Line data Source code
1 : /****************************************************************************/
2 : // Eclipse SUMO, Simulation of Urban MObility; see
3 : // Copyright (C) 2002-2024 German Aerospace Center (DLR) and others.
4 : // This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
5 : // terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
6 : //
7 : // This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary
8 : // Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the Eclipse
9 : // Public License 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License, version 2
10 : // or later which is available at
11 : //
12 : // SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0-or-later
13 : /****************************************************************************/
14 : /// @file ROEdge.h
15 : /// @author Daniel Krajzewicz
16 : /// @author Jakob Erdmann
17 : /// @author Christian Roessel
18 : /// @author Michael Behrisch
19 : /// @author Melanie Knocke
20 : /// @author Yun-Pang Floetteroed
21 : /// @author Ruediger Ebendt
22 : /// @date Sept 2002
23 : ///
24 : // A basic edge for routing applications
25 : /****************************************************************************/
26 : #pragma once
27 : #include <config.h>
28 :
29 : #include <string>
30 : #include <map>
31 : #include <vector>
32 : #include <algorithm>
33 : #include <utils/common/Named.h>
34 : #include <utils/common/StdDefs.h>
35 : #include <utils/common/ValueTimeLine.h>
36 : #include <utils/common/SUMOVehicleClass.h>
37 : #include <utils/common/RandHelper.h>
38 : #include <utils/emissions/PollutantsInterface.h>
39 : #include <utils/geom/Boundary.h>
40 : #ifdef HAVE_FOX
41 : #include <utils/foxtools/fxheader.h>
42 : #endif
43 : #include <utils/vehicle/SUMOVTypeParameter.h>
44 : #include "RONode.h"
45 : #include "ROVehicle.h"
46 : #include <utils/router/FlippedEdge.h>
47 :
48 :
49 : // ===========================================================================
50 : // class declarations
51 : // ===========================================================================
52 : class ROLane;
53 : class ROEdge;
54 :
55 : typedef std::vector<ROEdge*> ROEdgeVector;
56 : typedef std::vector<const ROEdge*> ConstROEdgeVector;
57 : typedef std::vector<std::pair<const ROEdge*, const ROEdge*> > ROConstEdgePairVector;
58 :
59 :
60 : // ===========================================================================
61 : // class definitions
62 : // ===========================================================================
63 : /**
64 : * @class ROEdge
65 : * @brief A basic edge for routing applications
66 : *
67 : * The edge contains two time lines, one for the travel time and one for a second
68 : * measure which may be used for computing the costs of a route. After loading
69 : * the weights, it is needed to call "buildTimeLines" in order to initialise
70 : * these time lines.
71 : */
72 : class ROEdge : public Named, public Parameterised {
73 : public:
74 : /** @brief Constructor
75 : *
76 : * @param[in] id The id of the edge
77 : * @param[in] from The node the edge begins at
78 : * @param[in] to The node the edge ends at
79 : * @param[in] index The numeric id of the edge
80 : */
81 : ROEdge(const std::string& id, RONode* from, RONode* to, int index, const int priority);
82 :
83 : /** @brief Constructor for dummy edge, only used when building the connectivity graph **/
84 : ROEdge(const std::string& id, const RONode* from, const RONode* to, SVCPermissions p);
85 :
86 :
87 : /// Destructor
88 : virtual ~ROEdge();
89 :
90 :
91 : /// @name Set-up methods
92 : //@{
93 :
94 : /** @brief Adds a lane to the edge while loading
95 : *
96 : * The lane's length is adapted. Additionally, the information about allowed/disallowed
97 : * vehicle classes is patched using the information stored in the lane.
98 : *
99 : * @param[in] lane The lane to add
100 : * @todo What about vehicle-type aware connections?
101 : */
102 : virtual void addLane(ROLane* lane);
103 :
104 :
105 : /** @brief Adds information about a connected edge
106 : *
107 : * The edge s is added to "myFollowingEdges" and this edge is added as predecessor to s.
108 : * @param[in] s The edge to add
109 : * @todo What about vehicle-type aware connections?
