LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - src/gui - GUIApplicationWindow.cpp (source / functions) Coverage Total Hit
Test: Lines: 52.2 % 1360 710
Test Date: 2024-12-21 15:45:41 Functions: 39.0 % 105 41

            Line data    Source code
       1              : /****************************************************************************/
       2              : // Eclipse SUMO, Simulation of Urban MObility; see
       3              : // Copyright (C) 2001-2024 German Aerospace Center (DLR) and others.
       4              : // This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
       5              : // terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
       6              : //
       7              : // This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary
       8              : // Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the Eclipse
       9              : // Public License 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License, version 2
      10              : // or later which is available at
      11              : //
      12              : // SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0-or-later
      13              : /****************************************************************************/
      14              : /// @file    GUIApplicationWindow.cpp
      15              : /// @author  Daniel Krajzewicz
      16              : /// @author  Jakob Erdmann
      17              : /// @author  Michael Behrisch
      18              : /// @author  Andreas Gaubatz
      19              : /// @author  Mirko Barthauer
      20              : /// @date    Sept 2002
      21              : ///
      22              : // The main window of the SUMO-gui.
      23              : /****************************************************************************/
      24              : #include <config.h>
      25              : 
      26              : #ifdef HAVE_VERSION_H
      27              : #include <version.h>
      28              : #endif
      29              : 
      30              : #include <fxkeys.h>
      31              : 
      32              : #include <guisim/GUILane.h>
      33              : #include <guisim/GUINet.h>
      34              : #include <microsim/MSEdgeControl.h>
      35              : #include <microsim/MSInsertionControl.h>
      36              : #include <microsim/MSStateHandler.h>
      37              : #include <microsim/transportables/MSTransportableControl.h>
      38              : #include <netload/NLHandler.h>
      39              : #include <traci-server/TraCIServer.h>
      40              : #include <utils/common/MsgHandler.h>
      41              : #include <utils/common/StringUtils.h>
      42              : #include <utils/foxtools/MFXButtonTooltip.h>
      43              : #include <utils/foxtools/MFXLabelTooltip.h>
      44              : #include <utils/foxtools/MFXLCDLabel.h>
      45              : #include <utils/foxtools/MFXLinkLabel.h>
      46              : #include <utils/foxtools/MFXRealSpinner.h>
      47              : #include <utils/gui/cursors/GUICursorSubSys.h>
      48              : #include <utils/gui/div/GLHelper.h>
      49              : #include <utils/gui/div/GUIDesigns.h>
      50              : #include <utils/gui/div/GUIDialog_GLChosenEditor.h>
      51              : #include <utils/gui/div/GUIGlobalSelection.h>
      52              : #include <utils/gui/div/GUIMessageWindow.h>
      53              : #include <utils/gui/div/GUIUserIO.h>
      54              : #include <utils/gui/events/GUIEvent_AddView.h>
      55              : #include <utils/gui/events/GUIEvent_CloseView.h>
      56              : #include <utils/gui/events/GUIEvent_Message.h>
      57              : #include <utils/gui/globjects/GUIShapeContainer.h>
      58              : #include <utils/gui/images/GUITexturesHelper.h>
      59              : #include <utils/gui/images/VClassIcons.h>
      60              : #include <utils/gui/images/GUITextureSubSys.h>
      61              : #include <utils/gui/settings/GUICompleteSchemeStorage.h>
      62              : #include <utils/gui/settings/GUISettingsHandler.h>
      63              : #include <utils/gui/shortcuts/GUIShortcutsSubSys.h>
      64              : #include <utils/gui/windows/GUIPerspectiveChanger.h>
      65              : #include <utils/xml/XMLSubSys.h>
      66              : 
      67              : #include "GUIApplicationWindow.h"
      68              : #include "GUIEvent_SimulationEnded.h"
      69              : #include "GUIEvent_SimulationLoaded.h"
      70              : #include "GUIGlobals.h"
      71              : #include "GUILoadThread.h"
      72              : #include "GUIRunThread.h"
      73              : #include "dialogs/GUIDialog_AboutSUMO.h"
      74              : #include "dialogs/GUIDialog_Feedback.h"
      75              : #include "dialogs/GUIDialog_AppSettings.h"
      76              : #include "dialogs/GUIDialog_Breakpoints.h"
      77              : #include "dialogs/GUIDialog_HallOfFame.h"
      78              : 
      79              : 
      80              : #define MIN_DRAW_DELAY 20
      81              : //#define HAVE_DANGEROUS_SOUNDS
      82              : 
      83              : // ===========================================================================
      84              : // FOX-declarations
      85              : // ===========================================================================
      86              : FXDEFMAP(GUIApplicationWindow) GUIApplicationWindowMap[] = {
      87              :     // close
      88              :     FXMAPFUNC(SEL_COMMAND,  MID_HOTKEY_CTRL_Q_CLOSE,    GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdQuit),
      89              :     FXMAPFUNC(SEL_SIGNAL,   MID_HOTKEY_CTRL_Q_CLOSE,    GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdQuit),
      90              :     FXMAPFUNC(SEL_COMMAND,  MID_HOTKEY_ALT_F4_CLOSE,    GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdQuit),
      91              :     FXMAPFUNC(SEL_CLOSE,    MID_WINDOW,                 GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdQuit),
      92              :     // toolbar
      93              :     FXMAPFUNC(SEL_COMMAND,  MID_HOTKEY_CTRL_SHIFT_N_NEWWINDOW,                  GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdNewWindow),
      94              :     FXMAPFUNC(SEL_COMMAND,  MID_HOTKEY_CTRL_O_OPENSIMULATION_OPENNETWORK,       GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdOpenConfiguration),
      95              :     FXMAPFUNC(SEL_COMMAND,  MID_HOTKEY_CTRL_N_OPENNETWORK_NEWNETWORK,           GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdOpenNetwork),
      96              :     FXMAPFUNC(SEL_COMMAND,  MID_HOTKEY_CTRL_P_OPENSHAPES,                       GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdOpenShapes),
      97              :     FXMAPFUNC(SEL_COMMAND,  MID_HOTKEY_CTRL_U_OPENEDGEDATA,                     GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdOpenEdgeData),
      98              :     FXMAPFUNC(SEL_COMMAND,  MID_RECENTFILE,                                     GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdOpenRecent),
      99              :     FXMAPFUNC(SEL_COMMAND,  MID_HOTKEY_CTRL_R_RELOAD,                           GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdReload),
     100              :     FXMAPFUNC(SEL_COMMAND,  MID_HOTKEY_CTRL_QUICK_RELOAD,                       GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdQuickReload),
     101              :     FXMAPFUNC(SEL_COMMAND,  MID_HOTKEY_CTRL_SHIFT_S_SAVESUMOCONFIG,             GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdSaveConfig),
     102              :     FXMAPFUNC(SEL_COMMAND,  MID_HOTKEY_CTRL_W_CLOSESIMULATION,                  GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdClose),
     103              :     FXMAPFUNC(SEL_COMMAND,  MID_HOTKEY_CTRL_E_EDITSELECTION_LOADNETEDITCONFIG,  GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdEditChosen),
     104              :     FXMAPFUNC(SEL_COMMAND,  MID_HOTKEY_CTRL_B_EDITBREAKPOINT_OPENDATAELEMENTS,  GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdEditBreakpoints),
     105              :     FXMAPFUNC(SEL_COMMAND,  MID_HOTKEY_F9_EDIT_VIEWSCHEME,                      GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdEditViewScheme),
     106              :     FXMAPFUNC(SEL_COMMAND,  MID_HOTKEY_CTRL_I_EDITVIEWPORT,                     GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdEditViewport),
     107              :     FXMAPFUNC(SEL_COMMAND,  MID_HOTKEY_CTRL_T_OPENNETEDIT_OPENSUMO,             GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdOpenInNetedit),
     108              :     // gaming
     109              :     FXMAPFUNC(SEL_COMMAND,  MID_HOTKEY_CTRL_H_APPSETTINGS_OPENEDGETYPES,    GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdAppSettings),
     110              :     FXMAPFUNC(SEL_COMMAND,  MID_HOTKEY_CTRL_G_GAMINGMODE_TOGGLEGRID,        GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdGaming),
     111              :     FXMAPFUNC(SEL_COMMAND,  MID_HOTKEY_CTRL_J_TOGGLEDRAWJUNCTIONSHAPE,      GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdToggleDrawJunctionShape),
     112              :     FXMAPFUNC(SEL_COMMAND,  MID_HOTKEY_CTRL_K_OPENTLSPROGRAMS,              GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdToggleSecondaryShape),
     113              :     FXMAPFUNC(SEL_COMMAND,  MID_HOTKEY_CTRL_F_FULSCREENMODE,                GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdFullScreen),
     114              :     FXMAPFUNC(SEL_COMMAND,  MID_LISTINTERNAL,                               GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdListInternal),
     115              :     FXMAPFUNC(SEL_COMMAND,  MID_LISTPARKING,                                GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdListParking),
     116              :     FXMAPFUNC(SEL_COMMAND,  MID_LISTTELEPORTING,                            GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdListTeleporting),
     117              :     FXMAPFUNC(SEL_COMMAND,  MID_NEW_MICROVIEW,                              GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdNewView),
     118              :     // OSG
     119              : #ifdef HAVE_OSG
     120              :     FXMAPFUNC(SEL_COMMAND,  MID_NEW_OSGVIEW,    GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdNewOSG),
     121              :     FXMAPFUNC(SEL_UPDATE,   MID_NEW_OSGVIEW,    GUIApplicationWindow::onUpdAddView),
     122              : 
     123              : #endif
     124              :     // Time
     125              :     FXMAPFUNC(SEL_COMMAND,  MID_HOTKEY_A_MODE_STARTSIMULATION_ADDITIONALS_STOPS,        GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdStart),
     126              :     FXMAPFUNC(SEL_COMMAND,  MID_HOTKEY_CTRL_A_STARTSIMULATION_OPENADDITIONALS,          GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdStart),
     127              :     FXMAPFUNC(SEL_COMMAND,  MID_HOTKEY_S_MODE_STOPSIMULATION_SELECT,                    GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdStop),
     128              :     FXMAPFUNC(SEL_COMMAND,  MID_HOTKEY_CTRL_S_STOPSIMULATION_SAVENETWORK,               GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdStop),
     129              :     FXMAPFUNC(SEL_COMMAND,  MID_HOTKEY_D_MODE_SINGLESIMULATIONSTEP_DELETE,              GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdStep),
     131              :     FXMAPFUNC(SEL_COMMAND,  MID_DELAY_INC,                                              GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdDelayInc),
     132              :     FXMAPFUNC(SEL_COMMAND,  MID_DELAY_DEC,                                              GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdDelayDec),
     133              :     FXMAPFUNC(SEL_COMMAND,  MID_SIMSAVE,                                                GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdSaveState),
     134              :     FXMAPFUNC(SEL_COMMAND,  MID_SIMLOAD,                                                GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdLoadState),
     135              :     FXMAPFUNC(SEL_COMMAND,  MID_TIME_TOGGLE,                                            GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdTimeToggle),
     136              :     FXMAPFUNC(SEL_COMMAND,  MID_DELAY_TOGGLE,                                           GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdDelayToggle),
     137              :     FXMAPFUNC(SEL_COMMAND,  MID_DEMAND_SCALE,                                           GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdDemandScale),
     138              :     FXMAPFUNC(SEL_COMMAND,  MID_CLEARMESSAGEWINDOW,                                     GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdClearMsgWindow),
     139              :     FXMAPFUNC(SEL_COMMAND,  MID_HOTKEY_B_BREAKPOINT,                                    GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdBreakpoint),
     140              :     FXMAPFUNC(SEL_COMMAND,  MID_HOTKEY_ALT_B_BREAKPOINT_EARLY,                          GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdBreakpointEarly),
     141              :     // Stats
     142              :     FXMAPFUNC(SEL_COMMAND,  MID_SHOWNETSTATS,       GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdShowStats),
     143              :     FXMAPFUNC(SEL_COMMAND,  MID_SHOWVEHSTATS,       GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdShowStats),
     144              :     FXMAPFUNC(SEL_COMMAND,  MID_SHOWPERSONSTATS,    GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdShowStats),
     145              :     // these functions do not assign shortcut keys to commands, but rather affect the button enable status upon other events (e.g. simulation loaded)
     146              :     // since those events are invoked through pseudo key events (?), the same key shortcuts as in cmd must be supplied as well
     147              :     FXMAPFUNC(SEL_UPDATE,   MID_HOTKEY_CTRL_O_OPENSIMULATION_OPENNETWORK,               GUIApplicationWindow::onUpdOpen),
     148              :     FXMAPFUNC(SEL_UPDATE,   MID_HOTKEY_CTRL_N_OPENNETWORK_NEWNETWORK,                   GUIApplicationWindow::onUpdOpen),
     149              :     FXMAPFUNC(SEL_UPDATE,   MID_HOTKEY_CTRL_P_OPENSHAPES,                               GUIApplicationWindow::onUpdNeedsNetwork),
     150              :     FXMAPFUNC(SEL_UPDATE,   MID_HOTKEY_CTRL_U_OPENEDGEDATA,                             GUIApplicationWindow::onUpdNeedsNetwork),
     151              :     FXMAPFUNC(SEL_UPDATE,   MID_HOTKEY_CTRL_R_RELOAD,                                   GUIApplicationWindow::onUpdReload),
     152              :     FXMAPFUNC(SEL_UPDATE,   MID_HOTKEY_CTRL_QUICK_RELOAD,                               GUIApplicationWindow::onUpdReload),
     153              :     FXMAPFUNC(SEL_UPDATE,   MID_RECENTFILE,                                             GUIApplicationWindow::onUpdOpenRecent),
     154              :     FXMAPFUNC(SEL_UPDATE,   MID_NEW_MICROVIEW,                                          GUIApplicationWindow::onUpdAddView),
     155              :     FXMAPFUNC(SEL_UPDATE,   MID_HOTKEY_CTRL_A_STARTSIMULATION_OPENADDITIONALS,          GUIApplicationWindow::onUpdStart),
     156              :     FXMAPFUNC(SEL_UPDATE,   MID_HOTKEY_CTRL_S_STOPSIMULATION_SAVENETWORK,               GUIApplicationWindow::onUpdStop),
     158              :     FXMAPFUNC(SEL_UPDATE,   MID_SIMSAVE,                                                GUIApplicationWindow::onUpdNeedsNetwork),
     159              :     FXMAPFUNC(SEL_UPDATE,   MID_SIMLOAD,                                                GUIApplicationWindow::onUpdNeedsNetwork),
     160              :     FXMAPFUNC(SEL_UPDATE,   MID_HOTKEY_CTRL_E_EDITSELECTION_LOADNETEDITCONFIG,          GUIApplicationWindow::onUpdNeedsNetwork),
     161              :     FXMAPFUNC(SEL_UPDATE,   MID_HOTKEY_CTRL_B_EDITBREAKPOINT_OPENDATAELEMENTS,          GUIApplicationWindow::onUpdNeedsNetwork),
     162              :     FXMAPFUNC(SEL_UPDATE,   MID_HOTKEY_B_BREAKPOINT,                                    GUIApplicationWindow::onUpdNeedsNetwork),
     163              :     FXMAPFUNC(SEL_UPDATE,   MID_HOTKEY_ALT_B_BREAKPOINT_EARLY,                          GUIApplicationWindow::onUpdNeedsNetwork),
     164              :     FXMAPFUNC(SEL_UPDATE,   MID_HOTKEY_F9_EDIT_VIEWSCHEME,                              GUIApplicationWindow::onUpdNeedsNetwork),
     165              :     FXMAPFUNC(SEL_UPDATE,   MID_HOTKEY_CTRL_I_EDITVIEWPORT,                             GUIApplicationWindow::onUpdNeedsNetwork),
     166              :     FXMAPFUNC(SEL_UPDATE,   MID_HOTKEY_CTRL_T_OPENNETEDIT_OPENSUMO,                     GUIApplicationWindow::onUpdNeedsNetwork),
     167              :     FXMAPFUNC(SEL_UPDATE,   MID_TOOLBAREDIT_LOADADDITIONALS,                            GUIApplicationWindow::onUpdNeedsSumoConfig),
     168              :     FXMAPFUNC(SEL_UPDATE,   MID_TOOLBAREDIT_LOADDEMAND,                                 GUIApplicationWindow::onUpdNeedsSumoConfig),
     169              :     FXMAPFUNC(SEL_UPDATE,   MID_DEMAND_SCALE,                                           GUIApplicationWindow::onUpdNeedsNetwork),
     170              :     FXMAPFUNC(SEL_UPDATE,   MID_HOTKEY_CTRL_G_GAMINGMODE_TOGGLEGRID,                    GUIApplicationWindow::onUpdNeedsNetwork),
     171              :     FXMAPFUNC(SEL_UPDATE,   MID_HOTKEY_CTRL_F_FULSCREENMODE,                            GUIApplicationWindow::onUpdNeedsNetwork),
     172              :     FXMAPFUNC(SEL_UPDATE,   MID_TRACI_STATUS,                                           GUIApplicationWindow::onUpdTraCIStatus),
     173              :     FXMAPFUNC(SEL_COMMAND,  MID_HOTKEY_F1_ONLINEDOCUMENTATION,                          GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdHelp),
     174              :     FXMAPFUNC(SEL_COMMAND,  MID_CHANGELOG,                                              GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdChangelog),
     175              :     FXMAPFUNC(SEL_COMMAND,  MID_HOTKEYS,                                                GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdHotkeys),
     176              :     FXMAPFUNC(SEL_COMMAND,  MID_TUTORIAL,                                               GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdTutorial),
     177              :     FXMAPFUNC(SEL_COMMAND,  MID_HOTKEY_SHIFT_F11_HALLOFFAME,                            GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdHallOfFame),
     178              :     FXMAPFUNC(SEL_COMMAND,  MID_FEEDBACK,                                               GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdFeedback),
     179              :     FXMAPFUNC(SEL_COMMAND,  MID_HOTKEY_F12_ABOUT,                                       GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdAbout),
     180              :     // forward requests to the active view
     181              :     FXMAPFUNC(SEL_COMMAND,  MID_HOTKEY_SHIFT_J_LOCATEJUNCTION,      GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdLocate),
     182              :     FXMAPFUNC(SEL_COMMAND,  MID_HOTKEY_SHIFT_E_LOCATEEDGE,          GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdLocate),
     183              :     FXMAPFUNC(SEL_COMMAND,  MID_HOTKEY_SHIFT_V_LOCATEVEHICLE,       GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdLocate),
     184              :     FXMAPFUNC(SEL_COMMAND,  MID_HOTKEY_SHIFT_P_LOCATEPERSON,        GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdLocate),
     185              :     FXMAPFUNC(SEL_COMMAND,  MID_HOTKEY_SHIFT_C_LOCATECONTAINER,     GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdLocate),
     186              :     FXMAPFUNC(SEL_COMMAND,  MID_HOTKEY_SHIFT_T_LOCATETLS,           GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdLocate),
     187              :     FXMAPFUNC(SEL_COMMAND,  MID_HOTKEY_SHIFT_A_LOCATEADDITIONAL,    GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdLocate),
     188              :     FXMAPFUNC(SEL_COMMAND,  MID_HOTKEY_SHIFT_O_LOCATEPOI,           GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdLocate),
     189              :     FXMAPFUNC(SEL_COMMAND,  MID_HOTKEY_SHIFT_L_LOCATEPOLY,          GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdLocate),
     190              :     FXMAPFUNC(SEL_UPDATE,   MID_HOTKEY_SHIFT_J_LOCATEJUNCTION,      GUIApplicationWindow::onUpdNeedsNetwork),
     191              :     FXMAPFUNC(SEL_UPDATE,   MID_HOTKEY_SHIFT_E_LOCATEEDGE,          GUIApplicationWindow::onUpdNeedsNetwork),
     192              :     FXMAPFUNC(SEL_UPDATE,   MID_HOTKEY_SHIFT_V_LOCATEVEHICLE,       GUIApplicationWindow::onUpdNeedsNetwork),
     193              :     FXMAPFUNC(SEL_UPDATE,   MID_HOTKEY_SHIFT_P_LOCATEPERSON,        GUIApplicationWindow::onUpdNeedsNetwork),
     194              :     FXMAPFUNC(SEL_UPDATE,   MID_HOTKEY_SHIFT_C_LOCATECONTAINER,     GUIApplicationWindow::onUpdNeedsNetwork),
     195              :     FXMAPFUNC(SEL_UPDATE,   MID_HOTKEY_SHIFT_T_LOCATETLS,           GUIApplicationWindow::onUpdNeedsNetwork),
     196              :     FXMAPFUNC(SEL_UPDATE,   MID_HOTKEY_SHIFT_A_LOCATEADDITIONAL,    GUIApplicationWindow::onUpdNeedsNetwork),
     197              :     FXMAPFUNC(SEL_UPDATE,   MID_HOTKEY_SHIFT_O_LOCATEPOI,           GUIApplicationWindow::onUpdNeedsNetwork),
     198              :     FXMAPFUNC(SEL_UPDATE,   MID_HOTKEY_SHIFT_L_LOCATEPOLY,          GUIApplicationWindow::onUpdNeedsNetwork),
     199              :     // languages
     200              :     FXMAPFUNC(SEL_COMMAND,  MID_LANGUAGE_EN,    GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdChangeLanguage),
     201              :     FXMAPFUNC(SEL_UPDATE,   MID_LANGUAGE_EN,    GUIApplicationWindow::onUpdChangeLanguage),
     202              :     FXMAPFUNC(SEL_COMMAND,  MID_LANGUAGE_DE,    GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdChangeLanguage),
