Line data Source code
1 : /****************************************************************************/
2 : // Eclipse SUMO, Simulation of Urban MObility; see
3 : // Copyright (C) 2007-2024 German Aerospace Center (DLR) and others.
4 : // This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
5 : // terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
6 : //
7 : // This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary
8 : // Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the Eclipse
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11 : //
12 : // SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0-or-later
13 : /****************************************************************************/
14 : /// @file SAXWeightsHandler.h
15 : /// @author Daniel Krajzewicz
16 : /// @author Jakob Erdmann
17 : /// @author Michael Behrisch
18 : /// @date Fri, 30 Mar 2007
19 : ///
20 : // An XML-handler for network weights
21 : /****************************************************************************/
22 : #pragma once
23 : #include <config.h>
24 :
25 : #include <string>
26 : #include <utils/xml/SUMOSAXHandler.h>
27 : #include <utils/common/SUMOTime.h>
28 :
29 :
30 : // ===========================================================================
31 : // class definitions
32 : // ===========================================================================
33 : /**
34 : * @class SAXWeightsHandler
35 : * @brief An XML-handler for network weights
36 : *
37 : * As network weights are used both in the simulation and the routers, a base
38 : * class for loading them was built. Instances of this class should be supplied
39 : * with at least one definition about what shall be retrieved
40 : * (ToRetrieveDefinition, defined as inner class) which also contains the information
41 : * about the retriever (EdgeFloatTimeLineRetriever, defined as inner class).
42 : *
43 : * The ToRetrieveDefinition names the attribute which the SAXWeightsHandler shall
44 : * parse and reporte. Within the parsed xml-file these attributes may be embedded
45 : * in "lane" or "edge" elements, one for each edge or for each lane (see below).
46 : * These elements should be embedded in interval-tags which specify the time the
47 : * weight is valid at.
48 : * The boolean "edgeBased" tells SAXWeightsHandler whether the weights are supplied
49 : * on edge- or on lane-basis (whether it shall parse the "edge" or the "lane" elements).
50 : *
51 : * Examples for files the SAXWeightsHandler can handle are the edgedump and the lanedump
52 : * generated by the simulation.
53 : *
54 : * The EdgeFloatTimeLineRetriever to which read values will be reported should have the
55 : * method "addEdgeWeight" implemented. It wil be supplied with the current edge name,
56 : * the interval the weight is valid for and the value.
57 : */
58 : class SAXWeightsHandler : public SUMOSAXHandler {
59 : public:
60 : /**
61 : * @class EdgeFloatTimeLineRetriever
62 : * @brief Interface for a class which obtains read weights for named edges
63 : */
64 0 : class EdgeFloatTimeLineRetriever {
65 :
66 : public:
67 : /// @brief Constructor
68 1056 : EdgeFloatTimeLineRetriever() { }
69 :
70 : /// @brief Destructor
71 : virtual ~EdgeFloatTimeLineRetriever() { }
72 :
73 : /** @brief Adds a weight for a given edge and time period
74 : *
75 : * @param[in] id The id of the object to add a weight for
76 : * @param[in] val The weight
77 : * @param[in] beg The begin of the interval the weight is valid for
78 : * @param[in] end The end of the interval the weight is valid for
79 : */
80 0 : virtual void addEdgeWeight(const std::string& id, double val, double beg, double end) const {
85 0 : }
86 :
87 0 : virtual void addEdgeRelWeight(const std::string& from, const std::string& to,
88 : double val, double beg, double end) const {
94 0 : }
95 :
96 : /// @note: note sure why the other functions are const
97 0 : virtual void addTazRelWeight(const std::string intervalID, const std::string& from, const std::string& to,
98 : double val, double beg, double end) {
99 : UNUSED_PARAMETER(intervalID);
105 0 : }
106 :
107 : private:
108 : /// @brief we made the assignment operator invalid
109 : EdgeFloatTimeLineRetriever& operator=(const EdgeFloatTimeLineRetriever&) = delete;
110 : };
111 :
112 : /**
113 : * @class ToRetrieveDefinition
114 : * @brief Complete definition about what shall be retrieved and where to store it
115 : */
116 : class ToRetrieveDefinition {
117 : public:
118 : /// @brief Constructor
119 : ToRetrieveDefinition(const std::string& attributeName, bool edgeBased,
120 : EdgeFloatTimeLineRetriever& destination);
121 :
122 : /// Destructor
123 : ~ToRetrieveDefinition();
124 :
125 : public:
126 : /// @brief The attribute name that shall be parsed
127 : std::string myAttributeName;
128 :
129 : /// @brief Information whether edge values shall be used (lane value if false)
130 : bool myAmEdgeBased;
131 :
132 : /// @brief The class that shall be called when new data is avaiable
133 : EdgeFloatTimeLineRetriever& myDestination;
134 :
135 : /// @brief Aggregated value over the lanes read within the current edge
136 : double myAggValue;
137 :
138 : /// @brief The number of lanes read for the current edge
139 : int myNoLanes;
140 :
141 : /// @brief Information whether the attribute has been found for the current edge
142 : bool myHadAttribute;
143 :
144 : /// @brief Information whether the attribute was found to contain non-numerical data (for any edge)
145 : bool myHadNonNumeric;
146 :
147 : private:
148 : /// @brief Invalidated copy constructor.
