Line data Source code
1 : /****************************************************************************/
2 : // Eclipse SUMO, Simulation of Urban MObility; see
3 : // Copyright (C) 2001-2024 German Aerospace Center (DLR) and others.
4 : // This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
5 : // terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
6 : //
7 : // This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary
8 : // Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the Eclipse
9 : // Public License 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License, version 2
10 : // or later which is available at
11 : //
12 : // SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0-or-later
13 : /****************************************************************************/
14 : /// @file MSTransportable.cpp
15 : /// @author Melanie Weber
16 : /// @author Andreas Kendziorra
17 : /// @author Michael Behrisch
18 : /// @date Thu, 12 Jun 2014
19 : ///
20 : // The common superclass for modelling transportable objects like persons and containers
21 : /****************************************************************************/
22 : #include <config.h>
23 :
24 : #include <utils/common/StringTokenizer.h>
25 : #include <utils/geom/GeomHelper.h>
26 : #include <utils/vehicle/SUMOVehicleParameter.h>
27 : #include <utils/router/PedestrianRouter.h>
28 : #include <utils/router/IntermodalRouter.h>
29 : #include <libsumo/TraCIConstants.h>
30 : #include <microsim/MSEdge.h>
31 : #include <microsim/MSLane.h>
32 : #include <microsim/MSNet.h>
33 : #include <microsim/MSEventControl.h>
34 : #include <microsim/MSStoppingPlace.h>
35 : #include <microsim/MSVehicleControl.h>
36 : #include <microsim/devices/MSTransportableDevice.h>
37 : #include <microsim/transportables/MSTransportableControl.h>
38 : #include <microsim/transportables/MSPerson.h>
39 : #include <microsim/transportables/MSStageDriving.h>
40 : #include <microsim/transportables/MSStageTrip.h>
41 : #include <microsim/transportables/MSStageWaiting.h>
42 : #include <microsim/transportables/MSTransportable.h>
43 :
44 : SUMOTrafficObject::NumericalID MSTransportable::myCurrentNumericalIndex = 0;
45 :
46 : //#define DEBUG_PARKING
47 :
48 : // ===========================================================================
49 : // method definitions
50 : // ===========================================================================
51 507661 : MSTransportable::MSTransportable(const SUMOVehicleParameter* pars, MSVehicleType* vtype, MSTransportablePlan* plan, const bool isPerson) :
52 : SUMOTrafficObject(pars->id),
53 507661 : myParameter(pars), myVType(vtype), myPlan(plan),
54 507661 : myAmPerson(isPerson),
55 507661 : myNumericalID(myCurrentNumericalIndex++) {
56 507661 : myStep = myPlan->begin();
57 : // init devices
58 507661 : MSDevice::buildTransportableDevices(*this, myDevices);
59 1575764 : for (MSStage* const stage : * myPlan) {
60 1068103 : stage->init(this);
61 : }
62 507661 : }
63 :
64 :
65 704385 : MSTransportable::~MSTransportable() {
66 507610 : if (myStep != myPlan->end() && getCurrentStageType() == MSStageType::DRIVING) {
67 65786 : MSStageDriving* const stage = dynamic_cast<MSStageDriving*>(*myStep);
68 65786 : if (stage->getVehicle() != nullptr) {
69 125 : stage->getVehicle()->removeTransportable(this);
70 65661 : } else if (stage->getOriginStop() != nullptr) {
71 18587 : stage->getOriginStop()->removeTransportable(this);
72 : }
73 : }
74 507610 : if (myPlan != nullptr) {
75 1794006 : for (MSTransportablePlan::const_iterator i = myPlan->begin(); i != myPlan->end(); ++i) {
76 1286396 : delete *i;
77 : }
78 507610 : delete myPlan;
79 507610 : myPlan = nullptr;
80 : }
81 509872 : for (MSTransportableDevice* dev : myDevices) {
82 2262 : delete dev;
83 : }
84 507610 : delete myParameter;
85 507610 : if (myVType->isVehicleSpecific()) {
86 56 : MSNet::getInstance()->getVehicleControl().removeVType(myVType);
87 : }
88 704385 : }
89 :
90 : SumoRNG*
91 56 : MSTransportable::getRNG() const {
92 56 : return getEdge()->getLanes()[0]->getRNG();
93 : }
94 :
95 : int
96 2351 : MSTransportable::getRNGIndex() const {
97 2351 : return getEdge()->getLanes()[0]->getRNGIndex();
98 : }
99 :
100 : bool
101 1146068 : MSTransportable::proceed(MSNet* net, SUMOTime time, const bool vehicleArrived) {
102 1146068 : MSStage* const prior = *myStep;
103 1146068 : const std::string& error = prior->setArrived(net, this, time, vehicleArrived);
104 : // must be done before increasing myStep to avoid invalid state for rendering
105 1146068 : prior->getEdge()->removeTransportable(this);
106 : myStep++;
107 1146068 : if (error != "") {
108 78 : throw ProcessError(error);
109 : }
110 : /* We need to check whether an access stage is needed (or maybe even two).
