LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - src/utils/router - CHRouter.h (source / functions) Coverage Total Hit
Test: Lines: 100.0 % 135 135
Test Date: 2024-10-24 15:46:30 Functions: 91.7 % 24 22

            Line data    Source code
       1              : /****************************************************************************/
       2              : // Eclipse SUMO, Simulation of Urban MObility; see
       3              : // Copyright (C) 2001-2024 German Aerospace Center (DLR) and others.
       4              : // This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
       5              : // terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
       6              : //
       7              : // This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary
       8              : // Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the Eclipse
       9              : // Public License 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License, version 2
      10              : // or later which is available at
      11              : //
      12              : // SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0-or-later
      13              : /****************************************************************************/
      14              : /// @file    CHRouter.h
      15              : /// @author  Jakob Erdmann
      16              : /// @author  Laura Bieker
      17              : /// @author  Michael Behrisch
      18              : /// @date    February 2012
      19              : ///
      20              : // Shortest Path search using a Contraction Hierarchy
      21              : /****************************************************************************/
      22              : #pragma once
      23              : #include <config.h>
      24              : 
      25              : #include <string>
      26              : #include <functional>
      27              : #include <vector>
      28              : #include <set>
      29              : #include <limits>
      30              : #include <algorithm>
      31              : #include <iterator>
      32              : #include <deque>
      33              : #include <utils/common/SysUtils.h>
      34              : #include <utils/common/MsgHandler.h>
      35              : #include <utils/common/StdDefs.h>
      36              : #include <utils/router/SUMOAbstractRouter.h>
      37              : #include "CHBuilder.h"
      38              : 
      39              : //#define CHRouter_DEBUG_QUERY
      40              : //#define CHRouter_DEBUG_QUERY_PERF
      41              : 
      42              : // ===========================================================================
      43              : // class definitions
      44              : // ===========================================================================
      45              : /**
      46              :  * @class CHRouter
      47              :  * @brief Computes the shortest path through a contracted network
      48              :  *
      49              :  * The template parameters are:
      50              :  * @param E The edge class to use (MSEdge/ROEdge)
      51              :  * @param V The vehicle class to use (MSVehicle/ROVehicle)
      52              :  *
      53              :  * The router is edge-based. It must know the number of edges for internal reasons
      54              :  *  and whether a missing connection between two given edges (unbuild route) shall
      55              :  *  be reported as an error or as a warning.
      56              :  *
      57              :  */
      58              : template<class E, class V>
      59              : class CHRouter: public SUMOAbstractRouter<E, V> {
      60              : 
      61              : public:
      62              :     /// A meeting point of the two search scopes
      63              :     typedef std::pair<const typename SUMOAbstractRouter<E, V>::EdgeInfo*, const typename SUMOAbstractRouter<E, V>::EdgeInfo*> Meeting;
      64              : 
      65              :     /**
      66              :      * @class Unidirectional
      67              :      * class for searching in one direction
      68              :      */
      69              :     class Unidirectional {
      70              :     public:
      71              :         /// @brief Constructor
      72         1150 :         Unidirectional(const std::vector<E*>& edges, bool forward):
      73         1150 :             myAmForward(forward),
      74         1150 :             myVehicle(0) {
      75        68994 :             for (const E* const e : edges) {
      76        67844 :                 myEdgeInfos.push_back(typename SUMOAbstractRouter<E, V>::EdgeInfo(e));
      77              :             }
      78         1150 :         }
      79              : 
      80              :         inline bool found(const E* const edge) const {
      81              :             return myFound.count(edge) > 0;
      82              :         }
      83              : 
      84              :         inline typename SUMOAbstractRouter<E, V>::EdgeInfo* getEdgeInfo(const E* const edge) {
      85       942714 :             return &(myEdgeInfos[edge->getNumericalID()]);
      86              :         }
      87              : 
      88              :         inline const typename SUMOAbstractRouter<E, V>::EdgeInfo* getEdgeInfo(const E* const edge) const {
      89       159500 :             return &(myEdgeInfos[edge->getNumericalID()]);
      90              :         }
      91              : 
      92              :         /**
      93              :          * @class EdgeInfoByEffortComparator
      94              :          * Class to compare (and so sort) nodes by their effort
      95              :          */
      96              :         class EdgeInfoByTTComparator {
      97              :         public:
      98              :             /// Comparing method
      99              :             bool operator()(const typename SUMOAbstractRouter<E, V>::EdgeInfo* nod1, const typename SUMOAbstractRouter<E, V>::EdgeInfo* nod2) const {
     100      6747591 :                 if (nod1->effort == nod2->effort) {
     101       634704 :                     return nod1->edge->getNumericalID() > nod2->edge->getNumericalID();
