LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - src/microsim/output - MSFullExport.cpp (source / functions) Coverage Total Hit
Test: Lines: 100.0 % 72 72
Test Date: 2024-12-21 15:45:41 Functions: 100.0 % 5 5

            Line data    Source code
       1              : /****************************************************************************/
       2              : // Eclipse SUMO, Simulation of Urban MObility; see
       3              : // Copyright (C) 2012-2024 German Aerospace Center (DLR) and others.
       4              : // This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
       5              : // terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
       6              : //
       7              : // This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary
       8              : // Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the Eclipse
       9              : // Public License 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License, version 2
      10              : // or later which is available at
      11              : //
      12              : // SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0-or-later
      13              : /****************************************************************************/
      14              : /// @file    MSFullExport.cpp
      15              : /// @author  Daniel Krajzewicz
      16              : /// @author  Mario Krumnow
      17              : /// @author  Michael Behrisch
      18              : /// @author  Jakob Erdmann
      19              : /// @date    2012-04-26
      20              : ///
      21              : // Dumping a hugh List of Parameters available in the Simulation
      22              : /****************************************************************************/
      23              : #include <config.h>
      24              : 
      25              : #include <utils/iodevices/OutputDevice.h>
      26              : #include <utils/emissions/PollutantsInterface.h>
      27              : #include <utils/emissions/HelpersHarmonoise.h>
      28              : #include <utils/geom/GeomHelper.h>
      29              : #include <microsim/MSEdge.h>
      30              : #include <microsim/MSEdgeControl.h>
      31              : #include <microsim/MSLane.h>
      32              : #include <microsim/MSNet.h>
      33              : #include <microsim/MSVehicle.h>
      34              : #include <microsim/MSVehicleControl.h>
      35              : #include <microsim/traffic_lights/MSTLLogicControl.h>
      36              : #include <microsim/traffic_lights/MSTrafficLightLogic.h>
      37              : #include "MSFullExport.h"
      38              : 
      39              : 
      40              : // ===========================================================================
      41              : // method definitions
      42              : // ===========================================================================
      43              : void
      44          960 : MSFullExport::write(OutputDevice& of, SUMOTime timestep) {
      45         1920 :     of.openTag("data") << " timestep=\"" << time2string(timestep) << "\"";
      46              :     //Vehicles
      47          960 :     writeVehicles(of);
      48              :     //Edges
      49          960 :     writeEdge(of);
      50              :     //TrafficLights
      51          960 :     writeTLS(of, timestep);
      52          960 :     of.closeTag();
      53          960 : }
      54              : 
      55              : 
      56              : void
      57          960 : MSFullExport::writeVehicles(OutputDevice& of) {
      58          960 :     of.openTag("vehicles");
      59          960 :     MSVehicleControl& vc = MSNet::getInstance()->getVehicleControl();
      60         1920 :     for (MSVehicleControl::constVehIt it = vc.loadedVehBegin(); it != vc.loadedVehEnd(); ++it) {
      61          960 :         const SUMOVehicle* veh = it->second;
      62          960 :         const MSVehicle* microVeh = dynamic_cast<const MSVehicle*>(veh);
      63          960 :         if (veh->isOnRoad()) {
      64          876 :             std::string fclass = veh->getVehicleType().getID();
      65          876 :             fclass = fclass.substr(0, fclass.find_first_of("@"));
      66          876 :             PollutantsInterface::Emissions emiss = PollutantsInterface::computeAll(
      67          876 :                     veh->getVehicleType().getEmissionClass(), veh->getSpeed(),
      68          876 :                     veh->getAcceleration(), veh->getSlope(),
      69          876 :                     veh->getEmissionParameters());
      70         2628 :             of.openTag("vehicle").writeAttr("id", veh->getID()).writeAttr("eclass", PollutantsInterface::getName(veh->getVehicleType().getEmissionClass()));
      71         4380 :             of.writeAttr("CO2", emiss.CO2).writeAttr("CO", emiss.CO).writeAttr("HC", emiss.HC).writeAttr("NOx", emiss.NOx);
      72         3504 :             of.writeAttr("PMx", emiss.PMx).writeAttr("fuel", emiss.fuel).writeAttr("electricity", emiss.electricity);
      73          876 :             of.writeAttr("noise", HelpersHarmonoise::computeNoise(veh->getVehicleType().getEmissionClass(), veh->getSpeed(), veh->getAcceleration()));
