texttest -a neteditcheckoutput -d /home/delphi/gcc/sumo/tests -reconnect /home/delphi/gcc/texttesttmp/gcc4_64.01Oct002146.296670 -g
texttest -a neteditcheckoutput -d /home/delphi/gcc/sumo/tests
---------- New result in errors ---------- Warning: No flow intervals in calibrator 'ca_0'. Warning: No flow intervals in calibrator 'ca_1'. Warning: No flow intervals in calibrator 'ca_2'. Warning: No flow intervals in calibrator 'ca_3'. Warning: No flow intervals in calibrator 'ca_5'. Warning: No flow intervals in calibrator 'ca_6'. Warning: Vaporizers are deprecated. Use rerouters instead. Warning: Vaporizers are deprecated. Use rerouters instead. Warning: Vaporizers are deprecated. Use rerouters instead. Warning: Vaporizers are deprecated. Use rerouters instead. Warning: Vehicle 'f_2.0' left e3Detector 'e3_2' without entering it, time=4.00. Warning: Vehicle 't_2' left e3Detector 'e3_0' without entering it, time=4.00. Warning: Vehicle 't_2' left e3Detector 'e3_0' without entering it, time=4.00. Warning: Vehicle 'f_2.0' left e3Detector 'e3_2' without entering it, time=5.00. Warning: Vehicle 'v_0' arrived inside e3Detector 'e3_3', time=6.00. Warning: Vehicle 'v_0' arrived inside e3Detector 'e3_0', time=6.00. Warning: Vehicle 'f_2.0' left e3Detector 'e3_3' without entering it, time=6.00. Warning: Vehicle 'f_3.0' arrived inside e3Detector 'e3_1', time=6.00. Warning: Vehicle 'f_3.0' arrived inside e3Detector 'e3_2', time=6.00. Warning: Vehicle 'f_2.0' left e3Detector 'e3_3' without entering it, time=7.00. Warning: Vehicle 't_2' left e3Detector 'e3_1' without entering it, time=7.00. Warning: Vehicle 't_2' left e3Detector 'e3_1' without entering it, time=7.00. Warning: Vehicle 'f_2.1' left e3Detector 'e3_2' without entering it, time=40.00. Warning: Vehicle 'f_2.1' left e3Detector 'e3_2' without entering it, time=40.00. Warning: Vehicle 'f_3.1' arrived inside e3Detector 'e3_1', time=41.00. Warning: Vehicle 'f_3.1' arrived inside e3Detector 'e3_2', time=41.00. Warning: Vehicle 'f_2.1' left e3Detector 'e3_3' without entering it, time=42.00. Warning: Vehicle 'f_2.1' left e3Detector 'e3_3' without entering it, time=43.00. Warning: Vehicle 'f_2.2' left e3Detector 'e3_2' without entering it, time=77.00. Warning: Vehicle 'f_2.2' left e3Detector 'e3_2' without entering it, time=77.00. <truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 0a1,2 > Error: File 'additionals.netedit' is not accessible (No such file or directory). > Quitting (on error). ---------- New result in exitcode ---------- 1
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 0a1,2 > Error: The route file 'routes.netedit' is not accessible. > Quitting (on error). ---------- New result in exitcode ---------- 1basic quit no_save_demand ( Last six runs Oct2024 Sep2024 )
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 1,2c1,9 < Warning: No flow intervals in calibrator 'calibrator1'. < Warning: No flow intervals in calibrator 'calibrator2'. --- > Warning: No flow intervals in calibrator 'ca_0'. > Warning: No flow intervals in calibrator 'ca_1'. > Warning: No flow intervals in calibrator 'ca_2'. > Error: The position of calibrator 'ca_3' lies beyond the lane's 'Edge0_1' length. > Warning: The given position (=5) for detector 'e2_1' does not lie on the given lane 'Edge0_1' with length 5 (adjusting to new position 4.9 > Error: The given end position (=9) for detector 'e2_2' does not lie on the given lane 'Edge0_1' with length 5 (0 <= pos < lane->getLength() is required) > Warning: Vaporizers are deprecated. Use rerouters instead. > Warning: Vaporizers are deprecated. Use rerouters instead. > Quitting (on error). ---------- New result in exitcode ---------- 1
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 0a1,2 > Error: Unknown edge 'edge3' given as nextEdges in detector 'E1_B' > Quitting (on error). ---------- New result in exitcode ---------- 1elements additionals e1detector inspect_selection file ( Last six runs Oct2024 Sep2024 )
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 0a1 > Warning: The given time value 9223372036854773.76 is not a multiple of the step length 1.00 (in e1Detector 'E1_01').