111 : The general scheme is: If the prior stage ended at a stop and the next stage
112 : starts at an edge which is not the one the stop is at, but the stop has an access to it
113 : we need an access stage. The same is true if prior ends at an edge, the next stage
114 : is allowed to start at any stop the edge has access to.
115 : If we start at a stop or end at a stop no access is needed.
116 : */
117 : bool accessToStop = false;
118 1146029 : if (prior->getStageType() == MSStageType::WALKING || prior->getStageType() == MSStageType::DRIVING) {
119 258972 : accessToStop = checkAccess(prior);
120 887057 : } else if (prior->getStageType() == MSStageType::WAITING_FOR_DEPART) {
121 484580 : for (MSTransportableDevice* const dev : myDevices) {
122 1814 : dev->notifyEnter(*this, MSMoveReminder::NOTIFICATION_DEPARTED, nullptr);
123 : }
124 : }
125 1146029 : if (!accessToStop && (myStep == myPlan->end()
126 751032 : || ((*myStep)->getStageType() != MSStageType::DRIVING
127 672404 : && (*myStep)->getStageType() != MSStageType::TRIP))) {
128 204960 : MSStoppingPlace* priorStop = prior->getStageType() == MSStageType::TRIP ? prior->getOriginStop() : prior->getDestinationStop();
129 : // a trip might resolve to DRIVING so we would have to stay at the stop
130 : // if a trip resolves to something else, this step will do stop removal
131 858749 : if (priorStop != nullptr) {
132 170610 : priorStop->removeTransportable(this);
133 : }
134 : }
135 1146029 : if (myStep != myPlan->end()) {
136 753060 : if ((*myStep)->getStageType() == MSStageType::WALKING && (prior->getStageType() != MSStageType::ACCESS || prior->getDestination() != (*myStep)->getFromEdge())) {
137 267839 : checkAccess(prior, false);
138 : }
139 753060 : (*myStep)->proceed(net, this, time, prior);
140 : return true;
141 : } else {
142 392969 : MSNet::getInstance()->getPersonControl().addArrived();
143 392969 : return false;
144 : }
145 : }
146 :
147 :
148 : void
149 0 : MSTransportable::setID(const std::string& /*newID*/) {
150 0 : throw ProcessError(TL("Changing a transportable ID is not permitted"));
151 : }
152 :
153 : SUMOTime
154 0 : MSTransportable::getDesiredDepart() const {
155 0 : return myParameter->depart;
156 : }
157 :
158 : void
159 497363 : MSTransportable::setDeparted(SUMOTime now) {
160 497363 : (*myStep)->setDeparted(now);
161 497363 : }
162 :
163 : SUMOTime
164 122 : MSTransportable::getDeparture() const {
165 122 : for (const MSStage* const stage : *myPlan) {
166 122 : if (stage->getDeparted() >= 0) {
167 122 : return stage->getDeparted();
168 : }
169 : }
170 : return -1;
171 : }
172 :
173 :
174 : double
175 2156206 : MSTransportable::getEdgePos() const {
176 2156206 : return (*myStep)->getEdgePos(MSNet::getInstance()->getCurrentTimeStep());
177 : }
178 :
179 : double
180 3516 : MSTransportable::getBackPositionOnLane(const MSLane* /*lane*/) const {
181 3516 : return getEdgePos() - getVehicleType().getLength();
182 : }
183 :
184 : int
185 365364 : MSTransportable::getDirection() const {
186 365364 : return (*myStep)->getDirection();
187 : }
188 :
189 : Position
190 5031040 : MSTransportable::getPosition() const {
191 5031040 : return (*myStep)->getPosition(MSNet::getInstance()->getCurrentTimeStep());
192 : }
193 :
194 : double
195 2992292 : MSTransportable::getAngle() const {
196 2992292 : return (*myStep)->getAngle(MSNet::getInstance()->getCurrentTimeStep());
