LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - src/utils/emissions - PollutantsInterface.h (source / functions) Coverage Total Hit
Test: Lines: 100.0 % 1 1
Test Date: 2024-12-21 15:45:41 Functions: 50.0 % 2 1

            Line data    Source code
       1              : /****************************************************************************/
       2              : // Eclipse SUMO, Simulation of Urban MObility; see
       3              : // Copyright (C) 2013-2024 German Aerospace Center (DLR) and others.
       4              : // This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
       5              : // terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
       6              : //
       7              : // This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary
       8              : // Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the Eclipse
       9              : // Public License 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License, version 2
      10              : // or later which is available at
      11              : //
      12              : // SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0-or-later
      13              : /****************************************************************************/
      14              : /// @file    PollutantsInterface.h
      15              : /// @author  Daniel Krajzewicz
      16              : /// @author  Michael Behrisch
      17              : /// @date    Mon, 19.08.2013
      18              : ///
      19              : // Interface to capsulate different emission models
      20              : /****************************************************************************/
      21              : #pragma once
      22              : #include <config.h>
      23              : 
      24              : #include <vector>
      25              : #include <limits>
      26              : #include <cmath>
      27              : #include <algorithm>
      28              : #include <utils/common/StdDefs.h>
      29              : #include <utils/common/SUMOVehicleClass.h>
      30              : 
      31              : 
      32              : // ===========================================================================
      33              : // class declarations
      34              : // ===========================================================================
      35              : class EnergyParams;
      36              : class HelpersHBEFA;
      37              : class HelpersHBEFA3;
      38              : class HelpersHBEFA4;
      39              : class HelpersEnergy;
      40              : class HelpersMMPEVEM;
      41              : class HelpersPHEMlight;
      42              : class HelpersPHEMlight5;
      43              : 
      44              : 
      45              : // ===========================================================================
      46              : // class definitions
      47              : // ===========================================================================
      48              : /**
      49              :  * @class PollutantsInterface
      50              :  * @brief Helper methods for PHEMlight-based emission computation
      51              :  */
      52              : class PollutantsInterface {
      53              : 
      54              : public:
      55              :     /// @brief Enumerating all emission types, including fuel
      56              :     enum EmissionType { CO2, CO, HC, FUEL, NO_X, PM_X, ELEC };
      57              : 
      58              :     /**
      59              :      * @struct Emissions
      60              :      * @brief Storage for collected values of all emission types
      61              :      */
      62              :     struct Emissions {
      63              :         /** @brief Constructor, intializes all members
      64              :          * @param[in] co2 initial value for CO2, defaults to 0
      65              :          * @param[in] co  initial value for CO, defaults to 0
      66              :          * @param[in] hc  initial value for HC, defaults to 0
      67              :          * @param[in] f   initial value for fuel, defaults to 0
      68              :          * @param[in] nox initial value for NOx, defaults to 0
      69              :          * @param[in] pmx initial value for PMx, defaults to 0
      70              :          * @param[in] elec initial value for electricity, defaults to 0
      71              :          */
      72              :         Emissions(double co2 = 0, double co = 0, double hc = 0, double f = 0, double nox = 0, double pmx = 0, double elec = 0);
      73              : 
      74              :         /** @brief Add the values of the other struct to this one, scaling the values if needed
      75              :          * @param[in] a the other emission valuess
      76              :          * @param[in] scale scaling factor, defaulting to 1 (no scaling)
      77              :          */
      78              :         void addScaled(const Emissions& a, const double scale = 1.);
      79              : 
      80              :         /// @brief emission types
      81              :         /// @{
      82              :         double CO2;
      83              :         double CO;
      84              :         double HC;
      85              :         double fuel;
      86              :         double NOx;
      87              :         double PMx;
      88              :         double electricity;
      89              :         /// @}
      90              :     };
      91              : 
      92              :     /**
      93              :     * @class Helper
      94              :     * @brief zero emission model, used as superclass for the other model helpers
      95              :     */
      96              :     class Helper {
      97              :     public:
      98              :         /** @brief Constructor, intializes the name
      99              :          * @param[in] name the name of the model (string before the '/' in the emission class attribute)
     100              :          */
     101              :         Helper(std::string name, const int baseIndex, const int defaultClass);
     102              : 
     103              :         /// @brief empty destructor
     104       168534 :         virtual ~Helper() {}
     105              : 
     106              :         /** @brief Returns the name of the model
     107              :          * @return the name of the model (string before the '/' in the emission class attribute)
     108              :          */
     109              :         const std::string& getName() const;
     110              : 
     111              :         /** @brief Returns the emission class associated with the given name, aliases are possible
     112              :          * If this method is asked for the "unknown" class it should return the default
     113              :          * (possibly depending on the given vehicle class).