     203              :     FXMAPFUNC(SEL_UPDATE,   MID_LANGUAGE_DE,    GUIApplicationWindow::onUpdChangeLanguage),
     204              :     FXMAPFUNC(SEL_COMMAND,  MID_LANGUAGE_ES,    GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdChangeLanguage),
     205              :     FXMAPFUNC(SEL_UPDATE,   MID_LANGUAGE_ES,    GUIApplicationWindow::onUpdChangeLanguage),
     206              :     FXMAPFUNC(SEL_COMMAND,  MID_LANGUAGE_FR,    GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdChangeLanguage),
     207              :     FXMAPFUNC(SEL_UPDATE,   MID_LANGUAGE_FR,    GUIApplicationWindow::onUpdChangeLanguage),
     208              :     FXMAPFUNC(SEL_COMMAND,  MID_LANGUAGE_IT,    GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdChangeLanguage),
     209              :     FXMAPFUNC(SEL_UPDATE,   MID_LANGUAGE_IT,    GUIApplicationWindow::onUpdChangeLanguage),
     210              :     FXMAPFUNC(SEL_COMMAND,  MID_LANGUAGE_ZH,    GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdChangeLanguage),
     211              :     FXMAPFUNC(SEL_UPDATE,   MID_LANGUAGE_ZH,    GUIApplicationWindow::onUpdChangeLanguage),
     212              :     FXMAPFUNC(SEL_COMMAND,  MID_LANGUAGE_ZHT,   GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdChangeLanguage),
     213              :     FXMAPFUNC(SEL_UPDATE,   MID_LANGUAGE_ZHT,   GUIApplicationWindow::onUpdChangeLanguage),
     214              :     FXMAPFUNC(SEL_COMMAND,  MID_LANGUAGE_TR,    GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdChangeLanguage),
     215              :     FXMAPFUNC(SEL_UPDATE,   MID_LANGUAGE_TR,    GUIApplicationWindow::onUpdChangeLanguage),
     216              :     FXMAPFUNC(SEL_COMMAND,  MID_LANGUAGE_HU,    GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdChangeLanguage),
     217              :     FXMAPFUNC(SEL_UPDATE,   MID_LANGUAGE_HU,    GUIApplicationWindow::onUpdChangeLanguage),
     218              :     // keys
     219              :     FXMAPFUNC(SEL_KEYPRESS,              0,     GUIApplicationWindow::onKeyPress),
     220              :     FXMAPFUNC(SEL_KEYRELEASE,            0,     GUIApplicationWindow::onKeyRelease),
     221              :     // clipboard
     222              :     FXMAPFUNC(SEL_CLIPBOARD_REQUEST, 0, GUIApplicationWindow::onClipboardRequest),
     223              :     // events
     224              :     FXMAPFUNC(FXEX::SEL_THREAD_EVENT, ID_LOADTHREAD_EVENT,  GUIApplicationWindow::onLoadThreadEvent),
     225              :     FXMAPFUNC(FXEX::SEL_THREAD_EVENT, ID_RUNTHREAD_EVENT,   GUIApplicationWindow::onRunThreadEvent),
     226              :     FXMAPFUNC(FXEX::SEL_THREAD,       ID_LOADTHREAD_EVENT,  GUIApplicationWindow::onLoadThreadEvent),
     227              :     FXMAPFUNC(FXEX::SEL_THREAD,       ID_RUNTHREAD_EVENT,   GUIApplicationWindow::onRunThreadEvent),
     228              : };
     229              : 
     230              : // Object implementation
     231     82875761 : FXIMPLEMENT(GUIApplicationWindow, FXMainWindow, GUIApplicationWindowMap, ARRAYNUMBER(GUIApplicationWindowMap))
     232              : 
     233              : // ===========================================================================
     234              : // static members
     235              : // ===========================================================================
     236              : 
     237              : std::mt19937 GUIApplicationWindow::myGamingRNG;
     238              : 
     239              : // ===========================================================================
     240              : // member method definitions
     241              : // ===========================================================================
     242         7597 : GUIApplicationWindow::GUIApplicationWindow(FXApp* a, const std::string& configPattern) :
     243              :     GUIMainWindow(a),
     244         7597 :     myFileMenuRecentNetworks(new FXMenuPane(this)),
     245         7597 :     myFileMenuRecentConfigs(new FXMenuPane(this)),
     246         7597 :     myRecentNetworks(a, "networks"),
     247         7597 :     myRecentConfigs(a, "configs"),
     248         7597 :     myConfigPattern(configPattern),
     249        22791 :     myLastStepEventMillis(SysUtils::getCurrentMillis() - MIN_DRAW_DELAY) {
     250              :     // init icons
     251         7597 :     GUIIconSubSys::initIcons(a);
     252              :     // init Textures
     253         7597 :     GUITextureSubSys::initTextures(a);
     254              :     // init cursors
     255         7597 :     GUICursorSubSys::initCursors(a);
     256              :     // disable tooltips
     257         7597 :     a->setTooltipTime(1000000000);
     258         7597 :     a->setTooltipPause(1000000000);
     259         7597 : }
     260              : 
     261              : 
     262              : GUIRunThread*
     263        83609 : GUIApplicationWindow::getRunner() {
     264        83609 :     return myRunThread;
     265              : }
     266              : 
     267              : 
     268              : void
     269         7597 : GUIApplicationWindow::dependentBuild(const bool isLibsumo) {
     270              :     // don't do this twice
     271         7597 :     if (hadDependentBuild) {
     272              :         return;
     273              :     }
     274         7597 :     hadDependentBuild = true;
     275         7597 :     setTarget(this);
     276              :     setSelector(MID_WINDOW);
     277              :     // build menu bar
     278         7597 :     myMenuBarDrag = new FXToolBarShell(this, GUIDesignToolBar);
     279         7597 :     myMenuBar = new FXMenuBar(myTopDock, myMenuBarDrag, GUIDesignToolbarMenuBar);
     280         7597 :     new FXToolBarGrip(myMenuBar, myMenuBar, FXMenuBar::ID_TOOLBARGRIP, GUIDesignToolBarGrip);
     281         7597 :     buildToolBars();
     282              :     // build the thread - io
     283              :     myLoadThreadEvent.setTarget(this);
     284              :     myLoadThreadEvent.setSelector(ID_LOADTHREAD_EVENT);
     285              :     myRunThreadEvent.setTarget(this);
     286              :     myRunThreadEvent.setSelector(ID_RUNTHREAD_EVENT);
     287              :     // build the status bar
     288         7597 :     myStatusbar = new FXStatusBar(this, GUIDesignStatusBar);
     289              :     {
     290              :         // build TraCi info
     291         7597 :         myTraCiFrame = new FXHorizontalFrame(myStatusbar, GUIDesignHorizontalFrameStatusBar);
     292        15194 :         auto button = GUIDesigns::buildFXButton(myTraCiFrame, "TraCI", "", "", nullptr, this, MID_TRACI_STATUS, GUIDesignButtonStatusBarFixed);
     293         7597 :         button->setBackColor(FXRGBA(253, 255, 206, 255));
     294         7597 :         if (TraCIServer::getInstance() == nullptr) {
     295         7597 :             myTraCiFrame->hide();
     296              :         }
     297              :         // build geo coordiantes
     298         7597 :         myGeoFrame = new FXHorizontalFrame(myStatusbar, GUIDesignHorizontalFrameStatusBar);
     299         7597 :         myGeoCoordinate = GUIDesigns::buildFXLabel(myGeoFrame, TL("N/A"), "", TL("Original coordinate (before coordinate transformation in netconvert)"), nullptr, LAYOUT_CENTER_Y);
     300              :         // build cartesian coordinates
     301         7597 :         myCartesianFrame = new FXHorizontalFrame(myStatusbar, GUIDesignHorizontalFrameStatusBar);
     302         7597 :         myCartesianCoordinate = GUIDesigns::buildFXLabel(myCartesianFrame, TL("N/A"), "", TL("Network coordinate"), nullptr, LAYOUT_CENTER_Y);
     303              :         // build buttons
     304        15194 :         myStatButtons.push_back(GUIDesigns::buildFXButton(myStatusbar, "-", "", "", GUIIconSubSys::getIcon(GUIIcon::GREENVEHICLE), this, MID_SHOWVEHSTATS));
     305        15194 :         myStatButtons.push_back(GUIDesigns::buildFXButton(myStatusbar, "-", "", "", GUIIconSubSys::getIcon(GUIIcon::GREENPERSON), this, MID_SHOWPERSONSTATS));
     306         7597 :         myStatButtons.back()->hide();
     307        15194 :         myStatButtons.push_back(GUIDesigns::buildFXButton(myStatusbar, "-", "", "", GUIIconSubSys::getIcon(GUIIcon::GREENCONTAINER), this, MID_SHOWVEHSTATS));
     308         7597 :         myStatButtons.back()->hide();
     309              :     }
     310              :     // make the window a mdi-window
     311         7597 :     myMainSplitter = new FXSplitter(this, GUIDesignSplitter | SPLITTER_VERTICAL | SPLITTER_REVERSED);
     312         7597 :     myMDIClient = new FXMDIClient(myMainSplitter, GUIDesignSplitterMDI);
     313         7597 :     myMDIMenu = new FXMDIMenu(this, myMDIClient);
     314         7597 :     new FXMDIWindowButton(myMenuBar, myMDIMenu, myMDIClient, FXMDIClient::ID_MDI_MENUWINDOW, GUIDesignMDIButtonLeft);
     315         7597 :     new FXMDIDeleteButton(myMenuBar, myMDIClient, FXMDIClient::ID_MDI_MENUCLOSE, GUIDesignMDIButtonRight);
     316         7597 :     new FXMDIRestoreButton(myMenuBar, myMDIClient, FXMDIClient::ID_MDI_MENURESTORE, GUIDesignMDIButtonRight);
     317         7597 :     new FXMDIMinimizeButton(myMenuBar, myMDIClient, FXMDIClient::ID_MDI_MENUMINIMIZE, GUIDesignMDIButtonRight);
     318              :     // build the message window
     319         7597 :     myMessageWindow = new GUIMessageWindow(myMainSplitter, this);
     320              :     // fill menu and tool bar
     321         7597 :     fillMenuBar();
     322         7597 :     myToolBar6->hide();
     323         7597 :     myToolBar7->hide();
     324         7597 :     myToolBar9->hide();
     325         7597 :     myToolBar10->hide();
     326              :     // build additional threads
     327         7597 :     myLoadThread = new GUILoadThread(getApp(), this, myEvents, myLoadThreadEvent, isLibsumo);
     328         7597 :     myRunThread = new GUIRunThread(getApp(), this, mySimDelay, myEvents, myRunThreadEvent);
     329              :     // set the status bar
     330         7597 :     setStatusBarText(TL("Ready."));
     331              :     // set the caption
     332         7597 :     setTitle(MFXUtils::getTitleText("SUMO " VERSION_STRING));
     333              :     // start the simulation-thread (it will loop until the application ends deciding by itself whether to perform a step or not)
     334         7597 :     myRunThread->start();
     335         7597 :     setIcon(GUIIconSubSys::getIcon(GUIIcon::SUMO));
     336         7597 :     setMiniIcon(GUIIconSubSys::getIcon(GUIIcon::SUMO_MINI));
     337              : }
     338              : 
     339              : 
     340              : void
     341         7597 : GUIApplicationWindow::create() {
     342         7597 :     setWindowSizeAndPos();
     343         7597 :     gCurrentFolder = getApp()->reg().readStringEntry("SETTINGS", "basedir", "");
     344         7597 :     FXMainWindow::create();
     345         7597 :     myMenuBarDrag->create();
     346         7597 :     myToolBarDrag1->create();
     347         7597 :     myToolBarDrag2->create();
     348         7597 :     myToolBarDrag3->create();
     349         7597 :     myToolBarDrag4->create();
     350         7597 :     myToolBarDrag5->create();
     351         7597 :     myToolBarDrag6->create();
     352         7597 :     myToolBarDrag7->create();
     353         7597 :     myFileMenu->create();
     354         7597 :     mySelectByPermissions->create();
     355         7597 :     myEditMenu->create();
     356         7597 :     mySettingsMenu->create();
     357         7597 :     myLocatorMenu->create();
     358         7597 :     myControlMenu->create();
     359         7597 :     myWindowMenu->create();
     360         7597 :     myLanguageMenu->create();
     361         7597 :     myHelpMenu->create();
     362         7597 :     FXint textWidth = getApp()->getNormalFont()->getTextWidth("8", 1) * 24;
     363         7597 :     myCartesianFrame->setWidth(textWidth);
     364         7597 :     myGeoFrame->setWidth(textWidth);
     365         7597 :     if (myTestFrame) {
     366            0 :         myTestFrame->setWidth(textWidth);
     367              :     }
     368              : 
     369         7597 :     show(PLACEMENT_DEFAULT);
     370        15194 :     if (!OptionsCont::getOptions().isSet("window-size")) {
     371         7596 :         if (getApp()->reg().readIntEntry("SETTINGS", "maximized", 0) == 1) {
     372            0 :             maximize();
     373              :         }
     374              :     }
     375         7597 :     myShowTimeAsHMS = (getApp()->reg().readIntEntry("gui", "timeasHMS", 0) == 1);
     376         7597 :     myAlternateSimDelay = getApp()->reg().readIntEntry("gui", "alternateSimDelay", 100);
     377         7597 :     const std::string& onlineMaps = getApp()->reg().readStringEntry("gui", "onlineMaps", "");
     378        22791 :     for (const std::string& entry : StringTokenizer(onlineMaps, "\n").getVector()) {
     379            0 :         const std::vector<std::string> split = StringTokenizer(entry, "\t").getVector();
     380            0 :         if (split.size() == 2) {
     381            0 :             myOnlineMaps[split[0]] = split[1];
     382              :         }
     383         7597 :     }
     384         7597 :     if (myOnlineMaps.empty()) {
     385         7597 :         myOnlineMaps["GeoHack"] = ";%lon_scale:1000";
     386         7597 :         myOnlineMaps["Google Maps"] = ",%lon&t=h&z=18";
     387        15194 :         myOnlineMaps["OSM"] = "";
     388              :     }
     389         7597 :     updateTimeLCDTooltip();
     390         7597 : }
     391              : 
     392              : 
     393        15164 : GUIApplicationWindow::~GUIApplicationWindow() {
     394         7582 :     myRunThread->prepareDestruction();
     395         7582 :     myRunThread->join();
     396         7580 :     closeAllWindows();
     397              :     // close icons
     398         7580 :     GUIIconSubSys::close();
     399         7580 :     GUICursorSubSys::close();
     400              :     // delete visual
     401         7580 :     delete myGLVisual;
     402              :     // delete some non-parented windows
     403         7580 :     delete myToolBarDrag1;
     404         7580 :     delete mySimDelayTarget;
     405              :     // delete rest of elements
     406         7580 :     delete myFileMenuRecentNetworks;
     407         7580 :     delete myFileMenuRecentConfigs;
     408         7580 :     delete myRunThread;
     409         7580 :     delete myFileMenu;
     410         7580 :     delete myEditMenu;
     411         7580 :     delete mySelectByPermissions;
     412         7580 :     delete mySettingsMenu;
     413         7580 :     delete myLocatorMenu;
     414         7580 :     delete myControlMenu;
     415         7580 :     delete myLanguageMenu;
     416         7580 :     delete myWindowMenu;
     417         7580 :     delete myHelpMenu;
     418         7580 :     delete myLoadThread;
     419              : 
     420        13328 :     while (!myEvents.empty()) {
     421              :         // get the next event
     422         5748 :         GUIEvent* e =;
     423         5748 :         myEvents.pop();
     424         5748 :         delete e;
     425              :     }
     426         7580 :     for (auto item : myHotkeyPress) {
     427            0 :         delete item.second;
     428              :     }
     429         7580 :     for (auto item : myHotkeyRelease) {
     430            0 :         delete item.second;
     431              :     }
     432        22742 : }
     433              : 
     434              : 
     435              : void
     436            0 : GUIApplicationWindow::detach() {
     437            0 :     FXMainWindow::detach();
     438            0 :     myMenuBarDrag->detach();
     439            0 :     myToolBarDrag1->detach();
     440            0 : }
     441              : 
     442              : 
     443              : void
     444         7597 : GUIApplicationWindow::addToWindowsMenu(FXMenuPane* /*menuPane*/) {
     445              :     // unused, implement in children
     446         7597 : }
     447              : 
     448              : 
     449              : void
     450         7597 : GUIApplicationWindow::fillMenuBar() {
     451              :     // build file menu
     452         7597 :     myFileMenu = new FXMenuPane(this);
     453         7597 :     GUIDesigns::buildFXMenuTitle(myMenuBar, TL("&File"), nullptr, myFileMenu);
     454        22791 :     GUIDesigns::buildFXMenuCommandShortcut(myFileMenu,
     455        15194 :                                            TL("New Window"), "Ctrl+Shift+N", TL("Open a new sumo-gui window."),
     456              :                                            nullptr, this, MID_HOTKEY_CTRL_SHIFT_N_NEWWINDOW);
     457         7597 :     new FXMenuSeparator(myFileMenu);
     458        30388 :     GUIDesigns::buildFXMenuCommandShortcut(myFileMenu,
     459        15194 :                                            TL("&Open Simulation..."), "Ctrl+O", TL("Open a simulation (Configuration file)."),
     460              :                                            GUIIconSubSys::getIcon(GUIIcon::OPEN_SUMOCONFIG), this, MID_HOTKEY_CTRL_O_OPENSIMULATION_OPENNETWORK);
     461        30388 :     GUIDesigns::buildFXMenuCommandShortcut(myFileMenu,
     462        15194 :                                            TL("Open &Network..."), "Ctrl+N", TL("Open a network."),
     463              :                                            GUIIconSubSys::getIcon(GUIIcon::OPEN_NET), this, MID_HOTKEY_CTRL_N_OPENNETWORK_NEWNETWORK);
     464        30388 :     GUIDesigns::buildFXMenuCommandShortcut(myFileMenu,
     465        15194 :                                            TL("Open Shapes "), "Ctrl+P", TL("Load POIs and Polygons for visualization."),
     466              :                                            GUIIconSubSys::getIcon(GUIIcon::OPEN_SHAPES), this, MID_HOTKEY_CTRL_P_OPENSHAPES);
     467        30388 :     GUIDesigns::buildFXMenuCommandShortcut(myFileMenu,
     468        15194 :                                            TL("Open EdgeData "), "Ctrl+U", TL("Load edge related data for visualization."),
     469              :                                            GUIIconSubSys::getIcon(GUIIcon::OPEN_NET), this, MID_HOTKEY_CTRL_U_OPENEDGEDATA);
     470        30388 :     GUIDesigns::buildFXMenuCommandShortcut(myFileMenu,
     471        15194 :                                            TL("&Reload"), "Ctrl+R", TL("Reloads the simulation / the network."),
     472              :                                            GUIIconSubSys::getIcon(GUIIcon::RELOAD), this, MID_HOTKEY_CTRL_R_RELOAD);
     473        30388 :     GUIDesigns::buildFXMenuCommandShortcut(myFileMenu,
     474        15194 :                                            TL("Quick-Reload"), "Ctrl+0", TL("Reloads the simulation (but not network)."),
     475              :                                            GUIIconSubSys::getIcon(GUIIcon::RELOAD), this, MID_HOTKEY_CTRL_QUICK_RELOAD);
     476         7597 :     new FXMenuSeparator(myFileMenu);
     477        30388 :     GUIDesigns::buildFXMenuCommandShortcut(myFileMenu,
     478        15194 :                                            TL("Save Configuration"), "Ctrl+Shift+S", TL("Save current options as a configuration file."),
     479              :                                            GUIIconSubSys::getIcon(GUIIcon::SAVE_SUMOCONFIG), this, MID_HOTKEY_CTRL_SHIFT_S_SAVESUMOCONFIG);
     480        30388 :     GUIDesigns::buildFXMenuCommandShortcut(myFileMenu,
     481        15194 :                                            TL("Close"), "Ctrl+W", TL("Close the simulation."),
     482              :                                            GUIIconSubSys::getIcon(GUIIcon::CLOSE), this, MID_HOTKEY_CTRL_W_CLOSESIMULATION);
     483         7597 :     new FXMenuSeparator(myFileMenu);
     484              :     // build recent files
     485         7597 :     buildRecentNetworks(myFileMenu, myFileMenuRecentNetworks);
     486         7597 :     buildRecentConfigs(myFileMenu, myFileMenuRecentConfigs);
     487         7597 :     new FXMenuSeparator(myFileMenu);
     488        22791 :     GUIDesigns::buildFXMenuCommandShortcut(myFileMenu,
     489        15194 :                                            TL("&Quit"), "Ctrl+Q", TL("Quit the Application."),
     490              :                                            nullptr, this, MID_HOTKEY_CTRL_Q_CLOSE);
     491              :     // build edit menu
     492         7597 :     mySelectByPermissions = new FXMenuPane(this);
     493         7597 :     std::vector<std::string> vehicleClasses = SumoVehicleClassStrings.getStrings();
     494       265895 :     for (const auto& vehicleClass : vehicleClasses) {
     495       258298 :         GUIDesigns::buildFXMenuCommand(mySelectByPermissions, vehicleClass, VClassIcons::getVClassIcon(SumoVehicleClassStrings.get(vehicleClass)), this, MID_HOTKEY_CTRL_E_EDITSELECTION_LOADNETEDITCONFIG);
     496              :     }
     497         7597 :     myEditMenu = new FXMenuPane(this);
     498         7597 :     GUIDesigns::buildFXMenuTitle(myMenuBar, TL("&Edit"), nullptr, myEditMenu);
     499        30388 :     GUIDesigns::buildFXMenuCommandShortcut(myEditMenu,
     500        15194 :                                            TL("Edit Selected..."), "Ctrl+E", TL("Opens a dialog for editing the list of selected items."),
     501              :                                            GUIIconSubSys::getIcon(GUIIcon::FLAG), this, MID_HOTKEY_CTRL_E_EDITSELECTION_LOADNETEDITCONFIG);
     502         7597 :     mySelectLanesMenuCascade = new FXMenuCascade(myEditMenu, TL("Select lanes which allow..."), GUIIconSubSys::getIcon(GUIIcon::FLAG), mySelectByPermissions);
