LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - src/microsim/cfmodels - MSCFModel.cpp (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 301 332 90.7 %
Date: 2024-05-05 15:31:14 Functions: 36 38 94.7 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : /****************************************************************************/
       2             : // Eclipse SUMO, Simulation of Urban MObility; see
       3             : // Copyright (C) 2001-2024 German Aerospace Center (DLR) and others.
       4             : // This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
       5             : // terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
       6             : //
       7             : // This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary
       8             : // Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the Eclipse
       9             : // Public License 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License, version 2
      10             : // or later which is available at
      11             : //
      12             : // SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0-or-later
      13             : /****************************************************************************/
      14             : /// @file    MSCFModel.cpp
      15             : /// @author  Tobias Mayer
      16             : /// @author  Daniel Krajzewicz
      17             : /// @author  Jakob Erdmann
      18             : /// @author  Michael Behrisch
      19             : /// @author  Laura Bieker
      20             : /// @author  Leonhard Lücken
      21             : /// @date    Mon, 27 Jul 2009
      22             : ///
      23             : // The car-following model abstraction
      24             : /****************************************************************************/
      25             : #include <config.h>
      26             : 
      27             : #include <cmath>
      28             : #include <microsim/MSGlobals.h>
      29             : #include <microsim/MSVehicleType.h>
      30             : #include <microsim/MSVehicle.h>
      31             : #include <microsim/MSNet.h>
      32             : #include <microsim/MSLane.h>
      33             : #include <microsim/lcmodels/MSAbstractLaneChangeModel.h>
      34             : #include <microsim/MSDriverState.h>
      35             : #include "MSCFModel.h"
      36             : 
      37             : // ===========================================================================
      38             : // DEBUG constants
      39             : // ===========================================================================
      40             : //#define DEBUG_FINALIZE_SPEED
      41             : //#define DEBUG_DRIVER_ERRORS
      42             : //#define DEBUG_EMERGENCYDECEL
      43             : //#define DEBUG_COND (true)
      44             : #define DEBUG_COND (veh->isSelected())
      45             : //#define DEBUG_COND (veh->getID() == "follower")
      46             : //#define DEBUG_COND2 (SIMTIME == 176)
      47             : //#define DEBUG_COND2 (true)
      48             : #define DEBUG_COND2 (gDebugFlag1)
      49             : 
      50             : 
      51             : 
      52             : // ===========================================================================
      53             : // method definitions
      54             : // ===========================================================================
      55      272716 : MSCFModel::MSCFModel(const MSVehicleType* vtype) :
      56      272716 :     myType(vtype),
      57      272716 :     myAccel(vtype->getParameter().getCFParam(SUMO_ATTR_ACCEL, SUMOVTypeParameter::getDefaultAccel(vtype->getParameter().vehicleClass))),
      58      272716 :     myDecel(vtype->getParameter().getCFParam(SUMO_ATTR_DECEL, SUMOVTypeParameter::getDefaultDecel(vtype->getParameter().vehicleClass))),
      59      272716 :     myEmergencyDecel(vtype->getParameter().getCFParam(SUMO_ATTR_EMERGENCYDECEL,
      60      272716 :                      SUMOVTypeParameter::getDefaultEmergencyDecel(vtype->getParameter().vehicleClass, myDecel, MSGlobals::gDefaultEmergencyDecel))),
      61      272716 :     myApparentDecel(vtype->getParameter().getCFParam(SUMO_ATTR_APPARENTDECEL, myDecel)),
      62      272716 :     myCollisionMinGapFactor(vtype->getParameter().getCFParam(SUMO_ATTR_COLLISION_MINGAP_FACTOR, 1)),
      63      272716 :     myHeadwayTime(vtype->getParameter().getCFParam(SUMO_ATTR_TAU, 1.0)),
      64      545432 :     myStartupDelay(TIME2STEPS(vtype->getParameter().getCFParam(SUMO_ATTR_STARTUP_DELAY, 0.0)))
      65      272716 : { }
      66             : 
      67             : 
      68      269431 : MSCFModel::~MSCFModel() {}
      69             : 
      70             : 
      71       43822 : MSCFModel::VehicleVariables::~VehicleVariables() {}
      72             : 
      73             : 
      74             : double
      75 10899180036 : MSCFModel::brakeGap(const double speed, const double decel, const double headwayTime) const {
      76 10899180036 :     if (MSGlobals::gSemiImplicitEulerUpdate) {
      77  9941317172 :         return brakeGapEuler(speed, decel, headwayTime);
      78             :     } else {
      79             :         // ballistic
      80   957862864 :         if (speed <= 0) {
      81             :             return 0.;
      82             :         } else {
      83   818592564 :             return speed * (headwayTime + 0.5 * speed / decel);
      84             :         }
      85             :     }
      86             : }
      87             : 
      88             : 
      89             : double
      90  9945121725 : MSCFModel::brakeGapEuler(const double speed, const double decel, const double headwayTime) {
      91             :     /* one possibility to speed this up is to calculate speedReduction * steps * (steps+1) / 2
      92             :        for small values of steps (up to 10 maybe) and store them in an array */
      93  9945121725 :     const double speedReduction = ACCEL2SPEED(decel);
      94  9945121725 :     const int steps = int(speed / speedReduction);
      95  9945121725 :     return SPEED2DIST(steps * speed - speedReduction * steps * (steps + 1) / 2) + speed * headwayTime;
      96             : }
      97             : 
      98             : 
      99             : double
     100   855204277 : MSCFModel::freeSpeed(const double currentSpeed, const double decel, const double dist, const double targetSpeed, const bool onInsertion, const double actionStepLength) {
     101             :     // XXX: (Leo) This seems to be exclusively called with decel = myDecel (max deceleration) and is not overridden
     102             :     // by any specific CFModel. That may cause undesirable hard braking (at junctions where the vehicle
     103             :     // changes to a road with a lower speed limit).
     104             : 
     105   855204277 :     if (MSGlobals::gSemiImplicitEulerUpdate) {
     106             :         // adapt speed to succeeding lane, no reaction time is involved
     107             :         // when breaking for y steps the following distance g is covered
     108             :         // (drive with v in the final step)
     109             :         // g = (y^2 + y) * 0.5 * b + y * v
     110             :         // y = ((((sqrt((b + 2.0*v)*(b + 2.0*v) + 8.0*b*g)) - b)*0.5 - v)/b)
     111   810879337 :         const double v = SPEED2DIST(targetSpeed);
     112   810879337 :         if (dist < v) {
     113             :             return targetSpeed;
     114             :         }
     115   759589858 :         const double b = ACCEL2DIST(decel);
     116   759589858 :         const double y = MAX2(0.0, ((sqrt((b + 2.0 * v) * (b + 2.0 * v) + 8.0 * b * dist) - b) * 0.5 - v) / b);
     117   759589858 :         const double yFull = floor(y);
     118   759589858 :         const double exactGap = (yFull * yFull + yFull) * 0.5 * b + yFull * v + (y > yFull ? v : 0.0);
     119   759589858 :         const double fullSpeedGain = (yFull + (onInsertion ? 1. : 0.)) * ACCEL2SPEED(decel);
     120  1274907124 :         return DIST2SPEED(MAX2(0.0, dist - exactGap) / (yFull + 1)) + fullSpeedGain + targetSpeed;
     121             :     } else {
     122             :         // ballistic update (Leo)
     123             :         // calculate maximum next speed vN that is adjustable to vT=targetSpeed after a distance d=dist
     124             :         // and given a maximal deceleration b=decel, denote the current speed by v0.
