LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - src/polyconvert - PCLoaderOSM.h (source / functions) Coverage Total Hit
Test: Lines: 100.0 % 1 1
Test Date: 2024-10-24 15:46:30 Functions: - 0 0

            Line data    Source code
       1              : /****************************************************************************/
       2              : // Eclipse SUMO, Simulation of Urban MObility; see
       3              : // Copyright (C) 2008-2024 German Aerospace Center (DLR) and others.
       4              : // This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
       5              : // terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
       6              : //
       7              : // This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary
       8              : // Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the Eclipse
       9              : // Public License 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License, version 2
      10              : // or later which is available at
      11              : //
      12              : // SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0-or-later
      13              : /****************************************************************************/
      14              : /// @file    PCLoaderOSM.h
      15              : /// @author  Daniel Krajzewicz
      16              : /// @author  Jakob Erdmann
      17              : /// @author  Michael Behrisch
      18              : /// @author  Melanie Knocke
      19              : /// @date    Wed, 19.11.2008
      20              : ///
      21              : // A reader of pois and polygons stored in OSM-format
      22              : /****************************************************************************/
      23              : #pragma once
      24              : #include <config.h>
      25              : 
      26              : #include <string>
      27              : #include "PCPolyContainer.h"
      28              : #include "PCTypeMap.h"
      29              : #include <utils/xml/SUMOSAXHandler.h>
      30              : 
      31              : 
      32              : // ===========================================================================
      33              : // class definitions
      34              : // ===========================================================================
      35              : class OptionsCont;
      36              : 
      37              : 
      38              : // ===========================================================================
      39              : // class declarations
      40              : // ===========================================================================
      41              : /**
      42              :  * @class PCLoaderOSM
      43              :  * @brief A reader of pois and polygons stored in OSM-format
      44              :  *
      45              :  * Reads pois stored as XML definition as given by the OpenStreetMap-API.
      46              :  */
      47              : class PCLoaderOSM : public SUMOSAXHandler {
      48              : public:
      49              :     /** @brief Loads pois/polygons assumed to be stored as OSM-XML
      50              :      *
      51              :      * If the option "osm-files" is set within the given options container,
      52              :      *  an instance of PCLoaderOSM is built and used as a handler for the
      53              :      *  files given in this option.
      54              :      *
      55              :      * @param[in] oc The options container to get further options from
      56              :      * @param[in] toFill The poly/pois container to add loaded polys/pois to
      57              :      * @param[in] tm The type map to use for setting values of loaded polys/pois
      58              :      * @exception ProcessError if something fails
      59              :      */
      60              :     static void loadIfSet(OptionsCont& oc, PCPolyContainer& toFill,
      61              :                           PCTypeMap& tm);
      62              : 
      63              : 
      64              : protected:
      65              : 
      66              :     /** @brief An internal representation of an OSM-node
      67              :      */
      68        41718 :     struct PCOSMNode {
      69              :         /// @brief The node's id
      70              :         long long int id;
      71              :         /// @brief The longitude the node is located at
      72              :         double lon;
      73              :         /// @brief The latitude the node is located at
      74              :         double lat;
      75              :         /// @brief The nodes name (if any)
      76              :         std::string name;
      77              :         /// @brief Additional attributes
      78              :         std::map<std::string, std::string> myAttributes;
      79              :     };
      80              : 
      81              : 
      82              :     /** @brief An internal definition of a loaded relation
      83              :      */
      84              :     struct PCOSMRelation {
      85              :         /// @brief The relation's id
      86              :         long long int id;
      87              :         /// @brief The relation's name (if any)
      88              :         std::string name;
      89              :         /// @brief The list of ways this relation is made of
      90              :         std::vector<long long int> myWays;
