LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - src/utils/emissions - HelpersPHEMlight5.cpp (source / functions) Coverage Total Hit
Test: Lines: 85.0 % 133 113
Test Date: 2024-12-21 15:45:41 Functions: 83.3 % 12 10

            Line data    Source code
       1              : /****************************************************************************/
       2              : // Eclipse SUMO, Simulation of Urban MObility; see
       3              : // Copyright (C) 2013-2024 German Aerospace Center (DLR) and others.
       4              : // This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
       5              : // terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
       6              : //
       7              : // This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary
       8              : // Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the Eclipse
       9              : // Public License 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License, version 2
      10              : // or later which is available at
      11              : //
      12              : // SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0-or-later
      13              : /****************************************************************************/
      14              : /// @file    HelpersPHEMlight5.cpp
      15              : /// @author  Daniel Krajzewicz
      16              : /// @author  Michael Behrisch
      17              : /// @author  Nikolaus Furian
      18              : /// @date    Sat, 20.04.2013
      19              : ///
      20              : // Helper methods for PHEMlight-based emission computation
      21              : /****************************************************************************/
      22              : #include <config.h>
      23              : 
      24              : #include <limits>
      25              : #include <cmath>
      26              : #include <foreign/PHEMlight/V5/cpp/Constants.h>
      27              : #include <foreign/PHEMlight/V5/cpp/Correction.h>
      28              : #include <utils/common/StringUtils.h>
      29              : #include <utils/options/OptionsCont.h>
      30              : 
      31              : #include "EnergyParams.h"
      32              : #include "HelpersPHEMlight5.h"
      33              : 
      34              : 
      35              : // ===========================================================================
      36              : // method definitions
      37              : // ===========================================================================
      38        56178 : HelpersPHEMlight5::HelpersPHEMlight5() :
      39              :     HelpersPHEMlight("PHEMlight5", PHEMLIGHT5_BASE, -1),
      40       112356 :     myIndex(PHEMLIGHT5_BASE) {
      41        56178 : }
      42              : 
      43              : 
      44        56178 : HelpersPHEMlight5::~HelpersPHEMlight5() {
      45        56211 :     for (const auto& cep : myCEPs) {
      46           33 :         delete cep.second;
      47              :     }
      48       112356 : }
      49              : 
      50              : 
      51              : SUMOEmissionClass
      52           44 : HelpersPHEMlight5::getClassByName(const std::string& eClass, const SUMOVehicleClass vc) {
      53           44 :     if (eClass == "unknown" && !myEmissionClassStrings.hasString("unknown")) {
      54            0 :         myEmissionClassStrings.addAlias("unknown", getClassByName("PC_EU4_G", vc));
      55              :     }
      56           44 :     if (eClass == "default" && !myEmissionClassStrings.hasString("default")) {
      57            0 :         myEmissionClassStrings.addAlias("default", getClassByName("PC_EU4_G", vc));
      58              :     }
      59              :     if (myEmissionClassStrings.hasString(eClass)) {
      60           11 :         return myEmissionClassStrings.get(eClass);
      61              :     }
      62           33 :     if (eClass.size() < 6) {
      63            0 :         throw InvalidArgument("Unknown emission class '" + eClass + "'.");