149 : ToRetrieveDefinition(const ToRetrieveDefinition&) = delete;
150 :
151 : /// @brief Invalidated assignment operator.
152 : ToRetrieveDefinition& operator=(const ToRetrieveDefinition&) = delete;
153 : };
154 :
155 : /**
156 : * @brief Constructor
157 : *
158 : * Gets a list of retriever definitions. Please note that the retrievers are
159 : * not deleted!
160 : */
161 : SAXWeightsHandler(const std::vector<ToRetrieveDefinition*>& defs, const std::string& file);
162 :
163 : /**
164 : * @brief Constructor
165 : *
166 : * Gets a single definition. Please note that the retrievers are not deleted!
167 : */
168 : SAXWeightsHandler(ToRetrieveDefinition* def, const std::string& file);
169 :
170 : /// @brief Destructor
171 : ~SAXWeightsHandler();
172 :
173 : protected:
174 : /// @name inherited from GenericSAXHandler
175 : //@{
176 :
177 : /** @brief Called on the opening of a tag;
178 : *
179 : * @param[in] element ID of the currently opened element
180 : * @param[in] attrs Attributes within the currently opened element
181 : * @exception ProcessError If something fails
182 : * @see GenericSAXHandler::myStartElement
183 : */
184 : void myStartElement(int element, const SUMOSAXAttributes& attrs);
185 :
186 : /** @brief Called when a closing tag occurs
187 : *
188 : * @param[in] element ID of the currently opened element
189 : * @exception ProcessError If something fails
190 : * @see GenericSAXHandler::myEndElement
191 : */
192 : void myEndElement(int elemente);
193 :
194 : //@}
195 :
196 : private:
197 : /// @brief Parses the data of an edge or lane for the previously read times
198 : void tryParse(const SUMOSAXAttributes& attrs, bool isEdge);
199 :
200 : /// @brief Parses the data of an edgeRelation for the previously read times
201 : void tryParseEdgeRel(const SUMOSAXAttributes& attrs);
202 :
203 : /// @brief Parses the data of an tazRelation for the previously read times
204 : void tryParseTazRel(const SUMOSAXAttributes& attrs);
205 :
206 : /// @brief List of definitions what shall be read and whereto stored while parsing the file
207 : std::vector<ToRetrieveDefinition*> myDefinitions;
208 :
209 : /// @brief the id of the interval being parsed
210 : std::string myCurrentID;
211 :
212 : /// @brief the begin of the time period that is currently processed
213 : double myCurrentTimeBeg;
214 :
215 : /// @brief the end of the time period that is currently processed
216 : double myCurrentTimeEnd;
217 :
218 : /// @brief the edge which is currently being processed
219 : std::string myCurrentEdgeID;
220 :
221 : /// @brief we made the copy constructor invalid
222 : SAXWeightsHandler(const SAXWeightsHandler& src) = delete;
223 :
224 : /// @brief we made the assignment operator invalid
225 : SAXWeightsHandler& operator=(const SAXWeightsHandler& src) = delete;
226 : };