LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - src/netbuild - NBAlgorithms.h (source / functions) Coverage Total Hit
Test: Lines: 100.0 % 28 28
Test Date: 2024-12-21 15:45:41 Functions: 100.0 % 4 4

            Line data    Source code
       1              : /****************************************************************************/
       2              : // Eclipse SUMO, Simulation of Urban MObility; see
       3              : // Copyright (C) 2012-2024 German Aerospace Center (DLR) and others.
       4              : // This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
       5              : // terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
       6              : //
       7              : // This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary
       8              : // Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the Eclipse
       9              : // Public License 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License, version 2
      10              : // or later which is available at
      11              : //
      12              : // SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0-or-later
      13              : /****************************************************************************/
      14              : /// @file    NBAlgorithms.h
      15              : /// @author  Daniel Krajzewicz
      16              : /// @author  Jakob Erdmann
      17              : /// @date    02. March 2012
      18              : ///
      19              : // Algorithms for network computation
      20              : /****************************************************************************/
      21              : #pragma once
      22              : #include <config.h>
      23              : 
      24              : #include <map>
      25              : #include "NBEdgeCont.h"
      26              : #include "NBNodeCont.h"
      27              : 
      28              : // ===========================================================================
      29              : // class declarations
      30              : // ===========================================================================
      31              : class NBEdge;
      32              : class NBNode;
      33              : 
      34              : // ===========================================================================
      35              : // class definitions
      36              : // ===========================================================================
      37              : // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
      38              : // NBTurningDirectionsComputer
      39              : // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
      40              : /* @class NBTurningDirectionsComputer
      41              :  * @brief Computes turnaround destinations for all edges (if exist)
      42              :  */
      43              : class NBTurningDirectionsComputer {
      44              : public:
      45              :     /** @brief Computes turnaround destinations for all edges (if exist)
      46              :      * @param[in] nc The container of nodes to loop along
      47              :      * @param[in] warn Whether warnings shall be issued
      48              :      */
      49              :     static void computeTurnDirections(NBNodeCont& nc, bool warn = true);
      50              : 
      51              :     /** @brief Computes turnaround destinations for all incoming edges of the given nodes (if any)
      52              :      * @param[in] node The node for which to compute turnaround destinations
      53              :      * @param[in] warn Whether warnings shall be issued
      54              :      * @note: This is needed by netedit
      55              :      */
      56              :     static void computeTurnDirectionsForNode(NBNode* node, bool warn);
      57              : 
      58              :     /// @brief compute angle to junction at a point further away
      59              :     static double getFarAngleAtNode(const NBEdge* e, const NBNode* n, double dist = 50);
      60              : 
      61              : private:
      62              :     /** @struct Combination
      63              :      * @brief Stores the information about the angle between an incoming ("from") and an outgoing ("to") edge
      64              :      *
      65              :      * Note that the angle is increased by 360 if the edges connect the same two nodes in
      66              :      *  opposite direction.
      67              :      */
      68              :     struct Combination {
      69              :         NBEdge* from;
      70              :         NBEdge* to;
      71              :         double angle;
      72              :     };
      73              : 
      74              : 
      75              :     /** @class combination_by_angle_sorter
      76              :      * @brief Sorts "Combination"s by decreasing angle
      77              :      */
      78              :     class combination_by_angle_sorter {
      79              :     public:
      80              :         explicit combination_by_angle_sorter() { }
      81       245557 :         int operator()(const Combination& c1, const Combination& c2) const {
      82       245557 :             if (c1.angle != c2.angle) {
      83        59788 :                 return c1.angle > c2.angle;
      84              :             }
      85       185769 :             if (c1.from != c2.from) {
      86       185345 :                 if ( == && c1.from->getPermissions() != c2.from->getPermissions()) {
      87          192 :                     if (c1.from->getPermissions() ==>getPermissions()) {
      88              :                         return true;
      89          151 :                     } else if (c2.from->getPermissions() ==>getPermissions()) {
      90              :                         return false;
      91              :                     }
      92              :                 }
      93       185272 :                 return c1.from->getID() < c2.from->getID();
      94              :             }
      95          424 :             if (>getPermissions() !=>getPermissions()) {
      96          213 :                 if (>getPermissions() == c1.from->getPermissions()) {
      97              :                     return true;
      98          171 :                 } else if (>getPermissions() == c1.from->getPermissions()) {
      99              :                     return false;
     100              :                 }
     101              :             }
     102          358 :             return>getID() <>getID();
     103              :         }
     104              :     };
     105              : };
     106              : 
     107              : 
     108              : 
     109              : // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
     110              : // NBNodesEdgesSorter
     111              : // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
     112              : /* @class NBNodesEdgesSorter
     113              :  * @brief Sorts a node's edges clockwise regarding driving direction
     114              :  */
     115              : class NBNodesEdgesSorter {
     116              : public:
     117              :     /** @brief Sorts a node's edges clockwise regarding driving direction
     118              :      * @param[in] nc The container of nodes to loop along
     119              :      * @param[in] useNodeShape Whether to sort based on the node shape (instead of only the edge angle)
     120              :      */
     121              :     static void sortNodesEdges(NBNodeCont& nc, bool useNodeShape = false);
     122              : 
     123              :     /** @class crossing_by_junction_angle_sorter
     124              :      * @brief Sorts crossings by minimum clockwise clockwise edge angle. Use the
