LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - src/utils/emissions - HelpersMMPEVEM.cpp (source / functions) Coverage Total Hit
Test: Lines: 93.4 % 61 57
Test Date: 2024-12-21 15:45:41 Functions: 100.0 % 3 3

            Line data    Source code
       1              : /****************************************************************************/
       2              : // Eclipse SUMO, Simulation of Urban MObility; see
       3              : // Copyright (C) 2002-2024 German Aerospace Center (DLR) and others.
       4              : // This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
       5              : // terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
       6              : //
       7              : // This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary
       8              : // Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the Eclipse
       9              : // Public License 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License, version 2
      10              : // or later which is available at
      11              : //
      12              : // SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0-or-later
      13              : /****************************************************************************/
      14              : /// @file    HelpersMMPEVEM.cpp
      15              : /// @author  Kevin Badalian (
      16              : /// @date    2021-10
      17              : ///
      18              : // The MMP's emission model for electric vehicles.
      19              : // If you use this model for academic research, you are highly encouraged to
      20              : // cite our paper "Accurate physics-based modeling of electric vehicle energy
      21              : // consumption in the SUMO traffic microsimulator"
      22              : // (DOI: 10.1109/ITSC48978.2021.9564463).
      23              : // Teaching and Research Area Mechatronics in Mobile Propulsion (MMP), RWTH Aachen
      24              : /****************************************************************************/
      25              : #include <config.h>
      26              : 
      27              : #include <utils/common/SUMOTime.h>
      28              : #include <utils/common/StringUtils.h>
      29              : #include <utils/geom/GeomHelper.h>
      30              : #include <utils/emissions/CharacteristicMap.h>
      31              : #include <utils/emissions/HelpersMMPEVEM.h>
      32              : 
      33              : 
      34              : // ===========================================================================
      35              : // method definitions
      36              : // ===========================================================================
      37              : /**
      38              :  * \brief Compute the power consumption of an EV powertrain in a certain state.
      39              :  *
      40              :  * The model assumes that the driver recuperates as much energy as possible,
      41              :  * meaning that he perfectly employs the mechanical brakes such that only what
      42              :  * lies beyond the motor's capabilities is dissipated. If the new state is
      43              :  * invalid, that is the demanded acceleration exceeds what the electric motor
      44              :  * can manage or the power loss map is not defined for a given point, the torque
      45              :  * and/or power are capped to the motor's limits or the power loss is set to
      46              :  * zero.
      47              :  *
      48              :  * \param[in] m Vehicle mass [kg]
      49              :  * \param[in] r_wheel Wheel radius [m]
      50              :  * \param[in] Theta Moment of inertia [kg*m^2]
      51              :  * \param[in] c_rr Rolling resistance coefficient [1]
      52              :  * \param[in] c_d Drag coefficient [1]
      53              :  * \param[in] A_front Cross-sectional area of the front of the car [m^2]
      54              :  * \param[in] i_gear Gear ratio (i_gear = n_motor/n_wheel) [1]
      55              :  * \param[in] eta_gear Gear efficiency [1]
      56              :  * \param[in] M_max Maximum torque of the EM [Nm]
      57              :  * \param[in] P_max Maximum power of the EM [W]
      58              :  * \param[in] M_recup_max Maximum recuperation torque [Nm]
      59              :  * \param[in] P_recup_max Maximum recuperation power [W]
      60              :  * \param[in] R_battery Internal battery resistance [Ohm]
      61              :  * \param[in] U_battery_0 Nominal battery voltage [V]
      62              :  * \param[in] P_const Constant power consumption of ancillary devices [W]
      63              :  * \param[in] ref_powerLossMap Power loss map of the EM + inverter
      64              :  * \param[in] dt Simulation timestep [s]
      65              :  * \param[in] v Vehicle speed at the end of a timestep [m/s]
      66              :  * \param[in] a Constant acceleration during a timestep [m/s^2]
      67              :  * \param[in] alpha Constant incline during a timestep [deg]
      68              :  * \param[out] ref_powerConsumption Power consumption during the last timestep
      69              :  *             [W]
      70              :  * \returns true if the new state is valid, else false
      71              :  */
      72         5280 : bool calcPowerConsumption(double m, double r_wheel, double Theta, double c_rr,
      73              :                           double c_d, double A_front, double i_gear, double eta_gear, double M_max,
      74              :                           double P_max, double M_recup_max, double P_recup_max, double R_battery,
      75              :                           double U_battery_0, double P_const,
