LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - src/microsim/output - MSE2Collector.h (source / functions) Coverage Total Hit
Test: Lines: 68.3 % 82 56
Test Date: 2024-12-21 15:45:41 Functions: 26.9 % 26 7

            Line data    Source code
       1              : /****************************************************************************/
       2              : // Eclipse SUMO, Simulation of Urban MObility; see
       3              : // Copyright (C) 2001-2024 German Aerospace Center (DLR) and others.
       4              : // This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
       5              : // terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
       6              : //
       7              : // This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary
       8              : // Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the Eclipse
       9              : // Public License 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License, version 2
      10              : // or later which is available at
      11              : //
      12              : // SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0-or-later
      13              : /****************************************************************************/
      14              : /// @file    MSE2Collector.h
      15              : /// @author  Christian Roessel
      16              : /// @author  Daniel Krajzewicz
      17              : /// @author  Sascha Krieg
      18              : /// @author  Michael Behrisch
      19              : /// @author  Robbin Blokpoel
      20              : /// @author  Jakob Erdmann
      21              : /// @author  Leonhard Luecken
      22              : /// @date    Mon Feb 03 2014 14:13 CET
      23              : ///
      24              : // An areal detector covering to a sequence of consecutive lanes
      25              : /****************************************************************************/
      26              : #pragma once
      27              : #include <config.h>
      28              : 
      29              : #include <vector>
      30              : #include <list>
      31              : #include <microsim/MSLane.h>
      32              : #include <microsim/MSNet.h>
      33              : #include <microsim/MSMoveReminder.h>
      34              : #include <microsim/output/MSDetectorFileOutput.h>
      35              : #include <utils/common/UtilExceptions.h>
      36              : #include <cassert>
      37              : 
      38              : 
      39              : // ===========================================================================
      40              : // class declarations
      41              : // ===========================================================================
      42              : class OutputDevice;
      43              : class SUMOVehicle;
      44              : class SUMOTrafficObject;
      45              : 
      46              : 
      47              : // ===========================================================================
      48              : // class definitions
      49              : // ===========================================================================
      50              : /**
      51              :  * @class MSE2Collector
      52              :  * @brief An areal detector corresponding to a sequence of consecutive lanes
      53              :  *
      54              :  * This detector traces vehicles which are on a sequence of consecutive lanes. A
      55              :  *  vehicle that enters the detector is stored and the stored vehicles' speeds
      56              :  *  are used within each timestep to compute the detector values. As soon as the
      57              :  *  vehicle leaves the detector, it is no longer tracked.
      58              :  *
      59              :  * Determining entering and leaving vehicles is done via the MSMoveReminder
      60              :  *  interface. The values are computed by an event-callback (at the end of
      61              :  *  a time step).
      62              :  *
      63              :  * @note As soon as a vehicle enters the detector, a VehicleInfo object is created
      64              :  *        and stored in myVehicleInfos. This is constantly updated as long as the
      65              :  *        vehicle stays on the detector (i.e. calls notifyMove()). All movement
      66              :  *        notifications sent by vehicles on the detector are temporarily stored
      67              :  *        in myMoveNotifications, see notifyMove(). Finally they are integrated
      68              :  *        into myVehicleInfos when updateDetector is called.
      69              :  * @note When subclassing this detector, it is probably sufficient to adapt the
      70              :  *        definition of the structs VehicleInfo and the MoveNotification, as well as
      71              :  *        the methods that define and create those structs, i.e., makeVehicleInfo()
      72              :  *        and makeMoveNotification(). Further the integration of new movement
      73              :  *        notifications of the last time step into the vehicle infos is done
      74              :  *        in updateVehicleInfos().
      75              :  *
      76              :  */
      77              : 
      78              : 
      79              : class MSE2Collector : public MSMoveReminder, public MSDetectorFileOutput {
      80              : public:
      81              :     /** @brief A VehicleInfo stores values that are tracked for the individual vehicles on the detector,
      82              :      *         e.g., accumulated timeloss. These infos are stored in myVehicles. If a vehicle leaves the detector
      83              :      *         (may it be temporarily), the entry in myVehicles is discarded, i.e. all information on the vehicle is reset.
      84              :     */
      85              :     struct VehicleInfo {
      86              :         /** @note Constructor expects an entryLane argument corresponding to a lane, which is part of the detector.