     114              :          * The class name is case insensitive.
     115              :          *
     116              :          * @param[in] eClass the name of the emission class (string after the '/' in the emission class attribute)
     117              :          * @param[in] vc the vehicle class to use when determining default class
     118              :          * @return the name of the model (string before the '/' in the emission class)
     119              :          */
     120              :         virtual SUMOEmissionClass getClassByName(const std::string& eClass, const SUMOVehicleClass vc);
     121              : 
     122              :         /** @brief Returns the complete name of the emission class including the model
     123              :          * @param[in] c the emission class
     124              :          * @return the name of the class (the complete emission class attribute)
     125              :          */
     126              :         const std::string getClassName(const SUMOEmissionClass c) const;
     127              : 
     128              :         /** @brief Returns whether the class denotes a silent vehicle for interfacing with the noise model.
     129              :          * By default the first class in each model is the silent class.
     130              :          * @param[in] c the emission class
     131              :          * @return whether the class denotes a silent vehicle
     132              :          */
     133              :         virtual bool isSilent(const SUMOEmissionClass c);
     134              : 
     135              :         /// @name Methods for Amitran interfaces
     136              :         /// @{
     137              : 
     138              :         /** @brief Returns the emission class described by the given parameters.
     139              :          * The base is used to determine the model to use and as default return values.
     140              :          * Default implementation returns always base.
     141              :          * @param[in] base the base class giving the model and the default
     142              :          * @param[in] vClass the vehicle class as described in the Amitran interface (Passenger, ...)
     143              :          * @param[in] fuel the fuel type as described in the Amitran interface (Gasoline, Diesel, ...)
     144              :          * @param[in] eClass the emission class as described in the Amitran interface (Euro0, ...)
     145              :          * @param[in] weight the vehicle weight in kg as described in the Amitran interface
     146              :          * @return the class described by the parameters
     147              :          */
     148              :         virtual SUMOEmissionClass getClass(const SUMOEmissionClass base, const std::string& vClass, const std::string& fuel,
     149              :                                            const std::string& eClass, const double weight) const;
     150              : 
     151              :         /** @brief Returns the vehicle class described by this emission class as described in the Amitran interface (Passenger, ...)
     152              :          * Default implementation returns always "Passenger".
     153              :          * @param[in] c the emission class
     154              :          * @return the name of the vehicle class
     155              :          */
     156              :         virtual std::string getAmitranVehicleClass(const SUMOEmissionClass c) const;
     157              : 
     158              :         /** @brief Returns the fuel type described by this emission class as described in the Amitran interface (Gasoline, Diesel, ...)
     159              :          * Default implementation returns always "Gasoline".
     160              :          * @param[in] c the emission class
     161              :          * @return the fuel type
     162              :          */
     163              :         virtual std::string getFuel(const SUMOEmissionClass c) const;
     164              : 
     165              :         /** @brief Returns the Euro emission class described by this emission class as described in the Amitran interface (0, ..., 6)
     166              :          * Default implementation returns always 0.
     167              :          * @param[in] c the emission class
     168              :          * @return the Euro class
     169              :          */
     170              :         virtual int getEuroClass(const SUMOEmissionClass c) const;
     171              : 
     172              :         /** @brief Returns a reference weight in kg described by this emission class as described in the Amitran interface
     173              :         * It might return -1, if the weight is not important to distinguish different emission classes.
     174              :         * Default implementation returns always -1.