197 : }
198 :
199 : double
200 604 : MSTransportable::getWaitingSeconds() const {
201 604 : return STEPS2TIME((*myStep)->getWaitingTime(MSNet::getInstance()->getCurrentTimeStep()));
202 : }
203 :
204 : double
205 838945 : MSTransportable::getSpeed() const {
206 838945 : return (*myStep)->getSpeed();
207 : }
208 :
209 :
210 : void
211 55538 : MSTransportable::tripInfoOutput(OutputDevice& os) const {
212 55538 : SUMOTime departure = myPlan->front()->getDeparted();
213 111928 : os.openTag(isPerson() ? "personinfo" : "containerinfo");
214 : os.writeAttr(SUMO_ATTR_ID, getID());
215 55538 : os.writeAttr(SUMO_ATTR_DEPART, departure >= 0 ? time2string(departure) : "-1");
216 55538 : os.writeAttr(SUMO_ATTR_TYPE, getVehicleType().getID());
217 55538 : if (isPerson()) {
218 109372 : os.writeAttr(SUMO_ATTR_SPEEDFACTOR, getChosenSpeedFactor());
219 : }
220 : SUMOTime duration = 0;
221 : SUMOTime waitingTime = 0;
222 : SUMOTime timeLoss = 0;
223 : SUMOTime travelTime = 0;
224 : bool durationOK = true;
225 : bool waitingTimeOK = true;
226 : bool timeLossOK = true;
227 : bool travelTimeOK = true;
228 186195 : for (MSStage* const i : *myPlan) {
229 130657 : SUMOTime t = i->getDuration();
230 130657 : if (t != SUMOTime_MAX) {
231 130376 : duration += t;
232 : } else {
233 : durationOK = false;
234 : }
235 130657 : t = i->getWaitingTime();
236 130657 : if (t != SUMOTime_MAX) {
237 130652 : waitingTime += t;
238 : } else {
239 : waitingTimeOK = false;
240 : }
241 130657 : t = i->getTimeLoss(this);
242 130657 : if (t != SUMOTime_MAX) {
243 130390 : timeLoss += t;
244 : } else {
245 : timeLossOK = false;
246 : }
247 130657 : t = i->getTravelTime();
248 130657 : if (t != SUMOTime_MAX) {
249 130378 : travelTime += t;
250 : } else {
251 : travelTimeOK = false;
252 : }
253 : }
254 55538 : os.writeAttr(SUMO_ATTR_DURATION, durationOK ? time2string(duration) : "-1");
255 55538 : os.writeAttr(SUMO_ATTR_WAITINGTIME, waitingTimeOK ? time2string(waitingTime) : "-1");
256 55538 : os.writeAttr(SUMO_ATTR_TIMELOSS, timeLossOK ? time2string(timeLoss) : "-1");
257 55538 : os.writeAttr(SUMO_ATTR_TRAVELTIME, travelTimeOK ? time2string(travelTime) : "-1");
258 186195 : for (MSStage* const i : *myPlan) {
259 130657 : i->tripInfoOutput(os, this);
260 : }
261 55538 : os.closeTag();
262 55538 : }
263 :
264 :
265 : void
266 2691 : MSTransportable::routeOutput(OutputDevice& os, const bool withRouteLength) const {
267 : const std::string typeID = (
268 5314 : (isPerson() && getVehicleType().getID() == DEFAULT_PEDTYPE_ID)
269 5314 : || (isContainer() && getVehicleType().getID() == DEFAULT_CONTAINERTYPE_ID)) ? "" : getVehicleType().getID();
270 2759 : myParameter->write(os, OptionsCont::getOptions(), isPerson() ? SUMO_TAG_PERSON : SUMO_TAG_CONTAINER, typeID);
271 2691 : if (hasArrived()) {
272 5262 : os.writeAttr("arrival", time2string(MSNet::getInstance()->getCurrentTimeStep()));
273 : }
274 : const MSStage* previous = nullptr;
275 10809 : for (const MSStage* const stage : *myPlan) {
276 8118 : stage->routeOutput(myAmPerson, os, withRouteLength, previous);
277 : previous = stage;
278 : }
279 2691 : myParameter->writeParams(os);
280 2691 : os.closeTag();
281 2691 : os.lf();
282 2691 : }
283 :
284 :
285 : void
286 32 : MSTransportable::setAbortWaiting(const SUMOTime timeout) {
287 32 : if (timeout < 0 && myAbortCommand != nullptr) {
288 : myAbortCommand->deschedule();