      87              :         */
      88       589010 :         VehicleInfo(std::string id, std::string type, double length, double minGap, const MSLane* entryLane, double entryOffset,
      89       589010 :                     std::size_t currentOffsetIndex, double exitOffset, double distToDetectorEnd, bool onDetector) :
      90       589010 :             id(id),
      91       589010 :             type(type),
      92       589010 :             length(length),
      93       589010 :             minGap(minGap),
      94       589010 :             entryLaneID(entryLane->getID()),
      95       589010 :             entryOffset(entryOffset),
      96       589010 :             currentLane(entryLane),
      97       589010 :             currentOffsetIndex(currentOffsetIndex),
      98       589010 :             exitOffset(exitOffset),
      99       589010 :             distToDetectorEnd(distToDetectorEnd),
     100       589010 :             totalTimeOnDetector(0.),
     101       589010 :             accumulatedTimeLoss(0.),
     102       589010 :             onDetector(onDetector),
     103       589010 :             hasEntered(false),
     104       589010 :             lastAccel(0),
     105       589010 :             lastSpeed(0),
     106       589010 :             lastPos(0) {
     107              :             assert(exitOffset < 0);
     108       589010 :         }
     109      1178020 :         virtual ~VehicleInfo() {};
     110              :         /// vehicle's ID
     111              :         std::string id;
     112              :         /// vehicle's type
     113              :         std::string type;
     114              :         /// vehicle's length
     115              :         double length;
     116              :         /// vehicle's minGap
     117              :         double minGap;
     118              :         /// ID of the lane, on which the vehicle entered the detector
     119              :         std::string entryLaneID;
     120              :         /// Distance of the vehicle's entry lane's beginning to the detector start (can be negative for the first lane)
     121              :         /// In notifyMove(), the positional input arguments are relative to that position (since the vehicle picks up the MoveReminder
     122              :         /// on the entry lane)
     123              :         double entryOffset;
     124              :         /// Lane, on which the vehicle currently resides (always the one for which the last notifyEnter was received)
     125              :         const MSLane* currentLane;
     126              :         /// Index of currentLane in the detector's myLanes vector.
     127              :         std::size_t currentOffsetIndex;
     128              :         /// Offset from the detector start, where the vehicle has leaves the detector (defaults to detector length and is updated
     129              :         /// if the vehicle leaves the detector via a junction before reaching its end, i.e. enters a lane not part of the detector)
     130              :         double exitOffset;
     131              :         /// Distance left till the detector end after the last integration step (may become negative if the vehicle passes beyond the detector end)
     132              :         double distToDetectorEnd;
     133              :         /// Accumulated time that this vehicle has spent on the detector since its last entry
     134              :         double totalTimeOnDetector;
     135              :         /// Accumulated time loss that this vehicle suffered since it entered the detector
     136              :         double accumulatedTimeLoss;
     137              : 
     138              :         /// whether the vehicle is on the detector at the end of the current timestep
     139              :         bool onDetector;
     140              :         /// Whether the vehicle has already entered the detector (don't count twice!)
     141              :         bool hasEntered;
     142              :         /// Last value of the acceleration
     143              :         double lastAccel;
     144              :         /// Last value of the speed
     145              :         double lastSpeed;
     146              :         /// Last value of the vehicle position in reference to the start lane
     147              :         /// @note NOT in reference to the entry lane as newPos argument in notifyMove()!
     148              :         double lastPos;
     149              :     };
     150              : 
     151              :     typedef std::map<std::string, VehicleInfo*> VehicleInfoMap;
     152              : 
     153              : 
     154              : private:
     155              :     /** @brief Values collected in notifyMove and needed in detectorUpdate() to
     156              :      *          calculate the accumulated quantities for the detector. These are
     157              :      *          temporarily stored in myMoveNotifications for each step.
     158              :     */
     159              :     struct MoveNotificationInfo {
     160     47198953 :         MoveNotificationInfo(std::string _vehID, double _oldPos, double _newPos, double _speed, double _accel, double _distToDetectorEnd, double _timeOnDetector, double _lengthOnDetector, double _timeLoss, bool _onDetector) :
     161     47198953 :             id(_vehID),
     162     47198953 :             oldPos(_oldPos),
     163     47198953 :             newPos(_newPos),
     164     47198953 :             speed(_speed),
     165     47198953 :             accel(_accel),
     166     47198953 :             distToDetectorEnd(_distToDetectorEnd),
     167     47198953 :             timeOnDetector(_timeOnDetector),
     168     47198953 :             lengthOnDetector(_lengthOnDetector),
     169     47198953 :             timeLoss(_timeLoss),
     170     47198953 :             onDetector(_onDetector) {}
     171              : 
     172     47198953 :         virtual ~MoveNotificationInfo() {};
     173              : 
     174              :         /// Vehicle's id
     175              :         std::string id;
     176              :         /// Position before the last integration step (relative to the vehicle's entry lane on the detector)
     177              :         double oldPos;
     178              :         /// Position after the last integration step (relative to the vehicle's entry lane on the detector)
     179              :         double newPos;
     180              :         /// Speed after the last integration step
     181              :         double speed;
     182              :         /// Acceleration in the last integration step
     183              :         double accel;
     184              :         /// Distance left till the detector end after the last integration step (may become negative if the vehicle passes beyond the detector end)
     185              :         double distToDetectorEnd;
     186              :         /// Time spent on the detector during the last integration step
     187              :         double timeOnDetector;
     188              :         /// The length of the part of the vehicle on the detector at the end of the last time step
     189              :         double lengthOnDetector;
     190              :         /// timeloss during the last integration step
     191              :         double timeLoss;
     192              :         /// whether the vehicle is on the detector at the end of the current timestep
     193              :         bool onDetector;
     194              :     };
     195              : 
     196              : 
     197              : 
     198              :     /** @brief Internal representation of a jam
     199              :      *
     200              :      * Used in execute, instances of this structure are used to track
     201              :      *  begin and end positions (as vehicles) of a jam.
