Line data Source code
1 : /****************************************************************************/
2 : // Eclipse SUMO, Simulation of Urban MObility; see
3 : // Copyright (C) 2001-2024 German Aerospace Center (DLR) and others.
4 : // This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
5 : // terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
6 : //
7 : // This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary
8 : // Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the Eclipse
9 : // Public License 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License, version 2
10 : // or later which is available at
11 : //
12 : // SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0-or-later
13 : /****************************************************************************/
14 : /// @file TraCIServerAPI_Person.cpp
15 : /// @author Daniel Krajzewicz
16 : /// @date 26.05.2014
17 : ///
18 : // APIs for getting/setting person values via TraCI
19 : /****************************************************************************/
20 : #include <config.h>
21 :
22 : #include <utils/common/StringTokenizer.h>
23 : #include <microsim/transportables/MSTransportableControl.h>
24 : #include <microsim/MSVehicleControl.h>
25 : #include <microsim/transportables/MSPerson.h>
26 : #include <microsim/MSNet.h>
27 : #include <microsim/MSEdge.h>
28 : #include <libsumo/Person.h>
29 : #include <libsumo/StorageHelper.h>
30 : #include <libsumo/TraCIConstants.h>
31 : #include <libsumo/VehicleType.h>
32 : #include "TraCIServer.h"
33 : #include "TraCIServerAPI_VehicleType.h"
34 : #include "TraCIServerAPI_Person.h"
35 : #include "TraCIServerAPI_Simulation.h"
36 :
37 :
38 : // ===========================================================================
39 : // method definitions
40 : // ===========================================================================
41 : bool
42 99080 : TraCIServerAPI_Person::processGet(TraCIServer& server, tcpip::Storage& inputStorage,
43 : tcpip::Storage& outputStorage) {
44 99080 : const int variable = inputStorage.readUnsignedByte();
45 99080 : const std::string id = inputStorage.readString();
46 99080 : server.initWrapper(libsumo::RESPONSE_GET_PERSON_VARIABLE, variable, id);
47 : try {
48 : // in case of SPLIT_TAXI_RESERVATIONS id is a reservation id and handleVariable would throw an "unknown person" error
49 99080 : if (variable == libsumo::SPLIT_TAXI_RESERVATIONS || !libsumo::Person::handleVariable(id, variable, &server, &inputStorage)) {
50 3238 : switch (variable) {
51 687 : case libsumo::VAR_EDGES: {
52 687 : int nextStageIndex = 0;
53 687 : if (!server.readTypeCheckingInt(inputStorage, nextStageIndex)) {
54 0 : return server.writeErrorStatusCmd(libsumo::CMD_GET_PERSON_VARIABLE, "The message must contain the stage index.", outputStorage);
55 : }
56 687 : server.getWrapperStorage().writeUnsignedByte(libsumo::TYPE_STRINGLIST);
57 687 : server.getWrapperStorage().writeStringList(libsumo::Person::getEdges(id, nextStageIndex));
58 687 : break;
59 : }
60 453 : case libsumo::VAR_STAGE: {
61 453 : int nextStageIndex = 0;
62 453 : if (!server.readTypeCheckingInt(inputStorage, nextStageIndex)) {
63 0 : return server.writeErrorStatusCmd(libsumo::CMD_GET_PERSON_VARIABLE, "The message must contain the stage index.", outputStorage);
64 : }
65 453 : libsumo::StorageHelper::writeStage(server.getWrapperStorage(), libsumo::Person::getStage(id, nextStageIndex));
66 412 : break;
67 : }
68 2093 : case libsumo::VAR_TAXI_RESERVATIONS: {
69 2093 : int onlyNew = 0;