289 16 : myAbortCommand = nullptr;
290 16 : return;
291 : }
292 16 : myAbortCommand = new WrappingCommand<MSTransportable>(this, &MSTransportable::abortStage);
293 16 : MSNet::getInstance()->getBeginOfTimestepEvents()->addEvent(myAbortCommand, SIMSTEP + timeout);
294 : }
295 :
296 :
297 : SUMOTime
298 16 : MSTransportable::abortStage(SUMOTime step) {
299 48 : WRITE_WARNINGF(TL("Teleporting % '%'; waited too long, from edge '%', time=%."),
300 : isPerson() ? "person" : "container", getID(), (*myStep)->getEdge()->getID(), time2string(step));
301 16 : MSTransportableControl& tc = isPerson() ? MSNet::getInstance()->getPersonControl() : MSNet::getInstance()->getContainerControl();
302 : tc.registerTeleportAbortWait();
303 16 : (*myStep)->abort(this);
304 16 : if (!proceed(MSNet::getInstance(), step)) {
305 8 : tc.erase(this);
306 : }
307 16 : return 0;
308 : }
309 :
310 :
311 : void
312 214342 : MSTransportable::appendStage(MSStage* stage, int next) {
313 : // myStep is invalidated upon modifying myPlan
314 214342 : const int stepIndex = (int)(myStep - myPlan->begin());
315 214342 : if (next < 0) {
316 388 : myPlan->push_back(stage);
317 : } else {
318 213954 : if (stepIndex + next > (int)myPlan->size()) {
319 0 : throw ProcessError("invalid index '" + toString(next) + "' for inserting new stage into plan of '" + getID() + "'");
320 : }
321 213954 : myPlan->insert(myPlan->begin() + stepIndex + next, stage);
322 : }
323 214342 : myStep = myPlan->begin() + stepIndex;
324 214342 : }
325 :
326 :
327 : void
328 1771 : MSTransportable::removeStage(int next, bool stayInSim) {
329 : assert(myStep + next < myPlan->end());
330 : assert(next >= 0);
331 1771 : if (next > 0) {
332 : // myStep is invalidated upon modifying myPlan
333 81 : int stepIndex = (int)(myStep - myPlan->begin());
334 81 : delete *(myStep + next);
335 81 : myPlan->erase(myStep + next);
336 81 : myStep = myPlan->begin() + stepIndex;
337 : } else {
338 1690 : if (myStep + 1 == myPlan->end() && stayInSim) {
339 : // stay in the simulation until the start of simStep to allow appending new stages (at the correct position)
340 166 : appendStage(new MSStageWaiting(getEdge(), nullptr, 0, 0, getEdgePos(), "last stage removed", false));
341 : }
342 1690 : (*myStep)->abort(this);
343 1690 : if (!proceed(MSNet::getInstance(), SIMSTEP)) {
344 52 : MSNet::getInstance()->getPersonControl().erase(this);
345 1638 : } else if (myPlan->front()->getDeparted() < 0) {
346 43 : myPlan->front()->setDeparted(SIMSTEP);
347 : }
348 : }
349 1771 : }
350 :
351 :
352 : void
353 16 : MSTransportable::setSpeed(double speed) {
354 42 : for (MSTransportablePlan::const_iterator i = myStep; i != myPlan->end(); ++i) {
355 26 : (*i)->setSpeed(speed);
356 : }
357 16 : getSingularType().setMaxSpeed(speed);
358 16 : }
359 :
360 :
361 : bool
362 0 : MSTransportable::replaceRoute(ConstMSRoutePtr newRoute, const std::string& /* info */, bool /* onInit */, int /* offset */, bool /* addRouteStops */, bool /* removeStops */, std::string* /* msgReturn */) {
363 0 : if (isPerson()) {
364 0 : static_cast<MSPerson*>(this)->replaceWalk(newRoute->getEdges(), getPositionOnLane(), 0, 1);
365 0 : return true;
366 : }
367 : return false;
368 : }
369 :
370 :
371 : bool
372 100 : MSTransportable::reroute(SUMOTime t, const std::string& /* info */, MSTransportableRouter& router, const bool /* onInit */, const bool /* withTaz */, const bool /* silent */, const MSEdge* /* sink */) {
