LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - unittest/src/utils/common - StringUtilsTest.cpp (source / functions) Coverage Total Hit
Test: Lines: 100.0 % 127 127
Test Date: 2024-10-24 15:46:30 Functions: 100.0 % 15 15

            Line data    Source code
       1              : /****************************************************************************/
       2              : // Eclipse SUMO, Simulation of Urban MObility; see
       3              : // Copyright (C) 2001-2024 German Aerospace Center (DLR) and others.
       4              : // This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
       5              : // terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
       6              : //
       7              : // This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary
       8              : // Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the Eclipse
       9              : // Public License 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License, version 2
      10              : // or later which is available at
      11              : //
      12              : // SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0-or-later
      13              : /****************************************************************************/
      14              : /// @file    StringUtilsTest.cpp
      15              : /// @author  Matthias Heppner
      16              : /// @author  Michael Behrisch
      17              : /// @date    2009
      18              : ///
      19              : // Tests StringUtils class from <SUMO>/src/utils/common
      20              : /****************************************************************************/
      21              : 
      22              : // ===========================================================================
      23              : // included modules
      24              : // ===========================================================================
      25              : #include <config.h>
      26              : 
      27              : #include <gtest/gtest.h>
      28              : #include <utils/common/StringUtils.h>
      29              : #include <utils/common/UtilExceptions.h>
      30              : 
      31              : 
      32              : // ===========================================================================
      33              : // test definitions
      34              : // ===========================================================================
      35              : /* Tests the method prune. Cut the blanks at the beginning and at the end of a string*/
      36            1 : TEST(StringUtils, test_method_prune) {
      37            2 :     EXPECT_EQ("result", StringUtils::prune("  result ")) << "Blanks at the beginning and at the end of a string must be removed.";
      38            2 :     EXPECT_EQ("", StringUtils::prune("  ")) << "Blanks at the beginning and at the end of a string must be removed.";
      39            1 : }
      40              : 
      41              : /* Tests the method to_lower_case.*/
      42            1 : TEST(StringUtils, test_method_to_lower_case) {
      43            2 :     EXPECT_EQ("hello", StringUtils::to_lower_case("HELLO")) << "String should be converted into small letter.";
      44            2 :     EXPECT_EQ("world", StringUtils::to_lower_case("World")) << "String should be converted into small letter.";
      45              :     std::string str;
      46            2 :     EXPECT_EQ("", StringUtils::to_lower_case(str));
      47            1 : }
      48              : 
      49              : /* Tests the method to_lower_case.*/
      50            1 : TEST(StringUtils, test_method_latin1_to_utf8) {
      51            2 :     EXPECT_EQ("\xC3\xA4", StringUtils::latin1_to_utf8("\xE4"));
      52            2 :     EXPECT_EQ("\xC3\xB6", StringUtils::latin1_to_utf8("\xF6"));
      53              :     std::string str;
      54            2 :     EXPECT_EQ("", StringUtils::latin1_to_utf8(str));
      55            1 : }
      56              : 
      57              : /* Tests the method convertUmlaute.*/
      58            1 : TEST(StringUtils, test_method_convertUmlaute) {
      59            2 :     EXPECT_EQ("ae", StringUtils::convertUmlaute("\xE4"));
      60            2 :     EXPECT_EQ("Ae", StringUtils::convertUmlaute("\xC4"));
      61            2 :     EXPECT_EQ("oe", StringUtils::convertUmlaute("\xF6"));