70 2093 : if (!server.readTypeCheckingInt(inputStorage, onlyNew)) {
71 0 : return server.writeErrorStatusCmd(libsumo::CMD_GET_PERSON_VARIABLE, "Retrieval of reservations requires an integer flag.", outputStorage);
72 : }
73 2093 : const std::vector<libsumo::TraCIReservation> result = libsumo::Person::getTaxiReservations(onlyNew);
74 2093 : server.getWrapperStorage().writeUnsignedByte(libsumo::TYPE_COMPOUND);
75 2093 : server.getWrapperStorage().writeInt((int)result.size());
76 5240 : for (const libsumo::TraCIReservation& r : result) {
77 3147 : server.getWrapperStorage().writeUnsignedByte(libsumo::TYPE_COMPOUND);
78 3147 : server.getWrapperStorage().writeInt(10);
79 3147 : server.getWrapperStorage().writeUnsignedByte(libsumo::TYPE_STRING);
80 3147 : server.getWrapperStorage().writeString(;
81 3147 : server.getWrapperStorage().writeUnsignedByte(libsumo::TYPE_STRINGLIST);
82 3147 : server.getWrapperStorage().writeStringList(r.persons);
83 3147 : server.getWrapperStorage().writeUnsignedByte(libsumo::TYPE_STRING);
84 3147 : server.getWrapperStorage().writeString(;
85 3147 : server.getWrapperStorage().writeUnsignedByte(libsumo::TYPE_STRING);
86 3147 : server.getWrapperStorage().writeString(r.fromEdge);
87 3147 : server.getWrapperStorage().writeUnsignedByte(libsumo::TYPE_STRING);
88 3147 : server.getWrapperStorage().writeString(r.toEdge);
89 3147 : server.getWrapperStorage().writeUnsignedByte(libsumo::TYPE_DOUBLE);
90 3147 : server.getWrapperStorage().writeDouble(r.departPos);
91 3147 : server.getWrapperStorage().writeUnsignedByte(libsumo::TYPE_DOUBLE);
92 3147 : server.getWrapperStorage().writeDouble(r.arrivalPos);
93 3147 : server.getWrapperStorage().writeUnsignedByte(libsumo::TYPE_DOUBLE);
94 3147 : server.getWrapperStorage().writeDouble(r.depart);
95 3147 : server.getWrapperStorage().writeUnsignedByte(libsumo::TYPE_DOUBLE);
96 3147 : server.getWrapperStorage().writeDouble(r.reservationTime);
97 3147 : server.getWrapperStorage().writeUnsignedByte(libsumo::TYPE_INTEGER);
98 3147 : server.getWrapperStorage().writeInt(r.state);
99 : }
100 : break;
101 2093 : }
102 : case libsumo::SPLIT_TAXI_RESERVATIONS: {
103 : std::vector<std::string> persons;
104 3 : if (!server.readTypeCheckingStringList(inputStorage, persons)) {
105 0 : return server.writeErrorStatusCmd(libsumo::CMD_GET_PERSON_VARIABLE, "Splitting of reservations requires an string list.", outputStorage);
106 : }
107 3 : std::string splitID = libsumo::Person::splitTaxiReservation(id, persons);
108 3 : server.getWrapperStorage().writeUnsignedByte(libsumo::TYPE_STRING);
109 3 : server.getWrapperStorage().writeString(splitID);
110 : break;
111 3 : }
112 2 : default:
113 6 : return server.writeErrorStatusCmd(libsumo::CMD_GET_PERSON_VARIABLE, "Get Person Variable: unsupported variable " + toHex(variable, 2) + " specified", outputStorage);
114 : }
115 : }
116 49 : } catch (libsumo::TraCIException& e) {
117 49 : return server.writeErrorStatusCmd(libsumo::CMD_GET_PERSON_VARIABLE, e.what(), outputStorage);
118 49 : }
119 99029 : server.writeStatusCmd(libsumo::CMD_GET_PERSON_VARIABLE, libsumo::RTYPE_OK, "", outputStorage);
120 99029 : server.writeResponseWithLength(outputStorage, server.getWrapperStorage());
121 : return true;
122 : }
123 :
124 :
125 : bool
126 2626 : TraCIServerAPI_Person::processSet(TraCIServer& server, tcpip::Storage& inputStorage,
127 : tcpip::Storage& outputStorage) {
128 2626 : std::string warning = ""; // additional description for response
129 : // variable
130 2626 : int variable = inputStorage.readUnsignedByte();