     125             :         // the distance covered by a trajectory that attains vN in the next action step (length=dt) and decelerates afterwards
     126             :         // with b is given as
     127             :         // d = 0.5*dt*(v0+vN) + (t-dt)*vN - 0.5*b*(t-dt)^2, (1)
     128             :         // where time t of arrival at d with speed vT is
     129             :         // t = dt + (vN-vT)/b.  (2)
     130             :         // We insert (2) into (1) to obtain
     131             :         // d = 0.5*dt*(v0+vN) + vN*(vN-vT)/b - 0.5*b*((vN-vT)/b)^2
     132             :         // 0 = (dt*b*v0 - vT*vT - 2*b*d) + dt*b*vN + vN*vN
     133             :         // and solve for vN
     134             : 
     135             :         assert(currentSpeed >= 0);
     136             :         assert(targetSpeed >= 0);
     137             : 
     138    44324940 :         const double dt = onInsertion ? 0 : actionStepLength; // handles case that vehicle is inserted just now (at the end of move)
     139             :         const double v0 = currentSpeed;
     140             :         const double vT = targetSpeed;
     141             :         const double b = decel;
     142    44324940 :         const double d = dist - NUMERICAL_EPS; // prevent returning a value > targetSpeed due to rounding errors
     143             : 
     144             :         // Solvability for positive vN (if d is small relative to v0):
     145             :         // 1) If 0.5*(v0+vT)*dt > d, we set vN=vT.
     146             :         // (In case vT<v0, this implies that on the interpolated trajectory there are points beyond d where
     147             :         //  the interpolated velocity is larger than vT, but at least on the temporal discretization grid, vT is not exceeded)
     148             :         // 2) We ignore the (possible) constraint vN >= v0 - b*dt, which could lead to a problem if v0 - t*b > vT.
     149             :         //    (finalizeSpeed() is responsible for assuring that the next velocity is chosen in accordance with maximal decelerations)
     150             : 
     151             :         // If implied accel a leads to v0 + a*asl < vT, choose acceleration v0 + a*asl = vT
     152    44324940 :         if (0.5 * (v0 + vT)*dt >= d) {
     153             :             // Attain vT after time asl
     154     1290708 :             return v0 + TS * (vT - v0) / actionStepLength;
     155             :         } else {
     156    43034232 :             const double q = ((dt * v0 - 2 * d) * b - vT * vT); // (q < 0 is fulfilled because of (#))
     157    43034232 :             const double p = 0.5 * b * dt;
     158    43034232 :             const double vN = -p + sqrt(p * p - q); // target speed at time t0+asl
     159    43034232 :             return v0 + TS * (vN - v0) / actionStepLength;
     160             :         }
     161             :     }
     162             : }
     163             : 
     164             : 
     165             : double
     166  2447513675 : MSCFModel::getSecureGap(const MSVehicle* const veh, const MSVehicle* const /*pred*/, const double speed, const double leaderSpeed, const double leaderMaxDecel) const {
     167             :     // The solution approach leaderBrakeGap >= followerBrakeGap is not
     168             :     // secure when the follower can brake harder than the leader because the paths may still cross.
     169             :     // As a workaround we use a value of leaderDecel which errs on the side of caution
     170  2447513675 :     const double maxDecel = MAX2(myDecel, leaderMaxDecel);
     171  2447513675 :     const double bgLeader = brakeGap(leaderSpeed, maxDecel, 0);
     172  2447513675 :     double secureGap = MAX2(0.0, brakeGap(speed, myDecel, myHeadwayTime) - bgLeader);
     173  2447513675 :     if (MSGlobals::gComputeLC && veh->getAcceleration() < -NUMERICAL_EPS) {
     174             :         // vehicle can react instantly in the next step
     175             :         // we only apply 'myHeadWayTime' to avoid sudden braking after lane change
     176             :         // thus we can reduce the required brakeGap if the vehicle is braking anyway
     177             :         // (but we shouldn't assume continued emergency deceleration)
     178   688037718 :         const double secureGapDecel = MAX2(0.0, brakeGap(speed, MIN2(-veh->getAcceleration(), myDecel), 0) - bgLeader);
     179             :         // the secureGapDecel doesn't leave room for lcAssertive behavior
     180   678528916 :         secureGap = MIN2(secureGap, secureGapDecel / veh->getLaneChangeModel().getSafetyFactor());
     181             :     }
     182  2447513675 :     return secureGap;
     183             : }
     184             : 
     185             : 
     186             : double
     187   617695078 : MSCFModel::finalizeSpeed(MSVehicle* const veh, double vPos) const {
     188             :     // save old v for optional acceleration computation
     189   617695078 :     const double oldV = veh->getSpeed();
     190             :     // process stops (includes update of stopping state)
     191   617695078 :     const double vStop = MIN2(vPos, veh->processNextStop(vPos));
     192             :     // apply deceleration bounds
     193   617695078 :     const double vMinEmergency = minNextSpeedEmergency(oldV, veh);
     194             :     // vPos contains the uppper bound on safe speed. allow emergency braking here
     195   617695078 :     const double vMin = MIN2(minNextSpeed(oldV, veh), MAX2(vPos, vMinEmergency));
     196   617695078 :     const double fric = veh->getFriction();
     197             :     // adapt speed limit of road to "perceived" friction
     198   617695078 :     const double factor = fric == 1. ? 1. : -0.3491 * fric * fric + 0.8922 * fric + 0.4493; //2nd degree polyfit
     199             : 
     200             :     // aMax: Maximal admissible acceleration until the next action step, such that the vehicle's maximal
     201             :     // desired speed on the current lane will not be exceeded when the
     202             :     // acceleration is maintained until the next action step.
     203  1235390156 :     double aMax = (MAX2(veh->getLane()->getVehicleMaxSpeed(veh), vPos) * factor - oldV) / veh->getActionStepLengthSecs();
     204             :     // apply planned speed constraints and acceleration constraints
     205   617695078 :     double vMax = MIN3(oldV + ACCEL2SPEED(aMax), maxNextSpeed(oldV, veh), vStop);
     206             :     // do not exceed max decel even if it is unsafe
     207             : #ifdef _DEBUG
     208             :     //if (vMin > vMax) {
     209             :     //    WRITE_WARNINGF(TL("Maximum speed of vehicle '%' is lower than the minimum speed (min: %, max: %)."), veh->getID(), toString(vMin), toString(vMax));
     210             :     //}
     211             : #endif
     212             : 
     213             : #ifdef DEBUG_FINALIZE_SPEED
     214             :     if (DEBUG_COND) {
     215             :         std::cout << "\n" << SIMTIME << " FINALIZE_SPEED\n";
     216             :     }
     217             : #endif
     218             : 
     219             :     vMax = MAX2(vMin, vMax);
     220   617695078 :     double vNext = patchSpeedBeforeLC(veh, vMin, vMax);
     221             : #ifdef DEBUG_FINALIZE_SPEED
     222             :     double vDawdle = vNext;
     223             : #endif
     224             :     assert(vNext >= vMin);
     225             :     assert(vNext <= vMax);
     226             :     // apply lane-changing related speed adaptations
     227   617695078 :     vNext = veh->getLaneChangeModel().patchSpeed(vMin, vNext, vMax, *this);
     228             : #ifdef DEBUG_FINALIZE_SPEED
     229             :     double vPatchLC = vNext;
     230             : #endif
     231             :     // apply further speed adaptations
     232   617695078 :     vNext = applyStartupDelay(veh, vMin, vNext);
     233             : 
     234             :     assert(vNext >= vMinEmergency); // stronger braking is permitted in lane-changing related emergencies
     235             :     assert(vNext <= vMax);
     236             : 
     237             : #ifdef DEBUG_FINALIZE_SPEED
     238             :     if (DEBUG_COND) {
     239             :         std::cout << std::setprecision(gPrecision)
     240             :                   << "veh '" << veh->getID() << "' oldV=" << oldV
     241             :                   << " vPos" << vPos
     242             :                   << " vMin=" << vMin
     243             :                   << " aMax=" << aMax
     244             :                   << " vMax=" << vMax
     245             :                   << " vStop=" << vStop
     246             :                   << " vDawdle=" << vDawdle
     247             :                   << " vPatchLC=" << vPatchLC
     248             :                   << " vNext=" << vNext
     249             :                   << "\n";
     250             :     }
     251             : #endif
     252   617695078 :     return vNext;
     253             : }
     254             : 
     255             : 
     256             : double
     257   623447437 : MSCFModel::applyStartupDelay(const MSVehicle* veh, const double vMin, const double vMax, const SUMOTime addTime) const {
     258             :     UNUSED_PARAMETER(vMin);
     259             :     // timeSinceStartup was already incremented by DELTA_T
     260   623447437 :     if (veh->getTimeSinceStartup() > 0 && veh->getTimeSinceStartup() - DELTA_T < myStartupDelay + addTime) {
     261             :         assert(veh->getSpeed() <= SUMO_const_haltingSpeed);
     262       35088 :         const SUMOTime remainingDelay = myStartupDelay + addTime - (veh->getTimeSinceStartup() - DELTA_T);
     263             :         //std::cout << SIMTIME << " applyStartupDelay veh=" << veh->getID() << " remainingDelay=" << remainingDelay << "\n";
     264       35088 :         if (remainingDelay >= DELTA_T) {
     265             :             // delay startup by at least a whole step
     266             :             return 0;
     267             :         } else {
     268             :             // reduce acceleration for fractional startup delay
     269          40 :             return (double)(DELTA_T - remainingDelay) / (double)DELTA_T * vMax;
     270             :         }
     271             :     }
     272             :     return vMax;
     273             : }
     274             : 
     275             : 
     276             : double
     277           0 : MSCFModel::interactionGap(const MSVehicle* const veh, double vL) const {
     278             :     // Resolve the vsafe equation to gap. Assume predecessor has
     279             :     // speed != 0 and that vsafe will be the current speed plus acceleration,
     280             :     // i.e that with this gap there will be no interaction.