      64              :     }
      65           33 :     const OptionsCont& oc = OptionsCont::getOptions();
      66           33 :     myVolumetricFuel = oc.getBool("emissions.volumetric-fuel");
      67              :     std::vector<std::string> phemPath;
      68           33 :     phemPath.push_back(oc.getString("phemlight-path") + "/");
      69           33 :     if (getenv("PHEMLIGHT_PATH") != nullptr) {
      70            0 :         phemPath.push_back(std::string(getenv("PHEMLIGHT_PATH")) + "/");
      71              :     }
      72           33 :     if (getenv("SUMO_HOME") != nullptr) {
      73           66 :         phemPath.push_back(std::string(getenv("SUMO_HOME")) + "/data/emissions/PHEMlight5/");
      74              :     }
      75           99 :     if (myCorrection == nullptr && (!oc.isDefault("phemlight-year") || !oc.isDefault("phemlight-temperature"))) {
      76            4 :         myCorrection = new PHEMlightdllV5::Correction(phemPath);
      77            8 :         if (!oc.isDefault("phemlight-year")) {
      78            4 :             myCorrection->setYear(oc.getInt("phemlight-year"));
      79              :             std::string err;
      80            2 :             if (!myCorrection->ReadDet(err)) {
      81            0 :                 throw InvalidArgument("Error reading PHEMlight5 deterioration data.\n" + err);
      82              :             }
      83            2 :             myCorrection->setUseDet(true);
      84              :         }
      85            8 :         if (!oc.isDefault("phemlight-temperature")) {
      86            4 :             myCorrection->setAmbTemp(oc.getFloat("phemlight-temperature"));
      87              :             std::string err;
      88            2 :             if (!myCorrection->ReadTNOx(err)) {
      89            0 :                 throw InvalidArgument("Error reading PHEMlight5 deterioration data.\n" + err);
      90              :             }
      91            2 :             myCorrection->setUseTNOx(true);
      92              :         }
      93              :     }
      94           33 :     myHelper.setCommentPrefix("c");
      95           33 :     myHelper.setPHEMDataV("V5");
      96           33 :     myHelper.setclass(eClass);
      97           33 :     if (!myCEPHandler.GetCEP(phemPath, &myHelper, myCorrection)) {
      98            0 :         throw InvalidArgument("File for PHEMlight5 emission class " + eClass + " not found.\n" + myHelper.getErrMsg());
      99              :     }
     100           33 :     PHEMlightdllV5::CEP* const currCep = myCEPHandler.getCEPS().find(myHelper.getgClass())->second;
     101           33 :     int index = myIndex++;
     102           33 :     if (currCep->getHeavyVehicle()) {
     103            0 :         index |= PollutantsInterface::HEAVY_BIT;
     104              :     }
     105           66 :     myEmissionClassStrings.insert(eClass, index);
     106           33 :     myCEPs[index] = currCep;
     107           33 :     myEmissionClassStrings.addAlias(StringUtils::to_lower_case(eClass), index);
     108           33 :     return index;
     109           33 : }
     110              : 
     111              : 
     112              : std::string
     113            0 : HelpersPHEMlight5::getFuel(const SUMOEmissionClass c) const {
     114            0 :     const std::string name = myEmissionClassStrings.getString(c);
     115            0 :     std::string fuel = "Gasoline";
     116            0 :     if (name.find("_D_") != std::string::npos) {
     117              :         fuel = "Diesel";
     118              :     }
     119            0 :     if (name.find("_BEV_") != std::string::npos) {
     120              :         fuel = "Electricity";
     121              :     }
     122            0 :     if (name.find("_HEV") != std::string::npos) {
     123            0 :         fuel = "Hybrid" + fuel;
     124              :     }
     125            0 :     return fuel;
     126              : }
     127              : 
     128              : 
     129              : double