131 2626 : if (variable != libsumo::VAR_PARAMETER
132 2626 : && variable != libsumo::ADD
133 2472 : && variable != libsumo::REMOVE
134 2472 : && variable != libsumo::APPEND_STAGE
135 2305 : && variable != libsumo::REPLACE_STAGE
136 2305 : && variable != libsumo::REMOVE_STAGE
137 2195 : && variable != libsumo::CMD_REROUTE_TRAVELTIME
138 2195 : && variable != libsumo::VAR_MOVE_TO
139 1603 : && variable != libsumo::MOVE_TO_XY
140 1603 : && variable != libsumo::VAR_SPEED
141 48 : && variable != libsumo::VAR_TYPE
142 48 : && variable != libsumo::VAR_SPEED_FACTOR
143 20 : && variable != libsumo::VAR_LENGTH
144 20 : && variable != libsumo::VAR_WIDTH
145 12 : && variable != libsumo::VAR_HEIGHT
146 12 : && variable != libsumo::VAR_MINGAP
147 4 : && variable != libsumo::VAR_COLOR
148 : ) {
149 0 : return server.writeErrorStatusCmd(libsumo::CMD_SET_PERSON_VARIABLE, "Change Person State: unsupported variable " + toHex(variable, 2) + " specified", outputStorage);
150 : }
151 :
152 : try {
153 : // TODO: remove declaration of c after completion
154 2626 : MSTransportableControl& c = MSNet::getInstance()->getPersonControl();
155 : // id
156 2626 : std::string id = inputStorage.readString();
157 : // TODO: remove declaration of p after completion
158 : const bool shouldExist = variable != libsumo::ADD;
159 2626 : MSTransportable* p = c.get(id);
160 2626 : if (p == nullptr && shouldExist) {
161 0 : return server.writeErrorStatusCmd(libsumo::CMD_SET_PERSON_VARIABLE, "Person '" + id + "' is not known", outputStorage);
162 : }
163 : // process
164 2626 : switch (variable) {
165 10 : case libsumo::VAR_SPEED: {
166 10 : double speed = 0;
167 10 : if (!server.readTypeCheckingDouble(inputStorage, speed)) {
168 0 : return server.writeErrorStatusCmd(libsumo::CMD_SET_PERSON_VARIABLE, "Setting speed requires a double.", outputStorage);
169 : }
170 : // set the speed for all present and future (walking) stages and modify the vType so that stages added later are also affected
171 10 : libsumo::Person::setSpeed(id, speed);
172 : }
173 10 : break;
174 : case libsumo::VAR_TYPE: {
175 : std::string vTypeID;
176 10 : if (!server.readTypeCheckingString(inputStorage, vTypeID)) {
177 0 : return server.writeErrorStatusCmd(libsumo::CMD_SET_PERSON_VARIABLE, "The vehicle type id must be given as a string.", outputStorage);
178 : }
179 10 : libsumo::Person::setType(id, vTypeID);
180 : break;
181 : }
182 18 : case libsumo::VAR_SPEED_FACTOR: {
183 18 : double speedfactor = 0;
184 18 : if (!server.readTypeCheckingDouble(inputStorage, speedfactor)) {
185 0 : return server.writeErrorStatusCmd(libsumo::CMD_SET_PERSON_VARIABLE, "Setting SpeedFactor requires a double.", outputStorage);
186 : }
187 18 : libsumo::Person::setSpeedFactor(id, speedfactor);
188 : }
189 18 : break;
190 : case libsumo::VAR_COLOR: {
191 : libsumo::TraCIColor col;
192 4 : if (!server.readTypeCheckingColor(inputStorage, col)) {
193 6 : return server.writeErrorStatusCmd(libsumo::CMD_SET_VEHICLE_VARIABLE, "The color must be given using the according type.", outputStorage);
194 : }
195 4 : libsumo::Person::setColor(id, col);
196 : break;
197 : }
198 112 : case libsumo::ADD: {
199 112 : if (inputStorage.readUnsignedByte() != libsumo::TYPE_COMPOUND) {
200 0 : return server.writeErrorStatusCmd(libsumo::CMD_SET_PERSON_VARIABLE, "Adding a person requires a compound object.", outputStorage);
201 : }
202 112 : if (inputStorage.readInt() != 4) {
203 0 : return server.writeErrorStatusCmd(libsumo::CMD_SET_PERSON_VARIABLE, "Adding a person needs four parameters.", outputStorage);