      76              :                           const CharacteristicMap& ref_powerLossMap, double dt, double v, double a,
      77              :                           double alpha, double& ref_powerConsumption) {
      78              :     const double EPS = 1e-6;
      79              :     const double RHO_AIR = 1.204;  // Air density [kg/m^3]
      80              :     bool b_stateValid = true;
      81              : 
      82              :     // Mass factor [1]
      83         5280 :     const double e_i = 1.0 + Theta / (m * r_wheel * r_wheel);
      84              :     // Average speed during the previous timestep
      85         5280 :     const double v_mean = v - 0.5 * a * dt;
      86              : 
      87              :     // Force required for the desired acceleration [N]
      88         5280 :     double F_a = m * a * e_i;
      89              :     // Grade resistance [N]
      90         5280 :     double F_gr = m * GRAVITY * std::sin(DEG2RAD(alpha));
      91              :     // Rolling resistance [N]
      92         5280 :     double F_rr = m * GRAVITY * std::cos(DEG2RAD(alpha)) * c_rr;
      93         5280 :     if (std::abs(v_mean) <= EPS) {
      94              :         F_rr = 0;
      95              :     }
      96              :     // Drag [N]
      97         5280 :     double F_d = 0.5 * c_d * A_front * RHO_AIR * v_mean * v_mean;
      98              :     // Tractive force [N]
      99         5280 :     const double F_tractive = F_a + F_gr + F_rr + F_d;
     100              : 
     101              :     // Speed of the motor [rpm]
     102         5280 :     const double n_motor = v_mean / (2 * M_PI * r_wheel) * 60 * i_gear;
     103              :     // Angular velocity of the motor [1/s]
     104         5280 :     double omega_motor = 2 * M_PI * n_motor / 60;
     105         5280 :     if (omega_motor == 0) {
     106              :         omega_motor = EPS;
     107              :     }
     108              : 
     109              :     // Torque at the motor [Nm]. Please note that this model, like most real EVs,
     110              :     // utilizes the EM to hold the vehicle on an incline rather than the brakes.
     111         5280 :     double M_motor = F_tractive * r_wheel / i_gear;
     112         5280 :     if (F_tractive < 0) {
     113          564 :         M_motor *= eta_gear;
     114              :     } else {
     115         4716 :         M_motor /= eta_gear;
     116              :     }
     117              :     // Engine power [W]
     118         5280 :     double P_motor = M_motor * omega_motor;
     119              : 
     120              :     // Cap torque or power if necessary
     121              :     // Accelerating
     122         5280 :     if (M_motor >= 0) {
     123         4716 :         if (M_motor > M_max) {
     124              :             M_motor = M_max;
     125            0 :             P_motor = M_motor * omega_motor;
     126              :             b_stateValid = false;
     127              :         }
     128         4716 :         if (P_motor > P_max) {
     129              :             P_motor = P_max;
     130            0 :             M_motor = P_motor / omega_motor;
     131              :             b_stateValid = false;
     132              :         }
     133              :     }
     134              :     // Recuperating
     135              :     else {
     136              :         // Even when capping, the state is still valid here because the extra energy
     137              :         // is assumed to go to the brakes
     138          564 :         if (M_motor < -M_recup_max) {
     139              :             M_motor = -M_recup_max;
     140          420 :             P_motor = M_motor * omega_motor;
     141              :         }
     142          564 :         if (P_motor < -P_recup_max) {
     143              :             P_motor = -P_recup_max;
     144            0 :             M_motor = P_motor / omega_motor;
     145              :         }
     146              :     }
     147              : 
     148              :     // Power loss in the electric motor + inverter [W]
     149              :     double P_loss_motor =
     150         5280 :         ref_powerLossMap.eval(std::vector<double> {n_motor, M_motor})[0];
     151         5280 :     if (std::isnan(P_loss_motor)) {
     152              :         P_loss_motor = 0.0;
     153              :         b_stateValid = false;
     154              :     }
     155              : 
     156              :     // Power demand at the battery [W]
     157         5280 :     double P_battery = P_motor + P_loss_motor + P_const;
     158              :     // Total power demand (including the power loss in the battery) [W]
     159         5280 :     double P_total = (U_battery_0 * U_battery_0) / (2.0 * R_battery)
     160         5280 :                      - U_battery_0 * std::sqrt((U_battery_0 * U_battery_0
     161         5280 :                              - 4.0 * R_battery * P_battery) / (4.0 * R_battery * R_battery));
     162              : 
     163         5280 :     ref_powerConsumption = P_total;
     164         5280 :     return b_stateValid;
     165              : }
     166              : 
     167              : 
     168              : /**
     169              :  * \brief Constructor
     170              :  */
     171        56178 : HelpersMMPEVEM::HelpersMMPEVEM()
     172        56178 :     : PollutantsInterface::Helper("MMPEVEM", MMPEVEM_BASE, MMPEVEM_BASE + 1)
     173        56178 : { }
     174              : 
     175              : 
     176              : /**
     177              :  * \brief Compute the amount of emitted pollutants for an emission class in a
     178              :  *        given state.
     179              :  *
     180              :  * This method returns 0 for all emission types but electric power consumption.
