LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - src/microsim/transportables - MSPerson.cpp (source / functions) Coverage Total Hit
Test: Lines: 86.5 % 133 115
Test Date: 2024-12-21 15:45:41 Functions: 78.6 % 28 22

            Line data    Source code
       1              : /****************************************************************************/
       2              : // Eclipse SUMO, Simulation of Urban MObility; see
       3              : // Copyright (C) 2001-2024 German Aerospace Center (DLR) and others.
       4              : // This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
       5              : // terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
       6              : //
       7              : // This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary
       8              : // Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the Eclipse
       9              : // Public License 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License, version 2
      10              : // or later which is available at
      11              : //
      12              : // SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0-or-later
      13              : /****************************************************************************/
      14              : /// @file    MSPerson.cpp
      15              : /// @author  Daniel Krajzewicz
      16              : /// @author  Jakob Erdmann
      17              : /// @author  Michael Behrisch
      18              : /// @author  Laura Bieker
      19              : /// @date    Mon, 9 Jul 2001
      20              : ///
      21              : // The class for modelling person-movements
      22              : /****************************************************************************/
      23              : #include <config.h>
      24              : 
      25              : #include <string>
      26              : #include <vector>
      27              : #include <utils/iodevices/OutputDevice.h>
      28              : #include <utils/options/OptionsCont.h>
      29              : #include <utils/common/ToString.h>
      30              : #include <utils/common/StringUtils.h>
      31              : #include <utils/geom/GeomHelper.h>
      32              : #include <utils/router/IntermodalNetwork.h>
      33              : #include <microsim/MSNet.h>
      34              : #include <microsim/MSEdge.h>
      35              : #include <microsim/MSLane.h>
      36              : #include <microsim/transportables/MSTransportableControl.h>
      37              : #include <microsim/MSInsertionControl.h>
      38              : #include <microsim/MSEventControl.h>
      39              : #include <microsim/MSVehicle.h>
      40              : #include <microsim/MSVehicleControl.h>
      41              : #include <microsim/MSStoppingPlace.h>
      42              : #include <microsim/MSRouteHandler.h>
      43              : #include <microsim/devices/MSDevice_Tripinfo.h>
      44              : #include <microsim/devices/MSDevice_Taxi.h>
      45              : #include <microsim/trigger/MSTriggeredRerouter.h>
      46              : #include "MSPModel_Striping.h"
      47              : #include "MSStageTrip.h"
      48              : #include "MSStageWalking.h"
      49              : #include "MSPerson.h"
      50              : 
      51              : 
      52              : // ===========================================================================
      53              : // method definitions
      54              : // ===========================================================================
      55              : /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
      56              : * MSPerson::MSPersonStage_Access - methods
      57              : * ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
      58         4135 : MSPerson::MSPersonStage_Access::MSPersonStage_Access(const MSEdge* destination, MSStoppingPlace* toStop,
      59              :         const double arrivalPos, const double arrivalPosLat, const double dist, const bool isExit,
      60         4135 :         const Position& startPos, const Position& endPos) :
      61              :     MSStage(MSStageType::ACCESS, destination, toStop, arrivalPos, arrivalPosLat),
      62         8270 :     myDist(dist), myAmExit(isExit) {
      63         4135 :     myPath.push_back(startPos);
      64         4135 :     myPath.push_back(endPos);
      65         4135 : }
      66              : 
      67              : 