204 : }
205 : std::string vTypeID;
206 112 : if (!server.readTypeCheckingString(inputStorage, vTypeID)) {
207 0 : return server.writeErrorStatusCmd(libsumo::CMD_SET_PERSON_VARIABLE, "First parameter (type) requires a string.", outputStorage);
208 : }
209 : std::string edgeID;
210 112 : if (!server.readTypeCheckingString(inputStorage, edgeID)) {
211 0 : return server.writeErrorStatusCmd(libsumo::CMD_SET_PERSON_VARIABLE, "Second parameter (edge) requires a string.", outputStorage);
212 : }
213 : double depart;
214 112 : if (!server.readTypeCheckingDouble(inputStorage, depart)) {
215 0 : return server.writeErrorStatusCmd(libsumo::CMD_SET_PERSON_VARIABLE, "Third parameter (depart) requires a double.", outputStorage);
216 : }
217 : double pos;
218 112 : if (!server.readTypeCheckingDouble(inputStorage, pos)) {
219 0 : return server.writeErrorStatusCmd(libsumo::CMD_SET_PERSON_VARIABLE, "Fourth parameter (position) requires a double.", outputStorage);
220 : }
221 224 : libsumo::Person::add(id, edgeID, pos, depart, vTypeID);
222 : }
223 : break;
224 9 : case libsumo::REMOVE: {
225 9 : int why = 0;
226 9 : if (!server.readTypeCheckingByte(inputStorage, why)) {
227 0 : return server.writeErrorStatusCmd(libsumo::CMD_SET_VEHICLE_VARIABLE, "Removing a person requires a byte.", outputStorage);
228 : }
229 9 : libsumo::Person::remove(id, (char)why);
230 : }
231 9 : break;
232 158 : case libsumo::APPEND_STAGE: {
233 158 : if (inputStorage.readUnsignedByte() != libsumo::TYPE_COMPOUND) {
234 0 : return server.writeErrorStatusCmd(libsumo::CMD_SET_PERSON_VARIABLE, "Adding a person stage requires a compound object.", outputStorage);
235 : }
236 158 : int numParameters = inputStorage.readInt();
237 158 : if (numParameters == 13) {
238 44 : libsumo::TraCIStage stage;
239 22 : libsumo::StorageHelper::readStage(inputStorage, stage);
240 22 : libsumo::Person::appendStage(id, stage);
241 22 : } else {
242 : int stageType;
243 136 : if (!server.readTypeCheckingInt(inputStorage, stageType)) {
244 0 : return server.writeErrorStatusCmd(libsumo::CMD_SET_VEHICLE_VARIABLE, "The first parameter for adding a stage must be the stage type given as int.", outputStorage);
245 : }
246 136 : if (stageType == libsumo::STAGE_DRIVING) {
247 : // append driving stage
248 22 : if (numParameters != 4) {
249 0 : return server.writeErrorStatusCmd(libsumo::CMD_SET_PERSON_VARIABLE, "Adding a driving stage needs four parameters.", outputStorage);
250 : }
251 : std::string edgeID;
252 22 : if (!server.readTypeCheckingString(inputStorage, edgeID)) {
253 0 : return server.writeErrorStatusCmd(libsumo::CMD_SET_PERSON_VARIABLE, "Second parameter (edge) requires a string.", outputStorage);
254 : }
255 : std::string lines;
256 22 : if (!server.readTypeCheckingString(inputStorage, lines)) {
257 0 : return server.writeErrorStatusCmd(libsumo::CMD_SET_PERSON_VARIABLE, "Third parameter (lines) requires a string.", outputStorage);
258 : }
259 : std::string stopID;
260 22 : if (!server.readTypeCheckingString(inputStorage, stopID)) {
261 0 : return server.writeErrorStatusCmd(libsumo::CMD_SET_PERSON_VARIABLE, "Fourth parameter (stopID) requires a string.", outputStorage);
262 : }
263 22 : libsumo::Person::appendDrivingStage(id, edgeID, lines, stopID);
264 114 : } else if (stageType == libsumo::STAGE_WAITING) {
265 : // append waiting stage
266 16 : if (numParameters != 4) {
267 0 : return server.writeErrorStatusCmd(libsumo::CMD_SET_PERSON_VARIABLE, "Adding a waiting stage needs four parameters.", outputStorage);