     503         7597 :     mySelectLanesMenuCascade->setHelpText(TL("Opens a menu for selecting a vehicle class by which to selected lanes."));
     504         7597 :     new FXMenuSeparator(myEditMenu);
     505        30388 :     GUIDesigns::buildFXMenuCommandShortcut(myEditMenu,
     506        15194 :                                            TL("Set Breakpoint"), "B", TL("Sets a breakpoint at the current simulation step"),
     507              :                                            GUIIconSubSys::getIcon(GUIIcon::APP_BREAKPOINTS), this, MID_HOTKEY_B_BREAKPOINT);
     508        30388 :     GUIDesigns::buildFXMenuCommandShortcut(myEditMenu,
     509        15194 :                                            TL("Set Breakpoint with offset"), "Alt+B", TL("Sets a breakpoint at the current simulation step + offset configured in application settings"),
     510              :                                            GUIIconSubSys::getIcon(GUIIcon::APP_BREAKPOINTS), this, MID_HOTKEY_ALT_B_BREAKPOINT_EARLY);
     511        30388 :     GUIDesigns::buildFXMenuCommandShortcut(myEditMenu,
     512        15194 :                                            TL("Edit Breakpoints"), "Ctrl+B", TL("Opens a dialog for editing breakpoints."),
     513              :                                            GUIIconSubSys::getIcon(GUIIcon::APP_BREAKPOINTS), this, MID_HOTKEY_CTRL_B_EDITBREAKPOINT_OPENDATAELEMENTS);
     514        30388 :     GUIDesigns::buildFXMenuCommandShortcut(myEditMenu,
     515        15194 :                                            TL("Edit Visualisation"), "F9", TL("Opens a dialog for editing visualization settings."),
     516              :                                            GUIIconSubSys::getIcon(GUIIcon::COLORWHEEL), this, MID_HOTKEY_F9_EDIT_VIEWSCHEME);
     517        30388 :     GUIDesigns::buildFXMenuCommandShortcut(myEditMenu,
     518        15194 :                                            TL("Edit Viewport"), "Ctrl+I", TL("Opens a dialog for editing viewing area, zoom and rotation."),
     519              :                                            GUIIconSubSys::getIcon(GUIIcon::EDITVIEWPORT), this, MID_HOTKEY_CTRL_I_EDITVIEWPORT);
     520         7597 :     new FXMenuSeparator(myEditMenu);
     521              :     // add open in sumo options
     522         7597 :     myLoadAdditionalsInNetedit = GUIDesigns::buildFXMenuCheckbox(myEditMenu, TL("Load additionals in netedit"), TL("Load additionals in netedit."), this, MID_TOOLBAREDIT_LOADADDITIONALS);
     523         7597 :     myLoadAdditionalsInNetedit->setCheck(TRUE);
     524         7597 :     myLoadDemandInNetedit = GUIDesigns::buildFXMenuCheckbox(myEditMenu, TL("Load demand in netedit"), TL("Load demand in netedit."), this, MID_TOOLBAREDIT_LOADDEMAND);
     525         7597 :     myLoadDemandInNetedit->setCheck(FALSE);
     526        22791 :     myOpenInNetedit = GUIDesigns::buildFXMenuCommandShortcut(myEditMenu,
     527        15194 :                       TL("Open in netedit"), "Ctrl+T", TL("Opens current simulation in NETEDIT."),
     528              :                       GUIIconSubSys::getIcon(GUIIcon::NETEDIT_MINI), this, MID_HOTKEY_CTRL_T_OPENNETEDIT_OPENSUMO);
     529              :     // build settings menu
     530         7597 :     mySettingsMenu = new FXMenuPane(this);
     531         7597 :     GUIDesigns::buildFXMenuTitle(myMenuBar, TL("&Settings"), nullptr, mySettingsMenu);
     532        22791 :     GUIDesigns::buildFXMenuCommandShortcut(mySettingsMenu,
     533        15194 :                                            TL("Application Settings"), "Ctrl+H", TL("Open a Dialog for Application Settings editing."),
     534              :                                            nullptr, this, MID_HOTKEY_CTRL_H_APPSETTINGS_OPENEDGETYPES);
     535        15194 :     myGamingModeCheckbox = new FXMenuCheck(mySettingsMenu,
     536         7597 :                                            TL("Gaming Mode\tCtrl+G\tToggle gaming mode on/off."),
     537         7597 :                                            this, MID_HOTKEY_CTRL_G_GAMINGMODE_TOGGLEGRID);
     538        30388 :     GUIDesigns::buildFXMenuCommandShortcut(mySettingsMenu,
     539        15194 :                                            TL("Full Screen Mode"), "Ctrl+F", TL("Toggle full screen mode on/off."),
     540              :                                            GUIIconSubSys::getIcon(GUIIcon::FULL_SCREEN), this, MID_HOTKEY_CTRL_F_FULSCREENMODE);
     541              :     // build Locate menu
     542         7597 :     myLocatorMenu = new FXMenuPane(this);
     543         7597 :     GUIDesigns::buildFXMenuTitle(myMenuBar, TL("&Locate"), nullptr, myLocatorMenu);
     544        30388 :     GUIDesigns::buildFXMenuCommandShortcut(myLocatorMenu,
     545        15194 :                                            TL("&Junctions"), "Shift+J", TL("Open a dialog for locating a Junction."),
     546              :                                            GUIIconSubSys::getIcon(GUIIcon::LOCATEJUNCTION), this, MID_HOTKEY_SHIFT_J_LOCATEJUNCTION);
     547        30388 :     GUIDesigns::buildFXMenuCommandShortcut(myLocatorMenu,
     548        15194 :                                            TL("&Edges"), "Shift+E", TL("Open a dialog for locating an Edge."),
     549              :                                            GUIIconSubSys::getIcon(GUIIcon::LOCATEEDGE), this, MID_HOTKEY_SHIFT_E_LOCATEEDGE);
     550        30388 :     GUIDesigns::buildFXMenuCommandShortcut(myLocatorMenu,
     551        15194 :                                            TL("&Vehicles"), "Shift+V", TL("Open a dialog for locating a Vehicle."),
     552              :                                            GUIIconSubSys::getIcon(GUIIcon::LOCATEVEHICLE), this, MID_HOTKEY_SHIFT_V_LOCATEVEHICLE);
     553        30388 :     GUIDesigns::buildFXMenuCommandShortcut(myLocatorMenu,
     554        15194 :                                            TL("&Persons"), "Shift+P", TL("Open a dialog for locating a Person."),
     555              :                                            GUIIconSubSys::getIcon(GUIIcon::LOCATEPERSON), this, MID_HOTKEY_SHIFT_P_LOCATEPERSON);
     556        30388 :     GUIDesigns::buildFXMenuCommandShortcut(myLocatorMenu,
     557        15194 :                                            TL("&Container"), "Shift+C", TL("Open a dialog for locating a Container."),
     558              :                                            GUIIconSubSys::getIcon(GUIIcon::LOCATECONTAINER), this, MID_HOTKEY_SHIFT_C_LOCATECONTAINER);
     559        30388 :     GUIDesigns::buildFXMenuCommandShortcut(myLocatorMenu,
     560        15194 :                                            TL("&TLS"), "Shift+T", TL("Open a dialog for locating a Traffic Light."),
     561              :                                            GUIIconSubSys::getIcon(GUIIcon::LOCATETLS), this, MID_HOTKEY_SHIFT_T_LOCATETLS);
     562        30388 :     GUIDesigns::buildFXMenuCommandShortcut(myLocatorMenu,
     563        15194 :                                            TL("&Additional"), "Shift+A", TL("Open a dialog for locating an Additional Structure."),
     564              :                                            GUIIconSubSys::getIcon(GUIIcon::LOCATEADD), this, MID_HOTKEY_SHIFT_A_LOCATEADDITIONAL);
     565        30388 :     GUIDesigns::buildFXMenuCommandShortcut(myLocatorMenu,
     566        15194 :                                            TL("P&oI"), "Shift+O", TL("Open a dialog for locating a Point of Interest."),
     567              :                                            GUIIconSubSys::getIcon(GUIIcon::LOCATEPOI), this, MID_HOTKEY_SHIFT_O_LOCATEPOI);
     568        30388 :     GUIDesigns::buildFXMenuCommandShortcut(myLocatorMenu,
     569        15194 :                                            TL("Po&lygon"), "Shift+L", TL("Open a dialog for locating a Polygon."),
     570              :                                            GUIIconSubSys::getIcon(GUIIcon::LOCATEPOLY), this, MID_HOTKEY_SHIFT_L_LOCATEPOLY);
     571         7597 :     new FXMenuSeparator(myLocatorMenu);
     572        15194 :     GUIDesigns::buildFXMenuCheckbox(myLocatorMenu, TL("Show Internal Structures"), TL("Show internal junctions and streets in locator dialog."), this, MID_LISTINTERNAL);
     573        15194 :     FXMenuCheck* listParking = GUIDesigns::buildFXMenuCheckbox(myLocatorMenu, TL("Show Parking Vehicles"), TL("Show parking vehicles in locator dialog."), this, MID_LISTPARKING);
     574         7597 :     listParking->setCheck(myListParking);
     575        15194 :     GUIDesigns::buildFXMenuCheckbox(myLocatorMenu, TL("Show vehicles outside the road network"), TL("Show vehicles that are teleporting or driving remote-controlled outside the road network in locator dialog."), this, MID_LISTTELEPORTING);
     576              :     // build control menu
     577              :     // the shortcut designator is not only at text in the submenu but also defines the real shortcut key assigned with it!
     578              :     // secondary shortcuts (ctrl+A, ctrl+S, ctrl+D) are defined in GUIShortcutsSubSys::buildSUMOAccelerators
     579         7597 :     myControlMenu = new FXMenuPane(this);
     580         7597 :     GUIDesigns::buildFXMenuTitle(myMenuBar, TL("Simulation"), nullptr, myControlMenu);
     581        30388 :     GUIDesigns::buildFXMenuCommandShortcut(myControlMenu,
     582        15194 :                                            TL("Run"), "A,space", TL("Start/ Resume the simulation."),
     583              :                                            GUIIconSubSys::getIcon(GUIIcon::START), this, MID_HOTKEY_CTRL_A_STARTSIMULATION_OPENADDITIONALS);
     584        30388 :     GUIDesigns::buildFXMenuCommandShortcut(myControlMenu,
     585         7597 :                                            TLC("Simulation", "Stop"), "S,space", TL("Halt the simulation."),
     586              :                                            GUIIconSubSys::getIcon(GUIIcon::STOP), this, MID_HOTKEY_CTRL_S_STOPSIMULATION_SAVENETWORK);
     587        30388 :     GUIDesigns::buildFXMenuCommandShortcut(myControlMenu,
     588        15194 :                                            TL("Step"), "D", TL("Perform one simulation step."),
     589              :                                            GUIIconSubSys::getIcon(GUIIcon::STEP), this, MID_HOTKEY_CTRL_D_SINGLESIMULATIONSTEP_OPENDEMANDELEMENTS);
     590        22791 :     GUIDesigns::buildFXMenuCommandShortcut(myControlMenu,
     591        15194 :                                            TL("Delay+"), "PgUp", TL("Increase simulation step delay."), nullptr, this, MID_DELAY_INC);
     592        22791 :     GUIDesigns::buildFXMenuCommandShortcut(myControlMenu,
     593        15194 :                                            TL("Delay-"), "PgDn", TL("Decrease simulation step delay."), nullptr, this, MID_DELAY_DEC);
     594        30388 :     GUIDesigns::buildFXMenuCommandShortcut(myControlMenu,
     595        15194 :                                            TL("Save"), "", TL("Save the current simulation state to a file."),
     596              :                                            GUIIconSubSys::getIcon(GUIIcon::SAVE), this, MID_SIMSAVE);
     597        30388 :     GUIDesigns::buildFXMenuCommandShortcut(myControlMenu,
     598        15194 :                                            TL("Load"), "", TL("Load simulation state for the current network from file."),
     599              :                                            GUIIconSubSys::getIcon(GUIIcon::OPEN), this, MID_SIMLOAD);
     600              :     // build windows menu
     601         7597 :     myWindowMenu = new FXMenuPane(this);
     602         7597 :     GUIDesigns::buildFXMenuTitle(myMenuBar, TL("&Window"), nullptr, myWindowMenu);
     603        15194 :     GUIDesigns::buildFXMenuCommandShortcut(myWindowMenu, TL("Open new view"), "", TL("Open a new microscopic view."), GUIIconSubSys::getIcon(GUIIcon::MICROVIEW), this, MID_NEW_MICROVIEW);
     604              : #ifdef HAVE_OSG
     605        15194 :     GUIDesigns::buildFXMenuCommandShortcut(myWindowMenu, TL("Open new 3D view"), "", TL("Open a new 3D view."), GUIIconSubSys::getIcon(GUIIcon::OSGVIEW), this, MID_NEW_OSGVIEW);
     606              : #endif
     607        22791 :     GUIDesigns::buildFXMenuCommandShortcut(myWindowMenu,
     608        15194 :                                            TL("Tile &Horizontally"), "", TL("Tile the views horizontally."),
     609         7597 :                                            GUIIconSubSys::getIcon(GUIIcon::WINDOWS_TILE_HORI), myMDIClient, FXMDIClient::ID_MDI_TILEHORIZONTAL);
     610        22791 :     GUIDesigns::buildFXMenuCommandShortcut(myWindowMenu,
     611        15194 :                                            TL("Tile &Vertically"), "", TL("Tile the views vertically."),
     612         7597 :                                            GUIIconSubSys::getIcon(GUIIcon::WINDOWS_TILE_VERT), myMDIClient, FXMDIClient::ID_MDI_TILEVERTICAL);
     613        22791 :     GUIDesigns::buildFXMenuCommandShortcut(myWindowMenu,
     614        15194 :                                            TL("Cascade"), "", TL("Cascade the views."),
     615              :                                            GUIIconSubSys::getIcon(GUIIcon::WINDOWS_CASCADE),
     616         7597 :                                            myMDIClient, FXMDIClient::ID_MDI_CASCADE);
     617        22791 :     GUIDesigns::buildFXMenuCommandShortcut(myWindowMenu,
     618         7597 :                                            TL("&Close"), "", TL("Close the selected view."),
     619         7597 :                                            nullptr, myMDIClient, FXMDIClient::ID_MDI_CLOSE);
     620         7597 :     FXMenuSeparator* sep2 = new FXMenuSeparator(myWindowMenu);
     621         7597 :     sep2->setTarget(myMDIClient);
     622              :     sep2->setSelector(FXMDIClient::ID_MDI_ANY);
     623              :     // for whatever reason, sonar complains in the next line that sep2 may leak, but fox does the cleanup
     624         7597 :     GUIDesigns::buildFXMenuCommand(myWindowMenu, "", nullptr, myMDIClient, FXMDIClient::ID_MDI_1);  // NOSONAR
     625         7597 :     GUIDesigns::buildFXMenuCommand(myWindowMenu, "", nullptr, myMDIClient, FXMDIClient::ID_MDI_2);
     626         7597 :     GUIDesigns::buildFXMenuCommand(myWindowMenu, "", nullptr, myMDIClient, FXMDIClient::ID_MDI_3);
     627         7597 :     GUIDesigns::buildFXMenuCommand(myWindowMenu, "", nullptr, myMDIClient, FXMDIClient::ID_MDI_4);
     628         7597 :     GUIDesigns::buildFXMenuCommand(myWindowMenu, TL("&Others..."), nullptr, myMDIClient, FXMDIClient::ID_MDI_OVER_5);
     629              : 
     630         7597 :     new FXMenuSeparator(myWindowMenu);
     631        15194 :     GUIDesigns::buildFXMenuCheckbox(myWindowMenu, TL("Show Status Line"), TL("Toggle the Status Bar on/off."), myStatusbar, FXWindow::ID_TOGGLESHOWN);
     632        15194 :     GUIDesigns::buildFXMenuCheckbox(myWindowMenu, TL("Show Message Window"), TL("Toggle the Message Window on/off."), myMessageWindow, FXWindow::ID_TOGGLESHOWN);
     633        15194 :     GUIDesigns::buildFXMenuCheckbox(myWindowMenu, TL("Show Simulation Time"), TL("Toggle the Simulation Time on/off."), myToolBar3, FXWindow::ID_TOGGLESHOWN);
     634        15194 :     GUIDesigns::buildFXMenuCheckbox(myWindowMenu, TL("Show Simulation Delay"), TL("Toggle the Simulation Delay Entry on/off."), myToolBar4, FXWindow::ID_TOGGLESHOWN);
     635         7597 :     addToWindowsMenu(myWindowMenu);
     636              : 
     637         7597 :     new FXMenuSeparator(myWindowMenu);
     638        30388 :     GUIDesigns::buildFXMenuCommandShortcut(myWindowMenu,
     639        15194 :                                            TL("Clear Message Window"), "", TL("Clear the message window."),
     640              :                                            GUIIconSubSys::getIcon(GUIIcon::CLEARMESSAGEWINDOW), this, MID_CLEARMESSAGEWINDOW);
     641              :     // build windows menu
     642         7597 :     buildLanguageMenu(myMenuBar);
     643              :     // build help menu
     644         7597 :     myHelpMenu = new FXMenuPane(this);
     645         7597 :     GUIDesigns::buildFXMenuTitle(myMenuBar,
     646         7597 :                                  TL("&Help"),
     647              :                                  nullptr, myHelpMenu);
     648        15194 :     GUIDesigns::buildFXMenuCommandShortcut(myHelpMenu, TL("&Online Documentation"), "F1", TL("Open Online documentation."),
     649              :                                            nullptr, this, MID_HOTKEY_F1_ONLINEDOCUMENTATION);
     650         7597 :     new FXMenuSeparator(myHelpMenu);
     651        15194 :     GUIDesigns::buildFXMenuCommandShortcut(myHelpMenu, TL("&Changelog"), "", TL("Open Changelog."),
     652              :                                            nullptr, this, MID_CHANGELOG);
     653        15194 :     GUIDesigns::buildFXMenuCommandShortcut(myHelpMenu, TL("&Hotkeys"), "", TL("Open Hotkeys."),
     654              :                                            nullptr, this, MID_HOTKEYS);
     655        15194 :     GUIDesigns::buildFXMenuCommandShortcut(myHelpMenu, TL("&Tutorial"), "", TL("Open Tutorial."),
     656              :                                            nullptr, this, MID_TUTORIAL);
     657        15194 :     GUIDesigns::buildFXMenuCommandShortcut(myHelpMenu, TL("&Feedback"), "", TL("Open feedback dialog."),
     658              :                                            nullptr, this, MID_FEEDBACK);
     659         7597 :     new FXMenuSeparator(myHelpMenu);
     660        15194 :     GUIDesigns::buildFXMenuCommandShortcut(myHelpMenu, TL("&About"), "F12", TL("About sumo-gui."),
     661              :                                            GUIIconSubSys::getIcon(GUIIcon::SUMO_MINI), this, MID_HOTKEY_F12_ABOUT);
     662              :     // build SUMO Accelerators (hotkeys)
     663         7597 :     GUIShortcutsSubSys::buildAccelerators(getAccelTable(), this, true);
     664         7597 : }
     665              : 
     666              : 
     667              : void
     668         7597 : GUIApplicationWindow::buildToolBars() {
     669              :     // file and simulation tool bar
     670              :     {
     671         7597 :         myToolBarDrag1 = new FXToolBarShell(this, GUIDesignToolBar);
     672         7597 :         myToolBar1 = new FXToolBar(myTopDock, myToolBarDrag1, GUIDesignToolBarRaisedNextTop);
     673         7597 :         new FXToolBarGrip(myToolBar1, myToolBar1, FXToolBar::ID_TOOLBARGRIP, GUIDesignToolBarGrip);
     674              :         // build file tools
     675        15194 :         new MFXButtonTooltip(myToolBar1, myStaticTooltipMenu, TL("\tOpen simulation\tOpen a simulation (Configuration file)."),
     676         7597 :                              GUIIconSubSys::getIcon(GUIIcon::OPEN_SUMOCONFIG), this, MID_HOTKEY_CTRL_O_OPENSIMULATION_OPENNETWORK, GUIDesignButtonToolbar);
     677        15194 :         new MFXButtonTooltip(myToolBar1, myStaticTooltipMenu, TL("\tOpen network\tOpen a network."),
     678         7597 :                              GUIIconSubSys::getIcon(GUIIcon::OPEN_NET), this, MID_HOTKEY_CTRL_N_OPENNETWORK_NEWNETWORK, GUIDesignButtonToolbar);
     679        15194 :         new MFXButtonTooltip(myToolBar1, myStaticTooltipMenu, TL("\tReload\tReloads the simulation / the network."),
     680         7597 :                              GUIIconSubSys::getIcon(GUIIcon::RELOAD), this, MID_HOTKEY_CTRL_R_RELOAD, GUIDesignButtonToolbar);
     681              :     }
     682              :     // simulation toolbar
     683              :     {
     684         7597 :         myToolBarDrag2 = new FXToolBarShell(this, GUIDesignToolBar);
     685         7597 :         myToolBar2 = new FXToolBar(myTopDock, myToolBarDrag2, GUIDesignToolBarRaisedSameTop);
     686         7597 :         new FXToolBarGrip(myToolBar2, myToolBar2, FXToolBar::ID_TOOLBARGRIP, GUIDesignToolBarGrip);
     687              :         // build simulation tools
     688        15194 :         new MFXButtonTooltip(myToolBar2, myStaticTooltipMenu, TL("\tRun\tStart/Resume the loaded simulation."),
     689         7597 :                              GUIIconSubSys::getIcon(GUIIcon::START), this, MID_HOTKEY_CTRL_A_STARTSIMULATION_OPENADDITIONALS, GUIDesignButtonToolbar);
     690        15194 :         new MFXButtonTooltip(myToolBar2, myStaticTooltipMenu, TL("\tStop\tHalt the running simulation."),
     691         7597 :                              GUIIconSubSys::getIcon(GUIIcon::STOP), this, MID_HOTKEY_CTRL_S_STOPSIMULATION_SAVENETWORK, GUIDesignButtonToolbar);
     692        15194 :         new MFXButtonTooltip(myToolBar2, myStaticTooltipMenu, TL("\tStep\tPerform a single simulation step."),
     693         7597 :                              GUIIconSubSys::getIcon(GUIIcon::STEP), this, MID_HOTKEY_CTRL_D_SINGLESIMULATIONSTEP_OPENDEMANDELEMENTS, GUIDesignButtonToolbar);
     694              :     }
     695              :     // Simulation Step Display
     696              :     {
     697         7597 :         myToolBarDrag3 = new FXToolBarShell(this, GUIDesignToolBar);
     698         7597 :         myToolBar3 = new FXToolBar(myTopDock, myToolBarDrag3, GUIDesignToolBarRaisedSameTop);
     699         7597 :         new FXToolBarGrip(myToolBar3, myToolBar3, FXToolBar::ID_TOOLBARGRIP, GUIDesignToolBarGrip);
     700         7597 :         new MFXButtonTooltip(myToolBar3, myStaticTooltipMenu, TL("Time:\tToggle between time formats\tToggle between seconds and hour:minute:seconds display."), nullptr, this, MID_TIME_TOGGLE, GUIDesignButtonToolbarText);
     701              : 
     702         7597 :         myLCDLabel = new MFXLCDLabel(myToolBar3, myStaticTooltipMenu, 16, nullptr, 0, JUSTIFY_RIGHT);
     703         7597 :         myLCDLabel->setHorizontal(2);
     704         7597 :         myLCDLabel->setVertical(6);
     705         7597 :         myLCDLabel->setThickness(2);
     706         7597 :         myLCDLabel->setGroove(2);