     281           0 :     const double vNext = MIN2(maxNextSpeed(veh->getSpeed(), veh), veh->getLane()->getVehicleMaxSpeed(veh));
     282           0 :     const double gap = (vNext - vL) *
     283           0 :                        ((veh->getSpeed() + vL) / (2.*myDecel) + myHeadwayTime) +
     284           0 :                        vL * myHeadwayTime;
     285             : 
     286             :     // Don't allow timeHeadWay < deltaT situations.
     287           0 :     return MAX2(gap, SPEED2DIST(vNext));
     288             : }
     289             : 
     290             : 
     291             : double
     292  4202763096 : MSCFModel::maxNextSpeed(double speed, const MSVehicle* const /*veh*/) const {
     293  4202763096 :     return MIN2(speed + (double) ACCEL2SPEED(getMaxAccel()), myType->getMaxSpeed());
     294             : }
     295             : 
     296             : 
     297             : double
     298  1185247735 : MSCFModel::minNextSpeed(double speed, const MSVehicle* const /*veh*/) const {
     299  1185247735 :     if (MSGlobals::gSemiImplicitEulerUpdate) {
     300  1135309994 :         return MAX2(speed - ACCEL2SPEED(myDecel), 0.);
     301             :     } else {
     302             :         // NOTE: ballistic update allows for negative speeds to indicate a stop within the next timestep
     303    49937741 :         return speed - ACCEL2SPEED(myDecel);
     304             :     }
     305             : }
     306             : 
     307             : 
     308             : double
     309  2528685774 : MSCFModel::minNextSpeedEmergency(double speed, const MSVehicle* const /*veh*/) const {
     310  2528685774 :     if (MSGlobals::gSemiImplicitEulerUpdate) {
     311  2342165839 :         return MAX2(speed - ACCEL2SPEED(myEmergencyDecel), 0.);
     312             :     } else {
     313             :         // NOTE: ballistic update allows for negative speeds to indicate a stop within the next timestep
     314   186519935 :         return speed - ACCEL2SPEED(myEmergencyDecel);
     315             :     }
     316             : }
     317             : 
     318             : 
     319             : 
     320             : double
     321   855204249 : MSCFModel::freeSpeed(const MSVehicle* const veh, double speed, double seen, double maxSpeed, const bool onInsertion, const CalcReason /*usage*/) const {
     322   855204249 :     if (maxSpeed < 0.) {
     323             :         // can occur for ballistic update (in context of driving at red light)
     324             :         return maxSpeed;
     325             :     }
     326   855204247 :     double vSafe = freeSpeed(speed, myDecel, seen, maxSpeed, onInsertion, veh->getActionStepLengthSecs());
     327   855204247 :     return vSafe;
     328             : }
     329             : 
     330             : 
     331             : double
     332     6950204 : MSCFModel::insertionFollowSpeed(const MSVehicle* const /* v */, double speed, double gap2pred, double predSpeed, double predMaxDecel, const MSVehicle* const /*pred*/) const {
     333     6950204 :     if (MSGlobals::gSemiImplicitEulerUpdate) {
     334     6252048 :         return maximumSafeFollowSpeed(gap2pred, speed, predSpeed, predMaxDecel, true);
     335             :     } else {
     336             :         // NOTE: Even for ballistic update, the current speed is irrelevant at insertion, therefore passing 0. (Leo)
     337      698156 :         return maximumSafeFollowSpeed(gap2pred, 0., predSpeed, predMaxDecel, true);
     338             :     }
     339             : }
     340             : 
     341             : 
     342             : double
     343       91364 : MSCFModel::insertionStopSpeed(const MSVehicle* const veh, double speed, double gap) const {
     344       91364 :     if (MSGlobals::gSemiImplicitEulerUpdate) {
     345       83126 :         return stopSpeed(veh, speed, gap, CalcReason::FUTURE);
     346             :     } else {
     347        8238 :         return MIN2(maximumSafeStopSpeed(gap, myDecel, 0., true, 0., false), myType->getMaxSpeed());
     348             :     }
     349             : }
     350             : 
     351             : 
     352             : double
     353      412305 : MSCFModel::followSpeedTransient(double duration, const MSVehicle* const /*veh*/, double /*speed*/, double gap2pred, double predSpeed, double predMaxDecel) const {
     354             :     // minimium distance covered by the leader if braking
     355      412305 :     double leaderMinDist = gap2pred + distAfterTime(duration, predSpeed, -predMaxDecel);
     356             :     // if ego would not brake it could drive with speed leaderMinDist / duration
     357             :     // due to potentential ego braking it can safely drive faster
     358      412305 :     if (MSGlobals::gSemiImplicitEulerUpdate) {
     359             :         // number of potential braking steps
     360      344017 :         const int a = (int)ceil(duration / TS - TS);
     361             :         // can we brake for the whole time?
     362      344017 :         if (brakeGap(a * myDecel, myDecel, 0) <= leaderMinDist) {
     363             :             // braking continuously for duration
     364             :             // distance reduction due to braking
     365      287939 :             const double b = TS * getMaxDecel() * 0.5 * (a * a - a);
     366      287939 :             if (gDebugFlag2) std::cout << "    followSpeedTransient"
     367             :                                            << " duration=" << duration
     368             :                                            << " gap=" << gap2pred
     369             :                                            << " leaderMinDist=" << leaderMinDist
     370             :                                            << " decel=" << getMaxDecel()
     371             :                                            << " a=" << a
     372           0 :                                            << " bg=" << brakeGap(a * myDecel, myDecel, 0)
     373             :                                            << " b=" << b
     374           0 :                                            << " x=" << (b + leaderMinDist) / duration
     375           0 :                                            << "\n";
     376      287939 :             return (b + leaderMinDist) / duration;
     377             :         } else {
     378             :             // @todo improve efficiency
     379             :             double bg = 0;
     380             :             double speed = 0;
     381     1445080 :             while (bg < leaderMinDist) {
     382     1389002 :                 speed += ACCEL2SPEED(myDecel);
     383     1389002 :                 bg += SPEED2DIST(speed);
     384             :             }
     385       56078 :             speed -= DIST2SPEED(bg - leaderMinDist);
     386       56078 :             return speed;
     387             :         }
     388             :     } else {
     389             :         // can we brake for the whole time?