     202              :      */
     203              :     struct JamInfo {
     204              :         /// @brief The first standing vehicle
     205              :         std::vector<MoveNotificationInfo*>::const_iterator firstStandingVehicle;
     206              : 
     207              :         /// @brief The last standing vehicle
     208              :         std::vector<MoveNotificationInfo*>::const_iterator lastStandingVehicle;
     209              :     };
     210              : 
     211              : 
     212              : public:
     213              : 
     214              :     /** @brief Constructor with given end position and detector length
     215              :     *
     216              :     * @param[in] id The detector's unique id.
     217              :     * @param[in] usage Information how the detector is used
     218              :     * @param[in] lane The lane the detector ends
     219              :     * @param[in] startPos The start position on the lane the detector is placed at
     220              :     * @param[in] endPos The end position on the lane the detector is placed at
     221              :     * @param[in] length The length the detector has (heuristic lane selection is done if the continuation is not unique)
     222              :     * @param[in] haltingTimeThreshold The time a vehicle's speed must be below haltingSpeedThreshold to be assigned as jammed
     223              :     * @param[in] haltingSpeedThreshold The speed a vehicle's speed must be below to be assigned as jammed
     224              :     * @param[in] jamDistThreshold The distance between two vehicles in order to not count them to one jam
     225              :     * @param[in] vTypes Vehicle types, that the detector takes into account
     226              :     *
     227              :     * @note Exactly one of the arguments startPos, endPos and length should be invalid (i.e. equal to std::numeric_limits<double>::max()).
     228              :     *        If length is invalid, it is required that 0 <= startPos < endPos <= lane->length
     229              :     *        If endPos is invalid, the detector may span over several lanes downstream of the lane
     230              :     *        If pos is invalid, the detector may span over several lanes upstream of the lane
     231              :     */
     232              :     MSE2Collector(const std::string& id,
     233              :                   DetectorUsage usage, MSLane* lane, double startPos, double endPos, double length,
     234              :                   SUMOTime haltingTimeThreshold, double haltingSpeedThreshold, double jamDistThreshold,
     235              :                   const std::string name, const std::string& vTypes,
     236              :                   const std::string& nextEdges,
     237              :                   int detectPersons);
     238              : 
     239              : 
     240              :     /** @brief Constructor with a sequence of lanes and given start and end position on the first and last lanes
     241              :     *
     242              :     * @param[in] id The detector's unique id.
     243              :     * @param[in] usage Information how the detector is used
     244              :     * @param[in] lanes A sequence of lanes the detector covers (must form a continuous piece)
     245              :     * @param[in] startPos The position of the detector start on the first lane the detector is placed at
     246              :     * @param[in] endPos The position of the detector end on the last lane the detector is placed at
     247              :     * @param[in] haltingTimeThreshold The time a vehicle's speed must be below haltingSpeedThreshold to be assigned as jammed
     248              :     * @param[in] haltingSpeedThreshold The speed a vehicle's speed must be below to be assigned as jammed
     249              :     * @param[in] jamDistThreshold The distance between two vehicles in order to not count them to one jam
     250              :     * @param[in] vTypes Vehicle types, that the detector takes into account
     251              :     */
     252              :     MSE2Collector(const std::string& id,
     253              :                   DetectorUsage usage, std::vector<MSLane*> lanes, double startPos, double endPos,
     254              :                   SUMOTime haltingTimeThreshold, double haltingSpeedThreshold, double jamDistThreshold,
     255              :                   const std::string name, const std::string& vTypes,
     256              :                   const std::string& nextEdges,
     257              :                   int detectPersons);
     258              : 
     259              : 
     260              :     /// @brief Destructor
     261              :     virtual ~MSE2Collector();
     262              : 
     263              :     /** @brief Returns the detector's usage type
     264              :      *
     265              :      * @see DetectorUsage
     266              :      * @return How the detector is used.
     267              :      */
     268         9440 :     virtual DetectorUsage getUsageType() const {
     269         9440 :         return myUsage;
     270              :     }
     271              : 
     272              : 
     273              : 
     274              :     /// @name Methods inherited from MSMoveReminder
     275              :     /// @{
     276              : 
     277              :     /** @brief Adds/removes vehicles from the list of vehicles to regard
     278              :      *
     279              :      * As soon as the reported vehicle enters the detector area (position>myStartPos)
     280              :      *  it is added to the list of vehicles to regard (myKnownVehicles). It
     281              :      *  is removed from this list if it leaves the detector (position<length>myEndPos).
     282              :      * The method returns true as long as the vehicle is not beyond the detector.
     283              :      *
     284              :      * @param[in] veh The vehicle in question.
     285              :      * @param[in] oldPos Position before the move-micro-timestep.
     286              :      * @param[in] newPos Position after the move-micro-timestep.
     287              :      *                   Note that this position is given in reference
     288              :      *                   to the begin of the entry lane of the vehicle.
     289              :      * @param[in] newSpeed Unused here.
     290              :      * @return False, if vehicle passed the detector entirely, else true.