     707         7597 :         myLCDLabel->setText("----------------");
     708              :     }
     709              :     // Simulation Delay
     710              :     {
     711         7597 :         myToolBarDrag4 = new FXToolBarShell(this, GUIDesignToolBar);
     712         7597 :         myToolBar4 = new FXToolBar(myTopDock, myToolBarDrag4, GUIDesignToolBarRaisedSameTop);
     713         7597 :         new FXToolBarGrip(myToolBar4, myToolBar4, FXToolBar::ID_TOOLBARGRIP, GUIDesignToolBarGrip);
     714         7597 :         new MFXButtonTooltip(myToolBar4, myStaticTooltipMenu, TL("Delay (ms):\tDelay per simulated second\tDelay per simulated second. Click to toggle between the last two delay values."), nullptr, this, MID_DELAY_TOGGLE, GUIDesignButtonToolbarText);
     715              :         // create spinner for delay
     716         7597 :         mySimDelay = 0;
     717         7597 :         mySimDelayTarget = new FXDataTarget(mySimDelay);
     718         7597 :         mySimDelaySpinner = new MFXRealSpinner(myToolBar4, 7, mySimDelayTarget, FXDataTarget::ID_VALUE, GUIDesignSpinDial);
     719              :         // create slider
     720         7597 :         mySimDelaySlider = new FXSlider(myToolBar4, mySimDelayTarget, FXDataTarget::ID_VALUE, GUIDesignSlider);
     721         7597 :         mySimDelaySlider->setRange(0, 1000);
     722         7597 :         mySimDelaySlider->setHeadSize(10);
     723         7597 :         mySimDelaySlider->setIncrement(50);
     724         7597 :         mySimDelaySlider->setTickDelta(100);
     725         7597 :         mySimDelaySlider->setValue((int)mySimDelay);
     726              :         //mySimDelayTarget->setNumberFormat(0);
     727              :         //mySimDelayTarget->setIncrements(1, 10, 10);
     728         7597 :         mySimDelaySpinner->setIncrement(10);
     729         7597 :         mySimDelaySpinner->setRange(0, 10000);
     730         7597 :         mySimDelaySpinner->setValue(mySimDelay);
     731              :     }
     732              :     // Scale traffic (flows and incrementally loaded vehicles)
     733              :     {
     734         7597 :         myToolBarDrag8 = new FXToolBarShell(this, GUIDesignToolBar);
     735         7597 :         myToolBar8 = new FXToolBar(myTopDock, myToolBarDrag8, GUIDesignToolBarRaisedSameTop);
     736         7597 :         new FXToolBarGrip(myToolBar8, myToolBar8, FXToolBar::ID_TOOLBARGRIP, GUIDesignToolBarGrip);
     737         7597 :         myScaleTrafficTooltip = new MFXLabelTooltip(myToolBar8, myStaticTooltipMenu, TL("Scale Traffic:"), nullptr, LAYOUT_TOP | LAYOUT_LEFT);
     738        15194 :         myScaleTrafficTooltip->setHelpText(TL("Scale traffic volume from running flows and from vehicles that are loaded incrementally from route files."));
     739         7597 :         myDemandScaleSpinner = new MFXRealSpinner(myToolBar8, 7, this, MID_DEMAND_SCALE, GUIDesignSpinDial);
     740         7597 :         myDemandScaleSpinner->setIncrement(0.5);
     741         7597 :         myDemandScaleSpinner->setRange(0, 1000);
     742         7597 :         myDemandScaleSpinner->setValue(1);
     743              :     }
     744              :     // Views
     745              :     {
     746         7597 :         myToolBarDrag5 = new FXToolBarShell(this, GUIDesignToolBar);
     747         7597 :         myToolBar5 = new FXToolBar(myTopDock, myToolBarDrag5, GUIDesignToolBarRaisedSameTop);
     748         7597 :         new FXToolBarGrip(myToolBar5, myToolBar5, FXToolBar::ID_TOOLBARGRIP, GUIDesignToolBarGrip);
     749              :         // build view tools
     750        22791 :         new MFXButtonTooltip(myToolBar5, myStaticTooltipMenu, (std::string("\t") + TL("Open new view") + std::string("\t") + TL("Open a new microscopic view.")).c_str(),
     751        15194 :                              GUIIconSubSys::getIcon(GUIIcon::MICROVIEW), this, MID_NEW_MICROVIEW, GUIDesignButtonToolbar);
     752              : #ifdef HAVE_OSG
     753        22791 :         new MFXButtonTooltip(myToolBar5, myStaticTooltipMenu, (std::string("\t") + TL("Open new 3D view") + std::string("\t") + TL("Open a new 3D view.")).c_str(),
     754        15194 :                              GUIIconSubSys::getIcon(GUIIcon::OSGVIEW), this, MID_NEW_OSGVIEW, GUIDesignButtonToolbar);
     755              : #endif
     756              :     }
     757              :     /// game specific stuff
     758              :     {
     759              :         // total waitingTime
     760         7597 :         myToolBarDrag6 = new FXToolBarShell(this, GUIDesignToolBar);
     761         7597 :         myToolBar6 = new FXToolBar(myTopDock, myToolBarDrag6, GUIDesignToolBarRaisedSameTop);
     762         7597 :         new FXToolBarGrip(myToolBar6, myToolBar6, FXToolBar::ID_TOOLBARGRIP, GUIDesignToolBarGrip);
     763        15194 :         GUIDesigns::buildFXLabel(myToolBar6, TL("Waiting Time:"), "", TL("Time spent waiting accumulated for all vehicles"), nullptr, LAYOUT_TOP | LAYOUT_LEFT);
     764         7597 :         myWaitingTimeLabel = new MFXLCDLabel(myToolBar6, myStaticTooltipMenu, 13, nullptr, 0, JUSTIFY_RIGHT);
     765         7597 :         myWaitingTimeLabel->setHorizontal(2);
     766         7597 :         myWaitingTimeLabel->setVertical(6);
     767         7597 :         myWaitingTimeLabel->setThickness(2);
     768         7597 :         myWaitingTimeLabel->setGroove(2);
     769         7597 :         myWaitingTimeLabel->setText("-------------");
     770              :         // idealistic time loss
     771         7597 :         myToolBarDrag7 = new FXToolBarShell(this, GUIDesignToolBar);
     772         7597 :         myToolBar7 = new FXToolBar(myTopDock, myToolBarDrag7, GUIDesignToolBarRaisedSameTop);
     773         7597 :         new FXToolBarGrip(myToolBar7, myToolBar7, FXToolBar::ID_TOOLBARGRIP, GUIDesignToolBarGrip);
     774        15194 :         GUIDesigns::buildFXLabel(myToolBar7, TL("Time Loss:"), "", TL("Time lost due to being unable to drive with maximum speed for all vehicles"), nullptr, LAYOUT_TOP | LAYOUT_LEFT);
     775         7597 :         myTimeLossLabel = new MFXLCDLabel(myToolBar7, myStaticTooltipMenu, 13, nullptr, 0, JUSTIFY_RIGHT);
     776         7597 :         myTimeLossLabel->setHorizontal(2);
     777         7597 :         myTimeLossLabel->setVertical(6);
     778         7597 :         myTimeLossLabel->setThickness(2);
     779         7597 :         myTimeLossLabel->setGroove(2);
     780         7597 :         myTimeLossLabel->setText("-------------");
     781              :         // total driving distance
     782         7597 :         myToolBarDrag9 = new FXToolBarShell(this, GUIDesignToolBar);
     783         7597 :         myToolBar9 = new FXToolBar(myTopDock, myToolBarDrag9, GUIDesignToolBarRaisedSameTop);
     784         7597 :         new FXToolBarGrip(myToolBar9, myToolBar9, FXToolBar::ID_TOOLBARGRIP, GUIDesignToolBarGrip);
     785        15194 :         GUIDesigns::buildFXLabel(myToolBar9, TL("Distance (km):"), "", TL("Total distance driven by DRT vehicles"), nullptr, LAYOUT_TOP | LAYOUT_LEFT);
     786         7597 :         myTotalDistanceLabel = new MFXLCDLabel(myToolBar9, myStaticTooltipMenu, 13, nullptr, 0, JUSTIFY_RIGHT);
     787         7597 :         myTotalDistanceLabel->setHorizontal(2);
     788         7597 :         myTotalDistanceLabel->setVertical(6);
     789         7597 :         myTotalDistanceLabel->setThickness(2);
     790         7597 :         myTotalDistanceLabel->setGroove(2);
     791         7597 :         myTotalDistanceLabel->setText("-------------");
     792              :         // emergency vehicle counts
     793         7597 :         myToolBarDrag10 = new FXToolBarShell(this, GUIDesignToolBar);
     794         7597 :         myToolBar10 = new FXToolBar(myTopDock, myToolBarDrag10, GUIDesignToolBarRaisedSameTop);
     795         7597 :         new FXToolBarGrip(myToolBar10, myToolBar10, FXToolBar::ID_TOOLBARGRIP, GUIDesignToolBarGrip);
     796        15194 :         GUIDesigns::buildFXLabel(myToolBar10, TL("Emergency Vehicle waiting time:"), "", TL("Time spent waiting accumulated for emergency vehicles"), nullptr, LAYOUT_TOP | LAYOUT_LEFT);
     797         7597 :         myEmergencyVehicleLabel = new MFXLCDLabel(myToolBar10, myStaticTooltipMenu, 13, nullptr, 0, JUSTIFY_RIGHT);
     798         7597 :         myEmergencyVehicleLabel->setHorizontal(2);
     799         7597 :         myEmergencyVehicleLabel->setVertical(6);
     800         7597 :         myEmergencyVehicleLabel->setThickness(2);
     801         7597 :         myEmergencyVehicleLabel->setGroove(2);
     802         7597 :         myEmergencyVehicleLabel->setText("-------------");
     803              :     }
     804         7597 : }
     805              : 
     806              : 
     807              : void
     808         7597 : GUIApplicationWindow::buildRecentNetworks(FXMenuPane* fileMenu, FXMenuPane* fileMenuRecentNetworks) {
     809              :     // for whatever reason, sonar complains in the next line that sep1 may leak, but fox does the cleanup
     810         7597 :     GUIDesigns::buildFXMenuCommandRecentFile(fileMenuRecentNetworks, "", &myRecentNetworks, FXRecentFiles::ID_FILE_1);
     811         7597 :     GUIDesigns::buildFXMenuCommandRecentFile(fileMenuRecentNetworks, "", &myRecentNetworks, FXRecentFiles::ID_FILE_2);
     812         7597 :     GUIDesigns::buildFXMenuCommandRecentFile(fileMenuRecentNetworks, "", &myRecentNetworks, FXRecentFiles::ID_FILE_3);
     813         7597 :     GUIDesigns::buildFXMenuCommandRecentFile(fileMenuRecentNetworks, "", &myRecentNetworks, FXRecentFiles::ID_FILE_4);
     814         7597 :     GUIDesigns::buildFXMenuCommandRecentFile(fileMenuRecentNetworks, "", &myRecentNetworks, FXRecentFiles::ID_FILE_5);
     815         7597 :     GUIDesigns::buildFXMenuCommandRecentFile(fileMenuRecentNetworks, "", &myRecentNetworks, FXRecentFiles::ID_FILE_6);
     816         7597 :     GUIDesigns::buildFXMenuCommandRecentFile(fileMenuRecentNetworks, "", &myRecentNetworks, FXRecentFiles::ID_FILE_7);
     817         7597 :     GUIDesigns::buildFXMenuCommandRecentFile(fileMenuRecentNetworks, "", &myRecentNetworks, FXRecentFiles::ID_FILE_8);
     818         7597 :     GUIDesigns::buildFXMenuCommandRecentFile(fileMenuRecentNetworks, "", &myRecentNetworks, FXRecentFiles::ID_FILE_9);
     819         7597 :     GUIDesigns::buildFXMenuCommandRecentFile(fileMenuRecentNetworks, "", &myRecentNetworks, FXRecentFiles::ID_FILE_10);
     820         7597 :     new FXMenuSeparator(fileMenuRecentNetworks);  // NOSONAR, Fox does the cleanup
     821         7597 :     GUIDesigns::buildFXMenuCommand(fileMenuRecentNetworks, TL("Cl&ear Recent Networks"), nullptr, &myRecentNetworks, FXRecentFiles::ID_CLEAR);
     822         7597 :     GUIDesigns::buildFXMenuCommand(fileMenuRecentNetworks, TL("No Recent Networks"), nullptr, &myRecentNetworks, MFXRecentNetworks::ID_NOFILES);
     823              :     // set target
     824         7597 :     myRecentNetworks.setTarget(this);
     825              :     myRecentNetworks.setSelector(MID_RECENTFILE);
     826         7597 :     new FXMenuCascade(fileMenu, TL("Recent Networks"), nullptr, fileMenuRecentNetworks);
     827         7597 : }
     828              : 
     829              : 
     830              : void
     831         7597 : GUIApplicationWindow::buildRecentConfigs(FXMenuPane* fileMenu, FXMenuPane* fileMenuRecentConfigs) {
     832              :     // for whatever reason, sonar complains in the next line that sep1 may leak, but fox does the cleanup
     833         7597 :     GUIDesigns::buildFXMenuCommandRecentFile(fileMenuRecentConfigs, "", &myRecentConfigs, FXRecentFiles::ID_FILE_1);
     834         7597 :     GUIDesigns::buildFXMenuCommandRecentFile(fileMenuRecentConfigs, "", &myRecentConfigs, FXRecentFiles::ID_FILE_2);
     835         7597 :     GUIDesigns::buildFXMenuCommandRecentFile(fileMenuRecentConfigs, "", &myRecentConfigs, FXRecentFiles::ID_FILE_3);
     836         7597 :     GUIDesigns::buildFXMenuCommandRecentFile(fileMenuRecentConfigs, "", &myRecentConfigs, FXRecentFiles::ID_FILE_4);
     837         7597 :     GUIDesigns::buildFXMenuCommandRecentFile(fileMenuRecentConfigs, "", &myRecentConfigs, FXRecentFiles::ID_FILE_5);
     838         7597 :     GUIDesigns::buildFXMenuCommandRecentFile(fileMenuRecentConfigs, "", &myRecentConfigs, FXRecentFiles::ID_FILE_6);
     839         7597 :     GUIDesigns::buildFXMenuCommandRecentFile(fileMenuRecentConfigs, "", &myRecentConfigs, FXRecentFiles::ID_FILE_7);
     840         7597 :     GUIDesigns::buildFXMenuCommandRecentFile(fileMenuRecentConfigs, "", &myRecentConfigs, FXRecentFiles::ID_FILE_8);
     841         7597 :     GUIDesigns::buildFXMenuCommandRecentFile(fileMenuRecentConfigs, "", &myRecentConfigs, FXRecentFiles::ID_FILE_9);
     842         7597 :     GUIDesigns::buildFXMenuCommandRecentFile(fileMenuRecentConfigs, "", &myRecentConfigs, FXRecentFiles::ID_FILE_10);
     843         7597 :     new FXMenuSeparator(fileMenuRecentConfigs);  // NOSONAR, Fox does the cleanup
     844         7597 :     GUIDesigns::buildFXMenuCommand(fileMenuRecentConfigs, TL("Cl&ear Recent Configs"), nullptr, &myRecentConfigs, FXRecentFiles::ID_CLEAR);
     845         7597 :     GUIDesigns::buildFXMenuCommand(fileMenuRecentConfigs, TL("No Recent Configs"), nullptr, &myRecentConfigs, MFXRecentNetworks::ID_NOFILES);
     846              :     // set target
     847         7597 :     myRecentConfigs.setTarget(this);
     848              :     myRecentConfigs.setSelector(MID_RECENTFILE);
     849         7597 :     new FXMenuCascade(fileMenu, TL("Recent Configs"), nullptr, fileMenuRecentConfigs);
     850         7597 : }
     851              : 
     852              : 
     853              : long
     854            0 : GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdQuit(FXObject*, FXSelector, void*) {
     855            0 :     storeWindowSizeAndPos();
     856            0 :     getApp()->reg().writeStringEntry("SETTINGS", "basedir", gCurrentFolder.text());
     857            0 :     getApp()->reg().writeIntEntry("SETTINGS", "maximized", isMaximized() ? 1 : 0);
     858            0 :     getApp()->reg().writeIntEntry("gui", "timeasHMS", myShowTimeAsHMS ? 1 : 0);
     859            0 :     getApp()->reg().writeIntEntry("gui", "alternateSimDelay", (int)myAlternateSimDelay);
     860            0 :     closeAllWindows();
     861            0 :     getApp()->exit(0);
     862            0 :     return 1;
     863              : }
     864              : 
     865              : 
     866              : long
     867            0 : GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdEditChosen(FXObject* menu, FXSelector, void*) {
     868            0 :     FXMenuCommand* mc = dynamic_cast<FXMenuCommand*>(menu);
     869            0 :     if (mc->getText() == StringUtils::replace(TL("Edit Selected..."), "&", "").c_str()) {
     870              :         GUIDialog_GLChosenEditor* chooser =
     871            0 :             new GUIDialog_GLChosenEditor(this, &gSelected);
     872            0 :         chooser->create();
     873            0 :         chooser->show();
     874              :     } else {
     875            0 :         if (!myAmLoading && myRunThread->networkAvailable()) {
     876            0 :             const SUMOVehicleClass svc = SumoVehicleClassStrings.get(mc->getText().text());
     877            0 :             for (MSEdgeVector::const_iterator i = MSEdge::getAllEdges().begin(); i != MSEdge::getAllEdges().end(); ++i) {
     878            0 :                 const std::vector<MSLane*>& lanes = (*i)->getLanes();
     879            0 :                 for (std::vector<MSLane*>::const_iterator it = lanes.begin(); it != lanes.end(); ++it) {
     880            0 :                     GUILane* lane = dynamic_cast<GUILane*>(*it);
     881              :                     assert(lane != 0);
     882            0 :                     if ((lane->getPermissions() & svc) != 0) {
     883            0 :               >getGlID());
     884              :                     }
     885              :                 }
     886              :             }
     887            0 :             if (myMDIClient->numChildren() > 0) {
     888            0 :                 GUISUMOViewParent* w = dynamic_cast<GUISUMOViewParent*>(myMDIClient->getActiveChild());
     889            0 :                 if (w != nullptr) {
     890              :                     // color by selection
     891            0 :                     w->getView()->editVisualisationSettings()->laneColorer.setActive(1);
     892              :                 }
     893              :             }
     894              :         }
     895            0 :         updateChildren();
     896              :     }
     897            0 :     return 1;
     898              : }
     899              : 
     900              : 
     901              : long
     902            0 : GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdEditBreakpoints(FXObject*, FXSelector, void*) {
     903            0 :     if (myBreakpointDialog == nullptr) {
     904            0 :         myBreakpointDialog = new GUIDialog_Breakpoints(this, myRunThread->getBreakpoints(), myRunThread->getBreakpointLock(), myRunThread->getSimBegin());
     905              :     } else {
     906            0 :         myBreakpointDialog->restore();
     907            0 :         myBreakpointDialog->setFocus();
     908            0 :         myBreakpointDialog->raise();
     909              :     }
     910            0 :     return 1;
     911              : }
     912              : 
     913              : 
     914              : long
     915            0 : GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdEditViewport(FXObject*, FXSelector, void*) {
     916            0 :     if (!myGLWindows.empty()) {
     917            0 :         myGLWindows[0]->getView()->showViewportEditor();
     918              :     }
     919            0 :     return 1;
     920              : }
     921              : 
     922              : 
     923              : long
     924            0 : GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdEditViewScheme(FXObject*, FXSelector, void*) {
     925            0 :     if (!myGLWindows.empty()) {
     926            0 :         myGLWindows[0]->getView()->showViewschemeEditor();
     927              :     }
     928            0 :     return 1;
     929              : }
     930              : 
     931              : 
     932              : long
     933            0 : GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdHelp(FXObject*, FXSelector, void*) {
     934            0 :     MFXLinkLabel::fxexecute("");
     935            0 :     return 1;
     936              : }
     937              : 
     938              : 
     939              : long
     940            0 : GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdChangelog(FXObject*, FXSelector, void*) {
     941              :     // update in every version
     942            0 :     MFXLinkLabel::fxexecute("");
     943            0 :     return 1;
     944              : }
     945              : 
     946              : 
     947              : long
     948            0 : GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdHotkeys(FXObject*, FXSelector, void*) {
     949            0 :     MFXLinkLabel::fxexecute("");
     950            0 :     return 1;
     951              : }
     952              : 
     953              : 
     954              : long
     955            0 : GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdTutorial(FXObject*, FXSelector, void*) {
     956            0 :     MFXLinkLabel::fxexecute("");
     957            0 :     return 1;
     958              : }
     959              : 
     960              : 
     961              : long
     962            0 : GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdOpenInNetedit(FXObject*, FXSelector, void*) {
     963            0 :     if (myGLWindows.empty()) {
     964              :         return 1;
     965              :     }
     966            0 :     FXRegistry reg("SUMO netedit", "netedit");
     967            0 :;
     968            0 :     const GUISUMOAbstractView* const v = myGLWindows[0]->getView();
     969            0 :     reg.writeRealEntry("viewport", "x", v->getChanger().getXPos());
     970            0 :     reg.writeRealEntry("viewport", "y", v->getChanger().getYPos());
     971            0 :     reg.writeRealEntry("viewport", "z", v->getChanger().getZPos());
     972            0 :     reg.write();
     973            0 :     std::string netedit = "netedit";
     974            0 :     const char* sumoPath = getenv("SUMO_HOME");
     975            0 :     if (sumoPath != nullptr) {
     976            0 :         std::string newPath = std::string(sumoPath) + "/bin/netedit";
     977            0 :         if (FileHelpers::isReadable(newPath) || FileHelpers::isReadable(newPath + ".exe")) {
     978            0 :             netedit = "\"" + newPath + "\"";
     979              :         }
     980              :     }
     981              :     // declare command for calling netedit using the viewport saved in registry
     982            0 :     std::string cmd = netedit + " --registry-viewport";
     983              :     // continue depending if we're loading only a network or the entire sumo config
     984            0 :     if (myLoadAdditionalsInNetedit->shown()) {
     985            0 :         cmd += " --sumocfg-file \"" + OptionsCont::getOptions().getString("configuration-file") + "\"";
     986              :         // check if ignore additional or demand elements
     987            0 :         if (myLoadAdditionalsInNetedit->getCheck() == FALSE) {
     988              :             cmd += " --ignore.additionalelements";
     989              :         }
     990            0 :         if (myLoadDemandInNetedit->getCheck() == FALSE) {
     991              :             cmd += " --ignore.routeelements";
     992              :         }