     390       68288 :         const double fullBrakingSeconds = sqrt(leaderMinDist * 2 / myDecel);
     391       68288 :         if (fullBrakingSeconds >= duration) {
     392             :             // braking continuously for duration
     393             :             // average speed after braking for duration is x2 = x - 0.5 * duration * myDecel
     394             :             // x2 * duration <= leaderMinDist must hold
     395       55788 :             return leaderMinDist / duration + duration * getMaxDecel() / 2;
     396             :         } else {
     397       12500 :             return fullBrakingSeconds * myDecel;
     398             :         }
     399             :     }
     400             : }
     401             : 
     402             : double
     403      412305 : MSCFModel::distAfterTime(double t, double speed, const double accel) const {
     404      412305 :     if (accel >= 0.) {
     405           0 :         return (speed + 0.5 * accel * t) * t;
     406             :     }
     407      412305 :     const double decel = -accel;
     408      412305 :     if (speed <= decel * t) {
     409             :         // braking to a full stop
     410      250120 :         return brakeGap(speed, decel, 0);
     411             :     }
     412      162185 :     if (MSGlobals::gSemiImplicitEulerUpdate) {
     413             :         // @todo improve efficiency
     414             :         double result = 0;
     415      734031 :         while (t > 0) {
     416      597487 :             speed -= ACCEL2SPEED(decel);
     417      597487 :             result += MAX2(0.0, SPEED2DIST(speed));
     418      597487 :             t -= TS;
     419             :         }
     420      136544 :         return result;
     421             :     } else {
     422       25641 :         const double speed2 = speed - t * decel;
     423       25641 :         return 0.5 * (speed + speed2) * t;
     424             :     }
     425             : }
     426             : 
     427             : 
     428             : SUMOTime
     429   904121578 : MSCFModel::getMinimalArrivalTime(double dist, double currentSpeed, double arrivalSpeed) const {
     430   904121578 :     if (dist <= 0.) {
     431             :         return 0;
     432             :     }
     433             :     // will either drive as fast as possible and decelerate as late as possible
     434             :     // or accelerate as fast as possible and then hold that speed
     435   904009353 :     const double accel = (arrivalSpeed >= currentSpeed) ? getMaxAccel() : -getMaxDecel();
     436   904009353 :     const double accelTime = accel == 0. ? 0. : (arrivalSpeed - currentSpeed) / accel;
     437   904009353 :     const double accelWay = accelTime * (arrivalSpeed + currentSpeed) * 0.5;
     438   904009353 :     if (dist >= accelWay) {
     439   893176697 :         const double nonAccelWay = dist - accelWay;
     440             :         const double nonAccelSpeed = MAX3(currentSpeed, arrivalSpeed, SUMO_const_haltingSpeed);
     441   893176697 :         return TIME2STEPS(accelTime + nonAccelWay / nonAccelSpeed);
     442             :     }
     443             :     // find time x so that
     444             :     // x * (currentSpeed + currentSpeed + x * accel) * 0.5 = dist
     445    10832656 :     return TIME2STEPS(-(currentSpeed - sqrt(currentSpeed * currentSpeed + 2 * accel * dist)) / accel);
     446             : }
     447             : 
     448             : 
     449             : double
     450       45733 : MSCFModel::estimateArrivalTime(double dist, double speed, double maxSpeed, double accel) {
     451             :     assert(speed >= 0.);
     452             :     assert(dist >= 0.);
     453             : 
     454       45733 :     if (dist < NUMERICAL_EPS) {
     455             :         return 0.;
     456             :     }
     457             : 
     458       45733 :     if ((accel < 0. && -0.5 * speed * speed / accel < dist) || (accel <= 0. && speed == 0.)) {
     459             :         // distance will never be covered with these values
     460             :         return INVALID_DOUBLE;
     461             :     }
     462             : 
     463       29120 :     if (fabs(accel) < NUMERICAL_EPS) {
     464       25328 :         return dist / speed;
     465             :     }
     466             : 
     467        3792 :     double p = speed / accel;
     468             : 
     469        3792 :     if (accel < 0.) {
     470             :         // we already know, that the distance will be covered despite breaking
     471        3792 :         return (-p - sqrt(p * p + 2 * dist / accel));
     472             :     }
     473             : 
     474             :     // Here, accel > 0
     475             :     // t1 is the time to use the given acceleration
     476           0 :     double t1 = (maxSpeed - speed) / accel;
     477             :     // distance covered until t1
     478           0 :     double d1 = speed * t1 + 0.5 * accel * t1 * t1;
     479           0 :     if (d1 >= dist) {
     480             :         // dist is covered before changing the speed
     481           0 :         return (-p + sqrt(p * p + 2 * dist / accel));
     482             :     } else {
     483           0 :         return (-p + sqrt(p * p + 2 * d1 / accel)) + (dist - d1) / maxSpeed;
     484             :     }
     485             : 
     486             : }
     487             : 
     488             : double
     489       67920 : MSCFModel::estimateArrivalTime(double dist, double initialSpeed, double arrivalSpeed, double maxSpeed, double accel, double decel) {
     490             :     UNUSED_PARAMETER(arrivalSpeed); // only in assertion
     491             :     UNUSED_PARAMETER(decel); // only in assertion
     492       67920 :     if (dist <= 0) {
     493             :         return 0.;
     494             :     }
     495             : 
     496             :     // stub-assumptions
     497             :     assert(accel == decel);
     498             :     assert(accel > 0);
     499             :     assert(initialSpeed == 0);
     500             :     assert(arrivalSpeed == 0);
     501             :     assert(maxSpeed > 0);
     502             : 
     503             : 
     504       67920 :     double accelTime = (maxSpeed - initialSpeed) / accel;
     505             :     // "ballistic" estimate for the distance covered during acceleration phase
     506       67920 :     double accelDist = accelTime * (initialSpeed + 0.5 * (maxSpeed - initialSpeed));
     507             :     double arrivalTime;
     508       67920 :     if (accelDist >= dist * 0.5) {
     509             :         // maximal speed will not be attained during maneuver
     510        2446 :         arrivalTime = 4 * sqrt(dist / accel);
     511             :     } else {
     512             :         // Calculate time to move with constant, maximal lateral speed
     513       65474 :         const double constSpeedTime = (dist - accelDist * 2) / maxSpeed;
     514       65474 :         arrivalTime = accelTime + constSpeedTime;
     515             :     }
     516             :     return arrivalTime;
     517             : }
     518             : 
     519             : 
     520             : double
     521       67920 : MSCFModel::avoidArrivalAccel(double dist, double time, double speed, double maxDecel) {
     522             :     assert(time > 0 || dist == 0);
     523       67920 :     if (dist <= 0) {
     524         674 :         return -maxDecel;
     525       67246 :     } else if (time * speed > 2 * dist) {
     526             :         // stop before dist is necessary. We need
     527             :         //            d = v*v/(2*a)
     528        3573 :         return - 0.5 * speed * speed / dist;
     529             :     } else {
     530             :         // we seek the solution a of
     531             :         //            d = v*t + a*t*t/2
     532       63673 :         return 2 * (dist / time - speed) / time;
     533             :     }
     534             : }
     535             : 
     536             : 
     537             : double
     538     2386200 : MSCFModel::getMinimalArrivalSpeed(double dist, double currentSpeed) const {
     539             :     // ballistic update
     540     2386200 :     return estimateSpeedAfterDistance(dist - currentSpeed * getHeadwayTime(), currentSpeed, -getMaxDecel());
     541             : }
     542             : 
     543             : 
     544             : double
     545    54183023 : MSCFModel::getMinimalArrivalSpeedEuler(double dist, double currentSpeed) const {
     546             :     double arrivalSpeedBraking;
     547             :     // Because we use a continuous formula for computing the possible slow-down
     548             :     // we need to handle the mismatch with the discrete dynamics
     549    54183023 :     if (dist < currentSpeed) {
     550             :         arrivalSpeedBraking = INVALID_SPEED; // no time left for braking after this step
     551             :         //      (inserted max() to get rid of arrivalSpeed dependency within method) (Leo)
     552    26297176 :     } else if (2 * (dist - currentSpeed * getHeadwayTime()) * -getMaxDecel() + currentSpeed * currentSpeed >= 0) {
     553    26296198 :         arrivalSpeedBraking = estimateSpeedAfterDistance(dist - currentSpeed * getHeadwayTime(), currentSpeed, -getMaxDecel());
     554             :     } else {
     555             :         arrivalSpeedBraking = getMaxDecel();
     556             :     }
     557    54183023 :     return arrivalSpeedBraking;
     558             : }
     559             : 
     560             : 
     561             : 
     562             : 
     563             : double
     564    17837110 : MSCFModel::gapExtrapolation(const double duration, const double currentGap, double v1,  double v2, double a1, double a2, const double maxV1, const double maxV2) {
     565             : 
     566             :     double newGap = currentGap;
     567             : 
     568    17837110 :     if (MSGlobals::gSemiImplicitEulerUpdate) {
     569    13311719 :         for (unsigned int steps = 1; steps * TS <= duration; ++steps) {
     570           0 :             v1 = MIN2(MAX2(v1 + a1, 0.), maxV1);
     571           0 :             v2 = MIN2(MAX2(v2 + a2, 0.), maxV2);
     572           0 :             newGap += TS * (v1 - v2);
     573             :         }
     574             :     } else {
     575             :         // determine times t1, t2 for which vehicles can break until stop (within duration)
     576             :         // and t3, t4 for which they reach their maximal speed on their current lanes.