     291              :      * @see MSMoveReminder
     292              :      * @see MSMoveReminder::notifyMove
     293              :      */
     294              :     virtual bool notifyMove(SUMOTrafficObject& veh, double oldPos, double newPos,
     295              :                             double newSpeed);
     296              : 
     297              : 
     298              :     /** @brief Removes a known vehicle due to its lane-change
     299              :      *
     300              :      * If the reported vehicle is known, it is removed from the list of
     301              :      *  vehicles to regard (myKnownVehicles).
     302              :      *
     303              :      * @param[in] veh The leaving vehicle.
     304              :      * @param[in] lastPos Position on the lane when leaving.
     305              :      * @param[in] isArrival whether the vehicle arrived at its destination
     306              :      * @param[in] isLaneChange whether the vehicle changed from the lane
     307              :      * @see MSMoveReminder::notifyLeave
     308              :      */
     309              :     virtual bool notifyLeave(SUMOTrafficObject& veh, double lastPos, MSMoveReminder::Notification reason, const MSLane* enteredLane = 0);
     310              : 
     311              : 
     312              :     /** @brief Adds the vehicle to known vehicles if not beyond the dector
     313              :      *
     314              :      * If the vehicles is within the detector are, it is added to the list
     315              :      *  of known vehicles.
     316              :      * The method returns true as long as the vehicle is not beyond the detector.
     317              :      *
     318              :      * @param[in] veh The entering vehicle.
     319              :      * @param[in] reason how the vehicle enters the lane
     320              :      * @return False, if vehicle passed the detector entirely, else true.
     321              :      * @see MSMoveReminder::notifyEnter
     322              :      * @see MSMoveReminder::Notification
     323              :      */
     324              :     virtual bool notifyEnter(SUMOTrafficObject& veh, MSMoveReminder::Notification reason, const MSLane* enteredLane);
     325              :     /// @}
     326              : 
     327              : 
     328              : 
     329              : 
     330              : 
     331              :     /// @name Methods inherited from MSDetectorFileOutput.
     332              :     /// @{
     333              : 
     334              :     /** @brief Computes the detector values in each time step
     335              :      *
     336              :      * This method should be called at the end of a simulation step, when
     337              :      *  all vehicles have moved. The current values are computed and
     338              :      *  summed up with the previous.
     339              :      *
     340              :      * @param[in] currentTime The current simulation time
     341              :      */
     342              :     virtual void detectorUpdate(const SUMOTime step);
     343              : 
     344              : 
     345              :     /** @brief Write the generated output to the given device
     346              :      * @param[in] dev The output device to write the data into
     347              :      * @param[in] startTime First time step the data were gathered
     348              :      * @param[in] stopTime Last time step the data were gathered
     349              :      * @exception IOError If an error on writing occurs
     350              :      */
     351              :     virtual void writeXMLOutput(OutputDevice& dev, SUMOTime startTime, SUMOTime stopTime);
     352              : 
     353              : 
     354              :     /** @brief Open the XML-output
     355              :      *
     356              :      * The implementing function should open an xml element using
     357              :      *  OutputDevice::writeXMLHeader.
     358              :      *
     359              :      * @param[in] dev The output device to write the root into
     360              :      * @exception IOError If an error on writing occurs
     361              :      */
     362              :     virtual void writeXMLDetectorProlog(OutputDevice& dev) const;
     363              : 
     364              :     /// @}
     365              : 
     366              :     /// @brief get name
     367              :     const std::string& getName() {
     368              :         return myName;
     369              :     }
     370              : 
     371              :     /** @brief Returns the begin position of the detector
     372              :      *
     373              :      * @return The detector's begin position
     374              :      */
     375              :     double getStartPos() const {
     376          553 :         return myStartPos;
     377              :     }
     378              : 
     379              : 
     380              :     /** @brief Returns the end position of the detector
     381              :      *
     382              :      * @return The detector's end position
     383              :      */
     384              :     double getEndPos() const {
     385          553 :         return myEndPos;
     386              :     }
     387              : 
     388              :     /** @brief Returns the length of the detector
     389              :      *
     390              :      * @return The detector's length
     391              :      */
     392              :     double getLength() const {
     393          421 :         return myDetectorLength;
     394              :     }
     395              : 
     396              : 
     397              :     /** @brief Returns the id of the detector's last lane
     398              :      *
     399              :      * @return The detector's end position
     400              :      */
     401              :     MSLane* getLastLane() const {
     402            8 :         return myLastLane;
     403              :     }
     404              : 
     405              : 
     406              :     /** @brief Returns a vector containing pointers to the lanes covered by the detector ordered from its first to its last lane
     407              :      */
     408              :     std::vector<MSLane*> getLanes();
     409              : 
     410              :     /** @brief Resets all values
     411              :      *
     412              :      * This method is called on initialisation and as soon as the values
     413              :      *  were written. Values for the next interval may be collected, then.
     414              :      * The list of known vehicles stays untouched.