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 1c1,2 < Warning: Ignoring argument 'period' for E2Detector 'e2_0' since argument 'tl' was given. --- > Error: The tls 'gneJ0' is not known. > Quitting (on error). ---------- New result in exitcode ---------- 1elements additionals e2detector create tl ( Last six runs Oct2024 Sep2024 )
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 1,2c1,3 < Warning: Ignoring argument 'period' for E2Detector 'E2_A' since argument 'tl' was given. < Warning: Ignoring argument 'period' for E2Detector 'E2_B' since argument 'tl' was given. --- > Error: The tls 'gneJ0' is not known. > Error: The tls 'gneJ0' is not known. > Quitting (on error). ---------- New result in exitcode ---------- 1elements additionals e2detector inspect_selection file ( Last six runs Oct2024 Sep2024 )
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 0a1,3 > Error: The tls 'gneJ0' is not known. > Error: The tls 'gneJ1' is not known. > Quitting (on error). ---------- New result in exitcode ---------- 1
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 0a1 > Warning: The given time value 9223372036854773.76 is not a multiple of the step length 1.00 (in e2Detector 'E2_01').
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 1c1,4 < Warning: Ignoring argument 'period' for E2Detector 'E2_02' since argument 'tl' was given. --- > Warning: The given time value 9223372036854773.76 is not a multiple of the step length 1.00 (in e2Detector 'E2_01'). > Error: The tls 'gneJ0' is not known. > Error: The tls 'gneJ0' is not known. > Quitting (on error). ---------- New result in exitcode ---------- 1
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 1c1,2 < Warning: Ignoring argument 'period' for E2Detector 'e2_0' since argument 'tl' was given. --- > Error: The tls 'gneJ1' is not known. > Quitting (on error). ---------- New result in exitcode ---------- 1
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 0a1,2 > Error: Unknown edge 'edge3' given as nextEdges in detector 'multiLaneAreaDetector_1' > Quitting (on error). ---------- New result in exitcode ---------- 1elements additionals e2multilanedetector inspect_selection file ( Last six runs Oct2024 Sep2024 )
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 0a1 > Warning: The given time value 9223372036854773.76 is not a multiple of the step length 1.00 (in e2Detector 'multiLaneAreaDetector_0').
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 0a1,2 > Warning: The given time value 9223372036854773.76 is not a multiple of the step length 1.00 (in e2Detector 'multiLaneAreaDetector_0'). > Warning: Ignoring argument 'period' for E2Detector 'multiLaneAreaDetector_2' since argument 'tl' was given.
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 0a1,2 > Error: The lane with the id 'center0_1' is not known (while building e2Detector 'e2_0'). > Quitting (on error). ---------- New result in exitcode ---------- 1
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 1c1 < Error: File 'datas.netedit' is not accessible (No such file or directory). --- > Error: The route file 'routes.netedit' is not accessible.