      74         2628 :             of.writeAttr("route", veh->getRoute().getID()).writeAttr("type", fclass);
      75          876 :             if (microVeh != nullptr) {
      76          576 :                 of.writeAttr("waiting", microVeh->getWaitingSeconds());
      77         1152 :                 of.writeAttr("lane", microVeh->getLane()->getID());
      78              :             }
      79         2628 :             of.writeAttr("pos", veh->getPositionOnLane()).writeAttr("speed", veh->getSpeed());
      80         3504 :             of.writeAttr("angle", GeomHelper::naviDegree(veh->getAngle())).writeAttr("x", veh->getPosition().x()).writeAttr("y", veh->getPosition().y());
      81         1752 :             of.closeTag();
      82              :         }
      83              :     }
      84          960 :     of.closeTag();
      85          960 : }
      86              : 
      87              : void
      88          960 : MSFullExport::writeEdge(OutputDevice& of) {
      89          960 :     of.openTag("edges");
      90          960 :     MSEdgeControl& ec = MSNet::getInstance()->getEdgeControl();
      91              :     const MSEdgeVector& edges = ec.getEdges();
      92        43200 :     for (MSEdgeVector::const_iterator e = edges.begin(); e != edges.end(); ++e) {
      93        42240 :         MSEdge& edge = **e;
      94        42240 :         if (!MSGlobals::gUsingInternalLanes && !edge.isNormal()) {
      95         7680 :             continue;
      96              :         }
      97       103680 :         of.openTag("edge").writeAttr("id", edge.getID()).writeAttr("traveltime", edge.getCurrentTravelTime());
      98              :         const std::vector<MSLane*>& lanes = edge.getLanes();
      99        78720 :         for (std::vector<MSLane*>::const_iterator lane = lanes.begin(); lane != lanes.end(); ++lane) {
     100        44160 :             writeLane(of, **lane);
     101              :         }
     102        69120 :         of.closeTag();
     103              :     }
     104          960 :     of.closeTag();
     105          960 : }
     106              : 
     107              : 
     108              : void
     109        44160 : MSFullExport::writeLane(OutputDevice& of, const MSLane& lane) {
     110       176640 :     of.openTag("lane").writeAttr("id", lane.getID()).writeAttr("CO", lane.getEmissions<PollutantsInterface::CO>()).writeAttr("CO2", lane.getEmissions<PollutantsInterface::CO2>());
     111       176640 :     of.writeAttr("NOx", lane.getEmissions<PollutantsInterface::NO_X>()).writeAttr("PMx", lane.getEmissions<PollutantsInterface::PM_X>()).writeAttr("HC", lane.getEmissions<PollutantsInterface::HC>());
     112       132480 :     of.writeAttr("noise", lane.getHarmonoise_NoiseEmissions()).writeAttr("fuel", lane.getEmissions<PollutantsInterface::FUEL>());
     113       132480 :     of.writeAttr("electricity", lane.getEmissions<PollutantsInterface::ELEC>()).writeAttr("maxspeed", lane.getSpeedLimit());
     114       176640 :     of.writeAttr("meanspeed", lane.getMeanSpeed()).writeAttr("occupancy", lane.getNettoOccupancy()).writeAttr("vehicle_count", lane.getVehicleNumber());
     115        44160 :     of.closeTag();
     116        44160 : }
     117              : 
     118              : 
     119              : void
     120          960 : MSFullExport::writeTLS(OutputDevice& of, SUMOTime /* timestep */) {
     121          960 :     of.openTag("tls");
     122          960 :     MSTLLogicControl& vc = MSNet::getInstance()->getTLSControl();
     123          960 :     std::vector<std::string> ids = vc.getAllTLIds();
     124         5280 :     for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator id_it = ids.begin(); id_it != ids.end(); ++id_it) {
     125         4320 :         MSTLLogicControl::TLSLogicVariants& vars = MSNet::getInstance()->getTLSControl().get(*id_it);
     126         4320 :         const MSTrafficLightLogic::LaneVectorVector& lanes = vars.getActive()->getLaneVectors();
     127              : 
     128              :         std::vector<std::string> laneIDs;
     129        48480 :         for (MSTrafficLightLogic::LaneVectorVector::const_iterator i = lanes.begin(); i != lanes.end(); ++i) {
     130              :             const MSTrafficLightLogic::LaneVector& llanes = (*i);
     131        88320 :             for (MSTrafficLightLogic::LaneVector::const_iterator j = llanes.begin(); j != llanes.end(); ++j) {
     132        44160 :                 laneIDs.push_back((*j)->getID());
     133              :             }
     134              :         }
     135              : 
     136         4320 :         std::string lane_output = "";
     137        48480 :         for (int i1 = 0; i1 < (int)laneIDs.size(); ++i1) {
     138        88320 :             lane_output += laneIDs[i1] + " ";
     139              :         }
     140              : 
     141         4320 :         std::string state = vars.getActive()->getCurrentPhaseDef().getState();
     142        17280 :         of.openTag("trafficlight").writeAttr("id", *id_it).writeAttr("state", state).closeTag();
     143         4320 :     }
     144          960 :     of.closeTag();
     145          960 : }
     146              : 
     147              : 
     148              : /****************************************************************************/

Generated by: LCOV version 2.0-1