LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - src/microsim/output - MSInductLoop.h (source / functions) Coverage Total Hit
Test: Lines: 100.0 % 10 10
Test Date: 2024-12-21 15:45:41 Functions: 100.0 % 4 4

            Line data    Source code
       1              : /****************************************************************************/
       2              : // Eclipse SUMO, Simulation of Urban MObility; see
       3              : // Copyright (C) 2004-2024 German Aerospace Center (DLR) and others.
       4              : // This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
       5              : // terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
       6              : //
       7              : // This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary
       8              : // Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the Eclipse
       9              : // Public License 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License, version 2
      10              : // or later which is available at
      11              : //
      12              : // SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0-or-later
      13              : /****************************************************************************/
      14              : /// @file    MSInductLoop.h
      15              : /// @author  Christian Roessel
      16              : /// @author  Daniel Krajzewicz
      17              : /// @author  Sascha Krieg
      18              : /// @author  Michael Behrisch
      19              : /// @author  Jakob Erdmann
      20              : /// @author  Mirko Barthauer
      21              : /// @date    2004-11-23
      22              : ///
      23              : // An unextended detector measuring at a fixed position on a fixed lane.
      24              : /****************************************************************************/
      25              : #pragma once
      26              : #include <config.h>
      27              : 
      28              : #include <string>
      29              : #include <deque>
      30              : #include <map>
      31              : #include <functional>
      32              : #include <microsim/MSMoveReminder.h>
      33              : #include <microsim/output/MSDetectorFileOutput.h>
      34              : 
      35              : 
      36              : // ===========================================================================
      37              : // class declarations
      38              : // ===========================================================================
      39              : class MSLane;
      40              : class MSVehicle;
      41              : class OutputDevice;
      42              : 
      43              : 
      44              : // ===========================================================================
      45              : // class definitions
      46              : // ===========================================================================
      47              : /**
      48              :  * @class MSInductLoop
      49              :  * @brief An unextended detector measuring at a fixed position on a fixed lane.
      50              :  *
      51              :  * Only vehicles that passed the entire detector are counted. We
      52              :  *  ignore vehicles that are emitted onto the detector and vehicles
      53              :  *  that change their lane while they are on the detector, because we
      54              :  *  cannot determine a meaningful enter/leave-times.
      55              :  *
      56              :  * This detector uses the MSMoveReminder mechanism, i.e. the vehicles
      57              :  *  call the detector if they pass it.
      58              :  *
      59              :  * @see MSMoveReminder
      60              :  * @see MSDetectorFileOutput
      61              :  */
      62              : class MSInductLoop
      63              :     : public MSMoveReminder, public MSDetectorFileOutput {
      64              : public:
      65              :     /**
      66              :      * @brief Constructor.
      67              :      *
      68              :      * Adds reminder to MSLane.
      69              :      *
      70              :      * @param[in] id Unique id
      71              :      * @param[in] lane Lane where detector works on
      72              :      * @param[in] position Position of the detector within the lane
      73              :      * @param[in] vTypes which vehicle types are considered
      74              :      * @param[in] needLocking whether internals need to be guarded against concurrent access (GUI)
      75              :      */
      76              :     MSInductLoop(const std::string& id, MSLane* const lane,
      77              :                  double positionInMeters,
      78              :                  double length, std::string name,
      79              :                  const std::string& vTypes,
      80              :                  const std::string& nextEdges,
      81              :                  int detectPersons,
      82              :                  const bool needLocking);
      83              : 
      84              : 
      85              :     /// @brief Destructor
      86              :     ~MSInductLoop();
      87              : 
      88              : 
      89              :     /// @brief Resets all generated values to allow computation of next interval
      90              :     virtual void reset();
      91              : 
      92              :     /// @brief get name
      93              :     std::string getName() const {
      94              :         return myName;
      95              :     }
      96              : 
      97              :     /** @brief Returns the position of the detector on the lane
      98              :      * @return The detector's position in meters
      99              :      */
     100              :     double getPosition() const {
     101          418 :         return myPosition;
     102              :     }
     103              : 
     104              :     /** @brief Returns the end position of the detector on the lane
     105              :      * @return The detector's end position in meters
     106              :      */
     107              :     double getEndPosition() const {
     108          471 :         return myEndPosition;
     109              :     }
     110              : 
     111              : 
     112              :     /// @name Methods inherited from MSMoveReminder
     113              :     /// @{
     114              :     /** @brief Checks whether the reminder is activated by a vehicle entering the lane
     115              :      *
     116              :      * Lane change means in this case that the vehicle changes to the lane
     117              :      *  the reminder is placed at.