     993              :     } else {
     994            0 :         cmd += " -s \"" + OptionsCont::getOptions().getString("net-file") + "\"";
     995              :     }
     996              :     // start in background
     997              : #ifndef WIN32
     998            0 :     cmd = cmd + " &";
     999              : #else
    1000              :     // see "help start" for the parameters
    1001              :     cmd = "start /B \"\" " + cmd;
    1002              : #endif
    1003            0 :     WRITE_MESSAGEF(TL("Running %."), cmd);
    1004              :     // yay! fun with dangerous commands... Never use this over the internet
    1005            0 :     SysUtils::runHiddenCommand(cmd);
    1006              :     return 1;
    1007            0 : }
    1008              : 
    1009              : 
    1010              : long
    1011            0 : GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdNewWindow(FXObject*, FXSelector, void*) {
    1012            0 :     FXRegistry reg("SUMO sumo-gui", "sumo-gui");
    1013            0 :     std::string sumo_gui = "sumo-gui";
    1014            0 :     const char* sumoPath = getenv("SUMO_HOME");
    1015            0 :     if (sumoPath != nullptr) {
    1016            0 :         std::string newPath = std::string(sumoPath) + "/bin/sumo_gui";
    1017            0 :         if (FileHelpers::isReadable(newPath) || FileHelpers::isReadable(newPath + ".exe")) {
    1018            0 :             sumo_gui = "\"" + newPath + "\"";
    1019              :         }
    1020              :     }
    1021              :     std::string cmd = sumo_gui;
    1022              :     // start in background
    1023              : #ifndef WIN32
    1024            0 :     cmd = cmd + " &";
    1025              : #else
    1026              :     // see "help start" for the parameters
    1027              :     cmd = "start /B \"\" " + cmd;
    1028              : #endif
    1029            0 :     WRITE_MESSAGEF(TL("Running %."), cmd);
    1030              :     // yay! fun with dangerous commands... Never use this over the internet
    1031            0 :     SysUtils::runHiddenCommand(cmd);
    1032            0 :     return 1;
    1033            0 : }
    1034              : 
    1035              : 
    1036              : long
    1037            0 : GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdOpenConfiguration(FXObject*, FXSelector, void*) {
    1038              :     // get the new file name
    1039            0 :     FXFileDialog opendialog(this, TL("Open Simulation Configuration"));
    1040            0 :     opendialog.setIcon(GUIIconSubSys::getIcon(GUIIcon::OPEN_SUMOCONFIG));
    1041            0 :     opendialog.setSelectMode(SELECTFILE_EXISTING);
    1042            0 :     opendialog.setPatternList(myConfigPattern.c_str());
    1043            0 :     if (gCurrentFolder.length() != 0) {
    1044            0 :         opendialog.setDirectory(gCurrentFolder);
    1045              :     }
    1046            0 :     if (opendialog.execute()) {
    1047            0 :         gCurrentFolder = opendialog.getDirectory();
    1048            0 :         std::string file = opendialog.getFilename().text();
    1049            0 :         loadConfigOrNet(file);
    1050            0 :         myRecentConfigs.appendFile(file.c_str());
    1051              :     }
    1052            0 :     return 1;
    1053            0 : }
    1054              : 
    1055              : 
    1056              : long
    1057            0 : GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdOpenNetwork(FXObject*, FXSelector, void*) {
    1058              :     // get the new file name
    1059            0 :     FXFileDialog opendialog(this, TL("Open Network"));
    1060            0 :     opendialog.setIcon(GUIIconSubSys::getIcon(GUIIcon::OPEN_NET));
    1061            0 :     opendialog.setSelectMode(SELECTFILE_EXISTING);
    1062            0 :     opendialog.setPatternList("SUMO nets (*.net.xml,*.net.xml.gz)\nAll files (*)");
    1063            0 :     if (gCurrentFolder.length() != 0) {
    1064            0 :         opendialog.setDirectory(gCurrentFolder);
    1065              :     }
    1066            0 :     if (opendialog.execute()) {
    1067            0 :         gCurrentFolder = opendialog.getDirectory();
    1068            0 :         std::string file = opendialog.getFilename().text();
    1069            0 :         loadConfigOrNet(file);
    1070            0 :         myRecentNetworks.appendFile(file.c_str());
    1071              :     }
    1072            0 :     return 1;
    1073            0 : }
    1074              : 
    1075              : 
    1076              : long
    1077            0 : GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdOpenShapes(FXObject*, FXSelector, void*) {
    1078              :     // get the shape file name
    1079            0 :     FXFileDialog opendialog(this, TL("Open Shapes"));
    1080            0 :     opendialog.setIcon(GUIIconSubSys::getIcon(GUIIcon::OPEN_SHAPES));
    1081            0 :     opendialog.setSelectMode(SELECTFILE_EXISTING);
    1082            0 :     opendialog.setPatternList("Additional files (*.xml,*.xml.gz)\nAll files (*)");
    1083            0 :     if (gCurrentFolder.length() != 0) {
    1084            0 :         opendialog.setDirectory(gCurrentFolder);
    1085              :     }
    1086            0 :     if (opendialog.execute()) {
    1087            0 :         gCurrentFolder = opendialog.getDirectory();
    1088            0 :         std::string file = opendialog.getFilename().text();
    1089              : 
    1090            0 :         dynamic_cast<GUIShapeContainer&>(myRunThread->getNet().getShapeContainer()).allowReplacement();
    1091            0 :         NLShapeHandler handler(file, myRunThread->getNet().getShapeContainer());
    1092            0 :         if (!XMLSubSys::runParser(handler, file, false)) {
    1093            0 :             WRITE_MESSAGEF(TL("Loading of % failed."), file);
    1094              :         }
    1095            0 :         update();
    1096            0 :         if (myMDIClient->numChildren() > 0) {
    1097            0 :             GUISUMOViewParent* w = dynamic_cast<GUISUMOViewParent*>(myMDIClient->getActiveChild());
    1098            0 :             if (w != nullptr) {
    1099            0 :                 w->getView()->update();
    1100              :             }
    1101              :         }
    1102              :     }
    1103            0 :     return 1;
    1104            0 : }
    1105              : 
    1106              : 
    1107              : long
    1108            0 : GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdOpenEdgeData(FXObject*, FXSelector, void*) {
    1109              :     // get the shape file name
    1110            0 :     FXFileDialog opendialog(this, TL("Open EdgeData"));
    1111            0 :     opendialog.setIcon(GUIIconSubSys::getIcon(GUIIcon::OPEN_NET));
    1112            0 :     opendialog.setSelectMode(SELECTFILE_EXISTING);
    1113            0 :     opendialog.setPatternList("EdgeData files (*.xml,*.xml.gz)\nAll files (*)");
    1114            0 :     if (gCurrentFolder.length() != 0) {
    1115            0 :         opendialog.setDirectory(gCurrentFolder);
    1116              :     }
    1117            0 :     if (opendialog.execute()) {
    1118            0 :         gCurrentFolder = opendialog.getDirectory();
    1119            0 :         std::string file = opendialog.getFilename().text();
    1120            0 :         if (!GUINet::getGUIInstance()->loadEdgeData(file)) {
    1121            0 :             WRITE_MESSAGEF(TL("Loading of % failed."), file);
    1122              :         }
    1123            0 :         update();
    1124            0 :         if (myMDIClient->numChildren() > 0) {
    1125            0 :             GUISUMOViewParent* w = dynamic_cast<GUISUMOViewParent*>(myMDIClient->getActiveChild());
    1126            0 :             if (w != nullptr) {
    1127            0 :                 w->getView()->update();
    1128              :             }
    1129              :         }
    1130              :     }
    1131            0 :     return 1;
    1132            0 : }
    1133              : 
    1134              : 
    1135              : long
    1136            0 : GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdReload(FXObject* sender, FXSelector sel, void*) {
    1137            0 :     if (!myAmLoading && (sender == nullptr || TraCIServer::getInstance() == nullptr)) {
    1138            0 :         storeWindowSizeAndPos();
    1139            0 :         getApp()->beginWaitCursor();
    1140            0 :         myAmLoading = true;
    1141            0 :         myIsReload = sender != nullptr || sel == 1;
    1142            0 :         closeAllWindows();
    1143            0 :         myLoadThread->start();
    1144            0 :         if (sender == nullptr) {
    1145            0 :             setStatusBarText(sel == 1 ? TL("Auto-Reloading.") : TL("TraCI-Loading."));
    1146              :         } else {
    1147            0 :             setStatusBarText(TL("Reloading."));
    1148              :         }
    1149            0 :         update();
    1150              :     }
    1151            0 :     return 1;
    1152              : }
    1153              : 
    1154              : 
    1155              : long
    1156            0 : GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdQuickReload(FXObject*, FXSelector, void*) {
    1157            0 :     if (!myAmLoading) {
    1158            0 :         setStatusBarText(TL("Quick-Reloading."));
    1159            0 :         MSNet::getInstance()->quickReload();
    1160              :     }
    1161            0 :     return 1;
    1162              : }
    1163              : 
    1164              : 
    1165              : long
    1166            0 : GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdOpenRecent(FXObject* /* sender */, FXSelector, void* ptr) {
    1167            0 :     if (myAmLoading) {
    1168            0 :         myStatusbar->getStatusLine()->setText(TL("Already loading!"));
    1169            0 :         return 1;
    1170              :     }
    1171            0 :     std::string file((const char*)ptr);
    1172            0 :     loadConfigOrNet(file);
    1173              :     return 1;
    1174              : }
    1175              : 
    1176              : 
    1177              : long
    1178            0 : GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdSaveConfig(FXObject*, FXSelector, void*) {
    1179              :     // get the new file name
    1180            0 :     FXFileDialog opendialog(this, TL("Save SUMO Configuration"));
    1181            0 :     opendialog.setIcon(GUIIconSubSys::getIcon(GUIIcon::SAVE));
    1182            0 :     opendialog.setSelectMode(SELECTFILE_ANY);
    1183            0 :     opendialog.setPatternList("Config (*.sumocfg)");
    1184            0 :     if (gCurrentFolder.length() != 0) {
    1185            0 :         opendialog.setDirectory(gCurrentFolder);
    1186              :     }
    1187            0 :     if (!opendialog.execute() || !MFXUtils::userPermitsOverwritingWhenFileExists(this, opendialog.getFilename())) {
    1188              :         return 1;
    1189              :     }
    1190            0 :     std::string file = MFXUtils::assureExtension(opendialog.getFilename(),
    1191            0 :                        opendialog.getPatternText(opendialog.getCurrentPattern()).after('.').before(')')).text();
    1192            0 :     std::ofstream out(StringUtils::transcodeToLocal(file));
    1193            0 :     if (out.good()) {
    1194            0 :         OptionsCont::getOptions().writeConfiguration(out, true, false, false, file, true);
    1195            0 :         setStatusBarText(TLF("Configuration saved to %.", file));
    1196              :     } else {
    1197            0 :         setStatusBarText(TLF("Could not save configuration to %.", file));
    1198              :     }
    1199            0 :     out.close();
    1200              :     return 1;
    1201            0 : }
    1202              : 
    1203              : 
    1204              : long
    1205            0 : GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdClose(FXObject*, FXSelector, void*) {
    1206            0 :     closeAllWindows();
    1207            0 :     return 1;
    1208              : }
    1209              : 
    1210              : 
    1211              : long
    1212      2030925 : GUIApplicationWindow::onUpdOpen(FXObject* sender, FXSelector, void* ptr) {
    1213      2030925 :     sender->handle(this,
    1214      2030925 :                    myAmLoading ? FXSEL(SEL_COMMAND, ID_DISABLE) : FXSEL(SEL_COMMAND, ID_ENABLE),
    1215              :                    ptr);
    1216      2030925 :     return 1;
    1217              : }
    1218              : 
    1219              : 
    1220              : long
    1221      1521989 : GUIApplicationWindow::onUpdReload(FXObject* sender, FXSelector, void* ptr) {
    1222      1521989 :     sender->handle(this,
    1223      1521989 :                    myAmLoading || myLoadThread->getFileName() == "" || TraCIServer::getInstance() != nullptr
    1224              :                    ? FXSEL(SEL_COMMAND, ID_DISABLE) : FXSEL(SEL_COMMAND, ID_ENABLE),
    1225              :                    ptr);
    1226      1521989 :     return 1;
    1227              : }
    1228              : 
    1229              : 
    1230              : long
    1231            0 : GUIApplicationWindow::onUpdOpenRecent(FXObject* sender, FXSelector, void* ptr) {
    1232            0 :     sender->handle(this,
    1233            0 :                    myAmLoading ? FXSEL(SEL_COMMAND, ID_DISABLE) : FXSEL(SEL_COMMAND, ID_ENABLE),
    1234              :                    ptr);
    1235            0 :     return 1;
    1236              : }
    1237              : 
    1238              : 
    1239              : long
    1240      2028298 : GUIApplicationWindow::onUpdAddView(FXObject* sender, FXSelector, void* ptr) {
    1241      2028298 :     sender->handle(this,
    1242      2028298 :                    myAmLoading || !myRunThread->networkAvailable()
    1243              :                    ? FXSEL(SEL_COMMAND, ID_DISABLE) : FXSEL(SEL_COMMAND, ID_ENABLE),
    1244              :                    ptr);
    1245      2028298 :     return 1;
    1246              : }
    1247              : 
    1248              : 
    1249              : long
    1250         7147 : GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdStart(FXObject*, FXSelector, void*) {
    1251              :     // check whether a net was loaded successfully
    1252         7147 :     if (!myRunThread->networkAvailable()) {
    1253            0 :         myStatusbar->getStatusLine()->setText(TL("No simulation loaded!"));
    1254            0 :         return 1;
    1255              :     }
    1256              :     // check whether it was started before and paused;
    1257         7147 :     if (!myWasStarted) {
    1258         7147 :         myRunThread->begin();
    1259         7147 :         myWasStarted = true;
    1260              :     }
    1261         7147 :     myRunThread->resume();
    1262         7147 :     getApp()->forceRefresh(); // only calling myToolBar2->forceRefresh somehow looses keyboard focus
    1263         7147 :     return 1;
    1264              : }
    1265              : 
    1266              : 
    1267              : long
    1268         6655 : GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdStop(FXObject*, FXSelector, void*) {
    1269         6655 :     myRunThread->stop();
    1270         6655 :     getApp()->forceRefresh(); // only calling myToolBar2->forceRefresh somehow looses keyboard focus
    1271         6655 :     return 1;
    1272              : }
    1273              : 
    1274              : 
    1275              : long
    1276            0 : GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdStep(FXObject*, FXSelector, void*) {
    1277              :     // check whether a net was loaded successfully
    1278            0 :     if (!myRunThread->networkAvailable()) {
    1279            0 :         myStatusbar->getStatusLine()->setText(TL("No simulation loaded!"));
    1280            0 :         return 1;
    1281              :     }
    1282              :     // check whether it was started before and paused;
    1283            0 :     if (!myWasStarted) {
    1284            0 :         myRunThread->begin();
    1285            0 :         myWasStarted = true;
    1286              :     }
    1287            0 :     myRunThread->singleStep();
    1288            0 :     return 1;
    1289              : }
    1290              : 
    1291              : 
    1292              : long
    1293            0 : GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdSaveState(FXObject*, FXSelector, void*) {
    1294              :     // get the new file name
    1295            0 :     FXFileDialog opendialog(this, TL("Save Simulation State"));
    1296            0 :     opendialog.setIcon(GUIIconSubSys::getIcon(GUIIcon::SAVE));
    1297            0 :     opendialog.setSelectMode(SELECTFILE_ANY);
    1298            0 :     opendialog.setPatternList("GZipped State (*.xml.gz)\nXML State (*.xml)");
    1299            0 :     if (gCurrentFolder.length() != 0) {
    1300            0 :         opendialog.setDirectory(gCurrentFolder);
    1301              :     }
    1302            0 :     if (!opendialog.execute() || !MFXUtils::userPermitsOverwritingWhenFileExists(this, opendialog.getFilename())) {
    1303              :         return 1;
    1304              :     }
    1305              : 
    1306            0 :     const std::string file = MFXUtils::assureExtension(opendialog.getFilename(),
    1307            0 :                              opendialog.getPatternText(opendialog.getCurrentPattern()).after('.').before(')')).text();
    1308            0 :     MSStateHandler::saveState(file, MSNet::getInstance()->getCurrentTimeStep(), false);
    1309            0 :     setStatusBarText(TLF("Simulation state saved to '%'.", file));
    1310              :     return 1;
    1311            0 : }
    1312              : 
    1313              : 
    1314              : long
    1315            0 : GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdLoadState(FXObject*, FXSelector, void*) {
    1316              :     // get the new file name
    1317            0 :     FXFileDialog opendialog(this, TL("Load Simulation State"));
    1318            0 :     opendialog.setIcon(GUIIconSubSys::getIcon(GUIIcon::OPEN));
    1319            0 :     opendialog.setSelectMode(SELECTFILE_ANY);
    1320            0 :     opendialog.setPatternList("GZipped State (*.xml.gz)\nXML State (*.xml)");
    1321            0 :     if (gCurrentFolder.length() != 0) {
    1322            0 :         opendialog.setDirectory(gCurrentFolder);
    1323              :     }
    1324            0 :     if (opendialog.execute() && FXStat::exists(opendialog.getFilename())) {
    1325            0 :         gCurrentFolder = opendialog.getDirectory();
    1326            0 :         const std::string file = opendialog.getFilename().text();
    1327              :         try {
    1328            0 :             MSNet::getInstance()->loadState(file, true);
    1329            0 :             setStatusBarText(TLF("State loaded from '%'.", file));
    1330            0 :         } catch (ProcessError& e) {
    1331            0 :             setStatusBarText(TLF("Failed to load state from '%' (%).", file, e.what()));
    1332            0 :         }
    1333              :     }
    1334            0 :     return 1;
    1335            0 : }
    1336              : 
    1337              : 
    1338              : long
    1339            0 : GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdTimeToggle(FXObject*, FXSelector, void*) {
    1340              :     // toggle show time as HMS
    1341            0 :     myShowTimeAsHMS = !myShowTimeAsHMS;
    1342            0 :     updateTimeLCDTooltip();
    1343            0 :     if (myRunThread->networkAvailable()) {
    1344            0 :         updateTimeLCD(myRunThread->getNet().getCurrentTimeStep());
    1345              :     }
    1346            0 :     return 1;
    1347              : }
    1348              : 
    1349              : 
    1350              : long
    1351            0 : GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdDelayInc(FXObject*, FXSelector, void*) {
    1352            0 :     if (mySimDelay < 10) {
    1353            0 :         mySimDelay = 10;
    1354            0 :     } else if (mySimDelay >= 20 && mySimDelay < 50) {
    1355            0 :         mySimDelay = 50;
    1356            0 :     } else if (mySimDelay >= 200 && mySimDelay < 500) {
    1357            0 :         mySimDelay = 500;
    1358              :     } else {
    1359            0 :         mySimDelay *= 2;
    1360              :     }
    1361            0 :     if (mySimDelay > 1000) {
    1362              :         // setting high delay by pressing the key too often is hard to recover from
    1363            0 :         mySimDelay = 1000;
    1364              :     }
    1365            0 :     mySimDelaySlider->setValue((int)mySimDelay);
    1366            0 :     mySimDelaySpinner->setValue(mySimDelay);
    1367            0 :     return 1;
    1368              : }
    1369              : 
    1370              : 
    1371              : long
    1372            0 : GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdDelayDec(FXObject*, FXSelector, void*) {
    1373            0 :     if (mySimDelay <= 10) {
    1374            0 :         mySimDelay = 0;
    1375            0 :     } else if (mySimDelay > 20 && mySimDelay <= 50) {
    1376            0 :         mySimDelay = 20;
    1377            0 :     } else if (mySimDelay > 200 && mySimDelay <= 500) {