     415              :      */
     416              :     virtual void reset();
     417              : 
     418              : 
     419              :     /// @name Methods returning current values
     420              :     /// @{
     421              : 
     422              :     /** @brief Returns the number of vehicles currently on the detector */
     423              :     int getCurrentVehicleNumber() const;
     424              : 
     425              :     /** @brief Returns the current detector occupancy */
     426            0 :     double getCurrentOccupancy() const {
     427          420 :         return myCurrentOccupancy;
     428              :     }
     429              : 
     430              :     /** @brief Returns the mean vehicle speed of vehicles currently on the detector*/
     431            0 :     double getCurrentMeanSpeed() const {
     432       128228 :         return myCurrentMeanSpeed;
     433              :     }
     434              : 
     435              :     /** @brief Returns the mean vehicle length of vehicles currently on the detector*/
     436            0 :     double getCurrentMeanLength() const {
     437            0 :         return myCurrentMeanLength;
     438              :     }
     439              : 
     440              :     /** @brief Returns the current number of jams */
     441            0 :     int getCurrentJamNumber() const {
     442            0 :         return myCurrentJamNo;
     443              :     }
     444              : 
     445              :     /** @brief Returns the length in vehicles of the currently largest jam */
     446            0 :     int getCurrentMaxJamLengthInVehicles() const {
     447            0 :         return myCurrentMaxJamLengthInVehicles;
     448              :     }
     449              : 
     450              :     /** @brief Returns the length in meters of the currently largest jam */
     451            0 :     double getCurrentMaxJamLengthInMeters() const {
     452            0 :         return myCurrentMaxJamLengthInMeters;
     453              :     }
     454              : 
     455              :     /** @brief Returns the length of all jams in vehicles */
     456            0 :     int getCurrentJamLengthInVehicles() const {
     457          420 :         return myCurrentJamLengthInVehicles;
     458              :     }
     459              : 
     460              :     /** @brief Returns the length of all jams in meters */
     461            0 :     double getCurrentJamLengthInMeters() const {
     462          420 :         return myCurrentJamLengthInMeters;
     463              :     }
     464              : 
     465              :     /** @brief Returns the length of all jams in meters */
     466            0 :     int getCurrentStartedHalts() const {
     467            0 :         return myCurrentStartedHalts;
     468              :     }
     469              : 
     470              :     /** @brief Returns the number of current haltings within the area
     471              :     *
     472              :     * If no vehicle is within the area, 0 is returned.
     473              :     *
     474              :     * @return The mean number of haltings within the area
     475              :     */
     476              :     int getCurrentHaltingNumber() const {
     477          420 :         return myCurrentHaltingsNumber;
     478              :     }
     479              : 
     480              :     /** @brief Returns the IDs of the vehicles within the area
     481              :      *
     482              :      * @return The IDs of the vehicles that have passed the entry, but not yet an exit point
     483              :      */
     484              :     std::vector<std::string> getCurrentVehicleIDs() const;
     485              : 
     486              :     /** @brief Returns the VehicleInfos for the vehicles currently on the detector
     487              :      */
     488              :     std::vector<VehicleInfo*> getCurrentVehicles() const;
     489              : 
     490              :     /** \brief Returns the number of vehicles passed over the sensor (i.e. entered the sensor)
     491              :      *
     492              :      * @return number of cars passed over the sensor
     493              :      */
     494            0 :     int getPassedVeh() {
     495            0 :         return myNumberOfEnteredVehicles;
     496              :     }
     497              : 
     498              :     /** \brief Subtract the number of vehicles indicated from passed from the sensor count.
     499              :      *
     500              :      * @param[in] passed - int that indicates the number of vehicles to subtract
     501              :      */
     502              :     void subtractPassedVeh(int passed) {
     503            0 :         myNumberOfEnteredVehicles -= passed;
     504            0 :     }
     505              : 
     506              :     /// @}
     507              : 
     508              : 
     509              :     /// @name Methods returning aggregated values
     510              :     /// @{
     511              : 
     512            0 :     double getIntervalOccupancy() const {
     513       296782 :         return myTimeSamples != 0 ? myOccupancySum / (double) myTimeSamples : 0;
     514              :     }
     515            0 :     double getIntervalMeanSpeed() const {
     516       296782 :         return myVehicleSamples != 0 ? mySpeedSum / myVehicleSamples : -1;
     517              :     }
     518            0 :     double getIntervalMaxJamLengthInMeters() const {
     519          600 :         return myMaxJamInMeters;
     520              :     }
     521            0 :     int getIntervalVehicleNumber() const {
     522          600 :         return myNumberOfSeenVehicles;
     523              :     }
     524              : 
     525            0 :     double getLastIntervalOccupancy() const {
     526          600 :         return myPreviousMeanOccupancy;
     527              :     }
     528            0 :     double getLastIntervalMeanSpeed() const {
     529          600 :         return myPreviousMeanSpeed;
     530              :     }
     531            0 :     double getLastIntervalMaxJamLengthInMeters() const {
     532          600 :         return myPreviousMaxJamLengthInMeters;
     533              :     }
     534            0 :     int getLastIntervalVehicleNumber() const {
     535          600 :         return myPreviousNumberOfSeenVehicles;
     536              :     }
     537              : 
     538              :     /// @}
     539              : 
     540              : 
     541              :     /// @name Estimation methods
     542              :     /// TODO: Need documentation, used for tls control in MSSOTLE2Sensors (->Daniel?)