      91              :         /// @brief Additional attributes
      92              :         std::map<std::string, std::string> myAttributes;
      93              :         /// @brief whether this relation is a valid polygon
      94              :         bool keep;
      95              :     };
      96              : 
      97              : 
      98              :     /** @brief An internal definition of a loaded edge
      99              :      */
     100              :     struct PCOSMEdge {
     101              :         /// @brief The edge's id
     102              :         long long int id;
     103              :         /// @brief The edge's name (if any)
     104              :         std::string name;
     105              :         /// @brief Information whether this area is closed
     106              :         bool myIsClosed;
     107              :         /// @brief The list of nodes this edge is made of
     108              :         std::vector<long long int> myCurrentNodes;
     109              :         /// @brief Additional attributes
     110              :         std::map<std::string, std::string> myAttributes;
     111              :         // @brief Wether this way constitutes a complete polygon object
     112              :         bool standalone;
     113              :     };
     114              : 
     115              :     typedef std::vector<PCOSMRelation*> Relations;
     116              :     typedef std::map<long long int, PCOSMRelation*> RelationsMap;
     117              :     typedef std::map<long long int, PCOSMEdge*> EdgeMap;
     118              : 
     119              : protected:
     120              :     /// @brief try add the polygon and return the next index on success
     121              :     static int addPolygon(const PCOSMEdge* edge, const PositionVector& vec, const PCTypeMap::TypeDef& def,
     122              :                           const std::string& fullType, int index, bool useName, PCPolyContainer& toFill, bool ignorePruning, bool withAttributes);
     123              : 
     124              :     /// @brief try add the POI and return the next index on success
     125              :     static int addPOI(const PCOSMNode* node, const Position& pos, const PCTypeMap::TypeDef& def,
     126              :                       const std::string& fullType, int index, bool useName, PCPolyContainer& toFill, bool ignorePruning, bool withAttributes);
     127              : 
     128              : 
     129              : protected:
     130              :     static const std::set<std::string> MyKeysToInclude;
     131              : 
     132              : private:
     133              :     static std::set<std::string> initMyKeysToInclude();
     134              : 
     135              :     /// @brief retrieve cartesian coordinate for given node
     136              :     static Position convertNodePosition(PCOSMNode* n);
     137              : 
     138              :     static double mergeClosest(const std::map<long long int, PCOSMNode*>& nodes, std::vector<std::vector<long long int> >& snippets);
     139              : 
     140              : protected:
     141              :     /**
     142              :      * @class NodesHandler
     143              :      * @brief A class which extracts OSM-nodes from a parsed OSM-file
     144              :      */
     145              :     class NodesHandler : public SUMOSAXHandler {
     146              :     public:
     147              :         /** @brief Contructor
     148              :          * @param[in] toFill The nodes container to fill
     149              :          * @param[in] withAttributes Whether all attributes shall be stored
     150              :          * @param[in] errorHandler The handler to report errors to (WarningHandler for ignoring errors)
     151              :          */
     152              :         NodesHandler(std::map<long long int, PCOSMNode*>& toFill, bool withAttributes,
     153              :                      MsgHandler& errorHandler);
     154              : 
     155              : 
     156              :         /// @brief Destructor
     157              :         ~NodesHandler();
     158              : 
     159              : 
     160              :     protected:
     161              :         /// @name inherited from GenericSAXHandler
     162              :         //@{
     163              : 
     164              :         /** @brief Called on the opening of a tag;
     165              :          *
     166              :          * @param[in] element ID of the currently opened element
     167              :          * @param[in] attrs Attributes within the currently opened element
     168              :          * @exception ProcessError If something fails
     169              :          * @see GenericSAXHandler::myStartElement
     170              :          */
     171              :         void myStartElement(int element, const SUMOSAXAttributes& attrs);
     172              : 
     173              : 
     174              :         /** @brief Called when a closing tag occurs
     175              :          *
     176              :          * @param[in] element ID of the currently opened element
     177              :          * @exception ProcessError If something fails
     178              :          * @see GenericSAXHandler::myEndElement
     179              :          */
     180              :         void myEndElement(int element);
     181              :         //@}
