LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - src/utils/emissions - HelpersEnergy.cpp (source / functions) Coverage Total Hit
Test: Lines: 87.5 % 56 49
Test Date: 2024-12-21 15:45:41 Functions: 100.0 % 3 3

            Line data    Source code
       1              : /****************************************************************************/
       2              : // Eclipse SUMO, Simulation of Urban MObility; see
       3              : // Copyright (C) 2001-2024 German Aerospace Center (DLR) and others.
       4              : // This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
       5              : // terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
       6              : //
       7              : // This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary
       8              : // Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the Eclipse
       9              : // Public License 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License, version 2
      10              : // or later which is available at
      11              : //
      12              : // SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0-or-later
      13              : /****************************************************************************/
      14              : /// @file    HelpersEnergy.cpp
      15              : /// @author  Daniel Krajzewicz
      16              : /// @author  Jakob Erdmann
      17              : /// @author  Michael Behrisch
      18              : /// @date    Mon, 10.05.2004
      19              : ///
      20              : // Helper methods for HBEFA-based emission computation
      21              : /****************************************************************************/
      22              : #include <config.h>
      23              : 
      24              : #include <complex>  // due to sqrt of complex
      25              : #include <utils/common/MsgHandler.h>  // due to WRITE_WARNING
      26              : #include <utils/common/SUMOTime.h>
      27              : #include <utils/common/ToString.h>
      28              : #include <utils/common/PolySolver.h>
      29              : #include "HelpersEnergy.h"
      30              : 
      31              : 
      32              : // ===========================================================================
      33              : // method definitions
      34              : // ===========================================================================
      35        56178 : HelpersEnergy::HelpersEnergy():
      36        56178 :     PollutantsInterface::Helper("Energy", ENERGY_BASE, ENERGY_BASE)
      37        56178 : { }
      38              : 
      39              : 
      40              : double
      41      2330524 : HelpersEnergy::compute(const SUMOEmissionClass /* c */, const PollutantsInterface::EmissionType e, const double v, const double a, const double slope, const EnergyParams* param) const {
      42      2330524 :     if (e != PollutantsInterface::ELEC) {
      43              :         return 0.;
      44              :     }
      45       655948 :     if (param == nullptr) {
      46            0 :         param = EnergyParams::getDefault();
      47              :     }
      48              :     //@ToDo: All formulas below work with the logic of the euler update (refs #860).
      49              :     //       Approximation order could be improved. Refs. #2592.
      50              : 
      51       655948 :     const double lastV = v - ACCEL2SPEED(a);
      52       655948 :     const double mass = param->getTotalMass(myDefaultMass, 0.);
      53              : 
      54              :     // calculate power needed for potential energy difference
      55       655948 :     double power = mass * GRAVITY * sin(DEG2RAD(slope)) * v;
      56              : 
      57              :     // power needed for kinetic energy difference of vehicle
      58       655948 :     power += 0.5 * mass * (v * v - lastV * lastV) / TS;
      59              : 
      60              :     // add power needed for rotational energy diff of internal rotating elements
      61       655948 :     power += 0.5 * param->getDoubleOptional(SUMO_ATTR_ROTATINGMASS, myDefaultRotatingMass) * (v * v - lastV * lastV) / TS;
      62              : 
      63              :     // power needed for Energy loss through Air resistance [Ws]
      64              :     // Calculate energy losses:
      65              :     // EnergyLoss,Air = 1/2 * rho_air [kg/m^3] * myFrontSurfaceArea [m^2] * myAirDragCoefficient [-] * v_Veh^2 [m/s] * s [m]
      66              :     //                    ... with rho_air [kg/m^3] = 1,2041 kg/m^3 (at T = 20C)
      67              :     //                    ... with s [m] = v_Veh [m/s] * TS [s]
      68              :     // divided by TS to get power instead of energy
      69       655948 :     power += 0.5 * 1.2041 * param->getDoubleOptional(SUMO_ATTR_FRONTSURFACEAREA, myDefaultFrontSurfaceArea) * param->getDoubleOptional(SUMO_ATTR_AIRDRAGCOEFFICIENT, myDefaultAirDragCoefficient) * v * v * v;
      70              : 
      71              :     // power needed for Energy loss through Roll resistance [Ws]
      72              :     //                    ... (fabs(veh.getSpeed())>=0.01) = 0, if vehicle isn't moving
      73              :     // EnergyLoss,Tire = c_R [-] * F_N [N] * s [m]
      74              :     //                    ... with c_R = ~0.012    (car tire on asphalt)