110 : */
111 : virtual void addSuccessor(ROEdge* s, ROEdge* via = nullptr, std::string dir = "");
112 :
113 :
114 : /** @brief Sets the function of the edge
115 : * @param[in] func The new function for the edge
116 : */
117 : inline void setFunction(SumoXMLEdgeFunc func) {
118 478868 : myFunction = func;
119 : }
120 :
121 :
122 : /** @brief Sets whether the edge is a source
123 : * @param[in] func The new source functionality for the edge
124 : */
125 : inline void setSource(const bool isSource = true) {
126 0 : myAmSource = isSource;
127 : }
128 :
129 :
130 : /** @brief Sets whether the edge is a sink
131 : * @param[in] func The new sink functionality for the edge
132 : */
133 : inline void setSink(const bool isSink = true) {
134 64 : myAmSink = isSink;
135 266 : }
136 :
137 :
138 : /** @brief Sets the vehicle class specific speed limits of the edge
139 : * @param[in] restrictions The restrictions for the edge
140 : */
141 : inline void setRestrictions(const std::map<SUMOVehicleClass, double>* restrictions) {
142 451154 : myRestrictions = restrictions;
143 : }
144 :
145 : inline void setTimePenalty(double value) {
146 245143 : myTimePenalty = value;
147 245143 : }
148 :
149 : inline double getTimePenalty() const {
150 143123 : return myTimePenalty;
151 : }
152 :
153 : /// @brief return whether this edge is a normal edge
154 : inline bool isNormal() const {
155 31936 : return myFunction == SumoXMLEdgeFunc::NORMAL;
156 : }
157 :
158 : /// @brief return whether this edge is an internal edge
159 : inline bool isInternal() const {
160 12317901 : return myFunction == SumoXMLEdgeFunc::INTERNAL;
161 : }
162 :
163 : /// @brief return whether this edge is a pedestrian crossing
164 : inline bool isCrossing() const {
165 1971160 : return myFunction == SumoXMLEdgeFunc::CROSSING;
166 : }
167 :
168 : /// @brief return whether this edge is walking area
169 : inline bool isWalkingArea() const {
170 1468068 : return myFunction == SumoXMLEdgeFunc::WALKINGAREA;
171 : }
172 :
173 : inline bool isTazConnector() const {
174 3761775 : return myFunction == SumoXMLEdgeFunc::CONNECTOR;
175 : }
176 :
177 : void setOtherTazConnector(const ROEdge* edge) {
178 15083 : myOtherTazConnector = edge;
179 : }
180 :
181 : const ROEdge* getOtherTazConnector() const {
182 19024 : return myOtherTazConnector;
183 : }
184 :
185 : /** @brief Builds the internal representation of the travel time/effort
186 : *
187 : * Should be called after weights / travel times have been loaded.
188 : *
189 : * In the case "weight-attribute" is one of "CO", "CO2", "HC", "NOx", "PMx", "fuel", or "electricity"
190 : * the proper value (departs/s) is computed and multiplied with the travel time.
191 : *
192 : * @param[in] measure The name of the measure to use.
