LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - src/gui - GUIRunThread.cpp (source / functions) Coverage Total Hit
Test: Lines: 88.7 % 186 165
Test Date: 2024-12-21 15:45:41 Functions: 95.0 % 20 19

            Line data    Source code
       1              : /****************************************************************************/
       2              : // Eclipse SUMO, Simulation of Urban MObility; see
       3              : // Copyright (C) 2001-2024 German Aerospace Center (DLR) and others.
       4              : // This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
       5              : // terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
       6              : //
       7              : // This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary
       8              : // Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the Eclipse
       9              : // Public License 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License, version 2
      10              : // or later which is available at
      11              : //
      12              : // SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0-or-later
      13              : /****************************************************************************/
      14              : /// @file    GUIRunThread.cpp
      15              : /// @author  Daniel Krajzewicz
      16              : /// @author  Jakob Erdmann
      17              : /// @author  Michael Behrisch
      18              : /// @date    Sept 2002
      19              : ///
      20              : // The thread that runs the simulation
      21              : /****************************************************************************/
      22              : #include <config.h>
      23              : 
      24              : #include <cassert>
      25              : #include <string>
      26              : #include <iostream>
      27              : #include <algorithm>
      28              : 
      29              : #include <guisim/GUINet.h>
      30              : #include <utils/gui/events/GUIEvent_Message.h>
      31              : #include <utils/gui/events/GUIEvent_SimulationStep.h>
      32              : #include "GUIEvent_SimulationEnded.h"
      33              : #include "GUIApplicationWindow.h"
      34              : #include "GUIRunThread.h"
      35              : #include "GUIGlobals.h"
      36              : #include <microsim/MSVehicleControl.h>
      37              : #include <utils/options/OptionsCont.h>
      38              : #include <utils/options/OptionsIO.h>
      39              : #include <utils/common/SysUtils.h>
      40              : #include <utils/common/MsgRetrievingFunction.h>
      41              : #include <utils/common/MsgHandler.h>
      42              : #include <utils/common/UtilExceptions.h>
      43              : #include <utils/iodevices/OutputDevice.h>
      44              : #include <traci-server/TraCIServer.h>
      45              : #include <libsumo/Simulation.h>
      46              : 
      47              : 
      48              : // ===========================================================================
      49              : // member method definitions
      50              : // ===========================================================================
      51         7597 : GUIRunThread::GUIRunThread(FXApp* app, MFXInterThreadEventClient* parent, double& simDelay,
      52         7597 :                            MFXSynchQue<GUIEvent*>& eq, FXEX::MFXThreadEvent& ev) :
      53              :     MFXSingleEventThread(app, parent),
      54         7597 :     myNet(nullptr),
      55         7597 :     myHalting(true),
      56         7597 :     myQuit(false),
      57         7597 :     mySimulationInProgress(false),
      58         7597 :     myOk(true),
      59         7597 :     myHaveSignaledEnd(false),
      60         7597 :     mySimDelay(simDelay),
      61         7597 :     myEventQue(eq),
      62         7597 :     myEventThrow(ev),
      63         7597 :     myLastEndMillis(-1),
      64         7597 :     myLastBreakMillis(0),
      65         7597 :     myAmLibsumo(false) {
      66         7597 :     myErrorRetriever = new MsgRetrievingFunction<GUIRunThread>(this, &GUIRunThread::retrieveMessage, MsgHandler::MsgType::MT_ERROR);
      67         7597 :     myMessageRetriever = new MsgRetrievingFunction<GUIRunThread>(this, &GUIRunThread::retrieveMessage, MsgHandler::MsgType::MT_MESSAGE);
      68         7597 :     myWarningRetriever = new MsgRetrievingFunction<GUIRunThread>(this, &GUIRunThread::retrieveMessage, MsgHandler::MsgType::MT_WARNING);
      69         7597 : }
      70              : 
      71              : 
      72        15160 : GUIRunThread::~GUIRunThread() {
      73              :     // the thread shall stop
      74         7580 :     myQuit = true;
      75         7580 :     deleteSim();
      76         7580 :     delete myErrorRetriever;
      77         7580 :     delete myMessageRetriever;
      78         7580 :     delete myWarningRetriever;