373 : MSStageTrip* trip = getCurrentStage()->getTrip();
374 100 : if (trip == nullptr) {
375 : // TODO this should be possible after factoring out MSStageTrip::reroute
376 : return false;
377 : }
378 100 : if (getCurrentStage()->getVehicle() != nullptr) {
379 : // TODO rerouting during a ride still needs to be implemented
380 : return false;
381 : }
382 : // find the final stage of the trip
383 : int tripEndOffset = -1;
384 80 : for (int i = getNumRemainingStages() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
385 80 : if (getNextStage(i)->getTrip() == trip) {
386 : tripEndOffset = i;
387 : break;
388 : }
389 : }
390 : std::vector<MSStage*> stages;
391 80 : MSStageWaiting start(getEdge(), getCurrentStage()->getOriginStop(), -1, t, getEdgePos(), "start", true);
392 80 : if (trip->reroute(t, router, this, &start, getEdge(), getRerouteDestination(), stages) == "") {
393 : // check whether the new plan actually differs
394 150 : while (tripEndOffset >= 0 && !stages.empty() && stages.back()->equals(*getNextStage(tripEndOffset))) {
395 70 : delete stages.back();
396 : stages.pop_back();
397 70 : tripEndOffset--;
398 : }
399 : bool abortCurrent = true;
400 : // check whether the future route of the current stage is identical to the route
401 80 : if (!stages.empty() && stages.front()->isWalk() && getCurrentStage()->isWalk()) {
402 : // TODO this check should be done for rides as well
403 : MSStageMoving* s = static_cast<MSStageMoving*>(getCurrentStage());
404 48 : int routeIndex = (int)(s->getRouteStep() - s->getRoute().begin());
405 48 : ConstMSEdgeVector oldEdges = s->getEdges();
406 : oldEdges.erase(oldEdges.begin(), oldEdges.begin() + routeIndex);
407 48 : ConstMSEdgeVector newEdges = stages.front()->getEdges();
408 48 : if (newEdges == oldEdges) {
409 48 : delete stages.front();
410 : stages.erase(stages.begin());
411 : abortCurrent = false;
412 : }
413 48 : }
414 80 : if (stages.empty()) {
415 : return false;
416 : }
417 : // remove future stages of the trip
418 12 : for (int i = tripEndOffset; i >= 1; i--) {
419 6 : removeStage(i);
420 : }
421 : // insert new stages of the rerouting
422 : int idx = 1;
423 12 : for (MSStage* stage : stages) {
424 6 : appendStage(stage, idx++);
425 : }
426 6 : if (abortCurrent) {
427 0 : removeStage(0);
428 : }
429 6 : return true;
430 : }
431 : return false;
432 80 : }
433 :
434 :
435 : void
436 73 : MSTransportable::replaceVehicleType(MSVehicleType* type) {
437 73 : const SUMOVehicleClass oldVClass = myVType->getVehicleClass();
438 73 : if (myVType->isVehicleSpecific()) {
439 1 : MSNet::getInstance()->getVehicleControl().removeVType(myVType);
440 : }
441 73 : if (isPerson()
442 73 : && type->getVehicleClass() != oldVClass
443 10 : && type->getVehicleClass() != SVC_PEDESTRIAN
444 78 : && !type->getParameter().wasSet(VTYPEPARS_VEHICLECLASS_SET)) {
445 15 : WRITE_WARNINGF(TL("Person '%' receives type '%' which implicitly uses unsuitable vClass '%'."), getID(), type->getID(), toString(type->getVehicleClass()));
446 : }
447 73 : myVType = type;
448 73 : }
449 :
450 :
451 : MSVehicleType&
452 80 : MSTransportable::getSingularType() {
453 80 : if (myVType->isVehicleSpecific()) {
454 : return *myVType;
455 : }
456 114 : MSVehicleType* type = myVType->buildSingularType(myVType->getID() + "@" + getID());
457 57 : replaceVehicleType(type);