     543              :     /// @{
     544              :     /** @brief Returns an estimate of the number of vehicles currently on the detector */
     545              :     int getEstimatedCurrentVehicleNumber(double speedThreshold) const;
     546              : 
     547              :     /** @brief Returns an estimate of the length of the queue of vehicles currently stopped on the detector */
     548              :     double getEstimateQueueLength() const;
     549              :     /// @}
     550              : 
     551              : 
     552           67 :     virtual void setVisible(bool /*show*/) {};
     553              : 
     554              :     /** @brief Remove all vehicles before quick-loading state */
     555              :     virtual void clearState(SUMOTime step);
     556              : 
     557              :     /** @brief Persistently overrides the number of vehicles on top of the detector
     558              :      * Setting a negative value removes the override
     559              :     */
     560              :     void overrideVehicleNumber(int num);
     561              : 
     562              :     double getOverrideVehNumber() const {
     563         4720 :         return myOverrideVehNumber;
     564              :     }
     565              : private:
     566              : 
     567              :     /** @brief checks whether the vehicle stands in a jam
     568              :      *
     569              :      * @param[in] mni
     570              :      * @param[in/out] haltingVehicles
     571              :      * @param[in/out] intervalHaltingVehicles
     572              :      * @return Whether vehicle is in a jam.
     573              :      */
     574              :     bool checkJam(std::vector<MoveNotificationInfo*>::const_iterator mni, std::map<std::string, SUMOTime>& haltingVehicles, std::map<std::string, SUMOTime>& intervalHaltingVehicles);
     575              : 
     576              : 
     577              :     /** @brief Either adds the vehicle to the end of an existing jam, or closes the last jam, and/or creates a new jam
     578              :      *
     579              :      * @param isInJam
     580              :      * @param mni
     581              :      * @param[in/out] currentJam
     582              :      * @param[in/out] jams
     583              :      */
     584              :     void buildJam(bool isInJam, std::vector<MoveNotificationInfo*>::const_iterator mni, JamInfo*& currentJam, std::vector<JamInfo*>& jams);
     585              : 
     586              : 
     587              :     /** @brief Calculates aggregated values from the given jam structure, deletes all jam-pointers
     588              :      *
     589              :      * @param jams
     590              :      */
     591              :     void processJams(std::vector<JamInfo*>& jams, JamInfo* currentJam);
     592              : 
     593              :     /** @brief Calculates the time spent on the detector in the last step and the timeloss suffered in the last step for the given vehicle
     594              :      *
     595              :      * @param[in] veh Vehicle for which the values are to be calculated
     596              :      * @param[in] oldPos Last position (before the last timestep) of the vehicle relative to the beginning of its entry lane
     597              :      * @param[in] newPos Current position of the vehicle
     598              :      * @param[in] vi VehicleInfo corresponding to the vehicle
     599              :      * @param[in/out] timeOnDetector Total time spent on the detector during the last step
     600              :      * @param[in/out] timeLoss Total time loss suffered during the last integration step
     601              :      */
     602              :     void calculateTimeLossAndTimeOnDetector(const SUMOTrafficObject& veh, double oldPos, double newPos, const VehicleInfo& vi, double& timeOnDetector, double& timeLoss) const;
     603              : 
     604              :     /** @brief Checks integrity of myLanes, adds internal-lane information, inits myLength, myFirstLane, myLastLane, myOffsets
     605              :      *         Called once at construction.
     606              :      *  @requires myLanes should form a continuous sequence.
     607              :      */
     608              :     void initAuxiliaries(std::vector<MSLane*>& lanes);
     609              : 
     610              :     /** @brief Adjusts positioning if the detector length is less than POSITION_EPS and tests some assertions
     611              :      */
     612              :     void checkPositioning(bool posGiven = false, double desiredLength = 0.);
     613              : 
     614              :     /** @brief Snaps value to snpPoint if they are closer than snapDist
     615              :      */
     616              :     static double snap(double value, double snapPoint, double snapDist);
     617              : 
     618              :     /** @brief Updates the detector length after myStartPos and myEndPos have been modified
     619              :      */
     620              :     void recalculateDetectorLength();
     621              : 
     622              : 
     623              : 
     624              :     /** @brief This is called if no lane sequence is given to the constructor. Builds myLanes from the given information.
     625              :      *          Also inits startPos (case dir=="bw") / endPos (case dir=="fw").
     626              :      *          Selects lanes heuristically if no unambiguous continuation exists.
     627              :      *
     628              :      *  @param[in] lane Lane, where the detector starts/ends
     629              :      *  @param[in] length Length of the detector
     630              :      *  @param[in] dir Direction of detector extension with value in {"fw", "bw"} (forward / backward)
     631              :      *                 If dir == "fw" lane is interpreted as corresponding to the start lane of the detector,
     632              :      *                 otherwise the lane is interpreted as the end lane.
     633              :      */
     634              :     std::vector<MSLane*> selectLanes(MSLane* endLane, double length, std::string dir);
     635              : 
     636              : 
     637              :     /** @brief This adds the detector as a MoveReminder to the associated lanes.