      75              :     //                    ... with F_N [N] = myMass [kg] * g [m/s^2]
      76              :     // divided by TS to get power instead of energy
      77       655948 :     power += param->getDoubleOptional(SUMO_ATTR_ROLLDRAGCOEFFICIENT, myDefaultRollDragCoefficient) * GRAVITY * mass * v;
      78              : 
      79              :     // Energy loss through friction by radial force [Ws]
      80              :     // If angle of vehicle was changed
      81       655948 :     const double angleDiff = param->getAngleDiff();
      82       655948 :     if (angleDiff != 0.) {
      83              :         // Compute new radio
      84         5500 :         double radius = SPEED2DIST(v) / fabs(angleDiff);
      85              : 
      86              :         // Check if radius is in the interval [0.0001 - 10000] (To avoid overflow and division by zero)
      87         5500 :         if (radius < 0.0001) {
      88              :             radius = 0.0001;
      89         5347 :         } else if (radius > 10000) {
      90              :             radius = 10000;
      91              :         }
      92              :         // EnergyLoss,internalFrictionRadialForce = c [m] * F_rad [N];
      93              :         // Energy loss through friction by radial force [Ws]
      94              :         // divided by TS to get power instead of energy
      95         5500 :         power += param->getDoubleOptional(SUMO_ATTR_RADIALDRAGCOEFFICIENT, myDefaultRadialDragCoefficient) * mass * v * v / radius / TS;
      96              :     }
      97              : 
      98              :     // EnergyLoss,constantConsumers
      99              :     // Energy loss through constant loads (e.g. A/C) [W]
     100       655948 :     power += param->getDoubleOptional(SUMO_ATTR_CONSTANTPOWERINTAKE, myDefaultConstantPowerIntake);
     101              : 
     102              :     // E_Bat = E_kin_pot + EnergyLoss;
     103       655948 :     if (power > 0) {
     104              :         // Assumption: Efficiency of myPropulsionEfficiency when accelerating
     105       601082 :         power /= param->getDoubleOptional(SUMO_ATTR_PROPULSIONEFFICIENCY, myDefaultPropulsionEfficiency);
     106              :     } else {
     107              :         // Assumption: Efficiency of myRecuperationEfficiency when recuperating
     108        54866 :         power *= param->getDoubleOptional(SUMO_ATTR_RECUPERATIONEFFICIENCY, myDefaultRecuperationEfficiency);
     109        54866 :         if (a != 0) {
     110              :             // Fiori, Chiara & Ahn, Kyoungho & Rakha, Hesham. (2016).
     111              :             // Power-based electric vehicle energy consumption model: Model
     112              :             // development and validation. Applied Energy. 168. 257-268.
     113              :             // 10.1016/j.apenergy.2016.01.097.
     114              :             //
     115              :             // Insaf Sagaama, Amine Kchiche, Wassim Trojet, Farouk Kamoun
     116              :             // Improving The Accuracy of The Energy Consumption Model for
     117              :             // Electric Vehicle in SUMO Considering The Ambient Temperature
     118              :             // Effects
     119        19542 :             power *= (1 / exp(param->getDoubleOptional(SUMO_ATTR_RECUPERATIONEFFICIENCY_BY_DECELERATION, myDefaultRecuperationEfficiencyByDeceleration) / fabs(a)));
     120              :         }
     121              :     }
     122              : 
     123              :     // convert from [W], to [Wh/s] (3600s / 1h):
     124       655948 :     return power / 3600.;
     125              : }
     126              : 
     127              : 
     128              : double
     129           70 : HelpersEnergy::acceleration(const SUMOEmissionClass /* c */, const PollutantsInterface::EmissionType e, const double v, const double P, const double slope, const EnergyParams* param) const {
     130           70 :     if (e != PollutantsInterface::ELEC) {
     131              :         return 0.;
     132              :     }
     133              : 
     134           70 :     if (param == nullptr) {
     135            0 :         param = EnergyParams::getDefault();
     136              :     }
     137              : 
     138              :     // Inverse formula for the function compute()
     139              : 
     140              :     // Computes the achievable acceleration using the given speed and drive power in [Wh/s]
     141              :     // It does not consider friction losses by radial force and the acceleration-dependent
     142              :     // recuperation efficiency (eta_recuperation is considered constant)
     143              :     //
     144              :     // The power `Prest` used for acceleration is given by a cubic polynomial in acceleration,
     145              :     // i.e.the equation
     146              :     //
     147              :     //   Prest = const1*a + const2*a^2 + const3*a^3
     148              :     //
     149              :     // and we need to find `a` given `Prest`.
     150              :     //
     151              :     // The solutions of `a(P)` is stored in variables `x1`, `x2`, and `x3` returned by
     152              :     // the method `PolySolver::cubicSolve()`, see below.
     153              :     //
     154              :     // Power used for accelerating, `Prest`, is the total used power minus power wasted by running resistances.