458 57 : return *type;
459 : }
460 :
461 :
462 : PositionVector
463 1095668 : MSTransportable::getBoundingBox() const {
464 1095668 : PositionVector centerLine;
465 1095668 : const Position p = getPosition();
466 1095668 : const double angle = getAngle();
467 1095668 : const double length = getVehicleType().getLength();
468 1095668 : const Position back = p + Position(-cos(angle) * length, -sin(angle) * length);
469 1095668 : centerLine.push_back(p);
470 1095668 : centerLine.push_back(back);
471 1095668 : centerLine.move2side(0.5 * getVehicleType().getWidth());
472 : PositionVector result = centerLine;
473 1095668 : centerLine.move2side(-getVehicleType().getWidth());
474 1095668 : result.append(centerLine.reverse(), POSITION_EPS);
475 : //std::cout << " transp=" << getID() << " p=" << p << " angle=" << GeomHelper::naviDegree(angle) << " back=" << back << " result=" << result << "\n";
476 1095668 : return result;
477 1095668 : }
478 :
479 :
480 : std::string
481 0 : MSTransportable::getStageSummary(int stageIndex) const {
482 : assert(stageIndex < (int)myPlan->size());
483 : assert(stageIndex >= 0);
484 0 : return (*myPlan)[stageIndex]->getStageSummary(myAmPerson);
485 : }
486 :
487 :
488 : const std::set<SUMOTrafficObject::NumericalID>
489 0 : MSTransportable::getUpcomingEdgeIDs() const {
490 : std::set<SUMOTrafficObject::NumericalID> result;
491 0 : for (auto step = myStep; step != myPlan->end(); ++step) {
492 0 : for (const MSEdge* const e : (*step)->getEdges()) {
493 0 : result.insert(e->getNumericalID());
494 0 : }
495 : }
496 0 : return result;
497 : }
498 :
499 :
500 : bool
501 3952497 : MSTransportable::hasArrived() const {
502 3952497 : return myStep == myPlan->end();
503 : }
504 :
505 : bool
506 18619 : MSTransportable::hasDeparted() const {
507 18619 : return myPlan->size() > 0 && (myPlan->front()->getDeparted() >= 0 || myStep > myPlan->begin());
508 : }
509 :
510 :
511 : void
512 45 : MSTransportable::rerouteParkingArea(MSStoppingPlace* orig, MSStoppingPlace* replacement) {
513 : // check whether the transportable was riding to the orignal stop
514 : // @note: parkingArea can currently not be set as myDestinationStop so we
515 : // check for stops on the edge instead
516 : #ifdef DEBUG_PARKING
517 : std::cout << SIMTIME << " person=" << getID() << " rerouteParkingArea orig=" << orig->getID() << " replacement=" << replacement->getID() << "\n";
518 : #endif
519 : assert(getCurrentStageType() == MSStageType::DRIVING);
520 45 : if (!myAmPerson) {
521 0 : WRITE_WARNING(TL("parkingAreaReroute not supported for containers"));
522 0 : return;
523 : }
524 45 : if (getDestination() == &orig->getLane().getEdge()) {
525 45 : MSStageDriving* const stage = dynamic_cast<MSStageDriving*>(*myStep);
526 : assert(stage != 0);
527 : assert(stage->getVehicle() != 0);
528 : // adapt plan
529 45 : stage->setDestination(&replacement->getLane().getEdge(), replacement);
530 45 : stage->setArrivalPos((replacement->getBeginLanePosition() + replacement->getEndLanePosition()) / 2);
531 : #ifdef DEBUG_PARKING
532 : std::cout << " set ride destination\n";
533 : #endif
534 45 : if (myStep + 1 == myPlan->end()) {
535 : return;
536 : }
537 : // if the next step is a walk, adapt the route
538 45 : MSStage* nextStage = *(myStep + 1);
539 45 : if (nextStage->getStageType() == MSStageType::TRIP) {
540 35 : dynamic_cast<MSStageTrip*>(nextStage)->setOrigin(stage->getDestination());