     130           23 : HelpersPHEMlight5::getWeight(const SUMOEmissionClass c) const {
     131           23 :     return myCEPs.find(c)->second->getVehicleMass();
     132              : }
     133              : 
     134              : 
     135              : double
     136        76169 : HelpersPHEMlight5::getEmission(PHEMlightdllV5::CEP* currCep, const std::string& e, const double p, const double v, const double drivingPower, const double ratedPower) const {
     137        76169 :     return currCep->GetEmission(e, p, v, &myHelper, drivingPower, ratedPower);
     138              : }
     139              : 
     140              : 
     141              : double
     142       203307 : HelpersPHEMlight5::calcPower(PHEMlightdllV5::CEP* currCep, const double v, const double a, const double slope, const EnergyParams* param) const {
     143              :     // copy of CEP::CalcPower
     144       203307 :     const double power = calcWheelPower(currCep, v, a, slope, param) / PHEMlightdllV5::Constants::_DRIVE_TRAIN_EFFICIENCY;
     145       203307 :     if (!(currCep->getCalcType() == "HEV" || currCep->getCalcType() == "BEV")) {
     146       203307 :         return power + param->getDoubleOptional(SUMO_ATTR_CONSTANTPOWERINTAKE, currCep->getAuxPower() * 1000.) / 1000.;
     147              :     }
     148              :     return power;
     149              : }
     150              : 
     151              : 
     152              : double
     153       203307 : HelpersPHEMlight5::calcWheelPower(PHEMlightdllV5::CEP* currCep, const double v, const double a, const double slope, const EnergyParams* param) const {
     154              :     // copy of CEP::CalcWheelPower
     155       203307 :     const double rotFactor = currCep->GetRotationalCoeffecient(v);
     156       203307 :     const double mass = param->getDoubleOptional(SUMO_ATTR_MASS, currCep->getVehicleMass());
     157       203307 :     const double massRot = param->getDoubleOptional(SUMO_ATTR_ROTATINGMASS, currCep->getVehicleMassRot());
     158       203307 :     const double load = param->getDoubleOptional(SUMO_ATTR_LOADING, currCep->getVehicleLoading()) + param->getTransportableMass();
     159       203307 :     const double cw = param->getDoubleOptional(SUMO_ATTR_FRONTSURFACEAREA, currCep->getCrossSectionalArea()) * param->getDoubleOptional(SUMO_ATTR_AIRDRAGCOEFFICIENT, currCep->getCWValue());
     160       203307 :     const double rf0 = param->getDoubleOptional(SUMO_ATTR_ROLLDRAGCOEFFICIENT, currCep->getResistanceF0());
     161              : 
     162       203307 :     double power = (mass + load) * PHEMlightdllV5::Constants::GRAVITY_CONST * currCep->getResistance(v, rf0) * v;
     163       203307 :     power += (cw * PHEMlightdllV5::Constants::AIR_DENSITY_CONST / 2) * std::pow(v, 3);
     164       203307 :     power += (mass * rotFactor + massRot + load) * a * v;
     165       203307 :     power += (mass + load) * PHEMlightdllV5::Constants::GRAVITY_CONST * slope * 0.01 * v;
     166       203307 :     return power / 1000.;
     167              : }
     168              : 
     169              : 
     170              : double
     171        76211 : HelpersPHEMlight5::getModifiedAccel(const SUMOEmissionClass c, const double v, const double a, const double slope, const EnergyParams* param) const {
     172        76211 :     PHEMlightdllV5::CEP* currCep = myCEPs.count(c) == 0 ? nullptr : myCEPs.find(c)->second;
     173        76211 :     if (currCep != nullptr) {
     174        76211 :         if (v == 0.) {
     175              :             return 0.;
     176              :         }
     177              :         // this is a copy of CEP::GetMaxAccel
     178        60405 :         const double rotFactor = currCep->GetRotationalCoeffecient(v);
     179        60405 :         const double mass = param->getDoubleOptional(SUMO_ATTR_MASS, currCep->getVehicleMass());
     180        60405 :         const double massRot = param->getDoubleOptional(SUMO_ATTR_ROTATINGMASS, currCep->getVehicleMassRot());
     181        60405 :         const double load = param->getDoubleOptional(SUMO_ATTR_LOADING, currCep->getVehicleLoading()) + param->getTransportableMass();