     638              :      */
     639              :     void addDetectorToLanes(std::vector<MSLane*>& lanes);
     640              : 
     641              : 
     642              :     /** @brief Aggregates and normalize some values for the detector output during detectorUpdate()
     643              :      */
     644              :     void aggregateOutputValues();
     645              : 
     646              : 
     647              :     /** @brief This updates the detector values and the VehicleInfo of a vehicle on the detector
     648              :      *          with the given MoveNotificationInfo generated by the vehicle during the last time step.
     649              :      *
     650              :      * @param[in/out] vi VehicleInfo corresponding to the notifying vehicle
     651              :      * @param[in] mni MoveNotification for the vehicle
     652              :      */
     653              :     void integrateMoveNotification(VehicleInfo* vi, const MoveNotificationInfo* mni);
     654              : 
     655              :     /** @brief Creates and returns a MoveNotificationInfo containing detector specific information on the vehicle's last movement
     656              :      *
     657              :      * @param veh The vehicle sending the notification
     658              :      * @param oldPos The vehicle's position before the last integration step
     659              :      * @param newPos The vehicle's position after the last integration step
     660              :      * @param newSpeed The vehicle's speed after the last integration step
     661              :      * @param vehInfo Info on the detector's memory of the vehicle
     662              :      * @return A MoveNotificationInfo containing quantities of interest for the detector
     663              :      */
     664              :     MoveNotificationInfo* makeMoveNotification(const SUMOTrafficObject& veh, double oldPos, double newPos, double newSpeed, const VehicleInfo& vehInfo) const;
     665              : 
     666              :     /** @brief Creates and returns a VehicleInfo (called at the vehicle's entry)
     667              :      *
     668              :      * @param veh The entering vehicle
     669              :      * @param enteredLane The entry lane
     670              :      * @return A vehicle info which can be used to store information about the vehicle's stay on the detector
     671              :      */
     672              :     VehicleInfo* makeVehicleInfo(const SUMOTrafficObject& veh, const MSLane* enteredLane) const;
     673              : 
     674              :     /** @brief Calculates the time loss for a segment with constant vmax
     675              :      *
     676              :      * @param timespan time needed to cover the segment
     677              :      * @param initialSpeed speed at segment entry
     678              :      * @param accel constant acceleration assumed during movement on the segment
     679              :      * @param vmax Maximal possible speed for the considered vehicle on the segment
     680              :      * @return Time loss (== MAX(timespan*(vmax - (initialSpeed + accel/2))/vmax), 0)
     681              :      */
     682              :     static double calculateSegmentTimeLoss(double timespan, double initialSpeed, double accel, double vmax);
     683              : 
     684              :     /** brief returns true if the vehicle corresponding to mni1 is closer to the detector end than the vehicle corresponding to mni2
     685              :      */
     686    215107900 :     static bool compareMoveNotification(MoveNotificationInfo* mni1, MoveNotificationInfo* mni2) {
     687    215107900 :         return mni1->distToDetectorEnd < mni2->distToDetectorEnd;
     688              :     }
     689              : 
     690              :     void notifyMovePerson(MSTransportable* p, int dir, double pos);
     691              : 
     692              : private:
     693              : 
     694              :     /// @brief Information about how this detector is used
     695              :     DetectorUsage myUsage;
     696              : 
     697              :     /// @name Detector parameter
     698              :     /// @{
     699              :     /// @brief name
     700              :     const std::string myName;
     701              :     /// @brief The detector's lane sequence
     702              :     std::vector<std::string> myLanes;
     703              :     /// @brief The distances of the lane-beginnings from the detector start-point
     704              :     std::vector<double> myOffsets;
     705              :     /// @brief The first lane of the detector's lane sequence
     706              :     MSLane* myFirstLane;
     707              :     /// @brief The last lane of the detector's lane sequence
     708              :     MSLane* myLastLane;
     709              :     /// @brief The position the detector starts at on the first lane
     710              :     double myStartPos;
     711              :     /// @brief The position the detector ends at on the last lane
     712              :     double myEndPos;
     713              :     /// @brief The total detector length
     714              :     double myDetectorLength;
     715              : 
     716              :     /// @brief A vehicle must driver slower than this to be counted as a part of a jam
     717              :     double myJamHaltingSpeedThreshold;
     718              :     /// @brief A vehicle must be that long beyond myJamHaltingSpeedThreshold to be counted as a part of a jam
     719              :     SUMOTime myJamHaltingTimeThreshold;
     720              :     /// @brief Two standing vehicles must be closer than this to be counted into the same jam
     721              :     double myJamDistanceThreshold;
     722              :     /// @}
     723              : 
     724              : 
     725              :     /// @name Container
     726              :     /// @{
     727              :     /// @brief List of informations about the vehicles currently on the detector
     728              :     VehicleInfoMap myVehicleInfos;
     729              : 
     730              :     /// @brief Temporal storage for notifications from vehicles that did call the
     731              :     ///        detector's notifyMove() in the last time step.
     732              :     std::vector<MoveNotificationInfo*> myMoveNotifications;
     733              : 
     734              :     /// @brief Keep track of vehicles that left the detector by a regular move along a junction (not lanechange, teleport, etc.)