268 : }
269 : double duration;
270 16 : if (!server.readTypeCheckingDouble(inputStorage, duration)) {
271 0 : return server.writeErrorStatusCmd(libsumo::CMD_SET_PERSON_VARIABLE, "Second parameter (duration) requires a double.", outputStorage);
272 : }
273 : std::string description;
274 16 : if (!server.readTypeCheckingString(inputStorage, description)) {
275 0 : return server.writeErrorStatusCmd(libsumo::CMD_SET_PERSON_VARIABLE, "Third parameter (description) requires a string.", outputStorage);
276 : }
277 : std::string stopID;
278 16 : if (!server.readTypeCheckingString(inputStorage, stopID)) {
279 0 : return server.writeErrorStatusCmd(libsumo::CMD_SET_PERSON_VARIABLE, "Fourth parameter (stopID) requires a string.", outputStorage);
280 : }
281 16 : libsumo::Person::appendWaitingStage(id, duration, description, stopID);
282 98 : } else if (stageType == libsumo::STAGE_WALKING) {
283 : // append walking stage
284 98 : if (numParameters != 6) {
285 0 : return server.writeErrorStatusCmd(libsumo::CMD_SET_PERSON_VARIABLE, "Adding a walking stage needs six parameters.", outputStorage);
286 : }
287 : std::vector<std::string> edgeIDs;
288 98 : if (!server.readTypeCheckingStringList(inputStorage, edgeIDs)) {
289 0 : return server.writeErrorStatusCmd(libsumo::CMD_SET_VEHICLE_VARIABLE, "Second parameter (edges) route must be defined as a list of edge ids.", outputStorage);
290 : }
291 : double arrivalPos;
292 98 : if (!server.readTypeCheckingDouble(inputStorage, arrivalPos)) {
293 0 : return server.writeErrorStatusCmd(libsumo::CMD_SET_PERSON_VARIABLE, "Third parameter (arrivalPos) requires a double.", outputStorage);
294 : }
295 : double duration;
296 98 : if (!server.readTypeCheckingDouble(inputStorage, duration)) {
297 0 : return server.writeErrorStatusCmd(libsumo::CMD_SET_PERSON_VARIABLE, "Fourth parameter (duration) requires a double.", outputStorage);
298 : }
299 : double speed;
300 98 : if (!server.readTypeCheckingDouble(inputStorage, speed)) {
301 0 : return server.writeErrorStatusCmd(libsumo::CMD_SET_PERSON_VARIABLE, "Fifth parameter (speed) requires a double.", outputStorage);
302 : }
303 : std::string stopID;
304 98 : if (!server.readTypeCheckingString(inputStorage, stopID)) {
305 0 : return server.writeErrorStatusCmd(libsumo::CMD_SET_PERSON_VARIABLE, "Fourth parameter (stopID) requires a string.", outputStorage);
306 : }
307 98 : libsumo::Person::appendWalkingStage(id, edgeIDs, arrivalPos, duration, speed, stopID);
308 98 : } else {
309 0 : return server.writeErrorStatusCmd(libsumo::CMD_SET_PERSON_VARIABLE, "Invalid stage type for person '" + id + "'", outputStorage);
310 : }
311 : }
312 :
313 : }
314 : break;
315 :
316 6 : case libsumo::REPLACE_STAGE : {
317 6 : if (inputStorage.readUnsignedByte() != libsumo::TYPE_COMPOUND) {
318 0 : return server.writeErrorStatusCmd(libsumo::CMD_SET_PERSON_VARIABLE, "Replacing a person stage requires a compound object.", outputStorage);
319 : }
320 6 : if (inputStorage.readInt() != 2) {
321 0 : return server.writeErrorStatusCmd(libsumo::CMD_SET_PERSON_VARIABLE, "Replacing a person stage requires a compound object of size 2.", outputStorage);
322 : }
323 6 : int nextStageIndex = 0;
324 6 : if (!server.readTypeCheckingInt(inputStorage, nextStageIndex)) {
325 0 : return server.writeErrorStatusCmd(libsumo::CMD_SET_PERSON_VARIABLE, "First parameter of replace stage should be an integer", outputStorage);
326 : }
327 6 : if (inputStorage.readUnsignedByte() != libsumo::TYPE_COMPOUND) {