     175              :         * @param[in] c the emission class
     176              :         * @return a reference weight
     177              :         */
     178              :         virtual double getWeight(const SUMOEmissionClass c) const;
     179              :         /// @}
     180              : 
     181              :         /** @brief Returns the amount of the emitted pollutant given the vehicle type and state (in mg/s or ml/s for fuel)
     182              :          * @param[in] c The vehicle emission class
     183              :          * @param[in] e the type of emission (CO, CO2, ...)
     184              :          * @param[in] v The vehicle's current velocity
     185              :          * @param[in] a The vehicle's current acceleration
     186              :          * @param[in] slope The road's slope at vehicle's position [deg]
     187              :          * @param[in] param parameter of the emission model affecting the computation
     188              :          * @return The amount emitted by the given emission class when moving with the given velocity and acceleration [mg/s or ml/s]
     189              :          */
     190              :         virtual double compute(const SUMOEmissionClass c, const EmissionType e, const double v, const double a, const double slope, const EnergyParams* param) const;
     191              : 
     192              :         /** @brief Returns the adapted acceleration value, useful for comparing with external PHEMlight references.
     193              :          * Default implementation returns always the input accel.
     194              :          * @param[in] c the emission class
     195              :          * @param[in] v the speed value
     196              :          * @param[in] a the acceleration value
     197              :          * @param[in] slope The road's slope at vehicle's position [deg]
     198              :          * @return the modified acceleration
     199              :          */
     200              :         virtual double getModifiedAccel(const SUMOEmissionClass c, const double v, const double a, const double slope, const EnergyParams* param) const;
     201              : 
     202              :         /** @brief Returns the maximum deceleration value (as a negative number), which can still be considered as non-braking.
     203              :          * Default implementation returns always zero.
     204              :          * @param[in] c the emission class
     205              :          * @param[in] v the speed value
     206              :          * @param[in] a the acceleration value
     207              :          * @param[in] slope The road's slope at vehicle's position [deg]
     208              :          * @param[in] param parameter of the emission model affecting the computation
     209              :          * @return the coasting deceleration
     210              :          */
     211              :         virtual double getCoastingDecel(const SUMOEmissionClass c, const double v, const double a, const double slope, const EnergyParams* param) const;
     212              : 
     213              :         /** @brief Add all known emission classes of this model to the given container
     214              :          * @param[in] list the vector to add to
     215              :          */
     216              :         void addAllClassesInto(std::vector<SUMOEmissionClass>& list) const;
     217              : 
     218              :         bool includesClass(const SUMOEmissionClass c) const;
     219              : 
     220              :     protected:
     221              :         /// @brief the lowest speed which allows reliable coasting calculations
     222              :         static const double ZERO_SPEED_ACCURACY;
     223              : 
     224              :         /// @brief the name of the model
     225              :         const std::string myName;
     226              : 
     227              :         /// @brief the starting index for classes of this model
     228              :         const int myBaseIndex;
     229              : 
     230              :         /// @brief return fuel consumption in l instead of mg
     231              :         bool myVolumetricFuel;
     232              : 
     233              :         /// @brief Mapping between emission class names and integer representations
     234              :         StringBijection<SUMOEmissionClass> myEmissionClassStrings;
     235              : 
     236              :     private:
     237              :         /// @brief invalidate copy constructor
     238              :         Helper& operator=(const Helper&) = delete;
     239              :     };
     240              : 
     241              :     /// @brief the first class in each model representing a zero emission vehicle
     242              :     static const int ZERO_EMISSIONS = 0;
     243              : 
     244              :     /// @brief the bit to set for denoting heavy vehicles
     245              :     static const int HEAVY_BIT = 1 << 15;
     246              : 