     182        60405 :         const double ratedPower = param->getDoubleOptional(SUMO_ATTR_MAXIMUMPOWER, 1000. * currCep->getRatedPower()) / 1000.;
     183        60405 :         const double pMaxForAcc = currCep->GetPMaxNorm(v) * ratedPower - calcPower(currCep, v, 0, slope, param);
     184        60405 :         const double maxAcc = (pMaxForAcc * 1000) / ((mass * rotFactor + massRot + load) * v);
     185              :         return MIN2(a, maxAcc);
     186              :     }
     187              :     return a;
     188              : }
     189              : 
     190              : 
     191              : double
     192       108721 : HelpersPHEMlight5::getCoastingDecel(const SUMOEmissionClass c, const double v, const double a, const double slope, const EnergyParams* param) const {
     193       108721 :     PHEMlightdllV5::CEP* const currCep = myCEPs.find(c)->second;
     194              :     // this is a copy of CEP::GetDecelCoast
     195       108721 :     if (v < PHEMlightdllV5::Constants::SPEED_DCEL_MIN) {
     196        23078 :         return v / PHEMlightdllV5::Constants::SPEED_DCEL_MIN * getCoastingDecel(c, PHEMlightdllV5::Constants::SPEED_DCEL_MIN, a, slope, param);
     197              :     }
     198        85643 :     const double rotFactor = currCep->GetRotationalCoeffecient(v);
     199        85643 :     const double mass = param->getDoubleOptional(SUMO_ATTR_MASS, currCep->getVehicleMass());
     200        85643 :     const double load = param->getDoubleOptional(SUMO_ATTR_LOADING, currCep->getVehicleLoading()) + param->getTransportableMass();
     201        85643 :     const double cw = param->getDoubleOptional(SUMO_ATTR_FRONTSURFACEAREA, currCep->getCrossSectionalArea()) * param->getDoubleOptional(SUMO_ATTR_AIRDRAGCOEFFICIENT, currCep->getCWValue());
     202        85643 :     const double ratedPower = param->getDoubleOptional(SUMO_ATTR_MAXIMUMPOWER, 1000. * currCep->getRatedPower()) / 1000.;
     203        85643 :     const double wheelRadius = param->getDoubleOptional(SUMO_ATTR_WHEELRADIUS, currCep->getWheelRadius());
     204        85643 :     const double rf0 = param->getDoubleOptional(SUMO_ATTR_ROLLDRAGCOEFFICIENT, currCep->getResistanceF0());
     205              : 
     206        85643 :     const double fRoll = currCep->getResistance(v, rf0) * (mass + load) * PHEMlightdllV5::Constants::GRAVITY_CONST;
     207        85643 :     const double fAir = cw * PHEMlightdllV5::Constants::AIR_DENSITY_CONST * 0.5 * std::pow(v, 2);
     208        85643 :     const double fGrad = (mass + load) * PHEMlightdllV5::Constants::GRAVITY_CONST * slope / 100;
     209              : 
     210        85643 :     return -(currCep->getFMot(v, ratedPower, wheelRadius) + fRoll + fAir + fGrad) / ((mass + load) * rotFactor);
     211              : }
     212              : 
     213              : 
     214              : double
     215        76211 : HelpersPHEMlight5::compute(const SUMOEmissionClass c, const PollutantsInterface::EmissionType e, const double v, const double a, const double slope, const EnergyParams* param) const {
     216        76211 :     if (param != nullptr && param->isEngineOff()) {
     217              :         return 0.;
     218              :     }
     219              :     const double corrSpeed = MAX2(0.0, v);
     220              :     assert(myCEPs.count(c) == 1);
     221        76211 :     PHEMlightdllV5::CEP* const currCep = myCEPs.find(c)->second;
     222        76211 :     const double corrAcc = getModifiedAccel(c, corrSpeed, a, slope, param);
     223        76211 :     const bool isBEV = currCep->getFuelType() == PHEMlightdllV5::Constants::strBEV;
     224        76211 :     const bool isHybrid = currCep->getCalcType() == PHEMlightdllV5::Constants::strHybrid;
     225        76211 :     const double power_raw = calcPower(currCep, corrSpeed, corrAcc, slope, param);
     226        76211 :     const double ratedPower = param->getDoubleOptional(SUMO_ATTR_MAXIMUMPOWER, 1000. * currCep->getRatedPower()) / 1000.;