     118              :      *
     119              :      * @param[in] veh The entering vehicle.
     120              :      * @param[in] reason how the vehicle enters the lane
     121              :      * @return True if vehicle enters the induction loop
     122              :      * @see Notification
     123              :      */
     124              :     bool notifyEnter(SUMOTrafficObject& veh, Notification reason, const MSLane* enteredLane = 0);
     125              : 
     126              :     /** @brief Checks whether the vehicle shall be counted and/or shall still touch this MSMoveReminder
     127              :      *
     128              :      * As soon a vehicle enters the detector, its entry time is computed and stored
     129              :      *  in myVehiclesOnDet via enterDetectorByMove. If it passes the detector, the
     130              :      *  according leaving time is computed and stored, too, using leaveDetectorByMove.
     131              :      *
     132              :      * @param[in] veh Vehicle that asks this remider.
     133              :      * @param[in] oldPos Position before move.
     134              :      * @param[in] newPos Position after move with newSpeed.
     135              :      * @param[in] newSpeed Moving speed.
     136              :      * @return True if vehicle hasn't passed the detector completely.
     137              :      * @see MSMoveReminder
     138              :      * @see MSMoveReminder::notifyMove
     139              :      * @see enterDetectorByMove
     140              :      * @see leaveDetectorByMove
     141              :      */
     142              :     bool notifyMove(SUMOTrafficObject& veh, double oldPos, double newPos, double newSpeed);
     143              : 
     144              : 
     145              :     /** @brief Dismisses the vehicle if it is on the detector due to a lane change
     146              :      *
     147              :      * If the vehicle is on the detector, it will be dismissed by incrementing
     148              :      *  myDismissedVehicleNumber and removing this vehicle's entering time from
     149              :      *  myVehiclesOnDet.
     150              :      *
     151              :      * @param[in] veh The leaving vehicle.
     152              :      * @param[in] lastPos Position on the lane when leaving.
     153              :      * @param[in] isArrival whether the vehicle arrived at its destination
     154              :      * @param[in] isLaneChange whether the vehicle changed from the lane
     155              :      * @see discardVehicle
     156              :      * @see MSMoveReminder
     157              :      * @see MSMoveReminder::notifyLeave
     158              :      */
     159              :     bool notifyLeave(SUMOTrafficObject& veh, double lastPos, MSMoveReminder::Notification reason, const MSLane* enteredLane = 0);
     160              : 
     161              : 
     162              :     //@}
     163              : 
     164              : 
     165              : 
     166              :     /// @name Methods returning current values
     167              :     /// @{
     168              : 
     169              :     /** @brief Returns the speed of the vehicle on the detector
     170              :      *
     171              :      * If no vehicle is on the detector, -1 is returned, otherwise
     172              :      *  this vehicle's current speed.
     173              :      *
     174              :      * @return The speed [m/s] of the vehicle if one is on the detector, -1 otherwise
     175              :      */
     176              :     double getSpeed(const int offset) const;
     177              : 
     178              : 
     179              :     /** @brief Returns the length of the vehicle on the detector
     180              :      *
     181              :      * If no vehicle is on the detector, -1 is returned, otherwise
     182              :      *  this vehicle's length.
     183              :      *
     184              :      * @return The length [m] of the vehicle if one is on the detector, -1 otherwise
     185              :      */
     186              :     double getVehicleLength(const int offset) const;
     187              : 
     188              : 
     189              :     /** @brief Returns the current occupancy
     190              :      *
     191              :      * If a vehicle is on the detector, 1 is returned. If a vehicle has passed the detector
     192              :      *  in this timestep, its occupancy value is returned. If no vehicle has passed,
     193              :      *  0 is returned.
     194              :      *
     195              :      * @return This detector's current occupancy
     196              :      * @todo recheck (especially if more than one vehicle has passed)
     197              :      */
     198              :     double getOccupancy() const;
     199              : 
     200              :     /** @brief Returns the number of vehicles that have passed the detector
     201              :      *
     202              :      * If a vehicle is on the detector, 1 is returned. If a vehicle has passed the detector
     203              :      *  in this timestep, 1 is returned. If no vehicle has passed,
     204              :      *  0 is returned.