     247              :     /** @brief Checks whether the string describes a known vehicle class
     248              :      * @param[in] eClass The string describing the vehicle emission class
     249              :      * @return whether it describes a valid emission class
     250              :      */
     251              :     static SUMOEmissionClass getClassByName(const std::string& eClass, const SUMOVehicleClass vc = SVC_IGNORING);
     252              : 
     253              :     /** @brief Checks whether the string describes a known vehicle class
     254              :      * @param[in] eClass The string describing the vehicle emission class
     255              :      * @return whether it describes a valid emission class
     256              :      */
     257              :     static const std::vector<SUMOEmissionClass> getAllClasses();
     258              : 
     259              :     /// @brief Get all SUMOEmissionClass in string format
     260              :     static const std::vector<std::string>& getAllClassesStr();
     261              : 
     262              :     /** @brief Checks whether the string describes a known vehicle class
     263              :      * @param[in] eClass The string describing the vehicle emission class
     264              :      * @return whether it describes a valid emission class
     265              :      */
     266              :     static std::string getName(const SUMOEmissionClass c);
     267              : 
     268              :     /// @brief return the name for the given emission type
     269              :     static std::string getPollutantName(const EmissionType e);
     270              : 
     271              :     /** @brief Checks whether the emission class describes a bus, truck or similar vehicle
     272              :      * @param[in] c The vehicle emission class
     273              :      * @return whether it describes a heavy vehicle
     274              :      */
     275              :     static bool isHeavy(const SUMOEmissionClass c);
     276              : 
     277              :     /** @brief Checks whether the emission class describes an electric or similar silent vehicle
     278              :      * @param[in] c The vehicle emission class
     279              :      * @return whether it describes a silent vehicle
     280              :      */
     281              :     static bool isSilent(const SUMOEmissionClass c);
     282              : 
     283              :     /** @brief Returns the emission class fittig the given parameters
     284              :      * @param[in] base The base emission class to derive from
     285              :      * @param[in] vClass The vehicle class description (like "truck")
     286              :      * @param[in] eClass The emission class description (like "Euro5")
     287              :      * @param[in] fuel The fuel type (like "Diesel")
     288              :      * @param[in] weight The weight in kg
     289              :      * @return The best fitting emission class related to the base
     290              :      */
     291              :     static SUMOEmissionClass getClass(const SUMOEmissionClass base, const std::string& vClass, const std::string& fuel, const std::string& eClass, const double weight);
     292              : 
     293              :     /** @brief Returns the vehicle class described by the given emission class
     294              :      * @param[in] c The vehicle emission class
     295              :      * @return The Amitran string describing the vehicle class
     296              :      */
     297              :     static std::string getAmitranVehicleClass(const SUMOEmissionClass c);
     298              : 
     299              :     /** @brief Returns the fuel type of the given emission class
     300              :      * @param[in] c The vehicle emission class
     301              :      * @return "Diesel", "Gasoline", "HybridDiesel", "HybridGasoline", or "Electricity"
     302              :      */
     303              :     static std::string getFuel(const SUMOEmissionClass c);
     304              : 
     305              :     /** @brief Returns the Euro norm described by the given emission class
     306              :      * @param[in] c The vehicle emission class
     307              :      * @return A value between 0 and 6 (inclusive)
     308              :      */
     309              :     static int getEuroClass(const SUMOEmissionClass c);
     310              : 
     311              :     /** @brief Returns a representative weight for the given emission class
     312              :      * see
     313              :      * @param[in] c The vehicle emission class
     314              :      * @return the weight in kg if it matters, -1 otherwise
     315              :      */
     316              :     static double getWeight(const SUMOEmissionClass c);
     317              : 
     318              :     /** @brief Returns the amount of the emitted pollutant given the vehicle type and state (in mg/s or ml/s for fuel)
     319              :      * @param[in] c The vehicle emission class
     320              :      * @param[in] e the type of emission (CO, CO2, ...)