328 0 : return server.writeErrorStatusCmd(libsumo::CMD_SET_PERSON_VARIABLE, "Second parameter of replace stage should be a compound object", outputStorage);
329 : }
330 6 : if (inputStorage.readInt() != 13) {
331 0 : return server.writeErrorStatusCmd(libsumo::CMD_SET_PERSON_VARIABLE, "Second parameter of replace stage should be a compound object of size 13", outputStorage);
332 : }
333 12 : libsumo::TraCIStage stage;
334 6 : libsumo::StorageHelper::readStage(inputStorage, stage);
335 6 : libsumo::Person::replaceStage(id, nextStageIndex, stage);
336 6 : }
337 6 : break;
338 :
339 104 : case libsumo::REMOVE_STAGE: {
340 104 : int nextStageIndex = 0;
341 104 : if (!server.readTypeCheckingInt(inputStorage, nextStageIndex)) {
342 0 : return server.writeErrorStatusCmd(libsumo::CMD_SET_PERSON_VARIABLE, "The message must contain the stage index.", outputStorage);
343 : }
344 104 : libsumo::Person::removeStage(id, nextStageIndex);
345 : }
346 104 : break;
347 580 : case libsumo::CMD_REROUTE_TRAVELTIME: {
348 580 : if (inputStorage.readUnsignedByte() != libsumo::TYPE_COMPOUND) {
349 0 : return server.writeErrorStatusCmd(libsumo::CMD_SET_PERSON_VARIABLE, "Rerouting requires a compound object.", outputStorage);
350 : }
351 580 : if (inputStorage.readInt() != 0) {
352 0 : return server.writeErrorStatusCmd(libsumo::CMD_SET_PERSON_VARIABLE, "Rerouting should obtain an empty compound object.", outputStorage);
353 : }
354 580 : libsumo::Person::rerouteTraveltime(id);
355 : }
356 : break;
357 12 : case libsumo::VAR_MOVE_TO: {
358 12 : if (inputStorage.readUnsignedByte() != libsumo::TYPE_COMPOUND) {
359 0 : return server.writeErrorStatusCmd(libsumo::CMD_SET_PERSON_VARIABLE, "Setting position requires a compound object.", outputStorage);
360 : }
361 12 : const int numArgs = inputStorage.readInt();
362 12 : if (numArgs != 3) {
363 0 : return server.writeErrorStatusCmd(libsumo::CMD_SET_PERSON_VARIABLE, "Setting position should obtain the edge id, the position and the lateral position.", outputStorage);
364 : }
365 : std::string laneID;
366 12 : if (!server.readTypeCheckingString(inputStorage, laneID)) {
367 0 : return server.writeErrorStatusCmd(libsumo::CMD_SET_PERSON_VARIABLE, "The first parameter for setting a position must be the laneID given as a string.", outputStorage);
368 : }
369 12 : double position = 0;
370 12 : if (!server.readTypeCheckingDouble(inputStorage, position)) {
371 0 : return server.writeErrorStatusCmd(libsumo::CMD_SET_PERSON_VARIABLE, "The second parameter for setting a position must be the position given as a double.", outputStorage);
372 : }
373 12 : double posLat = 0;
374 12 : if (!server.readTypeCheckingDouble(inputStorage, posLat)) {
375 0 : return server.writeErrorStatusCmd(libsumo::CMD_SET_PERSON_VARIABLE, "The third parameter for setting a position must be the lateral position given as a double.", outputStorage);
376 : }
377 : // process
378 12 : libsumo::Person::moveTo(id, laneID, position, posLat);
379 : }
380 : break;
381 1545 : case libsumo::MOVE_TO_XY: {
382 1545 : if (inputStorage.readUnsignedByte() != libsumo::TYPE_COMPOUND) {
383 0 : return server.writeErrorStatusCmd(libsumo::CMD_SET_PERSON_VARIABLE, "MoveToXY person requires a compound object.", outputStorage);
384 : }
385 1545 : const int numArgs = inputStorage.readInt();
386 1545 : if (numArgs != 5 && numArgs != 6) {
387 0 : return server.writeErrorStatusCmd(libsumo::CMD_SET_PERSON_VARIABLE, "MoveToXY person should obtain: edgeID, x, y, angle, keepRouteFlag and optionally matchThreshold.", outputStorage);
388 : }
389 : // edge ID
390 : std::string edgeID;