     577     4525391 :         double t1 = 0, t2 = 0, t3 = 0, t4 = 0;
     578             : 
     579             :         // t1: ego veh stops
     580     4525391 :         if (a1 < 0 && v1 > 0) {
     581     1519477 :             const double leaderStopTime =  - v1 / a1;
     582     1519477 :             t1 = MIN2(leaderStopTime, duration);
     583     4525391 :         } else if (a1 >= 0) {
     584     2938357 :             t1 = duration;
     585             :         }
     586             :         // t2: veh2 stops
     587     4525391 :         if (a2 < 0 && v2 > 0) {
     588      113544 :             const double followerStopTime = -v2 / a2;
     589      113544 :             t2 = MIN2(followerStopTime, duration);
     590     4525391 :         } else if (a2 >= 0) {
     591     4364393 :             t2 = duration;
     592             :         }
     593             :         // t3: ego veh reaches vMax
     594     4525391 :         if (a1 > 0 && v1 < maxV1) {
     595     2010111 :             const double leaderMaxSpeedTime = (maxV1 - v1) / a1;
     596     2010111 :             t3 = MIN2(leaderMaxSpeedTime, duration);
     597     4525391 :         } else if (a1 <= 0) {
     598     2515280 :             t3 = duration;
     599             :         }
     600             :         // t4: veh2 reaches vMax
     601     4525391 :         if (a2 > 0 && v2 < maxV2) {
     602     1893618 :             const double followerMaxSpeedTime = (maxV2 - v2) / a2;
     603     1893618 :             t4 = MIN2(followerMaxSpeedTime, duration);
     604     4525391 :         } else if (a2 <= 0) {
     605     2631773 :             t4 = duration;
     606             :         }
     607             : 
     608             :         // NOTE: this assumes that the accelerations a1 and a2 are constant over the next
     609             :         //       followerBreakTime seconds (if no vehicle stops before or reaches vMax)
     610             :         std::list<double> l;
     611             :         l.push_back(t1);
     612             :         l.push_back(t2);
     613             :         l.push_back(t3);
     614             :         l.push_back(t4);
     615     4525391 :         l.sort();
     616             :         std::list<double>::const_iterator i;
     617             :         double tLast = 0.;
     618     4739761 :         for (i = l.begin(); i != l.end(); ++i) {
     619     4739761 :             if (*i != tLast) {
     620     2916966 :                 double dt = MIN2(*i, duration) - tLast; // time between *i and tLast
     621     2916966 :                 double dv = v1 - v2; // current velocity difference
     622     2916966 :                 double da = a1 - a2; // current acceleration difference
     623     2916966 :                 newGap += dv * dt + da * dt * dt / 2.; // update gap
     624     2916966 :                 v1 += dt * a1;
     625     2916966 :                 v2 += dt * a2;
     626             :             }
     627     4739761 :             if (*i == t1 || *i == t3) {
     628             :                 // ego veh reached velocity bound
     629             :                 a1 = 0.;
     630             :             }
     631             : 
     632     4739761 :             if (*i == t2 || *i == t4) {
     633             :                 // veh2 reached velocity bound
     634             :                 a2 = 0.;
     635             :             }
     636             : 
     637             :             tLast = MIN2(*i, duration);
     638     4739761 :             if (tLast == duration) {
     639             :                 break;
     640             :             }
     641             :         }
     642             : 
     643     4525391 :         if (duration != tLast) {
     644             :             // (both vehicles have zero acceleration)
     645             :             assert(a1 == 0. && a2 == 0.);
     646           0 :             double dt = duration - tLast; // remaining time until duration
     647           0 :             double dv = v1 - v2; // current velocity difference
     648           0 :             newGap += dv * dt; // update gap
     649             :         }
     650             :     }
     651             : 
     652    17837110 :     return newGap;
     653             : }
     654             : 
     655             : 
     656             : 
     657             : double
     658    31879037 : MSCFModel::passingTime(const double lastPos, const double passedPos, const double currentPos, const double lastSpeed, const double currentSpeed) {
     659             : 
     660             :     assert(passedPos <= currentPos);
     661             :     assert(passedPos >= lastPos);
     662             :     assert(currentPos > lastPos);
     663             :     assert(currentSpeed >= 0);
     664             : 
     665    31879037 :     if (passedPos > currentPos || passedPos < lastPos) {
     666           0 :         std::stringstream ss;
     667             :         // Debug (Leo)
     668           0 :         if (!MSGlobals::gSemiImplicitEulerUpdate) {
     669             :             // NOTE: error is guarded to maintain original test output for euler update (Leo).
     670           0 :             ss << "passingTime(): given argument passedPos = " << passedPos << " doesn't lie within [lastPos, currentPos] = [" << lastPos << ", " << currentPos << "]\nExtrapolating...";
     671           0 :             std::cout << ss.str() << "\n";
     672           0 :             WRITE_ERROR(ss.str());
     673             :         }
     674           0 :         const double lastCoveredDist = currentPos - lastPos;
     675           0 :         const double extrapolated = passedPos > currentPos ? TS * (passedPos - lastPos) / lastCoveredDist : TS * (currentPos - passedPos) / lastCoveredDist;
     676             :         return extrapolated;
     677    31879037 :     } else if (currentSpeed < 0) {
     678           0 :         WRITE_ERROR("passingTime(): given argument 'currentSpeed' is negative. This case is not handled yet.");
     679           0 :         return -1;
     680             :     }
     681             : 
     682    31879037 :     const double distanceOldToPassed = passedPos - lastPos; // assert: >=0
     683             : 
     684    31879037 :     if (MSGlobals::gSemiImplicitEulerUpdate) {
     685             :         // euler update (constantly moving with currentSpeed during [0,TS])
     686    30477765 :         if (currentSpeed == 0) {
     687           0 :             return TS;
     688             :         }
     689    30477765 :         const double t = distanceOldToPassed / currentSpeed;
     690    30477765 :         return MIN2(TS, MAX2(0., t)); //rounding errors could give results out of the admissible result range
     691             : 
     692             :     } else {
     693             :         // ballistic update (constant acceleration a during [0,TS], except in case of a stop)
     694             : 
     695             :         // determine acceleration
     696             :         double a;
     697     1401272 :         if (currentSpeed > 0) {
     698             :             // the acceleration was constant within the last time step
     699     1401144 :             a = SPEED2ACCEL(currentSpeed - lastSpeed);
     700             :         } else {
     701             :             // the currentSpeed is zero (the last was not because lastPos<currentPos).
     702             :             assert(currentSpeed == 0 && lastSpeed != 0);
     703             :             // In general the stop has taken place within the last time step.
     704             :             // The acceleration (a<0) is obtained from
     705             :             // deltaPos = - lastSpeed^2/(2*a)
     706         128 :             a = lastSpeed * lastSpeed / (2 * (lastPos - currentPos));
     707             : 
     708             :             assert(a < 0);
     709             :         }
     710             : 
     711             :         // determine passing time t
     712             :         // we solve distanceOldToPassed = lastSpeed*t + a*t^2/2
     713     1401272 :         if (fabs(a) < NUMERICAL_EPS) {
     714             :             // treat as constant speed within [0, TS]
     715      347438 :             const double t = 2 * distanceOldToPassed / (lastSpeed + currentSpeed);
     716      347438 :             return MIN2(TS, MAX2(0., t)); //rounding errors could give results out of the admissible result range
     717     1053834 :         } else if (a > 0) {
     718             :             // positive acceleration => only one positive solution
     719      566185 :             const double va = lastSpeed / a;
     720      566185 :             const double t = -va + sqrt(va * va + 2 * distanceOldToPassed / a);
     721             :             assert(t < 1 && t >= 0);
     722      566185 :             return t;
     723             :         } else {
     724             :             // negative acceleration => two positive solutions (pick the smaller one.)