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 0a1,2 > Error: Vehicle 'vehicle_1' is not allowed to stop on lane 'Edge5_0'. > Quitting (on error). ---------- New result in exitcode ---------- 1elements demands waypoint lane inspect_selection acttype ( Last six runs Oct2024 Sep2024 )
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 0a1,3 > Error: The edge 'center1' within the route 'r_0' is not known. > The route can not be build. > Quitting (on error). ---------- New result in exitcode ---------- 1elements shapes jupedsim obstacle create id ( Last six runs Oct2024 Sep2024 )
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 0a1,2 > Error: Lane 'center0_1' to place poi 'poi_0' on is not known. > Quitting (on error). ---------- New result in exitcode ---------- 1
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 0a1,5 > Error: At district 'taz_0': succeeding edge 'center0' does not exist. > Error: At district 'taz_0': succeeding edge 'center0' does not exist. > Error: At district 'taz_0': succeeding edge 'center1' does not exist. > Error: At district 'taz_0': succeeding edge 'center1' does not exist. > Quitting (on error). ---------- New result in exitcode ---------- 1elements tazs move vertex_existent ( Last six runs Oct2024 Sep2024 )
---------- New result in exitcode ---------- 1network connections with_tls inspect allow_dialog disallow_all ( Last six runs Oct2024 Sep2024 )
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 0a1,4 > Warning: No connection between edge '-E0' and edge 'E3' found. > Warning: No route for vehicle 't_0' found. > Error: Vehicle 't_0' has no valid route. > Quitting (on error). ---------- New result in exitcode ---------- 1network connections with_tls inspect_selected allow ( Last six runs Oct2024 Sep2024 )
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 0a1,2 > Error: Vehicle 'v_0' has no valid route. No connection between edge '-E2' and edge 'E1'. > Quitting (on error). ---------- New result in exitcode ---------- 1network connections with_tls inspect_selected allow_dialog reset ( Last six runs Oct2024 Sep2024 )
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 0a1,4 > Warning: No connection between edge '-E2' and edge 'E1' found. > Warning: No route for vehicle 't_2' found. > Error: Vehicle 't_2' has no valid route. > Quitting (on error). ---------- New result in exitcode ---------- 1network connections without_tls inspect disallow ( Last six runs Oct2024 Sep2024 )
---------- New result in errors ---------- Error: The route file 'routes.netedit' is not accessible. Quitting (on error).network edges geometry_points create ( Last six runs Oct2024 Sep2024 )
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 0a1,2 > Error: Vehicle 'v_0' is not allowed to stop on lane 'E0_0'. > Quitting (on error). ---------- New result in exitcode ---------- 1network edges inspect allow_dialog disallow_all ( Last six runs Oct2024 Sep2024 )
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 0a1 > Warning: busStop 'bs_0' on lane 'E0_0' is too short for vehicle 'v_0'.
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 0a1,5 > Error: The tls 'JunctionCenter' is not known. > Error: The tls 'JunctionCenter' is not known. > Error: The tls 'JunctionCenter' is not known. > Error: The tls 'JunctionCenter' is not known. > Quitting (on error). ---------- New result in exitcode ---------- 1
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 0a1,3 > Warning: No connection between edge 'E20' and edge 'E15' found. > Error: No connection found between edge 'E20' and edge 'E15' for person 'p_0'. > Quitting (on error). ---------- New result in exitcode ---------- 1network junctions contextual_menu split split_junction ( Last six runs Oct2024 Sep2024 )
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 0a1,2 > Error: Zipper junctions with more than two conflicting lanes are not supported (at junction 'JunctionCenter') > Quitting (on error). ---------- New result in exitcode ---------- 1network junctions inspect no_tls selected type zipper ( Last six runs Oct2024 Sep2024 )
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 0a1,5 > Error: expected entity name for reference > In file 'net.netedit' > At line/column 97/129. > > Quitting (on error). ---------- New result in exitcode ---------- 1