193 : */
194 : void buildTimeLines(const std::string& measure, const bool boundariesOverride);
195 :
196 : void cacheParamRestrictions(const std::vector<std::string>& restrictionKeys);
197 : //@}
198 :
199 :
200 :
201 : /// @name Getter methods
202 : //@{
203 :
204 : /** @brief Returns the function of the edge
205 : * @return This edge's basic function
206 : * @see SumoXMLEdgeFunc
207 : */
208 : inline SumoXMLEdgeFunc getFunction() const {
209 377345 : return myFunction;
210 : }
211 :
212 :
213 : /** @brief Returns whether the edge acts as a sink
214 : * @return whether the edge is a sink
215 : */
216 : inline bool isSink() const {
217 330432 : return myAmSink;
218 : }
219 :
220 :
221 : /** @brief Returns the length of the edge
222 : * @return This edge's length
223 : */
224 : double getLength() const {
225 5943540 : return myLength;
226 : }
227 :
228 : /** @brief Returns the index (numeric id) of the edge
229 : * @return This edge's numerical id
230 : */
231 : int getNumericalID() const {
232 10868585 : return myIndex;
233 : }
234 :
235 :
236 : /** @brief Returns the speed allowed on this edge
237 : * @return The speed allowed on this edge
238 : */
239 : double getSpeedLimit() const {
240 317684 : return mySpeed;
241 : }
242 :
243 : /// @brief return a lower bound on shape.length() / myLength that is
244 : // sufficient for the astar air-distance heuristic
245 : double getLengthGeometryFactor() const;
246 :
247 : /** @brief Returns the lane's maximum speed, given a vehicle's speed limit adaptation
248 : * @param[in] The vehicle to return the adapted speed limit for
249 : * @return This lane's resulting max. speed
250 : */
251 1804 : inline double getVClassMaxSpeed(SUMOVehicleClass vclass) const {
252 1804 : if (myRestrictions != 0) {
253 : std::map<SUMOVehicleClass, double>::const_iterator r = myRestrictions->find(vclass);
254 18 : if (r != myRestrictions->end()) {
255 9 : return r->second;
256 : }
257 : }
258 1795 : return mySpeed;
259 : }
260 :
261 :
262 : /** @brief Returns the number of lanes this edge has
263 : * @return This edge's number of lanes
264 : */
265 : int getNumLanes() const {
266 325354 : return (int) myLanes.size();
267 : }
268 :
269 :
270 : /** @brief returns the information whether this edge is directly connected to the given
271 : *
272 : * @param[in] e The edge which may be connected
273 : * @param[in] vClass The vehicle class for which the connectivity is checked
274 : * @return Whether the given edge is a direct successor to this one
275 : */
276 : bool isConnectedTo(const ROEdge& e, const SUMOVehicleClass vClass) const;
277 :
278 :
279 : /** @brief Returns whether this edge prohibits the given vehicle to pass it
280 : * @param[in] vehicle The vehicle for which the information has to be returned
281 : * @return Whether the vehicle must not enter this edge
282 : */
283 : inline bool prohibits(const ROVehicle* const vehicle) const {
284 : const SUMOVehicleClass vclass = vehicle->getVClass();
285 3903799 : return (myCombinedPermissions & vclass) != vclass;
286 : }
287 :
288 : inline SVCPermissions getPermissions() const {
289 135458 : return myCombinedPermissions;
290 : }
291 :
292 : /** @brief Returns whether this edge has restriction parameters forbidding the given vehicle to pass it
293 : * @param[in] vehicle The vehicle for which the information has to be returned
294 : * @return Whether the vehicle must not enter this edge
295 : */
296 : inline bool restricts(const ROVehicle* const vehicle) const {
297 : const std::vector<double>& vTypeRestrictions = vehicle->getType()->paramRestrictions;
298 : assert(vTypeRestrictions.size() == myParamRestrictions.size());
299 156 : for (int i = 0; i < (int)vTypeRestrictions.size(); i++) {
300 80 : if (vTypeRestrictions[i] > myParamRestrictions[i]) {
301 : return true;
302 : }
303 : }
304 : return false;
305 : }
306 :
307 :
308 : /** @brief Returns whether this edge succeeding edges prohibit the given vehicle to pass them
309 : * @param[in] vehicle The vehicle for which the information has to be returned
310 : * @return Whether the vehicle may continue its route on any of the following edges
311 : */
312 : bool allFollowersProhibit(const ROVehicle* const vehicle) const;
313 : //@}
314 :
315 :
316 :
317 : /// @name Methods for getting/setting travel time and cost information
318 : //@{
319 :
320 : /** @brief Adds a weight value
321 : *
322 : * @param[in] value The value to add
323 : * @param[in] timeBegin The begin time of the interval the given value is valid for [s]
324 : * @param[in] timeEnd The end time of the interval the given value is valid for [s]
325 : */
326 : void addEffort(double value, double timeBegin, double timeEnd);
327 :
328 :
329 : /** @brief Adds a travel time value
330 : *
331 : * @param[in] value The value to add
332 : * @param[in] timeBegin The begin time of the interval the given value is valid for [s]
333 : * @param[in] timeEnd The end time of the interval the given value is valid for [s]
334 : */
335 : void addTravelTime(double value, double timeBegin, double timeEnd);
336 :
337 :
338 : /** @brief Returns the number of edges this edge is connected to
339 : *
340 : * If this edge's type is set to "sink", 0 is returned, otherwise
341 : * the number of edges stored in "myFollowingEdges".