391 1545 : if (!server.readTypeCheckingString(inputStorage, edgeID)) {
392 0 : return server.writeErrorStatusCmd(libsumo::CMD_SET_PERSON_VARIABLE, "The first parameter for moveToXY must be the edge ID given as a string.", outputStorage);
393 : }
394 : // x
395 1545 : double x = 0;
396 1545 : if (!server.readTypeCheckingDouble(inputStorage, x)) {
397 0 : return server.writeErrorStatusCmd(libsumo::CMD_SET_PERSON_VARIABLE, "The second parameter for moveToXY must be the x-position given as a double.", outputStorage);
398 : }
399 : // y
400 1545 : double y = 0;
401 1545 : if (!server.readTypeCheckingDouble(inputStorage, y)) {
402 0 : return server.writeErrorStatusCmd(libsumo::CMD_SET_PERSON_VARIABLE, "The third parameter for moveToXY must be the y-position given as a double.", outputStorage);
403 : }
404 : // angle
405 1545 : double angle = 0;
406 1545 : if (!server.readTypeCheckingDouble(inputStorage, angle)) {
407 0 : return server.writeErrorStatusCmd(libsumo::CMD_SET_PERSON_VARIABLE, "The fourth parameter for moveToXY must be the angle given as a double.", outputStorage);
408 : }
409 1545 : int keepRouteFlag = 1;
410 1545 : if (!server.readTypeCheckingByte(inputStorage, keepRouteFlag)) {
411 0 : return server.writeErrorStatusCmd(libsumo::CMD_SET_PERSON_VARIABLE, "The fifth parameter for moveToXY must be the keepRouteFlag given as a byte.", outputStorage);
412 : }
413 1545 : double matchThreshold = 100;
414 1545 : if (numArgs == 6) {
415 1545 : if (!server.readTypeCheckingDouble(inputStorage, matchThreshold)) {
416 3 : return server.writeErrorStatusCmd(libsumo::CMD_SET_VEHICLE_VARIABLE, "The sixth parameter for moveToXY must be the matchThreshold given as a double.", outputStorage);
417 : }
418 : }
419 1545 : libsumo::Person::moveToXY(id, edgeID, x, y, angle, keepRouteFlag, matchThreshold);
420 : }
421 : break;
422 42 : case libsumo::VAR_PARAMETER: {
423 42 : if (inputStorage.readUnsignedByte() != libsumo::TYPE_COMPOUND) {
424 6 : return server.writeErrorStatusCmd(libsumo::CMD_SET_PERSON_VARIABLE, "A compound object is needed for setting a parameter.", outputStorage);
425 : }
426 : //read itemNo
427 42 : inputStorage.readInt();
428 : std::string name;
429 42 : if (!server.readTypeCheckingString(inputStorage, name)) {
430 3 : return server.writeErrorStatusCmd(libsumo::CMD_SET_PERSON_VARIABLE, "The name of the parameter must be given as a string.", outputStorage);
431 : }
432 : std::string value;
433 42 : if (!server.readTypeCheckingString(inputStorage, value)) {
434 3 : return server.writeErrorStatusCmd(libsumo::CMD_SET_PERSON_VARIABLE, "The value of the parameter must be given as a string.", outputStorage);
435 : }
436 42 : libsumo::Person::setParameter(id, name, value);
437 : }
438 : break;
439 16 : default:
440 : try {
441 16 : if (!TraCIServerAPI_VehicleType::setVariable(libsumo::CMD_SET_PERSON_VARIABLE, variable, p->getSingularType().getID(), server, inputStorage, outputStorage)) {
442 : return false;
443 : }
444 0 : } catch (ProcessError& e) {
445 0 : return server.writeErrorStatusCmd(libsumo::CMD_SET_PERSON_VARIABLE, e.what(), outputStorage);
446 0 : }
447 : break;
448 : }
449 6 : } catch (libsumo::TraCIException& e) {
450 6 : return server.writeErrorStatusCmd(libsumo::CMD_SET_PERSON_VARIABLE, e.what(), outputStorage);
451 6 : }
452 2620 : server.writeStatusCmd(libsumo::CMD_SET_PERSON_VARIABLE, libsumo::RTYPE_OK, warning, outputStorage);
453 : return true;
454 : }
455 :
456 :
457 : /****************************************************************************/