     102              :                 }
     103      6112887 :                 return nod1->effort > nod2->effort;
     104              :             }
     105              :         };
     106              : 
     107              : 
     108        36406 :         void init(const E* const start, const V* const vehicle) {
     109              :             assert(vehicle != 0);
     110              :             // all EdgeInfos touched in the previous query are either in myFrontier or myFound: clean those up
     111       576589 :             for (auto ei : myFrontier) {
     112              :                 ei->reset();
     113              :             }
     114              :             myFrontier.clear();
     115       942714 :             for (auto edge : myFound) {
     116              :                 getEdgeInfo(edge)->reset();
     117              :             }
     118              :             myFound.clear();
     119        36406 :             myVehicle = vehicle;
     120        36406 :             auto startInfo = getEdgeInfo(start);
     121        36406 :             startInfo->effort = 0.;
     122        36406 :             startInfo->prev = nullptr;
     123        36406 :             myFrontier.push_back(startInfo);
     124        36406 :         }
     125              : 
     126              : 
     127              :         typedef std::vector<typename CHBuilder<E, V>::Connection> ConnectionVector;
     128              :         /** @brief explore on element from the frontier,update minTTSeen and meeting
     129              :          * if an EdgeInfo found by the otherSearch is encountered
     130              :          * returns whether stepping should continue
     131              :          */
     132       910903 :         bool step(const std::vector<ConnectionVector>& uplinks, const Unidirectional& otherSearch, double& minTTSeen, Meeting& meeting) {
     133              :             // pop the node with the minimal length
     134       910903 :             auto* const minimumInfo = myFrontier.front();
     135       910903 :             std::pop_heap(myFrontier.begin(), myFrontier.end(), myComparator);
     136              :             myFrontier.pop_back();
     137              :             // check for a meeting with the other search
     138       910903 :             const E* const minEdge = minimumInfo->edge;
     139              : #ifdef CHRouter_DEBUG_QUERY
     140              :             std::cout << "DEBUG: " << (myAmForward ? "Forward" : "Backward") << " hit '" << minEdge->getID() << "' Q: ";
     141              :             for (typename std::vector<EdgeInfo*>::iterator it = myFrontier.begin(); it != myFrontier.end(); it++) {
     142              :                 std::cout << (*it)->traveltime << "," << (*it)->edge->getID() << " ";
     143              :             }
     144              :             std::cout << "\n";
     145              : #endif
     146              :             if (otherSearch.found(minEdge)) {
     147              :                 const auto* const otherInfo = otherSearch.getEdgeInfo(minEdge);
     148       159500 :                 const double ttSeen = minimumInfo->effort + otherInfo->effort;
     149              : #ifdef CHRouter_DEBUG_QUERY
     150              :                 std::cout << "DEBUG: " << (myAmForward ? "Forward" : "Backward") << "-Search hit other search at '" << minEdge->getID() << "', tt: " << ttSeen << " \n";
     151              : #endif
     152       159500 :                 if (ttSeen < minTTSeen) {
     153        25471 :                     minTTSeen = ttSeen;
     154        25471 :                     if (myAmForward) {
     155        14081 :                         meeting.first = minimumInfo;
     156        14081 :                         meeting.second = otherInfo;
     157              :                     } else {
     158        11390 :                         meeting.first = otherInfo;
     159        11390 :                         meeting.second = minimumInfo;
     160              :                     }
     161              :                 }
     162              :             }
     163              :             // prepare next steps
     164       910903 :             minimumInfo->visited = true;
     165              :             // XXX we only need to keep found elements if they have a higher rank than the lowest rank in the other search queue
     166       910903 :             myFound.insert(minimumInfo->edge);
     167      9422776 :             for (const auto& uplink : uplinks[minEdge->getNumericalID()]) {
     168      8511873 :                 const auto upwardInfo = &myEdgeInfos[];
     169      8511873 :                 const double effort = minimumInfo->effort + uplink.cost;
     170      8511873 :                 const SUMOVehicleClass svc = myVehicle->getVClass();
     171              :                 // check whether it can be used
     172      8511873 :                 if ((uplink.permissions & svc) != svc) {
     173           10 :                     continue;
     174              :                 }
     175      8511863 :                 const double oldEffort = upwardInfo->effort;
     176      8511863 :                 if (!upwardInfo->visited && effort < oldEffort) {
     177      1911222 :                     upwardInfo->effort = effort;
     178      1911222 :                     upwardInfo->prev = minimumInfo;
     179      1911222 :                     if (oldEffort == std::numeric_limits<double>::max()) {
     180      1415379 :                         myFrontier.push_back(upwardInfo);
     181              :                         std::push_heap(myFrontier.begin(), myFrontier.end(), myComparator);
     182              :                     } else {
     183              :                         std::push_heap(myFrontier.begin(),
     184       495843 :                                        std::find(myFrontier.begin(), myFrontier.end(), upwardInfo) + 1,
     185              :                                        myComparator);
     186              :                     }
     187              :                 }
     188              :             }
     189              :             // @note: this effectively does a full dijkstra search.
