Line data Source code
1 : /****************************************************************************/
2 : // Eclipse SUMO, Simulation of Urban MObility; see
3 : // Copyright (C) 2012-2024 German Aerospace Center (DLR) and others.
4 : // This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
5 : // terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
6 : //
7 : // This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary
8 : // Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the Eclipse
9 : // Public License 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License, version 2
10 : // or later which is available at
11 : //
12 : // SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0-or-later
13 : /****************************************************************************/
14 : /// @file Helper.h
15 : /// @author Robert Hilbrich
16 : /// @author Leonhard Luecken
17 : /// @date 15.09.2017
18 : ///
19 : // C++ TraCI client API implementation
20 : /****************************************************************************/
21 : #pragma once
22 : #include <vector>
23 : #include <memory>
24 : #include <libsumo/Subscription.h>
25 : #include <microsim/MSLane.h>
26 : #include <microsim/MSNet.h>
27 : #include <microsim/traffic_lights/MSTLLogicControl.h>
28 : #include <microsim/trigger/MSCalibrator.h>
29 : #include <utils/vehicle/SUMOVehicleParameter.h>
30 :
31 :
32 : // ===========================================================================
33 : // class declarations
34 : // ===========================================================================
35 : class Position;
36 : class PositionVector;
37 : class RGBColor;
38 : class MSEdge;
39 : class SUMOTrafficObject;
40 : class MSPerson;
41 : class MSVehicle;
42 : class MSBaseVehicle;
43 : class MSVehicleType;
44 : class MSStoppingPlace;
45 :
46 :
47 : // ===========================================================================
48 : // class definitions
49 : // ===========================================================================
50 : namespace libsumo {
51 :
52 : /**
53 : * @class Helper
54 : * @brief C++ TraCI client API implementation
55 : */
56 : class Helper {
57 : public:
58 : static void subscribe(const int commandId, const std::string& id, const std::vector<int>& variables,
59 : const double beginTime, const double endTime, const libsumo::TraCIResults& params,
60 : const int contextDomain = 0, const double range = 0.);
61 :
62 : static void handleSubscriptions(const SUMOTime t);
63 :
64 : static bool needNewSubscription(libsumo::Subscription& s, std::vector<Subscription>& subscriptions, libsumo::Subscription*& modifiedSubscription);
65 :
66 : static void clearSubscriptions();
67 :
68 : static Subscription* addSubscriptionFilter(SubscriptionFilterType filter);
69 :
70 : /// @brief helper functions
71 : static TraCIPositionVector makeTraCIPositionVector(const PositionVector& positionVector);
72 : static TraCIPosition makeTraCIPosition(const Position& position, const bool includeZ = false);
73 : static Position makePosition(const TraCIPosition& position);
74 :
75 : static PositionVector makePositionVector(const TraCIPositionVector& vector);
76 : static TraCIColor makeTraCIColor(const RGBColor& color);
77 : static RGBColor makeRGBColor(const TraCIColor& color);
78 :
79 : static MSEdge* getEdge(const std::string& edgeID);
80 : static const MSLane* getLaneChecking(const std::string& edgeID, int laneIndex, double pos);
81 : static std::pair<MSLane*, double> convertCartesianToRoadMap(const Position& pos, const SUMOVehicleClass vClass);
82 : static double getDrivingDistance(std::pair<const MSLane*, double>& roadPos1, std::pair<const MSLane*, double>& roadPos2);
83 :
84 : static MSBaseVehicle* getVehicle(const std::string& id);
85 : static MSPerson* getPerson(const std::string& id);
86 : static SUMOTrafficObject* getTrafficObject(int domain, const std::string& id);
87 : static const MSVehicleType& getVehicleType(const std::string& vehicleID);
88 : static MSTLLogicControl::TLSLogicVariants& getTLS(const std::string& id);
89 : static MSStoppingPlace* getStoppingPlace(const std::string& id, const SumoXMLTag type);
90 :
91 : static SUMOVehicleParameter::Stop buildStopParameters(const std::string& edgeOrStoppingPlaceID,
92 : double pos, int laneIndex, double startPos, int flags, double duration, double until);
93 :
94 : static TraCINextStopData buildStopData(const SUMOVehicleParameter::Stop& stopPar);
95 :
96 : static void findObjectShape(int domain, const std::string& id, PositionVector& shape);
97 :
98 : static void collectObjectsInRange(int domain, const PositionVector& shape, double range, std::set<const Named*>& into);
99 : static void collectObjectIDsInRange(int domain, const PositionVector& shape, double range, std::set<std::string>& into);
100 :
101 : /**
102 : * @brief Filter the given ID-Set (which was obtained from an R-Tree search)
103 : * according to the filters set by the subscription or firstly build the object ID list if
104 : * the filters rather demand searching along the road network than considering a geometric range.
105 : * @param[in] s Subscription which holds the filter specification to be applied
106 : * @param[in/out] objIDs Set of object IDs that is to be filtered. Result is stored in place.
107 : * @note Currently this assumes that the objects are vehicles.