     125              :      * ordering found in myAllEdges of the given node
     126              :      */
     127       349827 :     class crossing_by_junction_angle_sorter {
     128              :     public:
     129              :         explicit crossing_by_junction_angle_sorter(const NBNode* node, const EdgeVector& ordering);
     130              : 
     131         2820 :         int operator()(const std::unique_ptr<NBNode::Crossing>& c1, const std::unique_ptr<NBNode::Crossing>& c2) const {
     132         2820 :             const int r1 = getMinRank(c1->edges);
     133         2820 :             const int r2 = getMinRank(c2->edges);
     134         2820 :             if (r1 == r2) {
     135           38 :                 return c1->edges.size() > c2->edges.size();
     136              :             } else {
     137         2782 :                 return (int)(r1 < r2);
     138              :             }
     139              :         }
     140              : 
     141              :     private:
     142              :         /// @brief retrieves the minimum index in myAllEdges
     143         5640 :         int getMinRank(const EdgeVector& e) const {
     144         5640 :             int result = (int)myOrdering.size();
     145        15252 :             for (EdgeVector::const_iterator it = e.begin(); it != e.end(); ++it) {
     146         9612 :                 int rank = (int)std::distance(myOrdering.begin(), std::find(myOrdering.begin(), myOrdering.end(), *it));
     147              :                 result = MIN2(result, rank);
     148              :             }
     149         5640 :             return result;
     150              :         }
     151              : 
     152              :     private:
     153              :         EdgeVector myOrdering;
     154              :     };
     155              : 
     156              :     /** @brief Assures correct order for same-angle opposite-direction edges
     157              :      * @param[in] n The currently processed node
     158              :      * @param[in] i1 Pointer to first edge
     159              :      * @param[in] i2 Pointer to second edge
     160              :      */
     161              :     static void swapWhenReversed(const NBNode* const n,
     162              :                                  const std::vector<NBEdge*>::iterator& i1,
     163              :                                  const std::vector<NBEdge*>::iterator& i2);
     164              : 
     165              : 
     166              :     /** @class edge_by_junction_angle_sorter
     167              :      * @brief Sorts incoming and outgoing edges clockwise around the given node
     168              :      */
     169              :     class edge_by_junction_angle_sorter {
     170              :     public:
     171              :         explicit edge_by_junction_angle_sorter(NBNode* n) : myNode(n) {}
     172      1426007 :         int operator()(NBEdge* e1, NBEdge* e2) const {
     173      1426007 :             const double a1 = e1->getAngleAtNodeNormalized(myNode);
     174      1426007 :             const double a2 = e2->getAngleAtNodeNormalized(myNode);
     175      1426007 :             return a1 < a2 || (a1 == a2 && e1->getNumericalID() < e2->getNumericalID());
     176              :         }
     177              : 
     178              :     private:
     179              :         /// @brief The node to compute the relative angle of
     180              :         NBNode* myNode;
     181              : 
     182              :     };
     183              : 
     184              : };
     185              : 
     186              : 
     187              : 
     188              : // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
     189              : // NBNodeTypeComputer
     190              : // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
     191              : /* @class NBNodeTypeComputer
     192              :  * @brief Computes node types
     193              :  */
     194              : class NBNodeTypeComputer {
     195              : public:
     196              :     /** @brief Computes node types
     197              :      * @param[in] nc The container of nodes to loop along
     198              :      */
     199              :     static void computeNodeTypes(NBNodeCont& nc, NBTrafficLightLogicCont& tlc);
     200              : 
     201              :     /** @brief Checks rail_crossing for validity
     202              :      * @param[in] nc The container of nodes to loop along
     203              :      */
     204              :     static void validateRailCrossings(NBNodeCont& nc, NBTrafficLightLogicCont& tlc);
     205              : 
     206              :     /// @brief whether the given node only has rail edges
     207              :     static bool isRailwayNode(const NBNode* n);
     208              : };
     209              : 
     210              : 
     211              : 
     212              : // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
     213              : // NBEdgePriorityComputer
     214              : // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
     215              : /* @class NBEdgePriorityComputer
     216              :  * @brief Computes edge priorities within a node
     217              :  */
     218              : class NBEdgePriorityComputer {
     219              : public:
     220              :     /** @brief Computes edge priorities within a node
     221              :      * @param[in] nc The container of nodes to loop along
     222              :      */
     223              :     static void computeEdgePriorities(NBNodeCont& nc);
     224              : 
     225              : private:
     226              :     /** @brief Sets the priorites in case of a priority junction
     227              :      * @param[in] n The node to set edges' priorities
     228              :      */
     229              :     static void setPriorityJunctionPriorities(NBNode& n, bool forceStraight = false);
     230              : 
     231              :     /// @brief score pair of edges for multi-criteria evaluatoin of angle, priority, laneNumber and speed
     232              :     static double getScore(const NBEdge* e1, const NBEdge* e2, int minPrio, int maxPrio, int maxNumLanes, double maxSpeed);
     233              : 
     234              :     /// @brief set priority for edges that are parallel to the best edges
     235              :     static void markBestParallel(const NBNode& n, NBEdge* bestFirst, NBEdge* bestSecond);
     236              : 
     237              :     /** @brief Sets the priorites in case of a priority junction
     238              :      * @param[in] n The node to set edges' priorities
     239              :      * @param[in] s The vector of edges to get and mark the first from
     240              :      * @param[in] prio The priority to assign
     241              :      * @return The vector's first edge
     242              :      */
     243              :     static NBEdge* extractAndMarkFirst(NBNode& n, std::vector<NBEdge*>& s, int prio = 1);
     244              : 
     245              :     /** @brief Returns whether both edges have the same priority
     246              :      * @param[in] e1 The first edge
     247              :      * @param[in] e2 The second edge
     248              :      * Whether both edges have the same priority
     249              :      */
     250              :     static bool samePriority(const NBEdge* const e1, const NBEdge* const e2);
     251              : 
     252              :     /// @brief return whether the priorite attribute can be used to distinguish the edges
     253              :     static bool hasDifferentPriorities(const EdgeVector& edges, const NBEdge* excluded);
     254              : 
     255              : };

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