     190              :             // the effort compared to the naive stopping criterion is thus
     191              :             // quadrupled. We could implement a better stopping criterion (Holte)
     192              :             // However since the search shall take place in a contracted graph
     193              :             // it probably does not matter
     194       910903 :             return !myFrontier.empty() && myFrontier.front()->effort < minTTSeen;
     195              :         }
     196              : 
     197              :     private:
     198              :         /// @brief the role of this search
     199              :         bool myAmForward;
     200              :         /// @brief the min edge heap
     201              :         std::vector<typename SUMOAbstractRouter<E, V>::EdgeInfo*> myFrontier;
     202              :         /// @brief the set of visited (settled) Edges
     203              :         std::set<const E*> myFound;
     204              :         /// @brief The container of edge information
     205              :         std::vector<typename SUMOAbstractRouter<E, V>::EdgeInfo> myEdgeInfos;
     206              : 
     207              :         EdgeInfoByTTComparator myComparator;
     208              : 
     209              :         const V* myVehicle;
     210              : 
     211              :     };
     212              : 
     213              :     /** @brief Constructor
     214              :      * @param[in] validatePermissions Whether a multi-permission hierarchy shall be built
     215              :      *            If set to false, the net is pruned in synchronize() and the
     216              :      *            hierarchy is tailored to the svc
     217              :      */
     218          566 :     CHRouter(const std::vector<E*>& edges, bool unbuildIsWarning, typename SUMOAbstractRouter<E, V>::Operation operation,
     219              :              const SUMOVehicleClass svc,
     220              :              SUMOTime weightPeriod,
     221              :              const bool havePermissions, const bool haveRestrictions):
     222              :         SUMOAbstractRouter<E, V>("CHRouter", unbuildIsWarning, operation, nullptr, havePermissions, haveRestrictions),
     223          566 :         myEdges(edges),
     224          566 :         myForwardSearch(edges, true),
     225          566 :         myBackwardSearch(edges, false),
     226          566 :         myHierarchyBuilder(new CHBuilder<E, V>(edges, unbuildIsWarning, svc, havePermissions)),
     227          566 :         myHierarchy(nullptr),
     228          566 :         myWeightPeriod(weightPeriod),
     229          566 :         myValidUntil(0),
     230         1132 :         mySVC(svc) {
     231          566 :     }
     232              : 
     233              :     /** @brief Cloning constructor, should be used only for time independent instances which build a hierarchy only once
     234              :      */
     235            9 :     CHRouter(const std::vector<E*>& edges, bool unbuildIsWarning, typename SUMOAbstractRouter<E, V>::Operation operation,
     236              :              const SUMOVehicleClass svc,
     237              :              typename CHBuilder<E, V>::Hierarchy* hierarchy,
     238              :              const bool havePermissions, const bool haveRestrictions) :
     239              :         SUMOAbstractRouter<E, V>("CHRouterClone", unbuildIsWarning, operation, nullptr, havePermissions, haveRestrictions),
     240            9 :         myEdges(edges),
     241            9 :         myForwardSearch(edges, true),
     242            9 :         myBackwardSearch(edges, false),