      68         8270 : MSPerson::MSPersonStage_Access::~MSPersonStage_Access() {}
      69              : 
      70              : MSStage*
      71            0 : MSPerson::MSPersonStage_Access::clone() const {
      72            0 :     return new MSPersonStage_Access(myDestination, myDestinationStop, myArrivalPos, myArrivalPosLat, myDist, myAmExit, myPath.front(), myPath.back());
      73              : }
      74              : 
      75              : void
      76         4135 : MSPerson::MSPersonStage_Access::proceed(MSNet* net, MSTransportable* person, SUMOTime now, MSStage* /* previous */) {
      77         4135 :     myDeparted = now;
      78         4135 :     myEstimatedArrival = now + TIME2STEPS(myDist / person->getMaxSpeed());
      79              :     // TODO myEstimatedArrival is not a multiple of DELTA_T here. This might give a problem because the destination position will not be reached precisely
      80         4135 :     net->getBeginOfTimestepEvents()->addEvent(new ProceedCmd(person, &myDestinationStop->getLane().getEdge()), myEstimatedArrival);
      81         4135 :     net->getPersonControl().startedAccess();
      82         4135 :     myDestinationStop->getLane().getEdge().addTransportable(person);
      83         4135 : }
      84              : 
      85              : 
      86              : std::string
      87            0 : MSPerson::MSPersonStage_Access::getStageDescription(const bool /* isPerson */) const {
      88            0 :     return "access";
      89              : }
      90              : 
      91              : 
      92              : std::string
      93            0 : MSPerson::MSPersonStage_Access::getStageSummary(const bool /* isPerson */) const {
      94            0 :     return (myAmExit ? "access from stop '" : "access to stop '") + getDestinationStop()->getID() + "'";
      95              : }
      96              : 
      97              : 
      98              : Position
      99        19786 : MSPerson::MSPersonStage_Access::getPosition(SUMOTime now) const {
     100        19786 :     return myPath.positionAtOffset(myPath.length() * (double)(now - myDeparted) / (double)(myEstimatedArrival - myDeparted));
     101              : }
     102              : 
     103              : 
     104              : double
     105        19786 : MSPerson::MSPersonStage_Access::getAngle(SUMOTime /* now */) const {
     106        19786 :     return myPath.angleAt2D(0);
     107              : }
     108              : 
     109              : 
     110              : double
     111        18942 : MSPerson::MSPersonStage_Access::getSpeed() const {
     112        18942 :     return myDist / STEPS2TIME(MAX2((SUMOTime)1, myEstimatedArrival - myDeparted));
     113              : }
     114              : 
     115              : void
     116         2879 : MSPerson::MSPersonStage_Access::tripInfoOutput(OutputDevice& os, const MSTransportable* const) const {
     117         5758 :     os.openTag("access");
     118         2879 :     os.writeAttr("stop", getDestinationStop()->getID());
     119         5758 :     os.writeAttr("depart", time2string(myDeparted));
     120         5758 :     os.writeAttr("arrival", myArrived >= 0 ? time2string(myArrived) : "-1");
     121         5758 :     os.writeAttr("duration", myArrived > 0 ? time2string(getDuration()) : "-1");
     122         2879 :     os.writeAttr("routeLength", myDist);
     123         2879 :     os.closeTag();
     124         2879 : }
     125              : 
     126              : 
     127              : SUMOTime
     128         4103 : MSPerson::MSPersonStage_Access::ProceedCmd::execute(SUMOTime currentTime) {
     129         4103 :     MSNet::getInstance()->getPersonControl().endedAccess();
     130         4103 :     myStopEdge->removeTransportable(myPerson);
     131         4103 :     if (!myPerson->proceed(MSNet::getInstance(), currentTime)) {
     132           53 :         MSNet::getInstance()->getPersonControl().erase(myPerson);
     133              :     }
     134         4103 :     return 0;
     135              : }
     136              : 
     137              : 
     138              : /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
     139              :  * MSPerson - methods
     140              :  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
     141       310459 : MSPerson::MSPerson(const SUMOVehicleParameter* pars, MSVehicleType* vtype, MSTransportable::MSTransportablePlan* plan, const double speedFactor) :
     142              :     MSTransportable(pars, vtype, plan, true),