     205              :      *
     206              :      * @return The number of vehicles that have passed the detector
     207              :      * @todo recheck (especially if more than one vehicle has passed)
     208              :      */
     209              :     double getEnteredNumber(const int offset) const;
     210              : 
     211              : 
     212              :     /** @brief Returns the ids of vehicles that have passed the detector
     213              :      *
     214              :      * @return The ids of vehicles that have passed the detector
     215              :      * @todo recheck (especially if more than one vehicle has passed)
     216              :      */
     217              :     std::vector<std::string> getVehicleIDs(const int offset) const;
     218              : 
     219              :     double getIntervalOccupancy(bool lastInterval = false) const;
     220              :     double getIntervalMeanSpeed(bool lastInterval = false) const;
     221              :     int getIntervalVehicleNumber(bool lastInterval = false) const;
     222              :     std::vector<std::string> getIntervalVehicleIDs(bool lastInterval = false) const;
     223              : 
     224              :     /** @brief Returns the time since the last vehicle left the detector
     225              :      *
     226              :      * @return seconds from last leaving (detection) of the detector
     227              :      */
     228              :     double getTimeSinceLastDetection() const;
     229              : 
     230              :     /** @brief Returns the time of continous occupation by the same vehicle in seconds
     231              :      * or 0 if there is no vehicle on the detector
     232              :      */
     233              :     double getOccupancyTime() const;
     234              : 
     235              :     ///@brief return last time a vehicle was on the detector
     236              :     SUMOTime getLastDetectionTime() const;
     237              : 
     238              :     double getOverrideTime() const {
     239        33258 :         return myOverrideTime;
     240              :     }
     241              :     //@}
     242              : 
     243              : 
     244              :     /* @brief Persistently overrides the measured time since detection with the given value.
     245              :      * Setting a negative value resets the override
     246              :      */
     247              :     void overrideTimeSinceDetection(double time);
     248              : 
     249              :     /// @name Methods inherited from MSDetectorFileOutput.
     250              :     /// @{
     251              : 
     252              :     /** @brief Writes collected values into the given stream
     253              :      *
     254              :      * @param[in] dev The output device to write the data into
     255              :      * @param[in] startTime First time step the data were gathered
     256              :      * @param[in] stopTime Last time step the data were gathered
     257              :      * @see MSDetectorFileOutput::writeXMLOutput
     258              :      * @exception IOError If an error on writing occurs (!!! not yet implemented)
     259              :      */
     260              :     void writeXMLOutput(OutputDevice& dev, SUMOTime startTime, SUMOTime stopTime);
     261              : 
     262              : 
     263              :     /** @brief Opens the XML-output using "detector" as root element
     264              :      *
     265              :      * @param[in] dev The output device to write the root into
     266              :      * @see MSDetectorFileOutput::writeXMLDetectorProlog
     267              :      * @exception IOError If an error on writing occurs (!!! not yet implemented)
     268              :      */
     269              :     void writeXMLDetectorProlog(OutputDevice& dev) const;
     270              : 
     271              :     /** @brief Updates the detector (computes values)
     272              :      * only used when detecting persons
     273              :      *
     274              :      * @param[in] step The current time step
     275              :      */
     276              :     void detectorUpdate(const SUMOTime step);
     277              :     /// @}
     278              : 
     279              : 
     280              :     /** @brief Struct to store the data of the counted vehicle internally.
     281              :      *
     282              :      * These data is fed into a container.
     283              :      *
     284              :      * @see myVehicleDataCont
     285              :      */
     286      1033899 :     struct VehicleData {
     287              :         /** @brief Constructor
     288              :          *
     289              :          * Used if the vehicle has left the induction loop completely
     290              :          *
     291              :          * @param[in] vehLength The length of the vehicle
     292              :          * @param[in] entryTimestep The time at which the vehicle entered the detector
     293              :          * @param[in] leaveTimestep The time at which the vehicle left the detector
     294              :          * @param[in] leftEarly Whether the vehicle left the detector with a lane change / teleport etc.
     295              :          * @param[in] detLength The length of the detector in meters
     296              :          */
     297              :         VehicleData(const SUMOTrafficObject& v, double entryTimestep,
     298              :                     double leaveTimestep, const bool leftEarly, const double detLength = 0);
     299              : 
     300              :         /// @brief The id of the vehicle
     301              :         std::string idM;
     302              :         /// @brief Length of the vehicle
     303              :         double lengthM;
     304              :         /// @brief Entry-time of the vehicle in [s]
     305              :         double entryTimeM;
     306              :         /// @brief Leave-time of the vehicle in [s]
     307              :         double leaveTimeM;
     308              :         /// @brief Speed of the vehicle in [m/s]
     309              :         double speedM;
     310              :         /// @brief Type of the vehicle
     311              :         std::string typeIDM;
     312              :         /// @brief whether the vehicle left the detector with a lane change / teleport etc.