     735              :     ///        and should be removed from myVehicleInfos after taking into account their movement. Non-longitudinal exits
     736              :     ///        are processed immediately in notifyLeave()
     737              :     std::set<std::string> myLeftVehicles;
     738              : 
     739              :     /// @brief Storage for halting durations of known vehicles (for halting vehicles)
     740              :     std::map<std::string, SUMOTime> myHaltingVehicleDurations;
     741              : 
     742              :     /// @brief Storage for halting durations of known vehicles (current interval)
     743              :     std::map<std::string, SUMOTime> myIntervalHaltingVehicleDurations;
     744              : 
     745              :     /// @brief Halting durations of ended halts [s]
     746              :     std::vector<SUMOTime> myPastStandingDurations;
     747              : 
     748              :     /// @brief Halting durations of ended halts for the current interval [s]
     749              :     std::vector<SUMOTime> myPastIntervalStandingDurations;
     750              :     /// @}
     751              : 
     752              : 
     753              : 
     754              :     /// @name Values generated for aggregated file output
     755              :     /// @{
     756              :     /// @brief The number of collected samples [time x vehicle] since the last reset
     757              :     double myVehicleSamples;
     758              :     /// @brief The total amount of all time losses [time x vehicle] since the last reset
     759              :     double myTotalTimeLoss;
     760              :     /// @brief The sum of collected vehicle speeds [m/s]
     761              :     double mySpeedSum;
     762              :     /// @brief The number of started halts [#]
     763              :     double myStartedHalts;
     764              :     /// @brief The sum of jam lengths [m]
     765              :     double myJamLengthInMetersSum;
     766              :     /// @brief The sum of jam lengths [#veh]
     767              :     int myJamLengthInVehiclesSum;
     768              :     /// @brief The current aggregation duration [#steps]
     769              :     int myTimeSamples;
     770              :     /// @brief The sum of occupancies [%]
     771              :     double myOccupancySum;
     772              :     /// @brief The maximum occupancy [%]
     773              :     double myMaxOccupancy;
     774              :     /// @brief The mean jam length [#veh]
     775              :     int myMeanMaxJamInVehicles;
     776              :     /// @brief The mean jam length [m]
     777              :     double myMeanMaxJamInMeters;
     778              :     /// @brief The max jam length [#veh]
     779              :     int myMaxJamInVehicles;
     780              :     /// @brief The max jam length [m]
     781              :     double myMaxJamInMeters;
     782              :     /// @brief The mean number of vehicles [#veh]
     783              :     int myMeanVehicleNumber;
     784              :     /// @}
     785              : 
     786              : 
     787              :     /// @name Values generated describing the current state
     788              :     /// @{
     789              :     /// @brief The number of vehicles, which have entered the detector since the last reset
     790              :     int myNumberOfEnteredVehicles;
     791              :     /// @brief The number of vehicles, present on the detector at the last reset
     792              :     int myNumberOfSeenVehicles;
     793              :     /// @brief The number of vehicles, which have left the detector since the last reset
     794              :     int myNumberOfLeftVehicles;
     795              :     /// @brief The maximal number of vehicles located on the detector simultaneously since the last reset
     796              :     int myMaxVehicleNumber;
     797              : 
     798              :     /// @brief The current vehicle samples
     799              :     double myCurrentVehicleSamples;
     800              :     /// @brief The current occupancy
     801              :     double myCurrentOccupancy;
     802              :     /// @brief The current mean speed
     803              :     double myCurrentMeanSpeed;
     804              :     /// @brief The current mean length
     805              :     double myCurrentMeanLength;
     806              :     /// @brief The current jam number
     807              :     int myCurrentJamNo;
     808              :     /// @brief the current maximum jam length in meters
     809              :     double myCurrentMaxJamLengthInMeters;
     810              :     /// @brief The current maximum jam length in vehicles
     811              :     int myCurrentMaxJamLengthInVehicles;
     812              :     /// @brief The overall jam length in meters
     813              :     double myCurrentJamLengthInMeters;
     814              :     /// @brief The overall jam length in vehicles
     815              :     int myCurrentJamLengthInVehicles;
     816              :     /// @brief The number of started halts in the last step
     817              :     int myCurrentStartedHalts;
     818              :     /// @brief The number of halted vehicles [#]
     819              :     int myCurrentHaltingsNumber;
     820              :     /// @}
     821              : 
     822              :     /// @name Values generated describing the previous interval state
     823              :     /// @{
     824              :     double myPreviousMeanOccupancy;
     825              :     double myPreviousMeanSpeed;
     826              :     double myPreviousMaxJamLengthInMeters;
     827              :     int myPreviousNumberOfSeenVehicles;
     828              :     /// @}
     829              : 
     830              :     /// @brief stores the overriden (via Traci) number of vehicles on detector
     831              :     int myOverrideVehNumber;
     832              : 
     833              : private:
     834              :     /// @brief Invalidated copy constructor.
     835              :     MSE2Collector(const MSE2Collector&);
     836              : 
     837              :     /// @brief Invalidated assignment operator.
     838              :     MSE2Collector& operator=(const MSE2Collector&);
     839              : };

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