Line data Source code
1 : /****************************************************************************/
2 : // Eclipse SUMO, Simulation of Urban MObility; see
3 : // Copyright (C) 2002-2024 German Aerospace Center (DLR) and others.
4 : // This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
5 : // terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
6 : //
7 : // This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary
8 : // Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the Eclipse
9 : // Public License 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License, version 2
10 : // or later which is available at
11 : //
12 : // SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0-or-later
13 : /****************************************************************************/
14 : /// @file EnergyParams.h
15 : /// @author Jakob Erdmann
16 : /// @author Michael Behrisch
17 : /// @date Sept 2021
18 : ///
19 : // A class for parameters used by the emission models
20 : /****************************************************************************/
21 : #pragma once
22 : #include <config.h>
23 : #include <map>
24 : #include <string>
25 : #include <vector>
26 : #include <utils/common/SUMOVehicleClass.h>
27 : #include <utils/common/ToString.h>
28 : #include <utils/emissions/CharacteristicMap.h>
29 : #include <utils/xml/SUMOXMLDefinitions.h>
30 :
31 :
32 : // ===========================================================================
33 : // class declarations
34 : // ===========================================================================
35 : class SUMOVTypeParameter;
36 :
37 :
38 : // ===========================================================================
39 : // class definitions
40 : // ===========================================================================
41 : /**
42 : * @class EnergyParams
43 : * @brief An upper class for objects with additional parameters
44 : */
45 : class EnergyParams {
46 : public:
47 : /// @brief Constructor
48 : EnergyParams(const SUMOVTypeParameter* typeParams = nullptr);
49 :
50 : /// @brief Constructor
51 862863 : EnergyParams(const EnergyParams* secondaryParams) : mySecondaryParams(secondaryParams) {}
52 :
53 : /// @brief Destructor
54 : ~EnergyParams();
55 :
56 : /**@brief Set secondary params
57 : * @param[in] secondaryParams The secondary parameters
58 : */
59 : void setSecondary(const EnergyParams* secondaryParams) {
60 6352 : mySecondaryParams = secondaryParams;
61 6352 : }
62 :
63 : /**@brief Sets the values which change possibly in every simulation step and are relevant for emsssion calculation
64 : * @param[in] stopDuration the total duration of the current stop (-1 means no current stop)
65 : * @param[in] parking whether the current stop is a parking stop (only meaningful if stopDuration != -1)
66 : * @param[in] waitingTime the current total waiting time
67 : * @param[in] angle the current absolute angle of the vehicle
68 : */
69 : void setDynamicValues(const SUMOTime stopDuration, const bool parking, const SUMOTime waitingTime, const double angle);
70 :
71 : /**@brief Sets the empty mass of the vehicle (type)
72 : * This is to be used by traci/libsumo
73 : * @param[in] mass the new mass
74 : */
75 : void setMass(const double mass);
76 :
77 : /**@brief Returns the mass of all transportables in the vehicle
78 : * @return The total mass of persons and containers in kg
79 : */
80 : double getTransportableMass() const {
81 1014842 : return myTransportableMass;
82 : }
83 :
84 : /**@brief Sets the mass of all transportables in the vehicle
85 : * @param[in] mass the new mass
86 : */
87 : void setTransportableMass(const double mass);
88 :
89 : /**@brief Returns the sum of the empty mass (SUMO_ATTR_MASS), tthe loading (SUMO_ATTR_LOADING) and the mass of all transportables in the vehicle
90 : * @return The total mass in kg
91 : */
92 : double getTotalMass(const double defaultEmptyMass, const double defaultLoading) const;
93 :
94 : /**@brief Returns the angle difference between the last two calls of setDynamicValues (usually the last two time steps)
95 : * @return The angle difference in radians
96 : */
97 : double getAngleDiff() const;
98 :
99 : /**@brief Returns the value for a given key
100 : * @param[in] key The key to ask for
101 : * @return The value stored under the key
102 : */
103 : double getDouble(SumoXMLAttr attr) const;
104 :
105 : /**@brief Returns the value for a given key with an optional default.
106 : * SUMO_ATTR_MASS and SUMO_ATTR_FRONTSURFACEAREA get a special treatment and return the given def value
107 : * also if the map has a value which is flagged as default.
108 : * @param[in] key The key to ask for
109 : * @param[in] def The default value if no value is stored or the stored value is flagged as default
110 : * @return The value stored under the key
111 : */
112 : double getDoubleOptional(SumoXMLAttr attr, const double def) const;
113 :
114 : /**
115 : * @brief Return the CharacteristicMap that belongs to a given attribute.
116 : *
117 : * @param[in] attr Name of an attribute
118 : * @return A CharacteristicMap
119 : */
120 : const CharacteristicMap& getCharacteristicMap(SumoXMLAttr attr) const;
121 :
122 : /// @brief Returns a complete inner description
123 : const std::string dump() const {
124 : return joinToString(myMap, ", ", ":") + (mySecondaryParams ? mySecondaryParams->dump() : "");
125 : }
126 :
127 : /** @brief Returns the state of the engine when the vehicle is not moving
128 : * @return whether the engine is running
129 : */
130 : bool isEngineOff() const;
131 :
132 : /** @brief Returns whether the vehicle is currently consuming any energy derived from the parking state
133 : * @return whether the vehicle has any consumption
134 : */
135 : bool isOff() const;
136 :
137 3780 : static const EnergyParams* getDefault() {
138 3780 : if (myDefault == nullptr) {
139 11 : myDefault = new EnergyParams();
140 : }
141 3780 : return myDefault;
142 : }
143 :
144 : private:
145 : /// @brief The key->value maps
146 : std::map<SumoXMLAttr, double> myMap;
147 : std::map<SumoXMLAttr, CharacteristicMap> myCharacteristicMapMap;
148 : const EnergyParams* mySecondaryParams = nullptr;
149 : bool myHaveDefaultMass = false;
150 : bool myHaveDefaultFrontSurfaceArea = false;
151 : double myStopDurationSeconds = -1.;
152 : bool myAmParking = false;
153 : double myWaitingTimeSeconds = -1.;
154 : double myLastAngle = INVALID_DOUBLE;
155 : double myAngle = INVALID_DOUBLE;
156 : double myTransportableMass = 0.;
157 :
158 : static const EnergyParams* myDefault;
159 : static const std::vector<SumoXMLAttr> myParamAttrs;
160 :
161 : /// @brief invalidate copy constructor
162 : EnergyParams(const EnergyParams& s) = delete;
163 :
164 : /// @brief invalidate assignment operator
165 : EnergyParams& operator=(const EnergyParams& s) = delete;
166 : };