     725      487649 :             const double va = lastSpeed / a;
     726      487649 :             const double t = -va - sqrt(va * va + 2 * distanceOldToPassed / a);
     727             :             // emergency braking at red light could give results out of the admissible result range
     728             :             // because the dynamics are euler-like (full forward speed with instant deceleration)
     729      487649 :             return MIN2(TS, MAX2(0., t));
     730             :         }
     731             :     }
     732             : }
     733             : 
     734             : 
     735             : double
     736    73780294 : MSCFModel::speedAfterTime(const double t, const double v0, const double dist) {
     737             :     assert(dist >= 0);
     738             :     assert(t >= 0 && t <= TS);
     739    73780294 :     if (MSGlobals::gSemiImplicitEulerUpdate) {
     740             :         // euler: constant speed within [0,TS]
     741    72737303 :         return DIST2SPEED(dist);
     742             :     } else {
     743             :         // ballistic: piecewise constant acceleration in [0,TS] (may become 0 for a stop within TS)
     744             :         // We reconstruct acceleration at time t=0. Note that the covered distance in case
     745             :         // of a stop exactly at t=TS is TS*v0/2.
     746     1042991 :         if (dist <  TS * v0 / 2) {
     747             :             // stop must have occurred within [0,TS], use dist = -v0^2/(2a) (stopping dist),
     748             :             // i.e., a = -v0^2/(2*dist)
     749          71 :             const double accel = - v0 * v0 / (2 * dist);
     750             :             // The speed at time t is then
     751          71 :             return v0 + accel * t;
     752             :         } else {
     753             :             // no stop occurred within [0,TS], thus (from dist = v0*TS + accel*TS^2/2)
     754     1042920 :             const double accel = 2 * (dist / TS - v0) / TS;
     755             :             // The speed at time t is then
     756     1042920 :             return v0 + accel * t;
     757             :         }
     758             :     }
     759             : }
     760             : 
     761             : 
     762             : 
     763             : 
     764             : double
     765  2117819036 : MSCFModel::estimateSpeedAfterDistance(const double dist, const double v, const double accel) const {
     766             :     // dist=v*t + 0.5*accel*t^2, solve for t and use v1 = v + accel*t
     767  2117819036 :     return MIN2(myType->getMaxSpeed(),
     768  2117819036 :                 (double)sqrt(MAX2(0., 2 * dist * accel + v * v)));
     769             : }
     770             : 
     771             : 
     772             : 
     773             : double
     774  2910197264 : MSCFModel::maximumSafeStopSpeed(double gap, double decel, double currentSpeed, bool onInsertion, double headway, bool relaxEmergency) const {
     775             :     double vsafe;
     776  2910197264 :     if (MSGlobals::gSemiImplicitEulerUpdate) {
     777  2689514621 :         vsafe = maximumSafeStopSpeedEuler(gap, decel, onInsertion, headway);
     778             :     } else {
     779   220682643 :         vsafe = maximumSafeStopSpeedBallistic(gap, decel, currentSpeed, onInsertion, headway);
     780             :     }
     781             : 
     782  2910197264 :     if (relaxEmergency && myDecel != myEmergencyDecel) {
     783             : #ifdef DEBUG_EMERGENCYDECEL
     784             :         if (true) {
     785             :             std::cout << SIMTIME << " maximumSafeStopSpeed()"
     786             :                       << " g=" << gap
     787             :                       << " v=" << currentSpeed
     788             :                       << " initial vsafe=" << vsafe << "(decel=" << SPEED2ACCEL(v - vsafe) << ")" << std::endl;
     789             :         }
     790             : #endif
     791             : 
     792   827395315 :         double origSafeDecel = SPEED2ACCEL(currentSpeed - vsafe);
     793   827395315 :         if (origSafeDecel > myDecel + NUMERICAL_EPS) {
     794             :             // emergency deceleration required
     795             : 
     796             : #ifdef DEBUG_EMERGENCYDECEL
     797             :             if (true) {
     798             :                 std::cout << SIMTIME << " maximumSafeStopSpeed() results in emergency deceleration "
     799             :                           << "initial vsafe=" << vsafe  << " egoSpeed=" << v << "(decel=" << SPEED2ACCEL(v - vsafe) << ")" << std::endl;
     800             :             }
     801             : #endif
     802             : 
     803    22601691 :             double safeDecel = EMERGENCY_DECEL_AMPLIFIER * calculateEmergencyDeceleration(gap, currentSpeed, 0., 1);
     804             :             // Don't be riskier than the usual method (myDecel <= safeDecel may occur, because a headway>0 is used above)
     805    22601691 :             safeDecel = MAX2(safeDecel, myDecel);
     806             :             // don't brake harder than originally planned (possible due to euler/ballistic mismatch)
     807             :             safeDecel = MIN2(safeDecel, origSafeDecel);
     808    22601691 :             vsafe = currentSpeed - ACCEL2SPEED(safeDecel);
     809    22601691 :             if (MSGlobals::gSemiImplicitEulerUpdate) {
     810             :                 vsafe = MAX2(vsafe, 0.);
     811             :             }
     812             : 
     813             : #ifdef DEBUG_EMERGENCYDECEL
     814             :             if (true) {
     815             :                 std::cout << "     -> corrected emergency deceleration: " << SPEED2ACCEL(v - vsafe) << std::endl;
     816             :             }
     817             : #endif
     818             : 
     819             :         }
     820             :     }
     821             : 
     822  2910197264 :     return vsafe;
     823             : }
     824             : 
     825             : 
     826             : double
     827  2689514621 : MSCFModel::maximumSafeStopSpeedEuler(double gap, double decel, bool /* onInsertion */, double headway) const {
     828             :     // decrease gap slightly (to avoid passing end of lane by values of magnitude ~1e-12, when exact stop is required)
     829  2689514621 :     const double g = gap - NUMERICAL_EPS;
     830  2689514621 :     if (g < 0.) {
     831             :         return 0.;
     832             :     }
     833  2603332902 :     const double b = ACCEL2SPEED(decel);
     834  2603332902 :     const double t = headway >= 0 ? headway : myHeadwayTime;
     835             :     const double s = TS;
     836             : 
     837             :     // h = the distance that would be covered if it were possible to stop
     838             :     // exactly after gap and decelerate with b every simulation step
     839             :     // h = 0.5 * n * (n-1) * b * s + n * b * t (solve for n)
     840             :     //n = ((1.0/2.0) - ((t + (pow(((s*s) + (4.0*((s*((2.0*h/b) - t)) + (t*t)))), (1.0/2.0))*sign/2.0))/s));
     841  2603332902 :     const double n = floor(.5 - ((t + (sqrt(((s * s) + (4.0 * ((s * (2.0 * g / b - t)) + (t * t))))) * -0.5)) / s));
     842  2603332902 :     const double h = 0.5 * n * (n - 1) * b * s + n * b * t;
     843             :     assert(h <= g + NUMERICAL_EPS);
     844             :     // compute the additional speed that must be used during deceleration to fix
     845             :     // the discrepancy between g and h
     846  2603332902 :     const double r = (g - h) / (n * s + t);
     847  2603332902 :     const double x = n * b + r;
     848             :     assert(x >= 0);
     849  2603332902 :     return x;
     850             : //    return onInsertion ? x + b: x; // see #2574
     851             : }
     852             : 
     853             : 
     854             : double
     855   221445956 : MSCFModel::maximumSafeStopSpeedBallistic(double gap, double decel, double currentSpeed, bool onInsertion, double headway) const {
     856             :     // decrease gap slightly (to avoid passing end of lane by values of magnitude ~1e-12, when exact stop is required)
     857   221445956 :     const double g = MAX2(0., gap - NUMERICAL_EPS);
     858   221445956 :     headway = headway >= 0 ? headway : myHeadwayTime;
     859             : 
     860             :     // (Leo) Note that in contrast to the Euler update, for the ballistic update
     861             :     // the distance covered in the coming step depends on the current velocity, in general.
