09Aug19rv1_2_0+1500-5e8f12b702 - detailed test results for NETGEN

To reconnect the TextTest GUI to these results, run:

texttestc.py -a netgen -d C:/Users/delphi/Code/sumo/git/tests -reconnect C:/Users/delphi/Code/sumo/msvc12x64Dtexttesttmp/msvc12x64D.31Aug040236.3996 -g

To start TextTest for these tests, run:

texttestc.py -a netgen -d C:/Users/delphi/Code/sumo/git/tests

default: 96 tests: 95 succeeded 1 unrunnable

Detailed information for the tests that could not be run:

TEST could not be run : spider turnlanes ( Last six runs Aug2019 )

Failed to read results file, possibly deprecated format. Stack info follows:
NEWOBJ class argument isn't a type object