     321              :      * @param[in] v The vehicle's current velocity
     322              :      * @param[in] a The vehicle's current acceleration
     323              :      * @param[in] slope The road's slope at vehicle's position [deg]
     324              :      * @return The amount emitted by the given vehicle class when moving with the given velocity and acceleration [mg/s]
     325              :      */
     326              :     static double compute(const SUMOEmissionClass c, const EmissionType e, const double v, const double a, const double slope, const EnergyParams* param);
     327              : 
     328              :     /** @brief Returns the amount of all emitted pollutants given the vehicle type and state (in mg/s or ml/s for fuel)
     329              :      * @param[in] c The vehicle emission class
     330              :      * @param[in] v The vehicle's current velocity
     331              :      * @param[in] a The vehicle's current acceleration
     332              :      * @param[in] slope The road's slope at vehicle's position [deg]
     333              :      * @return The amount emitted by the given vehicle class when moving with the given velocity and acceleration [mg/s]
     334              :      */
     335              :     static Emissions computeAll(const SUMOEmissionClass c, const double v, const double a, const double slope, const EnergyParams* param);
     336              : 
     337              :     /** @brief Returns the amount of emitted pollutant given the vehicle type and default values for the state (in mg)
     338              :      * @param[in] c The vehicle emission class
     339              :      * @param[in] e the type of emission (CO, CO2, ...)
     340              :      * @param[in] v The vehicle's average velocity
     341              :      * @param[in] a The vehicle's average acceleration
     342              :      * @param[in] slope The road's slope at vehicle's position [deg]
     343              :      * @param{in] tt the time the vehicle travels
     344              :      * @param[in] param parameter of the emission model affecting the computation
     345              :      * @return The amount emitted by the given vehicle class [mg]
     346              :      */
     347              :     static double computeDefault(const SUMOEmissionClass c, const EmissionType e, const double v, const double a, const double slope, const double tt, const EnergyParams* param);
     348              : 
     349              :     /** @brief Returns the adapted acceleration value, useful for comparing with external PHEMlight references.
     350              :      * @param[in] c the emission class
     351              :      * @param[in] v the speed value
     352              :      * @param[in] a the acceleration value
     353              :      * @param[in] slope The road's slope at vehicle's position [deg]
     354              :      * @return the modified acceleration
     355              :      */
     356              :     static double getModifiedAccel(const SUMOEmissionClass c, const double v, const double a, const double slope, const EnergyParams* param);
     357              : 
     358              :     /** @brief Returns the coasting deceleration value, useful for comparing with external PHEMlight references.
     359              :      * @param[in] c the emission class
     360              :      * @param[in] v the speed value
     361              :      * @param[in] a the acceleration value
     362              :      * @param[in] slope The road's slope at vehicle's position [deg]
     363              :      * @param[in] param parameter of the emission model affecting the computation
     364              :      * @return the coasting deceleration
     365              :      */
     366              :     static double getCoastingDecel(const SUMOEmissionClass c, const double v, const double a, const double slope, const EnergyParams* param);
     367              : 
     368              :     /// @brief get energy helper
     369              :     static const HelpersEnergy& getEnergyHelper();
     370              : 
     371              : private:
     372              :     /// @brief Instance of Helper which gets cleaned up automatically
     373              :     static Helper myZeroHelper;
     374              : 
     375              :     /// @brief Instance of HBEFA2Helper which gets cleaned up automatically
     376              :     static HelpersHBEFA myHBEFA2Helper;
     377              : 
     378              :     /// @brief Instance of HBEFA3Helper which gets cleaned up automatically
     379              :     static HelpersHBEFA3 myHBEFA3Helper;
     380              : 
     381              :     /// @brief Instance of PHEMlightHelper which gets cleaned up automatically
     382              :     static HelpersPHEMlight myPHEMlightHelper;
     383              : 
     384              :     /// @brief Instance of EnergyHelper which gets cleaned up automatically
     385              :     static HelpersEnergy myEnergyHelper;
     386              : 
     387              :     /// @brief Instance of HelpersMMPEVEM which gets cleaned up automatically
     388              :     static HelpersMMPEVEM myMMPEVEMHelper;
     389              : 
     390              :     /// @brief Instance of PHEMlight5Helper which gets cleaned up automatically
     391              :     static HelpersPHEMlight5 myPHEMlight5Helper;
     392              : 
     393              :     /// @brief Instance of HBEFA4Helper which gets cleaned up automatically
     394              :     static HelpersHBEFA4 myHBEFA4Helper;
     395              : 
     396              :     /// @brief the known model helpers
     397              :     static Helper* myHelpers[];
     398              : 
     399              :     /// @brief get all emission classes in string format
     400              :     static std::vector<std::string> myAllClassesStr;
     401              : };

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