541 : #ifdef DEBUG_PARKING
542 : std::cout << " set subsequent trip origin\n";
543 : #endif
544 10 : } else if (nextStage->getStageType() == MSStageType::WALKING) {
545 : #ifdef DEBUG_PARKING
546 : std::cout << " replace subsequent walk with a trip\n";
547 : #endif
548 : MSStageTrip* newStage = new MSStageTrip(stage->getDestination(), nullptr, nextStage->getDestination(),
549 5 : nextStage->getDestinationStop(), -1, 0, "", -1, 1, getID(), 0, true, nextStage->getArrivalPos());
550 5 : removeStage(1);
551 5 : appendStage(newStage, 1);
552 5 : } else if (nextStage->getStageType() == MSStageType::WAITING) {
553 : #ifdef DEBUG_PARKING
554 : std::cout << " add subsequent walk to reach stop\n";
555 : std::cout << " arrivalPos=" << nextStage->getArrivalPos() << "\n";
556 : #endif
557 : MSStageTrip* newStage = new MSStageTrip(stage->getDestination(), nullptr, nextStage->getDestination(),
558 5 : nextStage->getDestinationStop(), -1, 0, "", -1, 1, getID(), 0, true, nextStage->getArrivalPos());
559 5 : appendStage(newStage, 1);
560 : }
561 : // if the plan contains another ride with the same vehicle from the same
562 : // parking area, adapt the preceeding walk to end at the replacement
563 90 : for (auto it = myStep + 2; it != myPlan->end(); it++) {
564 55 : MSStage* const futureStage = *it;
565 55 : MSStage* const prevStage = *(it - 1);
566 55 : if (futureStage->getStageType() == MSStageType::DRIVING) {
567 : MSStageDriving* const ds = static_cast<MSStageDriving*>(futureStage);
568 : // ride origin is set implicitly from the walk destination
569 : ds->setOrigin(nullptr);
570 : if (ds->getLines() == stage->getLines()
571 10 : && prevStage->getDestination() == &orig->getLane().getEdge()) {
572 10 : if (prevStage->getStageType() == MSStageType::TRIP) {
573 5 : dynamic_cast<MSStageTrip*>(prevStage)->setDestination(stage->getDestination(), replacement);
574 : #ifdef DEBUG_PARKING
575 : std::cout << " replace later trip before ride (" << (it - myPlan->begin()) << ")\n";
576 : #endif
577 5 : } else if (prevStage->getStageType() == MSStageType::WALKING) {
578 : #ifdef DEBUG_PARKING
579 : std::cout << " replace later walk before ride (" << (it - myPlan->begin()) << ")\n";
580 : #endif
581 5 : MSStageTrip* newStage = new MSStageTrip(prevStage->getFromEdge(), nullptr, stage->getDestination(),
582 10 : replacement, -1, 0, "", -1, 1, getID(), 0, true, stage->getArrivalPos());
583 5 : int prevStageRelIndex = (int)(it - 1 - myStep);
584 5 : removeStage(prevStageRelIndex);
585 5 : appendStage(newStage, prevStageRelIndex);
586 : }
587 : break;
588 : }
589 : }
590 : }
591 : }
592 : }
593 :
594 :
595 : MSDevice*
596 646300 : MSTransportable::getDevice(const std::type_info& type) const {
597 851096 : for (MSTransportableDevice* const dev : myDevices) {
598 727493 : if (typeid(*dev) == type) {
599 : return dev;
600 : }
601 : }
602 : return nullptr;
603 : }
604 :
605 :
606 : void
607 10 : MSTransportable::setJunctionModelParameter(const std::string& key, const std::string& value) {
608 15 : if (key == toString(SUMO_ATTR_JM_IGNORE_IDS) || key == toString(SUMO_ATTR_JM_IGNORE_TYPES)) {
609 5 : getParameter().parametersSet |= VEHPARS_JUNCTIONMODEL_PARAMS_SET;
610 5 : const_cast<SUMOVehicleParameter&>(getParameter()).setParameter(key, value);
611 : // checked in MSLink::ignoreFoe
612 : } else {