     313              :         bool leftEarlyM;
     314              :     };
     315              : 
     316              : 
     317              :     /** @brief Returns vehicle data for vehicles that have been on the detector starting at the given time
     318              :      *
     319              :      * @param[in] t The time from which vehicles shall be counted
     320              :      * @param[in] leaveTime Whether entryTime or leaveTime shall be compared against t
     321              :      *            (the latter gives a more complete picture but may include vehicles in multiple steps even if they did not stay on the detector)
     322              :      * @return The list of vehicles
     323              :      */
     324              :     std::vector<VehicleData> collectVehiclesOnDet(SUMOTime t, bool includeEarly = false, bool leaveTime = false, bool forOccupancy = false, bool lastInterval = false) const;
     325              : 
     326              :     /// @brief allows for special color in the gui version
     327       618524 :     virtual void setSpecialColor(const RGBColor* /*color*/) {};
     328              : 
     329           36 :     virtual void setVisible(bool /*show*/) {};
     330              : 
     331              :     /** @brief Remove all vehicles before quick-loading state */
     332              :     virtual void clearState(SUMOTime time);
     333              : 
     334              : protected:
     335              :     /// @name Function for summing up values
     336              :     ///@{
     337              : 
     338              :     /// @brief Adds up VehicleData::speedM
     339         2980 :     static inline double speedSum(double sumSoFar, const MSInductLoop::VehicleData& data) {
     340         2980 :         return sumSoFar + data.speedM;
     341              :     }
     342              : 
     343              :     /// @brief Adds up VehicleData::lengthM
     344           28 :     static inline double lengthSum(double sumSoFar, const MSInductLoop::VehicleData& data) {
     345           28 :         return sumSoFar + data.lengthM;
     346              :     }
     347              :     ///@}
     348              : 
     349              :     /// @brief helper function for mapping person movement
     350              :     void notifyMovePerson(MSTransportable* p, int dir, double pos);
     351              : 
     352              : protected:
     353              :     /// @brief detecto name
     354              :     std::string myName;
     355              : 
     356              :     /// @brief Detector's position on lane [m]
     357              :     const double myPosition;
     358              : 
     359              :     /// @brief Detector's end position (defaults to myPosition)
     360              :     const double myEndPosition;
     361              : 
     362              :     /// @brief whether internals need to be guarded against concurrent access (GUI or multi threading)
     363              :     const bool myNeedLock;
     364              : 
     365              :     /// @brief Leave-time of the last vehicle detected [s]
     366              :     double myLastLeaveTime;
     367              : 
     368              :     /// @brief overrides the time since last detection
     369              :     double myOverrideTime;
     370              : 
     371              :     /// @brief records the time at which overrideTimeSinceDetection was activated
     372              :     double myOverrideEntryTime;
     373              : 
     374              :     /// @brief The number of entered vehicles
     375              :     int myEnteredVehicleNumber;
     376              : 
     377              :     /// @brief Type of myVehicleDataCont.
     378              :     typedef std::deque< VehicleData > VehicleDataCont;
     379              : 
     380              :     /// @brief Data of vehicles that have completely passed the detector
     381              :     VehicleDataCont myVehicleDataCont;
     382              : 
     383              :     /// @brief Data of vehicles that have completely passed the detector in the last time interval
     384              :     VehicleDataCont myLastVehicleDataCont;
     385              : 
     386              :     /// @brief Data for vehicles that have entered the detector (vehicle -> enter time)
     387              :     std::map<SUMOTrafficObject*, double> myVehiclesOnDet;
     388              : 
     389              :     SUMOTime myLastIntervalEnd;
     390              :     SUMOTime myLastIntervalBegin;
     391              : 
     392              : private:
     393              :     /// @brief Invalidated copy constructor.
     394              :     MSInductLoop(const MSInductLoop&);
     395              : 
     396              :     /// @brief Invalidated assignment operator.
     397              :     MSInductLoop& operator=(const MSInductLoop&);
     398              : 
     399              : 
     400              : };

Generated by: LCOV version 2.0-1