      62            2 :     EXPECT_EQ("Oe", StringUtils::convertUmlaute("\xD6"));
      63            2 :     EXPECT_EQ("ue", StringUtils::convertUmlaute("\xFC"));
      64            2 :     EXPECT_EQ("Ue", StringUtils::convertUmlaute("\xDC"));
      65            2 :     EXPECT_EQ("ss", StringUtils::convertUmlaute("\xDF"));
      66            2 :     EXPECT_EQ("E", StringUtils::convertUmlaute("\xC9"));
      67            2 :     EXPECT_EQ("e", StringUtils::convertUmlaute("\xE9"));
      68            2 :     EXPECT_EQ("E", StringUtils::convertUmlaute("\xC8"));
      69            2 :     EXPECT_EQ("e", StringUtils::convertUmlaute("\xE8"));
      70            2 :     EXPECT_EQ("normal_string_no_umlaute", StringUtils::convertUmlaute("normal_string_no_umlaute"));
      71            1 : }
      72              : 
      73              : /* Tests the method replace. */
      74            1 : TEST(StringUtils, test_method_replace) {
      75            2 :     EXPECT_EQ("helt", StringUtils::replace("hello", "lo", "t"));
      76            2 :     EXPECT_EQ("heststo", StringUtils::replace("hello", "l", "st"));
      77            2 :     EXPECT_EQ("", StringUtils::replace("", "l", "st"));
      78            1 : }
      79              : 
      80              : /* Tests the method replace with empty string. */
      81            1 : TEST(StringUtils, test_method_replace_empty_string) {
      82            2 :     EXPECT_EQ("", StringUtils::replace("", "l", "st"));
      83            1 : }
      84              : 
      85              : /* Tests the method replace with empty second_argument */
      86            1 : TEST(StringUtils, test_method_replace_empty_second_argument) {
      87            2 :     EXPECT_EQ("hello", StringUtils::replace("hello", "", "a"));
      88            1 : }
      89              : 
      90              : /* Tests the method replace with empty third_argument */
      91            1 : TEST(StringUtils, test_method_replace_empty_third_argument) {
      92            2 :     EXPECT_EQ("hello", StringUtils::replace("hello", "a", ""));
      93            2 :     EXPECT_EQ("heo", StringUtils::replace("hello", "l", ""));
      94            2 :     EXPECT_EQ("he", StringUtils::replace("hell", "l", ""));
      95            2 :     EXPECT_EQ("test", StringUtils::replace("ltestl", "l", ""));
      96            1 : }
      97              : 
      98              : /* Tests the method escapeXML. */
      99            2 : TEST(StringUtils, test_method_escapeXML) {
     100              :     std::string str;
     101            2 :     EXPECT_EQ("", StringUtils::escapeXML(str));
     102            2 :     EXPECT_EQ("test", StringUtils::escapeXML("test")) << "nothing to be replaced.";
     103            2 :     EXPECT_EQ("test&apos;s", StringUtils::escapeXML("test's")) << "' must be replaced.";
     104            2 :     EXPECT_EQ("1&lt;2", StringUtils::escapeXML("1<2")) << "< must be replaced.";
     105            2 :     EXPECT_EQ("2&gt;1", StringUtils::escapeXML("2>1")) << "> must be replaced.";
     106            2 :     EXPECT_EQ("M&amp;M", StringUtils::escapeXML("M&M")) << "& must be replaced.";
     107            2 :     EXPECT_EQ("&quot;test&quot;", StringUtils::escapeXML("\"test\"")) << "\" must be replaced.";
     108            2 :     EXPECT_EQ("test", StringUtils::escapeXML("\01test\01"));
     109            1 : }
     110              : 
     111              : 
     112            1 : TEST(StringUtils, test_toInt) {
     113            1 :     EXPECT_EQ(0, StringUtils::toInt("0"));
     114            1 :     EXPECT_EQ(1, StringUtils::toInt("+1"));
     115            1 :     EXPECT_EQ(-1, StringUtils::toInt("-1"));
     116            2 :     EXPECT_THROW(StringUtils::toInt("1e0"), NumberFormatException);
     117            2 :     EXPECT_THROW(StringUtils::toInt("100000000000"), NumberFormatException);
     118            2 :     EXPECT_THROW(StringUtils::toInt(""), EmptyData);
     119            1 : }
     120              : 
     121            1 : TEST(StringUtils, test_toLong) {
     122            1 :     EXPECT_EQ(0, StringUtils::toLong("0"));
     123            1 :     EXPECT_EQ(1, StringUtils::toLong("+1"));
     124            1 :     EXPECT_EQ(-1, StringUtils::toLong("-1"));
     125            2 :     EXPECT_THROW(StringUtils::toLong("1e0"), NumberFormatException);
     126            1 :     EXPECT_EQ(100000000000, StringUtils::toLong("100000000000"));