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 1c1,2 < Warning: At NEMA tlLogic 'J0', actuated phase 1 has no controlling detector --- > Error: File 'net.netedit' is not accessible (No such file or directory). > Quitting (on error). ---------- New result in exitcode ---------- 1network trafficlights single phases NEMA buttons add red ( Last six runs Oct2024 Sep2024 )
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 1,2d0 < Error: At traffic signal 'J0' program '0' no phase named '6' was found < Quitting (on error). ---------- Missing result in exitcode ---------- 1
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 1,2d0 < Error: At traffic signal 'J0' program '0' no phase named '2' was found < Quitting (on error). ---------- Missing result in exitcode ---------- 1
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 1c1,2 < Warning: Missing yellow phase in tlLogic 'J0', program '0' for tl-index 4 when switching to phase 0. --- > Error: File 'net.netedit' is not accessible (No such file or directory). > Quitting (on error). ---------- New result in exitcode ---------- 1
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 0a1,2 > Error: Source junction 'J3' has no outgoing edges for trip 't_1'! > Quitting (on error). ---------- New result in exitcode ---------- 1selection basic undo_redo ( Last six runs Oct2024 Sep2024 )
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 0a1,2 > Error: Source taz 'taz_3' has no outgoing edges for trip 't_2'! > Quitting (on error). ---------- New result in exitcode ---------- 1
---------- Differences in errors ---------- 0a1,5 > Error: The tls 'J0' is not known. > Error: The tls 'J0' is not known. > Error: The tls 'J0' is not known. > Error: The tls 'J0' is not known. > Quitting (on error). ---------- New result in exitcode ---------- 1
#3045 (This bug was triggered by text found in file 'errors' matching 'File 'net.netedit' is not accessible') ---------- New result in errors ---------- Error: File 'net.netedit' is not accessible (No such file or directory). Quitting (on error).elements additionals access fix ( Last six runs Oct2024 Sep2024 )
Test exceeded wallclock time limit of 600.0 seconds ---------- Differences in errors ---------- 7610,10267d7609 < Warning: Person 'pf_1.8400' is jammed on edge 'Edge1', time=2944.00. < Warning: Person 'pf_1.8401' is jammed on edge 'Edge1', time=2944.00. < Warning: Person 'pf_1.8402' is jammed on edge 'Edge1', time=2944.00. < Warning: Person 'pf_1.8403' is jammed on edge 'Edge1', time=2945.00. < Warning: Person 'pf_1.8404' is jammed on edge 'Edge1', time=2945.00. < Warning: Person 'pf_1.8405' is jammed on edge 'Edge1', time=2945.00. < Warning: Person 'pf_1.8406' is jammed on edge 'Edge1', time=2946.00. < Warning: Person 'pf_1.8407' is jammed on edge 'Edge1', time=2946.00. < Warning: Person 'pf_1.8408' is jammed on edge 'Edge1', time=2946.00. < Warning: Person 'pf_1.8409' is jammed on edge 'Edge1', time=2947.00. < Warning: Person 'pf_1.8410' is jammed on edge 'Edge1', time=2947.00. < Warning: Person 'pf_1.8411' is jammed on edge 'Edge1', time=2947.00. < Warning: Person 'pf_1.8412' is jammed on edge 'Edge1', time=2947.00. < Warning: Person 'pf_1.8413' is jammed on edge 'Edge1', time=2948.00. < Warning: Person 'pf_1.8414' is jammed on edge 'Edge1', time=2948.00. < Warning: Person 'pf_1.8415' is jammed on edge 'Edge1', time=2948.00. < Warning: Person 'pf_1.7255' is jammed on edge 'Edge1', time=2949.00. < Warning: Person 'pf_1.8416' is jammed on edge 'Edge1', time=2949.00. < Warning: Person 'pf_1.8417' is jammed on edge 'Edge1', time=2949.00. < Warning: Person 'pf_1.8418' is jammed on edge 'Edge1', time=2949.00. < Warning: Person 'pf_1.7323' is jammed on edge 'Edge1', time=2950.00. < Warning: Person 'pf_1.8419' is jammed on edge 'Edge1', time=2950.00. < Warning: Person 'pf_1.8420' is jammed on edge 'Edge1', time=2950.00. < Warning: Person 'pf_1.8421' is jammed on edge 'Edge1', time=2950.00. < Warning: Person 'pf_1.7275' is jammed on edge 'Edge1', time=2951.00. < Warning: Person 'pf_1.8422' is jammed on edge 'Edge1', time=2951.00. < Warning: Person 'pf_1.8423' is jammed on edge 'Edge1', time=2951.00. < Warning: Person 'pf_1.8424' is jammed on edge 'Edge1', time=2951.00. < Warning: Person 'pf_0.880' is jammed on edge 'Edge0', time=2952.00. <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in output ---------- 0a1 > Interrupt signal received, trying to exit gracefully.