     243            9 :         myHierarchyBuilder(nullptr),
     244            9 :         myHierarchy(hierarchy),
     245            9 :         myWeightPeriod(SUMOTime_MAX),
     246            9 :         myValidUntil(SUMOTime_MAX),
     247           18 :         mySVC(svc) {
     248            9 :     }
     249              : 
     250              :     /// Destructor
     251         1150 :     virtual ~CHRouter() {
     252          575 :         if (myHierarchyBuilder != nullptr) {
     253          566 :             delete myHierarchy;
     254          566 :             delete myHierarchyBuilder;
     255              :         }
     256         1716 :     }
     257              : 
     258              : 
     259           12 :     virtual SUMOAbstractRouter<E, V>* clone() {
     260           12 :         if (myWeightPeriod == SUMOTime_MAX && myHierarchy != nullptr) {
     261              :             // we only need one hierarchy
     262           18 :             return new CHRouter<E, V>(myEdges, this->myErrorMsgHandler == MsgHandler::getWarningInstance(), this->myOperation,
     263            9 :                                       mySVC, myHierarchy, this->myHavePermissions, this->myHaveRestrictions);
     264              :         }
     265            6 :         return new CHRouter<E, V>(myEdges, this->myErrorMsgHandler == MsgHandler::getWarningInstance(), this->myOperation,
     266            3 :                                   mySVC, myWeightPeriod, this->myHavePermissions, this->myHaveRestrictions);
     267              :     }
     268              : 
     269              : 
     270            4 :     virtual void prohibit(const std::vector<E*>& toProhibit) {
     271            4 :         if (toProhibit.size() > 0) {
     272            8 :             WRITE_WARNINGF(TL("Routing algorithm CH does not support dynamic closing of edges%"), "");
     273              :         }
     274            4 :     }
     275              : 
     276              : 
     277              :     /// trigger hierarchy rebuild
     278          580 :     virtual void reset(const V* const vehicle) {
     279          580 :         if (myValidUntil == 0) {
     280            3 :             myValidUntil = myWeightPeriod;
     281              :         }
     282          580 :         typename CHBuilder<E, V>::Hierarchy* newHierarchy = myHierarchyBuilder->buildContractionHierarchy(myValidUntil - myWeightPeriod, vehicle, this);
     283          580 :         if (myHierarchy == nullptr) {
     284          532 :             myHierarchy = newHierarchy;
     285              :         } else {
     286           48 :             *myHierarchy = *newHierarchy;
     287           48 :             delete newHierarchy;
     288              :         }
     289          580 :     }
     290              : 
     291              :     /** @brief Builds the route between the given edges using the minimum traveltime in the contracted graph
     292              :      * @note: since the contracted graph is static (weights averaged over time)
     293              :      * the computed routes only approximated shortest paths in the real graph
     294              :      * */
     295        18203 :     virtual bool compute(const E* from, const E* to, const V* const vehicle,
     296              :                          SUMOTime msTime, std::vector<const E*>& into, bool silent = false) {
     297              :         assert(from != nullptr && to != nullptr);
     298              :         // assert(myHierarchyBuilder.mySPTree->validatePermissions() || vehicle->getVClass() == mySVC || mySVC == SVC_IGNORING);
     299              :         // do we need to rebuild the hierarchy?