108 : */
109 : static void applySubscriptionFilters(const Subscription& s, std::set<std::string>& objIDs);
110 :
111 : /**
112 : * @brief Apply the subscription filter "lanes": Only return vehicles on list of lanes relative to ego vehicle.
113 : * Search all predecessor and successor lanes along the road network up until upstreamDist and downstreamDist,
114 : * respectively,
115 : * @param[in] s Subscription which holds the filter specification to be applied.
116 : * @param[in/out] vehs Set of SUMO traffic objects into which the result is inserted.
117 : * @param[in] filterLanes Lane offsets to consider.
118 : * @param[in] downstreamDist Downstream distance.
119 : * @param[in] upstreamDist Upstream distance.
120 : * @param[in] disregardOppositeDirection Whether vehicles on opposite lanes shall be taken into account.
121 : */
122 : static void applySubscriptionFilterLanes(const Subscription& s, std::set<const SUMOTrafficObject*>& vehs, std::vector<int>& filterLanes,
123 : double downstreamDist, double upstreamDist, bool disregardOppositeDirection);
124 :
125 : /**
126 : * @brief Apply the subscription filter "turn": Gather upcoming junctions and vialanes within downstream
127 : * distance and find approaching foes within foeDistToJunction.
128 : * @param[in] s Subscription which holds the filter specification to be applied.
129 : * @param[in/out] vehs Set of SUMO traffic objects into which the result is inserted.
130 : */
131 : static void applySubscriptionFilterTurn(const Subscription& s, std::set<const SUMOTrafficObject*>& vehs);
132 :
133 : static void applySubscriptionFilterFieldOfVision(const Subscription& s, std::set<std::string>& objIDs);
134 :
135 : /**
136 : * @brief Apply the subscription filter "lateral distance": Only return vehicles within the given lateral distance.
137 : * Search myRoute (right-most lane) upstream and bestLanesCont downstream up until upstreamDist and
138 : * downstreamDist, respectively.
139 : * @param[in] s Subscription which holds the filter specification to be applied.
140 : * @param[in/out] vehs Set of SUMO traffic objects into which the result is inserted.
141 : * @param[in] downstreamDist Downstream distance.
142 : * @param[in] upstreamDist Upstream distance.
143 : * @param[in] lateralDist Lateral distance.
144 : */
145 : static void applySubscriptionFilterLateralDistance(const Subscription& s, std::set<const SUMOTrafficObject*>& vehs, double downstreamDist,
146 : double upstreamDist, double lateralDist);
147 :
148 : static void applySubscriptionFilterLateralDistanceSinglePass(const Subscription& s,
149 : std::set<std::string>& objIDs,
150 : std::set<const SUMOTrafficObject*>& vehs,
151 : const std::vector<const MSLane*>& lanes,
152 : double posOnLane, double posLat, bool isDownstream);
153 :
154 : static void setRemoteControlled(MSVehicle* v, Position xyPos, MSLane* l, double pos, double posLat, double angle,
155 : int edgeOffset, ConstMSEdgeVector route, SUMOTime t);
156 :
157 : static void setRemoteControlled(MSPerson* p, Position xyPos, MSLane* l, double pos, double posLat, double angle,
158 : int edgeOffset, ConstMSEdgeVector route, SUMOTime t);
159 :
160 : /// @brief return number of remote-controlled entities
161 : static int postProcessRemoteControl();
162 :
163 : static void cleanup();
164 :
165 : static void registerStateListener();
166 :
167 : static const std::vector<std::string>& getVehicleStateChanges(const MSNet::VehicleState state);
168 :
169 : static const std::vector<std::string>& getTransportableStateChanges(const MSNet::TransportableState state);
170 :
171 : static void clearStateChanges();
172 :
173 : static MSCalibrator::AspiredState getCalibratorState(const MSCalibrator* c);
174 :
175 : /// @name functions for moveToXY
176 : /// @{
177 : static bool moveToXYMap(const Position& pos, double maxRouteDistance, bool mayLeaveNetwork, const std::string& origID,
178 : const double angle, double speed, const ConstMSEdgeVector& currentRoute, const int routePosition,
179 : const MSLane* currentLane, double currentLanePos, bool onRoad, SUMOVehicleClass vClass, bool setLateralPos,
180 : double& bestDistance, MSLane** lane, double& lanePos, int& routeOffset, ConstMSEdgeVector& edges);
181 :
182 : static bool moveToXYMap_matchingRoutePosition(const Position& pos, const std::string& origID,
183 : const ConstMSEdgeVector& currentRoute, int routeIndex,
184 : SUMOVehicleClass vClass, bool setLateralPos,
185 : double& bestDistance, MSLane** lane, double& lanePos, int& routeOffset);
186 :
187 : static bool findCloserLane(const MSEdge* edge, const Position& pos, SUMOVehicleClass vClass, double& bestDistance, MSLane** lane);
188 :
189 : class LaneUtility {
190 : public:
191 : LaneUtility(double dist_, double perpendicularDist_, double lanePos_, double angleDiff_, bool ID_,