613 10 : throw InvalidArgument(getObjectType() + " '" + getID() + "' does not support junctionModel parameter '" + key + "'");
614 : }
615 5 : }
616 :
617 :
618 : double
619 0 : MSTransportable::getSlope() const {
620 0 : const MSEdge* edge = getEdge();
621 0 : const double ep = getEdgePos();
622 0 : const double gp = edge->getLanes()[0]->interpolateLanePosToGeometryPos(ep);
623 0 : return edge->getLanes()[0]->getShape().slopeDegreeAtOffset(gp);
624 : }
625 :
626 :
627 : SUMOTime
628 0 : MSTransportable::getWaitingTime(const bool /* accumulated */) const {
629 0 : return (*myStep)->getWaitingTime(MSNet::getInstance()->getCurrentTimeStep());
630 : }
631 :
632 :
633 : double
634 140022269 : MSTransportable::getMaxSpeed() const {
635 140022269 : return MIN2(getVehicleType().getMaxSpeed(), getVehicleType().getDesiredMaxSpeed() * getChosenSpeedFactor());
636 : }
637 :
638 :
639 : SUMOVehicleClass
640 2653384 : MSTransportable::getVClass() const {
641 2653384 : return getVehicleType().getVehicleClass();
642 : }
643 :
644 :
645 : int
646 0 : MSTransportable::getRoutingMode() const {
647 : /// @todo: allow configuring routing mode
648 0 : return libsumo::ROUTING_MODE_DEFAULT;
649 : }
650 :
651 : void
652 43 : MSTransportable::saveState(OutputDevice& out) {
653 : // this saves lots of departParameters which are only needed for transportables that did not yet depart
654 : // the parameters may hold the name of a vTypeDistribution but we are interested in the actual type
655 43 : const SUMOTime desiredDepart = myParameter->depart;
656 43 : if (myPlan->front()->getDeparted() >= 0) {
657 : // this is only relevant in the context of delayed departure (max-num-persons)
658 37 : const_cast<SUMOVehicleParameter*>(myParameter)->depart = myPlan->front()->getDeparted();
659 : }
660 43 : myParameter->write(out, OptionsCont::getOptions(), myAmPerson ? SUMO_TAG_PERSON : SUMO_TAG_CONTAINER, getVehicleType().getID());
661 43 : const_cast<SUMOVehicleParameter*>(myParameter)->depart = desiredDepart;
662 43 : if (!myParameter->wasSet(VEHPARS_SPEEDFACTOR_SET) && getChosenSpeedFactor() != 1) {
663 41 : out.setPrecision(MAX2(gPrecisionRandom, gPrecision));
664 41 : out.writeAttr(SUMO_ATTR_SPEEDFACTOR, getChosenSpeedFactor());
665 41 : out.setPrecision(gPrecision);
666 : }
667 43 : int stepIdx = (int)(myStep - myPlan->begin());
668 101 : for (auto it = myPlan->begin(); it != myStep; ++it) {
669 58 : const MSStageType st = (*it)->getStageType();
670 58 : if (st == MSStageType::TRIP || st == MSStageType::ACCESS) {
671 19 : stepIdx--;
672 : }
673 : }
674 43 : std::ostringstream state;
675 86 : state << myParameter->parametersSet << " " << stepIdx;
676 43 : (*myStep)->saveState(state);
677 43 : out.writeAttr(SUMO_ATTR_STATE, state.str());
678 : const MSStage* previous = nullptr;
679 150 : for (const MSStage* const stage : *myPlan) {
680 107 : stage->routeOutput(myAmPerson, out, false, previous);
681 : previous = stage;
682 : }
683 43 : out.closeTag();
684 43 : }
685 :
686 :
687 : void
688 48 : MSTransportable::loadState(const std::string& state) {
689 48 : std::istringstream iss(state);
690 : int step;
691 48 : iss >> myParameter->parametersSet >> step;
692 48 : myPlan->front()->setDeparted(myParameter->depart);
693 48 : myStep = myPlan->begin() + step;
694 48 : (*myStep)->loadState(this, iss);
695 48 : }
696 :
697 :
698 : /****************************************************************************/