     862             :     // one exception is the situation when the vehicle is just being inserted.
     863             :     // In that case, it will not cover any distance until the next timestep by convention.
     864             : 
     865             :     // We treat the latter case first:
     866   221445956 :     if (onInsertion) {
     867             :         // The distance covered with constant insertion speed v0 until time tau is given as
     868             :         // G1 = tau*v0
     869             :         // The distance covered between time tau and the stopping moment at time tau+v0/b is
     870             :         // G2 = v0^2/(2b),
     871             :         // where b is an assumed constant deceleration (= decel)
     872             :         // We solve g = G1 + G2 for v0:
     873     5352563 :         const double btau = decel * headway;
     874     5352563 :         const double v0 = -btau + sqrt(btau * btau + 2 * decel * g);
     875     5352563 :         return v0;
     876             :     }
     877             : 
     878             :     // In the usual case during the driving task, the vehicle goes by
     879             :     // a current speed v0=v, and we seek to determine a safe acceleration a (possibly <0)
     880             :     // such that starting to break after accelerating with a for the time tau=headway
     881             :     // still allows us to stop in time.
     882             : 
     883   216093393 :     const double tau = headway == 0 ? TS : headway;
     884             :     const double v0 = MAX2(0., currentSpeed);
     885             :     // We first consider the case that a stop has to take place within time tau
     886   216093393 :     if (v0 * tau >= 2 * g) {
     887    14325626 :         if (g == 0.) {
     888     7598649 :             if (v0 > 0.) {
     889             :                 // indicate to brake as hard as possible
     890     5877928 :                 return -ACCEL2SPEED(myEmergencyDecel);
     891             :             } else {
     892             :                 // stay stopped
     893             :                 return 0.;
     894             :             }
     895             :         }
     896             :         // In general we solve g = v0^2/(-2a), where the the rhs is the distance
     897             :         // covered until stop when breaking with a<0
     898     6726977 :         const double a = -v0 * v0 / (2 * g);
     899     6726977 :         return v0 + a * TS;
     900             :     }
     901             : 
     902             :     // The last case corresponds to a situation, where the vehicle may go with a positive
     903             :     // speed v1 = v0 + tau*a after time tau.
     904             :     // The distance covered until time tau is given as
     905             :     // G1 = tau*(v0+v1)/2
     906             :     // The distance covered between time tau and the stopping moment at time tau+v1/b is
     907             :     // G2 = v1^2/(2b),
     908             :     // where b is an assumed constant deceleration (= decel)
     909             :     // We solve g = G1 + G2 for v1>0:
     910             :     // <=> 0 = v1^2 + b*tau*v1 + b*tau*v0 - 2bg
     911             :     //  => v1 = -b*tau/2 + sqrt( (b*tau)^2/4 + b(2g - tau*v0) )
     912             : 
     913   201767767 :     const double btau2 = decel * tau / 2;
     914   201767767 :     const double v1 = -btau2 + sqrt(btau2 * btau2 + decel * (2 * g - tau * v0));
     915   201767767 :     const double a = (v1 - v0) / tau;
     916   201767767 :     return v0 + a * TS;
     917             : }
     918             : 
     919             : 
     920             : /** Returns the SK-vsafe. */
     921             : double
     922  2033822966 : MSCFModel::maximumSafeFollowSpeed(double gap, double egoSpeed, double predSpeed, double predMaxDecel, bool onInsertion) const {
     923             :     // the speed is safe if allows the ego vehicle to come to a stop behind the leader even if
     924             :     // the leaders starts braking hard until stopped
     925             :     // unfortunately it is not sufficient to compare stopping distances if the follower can brake harder than the leader
     926             :     // (the trajectories might intersect before both vehicles are stopped even if the follower has a shorter stopping distance than the leader)
     927             :     // To make things safe, we ensure that the leaders brake distance is computed with an deceleration that is at least as high as the follower's.
     928             :     // @todo: this is a conservative estimate for safe speed which could be increased
     929             : 
     930             : //    // For negative gaps, we return the lowest meaningful value by convention
     931             : //    // XXX: check whether this is desireable (changes test results, therefore I exclude it for now (Leo), refs. #2575)
     932             : 
     933             : //    //      It must be done. Otherwise, negative gaps at high speeds can create nonsense results from the call to maximumSafeStopSpeed() below
     934             : 
     935             : //    if(gap<0){
     936             : //        if(MSGlobals::gSemiImplicitEulerUpdate){
     937             : //            return 0.;
     938             : //        } else {
     939             : //            return -INVALID_SPEED;
     940             : //        }
     941             : //    }
     942             : 
     943             :     // The following commented code is a variant to assure brief stopping behind a stopped leading vehicle:
     944             :     // if leader is stopped, calculate stopSpeed without time-headway to prevent creeping stop
     945             :     // NOTE: this can lead to the strange phenomenon (for the Krauss-model at least) that if the leader comes to a stop,
     946             :     //       the follower accelerates for a short period of time. Refs #2310 (Leo)
     947             :     //    const double headway = predSpeed > 0. ? myHeadwayTime : 0.;
     948             : 
     949  2033822966 :     const double headway = myHeadwayTime;
     950             :     double x;
     951  2033822966 :     if (gap >= 0 || MSGlobals::gComputeLC) {
     952  3975232483 :         x = maximumSafeStopSpeed(gap + brakeGap(predSpeed, MAX2(myDecel, predMaxDecel), 0), myDecel, egoSpeed, onInsertion, headway, false);
     953             :     } else {
     954      685485 :         x = egoSpeed - ACCEL2SPEED(myEmergencyDecel);
     955      685485 :         if (MSGlobals::gSemiImplicitEulerUpdate) {
     956             :             x = MAX2(x, 0.);
     957             :         }
     958             :     }
     959             : 
     960  2033822966 :     if (myDecel != myEmergencyDecel && !onInsertion && !MSGlobals::gComputeLC) {
     961  1504681398 :         double origSafeDecel = SPEED2ACCEL(egoSpeed - x);
     962  1504681398 :         if (origSafeDecel > myDecel + NUMERICAL_EPS) {
     963             :             // Braking harder than myDecel was requested -> calculate required emergency deceleration.
     964             :             // Note that the resulting safeDecel can be smaller than the origSafeDecel, since the call to maximumSafeStopSpeed() above
     965             :             // can result in corrupted values (leading to intersecting trajectories) if, e.g. leader and follower are fast (leader still faster) and the gap is very small,
     966             :             // such that braking harder than myDecel is required.