     143       310459 :     myInfluencer(nullptr),
     144       620918 :     myChosenSpeedFactor(pars->speedFactor < 0 ? speedFactor : pars->speedFactor),
     145       310526 :     myTimegapCrossing(getFloatParam("pedestrian.timegap-crossing"))
     146       310459 : { }
     147              : 
     148              : 
     149       592065 : MSPerson::~MSPerson() {
     150       310413 :     delete myInfluencer;
     151       592065 : }
     152              : 
     153              : 
     154              : bool
     155       526101 : MSPerson::checkAccess(const MSStage* const prior, const bool waitAtStop) {
     156              :     MSStoppingPlace* prevStop = prior->getDestinationStop();
     157       526101 :     if (!waitAtStop && prior->getStageType() == MSStageType::TRIP) {
     158       204946 :         prevStop = prior->getOriginStop();
     159              :     }
     160       526101 :     if (prevStop != nullptr) {
     161        57893 :         const MSEdge* const accessEdge = waitAtStop ? prior->getDestination() : (*myStep)->getFromEdge();
     162        57893 :         const MSStoppingPlace::Access* const access = prevStop->getAccess(accessEdge);
     163        57893 :         if (access != nullptr) {
     164         4135 :             const MSLane* const lane = accessEdge->getLanes()[0];
     165         4135 :             MSStage* newStage = nullptr;
     166         4135 :             if (waitAtStop) {
     167         2028 :                 const MSEdge* const stopEdge = &prevStop->getLane().getEdge();
     168         2028 :                 const double arrivalAtBs = (prevStop->getBeginLanePosition() + prevStop->getEndLanePosition()) / 2;
     169         2028 :                 newStage = new MSPersonStage_Access(stopEdge, prevStop, arrivalAtBs, 0.0, access->length, false,
     170         2028 :                                                     lane->geometryPositionAtOffset(access->endPos),
     171         4056 :                                                     prevStop->getLane().geometryPositionAtOffset(arrivalAtBs));
     172              :             } else {
     173         3764 :                 const bool useDoors = access->exit == MSStoppingPlace::AccessExit::DOORS ||
     174         7078 :                                       (OptionsCont::getOptions().getString("pedestrian.model") != "jupedsim" && access->exit == MSStoppingPlace::AccessExit::CARRIAGE);
     175         2107 :                 if (access->exit == MSStoppingPlace::AccessExit::CARRIAGE) {
     176            0 :                     const double startPos = prior->getStageType() == MSStageType::TRIP ? prior->getEdgePos(0) : prior->getArrivalPos();
     177            0 :                     const double startPosLat = prior->getStageType() == MSStageType::TRIP ? prior->getEdgePosLat(0) : prior->getArrivalPosLat();
     178              :                     // The start and end attributes of the access stage are equal in this case, but we need to compute the arrival position relatively
     179              :                     // to the current lane and not the lane of the previous stage.
     180            0 :                     const Position start = prevStop->getLane().geometryPositionAtOffset(startPos, startPosLat);
     181            0 :                     const Position end = lane->getShape().transformToVectorCoordinates(start);
     182            0 :                     newStage = new MSPersonStage_Access(accessEdge, prevStop, end.x(), -end.y(), access->length, true, start, start);
     183              :                 } else {
     184         2107 :                     const double startPos = prior->getStageType() == MSStageType::TRIP ? prior->getEdgePos(0) : prior->getArrivalPos();
     185         2107 :                     const Position& trainExit = prevStop->getLane().geometryPositionAtOffset(startPos);
     186         2107 :                     const double arrivalPos = useDoors ? lane->getShape().nearest_offset_to_point2D(trainExit) : access->endPos;
     187              :                     Position platformEntry = lane->geometryPositionAtOffset(arrivalPos);
     188         2107 :                     if (useDoors) {
     189              :                         // find the closer side of the platform to enter
     190          900 :                         const double halfWidth = lane->getWidth() / 2. - MAX2(getVehicleType().getLength(), getVehicleType().getWidth()) / 2. - POSITION_EPS;