Test exceeded wallclock time limit of 600.0 seconds ---------- Differences in errors ---------- 8458,10189d8457 < Warning: Person 'pf_0.515' is jammed on edge 'Edge0', time=3177.00. < Warning: Person 'pf_1.9150' is jammed on edge 'Edge1', time=3177.00. < Warning: Person 'pf_1.9151' is jammed on edge 'Edge1', time=3177.00. < Warning: Person 'pf_1.9152' is jammed on edge 'Edge1', time=3177.00. < Warning: Person 'pf_0.955' is jammed on edge 'Edge0', time=3178.00. < Warning: Person 'pf_1.9153' is jammed on edge 'Edge1', time=3178.00. < Warning: Person 'pf_1.9154' is jammed on edge 'Edge1', time=3178.00. < Warning: Person 'pf_1.9155' is jammed on edge 'Edge1', time=3178.00. < Warning: Person 'pf_1.9156' is jammed on edge 'Edge1', time=3179.00. < Warning: Person 'pf_1.9157' is jammed on edge 'Edge1', time=3179.00. < Warning: Person 'pf_1.9158' is jammed on edge 'Edge1', time=3179.00. < Warning: Person 'pf_1.9159' is jammed on edge 'Edge1', time=3179.00. < Warning: Person 'pf_1.7984' is jammed on edge 'Edge1', time=3180.00. < Warning: Person 'pf_1.9160' is jammed on edge 'Edge1', time=3180.00. < Warning: Person 'pf_1.9161' is jammed on edge 'Edge1', time=3180.00. < Warning: Person 'pf_1.9162' is jammed on edge 'Edge1', time=3180.00. < Warning: Person 'pf_0.956' is jammed on edge 'Edge0', time=3181.00. < Warning: Person 'pf_1.9163' is jammed on edge 'Edge1', time=3181.00. < Warning: Person 'pf_1.9164' is jammed on edge 'Edge1', time=3181.00. < Warning: Person 'pf_1.9165' is jammed on edge 'Edge1', time=3181.00. < Warning: Person 'pf_1.9166' is jammed on edge 'Edge1', time=3182.00. < Warning: Person 'pf_1.9167' is jammed on edge 'Edge1', time=3182.00. < Warning: Person 'pf_1.9168' is jammed on edge 'Edge1', time=3182.00. < Warning: Person 'pf_1.9169' is jammed on edge 'Edge1', time=3183.00. < Warning: Person 'pf_1.9170' is jammed on edge 'Edge1', time=3183.00. < Warning: Person 'pf_1.9171' is jammed on edge 'Edge1', time=3183.00. < Warning: Person 'pf_0.957' is jammed on edge 'Edge0', time=3184.00. < Warning: Person 'pf_1.9172' is jammed on edge 'Edge1', time=3184.00. < Warning: Person 'pf_1.9173' is jammed on edge 'Edge1', time=3184.00. <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in output ---------- 0a1 > Interrupt signal received, trying to exit gracefully.
Test exceeded wallclock time limit of 600.0 seconds ---------- Differences in errors ---------- 6180,15410d6179 < Warning: Person 'pf_0.1808' is jammed on edge ':Junction1_w1', time=2174.00. < Warning: Person 'pf_0.4802' is jammed on edge 'Edge0', time=2174.00. < Warning: Person 'pf_0.4803' is jammed on edge 'Edge0', time=2174.00. < Warning: Person 'pf_1.4727' is jammed on edge 'Edge1', time=2174.00. < Warning: Person 'pf_1.4728' is jammed on edge 'Edge1', time=2174.00. < Warning: Person 'pf_1.4729' is jammed on edge 'Edge1', time=2174.00. < Warning: Person 'pf_0.2768' is jammed on edge 'Edge1', time=2174.00. < Warning: Person 'pf_0.3627' is jammed on edge 'Edge0', time=2175.00. < Warning: Person 'pf_0.4804' is jammed on edge 'Edge0', time=2175.00. < Warning: Person 'pf_0.4805' is jammed on edge 'Edge0', time=2175.00. < Warning: Person 'pf_1.4730' is jammed on edge 'Edge1', time=2175.00. < Warning: Person 'pf_1.4731' is jammed on edge 'Edge1', time=2175.00. < Warning: Person 'pf_1.4732' is jammed on edge 'Edge1', time=2175.00. < Warning: Person 'pf_1.4733' is jammed on edge 'Edge1', time=2175.00. < Warning: Person 'pf_1.4734' is jammed on edge 'Edge1', time=2175.00. < Warning: Person 'pf_1.4735' is jammed on edge 'Edge1', time=2175.00. < Warning: Person 'pf_1.4736' is jammed on edge 'Edge1', time=2175.00. < Warning: Person 'pf_0.1674' is jammed on edge 'Edge1', time=2175.00. < Warning: Person 'pf_0.2006' is jammed on edge ':Junction1_w1', time=2176.00. < Warning: Person 'pf_0.4806' is jammed on edge 'Edge0', time=2176.00. < Warning: Person 'pf_0.4807' is jammed on edge 'Edge0', time=2176.00. < Warning: Person 'pf_0.4808' is jammed on edge 'Edge0', time=2176.00. < Warning: Person 'pf_0.4809' is jammed on edge 'Edge0', time=2176.00. < Warning: Person 'pf_1.4737' is jammed on edge 'Edge1', time=2176.00. < Warning: Person 'pf_0.1669' is jammed on edge 'Edge1', time=2176.00. < Warning: Person 'pf_0.1901' is jammed on edge 'Edge0', time=2177.00. < Warning: Person 'pf_0.4810' is jammed on edge 'Edge0', time=2177.00. < Warning: Person 'pf_0.4811' is jammed on edge 'Edge0', time=2177.00. < Warning: Person 'pf_1.4738' is jammed on edge 'Edge1', time=2177.00. <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in output ---------- 0a1 > Interrupt signal received, trying to exit gracefully.