342 : *
343 : * @return The number of edges following this edge
344 : */
345 : int getNumSuccessors() const;
346 :
347 :
348 : /** @brief Returns the following edges, restricted by vClass
349 : * @param[in] vClass The vClass for which to restrict the successors
350 : * @return The eligible following edges
351 : */
352 : const ROEdgeVector& getSuccessors(SUMOVehicleClass vClass = SVC_IGNORING) const;
353 :
354 : /** @brief Returns the following edges including vias, restricted by vClass
355 : * @param[in] vClass The vClass for which to restrict the successors
356 : * @return The eligible following edges
357 : */
358 : const ROConstEdgePairVector& getViaSuccessors(SUMOVehicleClass vClass = SVC_IGNORING, bool ignoreTransientPermissions = false) const;
359 :
360 :
361 : /** @brief Returns the number of edges connected to this edge
362 : *
363 : * If this edge's type is set to "source", 0 is returned, otherwise
364 : * the number of edges stored in "myApproachingEdges".
365 : *
366 : * @return The number of edges reaching into this edge
367 : */
368 : int getNumPredecessors() const;
369 :
370 :
371 : /** @brief Returns the edge at the given position from the list of incoming edges
372 : * @param[in] pos The position of the list within the list of incoming
373 : * @return The incoming edge, stored at position pos
374 : */
375 : const ROEdgeVector& getPredecessors() const {
376 : return myApproachingEdges;
377 : }
378 :
379 : /// @brief if this edge is an internal edge, return its first normal predecessor, otherwise the edge itself
380 : const ROEdge* getNormalBefore() const;
381 :
382 : /// @brief if this edge is an internal edge, return its first normal successor, otherwise the edge itself
383 : const ROEdge* getNormalAfter() const;
384 :
385 : /** @brief Returns the effort for this edge
386 : *
387 : * @param[in] veh The vehicle for which the effort on this edge shall be retrieved
388 : * @param[in] time The tim for which the effort shall be returned [s]
389 : * @return The effort needed by the given vehicle to pass the edge at the given time
390 : * @todo Recheck whether the vehicle's maximum speed is considered
391 : */
392 : double getEffort(const ROVehicle* const veh, double time) const;
393 :
394 :
395 : /** @brief Returns whether a travel time for this edge was loaded
396 : *
397 : * @param[in] time The time for which the travel time shall be returned [s]
398 : * @return whether a value was loaded
399 : */
400 : bool hasLoadedTravelTime(double time) const;
401 :
402 :
403 : /** @brief Returns the travel time for this edge
404 : *
405 : * @param[in] veh The vehicle for which the travel time on this edge shall be retrieved
406 : * @param[in] time The time for which the travel time shall be returned [s]
407 : * @return The travel time needed by the given vehicle to pass the edge at the given time
408 : */
409 : double getTravelTime(const ROVehicle* const veh, double time) const;
410 :
411 :
412 : /** @brief Returns the effort for the given edge
413 : *
414 : * @param[in] edge The edge for which the effort shall be retrieved
415 : * @param[in] veh The vehicle for which the effort on this edge shall be retrieved
416 : * @param[in] time The time for which the effort shall be returned [s]
417 : * @return The effort needed by the given vehicle to pass the edge at the given time
418 : * @todo Recheck whether the vehicle's maximum speed is considered
419 : */
420 : static inline double getEffortStatic(const ROEdge* const edge, const ROVehicle* const veh, double time) {
421 : return edge->getEffort(veh, time);
422 : }
423 :
424 :