     182              : 
     183              : 
     184              :     private:
     185              :         /// @brief Whether all attributes shall be stored
     186              :         bool myWithAttributes;
     187              : 
     188              :         /// @brief The handler to report errors to (will be the WarningsHandler if --ignore-errors was set)
     189              :         MsgHandler& myErrorHandler;
     190              : 
     191              :         /// @brief The nodes container to fill
     192              :         std::map<long long int, PCOSMNode*>& myToFill;
     193              : 
     194              :         /// @brief Current path in order to know to what occuring values belong
     195              :         std::vector<int> myParentElements;
     196              : 
     197              :         /// @brief The id of the last parsed node
     198              :         long long int myLastNodeID;
     199              : 
     200              :     private:
     201              :         /// @brief Invalidated copy constructor
     202              :         NodesHandler(const NodesHandler& s);
     203              : 
     204              :         /// @brief Invalidated assignment operator
     205              :         NodesHandler& operator=(const NodesHandler& s);
     206              : 
     207              :     };
     208              : 
     209              :     /**
     210              :      * @class RelationsHandler
     211              :      * @brief A class which extracts relevant way-ids from relations in a parsed OSM-file
     212              :      */
     213              :     class RelationsHandler : public SUMOSAXHandler {
     214              :     public:
     215              :         /** @brief Constructor
     216              :          *
     217              :          * @param[in] osmNodes The previously parsed (osm-)nodes
     218              :          * @param[in] toFill The edges container to fill with read edges
     219              :          * @param[in] withAttributes Whether all attributes shall be stored
     220              :          * @param[in] errorHandler The handler to report errors to (WarningHandler for ignoring errors)
     221              :          */
     222              :         RelationsHandler(RelationsMap& additionalWays,
     223              :                          Relations& relations,
     224              :                          std::set<long long int>& innerEdges,
     225              :                          bool withAttributes,
     226              :                          MsgHandler& errorHandler);
     227              : 
     228              : 
     229              :         /// @brief Destructor
     230              :         ~RelationsHandler();
     231              : 
     232              : 
     233              :     protected:
     234              :         /// @name inherited from GenericSAXHandler
     235              :         //@{
     236              : 
     237              :         /** @brief Called on the opening of a tag;
     238              :          *
     239              :          * @param[in] element ID of the currently opened element
     240              :          * @param[in] attrs Attributes within the currently opened element
     241              :          * @exception ProcessError If something fails
     242              :          * @see GenericSAXHandler::myStartElement
     243              :          */
     244              :         void myStartElement(int element, const SUMOSAXAttributes& attrs);
     245              : 
     246              : 
     247              :         /** @brief Called when a closing tag occurs
     248              :          *
     249              :          * @param[in] element ID of the currently opened element
     250              :          * @exception ProcessError If something fails
     251              :          * @see GenericSAXHandler::myEndElement
     252              :          */
     253              :         void myEndElement(int element);
     254              :         //@}
     255              : 
     256              : 
     257              :     private:
     258              :         /// @brief additional ways which are reference by relations
     259              :         RelationsMap& myAdditionalWays;
     260              : 
     261              :         /// @brief the loaded relations
     262              :         Relations& myRelations;
     263              : 
     264              :         /// @brief the loaded edges
     265              :         std::set<long long int>& myInnerEdges;
     266              : 
     267              :         /// @brief Whether all attributes shall be stored
     268              :         bool myWithAttributes;
     269              : 
     270              :         /// @brief The handler to report errors to (will be the WarningsHandler if --ignore-errors was set)
     271              :         MsgHandler& myErrorHandler;
     272              : 
     273              :         /// @brief The currently parsed relation
     274              :         PCOSMRelation* myCurrentRelation;
     275              : 
     276              :         /// @brief the ways within the current relation
     277              :         std::vector<long long int> myCurrentWays;
     278              : 
     279              :         /// @brief Current path in order to know to what occuring values belong