     181              :  *
     182              :  * \param[in] c An emission class
     183              :  * \param[in] e An emission type
     184              :  * \param[in] v Current vehicle velocity [m/s]
     185              :  * \param[in] a Current acceleration of the vehicle [m/s^2]
     186              :  * \param[in] slope Slope of the road at the vehicle's current position [deg]
     187              :  * \param[in] ptr_energyParams Vehicle parameters
     188              :  *
     189              :  * \returns The electric power consumption [Wh/s] or 0 for all other emission
     190              :  *          types
     191              :  */
     192        27120 : double HelpersMMPEVEM::compute(const SUMOEmissionClass c,
     193              :                                const PollutantsInterface::EmissionType e, const double v, const double a,
     194              :                                const double slope, const EnergyParams* ptr_energyParams) const {
     195        27120 :     if (e != PollutantsInterface::ELEC) {
     196              :         return 0.0;
     197              :     }
     198              : 
     199              :     // Extract all required parameters, default values taken from the VW_ID3
     200              :     // Vehicle mass [kg]
     201         5280 :     const double m = ptr_energyParams->getTotalMass(getWeight(c), 0.);
     202              :     // Wheel radius [m]
     203         5280 :     const double r_wheel = ptr_energyParams->getDoubleOptional(SUMO_ATTR_WHEELRADIUS, 0.3588);
     204              :     // Internal moment of inertia [kgm^2]
     205         5280 :     const double Theta = ptr_energyParams->getDoubleOptional(SUMO_ATTR_INTERNALMOMENTOFINERTIA, 12.5);
     206              :     // Rolling resistance coefficient
     207         5280 :     const double c_rr = ptr_energyParams->getDoubleOptional(SUMO_ATTR_ROLLDRAGCOEFFICIENT, 0.007);
     208              :     // Air drag coefficient
     209         5280 :     const double c_d = ptr_energyParams->getDoubleOptional(SUMO_ATTR_AIRDRAGCOEFFICIENT, 0.26);
     210              :     // Cross-sectional area of the front of the car [m^2]
     211         5280 :     const double A_front = ptr_energyParams->getDoubleOptional(SUMO_ATTR_FRONTSURFACEAREA, 2.36);
     212              :     // Gear ratio [1]
     213         5280 :     const double i_gear = ptr_energyParams->getDoubleOptional(SUMO_ATTR_GEARRATIO, 10.);
     214              :     // Gearbox efficiency [1]
     215         5280 :     const double eta_gear = ptr_energyParams->getDoubleOptional(SUMO_ATTR_GEAREFFICIENCY, 0.96);
     216              :     // Maximum torque [Nm]
     217         5280 :     const double M_max = ptr_energyParams->getDoubleOptional(SUMO_ATTR_MAXIMUMTORQUE, 310.);
     218              :     // Maximum power [W]
     219         5280 :     const double P_max = ptr_energyParams->getDoubleOptional(SUMO_ATTR_MAXIMUMPOWER, 107000.);
     220              :     // Maximum recuperation torque [Nm]
     221         5280 :     const double M_recup_max = ptr_energyParams->getDoubleOptional(SUMO_ATTR_MAXIMUMRECUPERATIONTORQUE, 95.5);
     222              :     // Maximum recuperation power [W]
     223         5280 :     const double P_recup_max = ptr_energyParams->getDoubleOptional(SUMO_ATTR_MAXIMUMRECUPERATIONPOWER, 42800.);
     224              :     // Internal battery resistance [Ohm]
     225         5280 :     const double R_battery = ptr_energyParams->getDoubleOptional(SUMO_ATTR_INTERNALBATTERYRESISTANCE, 0.1142);
     226              :     // Nominal battery voltage [V]
     227         5280 :     const double U_battery_0 = ptr_energyParams->getDoubleOptional(SUMO_ATTR_NOMINALBATTERYVOLTAGE, 396.);
     228              :     // Constant power consumption [W]
     229         5280 :     const double P_const = ptr_energyParams->getDoubleOptional(SUMO_ATTR_CONSTANTPOWERINTAKE, 360.);
     230              :     // Power loss map
     231         5280 :     const CharacteristicMap& ref_powerLossMap = ptr_energyParams->getCharacteristicMap(SUMO_ATTR_POWERLOSSMAP);
     232              : 
     233         5280 :     double P = 0.0;  // [W]
     234         5280 :     bool b_stateValid = calcPowerConsumption(m, r_wheel, Theta, c_rr, c_d,
     235              :                         A_front, i_gear, eta_gear, M_max, P_max, M_recup_max, P_recup_max,
     236         5280 :                         R_battery, U_battery_0, P_const, ref_powerLossMap, TS, v, a, slope, P);
     237         5280 :     P /= 3600.0;  // [Wh/s]
     238              : 
     239         5280 :     if (b_stateValid) {
     240              :         return P;
     241              :     } else {
     242            0 :         return std::nan("");
     243              :     }
     244              : }

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