <lane id=":J3_20_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.26" length="14.34" shape="0.89,-5.44 0.85,-5.15 -1.40,-1.40 -5.15,0.85 -10.40,1.60"/> 58c61,64 < <lane id=":J3_15_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.26" length="19.35" shape="-10.40,-1.60 -5.15,-0.85 -1.40,1.40 0.85,5.15 1.60,10.40"/> --- > <lane id=":J3_15_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.26" length="5.01" shape="-10.40,-1.60 -5.44,-0.89"/> > </edge> > <edge id=":J3_21" function="internal"> > <lane id=":J3_21_0" index="0" disallow="pedestrian" speed="9.26" length="14.34" shape="-5.44,-0.89 -5.15,-0.85 -1.40,1.40 0.85,5.15 1.60,10.40"/> 156c162,170 < <junction id="J3" type="priority" x="0.00" y="0.00" incLanes="-E3_0 -E3_1 -E3_2 -E2_0 -E2_1 -E2_2 -E5_0 -E5_1 -E5_2 -E4_0 -E4_1 -E4_2 :J3_w2_0 :J3_w0_0" intLanes=":J3_16_0 :J3_1_0 :J3_1_1 :J3_17_0 :J3_4_0 :J3_5_0 :J3_5_1 :J3_7_0 :J3_18_0 :J3_9_0 :J3_9_1 :J3_19_0 :J3_12_0 :J3_13_0 :J3_13_1 :J3_15_0 :J3_c0_0 :J3_c1_0" shape="-8.40,10.40 8.40,10.40 8.62,9.29 8.90,8.90 9.29,8.62 9.79,8.46 10.40,8.40 10.40,-8.40 9.29,-8.62 8.90,-8.90 8.62,-9.29 8.46,-9.79 8.40,-10.40 -8.40,-10.40 -8.62,-9.29 -8 .90,-8.90 -9.29,-8.62 -9.79,-8.46 -10.40,-8.40 -10.40,8.40 -9.29,8.62 -8.90,8.90 -8.62,9.29 -8.46,9.79"> --- > <tlLogic id="J3" type="static" programID="0" offset="0"> > <phase duration="37" state="gGrrgGrrGG"/> <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in output ---------- 4c4 < TestFunctions: Clicked over position 804 - 393 --- > TestFunctions: Clicked over position 802 - 404 ---------- Differences in routes ---------- 6,17c6,13 < <vehicle id="trip_1" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E2 E3 -E3 E2" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_2" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E1 E0 -E0 E1" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_3" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E3 E2 -E2 E3" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> < <vehicle id="trip_4" depart="0.00"> < <route edges="-E0 E1 -E1 E0" repeat="10"/> < </vehicle> --- > <trip id="t_0" depart="0.00" from="-E3" to="E4"/> > <trip id="t_1" depart="0.00" from="-E2" to="E3"/> > <trip id="t_2" depart="0.00" from="-E5" to="E2"/> > <trip id="t_3" depart="0.00" from="-E4" to="E5"/> > <flow id="f_0" begin="0.00" from="-E4" to="E2" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_1" begin="0.00" from="-E2" to="E4" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_2" begin="0.00" from="-E5" to="E3" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> > <flow id="f_3" begin="0.00" from="-E3" to="E5" end="3600.00" vehsPerHour="10"/> ---------- New result in datas ---------- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/datamode_file.xsd"> <interval id="set" begin="0.00" end="3600.00"> <edgeRelation from="-E3" to="E4"/> <edgeRelation from="-E4" to="E5"/> <edgeRelation from="-E5" to="E2"/> <edgeRelation from="-E2" to="E3"/> </interval> </data>
---------- Differences in net ---------- 163c163 < <phase duration="37" state="gGGgrrrrgGGgrrrrGG" name="1"/> --- > <phase duration="37" state="gGGgrrrrgGGgrrrrGG"/> 166c166 < <phase duration="42" state="rrrrGGGgrrrrGGGgrr"/> --- > <phase duration="42" state="rrrrGGGgrrrrGGGgrr" name="custom name"/>
---------- Differences in net ---------- 163c163 < <phase duration="37" state="gGGgrrrrgGGgrrrrGG" next="1"/> --- > <phase duration="37" state="gGGgrrrrgGGgrrrrGG"/> 165c165 < <phase duration="3" state="yyyyrrrryyyyrrrrrr"/> --- > <phase duration="3" state="yyyyrrrryyyyrrrrrr" next="1"/>
#3045 (This bug was triggered by text found in file 'errors' matching 'python: can't open file') ---------- New result in errors ---------- python: can't open file '<TEXTTEST_SANDBOX>/test.py': [Errno 2] No such file or directorynetwork trafficlights joined attributes E1 ( Last six runs Aug2024 )
#3045 (This bug was triggered by text found in file 'errors' matching 'python: can't open file') ---------- Differences in errors ---------- 1c1 < python: can't open file '/home/palcraft/.texttest/tmp/netedit.daily.net.trafficlights.26Jan095536.11298/netedit.daily.net.trafficlights/netelements/trafficlights/single/programs/select/test.py': [Errno 2] No such file or directory --- > python: can't open file '<TEXTTEST_SANDBOX>/test.py': [Errno 2] No such file or directory