      79              :     // wait for the thread
      80         7580 :     while (mySimulationInProgress || myNet != nullptr);
      81        15160 : }
      82              : 
      83              : 
      84              : bool
      85         7320 : GUIRunThread::init(GUINet* net, SUMOTime start, SUMOTime end) {
      86              :     assert(net != 0);
      87              :     // assign new values
      88         7320 :     myOk = true;
      89         7320 :     myNet = net;
      90         7320 :     mySimStartTime = start;
      91         7320 :     mySimEndTime = end;
      92         7320 :     myHaveSignaledEnd = false;
      93              :     // register message callbacks
      94         7320 :     MsgHandler::getErrorInstance()->addRetriever(myErrorRetriever);
      95         7320 :     MsgHandler::getMessageInstance()->addRetriever(myMessageRetriever);
      96        14640 :     if (!OptionsCont::getOptions().getBool("no-warnings")) {
      97         7320 :         MsgHandler::getWarningInstance()->addRetriever(myWarningRetriever);
      98              :     }
      99              :     // preload the routes especially for TraCI
     100         7320 :     mySimulationLock.lock();
     101              :     try {
     102              :         net->setCurrentTimeStep(start);
     103         7320 :         net->loadRoutes();
     104          170 :     } catch (ProcessError& e2) {
     105          490 :         if (std::string(e2.what()) != std::string("Process Error") && std::string(e2.what()) != std::string("")) {
     106          302 :             WRITE_ERROR(e2.what());
     107              :         }
     108          170 :         MsgHandler::getErrorInstance()->inform(TL("Quitting (on error)."), false);
     109          170 :         myHalting = true;
     110          170 :         myOk = false;
     111          170 :         mySimulationInProgress = false;
     112              : #ifndef _DEBUG
     113          170 :     } catch (...) {
     114            0 :         MsgHandler::getErrorInstance()->inform(TL("Quitting (on error)."), false);
     115            0 :         myHalting = true;
     116            0 :         myOk = false;
     117            0 :         mySimulationInProgress = false;
     118              : #endif
     119            0 :     }
     120         7320 :     mySimulationLock.unlock();
     121         7320 :     return myOk;
     122              : }
     123              : 
     124              : 
     125              : FXint
     126         7597 : GUIRunThread::run() {
     127              :     // perform an endless loop
     128      5836931 :     while (!myQuit) {
     129      5829351 :         if (myAmLibsumo) {
     130          496 :             myApp->run();
     131              :         } else {
     132              :             // if the simulation shall be performed, do it
     133      5828855 :             tryStep();
     134              :         }
     135              :     }
     136              :     // delete a maybe existing simulation at the end
     137         7580 :     deleteSim();
     138         7580 :     return 0;
     139              : }
     140              : 
     141              : 
     142              : void
     143      5911969 : GUIRunThread::tryStep() {
     144      5911969 :     if (!myHalting && myNet != nullptr && myOk) {
     145      5866947 :         const long beg = SysUtils::getCurrentMillis();
     146      5866947 :         if (myLastEndMillis != -1) {
     147      5859859 :             getNet().setIdleDuration((int)(beg - myLastEndMillis));
     148              :         }
     149              :         // check whether we shall stop at this step
     150      5866947 :         myBreakpointLock.lock();
     151      5866947 :         const bool haltAfter = std::find(myBreakpoints.begin(), myBreakpoints.end(), myNet->getCurrentTimeStep()) != myBreakpoints.end();
     152      5866947 :         myBreakpointLock.unlock();
     153              :         // stop after this step if wished
     154      5866947 :         if (haltAfter) {
     155            0 :             stop();
     156              :         }
     157              :         // stop the execution when only a single step should have been performed
     158      5866947 :         if (mySingle) {
     159            0 :             myHalting = true;
     160              :         }
     161              :         // do the step
     162      5866947 :         makeStep();
     163      5866947 :         waitForSnapshots(myNet->getCurrentTimeStep() - DELTA_T);
     164              :         // wait if wanted (delay is per simulated second)
     165      5866947 :         long wait = (long)(mySimDelay * TS);
     166      5866947 :         myLastEndMillis = SysUtils::getCurrentMillis();
     167      5866947 :         getNet().setSimDuration((int)(myLastEndMillis - beg));
     168      5866947 :         wait -= (myLastEndMillis - beg);
     169      5866947 :         if (wait > 0) {