     967             : 
     968     4890944 :             double safeDecel = EMERGENCY_DECEL_AMPLIFIER * calculateEmergencyDeceleration(gap, egoSpeed, predSpeed, predMaxDecel);
     969             : #ifdef DEBUG_EMERGENCYDECEL
     970             :             if (DEBUG_COND2) {
     971             :                 std::cout << SIMTIME << " initial vsafe=" << x
     972             :                           << " egoSpeed=" << egoSpeed << " (origSafeDecel=" << origSafeDecel << ")"
     973             :                           << " predSpeed=" << predSpeed << " (predDecel=" << predMaxDecel << ")"
     974             :                           << " safeDecel=" << safeDecel
     975             :                           << std::endl;
     976             :             }
     977             : #endif
     978             :             // Don't be riskier than the usual method (myDecel <= safeDecel may occur, because a headway>0 is used above)
     979     4890944 :             safeDecel = MAX2(safeDecel, myDecel);
     980             :             // don't brake harder than originally planned (possible due to euler/ballistic mismatch)
     981             :             safeDecel = MIN2(safeDecel, origSafeDecel);
     982     4890944 :             x = egoSpeed - ACCEL2SPEED(safeDecel);
     983     4890944 :             if (MSGlobals::gSemiImplicitEulerUpdate) {
     984             :                 x = MAX2(x, 0.);
     985             :             }
     986             : 
     987             : #ifdef DEBUG_EMERGENCYDECEL
     988             :             if (DEBUG_COND2) {
     989             :                 std::cout << "     -> corrected emergency deceleration: " << safeDecel << " newVSafe=" << x << std::endl;
     990             :             }
     991             : #endif
     992             : 
     993             :         }
     994             :     }
     995             :     assert(x >= 0 || !MSGlobals::gSemiImplicitEulerUpdate);
     996             :     assert(!std::isnan(x));
     997  2033822966 :     return x;
     998             : }
     999             : 
    1000             : 
    1001             : double
    1002    27492635 : MSCFModel::calculateEmergencyDeceleration(double gap, double egoSpeed, double predSpeed, double predMaxDecel) const {
    1003             :     // There are two cases:
    1004             :     // 1) Either, stopping in time is possible with a deceleration b <= predMaxDecel, then this value is returned
    1005             :     // 2) Or, b > predMaxDecel is required in this case the minimal value b allowing to stop safely under the assumption maxPredDecel=b is returned
    1006    27492635 :     if (gap <= 0.) {
    1007     2366054 :         return myEmergencyDecel;
    1008             :     }
    1009             : 
    1010             :     // Apparent braking distance for the leader
    1011    25126581 :     const double predBrakeDist = 0.5 * predSpeed * predSpeed / predMaxDecel;
    1012             :     // Required deceleration according to case 1)
    1013    25126581 :     const double b1 = 0.5 * egoSpeed * egoSpeed / (gap + predBrakeDist);
    1014             : 
    1015             : #ifdef DEBUG_EMERGENCYDECEL
    1016             :     if (DEBUG_COND2) {
    1017             :         std::cout << SIMTIME << " calculateEmergencyDeceleration()"
    1018             :                   << " gap=" << gap << " egoSpeed=" << egoSpeed << " predSpeed=" << predSpeed
    1019             :                   << " predBrakeDist=" << predBrakeDist
    1020             :                   << " b1=" << b1
    1021             :                   << std::endl;
    1022             :     }
    1023             : #endif
    1024             : 
    1025    25126581 :     if (b1 <= predMaxDecel) {
    1026             :         // Case 1) applies
    1027             : #ifdef DEBUG_EMERGENCYDECEL
    1028             :         if (DEBUG_COND2) {
    1029             :             std::cout << "       case 1 ..." << std::endl;
    1030             :         }
    1031             : #endif
    1032             :         return b1;
    1033             :     }
    1034             : #ifdef DEBUG_EMERGENCYDECEL
    1035             :     if (DEBUG_COND2) {
    1036             :         std::cout << "       case 2 ...";
    1037             :     }
    1038             : #endif
    1039             : 
    1040             :     // Case 2) applies
    1041             :     // Required deceleration according to case 2)
    1042    24400862 :     const double b2 = 0.5 * (egoSpeed * egoSpeed - predSpeed * predSpeed) / gap;
    1043             : 
    1044             : #ifdef DEBUG_EMERGENCYDECEL
    1045             :     if (DEBUG_COND2) {
    1046             :         std::cout << " b2=" << b2 << std::endl;
    1047             :     }
    1048             : #endif
    1049    24400862 :     return b2;
    1050             : }
    1051             : 
    1052             : 
    1053             : void
    1054   613834863 : MSCFModel::applyOwnSpeedPerceptionError(const MSVehicle* const veh, double& speed) const {
    1055   613834863 :     if (!veh->hasDriverState()) {
    1056             :         return;
    1057             :     }
    1058      499668 :     speed = veh->getDriverState()->getPerceivedOwnSpeed(speed);
    1059             : }
    1060             : 
    1061             : 
    1062             : void
    1063  2115764183 : MSCFModel::applyHeadwayAndSpeedDifferencePerceptionErrors(const MSVehicle* const veh, double speed, double& gap, double& predSpeed, double predMaxDecel, const MSVehicle* const pred) const {
    1064             :     UNUSED_PARAMETER(speed);
    1065             :     UNUSED_PARAMETER(predMaxDecel);
    1066  2115764183 :     if (!veh->hasDriverState()) {
    1067             :         return;
    1068             :     }
    1069             : 
    1070             :     // Obtain perceived gap and headway from the driver state
    1071      405897 :     const double perceivedGap = veh->getDriverState()->getPerceivedHeadway(gap, pred);
    1072      405897 :     const double perceivedSpeedDifference = veh->getDriverState()->getPerceivedSpeedDifference(predSpeed - speed, gap, pred);
    1073             : 
    1074             : #ifdef DEBUG_DRIVER_ERRORS
    1075             :     if (DEBUG_COND) {
    1076             :         if (!veh->getDriverState()->debugLocked()) {
    1077             :             veh->getDriverState()->lockDebug();
    1078             :             std::cout << SIMTIME << " veh '" << veh->getID() << "' -> MSCFModel_Krauss::applyHeadwayAndSpeedDifferencePerceptionErrors()\n"
    1079             :                       << "  speed=" << speed << " gap=" << gap << " leaderSpeed=" << predSpeed
    1080             :                       << "\n  perceivedGap=" << perceivedGap << " perceivedLeaderSpeed=" << speed + perceivedSpeedDifference
    1081             :                       << " perceivedSpeedDifference=" << perceivedSpeedDifference
    1082             :                       << std::endl;
    1083             :             const double exactFollowSpeed = followSpeed(veh, speed, gap, predSpeed, predMaxDecel, pred, CalcReason::FUTURE);
    1084             :             const double errorFollowSpeed = followSpeed(veh, speed, perceivedGap, speed + perceivedSpeedDifference, predMaxDecel, pred, CalcReason::FUTURE);
    1085             :             const double accelError = SPEED2ACCEL(errorFollowSpeed - exactFollowSpeed);
    1086             :             std::cout << "  gapError=" << perceivedGap - gap << "  dvError=" << perceivedSpeedDifference - (predSpeed - speed)
    1087             :                       << "\n  resulting accelError: " << accelError << std::endl;
    1088             :             veh->getDriverState()->unlockDebug();
    1089             :         }
    1090             :     }
    1091             : #endif
    1092             : 
    1093      405897 :     gap = perceivedGap;
    1094      405897 :     predSpeed = speed + perceivedSpeedDifference;
    1095             : }
    1096             : 
    1097             : 
    1098             : void
    1099   832781528 : MSCFModel::applyHeadwayPerceptionError(const MSVehicle* const veh, double speed, double& gap) const {
    1100             :     UNUSED_PARAMETER(speed);
    1101   832781528 :     if (!veh->hasDriverState()) {
    1102             :         return;
    1103             :     }
    1104             :     // @todo: Provide objectID (e.g. pointer address for the relevant object at the given distance(gap))
    1105             :     //        This is for item related management of known object and perception updates when the distance
    1106             :     //        changes significantly. (Should not be too important for stationary objects though.)
    1107             : 
    1108             :     // Obtain perceived gap from driver state
    1109      191310 :     const double perceivedGap = veh->getDriverState()->getPerceivedHeadway(gap);
    1110             : 
    1111             : #ifdef DEBUG_DRIVER_ERRORS
    1112             :     if (DEBUG_COND) {
    1113             :         if (!veh->getDriverState()->debugLocked()) {
    1114             :             veh->getDriverState()->lockDebug();
    1115             :             std::cout << SIMTIME << " veh '" << veh->getID() << "' -> MSCFModel_Krauss::applyHeadwayPerceptionError()\n"
    1116             :                       << "  speed=" << speed << " gap=" << gap << "\n  perceivedGap=" << perceivedGap << std::endl;
    1117             :             const double exactStopSpeed = stopSpeed(veh, speed, gap, CalcReason::FUTURE);
    1118             :             const double errorStopSpeed = stopSpeed(veh, speed, perceivedGap, CalcReason::FUTURE);
    1119             :             const double accelError = SPEED2ACCEL(errorStopSpeed - exactStopSpeed);
    1120             :             std::cout << "  gapError=" << perceivedGap - gap << "\n  resulting accelError: " << accelError << std::endl;
    1121             :             veh->getDriverState()->unlockDebug();
    1122             :         }
    1123             :     }
    1124             : #endif
    1125             : 
    1126      191310 :     gap = perceivedGap;
    1127             : }
    1128             : 
    1129             : 
    1130             : /****************************************************************************/

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