     191          450 :                         platformEntry = lane->geometryPositionAtOffset(arrivalPos, halfWidth);
     192          450 :                         const Position& plat2 = lane->geometryPositionAtOffset(arrivalPos, -halfWidth);
     193          450 :                         if (trainExit.distanceSquaredTo2D(plat2) < trainExit.distanceSquaredTo2D(platformEntry)) {
     194          356 :                             platformEntry = plat2;
     195              :                         }
     196              :                     }
     197         2107 :                     newStage = new MSPersonStage_Access(accessEdge, prevStop, arrivalPos, 0.0, access->length, true,
     198         2107 :                                                         trainExit, platformEntry);
     199              :                 }
     200              :             }
     201         4135 :             newStage->setTrip(prior->getTrip());
     202         4135 :             myStep = myPlan->insert(myStep, newStage);
     203              :             return true;
     204              :         }
     205              :     }
     206              :     return false;
     207              : }
     208              : 
     209              : 
     210              : double
     211            0 : MSPerson::getImpatience() const {
     212            0 :     return MAX2(0., MIN2(1., getVehicleType().getImpatience()
     213            0 :                          + STEPS2TIME((*myStep)->getWaitingTime(SIMSTEP)) / MSPModel_Striping::MAX_WAIT_TOLERANCE));
     214              : }
     215              : 
     216              : const std::string&
     217         2625 : MSPerson::getNextEdge() const {
     218              : //    if (getCurrentStageType() == WALKING) {
     219              : //        MSStageWalking* walkingStage =  dynamic_cast<MSStageWalking*>(*myStep);
     220              : //        assert(walkingStage != 0);
     221              : //        const MSEdge* nextEdge = walkingStage->getPedestrianState()->getNextEdge(*walkingStage);
     222              : //        if (nextEdge != 0) {
     223              : //            return nextEdge->getID();
     224              : //        }
     225              : //    }
     226              : //    return StringUtils::emptyString;
     227         2625 :     const MSEdge* nextEdge = getNextEdgePtr();
     228         2625 :     if (nextEdge != nullptr) {
     229         2623 :         return nextEdge->getID();
     230              :     }
     231              :     return StringUtils::emptyString;
     232              : }
     233              : 
     234              : 
     235              : const MSEdge*
     236       166313 : MSPerson::getNextEdgePtr() const {
     237       166313 :     if (getCurrentStageType() == MSStageType::WALKING) {
     238       166313 :         MSStageWalking* walkingStage =  dynamic_cast<MSStageWalking*>(*myStep);
     239              :         assert(walkingStage != nullptr);
     240       166313 :         return walkingStage->getPState()->getNextEdge(*walkingStage);
     241              :     }
     242              :     return nullptr;
     243              : }
     244              : 
     245              : 
     246              : 
     247              : void
     248         1507 : MSPerson::replaceWalk(const ConstMSEdgeVector& newEdges, double departPos, int firstIndex, int nextIndex) {
     249              :     assert(nextIndex > firstIndex);
     250              :     //std::cout << SIMTIME << " reroute person " << getID()
     251              :     //    << "  newEdges=" << toString(newEdges)
     252              :     //    << " firstIndex=" << firstIndex
     253              :     //    << " nextIndex=" << nextIndex
     254              :     //    << " departPos=" << getEdgePos()
     255              :     //    << " arrivalPos=" <<  getNextStage(nextIndex - 1)->getArrivalPos()
     256              :     //    << "\n";
     257         1507 :     MSStage* const toBeReplaced = getNextStage(nextIndex - 1);
     258              :     MSStageWalking* newStage = new MSStageWalking(getID(), newEdges,
     259              :             toBeReplaced->getDestinationStop(), -1,
     260              :             -1,
     261              :             departPos,
     262         1507 :             toBeReplaced->getArrivalPos(),
     263         1507 :             MSPModel::UNSPECIFIED_POS_LAT);
     264         1507 :     appendStage(newStage, nextIndex);