     170         5088 :             myLastBreakMillis = myLastEndMillis;
     171         5088 :             sleep(wait);
     172              : #ifndef WIN32
     173      5861859 :         } else if (myLastEndMillis - myLastBreakMillis > 1000) {
     174              :             // ensure redraw event is successful at least once per second (#9028)
     175        12927 :             sleep(100);
     176        12927 :             myLastBreakMillis = myLastEndMillis;
     177              : #endif
     178              :         }
     179              :     } else {
     180              :         // sleep if the simulation is not running
     181        45022 :         sleep(50);
     182              :     }
     183      5911969 : }
     184              : 
     185              : 
     186              : void
     187      5866947 : GUIRunThread::makeStep() {
     188              :     GUIEvent* e = nullptr;
     189              :     // simulation is being performed
     190      5866947 :     mySimulationInProgress = true;
     191              :     // execute a single step
     192              :     try {
     193      5866947 :         mySimulationLock.lock();
     194      5866947 :         myNet->simulationStep();
     195      5866835 :         myNet->guiSimulationStep();
     196      5866835 :         mySimulationLock.unlock();
     197              : 
     198              :         // inform parent that a step has been performed
     199      5866835 :         e = new GUIEvent_SimulationStep();
     200      5866835 :         myEventQue.push_back(e);
     201      5866835 :         myEventThrow.signal();
     202              : 
     203              :         e = nullptr;
     204      5866835 :         MSNet::SimulationState state = myNet->adaptToState(myNet->simulationState(mySimEndTime), myAmLibsumo);
     205      5866835 :         switch (state) {
     206         6543 :             case MSNet::SIMSTATE_LOADING:
     207              :             case MSNet::SIMSTATE_END_STEP_REACHED:
     208              :             case MSNet::SIMSTATE_NO_FURTHER_VEHICLES:
     209              :             case MSNet::SIMSTATE_CONNECTION_CLOSED:
     210              :             case MSNet::SIMSTATE_TOO_MANY_TELEPORTS:
     211         6543 :                 if (!myHaveSignaledEnd || state != MSNet::SIMSTATE_END_STEP_REACHED) {
     212         6543 :                     e = new GUIEvent_SimulationEnded(state, myNet->getCurrentTimeStep() - DELTA_T);
     213              :                     // ensure that files are closed (deleteSim is called a bit later by the gui thread)
     214              :                     // MSNet destructor may trigger MsgHandler (via routing device cleanup). Closing output devices here is not safe
     215              :                     // OutputDevice::closeAll();
     216         6543 :                     myHaveSignaledEnd = true;
     217              :                 }
     218              :                 break;
     219              :             default:
     220              :                 break;
     221              :         }
     222              :         if (e != nullptr) {
     223         6543 :             myEventQue.push_back(e);
     224         6543 :             myEventThrow.signal();
     225         6543 :             myHalting = true;
     226              :         }
     227              :         // simulation step is over
     228      5866835 :         mySimulationInProgress = false;
     229          112 :     } catch (ProcessError& e2) {
     230          336 :         if (std::string(e2.what()) != std::string("Process Error") && std::string(e2.what()) != std::string("")) {
     231          224 :             WRITE_ERROR(e2.what());
     232              :         }
     233          112 :         MsgHandler::getErrorInstance()->inform("Quitting (on error).", false);
     234          112 :         mySimulationLock.unlock();
     235          112 :         mySimulationInProgress = false;
     236          112 :         e = new GUIEvent_SimulationEnded(MSNet::SIMSTATE_ERROR_IN_SIM, myNet->getCurrentTimeStep());
     237          112 :         myEventQue.push_back(e);
     238          112 :         myEventThrow.signal();
     239          112 :         myHalting = true;
     240          112 :         myOk = false;
     241              : #ifndef _DEBUG
     242          112 :     } catch (...) {
     243            0 :         MsgHandler::getErrorInstance()->inform("Quitting (on error).", false);
     244            0 :         mySimulationLock.unlock();
     245            0 :         mySimulationInProgress = false;
     246            0 :         e = new GUIEvent_SimulationEnded(MSNet::SIMSTATE_ERROR_IN_SIM, myNet->getCurrentTimeStep());
     247            0 :         myEventQue.push_back(e);
     248            0 :         myEventThrow.signal();
     249            0 :         myHalting = true;
     250            0 :         myOk = false;
     251              : #endif
     252            0 :     }