425 : /** @brief Returns the travel time for the given edge
426 : *
427 : * @param[in] edge The edge for which the travel time shall be retrieved
428 : * @param[in] veh The vehicle for which the travel time on this edge shall be retrieved
429 : * @param[in] time The time for which the travel time shall be returned [s]
430 : * @return The traveltime needed by the given vehicle to pass the edge at the given time
431 : */
432 8780992 : static inline double getTravelTimeStatic(const ROEdge* const edge, const ROVehicle* const veh, double time) {
433 8783666 : return edge->getTravelTime(veh, time);
434 : }
435 :
436 5758 : static inline double getTravelTimeStaticRandomized(const ROEdge* const edge, const ROVehicle* const veh, double time) {
437 5758 : return edge->getTravelTime(veh, time) * RandHelper::rand(1., gWeightsRandomFactor);
438 : }
439 :
440 : /// @brief Alias for getTravelTimeStatic (there is no routing device to provide aggregated travel times)
441 : static inline double getTravelTimeAggregated(const ROEdge* const edge, const ROVehicle* const veh, double time) {
442 0 : return edge->getTravelTime(veh, time);
443 : }
444 :
445 : /// @brief Return traveltime weighted by edge priority (scaled penalty for low-priority edges)
446 25 : static inline double getTravelTimeStaticPriorityFactor(const ROEdge* const edge, const ROVehicle* const veh, double time) {
447 25 : double result = edge->getTravelTime(veh, time);
448 : // lower priority should result in higher effort (and the edge with
449 : // minimum priority receives a factor of myPriorityFactor
450 25 : const double relativeInversePrio = 1 - ((edge->getPriority() - myMinEdgePriority) / myEdgePriorityRange);
451 25 : result *= 1 + relativeInversePrio * myPriorityFactor;
452 25 : return result;
453 : }
454 :
455 : /** @brief Returns a lower bound for the travel time on this edge without using any stored timeLine
456 : *
457 : * @param[in] veh The vehicle for which the effort on this edge shall be retrieved
458 : * @param[in] time The time for which the effort shall be returned [s]
459 : */
460 4302071 : inline double getMinimumTravelTime(const ROVehicle* const veh) const {
461 4303835 : if (isTazConnector()) {
462 : return 0;
463 4225940 : } else if (veh != 0) {
464 8433567 : return myLength / MIN2(veh->getType()->maxSpeed, veh->getChosenSpeedFactor() * mySpeed);
465 : } else {
466 1760 : return myLength / mySpeed;
467 : }
468 : }
469 :
470 :
471 : template<PollutantsInterface::EmissionType ET>
472 252 : static double getEmissionEffort(const ROEdge* const edge, const ROVehicle* const veh, double time) {
473 252 : double ret = 0;
474 252 : if (!edge->getStoredEffort(time, ret)) {
475 : const SUMOVTypeParameter* const type = veh->getType();
476 80 : const double vMax = MIN2(type->maxSpeed, edge->mySpeed);
477 80 : const double accel = type->getCFParam(SUMO_ATTR_ACCEL, SUMOVTypeParameter::getDefaultAccel(type->vehicleClass)) * type->getCFParam(SUMO_ATTR_SIGMA, SUMOVTypeParameter::getDefaultImperfection(type->vehicleClass)) / 2.;
478 80 : ret = PollutantsInterface::computeDefault(type->emissionClass, ET, vMax, accel, 0, edge->getTravelTime(veh, time), nullptr); // @todo: give correct slope
479 : }
480 252 : return ret;
481 : }
482 :
483 :
484 : static double getNoiseEffort(const ROEdge* const edge, const ROVehicle* const veh, double time);
485 :
486 1404 : static double getStoredEffort(const ROEdge* const edge, const ROVehicle* const /*veh*/, double time) {
487 1404 : double ret = 0;
488 1404 : edge->getStoredEffort(time, ret);
489 1404 : return ret;
490 : }
491 : //@}