     300        18203 :         if (msTime >= myValidUntil) {
     301              :             assert(myHierarchyBuilder != nullptr); // only time independent clones do not have a builder
     302         8216 :             while (msTime >= myValidUntil) {
     303         7679 :                 myValidUntil += myWeightPeriod;
     304              :             }
     305          537 :             this->reset(vehicle);
     306              :         }
     307              :         // ready for routing
     308              :         this->startQuery();
     309        18203 :         myForwardSearch.init(from, vehicle);
     310        18203 :         myBackwardSearch.init(to, vehicle);
     311        18203 :         double minTTSeen = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
     312        18203 :         Meeting meeting(nullptr, nullptr);
     313              :         bool continueForward = true;
     314              :         bool continueBackward = true;
     315              :         int num_visited_fw = 0;
     316              :         int num_visited_bw = 0;
     317              :         bool result = true;
     318       586192 :         while (continueForward || continueBackward) {
     319       567989 :             if (continueForward) {
     320       452861 :                 continueForward = myForwardSearch.step(myHierarchy->forwardUplinks, myBackwardSearch, minTTSeen, meeting);
     321       452861 :                 num_visited_fw += 1;
     322              :             }
     323       567989 :             if (continueBackward) {
     324       458042 :                 continueBackward = myBackwardSearch.step(myHierarchy->backwardUplinks, myForwardSearch, minTTSeen, meeting);
     325       458042 :                 num_visited_bw += 1;
     326              :             }
     327              :         }
     328        18203 :         if (minTTSeen < std::numeric_limits<double>::max()) {
     329        17980 :             buildPathFromMeeting(meeting, into);
     330              :         } else {
     331          223 :             if (!silent) {
     332          669 :                 this->myErrorMsgHandler->informf(TL("No connection between edge '%' and edge '%' found."), from->getID(), to->getID());
     333              :             }
     334              :             result = false;
     335              :         }
     336              : #ifdef CHRouter_DEBUG_QUERY_PERF
     337              :         std::cout << "visited " << num_visited_fw + num_visited_bw << " edges (" << num_visited_fw << "," << num_visited_bw << ") ,final path length: " + toString(into.size()) + ")\n";
     338              : #endif
     339        18203 :         this->endQuery(num_visited_bw + num_visited_fw);
     340        18203 :         return result;
     341              :     }
     342              : 
     343              :     /// normal routing methods
     344              : 
     345              :     /// Builds the path from marked edges
     346        17980 :     void buildPathFromMeeting(Meeting meeting, std::vector<const E*>& into) const {
     347              :         std::deque<const E*> tmp;
     348        17980 :         const auto* backtrack = meeting.first;
     349        71261 :         while (backtrack != 0) {
     350        53281 :             tmp.push_front((E*) backtrack->edge);  // !!!
     351        53281 :             backtrack = backtrack->prev;
     352              :         }
     353        17980 :         backtrack = meeting.second->prev; // don't use central edge twice
     354        46884 :         while (backtrack != 0) {
     355        28904 :             tmp.push_back((E*) backtrack->edge);  // !!!
     356        28904 :             backtrack = backtrack->prev;
     357              :         }
     358              :         // expand shortcuts
     359              :         const E* prev = 0;
     360       176459 :         while (!tmp.empty()) {
     361       158479 :             const E* cur = tmp.front();
     362       158479 :             tmp.pop_front();
     363       158479 :             if (prev == 0) {
     364        17980 :                 into.push_back(cur);
     365              :                 prev = cur;
     366              :             } else {
     367       140499 :                 const E* via = getVia(prev, cur);
     368       140499 :                 if (via == 0) {
     369       102352 :                     into.push_back(cur);
     370              :                     prev = cur;
     371              :                 } else {
     372              :                     tmp.push_front(cur);
     373              :                     tmp.push_front(via);
     374              :                 }
     375              :             }
     376              :         }
     377        17980 :     }
     378              : 
     379              : private:
     380              :     // retrieve the via edge for a shortcut
     381              :     const E* getVia(const E* forwardFrom, const E* forwardTo) const {
     382              :         typename CHBuilder<E, V>::ConstEdgePair forward(forwardFrom, forwardTo);
     383       140499 :         typename CHBuilder<E, V>::ShortcutVia::const_iterator it = myHierarchy->shortcuts.find(forward);
     384       140499 :         if (it != myHierarchy->shortcuts.end()) {
     385        38147 :             return it->second;
     386              :         } else {
     387              :             return 0;
     388              :         }
     389              :     }
     390              : 
     391              : 
     392              : private:
     393              :     /// @brief all edges with numerical ids
     394              :     const std::vector<E*>& myEdges;
     395              : 
     396              :     /// @brief the unidirectional search queues
     397              :     Unidirectional myForwardSearch;
     398              :     Unidirectional myBackwardSearch;
     399              : 
     400              :     CHBuilder<E, V>* myHierarchyBuilder;
     401              :     typename CHBuilder<E, V>::Hierarchy* myHierarchy;
     402              : 
     403              :     /// @brief the validity duration of one weight interval
     404              :     const SUMOTime myWeightPeriod;
     405              : 
     406              :     /// @brief the validity duration of the current hierarchy (exclusive)
     407              :     SUMOTime myValidUntil;
     408              : 
     409              :     /// @brief the permissions for which the hierarchy was constructed
     410              :     const SUMOVehicleClass mySVC;
     411              : };

Generated by: LCOV version 2.0-1