     155              : 
     156           70 :     const double mass = param->getTotalMass(myDefaultMass, 0.);
     157           70 :     const double rotMass = param->getDoubleOptional(SUMO_ATTR_ROTATINGMASS, myDefaultRotatingMass);
     158              :     double const1, const2, const3;
     159              :     double Prest;
     160              :     int numX;
     161              :     double x1, x2, x3;
     162              : 
     163              :     // Power delivered by the drive
     164           70 :     if (P > 0) {
     165              :         // Assumption: Efficiency of myPropulsionEfficiency when accelerating
     166           70 :         Prest = P * 3600 * param->getDoubleOptional(SUMO_ATTR_PROPULSIONEFFICIENCY, myDefaultPropulsionEfficiency);
     167              :     } else {
     168              :         // Assumption: Efficiency of myRecuperationEfficiency when recuperating
     169            0 :         Prest = P * 3600 / param->getDoubleOptional(SUMO_ATTR_RECUPERATIONEFFICIENCY, myDefaultRecuperationEfficiency);
     170              :     }
     171              : 
     172              :     // calculate power drop due to a potential energy difference
     173              :     // in inverse original formula:      power = mass * GRAVITY * sin(DEG2RAD(slope)) * v;
     174              :     // i.e. in terms of 'lastV' and 'a': power = mass * GRAVITY * sin(DEG2RAD(slope)) * (lastV +  TS * a);
     175           70 :     Prest -= mass * GRAVITY * sin(DEG2RAD(slope)) * (v);
     176           70 :     const1 = mass * GRAVITY * sin(DEG2RAD(slope)) * (TS);
     177              : 
     178              :     // update coefficients of a(P) equation considering power loss through Roll resistance
     179              :     // in inverse original formula:      power += param->getDoubleOptional(SUMO_ATTR_ROLLDRAGCOEFFICIENT) * GRAVITY * mass * v;
     180              :     // i.e. in terms of 'lastV' and 'a': power += param->getDoubleOptional(SUMO_ATTR_ROLLDRAGCOEFFICIENT) * GRAVITY * mass * (lastV +  TS * a);
     181           70 :     Prest -= param->getDoubleOptional(SUMO_ATTR_ROLLDRAGCOEFFICIENT, myDefaultRollDragCoefficient) * GRAVITY * mass * v;
     182           70 :     const1 += param->getDoubleOptional(SUMO_ATTR_ROLLDRAGCOEFFICIENT, myDefaultRollDragCoefficient) * GRAVITY * mass * (TS);
     183              : 
     184              :     //Constant loads are omitted. We assume P as the max limit for the main traction drive. Constant loads are often covered by an auxiliary drive
     185              :     //Power loss through constant loads (e.g. A/C) [W]
     186              :     //Prest -= param->getDoubleOptional(SUMO_ATTR_CONSTANTPOWERINTAKE) / TS;
     187              : 
     188              :     // update coefficients of a(P) equation considering kinetic energy difference of vehicle
     189              :     // in inverse original formula:      power += 0.5 * mass * (v * v - lastV * lastV) / TS;
     190              :     // i.e. in terms of 'lastV' and 'a': power += 0.5 * mass * (2 * lastV * a + TS * a * a);
     191           70 :     const1 += 0.5 * mass * (2 * v);
     192           70 :     const2 = 0.5 * mass * (TS);
     193              : 
     194              :     // update coefficients of a(P) equation considering rotational energy diff of internal rotating elements
     195              :     // in inverse original formula:      power += 0.5 * rotMass * (v * v - lastV * lastV) / TS;
     196              :     // i.e. in terms of 'lastV' and 'a': power += 0.5 * rotMass * (2 * lastV * a + TS * a * a);
     197           70 :     const1 += 0.5 * rotMass * (2 * v);
     198           70 :     const2 += 0.5 * rotMass * (TS);
     199              : 
     200              :     // update coefficients of a(P) equation considering energy loss through Air resistance
     201              :     // in inverse original formula:      power += 0.5 * 1.2041 * param->getDoubleOptional(SUMO_ATTR_FRONTSURFACEAREA) * param->getDoubleOptional(SUMO_ATTR_AIRDRAGCOEFFICIENT) * v * v * v;
     202              :     // i.e. in terms of 'lastV' and 'a': power += 0.5 * rotMass * (lastV^3 + 3* lastV^2 * TS * a +  3* lastV * TS^2 *a^2 + TS^3 * a^3);
     203           70 :     const double drag = 0.5 * 1.2041 * param->getDoubleOptional(SUMO_ATTR_FRONTSURFACEAREA, myDefaultFrontSurfaceArea) * param->getDoubleOptional(SUMO_ATTR_AIRDRAGCOEFFICIENT, myDefaultAirDragCoefficient);
     204           70 :     Prest -= drag * (v * v * v);
     205           70 :     const1 += drag * (3 * v * v * TS);
     206           70 :     const2 += drag * (3 * v * TS * TS);
     207           70 :     const3 = drag * (TS * TS * TS);
     208              : 
     209              :     // Prest = const1*a + const2*a^2 + const3*a^3
     210              :     // Solve cubic equation in `a` for real roots, and return the number of roots in `numX`
     211              :     // and the roots in `x1`, `x2`, and `x3`.
     212           70 :     std::tie(numX, x1, x2, x3) = PolySolver::cubicSolve(const3, const2, const1, -Prest);
     213              : 
     214              : 
     215           70 :     switch (numX) {
     216              :         case 1:
     217              :             return x1;
     218            0 :         case 2:
     219              :             return MAX2(x1, x2);
     220           70 :         case 3:
     221              :             return MAX3(x1, x2, x3);
     222            0 :         default:
     223            0 :             WRITE_ERROR(TL("An acceleration given by the power was not found."));
     224            0 :             return 0;
     225              :     }
     226              : 
     227              : }
     228              : 
     229              : 
     230              : /****************************************************************************/

Generated by: LCOV version 2.0-1