Test exceeded wallclock time limit of 600.0 seconds ---------- Differences in errors ---------- 8452,10267d8451 < Warning: Person 'pf_1.9090' is jammed on edge 'Edge1', time=3160.00. < Warning: Person 'pf_1.9091' is jammed on edge 'Edge1', time=3160.00. < Warning: Person 'pf_1.9092' is jammed on edge 'Edge1', time=3160.00. < Warning: Person 'pf_1.9093' is jammed on edge 'Edge1', time=3161.00. < Warning: Person 'pf_1.9094' is jammed on edge 'Edge1', time=3161.00. < Warning: Person 'pf_1.9095' is jammed on edge 'Edge1', time=3161.00. < Warning: Person 'pf_0.950' is jammed on edge 'Edge0', time=3162.00. < Warning: Person 'pf_1.9096' is jammed on edge 'Edge1', time=3162.00. < Warning: Person 'pf_1.9097' is jammed on edge 'Edge1', time=3162.00. < Warning: Person 'pf_1.9098' is jammed on edge 'Edge1', time=3162.00. < Warning: Person 'pf_1.9099' is jammed on edge 'Edge1', time=3162.00. < Warning: Person 'pf_1.9100' is jammed on edge 'Edge1', time=3163.00. < Warning: Person 'pf_1.9101' is jammed on edge 'Edge1', time=3163.00. < Warning: Person 'pf_1.9102' is jammed on edge 'Edge1', time=3163.00. < Warning: Person 'pf_1.9103' is jammed on edge 'Edge1', time=3164.00. < Warning: Person 'pf_1.9104' is jammed on edge 'Edge1', time=3164.00. < Warning: Person 'pf_1.9105' is jammed on edge 'Edge1', time=3164.00. < Warning: Person 'pf_0.951' is jammed on edge 'Edge0', time=3165.00. < Warning: Person 'pf_1.9106' is jammed on edge 'Edge1', time=3165.00. < Warning: Person 'pf_1.9107' is jammed on edge 'Edge1', time=3165.00. < Warning: Person 'pf_1.9108' is jammed on edge 'Edge1', time=3165.00. < Warning: Person 'pf_1.9109' is jammed on edge 'Edge1', time=3166.00. < Warning: Person 'pf_1.9110' is jammed on edge 'Edge1', time=3166.00. < Warning: Person 'pf_1.9111' is jammed on edge 'Edge1', time=3166.00. < Warning: Person 'pf_1.9112' is jammed on edge 'Edge1', time=3167.00. < Warning: Person 'pf_1.9113' is jammed on edge 'Edge1', time=3167.00. < Warning: Person 'pf_1.9114' is jammed on edge 'Edge1', time=3167.00. < Warning: Person 'pf_1.9115' is jammed on edge 'Edge1', time=3167.00. < Warning: Person 'pf_0.952' is jammed on edge 'Edge0', time=3168.00. <truncated after showing first 30 lines> ---------- Differences in output ---------- 0a1 > Interrupt signal received, trying to exit gracefully.