     265              :     // remove stages in reverse order so that proceed will only be called at the last removal
     266         3019 :     for (int i = nextIndex - 1; i >= firstIndex; i--) {
     267              :         //std::cout << " removeStage=" << i << "\n";
     268         1512 :         removeStage(i);
     269              :     }
     270         1507 : }
     271              : 
     272              : 
     273              : MSPerson::Influencer&
     274        43485 : MSPerson::getInfluencer() {
     275        43485 :     if (myInfluencer == nullptr) {
     276          107 :         myInfluencer = new Influencer();
     277              :     }
     278        43485 :     return *myInfluencer;
     279              : }
     280              : 
     281              : 
     282              : const MSPerson::Influencer*
     283            0 : MSPerson::getInfluencer() const {
     284            0 :     return myInfluencer;
     285              : }
     286              : 
     287              : 
     288              : 
     289              : /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
     290              :  * methods of MSPerson::Influencer
     291              :  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
     292          107 : MSPerson::Influencer::Influencer() {}
     293              : 
     294              : 
     295          107 : MSPerson::Influencer::~Influencer() {}
     296              : 
     297              : 
     298              : void
     299        10340 : MSPerson::Influencer::setRemoteControlled(Position xyPos, MSLane* l, double pos, double posLat, double angle, int edgeOffset, const ConstMSEdgeVector& route, SUMOTime t) {
     300        10340 :     myRemoteXYPos = xyPos;
     301        10340 :     myRemoteLane = l;
     302        10340 :     myRemotePos = pos;
     303        10340 :     myRemotePosLat = posLat;
     304        10340 :     myRemoteAngle = angle;
     305        10340 :     myRemoteEdgeOffset = edgeOffset;
     306        10340 :     myRemoteRoute = route;
     307        10340 :     myLastRemoteAccess = t;
     308        10340 : }
     309              : 
     310              : 
     311              : bool
     312        22805 : MSPerson::Influencer::isRemoteControlled() const {
     313        22805 :     return myLastRemoteAccess == MSNet::getInstance()->getCurrentTimeStep();
     314              : }
     315              : 
     316              : 
     317              : bool
     318            0 : MSPerson::Influencer::isRemoteAffected(SUMOTime t) const {
     319            0 :     return myLastRemoteAccess >= t - TIME2STEPS(10);
     320              : }
     321              : 
     322              : 
     323              : void
     324        10340 : MSPerson::Influencer::postProcessRemoteControl(MSPerson* p) {
     325              :     /*
     326              :     std::cout << SIMTIME << " moveToXY person=" << p->getID()
     327              :         << " xyPos=" << myRemoteXYPos
     328              :         << " lane=" << Named::getIDSecure(myRemoteLane)
     329              :         << " pos=" << myRemotePos
     330              :         << " posLat=" << myRemotePosLat
     331              :         << " angle=" << myRemoteAngle
     332              :         << " eOf=" << myRemoteEdgeOffset
     333              :         << " route=" << toString(myRemoteRoute)
     334              :         << " aTime=" << time2string(myLastRemoteAccess)
     335              :         << "\n";
     336              :         */
     337        10340 :     switch (p->getStageType(0)) {
     338              :         case MSStageType::WALKING: {
     339        10300 :             MSStageWalking* s = dynamic_cast<MSStageWalking*>(p->getCurrentStage());
     340              :             assert(s != nullptr);
     341        10300 :             s->getPState()->moveToXY(p, myRemoteXYPos, myRemoteLane, myRemotePos, myRemotePosLat,
     342        10300 :                                      myRemoteAngle, myRemoteEdgeOffset, myRemoteRoute,
     343              :                                      MSNet::getInstance()->getCurrentTimeStep());
     344              :         }
     345        10300 :         break;
     346              :         default:
     347              :             break;
     348              :     }
     349        10340 : }
     350              : 
     351              : 
     352              : /****************************************************************************/

Generated by: LCOV version 2.0-1