     280              :         std::vector<long long int> myParentElements;
     281              : 
     282              :         /// @brief whether the last edge (way) should be kept because it had a key from the inclusion list
     283              :         bool myKeep;
     284              : 
     285              :     private:
     286              :         /// @brief Invalidated copy constructor
     287              :         RelationsHandler(const RelationsHandler& s);
     288              : 
     289              :         /// @brief Invalidated assignment operator
     290              :         RelationsHandler& operator=(const RelationsHandler& s);
     291              : 
     292              :     };
     293              : 
     294              : 
     295              :     /**
     296              :      * @class EdgesHandler
     297              :      * @brief A class which extracts OSM-edges from a parsed OSM-file
     298              :      */
     299              :     class EdgesHandler : public SUMOSAXHandler {
     300              :     public:
     301              :         /** @brief Constructor
     302              :          *
     303              :          * @param[in] osmNodes The previously parsed (osm-)nodes
     304              :          * @param[in] toFill The edges container to fill with read edges
     305              :          * @param[in] withAttributes Whether all attributes shall be stored
     306              :          * @param[in] additionalWays Additional ways which were identified as polygons to import
     307              :          * @param[in] errorHandler The handler to report errors to (WarningHandler for ignoring errors)
     308              :          */
     309              :         EdgesHandler(const std::map<long long int, PCOSMNode*>& osmNodes,
     310              :                      EdgeMap& toFill,
     311              :                      const RelationsMap& additionalWays,
     312              :                      bool withAttributes,
     313              :                      MsgHandler& errorHandler);
     314              : 
     315              : 
     316              :         /// @brief Destructor
     317              :         ~EdgesHandler();
     318              : 
     319              : 
     320              :     protected:
     321              :         /// @name inherited from GenericSAXHandler
     322              :         //@{
     323              : 
     324              :         /** @brief Called on the opening of a tag;
     325              :          *
     326              :          * @param[in] element ID of the currently opened element
     327              :          * @param[in] attrs Attributes within the currently opened element
     328              :          * @exception ProcessError If something fails
     329              :          * @see GenericSAXHandler::myStartElement
     330              :          */
     331              :         void myStartElement(int element, const SUMOSAXAttributes& attrs);
     332              : 
     333              : 
     334              :         /** @brief Called when a closing tag occurs
     335              :          *
     336              :          * @param[in] element ID of the currently opened element
     337              :          * @exception ProcessError If something fails
     338              :          * @see GenericSAXHandler::myEndElement
     339              :          */
     340              :         void myEndElement(int element);
     341              :         //@}
     342              : 
     343              : 
     344              :     private:
     345              :         /// @brief Whether all attributes shall be stored
     346              :         bool myWithAttributes;
     347              : 
     348              :         /// @brief The handler to report errors to (will be the WarningsHandler if --ignore-errors was set)
     349              :         MsgHandler& myErrorHandler;
     350              : 
     351              :         /// @brief The previously parsed nodes
     352              :         const std::map<long long int, PCOSMNode*>& myOSMNodes;
     353              : 
     354              :         /// @brief A map of built edges
     355              :         EdgeMap& myEdgeMap;
     356              : 
     357              :         /// @brief additional ways which are reference by relations
     358              :         const RelationsMap& myAdditionalWays;
     359              : 
     360              :         /// @brief The currently built edge
     361              :         PCOSMEdge* myCurrentEdge;
     362              : 
     363              :         /// @brief Current path in order to know to what occuring values belong
     364              :         std::vector<int> myParentElements;
     365              : 
     366              :         /// @brief whether the last edge (way) should be kept because it had a key from the inclusion list
     367              :         bool myKeep;
     368              : 
     369              :     private:
     370              :         /// @brief Invalidated copy constructor
     371              :         EdgesHandler(const EdgesHandler& s);
     372              : 
     373              :         /// @brief Invalidated assignment operator
     374              :         EdgesHandler& operator=(const EdgesHandler& s);
     375              : 
     376              :     };
     377              : 
     378              : };

Generated by: LCOV version 2.0-1