492 :
493 :
494 : /// @brief optimistic distance heuristic for use in routing
495 : double getDistanceTo(const ROEdge* other, const bool doBoundaryEstimate = false) const;
496 :
497 :
498 : /** @brief Returns all ROEdges */
499 : static const ROEdgeVector& getAllEdges();
500 :
501 : static void setGlobalOptions(const bool interpolate) {
502 9230 : myInterpolate = interpolate;
503 : }
504 :
505 : static void disableTimelineWarning() {
506 152 : myHaveTTWarned = true;
507 152 : }
508 :
509 : /// @brief return the coordinates of the center of the given stop
510 : static const Position getStopPosition(const SUMOVehicleParameter::Stop& stop);
511 :
512 : /// @brief get edge priority (road class)
513 : int getPriority() const {
514 321786 : return myPriority;
515 : }
516 :
517 : const RONode* getFromJunction() const {
518 504743 : return myFromJunction;
519 : }
520 :
521 : const RONode* getToJunction() const {
522 507801 : return myToJunction;
523 : }
524 :
525 : /** @brief Returns this edge's lanes
526 : *
527 : * @return This edge's lanes
528 : */
529 : const std::vector<ROLane*>& getLanes() const {
530 : return myLanes;
531 : }
532 :
533 : /// @brief return opposite superposable/congruent edge, if it exist and 0 else
534 : inline const ROEdge* getBidiEdge() const {
535 2940 : return myBidiEdge;
536 : }
537 :
538 : /// @brief set opposite superposable/congruent edge
539 : inline void setBidiEdge(const ROEdge* bidiEdge) {
540 6444 : myBidiEdge = bidiEdge;
541 : }
542 :
543 74312 : ReversedEdge<ROEdge, ROVehicle>* getReversedRoutingEdge() const {
544 74312 : if (myReversedRoutingEdge == nullptr) {
545 21248 : myReversedRoutingEdge = new ReversedEdge<ROEdge, ROVehicle>(this);
546 : }
547 74312 : return myReversedRoutingEdge;
548 : }
549 :
550 : /// @brief Returns the flipped routing edge
551 : // @note If not called before, the flipped routing edge is created
552 0 : FlippedEdge<ROEdge, RONode, ROVehicle>* getFlippedRoutingEdge() const {
553 0 : if (myFlippedRoutingEdge == nullptr) {
554 0 : myFlippedRoutingEdge = new FlippedEdge<ROEdge, RONode, ROVehicle>(this);
555 : }
556 0 : return myFlippedRoutingEdge;
557 : }
558 :
559 99242 : RailEdge<ROEdge, ROVehicle>* getRailwayRoutingEdge() const {
560 99242 : if (myRailwayRoutingEdge == nullptr) {
561 95972 : myRailwayRoutingEdge = new RailEdge<ROEdge, ROVehicle>(this);
562 : }
563 99242 : return myRailwayRoutingEdge;
564 : }
565 :
566 : /// @brief whether effort data was loaded for this edge
567 : bool hasStoredEffort() const {
568 35 : return myUsingETimeLine;
569 : }
570 :
571 : /// @brief initialize priority factor range
572 : static bool initPriorityFactor(double priorityFactor);
573 :
574 : protected:
575 : /** @brief Retrieves the stored effort
576 : *
577 : * @param[in] veh The vehicle for which the effort on this edge shall be retrieved
578 : * @param[in] time The tim for which the effort shall be returned
579 : * @return Whether the effort is given
580 : */
581 : bool getStoredEffort(double time, double& ret) const;
582 :
583 :
584 :
585 : protected:
586 : /// @brief the junctions for this edge
587 : RONode* myFromJunction;
588 : RONode* myToJunction;
589 :
590 : /// @brief The index (numeric id) of the edge
591 : const int myIndex;
592 :
593 : /// @brief The edge priority (road class)
594 : const int myPriority;
595 :
596 : /// @brief The maximum speed allowed on this edge
597 : double mySpeed;
598 :
599 : /// @brief The length of the edge
600 : double myLength;
601 :
602 : /// @brief whether the edge is a source or a sink
603 : bool myAmSink, myAmSource;