     127            2 :     EXPECT_THROW(StringUtils::toLong(""), EmptyData);
     128            1 : }
     129              : 
     130            1 : TEST(StringUtils, test_toDouble) {
     131            1 :     EXPECT_EQ(0., StringUtils::toDouble("0"));
     132            1 :     EXPECT_EQ(1., StringUtils::toDouble("+1"));
     133            1 :     EXPECT_EQ(-1., StringUtils::toDouble("-1"));
     134            1 :     EXPECT_EQ(1., StringUtils::toDouble("1e0"));
     135            1 :     EXPECT_EQ(10., StringUtils::toDouble("1e1"));
     136            1 :     EXPECT_EQ(1., StringUtils::toDouble("1."));
     137            1 :     EXPECT_EQ(1.1, StringUtils::toDouble("1.1"));
     138            1 :     EXPECT_EQ(.1, StringUtils::toDouble(".1"));
     139            2 :     EXPECT_THROW(StringUtils::toDouble("1,1"), NumberFormatException);
     140            2 :     EXPECT_THROW(StringUtils::toDouble(",1"), NumberFormatException);
     141            1 :     EXPECT_EQ(100000000000., StringUtils::toDouble("100000000000"));
     142            2 :     EXPECT_THROW(StringUtils::toDouble(""), EmptyData);
     143            2 :     EXPECT_THROW(StringUtils::toDouble("1e0x"), NumberFormatException);
     144            2 :     EXPECT_THROW(StringUtils::toDouble("1x"), NumberFormatException);
     145            1 : }
     146              : 
     147            1 : TEST(StringUtils, test_toBool) {
     148              :     // according to gtest issue 322 EXPECT_EQ(false, ...) triggers a gcc bug
     149            1 :     EXPECT_EQ(true, StringUtils::toBool("true"));
     150            1 :     EXPECT_FALSE(StringUtils::toBool("false"));
     151            1 :     EXPECT_EQ(true, StringUtils::toBool("True"));
     152            1 :     EXPECT_FALSE(StringUtils::toBool("False"));
     153            1 :     EXPECT_EQ(true, StringUtils::toBool("yes"));
     154            1 :     EXPECT_FALSE(StringUtils::toBool("no"));
     155            1 :     EXPECT_EQ(true, StringUtils::toBool("on"));
     156            1 :     EXPECT_FALSE(StringUtils::toBool("off"));
     157            1 :     EXPECT_EQ(true, StringUtils::toBool("1"));
     158            1 :     EXPECT_FALSE(StringUtils::toBool("0"));
     159            1 :     EXPECT_EQ(true, StringUtils::toBool("x"));
     160            1 :     EXPECT_FALSE(StringUtils::toBool("-"));
     161            1 :     EXPECT_EQ(true, StringUtils::toBool("ON"));
     162            2 :     EXPECT_THROW(StringUtils::toBool(""), EmptyData);
     163            2 :     EXPECT_THROW(StringUtils::toBool("1e0"), BoolFormatException);
     164            2 :     EXPECT_THROW(StringUtils::toBool("Trari"), BoolFormatException);
     165            2 :     EXPECT_THROW(StringUtils::toBool("yessir"), BoolFormatException);
     166            1 : }
     167              : 
     168            1 : TEST(StringUtils, test_parseDist) {
     169            1 :     EXPECT_EQ(0., StringUtils::parseDist("0"));
     170            1 :     EXPECT_EQ(1., StringUtils::parseDist("1"));
     171            1 :     EXPECT_EQ(1., StringUtils::parseDist("1m"));
     172            1 :     EXPECT_EQ(1., StringUtils::parseDist("1 m"));
     173            1 :     EXPECT_EQ(1000., StringUtils::parseDist("1 km"));
     174            2 :     EXPECT_THROW(StringUtils::parseDist(""), EmptyData);
     175            2 :     EXPECT_THROW(StringUtils::parseDist("1xm"), NumberFormatException);
     176            1 : }
     177              : 
     178            1 : TEST(StringUtils, test_parseSpeed) {
     179            1 :     EXPECT_EQ(0., StringUtils::parseSpeed("0"));
     180            1 :     EXPECT_EQ(1., StringUtils::parseSpeed("3.6"));
     181            1 :     EXPECT_EQ(1., StringUtils::parseSpeed("1m/s"));
     182            1 :     EXPECT_EQ(1., StringUtils::parseSpeed("1 m/s"));
     183            1 :     EXPECT_EQ(1., StringUtils::parseSpeed("3.6 km/h"));
     184            1 :     EXPECT_EQ(1., StringUtils::parseSpeed("3.6 kmh"));
     185            1 :     EXPECT_EQ(1., StringUtils::parseSpeed("3.6 kmph"));
     186            2 :     EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(1.609344 / 3.6, StringUtils::parseSpeed("1 mph"));
     187            2 :     EXPECT_THROW(StringUtils::parseSpeed(""), EmptyData);
     188            2 :     EXPECT_THROW(StringUtils::parseSpeed("1xm"), NumberFormatException);
     189            1 : }

Generated by: LCOV version 2.0-1