    1378            0 :         mySimDelay = 200;
    1379              :     } else {
    1380            0 :         mySimDelay /= 2;
    1381              :     }
    1382            0 :     mySimDelaySlider->setValue((int)mySimDelay);
    1383            0 :     mySimDelaySpinner->setValue(mySimDelay);
    1384            0 :     return 1;
    1385              : }
    1386              : 
    1387              : 
    1388              : long
    1389            0 : GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdDelayToggle(FXObject*, FXSelector, void*) {
    1390            0 :     const double tmp = myAlternateSimDelay;
    1391            0 :     myAlternateSimDelay = mySimDelay;
    1392            0 :     mySimDelay = tmp;
    1393            0 :     return 1;
    1394              : }
    1395              : 
    1396              : 
    1397              : long
    1398            0 : GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdDemandScale(FXObject*, FXSelector, void*) {
    1399            0 :     if (myRunThread->networkAvailable()) {
    1400            0 :         myRunThread->getNet().getVehicleControl().setScale(myDemandScaleSpinner->getValue());
    1401              :     }
    1402            0 :     return 1;
    1403              : }
    1404              : 
    1405              : 
    1406              : long
    1407            0 : GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdClearMsgWindow(FXObject*, FXSelector, void*) {
    1408            0 :     myMessageWindow->clear();
    1409            0 :     return 1;
    1410              : }
    1411              : 
    1412              : 
    1413              : long
    1414            0 : GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdBreakpoint(FXObject*, FXSelector, void*) {
    1415              :     // see updateTimeLCD for the DELTA_T
    1416            0 :     if (myRunThread->networkAvailable()) {
    1417            0 :         addBreakpoint(SIMSTEP - DELTA_T);
    1418              :     }
    1419            0 :     return 1;
    1420              : }
    1421              : 
    1422              : 
    1423              : long
    1424            0 : GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdBreakpointEarly(FXObject*, FXSelector, void*) {
    1425              :     // see updateTimeLCD for the DELTA_T
    1426            0 :     if (myRunThread->networkAvailable()) {
    1427            0 :         addBreakpoint(SIMSTEP - DELTA_T + GUIMessageWindow::getBreakPointOffset());
    1428              :     }
    1429            0 :     return 1;
    1430              : }
    1431              : 
    1432              : 
    1433              : long
    1434      6027700 : GUIApplicationWindow::onUpdStart(FXObject* sender, FXSelector, void* ptr) {
    1435     12055400 :     sender->handle(this,
    1436      6999274 :                    !myRunThread->simulationIsStartable() || myAmLoading
    1437              :                    ? FXSEL(SEL_COMMAND, ID_DISABLE) : FXSEL(SEL_COMMAND, ID_ENABLE),
    1438              :                    ptr);
    1439      6027700 :     if (myRunThread->simulationIsStartable() && !myAmLoading) {
    1440              :         // bind start simulation with space key
    1441       971579 :         GUIShortcutsSubSys::changeAccelerator(getAccelTable(), this, KEY_SPACE, MID_HOTKEY_CTRL_A_STARTSIMULATION_OPENADDITIONALS);
    1442              :     }
    1443      6027700 :     return 1;
    1444              : }
    1445              : 
    1446              : 
    1447              : long
    1448      6027686 : GUIApplicationWindow::onUpdStop(FXObject* sender, FXSelector, void* ptr) {
    1449     12055372 :     sender->handle(this,
    1450     11034147 :                    !myRunThread->simulationIsStopable() || myAmLoading
    1451              :                    ? FXSEL(SEL_COMMAND, ID_DISABLE) : FXSEL(SEL_COMMAND, ID_ENABLE),
    1452              :                    ptr);
    1453      6027686 :     if (myRunThread->simulationIsStopable() && !myAmLoading) {
    1454              :         // bind stop simulation with space key
    1455      5006452 :         GUIShortcutsSubSys::changeAccelerator(getAccelTable(), this, KEY_SPACE, MID_HOTKEY_CTRL_S_STOPSIMULATION_SAVENETWORK);
    1456              :     }
    1457      6027686 :     return 1;
    1458              : }
    1459              : 
    1460              : 
    1461              : long
    1462      6027675 : GUIApplicationWindow::onUpdStep(FXObject* sender, FXSelector, void* ptr) {
    1463     12055350 :     sender->handle(this,
    1464      6999287 :                    !myRunThread->simulationIsStepable() || myAmLoading
    1465              :                    ? FXSEL(SEL_COMMAND, ID_DISABLE) : FXSEL(SEL_COMMAND, ID_ENABLE),
    1466              :                    ptr);
    1467      6027675 :     return 1;
    1468              : }
    1469              : 
    1470              : 
    1471              : long
    1472     28855269 : GUIApplicationWindow::onUpdNeedsNetwork(FXObject* sender, FXSelector, void* ptr) {
    1473              :     // check if there is a loaded network and gui isn't loading
    1474     28855269 :     if (myRunThread->networkAvailable() && !myAmLoading) {
    1475     28623480 :         sender->handle(this, FXSEL(SEL_COMMAND, ID_ENABLE), ptr);
    1476              :         // enable certain elements manually
    1477     28623480 :         mySelectLanesMenuCascade->enable();
    1478     57246960 :         myScaleTrafficTooltip->setTipText(TL("Scale number of vehicles in simulation"));
    1479              :     } else {
    1480       231789 :         sender->handle(this, FXSEL(SEL_COMMAND, ID_DISABLE), ptr);
    1481              :         // disable certain elements manually
    1482       231789 :         mySelectLanesMenuCascade->disable();
    1483       463578 :         myScaleTrafficTooltip->setTipText("");
    1484              :     }
    1485     28855269 :     return 1;
    1486              : }
    1487              : 
    1488              : 
    1489              : long
    1490      1012025 : GUIApplicationWindow::onUpdNeedsSumoConfig(FXObject* sender, FXSelector, void* ptr) {
    1491              :     // check if there is a loaded network and gui isn't loading
    1492      2016210 :     if (myRunThread->networkAvailable() && !myAmLoading && OptionsCont::getOptions().isSet("configuration-file")) {
    1493         6097 :         sender->handle(this, FXSEL(SEL_COMMAND, ID_ENABLE), ptr);
    1494         6097 :         sender->handle(this, FXSEL(SEL_COMMAND, ID_SHOW), ptr);
    1495         6097 :         myOpenInNetedit->setText(TL("Open sumo config in netedit"));
    1496              :     } else {
    1497      1005928 :         sender->handle(this, FXSEL(SEL_COMMAND, ID_DISABLE), ptr);
    1498      1005928 :         sender->handle(this, FXSEL(SEL_COMMAND, ID_HIDE), ptr);
    1499      1005928 :         myOpenInNetedit->setText(TL("Open network in netedit"));
    1500              :     }
    1501      1012025 :     return 1;
    1502              : }
    1503              : 
    1504              : 
    1505              : long
    1506       507867 : GUIApplicationWindow::onUpdTraCIStatus(FXObject* /*sender*/, FXSelector, void* /*ptr*/) {
    1507       507867 :     if (TraCIServer::getInstance()) {
    1508          607 :         myTraCiFrame->show();
    1509              :     } else {
    1510       507260 :         myTraCiFrame->hide();
    1511              :     }
    1512       507867 :     return 1;
    1513              : }
    1514              : 
    1515              : 
    1516              : long
    1517            0 : GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdLocate(FXObject*, FXSelector sel, void*) {
    1518            0 :     if (myMDIClient->numChildren() > 0) {
    1519            0 :         GUISUMOViewParent* w = dynamic_cast<GUISUMOViewParent*>(myMDIClient->getActiveChild());
    1520            0 :         if (w != nullptr) {
    1521            0 :             w->onCmdLocate(nullptr, sel, nullptr);
    1522              :         }
    1523              :     }
    1524            0 :     return 1;
    1525              : }
    1526              : 
    1527              : 
    1528              : long
    1529            0 : GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdShowStats(FXObject*, FXSelector, void*) {
    1530            0 :     if (myMDIClient->numChildren() > 0) {
    1531            0 :         GUISUMOViewParent* w = dynamic_cast<GUISUMOViewParent*>(myMDIClient->getActiveChild());
    1532            0 :         GUINet::getGUIInstance()->getParameterWindow(*this, *w->getView());
    1533              :     }
    1534            0 :     return 1;
    1535              : }
    1536              : 
    1537              : 
    1538              : long
    1539            0 : GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdAppSettings(FXObject*, FXSelector, void*) {
    1540            0 :     GUIDialog_AppSettings* d = new GUIDialog_AppSettings(this);
    1541            0 :     d->create();
    1542            0 :     d->show(PLACEMENT_OWNER);
    1543            0 :     return 1;
    1544              : }
    1545              : 
    1546              : 
    1547              : long
    1548            0 : GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdGaming(FXObject*, FXSelector, void*) {
    1549            0 :     if (myGLWindows.empty()) {
    1550              :         return 1;
    1551              :     }
    1552            0 :     myAmGaming = !myAmGaming;
    1553            0 :     myGLWindows[0]->getView()->editVisualisationSettings()->gaming = myAmGaming;
    1554            0 :     if (myAmGaming) {
    1555            0 :         myGamingModeCheckbox->setCheck(TRUE);
    1556            0 :         myMenuBar->hide();
    1557            0 :         myStatusbar->hide();
    1558            0 :         myToolBar1->hide();
    1559            0 :         myToolBar2->hide();
    1560            0 :         myToolBar4->hide();
    1561            0 :         myToolBar5->hide();
    1562            0 :         myToolBar6->show();
    1563            0 :         myToolBar8->hide();
    1564            0 :         myToolBar10->show();
    1565            0 :         if (myTLSGame) {
    1566            0 :             myToolBar7->show();
    1567              :         } else {
    1568            0 :             myToolBar9->show();
    1569              :         }
    1570            0 :         myMessageWindow->hide();
    1571            0 :         myLCDLabel->setFgColor(MFXUtils::getFXColor(RGBColor::RED));
    1572            0 :         myWaitingTimeLabel->setFgColor(MFXUtils::getFXColor(RGBColor::RED));
    1573            0 :         myTimeLossLabel->setFgColor(MFXUtils::getFXColor(RGBColor::RED));
    1574            0 :         myEmergencyVehicleLabel->setFgColor(MFXUtils::getFXColor(RGBColor::RED));
    1575            0 :         myTotalDistanceLabel->setFgColor(MFXUtils::getFXColor(RGBColor::RED));
    1576              :     } else {
    1577            0 :         myGamingModeCheckbox->setCheck(FALSE);
    1578            0 :         myMenuBar->show();
    1579            0 :         myStatusbar->show();
    1580            0 :         myToolBar1->show();
    1581            0 :         myToolBar2->show();
    1582            0 :         myToolBar4->show();
    1583            0 :         myToolBar5->show();
    1584            0 :         myToolBar6->hide();
    1585            0 :         myToolBar7->hide();
    1586            0 :         myToolBar8->show();
    1587            0 :         myToolBar9->hide();
    1588            0 :         myToolBar10->hide();
    1589            0 :         myMessageWindow->show();
    1590            0 :         myLCDLabel->setFgColor(MFXUtils::getFXColor(RGBColor::GREEN));
    1591              :     }
    1592            0 :     if (myMDIClient->numChildren() > 0) {
    1593            0 :         GUISUMOViewParent* w = dynamic_cast<GUISUMOViewParent*>(myMDIClient->getActiveChild());
    1594            0 :         if (w != nullptr) {
    1595            0 :             w->setToolBarVisibility(!myAmGaming && !myAmFullScreen);
    1596              :         }
    1597              :     }
    1598            0 :     update();
    1599            0 :     return 1;
    1600              : }
    1601              : 
    1602              : 
    1603              : long
    1604            0 : GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdToggleDrawJunctionShape(FXObject*, FXSelector, void*) {
    1605            0 :     GUISUMOViewParent* w = dynamic_cast<GUISUMOViewParent*>(myMDIClient->getActiveChild());
    1606            0 :     if (w != nullptr) {
    1607              :         // show or hide grid depending of myNetworkViewOptions.menuCheckToggleGrid
    1608            0 :         if (w->getView()->getVisualisationSettings().drawJunctionShape) {
    1609            0 :             w->getView()->editVisualisationSettings()->drawJunctionShape = false;
    1610              :         } else {
    1611            0 :             w->getView()->editVisualisationSettings()->drawJunctionShape = true;
    1612              :         }
    1613            0 :         w->getView()->update();
    1614              :     }
    1615            0 :     return 1;
    1616              : }
    1617              : 
    1618              : 
    1619              : long
    1620            0 : GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdToggleSecondaryShape(FXObject*, FXSelector, void*) {
    1621            0 :     GUISUMOViewParent* w = dynamic_cast<GUISUMOViewParent*>(myMDIClient->getActiveChild());
    1622            0 :     if (w != nullptr) {
    1623              :         // toggle secondary shape visualization
    1624            0 :         w->getView()->editVisualisationSettings()->secondaryShape = !w->getView()->getVisualisationSettings().secondaryShape;
    1625            0 :         w->getView()->update();
    1626              :     }
    1627            0 :     return 1;
    1628              : }
    1629              : 
    1630              : 
    1631              : long
    1632            0 : GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdFullScreen(FXObject*, FXSelector, void*) {
    1633            0 :     if (myGLWindows.empty()) {
    1634              :         return 1;
    1635              :     }
    1636            0 :     myAmFullScreen = !myAmFullScreen;
    1637            0 :     if (myAmFullScreen) {
    1638            0 :         getApp()->reg().writeIntEntry("SETTINGS", "x", getX());
    1639            0 :         getApp()->reg().writeIntEntry("SETTINGS", "y", getY());
    1640            0 :         getApp()->reg().writeIntEntry("SETTINGS", "width", getWidth());
    1641            0 :         getApp()->reg().writeIntEntry("SETTINGS", "height", getHeight());
    1642            0 :         maximize();
    1643            0 :         setDecorations(DECOR_NONE);
    1644            0 :         place(PLACEMENT_MAXIMIZED);
    1645            0 :         myMenuBar->hide();
    1646            0 :         myStatusbar->hide();
    1647            0 :         myToolBar1->hide();
    1648            0 :         myToolBar2->hide();
    1649            0 :         myToolBar3->hide();
    1650            0 :         myToolBar4->hide();
    1651            0 :         myToolBar5->hide();
    1652            0 :         myToolBar6->hide();
    1653            0 :         myToolBar7->hide();
    1654            0 :         myToolBar8->hide();
    1655            0 :         myMessageWindow->hide();
    1656            0 :         if (myMDIClient->numChildren() > 0) {
    1657            0 :             GUISUMOViewParent* w = dynamic_cast<GUISUMOViewParent*>(myMDIClient->getActiveChild());
    1658            0 :             if (w != nullptr) {
    1659            0 :                 w->setToolBarVisibility(false);
    1660              :             }
    1661              :         }
    1662            0 :         update();
    1663              :     } else {
    1664            0 :         place(PLACEMENT_VISIBLE);
    1665            0 :         setDecorations(DECOR_ALL);
    1666            0 :         restore();
    1667            0 :         myToolBar3->show();
    1668            0 :         myAmGaming = !myAmGaming;
    1669            0 :         onCmdGaming(nullptr, 0, nullptr);
    1670            0 :         setWidth(getApp()->reg().readIntEntry("SETTINGS", "width", 600));
    1671            0 :         setHeight(getApp()->reg().readIntEntry("SETTINGS", "height", 400));
    1672            0 :         setX(getApp()->reg().readIntEntry("SETTINGS", "x", 150));
    1673            0 :         setY(getApp()->reg().readIntEntry("SETTINGS", "y", 150));
    1674              :     }
    1675              :     return 1;
    1676              : }
    1677              : 
    1678              : 
    1679              : long
    1680            0 : GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdListInternal(FXObject*, FXSelector, void*) {
    1681            0 :     myListInternal = !myListInternal;
    1682            0 :     return 1;
    1683              : }
    1684              : 
    1685              : 
    1686              : long
    1687            0 : GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdListParking(FXObject*, FXSelector, void*) {
    1688            0 :     myListParking = !myListParking;
    1689            0 :     return 1;
    1690              : }
    1691              : 
    1692              : long
    1693            0 : GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdListTeleporting(FXObject*, FXSelector, void*) {
    1694            0 :     myListTeleporting = !myListTeleporting;
    1695            0 :     return 1;
    1696              : }
    1697              : 
    1698              : 
    1699              : long
    1700            0 : GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdNewView(FXObject*, FXSelector, void*) {
    1701            0 :     openNewView(GUISUMOViewParent::VIEW_2D_OPENGL);
    1702            0 :     return 1;
    1703              : }
    1704              : 
    1705              : 
    1706              : #ifdef HAVE_OSG
    1707              : long
    1708            0 : GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdNewOSG(FXObject*, FXSelector, void*) {
    1709            0 :     openNewView(GUISUMOViewParent::VIEW_3D_OSG);
    1710            0 :     return 1;
    1711              : }
    1712              : #endif
    1713              : 
    1714              : 
    1715              : long
    1716            0 : GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdFeedback(FXObject*, FXSelector, void*) {
    1717              :     // create and open feedback dialog
    1718            0 :     GUIDialog_Feedback* feedback = new GUIDialog_Feedback(this);
    1719            0 :     feedback->create();
    1720            0 :     feedback->show(PLACEMENT_OWNER);
    1721            0 :     return 1;
    1722              : }
    1723              : 
    1724              : 
    1725              : long
    1726            0 : GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdAbout(FXObject*, FXSelector, void*) {
    1727            0 :     GUIDialog_AboutSUMO* about = new GUIDialog_AboutSUMO(this);
    1728            0 :     about->create();
    1729            0 :     about->show(PLACEMENT_OWNER);
    1730            0 :     return 1;
    1731              : }
    1732              : 
    1733              : 
    1734              : long
    1735            0 : GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdHallOfFame(FXObject*, FXSelector, void*) {
    1736            0 :     GUIDialog_HallOfFame* hall = new GUIDialog_HallOfFame(this);
    1737            0 :     hall->create();
    1738            0 :     hall->show(PLACEMENT_OWNER);
    1739            0 :     return 1;
    1740              : }
    1741              : 
    1742              : 
    1743            0 : long GUIApplicationWindow::onClipboardRequest(FXObject* /* sender */, FXSelector /* sel */, void* ptr) {
    1744              :     FXEvent* event = (FXEvent*)ptr;
    1745            0 :     FXString string = GUIUserIO::clipped.c_str();
    1746            0 :     setDNDData(FROM_CLIPBOARD, event->target, string);
    1747            0 :     return 1;
    1748            0 : }
    1749              : 
    1750              : 
    1751              : long
    1752        56812 : GUIApplicationWindow::onLoadThreadEvent(FXObject*, FXSelector, void*) {
    1753        56812 :     eventOccurred();
    1754        56809 :     return 1;
    1755              : }
    1756              : 
    1757              : 
    1758              : long
    1759      4956390 : GUIApplicationWindow::onRunThreadEvent(FXObject*, FXSelector, void*) {
    1760      4956390 :     eventOccurred();
    1761      4956390 :     return 1;
    1762              : }
    1763              : 
    1764              : 
    1765              : void
    1766      5013202 : GUIApplicationWindow::eventOccurred() {
    1767     10964072 :     while (!myEvents.empty()) {
    1768              :         // get the next event
    1769      5950873 :         GUIEvent* e =;
    1770      5950873 :         myEvents.pop();
    1771              :         // process
    1772      5950873 :         switch (e->getOwnType()) {
    1773         7597 :             case GUIEventType::SIMULATION_LOADED:
    1774         7597 :                 handleEvent_SimulationLoaded(e);
    1775         7594 :                 setFocus();
    1776         7594 :                 break;
    1777      5861108 :             case GUIEventType::SIMULATION_STEP:
    1778      5861108 :                 if (myRunThread->networkAvailable()) { // avoid race-condition related crash if reload was pressed
    1779      5861108 :                     handleEvent_SimulationStep(e);
    1780              :                 }
    1781              :                 break;
    1782        75513 :             case GUIEventType::MESSAGE_OCCURRED:
    1783              :             case GUIEventType::WARNING_OCCURRED:
    1784              :             case GUIEventType::ERROR_OCCURRED:
    1785              :             case GUIEventType::DEBUG_OCCURRED:
    1786              :             case GUIEventType::GLDEBUG_OCCURRED:
    1787              :             case GUIEventType::STATUS_OCCURRED:
    1788        75513 :                 handleEvent_Message(e);
    1789        75513 :                 break;
    1790              :             case GUIEventType::ADD_VIEW: {
    1791            0 :                 GUIEvent_AddView* ave = dynamic_cast<GUIEvent_AddView*>(e);
    1792            0 :                 auto v = openNewView(ave->in3D() ? GUISUMOViewParent::VIEW_3D_OSG : GUISUMOViewParent::VIEW_2D_OPENGL, ave->getCaption());
    1793            0 :                 if (ave->getSchemeName() != "") {
    1794            0 :                     MFXComboBoxIcon* sCombo = v->getColoringSchemesCombo();
    1795            0 :                     int index = sCombo->findItem(ave->getSchemeName().c_str());
    1796            0 :                     if (index >= 0) {
    1797            0 :                         sCombo->setCurrentItem(index);
    1798              :                     }
    1799            0 :                     v->setColorScheme(ave->getSchemeName());
    1800              :                 }
    1801              :                 break;
    1802              :             }
    1803              :             case GUIEventType::CLOSE_VIEW: {
    1804            0 :                 GUIEvent_CloseView* ave = dynamic_cast<GUIEvent_CloseView*>(e);
    1805            0 :                 removeViewByID(ave->getCaption());
    1806            0 :                 break;
    1807              :             }
    1808         6655 :             case GUIEventType::SIMULATION_ENDED:
    1809         6655 :                 handleEvent_SimulationEnded(e);
    1810         6655 :                 break;
    1811              :             default:
    1812              :                 break;
    1813              :         }
    1814      5950870 :         delete e;
    1815              :     }
    1816      5013199 :     myToolBar2->forceRefresh();
    1817      5013199 :     myToolBar3->forceRefresh();
    1818      5013199 : }
    1819              : 
    1820              : 
    1821              : void
    1822         7597 : GUIApplicationWindow::handleEvent_SimulationLoaded(GUIEvent* e) {
    1823         7597 :     myAmLoading = false;
    1824              :     GUIEvent_SimulationLoaded* ec = static_cast<GUIEvent_SimulationLoaded*>(e);
    1825              :     // check whether the loading was successfull
    1826         7597 :     if (ec->myNet == nullptr) {
    1827              :         // report failure
    1828          554 :         setStatusBarText(TLF("Loading of '%' failed!", ec->myFile));
    1829          277 :         if (GUIGlobals::gQuitOnEnd) {
    1830          277 :             closeAllWindows();
    1831          277 :             getApp()->exit(1);
    1832              :         }
    1833              :     } else {
    1834              :         // initialise simulation thread
    1835         7320 :         if (!myRunThread->init(ec->myNet, ec->myBegin, ec->myEnd)) {
    1836          170 :             if (GUIGlobals::gQuitOnEnd) {
    1837          170 :                 closeAllWindows();
    1838          170 :                 getApp()->exit(1);
    1839              :             }
    1840              :         } else {
    1841              :             // report success
    1842        14300 :             setStatusBarText(TLF("'%' loaded.", ec->myFile));
    1843         7150 :             setWindowSizeAndPos();
    1844         7150 :             myWasStarted = false;
    1845         7150 :             myHaveNotifiedAboutSimEnd = false;
    1846              :             // initialise views
    1847         7150 :             myViewNumber = 0;
    1848         7150 :             const GUISUMOViewParent::ViewType defaultType = ec->myOsgView ? GUISUMOViewParent::VIEW_3D_OSG : GUISUMOViewParent::VIEW_2D_OPENGL;
    1849              :             // check/record settings file modification time
    1850         7150 :             long long mTime = myGuiSettingsFileMTime;
    1851         7150 :             if (ec->mySettingsFiles.size() > 0) {
    1852           69 :                 for (std::string fname : ec->mySettingsFiles) {
    1853           35 :                     mTime = MAX2(mTime, SysUtils::getModifiedTime(fname));
    1854              :                 }
    1855              :             }
    1856              :             // always reload if settings were modified or to restore multiple views
    1857         7150 :             if (!myIsReload) {
    1858              :                 gSchemeStorage.clearDecals();
    1859              :             }
    1860         7150 :             if (ec->mySettingsFiles.size() > 0 && (!myIsReload || myGuiSettingsFileMTime < mTime || ec->mySettingsFiles.size() > 1)) {
    1861              :                 // open a view for each file and apply settings
    1862           69 :                 for (std::string fname : ec->mySettingsFiles) {
    1863           35 :                     GUISettingsHandler settings(fname);
    1864              :                     GUISUMOViewParent::ViewType vt = defaultType;
    1865           35 :                     if (settings.getViewType() == "osg" || settings.getViewType() == "3d") {
    1866              :                         vt = GUISUMOViewParent::VIEW_3D_OSG;
    1867              :                     }
    1868           35 :                     if (settings.getViewType() == "opengl" || settings.getViewType() == "2d") {
    1869              :                         vt = GUISUMOViewParent::VIEW_2D_OPENGL;
    1870              :                     }
    1871           35 :                     GUISUMOAbstractView* view = openNewView(vt);
    1872           35 :                     if (view == nullptr) {
    1873              :                         break;
    1874              :                     }
    1875           35 :                     if (settings.getSettingName() != "") {
    1876           35 :                         view->setColorScheme(settings.getSettingName());
    1877           35 :                         MFXComboBoxIcon* sCombo = view->getColoringSchemesCombo();
    1878           35 :                         int index = sCombo->findItem(settings.getSettingName().c_str());
    1879           35 :                         if (index >= 0) {
    1880           32 :                             sCombo->setCurrentItem(index);
    1881              :                         }
    1882              :                     }
    1883           35 :                     view->addDecals(settings.getDecals());
    1884           35 :                     settings.applyViewport(view);
    1885           35 :                     settings.setSnapshots(view);
    1886           35 :                     if (settings.getDelay() > 0.) {
    1887            5 :                         mySimDelay = settings.getDelay();
    1888              :                     }
    1889           35 :                     if (settings.getBreakpoints().size() > 0) {
    1890            0 :                         myRunThread->getBreakpointLock().lock();
    1891            0 :                         myRunThread->getBreakpoints().assign(settings.getBreakpoints().begin(), settings.getBreakpoints().end());
    1892            0 :                         myRunThread->getBreakpointLock().unlock();
    1893              :                     }
    1894           35 :                     myJamSounds = settings.getEventDistribution("jam");
    1895           70 :                     myCollisionSounds = settings.getEventDistribution("collision");
    1896           35 :                     if (settings.getJamSoundTime() > 0) {
    1897            0 :                         myJamSoundTime = settings.getJamSoundTime();
    1898              :                     }
    1899           35 :                 }
    1900              :             } else {
    1901        14231 :                 openNewView(defaultType);
    1902              :             }
    1903         7149 :             myGuiSettingsFileMTime = mTime;
    1904        14298 :             if (!OptionsCont::getOptions().isDefault("delay")) {
    1905            3 :                 setDelay(OptionsCont::getOptions().getFloat("delay"));
    1906            1 :                 mySimDelaySlider->setValue((int)mySimDelay);
    1907            1 :                 mySimDelaySpinner->setValue(mySimDelay);
    1908              :             }
    1909        14294 :             if (!OptionsCont::getOptions().isDefault("breakpoints") && !myIsReload) {
    1910              :                 std::vector<SUMOTime> breakpoints;
    1911            0 :                 for (const std::string& val : OptionsCont::getOptions().getStringVector("breakpoints")) {
    1912            0 :                     SUMOTime t = string2time(val);
    1913              :                     // round down to nearest reachable time step
    1914            0 :                     t -= t % DELTA_T;
    1915            0 :                     breakpoints.push_back(t);
    1916              :                 }
    1917            0 :                 std::sort(breakpoints.begin(), breakpoints.end());
    1918            0 :                 myRunThread->getBreakpointLock().lock();
    1919            0 :                 myRunThread->getBreakpoints().assign(breakpoints.begin(), breakpoints.end());
    1920            0 :                 myRunThread->getBreakpointLock().unlock();
    1921            0 :             }
    1922        14294 :             if (!OptionsCont::getOptions().isDefault("selection-file")) {
    1923            0 :                 delete myDynamicSelection;
    1924            0 :                 myDynamicSelection = new std::stringstream();
    1925            0 :                 std::string msg = gSelected.load(OptionsCont::getOptions().getString("selection-file"), GLO_MAX, myDynamicSelection);
    1926            0 :                 if (msg != "") {
    1927            0 :                     WRITE_ERRORF("Errors while loading selection: %", msg.c_str());
    1928              :                 }
    1929            0 :                 if (!myDynamicSelection->str().empty()) {
    1930              :                     std::string dummy;
    1931              :                     int numNotFound = 0;
    1932            0 :                     while (myDynamicSelection->good()) {
    1933            0 :                         (*myDynamicSelection) >> dummy;
    1934            0 :                         numNotFound++;
    1935              :                     }
    1936            0 :                     myDynamicSelection->clear(); // first clear error state before seek works
    1937            0 :                     myDynamicSelection->seekg(0);
    1938              :                     // @note for some reason the last line is read twice
    1939            0 :                     WRITE_MESSAGEF("% dynamic objects not present while loading selection", numNotFound - 1);
    1940              :                 }
    1941              :             }
    1942         7147 :             myTLSGame = OptionsCont::getOptions().getString("game.mode") == "tls";
    1943        14294 :             if (OptionsCont::getOptions().getBool("game")) {
    1944            0 :                 if (myTLSGame) {
    1945            0 :                     setTitle(TL("SUMO Interactive Traffic Light"));
    1946              :                 } else {
    1947            0 :                     setTitle(TL("SUMO Interactive Demand-Responsive-Transport"));
    1948              :                 }
    1949            0 :                 onCmdGaming(nullptr, 0, nullptr);
    1950              :             } else {
    1951              :                 // set simulation name on the caption
    1952         7147 :                 setTitle(MFXUtils::getTitleText("SUMO " VERSION_STRING, ec->myFile.c_str()));
    1953              :             }
    1954         7147 :             if (ec->myViewportFromRegistry) {
    1955              :                 Position off;
    1956            0 :                 off.set(getApp()->reg().readRealEntry("viewport", "x"),
    1957              :                         getApp()->reg().readRealEntry("viewport", "y"),
    1958              :                         getApp()->reg().readRealEntry("viewport", "z"));
    1959              :                 Position p(off.x(), off.y(), 0);
    1960            0 :                 GUISUMOAbstractView* view = myGLWindows[0]->getView();
    1961            0 :                 view->setViewportFromToRot(off, p, 0);
    1962              :             }
    1963              :             // set simulation step begin information
    1964         7147 :             myLCDLabel->setText("----------------");
    1965        28588 :             for (std::vector<FXButton*>::const_iterator it = myStatButtons.begin(); it != myStatButtons.end(); ++it) {
    1966        21441 :                 (*it)->setText("-");
    1967              :             }
    1968              :             // initialize scale from options unless already set in the UI
    1969         7147 :             if (myDemandScaleSpinner->getValue() == 1 || !OptionsCont::getOptions().isDefault("scale")) {
    1970        14294 :                 myDemandScaleSpinner->setValue(OptionsCont::getOptions().getFloat("scale"));
    1971              :             }
    1972         7147 :             myRunThread->getNet().getVehicleControl().setScale(myDemandScaleSpinner->getValue());
    1973              :         }
    1974              :     }
    1975         7594 :     getApp()->endWaitCursor();
    1976              :     // start if wished
    1977         7594 :     if (GUIGlobals::gRunAfterLoad && ec->myNet != nullptr && myRunThread->simulationIsStartable()) {
    1978         7147 :         onCmdStart(nullptr, 0, nullptr);
    1979              :     }
    1980         7594 :     update();
    1981         7594 : }
    1982              : 
    1983              : 
    1984              : void
    1985      5861151 : GUIApplicationWindow::handleEvent_SimulationStep(GUIEvent*) {
    1986              : #ifdef WIN32
    1987              :     long t = SysUtils::getCurrentMillis();
    1988              :     // only skip if the simulation is running
    1989              :     if (t - myLastStepEventMillis < MIN_DRAW_DELAY && myRunThread->simulationIsStopable()) {
    1990              :         // do not try to redraw with more than 50FPS (#6371)
    1991              :         return;
    1992              :     }
    1993              :     myLastStepEventMillis = t;
    1994              : #endif
    1995      5861151 :     updateTimeLCD(myRunThread->getNet().getCurrentTimeStep());
    1996      5861151 :     const int running = myRunThread->getNet().getVehicleControl().getRunningVehicleNo();
    1997      5861151 :     const int backlog = myRunThread->getNet().getInsertionControl().getWaitingVehicleNo();
    1998      5861151 :     if (backlog > running) {
    1999       516500 :         if (myStatButtons.front()->getIcon() == GUIIconSubSys::getIcon(GUIIcon::GREENVEHICLE)) {
    2000         1373 :             myStatButtons.front()->setIcon(GUIIconSubSys::getIcon(GUIIcon::YELLOWVEHICLE));
    2001              :         }
    2002              :     } else {
    2003      5344651 :         if (myStatButtons.front()->getIcon() == GUIIconSubSys::getIcon(GUIIcon::YELLOWVEHICLE)) {
    2004         1267 :             myStatButtons.front()->setIcon(GUIIconSubSys::getIcon(GUIIcon::GREENVEHICLE));
    2005              :         }
    2006              :     }
    2007      5861151 :     myStatButtons.front()->setText(toString(running).c_str());
    2008      5861151 :     if (myRunThread->getNet().hasPersons()) {
    2009      1099314 :         if (!myStatButtons[1]->shown()) {
    2010         1397 :             myStatButtons[1]->show();
    2011              :         }
    2012      2198628 :         myStatButtons[1]->setText(toString(myRunThread->getNet().getPersonControl().getRunningNumber()).c_str());
    2013              :     }
    2014      5861151 :     if (myRunThread->getNet().hasContainers()) {
    2015       107349 :         if (!myStatButtons[2]->shown()) {
    2016          164 :             myStatButtons[2]->show();
    2017              :         }
    2018       214698 :         myStatButtons[2]->setText(toString(myRunThread->getNet().getContainerControl().getRunningNumber()).c_str());
    2019              :     }
    2020      5861151 :     if (myAmGaming) {
    2021            0 :         if (myTLSGame) {
    2022            0 :             checkGamingEvents();
    2023              :         } else {
    2024            0 :             checkGamingEventsDRT();
    2025              :         }
    2026              :     }
    2027      5861151 :     if (myRunThread->simulationIsStartable()) {
    2028       479069 :         getApp()->forceRefresh(); // restores keyboard focus
    2029              :     }
    2030              :     // try to load dynamic selection
    2031      5861151 :     if (myDynamicSelection != nullptr) {
    2032            0 :         std::stringstream tmp;
    2033            0 :         gSelected.load(*myDynamicSelection, GLO_MAX, &tmp);
    2034            0 :         if (tmp.str().empty()) {
    2035            0 :             delete myDynamicSelection;
    2036            0 :             myDynamicSelection = nullptr;
    2037              :         } else {
    2038            0 :             myDynamicSelection->str(tmp.str());
    2039            0 :             myDynamicSelection->clear(); // first clear error state before seek works
    2040            0 :             myDynamicSelection->seekg(0);
    2041              :         }
    2042            0 :     }
    2043      5861151 :     updateChildren();
    2044      5861151 :     update();
    2045      5861151 : }
    2046              : 
    2047              : 
    2048              : void
    2049        75513 : GUIApplicationWindow::handleEvent_Message(GUIEvent* e) {
    2050              :     GUIEvent_Message* ec = static_cast<GUIEvent_Message*>(e);
    2051        75513 :     if (ec->getOwnType() == GUIEventType::STATUS_OCCURRED) {
    2052         7595 :         setStatusBarText(ec->getMsg());
    2053              :     } else {
    2054        67918 :         myMessageWindow->appendMsg(ec->getOwnType(), ec->getMsg());
    2055              :     }
    2056        75513 : }
    2057              : 
    2058              : 
    2059              : void
    2060         6655 : GUIApplicationWindow::handleEvent_SimulationEnded(GUIEvent* e) {
    2061              :     GUIEvent_SimulationEnded* ec = static_cast<GUIEvent_SimulationEnded*>(e);
    2062         6655 :     onCmdStop(nullptr, 0, nullptr);
    2063         6655 :     if (ec->getReason() == MSNet::SIMSTATE_LOADING) {
    2064            0 :         onCmdReload(nullptr, 0, nullptr);
    2065         6655 :     } else if (GUIGlobals::gQuitOnEnd) {
    2066         6655 :         closeAllWindows();
    2067         6655 :         getApp()->exit(ec->getReason() == MSNet::SIMSTATE_ERROR_IN_SIM);
    2068            0 :     } else if (GUIGlobals::gDemoAutoReload) {
    2069            0 :         onCmdReload(nullptr, 1, nullptr);
    2070            0 :     } else if (!myHaveNotifiedAboutSimEnd) {
    2071              :         // GUIRunThread::deleteSim() triggers the final message to the log file
    2072              :         // (this will never reach the GUI but we cannot use WRITE_MESSAGE here
    2073              :         // to avoid a duplicate log entry)
    2074            0 :         myMessageWindow->appendMsg(GUIEventType::MESSAGE_OCCURRED,
    2075            0 :                                    TLF("Simulation ended at time: %. (%)",
    2076            0 :                                        time2string(ec->getTimeStep()), MSNet::getStateMessage(ec->getReason())) + "\n");
    2077              :         // build the text
    2078            0 :         const std::string text = TLF("Simulation ended at time: %.", time2string(ec->getTimeStep())) + "\n" +
    2079            0 :                                  TL("Reason:") + MSNet::getStateMessage(ec->getReason()) + "\n" +
    2080            0 :                                  TL("Do you want to close all open files and views?");
    2081            0 :         FXuint answer = FXMessageBox::question(this, MBOX_YES_NO, TL("Simulation ended"), "%s", text.c_str());
    2082            0 :         if (answer == 1) { //1:yes, 2:no, 4:esc
    2083            0 :             closeAllWindows();
    2084              :         } else {
    2085            0 :             GUINet::getGUIInstance()->flushOutputsAtEnd();
    2086            0 :             updateChildren();
    2087            0 :             update();
    2088              :         }
    2089            0 :         myHaveNotifiedAboutSimEnd = true;
    2090              :     }
    2091         6655 : }
    2092              : 
    2093              : 
    2094              : void
    2095            0 : GUIApplicationWindow::checkGamingEvents() {
    2096            0 :     MSVehicleControl& vc = MSNet::getInstance()->getVehicleControl();
    2097              :     MSVehicleControl::constVehIt it = vc.loadedVehBegin();
    2098              :     MSVehicleControl::constVehIt end = vc.loadedVehEnd();
    2099              : #ifdef HAVE_DANGEROUS_SOUNDS // disable user-configurable command execution for public build
    2100              :     if (myJamSounds.getOverallProb() > 0) {
    2101              :         // play honking sound if some vehicle is waiting too long
    2102              :         for (; it != end; ++it) {
    2103              :             // XXX use impatience instead of waiting time ?