604 : /// @brief Container storing passing time varying over time for the edge
605 : mutable ValueTimeLine<double> myTravelTimes;
606 : /// @brief Information whether the time line shall be used instead of the length value
607 : bool myUsingTTTimeLine;
608 :
609 : /// @brief Container storing passing time varying over time for the edge
610 : mutable ValueTimeLine<double> myEfforts;
611 : /// @brief Information whether the time line shall be used instead of the length value
612 : bool myUsingETimeLine;
613 :
614 : /// @brief Information whether to interpolate at interval boundaries
615 : static bool myInterpolate;
616 :
617 : /// @brief Information whether the edge has reported missing weights
618 : static bool myHaveEWarned;
619 : /// @brief Information whether the edge has reported missing weights
620 : static bool myHaveTTWarned;
621 :
622 : /// @brief List of edges that may be approached from this edge
623 : ROEdgeVector myFollowingEdges;
624 :
625 : ROConstEdgePairVector myFollowingViaEdges;
626 :
627 : /// @brief List of edges that approached this edge
628 : ROEdgeVector myApproachingEdges;
629 :
630 : /// @brief The function of the edge
631 : SumoXMLEdgeFunc myFunction;
632 :
633 : /// The vClass speed restrictions for this edge
634 : const std::map<SUMOVehicleClass, double>* myRestrictions;
635 :
636 : /// @brief This edge's lanes
637 : std::vector<ROLane*> myLanes;
638 :
639 : /// @brief The list of allowed vehicle classes combined across lanes
640 : SVCPermissions myCombinedPermissions;
641 :
642 : /// @brief the other taz-connector if this edge isTazConnector, otherwise nullptr
643 : const ROEdge* myOtherTazConnector;
644 :
645 : /// @brief the bidirectional rail edge or nullpr
646 : const ROEdge* myBidiEdge;
647 :
648 : /// @brief The bounding rectangle of end nodes incoming or outgoing edges for taz connectors or of my own start and end node for normal edges
649 : Boundary myBoundary;
650 :
651 : /// @brief flat penalty when computing traveltime
652 : double myTimePenalty;
653 :
654 : /// @brief cached value of parameters which may restrict access
655 : std::vector<double> myParamRestrictions;
656 :
657 : static ROEdgeVector myEdges;
658 :
659 : /// @brief Coefficient for factoring edge priority into routing weight
660 : static double myPriorityFactor;
661 : /// @brief Minimum priority for all edges
662 : static double myMinEdgePriority;
663 : /// @brief the difference between maximum and minimum priority for all edges
664 : static double myEdgePriorityRange;
665 :
666 : /// @brief The successors available for a given vClass
667 : mutable std::map<SUMOVehicleClass, ROEdgeVector> myClassesSuccessorMap;
668 :
669 : /// @brief The successors with vias available for a given vClass
670 : mutable std::map<SUMOVehicleClass, ROConstEdgePairVector> myClassesViaSuccessorMap;
671 :
672 : /// @brief a reversed version for backward routing
673 : mutable ReversedEdge<ROEdge, ROVehicle>* myReversedRoutingEdge = nullptr;
674 : /// @brief An extended version of the reversed edge for backward routing (used for the arc flag router)
675 : mutable FlippedEdge<ROEdge, RONode, ROVehicle>* myFlippedRoutingEdge = nullptr;
676 : mutable RailEdge<ROEdge, ROVehicle>* myRailwayRoutingEdge = nullptr;
677 :
678 : #ifdef HAVE_FOX
679 : /// The mutex used to avoid concurrent updates of myClassesSuccessorMap
680 : mutable FXMutex myLock;
681 : #endif
682 :
683 : private:
684 : /// @brief Invalidated copy constructor
685 : ROEdge(const ROEdge& src);
686 :
687 : /// @brief Invalidated assignment operator
688 : ROEdge& operator=(const ROEdge& src);
689 :
690 : };