     253      5866947 : }
     254              : 
     255              : 
     256              : void
     257         7147 : GUIRunThread::resume() {
     258         7147 :     mySingle = false;
     259         7147 :     myHalting = false;
     260         7147 : }
     261              : 
     262              : 
     263              : void
     264            0 : GUIRunThread::singleStep() {
     265            0 :     mySingle = true;
     266            0 :     myHalting = false;
     267            0 : }
     268              : 
     269              : 
     270              : void
     271         7147 : GUIRunThread::begin() {
     272              :     // report the begin when wished
     273        14294 :     WRITE_MESSAGEF(TL("Simulation started with time: %."), time2string(mySimStartTime));
     274         7147 :     myOk = true;
     275         7147 : }
     276              : 
     277              : 
     278              : void
     279         6655 : GUIRunThread::stop() {
     280         6655 :     mySingle = false;
     281         6655 :     myHalting = true;
     282         6655 : }
     283              : 
     284              : 
     285              : bool
     286     37752952 : GUIRunThread::networkAvailable() const {
     287     37752952 :     return myNet != nullptr;
     288              : }
     289              : 
     290              : 
     291              : void
     292        37439 : GUIRunThread::deleteSim() {
     293        37439 :     myHalting = true;
     294              :     // flush aggregated warnings
     295        37439 :     MsgHandler::getWarningInstance()->clear();
     296              :     // remove message callbacks
     297        37439 :     MsgHandler::getErrorInstance()->removeRetriever(myErrorRetriever);
     298        37439 :     MsgHandler::getWarningInstance()->removeRetriever(myWarningRetriever);
     299        37439 :     MsgHandler::getMessageInstance()->removeRetriever(myMessageRetriever);
     300              :     //
     301        37439 :     mySimulationLock.lock();
     302        37439 :     if (myNet != nullptr) {
     303        14606 :         myNet->closeSimulation(mySimStartTime, MSNet::getStateMessage(myNet->simulationState(mySimEndTime)));
     304              :     }
     305        37439 :     while (mySimulationInProgress) {
     306            0 :         sleep(50);
     307              :     }
     308        37439 :     delete myNet;
     309        37439 :     GUIGlObjectStorage::gIDStorage.clear();
     310        37439 :     myNet = nullptr;
     311        37439 :     OutputDevice::closeAll();
     312        37439 :     mySimulationLock.unlock();
     313        37439 :     MsgHandler::cleanupOnEnd();
     314        37439 : }
     315              : 
     316              : 
     317              : GUINet&
     318     42253522 : GUIRunThread::getNet() const {
     319     42253522 :     return *myNet;
     320              : }
     321              : 
     322              : 
     323              : void
     324         7582 : GUIRunThread::prepareDestruction() {
     325         7582 :     myHalting = true;
     326         7582 :     myQuit = true;
     327         7582 : }
     328              : 
     329              : 
     330              : void
     331        24763 : GUIRunThread::retrieveMessage(const MsgHandler::MsgType type, const std::string& msg) {
     332        24763 :     GUIEvent* e = new GUIEvent_Message(type, msg);
     333        24763 :     myEventQue.push_back(e);
     334        24763 :     myEventThrow.signal();
     335        24763 : }
     336              : 
     337              : 
     338              : bool
     339     17923868 : GUIRunThread::simulationIsStartable() const {
     340     17923868 :     return myNet != nullptr && myHalting;
     341              : }
     342              : 
     343              : 
     344              : bool
     345     12055372 : GUIRunThread::simulationIsStopable() const {
     346     12055372 :     return myNet != nullptr && (!myHalting);
     347              : }
     348              : 
     349              : 
     350              : bool
     351      6027675 : GUIRunThread::simulationIsStepable() const {
     352      6027675 :     return myNet != nullptr && myHalting;
     353              : }
     354              : 
     355              : 
     356              : void
     357      5866947 : GUIRunThread::waitForSnapshots(const SUMOTime snapshotTime) {
     358      5866947 :     GUIMainWindow* const mw = GUIMainWindow::getInstance();
     359      5866947 :     if (mw != nullptr) {
     360     11733895 :         for (GUIGlChildWindow* const window : mw->getViews()) {
     361      5866948 :             window->getView()->waitForSnapshots(snapshotTime);
     362              :         }
     363              :     }
     364      5866947 : }
     365              : 
     366              : 
     367              : /****************************************************************************/

Generated by: LCOV version 2.0-1