192 202735 : bool onRoute_, bool sameEdge_, const MSEdge* prevEdge_, const MSEdge* nextEdge_) :
193 202735 : dist(dist_), perpendicularDist(perpendicularDist_), lanePos(lanePos_), angleDiff(angleDiff_), ID(ID_),
194 202735 : onRoute(onRoute_), sameEdge(sameEdge_), prevEdge(prevEdge_), nextEdge(nextEdge_) {}
195 202735 : ~LaneUtility() {}
196 :
197 : double dist;
198 : double perpendicularDist;
199 : double lanePos;
200 : double angleDiff;
201 : bool ID;
202 : bool onRoute;
203 : bool sameEdge;
204 : const MSEdge* prevEdge;
205 : const MSEdge* nextEdge;
206 : };
207 : /// @}
208 :
209 6336 : class SubscriptionWrapper final : public VariableWrapper {
210 : public:
211 : SubscriptionWrapper(VariableWrapper::SubscriptionHandler handler, SubscriptionResults& into, ContextSubscriptionResults& context);
212 : void setContext(const std::string* const refID);
213 : void clear();
214 : bool wrapDouble(const std::string& objID, const int variable, const double value);
215 : bool wrapInt(const std::string& objID, const int variable, const int value);
216 : bool wrapString(const std::string& objID, const int variable, const std::string& value);
217 : bool wrapStringList(const std::string& objID, const int variable, const std::vector<std::string>& value);
218 : bool wrapDoubleList(const std::string& objID, const int variable, const std::vector<double>& value);
219 : bool wrapPosition(const std::string& objID, const int variable, const TraCIPosition& value);
220 : bool wrapPositionVector(const std::string& objID, const int variable, const TraCIPositionVector& value);
221 : bool wrapColor(const std::string& objID, const int variable, const TraCIColor& value);
222 : bool wrapStringDoublePair(const std::string& objID, const int variable, const std::pair<std::string, double>& value);
223 : bool wrapStringPair(const std::string& objID, const int variable, const std::pair<std::string, std::string>& value);
224 : void empty(const std::string& objID);
225 : private:
226 : SubscriptionResults& myResults;
227 : ContextSubscriptionResults& myContextResults;
228 : SubscriptionResults* myActiveResults;
229 : private:
230 : /// @brief Invalidated assignment operator
231 : SubscriptionWrapper& operator=(const SubscriptionWrapper& s) = delete;
232 : };
233 :
234 : private:
235 : static void handleSingleSubscription(const Subscription& s);
236 :
237 : /// @brief Adds lane coverage information from newLaneCoverage into aggregatedLaneCoverage
238 : /// @param[in/out] aggregatedLaneCoverage - aggregated lane coverage info, to which the new will be added
239 : /// @param[in] newLaneCoverage - new lane coverage to be added
240 : /// @todo Disjunct ranges are not handled (LaneCoverageInfo definition would need to allow several intervals per lane) but
241 : /// the intermediate range is simply assimilated.
242 : static void fuseLaneCoverage(std::shared_ptr<LaneCoverageInfo> aggregatedLaneCoverage, const std::shared_ptr<LaneCoverageInfo> newLaneCoverage);
243 :
244 : static void debugPrint(const SUMOTrafficObject* veh);
245 :
246 : private:
247 : class VehicleStateListener : public MSNet::VehicleStateListener {
248 : public:
249 : void vehicleStateChanged(const SUMOVehicle* const vehicle, MSNet::VehicleState to, const std::string& info = "");
250 : /// @brief Changes in the states of simulated vehicles
251 : std::map<MSNet::VehicleState, std::vector<std::string> > myVehicleStateChanges;
252 : };
253 :
254 : class TransportableStateListener : public MSNet::TransportableStateListener {
255 : public:
256 : void transportableStateChanged(const MSTransportable* const transportable, MSNet::TransportableState to, const std::string& info = "");
257 : /// @brief Changes in the states of simulated transportables
258 : std::map<MSNet::TransportableState, std::vector<std::string> > myTransportableStateChanges;
259 : };
260 :
261 : /// @brief The list of known, still valid subscriptions
262 : static std::vector<Subscription> mySubscriptions;
263 :
264 : /// @brief The last context subscription
265 : static Subscription* myLastContextSubscription;
266 :
267 : /// @brief Map of commandIds -> their executors; applicable if the executor applies to the method footprint
268 : static std::map<int, std::shared_ptr<VariableWrapper> > myWrapper;
269 :
270 : /// @brief Changes in the states of simulated vehicles
271 : static VehicleStateListener myVehicleStateListener;
272 :
273 : /// @brief Changes in the states of simulated transportables
274 : static TransportableStateListener myTransportableStateListener;
275 :
276 : /// @brief A lookup tree of lanes
277 : static LANE_RTREE_QUAL* myLaneTree;
278 :
279 : static std::map<std::string, MSVehicle*> myRemoteControlledVehicles;
280 : static std::map<std::string, MSPerson*> myRemoteControlledPersons;
281 :
282 : /// @brief invalidated standard constructor
283 : Helper() = delete;
284 : };
285 :
286 : }