     227        76211 :     const double power = isHybrid ? calcWheelPower(currCep, corrSpeed, corrAcc, slope, param) : currCep->CalcEngPower(power_raw, ratedPower);
     228              : 
     229        76211 :     if (!isBEV && corrAcc < getCoastingDecel(c, corrSpeed, corrAcc, slope, param) &&
     230        10192 :             corrSpeed > PHEMlightdllV5::Constants::ZERO_SPEED_ACCURACY) {
     231              :         return 0.;
     232              :     }
     233              :     // TODO: this is probably only needed for non-heavy vehicles, so if execution speed becomes an issue this could be optimized out
     234        66691 :     const double drivingPower = calcPower(currCep, PHEMlightdllV5::Constants::NORMALIZING_SPEED, PHEMlightdllV5::Constants::NORMALIZING_ACCELARATION, 0, param);
     235        66691 :     switch (e) {
     236              :         case PollutantsInterface::CO:
     237         9478 :             return getEmission(currCep, "CO", power, corrSpeed, drivingPower, ratedPower) / SECONDS_PER_HOUR * 1000.;
     238         9478 :         case PollutantsInterface::CO2:
     239        18956 :             return currCep->GetCO2Emission(getEmission(currCep, "FC", power, corrSpeed, drivingPower, ratedPower),
     240              :                                            getEmission(currCep, "CO", power, corrSpeed, drivingPower, ratedPower),
     241         9478 :                                            getEmission(currCep, "HC", power, corrSpeed, drivingPower, ratedPower), &myHelper) / SECONDS_PER_HOUR * 1000.;
     242              :         case PollutantsInterface::HC:
     243         9478 :             return getEmission(currCep, "HC", power, corrSpeed, drivingPower, ratedPower) / SECONDS_PER_HOUR * 1000.;
     244              :         case PollutantsInterface::NO_X:
     245         9478 :             return getEmission(currCep, "NOx", power, corrSpeed, drivingPower, ratedPower) / SECONDS_PER_HOUR * 1000.;
     246              :         case PollutantsInterface::PM_X:
     247         9478 :             return getEmission(currCep, "PM", power, corrSpeed, drivingPower, ratedPower) / SECONDS_PER_HOUR * 1000.;
     248         9823 :         case PollutantsInterface::FUEL: {
     249         9823 :             if (myVolumetricFuel && currCep->getFuelType() == PHEMlightdllV5::Constants::strDiesel) { // divide by average diesel density of 836 g/l
     250            0 :                 return getEmission(currCep, "FC", power, corrSpeed, drivingPower, ratedPower) / 836. / SECONDS_PER_HOUR * 1000.;
     251              :             }
     252         9823 :             if (myVolumetricFuel && currCep->getFuelType() == PHEMlightdllV5::Constants::strGasoline) { // divide by average gasoline density of 742 g/l
     253            0 :                 return getEmission(currCep, "FC", power, corrSpeed, drivingPower, ratedPower) / 742. / SECONDS_PER_HOUR * 1000.;
     254              :             }
     255         9823 :             if (isBEV) {
     256              :                 return 0.;
     257              :             }
     258         9823 :             return getEmission(currCep, "FC", power, corrSpeed, drivingPower, ratedPower) / SECONDS_PER_HOUR * 1000.; // still in mg even if myVolumetricFuel is set!
     259              :         }
     260         9478 :         case PollutantsInterface::ELEC:
     261         9478 :             if (isBEV) {
     262            0 :                 const double auxPower = param->getDoubleOptional(SUMO_ATTR_CONSTANTPOWERINTAKE, currCep->getAuxPower() * 1000.) / 1000.;
     263            0 :                 return (getEmission(currCep, "FC_el", power, corrSpeed, drivingPower, ratedPower) + auxPower) / SECONDS_PER_HOUR * 1000.;
     264              :             }
     265              :             return 0;
     266              :     }
     267              :     // should never get here
     268              :     return 0.;
     269              : }
     270              : 
     271              : 
     272              : /****************************************************************************/

Generated by: LCOV version 2.0-1