    2104              :             if (it->second->getWaitingTime() > TIME2STEPS(myJamSoundTime)) {
    2105              :                 const std::string cmd = myJamSounds.get(&myGamingRNG);
    2106              :                 if (cmd != "") {
    2107              :                     // yay! fun with dangerous commands... Never use this over the internet
    2108              :                     SysUtils::runHiddenCommand(cmd);
    2109              :                     // one sound per simulation step is enough
    2110              :                     break;
    2111              :                 }
    2112              :             }
    2113              :         }
    2114              :     }
    2115              :     if (myCollisionSounds.getOverallProb() > 0) {
    2116              :         int collisions = MSNet::getInstance()->getVehicleControl().getCollisionCount();
    2117              :         if (myPreviousCollisionNumber != collisions) {
    2118              :             const std::string cmd = myCollisionSounds.get(&myGamingRNG);
    2119              :             if (cmd != "") {
    2120              :                 // yay! fun with dangerous commands... Never use this over the internet
    2121              :                 SysUtils::runHiddenCommand(cmd);
    2122              :             }
    2123              :             myPreviousCollisionNumber = collisions;
    2124              :         }
    2125              :     }
    2126              : #endif
    2127              :     // update performance indicators
    2128            0 :     for (it = vc.loadedVehBegin(); it != end; ++it) {
    2129            0 :         const MSVehicle* veh = dynamic_cast<MSVehicle*>(it->second);
    2130              :         assert(veh != 0);
    2131            0 :         if (veh->isOnRoad() && !veh->isStopped()) {
    2132            0 :             const double vmax = veh->getLane()->getVehicleMaxSpeed(veh);
    2133            0 :             if (veh->getSpeed() < SUMO_const_haltingSpeed) {
    2134            0 :                 myWaitingTime += DELTA_T;
    2135            0 :                 if (veh->getVClass() == SVC_EMERGENCY) {
    2136            0 :                     myEmergencyVehicleCount += DELTA_T;
    2137              :                 }
    2138              :             }
    2139            0 :             myTimeLoss += TIME2STEPS(TS * (vmax - veh->getSpeed()) / vmax); // may be negative with speedFactor > 1
    2140              :         }
    2141              : 
    2142              :     }
    2143            0 :     myWaitingTimeLabel->setText(time2string(myWaitingTime, myShowTimeAsHMS).c_str());
    2144            0 :     myTimeLossLabel->setText(time2string(myTimeLoss, myShowTimeAsHMS).c_str());
    2145            0 :     myEmergencyVehicleLabel->setText(time2string(myEmergencyVehicleCount, myShowTimeAsHMS).c_str());
    2146            0 : }
    2147              : 
    2148              : 
    2149              : void
    2150            0 : GUIApplicationWindow::checkGamingEventsDRT() {
    2151              :     // update performance indicators
    2152            0 :     MSTransportableControl& pc = myRunThread->getNet().getPersonControl();
    2153            0 :     myWaitingTime += pc.getWaitingForVehicleNumber() * DELTA_T;
    2154            0 :     myWaitingTimeLabel->setText(time2string(myWaitingTime).c_str());
    2155              : 
    2156            0 :     MSVehicleControl& vc = MSNet::getInstance()->getVehicleControl();
    2157              :     MSVehicleControl::constVehIt end = vc.loadedVehEnd();
    2158            0 :     for (auto it = vc.loadedVehBegin(); it != end; ++it) {
    2159            0 :         const MSVehicle* veh = dynamic_cast<MSVehicle*>(it->second);
    2160              :         assert(veh != 0);
    2161            0 :         if (veh->isOnRoad() && !veh->isStopped()) {
    2162            0 :             myTotalDistance += SPEED2DIST(veh->getSpeed());
    2163              :         }
    2164              :     }
    2165            0 :     myTotalDistanceLabel->setText(toString(myTotalDistance / 100).c_str());
    2166            0 : }
    2167              : 
    2168              : 
    2169              : void
    2170         7597 : GUIApplicationWindow::loadConfigOrNet(const std::string& file) {
    2171         7597 :     if (!myAmLoading) {
    2172         7597 :         storeWindowSizeAndPos();
    2173         7597 :         getApp()->beginWaitCursor();
    2174         7597 :         myAmLoading = true;
    2175         7597 :         myIsReload = false;
    2176         7597 :         closeAllWindows();
    2177         7597 :         gSchemeStorage.saveViewport(0, 0, -1, 0); // recenter view
    2178         7597 :         myLoadThread->loadConfigOrNet(file);
    2179        15194 :         setStatusBarText(TLF("Loading '%'.", file));
    2180         7597 :         update();
    2181              :     }
    2182         7597 : }
    2183              : 
    2184              : 
    2185              : GUISUMOAbstractView*
    2186         7151 : GUIApplicationWindow::openNewView(GUISUMOViewParent::ViewType vt, std::string caption) {
    2187         7151 :     if (!myRunThread->networkAvailable()) {
    2188            0 :         myStatusbar->getStatusLine()->setText(TL("No simulation loaded!"));
    2189            0 :         return nullptr;
    2190              :     }
    2191              :     GUISUMOAbstractView* oldView = nullptr;
    2192         7151 :     if (myMDIClient->numChildren() > 0) {
    2193            1 :         GUISUMOViewParent* w = dynamic_cast<GUISUMOViewParent*>(myMDIClient->getActiveChild());
    2194            1 :         if (w != nullptr) {
    2195            1 :             oldView = w->getView();
    2196              :         }
    2197              :     }
    2198         7151 :     if (caption == "") {
    2199        21453 :         caption = "View #" + toString(myViewNumber++);
    2200              :     }
    2201              :     FXuint opts = MDI_TRACKING;
    2202        14302 :     GUISUMOViewParent* w = new GUISUMOViewParent(myMDIClient, myMDIMenu, FXString(caption.c_str()),
    2203         7151 :             this, GUIIconSubSys::getIcon(GUIIcon::SUMO_MINI), opts, 10, 10, 200, 100);
    2204         7151 :     GUISUMOAbstractView* v = w->init(getBuildGLCanvas(), myRunThread->getNet(), vt);
    2205         7151 :     if (oldView != nullptr) {
    2206              :         // copy viewport
    2207            1 :         oldView->copyViewportTo(v);
    2208              :     }
    2209         7151 :     w->create();
    2210         7150 :     if (myMDIClient->numChildren() == 1) {
    2211         7149 :         w->maximize();
    2212              :     } else {
    2213            1 :         myMDIClient->vertical(true);
    2214              :     }
    2215         7150 :     myMDIClient->setActiveChild(w);
    2216              : 
    2217         7150 :     return v;
    2218              : }
    2219              : 
    2220              : 
    2221              : FXGLCanvas*
    2222         7151 : GUIApplicationWindow::getBuildGLCanvas() const {
    2223         7151 :     if (myMDIClient->numChildren() == 0) {
    2224              :         return nullptr;
    2225              :     }
    2226              :     GUISUMOViewParent* share_tmp1 =
    2227         7151 :         static_cast<GUISUMOViewParent*>(myMDIClient->childAtIndex(0));
    2228         7151 :     return share_tmp1->getBuildGLCanvas();
    2229              : }
    2230              : 
    2231              : 
    2232              : void
    2233        22279 : GUIApplicationWindow::closeAllWindows() {
    2234        22279 :     myTrackerLock.lock();
    2235        22279 :     myLCDLabel->setText("----------------");
    2236        89116 :     for (std::vector<FXButton*>::const_iterator it = myStatButtons.begin(); it != myStatButtons.end(); ++it) {
    2237        66837 :         (*it)->setText("-");
    2238        66837 :         if (it != myStatButtons.begin()) {
    2239        44558 :             (*it)->hide();
    2240              :         }
    2241              :     }
    2242              :     // delete the simulation
    2243        22279 :     myRunThread->deleteSim();
    2244              :     // reset the caption
    2245        22279 :     setTitle(MFXUtils::getTitleText("SUMO " VERSION_STRING));
    2246              :     // remove trackers and other external windows (must be delayed until deleteSim)
    2247        51692 :     while (!myGLWindows.empty()) {
    2248         7134 :         delete myGLWindows.front();
    2249              :     }
    2250              :     // make a copy because deleting modifyes the vector;
    2251        22279 :     std::vector<FXMainWindow*> trackerWindows = myTrackerWindows;
    2252        22279 :     for (FXMainWindow* const window : trackerWindows) {
    2253            0 :         delete window;
    2254              :     }
    2255              :     myTrackerWindows.clear();
    2256              :     // clear selected items
    2257        22279 :     gSelected.clear();
    2258              :     // add a separator to the log
    2259        22279 :     myMessageWindow->addSeparator();
    2260        22279 :     myTrackerLock.unlock();
    2261              :     // remove coordinate information
    2262        22279 :     myGeoCoordinate->setText(TL("N/A"));
    2263        22279 :     myCartesianCoordinate->setText(TL("N/A"));
    2264        22279 :     if (myTestCoordinate) {
    2265            0 :         myTestCoordinate->setText(TL("N/A"));
    2266              :     }
    2267              :     //
    2268        22279 :     GUITexturesHelper::clearTextures();
    2269        22279 :     GLHelper::resetFont();
    2270        22279 :     update();
    2271        22279 : }
    2272              : 
    2273              : 
    2274              : FXCursor*
    2275            0 : GUIApplicationWindow::getDefaultCursor() {
    2276            0 :     return getApp()->getDefaultCursor(DEF_ARROW_CURSOR);
    2277              : }
    2278              : 
    2279              : 
    2280              : SUMOTime
    2281            0 : GUIApplicationWindow::getCurrentSimTime() const {
    2282            0 :     return myRunThread->getNet().getCurrentTimeStep();
    2283              : }
    2284              : 
    2285              : 
    2286              : double
    2287            0 : GUIApplicationWindow::getTrackerInterval() const {
    2288            0 :     return GUIGlobals::gTrackerInterval;
    2289              : }
    2290              : 
    2291              : 
    2292              : void
    2293         7597 : GUIApplicationWindow::loadOnStartup(const bool wait) {
    2294         7597 :     loadConfigOrNet("");
    2295         7597 :     if (wait) {
    2296         1097 :         while (myAmLoading) {
    2297          602 :             myRunThread->sleep(50);
    2298              :         }
    2299              :     }
    2300         7597 : }
    2301              : 
    2302              : 
    2303              : void
    2304        30216 : GUIApplicationWindow::setStatusBarText(const std::string& text) {
    2305        30216 :     myStatusbar->getStatusLine()->setText(text.c_str());
    2306        30216 :     myStatusbar->getStatusLine()->setNormalText(text.c_str());
    2307        30216 : }
    2308              : 
    2309              : 
    2310              : void
    2311         7302 : GUIApplicationWindow::addRecentNetwork(const FX::FXString& f) {
    2312         7302 :     myRecentNetworks.appendFile(f);
    2313         7302 : }
    2314              : 
    2315              : 
    2316              : void
    2317          293 : GUIApplicationWindow::addRecentConfig(const FX::FXString& f) {
    2318          293 :     myRecentConfigs.appendFile(f);
    2319          293 : }
    2320              : 
    2321              : 
    2322              : void
    2323         7597 : GUIApplicationWindow::updateTimeLCDTooltip() {
    2324         7597 :     if (myShowTimeAsHMS) {
    2325            0 :         myLCDLabel->setToolTipText("HH:MM:SS");
    2326            0 :         if (myAmGaming) {
    2327            0 :             myWaitingTimeLabel->setToolTipText("HH:MM:SS");
    2328            0 :             myTimeLossLabel->setToolTipText("HH:MM:SS");
    2329            0 :             myEmergencyVehicleLabel->setToolTipText("HH:MM:SS");
    2330              :         }
    2331              :     } else {
    2332         7597 :         myLCDLabel->setToolTipText(TL("seconds"));
    2333         7597 :         if (myAmGaming) {
    2334            0 :             myWaitingTimeLabel->setToolTipText(TL("seconds"));
    2335            0 :             myTimeLossLabel->setToolTipText(TL("seconds"));
    2336            0 :             myEmergencyVehicleLabel->setToolTipText(TL("seconds"));
    2337              :         }
    2338              :     }
    2339         7597 : }
    2340              : 
    2341              : 
    2342              : void
    2343      5861151 : GUIApplicationWindow::updateTimeLCD(SUMOTime time) {
    2344      5861151 :     time -= DELTA_T; // synchronize displayed time with netstate output
    2345      5861151 :     if (time < 0) {
    2346            4 :         myLCDLabel->setText("----------------");
    2347            4 :         return;
    2348              :     }
    2349      5861147 :     if (myAmGaming) {
    2350              :         // show time counting backwards
    2351            0 :         time = myRunThread->getSimEndTime() - time;
    2352              :     }
    2353      5861147 :     std::ostringstream str;
    2354              :     str << std::setfill('0');
    2355      5861147 :     const bool hideFraction = myAmGaming || DELTA_T % 1000 == 0;
    2356      5861147 :     if (myShowTimeAsHMS) {
    2357            0 :         SUMOTime day = time / 86400000;
    2358            0 :         if (day > 0) {
    2359            0 :             str << day << '-';
    2360            0 :             time %= 86400000;
    2361              :         }
    2362              :         str << std::setw(2);
    2363            0 :         str << time / 3600000 << '-';
    2364            0 :         time %= 3600000;
    2365            0 :         str << std::setw(2) << time / 60000 << '-';
    2366            0 :         time %= 60000;
    2367              :     }
    2368      5861147 :     str << std::setw(2) << time / 1000;
    2369      5861147 :     if (!hideFraction) {
    2370      1480579 :         str << '.' << std::setw(3) << time % 1000;
    2371              :     }
    2372      5861147 :     myLCDLabel->setText(str.str().c_str());
    2373      5861147 : }
    2374              : 
    2375              : 
    2376              : void
    2377            0 : GUIApplicationWindow::addHotkey(int key, Command* press, Command* release) {
    2378            0 :     if (press != nullptr) {
    2379            0 :         myHotkeyPress[key] = press;
    2380              :     }
    2381            0 :     if (release != nullptr) {
    2382            0 :         myHotkeyRelease[key] = release;
    2383              :     }
    2384            0 : }
    2385              : 
    2386              : 
    2387              : long
    2388            0 : GUIApplicationWindow::onKeyPress(FXObject* o, FXSelector sel, void* ptr) {
    2389              :     FXEvent* e = (FXEvent*) ptr;
    2390              :     // PgUp and PgDown switch between widgets by default and binding them via menu shortcuts does not work reliably
    2391              :     // so we must intercept them before FXMainWindow can handle it
    2392            0 :     if (e->code == FX::KEY_Page_Up) {
    2393            0 :         onCmdDelayInc(nullptr, 0, nullptr);
    2394            0 :     } else if (e->code == FX::KEY_Page_Down) {
    2395            0 :         onCmdDelayDec(nullptr, 0, nullptr);
    2396              :     } else {
    2397              :         // disable hotkeys without modifiers for the game
    2398            0 :         const bool ignoreSimple = myAmGaming && (e->state & (CONTROLMASK | SHIFTMASK | ALTMASK)) == 0;
    2399            0 :         const long handled = ignoreSimple ? 0 : FXMainWindow::onKeyPress(o, sel, ptr);
    2400            0 :         if (handled == 0 && myMDIClient->numChildren() > 0) {
    2401              :             auto it = myHotkeyPress.find(e->code);
    2402            0 :             if (it != myHotkeyPress.end()) {
    2403            0 :                 it->second->execute(SIMSTEP);
    2404              :             }
    2405            0 :             if (!ignoreSimple) {
    2406            0 :                 GUISUMOViewParent* w = dynamic_cast<GUISUMOViewParent*>(myMDIClient->getActiveChild());
    2407            0 :                 if (w != nullptr) {
    2408            0 :                     w->onKeyPress(nullptr, sel, ptr);
    2409              :                 }
    2410              :             }
    2411              :         }
    2412              :     }
    2413            0 :     return 0;
    2414              : }
    2415              : 
    2416              : 
    2417              : long
    2418            0 : GUIApplicationWindow::onKeyRelease(FXObject* o, FXSelector sel, void* ptr) {
    2419            0 :     const long handled = FXMainWindow::onKeyRelease(o, sel, ptr);
    2420            0 :     if (handled == 0 && myMDIClient->numChildren() > 0) {
    2421              :         FXEvent* e = (FXEvent*) ptr;
    2422              :         auto it = myHotkeyRelease.find(e->code);
    2423            0 :         if (it != myHotkeyRelease.end()) {
    2424            0 :             it->second->execute(SIMSTEP);
    2425              :         }
    2426            0 :         GUISUMOViewParent* w = dynamic_cast<GUISUMOViewParent*>(myMDIClient->getActiveChild());
    2427            0 :         if (w != nullptr) {
    2428            0 :             w->onKeyRelease(nullptr, sel, ptr);
    2429              :         }
    2430              :     }
    2431            0 :     return 0;
    2432              : }
    2433              : 
    2434              : 
    2435              : double
    2436            0 : GUIApplicationWindow::getDelay() const {
    2437            0 :     return mySimDelay;
    2438              : }
    2439              : 
    2440              : 
    2441              : void
    2442            1 : GUIApplicationWindow::setDelay(double delay) {
    2443            1 :     mySimDelay = delay;
    2444            1 : }
    2445              : 
    2446              : 
    2447              : void
    2448            0 : GUIApplicationWindow::sendBlockingEvent(GUIEvent* event) {
    2449            0 :     myEventMutex.lock();
    2450            0 :     myEvents.push_back(event);
    2451            0 :     myRunThreadEvent.signal();
    2452              :     //myEventCondition.wait(myEventMutex);
    2453            0 :     myEventMutex.unlock();
    2454            0 : }
    2455              : 
    2456              : 
    2457              : void
    2458            0 : GUIApplicationWindow::setBreakpoints(const std::vector<SUMOTime>& breakpoints) {
    2459            0 :     if (myRunThread != nullptr) {
    2460            0 :         myRunThread->getBreakpointLock().lock();
    2461            0 :         myRunThread->getBreakpoints().assign(breakpoints.begin(), breakpoints.end());
    2462            0 :         myRunThread->getBreakpointLock().unlock();
    2463            0 :         updateChildren(MID_TIMELINK_BREAKPOINT);
    2464              :     }
    2465            0 : }
    2466              : 
    2467              : 
    2468              : void
    2469            0 : GUIApplicationWindow::addBreakpoint(SUMOTime time) {
    2470            0 :     const SUMOTime begin = string2time(OptionsCont::getOptions().getString("begin"));
    2471            0 :     if (time >= begin) {
    2472              :         // ensure breakpoint is valid
    2473            0 :         time -= (time - begin) % DELTA_T;
    2474            0 :         std::vector<SUMOTime> breakpoints = retrieveBreakpoints();
    2475            0 :         if (std::find(breakpoints.begin(), breakpoints.end(), time) == breakpoints.end()) {
    2476            0 :             breakpoints.push_back(time);
    2477            0 :             std::sort(breakpoints.begin(), breakpoints.end());
    2478            0 :             setBreakpoints(breakpoints);
    2479            0 :             setStatusBarText(TLF("Set breakpoint at %", time2string(time)));
    2480              :         }
    2481            0 :     }
    2482            0 : }
    2483              : 
    2484              : 
    2485              : const std::vector<SUMOTime>
    2486            0 : GUIApplicationWindow::retrieveBreakpoints() const {
    2487            0 :     myRunThread->getBreakpointLock().lock();
    2488            0 :     std::vector<SUMOTime> result = myRunThread->getBreakpoints();
    2489            0 :     myRunThread->getBreakpointLock().unlock();
    2490            0 :     return result;
    2491            0 : }
    2492              : 
    2493              : 
    2494              : void
    2495            0 : GUIApplicationWindow::eraseBreakpointDialog() {
    2496            0 :     myBreakpointDialog = nullptr;
    2497            0 : }
    2498              : 
    2499              : /****************************************************************************/

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